Copyright notice of ownership, permissions and limitations. Manifest this file. README introduction INSTALL how to build and install xephem. X defaults file for color (xephem.c fallbacks are mono). auxil/README info about the role of the auxil directory. auxil/moon_db list of Lunar names and locations. auxil/xephem.hlp help text file. auxil/xephem_sites sample Earth display sites file. auxil/fullmoon.fts full moon image, FITS format. edb/README info about the sample database files. edb/Messier.edb Messier catalog. edb/NGC.edb NGC database (sans messier.edb). edb/SAC.edb SAC database (sans messier.edb). edb/YBS.edb Stars from Yale BS Catalog with Bayer and/or Flamsteed # edb/asteroids.edb sample asteroids database. edb/comets.edb sample comet database. edb/comets2.edb comets from edb/pulsars.edb sample pulsar database. edb/shuttle.edb sample shuttle orbital elements. edb/spacecraft.edb orbital elements of several spacecraft. edb/vla2.edb 2cm VLA calibrator sources edb/vla20.edb 20cm VLA calibrator sources edb/vla3.7.edb 3.7cm VLA calibrator sources edb/vla6.edb 6cm VLA calibrator sources edb/vla90.edb 90cm VLA calibrator sources fifos/README info about the role of the fifos directory. fifos/Makefile makes all the fifos named according to the defaults. gscdbd/README info about the gscdbd. gscdbd/Makefile Makefile for GSC daemon. gscdbd/gscdbd.c main Hubble GSC daemon code. gscdbd/cacheio.c code to handle reading and writing the disk cache files. gscdbd/gscdbd.h common declarations. gscdbd/gscio.c code to handle reading the cdrom files. gscdbd/support.c support functions. gscdbd/version.c version string. gscdbd/cache/README info about the cache directory. gscdbd/cache/s0000/5045.ech GSC cache entry near Pluto in Spring 1996 gscdbd/cache/s0000/5255.ech GSC cache entry near Saturn about 1 March 1996 gscdbd/cache/s1500/6391.ech GSC cache entry for Sky trail Hermione example. gscdbd/cache/s1500/6263.ech GSC cache entry for Sky trail Germania example. tools/README info about the miscellaneous tools provided. tools/encke2edb.nawk convert stuff on to xephem. tools/jost2edb.nawk convert typical posting from Jost Jahn to xephem form. tools/tle2edb.awk convert NASA "2-line" satellite data to xephem form. work/README info about the role of the work directory work/ephem.plt sample plot file (an analemma). Imakefile sample Imakefile for xmkmf. Makefile.smple sample simple make file. P_.h our macro to conditionally use ANSI prototypes. aa_hadec.c convert between alt/az and hour angle/dec. anomaly.c compute anomaly. astro.h unit conversion macros and planet defines. calmenu.c control the calendar on the main menu. circum.c main "astronomy" entry point circum.h defines Now and Sky structures. closemenu.c control the list of close objects. comet.c compute comet position from elements. compiler.c compile and execute arithmetic expressions. constel.c handles determing and printing constellation info. datamenu.c manage the general data menu. db.c read and process the database files, and in-memory db. dbmenu.c manage the database menu. earthmap.c coordinates for the simple earth map. earthmenu.c manage the sunlit earth menu. earthsat.c compute earth satellite info. eq_ecl.c convert between equitorial and eclipitic coords. fits.c simple FITS file reader. formats.c basic date, time, prompts, etc formats. helpmenu.c manage the help menu and supporting text file. jupgrs.c code for Jupiter's Great Red Spot jupmenu.c manage the jupiter moon map menu. libration.c compute Lunar libration in lat and long. listmenu.c manage the listing control menu. mainmenu.c manage the main menu. map.h typedefs useful for maps consisting of sets of lines. marsmap.c coordincates for the simple mars map. marsmenu.c manage the mars central meridian longitude menu. misc.c everyone needs one of these! mjd.c converters to and from modified julian date. moon.c compute moon position. mooncolong.c code to support selenographic colongitude. moonmenu.c manage the moon display menu. moonnf.c compute new and full moon dates. msgmenu.c manage the message alert mechanism. nutation.c compute nutation correction. objmenu.c manage the objx/y menu. obliq.c compute obliquity. parallax.c functions to compute earth rim parallax correction. patchlevel.h defines PATCHLEVEL which establishes release level. pelement.c basic planet position polynomial coefficients. plans.c polynomials to find planet location at any certain time. plot_aux.c manage the plotting menu and read supporting files. plotmenu.c manage the plot control menu and write supporting files. precess.c compute precession correction. preferences.c code to maintain user preference settings. preferences.h header file for use by modules using preferences. progress.c code to run the progress meter. ps.h public ps.c interface. ps.c Postscript support functions. query.c general purpose menu query tool. reduce.c convert elliptical elements from one epoch to another. refract.c atmospheric refraction model. riset.c find basic rise/set sideral times of a fixed object. riset_cir.c iteratively solve for rise/set times of moving objects. satmenu.c manage the Saturn menu. sites.h support for users of sites.c sites.c code to read and manage the xephem_sites file. skyhist.c auxiliary skyview history functionality. skyhist.h support between skyviewmenu.c and skyhist.c. skylist.c auxiliary skyview file list functionality. skylist.h support between skyviewmenu.c and skylist.c. skyfiltmenu.c manage the sky view type filter menu. skyviewmenu.c manage the circular sky view menu. solsysmenu.c manage the solar system menu. srchmenu.c manage the search control menu. sun.c compute location of sun at any time. time.c manage setting and getting the time from the os trails.c operate the trail setup dialog. trails.h support for users of trails.c. utc_gst.c convert between UT1 and Greenwich sidereal time versionmenu.c current version notice, and revision history comments. xephem.c main() and misc minor support utility functions. xmisc.c misc X Windows functions. manual page, written for the nroff -man macros.