ACCESS_RULES ACCESS_RULES Access rule control user access to the data in this field. Access rules have the following formats: READ:read_access, WRITE:write_access NORMAL Where read_access and write_access is a single letter (A-Z). NORMAL is a short cut for READ:N, WRITE:N The access_rule is used in conjunction with the structure's security level to determine whether or not a user can access the field. A is the most restricted access level. Z is the least restricted access level. When a user attempts to access a field, the structures security level is compared with the read or write access level defined for the field. If the field's access level is less than the structures security level, access is denied. Related topics: structure_security procedure ADABAS_DATASET ADABAS_DATASET For an ADABAS dataset, you need to specify the file number and the database number. Format: file_number IN database_number Example: 6 IN 1 CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION When you are adding a new field, you will be asked for the fields classification. The classification is optional. Classification refers to entries in the classification data dictionary. Classifications allow you to predefine common field classes. The classification data will be used as the default answers to the rest of the questions in defining the field. As an example: Phone numbers are 10 characters long. They are numeric. They are to be printed in the format (123) 456-7890. All 10 digits must always be entered. Since phone numbers might be defined in several data file, you would want to ensure that these characteristics are always defined for the fields. You can define a classification for phone_number that contains the length (10), semantics (num), print mask ( (###~)~ ###~-#### ) and validations (digits; minlength 10). By entering the classification phone_number when ever adding a phone number type field, these values will be the default answers to the define questions. CREATE_PROCEED CREATE_PROCEED Verify the information that is displayed on the screen. If all information is correct and you want to create the data file, enter YES. If any of the information needs to be corrected, enter NO. After entering YES, a new data file will be created. If you are creating an RMS file, a FDL file will also be created. DATABASE_ENGINE DATABASE_ENGINE Enter the database engine used by the this structure. Supported database engines are: RMS RDB DBMS USER11 POISE FASTFILE S1032 INGRES DBASE3 ADABAS ORACLE DATASET DATASET Enter the name of the dataset you will be using with this structure. If this is a new structure, the default dataset name will be the same as the structure name. The default extension is .DAT. Your dataset name can be any valid VMS file specification. DATA_DICTIONARY DATA_DICTIONARY Enter the name of the definition file you will be using with this structure. If you are creating a new structure, the default definition file name will be the same as the structure name. The default extension is .DEF. Your definnition file name can be any VMS file specification. There are three special definition file names allowed. If the database engine for this structure can supply the field information and you want to use these native definitions, enter NONE as the definition file name. The following database engines can supply the field definitions: RDB DBMS DBASE III INGRES ADABAS ORACLE If you are using a database engine that supports native field definitions and you would like to augment those definitions with additional information, enter a definition file name prefixed with AUG>. This creates an augmented definition. The native field names will be available along with any fields defined in the augmented definition file. Typically, augmented definitions are used to supply report headings, prompt text and print masks. If the record has been define in a CDD/Plus dictionary, enter the CDD path with a prefix of CDD>. For example: DEVDISK:[DEVINT.CDD]CUSTOMER. DATA_TYPE DATA_TYPE Enter the data type for this field. The data type is the internal representation of the data. It may be: CH Character C3 COBOL comp-3, also known as packed decimal. The C3 datatype also supports the VAX DECIMAL datatype. DS Date stamp (length=8) FL Floating point GF G-Float IN Integer IU Unsigned integer UN Undefined ZN zoned punch, used by DIBOL RO Right overpunch AC ASCII counted AP Pointer to ASCII counted QS Quadword signed QU Quadword unsigned ZE Zoned EBCDIC DBMS_DATASET DBMS_DATASET For an DBMS dataset, you need to specify the DBMS record name and the name of the DBMS root file. Optionally you can add the name of the subschema. If the subschema is not given, the DEFAULT_SUBSCHEMA is assumed. Format: record_name IN [subschema_name FOR ] root_file Example: part in datadisk:[parts]dbmparts part in ss0001 for datadisk:[parts]dbmparts DELETE_ACCESS DELETE_ACCESS Enter the access level required to delete a data record from this structure. When an attempt is made to delete a record from this structure, INTOUCH will compare the structure security level to the delete access level. If the delete access level is less than the structure security level then the delete request will be denied. The delete access level is a single letter "A" to "Z". "A" is the most restricted access level. "Z" is the least restricted. Related topics: structure_security DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Enter a description of the field. The description can be up to 30 characters long. The default description is the field name with "$", "%", "_" characters changed to spaces. The description will be used as the default prompt text. Related topics: fieldname prompt_text DUPLICATES DUPLICATES RMS keys can either allow duplicates or not. If you want duplicate keys to be allowed for the key that you are defining, enter YES. If you do NOT want duplicates to be allowed, enter NO. FIELDNAME FIELDNAME Enter the field name you wish to add, modify or delete. If you wish to delete a field, enter a "-" followed by the field name. The field name : o must begin with a letter. o must consist of numbers, letters, underscores and doller signs. o may be up to 32 characters long. o the final character may be a "$" or "%" FIELD_LENGTH FIELD_LENGTH Enter the length of the field. The length refers to the actual length that the field occupies in the data record. You may enter the length as the ending position of the field by entering the letter "P" followed by the ending position. For example: P206. FILE_ORGANIZATION FILE_ORGANIZATION Two types of RMS data files can be created by the SETUP program. These are INDEXED and SEQUENTIAL. Enter the type of file that you wish to create. FIRST_POSITION FIRST_POSITION Enter the position at which this field will start. Character positions start with 1. SETUP will default a new field's first position to the character after the last field defined. HELP_TEXT HELP_TEXT Enter help text for this field. Help text can be up to 60 characters long. The MAINTAIN program will print the help text on the message line during input. A custom application can ask for the help text for display when the help key in pressed. HELP_TOPIC HELP_TOPIC This help system allows you to receive help on any input items that you may enter. When you press the HELP key or type HELP at any prompt, an initial screen of help information is displayed. The help information explains the current topic and gives the names of any related topics that might be helpful to you. After reading this information, you can enter the name of one of the related topics or any other topic in which you might be interested. You only need to enter as much of the help topic name as is necessary to distinguish it from all other help topics within the help system. If your response is ambiguous, the help system will show you the possible topics and let you select the proper one. To be shown a menu of all topics, type a * at the "Help topic" prompt. Help topic? * To exit the help system, press the RETURN key. INGRES_DATASET INGRES_DATASET For an INGRES dataset, you need to specify the ingres table name. The INGRES database to used is specified by the symbol INT_INGRES_DBNAME. Format: table_name Example: employee KEY_FIELDNAME KEY_FIELDNAME When creating an indexed RMS data file, you must define at least one key field. Enter the fieldname of the field that will be the key. A key field must have a starting position that is the same as the starting position of the RMS key. (keep in mind that INTOUCH fields are 1 oriented while RMS keys are 0 oriented. This means that for a key that RMS say starts in position 0, you need to enter an INTOUCH field that starts in position 1.) A key field must also have a length that equals the total length of all key segments that make up the key. Related topics: first_position field_length OCCURRENCE OCCURRENCE Enter the number of times that this field occurs within the data record. The default number of occurrences is 1. If the field being defined is an array, enter the number of elements in the array. ORACLE_DATASET ORACLE_DATASET For an ORACLE dataset, you need to specify the ORACLE table name. Format: table_name Example: emp PRINT_MASK PRINT_MASK Enter a mask to used when printing this field. INTOUCH will automatically mask the data when the field is reference in a PRINT statement. Print masks are created with the #, @ and % characters. SETUP will automatically provide the tilde (~) character for any literal (non-masking) characters found in the mask entered. See the INTOUCH GUIDE TO THE LANGUAGE manual (Printing Data to a Terminal") for more information. PROCEDURE PROCEDURE The following procedures are available in SETUP: o DEFINE Define the fields in the data record. Define allows you to add, modify or delete field definitions. o CREATE Create is used to create the data file. o MODIFY Modify allows you to change the structure file. This routine will prompt you for the data filename, definition filename and the database engine. o SHOW There are three show options. You can show field definitions in either a full or brief format. You can also show the structure file. o STRUCTURE SECURITY This option allows you to change the structure security level and the read, write, update, and delete access levels. Depending upon the database engine chosen and the definition file selected, you might not have all of these options. Related topics: structure_name database_engine definition_name datafile_name PROMPT_TEXT PROMPT_TEXT Enter the prompt text to be used when this field is entered in a data entry program. The prompt text can be up to 30 characters long. The default prompt text for a new field is the field's description. Related topics: description