/* ***************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 1978-1992 * * by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. * * * * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied * * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the * * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other * * copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any * * other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby * * transferred. * * * * The information in this software is subject to change without notice * * and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment * * Corporation. * * * * DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its * * software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL. * * * ***************************************************************************** facility: SDL (Structure Definition Language) abstract: Returns a line of heading including the current date and time, the SDL version number and the name and creation date of the SDL source file, for use by the languge output routines. author: C.T. Pacy date: revised 22-DEC-1980 ctp revised 06-AUG-1980 ls add header */ /* C H A N G E L O G Date | Name | Description ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 19-Aug-1985 | kd | 2-1. Add change log, ident and update copyright. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 21-Aug-1985 | kd | 2-2 Change sdl$v_noheader_opt to sdl$v_header_opt. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 27-Aug-1985 | kd | 2-3 Change sdl$v_header_opt back to sdl$v_noheader_opt | | for compatibility...sigh. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 09-Nov-1987 | dls | V3.1-1 modified the copyright procedure so it now | | writes the the current year. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 07-Nov-1987 | jgw | T3.2-1 Changed "VAX-11 SDL" to "VAX SDL" in the | | output header. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 17-Apr-92 | jak | EV1-5 Changed "VAX SDL" to "OpenVMS SDL" in the | | output header. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ 4-May-92 | jak | EV1-8 Changed to put "Created" and "Source" on separate | | lines. ________________|_______|______________________________________________________ */ %replace MODULE_IDENT by 'EV1-8'; dcl predeclared_text (22) char (128) var static init ( '', '****************************************************************************', '* *', '* Copyright (c) ', '* by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. *', '* *', '* This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied *', '* only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the *', '* inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other *', '* copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any *', '* other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby *', '* transferred. *', '* *', '* The information in this software is subject to change without notice *', '* and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment *', '* Corporation. *', '* *', '* DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its *', '* software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL. *', '* *', '****************************************************************************', ''); sdl$header: proc (sdl$_shr_data, begin_comment, end_comment, line_len) options (ident (MODULE_IDENT)) ; %include 'sdl$library:sdlshr.in'; %include sys$asctim; dcl (begin_comment,end_comment) char (2) var; dcl ss$_normal globalref value fixed bin(31); dcl timebuf char(23) init (''); dcl short_time char(20) based (addr(timebuf)); dcl buffer char(1024) var init (''); dcl tmpbuf char(1024) var init (''); dcl line_len fixed bin(31); /* line length */ dcl (i,l) fixed bin; dcl fill_buf char (54) init (''); /* This piece of code get the current year so when the */ /* /copyright quailfier is given, the current year is written */ predeclared_text(4)=predeclared_text(4)||substr(datetime(),1,4) ||(fill_buf)||'*'; if sdl$v_copyright_opt then do i = 1 to 21; CALL sdl$putline(outfile, begin_comment || (predeclared_text(i)) || end_comment, line_len); END; if ^sdl$v_noheader_opt then do; l = length(begin_comment)+length(end_comment)+2; tmpbuf = begin_comment||copy('*',line_len-l)||end_comment; write file (outfile) from (tmpbuf); if sys$asctim(,timebuf,,)^=ss$_normal then timebuf='*'; buffer= 'Created: '||short_time||' by OpenVMS SDL '||sdl_version; tmpbuf = begin_comment||' '||buffer||' '||end_comment; write file(outfile) from (tmpbuf); buffer='Source: '||full_source; if length(buffer) > line_len-l then buffer = substr(buffer,1,line_len-l); tmpbuf = begin_comment||' '||buffer||' '||end_comment; write file(outfile) from (tmpbuf); tmpbuf = begin_comment||copy('*',line_len-l)||end_comment; write file(outfile) from (tmpbuf); end; end;