$Header: /net/objy27/wrld/mnt11/ricks/src/master/xrn/TODO,v 1.7 1993/02/04 18:21:50 ricks Exp $ The Ever growing list of things that should be done and things that would be nice if they were done.... (and even worse, it's not up to date) - getarticle return - read updated .newsrc file (XRN detects this, but should allow you to reread) - prefetch should occur at end of list, not largest number (sorted subject...) - spawn child for posting, sigchld in parent for confirmation... - clean up KILL file support - handle '{' correctly The regular expression \{,\} is supposed to match between m and n occurences of the previous character. To kill an expression of the form "{foo}", xrn requires the braces to be quoted. Rn, on the other hand complains if the braces are quoted. Rn, on the other hand complains if the braces are quoted since the expression is not valid. Test: /{foo}/:j - allow field names (Subject/From) in an entry - prompt for KILL expression in article mode local kill (current subject and typein) global kill (current subject and typein) local author kill (current subject and typein) global author kill (current subject and typein) - kill author globally... - edit kill file - closer to RN - look at input during prefetch to see if it should be cancelled (or handled). - remove tmp files as you go, not at the end of the group (necessary for large groups with large postings) - replace popen of mailer with something better so status code can be checked - fixup postArticle to do Header fixup, not sendFunction... - check if follow-to is same as newsgroup, warn if not, option to turn this off. - warn if followup will go to more than one group. - option to capitalize, not-cap the group name when saving. - xrn.slowLink - don't refetch article for saving - thread support - break up buttons.c into multiple files generic stuff, art buttons, all buttons, ng buttons, add buttons, ... - XHDR message on server timeout - handle =ng in active file - command to skip quoted/included sections - user selectable cursors - text and reference based searching - strip leading and trailing spaces from newsgroup name in the Newsgroups field - control C to disconnect/reconnect and return to top level... - allow partial selection on subject line - partial selection determines what amount of the subject or author is to be killed.... - local server (clientlib.c replaced with something that accesses local files)