-- CALLMON Examples -- -- File: EXAMPLE_COLLECTION_.ADA -- Author: Thierry Lelegard -- Version: 1.0 -- Date: 24-JUL-1996 -- -- Abstract: Example package which traces the usage of Ada collections. -- package Example_Collection is -- This function returns a string which uniformely identifies -- the current task in the application. function Task_Name return String; -- This generic routine returns the "image" of an integer value, -- in an hexadecimal string. generic type Element is range <>; Default_Width : in Positive; function Integer_Hexa_Image ( Item : in Element; Width : in Positive := Default_Width) return String; -- This generic routine returns the "image" of an access value, -- in an hexadecimal string. generic type Element is limited private; type Access_Element is access Element; Default_Width : in Positive; function Access_Hexa_Image ( Item : in Access_Element; Width : in Positive := Default_Width) return String; end Example_Collection;