Schnauzer:  add fields to BRINFO structure.  Want to be able to sort on
name, size, and mtime  (atime is useless, given that we access files all
the time in the schnauzer...)  

Have a '-noshrink' option & resource.  When enabled, and you view an image
	that's larger than the max window size, it should *crop* the image
	to the window, rather than shrink it.  This should probably also
	become the new default behavior, so maybe call it '-shrink' or 
	something...  (Concerns:  'Normal' command, 'Uncrop' command...)

Option to change how TrackPicValues displays stuff.  Let user enter
conversion factors (slope + offset) for intensity and x,y values (so folks
can do x,y -> lat,long or i -> temperature conversions automagically)
		Craig Motell  -  motell@avian.nmfs.hawaii.edu

> From: Peder Langlo
> To do comments without writing a full-blown text-editor...
>   one could push a "Annotate" button for a subwindow
>   prompting for a one line annotation or a file containing the text.
>   write comments (if any) to a temp file, exec an emacs (or whatever 
>   'EDITOR' is set to) on that file, and when it exits, reload contents of
>   the file as comments.  Should be easy enough, but I'm not making any more
>   changes until after 3.10 ships...

An Iconify All button.

A 'show hidden' checkbox in load/save windows

Be able to load/save colormap files?

'-alg #' option to execute a specific algorithm on initial image load?

"slideshow" script files that would contain image manip. commands and file
	names and times to wait (or wait for key/mouse).  Need to load up and
	manip the next image while displaying the current one...
	(David Koontz (dak@mosaic.uncc.edu))

The only thing missing in your package is a raw file reader. Since I get my
data from NASA/JPL, they use their strange VICAR stuff and so I can not
open their files using xv. Can you provide an OPEN AS... option, where I
can define the parameters of the image (such as No of rows, No. of cols,
header bytes and No. of channels (interleaved or not)). It would be very
helpful, because the different file formats at our site are really slowing
down the working process!

On-line help of some sort!  (Maybe an HTML page.)

Make a '-update' option to do an 'Update' (generate icons) in the specified
	directory, without any user intervention.

If '-perfect' or '-owncmap', we could create a private colormap when in 
	stdcmap mode (and then we can pick a 3/3/2 on 8-bit displays, and
	have a better chance of getting 2/2/2 on 6-bit displays.)

Add '-1xlimit' option (to keep 'old style' behavior, for folks who liked it),
	and make '-2xlimits' the default.  Also change UnCrop behavior 
	(should uncrop at current expansion:  if that would be bigger than
	the screen, just go back to 'normal' size)

Add a '-convert {gif,tiff,jpeg,pm,etc...}' option that suppresses most of the
	X stuff.  Never needs to fall into HandleEvent(), ferinstance...

Make the 'uncrop' less likely to generate a HUGE image, and then relax the
window max-size limitations to see what happens...

Instead of alternating diversity and popularity, you could
multiply the distance by the popularity of a color (expressed,
for example, as a percentage of the total points).
	From: rjohnson@shell.com (Roy Johnson)

Scroll bars for the image window.  Have a toggle to specify whether resizing
the window rescales the image, or just shows more or less of it.

Continue to handle events ('exposes' and keypresses, at least) during certain
long computations?  (such as smooth, loading jpegs, etc.)

look into a more-diverse 'slow24' algorithm (n****.tif)
	From: mjm@as.arizona.edu (Mark McCaughrean)

Stick in a '-cecmap' checkbox in the color editor window, somewhere.

be able to select 'ncols' values with a dial (while the program is running).
	Useful for folks trying to generate reduced color images.

Keyboard accelerators for the RGB dials in the color editor.


> Let you type 'xv <dirname>' it should do the 'right thing'  (including 
> 	recursing down subdirs...)
> Should probably have a '-only_use_recognized_suffixes' option to speed things
> up?  (ie, so it won't bother stat'ing (or including in the list, at least)
> things that don't end with '.gif', '.jpg', etc...)

> Deal with the virtual WM scene (tvtwm, at least)
> '-root' modes in tvtwm core dump?
> '-virtual' option:  geomspecs should normally be relative to the physical
> root window.  If '-virtual' is specified, they should be relative to the 
> virtual root window (if any)  (ALTERNATELY:  modify parsing of the geometry
> string slightly (look for a leading 'a' or 'r'???)
> Also, '-vmax' or something to let you generate a root image that's the size
> of the *virtual* root, not the physical root.

Faster compressed/color-on-grayscale-printers postscript output?

> The Hue remapping control is a wonder. Would it be possible to put xv in
> a mode so that saturation and value changes only apply for colors in the
> `From' dial? This would surely make xv more powerful in making the sky more
> blue and lipstick more red.  ('global' checkboxes next to the two controls)

Randomize function shouldn't be *so* random.  Maybe just randomly swap r,g,b
	colormap components, flip their signs, etc. ???

'real' colormap undo/redo controls.  (Hook into main coloreditor undo/redo
	controls.  Keep 'revert', though)

One question re usage:  can I place the "xv" window on one
"screen" (smaller, color) and the controls on another (large, grey-scale)?
I looked/read the docs, but couldn't figure out if this was possible.

Histograms (possibly toggle switches for all four graph windows?)  Possibly 
it's own window...  (See message from Jon Brinkmann describing ideas.)

> What I want is that if I Shift-rightbutton'ed on a pixel in the image, the 
> pixel got the yanked color. Should be very easy to implement if desired.


1) (this is a minor point, but would be a nice touch)
   in 24bit mode, you can't turn the image to gray by simply clicking
the "gray" button in the colormap editor -- since there is no
colormap. However, turning the image to grayscale is still a useful,
and fairly simple, operation. (I know, you can always save the image
as grayscale, and the re-load it, but that's kinda a long way to go
for something as simple as this.)

2) (my big wish)
we run X on 8-bit greyscale machines (DECstations to be precise).
Now, 8 bit grey can display all the gray information there is in a
24bit image. However, color images are still dithered down to gray --
especially in 24bit mode, with 6x6x6 color dithering, this makes the
image look far worse than it could. I propose, therefore, an
additional 24bit->8bit algorithm : Display as Gray (or something like
that), which should be the default on greyscale servers, or if the
-mono flag is used. This would not dither the image, but simply
convert it to grey. this would be pretty fast (right?) and would make
24bit images look _much_ better on 8bit greyscale devices (but we
wouldn't be sacrificing speed). Preferrably, this should be selectable
just like the other 24bit algorithms.

From: Phil.Richards@prg.oxford.ac.uk

  (iii) possibly make the Image window keeping backing store an option
 (command-line/resources); I'm sure you've already thought of that

From: "Anthony A. Datri" <aad@lovecraft.siemens.com>

It seems that when I save (eg., after cropping) or delete a file, XV
stats and opens *every* file in the current directory, even if -nostat
is specified.