How to Compile, Link and Build GNU Emacs under VMS ================================================== A runnable Emacs on VMS consists of two files, an exe file and a map file. (It also refers to a DOC file in the [-.etc] sibling directory. These files are made automatically and kept straight by Emacs version number.) For an Emacs being built and tested, these files are `temacs.exe' and `temacs.dump' in the [.vms] subdiredtory or the directory you use to build emacs. For an installed Emacs, these files are `emacs.exe' and `emacs.dump' in the binaries directory. These names are known only in the file `' or `', which are instaled in the startup directory. 1. Run In the root of the source directory, you'll find, which helps you configure the whole Emacs compilation process. Just move to the directory where you want the object files to reside and type: @srcdev:[srcdir]CONFIGURE The result will be that Emacs will be installed in the directory tree starting with SYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU], which is the only place you can be sure there is a disk, on any VMS system. You might want to install Emacs in some other place than SYS$SYSDEVICE:[GNU...]. CONFIGURE has a lot of switches with which may help you can change the directory names which are used. type @CONFIGURE --HELP for more info, or read [.VMS]CONFIGURE.VMS_DOC. 2. Compile, link and build Emacs. Now, you may compile Emacs with MMS (the make utility that Digtal distributes), or with MMK (Matt Madisons MMS clone): MMS/IGNORE=WARNING 3. Test Emacs before installation. If you want to test Emacs before you install it, do this: @[.vms] This defines the `runtemacs' command to run `temacs.exe' with its map file `temacs.dump'. This step is optional, and allows you to test whether or not emacs is running. 4. Install Emacs. To install Emacs, just use MMS (or MMK) again, like this: MMS/IGNORE=WARNING INSTALL