; ******************************************************************************************************************************** ; Created 1-NOV-1993 13:00:43 by VAX SDL T3.2-8 Source: 11-OCT-1993 16:15:30 UAFPVTDEF.SDL;5 ; ******************************************************************************************************************************** ; Define the basic format of an itemlist entry. .MACRO $ITMLSTDEF,$GBL $DEFINI ITMLST,$GBL $EQU itm$c_length 12 ; Length of structure $EQU itm$k_length 12 $EQU itm$S_ITMDEF 12 $EQU itm$w_bufsiz 0 ; Size of the item buffer $EQU itm$w_itmcod 2 ; Item entry code $EQU itm$l_bufadr 4 ; Address of item buffer $EQU itm$l_retlen 8 ; Address of where to return information $DEFEND ITMLST,$GBL,DEF .ENDM ; Define the format of a user list entry. .MACRO $USRLSTDEF,$GBL $DEFINI USRLST,$GBL $EQU uaf$c_usrlst_length 128 ; Structure length $EQU uaf$k_usrlst_length 128 $EQU uaf$S_USRLSTDEF 128 $EQU uaf$l_usrlst_flink 0 ; Forward link $EQU uaf$l_usrlst_blink 4 ; Backward link $EQU uaf$l_usrlst_own_id 8 ; Account owner UIC (binary) $EQU uaf$S_usrlst_name 33 $EQU uaf$t_usrlst_name 12 ; Username storage (assumes UAF$S_USERNAME = 32) $EQU uaf$S_usrlst_uic 15 $EQU uaf$t_usrlst_uic 45 ; UIC storage (group number, member number & three delimiters) $EQU uaf$S_usrlst_uic_id 68 $EQU uaf$t_usrlst_uic_id 60 ; UIC storage (assumes KGB$S_NAME = 32: two identifiers & three delimiters) $DEFEND USRLST,$GBL,DEF .ENDM ; Define the format of an item table entry (used by xxxUAI). .MACRO $ITMTABDEF,$GBL $DEFINI ITMTAB,$GBL $EQU uaf$c_itm_ent_subset_copy 0 ; Copy value supplied $EQU uaf$c_itm_ent_subset_mask 1 ; Bit mask $EQU uaf$c_itm_ent_subset_value 2 ; Simple value $EQU uaf$c_itm_ent_subset_uic 3 ; Check UIC $EQU uaf$c_itm_ent_subset_cpu 4 ; Check CPU time $EQU uaf$m_itm_flg_rdonly 1 $EQU uaf$m_itm_flg_spfill 2 $EQU uaf$m_itm_flg_wrtonly 4 $EQU uaf$m_itm_flg_var 8 $EQU uaf$m_itm_flg_nop 16 $EQU uaf$c_itm_ent_length 16 ; Structure length $EQU uaf$k_itm_ent_length 16 $EQU uaf$S_ITMTABDEF 16 $EQU uaf$l_itm_ent_audit_0 0 ; item auditing flags, part 1 $EQU uaf$l_itm_ent_audit_4 4 ; item auditing flags, part 2 $EQU uaf$w_itm_ent_base 8 ; table entry UAF record offset $EQU uaf$w_itm_ent_size 10 ; table entry size $EQU uaf$w_itm_ent_spare 12 ; spare word $EQU uaf$b_itm_ent_subtyp 14 ; subseting type code $EQU uaf$b_itm_ent_flags 15 ; needed flags $EQU uaf$v_itm_flg_rdonly 0 ; field is read only $EQU uaf$v_itm_flg_spfill 1 ; space (not zero) fill field $EQU uaf$v_itm_flg_wrtonly 2 ; field is write only $EQU uaf$v_itm_flg_var 3 ; accept variable buffer $EQU uaf$v_itm_flg_nop 4 ; ignore item code $DEFEND ITMTAB,$GBL,DEF .ENDM