MANIFEST for flist, version v951027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANIFEST this file FREEWARE_DEMO.TXT instructions for building/installing FLIST FREEWARE_README.TXT synopsis of FLIST, for release on OpenVms FreeWare CDROM release.dickey release form for OpenVms FreeWare CDROM setup-script for FLIST development/testing doc subdirectory doc/browse.hlp command-line help for BROWSE doc/browse.mem compiled BROWSE document doc/ build-script for FLIST+BROWSE documentation doc/d0-parts.rno main file for FLIST documentation doc/d0.req definitions for D0.RNO doc/d0.rno main document: FLIST doc/d1.pic chapter-1 of FLIST doc/d1.rno chapter-1 of FLIST doc/d2.rno chapter-2 of FLIST doc/d3.rno chapter-3 of FLIST doc/d4.rno chapter-4 of FLIST doc/d5.rno chapter-5 of FLIST doc/da.rno appendix-A of FLIST doc/db.rno appendix-B of FLIST doc/dp.rno preface of FLIST doc/dt.rno titlepage of FLIST doc/flist.hlp command-line help for FLIST doc/flist.mem compiled FLIST document doc/m0-parts.rno parts of BROWSE doc/m0.rno main document: BROWSE doc/m1.rno chapter-1 of BROWSE doc/m2.rno chapter-2 of BROWSE doc/m3.rno chapter-3 of BROWSE doc/ma.rno appendix-A of BROWSE doc/mp.rno preface of BROWSE doc/mt.rno titlepage of BROWSE src subdirectory src/acp.h originally fibdef.h src/acpcopy.c use ACP to copy attributes from one file to another src/acpcopy.h interface of acpcopy.c src/acplook.c use ACP to lookup directory information src/alarm.c ring the bell src/argvdcl.c translate argc+argv list into DCLARG struct src/atrdef.h attribute-definitions (extracted from vax library) src/bool.h bool/misc definitions src/browse.bug BROWSE bugs src/browse.c main program of BROWSE src/browse.cld command-language definition for BROWSE src/ DCL script to build FLIST src/canopen.c verify that a file is readable src/canopen.h interface of canopen.c src/chprot.c use ACP to alter protection-code of file(s) src/chprot.h public interface of 'chprot.c' src/chrcmd.c decode character(s) as FLIST command src/cmdstk.c maintain buffer of FLIST commands src/cmdstk.h interface of cmdstk.c src/cmpprot.c test protection-code to see if process can access file src/crt.c screen refresh/display for FLIST, BROWSE src/crt.h parameters for CRT.C src/datent.h DATENT structure definition src/dclarea.c allocate string-area for DCLOPT-struct src/dclarg.c parse DCL-like command src/dclarg.h interface/definitions for DCLARG.C src/dclchk.c test DCLARG-list for error conditions src/dclinx.c performs indexing for DCLARG-lists src/dclopt.c perform options-parsing for DCLARG lists (to DCLOPT) src/dclopt.h types/definitions for DCLOPT.C src/dclwild.c test for wildcards in parsed command src/dds.c FLIST's special display routines src/dds.h types/definitions for DDS.C src/debrief.c lookup closest command-match, allowing abbreviation src/descrip.mms MMS script to build FLIST src/dirarg.c perform syntax-checking for DIRCMD.C src/dirchk.c check command for #/parms, options src/dircmd.c command-input for FLIST src/dircmd.h split-out function prototypes for dircmd.c interface src/dircmd2.h define command-parser constraints src/dirdata.c maintain 'filelink' list of files src/dirdata.h interface of dirdata.c src/dirent.c performs wildcard directory-lookup src/dirent.h defines structures used to store directory info src/dirfind.c performs in-list searches src/dirfind.h interface of dirfind.c src/dirhigh.c determines highest-version of a file src/diropen.c check read/write access of a directory src/dirpath.c maintains 'pathlist' (list of directories) src/dirpath.h interface of dirpath.c src/dirprot.c check access-rights of a list of files src/dirread.c update the "read-list" for FLIST src/dirread.h interface of dirread.c src/dirseek.c verifies existence of a list of files src/dirseek.h interface of dirseek.c src/domore.c dummy main-program for BROWSE src/dqfdef.h DQF-definitions (extracted from vax library) src/dspc.c displays cursor-location for BROWSE src/dspc.h interface of DSPC.C src/edtcmd.c interface to EDIT command for FLIST src/edtcmd.h interface of EDTCMD.C src/fchdef.h FCH definitions (extracted from vax library) src/fgetr.c model code for reading lines for BROWSE src/fibdef.h FIB definitions (extracted from vax library) src/fl.c main program of FLIST src/flcols.c alter the display by changing columns src/flcopy.c FLIST "copy" command src/flcrea.c FLIST "create" command src/fldlet.c FLIST "delete" command src/fldump.c dump FLIST's database (debugging) src/fledit.c FLIST "edit" command src/flescp.c FLIST "spawn" command src/flfind.c FLIST "find" command src/flist.bug FLIST bugs src/flist.cld command-language definition for FLIST src/flist.h general FLIST include src/flmore.c FLIST "browse" command src/flnoid.c FLIST spawn/noid command (for print, submit) src/flpage.c scrolling commands for FLIST src/flprot.c FLIST "protect" command src/flread.c FLIST "read" command src/flrnam.c FLIST "rename" command src/flscan.c FLIST "verify" command src/flshow.c FLIST "show" command src/flsort.c FLIST "sort" command src/freelist.c frees all items in a linked-list src/freelist.h interface of freelist.c src/getpad.c read/parse input character stream src/getpad.h keypad definitions for GETPAD.C src/getprot.c obtain protection-code for file(s) src/getprot.h defines type returned by GETPROT.C src/getraw.c obtain single character w/o echo src/getraw.h interface of getraw.c src/help.c interface to help-file manager src/highver.c returns highest-version of a file src/inspect.c test if a file is text vs binary src/isowner.c test if process owns (or can modify) file src/lbrdef.h LBR definitions (extracted from vax library) src/main.h stubs for main program vs embedded (for BROWSE) src/nameheap.c manage table of character-strings src/nameheap.h public interface of nameheap.c src/names.h defines pathname sizes for vms src/normal.opt link-options (non-shared) src/pathdown.c parse/substitute to obtain subdirectory src/pathup.c parse/substitute to obtain parent directory src/pathup.h interface of pathup, pathdown src/putraw.c put string, tracking backspaces src/rabrfa.c hide details of RAB's record-field-address src/rabrfa.h interface of rabrfa.c src/rmscc.c tests file for carriage-control attributes src/rmscc.h interface of rmscc.c src/rmsinit.c initialize RMS structures src/rmsinit.h interface of rmsinit.c src/rmsio.c RMS equivalents for UNIX stdio functions src/rmsio.h types/definitions for RMSIO.C src/rmslook.c lookup info about a file (for FILENT structure) src/scanint.c should replace with 'strtol()' src/scanver.c scan string for a file's version-number src/scanver.h interface of highver/scanver src/setctrl.c enable/disable ^T, ^Y handlers src/setprot.c utility for FLIST "protect" command src/sharable.opt link-options (shared) src/shoquota.c FLIST "show quota" command src/snapshot.c makes a snapshot of screen for FLIST, BROWSE src/strabbr.c compares two strings to see if one is an abbreviation src/strclip.c clip embedded substring from a string src/strform2.c formats message-text for FLIST src/strlcpy.c copy string, lowercasing it src/strnull.c returns pointer to end-of-string src/strscale.c creates column-scale for BROWSE src/strskps.c skip whitespace in a string src/strtrim.c trim trailing whitespace from a string src/strucpy.c copy string, uppercasing it src/strutils.h prototypes for miscellaneous string functions src/strvcmp.c compare strings, ignoring case and repeated blanks src/strvcpy.c copy string, uppercasing and removing excess whitespace src/strwcmp.c compare two strings, one may be wildcard pattern src/syasctim.c convert VMS date to printable string src/sybintim.c convert string to VMS date src/sydelete.c delete a file src/syfom.c returns elapsed/actual times src/sygetmsg.c convert status to error message src/sygetsym.c lookup DCL symbols src/syhour.c convert VMS date to hour src/syrename.c rename a file src/syrights.c test process-privileges src/sysutils.h interface to string-utilities src/sytrnlog.c translate logical to ultimate src/tabexp.c expand tabs to spaces src/termsize.c interrogate/alter terminal size src/textlink.h define linked list of text structures src/ttrace.c write timestamp and text to trace file (debugging) src/ttrace.h interface of ttrace.c src/uid2s.c translate user-id/group to string src/version.c release history of FLIST src/warning.h common error/warning functions used in flist/browse src/whoami.c returns pathname of program src/whoami.h interface of whoami.c src/xabproui.c extract uic info from XABPRO structure src/xabproui.h interface of xabproui.c