The following are a number of commonly asked questions with NEWS. These answers may prove useful... ------------------------------------------------------------------- We are running news, but I am having problems making news post items successfully. I believe my main problems are a lack of understanding of how the files & mailpaths. interact with the automatic moderator address produced by news. ------------------------------------------------------------------- firstly the mailpaths file: My original design was to store the moderator internet address of moderated newsgroups in the data record of the newsgroup. This allowed the news manager to supply the moderator address when a newsgroup was created, and all attempted postings to that newsgroup would be re-directed as mail to the specified address. HOWEVER there was a problem with this approach - there is no automatic USENET control mailing which lists the moderator addresses of moderated newsgroups!! All the checkgroups posting contains is the binary information moderated or unmoderated!! This led me into investigating the Unix approach - Unix uses a number of "backbone" sites. These backbone sites do contain an up-to-date list of the moderators of all network newsgroups, and are also configured to forward all moderated newsgroup postings on to the correct moderator. The scheme used in addressing the moderator via a backbone site is one where a posting to (say) is directed to the address "comp-net-animals@backbone" The Unix approach is to use a config file "mailpaths". This file contains newsgroup names, and the internet address of the moderator, 1 per line. The "special" name "backbone" matches all newsgroups, and the address may contain the string "%s", which requires the newsgroup name to be substituted, with '_' replacing all '.' characters in the newsgroup name. The scan of the file is first match. When a checkgroups message comes in, NEWS automatically creates a command file and sends it to usenet for manual execution. This sets the "moderated" status for each group which has the "(moderated)" phrase at the end of each line in the checkgroups list. Fine. The moderator name which results appears to be set to "newsgroup-name@munnari.oz". Now this implies that each site does not need to maintain a list of net newsgroup moderators - the backbone site will do all that - and also there is no need to store the moderator address for each newsgroup - most moderated newsgroups will be addressed to the backbone site for forwarding. Therefore I introduced the mailpaths file into VMS NEWS - on the basis that it is better that the management configuration of NEWS is as similar as possible between Unix and VMS - in this way the VMS site can use the config files of an adjacent Unix site for the initial configuration into the net. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why then do I need the mailpaths. file? What's the relationship between the two? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok so the mailpaths file is used to determine the address of the moderator for moderated newsgroups. The file was introduced to address an anomoly in the USENET with the INFOVAX list. As you may be aware some USENET newsgroups do not actually originate on the USENET, but are "fed" from a ARPANET (or BITNET, UUNET, ...) mailing list. This implies that any postings into the USENET newsgroup must be also posted back to the original mailing list for correct distribution through the complete domain of subscribers to that conference. With comp.os.vms the back mailing of postings to the arpanet mailing list site was NOT being performed - postings into USENET would circulate only within the USENET, and more than half of the full reader set would not get a copy. Now the "standard" USENET solution, which would be to set up the newsgroup as a moderated newsgroup, with the moderator address being the orginal mailing distribution point, was not used for comp.os.vms, and this newsgroup was an unmoderated newsgroup!! In response to this I introduced the .CC file, which would carbon copy any local postings in a nominated newsgroup to an internet address, and I used it to include the entry: comp.os.vms The effect was that postings to this newsgroup would circulate through the USENET in the usual manner, but would also be mailed directly to the ARPANET mailing point for wider distribution I have since found out that this "bug" in the setup of this newsgroup has been fixed, and that the entry for comp.os.vms is no longer required!! However I have left the ability for the local newsmanager to set up carbon copies of local postings to be sent to a nominated address with the .CC file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where do unmoderated groups get their posting address set up? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For network groups it is the responsibility of the backbone site - other sites do not need to carry this information. For locally defined newsgroups, then the moderator address needs to be added to the mailpaths file. This can be done with the command: SET NEWSGROUP/MOD="address" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From my research over the last day or two, I believe that mailpaths. should be set up from the first part of the moderator list which is usually sent to one of the NEWS administration newsgroups (news.admin), and that is set up from the second part of that moderator list. However, this list does nor seem to be exhaustive (comp.os.vms is missing, perhaps others too). Is there a general rule about what gets on that moderator list and what is left off? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As I have intimated above, within australia, for those newsgroups distributed throughout australia you should use the following entries: - no entries required mailpaths: - 1 entry backbone %s@munnari.oz You may need further entries for locally defined newsgroups ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your time. Its a pity an ANU NEWS mailing list doesn't exist a la would be extremely welcome! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree, but there are relevant considerations which, to date, have made this impossible. And I must admit I don't think that this will change in the near future ... cest la vie ______________________________________________________________________ From: VAX4::CHILL "Ian Hill, Snr Education Programmer" 21-SEP-1988 17:18 To: VAX6::IN%"'PSI%AUSTPAC.0505249626002::SYSNET'",CHILL Subj: RE: Advice re moderator setup for ANU NEWS 5.4 Now here's my own explanation of how things fit together...David Morrison at Newcastle was having troubles with moderated newsgroups so we started working at it together via email. The following came out of a series of trials and SEEMS to fit what actually happens. Our news.sys is as follows: vax3:world,sys,comp,sci,rec,news,misc,soc,talk,aus,\ curtin,junk,control,general:: The mailpaths. file is updated whenever you do a cre/news/mod or change the moderator setting for a newsgroup. Here's our file. curtin.test backbone %s@munnari.oz The backbone line causes items for any moderated network newsgroups to be sent to munnari.oz, with newsgroup names transformed by replacing all periods by hyphens. This is done because they keep up-to-date moderator lists (saves us the hassle!). Local moderated newsgroups get sent to the address next to their entry in mailpaths (we have only my test one). The tricky part is setting the moderator address. Firstly, you need to set up your news_address.cnf file to correctly transform the addresses news generates into addresses which pmdf/decnet can handle. Here's our news_address.cnf file: # this is an example address cnf file *@acad.curtin.* vax3::\001 *@admin.curtin.* vax4::\001 *@* "in::""\001@\002""" *::* \001::\002 * \001 Note that mail from acad or admin nodes get sent to the particular decnet node, while any other rfc822 style addresses get sent to in::"user@address" So that our mail machine (which has PMDF on it) can correctly forward the mail onwards. Now, When someone posts an item to a moderated newsgroup, it gets sent to the moderator via mail. The moderator then extracts it, and posts it. As long as the moderator address is set to exactly (EXACTLY) the address that news has dreamed up for the user (who is the moderator in this case), it will allow the posting.