/* tlist.uil - TList widget UIL include file ******************************************************************************* * VToolkit (1995) "If it doesn't use VToolkit, it isn't cool!" * * (c) Steve Klein * * Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. * ******************************************************************************* This module contains UIL declarations needed to use the TList widget. Include this file into any UIL module that creates a TList widget. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Sep-1993 (sjk/nfc) VToolkit V2. 16-Feb-1990 (sjk) Add word_wrap argument. ??-Oct-1989 (sjk) Initial entry. */ /* widget creation routine */ procedure TListCreate (); /* widget-specific resources */ value tlist_color_list : argument ('colorList', any); tlist_font_table : argument ('fontTable', font_table); tlist_foreground : argument ('foreground', color); tlist_margin_width : argument ('marginWidth', integer); tlist_margin_height : argument ('marginHeight', integer); tlist_max_line_cnt : argument ('maxLineCnt', integer); tlist_scroll_delay : argument ('scrollDelay', integer); tlist_scroll_factor : argument ('scrollFactor', integer); tlist_word_wrap : argument ('wordWrap', boolean);