# MMS Description file for the Tag Image File Format Library # # Tag Image File Format Library # # Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Sam Leffler # Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and # its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided # that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in # all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of # Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or # publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written # permission of Stanford and Silicon Graphics. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY # WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, # OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE # OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # This MMS description file was written by Rick Dyson on or before 11-NOV-1991 # (dyson@IowaSP.Physics.UIowa.EDU) # Updated: 28-APR-1992 -- LIBTIFF v3.0 (19-FEB-1992) for XV (v2.21) # 2-MAR-1993 -- LIBTIFF v3.21 (29-OCT-1992) for XV (v3.00) # 14-JUL-1994 -- Added Alpha Support RLD # # For DEC C (or ALPHA) users, you must add a MACRO qualifier to the # command line, i.e., # MMS /Description = Makefile.mms /Macro = "ALPHA = 1" # # It is based on the Unix Makefile by Leffler # NULL = IPATH = [] # # Library-wide configuration defines: # MMAP_SUPPORT add support for memory mapping read-only files # COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT add support for 6.0 colorimetry tags # JPEG_SUPPORT add support for 6.0 JPEG tags & JPEG algorithms # YCBCR_SUPPORT add support for 6.0 YCbCr tags # CMYK_SUPPORT add support for 6.0 CMYK tags # # Compression configuration defines: # CCITT_SUPPORT add support for CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms # PACKBITS_SUPPORT add support for Macintosh PackBits algorithm # LZW_SUPPORT add support for LZW algorithm # THUNDER_SUPPORT add support for ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm # NEXT_SUPPORT add support for NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm # JPEG_SUPPORT add support for JPEG DCT algorithm # # Note that if you change the library-wide configuration, you'll # need to manual force a full rebuild. Changing the configuration # of which compression algorithms are included in the library is # automatically handled (i.e. tif_compress.o has a dependency on # the Makefile). # .ifdef ALPHA FLAGS = /Warnings = NoInformationals /Standard = VAXC DEFS = /Define = ("BSDTYPES=1", "USE_VARARGS=1", "USE_PROTOTYPES=0", \ "USE_CONST",__STDC__) .else FLAGS = DEFS = /Define = ("BSDTYPES=1", "USE_VARARGS=1", "USE_PROTOTYPES=0", \ "USE_CONST", __STDC__) .endif .ifdef DEBUG OPTIMIZE = /NoOptimize DBG = /Debug .else OPTIMIZE = /Optimize DBG = /NoDebug .endif INCS = /Include_Directory = ($(IPATH)) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(FLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCS) $(OPTIMIZE) $(DBG) INCLUDES = tiff.h tiffio.h SRCS = tif_fax3.c \ tif_fax4.c \ tif_aux.c \ tif_ccittrle.c \ tif_close.c \ tif_compress.c \ tif_dir.c \ tif_dirinfo.c \ tif_dirread.c \ tif_dirwrite.c \ tif_dumpmode.c \ tif_error.c \ tif_getimage.c \ tif_jpeg.c \ tif_flush.c \ tif_lzw.c \ tif_next.c \ tif_open.c \ tif_packbits.c \ tif_print.c \ tif_read.c \ tif_swab.c \ tif_strip.c \ tif_thunder.c \ tif_tile.c \ tif_version.c \ tif_vms.c \ tif_warning.c \ tif_write.c OBJS = tif_fax3.obj \ tif_fax4.obj \ tif_aux.obj \ tif_ccittrle.obj \ tif_close.obj \ tif_compress.obj \ tif_dir.obj \ tif_dirinfo.obj \ tif_dirread.obj \ tif_dirwrite.obj \ tif_dumpmode.obj \ tif_error.obj \ tif_getimage.obj \ tif_jpeg.obj \ tif_flush.obj \ tif_lzw.obj \ tif_next.obj \ tif_open.obj \ tif_packbits.obj \ tif_print.obj \ tif_read.obj \ tif_strip.obj \ tif_swab.obj \ tif_thunder.obj \ tif_tile.obj \ tif_version.obj \ tif_vms.obj \ tif_warning.obj \ tif_write.obj OBJLIST = tif_fax3.obj,tif_fax4.obj,tif_aux.obj,tif_ccittrle.obj,tif_close.obj,tif_compress.obj,tif_dir.obj,tif_dirinfo.obj,tif_dirread.obj,tif_dirwrite.obj,tif_dumpmode.obj,tif_error.obj,tif_getimage.obj,tif_jpeg.obj,tif_flush.obj,tif_lzw.obj,tif_next.obj,tif_open.obj,tif_packbits.obj,tif_print.obj,tif_read.obj,tif_strip.obj,tif_swab.obj,tif_thunder.obj,tif_tile.obj,tif_version.obj,tif_vms.obj,tif_warning.obj,tif_write.obj TIFFLIB = libtiff.olb .first .ifdef ALPHA @- Define /NoLog Sys DECC$Library_Include .else @- Define /NoLog Sys Sys$Library .endif all : lib @ continue lib : $(TIFFLIB) @ continue libtiff.olb : $(OBJS) If "''F$Search ("$(TIFFLIB)")'" .eqs. "" Then Library /Create $(TIFFLIB) Library /Replace $(TIFFLIB) $(OBJLIST) $(OBJS) : tiffio.h tiff.h tiffcomp.h tiffiop.h tiffconf.h tif_fax3.obj : tif_fax3.c g3states.h t4.h tif_fax3.h mkg3states.exe : mkg3states.c t4.h - $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mkg3states.c .ifdef ALPHA .else - $ Define /User_Mode LNK$Library Sys$Library:VAXCRTL .endif - $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) mkg3states g3states.h : mkg3states.exe Define /User_Mode Sys$Output g3states.h Run mkg3states.exe # Mcr Sys$Disk:[]mkg3states.exe > g3states.h # if you want to use the Unix-style redirection in mkg3states, you will # need to add the call to getredirection in mkg3states. Since this is only # run once, I didn't think it was really necessary anymore. RLD 24-FEB-1993 #[-]argproc.obj : [-]argproc.c [-]includes.h # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) [-]argproc.c clean : @- Set Protection = Owner:RWED *.*;-1,*.obj - Purge /NoLog /NoConfirm *.* - Delete /NoLog /NoConfirm *.obj;*,*.exe;*,*.olb; - Delete /NoLog /NoConfirm g3states.h;*