# Makefile for cccp in the Emacs distribution only. # Here we assume that you are using sys V.0 # (since cccp is used by Emacs only to deal with shortnames lossage). # Therefore, we add -DEMACS to CFLAGS and add -lPW to linking. .FIRST : extra_defs = "" CFLAGS = /optimize /include=(sys$disk:[]) /define=(EMACS=1'extra_defs') all : cpp.exe ! cpp.exe : cccp.exe - if f$search("cpp.exe.*") .nes. "" then delete cpp.exe.* copy cccp.exe cpp.exe cccp.exe : cccp.obj cexp.obj link /exe=cccp.exe cccp.obj,cexp.obj,[-.lib-src]alloca.obj,[-.vms]vmslink.opt/opt testexp.exe : cexp.c a = "" if f$extract(0,3,f$getsyi("HW_NAME")) .eqs. "DEC" then - a = "/standard=vaxc/prefix=all/nested=include" extra_defs = ",TEST_EXP_READER=1,""rindex""=""strrchr"",""index""=""strchr""" cc $(CFLAGS) 'a' cexp.c /obj=_cexp.obj link /exe=testexp.exe _cexp.obj,[-.vms]vmslink.opt/opt cexp.c : $(srcdir)cexp.y @ write sys$output "expect 40 shift/reduce conflicts" bison/yacc $(srcdir)cexp.y rename y_tab.c cexp.c cccp.obj : $(srcdir)cccp.c a = "" if f$extract(0,3,f$getsyi("HW_NAME")) .eqs. "DEC" then - a = "/standard=vaxc/prefix=all/nested=include" extra_defs = ",TEST_EXP_READER=1,""rindex""=""strrchr"",""index""=""strchr""" cc $(CFLAGS) 'a' $(srcdir)cccp.c /obj=cccp.obj cexp.obj : cexp.c