Persistence of Vision Raytracer POV-Ray 2.0 Catalog file. 2/1/93 Here is the contents of the \POVSRC\SOURCE directory. It contains source files used for compiling all versions POV-Ray. NOTE: You will also need a file or a set of files from the \POVSRC\MACHINE directory that are specific to your computer and compiler type before you can compile. This directory contains: BEZIER.C - bicubic patch shape routines BLOB.C - blob shape routines BOUND.C - auto-bounding slab routines BOXES.C - box shape routines CAMERA.C - camera routines COLOUR.C - color manipulation routines CONES.C - cone and cylinder shape routines CSG.C - constructive solid geometry shape routines DISCS.C - flat 2d disc shape routines DUMP.C - RGB dump file handler routines EXPRESS.C - float expression and color parsing routine FRAME.H - header containing typedefs, constants and data structures GIFDECOD.C - generic GIF LZW decoder module GIF.C - GIF file handler routines HFIELD.C - height field shape routines IFF.C - IFF file handler routines IMAGE.C - image, material, bump map routines for textures LIGHTING.C - lighting calculation routines MATRICES.C - 3d transformation matrices routines NORMAL.C - normal perturbation texture routines OBJECTS.C - general routines for all objects PARSE.H - header for PARSE.C, EXPRESS.C and TOKENIZE.C PARSE.C - file parser for POV-Ray language PIGMENT.C - color pattern routines for textures PLANES.C - plane shape routines POINT.C - light source routines POLY.C - poly, cubic, and quartic shape routines POVPROTO.H - header containing all function prototypes POVRAY.C - main program, command line parsing routines QUADRICS.C - quadric shape routines RAW.C - RAW RGB image file handler routines RAY.C - ray manipulation routines RENDER.C - routines to implement main program loop SOURCE.CAT - list of files in \POVSRC\SOURCE directory SPHERES.C - sphere shape routines TARGA.C - Targa file handler routines TEXTURE.C - main texture module TEXTURE.H - header used by texture modules TOKENIZE.C - DAT file tokenizer for POV-Ray language TRIANGLE.C - triangle and smooth triangle shape routines TXTTEST.C - dummy routines for testing new texture types VECTOR.H - header for vector math macros VECT.C - support routines for poly shapes