/* * be sure to check 'config.h' for a couple other configuration options */ /* if, for whatever reason, you're unable to get the JPEG library to compile * on your machine, *COMMENT OUT* the following line */ #define HaveJpeg /* if, for whatever reason, you're unable to get the TIFF library to compile * on your machine, *COMMENT OUT* the following line */ #define HaveTiff /* if, for whatever reason, you're unable to get the PDS/VICAR support * to compile (xvpds.c, and vdcomp.c), *COMMENT OUT* the following line */ #define HavePDS /* * if you are running on a SysV-based machine, such as HP, Silicon Graphics, * etc, uncomment one of the following lines to get you *most* of the way * there. SYSV means System V R3. One of these may be defined through your * X11 config files anyway. */ /* UNIX = -DSVR4 */ /* UNIX = -DSYSV */ /* If your machine has the 'usleep()' function, uncomment the following * line. If it doesn't, or you're not sure, don't uncomment the line */ /* TIMERS = -DUSLEEP */ /* if XV locks up whenever you click any button in the controls window, * the Timer() function in xvmisc.c is going out-to-lunch. A simple * workaround is to uncomment the following line: */ /* TIMERS = -DNOTIMER */ /* if you are running under DXWM, I pity you. XV doesn't work correctly * under DXWM. You should probably be running MWM. However, if such is * not a valid option for you, try uncommenting the following line. The * behavior won't be 'right', but it will be less 'wrong'. */ /* DXWM = -DDXWM */ /* if your system doesn't have u_long, u_short ... typedefined * uncomment the following line: */ /* BSDTYPES = -DBSDTYPES */ /* if your system *doesn't* have /usr/include/dirent.h, (ie, isn't POSIX * compliant, then you may have to uncomment the following line to use the * 'old-style' directory-handling structures */ /* NODIRENT = -DNODIRENT */ /* If your machine doesn't have the 'random()' function, and only * has 'rand()', uncomment the following line: */ /* RAND= -DNO_RANDOM */ /* if your machine doesn't have 'vprintf()' or 'vsprintf()' * see vprintf.c for more information, if needed. */ #if defined(VaxArchitecture) && !defined(UltrixArchitecture) VPRINTF= -DNEED_VPRINTF -DINTSPRINTF -DLONGINT -DNOVOID #else # if defined(RtArchitecture) && !defined(AIXArchitecture) VPRINTF= -DNEED_VPRINTF -DINTSPRINTF -DLONGINT -DNOSTDHDRS -U__STDC__ # else # if defined(SequentArchitecture) VPRINTF= -DNEED_VPRINTF -DLONGINT -DNOSTDHDRS # endif # endif #endif /* If you are using an HP running HPUX 7.0, the following should be active */ #if defined(HPArchitecture) && (OSMajorVersion == 7) HPUX7 = -DSYSV +Ns4000 -DHPUX7 #endif /* If you are using an SGI machine, the following should be active */ #ifdef SGIArchitecture SGI = -Dsgi #endif /* This marks the end of the configuration parameters */ #ifdef HaveJpeg JPEG = -DDOJPEG JPEGDIR = jpeg LIBJPEG = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.a JPEGINCLUDE = -I$(JPEGDIR) #endif #ifdef HaveTiff TIFF = -DDOTIFF TIFFDIR = tiff LIBTIFF = $(TIFFDIR)/libtiff.a TIFFINCLUDE = -I$(TIFFDIR) #endif #ifdef HavePDS PDS = -DDOPDS #endif #if defined(SCOArchitecture) SCO= -Dsco -DPOSIX -DNO_RANDOM SYS_LIBRARIES= -lm -lc -lx #else SYS_LIBRARIES= -lm #endif DEPLIBS = $(LIBJPEG) $(LIBTIFF) LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XLIB) $(DEPLIBS) DEFINES= $(SCO) $(UNIX) $(NODIRENT) $(VPRINTF) $(TIMERS) \ $(HPUX7) $(JPEG) $(TIFF) $(PDS) $(DXWM) $(RAND) \ $(BACKING_STORE) $(BSDTYPES) $(SGI) INCLUDES = $(JPEGINCLUDE) $(TIFFINCLUDE) SRCS1 = xv.c xvevent.c xvroot.c xvmisc.c xvimage.c xvcolor.c xvsmooth.c \ xv24to8.c xvgif.c xvpm.c xvinfo.c xvctrl.c xvscrl.c xvalg.c \ xvgifwr.c xvdir.c xvbutt.c xvpbm.c xvxbm.c xvgam.c xvbmp.c \ xvdial.c xvgraf.c xvsunras.c xvjpeg.c xvps.c xvpopup.c xvdflt.c \ xvtiff.c xvtiffwr.c xvpds.c xvrle.c xviris.c xvgrab.c vprintf.c \ xvbrowse.c xvtext.c xvpcx.c xviff.c xvtarga.c xvxpm.c xvcut.c \ xvxwd.c xvfits.c OBJS1 = xv.o xvevent.o xvroot.o xvmisc.o xvimage.o xvcolor.o xvsmooth.o \ xv24to8.o xvgif.o xvpm.o xvinfo.o xvctrl.o xvscrl.o xvalg.o \ xvgifwr.o xvdir.o xvbutt.o xvpbm.o xvxbm.o xvgam.o xvbmp.o \ xvdial.o xvgraf.o xvsunras.o xvjpeg.o xvps.o xvpopup.o xvdflt.o \ xvtiff.o xvtiffwr.o xvpds.o xvrle.o xviris.o xvgrab.o vprintf.o \ xvbrowse.o xvtext.o xvpcx.o xviff.o xvtarga.o xvxpm.o xvcut.o \ xvxwd.o xvfits.o SRCS2= bggen.c OBJS2= bggen.o #ifdef HavePDS SRCS3= vdcomp.c OBJS3= vdcomp.o #endif SRCS4= xcmap.c OBJS4= xcmap.o SRCS5= xvpictoppm.c OBJS5= xvpictoppm.o PROGRAMS= xv bggen vdcomp xcmap xvpictoppm all:: @echo "" @echo " Did you remember to 'make depend' first?" @echo "" #if defined(HaveJpeg) || defined(HaveTiff) # ifdef HaveJpeg # ifdef HaveTiff SUBDIRS = tiff # else SUBDIRS = # endif # else SUBDIRS = tiff # endif # define PassCDebugFlags # define IHaveSubdirs #endif all:: @echo " building xv ..." @echo "" #ifdef HaveJpeg $(LIBJPEG): cd $(JPEGDIR); $(MAKE) libjpeg.a clean:: @echo "" @echo " cleaning in $(JPEGDIR) ..." @echo "" ( cd $(JPEGDIR) ; $(MAKE) clean ) @echo "" #endif #ifdef HaveTiff $(LIBTIFF): cd $(TIFFDIR); $(MAKE) libtiff.a clean:: @echo " cleaning in $(TIFFDIR) ..." @echo "" ( cd $(TIFFDIR) ; $(MAKE) clean ) @echo "" #endif SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) $(SRCS3) $(SRCS4) AllTarget($(PROGRAMS)) DependTarget() #ifdef IHaveSubdirs DependSubdirs($(SUBDIRS)) #endif NormalProgramTarget(xv,$(OBJS1),$(DEPLIBS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),) NormalProgramTarget(bggen,$(OBJS2),$(DEPLIBS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),) NormalProgramTarget(xcmap,$(OBJS4),$(DEPLIBS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),) NormalProgramTarget(xvpictoppm,$(OBJS5),$(DEPLIBS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),) InstallProgram(xv,$(BINDIR)) InstallProgram(bggen,$(BINDIR)) InstallProgram(xcmap,$(BINDIR)) InstallProgram(xvpictoppm,$(BINDIR)) #ifdef HavePDS NormalProgramTarget(vdcomp,$(OBJS3),$(DEPLIBS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),) InstallProgram(vdcomp,$(BINDIR)) #endif InstallManPageLong(docs/xv,$(MANDIR),xv) InstallManPageLong(docs/bggen,$(MANDIR),bggen) InstallManPageLong(docs/xcmap,$(MANDIR),xcmap) InstallManPageLong(docs/xvp2p,$(MANDIR),xvpictoppm) InstallManPageLong(docs/vdcomp,$(MANDIR),vdcomp) tar: tar cf xv.tar Makefile* Imakefile *.c *.h bits docs \ docs unsupt vms $(JPEGDIR) $(TIFFDIR) $(MISC)