!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Program: Freeware_menu ! System : FREEWARE CD-ROM ! Author : Daniel Esbensen ! Date : 16-AUG-1994 ! Purpose: User interface for the Freeware CD-ROM ! Updated: Stephen Hoffman 15-Dec-1998 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 900 ! category data max_cats = 30 dim cats(max_cats) dim cats$(max_cats) menu_title$ = '%at 1,1,%title "OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM V4.0",' & + '%heading "http://www.openvms.digital.com",' & + '%heading "", "General"={"Freeware Read Me","Search",' & + '"Show All Packages","Freeware Submission Process","Freeware Contributors", ' & + '"Copyright Notice","Help","Exit"}, ' try_it$ = '%at 10,20, %title "Try this package?", "yes","no"' first_disp_line = 2 hline$ = chr$(0) desc_len = 50 ! maximum menu description length 1000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! M a i n l o g i c a r e a !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear ask pagesize maxpage set messageline maxpage maxpage = maxpage - 2 ! (go for a shorter pagesize) ask margin maxscreen message 'Initializing Freeware CD-ROM Menu System...' open structure menu_info: name 'freeware$loc:menu_info' build_menus message delay: 'Freeware Menu System -- Written in INTOUCH 4GL' 2000 last_choice$ = '' do message 'Use ARROW keys to navigate, RETURN to select. ' + & 'LEFT-ARROW goes to Main Menu' line input menu main_menu$, default last_choice$: choice$ if _exit then exit do if _help then do_help last_choice$ = '' repeat do end if last_choice$ = _string process_choice loop 9999 stop 12000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! B U I L D M E N U S !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Build the interactive menus for the user ! ! Expected: ! menu_info() = menu information structure ! cats$() = package names within each category ! cats() = number of packages in a given category ! ! Results: ! cats$(), cats() are set up ! categories$ = list of categories !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine build_menus setup_categories main_menu$ = menu_title$ for catidx = 1 to elements(categories$) cat$ = element$(categories$, catidx) sub_menu$ = quote$(cat$) + '={' + cats$(catidx) + '}' main_menu$ = main_menu$ + sub_menu$ + ',' next catidx main_menu$ = left(main_menu$, len(main_menu$)-1) end routine 12100 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! P R O C E S S C H O I C E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Process the user's choice of a package ! ! Expected: ! choice$ = user's choice ! ! Results: ! The chosen package is described and (if available) ! an offer to run a demo of the package is made. !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine process_choice select case ucase$(choice$) case 'SEARCH' clear print at 1,1, reverse, bold: cpad$('Search for a Package', 80); do_search clear case 'SHOW ALL PACKAGES' show_all clear case 'COPYRIGHT NOTICE' do_copyright clear case 'FREEWARE CONTRIBUTORS' do_contributors clear case 'FREEWARE SUBMISSION PROCESS' do_submission_process clear case 'FREEWARE READ ME' do_freeware_read_me clear case else process_package end select end routine 12300 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O S E A R C H !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Search for a given package ! ! Expected: ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_search message & 'Enter package name (use "*" for wildcard searches, CTRL/Z to exit)' line input 'Package name (or search pattern)', at 4,1, erase, & default spattern$: spattern$ if _exit or _back or _reply = '' then exit routine if _help then do_help repeat routine end if low_level_search if _error then repeat routine line input menu smenu$: choice$ if _exit or _back or _reply = '' then exit routine if _help then do_help repeat routine end if process_package end routine 12350 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! L O W L E V E L S E A R C H !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Do a low-level search ! ! Expected: ! spattern$ = search pattern (VMS style) ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! smenu$ = search menu (filled with FOUND items) ! _error = true if an error !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine low_level_search real_pat$ = ucase$(spattern$) real_pat$ = replace$(real_pat$, '~*=?**') ! VMS wild_card format search_for_pattern if _extracted = 0 then message error: 'No match for '; spattern$ exit routine end if smenu$ [1:1] = '' smenu$ = '%title "Pattern Matches for ' + spattern$ +'"' & + ',%at 4,10,' + smenu$ end routine 12375 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! S H O W A L L !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Show all packages ! ! Expected: ! nothing ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! A package is displayed !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine show_all out_pagesize = 60 package_tab = 1 category_tab = 17 desc_tab = 33 message 'Building Freeware CD-ROM Package Listing...' out_ch = _channel open #out_ch: name 'sys$scratch:show_all', unique, access output set #out_ch: margin maxscreen ask #out_ch: name out_file$ pagecount = 0 lcount = 9999 extract structure menu_info if lcount > out_pagesize then show_all_heading lcount = lcount + 1 print #out_ch: tab(package_tab); menu_info(package); & tab(category_tab); menu_info(category); & tab(desc_tab); left(menu_info(desc), maxscreen-desc_tab) end extract close #out_ch u_str$ = out_file$ ask margin u_scr_width% tti_delete_after_print = true message '' prnt_ask_option end routine 12387 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! S H O W A L L H E A D I N G !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Build up the heading line for SHOW_ALL ! ! Expected: ! *_tab = tab locations ! maxscreen = maximum screen width ! pagecount = page counter ! out_ch = output channel ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! heading lines are generated !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine show_all_heading z0$ = space$(maxscreen) pagecount = pagecount + 1 lset z0$ = 'Show All Packages' cset fill '': z0$ = 'OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM' rset fill '': z0$ = 'Page: ' + str$(pagecount) print #out_ch: chr$(12);z0$; hline$ print #out_ch: hline$ print #out_ch: tab(package_tab); 'Package'; & tab(category_tab); 'Category'; & tab(desc_tab); 'Description'; hline$ print #out_ch: tab(package_tab); repeat$('-', 15); & tab(category_tab); repeat$('-', 15); & tab(desc_tab); repeat$('-',maxscreen-desc_tab); hline$ lcount = 4 end routine 12400 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! S E A R C H F O R P A T T E R N !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Search for a pattern ! ! Expected: ! spattern$ = what to search for ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! _extracted = number of packages found ! smenu$ = pattern search menu of choices !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine search_for_pattern smenu$ = '' message 'Searching for '; spattern$;'...' extract structure menu_info include (pattern(menu_info(package), real_pat$) > 0) or & (pattern(ucase$(menu_info(desc)), real_pat$) > 0) package$ = menu_info(package) smenu$ = smenu$ + ',' & + quote$(package$ + ' - ' & + menu_info(desc)[1:desc_len]) + '=' & + quote$(package$) end extract message '' end routine 13000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! S E T U P C A T E G O R I E S !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Set up categories and their packages ! ! Expected: ! menu_info() = menu information ! cats$() = package names within each category ! cats() = number of packages in a given category ! ! Results: ! cats$(), cats() are set up ! categories$ = list of categories !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine setup_categories categories$ = '' extract structure menu_info sort by menu_info(category) sort by menu_info(package) end extract for each menu_info build_category next menu_info categories$ = left(categories$, len(categories$)-1) for i = 1 to elements(categories$) z0$ = cats$(i) cats$(i) = left(z0$, len(z0$)-1) next i end routine 14000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! B U I L D C A T E G O R Y !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Given a menu)info() record, build up the category ! ! Expected: ! menu_info() record is current ! categories$ = list of known categories ! cats$() = stored categories with each package ! ! Results: ! cats$() and categories$ are updated. !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine build_category cat$ = menu_info(category) package$ = menu_info(package) catidx = match(categories$, cat$) if catidx = 0 then categories$ = categories$ + cat$ + ',' catidx = match(categories$, cat$) end if cats(catidx) = cats(catidx) + 1 cats$(catidx) = cats$(catidx) & + quote$(package$ + ' - ' & + menu_info(desc)[1:desc_len]) + '=' & + quote$(package$) + ',' end routine 19000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! P R O C E S S P A C K A G E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Process a given package name ! ! Expected: ! choice$ = name of the package ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine process_package set structure menu_info, field package: key choice$ if _extracted = 0 then message error: 'Package missing: '; choice$ exit routine end if loc$ = 'freeware$cd:' + menu_info(dir) disp_location$ = loc$ display_file$ = loc$ + 'freeware_readme.txt' display_file if _exit then exit routine if menu_info(demo_txt) <> 'Y' then exit routine display_file$ = loc$ + 'freeware_demo.txt' display_file if _exit then exit routine if menu_info(demo_com) <> 'Y' then exit routine message menu_info(desc) line input menu try_it$: ans$ if _exit or ans$ <> 'yes' then exit routine ask window: current z0$ clear pass 'set control=y' pass '@' + loc$ + 'freeware_demo.com' pass 'set nocontrol=y' delay clear set window: current z0$ end routine 49000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O H E L P !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Tell a bit about this menu system and how to use it ! ! Expected: ! nothing ! ! Results: ! Help is displayed !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_help display_file$ = 'freeware$loc:freeware_help.txt' display_file end routine 49100 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O C O P Y R I G H T !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Tell a bit about this menu system and how to use it ! ! Expected: ! nothing ! ! Results: ! Help is displayed !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_copyright display_file$ = 'freeware$loc:freeware_copyright.txt' display_file end routine 49200 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O C O N T R I B U T O R S !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Tell a bit about this menu system and how to use it ! ! Expected: ! nothing ! ! Results: ! Help is displayed !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_contributors display_file$ = 'freeware$loc:freeware_contributors.txt' display_file end routine 49300 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O S U B M I S S I O N _ P R O C E S S !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Tell a bit about this menu system and how to use it ! ! Expected: ! nothing ! ! Results: ! Help is displayed !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_submission_process display_file$ = 'freeware$loc:freeware_submission_instructions.txt' display_file end routine 49400 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O F R E E W A R E R E A D M E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Tell a bit about this menu system and how to use it ! ! Expected: ! nothing ! ! Results: ! Help is displayed !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_freeware_read_me display_file$ = 'freeware$loc:freeware_read_me.txt' display_file end routine 50000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D I S P L A Y F I L E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Display a text file ! ! Expected: ! display_file$ = the name of the file to be displayed ! disp_location$ = package location (cleared on exit) ! maxpage = maximum number of lines to display on a screen ! ! Results: ! The screen is saved. The file is displayed. The ! screen is restored. !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine display_file pack_location$ = disp_location$ disp_location$ = '' ask window: current disp_window$ pagecount = 0 do_newpage disp_ch = _channel open #disp_ch: name display_file$ do line input #disp_ch, eof eof?: dline$ if eof? then exit do if dline$ = chr$(12) then do_newpage if _exit then exit do repeat do end if if lcount > maxpage then do_newpage if _exit then exit do end if lcount = lcount + 1 display_line loop close #disp_ch if lcount > first_disp_line then delay set window: current disp_window$ end routine 50100 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D I S P L A Y L I N E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Display a test line. Anything between {} will be "highlighted" ! ! Expected: ! lcount = where to display the line ! dline$ = dataline to be displayed ! ! Locals: ! ! Results: ! The data line is displayed. The parts between {} are ! highlighted. !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine display_line print at lcount,1:; do z0 = pos(dline$, '{') z1 = pos(dline$, '}') if z0 = 0 and z1 = 0 then print dline$ exit do end if print left(dline$, z0-1); print reverse,bold: dline$[z0+1:z1-1]; dline$ = mid(dline$, z1+1) loop end routine 51000 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! D O N E W P A G E !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! Brief description: ! Build a new page ! ! Expected: ! pagecount = current screen page ! first_disp_line = line# for the first text on a screen ! pack_location$ = package location ! ! Results: ! screen is cleared ! lcount is initialized !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% routine do_newpage if pagecount > 0 then delay clear pagecount = pagecount + 1 if pack_location$ <> '' then print at 1,1, reverse, bold: & cpad$('Package Location: ' + pack_location$, 80); end if lcount = first_disp_line end routine 999900 %include 'freeware$loc:print_option.inc' 999999 end