.;****************************************************************************** .;* Copyright 1995 by Thomas E. Dickey. All Rights Reserved. * .;* * .;* You may freely copy or redistribute this software, so long as there is no * .;* profit made from its use, sale trade or reproduction. You may not change * .;* this copyright notice, and it must be included in any copy made. * .;****************************************************************************** .; $Id: mt.rno,v 1.2 1995/10/23 20:28:52 tom Exp $ .; titlepage .req "d0.req" .sk10 .lm+10.rm-10 VAX-11 .br;Screen-Oriented Browsing Program .br;BROWSE .sk3 .rpt 16 "-" .sk3 $$month#$$day,#$$year .sk3 .rpt 16 "-" .sk2.nj This manual documents BROWSE, a file browsing utility .sk2.j Copyright 1995 by Thomas E.#Dickey .lm.rm .nmpg 3.pg