$!* *
$!* *
$!* Copyright (c) Compaq Computrer Corporation, 1998. *
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$! Abstract: "DIET" a DCL .COM proceudre by removing all comments
$! and reducing all spaces to a single space
$! Author: Charlie Hammond
$! Created: 15-Sep-1998
$! Inputs: P1 -- The file to be "dieted"
$! Outputs: P2 -- The "dieted" file
$! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ goto start
$! This $DECK remains after DCLDIET is run to give a hint...
This procedure "DIETs" a command procedure file -- compressing
it by removing comments and unnecessary space. This saves file
space and improves execution time.
To run this procedure, enter command
where is the input command procedure
is the "DIETed" out put file
If you use DCL_DIET frequently, you may wish to assign a symbol in
your LOGIN.COM file to execute DCL_DIET. For example, if the
DCL_DIET.COM is in you LOGIN default directory, you might put the
following in your LOGIN.COM:
Alternatively, if you put DCL_DIET.COM in SYS$SYSTEM, you might put
the following in your SYS$SYLOGIN (which is normally
$! Make sure DCL verbs aren't unexpected symbols.
$ set = "set"
$ set symbol /scope=(nolocal,noglobal)
$! Set up to handle CTRL_Y and errors.
$ sav_status = 1 ! Default to success
$ on control_y then goto y_exit
$ on warning then goto err_exit
$ say = "write sys$output"
$ in$deck = 0 ! indicate not in a $DECK/$EOD
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$! Create a symbol for the single quote character (')
$ s_quote[0,8]=39
$! And, everybody's favorite, a symbol for "''F$FA"
$ s2_fao = s_quote + s_quote + "F$FA"
$ s2_upr = s_quote + s_quote + "F$"
$ s2_lwr = s_quote + s_quote + "f$"
$ lines_in = 0
$ lines_out = 0
$ line_disply_increment = 500
$ line_to_display = line_disply_increment - 1
$! ------------------------------------------------------------------
$ dcl_dt_vers = "V1.0"
$ say ""
$ say -
"-*- Charlie Hammond's unsupported DCL DIETer (Version ''dcl_dt_vers') -*-"
$ say ""
$! If p1 is not presnt, prompt for it.
$ if p1 .eqs. ""
$ then
$ read /error=get_p1 sys$output p1 -
/prompt="Enter name of file to be Dieted: "
$ goto get_p1
$ endif
$! Verify that the input file exists.
$ if f$search(p1) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ say "Cannot find ""''p1'"""
$ p1 = ""
$ goto get_p1
$ endif
$ diet$input = f$parse(p1)
$! If p2 is not present, prompt for it. Use "''p1'_dieted" as the default.
$ if p2 .eqs. ""
$ then
$ say "The default for the ""dieted"" output file is"
$ say """''diet$input'_DIET""" - ";"
$ read /error=get_p2 sys$output p2 -
/prompt="Enter name of file for output: "
$ if p2 .eqs. "" then p2 = "''diet$input'_DIET" - ";"
$ endif
$ diet$output = f$parse(p2,diet$input)
$ say " Input file is: " + diet$input
$ say "Output file is: " + diet$output
$ say "Starting -- ''f$time()'"
$! Open the output file
$! CREATE it and APPEND to it to get proper file attributes
$ create 'diet$output'
$! Close it first, just in case
$ close /error=open_output diet$output
$ open /append diet$output 'diet$output'
$ write diet$output "$! File created by DCL_DIET at ''f$time()' from"
$ write diet$output "$! ''diet$input'"
$! Open the input file
$! Close it first, just in case
$ close /error=open_input diet$input
$ open /read diet$input 'diet$input'
$! Read the input file
$ read /end=common_exit diet$input record_in
$ lines_in = lines_in + 1
$ if lines_in .gt. line_to_display
$ then
$ say f$fao("...processing line number !UL...",lines_in)
$ line_to_display = line_to_display + line_disply_increment
$ endif
$! temporarily compres the line
$ temp = f$edit(record_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS,UPCASE")
$! Skip comment only lines
$ if ( ( f$extract(0,2,temp) .eqs. "$!" ) -
.or. ( f$extract(0,3,temp) .eqs. "$ !" ) ) -
then goto read_input
$! Get the first two tokens on the line
$ t0 = f$element(0," ",temp)
$ t1 = f$element(2," ",temp)
$! Check if in a $DECK/$EOD.
$ if in$deck
$ then
$ if (t0 .eqs. "$EOD") .or. ( (t0 .eqs. "$") .and. (t1 .eqs. "EOD") )
$ then
$ in$deck = 0
$ write diet$output "$EOD"
$ lines_out = lines_out + 1
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$ goto read_input
$ endif
$ else ! not in$deck
$ if (t0 .eqs. "$DECK") .or. ( (t0 .eqs. "$") .and. (t1 .eqs. "DECK") )
$ then
$ in$deck = 1
$ write diet$output "$DECK"
$ lines_out = lines_out + 1
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$ goto read_input
$ endif
$ endif
$! If in a $DECK do not diet the line.
$ if in$deck
$ then
$ write diet$output record_in
$ lines_out = lines_out + 1
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$ goto read_input
$ endif
$! Do not diet lines that do not start with "$" and are NOT continuation lines
$ if ( ( f$extract(0,1,temp) .nes. "$" ) .and. ( .not. continuation$line ) )
$ then
$ write diet$output record_in
$ lines_out = lines_out + 1
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$ goto read_input
$ endif
$! Anything that gets here is NOT in a $DECK, and either starts with "$"
$! or is a continuation line.
$! We want to TRIM, COMPRESS and UNCOMMENT the dcl record,
$! But first we must deal with a problem that F$EDIT has with
$! exclaimation marks used for formating directives in F$FAO control strings.
$! This only occurs when the F$FAO is preceded by two single quotes
$! indicating symbol substitution within a quoted string. e.g.
$! $ write sys$output "Value is: ''f$fao("!4UL",value)'"
$! (This may not be good coding practice, but it IS used.)
$! We could write a lot of clumsy code to handle this, but since it is
$! an unusual occurance, we just skip dieting anly lines that line contain
$! the string "''F$FA".
$ x = f$locate(s2_lwr,Record_in)
$ if f$edit(f$extract(x,6,Record_in),"UPCASE") .eqs. s2_fao -
then goto do_fao
$ x = f$locate(s2_upr,Record_in)
$ if f$edit(f$extract(x,6,Record_in),"UPCASE") .eqs. s2_fao -
then goto do_fao
$ goto after_fao
$! Don't uncomment it
$ record_out = f$edit(record_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ if f$extract(0,2,record_out) .eqs. "$ " then -
record_out = "$" + record_out - "$ "
$ write diet$output record_out
$ lines_out = lines_out + 1
$! This next line could cause us NOT to diet a continuation line, but...
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$ goto read_input
$! Now we can diet whatever is left.
$ record_out = f$edit(record_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS,UNCOMMENT")
$! Skip coment only lines
$ continuation$line = 0 ! indicate not a continuation line
$ if record_out .eqs. "$" then goto read_input
$ if f$extract(0,2,record_out) .eqs. "$ " then -
record_out = "$" + record_out - "$ "
$ write diet$output record_out
$ lines_out = lines_out + 1
$ if f$extract(f$length(record_out)-1,1,record_out) .eqs. "-" -
then continuation$line = 1 ! indicate a continuation line
$ goto read_input
$! ------------------------------------------------------------
$! Exit routines
$y_exit: ! Ctrl_y exit routine
$! Display Ctrl_y message
$ write sys$output "Exiting due to Ctrl_y entry"
$ goto 1_exit
$err_exit: ! error/warning exit routine
$ sav_status = $status
$ write sys$output f$message(sav_status)
$! Add %x10000000 to set the bit that suppresses display of the message.
$! This prevents re-displaying the message when we EXIT SAV_STATUS.
$ if sav_status .lt. %x10000000 then sav_status = sav_status + %x10000000
$ goto common_exit
$1_exit: ! Go here to force exit with status 1 = success
$! %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
$! Display success message, if desired
$ write sys$output f$message(sav_status)
$! Note: success messages aren't displayed by EXIT SAV_STATUS.
$! Don't need to use %x10000001.
$ sav_status = 1
$ goto common_exit
$common_exit: ! common exit
$! Disable control_y and error handling
$ on control_y then continue
$ on warning then continue
$! Cleanup code
$! Close any file left open...
$ close /error=exit_output diet$output
$ close /error=exit_input diet$input
$! Deassign logicals
$! Delete temporary files
$! ...
$! Any other cleanup required...
$ say "Finished -- ''f$time()'"
$ say ""
$ say f$fao("!7UL lines read",lines_in)
$ say f$fao("!7UL lines written",lines_out)
$ say ""
$! Exit with status
$ exit sav_status