; Prefix file for the program which converts System accounting records ; to fixed format for processing by Datatrieve (or other languages which ; would have a hard time with the "screwy" un-normalized accounting file ; format). ; ; B. Z. Lederman 21-Jan-1988 ; ; There are three image file name options: ; ; Type 1: The full (up to 255 character) image file name as supplied. ; Type 2: Use LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC to reduce the image file name ; Type 3: Look for the last directory spec, then LIB$TRIM_FILESPEC from there. ; ; Type 3 is the default, unless you remove the ";" from in front of ; one of the next two statements. ; ;TYPE1 = 0 ;TYPE2 = 0 ; ; The default image file name length is: 255 for Type 1, 32 for Types 2 and 3 ; unless the ";" and an explicit value is placed in the next statement: ; ;NAM_LEN = 64 ; ; If NAM_LEN is set to zero, image accounting file names won't be included. .IF NOT_DEFINED TYPE1 .IF NOT_DEFINED TYPE2 TYPE3 = 0 .ENDC .ENDC .IF NOT_DEFINED NAM_LEN .IF DEFINED TYPE1 NAM_LEN = 255 .ENDC .IF NOT_DEFINED TYPE1 NAM_LEN = 32 .ENDC .ENDC .PAGE