Solaris battalion Quick Reference Version 1.2 release 3 July 16, 1996 STARTUP HINTS The script "battalion" starts the game. Press space to select your monster with keys 6 to 9 (Googelon, Techs, the Vapour or Flutter), then press 1 to enter monster's view. Move using the mouse or arrow keys, shoot with the left button or Ctrl and press Esc to exit. The a and z keys tilt the monster's head. The s key toggles sound effects and g toggles pointer grab, useful for the Mesa version to keep the pointer inside the window. In demo mode (before and after a game), you can press h to view the on-screen help and H to see the high scores. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS -a(lone) Fight alone. -b(ackdrop) Hide the overlays. -d(etail) n Set graphics level-of-detail to 0..2. The Mesa version defaults to 0 (low) and OpenGL version to 2 (high). The d key changes the detail level while the game is running. -m(usic) Initially turn on the background music. -s(ound) Initially turn on sound effects. -lscores¹ Use local high scores file (in /var/tmp), even if startup script has been set up to access a global high score file. -mesa¹ If OpenGL² is installed, use this option to tell the startup script to run the Mesa instead of OpenGL binary. -help Shows game version and a list of command line options. DEMO MODE COMMANDS Space Selects your monster (keys 6...9). h Displays the on-screen help. H Displays the high scores. PLAY MODE COMMANDS Mouse/arrows Moves the monster. Left button/Ctrl Shoot! 1, 2, 3 Selects monster view / overview / army view. Use the i,j,k,l keys to rotate the battlefield in overview mode. 4 Displays the map, with your monster at the center. a, z Tilts monster's head. d Steps through detail levels 0, 1, 2. g Toggles pointer grabbing, which locks the mouse pointer into the battalion window. Gives you better control if you move using the mouse. m Toggles background music. p Pauses the game. s Toggles sound. ESC Exit. ABOUT SOUND The volume is initialized to a low level by audioplay, called from the startup script. Change the level/comment out as appropriate. ENVIRONMENT BATTALIONSCOREDIR Defines directory for high score file (default /var/tmp). This variable is already defined in the startup script, but the line is commented out. BATTALIONSCOREUNIQUE Setting this variable limits the number of high score entries per user to one (only the top entry). To enable this behavior, uncomment the line in the startup script that defines this variable. ---- ¹) The -lscores and -mesa options are handled by the startup script. ²) The Sun OpenGL 1.0 runtime packages must be installed in order to use the battalion.opengl binary. OpenGL 1.0 supports only the Creator 3D framebuffer.