>>>> Overview <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Emon in an ethernet monitor that allows the display and analysis of ethernet frames on an ethernet cable. The sampling lasts 8 seconds between the display updates, at the specified priority (needs ALTPRI). The first two lines contain on the left the current bandwidth used, and the maximum bandwidth, in the middle, various error counters, on the right the filter being used. >>>> Configuration file <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The configuration file is pointed by the logical name EMON$CFG, and has the .CFG default type. Control entries parameter buffers # buffers alloted to emon parameter priority sampling priority (may need ALTPRI privilege) parameter io # simultaneous IO's parameter device ethernet device to use (may also be given by the logical name EMON$DEVICE:) parameter 802mode Ahhhh. Off or On. If the ethernet driver works correctly (V5.5-2 (??) or PATCH) must be ON. In the contrary: must be OFF if no 802.3 frames are to be observed and must be ON if no ethernet frames are to be observed. When both types of frames (802.3 and ethernet) are present, you must expect strange frames... parameter nopad Ahhhh again. Off or On. Depends on the VMS/driver version. if you get SS$_BADPARAM, try toggling this parameter. Sizing entries -- must precede definition entries maximum circuit max # of couples (station, station, protocol) maximum transport max # of couples (station, protocol) maximum system max # of stations maximum protocol max # of ethernet protocols maximum area max # of phase IV decnet areas maximum address max decnet addr for all the areas maximum map max # of maps maximum 802eprotocol max # of 802/802e protocols Definition entries decnet node a.n name of a decnet phase IV node decnet area a name of a decnet phase IV area hardware xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx name of an ethernet station protocol xx-xx name of an ethernet protocol 802eprotocol xx-xx-xx-xx-xx name of a 802E protocol map number n name nom de la map numéro n map node n mappe le noeud dans la map # n >>> Control commands <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EXIT HELP MAP PRINT dumps internal databases SET ERROR [HALT/CONTINUE] continue or not after an error during the ethernet SHOW MAP n NODE SPAWN [command] as usual Filters Most commands allow the filtering of frames using various criteria /FROM=(n1,...) name of the sender station(s) /TO=(n1,...) name of the receiver station(s) /END_ADDRESS=(n1,...) name of the receiving or sending station(s) /BETWEEN=((n1,n2),...) couple(s) of station exchanging glances on ethernet /PROTOCOL=(p1,...) name of protocol(s) /FROM, /TO and /PROTOCOL can have the valus 'UNKNOWN', means everything not contained in the configuration file. a tilda (~) in front of a name means every value but this one. Commands filter switches: switches for personal filters. /FILTER=: activates the filter EMON$FILTER_.EXE /L3= (protocol=ppppp, from=ffff, to=tttt, end_address=eeee, between=(e1e1e1,e2e2e2), filter=fffff, display=(ddddd,ddddd,ddddd,dddd),events=(eeee,eeee,eee,eee,eee) ) parameters used by the filter /L4= (protocol=ppppp, from=ffff, to=tttt, end_address=eee, between=(e1e1e1,e2e2e2), filter=fffff, display=(ddddd,ddddd,ddddd,dddd),events=(eeee,eeee,eee,eee,eee) ) parameters used by the filter /BRIEF /FULL /DEBUG filter debug mode TRACE [/from/to/protocol/end_address] /TRUNC (D) truncates the display to the width of the screen /PAD interprets the 2 first octets of the frame as a count /TIME (D) displays frame receive time /IOSB display frames receive IOSB /802_TRAILER display frames 802 trailer /INITIALIZE clears the screen before displaying /DATA[={HEX,ASC}] displays the data /OUTPUT stores into a file /MIN_SIZE selects frames with a minimum size /ERROR display only frames with errors [filter switches] displays or records selected frames ANALYZE file [/from/to/protocol/end_address] file file output by the trace command /TRUNC (D) truncates the display to the width of the screen /PAD interprets the 2 first octets of the frame as a count /TIME (D) displays frame receive time /IOSB display frames receive IOSB /802_TRAILER display frames 802 trailer /INITIALIZE clears the screen before displaying /DATA[={HEX,ASC}] displays the data /OUTPUT stores into a file /MIN_SIZE selects frames with a minimum size /ERROR display only frames with errors [filter switches] analyzes recorded frames MONITOR NODE [/protocol/initialize] /TALK only count packets sent /LISTEN only count packets received /DELTA (D) display what's been received during the sampling interval /TOTAL display what's been received since the the start of the command monitors one given mode MONITOR TOP monitors traffic tops MONITOR PROTOCOL [/from/to/end/protocol/initialize] /RECORD record the informations into a file monitor protocols MONITOR MULTICAST [/from/to/end/protocol/initialize] /RECORD record the informations into a file monitors multicast frames on the cable MONITOR AREA [/delta/total/protocol/initialize] /PACKETS statistics by frames /BYTES statistics by octets monirors a decnet phase IV area MONITOR MAP [/delta/total/byte/packet/protocol/initialize] monitors communications between maps MONITOR SIZE [/from/to/protocol/end] /FRAME list of frame sizes to make a tabular display /CHECK stop in case of error display statistics on the frame sizes MONITOR SUMMARY displays general informations on the ethernet traffic >>>> considerations systeme <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1) NETMBX,PHY_IO mandatory 2) ALTPRI helps 3) LRPCOUNT many 4) BYTLM increase if %EXQUOTA when starting the interface check if the interface warks ok in promiscuous mode. If it does not, your system will show it tou you rather rudely. link with SYS.STB only for EXE$GQ_SYSTIME ******************************************************************************** filters: they are shareable images linked against EMON the descriptions of the interfaces are in trace.h an example of programmation is emon$filter_internet.c dont'forget to put the shareable image in sys$share, or to define a logical name pointing at it ******************************************************************************** recommendations for the use of the ethernet drivers I only tested a few drivers and versions/patches of VMS. First check in the DIGITAL databases if the promiscuous mode works on the vms version and selected hardware. starting with EMON version v2.1, NOPAD sould work on any version of VMS. VMS v5.5 ... v5.5-2, series 4000 only, i believe: apply patch CSCPAT_0552017 at least, to avoid fatal hangs on your system. ================================================================================ ! Guillaume Gerard ! PSI *20807504128505::gerard ! ! Systems responsible ! Email gerard@enst.fr ! ! France Telecom University ! X400 C=FR AD=ATLAS PD=TELECPARIS ! ================================================================================ %SYSTEM-W-TMNYFNGRS, too many fingers on keyboard