%ì Librarian A09-16q>Ï ˜õ"ý ˜¬5¸#nö.Z.X">XâDocument hErrors  Limitations „ Logical-names @Mult NOverview X Push_Current¾StackèTopˆXP^­þÚ ˜1 #n!D SD maintains a stack of the last ten directories visited. EnteringH  SD #n  Sets default to the n'th previous entry in the SD stack.E If n is omitted, the 1st previous entry on the stack becomes the newG default. Unlike "SD #1," "SD #" swaps the 0th and 1st entries on theG stack. If you toggle between two directories frequently, using "SD #"H will prevent your stack from being filled with only those two directory specifications.!ww­ Éá ˜1 .!6 Sets default to the login default directory and disk.!ww­îEá ˜1 .X!B Sets default to the subdirectory named X at the next lower level.D If the current default is [A.B], then  SD .X  will result in a default of [A.B.X]!ww­]¸á ˜1 >X!> Sets default to the directory "X" at this subdirectory level.I If the current directory is [A.B.C] then  SD >X  will set default to [A.B.X].!ww­ˆôã ˜ 1 Document !B For a hard-copy listing of this HELP text for SD, print the file: P:SD.DOC ww­ØVæ ˜1 Errors!< SD checks for the existence of the directory being entered,< and prints an error if it is not found, or if the device is not mounted.! !1 SDENTRY!F! If a file "SDENTRY.COM" exists in the new directory, it is executed.;! This allows symbol definitions related to that directory.!! !1 SDEXIT!!D! If a file "SDEXIT.COM" exists in the current default direc tory, itD! is executed before a move is made to a new directory. This allowsF! cleaning up of symbol or logical name definitions before leaving theF! current directory. Normally, this feature would be used in conjunc-! tion with SDENTRY.!ww­(¹è ˜ 1 Limitations!F SD does not support multiple default directories or defaults on other nodes.ww­Sõê ˜1 Logical-names!I SD translates logical names if given. For example,  SD SYS$HELP 6 will  set the default to the translation for SYS$HELP.!ww­í£í ˜1 Mult!F In certain cases, SD can do two functions in one call. Blank(s) must separate the functions.C A. A * will cause the stack to be listed after all other processing is complete.= B. On GO operations, you can have it do another movement:G $  SD . .Y  (go to subdirectory Y of login default directory)C $  SD ^^  (go up two levels; note difference from SD @) ; $  SD #3 >X  (go to stack entry 3, then over to X)!ww­b,ð ˜ 1 Overview!# Set/Show Default Directory &SD ^ Go up one subdirectory levelCSD @ Go to top level of current directory (enter TOP for help)0SD . Go to login default directory and disk7SD #n Go to directory in n'th entry of the SD stack>SD # Set default to stack entry #1 (toggle stack entries)6SD >X Set default to [z.X] when currently in [z.y]$SD .X Set default to [current.X]3SD X.Y.Z Set default to [X.Y.Z] (enter X for help)1SD % Push the current default onto the stack2SD * Show the SD stack (enter STACK for help)'SD ? Show this SD help information"SD Show the current defaultHEnter Mult for help showing how to do multiple SD functions in one call.!ww­²Žò ˜1 Push_Current!B SD maintains a stack of the last ten directories visited. If SETC DEFAULT or another method is used to change the default, the stack@ will not be updated and the new default will not show up on theC stack. Specifying "%" tells SD to update the stack by pushing the current default directory.!ww­L=õ ˜1 Stack!D SD maintains a stack of the last ten directories visited. EnteringL  SD *  displays the SD stack, with the current directory at the top.E Entering  SD #n  sets the default to the corresponding entry.!!1 STAR!N! Entering  SD *  builds display on VT100  screen showing subdirectoriesE! under the current directory. When the display is complete, enter aF! blank to continue, or enter any of the following EDT keypad commands ! to travel through the display:!,! up-arrow TOP ADVANCE SECTION ctrl/w"! down-arrow BOTTOM BACKUP LINE!F! Only four levels of subdirectories are shown; if lower levels exist,G! the parent directory shows an arrow pointing to the right. If a dir-E! ectory name is too long, it will be truncated and a diamond will beF! displayed after it. If the terminal width is 80 columns, truncationF! will occur for names longer than 13 characters; if the screen is set<! to 132 columns, truncation will occur after 26 characters.!!ww­ÁÅ÷ ˜1 Top!N Entering  SD @  sets default to the top level directory. If currently& in [X.Y.Z], you will then be in [X] .!ww­6Nú ˜1 X!G Sets default to directory [X] on the current device. Note that squareG brackets are not required around the directory name; they are allowed, however. Examples:4 $  SD MYDIR  $  SD NEWDIR.A.B 7 You can also move to a different device, by executing: $  SD device:directory F The colon is required; you may follow the colon with a blank. If youD just enter a device, you will go to your current default on the new- device (e.g. from DRA0:[X.Y] to DRA1:[X.Y]).!!1 n!C! Sets default to the n'th predefined directory. These are usually B! defined at login, using global symbols SD__n. You can define or7! redefine these yourself, as in the following example:!*! $ SD__2 == "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MYDIR.MYSUB]"!B! Such definitions last until you logout or redefine them. If you=! want them to be permanent, put them in your LOGIN.COM file.!C! Note that you must include the square brackets in the definition.!B! The definition can also be of a device only, such as "_DRC0:" orE! "SYS$SYSROOT:". If so, then you can combine it with another entry, ! such as:!! $  SD 1 X.Y.Z !ww­õ"ý ˜1 ^!J Sets default to the next highest directory level. If default is [X.Y.Z],G execution of  SD ^  will set default to [X.Y]. You may specifyF more than one "^" to move up more than one level ($ SD ^^^ to move upI three levels). If the current default is a top-level directory, nothing happens.!ww