%title 'glob' module glob ( ident = 'V1.08', main=glob, addressing_mode (external=general) ) = begin ! ! **************************************************************************** ! * * ! * Copyright (c) 1984, 1986 * ! * by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. * ! * * ! * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied * ! * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other * ! * copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any * ! * other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby * ! * transferred. * ! * * ! * The information in this software is subject to change without notice * ! * and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment * ! * Corporation. * ! * * ! * Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its * ! * software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital. * ! * * ! **************************************************************************** ! !++ ! ! Facility: GLOB - global symbol extractor ! ! Abstract: Forms a list of symbols to be made universal, or declared ! as external literals, or whatever. ! ! UNIVERSAL SYMBOL LISTER: ! ! When building a shareable library, it's often a problem ! to include UNIVERSAL=xxxx link options for all global ! symbols which should be made universal. GLOB helps to ! solve that problem: ! ! 1) Perform an initial linking operation in order to get an ! .STB file with all global symbol definitions (UNIV=* is ! only legal by virtue of the /NOEXE) ! ! e.g. $ LINK /SHARE/NOEXE/SYMBOLS=FOO FOO,BAR,SYS$INPUT:/OPTIONS ! UNIVERSAL=* ! ! 2) Then, run GLOB on the .STB file to produce a file containing ! all the UNIVERSAL options you need (and only those you need). ! ! e.g. $ RUN GLOB ! _Language: UNIV ! _Facility: FOO$ ! _File: FOO ! ! The default input filetype is .STB; the output file has the ! same name as the input, but with filetype .OPT instead. ! ! 3) Finally, do the real link, including the UNIVERSAL options ! in the options input (note that if you have any other options ! such as CLUSTER they should probably precede the .OPT) ! ! e.g. $ LINK /SHARE=FOOSHR FOO,BAR,FOO.OPT/OPTIONS ! ! ! PARAMETER LISTER: ! ! The main use for this mode is to prepare a list of ! condition codes to be declared as EXTERNAL LITERALs ! in a Bliss program, or in #DEFINEs in a C program, ! or whatever. ! ! Supported languages are: Basic, Bliss, C, Cobol, DCL, ! Fortran, Pascal, PLI. ! ! 1) Compile the message source to get an object module which ! contains the condition code symbols. It's irrelevant ! whether the .OBJ contains the message text (/FILE_NAME ! and /TEXT can be used any way you wish) but the condition ! values must be global symbols (don't use /NOSYMBOLS). ! ! e.g. $ MESSAGE FOO/FILE_NAME=FOOMSG ! ! 2) Now run GLOB to extract the symbols definitions and produce ! a file containing definitions appropriate to your language. ! ! e.g. $ RUN GLOB ! _Language: BLISS ! _Facility: FOO$ ! _File: FOO ! ! The default filetypes depend on the language specified. ! ! 3) Finally, all you have to do is to use the require file in ! your program or library. ! ! e.g. REQUIRE 'FOO'; if the language is Bliss. ! ! ! ROLL YOUR OWN MODE: ! ! In case neither of the above modes is quite what you're ! looking for, and you don't really feel like hacking the ! sources of GLOB, then there's a mode of operation which ! simply extracts global symbols from a .OBJ or .STB file ! and writes them to a text file... you can then edit this ! file, or run it through a DCL procedure, or whatever. ! ! e.g. $ RUN GLOB ! _Language: NULL ! _Facility: FOO$ ! _File: FOO ! ! The default input filetype is .OBJ; the output file will ! have type .TMP and with the same name as the input. ! ! ! Environment: VAX/VMS ! Can be run either with RUN or by means of the DCL ! foreign command interface. ! ! Author: Dave Porter ! European Network Engineering ! ! Created: 27-Apr-1984 ! ! Modified by: ! ! 1.01 01-May-1984 Dave Porter ! . Add a '$' to facility name if not specified ! . Don't pass entry point names to GOT_SYM - these should ! be in tranfer vectors and hence universal anyway (ta, Dave ! Garrod) ! ! 1.02 25-May-1984 Dave Porter ! Make it possible to produce external literal definitions as ! well. Add NULL mode while we're at it. ! ! 1.03 15-Jun-1984 Dave Porter ! Use .OPT instead of .UNV for output filetype for mode U. ! ! 1.04 02-Jul-1984 Dave Porter ! Error on closing output file was incorrectly signalled ! as glob$_closin ! ! ! 1.05 04-Oct-1984 Dave Porter ! In 'U' and 'E' mode, only output absolute symbols. This ! is a hack to prevent names of 'internal global data' ! symbols from being passed to the outside world. It's not ! clear that this solution is generally the right thing to ! do, so I might have to rework this later. ! ! 1.06 17-Feb-1986 Dave Porter ! Add support for Basic, C, Cobol, DCL, Fortran, Pascal and ! PLI, so that Dave Garrod can use this program rather than ! his slow old .COM file. ! ! 1.07 3-Oct-1989 Dave Porter ! Add language 'vaxc' to generate 'globalvalue' definitions. ! ! 1.08 4-Oct-1989 Dave Porter ! Don't add a '$' to facility name if it ends with underscore; ! this is a hack to accommodate users who don't have dollar ! signs in symbols. ! !-- %sbttl 'well i do declare' ! ! Include files: ! library 'sys$library:starlet'; library 'sys$library:tpamac'; ! ! External references: ! external routine str$append, str$copy_r, lib$tparse, lib$get_foreign, lib$matchc; ! ! Forward references: ! forward routine got_sym; ! ! Error codes (using the shareable messages) ! - we have to swipe the CLI facility code (3) because use of shared ! messages requires a 'known' facility ! $shr_msgdef ( glob, 3, local, (openin, severe), (openout, severe), (closein, severe), (closeout, severe), (readerr, severe), (writeerr, severe), (badlogic, severe) ); ! ! Standard descriptor ! structure descrip [o, p, s, e; n=8] = [n] (descrip+o)
; ! ! Preset for a null dynamic descriptor ! macro preset_dynamic (dummy) = preset ( [dsc$b_class] = dsc$k_class_d, [dsc$b_dtype] = dsc$k_dtype_t, [dsc$w_length] = 0, [dsc$a_pointer] = 0 ) % ; ! ! Preset for a static descriptor. ! macro preset_static (string, length) = preset ( [dsc$b_class] = dsc$k_class_s, [dsc$b_dtype] = dsc$k_dtype_t, %if %length eql 0 %then [dsc$a_pointer] = 0, [dsc$w_length] = 0 %else %if %length eql 1 %then %if %isstring(string) %then [dsc$a_pointer] = uplit byte (string), [dsc$w_length] = %charcount (string) %else %error ('Argument to PRESET_STATIC must be string') %fi %else %if %length eql 2 %then [dsc$a_pointer] = (string), [dsc$w_length] = (length) %else %error ('Too many arguments to PRESET_STATIC') %fi %fi %fi ) % ; %sbttl 'mainline code' global routine glob = !++ ! Functional description: ! ! Reads an .STB file and prepares a file containing ! a list of likely-looking symbols, in either external ! literal or universal symbol format. ! ! Formal parameters: ! ! None (called as a foreign command) ! ! Routine value/completion code: ! ! Always exits with ss$_normal ! ! Signals: ! ! glob$_openin = error opening input file ! glob$_openout = error opening output file ! glob$_closein = error closing input file ! glob$_closeout = error closing output file ! glob$_readerr = file read error ! glob$_writeerr = file write error ! glob$_badlogic = we am broken ! !-- begin switches structure (ref vector[,byte]); compiletime num_modes = 0; macro $genmodes [] = literal $$$mode(%remaining); bind intyp = plit($$$intyp(%remaining)) : vector; bind outtyp = plit($$$outtyp(%remaining)) : vector; bind protyp = plit($$$protyp(%remaining)) : vector; % , $$$mode [modnam, in, out, proto] = %name(mode_, modnam) = %number(num_modes) %assign(num_modes, num_modes+1) % , $$$intyp [modnam, in, out, proto] = uplit byte (%ascic %string('.', in)) % , $$$outtyp [modnam, in, out, proto] = uplit byte (%ascic %string('.', out)) % , $$$protyp [modnam, in, out, proto] = %ascid %string(proto) % ; ! ! Define all supported modes of operation, the default filetypes ! for each of these modes, and the FAO string used to format the ! output in each case. ! $genmodes( null, obj, tmp, '!AC !XL', univ, stb, opt, 'UNIVERSAL=!AC', basic, obj, bas, 'EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT !AC', bliss, obj, req, 'EXTERNAL LITERAL !AC;', b32, obj, r32, 'EXTERNAL LITERAL !AC;', c, obj, h, '#define !AC 0x!XL', cobol, obj, lib, ' 88 !AC VALUE IS EXTERNAL !-!AC.', dcl, obj, com, '$ !AC == %X!XL', fortran, obj, for, '!_INTEGER*4 !AC!/!_PARAMETER (!-!AC = ''!XL''X)', pascal, obj, pas, '!_!AC = %X!XL;', pli, obj, pli, 'DECLARE (!AC) GLOBALREF VALUE FIXED BINARY STATIC;', vaxc, obj, h, 'globalvalue !AC;' ); ! ! Local data - referenced by TPARSE tables hence OWN ! own mode : initial(0), prompt : initial(0), fac_dsc : descrip preset_dynamic(), fil_dsc : descrip preset_dynamic(), cmd_dsc : descrip preset_dynamic(); ! ! More local data ! local status, tp_blk : block[tpa$k_length0,byte] initial(tpa$k_count0,tpa$m_abbrev), ! ! File input buffer, RMS structures, and expanded filespec buffer ! in_buf : vector[obj$c_maxrecsiz,byte], in_fab : $fab_decl, in_rab : $rab_decl, in_nam : $nam_decl, in_fil : vector[256,byte], in_dnm : ref vector[,byte], ! ! RMS structures, and expanded filespec buffer ! out_fab : $fab_decl, out_rab : $rab_decl, out_nam : $nam_decl, out_fil : vector[256,byte], out_dnm : ref vector[,byte], ! ! Descriptors for expanded filespecs, for use in error reports ! in_fil_dsc : descrip preset_static('?'), out_fil_dsc : descrip preset_static('?'), ! ! Format of output ! format : ref descrip; ! ! Action routine to parse end of line - prompt for more input ! (prompt string is given by the TPARSE 'parameter' cell) ! routine prs_eos = begin builtin ap; map ap : ref block[,byte]; local status; status = lib$get_foreign(cmd_dsc, .ap[tpa$l_param], 0, prompt); ap[tpa$l_stringptr] = .cmd_dsc[dsc$a_pointer]; ap[tpa$l_stringcnt] = .cmd_dsc[dsc$w_length]; .status end; ! ! Action routine to parse a string - copy to descriptor ! (destination string is given by the TPARSE 'parameter' cell) ! routine prs_str = begin builtin ap; map ap : ref block[,byte]; str$copy_r(.ap[tpa$l_param], ap[tpa$l_tokencnt], .ap[tpa$l_tokenptr]) end; ! ! State tables to parse 'lang fac_name file_spec' with prompting ! $init_state(tp_tbl, tp_key); $state(st_mod, (tpa$_eos, st_mod, prs_eos,,, %ascid'_Language: '), ('BASIC', st_fac, ,mode_basic, mode), ('BLISS', st_fac, ,mode_bliss, mode), ('B32', st_fac, ,mode_b32, mode), ('C*', st_fac, ,mode_c, mode), ('COBOL', st_fac, ,mode_cobol, mode), ('DCL', st_fac, ,mode_dcl, mode), ('NULL', st_fac, ,mode_null, mode), ('FORTRAN', st_fac, ,mode_fortran,mode), ('PASCAL', st_fac, ,mode_pascal, mode), ('PLI', st_fac, ,mode_pli, mode), ('UNIVERSAL', st_fac, ,mode_univ, mode), ('VAXC', st_fac, ,mode_vaxc, mode) ); $state(st_fac, (tpa$_eos, st_fac, prs_eos,,, %ascid'_Facility: '), ('*', st_fil), (tpa$_symbol, st_fil, prs_str,,, fac_dsc) ); $state(st_fil, (tpa$_eos, st_fil, prs_eos,,, %ascid'_File: '), ((the_rest), tpa$_exit, prs_str,,, fil_dsc) ); ! ! Subexpression to parse rest of the line ! $state(the_rest, (tpa$_eos, tpa$_fail), (tpa$_lambda) ); $state(the_rest_1, (tpa$_eos, tpa$_exit), (tpa$_any, the_rest_1) ); ! ! Get command line and parse it ! status = lib$tparse (tp_blk, tp_tbl, tp_key); if not .status then if .status eql rms$_eof then return ss$_normal else signal_stop(.status); ! ! Add a terminal '$' to the facility name ! if .fac_dsc[dsc$w_length] neq 0 then if .fac_dsc[dsc$a_pointer][.fac_dsc[dsc$w_length]-1] neq '$' and .fac_dsc[dsc$a_pointer][.fac_dsc[dsc$w_length]-1] neq '_' then str$append(fac_dsc, %ascid '$'); ! ! Set up mode-dependent parameters ! format = .protyp[.mode]; in_dnm = .intyp[.mode]; out_dnm = .outtyp[.mode]; ! ! Preset input and output file descriptors to file spec as read ! in_fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer] = out_fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer] = .fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer]; in_fil_dsc[dsc$w_length] = out_fil_dsc[dsc$w_length] = .fil_dsc[dsc$w_length]; ! ! Initialise for input file open ! $fab_init( fab=in_fab, nam=in_nam, fna=.fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer], fns=.fil_dsc[dsc$w_length], dna=in_dnm[1], dns=.in_dnm[0], fac=get, fop=sqo ); $nam_init( nam=in_nam, esa=in_fil, ess=255, rsa=in_fil, rss=255 ); $rab_init( fab=in_fab, rab=in_rab, ubf=in_buf, usz=obj$c_maxrecsiz ); ! ! Open input file, saving pointer to 'best' spec for future messages ! status = $open(fab=in_fab); if .in_nam[nam$b_rsl] neq 0 then begin in_fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer] = .in_nam[nam$l_rsa]; in_fil_dsc[dsc$w_length] = .in_nam[nam$b_rsl]; end else if .in_nam[nam$b_esl] neq 0 then begin in_fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer] = .in_nam[nam$l_esa]; in_fil_dsc[dsc$w_length] = .in_nam[nam$b_esl]; end; if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_openin, 1, in_fil_dsc, .in_fab[fab$l_sts], .in_fab[fab$l_stv]); ! ! Connect input record stream ! status = $connect(rab=in_rab); if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_openin, 1, in_fil_dsc, .in_fab[rab$l_sts], .in_fab[rab$l_stv]); ! ! Now initialise output data structures... same as input filespec ! but with different file type (depends on mode) ! $fab_init( fab=out_fab, nam=out_nam, dna=out_dnm[1], dns=.out_dnm[0], fac=put, fop=(ofp,sqo,tef), rfm=var, rat=cr ); $nam_init( nam=out_nam, esa=out_fil, ess=255, rsa=out_fil, rss=255, rlf=in_nam ); $rab_init( fab=out_fab, rab=out_rab ); ! ! Open output file ! status = $create(fab=out_fab); if .out_nam[nam$b_rsl] neq 0 then begin out_fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer] = .out_nam[nam$l_rsa]; out_fil_dsc[dsc$w_length] = .out_nam[nam$b_rsl]; end else if .out_nam[nam$b_esl] neq 0 then begin out_fil_dsc[dsc$a_pointer] = .out_nam[nam$l_esa]; out_fil_dsc[dsc$w_length] = .out_nam[nam$b_esl]; end; if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_openout, 1, out_fil_dsc, .out_fab[fab$l_sts], .out_fab[fab$l_stv]); ! ! Connect output record stream ! status = $connect(rab=out_rab); if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_openout, 1, out_fil_dsc, .out_fab[rab$l_sts], .out_fab[rab$l_stv]); ! ! Loop reading records from the file until there are no more to read ! while status = $get(rab=in_rab) do begin local ptr : ref block[,byte], endptr : ref block[,byte]; ! ! Point to start and end of record ! ptr = .in_rab[rab$l_rbf]; endptr = .ptr + .in_rab[rab$w_rsz]; ! ! If this record is a GSD record... ! if .ptr lssu .endptr and .ptr[obj$b_rectyp] eql obj$c_gsd then begin ptr = .ptr + 1; ! ! Process all sub-records, depending on the subtype. ! (We have to be able to understand them all, even if not ! symbol definitions, in order to be able to find the ! following sub-records) ! while .ptr lssu .endptr do case .ptr[0,0,8,0] from 0 to gsd$c_maxrectyp of set [obj$c_gsd_psc]: ! ! Psect definition ! ptr = ptr[gps$t_name] + .ptr[gps$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_spsc]: ! ! Psect from shareable library ! ptr = ptr[sgps$t_name] + .ptr[sgps$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_sym]: ! ! Symbol definition or reference ! if .ptr[gsy$v_def] then begin if not .ptr[gsy$v_rel] then got_sym(.format, out_rab, out_fil_dsc, fac_dsc, ptr[sdf$b_namlng], .ptr[sdf$l_value]); ptr = ptr[sdf$t_name] + .ptr[sdf$b_namlng]; end else ptr = ptr[srf$t_name] + .ptr[srf$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_symw]: ! ! Symbol definition - word psect ! begin if .ptr[gsy$v_def] then if not .ptr[gsy$v_rel] then got_sym(.format, out_rab, out_fil_dsc, fac_dsc, ptr[sdf$b_namlng], .ptr[sdf$l_value]); ptr = ptr[sdfw$t_name] + .ptr[sdfw$b_namlng]; end; [obj$c_gsd_lsy]: ! ! Local symbol definition/reference ! if .ptr[gsy$v_def] then ptr = ptr[lsdf$t_name] + .ptr[lsdf$b_namlng] else ptr = ptr[lsrf$t_name] + .ptr[lsrf$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_epm]: ! ! Entry point mask ! ptr = ptr[epm$t_name] + .ptr[epm$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_epmw]: ! ! Entry point mask - word psect ! ptr = ptr[epmw$t_name] + .ptr[epmw$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_lepm]: ! ! Local entry point mask ! ptr = ptr[lepm$t_name] + .ptr[lepm$b_namlng]; [obj$c_gsd_pro]: ! ! Procedure with formal argument definitions ! begin local arg; ptr = ptr[pro$t_name] + .ptr[pro$b_namlng]; arg = .ptr[fml$b_maxargs]; ptr = .ptr + 2; incr a from 1 to .arg do ptr = ptr[arg$b_bytecnt] + 1 + .ptr[arg$b_bytecnt]; end; [obj$c_gsd_prow]: ! ! Procedure with formal argument defs - word psect ! begin local arg; ptr = ptr[prow$t_name] + .ptr[prow$b_namlng]; arg = .ptr[fml$b_maxargs]; ptr = .ptr + 2; incr a from 1 to .arg do ptr = ptr[arg$b_bytecnt] + 1 + .ptr[arg$b_bytecnt]; end; [obj$c_gsd_lpro]: ! ! Local procedure with formal arg definitions ! begin local arg; ptr = ptr[lpro$t_name] + .ptr[lpro$b_namlng]; arg = .ptr[fml$b_maxargs]; ptr = .ptr + 2; incr a from 1 to .arg do ptr = ptr[arg$b_bytecnt] + 1 + .ptr[arg$b_bytecnt]; end; [obj$c_gsd_idc]: ! ! Identity check ! begin ptr = ptr[idc$t_name] + .ptr[idc$b_namlng]; ptr = ptr[1,0,8,0] + .ptr[0,0,8,0]; ptr = ptr[1,0,8,0] + .ptr[0,0,8,0]; end; [obj$c_gsd_env]: ! ! Environment definition/reference ! ptr = ptr[env$t_name] + .ptr[env$b_namlng]; [inrange, outrange]: ! ! Should never get here... ! signal(glob$_badlogic, 0); tes; ! ! End of processing a GSD record ! end; ! ! End of loop getting records from input file ! end; ! ! Check that it was EOF and not an error ! if .status neq rms$_eof then signal_stop(glob$_readerr, 1, in_fil_dsc, .in_rab[rab$l_sts], .in_rab[rab$l_stv]); ! ! Close down files ! status = $close(fab=in_fab); if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_closein, 1, in_fil_dsc, .in_fab[fab$l_sts], .in_fab[fab$l_stv]); status = $close(fab=out_fab); if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_closeout, 1, out_fil_dsc, .out_fab[fab$l_sts], .out_fab[fab$l_stv]); ! ! All done ! ss$_normal end; %sbttl 'process one symbol' routine got_sym ( format : ref descrip, out_rab : ref $rab_decl, out_fil_dsc : ref descrip, fac_dsc : ref descrip, symbol : ref vector[,byte], value : long ) = !++ ! Functional description: ! ! Processes one symbol definition. ! ! If the symbol name starts with 'fac$' but isn't an internal global ! of the form 'fac$$' then it will be written to the output file ! in a universal option ! ! Formal parameters: ! ! format.rt.dx = FAO string to compose output ! out_rab.mr.r = RAB for open output file ! out_fil_dsc.rt.dx1 = filespec for output file (for error messages) ! fac_dsc.rt.dx1 = facility name with appended $ ! symbol.rt.r = ascic string for symbol name ! value.rl.v = symbol value ! ! Routine value / completion codes: ! ! As returned from the file output (or ss$_normal if no I/O) ! ! Signals: ! ! glob$_writeerr = file write error ! !-- begin local status : initial (ss$_normal), op_buf : vector[80,byte] volatile, op_dsc : descrip preset_static (op_buf,80), ptr : initial(op_buf), len : initial(0); ! ! If this symbol is strictly longer than 'fac$' ! and it starts with 'fac$' ! if .symbol[0] gtr .fac_dsc[dsc$w_length] then if begin local tmp_dsc : descrip preset_static (symbol[1],.symbol[0]); lib$matchc(.fac_dsc, tmp_dsc) eql 1 end then begin ! ! format output data ! status = $faol ( outbuf=op_dsc, outlen=len, ctrstr=.format, prmlst=symbol ); if not .status then signal_stop (glob$_badlogic, 0, .status); ! ! output a line at a time (splitting around cr/lfs) ! while .len gtr 0 do begin local eol; eol = ch$find_sub(.len, .ptr, 2, uplit byte(%x'0d',%x'0a')); if .eol eql 0 then eol = .ptr + .len; out_rab[rab$w_rsz] = .eol - .ptr; out_rab[rab$l_rbf] = .ptr; len = .len + .ptr - (.eol + 2); ptr = .eol + 2; status = $put(rab=.out_rab); if not .status then signal_stop(glob$_writeerr, 1, .out_fil_dsc, .out_rab[rab$l_sts], .out_rab[rab$l_stv]); end; ! ! End of symbol output ! end; .status end; end eludom