#declare Stones_Inc_Temp = version #version 2.0 /* Persistence of Vision Raytracer Version 2.0 Stone textures by Mike Miller 1992 Contains declared texture statements defining a variety of stone granite & marble textures. Most use the granite texture. Turbulence has no effect on granite, but turbulence is stated before the color map for convenience of switching to marble, which does need a turbulence to swirl the color. I tried to avoid using a random dither, but I find it helps create a subtle grain & can spark lost colors in the map. On multi-layered texture, try a float of about 0.05 on the first texture. Final Note: I would not "INCLUDE" this whole data file into a scene file if only one or two of these textures were being used...There are too many declares being used. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The textures Grnt0-Grnt29, Grnt0A-Grnt24A and Crack1-Crack4 are "building blocks" that are used to create the final "usable" textures, Stone1 - Stone24 (and other textures that *you* design, of course!) INDEX: Grnt0 - Grnt29 color maps (generally) contain no filter values ------------------------------ Grnt0 - Gray/Tan with Rose. Grnt1 - Creamy Whites with Yellow & Light Gray. Grnt2 - Deep Cream with Light Rose, Yellow, Orchid, & Tan. Grnt3 - Warm tans olive & light rose with cream. Grnt4 - Orchid, Sand & Mauve. Grnt5 - Medium Mauve Med.Rose & Deep Cream. Grnt6 - Med. Orchid, Olive & Dark Tan "mud pie". Grnt7 - Dark Orchid, Olive & Dark Putty. Grnt8 - Rose & Light Cream Yellows Grnt9 - Light Steely Grays Grnt10 - Gray Creams & Lavender Tans Grnt11 - Creams & Grays Kahki Grnt12 - Tan Cream & Red Rose Grnt13 - Cream Rose Orange Grnt14 - Cream Rose & Light Moss w/Light Violet Grnt15 - Black with subtle chroma Grnt16 - White Cream & Peach Grnt17 - Bug Juice & Green Grnt18 - Rose & Creamy Yellow Grnt19 - Gray Marble with White feather Viens Grnt20 - White Marble with Gray feather Viens Grnt21 - Green Jade Grnt22 - Clear with White feather Viens (has some transparency) Grnt23 - Light Tan to Mauve Grnt24 - Light Grays Grnt25 - Moss Greens & Tan Grnt26 - Salmon with thin Green Viens Grnt27 - Dark Green & Browns Grnt28 - Red Swirl Grnt29 - White, Tan, w/ thin Red Viens Grnt0A - Grnt24A color maps containing filter ------------------------------ Grnt0a - Translucent Grnt0 Grnt1a - Translucent Grnt1 Grnt2a - Translucent Grnt2 Grnt3a - Translucent Grnt3 Grnt4a - Translucent Grnt4 Grnt5a - Translucent Grnt5 Grnt6a - Translucent Grnt6 Grnt7a - Translucent Grnt7 Grnt8a - Aqua Tints Grnt9a - Filter Creams With Cracks Grnt10a - Filter Cream Rose & light yellow Grnt11a - Filter Light Grays Grnt12a - Filter Creams & Tans Grnt13a - Filter Creams & Grays Grnt14a - Cream Rose & light moss Grnt15a - Filter Sand & light Orange Grnt16a - Cream Rose & light moss (again?) Grnt17a - ??? Grnt18a - ??? Grnt19a - Gray Marble with White feather Viens with Filter Grnt20a - White Feather Viens Grnt21a - Thin White Feather Viens Grnt22a - ??? Grnt23a - Transparent Green Moss Grnt24a - ??? Crack1 - Crack4 clear with an thin opaque band for Cracks ------------------------------ Crack1 - Crack & Red Overtint Crack2 - Translucent Dark Cracks Crack3 - Overtint Green w/ Black Cracks Crack4 - Overtint w/ White Crack OTHERS Stone1 - Stone24 complete texture statements - edit to your scene & lighting situations. ------------------------------ Stone1 - Deep Rose & Green Marble with large White Swirls Stone2 - Light Greenish Tan Marble with Agate style veining Stone3 - Rose & Yellow Marble with fog white veining Stone4 - Tan Marble with Rose patches Stone5 - White Cream Marble with Pink veining Stone6 - Rose & Yellow Cream Marble Stone7 - Light Coffee Marble with darker patches Stone8 - Gray Granite with white patches Stone9 - White & Light Blue Marble with light violets Stone10- Dark Brown & Tan swirl Granite with gray undertones Stone11- Rose & White Marble with dark tan swirl Stone12- White & Pinkish Tan Marble Stone13- Medium Gray Blue Marble Stone14- Tan & Olive Marble with gray white veins Stone15- Deep Gray Marble with white veining Stone16- Peach & Yellow Marble with white veining Stone17- White Marble with gray veining Stone18- Green Jade with white veining Stone19- Peach Granite with white patches & green trim Stone20- Brown & Olive Marble with white veining Stone21- Red Marble with gray & white veining Stone22- Dark Tan Marble with gray & white veining Stone23- Peach & Cream Marble with orange veining Stone24- Green & Tan Moss Marble ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //--------- Gray Tan with Rose #declare Grnt0 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.4 color_map {[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.000> color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.000>] [0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.000> color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.000>] [0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.000> color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.000>] [0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.000> color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.000> color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.000>] } } } //----- Creamy Whites with yellow & light gray #declare Grnt1 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.212 color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.000> color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.000>] [0.212, 0.424 color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.000> color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.000>] [0.424, 0.627 color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.000> color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.627, 0.881 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.000>] [0.881, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.000> color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.000>] } } } //------- Deep Cream with light rose, yellow orchid & tan #declare Grnt2 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.000> color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.000>] } } } //------- Warm tans olive & light rose with cream #declare Grnt3 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>] [0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000> color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>] } } } //-------- Orchid sand & mouve #declare Grnt4 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000> color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000>] [0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000> color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.000>] [0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.000> color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000>] [0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.000> color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000> color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000>] } } } //------- Medium Mauve Med.Rose & deep cream #declare Grnt5 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000> color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>] [0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000> color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.000>] [0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.000> color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.000>] [0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.000> color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.000> color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Med. Orchid Olive & Dark Tan "mud pie" #declare Grnt6 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.000> color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.000>] [0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.000> color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.000>] [0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.000> color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.000>] [0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.000> color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.000> color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.000>] } } } //------- Dark Orchid Olive & Dark Putty #declare Grnt7 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.000> color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.000>] [0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.000> color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.000>] [0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.000> color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.000>] [0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.000> color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.000> color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Rose & Light cream Yellows #declare Grnt8 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.179 color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000> color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.000>] [0.179, 0.368 color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.000> color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.368, 0.538 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.000>] [0.538, 0.846 color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.000> color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000>] [0.846, 0.983 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000> color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.000>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.000> color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Light Steely Grays #declare Grnt9 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000> color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000> color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000> color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000> color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000>] [0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000> color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Gray Creams & lavender tans #declare Grnt10 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000> color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.004>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.004> color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.004>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.004> color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>] [0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000> color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Creams & Grays Kakhi #declare Grnt11 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.000> color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000> color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.004>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.004> color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000> color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.000>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.000> color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Tan Cream & Red Rose #declare Grnt12 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000> color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.000>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.000> color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.000> color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Cream Rose orange #declare Grnt13 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.000> color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.000>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000> color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Cream Rose & light moss & light Violet #declare Grnt14 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.737, 0.596, 0.522, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.368 color rgbf <0.737, 0.596, 0.522, 0.000> color rgbf <0.776, 0.702, 0.624, 0.000>] [0.368, 0.538 color rgbf <0.776, 0.702, 0.624, 0.000> color rgbf <0.796, 0.678, 0.643, 0.000>] [0.538, 0.846 color rgbf <0.796, 0.678, 0.643, 0.000> color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>] [0.846, 0.932 color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.773, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>] [0.932, 1.001 color rgbf <0.773, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.690, 0.612, 0.569, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Black with subtle chroma #declare Grnt15 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.104 color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000> color rgbf <0.110, 0.082, 0.071, 0.000>] [0.104, 0.252 color rgbf <0.110, 0.082, 0.071, 0.000> color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>] [0.252, 0.383 color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000> color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.383, 0.643 color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000> color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>] [0.643, 0.783 color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000> color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000>] [0.783, 0.922 color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000> color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.922, 0.983 color rgbf <0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000> color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.220, 0.149, 0.137, 0.000> color rgbf <0.161, 0.133, 0.118, 0.000>] } } } //----- White Cream & Peach #declare Grnt16 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.316 color rgbf <0.910, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000> color rgbf <0.922, 0.914, 0.871, 0.000>] [0.316, 0.453 color rgbf <0.922, 0.914, 0.871, 0.000> color rgbf <0.894, 0.867, 0.780, 0.000>] [0.453, 0.624 color rgbf <0.894, 0.867, 0.780, 0.000> color rgbf <0.784, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000>] [0.624, 0.726 color rgbf <0.784, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000> color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.000>] [0.726, 0.863 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.000> color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000>] [0.863, 1.001 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.000> color rgbf <0.910, 0.788, 0.788, 0.000>] } } } //----- Bug Juice & Green #declare Grnt17 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.303 color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.000, 0.000> color rgbf <0.333, 0.294, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.303, 0.588 color rgbf <0.333, 0.294, 0.000, 0.000> color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.341, 0.000>] [0.588, 0.790 color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.341, 0.000> color rgbf <0.000, 0.020, 0.000, 0.000>] [0.790, 1.001 color rgbf <0.000, 0.020, 0.000, 0.000> color rgbf <0.000, 0.239, 0.000, 0.000>] } } } //------------ Rose & cream yellow #declare Grnt18 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.4 color_map {[0.000, 0.202 color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.000> color rgbf <0.890, 0.651, 0.612, 0.000>] [0.202, 0.298 color rgbf <0.890, 0.651, 0.612, 0.000> color rgbf <1.000, 0.820, 0.675, 0.000>] [0.298, 0.377 color rgbf <1.000, 0.820, 0.675, 0.000> color rgbf <0.890, 0.643, 0.612, 0.000>] [0.377, 0.465 color rgbf <0.890, 0.643, 0.612, 0.000> color rgbf <0.937, 0.729, 0.561, 0.000>] [0.465, 0.544 color rgbf <0.937, 0.729, 0.561, 0.000> color rgbf <0.878, 0.604, 0.565, 0.000>] [0.544, 0.640 color rgbf <0.878, 0.604, 0.565, 0.000> color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.000>] [0.640, 0.860 color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.000> color rgbf <1.000, 0.863, 0.635, 0.000>] [0.860, 0.982 color rgbf <1.000, 0.863, 0.635, 0.000> color rgbf <1.000, 0.765, 0.620, 0.000>] [0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <1.000, 0.765, 0.620, 0.000> color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Gray Marble with White feather Viens #declare Grnt19 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.3 color White color DimGray] [0.3, 0.4 color DimGray color DimGray] [0.4, 0.6 color DimGray color DimGray] [0.6, 1.0 color DimGray color DimGray] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //--------- White Marble with Gray feather Viens #declare Grnt20 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.3 color Mica color White] [0.3, 0.4 color White color White] [0.4, 0.6 color White color White] [0.6, 1.0 color White color White] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //-------- Declare Green Colors #declare g1 = color red 0.26 green 0.41 blue 0.31 //---Light Gray Green #declare g2 = color red 0.27 green 0.34 blue 0.26 //---Med Gray Green #declare g3 = color red 0.13 green 0.29 blue 0.28 //---Med Gray Aqua #declare g4 = color red 0.03 green 0.18 blue 0.08 //---Dark Green //--------- Green Jade #declare Grnt21 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.1 color White filter 0.3 color SeaGreen filter 0.4] [0.1, 0.3 color SeaGreen filter 0.4 color g2 filter 0.7] [0.3, 0.5 color g2 filter 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7] [0.5, 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7 color g4 filter 0.7] [0.7, 0.8 color g4 filter 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7] [0.8, 1.0 color DarkGreen filter 0.7 color DarkGreen filter 0.7] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //--------- Clear with White feather Viens ----- This one does contain Filter #declare Grnt22 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.07 color White color White] [0.07, 0.2 color White color DimGray] [0.2, 0.3 color DimGray color Clear] [0.3, 0.7 color Clear color Clear] [0.7, 1.0 color Clear color DimGray] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //---------- Light Tan to Mouve #declare Grnt23 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>] [0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.000> color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Light Grays #declare Grnt24 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000> color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.000> color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.000> color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.000> color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000>] [0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.000> color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000>] [0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.000> color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.000>] } } } //------------ Moss Greens & Tan #declare Grnt25 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.7 color_map {[0.000, 0.168 color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.000> color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.000>] [0.168, 0.301 color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.000> color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>] [0.301, 0.398 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000> color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.000>] [0.398, 0.558 color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.000> color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.000>] [0.558, 0.655 color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.000> color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.000>] [0.655, 0.735 color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.000> color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>] [0.735, 0.823 color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000> color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>] [0.823, 0.876 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000> color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>] [0.876, 0.929 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000> color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000>] [0.929, 1.001 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.000> color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.000>] } } } //---------- Salmon with thin Green Viens #declare Grnt26 = texture { pigment {granite color_map {[0.000, 0.241 color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000> color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>] [0.241, 0.284 color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000> color rgbf <0.600, 0.741, 0.608, 0.000>] [0.284, 0.336 color rgbf <0.600, 0.741, 0.608, 0.000> color rgbf <0.820, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000>] [0.336, 0.474 color rgbf <0.820, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000> color rgbf <0.886, 0.780, 0.714, 0.000>] [0.474, 0.810 color rgbf <0.886, 0.780, 0.714, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000>] [0.810, 0.836 color rgbf <0.996, 0.643, 0.537, 0.000> color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>] [0.836, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000> color rgbf <0.973, 0.973, 0.976, 0.000>] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //------ Dark Green & Browns #declare Grnt27 = texture { pigment {granite color_map {[0.000, 0.043 color rgbf <0.773, 0.647, 0.569, 0.000> color rgbf <0.431, 0.322, 0.227, 0.000>] [0.043, 0.113 color rgbf <0.431, 0.322, 0.227, 0.000> color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>] [0.113, 0.304 color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000> color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>] [0.304, 0.426 color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000> color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>] [0.426, 0.843 color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000> color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>] [0.843, 0.878 color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000> color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000>] [0.878, 0.983 color rgbf <0.459, 0.341, 0.243, 0.000> color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.278, 0.282, 0.216, 0.000> color rgbf <0.773, 0.647, 0.569, 0.000>] } } } //------- Red Swirl #declare Grnt28 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.7 color_map {[0.000, 0.155 color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000> color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>] [0.155, 0.328 color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000> color rgbf <0.494, 0.243, 0.294, 0.000>] [0.328, 0.474 color rgbf <0.494, 0.243, 0.294, 0.000> color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000>] [0.474, 0.647 color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000> color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000>] [0.647, 0.810 color rgbf <0.769, 0.329, 0.373, 0.000> color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>] [0.810, 0.922 color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000> color rgbf <0.792, 0.388, 0.427, 0.000>] [0.922, 1.001 color rgbf <0.792, 0.388, 0.427, 0.000> color rgbf <0.686, 0.235, 0.282, 0.000>] } } finish { crand 0.03 } } //-------- White Tan & thin Reds #declare Grnt29 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.053 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.000>] [0.053, 0.263 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.000> color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000>] [0.263, 0.281 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000> color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000>] [0.281, 0.325 color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000> color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.000>] [0.325, 0.711 color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.000> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>] [0.711, 0.798 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000> color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000>] [0.798, 0.895 color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.000> color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000>] [0.895, 0.982 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.000> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>] [0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.000>] } } } //*************************************************************** //------------ start of textures with filter //----- Translucent Grnt0 #declare Grnt0a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.306> color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.792>] [0.153, 0.398 color rgbf <0.769, 0.686, 0.592, 0.792> color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.396>] [0.398, 0.559 color rgbf <0.843, 0.753, 0.718, 0.396> color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.976>] [0.559, 0.729 color rgbf <0.780, 0.667, 0.561, 0.976> color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.820>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.741, 0.659, 0.576, 0.820> color rgbf <0.729, 0.502, 0.451, 0.306>] } } } //----- Translucent Grnt1 #declare Grnt1a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.212 color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.306> color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.792>] [0.212, 0.424 color rgbf <0.969, 0.980, 0.875, 0.792> color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.396>] [0.424, 0.627 color rgbf <0.859, 0.859, 0.859, 0.396> color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.976>] [0.627, 0.881 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.976> color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.820>] [0.881, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.965, 0.902, 0.820> color rgbf <0.898, 0.898, 0.851, 0.306>] } } } //-----Translucent Grnt2 #declare Grnt2a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.144 color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.596> color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.349>] [0.144, 0.288 color rgbf <0.925, 0.792, 0.714, 0.349> color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.784>] [0.288, 0.644 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.784> color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.498>] [0.644, 0.983 color rgbf <0.992, 0.922, 0.659, 0.498> color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.722>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.902, 0.812, 0.714, 0.722> color rgbf <0.863, 0.757, 0.596, 0.596>] } } } //-----Translucent Grnt3 #declare Grnt3a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.153 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.447> color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.678>] [0.153, 0.297 color rgbf <0.925, 0.831, 0.714, 0.678> color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.475>] [0.297, 0.441 color rgbf <0.871, 0.702, 0.659, 0.475> color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.918>] [0.441, 0.763 color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.918> color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.655>] [0.763, 1.001 color rgbf <0.937, 0.882, 0.820, 0.655> color rgbf <0.831, 0.631, 0.569, 0.447>] } } } //-----Translucent Grnt4 #declare Grnt4a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.144 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569> color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.467>] [0.144, 0.449 color rgbf <0.816, 0.725, 0.537, 0.467> color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.584>] [0.449, 0.568 color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.522, 0.584> color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.871>] [0.568, 0.754 color rgbf <0.882, 0.725, 0.537, 0.871> color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816>] [0.754, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816> color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569>] } } } //-----Translucent Grnt5 #declare Grnt5a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.178 color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569> color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.467>] [0.178, 0.356 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.467> color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.584>] [0.356, 0.525 color rgbf <0.667, 0.502, 0.478, 0.584> color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.871>] [0.525, 0.729 color rgbf <0.859, 0.624, 0.545, 0.871> color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.855, 0.729, 0.584, 0.816> color rgbf <0.804, 0.569, 0.494, 0.569>] } } } //-----Translucent Grnt6 #declare Grnt6a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.263 color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.733> color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.741>] [0.263, 0.432 color rgbf <0.588, 0.475, 0.333, 0.741> color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.545>] [0.432, 0.551 color rgbf <0.675, 0.478, 0.404, 0.545> color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.384>] [0.551, 0.720 color rgbf <0.757, 0.635, 0.522, 0.384> color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.675>] [0.720, 1.001 color rgbf <0.659, 0.549, 0.443, 0.675> color rgbf <0.545, 0.380, 0.345, 0.733>] } } } //-----Translucent Grnt7 #declare Grnt7a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.119 color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.631> color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.847>] [0.119, 0.322 color rgbf <0.463, 0.369, 0.259, 0.847> color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.549>] [0.322, 0.449 color rgbf <0.541, 0.369, 0.298, 0.549> color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.965>] [0.449, 0.729 color rgbf <0.573, 0.424, 0.286, 0.965> color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.741>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.494, 0.396, 0.306, 0.741> color rgbf <0.439, 0.310, 0.282, 0.631>] } } } //-----Aqua Tints #declare Grnt8a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.119 color rgbf <0.310, 0.384, 0.420, 0.631> color rgbf <0.322, 0.369, 0.416, 0.847>] [0.119, 0.322 color rgbf <0.322, 0.369, 0.416, 0.847> color rgbf <0.424, 0.369, 0.420, 0.549>] [0.322, 0.449 color rgbf <0.424, 0.369, 0.420, 0.549> color rgbf <0.373, 0.424, 0.518, 0.965>] [0.449, 0.729 color rgbf <0.373, 0.424, 0.518, 0.965> color rgbf <0.482, 0.573, 0.533, 0.741>] [0.729, 1.001 color rgbf <0.482, 0.573, 0.533, 0.741> color rgbf <0.310, 0.384, 0.420, 0.631>] } } } //-----Filter Creams With Cracks #declare Grnt9a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.216 color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835> color rgbf <0.745, 0.843, 0.835, 0.847>] [0.216, 0.241 color rgbf <0.745, 0.843, 0.835, 0.847> color rgbf <0.404, 0.337, 0.337, 0.463>] [0.241, 0.267 color rgbf <0.404, 0.337, 0.337, 0.463> color rgbf <0.773, 0.729, 0.745, 0.622>] [0.267, 0.759 color rgbf <0.773, 0.729, 0.745, 0.622> color rgbf <0.914, 0.843, 0.725, 0.651>] [0.759, 0.784 color rgbf <0.914, 0.843, 0.725, 0.651> color rgbf <0.153, 0.133, 0.208, 0.437>] [0.784, 0.810 color rgbf <0.153, 0.133, 0.208, 0.437> color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835>] [0.810, 1.001 color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835> color rgbf <0.812, 0.812, 0.812, 0.835>] } } } //--------- Filter Cream Rose & light yellow #declare Grnt10a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.179 color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.455> color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.608>] [0.179, 0.368 color rgbf <0.886, 0.769, 0.627, 0.608> color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.392>] [0.368, 0.538 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.392> color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.659>] [0.538, 0.744 color rgbf <0.851, 0.671, 0.671, 0.659> color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.392>] [0.744, 0.983 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.392> color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.706>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.827, 0.612, 0.612, 0.706> color rgbf <0.843, 0.655, 0.655, 0.455>] } } } //--------- Filter Light Grays #declare Grnt11a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.659> color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.584>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.745, 0.745, 0.753, 0.584> color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.780>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.902, 0.902, 0.859, 0.780> color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.686>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.729, 0.706, 0.694, 0.686> color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.424>] [0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.588, 0.592, 0.635, 0.424> color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761>] [0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.608, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761> color rgbf <0.894, 0.886, 0.886, 0.659>] } } } //--------- Filter Creams & Tans #declare Grnt12a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.659> color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659> color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.780>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.745, 0.635, 0.651, 0.780> color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.686>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.733, 0.596, 0.557, 0.686> color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659>] [0.615, 0.803 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.659> color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761>] [0.803, 1.001 color rgbf <0.765, 0.616, 0.659, 0.761> color rgbf <0.890, 0.690, 0.690, 0.659>] } } } //--------- Filter Creams & Grays #declare Grnt13a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000> color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.608>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.835, 0.737, 0.608> color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.635>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.635> color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.294>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.694, 0.624, 0.604, 0.294> color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.816>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.816> color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.957>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.725, 0.655, 0.651, 0.957> color rgbf <0.800, 0.651, 0.557, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Cream Rose & light moss #declare Grnt14a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.373> color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412> color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.616>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.820, 0.714, 0.616> color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.443>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.816, 0.631, 0.537, 0.443> color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.745>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.890, 0.792, 0.675, 0.745> color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600> color rgbf <0.996, 0.969, 0.800, 0.373>] } } } //--------- Filter Sand & light Orange #declare Grnt15a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.154 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412> color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.412>] [0.154, 0.308 color rgbf <0.996, 0.698, 0.624, 0.412> color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.616>] [0.308, 0.444 color rgbf <0.906, 0.675, 0.553, 0.616> color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412>] [0.444, 0.615 color rgbf <0.996, 0.682, 0.604, 0.412> color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412>] [0.615, 0.812 color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412> color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600>] [0.812, 1.001 color rgbf <0.973, 0.627, 0.627, 0.600> color rgbf <0.996, 0.824, 0.780, 0.412>] } } } //--------- Cream Rose & light moss #declare Grnt16a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.078 color rgbf <0.769, 0.722, 0.690, 0.180> color rgbf <0.745, 0.690, 0.655, 1.000>] [0.078, 0.96 color rgbf <0.745, 0.690, 0.655, 1.000> color rgbf <0.839, 0.804, 0.780, 1.000>] [0.96, 1.001 color rgbf <0.839, 0.804, 0.780, 0.278> color rgbf <0.769, 0.722, 0.690, 0.180>] } } } #declare Grnt17a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.034 color rgbf <0.027, 0.012, 0.012, 0.000> color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235>] [0.034, 0.342 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235> color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.839>] [0.342, 0.462 color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.839> color rgbf <0.631, 0.506, 0.471, 0.608>] [0.462, 0.632 color rgbf <0.631, 0.506, 0.471, 0.608> color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.922>] [0.632, 0.983 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.922> color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282> color rgbf <0.027, 0.012, 0.012, 0.000>] } } } #declare Grnt18a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.6 color_map {[0.000, 0.128 color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.580, 0.000> color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235>] [0.128, 0.282 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.235> color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.282>] [0.282, 0.393 color rgbf <0.792, 0.694, 0.690, 0.282> color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.133>] [0.393, 0.590 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.133> color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.333>] [0.590, 0.983 color rgbf <0.851, 0.812, 0.741, 0.333> color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282>] [0.983, 1.001 color rgbf <0.647, 0.655, 0.655, 0.282> color rgbf <0.820, 0.580, 0.580, 0.000>] } } } //--------- Gray Marble with White feather Viens with Filter #declare Grnt19a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.3 color White filter 0.0 color DimGray filter 0.5] [0.3, 0.4 color DimGray filter 0.5 color DimGray filter 0.8] [0.4, 1.0 color DimGray filter 0.8 color DimGray filter 0.9] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //--------- White Feature Viens #declare Grnt20a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.2 color White filter 0.0 color White filter 0.7] [0.2, 0.3 color White filter 0.7 color Clear] [0.3, 1.0 color Clear color Clear] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } //--------- Thinner White Feature Viens #declare Grnt21a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.0 color_map {[0.0, 0.2 color White filter 0.4 color White filter 0.8] [0.2, 0.3 color White filter 0.8 color Clear] [0.3, 1.0 color Clear color Clear] } } finish { crand 0.02 } } #declare Grnt22a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.175 color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.890> color rgbf <0.843, 0.678, 0.655, 0.753>] [0.175, 0.228 color rgbf <0.843, 0.678, 0.655, 0.753> color rgbf <0.906, 0.831, 0.773, 0.98>] [0.228, 0.386 color rgbf <0.906, 0.831, 0.773, 0.698> color rgbf <0.992, 0.718, 0.545, 0.794>] [0.386, 0.412 color rgbf <0.992, 0.718, 0.545, 0.794> color rgbf <0.333, 0.188, 0.067, 0.784>] [0.412, 0.439 color rgbf <0.333, 0.188, 0.067, 0.784> color rgbf <0.925, 0.557, 0.514, 0.778>] [0.439, 0.684 color rgbf <0.925, 0.557, 0.514, 0.678> color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.696>] [0.684, 0.781 color rgbf <0.984, 0.780, 0.655, 0.696> color rgbf <0.965, 0.847, 0.675, 0.880>] [0.781, 0.982 color rgbf <0.965, 0.847, 0.675, 0.880> color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.990>] [0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.890> color rgbf <1.000, 0.718, 0.541, 0.890>] } } } //---------- Transparent Green Moss Colors #declare Grnt23a = texture { pigment {granite color_map {[0.000, 0.168 color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.600> color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.600>] [0.168, 0.301 color rgbf <0.514, 0.584, 0.533, 0.600> color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>] [0.301, 0.398 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600> color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.700>] [0.398, 0.558 color rgbf <0.263, 0.337, 0.282, 0.700> color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.600>] [0.558, 0.655 color rgbf <0.431, 0.506, 0.451, 0.600> color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.500>] [0.655, 0.735 color rgbf <0.529, 0.631, 0.471, 0.500> color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.700>] [0.735, 0.823 color rgbf <0.333, 0.376, 0.318, 0.700> color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>] [0.823, 0.876 color rgbf <0.298, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600> color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.500>] [0.876, 0.929 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.500> color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600>] [0.929, 1.001 color rgbf <0.416, 0.376, 0.318, 0.600> color rgbf <0.824, 0.725, 0.584, 0.700>] } } } #declare Grnt24a = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.5 color_map {[0.000, 0.053 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.500>] [0.053, 0.263 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.624, 0.500> color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500>] [0.263, 0.281 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500> color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500>] [0.281, 0.325 color rgbf <0.643, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500> color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.500>] [0.325, 0.711 color rgbf <0.839, 0.722, 0.722, 0.500> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>] [0.711, 0.798 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500> color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500>] [0.798, 0.895 color rgbf <0.769, 0.380, 0.376, 0.500> color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500>] [0.895, 0.982 color rgbf <0.824, 0.557, 0.376, 0.500> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>] [0.982, 1.001 color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500> color rgbf <0.784, 0.627, 0.522, 0.500>] } } } /*--------------------Crack & OverTint /Red---------------------*/ #declare Crack1 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.85 color_map {[0.0, 0.04 color Black filter 0.6 color Black filter 1.0] [0.04, 0.97 color Scarlet filter 0.80 color DimGray filter 0.90] [0.97, 1.001 color Black filter 0.9 color Black filter 1.0] } } } //-----Filter Dark Cracks #declare Crack2 = texture { pigment {granite turbulence 0.8 color_map {[0.0, 0.5 color Clear color Clear] [0.5, 0.54 color Clear color Black] [0.54, 1.0 color Clear color Clear] } } } //---------- Overtint Green with Black Cracks #declare Crack3 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.85 color_map {[0.0, 0.04 color Black filter 0.6 color Black filter 1.0] [0.04, 0.97 color DarkGreen filter 0.80 color DarkGreen filter 0.90] [0.97, 1.001 color Black filter 0.9 color Black filter 1.0] } } } //--------- Overtint with White Crack #declare Crack4 = texture { pigment {marble turbulence 0.85 color_map {[0.0, 0.03 color White filter 0.3 color White filter 1.0] [0.03, 0.97 color Black filter 0.70 color DimGray filter 0.90] [0.97, 1.001 color White filter 0.9 color White filter 1.0] } } } //----------------- complete texture statements // Scaled to cover nicely over a 2 unit Cube //------------- Deep Rose & Green Marble with large White Swirls #declare Stone1 = texture{Grnt7 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt0a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0,-30> finish{phong 1 phong_size 90} } //------------- Light Greenish Tan Marble with Agate style veining #declare Stone2 = texture{Grnt0 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt7a scale <1.3, 2, 1.3> rotate <0, 0, -30> rotate <40, 0, 0> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2 } } //------------- Rose & Yellow Marble with fog white veining #declare Stone3 = texture{Grnt5 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt0a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Tan Marble with Rose patches #declare Stone4 = texture{Grnt6 scale <1.5, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40> finish{diffuse 0.5} } texture{Grnt10a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- White Cream Marble with Pink veining #declare Stone5 = texture{Grnt12 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt17a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>} texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2} } //------------- Rose & Yellow Cream Marble #declare Stone6 = texture{Grnt18 scale <1.5, 3, 3> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt19 scale <2, 4, 1.3> rotate <0, 0, 30> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2} } //------------- Light Coffee Marble with darker patches #declare Stone7 = texture{pigment{color Salmon}} texture{Grnt6a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt9a scale <3.5, 5, 4> rotate <0, 0, 60> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Gray Granite with white patches #declare Stone8 = texture{pigment{color White} finish{ambient 0.4 crand 0.06 diffuse 0.7} } texture{Grnt0a scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30>} texture{Grnt9a scale <5, 3, 4> rotate <0, 0, 40> finish{phong 1.0 ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.5 phong_size 90} } //------------- White & Light Blue Marble with light violets #declare Stone9 = texture{Grnt9 scale <1.2, 2.4, 1.2> rotate <0, 0, -30> rotate <40, 0, 0>} texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90 ambient 0.2} } //------------- Dark Brown & Tan swirl Granite with gray undertones #declare Stone10 = texture{pigment{color Black}} texture{Grnt17a scale <3, 6, 2> rotate <0, 0, 50>} texture{Grnt3a scale <1, 2, 1> rotate <0, 0, -50> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Rose & White Marble with dark tan swirl #declare Stone11 = texture{pigment{color Black}} texture{Grnt15a scale <1.2, 3, 1.5> rotate <70, 0, 30> finish{crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt2a scale <3, 3, 4> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- White & Pinkish Tan Marble #declare Stone12 = texture{Grnt23 scale <1, 5, 1> rotate <0, 0, 50> finish{ambient 0.2 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt0a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Medium Gray Blue Marble #declare Stone13 = texture{Grnt24 scale <2, 5, 2> rotate <0, 0, 50> finish{ambient 0.2 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt8a scale <1, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Tan & Olive Marble with gray white veins #declare Stone14 = texture{Grnt6 scale <2, 3, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt19a scale <1, 3, 1> rotate <0, 0, 40> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Deep Gray Marble with white veining #declare Stone15 = texture{Grnt20 scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt8a scale <1, 2, 1> rotate <0, 0, 40> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Peach & Yellow Marble with white veining #declare Stone16 = texture{Grnt18 scale <1.3, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt19 scale <2, 4, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt20a scale <1, 2, 1> rotate <0, 0, 40> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- White Marble with gray veining #declare Stone17 = texture{Grnt20 scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, -30> finish{ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.9 crand 0.03} } //texture{Grnt8a scale <2.5, 4.5, 3.5> rotate <0, 0, 40> // finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} //} texture{Crack3 scale <1, 2, 1.4> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Green Jade with white veining #declare Stone18 = texture{pigment{color SeaGreen} finish{ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.6 crand 0.03} } texture{Grnt22 scale <1.5, 0.7, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt20a scale <2.5, 2, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, -50>} texture{Crack4 scale <0.7, 1, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Peach Granite with white patches & green trim #declare Stone19 = texture{Grnt26 scale <1, 0.7, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt20a scale <2, 3, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Brown & Olive Marble with white veining #declare Stone20 = texture{Grnt27 scale <0.7, 0.99, 0.7> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt12a scale <1, 1.3, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt20a scale <1.9, 3, 0.5> rotate <0, 0, -50>} texture{Crack1 scale <1, 0.6, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Red Marble with gray & white veining #declare Stone21 = texture{Grnt28 scale <1.3, 2.5, 1.7> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt22 scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Crack4 scale <1, 0.6, 1> rotate <10, 0, -20> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Dark Tan Marble with gray & white veining #declare Stone22 = texture{pigment{color Feldspar}} texture{Grnt8a scale <1, 2, 2> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{Grnt22 scale <2, 4, 1.5> rotate <0, 0, -50>} texture{Crack4 scale <1, 1, 1> rotate <10, 0, -40> finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} } //------------- Peach & Cream Marble with orange veining #declare Stone23 = texture{Grnt29 scale <1, 1, 2> rotate <40, 0, 0> rotate <0, 0, 30>} texture{Grnt24a scale <2, 1, 2> rotate <40, 0, 0> rotate <0, 0, 30>} texture{Crack1 scale <1, 2, 1.5> rotate <0, 0, 40>} texture{pigment{color Yellow filter 0.9} finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} // tint to liking } //------------- Green & Tan Moss Marble #declare Stone24 = texture{Grnt25 scale <1, 1, 2> rotate <0, 0, 50> rotate <20, 0, 30>} texture{Grnt23a scale <2, 1, 2> rotate <40, 0, 0> rotate <0, 0, -30>} texture{pigment{color Gray filter 0.8} finish{phong 1.0 phong_size 90} // tint to liking } #version Stones_Inc_Temp