.! .! DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY .! .! Nmail documentation - CANCEL command .! .! Dave Porter 16-Oct-1985 .! To cancel further attempts to send a pending Nmail message, use the Nmail Cancel utility. .lit $ NMAIL CANCEL entrynum [/NORETURN] [/REASON="text"] [/USER=user] [/LOG] .el The "entrynum" parameter identifies the entry in the queue. It can be determined by looking at the display from the Nmail Show utility. By default, the CANCEL command requests that a copy of the message text be returned to the sender via mail, after which the message will be deleted from the system. Cancellation in this case requires the intervention of the Nmail symbiont to complete the processing of the message. If you specify /NORETURN, then CANCEL will immediately remove the queue entry and deletes all knowledge of the message from the system. The message text is irretrievably lost (that is, the copy that Nmail keeps is deleted; if you prepared your message in a file before sending it, the original is not affected). Use /USER=user to cancel jobs belonging to another user. This qualifier requires that you have SYSPRV privilege. Use this option wisely! Note that the job will only be cancelled if both the entry number and the username match the specified parameter values. .bb You can use the /REASON qualifier to include a line of up to 255 characters of explanatory text with the returned message. It's probably most useful to do this if you're cancelling someone else's jobs, but you can also specify a reason when cancelling your own jobs. /REASON cannot be used with /NORETURN. .eb If you specify /LOG, then the utility will print a message confirming that the entry has been successfully cancelled. .! End