.! .! DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY .! .! Nmail documentation - START QUEUE command .! .! Dave Porter 26-Aug-1987 .! To restart all of the Nmail queues, use the Nmail START#QUEUE command: .lit $ NMAIL START QUEUE [/LOG] .el This queue starts all Nmail queues throughout the cluster. It is not a substitute for the NM_$STARTUP procedure that you use at system startup time; that procedure does much much more than simply start the queues. If you specify /LOG, then the START#QUEUE command will display progress messages as it operates. The NMAIL START#QUEUE command requires OPER privilege. It operates on NM_$QUEUE and all execution queues associated with NM_$QUEUE (that is, listed in the /GENERIC qualifier when NM_$QUEUE was initialized). .! End