! ! Copyright © 1990, 1998 by Hunter Goatley. This code may be freely ! distributed for non-commercial purposes as long as this copyright ! notice is retained. Modified copies may not be redistributed. ! ! If you make any changes, please let me know so that I can incorporate ! them. ! ! TITLE FLIST ! IDENT V2.4 !======================================================================== != Never having time to rewrite files sure does affect the = != ease-of-reading, -modifying, and a lot of other things! = != My apologies to anyone who has to look at this code! = !======================================================================== !++ ! ! Program: FLIST.TPU - TPU source for FLIST directory manager ! Author: Hunter Goatley ! goathunter@PROCESS.COM ! ! Additional code by Peter Galbraith, GALBRTH@AC.DAL.CA, (902) 494-7007, ! Dept. of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, ! Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4J1 ! ! Language: VAXTPU V01-002 ! Date: November 1987 ! ! Known bugs/problems: ! ! 1. Purge should let the MACRO routine search for files and purge ! instead of going from the directory buffer. ! 2. Add command recall (will steal and hack from EVE someday). ! ! Modified by: ! ! V2.4 Hunter Goatley 25-FEB-1998 01:08 ! Added flist_reload(), to reload a file being viewed. Useful ! for watching batch log files as they grow. Enhanced ! support for switching between 80/132 columns. Made *.DIR ! "unsticky" when VIEWing a directory, so files in that ! directory are displayed (before, only *.DIR was shown). ! ! Chris Pierce 20-May-1994 11:52 ! Fixed the Flist_What_Line Procedure so it would NOT count ! [EOB] text as the last line. Also changed Flist_Go_To_Line ! so that if (specified line > total lines) then it will go ! to the last line of text rather than the [EOB] text (to be ! consistent with the other Flist Buffer-Surfing Procedures). ! ! Chris Pierce 19-MAY-1994 13:28 ! Added Flist_What_Line and Flist_Go_To_Line Procedures. ! Hunter wrote What_Line a long time ago. I wrote ! Go_To_Line, based on EVE_LINE and some of Hunter's other ! Flist Procedures. ! ! V2.2a Hunter Goatley 19-NOV-1992 22:58 ! Naturally, after release, found typo in copying tagged ! files (prompt was "Copy you really...." and nobody ! noticed it!). ! ! Fixed *major* bug in flist$parse_rc_name. If the file ! spec was invalid, it did not return like it should have. ! ! V2.2 Hunter Goatley 19-NOV-1992 12:50 ! Changed ident to match new C driver.... ! ! V2.1-1 Hunter Goatley 31-MAR-1992 07:21 ! Fixed stupid typo when checking default editor after reading ! FLIST.INIT. If default was EDT, so was alternate.... ! ! 02-001 Hunter Goatley 25-MAY-1991 17:17 ! 22-OCT-1991 09:37 ! 23-FEB-1992 13:37 ! Added move_vertical(-1) to flist_page. Added global ! variables for array sizes. Added ability to reset files on ! purge. Also fixed a couple of display problems in purge_file. ! Modified flist_translate_logical to return "" if the logical ! is not defined. Added flist$c_working_text constant; added ! timer stuff to flist_view. Moved GOLD/T definition from ! flist_keys to flist_dir_keys. Redefined "RETURN" so that ! it "views" a file and "pops" back to the directory list. ! Fixed bug in flist_find that prevented "return" from being ! recognized as "y" when asking to search in other direction. ! ! Fixed bug in flist_edit dealing with editing old version of ! file. Added support for flist$default_editor. Changed prompt ! to reflect editor to be used. Changed to use callable EDT. ! ! Fixed tagged file bug---on errors, file was still untagged, ! which was a hassle. Also, removed global_tagged_files ! variable (to remove spurious errors) and added flist_check_tag. ! ! Fixed several routines to prevent prompting when the flist ! buffer is empty. ! ! Changed flist$c_cu_* constants to negative numbers to allow ! support for user's TPU$CALLUSER. ! ! Added Peter's "sort by file type" stuff. ! ! Peter Galbraith's changes: ! o flist_move_vertical won't attempt to go past first line ! o changed move_vertical to flist_move_vertical in key defs ! o flist_dispatch_tree, flist_tree don't scroll window when ! first mapping it. Modification made to procedure ! flist_tree_position_default to support this. ! (in answer to Horst Scheuermann ) ! o directory recognized as such only with version number 1 ! (Suggested by Horst Scheuermann ) ! ! 02-000a Hunter Goatley 23-MAY-1991 15:45 ! Added IF in flist$tree_post_key_procedure to allow the cursor ! to move if tree fit on one screen. Modified ! flist_main_cleanup so that the cursor is left in the ! directory window if the filelist is locked. Added new ! flist_tree procedure to fix level bug and to start at ! current top-level directory instead of [000000]. ! ! 02-000 Hunter Goatley 2-MAY-1991 09:46 ! Peter Galbraith ! Added "DIR" buffer, so that subdirectories are separated from ! from regular files. Added ability to "view" parent dir. ! Added beginnings of a declared data area (not complete, yet). ! ! Added ability to copy and rename tagged files. ! ! Added flist$execute_init to support an FLIST initialization ! file. This file can contain any valid TPU functions. It ! is designed to let the user define personal keymaps. ! ! Added Peter Galbraith's changes: ! o Added more key map lists ! o Added HELP KEYS (tied to PF2) for VIEW and DIR modes ! o Added user key maps for the three modes. ! o Added commands to change the directory window sizes ! (tied to COMMA and MINUS) ! o Added undefined_key routines ! o Added inquired_shift (GOLD/C) ! o Added directory tree (GOLD/T) ! o Added mouse routines ! o Added flist_confirm ! o Added repainting instead of scrolling ! ! Added full message buffer display. ! ! Added flist_shift_window. Added SET PROMPT command to spawned ! subprocess. Modified flist_find to clear flist_find_last_pos; ! this was causing multiple FINDs to fail in different files. ! Added support for 132 columns in view mode (status line OK). ! ! Fixed bug that caused RENAME to return "File not found" after ! every other rename. ! ! Added flist_move_vertical to keep the cursor from ever ending ! up on the EOB. ! ! Miscellaneous clean-up stuff and bug fixes (but still no ! comments!). ! ! 01-009 Hunter Goatley 19-FEB-1991 13:16 ! Defined KP7 as flist_page (move by page). Also turned off ! DECwindows mouse so that DECwindows copy between windows ! would work. ! ! 01-008 Hunter Goatley 9-FEB-1991 15:01 ! Added local variable definitions to avoid a few ! "global variable hidden" messages during compilation. ! ! Also fixed flist_purge (message printed after purge ! incorrectly included *all* file info). ! ! 01-007 Hunter Goatley 30-JUN-1990 21:50 ! Quickly hacked to support mods to FLIST.MAR to return the ! file sizes and creation date for all files. Noticeably ! slower, but far more useful. ! ! Fixed renaming problem by changing the default directory ! each time the directory changes. ! ! 01-006 Hunter Goatley December 14, 1988 ! Modified FLIST_VIEW to ask before switching directories when ! there are tagged files. Also modified delete, purge, tag, ! and untag to update a counter of tagged files. ! ! 01-005 Hunter Goatley May 12, 1988 ! Modified FLIST_FIND so that it handles the highlighted ! range properly (i.e., it reads the next key and removes the ! highlighting if the key is not FIND NEXT). Solves the ! problems caused by searching for something and leaving a ! marked position that corresponds to nothing. ! ! 01-004 Hunter Goatley April 4, 1988 ! Fixed bug in FLIST_RENAME. The version number was always ! included in the new filename; if a file existed with the ! same version number, the rename failed. Also fixed bug in ! in FLIST_KEY_HELP: cursor was being left in prompt buffer, ! though that buffer was not displayed. ! ! 01-003 Hunter Goatley January 8, 1988 ! Added messages to EVE and EDIT routines. ! ! 01-002 Hunter Goatley January 4, 1988 ! Modified EDIT procedures to use /OUT qualifier. Fixes ! problem caused when "W" is used to change directories ! (default does not change; this is passed to the ! subprocess). ! ! 01-001 Hunter Goatley November 1987 ! Original version. ! !-- ! ! The beginnings of a defined data area. Not all global variables are ! declared here yet. ! CONSTANT !Constants for CALL_USER flist$c_cu_delete := -1, !... values flist$c_cu_rename := -2, flist$c_cu_copy := -3, flist$c_cu_edt := -4, flist$c_cu_parse := -5, flist$c_cu_search := -6, flist$c_cu_deflnm := -7, flist$c_cu_dealnm := -8, flist$c_cu_trnlnm := -9, flist$c_cu_chkdir := -10; CONSTANT flist$c_parent_dir := " [-]", flist$c_working_text := "Reading... ", flist$c_sw_version := "V2.4"; VARIABLE flist_file_count, !Number of files in flist_buf saved_file_count, !Working flist_file_count flist_dir_count, !Number of subdir in dir_buffer saved_dir_count, !Working saved_dir_count asciis, !ASCII values 0--255 global_dev, !Current default device global_dir, !Current default directory global_saved_pos, !Saved position global_original_default_directory, !Original default directory flist$orig_dir_window_size, !Original size of dir_window flist$specification, !File specification flist_search_string, !Current search string flist$alternate_editor, !Alternate editor flist$first_time, !First time (view file?) flist_find_last_pos, !Last "find" position flist_view_screen_width; !Width of view screen ! ! The following variables may be defined in the user's initialization file ! VARIABLE flist$mouse, !Mouse activation flag flist$scroll, !Scroll or repaint flag flist$status, !Mouse status line flag flist$position_buffer, !Initial buffer position flist$action_default, !Default action flag flist$dir_window_size, !Initial size of dir_window flist$no_view_files, !Files to confirm before view flist$reset_directory, !Reset default directory flist$reset_on_purge, !Reset file to ;1 flist$dirtree_array_size, !Flist_tree array sizes flist$sort_by_types, !Sort files by type flist$default_editor, !Default editor flist$lock_filelist; !"Locked" mode Procedure flist_main (specification) Local filename, dirspec, dir, dev, dirstr, fname, x, file, file_array, file_spec, last_spec; on_error [TPU$_CONTROLC]: !On CTRL-C flist_main_cleanup (filename); !Go cleanup the windows message(ERROR_TEXT); !Say "Operation aborted by CTRL/C" return; !Return to the caller [OTHERWISE] : ; endon_error; erase (flist_buf); erase (dir_buffer); ! Remember it for CD flist$specification := file_parse(specification,"","",name,type) + ";*"; ! change default now in case of immediate exit set(default_directory, file_parse(specification,"","",device,directory)); position (beginning_of (dir_buffer)); !Start at beginning of dir_buffer global_node := file_parse (specification,"","", NODE); global_dir := file_parse (specification,"","", DIRECTORY); global_dev := file_parse (specification,"","", DEVICE); ! Pop possible only if not at sys$login or at [000000] if file_parse(specification,"","",device,directory) <> file_parse("sys$login:","","",device,directory) then if file_parse(specification,"","",directory) <> "[000000]" then copy_text(flist$c_parent_dir); split_line; !Add [-] as a choice endif; endif; if flist$lock_filelist = OFF then message ("Finding files matching "+specification); position (beginning_of (flist_buf)); !Start at beginning of flist_buf set (timer, ON, flist$c_working_text); flist_file_count := 0; flist_dir_count := 0; filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,""); filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,specification); !+++++++++++++ if flist$sort_by_types = ON then file_array := create_array(1000); loop exitif filename = ""; exitif substr(filename,1,1) = "%"; x := index(filename,"."); if x <> 0 then ! if substr(filename,x,4) = ".DIR" then if (substr(filename,x,6) = ".DIR;1") AND (call_user(flist$c_cu_chkdir,"") = "Y") then position(dir_buffer); copy_text(" "+filename); split_line; flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count + 1; !Increment global var. else file := substr(filename,1,index(filename," ")-1); file_array{file_parse(file,"","",type)+"."+ file_parse(file,"","",name,version)} := filename; flist_file_count := flist_file_count + 1; !Increment global v endif; endif; filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,specification); endloop; if flist_file_count <> 0 then last_spec := get_info(file_array,"last"); file_spec := get_info(file_array,"first"); loop position(flist_buf); copy_text(" "+file_array{file_spec}); split_line; exitif (file_spec = last_spec); file_spec := get_info(file_array,"next"); endloop; endif; delete(file_array); else !+++++++++++++ if filename <> "" then loop exitif filename = ""; exitif substr(filename,1,1) = "%"; x := index(filename,"."); if x <> 0 then ! if substr(filename,x,4) = ".DIR" then if (substr(filename,x,6) = ".DIR;1") AND (call_user(flist$c_cu_chkdir,"") = "Y") then position(dir_buffer); copy_text(" "+filename); split_line; flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count + 1; !Increment global var. else position(flist_buf); copy_text(" "+filename); split_line; flist_file_count := flist_file_count + 1; !Increment global var. endif; endif; filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,specification); endloop; endif; endif; !+++++++++++++ else ! Do only directories flist_file_count := 0; flist_dir_count := 0; ! dirspec := file_parse(specification,"","",device,directory) + "*.DIR"; dirspec := file_parse(specification,"","",device,directory) + "*.DIR;1"; filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,""); filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,dirspec); if filename <> "" then loop exitif filename = ""; exitif substr(filename,1,1) = "%"; copy_text(" "+filename); split_line; flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count + 1; !Increment global var. filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,dirspec); endloop; endif; endif; flist_main_cleanup(filename); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_main_cleanup (filename) if substr(filename,1,1)="%" then message(filename); else set(DEFAULT_DIRECTORY,global_node+global_dev+global_dir); endif; position(flist_buf); erase_line; position(dir_buffer); erase_line; position (beginning_of (dir_buffer)); !Move to beginning of buffer set (eob_text, dir_buffer, "[End of "+global_node+global_dev+global_dir+"]"); set (timer, OFF); if flist$lock_filelist = OFF then position (beginning_of (flist_buf)); position (main_window); endif; flist_set_status_line (0); if flist$first_time and !If first time through and (flist_dir_count = 0) and !... no directories and (flist_file_count = 1) then !... only one file was found, flist_view; !... go ahead and view it. endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_delete Local pat1, ans, cnt, filename, result, found, save_pos, dirbuf; on_error; endon_error; if current_buffer = dir_buffer then dirbuf := 1; else dirbuf := 0; endif; pat1 := line_begin & "*"; position(line_begin); save_pos := mark(none); cnt := 0; position(beginning_of(current_buffer)); found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); if found <> 0 then if flist_confirm ("Do you really want to delete the tagged files?", flist$action_default, "No files deleted", "delete") then loop exitif found = 0; position (found); if current_line = flist$c_parent_dir then !If [-], skip it filename := ""; !... result := "%"; !Fake an error message("Cannot delete parent directory"); else filename := global_node+global_dev+global_dir+flist_strip_file(current_line); result := call_user(flist$c_cu_delete, filename); !Go delete it message (result); !And print the result endif; if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then erase_line; exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); if dirbuf then flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count - 1; else flist_file_count := flist_file_count - 1; endif; ! move_vertical (-1); cnt := cnt + 1; else move_vertical(1); !Move down 1 exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); ! copy_text (" "); ! move_horizontal (-1); endif; found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); endloop; else position (save_pos); endif; else position (save_pos); if save_pos = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; if current_line = flist$c_parent_dir then !Do nothing if [-] message("Cannot delete parent directory"); return; endif; filename := flist_strip_file (current_line); if filename <> "" then ans := flist_confirm ("Delete "+filename+"?", flist$action_default, "file not deleted", "delete"); else ans := FALSE; endif; if ans then result := call_user(flist$c_cu_delete, global_node+global_dev+global_dir+filename); message (result); if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then erase_line; if dirbuf then flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count - 1; else flist_file_count := flist_file_count - 1; endif; endif; else message (filename+" not deleted"); endif; endif; position (save_pos); if mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer) then move_vertical(-1); endif; flist_set_status_line (1); EndProcedure Procedure flist_purge Local pat1, found, found_1st, pat2, ans, spec, cnt, filename, result, purgcnt, save_pos, delete_all, totpurgcnt; on_error; endon_error; if mark(none) = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; filename := substr (current_line, 2, index (current_line, ";")-2); pat1 := line_begin & "*"; position(line_begin); save_pos := mark(none); cnt := 0; position(buffer_begin); found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); if found <> 0 then if flist_confirm ("Do you really want to purge the tagged files?", flist$action_default, "Files not purged", "purge") then totpurgcnt := 0; loop exitif found = 0; position (found); filename := global_node+global_dev+global_dir+flist_strip_file(current_line); delete_all := flist$purge_file(filename,purgcnt); totpurgcnt := totpurgcnt + purgcnt; position(buffer_begin); found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); endloop; if (totpurgcnt = 0) then message("No previous versions of tagged files to purge"); else message ("Total of "+str(totpurgcnt)+" files deleted"); endif; else position (save_pos); endif; else if flist_confirm ("Do you really want to purge "+filename+"?", flist$action_default, "File not purged", "purge") then origfilename := filename; delete_all := flist$purge_file(filename,purgcnt); if purgcnt = 0 then if delete_all then message("No previous versions to purge - "+ global_node+global_dev+global_dir+origfilename); endif; ! else the error message from the calluser routine is sufficient else origfilename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,origfilename); origfilename := substr(origfilename,1,index(origfilename,";")); if delete_all then message (fao ("!AS purged - !ZL file!%S deleted", global_dir+origfilename,purgcnt)); else message (fao ("!AS purged - !ZL file!%S deleted (Not all deleted).", filename, purgcnt)); endif; endif; endif; endif; position (save_pos); move_horizontal (-current_offset); flist_set_status_line (1); EndProcedure; Procedure flist$purge_file(purge_file, count) ! Return true if all were succesfully deleted, False otherwise ! purge_file: input - filename to purge ! count: output - number of file deleted local found, purgpat, purgcnt, delete_all, filename, result, found_1st; position(buffer_begin); purgepat := LINE_BEGIN + (" "|"*") + file_parse(purge_file,"","",name,type) + ";"; found_1st := search_quietly (purgepat, forward, exact); if found_1st = 0 then count := 0; return(true); endif; position (found_1st); if (current_character = "*") then !Untag it if tagged copy_text(" "); move_horizontal(-1); endif; found_1st := mark(none); move_vertical(1); position(line_begin); purgcnt := 0; delete_all := TRUE; loop found := search_quietly (purgepat, forward, exact); exitif found = 0; position (found); filename := global_node+global_dev+global_dir+flist_strip_file(current_line); found := file_search (""); !Check if file actually exists found := file_search (filename); if found <> "" then ! Yes... Try to delete result := call_user(flist$c_cu_delete, filename); message (result); if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then if (current_character = "*") then !Untag it if tagged copy_text(" "); move_horizontal(-1); endif; erase_line; flist_file_count := flist_file_count - 1; !Increment global var. purgcnt := purgcnt + 1; else !Can't delete it... skip over it delete_all := FALSE; if (current_character = "*") then !Untag it if tagged copy_text(" "); move_horizontal(-1); endif; move_vertical(1); endif; else ! File was deleted after being listed... erase line flist_file_count := flist_file_count - 1; !Increment global var. erase_line; endif; endloop; position(found_1st); if flist$reset_on_purge AND (purgcnt > 0) then flist$reset_file; endif; count := purgcnt; return(delete_all); endprocedure; Procedure flist$reset_file !Assumes cursor is on file to be reset Local filename, newname, spec, result; filename := current_line; filename := substr(filename, 2, index(filename,";")-1); newname := ";1"; spec := ascii(length(filename)) + filename + ascii(length(newname)) + newname; result := call_user(flist$c_cu_rename, spec); if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then erase_character (length(current_line)); spec := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,""); filename := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,filename); copy_text (" "+filename); move_horizontal (-current_offset); else message ("Error renaming - "+result); endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_rename Local pat1 ,ans ,cnt ,filename ,found ,result ,save_pos ,tmp_save_pos ,spec ,dirbuf ; on_error; endon_error; if current_buffer = dir_buffer then dirbuf := 1; else dirbuf := 0; endif; position(line_begin); save_pos := mark(none); if save_pos = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; pat1 := line_begin & "*"; cnt := 0; position(beginning_of(current_buffer)); found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); if found <> 0 then if flist_confirm ("Do you really want to rename the tagged files?", flist$action_default, "Files not renamed", "NONE") then ans := flist_ask ("New directory or wildcarded filename: ", 128); ans := flist$parse_rc_name(ans); if ans = "" then return; endif; loop exitif found = 0; position (found); if current_line = flist$c_parent_dir then !If [-], skip it filename := ""; !... result := "%"; !Fake an error message("Cannot rename parent directory"); else filename := flist_strip_file(current_line); spec := ascii(length(filename)) + filename + ascii(length(ans)) + ans; result := call_user(flist$c_cu_rename, spec); message (result); !And print the result endif; if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then !Erase the line and decrement flist_file_count. If the file was !renamed within this directory, flist_add_to_display will bump it !back up. erase_line; if dirbuf then flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count - 1; else flist_file_count := flist_file_count - 1; endif; tmp_save_pos := mark(none); flist_add_to_display (result, "to "); position(tmp_save_pos); cnt := cnt + 1; exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); ! move_vertical(-1); else move_vertical(1); !Move down 1 exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); ! copy_text (" "); ! move_horizontal (-1); endif; found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); endloop; endif; position (save_pos); return; endif; !if found <> 0 then position(save_pos); if current_line = flist$c_parent_dir then !Do nothing if [-] message("Cannot rename parent directory"); return; endif; filename := flist_strip_file(current_line); if flist_confirm ("Rename "+filename+"?", flist$action_default, filename+" not renamed", "NONE") then ans := flist_ask ("New name: ", 128); if ans = "" then message (filename+" not renamed"); return; endif; filename := file_parse (filename, global_node+global_dev+global_dir+"*.*"); ans := flist$parse_rc_name(ans); if ans = "" then return; endif; ! ans := file_parse (ans, substr (filename, 1, index(filename,";"))); spec := ascii(length(filename)) + filename + ascii(length(ans)) + ans; result := call_user(flist$c_cu_rename, spec); message (result); if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then !Erase the line and decrement flist_file_count. If the file was !renamed within this directory, flist_add_to_display will bump it !back up. erase_line; if dirbuf then flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count - 1; else flist_file_count := flist_file_count - 1; endif; flist_add_to_display (result, "to "); endif; endif; flist_set_status_line (1); position (save_pos); if mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer) then move_vertical(-1); endif; move_horizontal (-current_offset); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_copy Local pat1 ,ans ,cnt ,filename ,found ,result ,save_pos ,tmp_save_pos ,indx ,spec ,tmp ,thedev ,thedir ; on_error; endon_error; position(line_begin); save_pos := mark(none); if save_pos = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; pat1 := line_begin & "*"; cnt := 0; position(beginning_of(current_buffer)); found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); if found <> 0 then if flist_confirm ("Do you really want to copy the tagged files?", flist$action_default, "Files not copied", "NONE") then ans := flist_ask ("New directory or wildcarded filename: ", 128); ans := flist$parse_rc_name(ans); if ans = "" then return; endif; loop exitif found = 0; position (found); filename := flist_strip_file(current_line); spec := ascii(length(filename)) + filename + ascii(length(ans)) + ans; result := call_user(flist$c_cu_copy, spec); message (result); !And print the result if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then tmp_save_pos := mark(none); flist_add_to_display (result, "to "); position(tmp_save_pos); copy_text (" "); move_horizontal (-1); ! move_vertical(-1); cnt := cnt + 1; else move_vertical(1); !Move down 1 exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); endif; found := search_quietly (pat1, forward, exact); endloop; endif; position (save_pos); return; endif; !if found <> 0 then position(save_pos); filename := flist_strip_file(current_line); if flist_confirm ("Copy "+filename+"?", flist$action_default, filename+" not copied","NONE") then ans := flist_ask ("Filename of copy: ", 128); if ans = "" then message (filename+" not copied"); return; endif; filename := file_parse (filename, global_node+global_dev+global_dir); ans := flist$parse_rc_name(ans); if ans = "" then return; endif; ! ans := file_parse (ans, substr (filename, 1, index(filename,";")-1)); spec := ascii(length(filename)) + filename + ascii(length(ans)) + ans; result := call_user(flist$c_cu_copy, spec); message (result); if substr (result, 1, 1) <> "%" then flist_add_to_display (result, "to "); endif; endif; flist_set_status_line (1); position (save_pos); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_section (how_many_screens) local how_much_scroll, ! How many lines to scroll scroll_window, ! Window to be scrolled this_window, ! Current window this_column, ! Current column in scroll_window this_row, ! Current row in scroll_window old_scroll_top, ! Original value of scroll_top old_scroll_bottom, ! Original value of scroll_bottom old_scroll_amount; ! Original value of scroll_amount ! Trap and ignore messages about move beyond buffer boundaries - ! just move to top or bottom line of buffer on_error flist_section := 0; !and continue endon_error; flist_section := 1; scroll_window := current_window; how_much_scroll := get_info (scroll_window, "visible_length"); if get_info (scroll_window, "status_line") <> 0 then how_much_scroll := how_much_scroll - 3; else how_much_scroll := how_much_scroll - 2; endif; if how_much_scroll <= 0 then how_much_scroll := 1; endif; ! By using a scrolling region and move_vertical, we can move to the first or ! last line on the screen when on the first or last screen in the buffer. Also ! is much faster for scrolling a select range than using the scroll builtin. this_row := get_info (scroll_window, "current_row"); if this_row = 0 then ! Screen info not all updated yet this_row := get_info (scroll_window, "visible_top"); endif; this_column := get_info (scroll_window, "current_column"); position (search_quietly (line_begin, reverse)); if get_info (scroll_window, "beyond_eol") then update (scroll_window); endif; old_scroll_top := get_info (scroll_window, "scroll_top"); old_scroll_bottom := get_info (scroll_window, "scroll_bottom"); old_scroll_amount := get_info (scroll_window, "scroll_amount"); set (scrolling, scroll_window, flist$scroll, this_row - get_info (scroll_window, "visible_top"), get_info (scroll_window, "visible_bottom") - this_row, 0); move_vertical (how_many_screens * how_much_scroll); update (scroll_window); cursor_horizontal (this_column - get_info (scroll_window, "current_column")); if this_window <> current_window then position (this_window); endif; set (scrolling, scroll_window, on, old_scroll_top, old_scroll_bottom, old_scroll_amount); if mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer) then move_vertical(-1); endif; endprocedure; !=============================================================================== Procedure flist_ask (prompt, ans_length) Local saved_pos ,ans ; saved_pos := mark(none); map (prompt_window, prompt_buffer); erase (prompt_buffer); position (end_of (prompt_buffer)); ans := read_line (prompt, ans_length); unmap (prompt_window); position (saved_pos); return (ans) EndProcedure; !=============================================================================== ! Added by Chris Pierce. ! Purpose: ! This is not in use as of 19-May-1994, but I thought I'd leave it ! in for possible future use (I THINK it works). ! Procedure flist_ask_num (prompt, ans_length) Local saved_pos, numb, ans; saved_pos := mark(none); map (prompt_window, prompt_buffer); erase (prompt_buffer); set (EOB_TEXT, prompt_buffer, ""); position (end_of (prompt_buffer)); ans := read_line (prompt); edit (ans, TRIM); ! Remove excess spaces and tabs. if (ans = "") then message("No value specified."); numb := 0; unmap (prompt_window); position (saved_pos); return (numb); else translate (ans, "1","l"); ! Change lowercase 'L' to a 1. numb := int (ans); if (numb = 0) and (ans <> "0") then message (fao ("Do not understand !AS", ans)); unmap (prompt_window); position (saved_pos); return(0); else unmap (prompt_window); position (saved_pos); return(1) endif; endif; unmap (prompt_window); position (saved_pos); return (numb); EndProcedure; !=============================================================================== ! Added by Chris Pierce. ! Purpose: ! To clear the Prompt_Buffer of my messages which don't need to hang ! around (I just like to keep my buffers clean). ! Procedure flist_clear_prompt_buffer map(prompt_window, prompt_buffer); set (EOB_TEXT, prompt_buffer, ""); erase (prompt_buffer); unmap (prompt_window); return; EndProcedure; ! flist_clear_prompt_buffer !=============================================================================== Procedure flist_view Local file, fname, newdir, new_spec, ans, fileext; if mark(none) = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; if current_line = "" then return; endif; if current_line = flist$c_parent_dir then flist_pop; return; endif; flist_view_screen_width := get_info(screen,'width'); file := call_user(flist$c_cu_search, ""); file := call_user(flist$c_cu_search, flist_strip_file(current_line)); file := global_node+global_dev+global_dir+flist_strip_file(" "+file); ! if file_parse (file, "", "", TYPE) = ".DIR" then if (file_parse (file, "", "", TYPE,VERSION) = ".DIR;1") AND (call_user(flist$c_cu_chkdir,"") = "Y") then if flist_check_tag then if not flist_confirm ( "You have tagged files. Leave directory anyway?", FALSE, "File not viewed", "view") then return; endif; endif; fname := file_parse (file, "","", NAME); newdir := substr (global_dir, 1, length(global_dir)-1) + "." + fname + "]"; ! new_spec := file_parse (newdir, global_node+global_dev+"*.*;*"); if (file_parse(flist$specification,"","",TYPE) = ".DIR") then flist$specification := "*.*;*"; endif; new_spec := file_parse (newdir, global_node+global_dev+flist$specification); if new_spec <> "" then flist_main (new_spec); else message ("Error generating directory spec: "+newdir); endif; else fileext := file_parse (file,"","",TYPE); if index(flist$no_view_files,"/"+fileext+"/") <> 0 then if not flist_confirm ("Type is " + substr(fileext,2) + " - do you really want to view?", FALSE, "File not viewed", "view") then return; endif; endif; global_saved_pos := mark(none); position (beginning_of (view_buffer)); message ("Reading file " + file); set (timer, ON, flist$c_working_text); read_file (file); set (timer, OFF); position (beginning_of (view_buffer)); set(modifiable,view_buffer,OFF); !Don't modify buffer map (view_window, view_buffer); flist$current_file := file_parse(file,"","",NAME,TYPE,VERSION); set (forward, view_buffer); !Set direction to forward flist_set_status_line(1); endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_view_exit Local shifted; if get_info(screen,'width') <> flist_view_screen_width then set (width, current_window, flist_view_screen_width); endif; shifted := get_info(current_window, "shift_amount"); if shifted > 0 then shift (current_window, -shifted); endif; unmap(view_window); set(modifiable,view_buffer,ON); !Allow buffer modifications erase (view_buffer); message (""); !Clear bottom line flist_search_string := ""; flist_find_last_pos := 0; !Set last find position to 0 position(global_saved_pos); flist_set_status_line (0); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_reload(top_or_bottom) position (beginning_of (view_buffer)); set(modifiable,view_buffer,ON); !Modify buffer erase(view_buffer); message ("Reading file " + flist$current_file); set (timer, ON, flist$c_working_text); read_file (flist$current_file); set (timer, OFF); if top_or_bottom = 0 then position (beginning_of (view_buffer)); else position (end_of (view_buffer)); endif; set(modifiable,view_buffer,OFF); !Don't modify buffer ! map (view_window, view_buffer); ! flist$current_file := file_parse(file,"","",NAME,TYPE,VERSION); set (forward, view_buffer); !Set direction to forward flist_set_status_line(1); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_wild(;wild_argument) Local new_spec ,dev ,dir ; on_error endon_error; if flist_check_tag then if not flist_confirm ( "You have tagged files. Redo directory anyway?", FALSE, "Directory not changed", "NONE") then return; endif; endif; new_spec := ""; if get_info(wild_argument,"type") <> UNSPECIFIED then new_spec := wild_argument; endif; if new_spec = "" then new_spec := flist_ask ("Wildcard specification: ", 128); if new_spec = "" then return; endif; endif; new_spec := file_parse (new_spec, global_node+global_dev+global_dir+"*.*;*"); if new_spec <> "" then flist_main (new_spec); else message ("Invalid directory specification."); endif; EndProcedure; procedure flist_find (target) local new_target, ! Local copy of target start_find_key, ! String describing key used to invoke find stop_find_key, ! String describing key used after prompt this_position, ! Marker for current cursor position find_range, ! Range returned by search other_direction, ! Keyword for opposite direction other_direction_string, ! String for message including other_direction find_reply, ! Reply to inquiry about changing direction start_mark, ! Beginning of found search item end_mark, ! End of found search item next_key, the_program, change_direction_key; ! Keyword for key used to end find_reply on_error if error = TPU$_STRNOTFOUND then find_range := 0; endif; endon_error; flist_highlight_range := 0; start_find_key := lookup_key (last_key, comment); if target <> "" then new_target := target; else if current_direction = forward then new_target := flist_ask ("Forward Find: ", 128); else new_target := flist_ask ("Reverse Find: ", 128); endif; endif; stop_find_key := lookup_key (last_key, comment); if new_target = "" then if (start_find_key = "flist find") and (stop_find_key = "flist find") then if flist_search_string = "" then message ("No previous target to find"); return (0); else if get_info (flist_search_string, "type") = string then message (fao ("Finding previous target: !AS", flist_search_string)); else message ("Finding previous target: "); endif; endif; else message ("Nothing to find"); flist_find_last_pos := 0; return (0); endif; else flist_search_string := new_target; endif; this_position := mark (none); if current_direction = forward then if flist_find_last_pos <> 0 then position (flist_find_last_pos); endif; if this_position <> end_of (current_buffer) then move_horizontal (1); find_range := search_quietly (flist_search_string, forward, no_exact); else find_range := 0; endif; else if flist_find_last_pos <> 0 then position (flist_find_last_pos); endif; if this_position <> beginning_of (current_buffer) then move_horizontal (-1); find_range := search_quietly (flist_search_string, reverse, no_exact); else find_range := 0; endif; endif; if find_range = 0 then if current_direction = forward then other_direction := reverse; other_direction_string := "reverse"; else other_direction := forward; other_direction_string := "forward"; endif; position (this_position); if other_direction = forward then if this_position <> end_of (current_buffer) then move_horizontal (1); find_range := search_quietly (flist_search_string, forward, no_exact); else find_range := 0; endif; else if this_position <> beginning_of (current_buffer) then move_horizontal (-1); find_range := search_quietly (flist_search_string, reverse, no_exact); else find_range := 0; endif; endif; if find_range = 0 then if get_info (flist_search_string, "type") = string then message (fao ("Could not find: !AS", flist_search_string)); else message ("Could not find: "); endif; position (this_position); return (0); else find_reply := flist_ask (fao ("Found in !AS direction. Go there? ", other_direction_string), 128); ! Hitting return or do means yes; hitting another non-typing ! key is probably a mistake, so interpret as no. if find_reply = "" then change_direction_key := lookup_key (last_key, comment); if (substr(change_direction_key,1,6) = "return") or (change_direction_key = "do") then find_reply := "yes"; else find_reply := "no"; endif; else change_case (find_reply, lower); endif; if substr ("yes", 1, length (find_reply)) = find_reply then set (other_direction, current_buffer); position (find_range); start_mark := mark(none); if current_direction = reverse then flist_find_last_pos := mark(none); endif; move_horizontal (length (flist_search_string) - 1); end_mark := mark(none); if current_direction = forward then flist_find_last_pos := mark(none); endif; flist_highlight_range := create_range (start_mark, end_mark, REVERSE); move_horizontal (-current_offset); else position (this_position); flist_find_last_pos := 0; return (0); endif; endif; else position (find_range); start_mark := mark(none); if current_direction = reverse then flist_find_last_pos := mark(none); endif; move_horizontal (length (flist_search_string) - 1); end_mark := mark(none); if current_direction = forward then flist_find_last_pos := mark(none); endif; flist_highlight_range := create_range (start_mark, end_mark, REVERSE); move_horizontal (-current_offset); endif; update(current_window); next_key := read_key; if lookup_key (next_key, COMMENT) = "FLIST Find Next" then flist_find(flist_search_string); return(0); else flist_highlight_range := 0; flist_find_last_pos := 0; the_program := lookup_key(next_key,PROGRAM); if the_program <> 0 then execute(the_program); else message ("Key currently has no definition"); endif; return(0); endif; endprocedure; Procedure flist_pop Local dir ,indx ,save_indx ,b,c,temp ; if current_buffer = view_buffer then flist_view_exit; return; endif; dir := global_dir; save_indx := 0; b := 1; c := length(dir); loop indx := index (substr (dir, b, c), "."); exitif indx = 0; save_indx := indx + b - 1; b := b+indx; endloop; if save_indx <> 0 then if flist_check_tag then if not flist_confirm ( "You have tagged files. Pop directory anyway?",FALSE, "Directory not changed", "NONE") then return; endif; endif; temp := substr (global_dir, length(global_dir), 1); global_dir := substr (dir, 1, save_indx-1) + temp; temp := file_parse (global_dir, global_node+global_dev+"*.*;*"); flist_main (temp); else ! Pop possible only if not at sys$login or at [000000] if file_parse(global_node+global_dev+global_dir,"","",device,directory) <> file_parse("sys$login:","","",device,directory) then if file_parse(global_dir,"","",directory) <> "[000000]" then flist_main ("[000000]*.*;*"); return; endif; endif; message ("Already at top-level directory"); endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_add_to_display (result, key) Local indx ,tmp ,thedev ,thedir ; indx := index (result, key); if indx <> 0 then tmp := substr (result, indx + length(key), length(result)); thedev := file_parse (tmp, "", "", DEVICE); thedir := file_parse (tmp, "", "", DIRECTORY); if (thedir = global_dir) and (thedev = global_dev) then flist_insert_filename(tmp); endif; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_insert_filename (filename) Local filespec ,res, ores ,tmp ,nvers, overs ,dirbuf ,start_same, start_new, found_start_same, the_position ; if current_buffer = dir_buffer then dirbuf := 1; else dirbuf := 0; endif; !/* filespec := file_parse (filename, "", "", NAME,TYPE); the_position := mark(free_cursor); if (current_buffer <> dir_buffer) and (current_buffer <> flist_buf) then position(beginning_of(flist_buf)); ! Called after editing a viewed file ! Is this necessary? Can the buffer ever be <> flist_buf? else position (beginning_of (current_buffer)); endif; ! position (beginning_of (current_buffer)); !*/ start_same := mark(none); found_start_same := 0; loop exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); res := flist_strcmp(substr(current_line,2, index(current_line, ";")-2), filespec); if (res = 0) AND (start_same = beginning_of(current_buffer)) AND (found_start_same = 0) then start_same := mark(none); found_start_same := 1; endif; exitif res = 1; move_vertical (1); endloop; start_new := ""; if res = 1 then !If exited because line > filespec, start_new := current_line; !... save this line endif; !... !/* filespec := file_parse (filename, "", "", NAME,TYPE,VERSION); !*/ nvers := int(file_parse(filespec,"","",VERSION)-";"); tmp := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,""); !Make sure $SEARCH starts at beginning filespec := call_user(flist$c_cu_search,filespec); !Now look for the file if found_start_same then !If we found another version... ! ! Here, we found one or more files in the buffer with the same name. ! Loop through them looking for the proper place to put the new ! version. ! position(start_same); !Move to it loop exitif mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer); exitif current_line = start_new; !Exit if no more of same file tmp := flist_strip_file(current_line); !Get file name.ext;version overs := int(file_parse(tmp,"","",VERSION)-";"); !Get version ! ! If the version of the current line is less than the version of the ! new file, then we've found the proper insertion location. ! exitif overs < nvers; !Exit if found location move_vertical (1); !Move to next line endloop; endif; split_line; move_vertical (-1); copy_text (" "+filespec); !/* move_horizontal (-current_offset); position(beginning_of(get_info(the_position,"buffer"))); position(the_position); !*/ if dirbuf then flist_dir_count := flist_dir_count + 1; else flist_file_count := flist_file_count + 1; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_strcmp (str1, str2) Local x ,i ,y ,a ,b ,matchstr ,indx ,cnt ; ! ASCIIS is a global string of all ASCII characters x := length(str1); y := length(str2); cnt := x; if x > y then cnt := y; endif; matchstr := 0; indx := 1; loop exitif indx > cnt; a := INDEX (asciis, (substr (str1, indx, 1))) - 1; b := INDEX (asciis, (substr (str2, indx, 1))) - 1; if a = b then matchstr := 0; else if a > b then matchstr := 1; exitif 1; else matchstr := -1; exitif 1; endif; endif; indx := indx + 1; endloop; if (indx > cnt) and (x <> y) then if (cnt = x) then matchstr := -1; else matchstr := 1; endif; endif; return matchstr; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_set_status_line (set_type) if set_type = 1 then !If update.... if current_buffer = view_buffer then format_status_line; else if (flist_file_count <> saved_file_count) OR (flist_dir_count <> saved_dir_count) then format_status_line; endif; endif; else format_status_line; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure format_status_line Local dirstr ,currdir ,currshift ,currwidth ,temp ; currwidth := get_info(screen,"width"); !Current screen width if get_info(current_buffer,"direction") = FORWARD then currdir := "Forward"; else currdir := "Reverse"; endif; if current_buffer = view_buffer then if (flist$status = OFF) or (flist$mouse = OFF) then currshift := get_info(view_window,"shift_amount"); if currshift <> 0 then temp := fao("File: !AS!ULAS | Shift: !AS3UL | !ASAS", "!",currwidth-30,"!","!"); temp := fao(temp,flist$current_file, get_info(view_window,"shift_amount"), currdir); else temp := fao("File: !AS!ULAS | !ASAS", "!",currwidth-17,"!","!"); temp := fao(temp,flist$current_file,currdir); endif; else temp := " Spawn | EVE | EDT | Return to Directory | " + currdir + " | Previous | Next"; endif; set (status_line, view_window, REVERSE, temp); else if current_buffer = flist$tree_buffer then if (flist$status = OFF) or (flist$mouse = OFF) then temp := " Directory Tree"; else temp := " Spawn | Locate Default | Renew Tree | " + "Return to Directory | Previous | Next "; endif; set (status_line, tree_window, REVERSE, temp); else if (flist$status = OFF) or (flist$mouse = OFF) then dirstr := global_dev + global_dir + flist$specification; dirstr := dirstr + substr (flist_spaces, 1, 52-length(dirstr)); temp := fao("FLIST Dir: !AS!ULAS !AS4UL file!AS%S", "!",currwidth-23,"!","!"); temp := fao(temp,dirstr, flist_file_count); else temp := " Spawn | Tree | EVE | EDT | Delete | Purge | " + currdir + " | Previous | Next"; endif; set (status_line, main_window, REVERSE, temp); dirstr := global_dev + global_dir; dirstr := dirstr + substr (flist_spaces, 1, 51-length(dirstr)); temp := fao("FLIST Dir: !AS!ULAS !AS4UL subdir!AS%S", "!",currwidth-25,"!","!"); temp := fao(temp,dirstr, flist_dir_count); set (status_line, dir_window, REVERSE, temp); saved_file_count := flist_file_count; saved_dir_count := flist_dir_count; endif; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_tag (;do_updates) Local tag_all; tag_all := FALSE; if get_info(do_updates,"type") <> UNSPECIFIED then tag_all := do_updates; endif; if mark(none) <> end_of (current_buffer) then position(line_begin); if substr(current_line,1,1) <> "*" then copy_text('*'); move_horizontal(-1); if tag_all then !Hack to keep from updating when move_vertical(1); !... tagging all files else flist_move_vertical(1); endif; !/* Modified by Peter Galbraith -- Untag an already tagged file else flist_untag; !End */ endif; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_untag (;do_updates) Local untag_all; untag_all := FALSE; if get_info(do_updates,"type") <> UNSPECIFIED then untag_all := do_updates; endif; if mark(none) <> end_of (current_buffer) then if substr(current_line,1,1) = "*" then copy_text(' '); move_horizontal(-1); if untag_all then !Hack to keep from updating when move_vertical(1); !... untagging all files else flist_move_vertical(1); endif; endif; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_check_tag Local temp, save_pos ; save_pos := mark(none); temp := flist$check_tag(flist_buf); if temp = 0 then temp := flist$check_tag(dir_buffer); endif; position(save_pos); return(temp); EndProcedure; ! flist_check_tag Procedure flist$check_tag(the_buffer) !Check to see if any files are tagged Local temp, found; position(beginning_of(the_buffer)); temp := LINE_BEGIN & "*"; found := search_quietly (temp, forward, exact); if found = 0 then found := search_quietly(temp, reverse, exact); endif; if found = 0 then return(0); else return(1); endif; EndProcedure; ! flist$check_tag Procedure flist_run Local ans ,filename ; if mark(none) = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; filename := substr (current_line, 2, index (current_line, ";")-2); if file_parse (filename,"","",TYPE) <> ".EXE" then ans := flist_confirm ( "Type is not EXE - do you really want to run "+filename+"?", FALSE, "File not executed", "NONE"); else ans := flist_confirm ("Do you really want to run "+filename+"?", flist$action_default, "File not executed", "NONE"); endif; if ans then filename := global_dev + global_dir + filename; message ("Spawning RUN subprocess..."); spawn ("RUN "+filename); message (""); endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_com Local ans ,filename ,params ; if mark(none) = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; filename := substr (current_line, 2, index (current_line, ";")-2); if file_parse (filename,"","",TYPE) <> ".COM" then ans := flist_confirm ( "Type is not COM - do you really want to execute "+filename+"?", FALSE, "File not executed" ,"NONE"); else ans := flist_confirm ("Do you really want to execute "+filename+"?" ,flist$action_default, "File not executed" ,"NONE"); endif; if ans then params := flist_ask ("Enter any parameters or for none: ", 256); filename := global_dev + global_dir + filename; message ("Spawning COM subprocess..."); spawn ("@"+filename+" "+params); message (""); endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_edit(editor) !editor is either "default" or "alternate" Local ans, filename, orig, result, fileext, save_pos, highest_version, the_editor; if mark(none) = end_of (current_buffer) then return; endif; if editor = "default" then the_editor := flist$default_editor; else the_editor := flist$alternate_editor; endif; if current_window = view_window then filename := flist$current_file; else filename := substr (current_line,2); filename := substr (filename,1,index(filename," ")-1); endif; fileext := file_parse (filename,"","",TYPE); if index(flist$no_view_files,"/"+fileext+"/") <> 0 then if not flist_confirm ("Type is " + substr(fileext,2) + " - do you really want to edit?",FALSE, "File not edited",editor) then return; endif; else if the_editor = "EVE" then orig := "(EVE) "; else orig := "(EDT) "; endif; if not flist_confirm ("Do you really want to edit "+orig+ file_parse(filename,"","",NAME,TYPE,VERSION)+"?", flist$action_default, "File not edited",editor) then return; endif; endif; highest_version := file_search(""); highest_version := file_search( file_parse(filename,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE)); if the_editor = "EDT" then message ("Invoking EDT..."); orig := call_user(flist$c_cu_edt,filename); refresh; ! message ("Spawning EDT subprocess..."); ! spawn ("EDIT/EDT "+filename); else message ("Spawning EVE subprocess..."); spawn ("EDIT/TPU "+filename); endif; message (""); result := file_search(""); result := file_search( file_parse(filename,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE)); if result <> "" then !Insert higher version number file only if int(substr(file_parse(result,"","",VERSION),2)) > int(substr(file_parse(highest_version,"","",VERSION),2)) then flist_insert_filename (file_parse(result,"","",NAME,TYPE,VERSION)); if current_window = view_window then flist_reload_view(result); endif; endif; endif; return; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_key_help Local this_key, save_pos, the_key_map_list, the_comment; !/* Modified by Peter Galbraith the_key_map_list := get_info(current_buffer,"key_map_list"); !End of modification */ save_pos := mark(none); map (prompt_window, prompt_buffer); erase (prompt_buffer); position (end_of (prompt_buffer)); copy_text ("Press the key in question: "); update (prompt_window); this_key := read_key; !/* Modified by Peter Galbraith >> Also added the_comment as local variable the_comment := lookup_key (this_key, comment, the_key_map_list); !End of modification */ if the_comment = "" then message ("Key has no FLIST definition"); else message (the_comment); endif; unmap (prompt_window); position(save_pos); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_line_help if current_buffer = flist_buf then message ("C-opy D-el E-ve O-ther P-urge R-ename S-pawn T-ag U-ntag V-iew W-ildcard"); else if current_buffer = dir_buffer then message ("D-el O-ther R-ename S-pawn T-ag U-ntag V-iew W-ildcard"); else message ("W - Toggle width KP3 - Return to Main"); endif; endif; EndProcedure; Procedure flist_spawn message ("Spawning subprocess..."); spawn ('SET PROMPT="FLIST-Sub$ "', OFF); !Indicate that we're in subproc message (""); Endprocedure; Procedure flist_strip_file (line) Local temp ,temp2 ; temp := substr (line, 2, length(line)-1); temp2 := index (temp," "); return (substr(temp,1,temp2-1)); EndProcedure; ! flist_strip_line Procedure flist_page Local temp ; on_error; !Trap "String not found" errors endon_error; !... if current_character = ASCII(12) then !If we're sitting on , if current_direction = FORWARD then !Move over it move_horizontal(1); !... else !... move_horizontal(-1); !... endif; !... endif; !... temp := search_quietly (ASCII(12), current_direction, EXACT); !Look for if temp = 0 then !If no found, if current_direction = forward then message ("No next page found. Now at bottom of buffer."); position (end_of(current_buffer)); move_vertical(-1); !Move back one line else message ("No previous page found. Now at top of buffer."); position (beginning_of(current_buffer)); endif; else position(temp); !Move to endif; EndProcedure; ! flist_page Procedure flist_other_window Local temp ; if current_window = main_window then position(dir_window); else position(main_window); endif; EndProcedure; ! flist_other_window Procedure flist_move_vertical (num_lines) Local temp ; on_error; endon_error; if num_lines < 0 then if get_info(mark(none),"record_number")+num_lines > 0 then move_vertical(num_lines); else position(beginning_of(current_buffer)); ! VMS5.3 compatible endif; else move_vertical(num_lines); update(ALL); if mark(none) = end_of(current_buffer) then move_vertical (-1); endif; endif; update(ALL); EndProcedure; ! flist_move_vertical Procedure flist_bottom_of_buffer Local temp ; position(end_of (current_buffer)); update(ALL); if get_info(current_buffer, "record_count") > 0 then flist_move_vertical(-1); endif; EndProcedure; ! flist_bottom_of_buffer ! Procedures by Peter Galbraith: ! ! FLIST_CALL_CD - FLIST_CD - FLIST_DISPATCH_TREE - FLIST_TREE ! FLIST_TREE_POSITION_DEFAULT - FLIST_TREE_SELECT ! FLIST$TREE_POST_KEY_PROCEDURE - FLIST_HELP_KEYS ! FLIST_REMOVE_HELP_KEYS - FLIST$KEY_NAME - FLIST_ADJUST_WINDOW - ! FLIST_TOGGLE_SCROLL - FLIST_TOGGLE_MOUSE - FLIST_TOGGLE_STATUS - ! FLIST_MOUSE - FLIST_CONFIRM - FLIST$CURRENT_INDICATOR - FLIST_DIRECTION ! FLIST_SCREEN_CURRENT_DIRECTION - FLIST_SCREEN_OPPOSITE_DIRECTION ! FLIST_MOUSE_SELECT_LINE - FLIST_MOUSE_PROCESS_LINE - FLIST_NULL ! FLIST$UNDEFINED_KEY - FLIST_RELOAD_VIEW - FLIST_EXIT procedure flist_call_cd local answer; answer := flist_ask("Enter CD search path: ", 128); if flist_cd(answer) then ! Keep same search name (ie *.TEX or *.*) but in new directory flist_main(flist$specification); endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_cd(peve$arg1) ! CD.TPU by Peter Galbraith (GALBRTH@AC.DAL.CA), Dalhousie University local ini_dir, login_device, done, command, i, newi, rlevels, plevels, tmpstr, end_path, current_dir, found, the_string; on_error [TPU$_SEARCHFAIL]: [TPU$_PARSEFAIL]: [OTHERWISE]: return(false); endon_error; ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | ATTENTION: To use in your extended eve, uncomment the next 2 lines | ! | commented with `!eve!' and comment the line: `command := peve$arg1' | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! !eve! if not eve$prompt_string(peve$arg1,command,"Enter CD search path: ", !eve! set(default_directory,"")) then endif; command := peve$arg1; ini_dir := set(default_directory,""); ! Get default directory login_device := file_parse("sys$login_device","","",device); ! Display default directory and exit on empty command if command = "" then if login_device = file_parse(ini_dir,"","",device) then message(file_parse(ini_dir,"","",directory)); else message(file_parse(ini_dir,"","",device,directory)); endif; return(false); endif; ! Trip tokens and process them ! .. -> SET DEF [-] ! . -> Ignore ! / -> Ignore ! # -> A tempdisk ! \ -> SYS$LOGIN ! ~ -> SYS$LOGIN ! $ -> No validation loop done := 0; !number of characters processed in token if substr(command,1,2) = '..' then if file_parse(set(default_directory,""),"","",DIRECTORY) <> '[000000]' then set(default_directory,"[-]"); done := 2; else message("Cannot go up that high..."); set(default_directory,ini_dir); return(false); endif; else if substr(command,1,1) = '.' then done := 1; endif; endif; if substr(command,1,1) = '/' then done := 1; endif; !* force directory-change without validation or abbreviations on $ if substr(command,1,1) = '$' then set(default_directory,substr(command,2)); done := 0; command := ""; endif; !* If first character is \ or ~ goto SYS$LOGIN if (substr(command,1,1) = '\') or (substr(command,1,1) = '~') then set(default_directory,'sys$login'); done := 1; endif; exitif (done = 0); command := substr(command,done+1); exitif (command = ''); endloop; if command = "" then ! All done the_string := set(default_directory,""); if file_parse(the_string,"","",device) = login_device then message(file_parse(the_string,"","",directory)); else message(file_parse(the_string,"","",device,directory)); endif; return(true); endif; ! Tokens all processed... process rest of string. translate(command,'.','/'); ! Substitute all / for . ! Count levels required for destination directory i := 1; rlevels := 1; loop newi := index(substr(command,i),'.'); exitif (newi = 0); i := newi + i; rlevels := rlevels + 1; endloop; ! Count levels already deep tmpstr := set(default_directory,""); i := 1; plevels := 1; loop newi := index(substr(tmpstr,i),'.'); exitif (newi = 0); i := newi + i; plevels := plevels + 1; endloop; ! If sum is greater than 8 than I have to pop before I search ! Can't have more than 8 directory levels... rlevels := plevels + rlevels - 8; loop exitif (rlevels < 1); if file_parse(set(default_directory,""),"","",DIRECTORY) <> '[000000]' then set(default_directory,"[-]"); else message("Directory not found"); set(default_directory,ini_dir); return(false); endif; rlevels := rlevels - 1; endloop; ! part1.part2.part3 searched as DISK:[CURRENT.CURRENT.PART1*.PART2*]PART3*.DIR ! if not found search for DISK:[CURRENT.PART1*.PART2*]PART3*.DIR ! and finally for DISK:[PART1*.PART2*]PART3*.DIR ! except if DISK:[CURRENT] is SYS$LOGIN, then don't go go pass that ! Build end of search path... .PART1*.PART2*]PART3.DIR end_path := ""; loop i := index(command,'.'); exitif (i = 0); end_path := end_path + "." + substr(command,1,i-1) + "*"; ! .P* command := substr(command,i+1); endloop; !end_path := end_path + "]" + command + "*.DIR"; end_path := end_path + "]" + command + "*.DIR;1"; loop !Try to find target, popping directory level if not found ! DISK:[CURRENT.CURRENT current_dir := set(default_directory,""); found := file_search(""); found := file_search(current_dir-"]"+end_path,"","",device,directory,name); exitif (found <> ""); ! Did not find it... strip out a top directory if (file_parse(current_dir,"","",device,directory) = file_parse("sys$login:","","",device,directory)) or (file_parse(current_dir,"","",directory) = "[000000]") then message ("Directory not found"); set(default_directory,ini_dir); return(false); endif; set(default_directory,"[-]"); endloop; ! found it in form ! DISK:[CURRENT.CURRENT.PART1.PART2]PART3.DIR change default to ! [CURRENT.CURRENT.PART1.PART2.PART3] the_string := file_parse(found,"","",device,directory,name); translate(the_string,'.',']'); the_string := the_string + "]"; set(default_directory,the_string); if file_parse(the_string,"","",device) = login_device then message(file_parse(the_string,"","",directory)); else message(file_parse(the_string,"","",directory)); endif; return(true); endprocedure; procedure flist_lock_filelist if flist$lock_filelist = ON then ! Redisplay files flist$lock_filelist := OFF; adjust_window(dir_window,0, flist$reset_dir_window_size-flist$dir_window_size); set (eob_text, flist_buf, "[End of FLIST buffer]"); position(flist_buf); flist_main(flist$specification); else flist$reset_dir_window_size := flist$dir_window_size; adjust_window(dir_window,0, get_info(SCREEN,"visible_length")-flist$dir_window_size-4); flist$lock_filelist := ON; set (eob_text, flist_buf, "[File list locked - Gold\L to unlock it]"); erase(flist_buf); position(dir_buffer); endif; flist$dir_window_size := get_info(dir_window,"length",VISIBLE_WINDOW); endprocedure; procedure flist_dispatch_tree local this_position; ! Decide whether to call flist_tree or simply go to its buffer ! At creation time, I didn't write the header in flist$reftree_buffer ! so use this info to see if it's been done already... this_position := mark(free_cursor); position(beginning_of(flist$reftree_buffer)); if beginning_of(flist$reftree_buffer) = end_of(flist$reftree_buffer) then copy_text("Tree: exits , select directory "+ " locates default directory"); position(buffer_begin); ! position(beginning_of(flist$tree_buffer)); position(this_position); flist_tree; else erase(flist$reftree_buffer); copy_text("Tree: to renew; to exit; "+ ", to select a directory"); position(buffer_begin); position(beginning_of(flist$tree_buffer)); map(reftree_window, flist$reftree_buffer); map(tree_window, flist$tree_buffer); flist_set_status_line (0); ! scroll(tree_window,1); !not needed - flist_tree_position_default fix flist_tree_position_default; ! set(scrolling,tree_window,off,0,2,0); flist$tree_post_key_procedure; set(scrolling,tree_window,on,0,2,0); !May not need this, never off endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_tree local root_search, root_tree, file_spec, file_array, last_spec, this_position, level, offset, newoffset, display_line, array_index, this_window, root_flag, the_index, found_flag; on_error [TPU$_CONTROLC]: !On CTRL-C if (current_window = tree_window) then ! Almost finished anyway flist_set_status_line(0); set (timer, OFF); message(" "); position(beginning_of(flist$tree_buffer)); scroll(tree_window,1); flist_tree_position_default; flist$tree_post_key_procedure; else erase(flist$reftree_buffer); erase(flist$tree_buffer); position(this_position); position(this_window); endif; message(ERROR_TEXT); !Say "Operation aborted by CTRL/C" return; !Return to the caller [OTHERWISE] : ; message(ERROR_TEXT); return; [TPU$_SEARCHFAIL]: endon_error; this_position := mark(free_cursor); this_window := current_window; set (timer, ON, flist$c_working_text); message("Finding all directories..."); !/* This code replaced by Peter Galbraith to not always search all [000000] ! when not in SYS$LOGIN tree. !! start at SYS$LOGIN unless on other device or default already at [000000] ! if (file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device) <> ! file_parse("sys$login:", "","",device) ) or ! (file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",directory) = "[000000]") then ! root_tree := file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device) + "[000000]"; ! root_search := file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device) + "[000000...]*.DIR"; ! root_flag := TRUE; ! else ! root_tree := file_parse("sys$login:","","",device,directory); ! root_search := file_parse("sys$login:","","",device,directory) - "]" + ! "...]*.DIR"; ! root_flag := FALSE; ! endif; ! start at SYS$LOGIN if in our own tree ! start at other root directory unless already at [000000] if (file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",directory) = "[000000]") then root_tree := file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device) + "[000000]"; ! root_search := file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device) + "[000000...]*.DIR"; root_search := file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device) + "[000000...]*.DIR;1"; root_flag := TRUE; else ! check if within own tree root_flag := FALSE; current_root := file_parse("sys$disk:[]","","",device,directory); if index(current_root,".") <> 0 then if index(current_root,"[000000") <> 0 then !Strip out 000000 to compare current_root := file_parse(current_root,"","",device) + "[" + substr(current_root,index(current_root,".")+1); endif; if index(current_root,".") <> 0 then ! Keep first directory only current_root := substr(current_root,1,index(current_root,".")-1) + "]"; endif; endif; root_tree := current_root; ! root_search := current_root - "]" + "...]*.DIR"; root_search := current_root - "]" + "...]*.DIR;1"; endif; ! end of code replaced */ file_spec := file_search (''); file_array := create_array(flist$dirtree_array_size); flist$tree_array := create_array(flist$dirtree_array_size); loop file_spec := file_search (root_search); exitif file_spec = ""; found_flag := TRUE; if root_flag then if index(file_spec,"[000000") = 0 then the_index := index(file_spec,"["); file_spec := substr(file_spec,1,the_index) + "000000." + substr(file_spec,the_index+1); endif; endif; translate(file_spec,".","]"); file_spec := substr(file_spec,1,index(file_spec,".DIR")-1); file_array{file_spec} := 1; endloop; if not found_flag then erase(flist$reftree_buffer); if current_buffer = flist$tree_buffer then unmap(tree_window); unmap(reftree_window); flist_set_status_line(0); message("No directories found---Returned to File list"); else message("No directories found"); endif; return; endif; ! Make Reference array last_spec := get_info(file_array,"last"); file_spec := get_info(file_array,"first"); array_index := 1; flist$tree_array{1} := root_tree; loop array_index := array_index + 1; flist$tree_array{array_index} := file_spec + "]"; exitif (file_spec = last_spec); file_spec := get_info(file_array,"next"); endloop; flist$tree_last_index := array_index; ! Make Display buffer -- Pick out last directory and level if (get_info(flist$tree_buffer,"type") <> BUFFER) then flist$tree_buffer := create_buffer("DIRECTORY TREE"); set(eob_text,flist$tree_buffer,"[End of TREE buffer]"); endif; set(no_write,flist$tree_buffer); !set(scrolling,tree_window,off,0,2,0); !flist_tree_position_default fix set(modifiable,flist$tree_buffer,on); erase(flist$tree_buffer); position(beginning_of(flist$tree_buffer)); copy_text(" " + root_tree); display_line := " " + "| "*20; array_index := 2; loop file_spec := flist$tree_array{array_index}; level := -1; offset := 1; loop newoffset := index(substr(file_spec,offset),"."); exitif(newoffset = 0); offset := offset + newoffset; level := level + 1; endloop; split_line; copy_text(substr(display_line,1,3+(level*6)) + "--" + substr(file_spec,offset) - "]" ); exitif (array_index = flist$tree_last_index); array_index := array_index + 1; endloop; position(this_position); map(reftree_window, flist$reftree_buffer); map(tree_window, flist$tree_buffer); flist_set_status_line(0); ! set(status_line,tree_window,REVERSE," DIRECTORY TREE"); set (timer, OFF); message(" "); ! /* conditionally done in flist_tree_position_default ! position(buffer_begin); ! scroll(tree_window,1); ! */ flist_tree_position_default; flist$tree_post_key_procedure; set(scrolling,tree_window,on,0,2,0); endprocedure; procedure flist_tree_position_default ! Position cursor on default directory line local default_dir, array_index, status, first_line_number, the_mark; default_dir := set(default_directory,""); array_index := 1; status := TRUE; loop exitif (flist$tree_array{array_index} = default_dir); if array_index = flist$tree_last_index then status := FALSE; exitif (1); endif; array_index := array_index + 1; endloop; if status then move_vertical(array_index -get_info(mark(free_cursor),"record_number")); else message("could not find default directory in tree"); return(false); endif; ! /* display first directory of tree if it will fit in the page if array_index <= get_info(tree_window,"length",visible_window)- get_info(tree_window,"scroll_bottom") then the_mark := mark(none); position(buffer_begin); scroll(tree_window,1); position(the_mark); endif; ! */ endprocedure; Procedure flist_tree_select local lnumber; lnumber := get_info(mark(free_cursor),"record_number"); if lnumber > flist$tree_last_index then message("No directory to select"); else unmap(tree_window); unmap(reftree_window); flist_wild(flist$tree_array{lnumber}); flist_set_status_line (0); endif; endprocedure; procedure flist$tree_post_key_procedure ! Get top directory show, and remove last level ! We know that the top of the widow is at line 3 ! offset between here and first line is `current_row' - 3 ! record number of first line is `record_number' - `current_row' + 3 local first_line_number, base_directory, offset, newoffset, display_line; if current_buffer <> flist$tree_buffer then return; endif; update(tree_window); first_line_number := get_info(mark(free_cursor),"record_number") - get_info(tree_window,"current_row") + 3; if (first_line_number = 1) and (get_info(mark(free_cursor),"record_number")<>1) then ! Scroll window when cursor not on first line and top line is visible if scroll(tree_window,1) = 1 then move_vertical(-1); first_line_number := 2; endif; update(tree_window); endif; if (first_line_number = 1) then display_line := ""; else base_directory := flist$tree_array{first_line_number}; offset := 1; loop newoffset := index(substr(base_directory,offset),"."); exitif(newoffset = 0); offset := offset + newoffset; endloop; display_line := substr(base_directory,1,offset-2) + "]"; endif; if get_info(reftree_window,"status_line") <> display_line then set (status_line,reftree_window,none,display_line); endif; flist$bold_current_line := create_range(line_begin,line_end,bold); endprocedure; procedure flist_help_keys local the_key, the_comment, the_string, the_space, the_key_map_list; on_error [OTHERWISE]: endon_error; message ("Listing all defined keys..."); the_key_map_list := get_info(current_buffer,"key_map_list"); if get_info(help_buffer,"TYPE") <> BUFFER then help_buffer := create_buffer ("HELP Buffer"); set (no_write, help_buffer); set (system, help_buffer); set (permanent, help_buffer); set (eob_text, help_buffer, "[End of HELP buffer]"); set (key_map_list, "FLIST$HELP_KEY_MAP_LIST", help_buffer); set (self_insert, "FLIST$HELP_KEY_MAP_LIST", off); help_window := create_window (1, get_info(SCREEN,"visible_length")-2, ON); endif; position (help_buffer); erase (help_buffer); map (help_window, help_buffer); set (status_line, help_window, REVERSE, " HELP KEYS (press to exit)"); copy_text (" List of defined keys: Press to continue"); split_line; split_line; the_key := get_info (DEFINED_KEY, "first", the_key_map_list); loop exitif the_key = 0; the_comment := lookup_key(the_key, COMMENT, the_key_map_list); edit(the_comment,trim_leading); translate (the_comment, " ", "_"); the_string := flist$key_name(the_key,TRUE); if (the_string <> "") and (the_comment <> "") then the_space := 12-length(the_string); copy_text(" " + the_string + " "*the_space + the_comment); split_line; endif; the_key := get_info (DEFINED_KEY, "next", the_key_map_list); endloop; message(""); position (buffer_begin); endprocedure; procedure flist_remove_help_keys ! because HELP KEYS did not call my POST_KEY procedure on exit unmap(help_window); if current_buffer = flist$tree_buffer then FLIST$TREE_POST_KEY_PROCEDURE; endif; endprocedure; procedure flist$key_name(the_key, double_flag) ! double_flag FALSE -> return key name even if a lower case character ! double_flag TRUE -> return emtpy string on lower case and modified keys ! so as to not list keys twice in HELP KEYS local the_keystring, the_string, lower_string; the_keystring := str(the_key); the_string := ""; case get_info (the_key, "key_type") [PRINTING]: !KEY_NAME("V") type the_string := substr(the_keystring,12, index(the_keystring,")")-13); if double_flag and (index("qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm",the_string) <> 0) then the_string := ""; endif; [KEYPAD]: !KP8 type or KEY_NAME (UP, SHIFT_MODIFIED) ! KEY_NAME (UP, CTRL_MODIFIED) !don't print these ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the_string := the_keystring; if index(the_keystring,"MODIFIED") <> 0 then if double_flag then the_string := ""; else the_string := substr(the_keystring,11,index(the_keystring,',')-11); endif; endif; [FUNCTION]: !E1 type the_string := the_keystring; [CONTROL]: ! CTRL_Z_KEY type, or TAB_KEY, RET_KEY, DEL_KEY, ! BS_KEY, LF_KEY if substr(the_keystring,1,5) = 'CTRL_' then the_string := "CTRL/" + substr(the_keystring,6,1); else the_string := the_keystring; endif; [SHIFT_PRINTING]: !KEY_NAME ("\", SHIFT_KEY) form the_string := substr(the_keystring,12, index(the_keystring,', SHIFT_KEY)')-13); if double_flag and (index("qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm",the_string) <> 0) then the_string := ""; else the_string := "GOLD/" + the_string; endif; [SHIFT_KEYPAD]: !KEY_NAME (KP7, SHIFT_KEY) the_string := "GOLD/"+substr(the_keystring,11,index(the_keystring,',')-11); [SHIFT_FUNCTION]: !KEY_NAME (E1, SHIFT_KEY) type the_string := "GOLD/"+substr(the_keystring,11,index(the_keystring,',')-11); [SHIFT_CONTROL]: !KEY_NAME (BS_KEY, SHIFT_KEY) Type the_string := "GOLD/"+substr(the_keystring,11,index(the_keystring,',')-11); endcase; return(the_string); endprocedure; procedure flist_adjust_window(the_amount) local iamount, maxsize, target_size, cur_window; iamount := int(the_amount); if (get_info(dir_window,"length",VISIBLE_WINDOW) = 5) AND (iamount < 0) then message("Cannot decrease window size any further"); return; endif; cur_window := current_window; !Remember which window we're in maxsize := get_info (SCREEN, "visible_length"); if maxsize > 12 then maxsize := maxsize - 6; else maxsize := maxsize - 5; endif; target_size := flist$dir_window_size + iamount; if target_size > maxsize then message("Cannot increase window size any further"); ! return; !Commented out target_size := maxsize; endif; if target_size < 5 then message("Cannot decrease window size any further"); ! return; !Commented out target_size := 5; endif; iamount := target_size - flist$dir_window_size; ! adjust_window(dir_window,0,iamount); !Commented out if (target_size < flist$orig_dir_window_size) AND (iamount < 0) then adjust_window(main_window,iamount,0); else adjust_window(dir_window,0,iamount); endif; ! ! If dir_window is changed, TPU automatically adjusts main_window, until ! the original size of the window. ! flist$dir_window_size := get_info(dir_window,"length",VISIBLE_WINDOW); position(cur_window); !Position back to original window endprocedure; procedure flist_toggle_scroll ! This procedure bound to GOLD\W on the flist keypad if (flist$scroll = ON) then flist$scroll := OFF; message("Paging will repaint"); else flist$scroll := ON; message("Paging will scroll"); endif endprocedure; procedure flist_toggle_mouse ! This procedure bound to M on the flist keypad if (flist$mouse = ON) then flist$mouse := OFF; message("Mouse is deactivated"); else flist$mouse := ON; message("Mouse is activated"); endif; set(mouse, flist$mouse); flist_set_status_line (0); endprocedure; procedure flist_toggle_status ! This procedure bound to GOLD\S on the flist keypad if (flist$status = ON) then flist$status := OFF; else flist$status := ON; flist$mouse := ON; set(mouse,on); endif; flist_set_status_line (0); endprocedure; ! ! Added by Chris Pierce, written by Hunter Goatley. ! Purpose: ! To tell the current line number (and percentage) out of the total. ! Hunter wrote this long before Digital put it in EVE. ! procedure flist_what_line ! What line am I on? Local this_position, ! marker - current position start_of_buffer, ! marker - beginning of current buffer this_line_position, ! marker - position at start of this_line total_lines, ! integer - total lines in buffer high_line, ! integer - high line limit for binary search low_line, ! integer - low line limit for binary search this_line, ! integer - line number of current guess percent; ! integer - percent of way through buffer ! Initialization on_error [TPU$_CONTROLC]: !On CTRL-C message(ERROR_TEXT); !Say "Operation aborted by CTRL/C" return; !Return to the caller [OTHERWISE] : ; endon_error; this_position := mark (none); start_of_buffer := beginning_of (current_buffer); total_lines := get_info (current_buffer, "record_count"); high_line := (total_lines + 1); ! +1 to correct for [EOB] text. if this_position = end_of (current_buffer) then if (high_line = 1) then message ("Buffer is empty."); return; else message ("End Of Buffer"); return; endif; else low_line := 1; endif; ! Binary search loop exitif high_line - low_line <= 1; this_line := low_line + ((high_line - low_line) / 2); position (start_of_buffer); move_vertical (this_line - 1); if mark (none) > this_position then high_line := this_line; else low_line := this_line; if mark (none) = this_position then high_line := this_line; endif; endif; endloop; ! TPU will truncate numbers on division; make it round instead percent := (((low_line * 1000) / total_lines) + 5) / 10; ! Display message and return to original position message (fao ("You are on line !SL out of !SL (!SL%)", low_line, total_lines, percent)); position (this_position); EndProcedure; ! flist_what_line ! ! Added by Chris Pierce. ! Purpose: ! To go to a certain line in the buffer. This does NOT go to a ! certain line in a specified Procedure, as does EVE_LINE in ! EVE$EDIT.TPU. ! procedure flist_go_to_line !(line_parameter) ! Go to a certain line. LOCAL ans, ! The line number from prompt. ret_len, ! The possible length of the line #. the_line, ! Local copy of line_parameter. orig_pos, ! Get a range to single space. saved_win, ! Current window. last_line; ! Total lines in buffer, including eob_text. ON_ERROR ! Quit and go back to Original Position if [TPU$_CONTROLC]: ! Control-C is hit. message (ERROR_TEXT); return (TRUE); [TPU$_ENDOFBUF]: [OTHERWISE]: ! For any other error. if (ERROR = TPU$_INVNUMSTR) then flist_clear_prompt_buffer; endif; return (FALSE); ENDON_ERROR; message (""); ! Clear the message line first thing. the_line := read_line ("Line number: "); if (the_line <> "") then edit (the_line, TRIM); the_line := int (the_line); else message ("No line number specified."); flist_clear_prompt_buffer; return (FALSE); endif; last_line := get_info (current_buffer, "record_count"); ! Do NOT include eob_text. if (last_line = 0) then ! Buffer is empty, give error message message("Buffer is empty."); ! and quit. flist_clear_prompt_buffer; return (FALSE); endif; if (the_line <= 0) then ! Can't move to a line that is <= 0. message (fao ("Cannot move to line: !SL", the_line)); flist_clear_prompt_buffer; ! Clear Prompt Buffer. return (FALSE); ! Exit without moving. endif; orig_pos := mark (none); ! Save our original position. saved_win := current_window; ! Save the current window. position (TEXT); ! Snap the cursor. if (the_line > last_line) then ! If line specified is > the total position (end_of (current_buffer)); ! # of lines, go to the [EOB]. move_vertical (-1); ! Move up one, so will be on Text. message(fao ("Buffer has only !UL lines. (Now going to End Of Buffer)", last_line)); flist_clear_prompt_buffer; ! Clear Prompt Buffer. return (FALSE); else ! Otherwise, go to the specified line. position (the_line); flist_clear_prompt_buffer; return (TRUE); endif; ENDPROCEDURE; ! flist_go_to_line ! ! End Procedures added by Chris Pierce. ! procedure flist_mouse ! PG02001 - Allow directory window size change local mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row, the_indicator, the_key, the_window; the_window := current_window; if locate_mouse(mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row) then if mouse_window = reftree_window then return; endif; !Not valid move if (mouse_column <> 0) and (mouse_row <> 0) then position(MOUSE); position(line_begin); else if (mouse_row = 0) then ! /* New PG02001 feature if mouse_window = dir_window then ! Drag the dir window size the_key := read_key; ! User releases mouse on new destination if locate_mouse(mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row) then if mouse_window = dir_window then !release in same window -> smaller? if mouse_row <> 0 then ! Not on status line -> smaller flist_adjust_window( mouse_row - get_info(dir_window,"length",VISIBLE_WINDOW)); endif; else if mouse_window = main_window then ! bigger directory window if mouse_row <> 0 then flist_adjust_window(mouse_row); endif; else ! Not in either main windows message("Directory window unchanged"); endif; endif; endif; ! End of New PG02001 feature */ else the_indicator := flist$current_indicator(mouse_window, mouse_column); if the_indicator <> 0 then the_key := read_key; ! Eat M2UP if the_indicator = "forward" then flist_direction('r'); endif; if the_indicator = "reverse" then flist_direction('f'); endif; if the_indicator = "spawn" then flist_spawn; endif; if the_indicator = "return to directory" then if the_window = tree_window then unmap(tree_window); unmap(reftree_window); flist_set_status_line(0); endif; if the_window = view_window then flist_pop; endif; endif; if the_indicator = "locate default" then flist_tree_position_default; endif; if the_indicator = "renew tree" then flist_tree; endif; if the_indicator = "previous" then flist_section(-1); endif; if the_indicator = "next" then flist_section(1); endif; if the_indicator = "tree" then flist_dispatch_tree; endif; if the_indicator = "eve" then flist_edit("eve"); endif; if the_indicator = "edt" then flist_edit("edt"); endif; if the_indicator = "delete" then flist_delete; endif; if the_indicator = "purge" then flist_purge; endif; if the_indicator = "copy" then flist_copy; endif; endif; endif; endif; endif; endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_confirm(prompt_string, default_answer, default_message, confirm_indicator) ! user enters either: "Y" -> return TRUE ! -> return default ! clicks on a valid status line indicator -> return TRUE local mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row, the_indicator, the_prompt, answer; if default_answer then the_prompt := " [Y] "; else the_prompt := " [N] "; endif; answer := flist_ask(prompt_string+the_prompt, 1); if (last_key = M1DOWN) or (last_key = M3DOWN) then if confirm_indicator = "ANY" then return (TRUE); endif; if locate_mouse(mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row) then if (mouse_column <> 0) and (mouse_row = 0) then the_indicator := flist$current_indicator(mouse_window, mouse_column); if (the_indicator = confirm_indicator) then return (TRUE); else message(default_message); endif; endif; endif; return(FALSE); endif; if answer = "" then message(default_message); return(default_answer); endif; if (answer = "y") or (answer = "Y") then return(TRUE); endif; if (answer = "n") or (answer = "n") then return(FALSE); endif; message(default_message); return(FALSE); ! We could return default_answer on any other key hit here... endprocedure; procedure flist$current_indicator (the_window, the_column) ! Get status indicator under mouse local pointer_found, the_status_line, next_bar, the_field; ! (row,col)=(0,0) = intersection of horizontal and vertical scroll bars if (the_column = 0) then return (0); endif; the_status_line := get_info (the_window, "status_line") + "|"; indicator_column := 1; loop if the_status_line = "" then return (FALSE); endif; next_bar := index (the_status_line, "|"); if next_bar = 0 then return (0); endif; if (next_bar >= the_column) then the_field := substr (the_status_line, 1, next_bar - 1); edit (the_field, TRIM, COMPRESS, LOWER, OFF); return (the_field); endif; the_status_line := substr (the_status_line, next_bar + 1, length (the_status_line) - next_bar); the_column := the_column - next_bar; endloop; return (FALSE); endprocedure; ! eve$current_indicator procedure flist_direction(arg_direction) local the_direction if arg_direction = 'r' then the_direction := REVERSE; endif; if arg_direction = 'f' then the_direction := FORWARD; endif; if arg_direction = 't' then if get_info(current_buffer,"direction") = FORWARD then the_direction := REVERSE; else the_direction := FORWARD; endif; endif; if (current_buffer = dir_buffer) or (current_buffer = flist_buf) then set (the_direction,dir_buffer); set (the_direction,flist_buf); else set (the_direction,current_buffer); endif; flist_set_status_line(0); endprocedure; procedure flist_screen_current_direction if current_direction = forward then flist_section(1); else flist_section(-1); endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_screen_opposite_direction if current_direction = forward then flist_section(-1); else flist_section(1); endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_mouse_select_line local mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row; if locate_mouse(mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row) then if (mouse_column <> 0) and (mouse_row <> 0) then position(MOUSE); position(line_begin); flist$line_range := create_range(line_begin, line_end, bold); endif; endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_mouse_process_line local mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row, mouse_position; if get_info(flist$line_range,"type") = UNSPECIFIED then return; endif; mouse_position := mark(free_cursor); if locate_mouse(mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row) then if (mouse_column <> 0) and (mouse_row <> 0) then position(MOUSE); position(line_begin); if get_info(mark(free_cursor),"within_range",flist$line_range) = 1 then delete(flist$line_range); if current_buffer = view_buffer then flist_pop; else if current_buffer = flist$tree_buffer then flist_tree_select; else flist_view; endif; endif; return; endif; endif; endif; delete(flist$line_range); position(mouse_position); position(line_begin); endprocedure; procedure flist_mouse_kept_editor local mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row, mouse_position; if get_info(flist$line_range,"type") = UNSPECIFIED then return; endif; mouse_position := mark(free_cursor); if locate_mouse(mouse_window, mouse_column, mouse_row) then if (mouse_column <> 0) and (mouse_row <> 0) then position(mouse); if get_info(mark(free_cursor),"within_range",flist$line_range) = 1 then flist_kept_editor(true); endif; endif; endif; position(mouse_position); position(line_begin); delete(flist$line_range); endprocedure; procedure flist_kept_editor(file_flag) local the_process, filename, status, result, fileext, high_version; ! file_flag -> True then attach with file, else simply attach w/o a file ! EDIT_NEW_FILE (logical) is used to pass a new file to edit to EVEPLUS. ! EDIT_NEW_DEFAULT (logical) is used to pass a new default directory to go to. ! KEPT_EDIT (logical) hold the process name of the editor on_error [TPU$_CONTROLC]: [TPU$_SYSERROR]: message("FLIST kept editor process does not exist"); return; [OTHERWISE]: endon_error; the_process := flist_translate_logical("KEPT_EDIT"); if the_process = "" then message("No kept editor defined by KEPT_EDIT logical."); return; endif; if file_flag then if current_window = view_window then filename := flist$current_file; else filename := substr (current_line,2); filename := substr (filename,1,index(filename," ")-1); endif; filename := file_parse(filename,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE,VERSION); if filename = "" then message("No file to edit"); return; endif; result := file_search(""); result := file_search(filename); if result = "" then message("No file to edit"); return; endif; fileext := file_parse (filename,"","",TYPE); if index(flist$no_view_files,"/"+fileext+"/") <> 0 then if not flist_confirm ("Type is "+substr(fileext,2)+ " - do you really want to edit?",FALSE,"File not edited","ANY") then return; endif; else if not flist_confirm ("Do you really want to edit "+ file_parse(filename,"","",NAME,TYPE)+"?",flist$action_default, "File not edited","ANY") then return; endif; endif; status := flist_define_logical("EDIT_NEW_FILE",filename); if not status then message("Error. Cannot set logical name..."); return; endif; status := flist_define_logical("EDIT_NEW_DEFAULT", file_parse(filename,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY)); if not status then message("Error. Cannot set logical name..."); return; endif; highversion := file_search(""); highversion := file_search( file_parse(filename,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE), "","",VERSION); endif; status := flist_define_logical("EDIT_NEW_DEFAULT",set(default_directory,"")); if not status then message("Error. Cannot set logical name..."); return; endif; attach(the_process); if file_flag then if file_parse("EDIT_NEW_FILE:","","",NAME) <> "" then status := flist_deassign_logical("EDIT_NEW_FILE"); ! Override old file endif; result := file_search(""); result := file_search(file_parse(filename,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE)); if result <> "" then !Insert higher version number file only if int(substr(file_parse(result,"","",VERSION),2)) > int(substr(highversion,2)) then flist_insert_filename (file_parse(result,"","",NAME,TYPE,VERSION)); if current_window = view_window then flist_reload_view(result); endif; endif; endif; endif; endprocedure; procedure flist_null endprocedure; procedure flist$undefined_key(the_key); local the_string; the_string := flist$key_name(the_key,FALSE); message("Key "+the_string+" is not defined. Use PF2 to list key definitions"); endprocedure; Procedure flist_reload_view(load_file) Local found; ! This assumes that we are already in view found := file_search(""); found := file_search(file_parse(load_file,"","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE), "","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY,NAME,TYPE,VERSION); if found = "" then return; endif; set(modifiable,view_buffer,ON); erase (view_buffer); message ("Reading file " + found); read_file (found); position (buffer_begin); set(modifiable,view_buffer,OFF); flist$current_file := file_parse(found,"","",NAME,TYPE,VERSION); flist_set_status_line(1); EndProcedure; Procedure flist_exit ! Go back to original default if FLIST$RESET_DIRECTORY is true if FLIST$RESET_DIRECTORY then set(default_directory,global_original_default_directory); message('Default directory: '+orig_dev+orig_dir); endif; message('Default directory: '+file_parse("*.*","","",DEVICE,DIRECTORY)); quit; EndProcedure; ! FLIST_SHIFT_WINDOW ! Shift screen left or right (# of columns passed in) ! Parameters: ! + - shift right ! - - shift left ! 0 - shift left until no longer shifted Procedure flist_shift_window (amount) Local cur_amount; cur_amount := get_info(current_window, "shift_amount"); if (cur_amount = 0) AND (amount < 0) then message("Window is not shifted"); return; endif; if (amount = 0) OR (amount < -cur_amount) then shift (current_window, -cur_amount); flist_set_status_line(1); message("Window is no longer shifted"); return; endif; position(line_begin); !HG2-1-001 shift (current_window, amount); position(line_begin); !HG2-1-001 flist_set_status_line(1); EndProcedure; ! flist_shift_window Procedure flist_inquire_shift Local want_shift ; on_error; message("Must specify a valid integer specifying the amount to shift"); abort; endon_error; want_shift := flist_ask ("Shift to what column? ",128); if want_shift = "" then message("Window not shifted"); return; endif; want_shift := int(want_shift); if want_shift < 0 then message("Bad column number"); return; endif; want_shift := want_shift - get_info(current_window,"shift_amount") - 1; if want_shift = 0 then message(fao("Already shifted to column !UL",want_shift+1)); return; endif; flist_shift_window (want_shift); EndProcedure; ! flist_inquire_shift ! FLIST_DISPLAY_MESSAGES ! ! Maps the messages buffer to the screen (creating the window if necessary) ! Procedure flist_display_messages if get_info(full_message_window,"TYPE") <> WINDOW then ! Create a full-size message window to display all messages full_message_window := create_window (1, get_info(SCREEN,"visible_length")-2, ON); endif; map(full_message_window, message_buffer); set (status_line, full_message_window, REVERSE, "FLIST messages (press to exit)"); EndProcedure; ! flist_display_messages ! ! FLIST$PARSE_RC_NAME ! ! This routine parses names for flist_rename and flist_copy. ! Procedure flist$parse_rc_name (filespec) Local temp ,fnode ,fdev ,fdir ,fname ,fext ,fvers ; if filespec = "" then return(""); endif; temp := file_parse (filespec, global_node+global_dev+global_dir+"*.*;"); if temp = "" then return(""); endif; fnode := file_parse(temp,"","",NODE); if fnode <> "" then message("Node specifications are not allowed"); return(""); endif; fdev := file_parse(temp,"","",DEVICE); fdir := file_parse(temp,"","",DIRECTORY); fname := file_parse(temp,"","",NAME); fext := file_parse(temp,"","",TYPE); fvers := file_parse(temp,"","",VERSION); ! ! Barf if a "%" is given. It'd be nice to allow it, but I don't feel like ! doing it yet. ! if (index(fname,"%") <> 0) OR (index(fext,"%") <> 0) then message("Wildcard % is not supported"); return(""); endif; ! ! Barf if a version number is given ! if (fvers = ";*") then fvers := ""; ! else ! if (fvers <> ";") then ! message("Specific version numbers are not supported"); ! return(""); ! endif; endif; ! ! Barf if a "*" is used with other characters. ! if fname = "*" then fname := ""; else if (index(fname,"*") <> 0) then message("Invalid use of wildcard; specify * only"); return(""); endif; endif; if fext = ".*" then fext := ""; else if (index(fext,"*") <> 0) then message("Invalid use of wildcard; specify * only"); return(""); endif; endif; ! ! Now extract the final file name. This should be one of the following: ! ! [directory] *.* file.* *.ext file.ext; ! return (fdev+fdir+fname+fext+fvers); EndProcedure; ! flist$parse_rc_name Procedure flist_define_logical (logical, equivstr) Local temp ; temp := ascii(length(logical)) + logical + ascii(length(equivstr)) + equivstr; temp := call_user(flist$c_cu_deflnm, temp); if temp <> "" then message(temp); return(FALSE); endif; return (TRUE); EndProcedure; ! flist_define_logical Procedure flist_deassign_logical (logical) Local temp ; temp := call_user(flist$c_cu_dealnm, logical); if temp <> "" then message(temp); return(FALSE); endif; return (TRUE); EndProcedure; ! flist_deassign_logical Procedure flist_translate_logical (logical) Local retstr; retstr := call_user(flist$c_cu_trnlnm, logical); if substr(retstr,1,18) = "%SYSTEM-F-NOLOGNAM" then return(""); else return(retstr); endif; EndProcedure; ! flist_translate_logical Procedure flist_tag_all Local this_position ; if not flist_confirm ("Tag all files?", flist$action_default, "Files not tagged", "NONE") then return; endif; this_position := mark(free_cursor); position(beginning_of(current_buffer)); loop exitif (mark(free_cursor) = end_of(current_buffer)); if substr(current_line, 1, 1) <> "*" then flist_tag(TRUE); else move_vertical(1); endif; endloop; position(this_position); message("All files tagged"); EndProcedure; ! flist_tag_all Procedure flist_untag_all Local this_position ,pat1 ,found ; on_error endon_error; if flist_check_tag = 0 then message("No files are tagged"); return; endif; if not flist_confirm ("Untag all tagged files?", flist$action_default, "Files not Untagged", "NONE") then return; endif; pat1 := line_begin & "*"; this_position := mark(free_cursor); position(beginning_of(current_buffer)); loop found := search_quietly (pat1, forward); exitif found = 0; position (found); flist_untag(TRUE); endloop; position(this_position); message("All tagged files have been untagged"); EndProcedure; ! flist_untag_all Procedure flist$execute_init Local init_buffer ,init_file ; init_file := file_search (""); !Initialize search init_file := file_search ("FLIST_INIT"); !Look for FLIST_INIT if init_file = "" then !If no file is found, return; !... just return endif; !... message(fao("Executing FLIST initialization file: !AS", init_file)); !!! set (informational, off) doesn't prevent messages from create_buffer and !!! execute. Why not? set (informational, OFF); !Don't print messages init_buffer := create_buffer ("$INIT$", init_file); !Create buffer w/ file execute(init_buffer); !Execute the buffer set (informational, ON); !Print info messages again delete(init_buffer); !Now delete the buffer EndProcedure; ! flist$execute_init Procedure tpu$init_procedure Local temp ,temp2 ,i ,pagesize ; on_error endon_error; pagesize := get_info (SCREEN, "visible_length"); !Get terminal's pagesize if pagesize < 12 then message ("Screen page size is not large enough for FLIST - use ^Y to abort"); quit; endif; !/* !Create buffers and windows for TREE flist$tree_buffer := create_buffer ("Tree Buffer"); set (key_map_list, "FLIST$TREE_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$tree_buffer); set (self_insert, "FLIST$TREE_KEY_MAP_LIST", off); set (post_key_procedure, "FLIST$TREE_KEY_MAP_LIST", "FLIST$TREE_POST_KEY_PROCEDURE"); set (no_write, flist$tree_buffer); set (system, flist$tree_buffer); set (eob_text, flist$tree_buffer, ""); set (permanent, flist$tree_buffer); tree_window := create_window (3, pagesize-4, ON); flist$reftree_buffer := create_buffer ("REFTREE Buffer"); set (no_write, flist$reftree_buffer); set (system, flist$reftree_buffer); set (eob_text, flist$reftree_buffer, ""); set (permanent, flist$reftree_buffer); reftree_window := create_window (1, 2, ON); !*/ !Create a buffer and window for messages message_buffer := create_buffer ("Message Buffer"); set (no_write, message_buffer); set (system, message_buffer); set (eob_text, message_buffer, ""); set (permanent, message_buffer); message_window := create_window (pagesize, 1, OFF); map (message_window, message_buffer); set (key_map_list, "FLIST$MESSAGES_KEY_MAP_LIST", message_buffer); set (self_insert, "FLIST$MESSAGES_KEY_MAP_LIST", OFF); !Don't insert chars !Create a buffer and window for SHOW show_buffer := create_buffer ("Show Buffer"); set (no_write, show_buffer); set (system, show_buffer); set (permanent, show_buffer); info_window := create_window (1, pagesize-2, ON); prompt_buffer := create_buffer ("Prompt Buffer"); set (no_write, prompt_buffer); set (system, prompt_buffer); set (permanent, prompt_buffer); prompt_window := create_window (pagesize-1, 1, OFF); ! Initialize global variables flist_file_count := 0; saved_file_count := -1; flist_dir_count := 0; saved_dir_count := -1; flist_search_string := ""; set (bell, broadcast, on); set (mouse, off); flist$mouse := OFF; ! /* Peter Galbraith Add-on */ flist$scroll := ON; ! /* Peter Galbraith Add-on */ flist$status := OFF; ! /* Peter Galbraith Add-on */ flist$reset_directory := TRUE; ! /* Peter Galbraith Add-on */ flist$position_buffer := "FLIST"; flist$action_default := FALSE; flist$no_view_files := "/.BCK/.ZIP/.TAR-GZ/.OBJ/.EXE/.TLB/.MLB/.OLB/.TPU$SECTION/.DVI/.TAR/.GIF/.JPG/.TIFF/.XLS/"; flist$lock_filelist := OFF; flist$dirtree_array_size := 200; !Array size in flist_tree flist$reset_on_purge := TRUE; !Reset file to ;1 flist$sort_by_types := OFF; !Sort files by type flist$default_editor := "EVE"; !Default editor is EVE HG2-1-001 flist$execute_init; !Initialization file if flist$lock_filelist = ON then !If user enabled lock flist$lock_filelist := OFF; !... reset and flist_lock_filelist; !... toggle the setting endif; if flist$mouse = ON then !If user enabled mouse set(mouse, ON); !... toggle the setting endif; change_case(flist$default_editor, UPPER); if flist$default_editor = "EVE" then flist$alternate_editor := "EDT"; else if flist$default_editor = "EDT" then flist$alternate_editor := "EVE"; else message("Invalid editor, setting default to EVE"); flist$default_editor := "EVE"; flist$alternate_editor := "EDT"; endif; endif; ! Create a buffer for viewing files view_buffer := create_buffer ("View Buffer"); set (no_write, view_buffer); set (system, view_buffer); set (permanent, view_buffer); set (eob_text, view_buffer, "[End of VIEW buffer]"); ! /* Modified by Peter Galbraith -- give it its own KML set (key_map_list, "FLIST$VIEW_KEY_MAP_LIST", view_buffer); ! end of modification */ set (self_insert, "FLIST$VIEW_KEY_MAP_LIST", OFF); !Don't insert chars view_window := create_window (1, pagesize-2, ON); ! Create a buffer and window for the .DIR entries dir_buffer := create_buffer ("DIR FLIST"); set (no_write, dir_buffer); set (system, dir_buffer); set (overstrike, dir_buffer); set (permanent, dir_buffer); set (eob_text, dir_buffer, "[End of DIR FLIST buffer]"); ! /* Modified by Peter Galbraith if get_info(flist$dir_window_size, "TYPE") <> INTEGER then if pagesize > 30 then flist$dir_window_size := pagesize/5; else flist$dir_window_size := 5; endif; else i := (((pagesize-2)/2)-2); if i < flist$dir_window_size then flist$dir_window_size := i; endif; endif; flist$orig_dir_window_size := flist$dir_window_size; dir_window := create_window (1, flist$dir_window_size, ON); set (key_map_list, "FLIST$DIR_KEY_MAP_LIST", dir_buffer); set (self_insert, "FLIST$DIR_KEY_MAP_LIST", off); ! end of modification */ map (dir_window, dir_buffer); ! Create a buffer and window for editing flist_buf := create_buffer ("FLIST"); set (no_write, flist_buf); set (system, flist_buf); set (permanent, flist_buf); set (overstrike, flist_buf); set (eob_text, flist_buf, "[End of FLIST buffer]"); ! /* Modified by Peter Galbraith main_window := create_window (flist$dir_window_size+1, pagesize-flist$dir_window_size-2, ON); set (key_map_list, "FLIST$MAIN_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist_buf); set (self_insert, "FLIST$MAIN_KEY_MAP_LIST", off); ! end of modification */ map (main_window, flist_buf); set (facility_name, "FLIST"); set (prompt_area, pagesize-1, 1, BOLD); position (flist_buf); ! Set up global ASCII string used in string comparisons asciis := ""; i := 0; loop; exitif i = 256; asciis := asciis + ASCII(i); i := i + 1; endloop; flist_find_last_pos := 0; !Build a string of spaces to use for padding the status line. flist_spaces := ""; i := 0; loop; exitif i = 81; flist_spaces := flist_spaces + ASCII(32); i := i + 1; endloop; temp := file_search ("*.*;"); ! Make a quick search orig_dev := file_parse (temp, "", "", DEVICE); ! ... for file to get orig_dir := file_parse (temp, "", "", DIRECTORY); ! ... original dev & dir temp2 := get_info (command_line, "file_name"); !See if file name if temp2 = "" then !... was given temp2 := "*.*;*" !If not, use *.*;* endif; temp2 := file_parse (temp2, "*.*;*"); !Parse the given spec global_original_default_directory := get_info(SYSTEM,"default_directory"); flist$first_time := TRUE; flist_main (temp2); !Call main routine flist$first_time := FALSE; if flist$position_buffer = "DIR" then flist_other_window; endif; message("Welcome to FLIST "+flist$c_sw_version+ ". Press PF2 or ? for key definitions"); EndProcedure; !TPU$INIT_PROCEDURE !=============================================================================== flist$x_flist_main_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$FLIST_MAIN_KEYS"); flist$x_flist_dir_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$FLIST_DIR_KEYS"); flist$x_flist_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$FLIST_KEYS"); flist$x_view_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$VIEW_KEYS"); flist$x_help_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$HELP_KEYS"); flist$x_messages_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$MESSAGES_KEYS"); !/* Peter Galbraith ADD-ON flist$x_userview_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$USERVIEW_KEYS"); flist$x_usermain_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$USERMAIN_KEYS"); flist$x_usertree_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$USERTREE_KEYS"); flist$x_user_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$USER_KEYS"); flist$x_tree_keys := create_key_map ("FLIST$TREE_KEYS"); ! End of ADD-ON */ !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$TREE_KEYS **Peter Galbraith Add-on define_key("unmap(tree_window);unmap(reftree_window);flist_set_status_line(0);" ,RET_KEY,"Exit Tree",flist$x_tree_keys); define_key ("flist_tree",key_name("T",SHIFT_KEY),"Renew Tree", flist$x_tree_keys); define_key ("flist_tree_position_default",key_name("l"), "Locate default directory",flist$x_tree_keys); define_key ("flist_tree_position_default",key_name("L"), "Locate default directory",flist$x_tree_keys); define_key ("flist_tree_select",key_name("V"), "Select directory",flist$x_tree_keys); define_key ("flist_tree_select",key_name("v"), "Select directory",flist$x_tree_keys); Define_key ("FLIST_MOUSE_SELECT_LINE", M2DOWN,"Select",flist$x_tree_keys); Define_key ("FLIST_MOUSE_PROCESS_LINE", M2UP,"Pop to selected Directory", flist$x_tree_keys); !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$MESSAGES_KEYS Define_key ("unmap(full_message_window)", RET_KEY, "Exit MESSAGES", flist$x_messages_keys); !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$HELP_KEYS **Peter Galbraith Add-on Define_key ("flist_remove_help_keys", RET_KEY, "Exit HELP",flist$x_help_keys); !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$VIEW_KEYS define_key ("if get_info(current_window,'width') = 80 then" + " set (width, current_window, 132); else "+ "set (width, current_window, 80); endif;"+ "flist_set_status_line(1);", key_name ('w'), "Toggle Width", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_inquire_shift", key_name ("C"), "Shift to specified column", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_kept_editor(true)", key_name("K"), "Kept editor with this file", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_kept_editor(true)", key_name("k"), "Kept editor with this file", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_pop", key_name("V"), "Exit to FLIST Directory", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_pop", key_name("v"), "Exit to FLIST Directory", flist$x_view_keys); Define_key ("flist_pop", M2DOWN,"Exit to FLIST Directory",flist$x_view_keys); Define_key ("flist_null", M2UP,"",flist$x_view_keys); Define_key ("flist_kept_editor(true)", M3UP,"Kept editor with this file", flist$x_view_keys); Define_key ("flist_null", M3DOWN,"",flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_pop", KP3, "Exit to FLIST Directory", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_shift_window(-(get_info(screen,'width')/2))", key_name(left, shift_key), "Shift left half a screen", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_shift_window(get_info(screen,'width')/2)", key_name(right, shift_key), "Shift right half a screen", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_pop", ret_key, "return to directory", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_reload(0)", key_name("R"), "Reload currently viewed file", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_reload(0)", key_name("r"), "Reload currently viewed file", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_reload(1)", key_name("U"), "Reload currently viewed file (end)", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_reload(1)", key_name("u"), "Reload currently viewed file (end)", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_shift_window(-1)", left, "Shift left", flist$x_view_keys); Define_Key ("flist_shift_window(1)", right, "Shift right", flist$x_view_keys); ! define_key("flist_view_exit",ctrl_z_key,"exit", flist$x_view_keys); !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$FLIST_KEYS (always defined) !/* Added by Peter Galbraith Define_Key ("flist_help_keys", PF2,"HELP Keys", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_help_keys", key_name("?"),"HELP Keys", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_key ("flist_mouse", M1DOWN,"",flist$x_flist_keys); Define_key ("flist_null", M1UP,"",flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_kept_editor(false)", key_name("K",SHIFT_KEY), "Kept editor w/o file", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_toggle_mouse", key_name("m"), "Toggle Mouse On/Off", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_toggle_mouse", key_name("M"), "Toggle Mouse On/Off", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_toggle_status", key_name("S",SHIFT_KEY), "Toggle Status Line Mouse Control On/Off", flist$x_flist_keys); ! End of add-on*/ Define_Key ("flist_display_messages", key_name("M", shift_key), "Display messages buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("position(buffer_begin)", key_name("A"), "Top of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_bottom_of_buffer", key_name("Z"), "Bottom of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("position(buffer_begin)", key_name("a"), "Top of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_bottom_of_buffer", key_name("z"), "Bottom of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("refresh; message('');", ctrl_w_key, "Refresh Screen", flist$x_flist_keys); ! ! Added by Chris Pierce. ! Purpose: ! Define GOLD-L as Flist_What_Line. ! Define CTRL-L as Flist_Go_To_Line. ! Define_Key ("flist_what_line", key_name("L",SHIFT_KEY), "What Line", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_go_to_line", ctrl_l_key, "Go to Line", flist$x_flist_keys); ! ! End by CP. ! !/* Change move_vertical to flist_move_vertical Define_Key ("Flist_move_vertical(-1)", left, "Move Up", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("Flist_move_vertical(1)", right, "Move Down", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("Flist_move_vertical(-1)", Up, "Move Up", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_move_vertical(1)", Down, "Move Down", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("if current_direction = forward then " + " flist_move_vertical(1) else flist_move_vertical(-1) endif", KP0, "Move By Line", flist$x_flist_keys); ! End of change */ Define_Key ("flist_direction('f')",KP4, "Forward", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_direction('r')",KP5, "Reverse", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_page", KP7, "Move by page", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_screen_current_direction",KP8, "Move By Screen in current direction",flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_screen_opposite_direction",key_name(KP8,SHIFT_KEY), "Move By Screen in opposite direction", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_bottom_of_buffer", key_name(KP4, shift_key), "Bottom of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("position(buffer_begin)", key_name(KP5,shift_key), "Top of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_view", ret_key, "View a file or directory", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_find('')", key_name (pf3, shift_key), "FLIST Find", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_find(flist_search_string)", pf3, "FLIST Find Next", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_exit",CTRL_Z_KEY,"Exit",flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_bottom_of_buffer", key_name (down, shift_key), "Bottom of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("position(buffer_begin)", key_name (up,shift_key), "Top of Buffer", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_find('')", e1, "FLIST Find", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_section(-1)", e5, "Previous Screen", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_section(1)", e6, "Next Screen", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_key_help", key_name("h", shift_key), "Key Help", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_line_help", key_name("h"), "Help Line", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_line_help", key_name("H"), "Help Line", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_spawn", key_name("s"), "Spawn a Subprocess", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_spawn", key_name("S"), "Spawn a Subprocess", flist$x_flist_keys); Define_Key ("flist_toggle_scroll", key_name("W",SHIFT_KEY), "Toggle Scroll/Repaint for Move By Screen", flist$x_flist_keys); !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$FLIST_MAIN_KEYS (dir & main buffer) Define_Key ("flist_copy", key_name("C"), "Copy File", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_copy", key_name("c"), "Copy File", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_other_window", key_name("O"), "Move to DIR window", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_other_window", key_name("o"), "Move to DIR window", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_purge", key_name("P"), "Purge File", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_purge", key_name("p"), "Purge File", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_main(flist$specification)", key_name("R", shift_key), "Rescan directory for new files", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_edit('default')", key_name("E"), "Edit file with default editor", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_edit('default')", key_name("e"), "Edit file with default editor", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_edit('alternate')", key_name("e", shift_key), "Edit file with alternate editor", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_run", key_name("$"), "RUN Image", flist$x_flist_main_keys); Define_Key ("flist_com", key_name("@"), "Execute DCL Command Procedure", flist$x_flist_main_keys); !======= Define keys for Key Map FLIST$FLIST_DIR_KEYS (dir & main buffer) Define_Key ("flist_dispatch_tree", key_name("T",SHIFT_KEY), "Directory Tree", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("FLIST_MOUSE_SELECT_LINE",M2DOWN,"Select", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("FLIST_MOUSE_PROCESS_LINE", M2UP,"View selected file/directory", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("FLIST_MOUSE_SELECT_LINE",M3DOWN,"Select", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("FLIST_MOUSE_KEPT_EDITOR", M3UP,"Kept Editor on selected file", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("flist_adjust_window(1)", key_name("+"), "Bigger Directory Window", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("flist_adjust_window(1)",COMMA, "Bigger Directory Window", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("flist_adjust_window(-1)", key_name("-"), "Smaller Directory Window",flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_key ("flist_adjust_window(-1)", MINUS, "Smaller Directory Window",flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_pop", KP3, "Pop to next higher directory", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_call_cd", key_name("C",SHIFT_KEY), "CD Directory Changer", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_delete", key_name("D"), "Delete File(s)", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_delete", key_name("d"), "Delete File(s)", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_kept_editor(true)", key_name("K"), "Kept editor with this file", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_kept_editor(true)", key_name("k"), "Kept editor with this file", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_lock_filelist", key_name("L",SHIFT_KEY), "Lock file listing for fast directory navigating", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_other_window", key_name("O"), "Move to FILE window", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_other_window", key_name("o"), "Move to FILE window", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_rename", key_name("R"), "Rename File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_rename", key_name("r"), "Rename File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_view", key_name("V"), "View File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_view", KP2, "View File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_view", key_name("v"), "View File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_wild", key_name("W"), "New Directory Specification", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_wild", key_name("w"), "New Directory Specification", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_tag_all", key_name("*"), "Tag All Files", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_untag_all", key_name("*", shift_key), "Untag All Files", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); ! Define 8 and GOLD\8 as tag/untag too (saves from having to SHIFT) Define_Key ("flist_tag_all", key_name("8"), "Tag All Files", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_untag_all", key_name("8", shift_key), "Untag All Files", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_tag", key_name("T"), "Tag File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_tag", key_name("t"), "Tag File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_untag", key_name("U"), "Untag File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); Define_Key ("flist_untag", key_name("u"), "Untag File", flist$x_flist_dir_keys); !/*Modified by Peter Galbraith -- Much easier to deal with many KMLs each ! associated with a specific buffer or more create_key_map_list ("FLIST$VIEW_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$x_userview_keys, flist$x_user_keys, flist$x_view_keys, flist$x_flist_keys); create_key_map_list ("FLIST$MAIN_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$x_usermain_keys, flist$x_user_keys, flist$x_flist_main_keys, flist$x_flist_dir_keys, flist$x_flist_keys); create_key_map_list ("FLIST$DIR_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$x_usermain_keys, flist$x_user_keys, flist$x_flist_dir_keys, flist$x_flist_keys); create_key_map_list ("FLIST$HELP_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$x_user_keys, flist$x_help_keys, flist$x_flist_keys); !/*Peter Galbraith Add-on -- kml for directory TREE create_key_map_list ("FLIST$TREE_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$x_usertree_keys, flist$x_user_keys, flist$x_tree_keys, flist$x_flist_keys); !*/ ! End of modification */ create_key_map_list ("FLIST$MESSAGES_KEY_MAP_LIST", flist$x_user_keys, flist$x_messages_keys, flist$x_flist_keys); !/* Peter Galbraith ADD-ON set(undefined_key, "FLIST$TREE_KEY_MAP_LIST", "flist$undefined_key(last_key)"); set(undefined_key, "FLIST$VIEW_KEY_MAP_LIST", "flist$undefined_key(last_key)"); set(undefined_key, "FLIST$MAIN_KEY_MAP_LIST", "flist$undefined_key(last_key)"); set(undefined_key, "FLIST$DIR_KEY_MAP_LIST", "flist$undefined_key(last_key)"); set(undefined_key, "FLIST$HELP_KEY_MAP_LIST", "flist$undefined_key(last_key)"); set(undefined_key, "FLIST$MESSAGES_KEY_MAP_LIST", "flist$undefined_key(last_key)"); !End of ADD-ON */ save("BINDIR:FLIST.TPU$SECTION"); quit;