MODULE dtk$routines; /**************************************************************************** /* * /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 BY * /* DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASSACHUSETTS. * /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * /* * /* THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED * /* ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE * /* INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER * /* COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY * /* OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY * /* TRANSFERRED. * /* * /* THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE * /* AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT * /* CORPORATION. * /* * /* DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS * /* SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT WHICH IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. * /* * /* * /**************************************************************************** /* DTK$ANSWER_PHONE /* /* Wait for Phone to Ring and Answer /* /* The Wait for Phone to Ring and Answer routine /* waits for the phone connected to the DECtalk device to ring /* and then answers it. /* ENTRY dtk$answer_phone ALIAS $dtk_answer_phone PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED number_of_rings IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD NAMED timeout IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$CHECK_HDWR_STATUS /* /* Check Hardware Status /* /* The Check Hardware Status routine checks the DECtalk hardware for hardware /* malfunctions. /* ENTRY dtk$check_hdwr_status ALIAS $dtk_check_hdwr_status PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED hdwr_status OUT TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$DIAL_PHONE /* /* Dial the Telephone /* /* The Dial the Telephone routine dials the specified number on the telephone. /* ENTRY dtk$dial_phone ALIAS $dtk_dial_phone PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED phone_number IN TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED dial_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD NAMED timeout IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$HANGUP_PHONE /* /* Hang Up the Phone /* /* The Hang Up the Phone routine speaks an optional message and /* then hangs up the phone. /* ENTRY dtk$hangup_phone ALIAS $dtk_hangup_phone PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME char_string ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$INITIALIZE /* /* Initialize DECtalk /* /* The Initialize DECtalk routine initializes a DECtalk device and returns the device's assigned /* voice identifier. /* ENTRY dtk$initialize ALIAS $dtk_initialize PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id OUT TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED output_device IN TYPENAME device_name, LONGWORD NAMED device_type OUT OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$LOAD_DICTIONARY /* /* Load a Word into the DECtalk Dictionary /* /* The Load a Word into the DECtalk Dictionary routine /* loads a phonemic definition of a word into the DECtalk /* dictionary. /* ENTRY dtk$load_dictionary ALIAS $dtk_load_dictionary PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN TYPENAME char_string, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED substitution IN TYPENAME char_string ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$READ_KEYSTROKE /* /* Read a Key Entered on the Keypad /* /* The Read a Key Entered on the Keypad routine /* reads a key entered on the phone keypad. /* ENTRY dtk$read_keystroke ALIAS $dtk_read_keystroke PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED key_code OUT TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED prompt_string IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD NAMED timeout IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$READ_STRING /* /* Read a Series of Keys Entered on the Keypad /* /* The Read a Series of Keys Entered on the Keypad routine reads a /* series of keys entered on the phone keypad. /* ENTRY dtk$read_string ALIAS $dtk_read_string PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED resultant_string OUT TYPENAME char_string, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED prompt_string IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD NAMED timeout IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED longword_integer_termin_code OUT OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$RETURN_LAST_INDEX /* /* Return Last Index Spoken /* /* The Return Last Index Spoken routine returns the last index spoken. /* ENTRY dtk$return_last_index ALIAS $dtk_return_last_index PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED p_index OUT TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SPELL_TEXT /* /* Spell Text /* /* The Spell Text routine causes DECtalk to pronounce each letter of /* the specified text. /* ENTRY dtk$spell_text ALIAS $dtk_spell_text PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED completion_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SPEAK_FILE /* /* Speak the Text in a Specified File /* /* The Speak the Text in a Specified File routine /* speaks the text contained in the specified file. /* ENTRY dtk$speak_file ALIAS $dtk_speak_file PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED filespec IN TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED completion_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SPEAK_PHONEMIC_TEXT /* /* Speak the Specified Phonemic Text /* /* The Speak the Specified Phonemic Text routine /* sends the specified phonemic text to the DECtalk device /* to be spoken. /* ENTRY dtk$speak_phonemic_text ALIAS $dtk_speak_phonemic_text PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED completion_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SPEAK_TEXT /* /* Speak the Specified Text /* /* The Speak the Specified Text routine /* sends the specified text to the DECtalk device /* to be spoken. /* ENTRY dtk$speak_text ALIAS $dtk_speak_text PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, CHARACTER RTL_STR_DESC NAMED text IN TYPENAME char_string, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED completion_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_INDEX /* /* Insert an Index at the Current Position /* /* The Insert an Index at the Current Position routine /* inserts an index into the current output stream. /* ENTRY dtk$set_index ALIAS $dtk_set_index PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED p_index IN TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_KEYPAD_MODE /* /* Turn the Phone Keypad On and Off /* /* The Turn the Phone Keypad On and Off routine turns recognition /* of the telephone keypad on or off. /* ENTRY dtk$set_keypad_mode ALIAS $dtk_set_keypad_mode PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED keypad_mode IN TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_LOGGING_MODE /* /* Set the Logging Mode for the Video Terminal Connected to the DECtalk Device /* /* The Set the Logging Mode for the Video Terminal /* Connected to the DECtalk Device routine /* controls the information that is displayed on the video /* terminal while the DECtalk device is functioning. /* ENTRY dtk$set_logging_mode ALIAS $dtk_set_logging_mode PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED new_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED old_mode OUT OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_MODE /* /* Set the Mode for the DECtalk Terminal /* /* The Set the Mode for the DECtalk Terminal routine /* sets or resets the mode settings of the DECtalk terminal. /* ENTRY dtk$set_mode ALIAS $dtk_set_mode PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED new_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED old_mode OUT OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_SPEECH_MODE /* /* Turn Speech Mode On and Off /* /* The Turn Speech Mode On and Off routine /* either starts or stops the DECtalk device's speech. /* ENTRY dtk$set_speech_mode ALIAS $dtk_set_speech_mode PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED new_mode IN TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED old_mode OUT OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_TERMINAL_MODE /* /* Set the Mode for the Video Terminal Connected to the DECtalk Device /* /* The Set the Mode for the Video Terminal /* Connected to the DECtalk Device routine /* controls the attributes of the video terminal connected /* to the DECtalk device. /* ENTRY dtk$set_terminal_mode ALIAS $dtk_set_terminal_mode PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED new_mode IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED old_mode OUT OPTIONAL TYPENAME mask_longword REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$SET_VOICE /* /* Set Voice Characteristics /* /* The Set Voice Characteristics routine /* changes the DECtalk voice characteristics to match those /* specified. /* ENTRY dtk$set_voice ALIAS $dtk_set_voice PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED new_voice IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE, LONGWORD NAMED speech_rate IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_signed REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED comma_pause IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE, LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED period_pause IN OPTIONAL TYPENAME longword_unsigned REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; /* DTK$TERMINATE /* /* Terminate DECtalk /* /* The Terminate DECtalk routine terminates the use of an initialized DECtalk /* device. /* ENTRY dtk$terminate ALIAS $dtk_terminate PARAMETER ( LONGWORD UNSIGNED NAMED voice_id IN TYPENAME identifier REFERENCE ) RETURNS LONGWORD UNSIGNED TYPENAME cond_value; END_MODULE dtk$routines;