% Librarian A09-22b'6877)5/8BROWSEFLISTZL1 FLIST - Directory EditorM FLIST (directory management system/file-list) permits the user to sortM directories, examine files, delete rename or alter the protection code on# files, all via a dynamic display. Format: FLIST [*.*;*]2 /AFTER /AFTER=time Same as /SINCE.B Selects only those files that are dated after the specified time.K You must specify an absolute time. See Section 2.5 in the VAX/VMS DCLK Dictionar y (or access the HELP topic SPECIFY) for complete information onK specifying time values. You can also use the keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY.2 /ALL (D) J Read directory entries for all filenames, even if insufficient privilege.2 /BACKUP K Selects files according to the dates of their most recent backup. ThisK qualifier is relevant only when used with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier.K Use of the /BACKUP qualifier is incompatible with /CREATED, / EXPIRED, and% /MODIFIED. /CREATED is the default." /BACKUP implicitly sets /DBACKUP.2 /BEFORE /BEFORE=timeC Selects only those files that are dated before the specified time.K You must specify an absolute time. See Section 2.5 in the VAX/VMS DCLK Dictionary (or access the HELP topic SPECIFY) for complete information onK specifying time values. You can also use the keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY.2 /COMMAND K Read commands from th e specified file (default FLIST.CMD in your login3 directory). On end-of-file, resume interactively.2 /CREATED K Selects files based on their date of creation. This qualifier is relevantK only when used with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier. Use of the /CREATEDK qualifier is incompatible with /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. /CREATED is the default.2 /DBACKUP , Show backup dates instead of creation dates2 /DREVISED 3 Show file revision dates instead of creation dates2 /FAST 8 Suppress all fields other than the filename (*3 faster)2 /LOG K Record commands, informational- and error- messages in a log-file (default$ FLIST.LOG in your login directory).2 /MODIFIED K Selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified.K This qualifier is relevant only when used with the /BEFORE or /SINCEK qualifier. Use of the /MODIFIED qualifier is incompatible with /BACKUP, 2 /CREATED, and /EXPIRED. /CREATED is the default.$ /MODIFIED implicitly sets /DREVISED2 /NOALL 1 Suppress filename if no privilege for other data2 /NODATE  Suppress creation-date+time2 /NOFAST (D) C Open each file to obtain auxiliary information (e.g., date, size).2 /NOOWNER  Suppress display of owner code2 /NOPROTECTION $ Suppress display of protection mask2 /NOSIZE Suppress allocation (size) data2 /NOVERSIONS ' Show only highest version of each file2 /SINCE /SINCE=timeB Selects only those files that are dated after the specified time.K You must specify an absolute time. See Section 2.5 in the VAX/VMS DCLK Dictionary (or access the HELP topic SPECIFY) for complete information onK specifying time values. You can also use the keywords TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY.2 Commands K FLIST's commands are listed below (capital letters indicate the allowable abbreviation).* Main Alternate DescriptionK -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Help ?help Show this helpfile.K Quit CTRL/Z Quit the current directory level. A numericK argument causes FLIST to quit that many$ timesK SHell Spawn DECShell process, return to FLIST on%  LOGOFFK SPawn Spawn new process, return to FLIST on LOGOFFK -------------------------------------------------------------------------D (The following use arguments; most imply the current entry)K -------------------------------------------------------------------------F APpend Append the current file to the argumentD COpy Copy the current file to the argumentE CReate Create the sp ecified file or directory6 DELete Delete the current fileK Edit Edit (if file), else enter new directory% level.K Find Search for the filename specified as' argumentD Inspect Inspect files, showing source-format.F Browse Run BROWSE to display the current file.F Next CTRL/N Search for next occurrence of filename.E NFind Search for entry not matching pattern.= PRint Enqueue the file to be printed9 PROtect CTRL/P Enter protection-code editH PURge Delete lower versions of the current fileK REName Rename the current file (requires arguments)F Submit Submit the current file as a BATCH job., View EDIT/READONLYK -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------2 Direction K /FORWARD and /BACKWARD set the current-direction flag, used by /PAGE toK determine the direction of scrolling. Each of these commands accepts aK single argument: number of lines. If no argument is given, the amount of scrolling is one screen.2 Display K The only fixed-fields in FLIST's display format are the filename,K filetype and version. The pathname for the current-file is automaticallyK displayed in the summary line. The "/d"-commands alter the DATE-field toK alternate formats to permit different date-sorting. The "/columns"K command permits the user to set the display to any combination of fields$ for which FLIST has read the data:K -------------------------------------------------------------------------= /Dcreated Toggle date-display to CREATED< /DBackup Toggle date-display to BACKUP= /DRevised Toggle date-display to REVISED7 /DShort Set date to short-formatE /DLong Show date in long (day-of-week) formatK -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 /Columns (see keyword list)7 /CLeft Rotates list to the left8 /CRight Rotates list to the right9 /CWIDTH Set name.type column width G /TImes Display, reset elapsed, actual CPU timesK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 KeywordsI Column keywords include: ALLOC, BACKUP, CREATED, DATE, EXPIRED,I FORMAT, ID, LENGTH, MASK, OWNER, PATH, REVISED, SIZE, USER and XAB= (record attributes). For example, the standard display is:1 /columns size date maskI Only the first character of each keyword need be given. If an a steriskI "*" is given, the entire prior list is entered. This provides a) convenient means to append to the list.3 WidthI FLIST normally sets the displayed width of the filename and filetype toI the maximum of any file in the list, so that all names and types willI fall into columns. Under VMS 4.x, name- and type-components may beI quite long (39 characters each). The resulting display may not fitI well on your terminal. You may override the column-width by the /CWIDTH command: /CWIDTH n.t for example /CWIDTH 9.3I If you do not give an argument, FLIST resets the display to its default, state; either "n" or "t" may be defaulted.2 Hierarchy K FLIST permits you to enter up to eight display levels (counting theK original invocation). FLIST assumes a new level if you EDIT a directory,K if your EDIT command implies a wildcard (e.g., inexplicit versionK number), or if you  explicitly edit a directory which is not in theK current display list. Column settings are inherited as you enter a new" level, and restored as you exit.K On entry to a new level, the date-selection options are reset (i.e.,K "/BEFORE" and "/SINCE"). You may use the date-selection options in your- initial EDIT-directory call on a new level.2 Keypad K The keypad functions provided by FLIST are, where possible, analogous toK the ones of the EDT edit or. Those indicated in "{...}" differ from the4 functions afforded by typing the command directly:K {recall} - retrieves the prior command text. The "-" (non-keypad)K itself does only a one-level recall. The command historyK stores up to 30 levels. Once in command-edit, up/down arrows< may be used to select a previous command-string.K /mark and /nomark - select/deselect a file entry for successive fixed-point sorting.8 Key (Without GOLD) (With GOLD)K -------------------------------------------------------------------------3 PF1 {GOLD} {GOLD}1 PF2 HELP HELP1 PF3 NEXT FIND4 PF4 /CLEFT /CRIGHT3 0 /SNAME /RNAME3 1 /STYPE /RTYPE3 2 /SDATE  /RDATE3 3 /SSIZE /RSIZE1 4 /FORWARD 0 /END1 5 /BACKWARD 0 /TOP3 6 ?TIMES /TIMES1 7 EDIT VIEW/ 8 /PAGE {}9 9 BROWSE BROWSE/O:3/M5 - {recall} {recall}/ , ?MEMORY {}4 .  /MARK /NOMARK5 ENTER {return} {return}K -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Line-editing K Any non-editing command may be given to FLIST by typing the abbreviationK (with printable characters) next to the file. These commands areK terminated with an ENTER or RETURN. All printing characters are echoedK (and highlighted, if the terminal permits). The input command  may be edited:( Key (also) OperationK -------------------------------------------------------------------------H {printing} Insert printing characters at the cursor.G {backspace} {keypad-0} Move to the beginning of the input line.A CTRL/E {keypad-2} Move to the end of the input line.> CTRL/D {left-arrow} Move the cursor left one column? CTRL/F {right-arrow} Move the cursor right one columnK {delete}  Delete the character before the cursor% point.H {line-feed} Delete the "word" before the cursor point> ENTER {return} Complete the command, issue it.1 CTRL/U CTRL/X Abort the command.K -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Pathname K As you move your cursor up or down through the display list, FLIST setsK the default directory to m atch that of the current file. The default/ directory's name is shown in the status line.K You need not specify the pathname (device+directory) of files which areK in the default directory while performing operations upon them.K Furthermore, if your command implicitly affects only files within theK display list (e.g., FIND), then if you do not specify a pathname, then' FLIST treats it as a wildcard ("*:").K Commands which are not limited to operating upon t !he current contents ofK the display list (e.g., EDIT, COPY, RENAME) do not use this% implicit-wildcard for the pathname.2 Protection K Protection edit-mode is entered either by typing PROtect or CTRL/P. IfK the first (i.e., no arguments), the changes made in the edit will be# saved for last-command retrieval.K Protection fields are edited using the following commands, aimed at the& flag at the current cursor position:( Key (al "so) OperationK -------------------------------------------------------------------------. {up-arrow} Enable the flag/ down-arrow} Disable the flag( {left-arrow} CTRL/D Move left) {right-arrow} CTRL/F Move rightI y Y Enable the entire group (for command-copy)7 n N Disable the entire group1 , Move to next groupF ENTER {return} Compl #ete the command, change protection0 CTRL/U CTRL/X Abort the command+ ? PF2 Help-displayK -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Refresh K The following commands are used to update the FLIST database/display-list:* Main Alternate DescriptionK -------------------------------------------------------------------------K Read Re-read di $rectory (or if argument, new' entries)I Update Re-read directory, forcing database updateJ VErify CTRL/V Scan to remove files other programs deletedK -------------------------------------------------------------------------; CTRL/R Re-read/refresh current line5 CTRL/W Refresh screen-displayD CTRL/K Dump a copy of screen to SNAPSHOT.CRTK -------- %-----------------------------------------------------------------K /HOLd Prompt after all spawned commands (e.g.,$ EDIT)I /NOHold No prompt after spawned commands (default)K -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Scrolling * Main Alternate DescriptionK -------------------------------------------------------------------------G /TOP CTR&L/T Move (scrolling) to the top of the list.G /END CTRL/E Move (scrolling) to the end of the list.9 /Forward CTRL/F Scroll forward one screen.: /Backward CTRL/B Scroll backward one screen.G /Page Scroll one screen (direction: /F or /B)= /Home Move to the top of the screen.@ /Middle Move to the middle of the screen.I /Low Move to last file entry ' on current screen.5 {backspace} {up-arrow} Move to previous line.= {return} {down-arrow} Move to next line (also ENTER)K {number} Move to specified index in file listK (trailing sign permitted for relative) movement).K / Scroll to put current line to top of screen.K -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Sortin (g K Name-fields are sorted in increasing order, while numbers (includingK dates) are sorted in decreasing order. The "/r" sorts reverse this. AK single file may be set as a "fixed-point" during the sort (either by theK keypad ".", or by another "/" before the sort command, e.g., "//sn"). IfK fixed-point, then after sorting the cursor is returned to the selected file.* Normal Reverse DescriptionK ---------------------------------------- )---------------------------------K /SPath /RPath Sort by PATH name, then name, type, version.A /Sname /Rname Sort by file NAME, then path, etc.G /SType /RType Sort by file TYPE, then path, name, etc.. /SVersion /RVersion Sort by VERSIONK -------------------------------------------------------------------------5 /SAlloc /RAlloc Sort by ALLOCated size2 /SBackup /RBackup Sort by BACKUP date3 /SCreated * /RCreated Sort by CREATED date+ /SDate /RDate Sort by DATE3 /SExpired /RExpired Sort by EXPIRED date7 /SFormat /RFormat Sort by FORMAT (of file)B /SHour /RHour Sort by HOUR (of current "/D" mode). /SId /RId Sort by file-id4 /SLength /RLength Sort by record-length6 /SMask /RMask Sort by protection MASK, /SOwner /ROwner Sort by OWNER3 /SRevised /RRevised Sort by + REVISED date+ /SSize /RSize Sort by SIZE= /SUser /RUser Sort by file owner's user name2 /SWeek /RWeek Sort by day of WEEK8 /SXab /RXab Sort by record attributesK -------------------------------------------------------------------------H /MARk Select the current file as a fixed point.; /NOMark Deselect the fix-point file.K ------------------------------------------------------ ,-------------------2 Status K The following commands display status information known to FLIST, which. is not easily determinable by other methods:K -------------------------------------------------------------------------C ?Columns Shows the display-columns names (cf: "/columns").1 ?Date Shows the current date and time.1 ?Find Shows the current target of NEXT/ ?help Shows the help-file for FLIST.F ?Level Shows the c -urrent nesting-level of FLIST (cf: QUIT).G ?Memory Shows the amount of dynamic memory allocated by FLIST.A ?Read Shows the read-list and current option settings.B ?Size Shows the total block-count of files in the list.@ ?Times Shows elapsed, actual CPU times, amount of I/O.; ?Version Shows the version and build-date of FLIST.K -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Substitution K The text of a visi .ble command is directed to the current-file entry. In4 most cases, the order of arguments is unambiguous:? DELETE - no arguments, simply delete the current-file2 RENAME - one argument, the new-file nameK In some commands, the order must be specified more precisely (e.g., COPY,K APPEND). FLIST uses the "/O" and "/" tokens to accomplish this. TheK first occurrence of the "/" token in the argument list causes the currentK filename to be implicitly placed a /t that point, and all succeeding textK after it. The filename is normally placed at the end of the command.K The "/O" prefix, on the other hand, causes the current filename to beI omitted from the command string expansion (unless a "/" token is used).K Components of the current filename may be copied by the user inK substitution performed by FLIST when executing a command. For example,1 if the file entry is DBC4:[DICKEY]FLIST.EXE;34,3 /P substitu 0tes the path, "DBC4:[DICKEY]"+ /N substitutes the name, "FLIST") /T substitutes the type, "EXE"+ /V substitutes the version, "34"K The "." and ";" punctuation must be supplied by the user if a filename is3 to be constructed by substitution, e.g., "/N./T".ww'1 BROWSEM BROWSE is a versatile browsing program. It permits left/right up/downM scrolling and a variety of display formats. Most commands areM single-c1haracter. It is case-independent (maps the alphabet to the set of control characters). Format:! BROWSE filespec [options]2 /BGK Initialize a Bitgraph terminal to permit BROWSE to present a 65-line display. 2 /COMMANDK Read commands from a file (default is BROWSE.CMD, in your login2 directory), resume interactively on end-of-file.2 /JOINK The JOIN option directs BROWSE to join (in the display) records which doK not end in either line-feed o 2r form-feed. Normally, one or more display lines is used for each record.2 /MARKSK The MARKS option directs BROWSE to show the file-address andK record-number of each record. Records containing an embedded line-feedK are split across more than one display line. If the file containsK records split in this manner, both the line number (modulo 100) and2 record number are displayed by the MARKS option.2 /OVERK The OVER option directs BROWSE to show 3non-printing characters and toK unwrap overstrikes. If /OVER=2 is specified, all nonprinting characters are shown as ".". 2 /SQUEEZEK The SQUEEZE option directs BROWSE to discard blank records when theyB follow other blank records. This squeezes out most blank lines.2 /TRIMK The TRIM option directs BROWSE to omit trailing blanks in the J-command (jump to next end-of-line).2 /WIDEK If WIDE is set, BROWSE assumes that the terminal is in 132-column mode,0 ev 4en though no SET TERMINAL was done for this.2 Quit Exit from BROWSE by typing Q.2 Help? A help-screen is displayed after typing "?" or PF2 (cf: EDT). 2 Scrolling# T scroll to top of file.# E scroll to end of file.5 F scroll forward by a full-screen (space).. B scroll backward by a full-screen.2 U scroll up by a 1/2 screen (up-arrow).6 D scroll down by a 1/2 screen (down-arrow).1 L scroll left 1/2 screen (left- 5arrow).3 R scroll right 1/2 screen (right-arrow).8 I in ruler-mode, move cursor to next tab stopK J in ruler-mode, move cursor to next end-of-line. Otherwise,K scroll left/right to put the end of the longest line on-screen.K H scroll left to Home-column (or to absolute column given by argument).K {number} Set column for H, number of columns for L or R, or8 repeat- 6factor for other scrolling commands. 2 Searching / search for a string) \ search backward for a string2 N search for next occurrence of string.6 P search for previous occurrence of string. CTRL/X aborts search/skip.2 Miscellaneous( K Copy screen to SNAPSHOT.CRT6 M Toggle MARK mode (active if /MARK option)9 O Toggle OVER mode (3 states if /OVER, else 2)$ V Display current version0 ^ Toggle MARK mode (even if /NOMARK).K _ Toggle "ruler-mode". The arrow keys move the cursor directly.B The line and column number are continually displayed.# W refresh display windowww%  DICKEY FLISTBROWSE