1 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Program: {Guide.shell} ! Package: Intouch Utilities ! Author: Jim McCleary ! Date: August 23, 1988 ({date}) ! Purpose: Generic program to format and print a report !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10 set system : comment "Initializing report" ask system : mode mode$ show_stats = true if mode$ = "BATCH" or mode$ = "OTHER" then show_stats = false string_dtype = 1 declare dynamic field_data max_list = 50 max_structure = 9 max_titles% = 20 dim title$(max_titles%) dim real total(max_list,0 to max_list) dim real extract_totals(max_list) dim break_hold$(0 to max_list) dim break_compare$(0 to max_list) dim integer page_break(0 to max_list) dim integer skip_break_totals(0 to max_list) dim integer level_count(0 to max_list) dim integer groupcount(0 to max_list) dim integer str_found(0 to max_structure) dim string break_desc$(0 to max_list) dim integer break_pos(0 to max_list) 20 !Special variable declarations go here today$ = date$(days(date$),3) cntrl_z$ = chr$(26) no_current_record = 7305 out_ch = 2 st_inx% = 0 last_break_level% = 1 no_stats = false ask system, logical 'guide_file_locator' : value guide_file_locator$ if guide_file_locator$ <> '' then & open structure locator : name guide_file_locator$ ! for those sites that use a file locator system for placing datafiles {DECLARE} 100 gosub main_logic set system, logical 'guide_status' : value 'success' end 1000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! M A I N L O G I C !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine main_logic gosub init gosub open_files {MAIN} close all clear end routine !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! I N I T !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! start up initialization ! ! Expected: ! ! Result : ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine init margin = {margin} set margin margin frame off gosub define_constants end routine 10000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D E F I N E C O N S T A N T S ! Special definitions go here !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine define_constants {DEFINE} end routine 11000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! O P E N F I L E S ! open structures here !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine open_files set system : comment "Opening data structures" {OPEN} end routine {IF making_export_structure} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_create_export_str.inc} {IF input_count > 0} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_input.inc} !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! E X T R A C T I N I T !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! initialize variables needed for the extract phase ! ! Expected: ! ! Result : ! rec = 0 ! sta = 0 ! found = 0 ! key_input$ = '' ! bailout% = false ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine extract_init rec% = 0 sta% = 0 found% = 0 detail_rec% = 0 page_counter% = 0 key_input$ = '' bailout% = false last_sort_key$ = 'zzzzz' for z = 1 to max_list for z1 = 0 to max_list total(z, z1) = 0 next z1 next z for z1 = 0 to max_list groupcount(z1) = 0 level_count(z1) = 0 next z1 gosub show_stats message "Extracting records..." set system : comment "Extracting from {STR}" end routine 12000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! E X T R A C T R E C O R D S !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine extract_records {SIMPLE_LETS} extract structure {STR} {SYSTEMSET} {key} gosub show_extract_status {CHECK_SAMPLE} if bailout% then exit extract {USER_GET_ROUTINE} {EXTRACT} found% = found% + 1 end extract gosub show_recs_searched gosub show_recs_selected end routine !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! P R I N T I N I T !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! initialize variables needed during the print phase ! ! Expected: ! ! Result : ! The ouput file is opened ! start_print_time = time(0) ! first_line = true ! key_input$ = '' ! page_counter% = 0 ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine print_init message building_message$ set system : comment building_message$ if out_ch > 0 and not making_export_structure then if unique_report_name then open #out_ch: name report_name$, access output, unique ask #out_ch : name report_name$ else open #out_ch: name report_name$, access output end if set #out_ch: margin report_margin end if start_print_time = time(0) key_input$ = '' line_counter% = lines_per_page% ! cause first page break first_line% = true end routine 13000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! P R I N T R E P O R T: !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine print_report for each {STR} gosub show_report_status {CHECK_CUTOFF} if bailout% = true then exit for {USER_GET_ROUTINE} ! Do file lookups {LOOKUP} {PROCESS_RECORD} if out_ch > 0 then close #out_ch end routine 13500 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! R E L A T E M A N Y !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {RELATE_MANY} 14000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D I S P L A Y R E P O R T !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! u_dispatch$ = routine to dispatch to after clear screen ! (u_dispatch$ is cleared on reference) !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine display_report if not making_report then gosub show_stats delay exit routine end if if out_ch = 0 then exit routine set system : comment "Displaying report" u_str$ = report_name$ u_scr_width% = margin u_dispatch$ = 'show_stats' gosub prnt_ask_option end routine 21000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! N E W P A G E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine new_page {IF making_report} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_new_page.inc} end routine 22000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! S E T U S E R D E F I N E D ! ! User-defined variables get calculated here !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine set_user_defined {USER} end routine {IF brk_count > 0} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_break.inc} {IF report_has_totals or report_has_cumes} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_add_totals.inc} {IF summary = true} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_save.inc} {IF brk_count > 0} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_level_break.inc} 26000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! P R I N T D E T A I L L I N E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Print detail line: col_data$(col) for each column !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine print_detail_line {DETAIL} data_printed% = false first_page_line% = false last_break_level% = 0 end routine {IF brk_count > 0 or report_has_totals or report_has_groupcount} {INCLUDE tti_run:guide_shell_print_totals.inc} {USER_INCLUDES} 90000 %include "tti_run:guide_shell_int.inc" 99999 end