% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00@_@&xy 4444>m?5!nadd_word_separators! change_casecheck_routine_lengthcheck_variable_doc*clearrCommandsQcompress_every_other_space2 control-z8 copy_linecreate_routine7define_tti_keys)detab Differences_from_EDTZdocument_variable3downEquivalents_with_EDTBerase_end_of_lineT erase_to_word/. get_language,HelpCindent infobinsert_characterrsvk_initialize$rsvk_init_variables#>set_find_exact>set_find_noexact>set_find_standard^set_help_library' set_indent; set_language#show show_fields`show_help_libraryV show_indent  show_language@ show_routinesgJspread Summaryh trim_line.TTI;insert_characterrsvk_init_variablesTTI9 intouch_initi intouch_lineEintouch_routine IntroductionAKey_differences- move_wordI next_lineOther_differencesJJoutputLprocYroutinersvk_initialize$rsvk_init_variables [Z$1 show_languageA SHOW LANGUAGE -- show what language the current buffer is set toEFormat: SHOW LANGUAGEE>This command shows what language the current buffer is set to.@If the buffer is not set to any language, the command displays a1message telling that the language is unspecified. EYou can set the language with SET LANGUAGE. The editor automaticallydEsets the language, when it can, on startup, and when you use commands "that require knowing the language.Relate"]%1 info* INFO -- Get information on various topicsDThe INFO command gives you information on topics in the default helpHlibrary. The library is initially TTI_TPU:TTI_TPU, for help on the TTI Feditor. You can change the library with the SET HELP LIBRARY command,8and find out the current library with SHOW HELP LIBRARY.DThe INFO command provides compatibility with previous help librariesCthat use subtopics, unlike the EVE command HELP, which does not use subtopics.Re ` | +----------------+--------+-----------+ +-------+-------+-------+ Other Keys Do Enter commands' F10 Exit ' Control-B Recall ' Control-E End Of Line ' Control-H Start Of Line ' Control-R Remember ' Control-U Erase To Start Of Line haracters to spacest6 DOWN nn Move down one or more lines. , ERASE END OF LINE Erase to end of line= ERASE WORD Erase current word or up to next word* INDENT nn Indent 'nn' spaces4 INFO topic ... Get help from a help library1 INSERT CHARACTER Insert an ascii character' IT command INTOUCH command( IT HELP Help on INTOUCH @ IT LINE xxx Move to line or label in INTOUCH program; IT PROGRAM xxxE71 create_routineA CREATE ROUTINE -- Create a routine in the language of the buffer &Format: CREATE ROUTINE [routine-name]EThis command creates a routine in the language of the current buffer.hCIf a routine with the name given already exists, the editor signals~ an error.BDIf the buffer language is not set, you can set it with SET LANGUAGE.Related topics:e@routine intouch routine set language show languageprogram expandiww@Z BOB c 1 show_fieldsC. SHOW FIELDS -- Show the fields in a structure& Format: SHOW FIELDS structure [field]B If you enter just a structure name, the editor displays a list of! all the fields in the structure.d& Example: show field payroll:employee? If you enter a structure and a field name, the editor displays$ detailed information on that field.. Example: show field payroll:employee payratewwrammer): ' compress_to_word get_language ww | line | cha %a~\1 check_variable_docC CHECK VARIABLE DOC -- Check whether variables have been documentedKCThis command checks to see whether variables in a routine have beeniCdocumented according to Touch Technologies' coding standards, whichh@require that every variable be documented in the routine header.AIf this command finds a variable that has not been documented, itBpositions the cursor on that variable and prints a message telling.you that the variable has not been documented.  TR[1 check_routine_length0 CHECK ROUTINE LENGTH -- Check length of routineFormat: CHECK ROUTINE LENGTHtDThis procedure checks the length of an INTOUCH routine to make sure Ethat it is no longer than 22 lines. It tells you whether the routine is too long or not.-AIf the routine is too long, the procedure positions the cursor at line 23.ww Bottom of buffer  Gold F Exit Gold T Top of buffer Gold I &ol1d1 rsvk_initializer RSVK_INITIALIZE -- InitializeH This routine initializes various variables and buffers that are used byI other procedures. It also sets defaults such as scrolling, bound cursor motion, and tabs to spaces.I The routine sets the right margin and the wrapping feature. If the fileI being edited is a program (has a file type of one of several languages),E word wrapping is turned off, and the right margin is 80. Otherwise,; wrapping is turned on, an  Insert template for INTOUCH program; IT ROUTINE xxx Insert template for INTOUCH routine9 MOVE BY CHARACTER Move right or left one character ' (bound motion) ; MOVE BY SCREEN Move to the next or previous screen* MOVE DOWN Move down one row 0 MOVE LEFT Move left one character 0 MOVE RIGHT Move right one character' MOVE UP Move up one row5 MOVE WORD Move a word up or down a l ine< NEXT LINE Go to the beginning of the next lineC NEXT PREV LINE Go to the beginning of the next or previous9 line, depending on the direction.) OPEN LINE Open a blank line: OUTPUT file-spec Set output file for current buffer2 SET CURSOR BOUND Set cursor motion to bound1 SET CURSOR FREE Set cursor motion to free5 SET FIND EXACT Set searches to case-specific7 SET FIND NOEXACT Set searches to case -regardless4 SET FIND STANDARD Set searches to standard EVE! SET HELP LIBRARY library-name0 Name help library to use) SET KEYPAD EDT Set keypad to EDT/ SET KEYPAD EVE Set keypad to EVE VT100/ SET KEYPAD VT200 Set keypad to EVE VT200. SET NOWRAP Turn off word wrappingE SET NOWRITE Set no-write characteristic on current buffer) SET WRAP Set word wrappingB SET WRITE Set write characteri stic on current buffer, SHOW BUFFERS Show list of buffers SHOW FIELDS structure: Show list of fields in a structure SHOW FIELD structure fieldD Show information on one field in a structure; SHOW SUMMARY Show information on editing session9 SPREAD Double space text in select range@ TAB Insert spaces to get to next tab setting* UP nn Move up 'nn' linesww u E}&1 Other_differencesDNear the bottom of the screen is a status line, showing information Babout what you are doing. In most cases, it displays the name of Dthe current buffer, the mode--insert or overstrike, and the current direction--forward or reverse. >When you press Gold KP7 to enter a command, the editor accepts/EVE-style commands, not EDT line mode commands.o ?There are no change mode nokeypad commands. You can use eitherT%EVE-style commands or TPU statem v@&1 Equivalents_with_EDT;Here is a list of EDT commands and their equivalents in the TTI editor.e0EDT Line Mode Command EVE equivalent0--------------------- --------------/CLEAR No equivalent 6COPY REMOVE, INSERT HERE 1 (cut and paste) ,DEFINE KEY DEFINE KEYADEFINE MACRO LEARN sequence or TPU procedure=DELETE range@{&1 Equivalents_with_EDT;Here is a list of EDT commands and their equivalents in theE TTI editor.t0EDT Line Mode Command EVE equivalent0--------------------- --------------/CLEAR No equivalenta6COPY REMOVE, INSERT HERE 1 (cut and paste)a,DEFINE KEY DEFINE KEYADEFINE MACRO LEARN sequence or TPU procedurea=DELETE range REMOVE (cut) or ERASE LINE &EXIT EXIT&FILL FILL-FIND string FIND stringr,HELP topic HELP topic.INCLUDE file INCLUDE file.INSERT Type in text7MOVE No exact equivalent; 4 use cut and paste.&QUIT QUIT9REPLACE range text  REPLACE oldtext newtexte<RESEQUENCE No equivalent (not needed).SET SCREEN nn SET WIDTH nn9SUBSTITUTE /oldtext/newtext/ REPLACE oldtext newtextu/TYPE No equivalentr@WRITE file WRITE file (no range allowed)EIn addition to commands, the TTI editor also has VAXTPU features sucheEas learn sequences, multiple windows, the ability to spawn and attachu5to subprocesses, and a complete programming language.ewwRASE WORD (KP-) erases an entire word, not just from the cursorto the end of the word.ewwlent; 4 use cut and paste.&QUIT QUIT9REPLACE range text REPLACE oldtext newtext<RESEQUENCE No equivalent (not needed).SET SCREEN nn SET WIDTH nn9SUBSTITUTE /oldtext/newtext/ REPLACE oldtext newtext/TYPE No equivalent@WRITE file Tc&1 Differences_from_EDTHThe TTI editor uses the EVE EDT keypad. Most keypad keys work the same 3as in EDT, as do several other keys like Linefeed. tRelated topics:-, Key_differences Other_differences Equivalents_with_EDTwwnt6COPY REMOVE, INSERT HERE 1 (cut and paste),DEFINE KEY DEFINE KEYADEFINE MACRO LEARN sequence or TPU procedure=DELETE range"x?Y 1 change_case4Modified so that if there is no select range active,6it changes the case of the character the cursor is on.wwx?Y 1 end_of_lineIDoes not print a message if the cursor is already at the end of the line.<Unlike EDT, if the cursor is already at the end of the line,=this command does not move to the next line. To move to the /end of the next line, you can use MOVE BY LINE.ww nx?Y 1 erase_line>Modified to work with the lated topics:P8 help set help library show help librarywwText Processing and the VMS V5i@ General User's Manual, Ch. 8, Editing Files with EVE and EDT.ww EVE and EDT.wwup to the next word, like EDT, instead of Ecompressing all spaces and tabs between the words down to one space, and then erasing the next word. EModified also to work with the RESTORE_WORD procedure, in addition tothe RESTORE command.ww AJc1 show SHOW -- Show information. H This standard command has been enhanced to show additional information. See also:% show fields show languagelwwhow field payroll:employee>If you enter a structure and a field name, the editor displays#detailed information on that field.e-Example: show field payroll:employee payratelwwwwf@Y 1 move_rightEModified to move to the next character (bound motion), or beyond the Ctext (free motioAr2d1 rsvk_init_variables , RSVK_INIT_VARIABLES -- Initialize variables< This routine initializes many variables used in the editor.< For example, it initializes the EVE$ARG* variables used to 8 indicate the integer parameters for EVE-style commands.wwhow show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (for the programmer):& compress_to_word get_ww";Ӓ1 check_routine_length/CHECK_ROUTINE_LENGTH -- Check length of routine!Format: TPU CHECK_ROUTINE_LENGTHDThis procedure checks the length of an INTOUCH routine to make sure Ethat it is no longer than 22 lines. It tells you whether the routinetis too long or not. ww to the nearest power of ten to that number--e.g.,3 nearest ten, hundred, thousand, etc. Examples:  round(amount, 2) round(amount, 0) round(amount, -3)wwind_exacts d the right margin is set to 72.mI The routine also sets the language for the main buffer, if the file typeI of the file being edited is one of several known types. The language isE used by several procedures, such as SET LANGUAGE, SHOW LANGUAGE, and ROUTINE.I You can add other file types as programs, where you don't want wrapping,5 by adding to the list of file types in the procedure RSVK_INIT_VARIABLES.ww$ 1 set_indent- SET INDENT -- Set number of spaces to indentoFormat: SET INDENT [-]nnnD [-]nn Number of spaces to indent. This number may be positive,C to move text to the right, or negative, to move text to p the left.EThis command sets the default number of spaces for the INDENT command"to move text to the left or right.Related topics: 3 indent show indent set tab tabewwrammer):? compress_to_word get_5z"4d 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return. Commands:H adjust window compress to word detab down indentB routine set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z n Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDTO% TPU procedures (f 8$1 detabt DETAB -- Change tabs to spaceswFThis command changes all the tab characters in the buffer to spaces. @You can use this command in a program to change tabs to spaces. Related topics: set tabs spaceseww_word*Erase all spaces and tabs up to next word.wwLMY1 detabFThis command changes all the tab characters in the buffer to spaces. @You can use this command in a program to change tabs to spaces. wwMY1 downMove ?d1 clearn" CLEAR -- Erase the current buffer. This TPU procedure erases the current buffer.H Use this procedure with caution, because once you erase a buffer, there5 is no way to restore the characters that you erased. wwtineg= set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z f Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (for the programmer):? compress_to_word get_:Uge 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return. Commands:H adjust window compress to word detab down indentB routine set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z a Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDTB% TPU procedures (f b1 HelpC For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~ww d:`% 1 move_wordn, MOVE WORD -- Move a word up or down a line.CMove a word up or down, to the next or previous line, depending on oBthe current direction, and preserve the indentation. You can use ;this command to help format paragraphs, without using FILL.CIf the current direction is Forward, MOVE WORD moves the last word :Con the line down to the next line, preserving indentation. If the aFcurrent direction is Reverse, the command moves the first word on the -next line \ *\%1 TTIwK The TTI editor provides additional features to help you with your editing.'The main features of the extension are:h Additional commandsr/ Modified EVE commands to provide new features  Keys defined for TTI; Routines for programming with INTOUCH and other languagesc/ Help libraries for INTOUCH and the TTI editor Extended helpHFor help on the TTI editor, type the name of the topic and press Return.-For a list of commands, type COMMANDS or "?".0b1 get_language3 GET_LANGUAGE -- Return language of current buffer.? If no language has been set, the procedure returns the keyword TPU$K_UNSPECIFIED.E You can use this procedure in TPU code, so you can find out what the# language of the current buffer is.wwi=b1 get_language3 GET_LANGUAGE -- Return language of current buffer.? If no language has been set, the procedure returns the keyword TPU$K_UNSPECIFIED.E You can use this procedure in TPU code, so you can find out what the# language of the current buffer is. Related topics:% set language show languageww6 ^56d 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return. Commands:H adjust window compress to word detab down indentB routine set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z o Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (f@$b 1 control-zA The Control-Z key prompts for an EVE command. It is similar to 4 pressing the Do key, or Gold KP7 in the EDT keypad. 6 In standard EVE, Control-Z exits the editing session.ww `̦$1 down' DOWN -- Move down one or more lines. Format: DOWN nnnExample: DOWN 355Related topics:) move down move up upwwW Commands LZ BOB routine-Q[ BOB check_routine_length-.TR[ BOB check_routine_length+7"~\ BOB check_variable_doc!!~\ BOB Commands*7\ BOB document_variable!@H\ BOB Commands*{\ BOB document_variable%H+\ BOB intouch_line%\ BOB intouch_line!θ\ BOB Commands!@:\ BOB or the programmer):( get_language rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwor the programmer):1 clear get_language rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwqEe1 define_tti_keysa3 DEFINE_TTI_KEYS -- Define keys for the TTI key mapt> This procedure defines the keys that make up the TTI key map.@ This procedure is called when you rebuild the TPU section file,; and not during initialization or while running the editor.eww routine set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (f  d9h 1 copy_line6 COPY_LINE -- Copy a line of text with carriage return5 This procedure is similar to the built-in procedure % COPY_TEXT, but also adds a new line.r Syntax: COPY_LINE(text) text Line of text to copy' Example: copy_line('This is a test.')rwwe set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (f s:e1 intouch_init3 INTOUCH_INIT -- Initialize for INTOUCH procedures.B This procedure initializes variables, etc., for the other INTOUCH procedures. Related topics:A intouch intouch_routine intouch_line intouch_programwwor the programmer):@ clear get_language intouch_init rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwHM$1 set_language4 SET LANGUAGE -- Set language for the current bufferFormat: SET LANGUAGE language@This command sets the language of the current buffer to the name you indicate. IThe editor automatically sets the language of the main buffer on startup,hBif it can, by checking the file type (extension) of the file beingEedited. For other buffers, it sets the language, if it can, whenever =you use a command that requires knowing the language, such asaROUTINE or SHOW =5jKh1 set_find_exact. SET FIND EXACT -- Set searching to case exactB This command sets searching so that the FIND command matches only? letters in the same case, upper or lower, as what you type in.ww@kKh1 set_find_noexact3 SET FIND EXACT -- Set searching to case regardlessE This command sets searching so that the FIND command matches letters& whether they are upper or lower case.wwqKh1 set_find_standard9 SET FIND STANDARD -- Set searching to standard EVE styleE This command sets searching so that the FIND command matches lettersF the same way standard EVE does. If you type only lower case letters,D the search is case-regardless. If you type any upper-case letters, the search is case-exact.ww?࿟h1 set_find_exact. SET FIND EXACT -- Set searching to case exactB This command sets searching so that the FIND command matches only? letters in the same case, upper or lower, as what you type in.wwh1 set_find_noexact5 SET FIND NOEXACT -- Set searching to case regardlessE This command sets searching so that the FIND command matches letters& whether they are upper or lower case.wwh1 set_find_standard9 SET FIND STANDARD -- Set searching to standard EVE styleE This command sets searching so that the FIND command matches lettersF the same way standard EVE does. If you type only lower case letters,D the search is case-regardless. If you type any upper-case letters, the search is case-exact.ww `u$1 show_routines* SHOW ROUTINES -- Display list of routinesCThis command displays a list of the routines in the current buffer,l(according to the language of the buffer.AYou can jump to that routine by placing the cursor on the routinehname and pressing Select.wRelated topics:h? set language show show fields show languageoww=TPU procedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):_> check_routine_length clear copy_lier&1 Key_differencesrB The following EDT keys are defined differently in the TTI editor:8 PF2 Prints message to "Press Gold H for help"9 PF4 Deletes entire line, not just from cursor.$ Gold H Prints help on keypad9The following EDT keys are not defined in the TTI editor:E Gold KP9 Replace! Control-A Compute tab level ! Control-D Decrease tab leveln>Some keys work a little differently from EDT because they are standard keys luh1 erase_end_of_line2 ERASE END OF LINE -- Erase to the end of the lineC This procedure erases all characters from the cursor to the end of_- the line, not including the line terminator.wwU [2ܳ$1 indent/ INDENT -- Indent text a given number of spaces 2Format: INDENT [[-]nn] -- Indent text 'nn' spaces.CThis command inserts or deletes the number of spaces you indicate, Dand then moves down to the next line, so you can continue to indent a block of text.B'nn' may be a positive or negative number. If you use a negative Fnumber, INDENT moves text to the left. If you do not enter a number,<INDENT uses the number indicated by SET INDENT, initially 2. Exampl]{j^%1 set_help_library0SET HELP LIBRARY -- Set the default help library*Format: SET HELP LIBRARY library-filespecA library-filespec File specification for the library to use.rGThis command sets the help library to use with other commands, such as ESHOW HELP LIBRARY and INFO, and with the TPU procedures ADD_HELP and MODIFY_HELP.Example:" set help library user:[info]ln03Related topics:? info show help library add_help modify_helpw +ySā1 intouch_routine'Format: INTOUCH ROUTINE [routine-name]s(This command creates an INTOUCH routine.(Example: intouch routine do_top_of_pageRelated topics:Ucreate routine routinewwelated topics: % enlarge window shrink windowrwwnd of line erase to word indent B info insert character move word A next line set find exact set find noexact aB set find standard set helpGwKh 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return.t Commands:C adjust window compress to word detab down B erase end of line indent info insert character " move word routine  set find exact M set find noexact set find standard set language show # show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (for the programmer):E clear copy_text define_tti_keys get_language 9 intouch_init rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwROUTINES. Example: set language intouchlRelated topics:h4 show language routine show routineswwswwlso TPU procedures, below)D5 output proc programm routine ; set language show fields show languagee show routinesn Other topics' Commands Differences_from_EDTa=TPU procedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):I check_routine_length clear copy_line define_tti_kh 1 next_line2 NEXT LINE -- Go to the beginning of the next line! This command moves forward only.C You can use this command for KP0 in the EDT keypad if you want the key to go forward only. See also:B end of line move by line move by word next screen start of linewwKHh1 output OUTPUT -- Name the output fileH This command sets the output file specification for the current buffer.. This specification is used by WRITE and EXIT. Format: OUTPUT file-spec6 file-spec File specification for the output file Related topics: exit writewwuh1 output OUTPUT -- Name the output fileH This command sets the output file specification for the current buffer.. This specification is used by WRITE and E XIT. Format: OUTPUT file-spec6 file-spec File specification for the output file Example: output customer.txt Related topics: exit writeww h1 proc. PROC -- Insert a template for a TPU procedureE This command inserts a template for a TPU procedure into the current buffer. Format: PROC procedure-name4 procedure-name Name of the procedure to create.H If you do not enter a procedure name, the editor asks for one. It also) asks for a description of the procedure. Example: proc insert_commentwwNh 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return. Commands:C adjust window compress to word detab down B erase end of line indent info insert character D move word next line output routine N proc set find exact set find noexact set find standard E set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (for the programmer):E clear copy_text define_tti_keys get_language 9 intouch_init rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwP\Ӓ 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return. Commands:C adjust window compress to word detab down B erase end of line indent info insert character D move word next line output routine N proc set find exact set find noexact set find standard E set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT% TPU procedures (for the programmer):J check_routine_length clear copy_line define_tti_keys J get_language intouch_init rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwD1 compress_every_other_space COMPRESS EVERY OTHER SPACE@This command compresses out every other space from text that has?a space between every other character--that is, it reverses thedeffect of the SPREAD command. (Original text: A n n o u n c e m e n t After compressing: AnnouncementRelated topics:  spreadww$ BOB erase_to_word)p'$ BOB COMPRESS_TO_WORD Vܳ$ BOB indent/$ BOB seS Ӓ 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)B For more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return. Commands:C adjust window compress to word detab down B erase end of line indent info insert character D move word next line output routine N proc set find exact set find noexact set find standard E set language show show fields show language Keys defined: Control-Z  Other topics:' Commands Differences_from_EDT> TPU procedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):J check_routine_length clear copy_line define_tti_keys J get_language intouch_init rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwW$1 erase_to_word_< ERASE TO WORD -- Erase all spaces and tabs up to next word.Related topics:& erase word erase previous wordwwes: indent indent 4 indent -6dRelated topics:/ set indent tab set tab wwress Return. ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return.Editing commands8 adjust window detab down 8 erase end of line erase to word indent B info insert character move word A next line set find exact set find noexact B set find standard set help z$ 1 show_indent 8SHOW INDENT -- Show number of spaces set with SET INDENT?This command shows the number of spaces that the INDENT command<will indent. The number is set with the SET INDENT command.Related topics:g indent set indentww show language show routines Other topics' Commands Differences_from_EDT=TPU procedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):> check_routine_length clear copy_line @ m Commands"Jy\ BOB trim_line!7S\ BOB Commands,5Q BOB add_word_separators&  BOB ADJUST_WINDOW(qÁ BOB intouch_routine(`Á BOB intouch_routine(RSā BOB intouch_routine*47 BOB document_variable'#7 BOB create_routine ,x7 BOB routine-@i BOB Differences_from_EDTO(& BOB ple:Original text: Announcement-)After spreading: A n n o u n c e m e n teDTo reverse this command, use the command COMPRESS EVERY OTHER SPACE.Related topics:o compress every other spacewwcemento)After spreading: A n n o u n c e m e n twweadwwxample: add word separators ()[],;:HBy default, EVE defines several characters as word separators, includingJspace, tab, line feed, form feed, and carriage return. With this command,Hyou can add other characters to the kY7 1 routiner% ROUTINE -- Create or go to a routinetBWhen you are editing a program, you can use the ROUTINE command toDgo to that routine, or to create a routine in whatever language you are editing.DTo go to or create a routine, the buffer must be set to a supported Dlanguage. The TTI editor sets the buffer language automatically on %startup for the following file types:  Type Language .C C .H C .BAS BASIC .BLI BLISS .INC INTOUCH f71 document_variable? DOCUMENT VARIABLE -- Document a variable in the routine headertBThis command helps you to keep your program up to coding standardsCby aiding you in documenting the variable. It puts a documentationa.line for the variable into the routine header.To use the command:y* 1. Position the cursor on the variable.* 2. Enter the command DOCUMENT VARIABLE.; 3. The editor prompts for a description of the variable.  Enter the description.B 4.d topics: set languagewwRelated documentsH For information on EVE and TPU, see the VMS documentation, especially F the Guide to VMS Text Processing, the VMS V5 General User's Manual, F Ch. 8, Editing Files with EVE and EDT, and the TPU Reference Manual.www_I`^%1 set_help_library1 SET HELP LIBRARY -- Set the default help library*Format: SET HELP LIBRARY library-filespecA library-filespec File specification for the library to use.GThis command sets the help library to use with other commands, such as ESHOW HELP LIBRARY and INFO, and with the TPU procedures ADD_HELP and MODIFY_HELP.Example:" set help library user:[info]ln03Related topics:? info show help library add_help modify_helpwwaU:_%1 show_help_library3 SHOW HELP LIBRARY -- Show the current help libraryFormat: SHOW HELP LIBRARY EThis command shows you what the current help library is. The currentDhelp library is used with other commands such as INFO, and with the (TPU procedures ADD_HELP and MODIFY_HELP.AThe help library is initially TTI_TPU:TTI_TPU. You can change it"with the SET HELP LIBRARY command.Example:" set help library user:[info]ln03Related topics:@ info set help library add_help modify_helpwwcq_%1 insert_character. INSERT CHARACTER -- Insert an ASCII characterEThis command inserts a character from the DEC Multinational Character/Set by using the ASCII value for the character.%Format: INSERT CHARACTER ascii-valueExample: insert character 10:This example inserts a linefeed character into the buffer.Steps:: 1. Press the INSERT CHARACTER key or enter the command.C 2. Type the decimal value for the character, such as 27 for the I escape c haracter or 181 for the micro symbol (), and press Return.:o Some control codes appear as a backwards question mark.?o You can also enter multinational characters with the ComposeB Character key. To enter control codes, such as escape, you can0 also use the QUOTE command (or press CTRL/V).Related topics:" eve quote ascii characterswwup to the end of the current line. Related topics:: fill set left margin set right margin set paragraph indentww lfor EVE.5 Control-E End of line (not Increase tab level)e= Control-K Define key--uses EVE commands, not EDT syntaxI. Control-R Remember (not Refresh screen)5 Control-T System status report, not Adjust tabso7 Gold KP. Same as KP. -- starts or cancels SELECTe>For Gold KP3 (Specins), the TTI editor uses the command INSERTECHARACTER. You can can also use this as a word command, in addition Dto the standard EVE command QUOTE. INSERT CHARACTER works a little Bdiff p The editor asks how this variable is used. Enter one of the following:; P Parameter (not used by INTOUCH; used by TPU) / E Expected when the routine startsA L Local; used within the routine, possibly passed to3 other routines by GOSUB or DISPATCH.. R Result; produced by the routineCThe editor then adds a documentation line for the variable into theroutine header.FIf you use this command often, you may find it hX4$D1 spreadSPREAD -- Double space textDThis command takes the selected text and spreads it out by inserting6a space between each pair of characters. For example:Original text: Announcement)After spreading: A n n o u n c e m e n tRelated topics: compress every other spacewwD1 spreadSPREAD -- Double space textDThis command takes the selected text and spreads it out by inserting6a space between each pair of characters. For exam q\ 1 trim_liner. TRIM LINE -- Trim trailing spaces from a line4This command erases all trailing spaces from a line.ETo use the command, position the cursor on the line you want to trim,i and enter the command TRIM LINE.ww also TPU procedures, below)r< check routine length check variable doc create routineD document variable expand INTOUCH D proc program routine D set language q`\1 intouch_line5 INTOUCH LINE -- Move to a line in an INTOUCH program !Format: INTOUCH LINE [position]a8 position Place in the program to move to. Format: [{routine | label}].[line]] @This command moves you to a line in an INTOUCH program. You canAindicate the line with a routine or label name and a line number,Fin the same format used by INTOUCH in reporting errors and exceptions. Examples:  intouch line get_clientr intouch line get_clien Other topics, Commands Differences_from_EDT=TPU procedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):> check_routine_length clear copy_line @ define_tti_keys get_language intouch_init . rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variablesww .INT INTOUCH .RNO Runoffv .TPU VAXTPUN>For other buffers and languages, you can set the language with8SET LANGUAGE and find out what it is with SHOW LANGUAGE.FThis command is similar to CREATE ROUTINE, except that ROUTINE goes to!the routine if it already exists.iRelated topics:eKcreate routine intouch routine set language show language o#show routine get_language dwwprompts for a description of the variable.  Enter the description.B 4.erently from QUOTE and Specins; we hope, a little more easily.JThe keys not defined may not be a problem because they are less-used keys.Related topics:a Differences_from_EDTwwore easily.JThe keys not defined may not be a problem because they are less-used keys.2 Other_differencesnDNear the bottom of the screen is a status line, showing information Babout what you are doing. In most cases, it displays the name of Dthe current buffer, the mode--insert or overstrike, and the curr Key_differencesOther_differencesEquivalents_with_EDT-C& BOB Differences_from_EDTd& BOB Differences_from_EDTKey_differencesOther_differencesEquivalents_with_EDTd5& BOB Differences_from_EDTKey_differencesOther_differencesEquivalents_with_EDTo`21 add_word_separators 6 ADD WORD SEPARATORS -- Add to list of word separators<This command adds new separators to the current list of word separators.e'Format: ADD WORD SEPARATORS characters. characters Characters to add to the list&Example: add word separators ()[],;:HBy default, EVE defines several characters as word separators, includingJspace, tab, line feed, form feed, and carriage return. With this command,Hyou can add other characters to the list, such as parentheses, brackets, comma, etc.iEWhen you add new separators, this changes the way other word commandsd*work, such as ERASE WORD and MOVE BY WORD.wwexact set find noexact set find standardm5Programming commands (see also TPU procedures, below) < check routine length check variable doc create routineD document variable expand INTOUCH < program routine set find exact8 set find noexact set elpful to define a key!like Gold V as DOCUMENT VARIABLE.wRelated topics:h+check routine length check variable doc 7create routine routine programwwrocedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):p> check_routine_length clear copy_line @ define_tti_keys get_language intouch_init . rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwt.14 intouch line 276wws0}S\ 1 Commands Commands (List of topics)AFor more help on the TTI editor, type the topic and press Return.E ~I~9 o To exit from help and resume editing, press Return.Editing commandsI add word separators adjust window compress every other spacel: detab down end of word: erase end of line erase to word indent D info insert character move word I next line t output set help library set find exact9 set find noexact set find standard set indent1 show help library show indent up Keys defined Control-Z Searches? set find exact set find noexact set find standard5Programming commands (see also TPU procedures, below)< check routine length check variable doc create routineD document variable down expand D INTOUCH program routine . set language show fields 7 show language show routines trim line Other topics, Commands Differences_from_EDT=TPU procedures (for the programmer--see also commands above):> check_routine_length clear copy_line @ define_tti_keys get_language intouch_init . rsvk_initialize rsvk_init_variableswwents.@ERASE WORD (KP-) erases an entire word, not just from the cursorto the end of the word.ywwk the same 3as in EDT, as do several other keys like Linefeed. Related topics: , Key_differences Other_differences Equivalents_with_EDTwwO LEARN sequence or TPU procedure=DELETE range REMOVE (cut) or ERASE LINE&EXIT EXIT&FILL FILL-FIND string FIND w REMOVE (cut) or ERASE LINEr&EXIT EXIT&FILL FILL-FIND string FIND string),HELP topic HELP topic.INCLUDE file INCLUDE file.INSERT Type in text7MOVE No exact equivalent; a4 use cut and paste.&QUIT QUIT9REPLACE range text x REPLACE oldtext newtexte<RESEQUENCE No equivalent (not needed).SET SCREEN nn SET WIDTH nn9SUBSTITUTE /oldtext/newtext/ REPLACE oldtext newtextl/TYPE No equivalento@WRITE file WRITE file (no range allowed)EIn addition to commands, the TTI editor also has VAXTPU features suchtEas learn sequences, multiple windows, the ability to spawn and attachi5to subprocesses, and a complete programming language.ww