/* vautorepeat.uil - VAutoRepeat UIL include module ******************************************************************************* * VToolkit (1995) "If it doesn't use VToolkit, it isn't cool!" * * (c) Steve Klein * * Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. * ******************************************************************************* This module contains definitions needed to use the VAutoRepeat utility from UIL. Include this file into any UIL module that uses auto-repeating pushbuttons. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Sep-1993 (sjk/nfc) VToolkit V2. 19-Mar-1992 (sjk) Change comments! XUI UIL compiler does not like trailing comments on multi-line value statement! 07-Nov-1991 (sjk) Define default repeatingButtonArgs constant in this module. 09-Mar-1990 (sjk) Initial entry. */ procedure EnableRepeatingButton; /* To pass the four (small) repeating button timing constants to the EnableRepeatingButton callback, pack * them into separate bytes of a single longword. This literal defines the default repeat parameters. * * byte0 = delay until first activation * byte1 = delay between first and second activations * byte2 = minimum delay between activations * byte3 = acceleration rate per activation */ value repeatingButtonArgs : (250 <<0) + (150 <<8) + (40 <<16) + (6 <<24);