!* CALLMON - A Call Monitor for OpenVMS Alpha !* !* File: CALLMON$MESSAGES.MSG !* Author: Thierry Lelegard !* Version: 1.0 !* Date: 24-JUL-1996 !* .TITLE CALLMON$MESSAGES "CALLMON Messages" .FACILITY CALLMON, 812/PREFIX=CALLMON$_ .SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL BRTARGET/FAO=1 "branch target at !XL" BSR/FAO=3 "!XL: BSR R!SL, !AZ" BSRDEPTH/FAO=1 "BSR depth is !SL" BSRMOD/FAO=0 "modified BSR code stream follows" BSRREP/FAO=2 "BSR replacement is !AZ = !SL" BSRSEQ/FAO=0 "code stream before BSR follows" BSRTOJSR/FAO=1 "replacing BSR by JSR at !XL" CEFIX/FAO=1 "code address fixup to entry at !XL" CPFIX/FAO=1 "code address fixup to PDSC at !XL" CREFLW/FAO=1 "creating file !AZ, please wait..." DOFIXUP/FAO=6 "look up !AZ fixup in !AZ!/!_[pdsc: !XL, entry: !XL] => [pdsc: !XL, entry: !XL]" DOISD/FAO=4 "look up image section !SL in !AZ!/!_Start = !XL, end = !XL" DORELOC/FAO=6 "look up !AZ relocations in !AZ!/!_[pdsc: !XL, entry: !XL] => [pdsc: !XL, entry: !XL]" DUPNAM/FAO=3 "routine !AZ from !AZ also in !AZ" DUPVAL/FAO=2 "routine !AZ also named !AZ" FILDONE/FAO=1 "file !AZ is complete" FIXUPCNT/FAO=3 "!SL fixups to !AZ in !AZ" INIT/FAO=0 "initializing Call Monitor, please wait..." INOK/FAO=0 "Call Monitor OK, !SL image!%S, !SL routine!%S" INSDUMP/FAO=1 "!SL instructions processed" INTCPTALL/FAO=4 INTERCEPT/FAO=3 LDIMGOK/FAO=1 "loaded image !AZ, !SL routine!%S" LEFIX/FAO=1 "longword address fixup to entry at !XL" LEREL/FAO=1 "longword relocation to entry at !XL" LKFIX/FAO=1 "linkage pair fixup at !XL" LOADIMG/FAO=6 "loading image !AZ!/!_Base = !XL, start = !XL, end = !XL!/!_Vector = !XL (!SL bytes)" LOADRTN/FAO=2 "loading routine !AD" LPFIX/FAO=1 "longword address fixup to PDSC at !XL" LPREL/FAO=1 "longword relocation to PDSC at !XL" NOPR27/FAO=2 "Before BSR, last NOP at !XL, last LDx R27 at !XL" NOTREL/FAO=1 "routine !AZ is not relocatable" PASS1/FAO=2 "first pass complete, !SL instructions, !SL branch targets" QEFIX/FAO=1 "quadword address fixup to entry at !XL" QEREL/FAO=1 "quadword relocation to entry at !XL" QPFIX/FAO=1 "quadword address fixup to PDSC at !XL" QPREL/FAO=1 "quadword relocation to PDSC at !XL" RELOCCNT/FAO=3 "!SL relocations to !AZ in !AZ" SETPAGWRT/FAO=1 "modify page at !XL to user-write" TRFLG/FAO=1 "trace flags are !XL" UDUNINT/FAO=1 "user-defined uninterceptable routine !AZ" UDUNREL/FAO=1 "user-defined unrelocatable routine !AZ" VALINT/FAO=2 "!AZ = !SL" VALHEX/FAO=2 "!AZ = !XL" VALSTR/FAO=2 .SEVERITY WARNING FROMNOTMON/FAO=0 "calls from some images will not be monitored" IVBSRREP/FAO=1 "invalid BSR replacement !AZ" IVTRFLG/FAO=1 "invalid trace flag !AZ" NOSYM/FAO=2 "routine !AZ not found in image !AZ" PROTECTD/FAO=1 "image !AZ is protected" RESIDENT/FAO=1 "image !AZ is resident" TONOTMON/FAO=0 "calls to this image will not be monitored" .SEVERITY ERROR CRETVA/FAO=0 "error creating virtual address space" DEFINE/FAO=1 "error defining logical name !AZ" DELTVA/FAO=0 "error deleting virtual address space" EXPREG/FAO=1 "error expanding memory by !UL pagelets" FNDENTRY/FAO=0 "internal error in tree of routines (by entry)" FNDIMAGE/FAO=0 "internal error in tree of images" FNDNAME/FAO=0 "internal error in tree of routines (by name)" FNDVALUE/FAO=0 "internal error in tree of routines (by value)" GETJPI/FAO=0 "error getting process information" GETSYI/FAO=0 "error getting system information" GETVM/FAO=1 "error allocating !SL bytes of memory" INF/FAO=0 "image not found" INSIMGTREE/FAO=1 "error inserting !AZ in image tree" INSRTNTREE/FAO=1 "error inserting !AZ in routine tree" INVBSRDEP/FAO=1 "invalid value for CALLMON$BSR_DEPTH: !AZ" MAPGST/FAO=1 "can't map global symbol table of image file !AZ" MAPHEADER/FAO=1 "can't map header of image file !AZ" MEMPROT/FAO=2 "can't unprotect memory range !XL - !XL" NORESTRA/FAO=0 "cannot trace resident images" NOTACTIVE/FAO=1 "image !AZ is not active in current process" OPEN/FAO=1 "can't open !AZ" PARSE/FAO=1 "don't understand !AZ" READHEAD/FAO=1 "can't read header of !AZ" RESROUT/FAO=0 "reserved routine, cannot intercept" RMSPARSE/FAO=1 "cannot parse !AZ" RNF/FAO=0 "routine not found" RTNNAMTOOLNG/FAO=3 "routine name !AD is longer than !UL characters" SETPAGWRTFAIL/FAO=1 "failed to modify page at !XL to user-write" .SEVERITY FATAL IMGNAMTOOLNG/FAO=2 "image name !AC is longer than !UL characters" .END