% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00aUJVBBB5a$ADD>ANSWER>TATTACH>BACK@BOTTOM@CANCELB CHECKPOINTBCLEARDCLOSEECOMPRESSFCOPYG&CREATEW  CROSSPOSTXDEFINEcDELETEk| DEREGISTERl DIRECTORYoDDISPLAYp DOWNqFEDITqEXITsEXTRACTzFOLLOWUPJFORWARDHELP!PKeypadKILL6LASTMAILMARKMODIFYMOVE NEWSd NEWSGROUPS NEWS_settingsNEXTNOSCREEN.OPEN6LASTMAILMARKMODIFYMOVE NEWSd NEWSGROUPS NEWS_settingsNEXTNOSCREEN.OPENPOSTPRINTPURGEQUITREADfREFRESHREGISTERREPLYREPOST8SAVESCREEN,SEARCHSELECTSENDSET#SHOW4SKIM>,SKIPASPAWNH\TOPH TOPICJUNMARKKUNREADL:UNSKIPLUPMUPDATENVERSIONOWRITEKILLWRITEONR ѡ1 HELPG NEWS is an implementation of the USENET NEWS system for VMS. This is aI bulletin board system, allowing users to read items posted to the board,H post replies to existing items, and create new items on the board. NEWSE conforms to the Internet Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages (RFC1036).F Unlike person-to-person mail, all items posted into NEWS are normallyG readable by all users of the system, so the items in NEWS are intendedI for general view. NEWS sites are typically linked into the global USENETH news network, and in such cases the items will be read by users on many$ other systems throughout the world.) News is invoked by the command "$ NEWS".G NEWS allows you to SELECT newsgroups for viewing, READ items, REPLY toF items, POST new news items, EXTRACT items into a local file, REGISTERG yourself into newsgroups, and FORWARD items to other users (via mail).J Commands to NEWS are listed in this help file: some of these comm ands areB NEWS Management commands, and may only be executed by a nominatedF "News Manager" account. These commands are flagged within the command$ description as management commands.ww X1 NEWSB News has a DCL interface similar to that of VMS MAIL, in that theH command "$ NEWS" will invoke an interactive session of NEWS, or you canD specify parameters to the NEWS command in order to execute a single command, then return to DCL. Examples: $ NEWSC t o invoke an interactive news session on a screen terminal $ NEWS/NOSCREENA to invoke an interactive news session on a line terminal< $ NEWS POST/NEWSGROUP=net.animal/SUBJECT="Frogs" frog.txtE to post the file "frog.txt" into the newsgroup "net.animal", with the title "Frogs". 2 Qualifiers/ALLSCAN /ALLSCAN /ALLSCAN=(newsgroup,newsgroup)E If this qualifier is present, NEWS will scan the local item databaseD for any unseen items in those newsgro ups you have subscribed to (orH registered in). NEWS will output a one line message for each registeredG newsgroup which contains any unseen items. This is a more verbose formI of the /SCAN qualifier actions, and will take a longer time to complete.I /ALLSCAN will immediately exit after performing this scan of newsgroups.D To alter your LOGIN.COM to output a new NEWS message similar to the$ new Mail login notice add the line: $ NEWS/ALLSCAN to your LOGIN.COM file.F Optionally a list of newsgroups may be specified with this qualifier.F It is assumed that this list of newsgroups are registered newsgroups,F in which case only these newsgroups will be checked for unread items./CLASS /CLASS=class-nameE Newsgroups may be assigned to CLASSES. Such classes contain a set ofH newsgroups assigned to each class either by the local NEWS manager as aB system-wide definition, or by each user as a personal assignment.H An initial class of newsgroups may be selected on startup by the use of this qualifier. For example, $ NEWS/CLASS=$local8 will display all locally defined newsgroups on startup. /DOTNEWSRC /DOTNEWSRC /NODOTNEWSRCB This qualifier directs NEWS to read an rn-style registration fileA SYS$LOGIN:.NEWSRC, if it exists, and use it in preference to the@ regular registration file when determining which items you haveA previously read, and to which newsgroups you are registered. AtC the end of the current session, a revised .NEWSRC file is written,A unless you have turned this feature off with the SET NODOTNEWSRC7 or SET PROFILE/NODOTNEWSRC command during the session.= This qualifier affects only the current session; if you wish? to use an rn-style .NEWSRC file on a continuing basis, use the SET PROFILE/DOTNEWSRC command. /NETPROTOCOL /NETPROTOCOL=protocolE This qualifier instructs NEWS of the protocol to use in reaching theB remote NNTP server. The qualifier is used in conjunction with the /NETSERVER qualifier. /NETSERVER /NETSERVER=nodeF This qualifier directs NEWS to start a diskless session with a remoteG NNTP server on the defined remote system. This is the default if thereA is no local NEWS database, or can be manually invoked using this qualifier. /READONLYK This starts a read-only session, where postings to NEWS are not permitted./SCAN /SCAN /SCAN=(newsgroup,newsgroup)E If this qualifier is present, NEWS will scan the local item databaseD for any unseen items in those newsgroups you have subscribed to (orC registered in). If any unseen items in any of these newsgroups areD located, NEWS will output a simple one line message indicating that$ there are new unseen items in NEWS.F /SCAN will immediately exit after performing this scan of newsgroups.D To alter your LOGIN.COM to output a new News message similar to the new mail message add the line: $ NEWS/SCAN to your LOGIN.COM file.F Optionally a list of newsgroups may be specif ied with this qualifier.F It is assumed that this list of newsgroups are registered newsgroups,F in which case only these newsgroups will be checked for unread items./SCREEN /SCREEN [default] /NOSCREENK Determines whether a screen-based interface will be used for this session.I If /SCREEN mode is used NEWS will determine whether the output device isE supported by the VMS screen management routines (SMG), and if so theI screen interface will be used. If the /NOSCREEN qualifier is present, orJ the output device is not a supported terminal, the interface will not use screen-based presentation./UNSEENH This qualifier will only invoke an interactive session of NEWS if there@ are unseen items in those newsgroups you have subscribed to (orF registered in). If there are no such unseen items then NEWS will exitD immediately. Otherwise NEWS will invoke an interactive session with@ the directory screen set to /NEW (selection of those registered( newsgroups which contain unseen items). 2 StructureD NEWS items are classified into NEWSGROUPS. All items with a similarI subject matter are normally contained in a single newsgroup. An item may@ be posted into a single newsgroup, or into multiple newsgroups.G Each news item within a newsgroup has a TITLE and a SEQUENCE number. AJ directory of a newsgroup displays these titles and sequence numbers - the7 sequence number is used to identify a particular item.ww`e1 NEWS_settingsA T here are two ways in which NEWS can be altered to suit personalH preferences: by the use of logical names (initialized in your LOGIN.COMF file or similar), or by the "SET PROFILE" commands. In most cases theF logical names have equivalent PROFILE commands. In all such cases theA PROFILE settings take preference over any logical name settings.> The SET PROFILE commands are documented within the SET topic.6 The logical names and their actions are listed below.2 NEWSRCF This logical na me is used to define the file containing the NEWS userG notebook. This file contains the set of seen and unseen items for eachH newsgroup, MARKed items, and similar per-user context information. NoteD that if this logical name is used, then the translation of the nameC must equate to a full VMS file specification (including device andA extension). For compatibility with previous versions of NEWS the< logical name "NEWS_REGISTER" can be used instead of NEWSRC.H If this logical name is not defined, the notebook will be stored in the file "SYS$LOGIN:NEWSRC".> There is no equivalent PROFILE setting for this logical name. 2 NEWS_INIF This can be defined as a file name which contains a set of DEFINE/KEY4 commands to change the default key binding of news.? The equivalent PROFILE command is SET PROFILE/KEYDEFS=filename 2 NEWS_EDITH This logical name can be used determine which text editor is to be usedG by NEWS. The text editor is used to generate new postings, and to editC forwarded mail, and (optionally) in read-only mode, to display the contents of a newsitem.G By default NEWS links the TPU editor to NEWS, using the TPU section as defined by the user." This logical name may be used to:D * Use the TPU editor with a section other than the default section defined with TPU:- $ DEFINE NEWS_EDIT "TPU/SEC=mysection"% * Use EDT as the configured editor:& $ DEFINE NEWS_EDIT CALLABLE_EDTF * Invoke any other editor using a command procedure in a subprocess:3 $ DEFINE NEWS_EDIT "@dev:[dir]my_editor.com") and NEWS will then SPAWN the command:) $ @dev:[dir]my_editor.com filenameC The subtopic "Examples" shows an example editor command procedure.< The equivalent PROFILE setting is SET PROFILE/EDITOR=value. 2 NEWS_VIEWG This logical name is only required if you are using a procedure as theF way of invoking the NEWS text editor. In this case a second procedure= is required which invokes the same editor in read-only mode:/ $ DEFINE NEWS_VIEW "@dev:[dir]my_reader.com"& and NEWS will then spawn the command:% $ @dev:[dir]my_reader.com filenameJ When TPU or EDT is configured as the editor, then NEWS will automaticallyG add the /READONLY qualifier to the editor invocation in order create a read-only editor session.( There is no equivalent PROFILE setting.2 NEWS_PERSONALNAMEE NEWS will retrieve your VMS MAIL profile record to set up a personalB name to be included in the header of all your NEWS postings. ThisE MAIL-defined personal name can be changed to a NEWS-specific name by6 equating this logical name to a personal name string.E The equivalent PROFILE command is SET PROFILE/PERSONAL_NAME="string" 2 NEWS_SCANSIZED NEWS will normally display the text of a newsitem on a page-by-pageF basis. When scanning through items it is often useful to only displayG the first few lines of an item, to decide whether to view the complete text.H If the logical name NEWS_SCANSIZE is defined as a number (n), then onlyF the first n lines of each new item will be displayed before the firstG prompt to display more of the item. Commonly, a value between 8 and 12 is most useful.9 The equivalent PROFILE command is SET PROFILE/SCANSIZE=n2 NEWS_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYH NEWS will normally remember the last newsgroup directory setting acrossD invocations of the program (i.e. If you had executed DIR/NEW beforeK exiting NEWS, then when you next run NEWS, the initial newsgroup directoryD state will be set to DIR/NEW). It is possible to specify a constantD initial directory state by defining this logical name as one of the values: ALL NEW REGISTER SINCE "SINCE=vms_date"A The equivalent PROFILE command is SET PROFILE/DIRECTORY=setting.2 NEWS_POST_CCD This logical name directs NEWS to generate MAIL copies of your NEWSD postings. The logical name value is interpreted by NEWS as the name of a POST_CC control file.) This file consists of lines of the form: newsgroup addressG The newsgroup name starts in column 1, and may be the name of a single? newsgroup, or may specify a set of newsgroups by including the wildcard match character ('*').G The address is the address to receive a carbon copy of the posting. ItD is separated from the newsgroup name by at least 1 space character.8 The address may be a DECnet or Internet-format address.B The interpretation of the file is such that any postings you makeD into any of the specified newsgroups will also generate mail to the matching addresses.( There is no equivalent PROFILE setting.2 NEWS_ORGANIZATIONF This logical name allows you to override the locally defined name of H your organization with a personal setting. This name is included in the( headings of all NEWS postings you make.D The equivalent PROFILE command is SET PROFILE/ORGANIZATION="string"2 MAIL_SIGNATURED This logical name may be defined as the name of your mail signatureF file. If this logical name is defined, then the contents of this fileF will be automatically appended to all postings and mailings made from@ within NEWS. If this logical name is not defined then NEWS willD search for the file "SYS$LOGIN:MAIL.SIGNATURE" as a signature file.= The equivalent PROFILE command is SET PROFILE/SIGNATURE=file 2 Example $ !< $ ! Example command procedure to invoke an editor for NEWS $ ! $ ! Inputs: $ ! $ ! !P1 = file name. $ !E $ ! Note that this procedure is run in the context of a subprocess.C $ ! LOGIN.COM is not executed. However, all process logical names( $ ! and DCL global symbols are copied. $ != $ ! The default directory is the same as the parent process $ !C $ ! Note that this will only be invoked if the user has placed in $ ! LOGIN.COM (or similar); $ ! $ DEFINE NEWS_EDIT "@dev:[dir]NEWSEDIT_EXAMPLE.COM" $ !3 $ DEFINE /USER SYS$INPUT 'F$TRNLNM("SYS$OUTP"UT")' $ IF P1 .EQS. "" THEN EXIT $ EDIT/EDT 'P1' $ EXITww1 KeypadD By default, the VT keypad is configured within NEWS as shown below:, +--------+--------+--------+--------+, | pf1 | pf2 | pf3 | pf4 |0 gold-| | | |SKIP/FOLLOWUP1 |GOLD |HELP |SKIP |SKIP/NEWSGROUP, +--------+--------+--------+--------+, | 7 | 8 | 9 | - |. gold-|PRINT |EXTRACT |EXTR/ALL|EXTR/ #APPEND, |DIR |DIR/NEW |DIR/REG |DIR/ALL |, +--------+--------+--------+--------+, | 4 | 5 | 6 | , |, gold-| |TOP | | |, |DIR |>>UP<< |DIR/REG |DIR/ALL |, +--------+--------+--------+--------+, | 1 | 2 | 3 | enter |, gold-|READ/HEA|BOTTOM |READ/NEX/HEAD |, |READ |>>DOWN<<|READ/NEXT |, +--------+--------+--------+ |, | 0 | . | $ |2 gold-|READ/NEW/HEADER |READ/NEW/FOLLOWUP/HEADER, |READ/NEW |READ/NEW/FOLLOWUP|, +-----------------+--------+--------+# +--------+--------+--------+# | find | insert | remove |# | | | |$ | SEARCH |REGISTER|DEREGISTER# +--------+--------+--------+# | select | prev | next |# gold-| CLOSE | TOP |BOTTOM |# | SELECT | UP 18 |DOWN 18 |# +--------+--------+--------+- These% defaults may be altered in three ways:A * Using the DEFINE/KEY command to bind a news command to a key.? * Defining the logical name "NEWS_INI" to a file containing aC sequence of DEFINE/KEY lines (which will be executed on startup of NEWS).B * Using the SET PROFILE/KEYPAD=file command in a similar fashion, as the use of the NEWS_INI logical name.ww!1 ADD2 ALIAS Format' ADD ALIAS newsgroup newsgroup-aliasM This command redefine&s a newsgroup to an alias name. The effect of the aliasI is to map all subsequent incoming batches and local postings directed toH the named newsgroup to the alias name. The alias may be either a single( newsgroup name of a list of newsgroups.2 BATCH *MANAGEMENT COMMAND* See the Subtopic FILE2 ENTRY Format: ADD ENTRY newsgroupG ADD ENTRY is used to add the specified newsgroup into a CLASS. A classB is a set of newsgroups which the user has grouped together into a '@ class set. This grouping is maintained within the per-user newsE context file, so that this command refers only to the user executing the command.E Normally the specified newsgroup is added to the current class (if aH class is currently selected). The /CLASSES qualifier is used to specifyI the set of classes in which the newsgroup is to be entered. Note that ifI the newsgroup is currently a member of a class (or classes) the new list4 of classes is added to the current membership lis(t. 3 Qualifiers/CLASSES /CLASSES=(class-name[,...])J This qualifier determines the classes to which the specified newsgroup isF to be added. If this qualifier is not used, then the current class is used as the default value.D The qualifier value may be a list of class names, in which case theJ newsgroup is added to all named classes. The class names may also containJ wildcard characters ('%', '*'), in which case the newsgroup will be added$ to all classes with matching names.G) If a class of the specified name does not exist, it is created by this command.2 FILE *MANAGEMENT COMMAND*' ADD FILE is a NEWS MANAGEMENT Command. Format: ADD FILE filenameJ ADD FILE is used to automatically load items into the news database. ThisJ command is normally used to load network news batches onto the local node. (locally generated news is POSTed into NEWS).K If the node is defined as a news routing node, this command also generates4 the batch files to send* to the adjacent NEWS nodes.B ADD FILE scans an input file and breaks the file into one or moreE articles. Each article is composed of a number of header lines (or aH number of header line groups) and an article body. The header lines mayE be generated by a number of different sources, and a number of theseH formats may appear at the head of the article. The ADD FILE parser willB recognize most formats and correctly parse the item header lines. 3 ParametersFilenameJ This parameter +is the file name containing the news batch to add to NEWS.G The filename specified may be either a single filename, or may containF wildcards (which are expanded, and all files so specified are added).H Lists of filenames are supported, and all qualifiers may be used either4 globally or positionally for each file in the list.A Note that "sticky" defaults of device or extension names are NOT# supported in this version of NEWS. 3 Qualifiers/ACCEPT /ACCEPT /NOACCEPT [default]E , Postings to moderated newsgroups require an "Approved:" stamp in the> item headers in order for NEWS to accept the posting. /ACCEPTH overrides this condition, allowing addition of unapproved postings into0 moderated newsgroups. /NOACCEPT is the default./CREGRP /CREGRP /NOCREGRP [default]C The default action of the ADD command is to only accept items intoB newsgroups which already exist on the system, rejecting all otherH newsgroups. This qualifier directs NEWS to automatically crea -te any newH newsgroups which are specified in the item headers which do not already1 exist on the local system. Default is /NOCREGRP.G /CREGRP is normally not recommended if you are part of a NEWS network,> as this will result in the creation of many bogus newsgroups. /DEFNEWSGROUP /DEFNEWSGROUP=newsgroupF This directs the NEWS parser to supply a default newsgroup to scannedA items other than the default newsgroup of "junk". This newsgroupE default is only used when the scanned ite.m does not contain a header line "Newsgroups: ..."./DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE [default]H This qualifier directs NEWS to delete the input file after the contents/ have been added to NEWS. Default is /NODELETE./EXECUTE? /EXECUTE= [RETAIN (default qualifier value) | LOCAL | DELETE ] /NOEXECUTE [Default]F "Control" messages are posted periodically to the net by various newsG network administrators to manage the network newsgroups. Some types ofC Control messages can be execu /ted immediately by the NEWS software,F while those which refer to the creation or deletion of newsgroups may be handled in a number of ways.F The default action (/NOEXECUTE) is to create a DCL command file whichB can perform the necessary newsgroup creation/deletion commands asI directed in the control posting, and post this command file to the mail  address "USENET".H If /EXECUTE is specified, then newsgroup creation messages are executedD immediately, without the requirement for appr 0oval by the local news manager.D In the case of newsgroup deletion (affecting newsgroups listed in aD "rmgroup" or a "checkgroups" Control message) the default action ofF /EXECUTE is to set the newsgroups which are to be removed to a 1 week; retention period (this corresponds to a qualifier value ofF "/EXECUTE=RETAIN"). This default action may be modified by specifyingF either "/EXECUTE=LOCAL" (in which case any such newsgroups are set toF "/LOCAL" status), or "/EXECUTE=DELETE" (in which 1case such newsgroupsE are immediately deleted. In all cases a log of the actions performed$ will be posted to address "USENET".@! Added 17-Sep-1993 by Charles Bailey bailey@genetics.upenn.edu! Temporary (I hope) /FEEDTHROUGH /FEEDTHROUGH /NOFEEDTHROUGH [default]C When the /NOJUNK qualifier is specified and an item is rejected onD the local system because of the News.Sys filter or because no matchC to a local newsgroup is found, the default behavior is not to feedE that item t 2o downstream sites. Specifying the /FEEDTHROUGH qualifierF causes items rejected for these reasons to be fed to downstream sites= anyway. Items rejected due to syntax errors will not be fed.8 This qualifier has no effect in the absence of /NOJUNK./JUNK /JUNK [default] /NOJUNKJ When an item cannot be correctly parsed the default action is to post theG item into the "junk" newsgroup. Such automatic junking of items can beF stopped by the /NOJUNK qualifier, in which case items whi 3ch cannot be, parsed are discarded. /JUNK is the default. /MODERATORE This qualifier allows a newsgroup moderator to insert items into theG relevant moderated newsgroup (i.e. the newsgroup which is moderated by this user).I The command will check if the added items are actually to be posted intoC newsgroups moderated by this user, and in the case of a posting toH multiple moderated newsgroups, will post the item to the next moderator3 if required rather than complete the NEWS posti4ng./NETFEED /NETFEED [default] /NONETFEEDH The default action of NEWS is to assume that all items added by the ADDH command are network news items, and should be forwarded to NEWS networkG neighbors (as specified by the SYS and DISTRIBUTION files). /NONETFEEDE inhibits the forwarding of ADDed items to neighbors. /NETFEED is the default /NEWSGROUP /NEWSGROUP=newsgroupC This directs the NEWS parser to place all items into the nominatedC newsgroup (regardless of whether 5the item contains a "Newsgroups:"E header line). This qualifier is useful when converting messages from. a mailing list into a newsgroup. For example: $ MAIL MAIL> set folder CMU_TCPIP MAIL> extract/all tcp.mail MAIL> delete/all MAIL> exit $ NEWS/NOSCREEN* NEWS> add file tcp.mail/news=anu.tcpip /NOCONTROLC When specified, this qualifier inhibits the interpretation of the * "Control:" header in ADDed items by NEWS.C The default behavior of NEWS is to 6interpret all Control: headers./RETRY /RETRY /NORETRY [default]J When a network feed news item is rejected by the local node an attempt isJ made to place the item into the "junk" newsgroup. This rejection may takeH place for a number of reasons, but the primary one is that the NEWS.SYSJ file has rejected this item. You may wish to make changes to the SYS fileJ and retry adding the item. Normally such an attempt would be rejected, asI the Path: item has now been stamped with the loca7l node name, indicatingI that the local system has already seen this item. /RETRY directs the ADDH command to ignore the Path: header line when checking the news item for addition into the local node./LOG /LOG [default] /NOLOG Controls writing of - article message-ID,F - the feed system id (the first component of the "Path:" list), and - newsgroup name(s). to the output file during ADD FILE operation.F If /NOLOG is specified, this information is written ONLY for ar8ticlesH that are NOT successfully added to the database (REJECT, JUNK or errors during processing).H If /LOG is specified (this is the default), than article identification. is written for every article being processed. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS /NOSTATISTICS [default]A Selects writing of statistical data gathered during the ADD FILE? operation. Statistics is written to the output file at the end> of the ADD FILE operation and refers to the particular set of- files that were proce9ssed with that command.? Most information gathered is about the articles that have beenB processed, the rest is about internal data structure usage duringA that time. Both may help assess the storage requirements for the@ article database and may prove useful during fine-tuning of the, internal constants in the NEWSADD.C module.2 MARKER Format:+ ADD MARKER [marker-name [item-number]]H ADD MARKER places a mark against the current newsitem. This item can beG selected at a lat:er stage by the READ/MARK or SELECT/MARK commands, orF printed by the PRINT/MARK command. Marks are on a user-by-user basis,1 and system-wide marks are not supported in NEWS.G If no marker-name value is specified then the default value, "mark" isE used. A marker name is a string. If no item number is specified, the) mark is placed against the current item. Example: ADD MARKER "comms"7 will mark the current item with the tag "comms"2 MEMBER *MANAGEMENT COMMAND*) ; ADD MEMBER is a NEWS MANAGEMENT command. Format: ADD MEMBER usernameI ADD MEMBER adds a new user to the membership list of a restricted accessJ newsgroup. Membership of the newsgroup grants the username read access to8 the newsgroup, and by default also grants write access.H The username may include wildcard characters ('%','*') to include a setB or related usernames. An identifier name may be used instead of aG username, in which case all owners of that identifier are included. < IfH wildcards or identifier names are used it is advised not to include the+ /MAIL or /NODES parameters to the command.D The newsgroup must have been set as a restricted newsgroup for thisC command to be executed, and the user must be either the local News. Manager, or the supervisor of this newsgroup.H If you want to allow access to remote users who are accessing the localH database via the NNTP server using TCP/IP as a transport, then all suchB users have a local username of "nntp" a=s a member of a restrictedC newsgroup (as remote usernames are not supplied through the TCP/IPB transport interface). This is NOT the case for remote DECNET NNTP clients. 3 Qualifiers/MAIL /MAIL=mail-addressD Specifies a mail address for this member. The address format may be1 either a VMS MAIL or an Internet format address./NODES /NODES=(node-name[,...]_D Specifies the node names that are accepted in conjunction with thisI username. If this qualifier is not specified >the username is accepted in conjunction with any node. /PRIVILEGES& /PRIVILEGES=(SUPERVISE,WRITE,NOWRITE)! /PRIVILEGES=WRITE [default]* Associates privileges with this username.I SUPERVISE allows the user to delete any newsitem, add and delete membersH of the restricted newsgroup and unconditionally write to the newsgroup.J WRITE implies explicit WRITE access to the NEWSGROUP. This is the default for all newsgroup members.4 NOWRITE implies read-only access to this news?group.wwV1 ANSWER See the Topic FOLLOWUPwwV1 ATTACH Format: ATTACH [process-name]J Attaches your terminal to the parent process, or a specified sub-process.I This command takes one optional parameter, a process name. If no processI name is specified, the terminal is attached to the parent process of the current process.wwV1 BACK? BACK reads the previous item in the current newsgroup. This isD equ@ivalent to the command READ/BACK. The command may be modified by/ specifying one of the parameters listed below:2 REPLYJ BACK REPLY is equivalent to READ/PARENT, displaying the previous entry in2 the same conversation stream as the current item.2 NOTED BACK NOTE reads the previous item in the current newsgroup. This is% equivalent to the command READ/BACK. 2 Qualifiers/HEADERF Display all header lines of the newsitem. By default only the subject5 line, sender address anAd date of the item are shown./EDITOR= Use a text editor in read-only mode to display the newsitem./ROT13J Some newsitems are posted using rot13 encryption. This qualifier decrypts the newsitem for display.ww1 BOTTOMH This command moves the screen display to the end of the display screen.D The command is invoked by the key sequence Gold (PF1) - NextScreen.ww1 CANCELG Cancel allows the user to delete a news item from the NEWS Bsystem. TheG actions of this command are to remove the local copy of the news item,F and also generate the necessary commands to propagate the deletion of+ the news item throughout the news network.E CANCEL will only operate on items which have been posted by the same- user as the user issuing the cancel command.H This restriction is lifted slightly for the local NEWS Manager, and theI local supervisor of the newsgroup, who can cancel ANY item that has been posted from the local nodCe.E There are no parameters to this command - CANCEL deletes the currentD news item. The user is prompted for confirmation before the command is executed.ww 1 CHECKPOINTF Checkpoint writes out the NEWSRC file with the current status of read and unread item information. E This effectively checkpoints the NEWSRC file with the current status information.ww@c1 CLEARB There are two sets of objects that can be cleared: MARKS and KILL D filters.2 MARK Format: CLEAR MARK [tag]I CLEAR MARK removes all marks of the specified tag from the mark list. IfI no tag value is specified then ALL marks are cleared. Otherwise only theI specified tag value is cleared. The wildcard character ('*') can be used7 in the tag field to clear a set of related tags: e.g.: CLEAR MARK x*2 KILL Format: CLEAR KILL [tag]H CLEAR KILL removes the kill filter with the specified tag from the killF list. If no tag valEue is specified then ALL kill filters are cleared.; Otherwise only the specified kill filter is cleared. e.g.: CLEAR KILL 3ww@c1 CLOSEJ Closes the currently open newsgroup, and the display is reset to the list of available newsgroups.I If you are currently reading a newsitem the display is reset to the news item directory screen.I The command "CLOSE MAIL" is equivalent to "CLOSE/MAIL". See the subtopic* "/MAIL" for a description of the command. 2 FQualifiers/MAIL /MAILG If the mail file is currently open through NEWS, CLOSE/MAIL will closeG the mail file and remove the groups which mapped the mail folders into NEWS.C The mail file can be subsequently opened by the OPEN/MAIL command.ww@c 1 COMPRESSB COMPRESS is a command which refers to MAIL, and may be used once? the MAIL file is opened within NEWS by the OPEN/MAIL command.; When you compress a file, the following four steps occur:? 1 GA temporary file named MAIL_nnnn_COMPRESS.TMP is created., (nnnn is a unique, four-digit number.)? 2 The contents (of the file to be compressed) are copied to( the temporary file and compressed.= 3 The original (uncompressed) file is renamed with a file type of OLD./ 4 The newly compressed file is renamed from7 MAIL_nnnn_COMPRESS.TMP back to its original name.ww1 COPY Format: COPY folderE The COPY command is only suHpported if the current selected item is aF personal mail item (See OPEN/MAIL). Copy places a copy of the current3 selected mail item into the nominated mail folder. 2 ParametersfolderD folder is the name of the destination mail folder for the item copy operation.ww1 CREATE 2 CONFERENCE See the Subtopic NEWSGROUPS2 GROUPS See the Subtopic NEWSGROUPS 2 NEWSGROUPS *MANAGEMENT COMMAND*0 CREATE NEWSGROUPS is a NEWS MANAGEMENT Command. FIormat: CREATE NEWSGROUPS newsgroup; Create is used to create new newsgroups on the local node. 2 Parameters NewsgroupH This parameter is the name of the newsgroup to create. If the newsgroupG does not exist on the local node, then the user is prompted to confirm& that the newsgroup should be created.D This parameter can also contain a comma separated list of newsgroup names to create. 2 Qualifiers /APPROVAL /APPROVAL [default] /NOAPPROVALJ Moderated newsgroJups require an Approved: header in all postings in orderI to be accepted by each local NEWS site. This approval requirement can beD removed by specifying the /NOAPPROVAL qualifier with the newsgroup./CACHE /CACHE=2 [default] /NOCACHE Format:< CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/SERVER=node/PROTO=TCP/CACHE=3D This qualifier is used to specify the retention period of the localA item cache. This cache is used if the newsgroup is defined as an6 NNTP-served newsgroup. /NOCACHE disableKs all caching./CONFIRM /CONFIRM [default] /NOCONFIRMK Normally NEWS will require confirmation in order to create new newsgroups.5 The /NOCONFIRM qualifier overrides this requirement./HOLD Format:# CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/HOLD=nJ This qualifier specifies the retention period (in days) of the newsgroup.G This retention period is defined as the period over which no new itemsI were posted to the newsgroup, after which the newsgroup is automatically= deleted. If n Lot specified, the system default value is used.H If the value "/HOLD=*" is used, the newsgroup will NOT be automaticallyG deleted. It is recommended that network-newsgroups be initially set up with a /HOLD=* value./IGNOREEXPIRES /IGNOREEXPIRES /NOIGNOREEXPIRES (Default)G NEWS items may contain an optional Expires: header specifying the dateH that the item should be retained until. By default NEWS will accept theJ Expires: headers, with a maximum retention period of 1 year and aM minimum of 3 days.K The system default retention periods can override any Expires: header on aA newsgroup-by-newsgroup basis using the /IGNOREEXPIRES qualifier./INQUIRE Format:4 CREATE NEWSGROUP */SERVER=node/PROTO=TCP/INQUIRE8 CREATE NEWSGROUP anu.*/SERVER=node/PROTO=TCP/INQUIREI This command interrogates the remote system and creates local newsgroupsE which do not already exist on the local system. The user is prompted) for each newsgroup before it is created.NG If no newsgroup is specified, then all newsgroups on the remote systemJ are matched against the local set. Otherwise a list of newsgroup patterns. can be used to limit the scope of the search. /ITEMHOLD Format:' CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/ITEMHOLD=nG This qualifier specifies the default retention period (in days) of theF items within this newsgroup. All news items will remain on the systemJ for the specified period, after which they will be automatically deleted.G If the va Olue "/ITEMHOLD=*" is used, NO items within the newsgroup willJ be automatically deleted. For network newsgroups a value of between 7 andI 14 is common. This is dependent on the available disk space for NEWS and$ level of activity in the newsgroup./LOCALG Newsgroups are defined by default to be network newsgroups - A networkF newsgroup is created in response to a network-wide "newgroup" controlC message, and is deleted in response to a network-wide "rmgroup" or "checkgroups" message. PF Newsgroups which are local to a site, or local to a domain within theD wider network are created with the "/LOCAL" qualifier. This ensuresH that the newsgroup will not be deleted by the network control messages. /MAILLIST /MAILLIST=addressD This qualifier sets the newsgroup as a mailing list newsgroup. ThisB is very similar to setting a moderated newsgroup with a number ofC alterations in the support of the newsgroup to act as an interface2 between the local news system and a mailiQng list.E The changes from the moderator model in order to support the mappingA of mailing lists into NEWS require the dropping of the Approval:D item header requirement for incoming items, and a forwarding of allC local postings to the mapped newsgroup to the mailing list address! without the normal NEWS headers.I The address used with this qualifier is the address of the mailing list. /MODERATOR Format0 CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/MODERATOR[=address]J This qualifier crea Rtes a moderated newsgroup. No user may post news itemsC directly into a moderated newsgroup (unless the user is the actualG moderator of the newsgroup). Any items posted into such newsgroups areJ redirected into the mail system, and are mailed directly to the moderator for moderator approval.H The moderator address is held in the file NEWS_MANAGER:MAILPATHS. If noH address is specified, the default addressing mechanism (as described inH the MAILPATHS file) is used. If a specific address isS used, the address! is stored in the MAILPATHS file.D The moderator address may be specified in either DECnet or Internet format (user@node.site.domain). /PROTOCOL Format:< CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/SERVER=node/PROTOCOL=protocolD This defines the transport protocol used by the NNTP server system.G Valid responses are either "DECNET", indicating that the remote systemD is connected via DECNET, or "TCP", indicating that the local VAX isF running the TCP/IP protocol suite, anTd the remote system is connected via TCP/IP. /RESTRICTF This qualifier creates a restricted newsgroup. A restricted newsgroup@ is one where access to the newsgroup is restricted to a list ofB members. The membership of the newsgroup is determined by the ADD2 MEMBER, DELETE MEMBER and MODIFY MEMBER commands./SERVER Format( CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/SERVER=nodeC Newsgroups can be "mapped" via the NNTP protocols to a remote NEWSA system. Such "served" newsgroups do not keeUp a local copy of the? item texts on the local system, but access the text on demand.? The /SERVER defines the newsgroup as a "served" newsgroup, andA also selects the node which is the actual server. (The node name; must be 6 characters or less). The related qualifiers are: /PROTOCOL /CACHE /INQUIRE /SINCE/SINCEB CREATE NEWSGROUP */SERVER=node/PROTO=TCP/INQUIRE/SINCE="1-JUL"E The /SINCE qualifier can be used in conjunction with the /INQUIRE toG limit tVhe search for new newsgroups to those created since a specified date.E The value for the qualifier is VMS date time format, and "YESTERDAY" is the default value./TITLE Format:3 CREATE NEWSGROUP newsgroup/TITLE="title-string"G Newsgroups may be created with a title string. This title is displayedC in the head of a newsgroup directory, and is intended as a (short)A description of the newsgroup. The string length is restricted to 124 characters./UPDATEF This qualifWier is used in conjunction with the /SERVED qualifier, andD directs NEWS to load the created newsgroup with the contents of the" NNTP server database immediately./WRITE /WRITE [default] /NOWRITE@ By default all newsgroups are writable by all users (there is aF qualification to this assertion - a set of newsgroups can be setup asF read-only by use of the NEWS_NETPOST/NEWS_NONETPOST identifiers - the2 newsgroup set refers to the /NOLOCAL newsgroups).B A newsgroup can be setup asX a read-only newsgroup by the command:! CREATE NEWSGROUP name/NOWRITEF Once a newsgroup has been set as /NOWRITE only those users with writeE permission can post to this newsgroup (see ADD MEMBER to grant write permission to a username).ww 1 CROSSPOSTJ CROSSPOST copies the current item into another newsgroup (or newsgroups).B This is equivalent to the command sequence of EXTRACT followed byD POST/NOEDIT. The original headers of the item are re-edited by thYis5 command to record the user performing the crosspost.J The command will prompt for the target newsgroup to crosspost the current item to.K The command can also be used to transfer mail items into NEWS by selectingK the mail item (after performing an OPEN/MAIL), then CROSSPOSTing this itemB to newsgroups. The reverse is NOT possible - news items cannot be1 CROSSPOSTed into private MAIL folder newsgroups.ww1 DEFINEB This command must be used with the qualZifier /KEY to define a key equivalence string. 2 Qualifiers/KEYG Associates an equivalence string and a set of attributes with a key on7 the terminal keyboard. The /KEY qualifier is required. Format:) DEFINE/KEY key-name equivalence-string 3 Parameterskey-nameC Specifies the name of the key that you are defining. The following= table gives the key names in column one. The remaining threeE columns indicate the key designations on the keyboards for the three= diffe[rent types of terminals that allow key definitions. AllD definable keys on VT52 terminals are located on the numeric keypad.E On VT100-type terminals you can define the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keysE as well as all the keys on the numeric keypad. There are three typesC of keys that can be defined on terminals with LK201 keyboards: (1)D keys on the numeric keypad, (2) keys on the editing keypad, and (3)C keys on the function key row across the top of the terminal. (Note5 that you cannot define \function keys F1 through F5.): Key-name LK201 VT100-type VT52< PF1 PF1 PF1 [blue]; PF2 PF2 PF2 [red]< PF3 PF3 PF3 [gray]9 PF4 PF4 PF4 - -? KP0,KP1,...,KP9 0,1,...,9 0,1,...,9 0,1,...,97 PERIOD . . .9 COMMA , , ] n/a9 MINUS - - n/a; ENTER Enter ENTER ENTER; LEFT |<--| |<--| |<--|; RIGHT |-->| |-->| |-->|: E1 Find - - - -: E2 Insert Here - - - -: E3 Remove - - - -: E4 Select - - - -: ^ HELP Help - - - -: DO Do - - - -: F6,F7,...,F20 F6,F7,...,F20 - - - -= Some definable keys are enabled for definition all the time.E Others, including KP0 through KP9, PERIOD, COMMA, and MINUS, need toB be enabled for definition purposes. You must issue either the SETD TERMINAL/APPLICATION or SET TERMINAL/NONUMERIC command before using these keys.C The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys and_ the F6 through F14 function keys? are reserved for command line editing. You must issue the SET< TERMINAL/NOLINE_EDITING command before defining these keys.equivalence-stringA Specifies the string which is to be processed when you press the@ key. If the string contains any spaces, enclose the equivalence string in quotation marks. 3 Qualifiers/ECHO /ECHO /NOECHOA Determines whether or not the equivalence string is displayed onB your screen after the key has been pres`sed. The default is /ECHO.8 You cannot use /NOECHO with the /NOTERMINATE qualifier./ERASE /ERASE /NOERASED Determines whether or not the current line is erased before the key2 translation is inserted. The default is /NOERASE. /IF_STATE /IF_STATE=(state-name,...) /NOIF_STATE@ Specifies a list of one or more states, one of which must be in? effect for the key definition to be in effect. If you omit theC /IF_STATE qualifier or use /NOIF_STATE, the current state is used.A T ahe state name is an alphanumeric string. States are established= with the /SET_STATE qualifier or the SET KEY command. If you> specify only one state name, you can omit the parentheses. ByE including several state names, you can define a key to have the same& function in all the specified states. /LOCK_STATE /LOCK_STATE /NOLOCK_STATEC Specifies that the state set by the /SET_STATE qualifier remain in> effect until explicitly changed. If you use the /NOLOCK_STATEA qualifier, the stbate set by /SET_STATE is in effect only for theC next definable key that you press or for the next read terminating character that you type.D The default is /NOLOCK_STATE. The /LOCK_STATE qualifier can only be) specified with the /SET_STATE qualifier. /SET_STATE /SET_STATE=state-name /NOSET_STATEC Causes the specified state-name to be set when the key is pressed./ The state name can be any alphanumeric string.E If you omit the SET_STATE qualifier or use /NOSET_STATE, the cucrrentB state that was locked remains in effect. If you have not included> this qualifier with a key definition, you can use the SET KEY% command to change the current state. /TERMINATE /TERMINATE /NOTERMINATEA Specifies whether or not the current equivalence string is to be= terminated (that is, processed) when the key is pressed. TheE default is /NOTERMINATE, which allows you to press other keys beforeB the equivalence string is processed. Pressing RETURN has the same effect das using /TERMINATE.E The /NOTERMINATE qualifier allows you to create key definitions thatB insert text into command lines, after prompts, or into other text that you are typing.ww1 DELETEE DELETE is used to delete a user-entered marker on a newsitem, or canD be used to delete news items or newsgroups from the local database.F Deleting a news item can only be performed by the local news manager,F or the moderator of the relevant newsgroup, and newsgroup deleteion is& restricted to the local news manager.I DELETE takes a second, optional parameter, the type of entity to delete.F If this parameter is omitted, then the current screen context is usedE to determine what to delete. If the screen is displaying a newsgroupC directory, then the current directory is deleted. If the screen isI displaying a news item directory, then the current news item is deleted.2 ALIAS Format: DELETE ALIAS newsgroup< Delete Alias removes the alias associfated with a newsgroup.2 ENTRY0 Delete a class entry from the user's class set. Format: DELETE ENTRY newsgroup-nameH If the /CLASS qualifier is not specified, then this command removes the7 specified newsgroup from the currently selected class.D If the newsgroup-name is the "*" character, then all newsgroups areF removed from the current class, and this class definition is deleted. 3 Qualifiers/CLASS /CLASS=class-nameG Specifies a class from which the newsgroup gis to be deleted. To deleteG the entry from all classes use the wildcard character "*" as the class name.2 GROUPS See the subtopic NEWSGROUPS.2 ITEMS See the subtopic NEWSITEMS. 2 NEWSGROUPS *MANAGEMENT COMMAND* Format:& DELETE NEWSGROUPS [newsgroup-list]C DELETE NEWSGROUPS deletes newsgroups from the local NEWS database.D By default the current newsgroup is deleted, or a list of newsgroupE names may be specified. The newsgroup names may include the wildchard- character '*' to delete a set of newsgroups. e.g. DELETE NEWSGROUPS aug.*,test 3 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRM [Default] /NOCONFIRME Determines whether NEWS will prompt for confirmation before deletingE each newsgroup. Valid responses are 'Y', 'N', or ^Z to terminate the current DELETE command. 2 NEWSITEMS *MANAGEMENT COMMAND* Format:! DELETE NEWSITEMS [note-range]E DELETE NEWSITEMS deletes newsitems from the local NEWS database. The/ iteims are selected from the current newsgroup.B By default the current newsitem is deleted, or a list of newsitem@ numbers may be specified. The wildcard character '*' is used toC denote ALL newsitems within the newsgroup. A range of items may be5 specified using a '-' separator between two numbers. e.g. DELETE NEWSITEMS 1,5-10,16 3 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRM [Default] /NOCONFIRME Determines whether NEWS will prompt for confirmation before deletingD each newsitemj. Valid responses are 'Y', 'N', or ^Z to terminate the current DELETE command. /IDENTIFIER /IDENTIFIER=""? This qualifier deletes the newsitem with the specified message@ identifier. If no identifier is given, NEWS will prompt for the? identifier string. Note that the identifier value includes the> '<' and '>' characters and as it is case sensitive, should be& enclosed in '"' quotation characters.D If /IDENTIFIER is used, this excludes the use of a set of news item nkumbers in the command.2 NOTE See the subtopic NEWSITEMS.2 MARKER Format: DELETE MARKER tagI DELETE MARKER removes all marks of the specified tag from the mark list.I The wildcard character ('*') can be used in the tag field to clear a set of related tags: e.g.: DELETE MARKER x*2 MEMBER *MANAGEMENT COMMAND*) DELETE MEMBER is a NEWS MANAGER command. Format: DELETE MEMBER usernameE This command deletes the specified username from the membershlip listF of the current newsgroup. Either MANAGER or SUPERVISOR privileges are required for this command.ww@ 1 DEREGISTER Format: DEREGISTER [newsgroup]E Removes your registration from a newsgroup. The newsgroup may eitherF be specified as a parameter to the command, or, if not specified, the# current newsgroup is deregistered. 2 Parameters newsgroupE This parameter is used unless /ALL is specified. The parameter valueG is the newsgroup to remmove from the registered list. If not specified,' the current newsgroup is deregistered. 2 Qualifiers/ALL@ This qualifier removes all newsgroups from the registered list.wwS 1 DIRECTORYG This command is used to display a directory of either local newsgroups" or news items within a newsgroup. 2 Qualifiers/ALLH DIR/ALL resets the newsgroup directory to display all local newsgroups./ This resets the actions of DIR/NEW or DIR/REG./CLASS /CLASS=clnassnameG Displays a newsgroup directory, listing all newsgroups which have been' assigned into the specified classname.5 To display all newsgroups the classname "*" is used./ITEMSF This opens the 'current' newsgroup and displays the newsitem for thatE newsgroup. This command is equivalent to the basic 'SELECT' command./NEWB DIR/NEW sets the newsgroup directory screen to only display those= newsgroups in which you are registered, and there are unread# newsitems within thosoe newsgroups. /NEWSGROUPSJ This command moves the context of NEWS to the newsgroup directory screen.7 This command is equivalent to the 'NEWSGROUP' command. /REGISTERH DIR/REGISTER sets the newsgroup directory screen to display entries for. those newsgroups in which you are registered./RESET? This clears the internal memory copy of the NEWS database, andB reads a new copy of the database from the master index files into memory./SINCE /SINCE=dateF This displays allp newsgroups which have had new items posted into theD newsgroup since the date specified. The date value of the qualifierC is in standard VMS date-time format. If no value is given for this qualifier, "TODAY" is assumed. /UNREGISTERED> This command selects all unregistered newsgroups for display.ww 1 DISPLAY Format: DISPLAY filename? This command displays the specified file using the same screen2 management routines as used to display news item.qww`n1 DOWN Format: DOWN DOWN NumberG In screen mode this moves the cursor down one line. The command has an> optional numeric parameter, the number of lines to move down.K This command may be used with the newsgroup directory, news item directory or news text displays.H The command "DOWN 1" is equivalent to the down arrow key, and "DOWN 18"& is equivalent to the Next Screen key. 2 ParametersNumber? This parameter specifies the number of lrines to move down. If omitted, the default is 1 lineww`n1 EDIT Format: EDIT filenameE This allows you to edit a file from within NEWS. The NEWS editor (byB default the TPU editor, but this is user-defined by the NEWS_EDIT* logical name) is called to edit the file. 2 ParametersFilename( Specifies the name of the file to edit.ww1 EXIT4 EXIT from NEWS. Ctrl-Z is also interpreted as EXIT.H On exit from NEWS a new regis ster file is written out to SYS$LOGIN. ThisH file, "newsrc", contains the list of registered newsgroups, read/unread; newsitems, the marked item list and the kill filter lines.J The context file is used to determine which news items are unread, and isH also used to re-establish context on the next invocation of NEWS -- TheI next invocation of NEWS will restore the screen displays to the state atI which the 'EXIT' command was entered. On exit any pending print requests$ are released into thet print queues.ww 1 EXTRACTE EXTRACT copies the current news item into an output file. OptionallyD EXTRACT may also be used to create directory listing into an output file. Format:! EXTRACT filename [item-range] 2 ParametersFilenameB This specifies the name of the file to contain the extracted news item text. Item-rangeE This parameter is a list of item numbers to be extracted. By default the current item is selected. 2 Qualifiers/AuLLH This qualifier specifies that all items in the specified item-range are to be extracted./APPEND /APPEND /NOAPPEND [default]E Appends the extracted items to the output file. If the file does notG exist, it is created. The default action is /NOAPPEND, which creates a8 new version of the output file for each item extracted./AUTHOR /AUTHOR=addressH Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which were posted( by the user with the specified address./BvEFORE /BEFORE=date-timeI Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which were entered@ before the specified date. The time is specified in VMS format. /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY=NEWSGROUPS /DIRECTORY=NEWSGROUPTITLES /DIRECTORY=NEWSITEMSB This qualifier alters the EXTRACT function to list a directory of> newsgroups, or a directory of newsitems into the output file.A If the qualifier does not have a value, then the current displayA context is used to dete wrmine whether the directory listing is of newsgroups or newsitems.A If the NEWSGROUPS value is used with /DIRECTORY then the defaultE action is to list a directory of all defined newsgroups to the file.? The second parameter (note-range) may be used to list a set of newsgroups.C If the NEWSGROUPTITLES value is used then a list of newsgroups andA their titles is created. Such a file may be used as the basis of! a "checkgroups" control message.E If the NEWSITEMS value is used wixth this qualifier, then the defaultE action is to list all newsitems in the current newsgroup. The second5 parameter may be used to supply a list of newsitems. Examples:5 EXTRACT/DIR=NEWSGROUPS newsgroups.dir comp,comp.*" EXTRACT/DIR=NEWSITEMS 23-50,60/FROM /FROM=addressH Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which were posted( by the user with the specified address./HEADER /HEADER [default] /NOHEADERF Specifies whether the item header linyes are included in the extracted output/MARKER /MARKER=tag-listF This may be specified instead of an item-range, and selects all items5 which have been marked with the specified tag value./ROT13; The extracted text is encrypted using the rot13 algorithm./SEEN= Marks the extracted items as having been viewed by the user./SINCE /SINCE=date-timeI Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which were entered? after the specified date. The time is spezcified in VMS format./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="string"E Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which have theF specified string as a substring of the item subject title. The string' should be enclosed in quotation marks./TITLE /TITLE="string"E Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which have theF specified string as a substring of the item subject title. The string' should be enclosed in quotation marks./UNREADA Extracts only those items in th{e specified item-range which have not been seen by the user./UNSEENA Extracts only those items in the specified item-range which have not been seen by the user.ww 1 FOLLOWUP@ FOLLOWUP is used to post a reply to a news item back into NEWS.G If your system is configured into a news network, this reply item will) also be distributed through the network.C NEWS will fill in all defaulting news headers, and will prompt forD all header items which are non-|defaulting (the subject line and the# newsgroups to post the item into).@ If the newsgroups for the posting are moderated, the posting isG automatically re-directed as mail to the moderator address (as defined in the MAILPATHS file).C The editor is invoked to form the reply, with the edit buffer pre-+ loaded with the text of the original item.= The default editor is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user, definable (see the subtopic Logical_names). 2 Qualifiers/EXTRACT /EX}TRACT Default /NOEXTRACTI This qualifier causes NEWS to pre-load the edit buffer with the contentsK of the posting to which the followup is addressed. The original posting is" enclosed in quotation characters /HEADERS /NOHEADERS - DefaultD Followup will normally prompt for the subject of the posting, and a* list of newsgroups to post the item into.D The /HEADERS qualifier will force prompting for optional components& of the item header. These fields are:1 Summary - A ~one line summary of the postingF Reply-To - Mail address for REPLYing to the item (used if repliesF are to be sent to an address different from the poster of the news)E Distribution - a list of keywords designed to limit the distributionA of a news item to a subject of the network. TheseD keywords are site specific, but commonly include the@ keywords "local" (do not forward to the net) andE "world" (forward as far as possible through the net).E Followup-To - The list of newsgroups where followup postings are toE be sent. This is used to move a discussion to another newsgroup.D Keywords - A few relevant, pithy keywords which should indicate< to other readers if the item is of interest./SELFC A copy of the NEWS posting will be mailed as VMS MAIL to yourself./ROT13I This qualifier directs NEWS to use the rot13 encryption algorithm on the! body of the text before posting.ww 1 FORWARDE Invokes VMS MAIL, to send a copy of the current news item to another# user (or yourself if so inclined). FORWARD and MAIL are synonyms. 2 Qualifiers/TO /TO=user /TO=(user,user)F Specifies the VMS MAIL address of the users to receive the mail. This? may be a user name, or a list of names, and may also include a& distribution list file specification.: If not specified, the user is prompted for the /TO value./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="text string"6 Specifies the subject of the message for the heading.? If not specified, the user is prompted for the /SUBJECT value./EDIT /EDIT - Default /NOEDIT: Invokes the editor the item text before mailing the item.= The default editor is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user definable./MEMBERSD If the newsgroup is restricted to a set of members, then specifyingB FORWARD/MEMBERS, personal mail will be sent to all members of the restricted newsgroup./SELF /NOSELFG By default a copy of the mail message will be sent to yourself if yourD mail profile specifies "copy_self forward". The /SELF (or /NOSELF)" qualifier overrides this default./HEADERSG By default the news item headers are stripped off the item text beforeG it is mailed. This qualifier loads the item header lines into the mail( buffer as well as the body of the text.ww`1 KILLB The KILL facility allows the user to filter out all messages of aI particular class - the READ/NEW command will mark such filtered items asF having been read without displaying the text of the item to the user,- and search forward for the next unread item.J The KILL filter works on four attributes for a match: the newsgroup name,I the subject line, the sender's address and any other single header line.F Of these attributes only one of the subject line and sender's addressC need be specified. Thus i t is possible to filter all postings by aJ particular sender in all newsgroups, or filter a conversation stream fromH a particular newsgroup, or filter all postings from a particular sender( within a specified conversation stream.E The KILL command adds entries to the kill filter list. Removing killJ filters is performed by the CLEAR KILL command, and existing kill filters- can be edited using the MODIFY KILL command.H The KILL command has three qualifiers: /SUBJECT, /FROM and /HEADER. TheG /SUBJECT qualifier directs NEWS to add the current item's subject lineF to the kill filter set, and the /FROM directs NEWS to add the currentG item's From: line to the kill filter set. The /HEADER qualifier allowsK you to specify any other header line you wish to use to define the filter.E The command will then prompt for the set of newsgroups to which thisG filter will be applied. The default value is the current newsgroup butI more newsgroups may be specified using wildcard notation ('*') or a list of newsgroups. 2 Qualifiers/FROM= Add the current item's From: address to the kill filter set./SUBJECT= Add the current item's Subject: line to the kill filter set./HEADER /HEADER="string"E Add a pattern to match against all headers into the kill filter. ForD example, to filter all postings from a particular node address, the command is: KILL/HEADER="From: *@node.*"A The text is matched against all header lines of the item, and if, any lines match, the item is not displayed.ww*1 LASTI If the screen is currently at the newsgroup level, LAST will select (and/ open) the last newsgroup in the displayed set.H If the screen is currently at the newsitem level, LAST will display the' last message in the current newsgroup. Format: LAST 2 Qualifiers/EDITOR /EDITORD Use a callable editor in read-only mode to display the newsitem. ByI default this is the TPU editor, but this may be altered by the NEWS_VIEW< logical name. See the section on NEWS settings for details.H For compatibility with previous versions of NEWS, /TPU is equivalent to /EDITOR./HEADER /HEADERJ Directs NEWS to display all header lines of the newsitem. By default onlyG the subject line, sender address and date of the item are shown in the display./ROT13 /ROT13J Some newsitems are posted using rot13 encryption. This qualifier decrypts the newsitem for display.ww*1 MAILE Invokes VMS MAIL, to send a copy of the current news item to another# user (or yourself if so inclined). FORWARD and MAIL are synonyms. 2 Qualifiers/TO /TO=user /TO=(user,user)F Specifies the VMS Mail address of the users to receive the mail. This? may be a user name, or a list of names, and may also include a& distribution list file specification.: If not specified, the user is prompted for the /TO value./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="text string"6 Specifies the subject of the message for the heading.? If not specified, the user is prompted for the /SUBJECT value./EDIT /EDIT [default] /NOEDITG Invokes the editor to allow the item text to be edited before mailing.= The default editor is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user, definable (see the subtopic Logical_names)./SELF /NOSELFG By default a copy of the mail message will be sent to yourself if yourD mail profile specifies "copy_self forward". The /SELF (or /NOSELF)" qualifier overrides this default./HEADERSG By default the news item headers are stripped off the item text beforeG it is mailed. This qualifier loads the item header lines into the mail( buffer as well as the body of the text.ww1 MARK Format: MARK [tag] [item-number]B MARK places a mark against the current newsitem. This item can beG selected at a later stage by the READ/MARK or SELECT/MARK commands, or# printed by the PRINT/MARK command.G If no tag value is specified then the default tag, "mark" is used. AnyI tag value may be specified - tag values are words (no space characters).I If an item number is specified then the specified item is marked, rather& than the default of the current item.ww@71 MODIFYF Allows the user to modify the class set of a newsgroup, or the user'sE kill filter set. MODIFY also allows the local NEWS Manager to modify. the membership list of restricted newsgroups.2 ALIAS Format) MODIFY ALIAS newsgroup newsgroup-aliasM This command redefines a newsgroup to an alias name. The effect of the aliasI is to map all subsequent incoming batches and local postings directed toH the named newsgroup to the alias name. The alias may be either a single( newsgroup name of a list of newsgroups.2 ENTRY Format:/ MODIFY ENTRY newsgroup/CLASSES=(class-list)7 Alters the classes to which the newsgroup is assigned. 3 Qualifiers/CLASSES /CLASSES=(class-list)D Specifies a new list of classes to which the specified newsgroup is assigned.2 KILL Format: MODIFY KILL tagG MODIFY KILL allows existing kill filters to be edited. The kill filterB with the nominated tag is displayed, then each of the four filterG attributes (sender, subject, newsgroup and header line pattern) can be2 edited (using the command line editor functions).? If all four attributes are cleared then the filter is deleted.2 MEMBER2 MODIFY MEMBER is a local NEWS MANAGEMENT command. Format: MODIFY MEMBER usernameH This command allows a newsgroup supervisor or the local NEWS manager toB modify an entry in the membership list of a restricted newsgroup. 3 Qualifiers/MAIL /MAIL=mail-address0 Sets or changes the e-mail address of the user./NAME /NAME=username$ Modifies the username of the entry. /PRIVILEGES /PRIVILEGES=new-priv-listI Sets the user's newsgroup-privileges to the specified values. The values for the privileges are:0 SUPERVISE - grant local supervisor privilege@ WRITE - allow write access to a write-protected newsgroup$ NOWRITE - disallow write accessww 1 MOVE Format: MOVE folderE The MOVE command is only supported if the current selected item is aK personal mail item (See OPEN/MAIL). MOVE removes the item from the current< mail folder and places it into the destination mail folder. 2 ParametersfolderD folder is the name of the destination mail folder for the item move operation.ww 1 NEWSGROUPSA In screen mode this pops the display stack back to the newsgroup directory screen.ww 1 NEXTE NEXT displays the next item in the current newsgroup. The command isH equivalent to READ/NEXT, displaying the next item in the currently open newsgroup.H The commands NEXT NOTE and NEXT TOPIC are synonyms for the command NEXT 2 Qualifiers/HEADERJ Directs NEWS to display all header lines of the newsitem. By default onlyG the subject line, sender address and date of the item are shown in the display./EDITORD Use a callable editor in read-only mode to display the newsitem. ByI default this is the TPU editor, but this may be altered by the NEWS_VIEWC logical name. See the chapter on customizing NEWS for details. ForD compatibility with previous versions of NEWS, /TPU is equivalent to /EDITOR./ROT13I Some newsitem are posted using rot13 encryption. This qualifier decrypts the newsitem for display.2 REPLYF NEXT REPLY displays the next item in the current newsgroup within theK same conversation stream as the current item. The command is equivalent toK READ/FOLLOWUP, displaying the next item in the currently open conversation stream. 3 Qualifiers/HEADERJ Directs NEWS to display all header lines of the newsitem. By default onlyG the subject line, sender address and date of the item are shown in the display./EDITORD Use a callable editor in read-only mode to display the newsitem. ByI default this is the TPU editor, but this may be altered by the NEWS_VIEWC logical name. See the chapter on customizing NEWS for details. ForD compatibility with previous versions of NEWS, /TPU is equivalent to /EDITOR./ROT13J Some newsitems are posted using rot13 encryption. This qualifier decrypts the newsitem for display.2 UNSEENH NEXT UNSEEN displays the next unseen item in the current newsgroup. The# command is equivalent to READ/NEW. 3 Qualifiers/HEADERJ Directs NEWS to display all header lines of the newsitem. By default onlyG the subject line, sender address and date of the item are shown in the display./EDITORD Use a callable editor in read-only mode to display the newsitem. ByI default this is the TPU editor, but this may be altered by the NEWS_VIEWC logical name. See the chapter on customizing NEWS for details. ForD compatibility with previous versions of NEWS, /TPU is equivalent to /EDITOR./ROT13J Some newsitems are posted using rot13 encryption. This qualifier decrypts the newsitem for display.wwy 1 NOSCREEN4 Turns off screen mode and enters line command mode.wwy1 OPENG OPEN changes newsgroup context to the nominated newsgroup. The commandC normally takes one parameter, the name of the newsgroup to select.7 OPEN is functionally equivalent to the SELECT command. Example:' OPEN test ... to open newsgroup testG The command "OPEN MAIL" is functionally equivalent to "OPEN/MAIL". See8 the subtopic "/MAIL" for a description of this command. 2 Qualifiers/MAIL /MAILA This qualifier is used to open the user's mail file into privateB newsgroups. The primary mailfile of the user is mapped into NEWS,2 using a different newsgroup for each mail folder.1 Newsgroup names are generated using the pattern:& .mail.F Most of the commands which can be applied to newsgroups and newsitemsI will perform the same actions in these mail-mapped newsgroups and items.; The mail mapping is closed with the "CLOSE/MAIL" command. /MARK /MARK [=tag]H This command moves the current item pointer to the NEXT newsitem markedI with the specified tag value. If no tag value is specified than the next" item marked with any tag is used./NEW /NEW@ This qualifier is used in place of a newsgroup to open the nextF registered newsgroup which contains unread news items. If the current> newsgroup contains unread items, then no action is performed.ww 1 POSTF POST is used to post news items into the local NEWS database. If yourA system is configured into a news network, this item will also be! distributed through the network.C NEWS will fill in all defaulting news headers, and will prompt forD all header items which are non-defaulting (the subject line and the# newsgroups to post the item into).@ If the newsgroups for the posting are moderated, the posting is< automatically re-directed as mail to the moderator address. Format: POST POST [filename] 2 ParametersfilenameD The name of the file containing the text of the item to post. If no= filename is given, the editor is invoked with an empty file. 2 Qualifiers/CONTROLD The Subject: header is duplicated as the Control: header line. This is a NEWS MANAGER qualifier./EDIT /EDIT [default /NOEDITA Invokes the editor to edit the post file. If no post filename isE specified, the editor call is forced, otherwise the edit call can be# disabled by the /NOEDIT qualifier.= The default editor is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user, definable (see the subtopic Logical_names)./HEADERS /NOHEADERS - DefaultE Post will normally prompt for the subject of the posting, and a list% of newsgroups to post the item into. D The /HEADERS qualifier will force prompting for optional components& of the item header. These fields are:1 Summary - A one line summary of the postingF Reply-To - Mail address for REPLYing to the item (used if repliesF are to be sent to an address different from the poster of the news)E Distribution - a list of keywords designed to limit the distributionA of a news item to a subject of the network. TheseD keywor ds are site specific, but commonly include the@ keywords "local" (do not forward to the net) andE "world" (forward as far as possible through the net).D Followup-To - The list of newsgroups where followup postings are toD be sent. This is used to move a discussion to another newsgroup.D Keywords - A few relevant, pithy keywords which should indicate< to other readers if the item is of interest. /NEWSGROUPS /NEWSGROUPS=newsgroup-list? This qualifier specifies the list of newsgroups to receive the? posting. If this qualifier value is not specified, the user is prompted for the newsgroups./ROT13? The posting is encrypted using the rot13 encryption algorithm./SELF /NOSELFC A copy of the NEWS posting will be mailed as VMS MAIL to yourself./SUBJECT /SUBJECT=text stringI The subject line, or title of the posting. If this qualifier is omitted,$ the user is prompted for a subject.ww` 1 PRINT Format: PRINT [item-range]1 PRINT submits a print job into the print queues.B By default the print job is only submitted at the end of the NEWSG session, but this can be altered, by specifying the /NOWAIT qualifier,& to an immediate print job submission.A If no item-range is specified the current newsitem is submitted.H There are three qualifier sets: qualifiers which affect the print mode,C qualifiers which select the items and their print formats, and the# standard VMS print job qualifiers.E Print mode is by default to print newsitem contents (item mode). TheB /DIRECTORY qualifier is used to select directory mode, where NEWS# directory listings may be printed.B If the item mode is used then the default is to print the currentF newsitem. This behavior may be altered by selecting a range of items,4 with selection criteria also applied by qualifiers. 2 Parameters item-rangeA Specifies one or more items to be printed. The item-spec is the= item number in the current newsgroup. If you specify two or= more items, separate the item numbers with either commas orD plus signs. The PRINT command concatenates the items into a singleD print job and by default, gives the job the name of the first file specified.C A range of items can be specified by separating the start and end numbers by a minus.C All items within the current newsgroup can be specified by a '*'.F For example, to print items 3 to 10, 20 and 22 to 25 the command is: PRINT 3-10,20,22-25 2 Qualifiers/WAIT /WAIT [default] /NOWAITG Specifies whether the job is to be submitted at the end of the current7 NEWS session (/WAIT) or printed immediately (/NOWAIT). /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY=optionJ This qualifier modifies the PRINT command to print a directory listing ofB all newsgroups, or of all newsitems within a newsgroup instead of printing a newsitem./ The options available with this qualifier are: /DIRECTORY=NEWSGROUPS? prints a directory listing of all newsgroups. "GROUPS" is an, alternative option value for this action. /DIRECTORY=NEWSITEMS7 prints a directory listing of the current newsgroup.E "ITEMS" and "NOTES" are alternative option values for this action. /NEWSGROUPS /NEWSGROUPS=(group-list)F Specifies the newsgroups for which the directory mode is to apply. By' default the current newsgroup is used./ALLE Selects all news items in the current newsgroup for printing. If theG newsgroup contains a large number of items this could seriously affect? your disk quota (as well as risking the possibility of printer meltdown!)./AUTHOR /AUTHOR=mail-addressG Specifies that only those items (from the specified item-range) postedG from the specified mail address are to be printed. This qualifier is a synonym for /FROM./FROM /FROM=mail-addressG Specifies that only those items (from the specified item-range) postedG from the specified mail address are to be printed. This qualifier is a synonym for /AUTHOR./HEADER /HEADER [default] /NOHEADERI Specifies whether or not to include the full item headers in the printed text./LOCAL /LOCALD Specifies that printing is to be performed by the local terminal's F printer. This qualifier cannot be used with the /QUEUE qualifier or C any qualifiers intended strictly for use with line-printer queues I (BURST, FLAG, etc.). The /QUEUE qualifier will override this qualifier./MARKER /MARKER [=tag]E Specifies that only those items marked with one of the specified tag values are to be saved./SEEN Marks the printed item as seen./SINCE /SINCE=date-timeI Specifies that only those items (selected from the specified item-range)7 postmarked after the specified date are to be printed./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="string"F Print only those items (selected from the specified item-range) whichJ contain the specified string within the item subject line. This qualifier is a synonym for /TITLE./TITLE /TITLE="string"F Print only those items (selected from the specified item-range) whichJ contain the specified string within the item subject line. This qualifier is a synonym for /SUBJECT./UNREADF Print only those items (selected from the specified item-range) which= have not been read. This qualifier is a synonym for /UNSEEN./UNSEENF Print only those items (selected from the specified item-range) which= have not been read. This qualifier is a synonym for /UNREAD./AFTER /AFTER=time /NOAFTERD Requests that the job not be printed until a specific time of day.F You can specify either an absolute time or a combination of absoluteF and delta times. See Section 2.5 of the VAX/VMS DCL Concepts Manual5 for complete information on specifying time values.A If the specified time has already passed, the job is queued for printing immediately./BEFORE /BEFORE[=time] /NOBEFORE? Selects only those newsitems dated before the specified time.F You can specify either an absolute time or a combination of absoluteE and delta times. See Section 2.5 of the VAX/VMS DCL Concepts ManualB for complete information on specifying time values. You can also@ use the keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY. If no time is specified, TODAY is assumed./BURST /BURST[=keyword] /NOBURSTD Controls whether a bur st page is printed preceding a file. A burst> page precedes a flag page and contains the same information.D However, it is printed over the perforation between the burst pageE and the flag page. The printing on the perforation makes it easy toE see where individual print jobs or individual files within a single print job begin.B When you specify /BURST, you need not specify /FLAG; a flag page% automatically follows a burst page.A If the /BURST qualifier can take either of two k eywords: ALL orB ONE. The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job will beC preceded by a burst page and flag page. The ONE keyword indicatesB that a burst page will apply only to the first copy of the first file in the job.C Use the /[NO]BURST qualifier to override the installation-definedB defaults that have been set for the printer queue you are using./CHARACTERISTICS( /CHARACTERISTICS=(characteristic[,...])G Specifies one or more characteristics desired for printi ng the files.: If you specify only one characteristic, you can omit theC parentheses. Characteristics can refer to such things as color ofE ink. Codes for characteristics can be either names or values from 03 to 127 and are installation-defined. Use the SHOWF QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command to see which characteristics have beenA defined for your system. Use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL command to see< which characteristics are available on a particular queue.9 A print job can execute on a printer queue only if eachC characteristic specified with the PRINT command is also specifiedD for that particular printer queue. If you specify a characteristicD that has not been specified for that particular printer queue, theC job remains in a pending status. (In order for your job to print,A the system manager should stop the queue, physically change theC characteristics of the printer, and restart the queue, specifying; the new values listed in the /CHARACTERISTICS qualifier.)@ Specification of a characteristic for a printer queue does notA prevent jobs that do not specify that characteristic from being executed./CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)C Controls whether a request is issued before each individual PRINTE operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file.= When the system issues the prompt, you can issue any of the following responses: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE  1 0 ALL F You can use any combination of upper- and lowercase letters for wordE responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more lettersE (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE). Affirmative answers are YES,D TRUE, and 1. Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and . QUIT orB CTRL/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command atA that point. When you respond with ALL, the command continues toC process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a responseC other than one of those in the list, the prompt will be reissued./COPIES /COPIES=nF Specifies the number of copies to print. Any number of copies, fromA 1 through 255, may be specified. By default, the PRINT command. prints a single copy of the specified files.D Each file in the parameter list is printed the specified number of times./FEED /FEED (default) /NOFEEDE Controls whether the PRINT command automatical ly inserts form feedsD when it nears the end of a page. Use of the /FEED qualifier causesF the PRINT command to insert a form feed when the printer reaches theF bottom margin of the form. The number of lines per form can be resetC by the /FORM qualifier. You can suppress this automatic form feedE (without affecting any of the other carriage control functions that/ are in place) by using the /NOFEED qualifier.J The /[NO]FEED qualifier may be used to override the installation-defined B defaults that have been set for the printer queue you are using./FLAG /FLAG[=keyword] /NOFLAGD Controls whether a flag page is printed preceding a file. The flagF page contains the name of the user submitting the job, the job entry= number, and other information about the file being printed.B The /FLAG qualifier can take either of two keywords: ALL or ONE.= The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job will beE preceded by a flag page. The ONE keyword indicates that a flag pageA will apply only to the first copy of the first file in the job.B Use the /[NO]FLAG qualifier to override the installation-definedB defaults that have been set for the printer queue you are using./FORM /FORM=typeF Specifies the name or number of the form that you want for the print job.C Specify the form type using a numeric value or alphanumeric name.F Form types can refer to the print image width and length or the typeB of paper. Codes for form types a re installation-defined. You canF use the SHOW QUEUE/FORM command to find out the form types availableB for your system. Use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL command to find out theG name of the mounted form and the default form for a particular queue.F If you specify a form whose stock is different from the stock of theB form mounted on the queue, your job is placed in a pending stateB until the stock of the mounted form of the queue is set equal toB the stock of the form associated with the job. (In order to haveF your job print, the system manager should stop the queue, physicallyD change the paper stock on the output device, and restart the queue4 specifying the new form type as the mounted form.)/HOLD /HOLD /NOHOLD (default)B Controls whether the file is available for printing immediately.D If you specify /HOLD, the job is not released for processing untilD you specifically release it with the /NOHOLD or /RELEASE qualifier! of the SET QUEUE/ENTRY command. /JOB_COUNT /JOB_COUNT=nG Requests that the entire job be printed n times, where n is a decimal integer from 1 to 255.% By default the job is printed once. /LOWERCASE /LOWERCASE /NOLOWERCASE (default)A Indicates whether the job must be printed on a printer that can- print both uppercase and lowercase letters.= By default, files can be printed on printers that have only uppercase letters./NAME /NAME=job-nameE Defines a name string to identify the job. The name string can haveA from 1 to 39 characters. The job name is used in the SHOW QUEUE> command display and is printed on the flag page for the job.C If you do not specify /NAME, the name string defaults to the file. name of the first, or only, file in the job./NOTE /NOTE=stringD Allows you to specify a message to appear on the flag page for the3 job. The string can contain up to 255 characters./NOTIFY /NOTIFY /NONOTIFY (default)F Controls whether a message is broadcast to any terminal at which youE are logged in, notifying you when your print job has been completed or aborted. /OPERATOR /OPERATOR=stringA Allows you to specify a message to be sent to the operator. The> string can contain up to 255 characters. When the job beginsD execution, the printer queue pauses and the message is transmitted to the operator. /PARAMETERS /PARAMETERS=(parameter[,...])E Specifies from one to eight optional parameters to be passed to the7 job. Each parameter can include up to 255 characters.B If you specify only one parameter, you can omit the parentheses.B The commas delimit individual parameters. To specify a parameterA that contains any special characters or delimiters, enclose the parameter in quotation marks./PASSALL /PASSALL /NOPASSALL (default)F Specifies whether the symbiont bypasses all formatting and sends theA output QIO to the driver with format suppressed. All qualifiers; affecting formatting, as well as the /HEADER, /PAGES, and* /PAGE_SETUP qualifiers, will be ignored. /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=nE Specifies the priority of the print job. The priority value must beC in the range of 0 through 255, where 0 is the lowest priority and 255 is the highest.F The default value for /PRIORITY is the value of the SYSGEN parameterB DEFQUEPRI. You must have either OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alterD priority) privilege to raise the priority value above the value ofC the SYSGEN parameter MAXQUEPRI. No privilege is needed to set the* priority lower than the MAXQUEPRI value./QUEUE /QUEUE=queue-name[:]E Requests that the print job be placed on the specified queue. If no4 queue is specified, files are queued to SYS$PRINT./RESTART /RESTART (default) /NORESTART: Specifies whether the job can restart after a crash or a STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command./SETUP /SETUP=module[,...]A Calls for the specified modules to be extracted from the deviceE control library and copied to the printer before a file is printed.3 By default, no device control modules are copied.C Note that the module names are not checked for validity until theC time that the file is actually printed. Therefore, PRINT/SETUP isE susceptible to typing errors and other mistakes, and is recommended only for experimental setups./SINCE /SINCE[=time] /NOSINCEC Selects only those items that are dated after the specified time.F You can specify either an absolute time or a combination of absoluteE and delta times. See Section 2.5 of the VAX/VMS DCL Concepts ManualB for complete information on specifying time values. You can also@ use the keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY. If no time is specified, TODAY is assumed./SPACE /SPACE /NOSPACE (default)@ Controls whether output is to be double-spaced. The default is2 /NOSPACE, which results in single-spaced output./TRAILER /TRAILER[=keyword] /NOTRAILER B Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of a file.; The trailer page displays the job entry number as well asC information about the user submitting the job and the files being printed.E The /TRAILER qualifier can take either of two keywords: ALL or ONE.F The ALL keyword indicates that each file in the job will be precededG by a trailer page. The ONE keyword indicates that a trailer page will: apply only to the last copy of the last file in the job.E Use the /[NO]TRAILER qualifier to override the installation-definedB defaults that have been set for the printer queue you are using.ww j1 PURGEF PURGE empties your mail wastebasket, if you have opened your mailfile within NEWS. (see OPEN/MAIL). 2 Qualifiers/RECLAIM6 Force mail to reclaim buckets in the mail index file. /STATISTICS= Display statistics of reclaimed buckets in the indexed file.ww j1 QUITJ QUIT exits from NEWS without up dating the user's NEWS context file. Thus,H no changes are made to the set of unread items nor are any changes madeG to the set of marked items and fill filters. This is a more controlled quit than Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Y.ww1 READJ This command reads the current item from the current selected news group,I and displays the item on the screen. The normal display is page-by-page,D however the arrow keys and the Prev/Next Screen keys as well as theG UP and DOWN commands can be used to move the display through the text.G The actions of READ can be modified by giving a newsitem number, which will display that item. 2 ParametersNewsitem> This parameter may be either the number of a news item, a "."C (to re-read the last read item from the start), or "*" to read the last item in the group. 2 Qualifiers/BACK5 This qualifier is equivalent to the /LAST qualifier.G When reading a news item this command causes the remainder of the text> display to be skipped, and the previous item to be displayed./EDITOR@ This qualifier will use an editor in read-only mode to view theC newsitem. This is useful when it is required to scroll up and downB through the item text, or extract a part of the text into a file.F The default editor is the TPU editor, but this is user definable (see the subtopic Logical_names). /FOLLOWUP /FOLLOWUP /FOLLOWUP/NEWF This command scans the current newsgroup for the next newsitem with aI subject field which matches that of the current newsitem subject (withinJ the current newsgroup). In this way the responses (if any) to the current newsitem can be viewed.I If used in conjunction with the /NEW qualifier, this command can be used8 to present all unread items in a conversation ordering./HEADERH Normally NEWS will suppress the display of all network routing headers.F This qualifier produces a full display of the item contents including mail header lines. /IDENTIFIER /IDENTIFIER=""I All NEWS items are identified by a unique message identification string.E (This identifier can be displayed using the READ/HEADER command, and$ noting the "Message-Id: ..." line).D An item to be displayed can be selected by providing the identifier of the item. e.g.:$ READ/IDENTIFIER="<243@csc.anu.oz>"H Note that '"' characters surrounding the identifier string are required3 and that an exact-case-only match routine is used./LASTG When reading a news item this command causes the remainder of the text> display to be skipped, and the previous item to be displayed./MARKER /MARKER [=tag]D This command displays the text of the NEXT newsitem marked with theE specified tag value. If no tag value is specified then the next item marked with any tag is used./NEWD This command will display the next unread news item from the set ofH registered newsgroups. This may cause an implicit SELECT of a different* newsgroup to obtain the next unread item./NEXTG When reading a news item this command causes the remainder of the text: display to be skipped, and the next item to be displayed./PARENTG NEWS items may reference a previous item that has been posted. In such; a case the text of the item commonly begins with the line:5 "In article {}, {user address} writes:"D When a news item references previous items, the header includes theC identifier of the parent item. READ/PARENT will display the parent% item referenced by the current item./PREVG NEWS maintains a history of the last 10 items read. READ/PREV pops theE most recent item index off this history stack and displays the item.E Repeated calls to READ/PREV will continue to pop the stack until the history stack is emptied./ROT13D Some news items are posted using a basic encryption method (rot13).D This qualifier uses the decryption algorithm to display the message contents./TOPICF READ will display the oldest posted newsitem in the same conversationI stream as the current item. The oldest item will be the original postingI in the conversation stream if the original item is still retained on the system./TPU5 This qualifier is equivalent to the /EDIT qualifier.@ This qualifier will use an editor in read-only mode to view theC newsitem. This is useful when it is required to scroll up and downB through the item text, or extract a part of the text into a file.= The default editor is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user, definable (see the subtopic Logical_names).ww ) 1 REFRESHE In screen mode this command repaints the screen. This command is (by" default) bound to the Ctrl-W key.ww ) 1 REGISTERB Adds newsgroups into the user's register file. Registering into aI newsgroup implies that NEWS will automatically keep track of which itemsH in the newsgroup have been read, and the user can view only unread news# items (with the READ/NEW command). Format: REGISTER [newsgroup-name] 2 ParametersNewsgroup-nameG This specifies the name of the newsgroup to register. If the parameterG is not specified, the current newsgroup is added to the register file. 2 Qualifiers/ALLH This qualifier will register the user for ALL newsgroups on the system.I On a system with a high quantity of network news this must be considered a brave act!/BEFORE /BEFORE=dateI This qualifier will register all newsgroups created before the specified$ time. VMS date-time format is used./CONFIRME This qualifier directs NEWS to prompt for confirmation before adding$ a newsgroup to the registered list./LOCALI This qualifier will register all newsgroups which are "local" newsgroupsH (as distinct to those newsgroups which are distributed through the News network. /NETGROUPSD This qualifier will register all newsgroups which are maintained as network-wide newsgroups./NEW D This qualifier will register the user for all newsgroups created onF the system since the last time a REGISTER/ALL or REGISTER/NEW commandE was given. Thus the user is automatically registered into all recent@ newsgroups, and can then elect to deregister from some of those newsgroups. /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=numberA This qualifier assigns a read priority to the newsgroup. This isE particularly useful if you are registered in a number of newsgroups,B and would like to view new items (using READ/NEW) in a particular@ order of newsgroups. The value is a number (between 1 and 255), increasing with priority.B For example, if you have new items in net.animals and soc.chineseA and the priority of soc.chinese is greater then net.animals, newC items in soc.chinese will be displayed first when using READ/NEW)./RECORDG This qualifier is used to record the current date as the last registerE update time. This implies that subsequent REG/NEW commands will only8 select those newsgroups created after the current date./SINCE /SINCE=dateH This qualifier will register all newsgroups created since the specified$ time. VMS date-time format is used.ww`,1 REPLYE REPLY posts a MAIL reply directly to the sender of a news item. ThisF is used to respond directly to the poster of an item without the item appearing on the net.F News will pre-load the edit buffer with the text of the item to whichE the reply is being sent, then invoke the editor. (The default editor> is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user definable - see the subtopic Logical_names).H On a normal exit from the editor the item is posted via VMS MAIL to theD sender (The sender's address is mapped into the equivalent VMS MAIL8 address by site specific address transformation rules). 2 Qualifiers/HEADERSG By default the news item headers are stripped off the item text beforeG it is mailed. This qualifier loads the item header lines into the mail( buffer as well as the body of the text./SUBJECT /SUBJECT=text stringG This specifies the subject header of the mail reply. If not specified,' NEWS will prompt for a Subject: field./SELF /NOSELFH By default a copy of the mail message will be sent to yourself if your B mail profile specifies "copy_self reply". The /SELF (or /NOSELF) " qualifier overrides this default.ww`,1 REPOSTK REPOST allows the user to recall a previous posting made by the user, editG the item text, and post the altered text back to NEWS. This command isF equivalent to the command sequence of EXTRACT, CANCEL, EDIT and POST.I The command refers to the current news item, and a check is performed toC ensure that the user was the poster of the item before proceeding.ww3.1 SAVE Format:" SAVE [output-file [item-range]], SAVE extracts a news item into a text file.I The output-file parameter specifies the name of the file to save to, and< the item-range specifies the range of item numbers to save. 2 Qualifiers/ALLI Specifies that all items in the current newsgroup are to be extracted to the specified file./APPENDH Appends the items to the specified file. If the file does not exist, it is created./AUTHOR /AUTHOR=mail-addressG Specifies that only those items (from the specified item-range) postedE from the specified mail address are to be saved. This qualifier is a synonym for /FROM./BEFORE /BEFORE=date-timeI Specifies that only those items (selected from the specified item-range)6 postmarked before the specified date are to be saved./FROM /FROM=mail-addressG Specifies that only those items (from the specified item-range) postedE from the specified mail address are to be saved. This qualifier is a synonym for /AUTHOR./HEADER /HEADER [default] /NOHEADERG Specifies whether or not to include the full item headers in the saved text./MARKER /MARKER [=tags]E Specifies that only those items marked with one of the specified tag values are to be saved./SEEN Marks the saved item as seen./SINCE /SINCE=date-timeI Specifies that only those items (selected from the specified item-range)5 postmarked after the specified date are to be saved./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="string"E Save only those items (selected from the specified item-range) whichJ contain the specified string within the item subject line. This qualifier is a synonym for /TITLE./TITLE /TITLE="string"E Save only those items (selected from the specified item-range) whichJ contain the specified string within the item subject line. This qualifier is a synonym for /SUBJECT./UNREADJ Save only those items (selected from the specified item-range) which have8 not been read. This qualifier is a synonym for /UNSEEN./UNSEENJ Save only those items (selected from the specified item-range) which have8 not been read. This qualifier is a synonym for /UNSEEN.ww;1 SEARCH@ This command directs NEWS to locate a newsitem which contains aG specified text string. The next item which contains the text string isH displayed on the screen. Repeated calls to SEARCH (without specifying aI text string) will locate successive occurrences in other news items that! are in the specified newsgroups. Format: SEARCH [target]H This operation make tie up your terminal for long periods, particularlyG if you have specified "*" as the newsgroup to search. To interrupt theE search, press any key - the normal command prompt will appear at the base of the screen. 2 ParametersTargetH This parameter specifies the search string target. If not specified the previous target string is used.G The search is usually case-insensitive, but this may be reversed (madeH case sensitive) by specifying a mixed-case string (i.e. upper case onlyG and lower case only target strings are case-insensitive). To specify aE mixed-case string you must enclose the string in "" characters (e.g. SEARCH "String")I Normally the search is performed as a literal search (/LITERAL). Use the@ /WILDCARD qualifier if you wish to use the "*" and "%" wildcardC characters. Use the /PATTERN qualifier in order to specify regular expressions as target strings. 2 Qualifiers/ALLK This qualifier specifies that all items in the current newsgroup are to be6 searched, rather than commencing at the current item./AUTHOR /AUTHOR=mail-addressG Specifies that only those items (from the specified item-range) postedH from the specified mail address are to be searched. This qualifier is a synonym for /FROM./BEFORE /BEFORE=date-timeI Specifies that only those items (selected from the specified item-range)9 postmarked before the specified date are to be searched./EDITJ This qualifier will use an editor in read-only mode to view the newsitem.J This is useful when it is required to scroll up and down through the item1 text, or extract a part of the text into a file.H The default editor is TPU, but this is user definable (see the subtopic Logical_names)./DISPLAY /DISPLAY Default /NODISPLAYI Determines whether the item text will be displayed following the search.F By default the text is displayed, but if /NODISPLAY is specified, theD screen directory will be positioned on the item, but not displayed./FROM /FROM=mail-addressG Specifies that only those items (from the specified item-range) postedH from the specified mail address are to be searched. This qualifier is a synonym for /AUTHOR./HEADER /HEADER Default /NOHEADER? Normally NEWS will suppress the display of all network routingE headers. This qualifier produces a full display of the item contents including mail header lines./LITERALK The target string as specified is interpreted literally, and a simple text search is conducted./MARKER  /MARK /MARK=tag-listK As an alternative item specifier to /NOTERANGE, this qualifier selects allD strings with the specified mark value to be searched for the targetC string. The tag list may be either a single tag value of a list ofK values. wildcards may be used to specify a set of tags to use. The default& action is to search all marked items. /NEWSGROUPSG By default the search is limited to the current newsgroup. This can beD modified by specifying the newsgroups which should be searched. TheE wildcard character ('*') may be used to include a set of newsgroups.F A number of newsgroups may be specified with the usual list notation. For example:) SEARCH/NEWSGROUPS=(aus.*,anu.*) wombats /NOTERANGE /NOTERANGE=note-range-listF By default all items starting at the current item are scanned for theJ target string. A list of item numbers, or a list of item ranges to search/ may be specified by using this qualifier. e.g. SEARCH string/NOTERANGE=5,10-40/PATTERNG The target string as specified is interpreted as a search pattern with wildcards and closures.: A pattern is the concatenation of the following elements: c literal character c2 ? any single character except end-of-line % start of line $ end of line; [...] character class (any of the included characters): [^...] negated class (all but the included characters)E * closure (zero or more occurrences of the previous pattern)+ @c escaped character (e.g., @%, @[)F Character classes consist of zero or more of the following elements: c literal character c c1-c2 range of characters7 ^ if at beginning then negated character class @c escaped character/SINCE /SINCE=date-timeI Specifies that only those items (selected from the specified item-range)8 postmarked after the specified date are to be searched./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="string"G SEARCH only those items (selected from the specified item-range) whichJ contain the specified string within the item subject line. This qualifier is a synonym for /TITLE./TITLE /TITLE="string"G SEARCH only those items (selected from the specified item-range) whichJ contain the specified string within the item subject line. This qualifier is a synonym for /SUBJECT./TPU5 This qualifier is equivalent to the /EDIT qualifier.@ This qualifier will use an editor in read-only mode to view theC newsitem. This is useful when it is required to scroll up and downB through the item text, or extract a part of the text into a file.H The default editor is TPU, but this is user definable (see the subtopic Logical_names)./UNREADG SEARCH only those items (selected from the specified item-range) which= have not been read. This qualifier is a synonym for /UNSEEN./UNSEENG SEARCH only those items (selected from the specified item-range) which= have not been read. This qualifier is a synonym for /UNREAD. /WILDCARDI The target string as interpreted with "*" characters denoting any string' and "%" denoting any single character.ww@1 SCREEND This enters NEWS' screen display mode. In this mode there are threeE screen levels: the Newsgroup screen, where every newsgroup header isG displayed; a Newsitem screen, displaying newsitem headers; and an Item' text screen, displaying item contents.H The current object is shown by a cursor on the left of the display. TheE cursor can be moved up and down by the arrow keys or the UP and DOWNG commands (or Prev-Screen and Next-Screen commands on VT220 keyboards).H This is the default mode for NEWS. The line mode can be selected by the command: NOSCREEN.ww@1 SELECTI SELECT changes newsgroup context to the nominated newsgroup. The commandC normally takes one parameter, the name of the newsgroup to select.J If no newsgroup is specified then SELECT will perform one of two actions,J depending on the current context: if the newsgroup directory is currentlyF displayed, then SELECT will open the current newsgroup. If a newsitemI directory is currently displayed, SELECT will open the current newsitem, and display the item text. Format: SELECT [newsgroup-name] 2 Parameters newsgroup-nameJ The name of the newsgroup to be selected. If no folder name is specified,# the current newsgroup is selected. 2 Qualifiers/NEWB This qualifier is used in place of a newsgroup to select the nextF registered newsgroup which contains unread news items. If the current> newsgroup contains unread items, then no action is performed./MARK /MARK =[tag]H This command moves the current item pointer to the NEXT newsitem markedI with the specified tag value. If no tag value is specified than the next" item marked with any tag is used.ww B1 SEND Format: SEND [file-name]J SEND creates and sends a VMS MAIL message from within NEWS. SEND will, byF default, prompt for the To: address and Subject: line, and invoke the# editor to create the MAIL message.J You can send a mail message to the author of the current news item you'reH reading by using the /AUTHOR qualifier, and you can send a mail item toG all members of a restricted newsgroup by using the /MEMBERS qualifier.J You can also pre-load the edit buffer with the text of the message you're) reading by using the /EXTRACT qualifier. 2 Qualifiers/AUTHORG Directs SEND to address the mail to the address of the user who posted' the message you are currently reading./EDIT /EDIT [default] /NOEDITD /EDIT directs SEND to call the editor to assemble the mail message.* /NOEDIT bypasses this call to the editor./EXTRACTG Directs SEND to load the edit buffer with the text of the item you areJ currently reading. By default SEND clears the edit buffer before invoking' the editor to create the mail message./HEADERS /HEADERSD Used with /EXTRACT, this qualifier directs NEWS to load all messageH header lines into the message buffer. Otherwise a subset of the message+ headers are included into the edit buffer./MEMBERSG If the current newsgroup is configured with a membership list then theH mail message will be addressed to all members of this list (in addition4 to any addresses specified with the /TO qualifier)./QUOTE /QUOTE=">" [default] /QUOTE="string" /NOQUOTEH Used with /EXTRACT, this qualifier is used to alter the quote characterE used to delimit the original item in the edit buffer. By default theH original item is loaded using the "> " string at the start of each line to indicate included text.H Using /QUOTE="string", an arbitrary string may be used as the quotationH string. Using /NOQUOTE includes the item text verbatim, without quotes./SELF /NOSELFH By default a copy of the mail message will be sent to yourself if your A mail profile specifies "copy_self send". The /SELF (or /NOSELF) " qualifier overrides this default./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject-string"H SEND will normally prompt for the subject line of the mail message. TheE /SUBJECT qualifier is used to supply a subject string in the command line./TO /TO=addressI SEND will normally prompt for the addresses to mail. These addresses may" be specified in the command line: SEND/TO="address-list"ww`E1 SETI SET modifies the control information for newsgroups or for news items inG the News database. SET also modifies various user-definable aspects of the NEWS user interface.J The following subtopics describe those attributes which are displayed via the SET command.2 ACCESS) SET ACCESS is a NEWS MANAGEMENT command. Format: SET ACCESS newsgroupH SET ACCESS allows the local news manager to define a VMS access controlE list to control read and write access to a newsgroup via the VMS ACL  mechanisms.I SET ACCESS invokes the VMS ACL Editor to allow the local news manager toH define or modify the access control list associated with the newsgroup.H The access control list is placed on the matching directory in the NEWS data area.2 BROADCAST_TRAPPING Format:% SET BROADCAST_TRAPPING [default] SET BROADCAST_TRAPPING ON SET NOBROADCAST_TRAPPING SET BROADCAST_TRAPPING OFFJ NEWS by default has broadcast trapping enabled. All broadcast messages toK the terminal are trapped by NEWS, and displayed at the base of the screen,3 in order to avoid overwriting parts of the screen.F This trapping may be disabled by specifying BROADCAST_TRAPPING OFF or NOBROADCAST_TRAPPING.2 CLASS Format: SET CLASS class-nameJ This command modifies the current directory selection criteria to displayC those newsgroups which have been entered into the specified class.D To turn off class selection criteria, use the class name "*" as the specified class. 2 DISPLAYI This command is used to set display functions of NEWS. With this release: of NEWS only one display setting is modifiable: SCANSIZE. 3 Qualifiers /ALLITEMSH Sets the default display of newsitems to be all stored items within theD newsgroup, both seen and unseen. This command overrides the default& profile setting for display (if any).D This command affects all newsgroups. The SHOW ALLITEMS command only affects the current newsgroup. /FROMSIZE /FROMSIZE=widthK Sets the width of the From: addresses displayed in the news item directory screen.; Setting a value of 0 removes this column from the display.K The default value is 19 for an 80 col screen, and will widen automatically if wider displays are used. /SCANSIZE Format: SET DISPLAY/SCANSIZE=nK SCANSIZE determines the number of lines to display of the first page of anH item text. When using a low speed terminal, it is often helpful to onlyI display the first few lines of the item to determine whether to view the remainder of the item text.H This parameter can also be specified as a logical name "NEWS_SCANSIZE". /UNREADITEMSG Sets the default display of newsitems to be only those items which areG unseen. This command overrides the default profile setting for display (if any).G This command affects all newsgroups. The SHOW UNREADITEMS command only affects the current newsgroup. /UNSEENSTACKH Sets the default display of newsitems to be those items commencing withD the first unseen item (and including all subsequent seen and unseenJ items. This command overrides the default profile setting for display (if any).G This command affects all newsgroups. The SHOW UNSEENSTACK command only affects the current newsgroup. 2 DOTNEWSRC Format: SET DOTNEWSRC SET DOTNEWSRC ON SET NODOTNEWSRC (Default) SET DOTNEWSRC OFF (Default)C If DOTNEWSRC is enabled, then NEWS will create an rn-style .newsrcB file when it updates the usual NEWSRC file. By default, DOTNEWSRC8 is disabled, unless it has been previously enabled by aB SET PROFILE/DOTNEWSRC command. SET DOTNEWSRC is intended for the7 purpose of temporarily overriding the PROFILE setting.C For more information, see the help text for SET PROFILE/DOTNEWSRC. 2 HISTORY* SET HISTORY is a NEWS MANAGEMENT command. Format: SET HISTORY SET HISTORY ON SET NOHISTORY SET HISTORY OFFK NEWS normal ly maintains a history file of recent message identifiers whichH have been held on the local system. This file is referred to whenever aI new item is added into NEWS to ensure that the item has not already beenC held on this system, so as to avoid looping news items in the NEWS network.J This history function can be disabled by the SET NOHISTORY or SET HISTORYI OFF commands. It will remain disabled until explicitly re-enabled by the NEWS manager.2 ITEM' SET ITEM is a NEWS MANAGEMENT command.D SET ITEM modifies the newsgroup retention attributes of news items. Format: SET ITEM item-num/HOLD=nK This command requires the number of a newsitem (or defaults to the currentF newsitem). Only one qualifier is associated with this command, /HOLD. 3 Qualifiers/HOLD Format: SET ITEM/HOLD=nH This command qualifier defines the retention period for individual news8 items. The value of the qualifier is specified in days.H If a value of 0 is given, this indicates that a higher level (newsgroup% based) default value should be used.K If a value of '*' is given, this indicates that the retention is PERMANENTC - the item will require manual deletion by the local NEWS Manager.2 LINE_EDITING Format: SET LINE_EDITING SET LINE_EDITING ON! SET NOLINE_EDITING [default] SET LINE_EDITING OFFI By default VMS NEWS disables the cursor keys line editing functions. TheE up and down arrow cursor keys are bound to the UP and DOWN commands.H VMS line editing may be enabled with the SET LINE_EDITING. In this caseK the keypad key 5 is bound to the UP function, and keypad 2 is bound to theI DOWN function, and the arrow cursor keys perform the normal line editing functions.2 MAIL7 SET MAIL sets your VMS MAIL personal profile settings. Format:% SET MAIL profile [profile-value ]I This command allows you to alter any of the VMS MAIL profile parameters,B by specifying a profile parameter and optionally a profile value. 3 Parametersprofile1 The parameters which can be set in this way are:> auto-purge auto purge of the wastebasket on close of mailF noauto-purge disable auto purge of the wastebasket on close of mailA cc_prompt prompt for CC: postings on forward, reply or sendD nocc_prompt no prompt for CC: postings on forward, reply or send copy_self K Automatic posting of mail to self on forward, reply or send is one of:' send copy to send on send* nosend no copy to self on send( reply copy to self on reply+ noreply no copy to self on reply* forward copy to self on forward- noforward no copy to self on forward> form set default print form to nominated value- noform use system default print formI forward set mail forwarding address to given address/ noforward disable mail forwarding addressJ personal_name "personal_name" set personal name to be used in postings7 nopersonal_name disable personal name@ queue set default print queue to nominated queue6 noqueue reset default print queue to SYS$PRINT 2 MANAGER* SET MANAGER is a NEWS MANAGEMENT command. Format: SET MANAGER [default] SET MANAGER ON SET NOMANAGER SET MANAGER OFFG A user who holds the NEWS_MGR_ID identifier is identified to NEWS as aA local news manager, and can execute all the management commands.K These manager privileges can be disabled by the SET NOMANAGER command, andJ enabled at a later stage by the SET MANAGER command. Note that on startup manager privileges ARE enabled. 2 NEWSGROUP, SET NEWSGROUP is a NEWS MANAGEMENT command.F SET NEWSGROUP modifies the control attributes of a newsgroup. ControlH attributes include the lifetime of items on the local system, newsgroupG moder ator addresses, and whether the newsgroup is served from a remote NNTP server.J Newsgroups are automatically deleted from the NEWS system if the last newK item in the newsgroup was posted to the group more than n days previously.H There are three levels of default for this value: A global compile-timeJ constant (defined in the file NEWSSITE.H, normally 60 days), which may beJ overridden by a dynamic global value (SET NEWSGROUP default/HOLD=n days),I which may be overridden for individual newsgroups by a dynamic newsgroupK specific value (SET NEWSGROUP name/HOLD=n days). The value is specified inJ units of days, but there is an additional value, '*' which specifies that2 the newsgroup is not to be automatically deleted.J Newsitem records are automatically deleted once they have remained on theK system for a set number of days. This retention period has fours levels ofI default: A global compile-time constant (defined in the file NEWSSITE.H,J normally 30 days), which may be overridden by a dynamic global value (SETC NEWSGROUP */ITEMHOLD=n days), which may be overridden for specific? newsgroups by a dynamic newsgroup default value (SET NEWSGROUPI name/ITEMHOLD=n days), which may be overridden for individual news itemsH (SET ITEM number/HOLD=n days). The value is specified in units of days,I but there is an additional value, '*' which specifies that the newsgroup$ is not to be automatically deleted. Format: SET NEWSGROUP/qualifiers, SET NEWSGROUP newsgroup-name/qualifiers SET NEWSGROUP default/qualsH If no newsgroup name is given with the command, the command assumes theB name of the 'current' newsgroup. If the newsgroup is specified asI 'default' then the attributes referred to by this command are the system defaults.J The qualifiers accepted for the global default ('default') are /ITEMHOLD,F /HOLD, /CACHE and, in the case where a particular newsgroup is named, /MODERATOR and /SERVER. 3 Qualifiers/CACHE% /CA CHE=3 [default] /CACHE=n /NOCACHEH The /CACHE qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SERVER qualifier.K If a newsitem is served from a remote system, and a local user requests toI view the contents of that item, the server system copies the text of theI item into the local user's scratch area. By default, a copy of this textG is also placed in the local NEWS database, so that further requests to7 read the item do not need to access the remote server.? Thi s retention of the local copy can be inhibited by using theE /NOCACHE with the SET command -- in such a case all requests to view/ the item will generate remote server requests./HOLD /HOLD=nH This command qualifier defines the retention period for newsgroups. The- value of the qualifier is specified in days.B If a 0 value is given, this indicates that a higher level defaultF value should be used. If a value of '*' is given, this indicates thatH the retention is PERMANENT -- the newsgroup will never be automatically deleted by the SKIM command. /ITEMHOLD /ITEMHOLD=nE This command qualifier defines the default retention period for newsK items within a newsgroup. The value of the qualifier is specified in days.H If a 0 value is given, this indicates that a higher level default valueG should be used. If a value of '*' is given as the value for days, this< indicates that the default newsitem retention is PERMANENT./LOCAL /LOCAL /NOLOCALF Newsgroups are defined by default to be Network newsgroups. A networkF newsgroup is created in response to a network-wide "newgroup" controlC message, and is deleted in response to a network-wide "rmgroup" or "checkgroups" message.K Newsgroups which are local to a this site, or local to a domain within theK wider network are created with the /LOCAL qualifier. This ensures that the@ newsgroup will not be deleted by such network control messages. /MODERATOR /MODERATOR /MODERATOR=address  /NOMODERATORH This command sets the newsgroup as a moderated newsgroup, or clears the moderator condition.E Only the moderator of a moderated newsgroup may post items into thatI newsgroup - all other users who attempt to post to a moderated newsgroupH will have the news posting intercepted and re-directed as e-mail to the moderator address.K The value of the /MODERATOR is an Internet-style address of the moderator.G In the case where no address is given, backbone addressing is assumed.; The /NOMODERATOR is used to clear the moderator condition./NOTICE /NOTICE="notice-string" /NONOTICEF Newsgroups may be tagged with a notice string. This notice message isF displayed as part of the newsgroup directory heading, and is intendedG to hold current status messages about the newsgroup. The notice string0 is limited to a maximum size of 124 characters. /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=protocolK The /PROTOCOL qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SERVER qualifier.I Valid values for this qualifier are "DECNET" or "TCP". The default value is "DECNET".I If a newsgroup is served from a remote system, then either DECNET or TCPJ may be used to access the remote system. This qualifier sets the protocol* to use when performing the remote access. /RESTRICT /RESTRICT /NORESTRICTJ Sets the newsgroup as a restricted access newsgroup. Making the newsgroupE restricted limits the access to the newsgroup to those users who areJ entered as "members" of the newsgroup (see ADD MEMBER). Users who are notB listed as members of the newsgroup cannot read or write into this newsgroup./SERVER /SERVER=node /NOSERVERI Newsgroups may be linked to a remote NEWSSERVER via DECNET. The presenceH of a remote server for a newsgroup implies that the local site need notH keep the text files of all items within a newsgroup on local storage --J when a user on the local system reads an item, the remote server passes a copy of the text on demand. I This configuration can be used to reduce the overall storage demands forH NEWS if a number of network-connected systems are all running NEWS. OneI system may be nominated as the server for a number of client nodes, or aJ number of systems can be used to serve subsets of the total newsgroup setC to the clients (i.e. a node may be configured as a client for some0 newsgroups, and a server for other newsgroups).J This qualifier requires a node name as a value - this name is the network node name of the remote server./TITLE /TITLE="title-string"G Newsgroups may optionally have a title string. This title is displayedC in the head of a newsgroup directory, and is intended as a (short)A description of the newsgroup. The string length is restricted to 124 characters./UPDATEF This qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SERVED qualifier, andD directs NEWS to load the created newsgroup with the contents of the" NNTP server database immediately./WRITE /WRIT E /NOWRITE@ By default all newsgroups are writable by all users (there is aF qualification to this assertion - a set of newsgroups can be setup asF read-only by use of the NEWS_NETPOST/NEWS_NONETPOST identifiers - the2 newsgroup set refers to the /NOLOCAL newsgroups).B A newsgroup can be setup as a read-only newsgroup by the command: SET NEWSGROUP name/NOWRITEF Once a newsgroup has been set as /NOWRITE only those users with writeE permission can post to this newsgroup (see AD D MEMBER to grant write permission to a username). 2 PROFILE Format: SET PROFILEH SET PROFILE is used to define a usage profile for NEWS. The profile mayF contain the specification of the editor to use with NEWS, the defaultJ action of the OPEN command, the class to be selected on NEWS startup, theH personal name to use with all postings, a set of qualifiers to use with5 all PRINT commands, and a startup DIRECTORY setting.D Many of these settings can also be defined usin g logical names. TheF PROFILE settings take precedence over any such logical name settings. 3 Qualifiers /AUTOMATIC# /AUTOMATIC= { DIRECTORY | UNSEEN }E This controls the default action of the OPEN and SELECT commands. ByK default the OPEN (and SELECT) command displays the directory of the openedI newsgroup. By specifying UNSEEN, the first unseen item will be displayed- when the OPEN or SELECT command is executed./BROADCAST_TRAPPING /BROADCAST_TRAPPING /NOBROADCAST_TRAPPING F This qualifier directs NEWS to start with terminal broadcast trappingK enabled or disabled. When enabled all broadcast messages are displayed via> a trap routine in the message area at the base of the screen./CLASS /CLASS=classname /NOCLASSH By default NEWS will startup with the same selection conditions as wereI used when NEWS last exited. You can specify a class to select on startup by using the /CLASS qualifier.I The values of the classname are either a valid class name , or the stringG "MAIN". MAIN indicates that no class selection should be used, and allE newsgroups should be included in the directory selection conditions.F The default behavior can be restored by using the /NOCLASS parameter. /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY=dir-qualifier /NODIRECTORYJ NEWS will normally retain the directory context across invocations of theI program (i.e. If you had executed DIR/NEW before exiting NEWS, then whenJ you next run NEWS, the initial newsgroup directory state will be restoredJ to DIR/NEW). It is possible to specify a constant initial directory state> by defining a value for this qualifier as one of the strings:- ALL NEW REGISTER SINCE SINCE=dateJ If a PROFILE value is specified then this value will override that of the% logical name NEWS_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY./DISPLAY /DISPLAY=(display-list): The display attributes which can be set in this list are:B [NO] LINES For NNTP diskless clients this directs NEWS to<  request the line counts of each item.F (If the NNTP remote server is running ANU NEWS,8 LINES is automatically selected)D [NO] POSTMARKS For NNTP diskless clients this directs NEWS toE request and display the post date of each item.E (If the NNTP remote server is running ANU NEWS,; POSTMARKS is automatically selected)J ALLITEMS This directs NEWS to display all items in each newsgroup.F UNREADITEMS This directs NEWS to only display unseen item entries$ in every newsgroup.I UNSEENSTACK This directs NEWS to only display item entries for those= items commencing with the first unseen item. /DOTNEWSRC /DOTNEWSRC /NODOTNEWSRCF This qualifier directs NEWS to maintain an rn-style news registrationD file named SYS$LOGIN:.NEWSRC in parallel with the registration fileA NEWS normally maintains. You  can use this file to keep track of> registration information and previously read items when usingC another news reader. If you cancel this option with /NODOTNEWSRC,. the .NEWSRC file is neither used nor updated.A If the .NEWSRC file is present at startup, its contents are usedB in preference to the regular registration file to determine which@ items you have previously read, and to which newsgroups you areC registered. ANU NEWS-specific information (e.g. profile settings,9 mark lists, and kill filters) are taken from the regular registration file.B When you leave NEWS via the EXIT command, an updated .NEWSRC file4 is written in addition to the regular NEWSRC. file./EDITOR /EDITOR=editor /NOEDITORH This qualifier is used to link an editor to NEWS. The editor is used toG generate new postings, and to edit forwarded mail, and (optionally) in9 read-only mode, to scan the item contents (READ/EDITOR).E By default NEWS links the TPU editor to NEWS, using the value of theH logical name TPUSECINI (or TPU$SECTION, depending on the version of VMS used) as the section to use.+ The value of this qualifier may be one of:G * EVE (or TPU) to use the TPU emulator with either the EVE section, or> the section as defined by the appropriate TPU logical name.( * EDT to use the callable EDT interfaceC * A command procedure (including the "@" symbol) which specifies a; spawned command procedure to use as the editor for NEWS. /FROMSIZE /FROMSIZE=widthK Sets the width of the From: addresses displayed in the news item directory screen.; Setting a value of 0 removes this column from the display.K The default value is 19 for an 80 col screen, and will widen automatically if wider displays are used. /LINE_EDITING /LINE_EDITING /NOLINE_EDITINGK This qualifier directs NEWS to define the cursor keys as line editing keysB (up/down arrows scroll through the command line recall stack, andI left/right arrows move within  the command line) at startup. In this caseK the keypad keys '5' and '2' map into the NEWS cursor up and down commands.3 The mode is reset by the /NOLINE_EDITING qualifier /LOCSIGNATURE /LOCSIGNATURE=filename /NOLOCSIGNATUREG This command requests NEWS to automatically append the contents of theD nominated file to all postings that you make to local (non-network)J newsgroups. This file is intended to contain signature information givingJ your network address, etc., and allows you to tailor two signature files:? one for network-wide postings, and another for local postings. /KEYDEFS  /KEYDEFS=filename /NOKEYDEFSK This command instructs NEWS to read in a custom set of key definitions forH NEWS to be read in from the nominated file. The format of the file is a set of DEFINE/KEY commands. /NEWREGISTER /NEWREGISTER /NEWREGISTER=newsgroups /NONEWREGISTERA By default you will NOT be automatically registered for any new D newsgroups which are created from time to time on the local system.I By specifying /NEWREGISTER you will be registered for each new newsgroupJ immediately after it is created on the local system. You can also specify@ a pattern, or a list of patterns to match against for automatic registration.H For example, to only register new newsgroups created in the hierarchies% "comp.*" and "aus.*" the command is:* SET PROFILE/NEWREGISTER="comp.*,aus.*"E The automatic registration action can be turned off by the qualifier /NONEWREGISTER. /ORGANIZATION$ /ORGANIZATION="organization string" /NOORGANIZATIONF This customizes your postings with an Organization: header set to theK value specified in the string. If this profile setting is turned off, then2 the system default (if any) will be used instead./PERSONAL_NAME /PERSONAL_NAME="name" /NOPERSONAL_NAMEE Sets the personal name string. This name is appended to your network address in all NEWS postings.I If not specified as a PROFILE entry, the logical name NEWS_PERSONAL_NAMED is used (if defined), and if there is no logical name your VMS MAIL8 profile is examined to extract your MAIL personal name./PRINT /PRINT="qualifier-string" /NOPRINTC Sets the default print qualifiers for all NEWS PRINT commands. TheF qualifiers used may be any valid NEWS print qualifier string (See the( subtopic describing the PRINT command)./REPLYTO /REPLYTO="mail-address" /NOREPLYTOJ By default all your postings will specify that if others wish to followup3 by mail they will send mail to your local mailbox.G By using this profile setting mail replies will be sent to the address you nominate. /RCFILTER /RCFILTER /NORCFILTERG By default all accessible newsgroups are displayed in a full newsgroupE directory display. The number of newsgroups can be restricted by theD command SET PROFILE/RCFILTER. This instructs NEWS to only use those* newsgroups as entered in the NEWSRC file.G To reduce the number of n ewsgroups displayed in the directory listing:: Run NEWS and enter the command "SET PROFILE/RCFILTER"? Exit NEWS and then edit the NEWSRC file, deleting the linesA referring to newsgroups you wish to remove from the display./RCORDER /RCORDER /NORCORDER [default]G By default all newsgroups are displayed within the newsgroup directoryA screen in alphabetical order. By specifying SET PROFILE/RCORDER,C newsgroups are ordered as shown in the NEWSRC. file. To change the directory display order:9 Run NEWS and enter the command "SET PROFILE/RCORDER"9 Exit NEWS and then edit the NEWSRC file, altering the" order of entries as required. /SCANSIZE /SCANSIZE=nG When browsing through news items it is often too time consuming to seeB the full first page of every news item, and it is often faster toG see only the first few lines and then deciding whether to view more of the item.C This command configures NEWS to show only the first n lines of theF item and then return to the prompt to see if you wish to display more* of the text, or pass on to the next item./SEARCH /SEARCH=LITERAL [default] /SEARCH=WILDCARD /SEARCH=PATTERNG By default the SEARCH command will search for literal text, and if youJ wish to use wildcards or patterns in the search text the search has to beG explicitly qualified. The default search type can be altered with this command. /SIGNATURE /SIGNATURE=filename /NOSIGNATUREG This command requests NEWS to automatically append the contents of theG nominated file to all postings that you make. This file is intended to@ contain signature information giving your network address, etc. /TEMPORARYJ If specified the PROFILE changes given are only effective for the current NEWS session./VIEWER /VIEWER=viewer /NOVIEWERG This qualifier is used to link a viewer to NEWS. The viewer is used to6 display news items when using the command READ/EDITORE By default NEWS links  the TPU editor to NEWS, using the value of theH logical name TPUSECINI (or TPU$SECTION, depending on the version of VMS used) as the section to use.+ The value of this qualifier may be one of:G * EVE (or TPU) to use the TPU emulator with either the EVE section, or> the section as defined by the appropriate TPU logical name.) * EDT to use the callable EDT interface.C * A command procedure (including the "@" symbol) which specifies a; spawned command procedure to use as the v iewer for NEWS.2 SEENC By default, this command marks items within the currently selectedB newsgroup as "seen". This can be altered by specifying one of the following qualifiers. 3 Qualifiers/POINTERJ This command marks all newsitems up to (and including) the 'current' item# as having been viewed by the user./BEFORE /BEFORE=dateA This command marks all items in the current newsgroup which wereH postmarked by the local system before the date specified as having been! viewed by the user.B The date format is the standard VMS date-time format. "TODAY" and0 "YESTERDAY" are accepted as valid date strings. /FOLLOWUPH All newsitems in the current newsgroup with a subject field the same as- the current newsitem will be marked as read.H This command is used to skip entire conversation streams: all newsitems@ with related subject fields will be marked as having been read. 2 SUPERVISOR Format: SET SUPERVISOR SET SUPERVISOR ON SE "T NOSUPERVISOR SET SUPERVISOR OFFH NEWS allows two types of moderation of a newsgroup: The USENET model ofD moderation is one where all postings into a moderated newsgroup areJ intercepted and mailed directly to the e-mail address of the moderator ofH the newsgroup. The moderator's responsibility is to approve the postingK and place it into the newsgroup with an approval stamp. A USENET moderatorG is identified by a match of the user's e-mail address with the list ofC moderator address #es. Such a moderator is more accurately called an Approval Moderator.F VMS NEWS also has a second level of supervision of a newsgroup, whichI effectively allows a subset of the NEWS Manager's privileges to be givenG to nominated users, effective for a particular newsgroup. Such a LocalI Supervisor can control the membership list for a restricted newsgroup byK adding, altering and removing member records, and cancelling messages thatA were posted from the local system into the controlled$ newsgroup.A Users who have such local supervisor privileges do not have suchC privileges enabled at the start of the session: the privileges areA enabled by the SET SUPERVISOR command for all locally supervised@ newsgroups. A user who is nominated as an Approval Moderator isH automatically configured as a VMS NEWS local supervisor if the Approval7 Moderator's mail address is located on the local node.wwc1 SHOWJ SHOW displays the control information for newsgro%ups or for news items inJ the News database. SHOW also reports on various user-definable aspects of the NEWS user interface.J The following subtopics describe those attributes which are displayed via the SHOW command. 2 ALIASES Format: SHOW ALIASES [newsgroup]H Display local newsgroup aliases. If no newsgroup is specified, then allE newsgroups are shown. The newsgroup parameter may contain wildcards.G Aliases are used to map individual newsgroups to alias newsgroups. Fo &rI example, the newsgroup comp.sys.mac could be mapped to comp.sys.mac.miscF with an alias entry. This change takes place in the article before itE is passed on to other systems, so the changes generated by this file affect all "downstream" sites. I The aliases can be manipulated by the ADD ALIAS, MODIFY ALIAS and DELETEB ALIAS commands, or by editing the file news_manager:news.aliases. 2 ALLITEMS K This command directs NEWS to display all items with the current newsgroup: wheth'er seen or unseen.0 See Also SHOW UNSEENSTACK and SHOW UNREADITEMS 2 CLASSESD This command lists all user defined class names, and also lists theF newsgroup names which have been assigned to each class. The currently+ selected class is marked with an asterisk. 2 CONFERENCE See the subtopic "SHOW ENTRY".2 ENTRY Format: SHOW ENTRY [newsgroup]D Displays the status and configuration information for the specifiedI newsgroup. This information includes the current it (em count, the defaultI retention time settings, the markers placed within the newsgroup and theI classes into which the newsgroup has been added, as well as the relevantG NNTP server information if the newsgroup is configured as NNTP-served.K The newsgroup name may be abbreviated to a unique substring, and wildcardsI ('*', '%') may be used to list the attributes of a number of newsgroups. 2 HISTORYE SHOW HISTORY displays the history setting. This is a NEWS managementG command. Th)is command is not supported when running NEWS in a diskless client configuration.I Displays the status of the history file setting (whether on or off), andE if off, then the time and user who last turned off the history file.2 ITEM Format: SHOW ITEM [item-num]G SHOW ITEM displays the retention period for the current, or specified, news item.2 KILLI SHOW KILL displays the current kill filter set. Kill filters are appliedH to all unseen items, and if an item match*es any of the kill filters the< item will not be displayed when using the READ/NEW command. 2 LINECOUNTS8 SHOW LINECOUNTS is a NEWS NNTP diskless client command.E With the client version of NEWS it must be noted that every piece ofI information displayed on the directory screens does take additional timeH to extract from the NEWS server. For this reason both the linecount andI postmark date of news items are not displayed by default within the news item directory screens.I To disp+lay the line counts of all newsitems within the current newsgroupH then the command SHOW LINECOUNTS will request this information from the? server for the current newsgroup. This function can be enabled= automatically by the command SET PROFILE/DISPLAY=LINECOUNTS.2 MAIL Format: SHOW MAIL [profile-entry]F SHOW MAIL displays your personal VMS Mail profile settings. Without aI profile-entry parameter, all profile settings are displayed in a displayJ screen. Otherwise the indiv,idual profile entry is displayed in the dialog# window at the base of the display. 3 Parameters profile-entryK This parameter may either be "all" to display all profile settings, or one of:9 auto-purge auto purge of the wastebasket on closeD cc_prompt prompt for CC: postings on forward, reply or sendD copy_self posting of mail to self on forward, reply or send% form default print form* forward mail forwarding address+ new_mail_c-ount count of unread new mail7 personal_name personal name to be used in postings& queue default print queue2 MARKER Format: SHOW MARKER [tag]G SHOW MARK displays a listing of the set of marked newsitems. If no tagH value is specified, then all mark tag values are displayed. If a tag isD used then only those tag values which match the tag (using wildcard matching) are displayed.2 MEMBER Format: SHOW MEMBER [username]H This command lists the .attributes of a member of the currently selectedJ newsgroup. If the newsgroup is a public access newsgroup then there is no? associated membership list, and a status message is displayed.G The listing displays the username of the member, the user's privileges< with respect to this newsgroup and the user's mail address.B This command also displays the mail address of the moderator of aF moderated newsgroup. The newsgroup referred to by this command is the currently selected newsgroup.G/ The local NEWS manager may also nominate a set of local users who haveK supervisor privileges for this newsgroup. Such privileges allow the listedF users the ability to alter the membership list of the newsgroup and aI number of other newsgroup control functions. This command also lists theF usernames of such local supervisor with respect to this newsgroup and< their mail addresses (if not that of their local username).K If /ALL is not specified, and no username is given, NEWS will prompt 0for a username. 3 Qualifiers/ALL3 List the attributes of all members of a newsgroup. /SUPERVISORF List the attributes of all members who have supervisor privilege with respect to this newsgroup. 2 MESSAGESK SHOW MESSAGES displays all broadcast messages and NEWS diagnostic messages in a message display buffer.F All NEWS diagnostic messages, and all terminal broadcast messages (ifD Broadcast trapping is enabled) are placed in a message buffer. This< command display1s the contents of this buffer on the screen. See Also CLEAR MESSAGES 2 MODERATORI SHOW MODERATOR displays the mail address of the moderator of a moderatedF newsgroup. The newsgroup referred to by this command is the currently selected newsgroup. 2 NEWSGROUP Format:# SHOW NEWSGROUP [newsgroup-name] SHOW NEWSGROUP DEFAULTK SHOW NEWSGROUP displays the control attributes of the current or specifiedI newsgroup. The control attributes include the retention setting2s, server settings and moderator address.2 NOTE Format: SHOW NOTE [item-number]I This command displays the header lines of the current (or nominated noteJ if an item number is specified with the command). As well as the suppliedF header lines, the display also shows the local postmark time, and the# local expiration date of the item. 2 POSTMARKSG SHOW POSTMARKS is a NEWS NNTP diskless client command. With the clientK version of NEWS it must be noted that every pie 3ce of information displayedG on the directory screens does take additional time to extract from theJ NEWS server. For this reason both the linecount and postmark date of newsB items are not displayed by default within the news item directory screens.B To display the postmark dates of all newsitems within the currentH newsgroup then the command SHOW POSTMARKS will request this informationH from the server for the current newsgroup. This function can be enabled< automatically by the comman4d SET PROFILE/DISPLAY=POSTMARKS. 2 PROFILEI SHOW PROFILE displays the current profile settings. The display includesJ the default editor, the default class on startup, the NEWS personal name,F default qualifiers for the PRINT command, OPEN default action and theE startup directory setting. Note that PROFILE entries are at a higherG precedence than the logical names which also define your NEWS profile. See Also: SET PROFILE 2 SUPERVISOR6 Lists the local supervisor for the curr5ent newsgroup. 2 UNREADITEMS G This command directs NEWS to display only those items with the current* newsgroup which are unseen by the reader.- See Also SHOW ALLITEMS and SHOW UNSEENSTACK 2 UNSEENSTACK F This command directs NEWS to display all items in sequence commencing3 with the first unseen item from the full item set.- See Also SHOW ALLITEMS and SHOW UNREADITEMS 2 VERSIONB This command displays the NEWS version at the base of the screen.wwc6t1 SKIM# SKIM is a NEWS MANAGEMENT Command.G SKIM checks aspects of the news database for internal consistency, and: also enforces news item and newsgroup expiry time limits.F By default the command will check all news items, all newsgroups, allJ message identifiers and all item files in the news database, removing anyI inconsistencies found in the News database. By default all deleted items are NOT archived.H Any of these functions can be stopped by use of the /NOxxx qualif7ier in the command line. 2 Qualifiers/ARCHIVE /NOARCHIVE [default] /ARCHIVE=filenameG This can be used in conjunction with /ITEMS to archive a copy of everyH item that is to be deleted from the News database. The items are storedI using batch format. The items are appended to the archive file until theC archive file reaches 250k bytes in size, when a new version of the archive file is opened. /DIRECTORIES /DIRECTORIES [default] /NODIRECTORIESG When a news 8group is deleted, the directory chain corresponding to thatJ newsgroup is not deleted at this point. The /DIRECTORIES pass of the SKIMD is responsible for locating directories which have no corresponding) newsgroup and deleting such directories.E This phase of the SKIM is performed by default if ALL newsgroups areJ specified in the SKIM command. If a subset of the current local newsgroupH set is passed to the SKIM command, or if the qualifier "/NODIRECTORIES"* is specified, this phase will9 be skipped./FILES /FILES [default] /NOFILESF SKIM/FILES examines every .ITM file in the news database, purging allE back versions of any file, and deleting any .ITM files which have no* corresponding entry in the item database./HISTORY /HISTORY [default] /HISTORY=days /NOHISTORYG NEWS uses a "history" file to prevent looping of news items. All itemsI identifiers which have been stored on the local system are passed to theF history file once the loc :al item copy is expired. The file is used toB ensure the correct operation of "cancel" and "supersedes" control messages.G The history file is an indexed file, containing date - item identifierG pairs. When a new item is added to the local news database, a check isH made to this history file to ensure that the item was not stored on the system in the past.I The /HISTORY pass of SKIM removes old entries from this history file. ByD default items remain in the file for 45 days, but this ;value may beD changed by specifying the number of days as a value of the /HISTORY qualifier./ITEMS /ITEMS [default] /NOITEMS8 SKIM/ITEMS performs a pass over all current news items:E 1. Deletes items which are older than the pre-determined item life.B 2. Deletes any items which have no associated message identifier entry.E 3. Updates any inconsistencies in the newsgroup file concerning the' number of items in each newsgroup.D The /ARCHIVE qualifie<r can be used in conjunction with this pass toA archive any files that are to be deleted from the news database. /NEWSGROUPS /NEWSGROUPS [default] /NONEWSGROUPS3 SKIM/NEWSGROUPS performs the following operations:C 1. Checks the existence of all items in the newsgroup, and update& newsgroup counts if inconsistent.B 2. Deletes any newsgroup which has had no new entries for a siteB determined period (Thus cancellation of dormant newsgroups is! automatic with =this command. /FILECHECK /FILECHECK [default] /NOFILECHECKB This qualifier is used in conjunction with the /ITEMS skim phase.E The default action of the SKIM is to attempt to open each item file,F and make the necessary corrections to the database if the file cannotE be accessed. If the NEWS database extends to many thousands of items= this open operation will take up a large amount of CPU time.C The check can be omitted by specifying the /NOFILECHECK qualifier,; whi>ch will speed up the SKIM run by a considerable factor./VERBOSE /VERBOSE [default] /NOVERBOSEE Skim will normally output messages indicating the skim action duringA each phase. These messages can be suppressed with the /NOVERBOSE qualifier./SERVED /SERVED [default] /NOSERVEDC The /SERVED pass by the SKIM command interrogates the remote nodesF configured as NNTP servers to the local system, and updates the localD database to be consistent with the it?ems held on the remote system.ww1 SKIPE SKIP will mark items as having been read by the user. If the currentB screen is the newsitem directory, then SKIP will mark the currentA newsitem as read - if the screen is the newsgroup directory then4 SKIP will mark ALL items in that newsgroup as read.I The command takes one optional parameter, a newsgroup name, which can be; used to mark as read ALL items in the nominated newsgroup. 2 Parameters NewsgroupE T@his qualifier changes context to the named newsgroup when recording items as skipped. 2 Qualifiers/ALLE This qualifier will mark ALL news items in ALL registered newsgroups! as having been read by the user./BEFORE /BEFORE=dateD This will mark all items as read which were created before the dateH specified. If the qualifier /ALL is used this will span all newsgroups.1 By default this will span the current newsgroup.H The date format is the standard VMS date-time format.A The default value of this qualifier is "TODAY" /FOLLOWUPH All newsitems in the current newsgroup with a subject field the same as- the current newsitem will be marked as read.H This command is used to skip entire conversation streams: all newsitems@ with related subject fields will be marked as having been read. /NEWSGROUPE This qualifier will mark ALL items in the current newsgroup as read.D If the screen is displaying the newsgroup directory then /NEWSGROUPA is the default Baction - if the screen is displaying the newsitem@ directory then /NONEWSGROUP is the default action, and only the current item will be marked/POINTERG This will mark all items (on an item screen) as being read, up to, and including, the current item./UPTOG This will mark all items (on an item screen) as being read, up to, and including, the current item.ww`1 SPAWNA Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of the@ subprocess iCs copied from the current process. You can use theB SPAWN command to leave NEWS temporarily, perform other functionsB (such as displaying a directory listing or printing a file), and then return to NEWS. Format: SPAWN [command] 2 ParameterscommandF Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the context of the@ created subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocessB terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If notD specified, a subDprocess is created transferring control to the DCL command level. 2 Qualifiers/INPUT /INPUT=file-specF Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL command strings to@ be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a commandA string along with an input file, the command string is processedD before the commands in the input file. Once processing is complete, the subprocess is terminated./LOGICAL_NAMES /[NO]LOGICAL_NAMESD Specifies that the logical names of t Ehe parent process be copied to? the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess to use the@ logical names of the parent process, enter the /NOLOGICAL_NAMES* qualifier. The default is /LOGICAL_NAMES./OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec= Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWN? operation are written. You should specify an output other thanB SYS$OUTPUT whenever you specify the /NOWAIT qualifier to prevent E output from being displayed while you are specifying new commandsF. F If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current  SYS$OUTPUT device./PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-nameE Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name! of the subprocess is USERNAME_n./SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLSF Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to ) the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS./WAIT /WAITD Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is completedE before allowing morGe commands to be specified. The /NOWAIT qualifierB allows you to specify new commands while the specified subprocessC is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, you should also use /OUTPUT toD direct the output to a file rather than displaying it on the screenB to prevent your terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously. 2 Examples 1.  NEWS> SPAWN SHOW TIMEB This example shows how to create a subprocess containing the DCL* command SHOW TIME while you are Hin NEWS. 2. , NEWS> SPAWN /NOLOGICAL_NAMES SET HOST _Node: MARS . . . $ LOGOUT CRAMMER logged out at ...3 %REM-S-END, control returned to node _BETA:: NEWS>= This example shows how to use the SPAWN command to create aD subprocess in which you SET HOST to another node. When you want to> leave node MARS and move back to node BETA, enter the LOGOUTD command. The /NOLOGICAL_NAMES qualifier prevents tIhe logical names< of the parent process from being copied to the subprocess.ww͌1 TOPJ This command moves the screen display to the start of the display screen.= The command is invoked by the key sequence PF1 - PrevScreen.ww͌1 TOPICD TOPIC displays the original topic of the current item. This commandE refers to conversation streams, where each posting in a conversationB contain explicit references to the preceding articles in the same cJonversation.F TOPIC attempts to follow this chain of reverse references back to theF original posting at the head of these backward references, or if this? posting is no longer available, locates the oldest item in the conversation and display it.# READ/TOPIC is a synonym for TOPIC. 2 Qualifiers/HEADERJ Directs NEWS to display all header lines of the newsitem. By default onlyG the subject line, sender address and date of the item are shown in the display./EDITORD UKse a callable editor in read-only mode to display the newsitem. ByI default this is the TPU editor, but this may be altered by the NEWS_VIEW@ logical name. See the section on NEWS settings for details. ForD compatibility with previous versions of NEWS, /TPU is equivalent to /EDITOR./ROT13J Some newsitems are posted using rot13 encryption. This qualifier decrypts the newsitem for display.ww`T1 UNMARK Format: UNMARK [tag]I UNMARK clears the mark from tLhe current news item. If a tag is specifiedH with the command, then only those tag values will be cleared. If no tagJ is specified, then all tags will be removed from the item. The tag may be% specified using wildcard characters.wwۏ1 UNREADI This command marks the current item as UNREAD. The item will be remarkedH again as unread, and will be displayed at a later stage by the READ/NEW4 command (if the item is in a registered newsgroup).F This command is useful toM mark items for re-reading at a later stage.wwۏ1 UNSKIPF UNSKIP undoes the effect of the most recent SKIP or SET SEEN command,@ setting all newsitems marked as seen by this command as unseen.wwۏ1 UP Format: UP [number]E In screen mode this moves the cursor up one line. The command has an< optional numeric parameter, the number of lines to move up.A This command may be used with the newsgroup directory, news item! directory or neNws text displays.E The command "UP 1" is equivalent to the up arrow key, and "UP 18" is# equivalent to the Prev Screen key. 2 ParametersNumberI This parameter specifies the number of lines to move up. If omitted, the default is 1 line.wwa1 UPDATE Format: UPDATE [newsgroup]I When NEWS is invoked it takes a snapshot of the local NEWS database, andJ presents this snapshot in a directory format to the user. If another userI posts to NEWS, or theO NEWS transport system reads in a news batch duringH an interactive session, these snapshots of the database summary are not automatically updated.G UPDATE clears the image section which maps the database and reads in aI new copy of the database snapshot, including any changes made since your session was started.J If a newsgroup name is specified then the update function is performed on that newsgroup only.wwa 1 VERSIOND This command will display the verPsion and creation date of the NEWS software.E This help file was updated to reflect NEWS Version 6.1, and was last updated on 10 February 1992.wwa1 WRITE Format: WRITE [filename]+ WRITE is a synonym for the command "POST".H WRITE is used to post new items into NEWS. If your system is configuredD into a news network, this item will also be distributed through the network.C NEWS will fill in all defaulting news headers, and will prompt forD all hQeader items which are non-defaulting (the subject line and the# newsgroups to post the item into).@ If the newsgroups for the posting are moderated, the posting is< automatically re-directed as mail to the moderator address. 2 ParametersfilenameD The name of the file containing the text of the item to post. If no= filename is given, the editor is invoked with an empty file. 2 Qualifiers/CONTROLD The Subject: header is duplicated as the Control: header line. This is a NEWSR MANAGER qualifier./EDIT /EDIT [default /NOEDITA Invokes the editor to edit the post file. If no post filename isE specified, the editor call is forced, otherwise the edit call can be# disabled by the /NOEDIT qualifier.= The default editor is the TPU EDT emulator, but this is user, definable (see the subtopic Logical_names)./HEADERS /NOHEADERS - DefaultE Post will normally prompt for the subject of the posting, and a list% of newsgroups to post the item intoS.D The /HEADERS qualifier will force prompting for optional components& of the item header. These fields are:1 Summary - A one line summary of the postingF Reply-To - Mail address for REPLYing to the item (used if repliesF are to be sent to an address different from the poster of the news)E Distribution - a list of keywords designed to limit the distributionA of a news item to a subject of the network. TheseD ke Tywords are site specific, but commonly include the@ keywords "local" (do not forward to the net) andE "world" (forward as far as possible through the net).D Followup-To - The list of newsgroups where followup postings are toD be sent. This is used to move a discussion to another newsgroup.D Keywords - A few relevant, pithy keywords which should indicate< to other readers if the item is of interest. /NEWSGROUPUS /NEWSGROUPS=newsgroup-list? This qualifier specifies the list of newsgroups to receive the? posting. If this qualifier value is not specified, the user is prompted for the newsgroups./ROT13I Specifies that the body of the posting will be encrypted using the rot13- encryption algorithm before posting to NEWS./SELFC A copy of the NEWS posting will be mailed as VMS MAIL to yourself./SUBJECT /SUBJECT=text stringI The subject line, or title of the posting. If this qualifier is omitted,$ the user is prompted for a subject.ww