The ph user interface has two modes: "command-line mode" and "interactive mode". As its name implies, "command-line mode" permits the user to process ph queries from the operating system prompt or so-called "command-line". Command-line mode can only be used to view public information in the Nameserver database. In order to change a Nameserver entry or view privileged information about one's own entry, interactive mode is required. The syntax for a command-line mode query is: ph [-s server] [-p port] [-t type] [-f field1,field2,...] [-mMrRbBTlLF] query Note that many options and switches are available in command-line mode. All such options are explained in full in the help file called "manpage" (the Unix online manual page for ph). EXAMPLES To do a simple Nameserver lookup in command-line mode, get to the operating system prompt and type the command "ph" followed by a query expression. The entries matching your query will be printed to the screen. If the matching entries exceed one screen's worth of information, they will be filtered through the default pager (usually "more") and displayed one screen at a time. To advance to the next screen, press the space bar. Once all of the matching entries are displayed, you will be returned to the system prompt. The following example shows a simple lookup on the name "paul pomes" using ph's default settings: ux1 3> ph paul pomes ---------------------------------------- name: pomes paul phone: (217) 333-6262 address: 1429 dcl, MC 256 : 1304 w springfield : urbana, il 61801 department: computing services office title: sr res programmer email to: ( ---------------------------------------- ux1 4> Of course, command-line mode queries can take advantage of the various options and switches mentioned above. In the example below, the "-s server" option is used to query the Nameserver at Northwestern University, the "-f field1, field2..." option is used to specify which fields to display, and the "-r" option is used to tell ph not to reformat (combine) the "email" and "alias" fields into a single field with an alias-based address: ux1 37> ph -s -f name,alias,email -r john norstad ---------------------------------------- name: norstad, john l alias: j-norstad email: ---------------------------------------- SEE ALSO: ph, query, manpage, interactive_mode