Bagley: [Dec 28, 95] V1.2.0 -- Random generator fixed for 64 bit machines. Minor patches. New mail account. [Jun 21, 95] V1.1.0 -- The different altris games will now have consistent numbers for major releases. tetris -fg white -bg black, should now work on monochrome monitors. Now provide a random number generator. Took out unbundled Sun cc and lint warnings. Format to data file changed. [Feb 22, 95] V3.1.2(Altered) -- Updated "unofficial patch" to contain V3.1.2. A major difference is a different kind of bonus. Try "tetris -n 5" to see the biggest major difference between this and the unaltered version. Instead of "-rightRotation" use "-ccw". See the "CHANGES" file for a more complete list. (Thanks to Patrick Forsberg for a patch to XrmMergeDatabase that I missed in Zhao's version.) Zhao: [Feb 21, 95] V3.1.2 -- Minor bug-fix release. [Feb 3, 94] V3.1.1 -- Fixed a scorefile checking problem suggested by Richard Huveneers . Changed to use regular (normal) "select"... Enforced bonus mode so it would be hard to get high scores for players who use intensive pausing. As brought up by Herbert Ruessink , and many other people. [Sep 1, 93] V3.1.0 -- Forget about R4, use R5 "XCOMM" in Imakefile. Suggested by David W. Sanderson . Option to set which score file to use. Option to set the basic rotation direction. Minor improvements... [Aug 24, 93] V3.0.1 -- utils.c, checkUp and checkDown for the new bitmap #15. tetris.c, size hints. [Aug 22, 93] V3.0.0 -- In general: added a "bonus mode" inspired by an unofficial patch from David Bagley . Imakefile, "SYS_LIBRARIES" changed to include "$(XLIB)". Suggested by Dr. Horst Spandl . tetris.c, correct resource lookup for "startLevel", "preFilledLines", "showNext", and "beep". Suggested by Reuben Worley . playing.c, destroying window before closing connection. Suggested by Elwood C. Downey . utils.c, tetris.c, brought back the old "plain" bitmaps. Suggested by David W. Sanderson . utils.c, better rotation (looks more "natural"). Suggested by Alberto Hernandez . Many minor changes... [Feb 27, 93] V2.1.4: HP time structure problem resulting "hanging blocks". By Marcus Leech . New set of bitmaps contributed by Atsuhiko Yamanaka . [Jan 21, 93] V2.1.3: Two bugs in finding user environment: "endpwent()" by Jari Tavi ; "gethostname()" by Johan Vromans . Added two more arrow keys. [Jan 19, 93] V2.1.2: Improved "paused" mode - so it won't take too much CPU time - suggested by Philip JENNINGS . [Jan 18, 93] V2.1.1: Fixed a resource look-up bug found by Peter Kabal , and Imakefile problem found by Tong Zhou . [Jan 15, 93] V2.1.0: Fixed a resource look-up bug found by Kiyotaka Sakai . Added "-u" option. New feature: when a row is deleted, remaining blocks remains rounded -- suggested by Elwood C. Downey and Bill Leue . [Jan 12, 93] V2.0.1: added arrow keys. Changed error handling method in locking score file, suggested by Hellmut Golde . [Jan 10, 93] V2.0.0: Complete rewrite. Enhanced layout. Added resource management and "next piece". Changes made for Sony workstations, suggested by Masato Ogawa . Included four X11 header files in case some system doesn't have them. Fixed block clearing bug found by Benjamin Kroop . Since the days of V1.8, I have got many responses over the net. Thanks go to people who helped me in improving the program. [Nov 13, 92] Black Friday -- V1.8.1: numerious minor changes. Made score listing built in. [Oct 08, 92] V1.8: Corrected some typos, . Added man-page. Gregg Townsend provided hints for some problems on HP-UX. Imakefile. Richard van Denzel suggest modifications for HP-UX. [Sep 30, 92] V1.7: Richard van Denzel reported bugs on HP-UX 8.0. [Sep 27, 92] V1.6: Changed speed coefficients. Improved window manager hints. Several rows at once worth more points. [Sep 25, 92] V1.5: HP-UX fixes by "Richard van Denzel" . Added 'b' to toggle "beep". Rewrote window creation/initialization to fix the "losing input focus" problem. [Sep 24, 92] V1.4: Added and -lbsd for AIX (by "Daryl Green" ). [Sep 23, 92] V1.3: Scoring -- a line in a higher level worth more points; "tscores" program. Submitted to (volumn 15, issues 1-2; it has nothing to do with GNU, but it was called "gtetris", pronounced as "Gee, tetris", by the newsgroup moderator). [Sep ??, 92] First set of versions, 1.0 through 1.2 -- developed and tested at the University of Arizona. Put on I studied an old tetris game for X10, wrote by Wayne Christopher in 1988; then I adopted the ideas in representing those "blocks" and rotating them, and added X11 stuff. Also I learned a lot from Nathan Sidwell's great game "xmris", e.g. the "iconifying pause".