%title "Broadcast a message to selected terminals" %ident "V1-002" sub sys_broadcast (string identification & ,string text & ,string destination) !+ ! Version: V1-002 ! ! Facility: General system routines. ! ! Abstract: Broadcast a formatted message to selected terminals. ! ! Environment: As required for SYS$BRKTHRU. ! ! History: ! ! 28-Sep-1990, DBS; Version V1-001 ! 001 - Original version. ! 18-Dec-1995, DBS; Version V1-002 ! 002 - Converted from FORTRAN to BASIC. !- !++ ! Functional Description: ! The information supplied is formatted as shown below then broadcast ! the the terminal(s) listed. Note that multi-line text messages must ! be formatted by the caller. ! ! ########## ######### ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! call sys_broadcast (prog_id, message, term_list) ! -or- ! pushaq term_list ! pushaq message ! pushaq prog_id ! calls #3, g^sys_broadcast ! ! Formal Argument(s): ! identification.rt.ds Address of a string descriptor pointing to ! the text to be used in the identification line of ! for formatted message. ! text.rt.ds Address of a string descriptor pointing to the actual ! text of the message. This must be formatted by the ! caller. ! destination.rt.ds Address of a descriptor pointing to string ! containing the terminal (or list of terminals) to ! receive the broadcast. ! ! Implicit Inputs: ! None ! ! Implicit Outputs: ! None ! ! Completion Codes: ! None ! ! Side Effects: ! None !-- option type = explicit, & constant type = integer, & size = (integer long, real double) ! External references (and includes) %include "$BRKDEF" %from %library "SYS$LIBRARY:BASIC$STARLET.TLB" %include "$STRDEF" %from %library "SYS$LIBRARY:BASIC$STARLET.TLB" external long function lib$date_time external long function str_len external long function str$element external long function sys$brkthru ! Type declarations for constants declare string constant default_destination = "OPA0:" declare string constant default_identification = "Unidentified Message" declare string constant delimiter = "," ! Type declarations for variables map (SYSBRDCSTSTUFF) string broadcast_dest = 256 & ,string broadcast_ident = 32 & ,string date_time = 23 & ,string message_text = 2048 & ,string tterminal = 32 declare long destination_len declare long element declare long ident_len declare long message_len declare long tterminal_len declare long text_len declare long sstatus %sbttl "Mainline" !+ ! Mainline !- mainline: call lib$date_time (date_time) ident_len = str_len (identification) if (ident_len = 0) then broadcast_ident = default_identification else broadcast_ident = identification end if destination_len = str_len (destination) if (destination_len = 0) then broadcast_dest = default_destination else broadcast_dest = destination end if ident_len = str_len (broadcast_ident) text_len = str_len (text) destination_len = str_len (broadcast_dest) message_text = cr + lf + "########## " & + left(broadcast_ident, ident_len) & + " " + date_time + " ##########" & + cr + lf + left(text, text_len) + cr + lf message_len = str_len (message_text) element = 0 sstatus = str$element(tterminal, element, delimiter, broadcast_dest) while (sstatus <> str$_noelem) tterminal_len = str_len (tterminal) call sys$brkthru (,left(message_text, message_len) & ,left(tterminal, tterminal_len) & ,brk$c_device by value,,,,,,,,) element = element + 1 sstatus = str$element(tterminal, element & ,delimiter, broadcast_dest) next end sub