l MGFTP022.EI MGFTP022.EbBACKUP/INTERCHANGE/BLOCK=8192 FTP_DOC_FILES.TXT,[-.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK,[-.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT,[-.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS,[-.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK,[-.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT,[-.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS,[-.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK,[-.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT,[-.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS,[-.DOC]LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF MGFTP022.E/SAVE GOATHUNTER 'tE7.1 _GENE:: _GENE$DKA100: V6.2  *[FTP.KIT]FTP_DOC_FILES.TXT;1+,J./ 46"-~J0123KPWO567!t89DoGHJ !MadGoat FTP documentation files6FTP_TMP FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]1FTP_TMP FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]0FTP_TMP FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]3FTP_TMP FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC].FTP_TMP FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]-FTP_TMP FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]4FTP_TMP FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]/FTP_TMP FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC].FTP_TMP FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]2FTP_TMP LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC])Bq MGFTP022.EDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%h+&*[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7+,D.h/ 4M%hh"-MI0123KPWOi56jVuq7(t89GHJ`%WgxMadGoat FTP Installation GuideU`uqFTP_INSTALL_GUIDE  Contents  Tables}B*"DECdocument V3.0d` ` / gCONTENTSCONTENTS8 E\TitlePageTitle Page@E\ CopyrightPageCopyright Page 1xE\PrefacePreface lw#11$K1 PreparingtoInstallMadGoatFTP1 Preparing to Install MadGoat FTP_w- $K1.1 &K PrerequisiteSoftware1.1 Prerequisite Software|w'= $K1.20&K AccessingtheOnlineReleaseNotes1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes|w(< $L1.3/&L Installation Procedure Requirements1.3 Installation Procedure RequirementsVw%%$L2 InstallingMadGoatFTP2 Installing MadGoat FTPYw* $K2.1&KInvoking VMSINSTAL2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL]w, $K2.2&K InstallationOptions2.2 Installation Optionsw.E $K2.38&KMixed VMSclusters(VAXandAlphasystems)2.3 Mixed VMSclusters (VAX and Alpha systems)!ow!6 $K2.4)&KDiskand Directory Selection2.4 Disk and Directory Selection%[w+ $K2.5&K Component Selection2.5 Component Selection(il"//$@2.5.1 InstallingtheSourcesOnly2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only,tl'55$@2.5.2 InstallingtheClientandServer2.5.2 Installing the Client and Server0{l*99$A2.5.3ClientDCLCommandandOn-lineHelp2.5.3 Client DCL Command and On-line Help2Sl##$A2.5.4 InstallingNETLIB2.5.4 Installing NETLIB5jw3 $K2.6&&KThe Installation Completes2.6 The Installation Completes7cg ++$K3Post-Installation Information3 Post-Installation Information8^w- $K3.1 &KStartingMadGoatFTP3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP9ow!6 $K3.2)&K   DisablingVendorFTPSupport3.2 Disabling Vendor FTP Support?Xl&&$A3.2.1 DisablingCMUIPFTP3.2.1 Disabling CMUIP FTP@^l))$A3.2.2 DisablingMultiNetFTP3.2.2 Disabling MultiNet FTPAgl!..$A3.2.3 DisablingDECTCP/IP(UCX)3.2.3 Disabling DEC TCP/IP (UCX)BSl##$@3.2.4 DisablingTCPware3.2.4 Disabling TCPwareDml$11$@3.2.5 DisablingWIN/TCPandPathWay3.2.5 Disabling WIN/TCP and PathWayH{w'< $K3.3/&KUsingthe Bookreader Documentation3.3 Using the Bookreader DocumentationKpw"6 $L3.4)&L RegisteringYour Installation3.4 Registering Your InstallationNq"7 $[A,[SampleMadGoatFTP InstallationA Sample MadGoat FTP InstallationRkx4 $\B)\Contentsof DistributionKitB Contents of Distribution KitSu$9 $\C.\FilesCreatedDuring InstallationC Files Created During InstallationU;;+gTABLESTABLES~\,::=@B-1MadGoatFTP installationkitsavesetsB- 1 MadGoat FTP installation kit save setsTl3AA=@C-1MadGoatFTPfilescreatedduring installationC- 1 MadGoat FTP files created during installationVfF<* Copyright1996MadGoat Software.&AllRights Reserved. ~AllRights Reserved.U++OMadGoatFTP InstallationGuideCO September1996 ~[O{Thismanualprovides installationandsetup instructionsfortheMadGoat#OFTPclientandserver. y'ORevision/Update Information:1^Thisisarevisedmanual.*Revision3^barsindicatechangesmadesincethe,^`lastversionofthis software.{Q*O OperatingSystemandVersion:'^OpenVMSVAXV5.0orlaterS))^OpenVMSAlphaV1.0orlaterb8OSoftwareVersion:^MadGoatFTPV2.2dd    O OO 1 September1996jO Permissionisgrantedtocopyand redistributethisdocumentforno commercialgain.jOVThe informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewithoutnoticeandshouldnot^Obe construedasa commitmentbyMadGoat Software.*TheauthorsandMadGoathOSoftwareassumenoresponsibilityforanyerrorsthatmayappearinthis document.Ou DISCLAIMER:HuThesoftware describedinthisdocumentisp: MGFTP022.EDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%h rovided```uasisu.''*NooO guaranteeismadebytheauthorsorMadGoatSoftwareastothe suitability, reliability,FO security, usefulness,or performanceofthis software.OOThe followingare trademarksofDigital Equipment Corporation: OAXP KVAX GDECB OpenVMS OVMS KUCXG VAXclusterB  VMScluster@O^MultiNetisa registered trademarkofTGV,Inc.AOTCPwareisa trademarkofProcessSoftwareCorp._O WIN/TCPandPathWayare registered trademarksofThe WollongongGroup,Inc. O, FOq  Copyright1996MadGoat Software.'AllRights Reserved.*    WOPrefaceFOThisguide describeshowtoinstalltheMadGoatFTP.&&    OIntendedAudienceLOUThismanualisintendedforusebythesystemmanagerorNOany individual responsiblefor installingand maintainingthe,OMadGoatFTPclientandserver.   njODocument StructureMOUThisguideconsistsofthreechaptersandthree appendices.>OChapter1Containspre-installation information.LO]Chapter2 DescribestheMadGoatFTP installation procedure.?OChapter3Containspost-installation information.IOPAppendixAContainsalistingofasample installation.QOAppendixB DescribesthecontentsoftheMadGoatFTP distribu-btionkit.XOAppendixCContainsalistofthefilescreatedbyan installation.{{ uORelated DocumentsEOUYoucanfind additional informationinthe followingO documents: `m CmMadGoatFTPUser'sGuide describestheMadGoatFTPclientutility. `E AEMadGoatFTP Manager'sGuide describestheMadGoatFTPserver. ` AMadGoatFTPReleaseNotescontain informationandHvupdatesnotincludedinthismanual.*Thereleasenotes:arepartofthesoftware distributionkit. 2O 1.2 Preparing!to!Install"MadGoat!FTPROThischapter describesthestepsthatshouldbetakenpriorto=O installingtheMadGoatFTPclientandserver. %O1.1B PrerequisiteSoftwareDOUMadGoatFTPrequiresOpenVMSVAX(VAXVMS)V5.0or>OlaterorOpenVMSAlphaV1.0orlatertorun.3!  FOTheMadGoatFTPsoftwarerequirestheNETLIBpackage,HOalso availablefromMadGoat Software.&ANETLIB-supportedOO5TCP/IPpackageisalsorequired(refertotheNETLIBrelease,Onotesforfurther information).hhN$5O1.2B AccessingtheOnlineReleaseNotesEOUTheMadGoatFTPprovidesonlinereleasenotes,whichBOyoucandisplayorprintbyusing VMSINSTALwith@Othe OPTIONS N parameter.3After the installation,FO^you can read the!release notes!by printing the file:O SYS$HELP:MGFTPvvn.RELEASE_NOTES,where``vvn''JOdenotestheversionnumberofthe software.+Forexample,KOhforversionV2.2ofMadGoatFTP,thefilenamewouldbeO MGFTP022.4O1.3B Installation Procedure RequirementsIOUBefore installingMadGoatFTP,ensurethatthe following?O privileges, resources,and requirementsaremet:u! HK `m @mForVAXsystems,OpenVMSVAXV5.0orhigherisD required.'ForAlphaAXPsystems,OpenVMSAlphaV1.0#orhigheris required. ` EAllthenormal privilegesandquotasofthedefaultSYSTEMaccount. `v Iv Approximately2to15minutes, dependingonyoursystemHconfiguration, distributionmedium,andoptions selected. `M LM Approximately15,000freeblocksonadiskforuseduringMthe installation procedure;thiscanbethesystemdiskor@adisk specifiedwiththe VMSINSTALAWDoption. `~ H~ Approximately8,500freeblocksonthesystemdiskforJafull installation.)The requirementsperproductareas/follows:! U h DYh Approximately5,000freeblocksfortheMadGoatFTP-Y software.'anditsdocumentation. @ tionwillpromptforthetypeof installationtobe performed.QOChoosingtoinstallonlythe executablesonthesecondinstal-SOlation eliminatestheneedtocopyfilesthathavealreadybeenOH installed.$WDOThe MADGOAT_ROOT: directorytreecontainstwodirec-AOtoriesfor executables:+MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE]forVAX9O5 executablesandMADGOAT_ROOT:[ALPHA_EXE]forAOAlpha executables.,Thelogical MADGOAT_EXE:,whichOOisusedinallexamplesbelow,will automaticallybedefined appropriatelyoneachsysteminthecluster.% wa.O2.4BDiskand Directory SelectionQOUMadGoatFTPis installedinitsownrooted directorytoavoidEOmixingMadGoatFTPfileswithnormalVMSfiles.,TheSOonlyfilecopiedtoaVMS directoryisthefile containingtheJO^MadGoatFTPreleasenotes,whichiscopiedto SYS$HELP:.]& 3FOMadGoatFTPcanresideonanydisk..The installationPOpromptsyouforthenameofthediskand top-level directoryJO5forthe utilities.'ThedefaultisSYS$SYSDEVICE:[MADGOAT].SO *&Enter&the% top-level% directory&for%MadGoat&FTP%[DUA0:[MADGOAT]]:' d7OOncea directoryhasbeen specified(or C3 ETRETURN ET 3 ispressedtoTOselectthe default),the directoryiscreatedandamessagelike(O5the followingis displayed:`O %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directory%DUA0:[MADGOAT].(#O2.5B Component SelectionGOUTheMadGoatFTP installationprovidesanumberofop-OOtionsfor installing individual components.)The followinglist"O describestheoptions.~)T `m mInstallm only*xmthesourcesforMadGoatFTP.{* QEW Normally,theimagesfortheMadGoatFTPclientandNserverarelinkedfromobjectfilesincludedinthedistri-Lbution.)Ifyouselectthisoption,the documentationfilesRaandthesourcefileswillbe installed,buttheutilityimages willnotbelinked.+! gKWYoushouldselectthisoptiononlyifyouprefertore-Kbuildtheimagesand ``install''thembyhand.)NotethatKMadGoatFTPiswritteninBLISS,soaBLISScompileris4arequiredtorebuildfromthesources. ` HInstallMadGoatFTP.YouwillbeaskedwhetherornotC9theFTPcommandshouldbeaddedto DCLTABLES(forG system-wide definition)andwhetherornottheon-line8helpshouldbeaddedtoahelplibrary. `i 2iInstalltheimagesandthesources.., */O2.5.1B InstallingtheSourcesOnlyPO4Thefirstquestionaskedgivesyouthe opportunitytoinstall0OonlythesourcesforMadGoatFTP:UO *&Do&you%want&to&install%ONLY%the%sources%for%MadGoat%FTP%[NO]?-NMO AnsweringYESwillcausethe installationtoskiptherestJOofthe questionsandbegincopyingthe documentationandFO5sourcefiles.'Therewillbenomore questionsasked.. zMOIfyouanswerNOthequestionabove,youwillbepromptedOOforwhetherornotyouwishtoinstallthesourcesatall:POa *&Do&you%want&to&install%the&sources%for&MadGoat%FTP&[YES]?/NLO AnsweringYEStothequestionwillinstallthe appropriateNOsourcefilesfortheMadGoatFTP software.)Thesourcefiles;O5willbecopiedtoMADGOAT_ROOT:[SOURCES.FTP].0 5O2.5.2B InstallingtheClientandServerOO4The installationwillnextaskyouabout installingthedoc-EO umentationforMadGoatFTP. DocumentationissuppliedMOin Bookreader, PostScript,andASCIItextfileformats.)The@O= installationwillpromptyouwiththis question:VO *&Do&you%want&to&install%the& documentation%for&MadGoat%FTP&[YES]?1 yPOIfyouanswerYEStothe question,the documentationwillbe)OcopiedtoMADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC].2 <9O2.5.3BClientDCLCommandandOn-lineHelpNO4The installationnextgivesyouthe opportunitytohavethe?OFTPcommandaddedtothe system-wide DCLTABLES.QO AnsweringYEStothe followingquestionwillcreatea``real''NO=DCLcommandthatis automatically availabletoallusersonOthesystem:MO *&Do&you%want&to&add%1" MGFTP022.EDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%hA'-the%FTP&command%to% DCLTABLES&[YES]? _UNote _@$ AnsweringYESwillcauseyourvendor'sFTPcom-C}mand definitiontobereplacedbytheMadGoatFTPcommand definition. 3f +_SOYouwillthenbeaskedwhetherornotyouwanttoinstalltheSOon-linehelpfortheFTPclientinahelplibrary.)Ifyouan-QO5swerYES,youwillalsobeaskedwhichlibraryshouldcontainOthehelp.TO *&Do&you%want&to&add%the%MadGoat%FTP%help%to%a&library%[YES]?4cQOThe installationwillpresentanumberofchoicesfortheli-RObrarytoreceivetheon-linehelp.)InadditiontoofferingthePO5 system-widehelplibraryasanoption,the installationproce-HOdurewilllookforany HLP$LIBRARYcommandsdefinedin?Othesystem directoryandwillofferthosetoo:Vk This% installation%updates%the%help%library&so&that%the&DCL%commandW "$%HELP%FTP"&will%provide% information%about%the%MadGoat%FTP%client.U There%are&several%help% libraries%into%which%the%help%file&can%be'd placed.JSome%of%them&are:)z SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB%z WKU$ROOT:[HELP]WKU_HELP.HLBrO~ *&To&which&library%should&MadGoat%FTP&client%help&be&added&"[SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB]:=5 `#O2.5.4B InstallingNETLIBEO4TheMadGoatFTP distributionincludestheversionofKONETLIBthatwascurrentatthetimethe distributionwasJO assembled.+TheMadGoatFTP installationcheckstoseeifSO=NETLIBisalready installedonyoursystem.(Ifitdoesnot,itOOis automatically installedandyouwillhavetoanswerques-LOtions identifyingwhichTCP/IPimplementationsare installed(OGonyoursystemorcluster. 6 KOOIfNETLIBisalready installedonthesystem,youaregivenLOthechancetoupdateitwiththeversion distributedwithIO5MadGoatFTP.IfthatversionisnewerthantheversionN;OThe MADGOAT_EXE:!logical is defined by!FTP_EO STARTUP.COMtopointtothe appropriate architecture-%O5specificimage directory.   {? wQ.O3.2B DisablingVendorFTPSupportMOUIfyourTCP/IPvendorprovidesFTPsupportaspartofitsNOpackage,youshoulddisablethatsupportbeforestartingtheKOMadGoatFTPserver.(Themethodsfor disablingsupportfor=O^severalvendors'productsare discussedbelow.7@V &O3.2.1B DisablingCMUIPFTP9O4ForCMU-OpenVMS/IP(akaCMU-TekTCP/IPand@OCMUIPandothernames),edittheINTERNET.CONFIGNOfile,commentoutthelinethatbeginswith ``WKS:21'',and O=thenrestartTCP/IP.NA "$)O3.2.2B DisablingMultiNetFTPOO4For MultiNet,usetheServer ConfigurationUtilitytodisable#O MultiNet'sFTPservice: O $$ MULTINET&CONFIGURE/SERVER;OY MultiNet%Server% Configuration%Utility&2.2(25)JO [Reading%in%symbols&from%SERVER&image&MULTINET:SERVER.EXE]MO [Reading%in% configuration&from% MULTINET:SERVICES.MASTER_SERVER]O1 SERVER-CONFIG>Z1 DISABLE%FTPOy SERVER-CONFIG>Zy RESTARTO SERVER-CONFIG>Z EXIT O  $+B .O3.2.3B DisablingDECTCP/IP(UCX)IO4ForDECTCP/IPServicesforOpenVMS(akaUCX),usethe7OUCXutilitytodisabletheFTPservice: O $  UCXOY UCX> Y DISABLE%SERVICE%FTPO UCX>CC IOYoumustalsomodifythefileUCX$INET_SET_INTERFACES.COMIOandcommentoutthelinethatenablestheFTPservice.AD#O3.2.4B DisablingTCPwareLO4ForTCPware,usetheTCPware configurationutilitytodis-IOable TCPware'sFTPserver,ifyou installed TCPware-FTP.0OForTCPwareV3.0orhigher,type: Oi $$i @TCPWARE:CNFNET%FULL&FTPE!q=OForversionsofTCPware MGFTP022.EDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%h<priortoV3.0,type: O $) @TCPWARE_ROOT:CNFNET&FULL%FTPF!^OWhenasked:HO Enter%the%number&of& listening% Server-FTP& processes%[1]:tGJJOenter0.'WhenaskedwhethertorestartFTP,answerYES.HMm1O3.2.5B DisablingWIN/TCPandPathWaymIncludethe directoryMADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]inthe=searchlistequatedtothelogical DECW$BOOK. `E 7EAdd(MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF9totheDECW$BOOKSHELFlogicalsearchlist.MVGOFormore information,consultthe Bookreader documenta-Otion.--N .O3.4B RegisteringYour InstallationJOUMadGoatFTPisfreely distributable software,andnoli-QOcenseisrequiredtouseit.+ Registrationofyour installationNOisatyour discretionandisusedbyMadGoatSoftwareonlyOO^to determinethesizeoftheMadGoatFTPuserbaseandthe0Ofuture directionsforthepackage.O! vPOTo register,simplysendanotetotheMadGoatSoftwarewith&Othe following information:(Pm Installer'sname%Companynameandaddress> System(s)onwhichtheMadGoatFTPisrunningBwWhichproductsyou'reusing(clientand/orserver)>Anycommentsand/or suggestionsyoumighthaveQ a0OYoucansenditelectronicallyto& MadGoat-Register@MadGoat.COM L .e!xT 7NBOTableB-1:8MadGoatFTP installationkitsavesets O OFSaveSetKFContents Ob O MGFTP022.AUKThe KITINSTALcommand procedureandtheMadGoatFTPreleasenotes.O$ MGFTP022.BK$NETLIBVAXfiles.O MGFTP022.CKNETLIBAlphafiles.O MGFTP022.D@KObject libraries,command procedures,helpfiles.O MGFTP022.EZK Documentationfiles,in PostScript, Bookreader,andplainASCIIformats.O  MGFTP022.F&K MadGoatFTPsourcefiles. O1 M%M% 3%RR@. %0O A.!Sample!MadGoat!FTP" InstallationJOThisappendixincludesasampleMadGoatFTP installation.:OInthisexample,NETLIBisalso installed. On $8n @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL%MGFTP022% DUB0:[HUNTER]Et VAX/VMS%Software%Product& Installation% Procedure%V5.4-2(Ob It%is% 6-AUG-1996&at&06:49.BO Enter%a&question&mark%(?)&at&any%time&for%help.WO4 %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM,%You%are&not%logged%in%to%the&SYSTEM%account.NO| %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE,%The% following& processes%are%still%active:t Polter&Goatt  Goat%Busters7OT *&Do&you%want&to&continue&anyway%[NO]? T yesSO *&Are%you% satisfied&with%the&backup%of%your&system%disk&[YES]? j  lM  RETURN lM  8O3 The% following&products&will%be% processed: MGFTP&V2.2=t' Beginning& installation%of%MGFTP%V2.2&at&06:50FO %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE,% Restoring&product%save%set%A%...]O %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED,& Product's%release&notes&have%been%moved%to% SYS$HELP.*A MadGoat%FTP%V2.2% InstallationI Copyright&%1996,%MadGoat% Software.KAll%rights% reserved.C Redistribution%for&no& commercial%gain%is% permitted.VOc *&Do&you%want&to&purge&files&replaced&by&this% installation&[YES]? )  , M a RETURN , M y E Configuring%Base%MadGoat&FTP% Directories%and%Logicals? 5-----------------------------------------------------V MadGoat%software%is% installed%in%its&own%rooted% directory&to&avoidX mixing&MadGoat%files%with%normal%VMS&files.JThe& directory%can%reside on%any&disk.X| THERE%ARE&NO&FILES&COPIED%TO% SYS$SYSTEM,% SYS$LIBRARY,%etc.J(The%onlyX file%copied%to%a%VMS% directory&is&the%Release&Notes&file,&which&is copied&to& SYS$HELP.)mO| *&Enter&the% top-level% directory&for%the%MadGoat%root& directory%[SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MADGOAT]]: C  E M z RETURN E M gO %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT].kO %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.EXE].qOZ %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryK WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.ALPHA_EXE].- Selecting&MadGoat%FTP& Components*  --------------------------------Wt The&MadGoat%FTP&client%and%server&are%normally% installed%by%linkingZ the&object%files%packed%with%the%kit.JThe& installation%will&also%giveW you&a%chance&to&add%the%FTP&DCL%command&and%on-line&help%to%yourL system.Z The&MadGoat%FTP&sources%are&also% provided.KYou%can&either%install&theV products%and&the%sources,%or%you%can&install%the&sources%only%and"E rebuild%them&by&hand.[ If%you&only%want%to%install&the%sources&and%want&to&skip%the&productA installations,%enter%YES&to&the% following%prompt.UOf *&Do&you%want&to&install%ONLY%the%sources%for%MadGoat%FTP%[NO]? -  /M d RETURN /M | Z The&answer%to%the% following&question&will% determine&whether%the&s?- MGFTP022.EDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%hxTKourceM files%for&the%MadGoat&FTP%client%and&server%are% installed.PO *&Do&you%want&to&install%the&sources%for&MadGoat%FTP&[YES]?   noT Documentation%for%MadGoat%FTP%comes%in% Bookreader,% PostScript,%andW7 ASCII%text%file&formats.KIf%you%elect%to%install%the%documentation,? the&files&will%be%placed&in&MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC].VO *&Do&you%want&to&install%the& documentation%for&MadGoat%FTP&[YES]?   M  RETURN M  Q_ The&MadGoat%FTP&client%DCL%command,%FTP,%can%be%added%to%theW system-wide% DCLTABLES,%making%the&command% available&to&all%users,%or8 it%can&be&defined%as%a%foreign&command.MO_ *&Do&you%want&to&add%the%FTP&command%to% DCLTABLES&[YES]? %  (M] RETURN (M u \O *&Do&you%want&to&add%the%MadGoat%FTP%client&help%to%a%library&[YES]? p   p M  RETURN z M p  VF This% installation%updates%the%help%library&so&that%the&DCL%commandW "$%HELP%FTP"&will%provide% information%about%the%MadGoat%FTP%client.U There%are&several%help% libraries%into%which%the%help%file&can%be'? placed.JSome%of%them&are:)z SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLBrO *&To&which&library%should&MadGoat%FTP&client%help&be&added&"[SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB]:   M+ RETURN M ( Q A%version&of&the%NETLIB%library%for%TCP/IP&support%is%already& installed&on&this%system.KO9 *&Do&you%want&to&install%the&NETLIB%V2.0&library%[YES]?   M7 RETURN M O A Now& installing%NETLIB&library%for&TCP/IP%support.FO %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE,% Restoring&product%save%set%B%...bOY %MGFTP-I-NETLRNOT,%Release%notes%for%NETLIB&V2.0%have%been&copied%to% SYS$HELP.$ TCP/IP%Support& SelectionQ+ Select&the%NETLIB%TCP/IP&support%you&wish%to%install%from&theRs menu%below.KAn&asterisk&appears%next%to%the%packages%that%haveQ already%been& selected.JYou&can%remove%a%package&from%the&listP by% selecting&it&again.JYou&may%enter%more&than%one& selection6K by% separating%your&choices%with%commas.)  1.&[%]%CMU-Tek&TCP/IP%V6.44  2.&[%]%CMU-Tek&TCP/IP%V6.5&or&later< D 3.&[%]%DEC% VMS/ULTRIX% Connection&(UCX)&V1.2R  4.&[*]%DEC%UCX&V1.3%or%TCP/IP&Services&for%VMS%V2.0%or%later2  5.&[%]%TGV%MultiNet%V2.2%or%later  6.&[%]%PSC%TCPware? d 7.&[%]%TWG%WIN/TCP%or%PathWay&Access%for%VMS  8.Exit OW *zW Your%choice&[8]:    MU RETURN  M m ? You&have%selected%the& following%TCP/IP%support:Iz/ DEC%UCX%V1.3%or%TCP/IP%Services%for&VMS%V2.0&or&later&O *&Is&this%correct%[YES]?    M RETURN  M  p(! Default%TCP/IP% transport&will%be:&DEC%UCX%V1.3%or%TCP/IP%Services%for&VMS%V2.0&or&later*! Choosing%the&NETLIB% DirectoryJ" The&NETLIB% libraries%may&go&in&either%SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]3d" or%some%other% directory%you&specify.VO" *&Where&should%the%NETLIB& libraries%be%placed%[SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]]:_ " MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE]dO# %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directory%MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE].@O]# %CREATE-I-EXISTS,%MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE]%already%exists>O# %NETLIB-I-LINKING,%Linking%image%NETLIB_SHRXFR...?O# %NETLIB-I-LINKING,%Linking%image%NETLIB_UCX_SHR...YV$ No%further% questions%will%be%asked.KThe%MadGoat&FTP% installation%will\$ now&continue&for%2&to&15&minutes,& depending%on%your&type%of%media%and%$ the&system%configuration.kOO% %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.COM].lO% %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.DATA].lO% %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.LOGS].kO'& %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.DOC].lOo& %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.HELP].oO& %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryKWKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.SOURCES].sO& %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR,%This&product%creates%system%disk% directoryK"WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.SOURCES.FTP].FOG' %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE,% Restoring&product%save%set%D%...4O' %MGFTP-I-LINKING,%Linking&image&FTP....=O' %MGFTP-I-LINKING,%Linking&image&FTP_LISTENER....;O( %MGFTP-I-LINKING,%Linking&image&FTP_SERVER....:O( %MGFTP-I-INSTDOC,% Installing&documentation....FO( %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE,% Restoring&product%save%set%D%...Z{) To%install%the%MadGoat%FTP%images&and%define%the& MADGOAT_ROOT%logical,+) execute%the% following&command.Z,* To%automate%this% procedure%at%system&startup,&you%should%also%add%theGt* following&line%to%the&system%startup&command% procedureF* (SYSTARTUP_V5.COM%or%SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM%in%SYS$MANAGER:).6%+ $%)@WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.COM]FTP_STARTUP.COMV+ If%you&do&not%want&to&run%the%MadGoat%FTP%server,%then&use%this+ command%instead:C@, $%)@WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.COM]FTP_STARTUP.COM% CLIENT_ONLYaO, %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES,%Files%will&now%be%moved%to%their%target%directories...=t- Installation&of&MGFTP&V2.2% completed&at&07:01/t- VMSINSTAL& procedure%done&at&07:01 O'. $   #=Vi O IOTableC-1:7MadGoatFTPfilescreatedduring installation O OFFilenameF Description Ob 'FilesinMADGOAT_ROOT:[COM] O "OANONYMOUS_LOGIN.TEMPLATE= LOGIN.COMtemplatefor anonymousFTP accounts.OFTP_GET_ANONYMOUS_O PASSWORD.COMECommand proceduretofetchthepasswordsuppliedfor anonymouslogins.OOFTP_LOGICALS.TEMPLATE<OTemplateforMadGoatFTPlogical definitions.OFTP_SERVER.COMECommand procedurethatdrivestheMadGoatFTPserver processes.OFTP_STARTUP.COM?Command procedureinvokedtostartMadGoatFTP. O FTP_START_LISTENER.COMG Command procedurethatdrivestheMadGoatFTPlistenerWprocess. O 'FilesinMADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC] O# %OlFTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK9lMadGoatFTP InstallationGuide (Bookreader)OFTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS9MadGoatFTP InstallationGuide (PostScript)O_FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT4_MadGoatFTP InstallationGuide(ASCII)"OFTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK6MadGoatFTP Manager'sGuide (Bookreader)OSFTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS6SMadGoatFTP Manager'sGuide (PostScript)OFTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT1MadGoatFTP Manager'sGuide(ASCII)#OF FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK3F MadGoatFTPUser'sGuide (Bookreader)O FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS3 MadGoatFTPUser'sGuide (PostScript)O: > MGFTP022.EDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%hIZFTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT.: MadGoatFTPUser'sGuide(ASCII) O LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF5  Bookshelffilefor Bookreader documents O 9e FilesinMADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE]and [ALPHA_EXE] O O FTP.CLD% CLDfileforFTPclientOB FTP.EXE-B  ExecutableimageforFTPclientO FTP_LISTENER.EXE/  ExecutableimageforFTPlistenerO6 FTP_SERVER.EXE-6  ExecutableimageforFTPserverWf e O OFilename Description O (AFilesinMADGOAT_ROOT:[HELP] O\ OMADGOAT_FTP_HELP.HLB3HelplibraryforMadGoatFTPclient.OFTP_COMMAND.HLP2HelpfilefortheFTPDCLcommand. O /FilesinMADGOAT_ROOT:[SOURCES.FTP] m y O O3VariousM3BLISSsourcefilesfortheMadGoatFTPclient,server,and listener. O (2FilesinSYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] OM  OMGFTP022.RELEASE_NOTES+ReleasenotesforMadGoatFTP O  O.y,t.Onlyifsourceswere installed O_  ff ""S [-O B.!Contents!of! Distribution"KitIOTheMadGoatFTPisprovidedinaVMSINSTALlabledistri-VObutionkit consistingoffivesavesets.(EachsavesetisbrieflyOB describedin BTableB-1.*S l?T''" U2OC.!Files!Created!During! InstallationOdThefilesindTableC-15darecreatedduringthe installationof&OtheMadGoatFTP software.*U'r?Vm ff  !"##  PrefaceIntended AudienceDocument StructureDocument StructureRelated DocumentsRelated Documents*1. Preparing to Install MadGoat FTP 1.1 Prerequisite Software 1.1 Prerequisite Software-1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes.1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements.1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements.1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements 2. Installing MadGoat FTP2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2.2 Installation Options2.2 Installation Options42.3 Mixed VMSclusters (VAX and Alpha systems)42.3 Mixed VMSclusters (VAX and Alpha systems)42.3 Mixed VMSclusters (VAX and Alpha systems)42.3 Mixed VMSclusters (VAX and Alpha systems)'2.4 Disk and Directory Selection'2.4 Disk and Directory Selection'2.4 Disk and Directory Selection2.5 Component Selection2.5 Component Selection2.5 Component Selection2.5 Component Selection(2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only(2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only(2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only(2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only-2.5.2 Installing the Client and Server-2.5.2 Installing the Client and Server02.5.3 Client DCL Command and On-line Help02.5.3 Client DCL Command and On-line Help02.5.3 Client DCL Command and On-line Help2.5.4 Installing NETLIB2.5.4 Installing NETLIB%2.6 The Installation Completes'3. Post-Installation Information3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP'3.2 Disabling Vendor FTP Support 3.2.1 Disabling CMUIP FTP#3.2.2 Disabling MultiNet FTP'3.2.3 Disabling DEC TCP/IP (UCX)'3.2.3 Disabling DEC TCP/IP (UCX)3.2.4 Disabling TCPware3.2.4 Disabling TCPware3.2.4 Disabling TCPware3.2.4 Disabling TCPware*3.2.5 Disabling WIN/TCP and PathWay*3.2.5 Disabling WIN/TCP and PathWay*3.2.5 Disabling WIN/TCP and PathWay-3.3 Using the Bookreader Documentation-3.3 Using the Bookreader Documentation-3.3 Using the Bookreader Documentation(3.4 Registering Your Installation(3.4 Registering Your Installation(3.4 Registering Your Installation(3.4 Registering Your Installation)A. Sample MadGoat FTP Installation&B. Contents of Distribution Kit9Table B- 1: MadGoat FTP installation kit save sets+C. Files Created During Installation@Table C- 1: MadGoat FTP files created during installation@Table C- 1: MadGoat FTP files created during installationR R install_guide_pref install_guide_3 install_guide_4install_guide_5install_guide_ch1install_guide_8install_guide_9install_guide_10install_guide_ch2$install_guide_ch2_vmsinstalinstall_guide_15!$install_guide_mixed_cluster%install_guide_ch2_4(install_guide_16,install_guide_ch2_50install_guide_ch2_62ftp_inst_dcl_help5ftp_inst_inst_netlib7optinst8postinst9install_guide_36?ftp_mgmt_disvendsup@ftp_mgmt_discmuAftp_mgmt_distgvBftp_mgmt_disucxDftp_mgmt_distcpwareHftp_mgmt_distwgKinstall_guide_33Ninstall_guide_37Rinstall_guide_app_aSinstall_guide_app_bT sstabUinstall_guide_app_cVfiletab  B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1/ -ADOBE-Symbol-*-R-*--*-140-*-*-P-*-*-*O -ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-I-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@ -ADOBE-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1> -ADOBE-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1M -ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1L-ADOBE-Interim DM-Medium-I-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-DEC-DECMATH_SYMBOLxx]B]Jf^ dFRe   d` b;&t{hzl* #6%2T3jl37l ?x@|-D@M%\fB]'V x 'FilesinMADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC] O# %OlFTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK9lMadGoatFTP InstallationGuide (Bookreader)OFTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS9MadGoatFTP InstallationGuide  ;4? MGFTP022.EDMI [FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6p?`/ *[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6+,D.`/ 4p`]:?-MI0123KPWO^56Hvq7_Ȋt89GHJ ( MadGoat FTP Installation Guide September 19965 This manual provides installation and setup= instructions for the MadGoat FTP client and server.A Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual.> Revision bars indicate> changes made since the< last version of this1 software.A Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX V5.0 or later= OpenVMS Alpha V1.0 or- later8 Software Version: MadGoat FTP V2.2 Hunter Goatley MadGoat Software  " ________________________ 1 September 1996= Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this* document for no commercial gain.? The information in this document is subject to change9 without notice and should not be construed as a9 commitment by MadGoat Software. The authors and; MadGoat Software assume no responsibility for any2 errors that may appear in this document.= DISCLAIMER: The software described in this document: is provided "as is." No guarantee is made by the< authors or MadGoat Software as to the suitability,> reliability, security, usefulness, or performance of this software.; The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:> AXP VAX DEC OpenVMSA VMS UCX VAXcluster VMScluster9 MultiNet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc.: TCPware is a trademark of Process Software Corp.> WIN/TCP and PathWay are registered trademarks of The Wollongong Group, Inc. __________@ Copyright 1996 MadGoat Software. All Rights Reserved.  A _______________________________________________________ ContentsA _________________________________________________A PREFACE viiA _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 1 PREPARING TO INSTALL MADGOAT FTP 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.1 PREREQUISITE SOFTWARE 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.2 ACCESSING THE ONLINE RELEASE NOTES 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS 1-1A _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 2 INSTALLING MADGOAT FTP 2-1A _________________________________________________A 2.1 INVOKING VMSINSTAL 2-1A _________________________________________________A 2.2 INSTALLATION OPTIONS 2-2A _________________________________________________6 2.3 MIXED VMSCLUSTERS (VAX AND ALPHAA SYSTEMS) 2-2A _________________________________________________A 2.4 DISK AND DIRECTORY SELECTION 2-3A _________________________________________________A 2.5 COMPONENT SELECTION 2-4A iii   ContentsA 2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only ___ 2-43 2.5.  2 Installing the Client andA Server ________________________ 2-58 2.5.3 Client DCL Command and On-lineA Help __________________________ 2-5A 2.5.4 Installing NETLIB _____________ 2-6A _________________________________________________A 2.6 THE INSTALLATION COMPLETES 2-7A _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 3 POST-INSTALLATION INFORMATION 3-1A _________________________________________________A 3.1 STARTING MADGOAT FTP 3-1A _________________________________________________A 3.2 DISABLING VENDOR FTP SUPPORT 3-2A 3.2.1 Disabling CMUIP FTP ___________ 3-2A 3.2.2 Disabling MultiNet FTP ________ 3-2A 3.2.3 Disabling DEC TCP/IP (UCX) ____ 3-3A 3.2.4 Disabling TCPware _____________ 3-3A 3.2.5 Disabling WIN/TCP and PathWay _ 3-3A _________________________________________________A 3.3 USING THE BOOKREADER DOCUMENTATION 3-4A _________________________________________________A 3.4 REGISTERING YOUR INSTALLATION 3-5 iv  A ContentsA _______________________________________________________A APPENDIX A SAMPLE MADGOAT FTP INSTALLATION A-1A _______________________________________________________A APPENDIX B CONTENTS OF DISTRIBUTION KIT B-1A _______________________________________________________A APPENDIX C FILES CREATED DURING INSTALLATION C-1A _______________________________________________________ TABLES6 B-1 MadGoat FTP installation kitA save sets _____________________ B-13 C-1 MadGoat FTP files createdA during installation ___________ C-1A v  A _______________________________________________________ Preface> This guide describes how to install the MadGoat FTP.L __________________________________________________________________ Intended Audience? This manual is intended for use by the system manager: or any individual responsible for installing and8 maintaining the MadGoat FTP client and server.L __________________________________________________________________ Document Structure9 This guide consists  G]) MGFTP022.EDMI [FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6p?`of three chapters and three appendices.; Chapter Contains pre-installation information. 1; Chapter Describes the MadGoat FTP installation 2 procedure.< Chapter Contains post-installation information. 3A Appendix Contains a listing of a sample installation. A> Appendix Describes the contents of the MadGoat FTP& B distribution kit.? Appendix Contains a list of the files created by an" C installation.L __________________________________________________________________ Related Documents> You can find additional information in the following documents:? o MadGoat FTP User's Guide describes the MadGoat FTP client utility.A vii   Preface> o MadGoat FTP Manager's Guide describes the MadGoat FTP server.> o MadGoat FTP Release Notes contain information and= updates not included in this manual. The release= notes are part of the software distribution kit. viii  A _______________________________________________________* 1 Preparing to Install MadGoat FTP? This chapter describes the steps that should be taken@ prior to installing the MadGoat FTP client and server.L __________________________________________________________________ 1.1 Prerequisite Software< MadGoat FTP requires OpenVMS VAX (VAX VMS) V5.0 or6 later or OpenVMS Alpha V1.0 or later to run.? The MadGoat FTP software requires the NETLIB package,9 also available from MadGoat Software. A NETLIB-= supported TCP/IP package is also required (refer to< the NETLIB release notes for further information).L __________________________________________________________________, 1.2 Accessing the Online Release Notes> The MadGoat FTP provides online release notes, which: you can display or print by using VMSINSTAL with: the OPTIONS N parameter. After the installation,= you can read the release notes by printing the file> SYS$HELP:MGFTPvvn.RELEASE_NOTES, where "vvn" denotes> the version number of the software. For example, for= version V2.2 of MadGoat FTP, the file name would be MGFTP022.L __________________________________________________________________- 1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements8 Before installing MadGoat FTP, ensure that the? following privileges, resources, and requirements are met:A 1-1  * Preparing to Install MadGoat FTP; o For VAX systems, OpenVMS VAX V5.0 or higher is@ required. For Alpha AXP systems, OpenVMS Alpha V1.0# or higher is required.@ o All the normal privileges and quotas of the default SYSTEM account.= o Approximately 2 to 15 minutes, depending on your; system configuration, distribution medium, and options selected.? o Approximately 15,000 free blocks on a disk for use? during the installation procedure; this can be the? system disk or a disk specified with the VMSINSTAL AWD option.: o Approximately 8,500 free blocks on the system? disk for a full installation. The requirements per$ product are as follows:> o Approximately 5,000 free blocks for the MadGoat3 FTP software. and its documentation.; o Approximately 700 free blocks for the NETLIB. software and its documentation.> o Approximately 2,500 free blocks for the sources for MadGoat FTP. 1-2  A _______________________________________________________ 2 Installing MadGoat FTP@ MadGoat FTP uses VMSINSTAL for installation. If you do> not know how to use VMSINSTAL, you should first read> the chapter on installing software in the VMS System< Manager's Manual. For the installation, you should? be logged into the SYSTEM account or another suitably privileged account.L __________________________________________________________________ 2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL2 Invoke VMSINSTAL to install MadGoat FTP.4 $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MGFTP022 ddcu:: Substitute the appropriate device name for ddcu.M  VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2) It is dd-Mmm-yyyy at hh:mm.= Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.< If there are any users logged into the system, you will see the message:L %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active:! ...process names...< You can install MadGoat FTP while users are logged> in, though no user should be running the MadGoat FTP) client from a previous version.4 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]?. If you wish to continue, answer YES.L * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]?A 2-1  Installing MadGoat FTP? If you feel comfortable with your system disk backup,? answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO, perform the backup,2 then restart the installation procedure.L __________________________________________________________________ 2.2 Installation Options The next question isO * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?> If this is the first time you have installed MadGoat: FTP, answering NO to this question can save some> time when the MadGoat FTP files are moved into their directories.L __________________________________________________________________3 2.3 Mixed VMSclusters (VAX and Alpha systems)> Mixed VMSclusters that consist of both VAX and Alpha9 systems are fully supported by MadGoat FTP. The> MadGoat directory tree can be shared by both systems@ if it resides on a common disk. When the VAX and Alpha> systems share a common MadGoat directory, the client9 and server may be run on both types of systems.; When the MadGoat FTP installation determines that? the node is part of a cluster, it will ask whether or> not the cluster contains both VAX and Alpha systems.; Additional questions relating to mixed-VMScluster8 support will be asked if the cluster is mixed.? Note: MadGoat FTP must be installed twice on a mixed-? VMScluster: once on a VAX system and once on an Alpha; system. This is necessary because the MadGoat FTP9 executables are li NjDMI&[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;7M%hJYG^+YV _1^3L(5>J;E1}hMkS r!*!f{wdti0\"L! 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For the second installation on the other< type of machine, you can elect to install only the= executables for that machine. The installation will> prompt for the type of installation to be performed.@ Choosing to install only the executables on the second= installation eliminates the need to copy files that& have already been installed.7 The MADGOAT_ROOT: directory tree contains two= directories for executables: MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE] for@ VAX executables and MADGOAT_ROOT:[ALPHA_EXE] for Alpha> executables. The logical MADGOAT_EXE:, which is used> in all examples below, will automatically be defined6 appropriately on each system in the cluster.L __________________________________________________________________& 2.4 Disk and Directory Selection> MadGoat FTP is installed in its own rooted directory; to avoid mixing MadGoat FTP files with normal VMS? files. The only file copied to a VMS directory is thea> file containing the MadGoat FTP release notes, which! is copied to SYS$HELP:.a> MadGoat FTP can reside on any disk. The installation7 prompts you for the name of the disk and top-m; level directory for the utilities. The default is " SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MADGOAT].O * Enter the top-level directory for MadGoat FTP [DUA0:[MADGOAT]]: : Once a directory has been specified (or = is pressed to select the default), the directory isa@ created and a message like the following is displayed:] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DUA0:[MADGOAT]. A 2-3G l Installing MadGoat FTPL __________________________________________________________________ 2.5 Component Selectioni; The MadGoat FTP installation provides a number oft; options for installing individual components. The / following list describes the options. 6 o Install only the sources for MadGoat FTP.< Normally, the images for the MadGoat FTP client= and server are linked from object files included < in the distribution. If you select this option,> the documentation files and the source files will= be installed, but the utility images will not bew linked.= You should select this option only if you prefer @ to rebuild the images and ``install'' them by hand.< Note that MadGoat FTP is written in BLISS, so a; BLISS compiler is required to rebuild from the  sources. > o Install MadGoat FTP. You will be asked whether or= not the FTP command should be added to DCLTABLESe@ (for system-wide definition) and whether or not the< on-line help should be added to a help library.0 o Install the images and the sources.% ___________________________% 2.5.1 Installing the Sources Only_? The first question asked gives you the opportunity tot3 install only the sources for MadGoat FTP:_M * Do you want to install ONLY the sources for MadGoat FTP [NO]? ; Answering YES will cause the installation to skip_9 the rest of the questions and begin copying theG? documentation and source files. There will be no more_ questions asked. 2-4  R QA Installing MadGoat FTP_: If you answer NO the question above, you will be= prompted for whether or not you wish to install the_ sources at all:_I * Do you want to install the sources for MadGoat FTP [YES]?-8 Answering YES to the question will install the6 appropriate source files for the MadGoat FTP? software. The source files will be copied to MADGOAT__ ROOT:[SOURCES.FTP].% ___________________________ * 2.5.2 Installing the Client and Server= The installation will next ask you about installing = the documentation for MadGoat FTP. Documentation is < supplied in Bookreader, PostScript, and ASCII text= file formats. The installation will prompt you with  this question:O * Do you want to install the documentation for MadGoat FTP [YES]?_> If you answer YES to the question, the documentation/ will be copied to MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]._% ___________________________ - 2.5.3 Client DCL Command and On-line Help 9 The installation next gives you the opportunity 6 to have the FTP command added to the system-8 wide DCLTABLES. Answering YES to the following= question will create a ``real'' DCL command that ist= automatically available to all users on the system:_F * Do you want to add the FTP command to DCLTABLES [YES]?: Note: Answering YES will cause your vendor's FTP> command definition to be replaced by the MadGoat FTP command definition. A 2-5  . Installing MadGoat FTP; You will then be asked whether or not you want to_? install the on-line help for the FTP client in a help < library. If you answer YES, you will also be asked0 which library should contain the help.K * Do you want to add the MadGoat FTP help to a library [YES]?_; The installation will present a number of choicesF9 for the library to receive the on-line help. Ina; addition to offering the system-wide help library < as an option, the installation procedure will look< for any HLP$LIBRARY commands defined in the system- directory and will offer those too:_T This installation updates the help library so that the DCL commandU "$ HELP FTP" will provide information about the MadGoat FTP client. R There are several help libraries into which the help file can be, placed. Some of them are:5 SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB1 WKU$ROOT:[HELP]WKU_HELP.HLB k * To which library should MadGoat FTP client help be added [SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB]:_% ___________________________O 2.5.4 Installing NETLIB> The MadGoat FTP distribution includes the version of> NETLIB that was current at the time the distribution< was assembled. The MadGoat FTP installation checks? to see if NETLIB is already installed on your system.I; If it does not, it is automatically installed and_=  d MGFTP022.EDMI [FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6p?`]- you will have to answer questions identifying which @ TCP/IP implementations are installed on your system or cluster.; If NETLIB is already installed on the system, you < are given the chance to update it with the version@ distributed with MadGoat FTP. If that version is newer@ than the version already installed, you should upgrade NETLIB. 2-6_ _ _A Installing MadGoat FTP O A version of the NETLIB library for TCP/IP support is already_+ installed on this system._E * Do you want to install the NETLIB V1.6 library [YES]? L __________________________________________________________________$ 2.6 The Installation Completes9 After the configuration questions, the selected_> components are installed. Files are copied from each> save set of the installation kit and the appropriate9 images are linked, then all installed files aren@ copied to their destination directories. Informational@ messages about the individual components are displayed as needed.A 2-7n f sA _______________________________________________________f' 3 Post-Installation Informationr? This chapter contains important information about thee@ MadGoat FTP configuration and startup options. Most of? the configuration options apply only if you intend to % use the MadGoat FTP server.oL __________________________________________________________________ 3.1 Starting MadGoat FTP: Once the installation is complete, you can start< the MadGoat FTP client and server by executing the@ command procedure FTP_STARTUP.COM, located in 1MADGOAT_= ROOT:[COM]. This procedure will define the MADGOAT_r= ROOT and MADGOAT_EXE logicals in the system logicali: name table and install the FTP client and server/ images with the necessary privileges.f9 To start the MadGoat FTP software automatically; at system startup, you should add a line like the? following to the system startup procedure (SYSTARTUP__6 V5.COM or SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM in SYS$MANAGER):2 $ @dua0:[madgoat.com]ftp_startup.com> You should, of course, specify the actual device and; top-level directory that you specified during the_ installation._< If you only want to use the MadGoat FTP client and> not the server, you can specify ``CLIENT_ONLY'' as a- parameter to the startup procedure: > $ @dua0:[madgoat.com]ftp_startup.com client_onlyA 3-1r  /' Post-Installation Information 9 If you did not elect to install the FTP command_9 system-wide in DCLTABLES, then you should add a_9 command like the following to your system login = procedure (SYS$SYLOGIN or SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM): , $ ftp :== $madgoat_exe:ftp.exe@ The MADGOAT_EXE: logical is defined by FTP_STARTUP.COM; to point to the appropriate architecture-specific image directory.L __________________________________________________________________& 3.2 Disabling Vendor FTP Support? If your TCP/IP vendor provides FTP support as part of= its package, you should disable that support before_: starting the MadGoat FTP server. The methods for= disabling support for several vendors' products are discussed below.% ___________________________  3.2.1 Disabling CMUIP FTP > For CMU-OpenVMS/IP (aka CMU-Tek TCP/IP and CMUIP and> other names), edit the INTERNET.CONFIG file, comment< out the line that begins with ``WKS:21'', and then restart TCP/IP.s% ___________________________h 3.2.2 Disabling MultiNet FTP? For MultiNet, use the Server Configuration Utility toE) disable MultiNet's FTP service:t) $ MULTINET CONFIGURE/SERVER ; MultiNet Server Configuration Utility 2.2(25) H [Reading in symbols from SERVER image MULTINET:SERVER.EXE]M [Reading in configuration from MULTINET:SERVICES.MASTER_SERVER]' SERVER-CONFIG>DISABLE FTPi# SERVER-CONFIG>RESTARTA SERVER-CONFIG>EXIT $ 3-2t  A Post-Installation Information % ___________________________p$ 3.2.3 Disabling DEC TCP/IP (UCX)@ For DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (aka UCX), use the1 UCX utility to disable the FTP service:I $ UCXw& UCX> DISABLE SERVICE FTP UCX>5 You must also modify the file UCX$INET_SET_o> INTERFACES.COM and comment out the line that enables the FTP service.% ____________________________ 3.2.4 Disabling TCPwareM< For TCPware, use the TCPware configuration utility; to disable TCPware's FTP server, if you installedy8 TCPware-FTP. For TCPware V3.0 or higher, type:( $ @TCPWARE:CNFNET FULL FTP6 For versions of TCPware prior to V3.0, type:- $ @TCPWARE_ROOT:CNFNET FULL FTPl When asked:aE Enter the number of listening Server-FTP processes [1]:_< enter 0. When asked whether to restart FTP, answer YES.% ___________________________S' 3.2.5 Disabling WIN/TCP and PathWay 6 For WIN/TCP and PathWay, follow these steps:6 9 o Edit the file TWG$ETC:[000000]SERVER.DAT.= o Find the service description for the FTP service> and place pound signs (#) in front of each line,8 including the blank lines preceding and the= following the FTP server description. This marksTA 3-3  p e' Post-Installation InformationGA those lines as comments; they will be ignored by theg4 INET_SERVER process during its startup.& #service-name FTP [...] < o If the INET_SERVER process is running, kill it.; o Restart INET_SERVER by executing the following command: 7 $ @TWG$TCP:[NETDIST.MISC]INETSERV.COM > o List the registered TCP/UDP services to make sure+ the FTP service is not listed:  $ netstat -a; To prevent the PathWay FTP server from restartingo2 on the next system boot, comment out the4 FTP_INIT line in the PathWay startup file,. TWG$TCP:[NETDIST.MISC]STARTINET.COM.L __________________________________________________________________, 3.3 Using the Bookreader Documentation@ To include the MadGoat FTP Bookreader documents in the@ Bookreader search list, you should perform one or both@ of the following actions, depending on your Bookreader :L MGFTP022.EDMI [FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6p?`< setup.< o Include the directory MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC] in the: search list equated to the logical DECW$BOOK.@ o Add MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF to the0 DECW$BOOKSHELF logical search list.6 For more information, consult the Bookreader documentation. 3-4d p A Post-Installation Information L __________________________________________________________________' 3.4 Registering Your Installation > MadGoat FTP is freely distributable software, and no= license is required to use it. Registration of youri; installation is at your discretion and is used byp< MadGoat Software only to determine the size of the= MadGoat FTP user base and the future directions forc the package.8 To register, simply send a note to the MadGoat2 Software with the following information: Installer's namen% Company name and address : System(s) on which the MadGoat FTP is running? Which products you're using (client and/or server) ; Any comments and/or suggestions you might have 4 You can send it electronically to MadGoat- Register@MadGoat.COM.sA 3-5t  A _______________________________________________________) A Sample MadGoat FTP Installation 5 This appendix includes a sample MadGoat FTP 7 installation. In this example, NETLIB is alsoa installed.8 $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MGFTP022 DUB0:[HUNTER]A VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2a$ It is 6-AUG-1996 at 06:49.9 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.N %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account.H %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: Polter Goat Goat Busters 4 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? yesQ * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? _3 The following products will be processed:  MGFTP V2.28 Beginning installation of MGFTP V2.2 at 06:50@ %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ...U %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. + MadGoat FTP V2.2 InstallationwG Copyright 1996, MadGoat Software. All rights reserved.eA Redistribution for no commercial gain is permitted.oT * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? C Configuring Base MadGoat FTP Directories and LogicalsiC -----------------------------------------------------oA A-1e f t) Sample MadGoat FTP InstallationeP MadGoat software is installed in its own rooted directory to avoidS mixing MadGoat files with normal VMS files. The directory can reside  on any disk.S THERE ARE NO FILES COPIED TO SYS$SYSTEM, SYS$LIBRARY, etc. (The only_P file copied to a VMS directory is the Release Notes file, which is" copied to SYS$HELP.)l * Enter the top-level directory for the MadGoat root directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MADGOAT]]: a %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT].Ne %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.EXE].ck %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.ALPHA_EXE].d. Selecting MadGoat FTP Components. --------------------------------Q The MadGoat FTP client and server are normally installed by linking T the object files packed with the kit. The installation will also giveN you a chance to add the FTP DCL command and on-line help to your system. T The MadGoat FTP sources are also provided. You can either install theO products and the sources, or you can install the sources only andm# rebuild them by hand.tR If you only want to install the sources and want to skip the product? installations, enter YES to the following prompt._R * Do you want to install ONLY the sources for MadGoat FTP [NO]? T The answer to the following question will determine whether the sourceH files for the MadGoat FTP client and server are installed.H * Do you want to install the sources for MadGoat FTP [YES]? noP Documentation for MadGoat FTP comes in Bookreader, PostScript, andR ASCII text file formats. If you elect to install the documentation,= the files will be placed in MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]. T * Do you want to install the documentation for MadGoat FTP [YES]? J The MadGoat FTP client DCL command, FTP, can be added to theR system-wide DCLTABLES, making the command available to all users, or5 it can be defined as a foreign command.aK * Do you want to add the FTP command to DCLTABLES [YES]? a A-2l w A Sample MadGoat FTP Installation_W * Do you want to add the MadGoat FTP client help to a library [YES]? nP This installation updates the help library so that the DCL commandQ "$ HELP FTP" will provide information about the MadGoat FTP client. N There are several help libraries into which the help file can be( placed. Some of them are:1 SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB p * To which library should MadGoat FTP client help be added [SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB]: K A version of the NETLIB library for TCP/IP support is alreadyl' installed on this system.eJ * Do you want to install the NETLIB V2.0 library [YES]? ? Now installing NETLIB library for TCP/IP support. @ %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ...X %MGFTP-I-NETLRNOT, Release notes for NETLIB V2.0 have been copied to SYS$HELP.9 TCP/IP Support SelectionnK Select the NETLIB TCP/IP support you wish to install from the M menu below. An asterisk appears next to the packages that have L already been selected. You can remove a package from the listK by selecting it again. You may enter more than one selectiont5 by separating your choices with commas.n) 1. [ ] CMU-Tek TCP/IP V6.4r2 2. [ ] CMU-Tek TCP/IP V6.5 or later: 3. [ ] DEC VMS/ULTRIX Connection (UCX) V1.2K 4. [*] DEC UCX V1.3 or TCP/IP Services for VMS V2.0 or laterw0 5. [ ] TGV MultiNet V2.2 or later! 6. [ ] PSC TCPwarel; 7. [ ] TWG WIN/TCP or PathWay Access for VMSi 8. Exit+ * Your choice [8]: = , MGFTP022.EDMI [FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6p?`d{ K You have selected the following TCP/IP support:iG DEC UCX V1.3 or TCP/IP Services for VMS V2.0 or laterp+ * Is this correct [YES]? A A-3G  ) Sample MadGoat FTP Installation e Default TCP/IP transport will be: DEC UCX V1.3 or TCP/IP Services for VMS V2.0 or later + Choosing the NETLIB Directory G The NETLIB libraries may go in either SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]y2 or some other directory you specify.a * Where should the NETLIB libraries be placed [SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]]: MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE]] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE].n= %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE] already existsd; %NETLIB-I-LINKING, Linking image NETLIB_SHRXFR...l< %NETLIB-I-LINKING, Linking image NETLIB_UCX_SHR...T No further questions will be asked. The MadGoat FTP installation willS now continue for 2 to 15 minutes, depending on your type of media and ' the system configuration.ye %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.COM].if %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.DATA].f %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.LOGS].e %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.DOC].sf %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.HELP].i %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.SOURCES]._m %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.SOURCES.FTP]. @ %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ...1 %MGFTP-I-LINKING, Linking image FTP....o: %MGFTP-I-LINKING, Linking image FTP_LISTENER....8 %MGFTP-I-LINKING, Linking image FTP_SERVER....8 %MGFTP-I-INSTDOC, Installing documentation....@ %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ...T To install the MadGoat FTP images and define the MADGOAT_ROOT logical,, execute the following command.S To automate this procedure at system startup, you should also add theoD following line to the system startup command procedureF (SYSTARTUP_V5.COM or SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM in SYS$MANAGER:).@ $ @WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.COM]FTP_STARTUP.COMM If you do not want to run the MadGoat FTP server, then use this_ command instead: A-4t i MA Sample MadGoat FTP InstallationtL $ @WKUMV1$DUB0:[MADGOAT.COM]FTP_STARTUP.COM CLIENT_ONLYX %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFQILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories...8 Installation of MGFTP V2.2 completed at 07:01, VMSINSTAL procedure done at 07:01 $nA A-5   tA _______________________________________________________ & B Contents of Distribution Kit9 The MadGoat FTP is provided in a VMSINSTALlabled= distribution kit consisting of five save sets. Eachu5 save set is briefly described in Table B-1. A Table_B-1__MadGoat_FTP_installation_kit_save_sets______A Save_Set_______Contents________________________________ @ MGFTP022.A The KITINSTAL command procedure and the3 MadGoat FTP release notes. * MGFTP022.B NETLIB VAX files., MGFTP022.C NETLIB Alpha files.> MGFTP022.D Object libraries, command procedures,$ help files.< MGFTP022.E Documentation files, in PostScript,= Bookreader, and plain ASCII formats.tA MGFTP022.F_____MadGoat_FTP_source_files._______________oA B-1h A AA _______________________________________________________ + C Files Created During Installationr7 The files in Table C-1 are created during the_3 installation of the MadGoat FTP software.S5 Table C-1 MadGoat FTP files created duringpA ___________installation________________________________pA File_name___________________Description________________fA ______________Files_in_MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]______________ < ANONYMOUS_LOGIN.TEMPLATE LOGIN.COM template for= anonymous FTP accounts.M@ FTP_GET_ANONYMOUS_ Command procedure to fetch? PASSWORD.COM the password supplied fore7 anonymous logins.s> FTP_LOGICALS.TEMPLATE Template for MadGoat FTP: logical definitions.< FTP_SERVER.COM Command procedure that< drives the MadGoat FTP7 server processes. ? FTP_STARTUP.COM Command procedure invoked ; to start MadGoat FTP.S< FTP_START_LISTENER.COM Command procedure that< drives the MadGoat FTP7 listener process. A C-1  _ _+ Files Created During Installation = Table C-1 (Cont.) MadGoat FTP files created duringuA ___________________installation________________________ A _______________________________________________________ A ______________Files_in_MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC]______________ > FTP_INSTALL_ MadGoat FTP Installation8 GUIDE.DECW$BOOK Guide (Bookreader)> FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS MadGoat FTP Installation8 Guide (PostScript)> FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT MadGoat FTP Installation3 Guide (ASCII)AA FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK MadGoat FTP Manager's Guide,2 (Bookreader)A FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS MadGoat FTP Manager's Guidei2 (PostScript)A FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT MadGoat FTP Manager's Guide - (ASCII) > FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK MadGoat FTP User's Guide2 (Bookreader)> FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS MadGoat FTP User's Guide2 (PostScript)> FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT MadGoat FTP User's Guide- (ASCII)f8 LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF Bookshelf file for: Bookreader documents C-2o I aA Files Created During Installationh= Table C-1 (Con83p MGFTP022.EDMI [FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT;6p?`Zt.) MadGoat FTP files created duringtA ___________________installation________________________ A _______________________________________________________.A ______Files_in_MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE]_and_[ALPHA_EXE]______ = FTP.CLD CLD file for FTP clientI> FTP.EXE Executable image for FTP, client> FTP_LISTENER.EXE Executable image for FTP. listener> FTP_SERVER.EXE Executable image for FTP, serverA ________________________________________________________A ______________Files_in_MADGOAT_ROOT:[HELP]_____________ > MADGOAT_FTP_HELP.HLB Help library for MadGoat1 FTP client.r? FTP_COMMAND.HLP Help file for the FTP DCLo. command.A _______________________________________________________ A _________Files_in_MADGOAT_ROOT:[SOURCES.FTP]_+_________@ Various BLISS source files for theA MadGoat FTP client, server,o3 and listener.uA _______________________________________________________ A ______________Files_in_SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]______________? MGFTP022.RELEASE_NOTES Release notes for MadGoat ) FTP A _______________________________________________________i) +Only if sources were installedfA _______________________________________________________pA C-3 MadGoat FTP user base and the future directions forc the package.8 To register, simply send a note to the MadGoat2 Software with the following information:  MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS;7Xx*[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS;7+,D./ 4X-MI0123KPWO56,^tq7zkЊt89GHJ%!PS-Adobe-3.0%%Title: FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE%%Creator: DECdocument V3.0DI%%Copyright: 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION.%%+All Rights Reserved.(%%CreationDate: Mon Aug 19 1996 16:34:38%%For: GOATHUNTER %%BoundingBox: (atend)%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit%%LanguageLevel: 1%%Orientation: Portrait%%Pages: (atend)%%PageOrder: Ascend%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend) &%%DocumentProcSets: Underlay Color5044.%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Underlay Color5044 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend)%%DocumentCustomColors: (atend) %%EndComments$%+++TTI changes : added ROTB back in>%+++ : added 1000 ROTB = begin special code example<%+++ : added 1001 ROTB = end special code example0%+++ : added 1002 ROTB = digital logo%!%%BeginResource: procset Underlay%%CreationDate: (2/10/92)%C% In VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1, simple EPSF files up to 65,000 bytes long@% may be an underlay. Define the EPSF as a PostScript proceedureD% called /UNDERLAY and prefix to DOCUMENT's PS output For example:.&% /UNDERLAY ( EPSF code here ) cvx def%=% To create a "DRAFT" underlay change /UNDERLAY* to /UNDERLAY /UNDERLAY* ( /Note (DRAFT) def /NoteSize 120 def6 /NoteFont /Helvetica findfont NoteSize scalefont def& /Note where { pop Note length 0 gt {8 /NoteWidth NoteFont setfont Note stringwidth pop def/ PaperWidth 36 mul PaperHeight 36 mul moveto& PaperHeight PaperWidth atan rotate6 NoteWidth -2 div NoteSize .729 mul -2 div rmoveto 2 Note true charpath .075 setseparationgray fill }if }if ) cvx def %%EndResource%"%%BeginResource: procset Color5044%%CreationDate: (1/21/91)%%Version:1.0 31%Implementation of Adobe 5044 color specification5%/ndf allows command override during color separation/Color5044Dict 100 dict defColor5044Dict begin/bdf {bind def} def/ndf {1 index where {pop pop pop } {dup xcheck {bind} if def } ifelse } bdf /setcmykcolor {1 exch sub 3 " {dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 2 copy lt {exch} if pop exch } repeat pop setrgbcolor }ndf/setcmykcoloroverprint {4 {dup -1 eq {pop 0} if 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor } ndf/findcmykcustomcolor {5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray } {array astore readonly } ifelse } ndf/setcustomcolor {exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop } ndf/setseparationgray* {1 exch sub systemdict /setgray get exec } ndf/setoverprint {pop} ndf/currentoverprint false ndf%CMYK multi-proc colorimage /colorimage {4 neH {(\nUnsupported number of colors for colorimage.\n) print flush quit } if notJ {(\nSingle procedure form colorimage unsupported.\n) print flush quit } if' save 20 dict begin /&saveobj exch defE /&Kproc exch def /&Yproc exch def /&Mproc exch def /&Cproc exch def {&Cproc &Mproc &Yproc &Kproc7 /&K exch def /&Y exch def /&M exch def /&C exch def 0 1 &K length 1 sub {/&i exch def &K &i 255 &C &i get 30 mul &M &i get 59 mul add &Y &i get 11 mul add &K &i get 100 mul add 100 idiv dup 255 gt {pop 255} if sub put } for &K } image &saveobj end restore } ndf/customcolorimage! {pop systemdict /image get exec } ndf/separationimage {systemdict /image get exec } ndfend %%EndResourceColor5044Dict begin%/DEC_DVC$dict 300 dict defDEC_DVC$dict begin%/DVC$PSJob save def%5mark % CREATE ISOLatin1Encoding if not there already/ISOLatin1Encoding0 8#000 1 8#054 {StandardEncoding exch get} for  /minus0 8#056 1 8#217 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /dotlessi 0 8#301 1 8#317 {StandardEncoding exch get} for H /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section G /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen L /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute E /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine L /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave O /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute O /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde L /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave M /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute G /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute N /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntildeJ /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave < /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis 9 /ISOLatin1Encoding where not {256 array astore def} if cleartomark%,/DOCPSE ISOLatin1Encoding 256 array copy def"mark % CREATE DOCPSE ENCODING 8#055 /hyphenC 8#201 /bullet 8#202 /emdash 8#203 /endash 8#204 /daggerC 8#205 /daggerdbl 8#206 /registered 8#207 /trademark %8#210 /Delta? 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IF IT HAS A DECIMAL REMAINDERL % EQUIVALENT TO .001-.009 POINTS (I.E., .050-.450 VAXDOC UNITS), THAT'S H % A FLAG TO STRETCH IT VERTICALLY BY ADDING 1-9 EXTRA POINTS TO THE  % VERTICAL SCALING.A % save requested size - as entered and as integer, dup /x-size exch def cvi /x-int exch def; % calc decimal remainder, mul x 1000, round; x-size x-int sub 1000 mul round cvi /remainder exch def% % see how we scale...) remainder 50 lt remainder 450 gt or {& % scale isomorphically /ystretch 0 def x-size scalefont } {& % scale anamorphically /ystretch remainder def+ x-int ystretch add /y-size exch def' [x-int 0 0 y-size 0 0] makefont } ifelse}def%(/DPSF { % /procname size /fontname DPSF< findfont exch ps-scalefont [ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx def}def%/PXLBuildCharDict 17 dict def/CMEncodingArray 256 array def90 1 255 {CMEncodingArray exch dup cvsstr cvs cvn put} for)/RasterConvert {RasterScaleFactor div}def/TransformBBox { aload popH /BB-ury exch def /BB-urx exch def /BB-lly exch def /BB-llx exch def. 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x(produces)S 189 x(the)SC10773 X 597 y(Alpha)S 167 x(images.)S 10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 190 xfE(the)S 190 x(V)S -55 x(AX)S 189 x(and)S 191 x(Alpha)S 190 x(systems)S)G189 x(will)S 190 x(be)S 190 x(sharing)S 191 x(a)S 190 x(MadGoat)S 190 xG(directory)S -55 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(it)S 185 x(is)S 185 x(only)S 186 xE(necessary)S 186 x(to)S 185 x(install)S 185 x(the)S 185 x F152(full)SSC185 x F151(MadGoat)S 185 x(FTP)S 186 x(kit)S 185 x(on)S 186 x(one)S9E186 x(of)S 185 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(systems)S 173 x(\(V)S -56 x(AX)SaH173 x(or)S 174 x(Alpha\).)S 264 x(For)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(second)S 173 xG(installation)S 173 x(on)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(other)S 174 x(type)S 174 xTD(of)S 10773 X 598 y(machine,)S 182 x(you)S 179 x(can)S 179 x(elect)SG178 x(to)S 177 x(install)S 178 x(only)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(executables)SYC178 x(for)S 178 x(that)S 178 x(machine.)S 10773 X 598 y(The)S 176 x7C(installation)S 175 x(will)S 174 x(prompt)S 175 x(for)S 175 x(the)S6H176 x(type)S 175 x(of)S 175 x(installation)S 175 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y(be)S 166 x(de\211ned)SG167 x(appropriately)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(each)S 166 x(system)S 166 x(in)S4L166 x(the)S 166 x(cluster)S -37 x(.)S 5094 24223 XY 23160 96 R 2404 24920 XYGF24(2.4)S 5094 X(Disk)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(Directory)S 166 x(Selection)SBE10773 X 897 y F151(MadGoat)S 185 x(FTP)S 185 x(is)S 185 x(installed)StC184 x(in)S 186 x(its)S 184 x(own)S 185 x(rooted)S 185 x(directory)SkE186 x(to)S 185 x(avoid)S 185 x(mixing)S 10773 X 597 y(MadGoat)S 170 x D(FTP)S 172 x(\211les)S 171 x(with)S 171 x(normal)S 171 x(VMS)S 170 xH(\211les.)S 260 x(The)S 171 x(only)S 172 x(\211le)S 171 x(copied)S 171 xF(to)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(VMS)S 10773 X 598 y(directory)S 176 x(is)S 175 xD(the)S 176 x(\211le)S 176 x(containing)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(MadGoat)SC175 x(FTP)S 176 x(release)S 175 x(notes,)S 178 x(which)S 176 x(is)S:L10773 X 598 y(copied)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(SYS$HELP:.)S 10773 X 897 y(MadGoat)SC177 x(FTP)S 178 x(can)S 178 x(reside)S 177 x(on)S 178 x(any)S 179 x E(disk.)S 272 x(The)S 178 x(installation)S 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10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xC(Install)S 165 x F152(only)S 166 x F151(the)S 167 x(sources)S 166 x E(for)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 165 x(FTP)S -63 x(.)S 11670 X 896 y(Normally)SSL-55 x(,)S 192 x(the)S 187 x(images)S 186 x(for)S 187 x(the)S 186 x(MadGoat)SI186 x(FTP)S 188 x(client)S 186 x(and)S 187 x(server)S 187 x(are)S 11670 X1K598 y(linked)S 173 x(from)S 172 x(object)S 173 x(\211les)S 172 x(included)S C173 x(in)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(distributioæ9? MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS;7Xyin.)S 262 x(If)S 172 x(you)SiE173 x(select)S 172 x(this)S 11670 X 598 y(option,)S 178 x(the)S 176 xaG(documentation)S 176 x(\211les)S 175 x(and)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(source)SiH176 x(\211les)S 175 x(will)S 175 x(be)S 176 x(installed,)S 11670 X 598 yD(but)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(utility)S 166 x(images)S 166 x(will)S 165 xD(not)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(linked.)S 11670 X 896 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 175 xG(should)S 175 x(select)S 174 x(this)S 174 x(option)S 175 x(only)S 175 x(G(if)S 174 x(you)S 176 x(prefer)S 175 x(to)S 174 x(rebuild)S 175 x(the)SF175 x(images)S 11670 X 598 y(and)S 182 x(``install)S -2 x(')S -9 x(')SE181 x(them)S 182 x(by)S 183 x(hand.)S 281 x(Note)S 182 x(that)S 181 x1D(MadGoat)S 182 x(FTP)S 182 x(is)S 182 x(written)S 181 x(in)S 11670 XH598 y(BLISS,)S 166 x(so)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(BLISS)S 166 x(compiler)S 166 xD(is)S 165 x(required)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(rebuild)S 166 x(from)S 166 xL(the)S 166 x(sources.)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Install)S 187 x(MadGoat)SH188 x(FTP)S -63 x(.)S 189 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 189 x(will)S 187 x(be)S 189 xG(asked)S 188 x(whether)S 189 x(or)S 188 x(not)S 189 x(the)S 189 x(FTP)SSE11670 X 598 y(command)S 166 x(should)S 167 x(be)S 167 x(added)S 166 x8K(to)S 167 x(DCL)S -28 x(T)S -27 x(ABLES)S 165 x(\(for)S 167 x(system-wide)SSE165 x(de\211nition\))S 11670 X 598 y(and)S 166 x(whether)S 166 x(or)SC167 x(not)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(on-line)S 167 x(help)S 166 x(should)SxJ166 x(be)S 166 x(added)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(help)S 166 x(library)SI-54 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Install)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(images)S N166 x(and)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(sources.)S 5094 16651 XY 9564 48 R 2404 17348 XYHF24(2.5.1)S 5094 X(Installing)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(Sources)S 166 x(Only)SG10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 187 x(\211rst)S 186 x(question)S 186 x(asked)S D186 x(gives)S 187 x(you)S 187 x(the)S 186 x(opportunity)S 187 x(to)SF186 x(install)S 185 x(only)S 187 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(sources)S 166 xD(for)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP:)S 6290 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x(PostScript,)S 10773 X 598 y(and)SF179 x(ASCII)S 177 x(text)S 179 x(\211le)S 179 x(formats.)S 274 xq(The)SI179 x(installation)S 178 x(will)S 178 x(prompt)S 179 x(you)S 179 x(with)SnG178 x(this)S 10773 X 598 y(question:)S 6290 X 896 y F102(*)S 239 x(Do)SLE239 x(you)S 240 x(want)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x)G(documentation)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x([YES]?)SSD10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 178 x(you)S 179 x(answer)S 177 x(YES)S 177 xE(to)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(question,)S 182 x(the)S 178 x(documentation)SeH178 x(will)S 178 x(be)S 178 x(copied)S 178 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(MADGOA)S:-29 x(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[DOC].)S 27427 36925 XY F36(2\2033)SEP PPt %%PageTrailer72%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman#%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic CourierY%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)g%1%%Page: (2-4) 12%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Insta)S 2 x(lling)S 167 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x(YES)SE171 x(will)S 171 x(cause)S 171 x(your)S 171 x(vendor)S 28 x(')S -18 xSD(s)S 171 x(FTP)S 170 x(command)S 171 x(de\211nitio)S 2 x(n)S 10773 XC597 y(to)S 167 x(be)S 165 x(replaced)S 167 x(by)S 166 x(the)S 167 x C(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 165 x(command)S 167 x(de\211nitio)S 2 x(n.)SnF10773 X 897 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 169 x(will)S 168 x(then)S 169 x(be)SF168 x(asked)S 169 x(whether)S 169 x(or)S 168 x(not)S 169 x(you)S 169 xD(want)S 168 x(to)S 169 x(install)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(on-line)S 169 xH(help)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(FTP)S 176 x(client)S 176 xG(in)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(help)S 176 x(library)S -55 x(.)S 268 x(If)S 175 x2H(you)S 177 x(answer)S 175 x(YES,)S 175 x(you)S 176 x(will)S 175 x(also)SD175 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(asked)S 166 x(which)S 166 x(library)S 167 xE(should)S 166 x(contain)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(help.)S 6290 X 896 y F1021E(*)S 239 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 240 x(want)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(add)S 239 x1D(the)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 239 x(FTP)S 240 x(help)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(a)SL239 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172 x(MadGoat)S 171 x(FTP)SFD-63 x(.)S 172 x(If)S 171 x(that)S 172 x(version)S 10773 X 598 y(is)SF166 x(newer)S 166 x(than)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(version)S 166 x(already)SC167 x(installed,)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(should)S 166 x(upgrade)S 167 x4H(NETLIB.)S 7246 29802 XY F102(A)S 240 x(version)S 239 x(of)S 240 x(the)SI239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x(library)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(support)S(D240 x(is)S 239 x(already)S 7246 X 448 y(installed)S 240 x(on)S 240 xE(this)S 239 x(system.)S 6290 X 897 y(*)S 239 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 240 xtC(want)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x(A(V1.6)S 239 x(library)S 240 x([YES]?)S 5094 36925 XY F36(2\2034)S1EP PPS %%PageTrailer72%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman!%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Boldi%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)c%S%%Page: (2-5) 13%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 21615 1807 XY F28(Installi)S 2 x(ng)S 166 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x(FTP)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Once)SnC175 x(the)S 175 x(installation)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(complete,)S 177 xSH(you)S 176 x(can)S 175 x(start)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(MadGoat)S 174 x(FTP)SN176 x(client)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 180 x(server)S 180 x(by)S 181 x(executing)SJ181 x(the)S 180 x(command)S 180 x(procedure)S 180 x(FTP_ST)S -26 x(ARTUP)SE-65 x(.COM,)S 10773 X 597 y(located)S 192 x(in)S 192 x(MADGOA)S -29 x1E(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[COM].)S 192 x(This)S 193 x(procedure)S 193 x(will)SiH191 x(de\211ne)S 193 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_ROOT)S 181 xG(and)S 183 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_EXE)S 181 x(logicals)S 182 x(in)SwE183 x(the)S 182 x(system)S 182 x(logical)S 10773 X 598 y(name)S 197 xSK(table)S 195 x(and)S 197 x(install)S 195 x(the)S 197 x(FTP)S 197 x(client)S7J196 x(and)S 197 x(server)S 196 x(images)S 197 x(with)S 195 x(the)S 10773 XG598 y(necessary)S 167 x(privileges.)S 10773 X 896 y(T)S -45 x(o)S 186 x G(start)S 185 x(the)S 186 x(MadGoat)S 185 x(FTP)S 187 x(software)S 185 x3C(automatically)S 186 x(at)S 186 x(system)S 185 x(startup,)S 10773 X1C598 y(you)S 176 x(should)S 175 x(add)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(line)S 176 x K(like)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(following)S 175 x(to)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(system)S0M175 x(startup)S 175 x(procedure)S 10773 X 598 y(\(SYST)S -28 x(ARTUP_V5.COM)SSJ166 x(or)S 166 x(SYST)S -28 x(ARTUP_VMS.COM)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(SYS$MANAG)SS-2 x(ER\):)S 6290 X 896 y F102($)S 239 x(@dua0:[madgoat)S 2 x(.com]ftp_startup.co)S D2 x(m)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 168 x(should,)S 167 x(of)SI167 x(course,)S 168 x(specify)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(actual)S 166 x(device)SeD168 x(and)S 167 x(top-level)S 167 x(directory)S 167 x(that)S 10773 XP598 y(you)S 167 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(during)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(installation.)SC10773 X 896 y(If)S 175 x(you)S 177 x(only)S 176 x(want)S 176 x(to)SeH175 x(use)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(MadGoat)S 175 x(FTP)S 176 x(client)S 176 xC(and)S 176 x(not)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(server)S -37 x(,)S 179 x(you)SrF10773 X 598 y(can)S 167 x(specify)S 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173 x(is)S 173 xG(de\211ned)S 174 x(by)S 173 x(FTP_ST)S -26 x(ARTUP)S -65 x(.COM)S 173 x(F(to)S 173 x(point)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(appropriate)SE166 x(architecture-speci\211c)S 167 x(image)S 166 x(directory)S -54 x(H(.)S 5094 28776 XY 23160 96 R 2404 29474 XY F24(3.2)S 5094 X(Disabling)SF165 x(V)S -38 x(endor)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(Support)S 10773 X 896 y F151G(If)S 177 x(your)S 177 x(TCP/IP)S 178 x(vendor)S 178 x(provides)S 177 xmE(FTP)S 177 x(support)S 177 x(as)S 176 x(part)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(its)S C176 x(package,)S 181 x(you)S 10773 X 598 y(should)S 170 x(disable)SH169 x(that)S 170 x(support)S 170 x(before)S 170 x(starting)S 170 x(the)SH170 x(MadGoat)S 169 x(FTP)S 171 x(server)S -37 x(.)S 258 x(The)S 10773 XC598 y(methods)S 171 x(for)S 172 x(disabling)S 172 x(support)S 171 x)D(for)S 172 x(several)S 172 x(vendors')S 172 x(products)S 171 x(are)SD172 x(discussed)S 10773 X 598 y(below)S -46 x(.)S 27427 36925 XY F36 (3\2031)SmEP PPx %%PageTrailerd2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold 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X 597 y(depending)SG167 x(on)S 167 x(your)S 167 x(Bookreader)S 166 x(setup.)S 10773 X 897 y2C(\201)S 595 x(Include)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(directory)S 189 x(MADGO)SSC-2 x(A)S -27 x(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[DOC])S 187 x(in)S 188 x(the)S 189 x9E(search)S 188 x(list)S 11670 X 598 y(equated)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)SSE166 x(logical)S 166 x(DECW$BO)S -2 x(OK.)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xaC(Add)S 173 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[DOC]LIB)S -2 xSG(RAR)S -19 x(Y)S -56 x(.DECW$BO)S -2 x(OKSHELF)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(the)ShD11670 X 598 y(DECW)S -2 x($BOOKS)S -2 x(HELF)S 166 x(logical)S 167 xN(search)S 166 x(list.)S 10773 24044 XY(For)S 167 x(more)S 166 x(information,)SE167 x(consult)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(Bookreader)S 167 x(documentation.)SLE5094 25240 XY 23160 96 R 2404 25937 XY F24(3.4)S 5094 X(Registering)S G166 x(Y)S -52 x(our)S 167 x(Installation)S 10773 X 897 y F151(MadGoat)S4M174 x(FTP)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(freely)S 174 x(distributable)S 173 x(software,)S.J176 x(and)S 174 x(no)S 175 x(license)S 174 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239 x(SYS$HELP.)S 6051 XD748 y(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(V2.2)S 240 x(Installation)S 6051 XN747 y(Copyright)S 240 x(\251)S 239 x(1996,)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(Software.)SJ479 x(All)S 239 x(rights)S 240 x(reserved.)S 6051 X 448 y(Redistribution)SG240 x(for)S 240 x(no)S 239 x(commercial)S 240 x(gain)S 240 x(is)S 239 xnH(permitted.)S 5094 X 747 y(*)S 240 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 239 x(want)S 240 xC(to)S 239 x(purge)S 240 x(files)S 239 x(replaced)S 240 x(by)S 240 xaG(this)S 239 x(installation)S 241 x([YES]?)S 1 SC 339 x -267 y 1512 24 RnH20975 X 356 y 24 360 R 21100 22380 XY F106(RETURN)S 107 x 109 y 24 360 RI20975 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6051 23147 XY F102(Configuring)S 240 x(Base)S L240 x(MadGoat)S 239 x(FTP)S 240 x(Directories)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(Logicals)SR6051 X 449 y(-----------------)S 2 x(-------------------)S 2 x(-----------------)SD6051 X 747 y(MadGoat)S 240 x(software)S 240 x(is)S 239 x(installed)SC240 x(in)S 239 x(its)S 240 x(own)S 239 x(rooted)S 240 x(directory)SSD240 x(to)S 239 x(avoid)S 6051 X 448 y(mixing)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 239 xE(files)S 240 x(with)S 240 x(normal)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 x(files.)S 478 x(E(The)S 240 x(directory)S 240 x(can)S 239 x(reside)S 6051 X 449 y(on)S1E239 x(any)S 240 x(disk.)S 6051 X 747 y(THERE)S 239 x(ARE)S 240 x(NO)S6P239 x(FILES)S 240 x(COPIED)S 240 x(TO)S 239 x(SYS$SYSTEM,)S 240 x(SYS$LIBRARY,)SJ240 x(etc.)S 479 x(\(The)S 240 x(only)S 6051 X 448 y(file)S 239 x(copied)SC240 x(to)S 239 x(a)S 240 x(VMS)S 239 x(directory)S 240 x(is)S 239 xrF(the)S 240 x(Relea MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS;7Xse)S 240 x(Notes)S 239 x(file,)S 240 x(which)S 239 xG(is)S 6051 X 448 y(copied)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(SYS$HELP.\))S 5094 X 748 y H(*)S 240 x(Enter)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(top-level)S 240 x(directory)S 240 xG(for)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 239 x(root)S 240 x(directory)S 240 xeH([SYS$SYSDEVICE:[)S 2 x(MADGOAT]]:)S 1 SC 339 x -267 y 1512 24 R 26713 XH355 y 24 360 R 26839 27611 XY F106(RETURN)S 107 x 108 y 24 360 R 26713 XD20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 5094 28079 XY F102(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)SH240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)SD240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S 2 x(ADGOAT].)S 5094 X 448 yK(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S9D240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S 240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)SC2 x(ADGOAT.EXE].)S 5094 X 449 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 xeC(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S@H240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S 2 x(ADGOAT.ALPHA_EXE].)S 6051 XG747 y(Selecting)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(Components)S 6051 XH448 y(-----------------)S 2 x(---------------)S 6051 X 747 y(The)S 239 xF(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 x(and)S 240 x(server)S 239 xD(are)S 240 x(normally)S 240 x(installed)S 240 x(by)S 239 x(linking)SD6051 X 449 y(the)S 239 x(object)S 240 x(files)S 240 x(packed)S 239 xG(with)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(kit.)S 479 x(The)S 239 x(installation)S 241 xSD(will)S 239 x(also)S 240 x(give)S 6051 X 448 y(you)S 239 x(a)S 239 xD(chance)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(add)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(FTP)S 240 x(DCL)SC239 x(command)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(on-line)S 240 x(help)S 240 x(to)ShF239 x(your)S 6051 X 448 y(system.)S 6051 X 747 y(The)S 239 x(MadGoat)SF240 x(FTP)S 239 x(sources)S 240 x(are)S 240 x(also)S 239 x(provided.)SI479 x(You)S 240 x(can)S 239 x(either)S 240 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 6051 XeD449 y(products)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(sources,)S 240 x(or)SC239 x(you)S 239 x(can)S 240 x(install)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(sources)SsG240 x(only)S 239 x(and)S 6051 X 448 y(rebuild)S 240 x(them)S 239 x(by)S E239 x(hand.)S 6051 X 747 y(If)S 239 x(you)S 240 x(only)S 239 x(want)S)H240 x(to)S 239 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(sources)S 240 x(and)S 239 xH(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(skip)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(product)S 6051 X 449 yH(installations,)S 240 x(enter)S 240 x(YES)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(the)S 239 xD(following)S 240 x(prompt.)S 5094 X 747 y(*)S 240 x(Do)S 239 x(you)SF239 x(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(install)S 240 x(ONLY)S 240 x(the)S 239 xE(sources)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x([NO]?)S 1 SCeJ340 x -267 y 1512 24 R 20497 X 355 y 24 360 R 20622 35830 XY F106(RETURN)SC107 x 108 y 24 360 R 20497 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 27344 36925 XY F36u (A\2031)SmEP PP %%PageTrailere2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier6%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%a%%Page: (A-2) 20%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)f PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYJ0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Sample)S 168 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(Install)SC2 x(ation)S 6051 4766 XY F102(The)S 239 x(answer)S 240 x(to)S 239 x8H(the)S 240 x(following)S 240 x(question)S 240 x(will)S 239 x(determine)SE240 x(whether)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(source)S 6051 X 448 y(files)S 239 x8C(for)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 240 x(client)S 239 x(E(and)S 240 x(server)S 239 x(are)S 240 x(installed.)S 5094 X 747 y(*)S D240 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 239 x(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(install)S 240 xD(the)S 239 x(sources)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 239 x(FTP)S 240 xG([YES]?)S 1 SC 240 x(no)S 0 SC 6051 X 747 y(Documentation)S 240 x(for)S7H240 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(comes)S 240 x(in)S 239 x(Bookreader,)SG240 x(PostScript,)S 240 x(and)S 6051 X 449 y(ASCII)S 239 x(text)S 240 xiC(file)S 239 x(formats.)S 480 x(If)S 239 x(you)S 239 x(elect)S 240 xcF(to)S 239 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(documentati)S 2 x(on,)S 6051 XF448 y(the)S 239 x(files)S 240 x(will)S 239 x(be)S 240 x(placed)S 239 xD(in)S 240 x(MADGOAT_ROOT:[DOC])S 2 x(.)S 5094 X 747 y(*)S 240 x(Do)SE239 x(you)S 239 x(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x0E(documentati)S 2 x(on)S 239 x(for)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 240 x3J([YES]?)S 1 SC 339 x -267 y 1512 24 R 20975 X 356 y 24 360 R 21100 8332 XYKF106(RETURN)S 107 x 109 y 24 360 R 20975 X 19 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6051 9099 XY GF102(The)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 x(DCL)S 240 xRC(command,)S 240 x(FTP,)S 239 x(can)S 239 x(be)S 240 x(added)S 239 xYE(to)S 240 x(the)S 6051 X 449 y(system-wide)S 240 x(DCLTABLES,)S 240 x6H(making)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(command)S 240 x(available)S 240 x(to)S 240 xD(all)S 239 x(users,)S 240 x(or)S 6051 X 448 y(it)S 239 x(can)S 240 xK(be)S 239 x(defined)S 240 x(as)S 239 x(a)S 239 x(foreign)S 240 x(command.)S1E5094 X 747 y(*)S 240 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 239 x(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x K(add)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(FTP)S 239 x(command)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(DCLTABLES)S)P240 x([YES]?)S 1 SC 339 x -267 y 1512 24 R 18823 X 356 y 24 360 R 18948 10723 XYEF106(RETUR)S 2 x(N)S 105 x 109 y 24 360 R 18823 X 19 y 1512 24 R 0 SC1E5094 11490 XY F102(*)S 240 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 239 x(want)S 240 x(to)SSH239 x(add)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 xF(help)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(a)S 239 x(library)S 240 x([YES]?)S 1 SC 339 xD-266 y 1512 24 R 21692 X 355 y 24 360 R 21818 11470 XY F106(RETURN)SC107 x 109 y 24 360 R 21692 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6051 12238 XY F102hE(This)S 239 x(installation)S 241 x(updates)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(help)S8E239 x(library)S 240 x(so)S 240 x(that)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(DCL)S 239 xSC(command)S 6051 X 448 y("$)S 239 x(HELP)S 240 x(FTP")S 239 x(will)S C240 x(provide)S 240 x(information)S 240 x(about)S 239 x(the)S 240 x.G(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client.)S 6051 X 747 y(There)S 239 x(are)S9I240 x(several)S 240 x(help)S 239 x(libraries)S 240 x(into)S 240 x(which)S(C239 x(the)S 240 x(help)S 239 x(file)S 240 x(can)S 239 x(be)S 6051 XxH448 y(placed.)S 479 x(Some)S 239 x(of)S 240 x(them)S 239 x(are:)S 7007 XE748 y(SYS$SYSROOT:[)S 2 x(SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB)S 5094 X 747 y(*)S 240 x4H(To)S 239 x(which)S 240 x(library)S 239 x(should)S 240 x(MadGoat)S 240 xX(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 x(help)S 240 x(be)S 239 x(added)S 240 x([SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP)SG2 x(]HELPLIB.HLB]:)S 1 SC 340 x -267 y 1512 24 R 27670 X 355 y 24 360 RH27795 15356 XY F106(RETURN)S 107 x 108 y 24 360 R 27670 X 20 y 1512 24 RH0 SC 6051 16123 XY F102(A)S 239 x(version)S 240 x(of)S 239 x(the)S 240 xD(NETLIB)S 239 x(library)S 240 x(for)S 240 x(TCP/IP)S 239 x(support)SD240 x(is)S 239 x(already)S 6051 X 448 y(installed)S 240 x(on)S 239 xE(this)S 240 x(system.)S 5094 X 748 y(*)S 240 x(Do)S 239 x(you)S 239 xSC(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x\J(V2.0)S 240 x(library)S 239 x([YES]?)S 1 SC 340 x -267 y 1512 24 R 18584 XH355 y 24 360 R 18709 17299 XY F106(RETURN)S 107 x 108 y 24 360 R 18584 XE20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6051 18066 XY F102(Now)S 239 x(installing)S 240 xE(NETLIB)S 240 x(library)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(support.)SC5094 X 747 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-RESTORE,)S 240 x(Restoring)S 240 xsF(product)S 240 x(save)S 239 x(set)S 239 x(B)S 240 x(...)S 5094 X 448 yF(%MGFTP-I-NE)S 2 x(TLRNOT,)S 239 x(Release)S 240 x(notes)S 240 x(for)SD239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x(V2.0)S 239 x(have)S 240 x(been)S 240 x(copied)SC239 x(to)S 240 x(SYS$HELP.)S 10594 X 747 y(TCP/IP)S 240 x(Support)SeH239 x(Selection)S 6051 X 748 y(Select)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(NETLIB)S 240 xC(TCP/IP)S 239 x(support)S 240 x(you)S 240 x(wish)S 239 x(to)S 239 xnF(install)S 240 x(from)S 240 x(the)S 6051 X 448 y MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS;7XIu(menu)S 239 x(below.)SC479 x(An)S 239 x(asterisk)S 240 x(appears)S 240 x(next)S 240 x(to)STC239 x(the)S 239 x(packages)S 240 x(that)S 240 x(have)S 6051 X 448 y7G(already)S 240 x(been)S 239 x(selected.)S 479 x(You)S 240 x(can)S 239 xyI(remove)S 240 x(a)S 239 x(package)S 240 x(from)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(list)SIC6051 X 449 y(by)S 239 x(selecting)S 240 x(it)S 239 x(again.)S 479 xtF(You)S 240 x(may)S 239 x(enter)S 240 x(more)S 239 x(than)S 240 x(one)SC239 x(selection)S 6051 X 448 y(by)S 239 x(separating)S 240 x(your)SSD240 x(choices)S 240 x(with)S 239 x(commas.)S 6290 X 747 y(1.)S 239 xG([)S 239 x(])S 240 x(CMU-Tek)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(V6.4)S 6290 X 448 ytE(2.)S 239 x([)S 239 x(])S 240 x(CMU-Tek)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(V6.5)S)D240 x(or)S 239 x(later)S 6290 X 449 y(3.)S 239 x([)S 239 x(])S 240 xI(DEC)S 239 x(VMS/ULTRIX)S 240 x(Connection)S 240 x(\(UCX\))S 240 x(V1.2)S)H6290 X 448 y(4.)S 239 x([*])S 240 x(DEC)S 239 x(UCX)S 239 x(V1.3)S 240 xC(or)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(Services)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 xSF(V2.0)S 239 x(or)S 240 x(later)S 6290 X 448 y(5.)S 239 x([)S 239 x(])SI240 x(TGV)S 239 x(MultiNet)S 240 x(V2.2)S 240 x(or)S 239 x(later)S 6290 XTG449 y(6.)S 239 x([)S 239 x(])S 240 x(PSC)S 239 x(TCPware)S 6290 X 448 yFF(7.)S 239 x([)S 239 x(])S 240 x(TWG)S 239 x(WIN/TCP)S 240 x(or)S 239 xC(PathWay)S 240 x(Access)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(VMS)S 6290 X 747 y(8.)S)I7964 X(Exit)S 5094 27779 XY(*)S 7007 X(Your)S 240 x(choice)S 239 x([8]:)StF1 SC 340 x -267 y 1512 24 R 11172 X 356 y 24 360 R 11297 27759 XY F106H(RETURN)S 107 x 109 y 24 360 R 11172 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6051 28527 XYFF102(You)S 239 x(have)S 240 x(selected)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(following)SD240 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(support:)S 7007 X 747 y(DEC)S 240 x(UCX)S 239 xD(V1.3)S 240 x(or)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(Services)S 240 x(for)S 239 xD(VMS)S 239 x(V2.0)S 240 x(or)S 239 x(later)S 5094 30320 XY(*)S 240 xC(Is)S 239 x(this)S 239 x(correct)S 240 x([YES]?)S 1 SC 340 x -267 yhC1512 24 R 11172 X 355 y 24 360 R 11297 30300 XY F106(RETURN)S 107 x)G108 y 24 360 R 11172 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6051 31067 XY F102(Default)SSE240 x(TCP/IP)S 239 x(transport)S 240 x(will)S 240 x(be:)S 239 x(DEC)S C240 x(UCX)S 239 x(V1.3)S 240 x(or)S 239 x(TCP/IP)S 240 x(Services)S)K240 x(for)S 239 x(VMS)S 239 x(V2.0)S 240 x(or)S 239 x(later)S 6051 32113 XYaE(Choosing)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x(Directory)S 6051 X 747 y D(The)S 239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x(libraries)S 240 x(may)S 239 x(go)S 240 xD(in)S 239 x(either)S 240 x(SYS$COMMON:[SYSLI)S 2 x(B])S 6051 X 449 yD(or)S 239 x(some)S 240 x(other)S 239 x(directory)S 240 x(you)S 240 xE(specify.)S 5094 X 747 y(*)S 240 x(Where)S 239 x(should)S 240 x(the)SP239 x(NETLIB)S 240 x(libraries)S 240 x(be)S 239 x(placed)S 240 x([SYS$COMMON:[)SO2 x(SYSLIB]]:)S 1 SC 240 x(MADGOAT_ROOT:[EXE])S 0 SC 5094 X 448 y(%VMSINSTAL-)SXK2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S 240 x(system)SuH239 x(disk)S 240 x(directory)S 240 x(MADGOAT_ROOT:[E)S 2 x(XE].)S 5094 XH448 y(%CREATE-I-E)S 2 x(XISTS,)S 239 x(MADGOAT_ROOT)S 2 x(:[EXE])S 239 xH(already)S 240 x(exists)S 5094 X 449 y(%NETLIB-I-L)S 2 x(INKING,)S 239 xL(Linking)S 240 x(image)S 240 x(NETLIB_SHRXFR...)S 5094 X 448 y(%NETLIB-I-L)SE2 x(INKING,)S 239 x(Linking)S 240 x(image)S 240 x(NETLIB_UCX_SHR...)S 5094 36925 XY F36(A\2032)SEP PP %%PageTrailery#%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Courier1%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%)%%Page: (A-3) 21%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)e PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 18791 1807 XY F28(Sample)S 168 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(Installa)SC2 x(tion)S 6051 4766 XY F102(No)S 239 x(further)S 240 x(questions)SxH240 x(will)S 240 x(be)S 239 x(asked.)S 479 x(The)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 xL(FTP)S 239 x(installation)S 241 x(will)S 6051 X 448 y(now)S 239 x(continue)SN240 x(for)S 240 x(2)S 239 x(to)S 239 x(15)S 239 x(minutes,)S 240 x(depending)SC240 x(on)S 240 x(your)S 239 x(type)S 240 x(of)S 239 x(media)S 240 xnF(and)S 6051 X 448 y(the)S 239 x(system)S 240 x(configuration.)S 5094 XF747 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 xO(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S 240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)SSC2 x(ADGOAT.COM].)S 5094 X 449 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x6C(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S6C240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S 2 x(ADGOAT.DATA].)S 5094 X(F448 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 xO(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S 240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S%D2 x(ADGOAT.LOGS].)S 5094 X 448 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 xC(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)SlH240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S 2 x(ADGOAT.DOC].)S 5094 X 449 yK(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S:D240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S 240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)SD2 x(ADGOAT.HELP].)S 5094 X 448 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 xC(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 x(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S1F240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S 2 x(ADGOAT.SOURCES].)S 5094 XF448 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-SYSDIR,)S 240 x(This)S 239 x(product)S 240 xO(creates)S 240 x(system)S 239 x(disk)S 240 x(directory)S 479 x(WKUMV1$DUB0:[M)S M2 x(ADGOAT.SOURCES.FTP])S 2 x(.)S 5094 X 449 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-RESTORE,)S D240 x(Restoring)S 240 x(product)S 240 x(save)S 239 x(set)S 239 x(D)SC240 x(...)S 5094 X 448 y(%MGFTP-I-LI)S 2 x(NKING,)S 239 x(Linking)ScE240 x(image)S 240 x(FTP....)S 5094 X 448 y(%MGFTP-I-LI)S 2 x(NKING,)S)C239 x(Linking)S 240 x(image)S 240 x(FTP_LISTENER....)S 5094 X 449 yuP(%MGFTP-I-LI)S 2 x(NKING,)S 239 x(Linking)S 240 x(image)S 240 x(FTP_SERVER....)SN5094 X 747 y(%MGFTP-I-IN)S 2 x(STDOC,)S 239 x(Installing)S 240 x(documentati)SJ2 x(on....)S 5094 X 747 y(%VMSINSTAL-)S 2 x(I-RESTORE,)S 240 x(Restoring)SL240 x(product)S 240 x(save)S 239 x(set)S 239 x(D)S 240 x(...)S 6051 13433 XYC(To)S 239 x(install)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 240 xlE(images)S 239 x(and)S 240 x(define)S 239 x(the)S 240 x(MADGOAT_ROOT)SaE240 x(logical,)S 6051 X 448 y(execute)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(following)SnF240 x(command.)S 6051 X 748 y(To)S 239 x(automate)S 240 x(this)S 240 xC(procedure)S 240 x(at)S 239 x(system)S 240 x(startup,)S 240 x(you)SeL239 x(should)S 240 x(also)S 239 x(add)S 240 x(the)S 6051 X 448 y(following)SH240 x(line)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(system)S 240 x(startup)S 240 xD(command)S 239 x(procedure)S 6051 X 448 y(\(SYSTARTUP_V5.COM)S 241 xH(or)S 239 x(SYSTARTUP_VMS.C)S 2 x(OM)S 239 x(in)S 239 x(SYS$MANAGER:\))SM2 x(.)S 7725 X 747 y($)S 239 x(@WKUMV1$DUB0:[MAD)S 2 x(GOAT.COM]FTP_STARTUP)S9E2 x(.COM)S 6051 X 748 y(If)S 239 x(you)S 240 x(do)S 239 x(not)S 239 x9F(want)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(run)S 240 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Manager's Guide"uqFTP_MGMT_GUIDE & Contents  Figures  TablesGB**DECdocument V3.0d\\/ gCONTENTSCONTENTS8 E\TitlePageTitle Page@E\ CopyrightPageCopyright Page 1xE\PrefacePreface Wg&&$K1TheMadGoatFTPServer1 The MadGoat FTP Serverow!6 $K1.1)&KMadGoatFTPServer Operation1.1 MadGoat FTP Server Operation|w'= $K1.20&K ConfiguringtheMadGoatFTPServer1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Serverlw#11$L2TheMadGoatFTPGeneralLogicals2 The MadGoat FTP General Logicals$Zr* $L2.1&LMADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG2.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG'\r+ $K2.2&KMADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY2.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY*dr/ $K2.3"&KMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR2.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR+Tr' $K2.4&KMADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.4 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS-Tr' $K2.5&KMADGOAT_FTP_HELP2.5 MADGOAT_FTP_HELP0Tr' $K2.6&KMADGOAT_FTP_INIT2.6 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT1lr!3 $K2.7&&KMADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT2.7 MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT3Rr& $K2.8&KMADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG5hr1 $L2.9$&LMADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME2.9 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME9dr/$K2.10!&KMADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user;^r,$K2.11&KMADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT2.11 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT?hr1$K2.12#&KMADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIRB\r+$K2.13&KMADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT2.13 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUTHdr/$K2.14!&KMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT2.14 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTK\r+$L2.15&LMADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME2.15 MADGOAT_ FTP_WELCOMEN[w(($K3SettingUp AnonymousFTP3 Setting Up Anonymous FTPRqw"7 $K3.1*&KCreatingan ANONYMOUSAccount3.1 Creating an ANONYMOUS AccountU^\))$@3.1.1The ANONYMOUSUsername3.1.1 The ANONYMOUS UsernameWul(55$@3.1.2 Additional AnonymousFTPAccounts3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTP Accounts[rw#7 $K3.2*&KCreating ANONYMOUS Directories3.2 Creating ANONYMOUS Directories_~w(> $L3.31&LDefiningthe AnonymousFTPLogicals3.3 Defining the Anonymous FTP Logicalschw2 $K3.4%&K Anonymous LOGIN.COMFiles3.4 Anonymous LOGIN.COM Filesepw%33$L4TheMadGoatFTP AnonymousLogicals4 The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicalsidr/ $K4.1"&KMADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME4.1 MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOMEl^r, $K4.2&KMADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRS4.2 MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRSow/F $K4.39&KLimiting AnonymousFTPAccessto Off-hours4.3 Limiting Anonymous FTP Access to Off-hoursqfl",,$@4.3.1MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMITsfl",,$@4.3.2MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS4.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYSxhl#--$A4.3.3MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START4.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START{dl!++$A4.3.4MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END4.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END|-gFIGURESFIGURESg\"--=@3-1 ANONYMOUSAccount Attributes3- 1 ANONYMOUS Account AttributesZel!,,=@3-2 ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COMExample3- 2 ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COM Exampleh+gTABLESTABLEShl"..=A1-1GeneralMadGoatFTPLogicals1- 1 General MadGoat FTP Logicals l l$00=A1-2 AnonymousMadGoatFTPLogicals1- 2 Anonymous MadGoat FTP Logicals#fF<* Copyright1996MadGoat Software.&AllRights Reserved. ~AllRights Reserved.R((OMadGoatFTP Manager'sGuideCO September1996 zZO{Thismanual describesthe installationand configurationoftheMadGoat OFTPserver software. y'ORevision/Update Information:1^Thisisarevisedmanual.*Revision3^barsindicatechangesmadesincethe,^`lastversionofthis software.{Q*O OperatingSystemandVersion:'^OpenVMSVAXV5.0orlaterS))^OpenVMSAlphaV1.0orlaterb#v@ MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;58OSoftwareVersion:^MadGoatFTPV2.2dd    O OO 1 September1996jO Permissionisgrantedtocopyand redistributethisdocumentforno commercialgain.jOVThe informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewithoutnoticeandshouldnot^Obe construedasa commitmentbyMadGoat Software.*TheauthorsandMadGoathOSoftwareassumenoresponsibilityforanyerrorsthatmayappearinthis document.Ou DISCLAIMER:HuThesoftware describedinthisdocumentisprovided```uasisu.''*NooO guaranteeismadebytheauthorsorMadGoatSoftwareastothe suitability, reliability,FO security, usefulness,or performanceofthis software.OOThe followingare trademarksofDigital Equipment Corporation: OAXP KVAX GDECB OpenVMS OVMS KUCXG VAXclusterB  VMScluster@O^MultiNetisa registered trademarkofTGV,Inc.AOTCPwareisa trademarkofProcessSoftwareCorp._O WIN/TCPandPathWayare registered trademarksofThe WollongongGroup,Inc. O, FOq  Copyright1996MadGoat Software.'AllRights Reserved.*    qOPrefaceIOFTP(FileTransfer Protocol)isaTCP/IP subsystemthatLOallowsuserstotransferfilesbetweenalocalsystemandOXremotesystems.  WLOMadGoatFTPbeganlifeastheFTPclientandserverthatCOwere distributedwithCMU-TekTCP/IP,a mostly-freeHO5TCP/IPimplementationwrittenby Tektronixand Carnegie-GOMellon Universityand supportedbyCMU.WhenthecodeLOwasmadefreely available,supportwaspickedup primarily0O>byHenryMillerandJohnClement.B  COMadGoatFTPisbasedonJohnandHenry'sCMUFTPHOV3.1.'TheMadGoatversionworkswiththeNETLIBTCP/IPDO5 InterfaceLibrary,whichmeansthattheMadGoatFTPIOwillrununderanyTCP/IPsoftware supportedbyNETLIB.IOThe followingTCP/IPproductsare currently supportedbyEO>NETLIB:TGV's MultiNet, Digital'sDECTCP/IPServicesDOforOpenVMS,Process Software'sTCPware, Wollongong's.OWIN/TCPandPathway,andCMU-IP.. JOTheNETLIBportwasdonebyDarrell Burkhead,whobasedMOsomeofthechangesonamuchearlierUCXport(knownasDO5CRUX)donebyMattMadison.)TheOpenVMSAlphaport)OwasdonebyHunterGoatley.NJONETLIBmustbe installedbeforeyoucanusetheMadGoatHOFTP.NETLIBiswrittenbyMattMadisonandisalsoa%O5MadGoatSoftwareproduct.NGOMadGoatFTPis currently maintainedbyHunterGoatley,DOVMSSystems ProgrammerforMadGoat Software,Bowling/O5Green,KY(goathunter@MadGoat.com).11   OIntendedAudienceHOUThismanualisintendedforanyOpenVMSsystemmanagerKOwantingtousetheMadGoatFTPserver.(Thereadershould>Obefamiliarwith VMSINSTALandFTP principles.ll {nQODocument Structure4OUThisguideconsistsoffour chapters.OChapter19Providesa descriptionoftheMadGoatFTP0server.OChapter27Provides descriptionsoftheMadGoatFTPserver logicals.OqChapter3<qProvidesa descriptionforsettingupanony-mousFTP accounts.O8Chapter478Provides descriptionsoftheMadGoatFTP0serverlogicalsfor anonymousFTP.wOAuthorsC Copyright1986,1992,CarnegieMellon University.-- Copyright1994,1996,MadGoat+^ Software.+Allrights reserved.qGGOTheCMUclientandserverwere originallywrittenby:6  `m mChadWilson ` DaleMoore `l lTodShannon ` BruceMiller `k kMarcShannon ` HenryMiller `i iJohnClement ` MattMadison\22OTheMadGoatversionwaswrittenby:{ `m 2mDarrellBurkhead(Darrell@MadGoat.com) ` 3HunterGoatley(goathunter@MadGoat.com)! n'O 1.2The!MadGoat"FTP"ServerDOFTPisaTCP/IP subsystemthat implementstheFileIOTransferProtocolfor transferringfilesbetweenalocalMOBsystemandoneormoreremotesystemsonan internet.(The OFTP clientA,invokedbytheDCLcommandFTP, establishesa$OnetworklinktoanFTP server(ontheremotesystem.'WhenTOLthe connectionis established,youmustlogintoanaccountonOOthatremotesystem.(Onceloggedin,filescanbe transferredKOtoandfromtheremotesystem, dependingonthetypeofOUaccessallowed. KOTheMadGoatFTPserverprovidesallthefeaturesnormallyLOfoundinanFTPserver,aswellassupportfor anonymousMO5FTPandSTRUVMS.Itwaswritten primarilytoallowsitesAOrunningDECTCP/IPServicesforOpenVMS (formerlyDOUCX)toprovidetrue anonymousFTPaccesstotheirLO>systems,thoughitcanbeusedwith virtuallyallofthe)OTCP/IPpackagesforOpenVMS. x 6OTable1-1:7GeneralMadGoatFTPLogicals O OFLogicalF Description Ob OMADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG  y-Enablesserveractivitylogging.O$MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY.$ Specifiednameofactivitylogs."OMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIRK Specifiesthedeviceand directoryinwhich anonymousFTP"logfilesarestored.OeMADGOAT_FTP_DIRS 4e yReIfdefined,limitsallFTPaccesstothe specified directories.OMADGOAT_FTP_HELP?PointstotheMadGoatFTPclienthelplibrary.OXMADGOAT_FTP_INIT /X y<XPointstoanFTPclientinitializationfile.dOMADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUTNumberofsecondsthattheMadGoatFTPlistenerwill. leaveanidle connectionactive.OMADGOAT_FTP_LOG  yD Specifiesthelevel$ MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;5TofloggingforFTP connections.$OMADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME : yF SpecifieswhetherrepliestoMKDandPWDservercom-Famandsshouldplacedoublequotesaroundthe pathname.!OMADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_userL DisallowsFTPaccessforuser``user''andcontainsrejec-(tionmessagetext.OMADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT  yL Specifiesthe directoryaccess restrictionsforFTPaccess.#OMADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIRMEnablesuseof ``~username''in directoryspecificationsforHi anonymoususers.%Also specifiesthenameoftheusers'$ anonymoussubdirectories. # O0 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT 0 yK0 NumberofsecondsthattheMadGoatFTPserverwillleave'~ anidle connectionactive.!O MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT  yJ Causestheclientto automaticallypromptforausername?E whena connectionismadetoaremotesystem.O MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME  y6 WelcomemessageforgeneralFTPaccess. O  OW yntW Maybe overriddenfor individualusersbydefiningthelogicalintheuser's LOGIN.COM. O #1 (Z8OTable1-2:7 AnonymousMadGoatFTPLogicals O OFLogicalF Description Ob "OMADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME@Thewelcomemessagefor an!onymoususer ``user''.O$MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRSF$ Specifiesthe directoriestowhichthe anonymoususer q``user''hasaccess.gOMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMITEnablescheckstodisallowaccessduring``primetimes.''&OeMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START ze y/eStartingtimefor``primetime.''$OMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END * y-Endingtimefor``primetime.''%OXMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS ZX yIX''Primetime''duringwhich anonymousftpis restricted. O  O yFtValidonlywhenMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMITisdefined. O" O%.O1.1BMadGoatFTPServer OperationGOUTheMadGoatFTPserverconsistsoftwo programs,FTP_7O LISTENER.EXEandFTP_SERVER.EXE.TheFTP_IOLISTENERisexecutedasadetachedprocessthatlistensFO^forincomingFTP connectionrequestsonport21,theAOstandardincomingFTPTCP/IPportnumber./OnceaMO connectionhasbeen establishedandtheremoteclientsendsSOhtheusernametologinas,thelistenerwaitsforandverifiesJOthe password.-Ifthepasswordisinvalid,the connectionLOis rejected.- Otherwise,thelistenercreatesanewprocessDOrrunningFTP_SERVER.EXEandturnscontroloftheFTP/Osessionovertothenewprocess. }JOTheFTPserver processesallFTPcommandsissuedbytheKOremoteclient.-TheserverdoesnotexituntiltheremoteXO5clientclosestheportorlogsout.'Iftheremoteclientlogsout,POtheserverprocessreturnscontrolofthesessiontotheFTP@O listener,whichwaitsforanewlogin username.$2O2.2The!MadGoat"FTP"General!LogicalsNOdThischapter describesthegenerallogicalsthatcontrolthe.OMadGoatFTPlistenerandserver.%IOThelogicals describedmustbedefinedasexecutive-modeGOlogicalsinthesystemlogicalnametable (LNM$SYSTEM_ OiTABLE).Forexample: O $6 DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT&600& NOTheselogicalsshouldbedefinedintheMadGoatFTPstartup8O procedure,"MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_STARTUP.COM.K' "O2.1BMADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOGAOUIfdefined,thelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOGcausesOtheMadGoatFTPserver3processtorecord informationintheJOMadGoatFTPactivitylogs.)This informationincludeseachOO^commandthatis processedbytheserver,aswellasconnectBOand disconnectrequestsfromthelistenerprocess.(zLOToenableserveractivitylogging,useacommandliketheO following: Oa $7a DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG&TRUE)KOBydefault,theactivitylogfileiscreatedinMADGOAT_9O ROOT:[LOGS]asMADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY.LOG.YouGO5canspecifya differentnamebydefiningtheMADGOAT_ O FTP_ACTIVITYlogical.*A z#O2.2BMADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITYBOUThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITYcanbedefinedtoUOspecifyan alternatefile specificationfortheFTPactivitylogs.HOBydefault,thelogsarecreatedinMADGOAT_ROOT:[LOGS]'O^asMADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY.LOG. O $F DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY%LOCAL$LOGS:FTP.LOG-! wO2.4BMADGOAT_FTP_DIRSEOUThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_DIRSisusedtorestrictFTPSOaccessto specified directories.)Ifdefinedatthesystemlevel,VOthe restrictionsapplytoallFTPaccessforallusers.'Thislog-NO^icalcanbe overriddenby individualuserswhenaddedtoaOuser's LOGIN.COM.. QOWhenthislogicalisdefined,theaccess restrictionsapplytoNOtheFTPsession regardlessofeach account'sVMS privileges./ cDOMADGOAT_FTP_DIRSshouldbedefinedasasearchlistQOthat specifiesallthe directoriestowhichaccessisallowed.MO5Forexample,the followingcommandwouldrestrictaccesstoQOthe[DIR] directorytreeonDISK1:,all directoriesonDISK2:,$Oand[PUBLIC]onDISK3:. Ok $1k DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS&- O _$7/ -DISK1:[DIR...],DISK2:[ANON...],DISK3:[PUBLIC] 4_U7Note 4_<DefiningMADGOAT_FTP_DIRSatthesystemlevelMwillrestrictaccessforallusers,unlesstheusersover-Fmridethelogical definition.+AusercanoverridetheK directory restrictionsbyequatingthelogicaltoaspace character:  $( define%madgoat_ftp_dirs&"%" 0 mO2.5BMADGOAT_FTP_HELPCOUThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_HELPpointstotheVMSon-IOlinehelplibraryfortheMadGoatFTPclient., Normally,@OthelibraryisstoredasMADGOAT_FTP_HELP.HLBinHO^MADGOAT_ROOT:[HELP].Youcandefinethislogicalifyou:Omovethelibraryfiletoanother location.Z1 w0% . MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;5Ʉ-O2.6BMADGOAT_FTP_INITEOUTheMADGOAT_FTP_INITlogicalpointstoanFTPclientLOinitialization procedure.(Whendefined system-wide,theini-MO tializationfilecanbeusedtoperformsuch operationsas3O^turningonthebellfortheclient.k2AAOThislogicalcanbedefinedby individualusers.##3 +O2.7BMADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT;OUTheMADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUTlogicalspec-LOifiesthenumberofsecondsthattheMadGoatFTPlistenerWOprocesswillwaitforaremoteFTPclienttologin.(Ifthelis-RO^tenerisidlelongerthanthe specifiednumberofseconds,theCO connectionis automaticallyclosedbythe listener.A4NOBydefault,thelistenerwillkeepa connectionopenfor5FOminutes(300 seconds).-The followingcommandsetsthe:O5listenertimeoutto1minute(60 seconds): O $> DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT&6045  O2.8BMADGOAT_FTP_LOGBOUTheMADGOAT_FTP_LOGlogicalcontrolstheamountofGO informationwrittentothefileFTP_SERVER.LOGineachPOuser'slogin directory.,Alogfileisalwayscreated;byde-QO^fault,itonlycontainsthe connection information.&Bydefining@OMADGOAT_FTP_LOG system-wide,youcanenableaddi-POtionalloggingforallusers.+Userscanoverridethislogical2Oh definitionintheir LOGIN.COMfiles. 6 NAOTheMADGOAT_FTP_LOG equivalencevalueisanumberOO representingabitmask.'Eachbit representsa particularkindQO5of information.'Thevalueshouldbethesumofthe following:7| OOValuebMeaning O OA0!bADonotlog anything. O1*bLogtheresultsof commands. O42@b4Logthecommandsenteredandthetimeeachwasb executed. O4CbIncludealldata transferredinthelogfile.&You1bI generallydonotwantthisoption. Od8zQOForexample,the followingcreatesalogfilethatcontainsa6Ologofallcommandsandtheirresults: Oa $3a $%DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC&MADGOAT_FTP_LOG%3  q9! G)O2.9BMADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAMEPWD?O <257&"SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]"%is%current% directory.: XBOBy default,! pathnames will be quoted.4However,!if=OMADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAMEisdefinedaseitherPO5"F"or"N",thequoteswillbeomittedfromthereply.+ThisJOoptionhasbeenprovidedfor compatibilitywithsomeFTP?Oclientsthatdonot recognizequoted pathnames. ; s'O2.10CMADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_userEOUThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_userisusedtorejectJOFTP connectionsforusername ``user.''*Whendefined,thatMOusernamecannotbeusedforFTPaccess,evenwhenavalidQO^passwordis supplied.'The rejectionmessageisonlyseenafterOa successfullogin.}< +SSOThevalueofthelogicalisusedasthe rejectionmessagethatQOissentbacktotheremoteFTPclient.(Forexample,thefol-GO5lowing definitionwouldreject connectionsforusernameO MCCAMMON: O $J DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_MCCAMMON%"Sorry,%dude!"=NOTheremoteuserwouldseethe followingwhentryingtologOinas MCCAMMON:Oa FTP:alpha>a user%mccammon3O Attempting&to&login&to&user%mccammon>O <331&Username& ``mccammon''%Okay,%need& password.O9 Password:O <530-Sorry,%dude!O <530-Not%logged%in.)O <530&Login&attempt% rejected.OY Not%logged&In.O FTP:alpha>>{iXOIftherejectmessagebeginswith``@'',itistakentobeafileLOnamewhosecontentsarereadandsentbacktotheremoteOO5client.(Forexample,the following definitionwouldcausetheJOcontentsof REJECT.TXTtobereadandsentbacktotheOremoteuser: Ok $<k DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_MCCAMMON%- O _$# "@SYS$MANAGER:REJECT.TXT" 4_U7Note 4_MIfyouusethe``@''form,besuretherejecteduserhas&accesstothetextfile. _ !?$O2.11CMADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT?OUTheMADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICTlogicalcanbeusedtoLOlimitthe functionsallowedbytheserver.,Its equivalenceCOvalueisthesumofthe followingdesiredvalues:@h OOValuebMeaning O OA1bANoread(RETR) O2/bNowrite(STOR,STOU,APPE,MKD) O44b4Nocontrol(SITE) O8"bNodelete(DELE,RMD) O(16/b(Nolist(LIST,NLST,STATparam) O32/bNochangeworking directory(CWD) O&A! TOThedefaultvalueis0,whichmeansthattheserverisnotre-PO stricted.'Bydefiningthelogical system-wide,youcanprovideKO5a differentdefaultvalueforallusers..Userscanover-NOridethe system-widevaluebydefiningthelogicalintheirEO LOGIN.COMfiles.*The followingcommandwouldrestrict9O>accesstoonlyreadingandlistingfiles: O $6 DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT%14yy"!#H #O2.13CMADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUTAOUTheMADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUTlogical specifiesthenum-JOberofsecondsthattheMadGoatFTPserverprocesswillIOwaitforacommandfromtheremoteFTPclient.-IftheSO^serverisidlelongerthanthe specifiednumberofseconds,theAO connectionis automaticallyclosedbytheserver.?IPOBydefault,theserverwillkeepanidle connectionopenforIO5minutes(300 seconds).+The followingcommandsetsthe;O5servertimeoutto10minutes(600 seconds): O $6 DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT&600kJAMO Individualuserscanoverridethistimeoutby redefiningitLOintheir LOGIN.COMfiles.*&i MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;5mn<IfyoudonotwantthemtobePO5abletooverridethevalueyou'vedefined,youcandefineitCOasaprocesslogicalinFTP_SERVER.COMinMADGOAT_O ROOT:[COM].#"$K! )'O2.14CMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT7OUTheMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTlogicaldeter-KOmineswhetherornottheMadGoatFTPclient automaticallyLOpromptsfortheremoteusernamewhena connectionismadeOO^toaremotesystem.*Bydefault,theclientdoesnotprompt;KOtheusermustissuetheUSERorLOGINcommandstobeginOthelogin.LshHOManyFTPclients, includingUNIXandUCXclients,willFO automaticallypromptfortheremote username.-IfyourNO5usersare accustomedtothis behavior,issuingthe following/Ocommandwillenablethatfeature: O $8 DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT%- OZ _$TZ TRUE[M 1LOTheMadGoatFTPclientwillnotpromptforausernameif?OthevalueofMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTstartswithTO5``N''or``F.''Userscandefinethelogical themselvestoover-AOridea system-wide definitionofMADGOAT_FTP_USER_OPROMPT.00'Z,  6OFigure3-1:7 ANONYMOUSAccount AttributesO= Username:% ANONYMOUS = Owner:K Anonymous%FTPO Account:% UIC:[13,1]% ([ANONYMOUS])O CLI:DCL Tables:% DCLTABLES-O Default:JSYS$SYSDEVICE:[ANONYMOUS]O] LGICMD:pLOGINO Flags:KDisMail1O Primary&days:pMon&Tue%Wed%Thu&FriO4 Secondary%days:4 Sat%SunPO| Primaryp000000000011111111112222K Secondary%000000000011111111112222TO Day%Hours%012345678901234567890123KDay%Hours%012345678901234567890123/O  Network:J#####%Full%access%######%  #####%Full%access%######+OT Batch:-----KNo&accessJ------#T -----KNo&accessJ------+O Local:-----KNo&accessJ------# -----KNo&accessJ------,O Dialup:p-----KNo&accessJ------# -----KNo&accessJ------,O, Remote:p-----KNo&accessJ------#, -----KNo&accessJ------Ot Expiration:2t (none) Pwdminimum:J6pLogin&Fails:0O Pwdlifetime:._ 90%00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired)O Last&Login:  (none)%(interactive),#z (none)%(non-interactive)OL Maxjobs:L 0KFillm:L 100KBytlm: L 81920O Maxacctjobs:0K Shrfillm:0KPbytlm: z 0O Maxdetach: 0KBIOlm:D 18KJTquota:  1024O$ Prclm:$ 2KDIOlm:D$ 18KWSdef: /$ 150Ol Prio:l 4KASTlm:Dl 24KWSquo: /l 256O Queprio: 0KTQElm:D 10K WSextent: / 512O CPU: (none)KEnqlm: 100KPgflquo:10240!OD Authorized& Privileges: NETMBXO Default& Privileges: NETMBX(&)4_ w /O3.2BCreating ANONYMOUS DirectoriesEOU ANONYMOUSaccessto directoriesis controlledbythe;OlogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRS.Theanony-LOmousFTP directoriesshouldhavethe following characteris-O^tics:`  `m Hm ANONYMOUSshouldnotownanyofthefilesinthedi-D rectoriestopreventan anonymoususerfromgainingBaccesstothefilesviatheOWNERaccessrights. ` OTheownerofthefilesshouldnotbeinthesamegroupas"the ANONYMOUSaccount. `v MvSetthe protectiononallfilestoWORLD:Raccess,oruseBanACLto specificallygrantaccessto ANONYMOUS.a! POYoucan associateamessagetobe displayedwitha directoryPObycreatingafilecalled.MESSAGEinthat directory.'WhenaRO5remoteclientrequestsa directorychange,theserverlooksforOOa.MESSAGEfileinthetarget directory.'Ifa.MESSAGEfileVOisfound,themessagetextis displayedaspartofthereplyfor@O>theCWDorCDUPservercommandasshownbelow.O FTP:host> cd%uploadsO  250-Bb PO.MESSAGEfilescanbeusefulfor displayingpolicyorcontentKO informationabouta particular directory.*ThemessagetextSO5willnotbe displayediftheserverprocessdoesnothaveread*Oaccesstothe.MESSAGEfile.  + h, 0 5OFigure3-2:7 ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COMExample"OB $&sav%=& 'f$verify(0)'$B !Turn%off&verify O $!MO $!% Copyright%%1994,%MadGoat& Software.JAll&rights% reserved. O $!&Ob $!%ANONYMOUS_LOGIN.TEMPLATE O $!YO $!%This&file%should&be&edited%as% appropriate%and%copied&as& LOGIN.COM1O: $!%for%each% anonymous%FTP&account. O $!ZO P$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O $!SOZ $!The%code&below&copies%the% anonymous&password&into%the&symbolSO $!ANONYMOUS_PASSWORD.KThe%password%is%then&compared&to&a%stringJO $!that%is%used%to%reject%a%login%using%that& password. O1 $!VOy $!This%section%could%be%expanded%to%allow% different%file%accesses6O $!based&on&the%entered& password,%etc. O  $!8OQ $!$%)@madgoat_root:[com]get_anonymous_passwordzQ !Get%the&passwordBO $!$%username%=%&f$edit(f$getjpi("","USERNAME"),"TRIM")HO $!$%if%anonymous_password&.eqs.&"BURKHDR@alpha.wku.edu"&-DO) $!then%define&madgoat_ftp_reject_'username'& "Goodbye" Oq $!O $!++ O $!TOI $!MADGOAT_ANONYMOUS_FTP_DIRS&probably&doesn't%include%the% ANONYMOUSXO $! account's%login% directory,&since&this%is%where%the&log%files%areQO $!kept,&by&default.K Therefore,&if&MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRS&isZO! $!defined,&use%the%first%entry%as%the&default% directory.JNote,%since^Oi $!entries%can&take%the&form% dev:[dir...],%we%may%need%to%trim&...]%off/O $!of&the%end%of%the&dir%spec. O $!YOA $&defdir%=&Af$trnlnm("MADGOAT_FTP_''USERNAME'_DIRS","MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE")>O $&if&defdir%.nes.%""%.and.%defdir%.nes.%"%"O $&then(O $plength&=%f$length(defdir)accounttoensurethatonlythepublicly-availablefilesare accessible. tSS/ .+q G>O4.3BLimiting AnonymousFTPAccessto Off-hoursGOUTheMadGoatFTPservercanrestrict anonymousFTPac-LOcesstohoursotherthan``prime-time''hoursiftheloadCOaveragesoftware (LAVDRIVER)is installed.* LAVDRIVERFO^gathersloadaverage statisticsonanOpenVMSsystem.JOThedriveris automaticallyincludedwithTGV's MultiNet,NObutisalsofreely availablefromvarioussources, includingVOh ftp.spc.edu.'Ifthedriverisloaded,thedeviceLAV0:&willexist: O $ SHOW%DEVICE&LAV0:OV DeviceV DeviceJV Errort Name StatusJ CountO LAV0: Online  0 O. $r|OOThelogicals describedinthe followingsectionsareusedto-Ocontroltheloadcheckingcode.s,O4.3.1BMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT:O4ThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMITlogi-POcal specifiestheloadlimitfor anonymouslogins.*ThislimitTOisafloating-pointvaluebetween0.0and1.0.)IfitisdefinedKO=andthecurrenttimeisbetweenthe prime-timestartandJOendtimes,thenthecurrentloadaveragesarereadfromKOtheLAV0:+device.+ThecurrentloadiscomputedusingtheOG followingformula:load = M S15   ( P <15 = 4 : 0))tYOOwhereM15istheaverageloadoverthelast15minutesandOOP15istheaveragepriorityoverthelast15minutes.*Thus,KO4theaverageloadis normalizedagainsttypical interactiveMOprioritytoguardagainst low-prioritybatchjobs preventing#O anonymousloginaccess.u! WLOIftheloadisgreaterthanorequaltothe MADGOAT_FTP_HO LOAD_LIMITvalue,the anonymousloginisdeniedwithaTO5reasonof``systemtoobusy,''Ifthe thresholdisnot exceeded,NOthe anonymousloginis accepted,buttheuseriswarnedtoMOminimizeaccessduring prime-timehours(withthestartandLO>endtimes displayedalongwiththetimezone information).v yQOIfthecurrenttimedoesnotfallwithin prime-timehours,no(Oloadcheckingis performed. wLOThe followingcommand establishesaloadlimitof0.5forO anonymouslogins: Oa $5a (DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE%- O _$,/ MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT%"0.5"x! ,O4.3.2BMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS;O4ThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYSspeci-ROfiesthedaysforwhich``prime-time''hoursaretoapply.'TheNOlogicalvalueisacomma-separatedlistofnumbers,where1WO=isMonday,2isTuesday,etc.'Ifthelogicalisnotdefined,thenKO(@ MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;5wZ``primetime''isassumedtobeineffectMondaythroughOFriday.y! HOThe followingcommand establishesMonday, Wednesday,and'OFridayas prime-timedays: Oa $5a (DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE%- O _$./ MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS%"1,3,5"zbMOThevaluecannotcontainspaces,anditmustbe surroundedObyquotes.{ -O4.3.3BMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START;O4ThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_STARTspec-OOifiesthestartingtimefor``prime-time''hours.)Thedefault"Ovalueis ``09:00:00''.|+O4.3.4BMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END9O4ThelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_ENDspec-MOifiestheendingtimefor``prime-time''hours.+Thedefault"Ovalueis ``17:00:00''.c   !!!!!!"""###$$$$%%%&&&&&'&&&&(((())***+,,,---..////////////PrefacePrefacePrefacePrefacePrefacePrefaceIntended AudienceDocument StructureDocument StructureAuthorsAuthorsAuthorsAuthorsAuthors 1. The MadGoat FTP Server 1. The MadGoat FTP Server'1.1 MadGoat FTP Server Operation'1.1 MadGoat FTP Server Operation-1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Server-1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Server-1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Server/Table 1- 1: General MadGoat FTP Logicals-1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Server-1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Server1Table 1- 2: Anonymous MadGoat FTP Logicals*2. The MadGoat FTP General Logicals*2. The MadGoat FTP General Logicals*2. The MadGoat FTP General Logicals2.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG2.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG2.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG2.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY#2.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR#2.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR2.4 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.4 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.4 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.5 MADGOAT_FTP_HELP2.6 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT2.6 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT'2.7 MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT'2.7 MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG%2.9 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME%2.9 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME#2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user#2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user#2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user#2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user 2.11 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT 2.11 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT 2.11 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT%2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR%2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR%2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR%2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR%2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR%2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR2.13 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT2.13 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT2.13 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT#2.14 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT#2.14 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT#2.14 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT2.15 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME2.15 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME2.15 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME2.15 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME"3. Setting Up Anonymous FTP"3. Setting Up Anonymous FTP"3. Setting Up Anonymous FTP(3.1 Creating an ANONYMOUS Account(3.1 Creating an ANONYMOUS Account#3.1.1 The ANONYMOUS Username#3.1.1 The ANONYMOUS Username#3.1.1 The ANONYMOUS Username0Figure 3- 1: ANONYMOUS Account Attributes.3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTP Accounts.3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTP Accounts.3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTP Accounts.3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTP Accounts)3.2 Creating ANONYMOUS Directories)3.2 Creating ANONYMOUS Directories)3.2 Creating ANONYMOUS Directories)3.2 Creating ANONYMOUS Directories.3.3 Defining the Anonymous FTP Logicals.3.3 Defining the Anonymous FTP Logicals$3.4 Anonymous LOGIN.COM Files$3.4 Anonymous LOGIN.COM Files$3.4 Anonymous LOGIN.COM Files/Figure 3- 2: ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COM Example,4. The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals,4. The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals,4. The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals#4.1 MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME#4.1 MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME#4.1 MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME 4.2 MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRS 4.2 MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRS54.3 Limiting Anonymous FTP Access to Off-hours54.3 Limiting Anonymous FTP Access to Off-hours(4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT(4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT(4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT(4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT(4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT(4.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS(4.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS(4.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS)4.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START'4.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_ENDu  ftp_user_prefaceftp_user_int_audftp_user_doc_structftp_user_authorsftp_mgmt_serverftp_mgmt_servoperftp_mgmt_config ftp_mgmt_genlog_table#ftp_mgmt_mglog_table$ftp_mgmt_genlog_chap'ftp_mgmt_log_act_log*ftp_mgmt_log_activity+ftp_mgmt_anon_log_dir-ftp_mgmt_log_dirs0ftp_mgmt_log_help1ftp_mgmt_log_init3$ftp_mgmt_log_listener_timeout5ftp_mgmt_log_log9$ftp_mgmt_log_quote_pathname; ftp_mgmt_log_reject_user?ftp_mgmt_log_restrictBftp_mgmt_log_tildeHftp_mgmt_log_timeoutK ftp_mgmt_log_user_promptNftp_mgmt_log_welcomeR ftp_mgmt_anon_ftp_chapUftp_mgmt_anon_accountW ftp_mgmt_anon_usernameZanon_acct_fig[ftp_mgmt_addanon_ ftp_mgmt_anon_directoriescftp_mgmt_defanonlogeftp_mgmt_login_comhlogin_com_templateiftp_mgmt_anonlog_chapl$ftp_mgmt_anonymous_welcomeoftp_mgmt_anon_dirsqftp_mgmt_off_hourss ftp_mgmt_anon_load_limitx ftp_mgmt_anon_prime_days{ ftp_mgmt_anon_prime_start| ftp_mgmt_anon_prime_end B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1O-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1/ -ADOBE-Symbol-*-R-*--*-140-*-*-P-*-*-*M -ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@ -ADOBE-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1> -ADOBE-Courier-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1L -ADOBE-Interim DM-Medium-I-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-)'Z MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;5\i*-DEC-DECMATH_SYMBOLO-ADOBE-New Century Schoolbook-Medium-I-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1L-ADOBE-Interim DM-Medium-I-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-DEC-DECMATH_ITALIC>-ADOBE-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1 ! 5O1.2B ConfiguringtheMadGoatFTPServerNOUTheMadGoatFTPserveris controlledbytheuseofvariousMOsystem logicals..AllofthelogicalsbeginwiththeprefixBO``MADGOAT_FTP_''..ThelogicalsareshownintablesO^Table1-1 ^andf^Table1-2.6^Eachlogicalis describedindetailin0Othesections followingthetables.*O!a? *f!a?# Nthe following: O $5 (DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE%- O  _$*  MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT%1.0m+)'O2.3BMADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIROIftheMADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIRlogicalisnotHOdefined,an anonymoususerreceivesa``Bad directory'';O5responsetoacommandlike``CD ~joeuser''. # 5$#%zN P#O2.15CMADGOAT_FTP_WELCOMEAOUTheMADGOAT_FTP_WELCOMElogical specifiesthewel-TOcometextthatistobesentbacktotheremoteclientupona+O successfullogin.&Forexample: O $4 DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME&- O _$"T "Welcome%to%node%YYZ"OPOIfthewelcomemessagebeginswith``@'',itistakentobeMOafilenamewhosecontentsarereadandsentbacktotheKO5remoteclient.*Forexample,the following definitionwouldFOcausethecontentsofFTP_WELCOME.TXTtobereadand,Osentbacktotheremoteuser: Ok $4k DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME&- O _$(T "@SYS$MANAGER:FTP_WELCOME.TXT"P QOThisformletsyousendbacktotheuser informationsuchasNOaccess policies,e-mailaddressforarchive maintainers,etc.dQ! :OOYoucanalsospecifyawelcomemessagetobe displayedwhenNOaremotecliententersa directory.)ThemessagetextshouldMO5bestoredinafilecalled.MESSAGElocatedinthetargetO directory.'SeeUSection3.2!formore information.*QUP|?_bb%$&R )O 3.2Setting!Up! Anonymous!FTPNOThischapter describesthesteps necessarytosetupanony-EOmousFTPonasystemusingtheMadGoatFTPserver.BOB AnonymousFTPprovides anonymous(guest)accesstoHOcertainfilesonyoursystem., Anonymous* MGFTP022.EDMI#[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;5xFTPloginsare9O controlledusingthelogicals describedinChapter4.*RlOimSCCOThebasicstepsforsettingup anonymousFTPare:T! f `m FmCreatethe ANONYMOUSaccountanditslogin directory. ` DCreatethe directoriestowhich ANONYMOUSwillhaveEaccess. ` 3CopyandmodifyMADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_ALOGICALS.TEMPLATEtoincludethe appropriatedefi-7vnitionsforMADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRSandother logicals. `M =MCreatea LOGIN.COMfor ANONYMOUS,ifdesired.& %(>U! w/O3.1BCreatingan ANONYMOUSAccountDOU AnonymousFTPloginsarenormally accomplishedusing=Oaloginusername ANONYMOUS.The ANONYMOUSac-POcountmustbecreatedusingtheVMSaccountcreationutility,O^ AUTHORIZE.VNJOYoucanalsouseanyotheraccountasan anonymousFTPAOaccountbygrantingeachaccountthe MADGOAT_FTP_O5ANON identifier.W)O3.1.1BThe ANONYMOUSUsername?O4The ANONYMOUSaccountshouldhavethe followingOcharacteristics:X!  `m KmTheUICshouldbeuniqueandoutsideanyexistinggroup.ETheUICnotbeasystemUIC,whichmeansthattheEgroupnumbermustbegreaterthanthevalueofthe)wSYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP. ` DItshouldbecreatedusingthe qualifiers /NETWORK,8O/NOINTERACTIVE, /NOBATCH,and /NOREMOTEtoMallownetworkloginsbuttoprevent interactive,batch,andDECnetlogins. ` CItshouldbecreatedwith /FLAG=DISMAILtoprevent?mailfrombeingsenttothe ANONYMOUSaccount. `W HWItshouldhaveNETMBXasbothadefault privilegeand$an authorized privilege. `/ C/Thedefaultdeviceand directorymustexist./UsersFlogginginvia anonymousFTPwillbeplacedinthis" directory,bydefault.Y eDOThe followingexampleshowsatypical ANONYMOUSac-Ocount creation.Figure3-11+showstheUAFentryforatypicalO5 ANONYMOUSaccount. O $# set%default& sys$system: O $ run% authorizeOI UAF>2 I add%#anonymous/uic=[13,1]/password=junk-O _UAF>;/ */flag=(nodisuser,dismail)/owner="Anonymous%FTP"-O _UAF>2/ (/network/nointeractive/noremote/nobatch-O! _UAF>7/! -/device=SYS$SYSDEVICE:/directory=[ANONYMOUS]-Oi _UAF>:/i 0/privilege=(noall,netmbx)/defpriv=(noall,netmbx)+O User&record% successfully%addedWO Identifier& ANONYMOUS%value:%[000013,000001]&added&to&rights%data&baseOA UAF> A exit O $E create/directory/owner=anonymous&sys$sysdevice:[anonymous] O $*YOZ[5O3.1.2B Additional AnonymousFTPAccountsDOYoucancreate additional anonymousFTPaccountsby)O_grantingtheMADGOAT_FTP_ANON #$ ;!_ identifiertooneorKOmore usernames.(Whenanaccountholdsthis identifierandNOisusedasanFTPlogin username,thesamerulesthatap-EOiplytothe ANONYMOUSaccountareenforcedforthoseJOlogins.)Youmightcreate additional anonymousaccountstoPOprovidefor controlled uploadingoffiles,ortoallowremoteQOruserstoaccessfilesyoudon'twanttobevisibleundertheO ANONYMOUSaccount.%\ EOThe AUTHORIZEutilityisusedtogranttheMADGOAT_OFTP_ANON #| C4 identifier.'Beforeyoucangrantthe identifiertoPOianaccount,youmustcreateit.)The identifieronlyneedstoObecreatedonce: OF $#F set%default& sys$system: O $ run% authorizeO UAF>%  add/ident%madgoat_ftp_anonYO Identifier&MADGOAT_FTP_ANON%value:& %X80010010%added%to%rights&data%baseOf UAF>A] QOOncethe identifierhasbeencreated,youcangrantittoan9OaccountusingtheGRANT/IDENTIFIERcommand:Oa UAF>5 a grant/identifier%madgoat_ftp_anon%uploads^ @OFor each anonymousaccount,!youmustdefine the;OMADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRSlogicalnameandcreate3O5a LOGIN.COMforit,as describedin5Section3.3E5andinOSection3.4.9Forexample,fortheaccountUPLOADSused?Oabove,thelogicalMADGOAT_FTP_UPLOADS_DIRSwouldNO>havetobedefinedtospecifythe directories accessiblebyOusernameUPLOADS.*^?c*^OP~?exx)(*c X6O3.3BDefiningthe AnonymousFTPLogicals0BxKF MNlnQSSPOIfthewelcomemessagebeginswith``@'',itistakentobeMOafilenamewhosecontentsarereadandsentbacktotheKO5remoteclient.*Forexample,the following definitionwouldFOcausethecontentsofFTP_WELCOME.TXTtobereadand,Osentbacktotheremoteuser: Ok $4k DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC%MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME&- O +^BB MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?x*[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5+,D.x/ 4ZxvP?-MI0123KPWOw56،vq7W݊t89GHJ % MadGoat FTP Manager's Guide September 19964 This manual describes the installation and; configuration of the MadGoat FTP server software.A Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual.> Revision bars indicate> changes made since the< last version of this1 software.A Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX V5.0 or later= OpenVMS Alpha V1.0 or- later8 Software Version: MadGoat FTP V2.2 Hunter Goatley MadGoat Software  " ________________________ 1 September 1996= Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this* document for no commercial gain.? The information in this document is subject to change9 without notice and should not be construed as a9 commitment by MadGoat Software. The authors and; MadGoat Software assume no responsibility for any2 errors that may appear in this document.= DISCLAIMER: The software described in this document: is provided "as is." No guarantee is made by the< authors or MadGoat Software as to the suitability,> reliability, security, usefulness, or performance of this software.; The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:> AXP VAX DEC OpenVMSA VMS UCX VAXcluster VMScluster9 MultiNet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc.: TCPware is a trademark of Process Software Corp.> WIN/TCP and PathWay are registered trademarks of The Wollongong Group, Inc. __________@ Copyright 1996 MadGoat Software. All Rights Reserved.  A _______________________________________________________ ContentsA _________________________________________________A PREFACE viiA _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 1 THE MADGOAT FTP SERVER 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.1 MADGOAT FTP SERVER OPERATION 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.2 CONFIGURING THE MADGOAT FTP SERVER 1-2A _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 2 THE MADGOAT FTP GENERAL LOGICALS 2-1A _________________________________________________A 2.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG 2-1A _________________________________________________A 2.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY 2-2A _________________________________________________A 2.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR 2-2A _________________________________________________A 2.4 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS 2-2A _________________________________________________A 2.5 MADGOAT_FTP_HELP 2-3A _________________________________________________A 2.6 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT 2-3A iii   ContentsA _________________________________________________A 2.7 MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT 2-3A  _________________________________________________A 2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG 2-4A _________________________________________________A 2.9 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME 2-5A _________________________________________________A 2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_USER 2-5A _________________________________________________A 2.11 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT 2-6A _________________________________________________A 2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR 2-7A _________________________________________________A 2.13 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT 2-8A _________________________________________________A 2.14 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT 2-9A _________________________________________________A 2.15 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME 2-9A _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 3 SETTING UP ANONYMOUS FTP 3-1A _________________________________________________A 3.1 CREATING AN ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT 3-1A 3.1.1 The ANONYMOUS Username ________ 3-22 3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTPA Accounts ______________________ 3-3 iv  A ContentsA _________________________________________________A 3.2 CREATING ANONYMOUS DIRECTORIES 3-4A _________________________________________________A 3.3 DEFINING THE ANONYMOUS FTP LOGICALS 3-5A _________________________________________________A 3.4 ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COM FILES 3-6A _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 4 THE MADGOAT FTP ANONYMOUS LOGICALS 4-1A _________________________________________________A 4.1 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_WELCOME 4-1A _________________________________________________A 4.2 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_DIRS 4-2A _________________________________________________6 4.3 LIMITING ANONYMOUS FTP ACCESS TOA OFF-HOURS 4-2A 4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT ___ 4-3A 4.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS ___ 4-4A 4.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START __ 4-4A 4.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END ____ 4-4A _______________________________________________________ FIGURESA ,f6Y >lBOOK;5?K6`%e[aU/Y C4a{a5AJ.\_=H#AX&Yb 9l7ir\zxw kwXk1wZl +H{YF4M"YnOlsdM&kp}nKU9;=9!xz,AG}mou4q% vNoux/|.,')XS3}=]\{`Haznk2i2H}1@QSw76{"o|R)OT+G4 qXx3yreaZz3"y5C|!j%3-A 9G\^%9S%>;q-[{3XD6Jr[BX/#H|Z8K tWe_f,XM?Ke%lv' y')Z'cXOn~/=\+U'a2TQE15p{-v j~nz.XJot2cU1[WetHy.l\b3O??} Z r&iW8s j}t,E<R@]%=7~2JPEDN^eUQFRp!VfTbAfxcC]q s\~L4/@P P'"+[8K$s_Z=\ J8;?yogwS9"U;_RY{Sr@ik2p+s w]Ib)YM~q a0*}:wX}fH $ht4=rhQCR"FY0}o{5 VU)5X~t}%[A4:E[E -Ygy6Huhkxkloy7fT#|#cXE^1'0&d2 CB4Jq$;xi^W&'q?d0rZ)k[:Wvwf{Q"*UbWdbvSJnO``RkhxrCIUz%2X8m]u,"{{~U,hyept:+:7( m9KP})*pK] Aw]fM?Hw [SgF?} O'kq# E6{qaQw"G: IRX^ s-bf~ p[r>9 TW{d~rm0RG . \Fg-?8 Ffb-PT6lg/{kL]{4TlR:Q;/.1!jD7R*e_6ֿ1o%$ iH%WiBh;O5]GJi7U\"|Nd"Dhs_.+133 ~_sVL)Z%tOe3m.<)[A5$q1@~()BbDqPcH_[gMgCPEmF r#bY cnbxf*7]'25X%6?nQ%ySN9 / lUZ+x5^mth-LSIzQ=8"bnX,S4<\7cU G;[sueof@f S2'trv&M*=ok1Q!~t5I[z?'beX-\.:^EmS+6`g)>OhZlb U m6GVpWo?MiA`EVh : H*V#%^Dw0ryu!pKY179$2UURw34V*MQ D|FeZZY;lpA*~ZcHqk aR|b68 XCUFDz'1!6lS` kc'F>u^2pC_O1,yDh6*DG=;"z3d2xS,%-:%acu4.|GBf= `_}~U(:>mV~aOMr ap {/K{-{-Z#Y@M@ v%46x}Qu 9c`6f;Uy,,pqs+DK b~uq]qr$~jW#7#6Y~k]hUbM6wX&JG01)@ fcc:P!~+t&y[Mr0txZg)(My~<0XNfyn #'f`l4boM[a( z8gz!CH9umd}x1 }K&:Kw ]_#ik$_.GyMT $<YE7u*,J~AP7"wu5BO9lFyh& 3Y\W_i'@ L^&\E!-B|aMw1}*njؒVU{nZc$D|( =*= ydR#Icy!sKmg-Db"gq2zg:==-HR~'"bEO<rI+L,YuV~"9XMSh,eLi?RJpzRkCln@$sbz^ATM{^UiX4*~ Ԗnn(?eD#iH$f`\k E-c\?#{`{dL])O;7P ax:usZaj-8kK^8U ?::$M~.}1GC<V lu}2AU<*zv0+-&0J\^@a5+dX#7IwL/3T%hG [kq? 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Carnegie-Mellon University and supported by CMU. When@ the code was made freely available, support was picked8 up primarily by Henry Miller and John Clement.@ MadGoat FTP is based on John and Henry's CMU FTP V3.1.: The MadGoat version works with the NETLIB TCP/IP9 Interface Library, which means that the MadGoat= FTP will run under any TCP/IP software supported by= NETLIB. The following TCP/IP products are currently< supported by NETLIB: TGV's MultiNet, Digital's DEC9 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, Process Software's@ TCPware, Wollongong's WIN/TCP and Pathway, and CMU-IP.; The NETLIB port was done by Darrell Burkhead, who> based some of the changes on a much earlier UCX port; (known as CRUX) done by Matt Madison. The OpenVMS0 Alpha port was done by Hunter Goatley.9 NETLIB must be installed before you can use the< MadGoat FTP. NETLIB is written by Matt Madison and- is also a MadGoat Software product.@ MadGoat FTP is currently maintained by Hunter Goatley,> VMS Systems Programmer for MadGoat Software, Bowling- Green, KY (goathunter@MadGoat.com).L __________________________________________________________________ Intended Audience@ This manual is intended for any OpenVMS system manager; wanting to use the MadGoat FTP server. The reader? should be familiar with VMSINSTAL and FTP principles.A vii   PrefaceL __________________________________________________________________ Document Structure/ This guide consists of four chapters.= Chapter 1 Provides a description of the MadGoat# FTP server.@ Chapter 2 Provides descriptions of the MadGoat FTP( server logicals.= Chapter 3 Provides a description for setting up/ anonymous FTP accounts.@ Chapter 4 Provides descriptions of the MadGoat FTP: server logicals for anonymous FTP.L __________________________________________________________________ Authors? Copyright 1986, 1992, Carnegie Mellon University.5 Copyright 1994, 1996, MadGoat5 Software. All rights reserved.? The CMU client and server were originally written by: o Chad Wilson o Dale Moore o Tod Shannon o Bruce Miller o Marc Shannon o Henry Miller o John Clement o Matt Madison- The MadGoat version was written by:3 o Darrell Burkhead (Darrell@MadGoat.com)4 o Hunter Goatley (goathunter@MadGoat.com) viii  A _______________________________________________________ 1 The MadGoat FTP Server< FTP is a TCP/IP subsystem that implements the File< Transfer Protocol for transferring files between a; local system and one or more remote systems on an> internet. The FTP client, invoked by the DCL command= FTP, establishes a network link to an FTP server on@ the remote system. When the connection is established,> you must log in to an account on that remote system.> Once logged in, files can be transferred to and from< the remote system, depending on the type of access allowed.: The MadGoat FTP server provides all the features= normally found in an FTP server, as well as support8 for anonymous FTP and STRU VMS. It was written> primarily to allow sites running DEC TCP/IP Services> for OpenVMS (formerly UCX) to provide true anonymous< FTP access to their systems, though it can be used@ with virtually all of the TCP/IP packages for OpenVMS.L __________________________________________________________________& 1.1 MadGoat FTP Server Operation? The MadGoat FTP server consists of two programs, FTP_; LISTENER.EXE and FTP_SERVER.EXE. The FTP_LISTENER< is executed as a detached process that listens for: incoming FTP connection requests on port 21, the: standard incoming FTP TCP/IP port number. Once a? connection has been established and the remote client= sends the username to log in as, the listener waits; for and verifies the password. If the password is= invalid, the connection is rejected. Otherwise, the? listener creates a new process running FTP_SERVER.EXE> and turns control of the FTP session over to the new process.A 1-1  The MadGoat FTP Server= The FTP server processes all FTP commands issued by; the remote client. The server does not exit until? the remote client closes the port or logs out. If the< remote client logs out, the server process returns; control of the session to the FTP listener, which) waits for a new login username.L __________________________________________________________________, 1.2 Configuring the MadGoat FTP Server< The MadGoat FTP server is controlled by the use of< various system logicals. All of the logicals begin< with the prefix ``MADGOAT_FTP_''. The logicals are? shown in tables Table 1-1 and Table 1-2. Each logical> is described in detail in the sections following the tables.: The file MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_LOGICALS.TEMPLATE= should be renamed as FTP_LOGICALS.COM and edited to5 customize the various MadGoat FTP logicals.< The logicals shown in Table 1-1 must be defined as< executive-mode logicals in the system logical name0 table (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE). For example:: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT 600A Table_1-1__General_MadGoat_FTP_Logicals________________A Logical_____________________Description________________= .t MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?x- MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG+ Enables server activity. logging.@ MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY Specified name of activity+ logs.A _______________________________________________________= +May be overridden for individual users by defining. the logical in the user's LOGIN.COM. 1-2  A The MadGoat FTP ServerA Table_1-1_(Cont.)__General_MadGoat_FTP_Logicals________A Logical_____________________Description________________: MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR Specifies the device< and directory in whichA anonymous FTP log files are- stored.@ MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS+ If defined, limits all FTP= access to the specified2 directories.? MADGOAT_FTP_HELP Points to the MadGoat FTP: client help library.= MADGOAT_FTP_INIT+ Points to an FTP client: initialization file.@ MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_ Number of seconds that the? TIMEOUT MadGoat FTP listener will> leave an idle connection- active.9 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG+ Specifies the levele8 of logging for FTP2 connections.? MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_ Specifies whether repliest; PATHNAME+ to MKD and PWD server ; commands should place > double quotes around the/ pathname. > MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user Disallows FTP access for@ user ``user'' and contains= rejection message text. = MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT+ Specifies the directory A access restrictions for FTPo- access. |A _|_____________________________________________________ = +|ay be overridden for individual users by defining . t|e logical in the user's LOGIN.COM. |A 1-3d o The MadGoat FTP ServerA T|ble_1-1_(Cont.)__General_MadGoat_FTP_Logicals________m |A L|gical_____________________Description________________ |4 M|DGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR Enables use of@ | ``~username'' in directory8 | specifications for; | anonymous users. Also ; | specifies the name ofr: | the users' anonymous5 | subdirectories.@ MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT+ Number of seconds that the= MadGoat FTP server will> leave an idle connection- active.e: MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT+ Causes the client to@ automatically prompt for a@ username when a connectionA is made to a remote system. A MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME+ Welcome message for general 1 FTP access. A ________________________________________________________= +May be overridden for individual users by defining . the logical in the user's LOGIN.COM.A _______________________________________________________T? The logicals shown in Table 1-2 control anonymous FTP_> access to your system. Anonymous FTP is described in Chapter 3.7 The anonymous FTP logicals must be defined as_< executive-mode logicals in the special MadGoat FTP: logical name table, MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE. This< logical name table is automatically created by the@ MadGoat FTP startup procedures. To define a logical in7 this table, use a command like the following: 1-4.  GA The MadGoat FTP Server_: $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE -6 _$ MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT 1.0A Table_1-2__Anonymous_MadGoat_FTP_Logicals______________.A Logical_____________________Description_________________= MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME The welcome message for > anonymous user ``user''.? MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRS Specifies the directories A to which the anonymous user: ``user'' has access.@ MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_ Enables checks to disallow; LIMIT access during ``prime . times.''? MADGOAT_)FTP_ANON_PRIME_ Starting time for ``prime_- START+ time.'' = MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_ Ending time for ``prime_- END+ time.'' ; MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_ ''Prime time'' during < DAYS+ which anonymous ftp is1 restricted. A ________________________________________________________9 +Valid only when MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT is  defined.A ________________________________________________________A 1-5   _A ________________________________________________________* 2 The MadGoat FTP General Logicals: This chapter describes the general logicals that6 control the MadGoat FTP listener and server.> The logicals described must be defined as executive-8 mode logicals in the system logical name table* (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE). For example:: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT 600= These logicals should be defined in the MadGoat FTP ? startup procedure, MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_STARTUP.COM. L __________________________________________________________________ 2.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG_< If defined, the logical MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG causes> the MadGoat FTP server process to record information< in the MadGoat FTP activity logs. This information@ includes each command that is processed by the server,= as well as connect and disconnect requests from the  listener process.O? To enable server activity logging, use a command like_ the following:; $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_ACT_LOG TRUE 9 By default, the activity log file is created in_> MADGOAT_ROOT:[LOGS] as MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVIT/3m/ MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?x$-Y.LOG. You? can specify a different name by defining the MADGOAT__ FTP_ACTIVITY logical. A 2-1   * The MadGoat FTP General LogicalsL __________________________________________________________________ 2.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY< The logical MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY can be defined to= specify an alternate file specification for the FTP_< activity logs. By default, the logs are created in: MADGOAT_ROOT:[LOGS] as MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY.LOG.J $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_ACTIVITY LOCAL$LOGS:FTP.LOGL __________________________________________________________________" 2.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR< The logical MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR points to the< directory where the log files for ANONYMOUS logins> are stored. If this logical is not defined, the logs> are created in the login directory for the ANONYMOUS< account. See Chapter 3 for information on creating! anonymous FTP accounts.@ The default file name is ANON_FTP_LOG.LOG. The logical< ANON_FTP_LOG can be defined to specify a different file name.L __________________________________________________________________ 2.4 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS: The logical MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS is used to restrict< FTP access to specified directories. If defined at= the system level, the restrictions apply to all FTP> access for all users. This logical can be overridden? by individual users when added to a user's LOGIN.COM.? When this logical is defined, the access restrictions ? apply to the FTP session regardless of each account's  VMS privileges.m= MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS should be defined as a search liste< that specifies all the directories to which access> is allowed. For example, the following command would@ restrict access to the [DIR] directory tree on DISK1:,< all directories on DISK2:, and [PUBLIC] on DISK3:. 2-2  p iA The MadGoat FTP General Logicalss5 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS -oA _$ DISK1:[DIR...],DISK2:[ANON...],DISK3:[PUBLIC]m= Note: Defining MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS at the system levelo> will restrict access for all users, unless the users> override the logical definition. A user can override? the directory restrictions by equating the logical tos a space character:+ $ define madgoat_ftp_dirs " ".L __________________________________________________________________ 2.5 MADGOAT_FTP_HELP@ The logical MADGOAT_FTP_HELP points to the VMS on-line@ help library for the MadGoat FTP client. Normally, the? library is stored as MADGOAT_FTP_HELP.HLB in MADGOAT_ > ROOT:[HELP]. You can define this logical if you move/ the library file to another location. L __________________________________________________________________ 2.6 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT> The MADGOAT_FTP_INIT logical points to an FTP client= initialization procedure. When defined system-wide,_= the initialization file can be used to perform sucha; operations as turning on the bell for the client.n: This logical can be defined by individual users.L __________________________________________________________________& 2.7 MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT< The MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT logical specifies= the number of seconds that the MadGoat FTP listener > process will wait for a remote FTP client to log in.; If the listener is idle longer than the specifiedh< number of seconds, the connection is automatically! closed by the listener. A 2-3   p* The MadGoat FTP General Logicals> By default, the listener will keep a connection open< for 5 minutes (300 seconds). The following command= sets the listener timeout to 1 minute (60 seconds):_B $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT 60L __________________________________________________________________ 2.8 MADGOAT_FTP_LOGh< The MADGOAT_FTP_LOG logical controls the amount of; information written to the file FTP_SERVER.LOG ino; each user's login directory. A log file is always > created; by default, it only contains the connection? information. By defining MADGOAT_FTP_LOG system-wide,l: you can enable additional logging for all users.= Users can override this logical definition in their  LOGIN.COM files.; The MADGOAT_FTP_LOG equivalence value is a numbera7 representing a bitmask. Each bit represents a = particular kind of information. The value should be# the sum of the following:A _______________________________________________________ A Value______Meaning_____________________________________ ) 0 Do not log anything.n1 1 Log the results of commands.t? 2 Log the commands entered and the time each " was executed.< 4 Include all data transferred in the logA ___________file._You_generally_do_not_want_this_option. < For example, the following creates a log file that; contains a log of all commands and their results: 6 $ $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_LOG 3 2-4f d A The MadGoat FTP General LogicalsUL ______________________________________________________9____________$ 2.9 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME; The logical MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME is used tot> control the output of type-257 server replies, which: are returned by PWD and MKD server commands. For example: >PWD? <257 "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]" is current directory.a; By default, pathnames will be quoted. However, ifR@ MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME is defined as either "F" or> "N", the quotes will be omitted from the reply. This> option has been provided for compatibility with some= FTP clients that do not recognize quoted pathnames.sL __________________________________________________________________! 2.10 MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_usere? The logical MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_user is used to rejectn> FTP connections for username ``user.'' When defined,@ that username cannot be used for FTP access, even when@ a valid password is supplied. The rejection message is- only seen after a successful login. ; The value of the logical is used as the rejection= message that is sent back to the remote FTP client.d< For example, the following definition would reject, connections for username MCCAMMON:M $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_MCCAMMON "Sorry, dude!"t@ The remote user would see the following when trying to log in as MCCAMMON: A 0 MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?xL< 2-5_ _ _* The MadGoat FTP General Logicals& FTP:alpha> user mccammon2 Attempting to login to user mccammon= <331 Username ``mccammon'' Okay, need password.G Password:a <530-Sorry, dude!l! <530-Not logged in.* <530 Login attempt rejected. Not logged In. FTP:alpha>> If the reject message begins with ``@'', it is taken< to be a file name whose contents are read and sent? back to the remote client. For example, the followingo> definition would cause the contents of REJECT.TXT to3 be read and sent back to the remote user:M@ $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_REJECT_MCCAMMON -2 _$ "@SYS$MANAGER:REJECT.TXT"? Note: If you use the ``@'' form, be sure the rejected_+ user has access to the text file.L __________________________________________________________________ 2.11 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT? The MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT logical can be used to limit > the functions allowed by the server. Its equivalence; value is the sum of the following desired values:MA _______________________________________________________iA Value______Meaning_____________________________________ # 1 No read (RETR)M5 2 No write (STOR, STOU, APPE, MKD)_& 4 No control (SITE)* 8 No delete (DELE, RMD)5 16 No list (LIST, NLST, STAT param)RA 32_________No_change_working_directory_(CWD)___________i 2-6  A The MadGoat FTP General Logicals = The default value is 0, which means that the server < is not restricted. By defining the logical system-= wide, you can provide a different default value for = all users. Users can override the system-wide valuen; by defining the logical in their LOGIN.COM files. = The following command would restrict access to onlyo$ reading and listing files:: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT 14L __________________________________________________________________# 2.12 MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR ; T|e MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR logical can be used ; t| allow users on the local system to offer filesG; f|r anonymous FTP access. Anonymous users can use > t|e special syntax ``~username'' to access the files< `|username'' has made available via anonymous FTP.@ T|e files are stored in a subdirectory under the local; u|er's login directory, allowing sites to provide ? a|onymous FTP files on a user-by-user basis much like 4 W|b servers provide user-based HTML pages. |6 I| MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR is defined, its5 e|uivalence value is used as the name of an @ `|anonymous FTP'' subdirectory under each user's login> d|rectory. For example, assume the following command h|s been executed: |A | $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR AFTP |@ I| the login directory for user BOB is USER:[BOB], the? d|rectory tree USER:[BOB.AFTP...] would be accessiblen> t| anonymous FTP users, if the directory exists. The< r|mote anonymous user would simply issue a command= l|ke ``cd ~bob'' to change the default directory toh U|ER:[BOB.AFTP]. |; N|te: When defining this logical, you should make < s|re that your users are aware of the significance? o| subdirectories with that name to ensure that files @ a|e not accidentally made available via anonymous FTP.A 2-7s r * The MadGoat FTP General Logicals? A|l files in user anonymous FTP directories must have @ W|RLD:READ access to be accessible by anonymous users.@ T|e following example shows how such a directory might b| created:u |" | $ set def sys$login:" | $ create/dir [.aftp]+ | $ set file/prot=w:re aftp.dirv2 | $ copy xyz.txt [.aftp]*.*;/prot=w:re |> S|e Section 3.2 for more information about anonymous F|P directories. |9 I| the MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR logical is not 5 d|fined, an anonymous user receives a ``Bad 5 d|rectory'' response to a command like ``CD  ~|oeuser''. L __________________________________________________________________ 2.13 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT_> The MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT logical specifies the number= of seconds that the MadGoat FTP server process willt? wait for a command from the remote FTP client. If the_< server is idle longer than the specified number of@ seconds, the connection is automatically closed by the server.i= By default, the server will keep an idle connectiona9 open for 5 minutes (300 seconds). The followingn< command sets the server timeout to 10 minutes (600 seconds):s: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT 6007 Individual users can override this timeout byi; redefining it in their LOGIN.COM files. If you dog? not want them to be able to override the value you've < defined, you can define it as a process logical in/ FTP_SERVER.COM in MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]. 2-8M O FA The MadGoat FTP General LogicalsgL __________________________________________________________________! 2.14 MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTL@ The MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT logical determines whether= or not the MadGoat FTP client automatically prompts @ for the remote username when a connection is made to a@ remote system. By default, the client does not prompt;; the user must issue the USER or LOGIN commands toA begin the login.@ Many FTP clients, including UNIX and UCX clients, will? automatically prompt for the remote username. If yourG< users are accustomed to this behavior, issuing the5 following command will enable that feature:A< $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT - _$ TRUE'? The MadGoat FTP client will not prompt for a username8 if the value of MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT starts; with ``N'' or ``F.'' Users can define the logical < themselves to override a system-wide definition of" MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT.L __________________________________________________________________ 2.15 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME? The MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME logical specifies the welcome @ text that is to be sent back to the remote client upon* a successful login. For example:8 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME -* _$ "Welcome to node YYZ"? If the welcome message begins with ``@'', it is taken < to be a file name whose contents are read and sent? 1\ MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?xdK back to the remote client. For example, the following @ definition would cause the contents of FTP_WELCOME.TXT6 to be read and sent back to the remote user:8 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME -3 _$ "@SYS$MANAGER:FTP_WELCOME.TXT" A 2-9_  2* The MadGoat FTP General Logicals> This form lets you send back to the user information= such as access policies, e-mail address for archivea maintainers, etc.n@ You can also specify a welcome message to be displayed> when a remote client enters a directory. The message9 text should be stored in a file called .MESSAGEa> located in the target directory. See Section 3.2 for more information.E 2-10 s eA _______________________________________________________ " 3 Setting Up Anonymous FTP; This chapter describes the steps necessary to set < up anonymous FTP on a system using the MadGoat FTP: server. Anonymous FTP provides anonymous (guest)? access to certain files on your system. Anonymous FTP_? logins are controlled using the logicals described ina Chapter 4.; The basic steps for setting up anonymous FTP are:c7 o Create the ANONYMOUS account and its logine directory. @ o Create the directories to which ANONYMOUS will have access.3 o Copy and modify MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_ 9 LOGICALS.TEMPLATE to include the appropriate_A definitions for MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRS and othera logicals.: o Create a LOGIN.COM for ANONYMOUS, if desired.L __________________________________________________________________' 3.1 Creating an ANONYMOUS Accounto@ Anonymous FTP logins are normally accomplished using a> login username ANONYMOUS. The ANONYMOUS account must< be created using the VMS account creation utility, AUTHORIZE.@ You can also use any other account as an anonymous FTP? account by granting each account the MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_ identifier.TA 3-1  " Setting Up Anonymous FTP% ___________________________e 3.1.1 The ANONYMOUS Username9 The ANONYMOUS account should have the following  characteristics:> o The UIC should be unique and outside any existingA group. The UIC not be a system UIC, which means thati? the group number must be greater than the value of . the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP.@ o It should be created using the qualifiers /NETWORK,= /NOINTERACTIVE, /NOBATCH, and /NOREMOTE to allowd> network logins but to prevent interactive, batch, and DECnet logins.e? o It should be created with /FLAG=DISMAIL to prevent; mail from being sent to the ANONYMOUS account.c> o It should have NETMBX as both a default privilege) and an authorized privilege.S? o The default device and directory must exist. UsersP@ logging in via anonymous FTP will be placed in this# directory, by default.v9 The following example shows a typical ANONYMOUS @ account creation. Figure 3-1 shows the UAF entry for a$ typical ANONYMOUS account.' $ set default sys$system:_ $ run authorize_: UAF> add anonymous/uic=[13,1]/password=junk-D _UAF> /flag=(nodisuser,dismail)/owner="Anonymous FTP"-< _UAF> /network/nointeractive/noremote/nobatch-A _UAF> /device=SYS$SYSDEVICE:/directory=[ANONYMOUS]-TD _UAF> /privilege=(noall,netmbx)/defpriv=(noall,netmbx), User record successfully addedS Identifier ANONYMOUS value: [000013,000001] added to rights data base  UAF> exitJ $ create/directory/owner=anonymous sys$sysdevice:[anonymous] $o 3-2n s eA Setting Up Anonymous FTPa2 Figure 3-1 ANONYMOUS Account AttributesA _______________________________________________________J Username: ANONYMOUS Owner: Anonymous FTPQ Account: UIC: [13,1] ([ANONYMOUS])OF CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES- Default: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ANONYMOUS]  LGICMD: LOGIN. Flags: DisMail - Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Friu5 Secondary days: Sat Sun P Primary 000000000011111111112222 Secondary 000000000011111111112222P Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123P Network: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ######P Batch: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------P Local: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------P Dialup: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------P Remote: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------N Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0H Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired)Z Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-interactive)C Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 8192 C Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0iC Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 1024_C Prclm: 2 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 150aC Prio: 4 ASTlm: 24 WSquo: 256 C Queprio: 0 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 512 C CPU: (none) Enqlm: 100 Pgflquo: 10240 Authorized Privileges: NETMBX Default Privileges:oA __NETMBX_______________________________________________s% ___________________________d+ 3.1.2 Additional Anonymous FTP Accounts = You can create additional anonymous FTP accounts byr< g|anting the MADGOAT_FTP_ANON identifier to one or? more usernames. When an account holds this identifiert> and is used as an FTP login username, the same rules> that apply to the ANONYMOUS account are enforced for= those logins. You might create additional anonymous A 3-3_ _ _" Setting Up Anonymous FTP@ accounts to provide for controlled uploading of files,< or to allow remote users to access files you don't9 want to be visible under the ANONYMOUS account.e= T|e AUTHORIZE utility is used to grant the MADGOAT_7 F|P_ANON identifier. Before you can grant theL; identifier to an account, you must create it. The 3 identifier only needs to be created once:U' $ set default sys$system:  $ run authoriz2YP MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?xuZe - UAF> add/ident madgoat_ftp_anonhU Identifier MADGOAT_FTP_ANON value: %X80010010 added to rights data basez UAF>@ Once the identifier has been created, you can grant it; to an account using the GRANT/IDENTIFIER command: < UAF> grant/identifier madgoat_ftp_anon uploads< Identifier MADGOAT_FTP_ANON granted to UPLOADS UAF>9 For each anonymous account, you must define thea9 MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRS logical name and create ay> LOGIN.COM for it, as described in Section 3.3 and in@ Section 3.4. For example, for the account UPLOADS used@ above, the logical MADGOAT_FTP_UPLOADS_DIRS would have@ to be defined to specify the directories accessible by username UPLOADS.IL __________________________________________________________________( 3.2 Creating ANONYMOUS Directories> ANONYMOUS access to directories is controlled by the? logical MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRS. The anonymous FTP @ directories should have the following characteristics:= o ANONYMOUS should not own any of the files in thea: directories to prevent an anonymous user from= gaining access to the files via the OWNER accessu rights. 3-4  A Setting Up Anonymous FTP = o The owner of the files should not be in the same,, group as the ANONYMOUS account.? o Set the protection on all files to WORLD:R access,F: or use an ACL to specifically grant access to ANONYMOUS.X< You can associate a message to be displayed with a> directory by creating a file called .MESSAGE in that> directory. When a remote client requests a directory= change, the server looks for a .MESSAGE file in the < target directory. If a .MESSAGE file is found, the@ message text is displayed as part of the reply for the4 CWD or CDUP server command as shown below." FTP:host> cd uploads 250-: 250-All files uploaded should be .ZIP files.? 250-Uploads without descriptions will be deleted._ 250-G 250 Current Directory DUB0:[ARCHIVES.UPLOADS], completed._ FTP:host>< .MESSAGE files can be useful for displaying policy> or content information about a particular directory.> The message text will not be displayed if the server; process does not have read access to the .MESSAGE  file.nL __________________________________________________________________- 3.3 Defining the Anonymous FTP Logicalsg: The file MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_LOGICALS.TEMPLATE: should be renamed as FTP_LOGICALS.COM and edited8 to customize the various MadGoat FTP logicals.; The logicals controlling anonymous FTP access aree! described in Chapter 4. @ Logicals defined there can be overridden by redefining: them in the LOGIN.COM for the anonymous account.A 3-5D T P" Setting Up Anonymous FTPL __________________________________________________________________# 3.4 Anonymous LOGIN.COM FilesD? You can create a LOGIN.COM for each anonymous accounta= to further customize the anonymous FTP environment.n; For example, you can change the default directorya> for the account, reject logins based on the password< given, or allow anonymous write access for certain accounts.l= The file MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]ANONYMOUS_LOGIN.TEMPLATE 6 is provided to as a template for a LOGIN.COM= procedure for an anonymous FTP account. It is shown. in Figure 3-2.= Optionally, a single LOGIN.COM could be created forc= all anonymous accounts and the LGICMD UAF parameter 3 could be set to point to the common file.t1 Figure 3-2 ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COM Example A _______________________________________________________/B $ sav = 'f$verify(0)' !Turn off verify $!F $! Copyright 1994, MadGoat Software. All rights reserved. $!% $! ANONYMOUS_LOGIN.TEMPLATEP $!N $! This file should be edited as appropriate and copied as LOGIN.COM, $! for each anonymous FTP account. $!Z $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $!N $! The code below copies the anonymous password into the symbolP $! ANONYMOUS_PASSWORD. The password is then compared to a stringE $! that is used to reject a login using that password. $!Q $! This section could be expanded to allow different file accesses5 $! based on the entered password, etc.r $!A _______________________________________________________ ( Figure 3-2 Cont'd on next page 3-6g  A Setting Up Anonymous FTP 9 Figure 3-2 (Cont.) ANONYMOUS LOGIN.COM ExampleeA _______________________________________________________ S $!$ @madgoat_root:[com]get_anonymous_password !Get the password|? $!$ username = f$edit(f$getjpi("","USERNAME"),"TRIM")AC $!$ if anonymous_password .eqs. "BURKHDR@alpha.wku.edu" - E $! then define madgoat_ftp_reject_'username' "Goodbye" $! $!++ $!S $! MADGOAT_ANONYMOUS_FTP_DIRS probably doesn't include the ANONYMOUS_R $! account's login directory, since this is where the log files areP $! kept, by default. Therefore, if MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRS isU $! defined, use the first entry as the default directory. Note, sinceeV $! entries can take the form dev:[dir...], we may need to trim ...] off- $! of the end of the dir spec.p $!V $ defdir = f$trnlnm("MADGOAT_FTP_''USERNAME'_DIRS","MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE")5 $ if defdir .nes. "" .and. defdir .nes. " "o $ then' $ length = f$length(defdir)MX $ if f$extract(length-4,4,defdir) .eqs. "...]" !Strip ...] off of theV $ then defdir = defdir-"...]"+"]" !end of the dir spec $ endif " $ set default 'defdir' $ endif $!F $! Don't allow any access except RETR (GET) and LIST (DIR)! $!M $ define madgoat_ftp_restrict 14 !RETR and LIST access only!_ $!G $_exit_1_.or._f$verify(sav)_____________!Restore_verify statePA 3-7r t eA _______________________________________________________a, 4 The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals: This chapter describes the logicals that control= anonymous FTP access using the MadGoat FTP listeneri and server.P> The logicals described must be defined as executive-> mode logicals in the logical name tabl3\ MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.TXT;5Z?xie MADGOAT_FTP_" NAME_TABLE. For example:F $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE logical value= These logicals should be defined in the MadGoat FTP ? startup procedure, MADGOAT_ROOT:[COM]FTP_STARTUP.COM.mL __________________________________________________________________" 4.1 MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME< You can define a specific welcome message for each; anonymous FTP account by defining logicals of the > form MADGOAT_FTP_user_WELCOME, where ``user'' is the@ username. For example, to define a special message for1 an ANONYMOUS account, you could define: : $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE -4 _$ MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_WELCOME -> _$ "Welcome to anonymous access on node YYZ"? If the welcome message begins with ``@'', it is takenn< to be a file name whose contents are read and sent? back to the remote client. For example, the followingF: definition would cause the contents of ANON_FTP_< WELCOME.TXT to be read and sent back to the remote user:o: $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE -4 _$ MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_WELCOME -8 _$ "@SYS$MANAGER:ANON_FTP_WELCOME.TXT"A 4-1i s , The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals> This form lets you send back to the user information= such as access policies, e-mail address for archivel maintainers, etc.tL __________________________________________________________________ 4.2 MADGOAT_FTP_user_DIRSa> You can restrict directory access on a user-basis by@ defining search list logicals of the form MADGOAT_FTP_@ user_DIRS, where ``user'' is the username whose access> is to be restricted. For example, to restrict access5 for an ANONYMOUS account, you could define:o: $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE -0 _$ MADGOAT_FTP_ANONYMOUS_DIRS -6 _$ DISK:[ANONYMOUS...],DISK2:[PUBLIC]> Such restrictions apply regardless of each account's VMS privileges._> Note: You should define a logical for each ANONYMOUS< account to ensure that only the publicly-available files are accessible. L __________________________________________________________________4 4.3 Limiting Anonymous FTP Access to Off-hours; The MadGoat FTP server can restrict anonymous FTPM< access to hours other than ``prime-time'' hours if= the load average software (LAVDRIVER) is installed.A9 LAVDRIVER gathers load average statistics on an > OpenVMS system. The driver is automatically included@ with TGV's MultiNet, but is also freely available from? various sources, including ftp.spc.edu. If the driveru1 is loaded, the device LAV0: will exist: ! $ SHOW DEVICE LAV0:N< Device Device Error< Name Status Count< LAV0: Online 0 $a 4-2D T PA The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals > The logicals described in the following sections are1 used to control the load checking code.% ___________________________ % 4.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMITh9 The logical MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT logicalU= specifies the load limit for anonymous logins. Thisp> limit is a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0.> If it is defined and the current time is between the? prime-time start and end times, then the current loadr> averages are read from the LAV0: device. The current7 load is computed using the following formula:k0 load = M15*(P15/4.0))@ where M15 is the average load over the last 15 minutes: and P15 is the average priority over the last 15? minutes. Thus, the average load is normalized againsta< typical interactive priority to guard against low-@ priority batch jobs preventing anonymous login access.> If the load is greater than or equal to the MADGOAT_= FTP_LOAD_LIMIT value, the anonymous login is deniedh@ with a reason of ``system too busy,'' If the threshold? is not exceeded, the anonymous login is accepted, but = the user is warned to minimize access during prime-< time hours (with the start and end times displayed0 along with the time zone information).= If the current time does not fall within prime-timeU/ hours, no load checking is performed. ? The following command establishes a load limit of 0.5  for anonymous logins:,: $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE -5 _$ MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT "0.5"eA 4-3  , The MadGoat FTP Anonymous Logicals% ___________________________ % 4.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS ? The logical MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS specifies theu? days for which ``prime-time'' hours are to apply. The_= logical value is a comma-separated list of numbers,N> where 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, etc. If the logical> is not defined, then ``prime time'' is assumed to be* in effect Monday through Friday.> The following command establishes Monday, Wednesday,( and Friday as prime-time days:: $ DEFINE/EXEC/TABLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAME_TABLE -7 _$ MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DAYS "1,3,5" 9 The value cannot contain spaces, and it must be2 surrounded by quotes.2% ___________________________7& 4.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START@ The logical MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_START specifies the= starting time for ``prime-time'' hours. The default value is ``09:00:00''.% ___________________________-$ 4.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END> The logical MADGOAT_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END specifies the; ending time for ``prime-time'' hours. The default value is ``17:00:00''. 4-4 (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0H Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired)Z Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-interactive)C Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 8192 C Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0iC Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 1024_C 49 MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5Y*[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5+,D./ 4Y-MI0123KPWO56Atq7b䊑t89GHJ%!PS-Adobe-3.0%%Title: FTP_MGMT_GUIDE%%Creator: DECdocument V3.0DI%%Copyright: 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION.%%+All Rights Reserved.(%%CreationDate: Mon Aug 19 1996 16:33:51%%For: GOATHUNTER %%BoundingBox: (atend)%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit%%LanguageLevel: 1%%Orientation: Portrait%%Pages: (atend)%%PageOrder: Ascend%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend) &%%DocumentProcSets: Underlay Color5044.%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Underlay Color5044 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend)%%DocumentCustomColors: (atend) %%EndComments$%+++TTI changes : added ROTB back in>%+++ : added 1000 ROTB = begin special code example<%+++ : added 1001 ROTB = end special code example0%+++ : added 1002 ROTB = digital logo%!%%BeginResource: procset Underlay%%CreationDate: (2/10/92)%C% In VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1, simple EPSF files up to 65,000 bytes long@% may be an underlay. Define the EPSF as a PostScript proceedureD% called /UNDERLAY and prefix to DOCUMENT's PS output For example:.&% /UNDERLAY ( EPSF code here ) cvx def%=% To create a "DRAFT" underlay change /UNDERLAY* to /UNDERLAY /UNDERLAY* ( /Note (DRAFT) def /NoteSize 120 def6 /NoteFont /Helvetica findfont NoteSize scalefont def& /Note where { pop Note length 0 gt {8 /NoteWidth NoteFont setfont Note stringwidth pop def/ PaperWidth 36 mul PaperHeight 36 mul moveto& PaperHeight PaperWidth atan rotate6 NoteWidth -2 div NoteSize .729 mul -2 div rmoveto 2 Note true charpath .075 setseparationgray fill }if }if ) cvx def %%EndResource%"%%BeginResource: procset Color5044%%CreationDate: (1/21/91)%%Version:1.0 31%Implementation of Adobe 5044 color specification5%/ndf allows command override during color separation/Color5044Dict 100 dict defColor5044Dict begin/bdf {bind def} def/ndf {1 index where {pop pop pop } {dup xcheck {bind} if def } ifelse } bdf /setcmykcolor {1 exch sub 3 " {dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 2 copy lt {exch} if pop exch } repeat pop setrgbcolor }ndf/setcmykcoloroverprint {4 {dup -1 eq {pop 0} if 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor } ndf/findcmykcustomcolor {5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray } {array astore readonly } ifelse } ndf/setcustomcolor {exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop } ndf/setseparationgray* {1 exch sub systemdict /setgray get exec } ndf/setoverprint {pop} ndf/currentoverprint false ndf%CMYK multi-proc colorimage /colorimage {4 neH {(\nUnsupported number of colors for colorimage.\n) print flush quit } if notJ {(\nSingle procedure form colorimage unsupported.\n) print flush quit } if' save 20 dict begin /&saveobj exch defE /&Kproc exch def /&Yproc exch def /&Mproc exch def /&Cproc exch def {&Cproc &Mproc &Yproc &Kproc7 /&K exch def /&Y exch def /&M exch def /&C exch def 0 1 &K length 1 sub {/&i exch def &K &i 255 &C &i get 30 mul &M &i get 59 mul add &Y &i get 11 mul add &K &i get 100 mul add 100 idiv dup 255 gt {pop 255} if sub put } for &K } image &saveobj end restore } ndf/customcolorimage! {pop systemdict /image get exec } ndf/separationimage {systemdict /image get exec } ndfend %%EndResourceColor5044Dict begin%/DEC_DVC$dict 300 dict defDEC_DVC$dict begin%/DVC$PSJob save def%5mark % CREATE ISOLatin1Encoding if not there already/ISOLatin1Encoding0 8#000 1 8#054 {StandardEncoding exch get} for  /minus0 8#056 1 8#217 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /dotlessi 0 8#301 1 8#317 {StandardEncoding exch get} for H /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section G /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen L /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute E /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine L /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave O /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute O /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde L /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave M /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute G /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute N /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntildeJ /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave < /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis 9 /ISOLatin1Encoding where not {256 array astore def} if cleartomark%,/DOCPSE ISOLatin1Encoding 256 array copy def"mark % CREATE DOCPSE ENCODING 8#055 /hyphenC 8#201 /bullet 8#202 /emdash 8#203 /endash 8#204 /daggerC 8#205 /daggerdbl 8#206 /registered 8#207 /trademark %8#210 /Delta? 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IF IT HAS A DECIMAL REMAINDERL % EQUIVALENT TO .001-.009 POINTS (I.E., .050-.450 VAXDOC UNITS), THAT'S H % A FLAG TO STRETCH IT VERTICALLY BY ADDING 1-9 EXTRA POINTS TO THE  % VERTICAL SCALING.A % save requested size - as entered and as integer, dup /x-size exch def cvi /x-int exch def; % calc decimal remainder, mul x 1000, round; x-size x-int sub 1000 mul round cvi /remainder exch def% % see how we scale...) remainder 50 lt remainder 450 gt or {& % scale isomorphically /ystretch 0 def x-size scalefont } {& % scale anamorphically /ystretch remainder def+ x-int ystretch add /y-size exch def' [x-int 0 0 y-size 0 0] makefont } ifelse}def%(/DPSF { % /procname size /fontname DPSF< findfont exch ps-scalefont [ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx def}def%/PXLBuildCharDict 17 dict def/CMEncodingArray 256 array def90 1 255 {CMEncodingArray exch dup cvsstr cvs cvn put} for)/RasterConvert {RasterScaleFactor div}def/TransformBBox { aload popH /BB-ury exch def /BB-urx exch def /BB-lly exch def /BB-llx exch def. 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x(ance)SuC167 x(of)S 166 x(this)S 165 x(software.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 167 xsE(follow)S -2 x(ing)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(tradem)S 2 x(arks)S 166 x(of)S D166 x(Digital)S 165 x(Equipment)S 167 x(Corporation:)S 10773 X 897 yE(AXP)S 15854 X(V)S -33 x(AX)S 20935 X(DEC)S 26016 X(OpenVMS)S 10773 X L548 y(VMS)S 15854 X(UCX)S 20935 X(V)S -33 x(AXcluster)S 26016 X(VMScluster)SF10773 X 897 y(MultiNet)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(registered)S 167 xI(tradem)S 2 x(ark)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(TGV)S -41 x(,)S 165 x(Inc.)S 10773 X C896 y(TCPware)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(tradema)S 2 x(rk)S 166 xL(of)S 166 x(Process)S 167 x(Software)S 167 x(Corp.)S 10773 X 897 y(WIN/TCP)SC165 x(and)S 167 x(PathW)S -16 x(ay)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(registered)SnK167 x(tradema)S 2 x(rks)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(The)S 167 x(W)S -8 x(ollongong)SHN167 x(Group,)S 166 x(Inc.)S 10773 X 896 y 3588 24 R 10773 36028 XY(Copyright)SE166 x(\251199)S 2 x(6)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(Software.)S 249 x(All)S0'165 x(Rights)S 165 x(Reserved)S 2 x(.)SrEP PP %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetican%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %h?% < Beginning of included file FTP_MGMT_GUIDE_CONTENTS.DVI_PS >%%Page: (III) 3 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5520 XY F20(Contents)S 7187 6812 XY I21072 72 R 7187 7410 XY F36(PREF)S -27 x(ACE)S 27704 X(vii)S 5094 9203 XYK23160 144 R 5094 9900 XY F28(CHAPTER)S 164 x(1)S 599 x(THE)S 165 x(MADGOA)S0L-45 x(T)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 x(SER)S -12 x(VER)S 27260 X(1\2031)S 7187 11096 XYD21072 72 R 7187 11693 XY F36(1.1)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T)SE166 x(FTP)S 167 x(SER)S -9 x(VER)S 167 x(OPERA)S -38 x(TION)S 27427 XCH(1\2031)S 7187 12889 XY 21072 72 R 7187 13487 XY(1.2)S 9279 X(CONFIGUR)SG-2 x(ING)S 166 x(THE)S 166 x(MADGOA)S -39 x(T)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(SER)S C-9 x(VER)S 27427 X(1\2031)S 5094 15280 XY 23160 144 R 5094 15977 XYcHF28(CHAPTER)S 164 x(2)S 599 x(THE)S 165 x(MADGOA)S -45 x(T)S 166 x(FTP)SG166 x(GENERA)S -2 x(L)S 167 x(LOGICALS)S 27260 X(2\2031)S 7187 17173 XYnP21072 72 R 7187 17771 XY F36(2.1)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_ACT_LOG)SD27427 X(2\2031)S 7187 18966 XY 21072 72 R 7187 19564 XY(2.2)S 9279 XN(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_ACTIVI)S 2 x(TY)S 27427 X(2\2031)S 7187 20760 XYQ21072 72 R 7187 21357 XY(2.3)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR)SfD27427 X(2\2031)S 7187 22553 XY 21072 72 R 7187 23151 XY(2.4)S 9279 XC(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_DIRS)S 27427 X(2\2032)S 7187 24346 XY7I21072 72 R 7187 24944 XY(2.5)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_HELP)SuD27427 X(2\2032)S 7187 26139 XY 21072 72 R 7187 26737 XY(2.6)S 9279 XJ(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_I)S 2 x(NIT)S 27427 X(2\2032)S 7187 27933 XYG21072 72 R 7187 28530 XY(2.7)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_LI)SvL2 x(STENER_TIMEOUT)S 27427 X(2\2032)S 7187 29726 XY 21072 72 R 7187 30324 XYO(2.8)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_LOG)S 27427 X(2\2033)S 7187 31519 XYKL21072 729 R 7187 32117 XY(2.9)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_QUOTE_P)SP-36 x(A)S -37 x(THNAME)S 27427 X(2\2033)S 7187 33312 XY 21072 72 R 7187 33910 XYJ(2.10)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_REJECT_USER)S 27427 X(2\2033)S-416 x 36925 Y(iii)SEP PPl %%PageTrailero%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Boldo%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e% %%Page: (IV) 4%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)t PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Contents)S -496 x 4571 Y 21072 72 R 7187 5169 XYIF36(2.1)S -27 x(1)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_REST)S 2 x(RICT)S C27427 X(2\2034)S 7187 6365 XY 21072 72 R 7187 6962 XY(2.12)S 9279 X D(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_TI)S 2 x(LDE_ANOND)S -2 x(IR)S 27427 XC(2\2034)S 7187 8158 XY 21072 72 R 7187 8756 XY(2.13)S 9279 X(MADG)SaD-2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_TI)S 2 x(MEOUT)S 27427 X(2\2035)S 7187 9951 XYQ21072 72 R 7187 10549 XY(2.14)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_USER_PROMPT)S E27427 X(2\2036)S 7187 11744 XY 21072 72 R 7187 12342 XY(2.15)S 9279 X M(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_WE)S 2 x(LCOME)S 27427 X(2\2036)S 5094 14135 XYlG23160 144 R 5094 14833 XY F28(CHAPTER)S 164 x(3)S 599 x(SETTING)S 165 x J(UP)S 166 x(ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 165 x(FTP)S 27260 X(3\2031)S 7187 16028 XYC21072 72 R 7187 16626 XY F36(3.1)S 9279 X(CREA)S -38 x(TING)S 166 xdH(AN)S 165 x(ANONYMOU)S -2 x(S)S 167 x(ACCO)S -2 x(UNT)S 27427 X(3\2031)SM9279 X 698 y(3.1.1)S 11371 X(The)S 167 x(ANO)S -2 x(NYMOUS)S 166 x(Username)S D497 x 9O MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5Y*<6780 24 R 27427 17324 XY(3\2031)S 9279 X 697 y(3.1.2)S 11371 XC(Addition)S 2 x(al)S 166 x(Anonymous)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(Accounts)S N499 x 4680 24 R 27427 18021 XY(3\2032)S 7187 19216 XY 21072 72 R 7187 19814 XYJ(3.2)S 9279 X(CREA)S -38 x(TING)S 166 x(ANONYMO)S -2 x(US)S 166 x(DIRECT)SD-9 x(ORIES)S 27427 X(3\2033)S 7187 21010 XY 21072 72 R 7187 21607 XYD(3.3)S 9279 X(DEFINING)S 166 x(THE)S 166 x(ANONYMO)S -2 x(US)S 166 xO(FTP)S 167 x(LOGICALS)S 27427 X(3\2034)S 7187 22803 XY 21072 72 R 7187 23401 XYD(3.4)S 9279 X(ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 166 x(LOGIN.COM)S 165 x(FILE)S 2 xK(S)S 27427 X(3\2034)S 5094 25194 XY 23160 144 R 5094 25891 XY F28(CHAPTER)SoI164 x(4)S 599 x(THE)S 165 x(MADGOA)S -45 x(T)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 x(ANONYM)SeE-2 x(OUS)S 166 x(LOGICALS)S 27260 X(4\2031)S 7187 27087 XY 21072 72 ReF7187 27685 XY F36(4.1)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_USER_WEL)SH2 x(COME)S 27427 X(4\2031)S 7187 28880 XY 21072 72 R 7187 29478 XY(4.2)SN9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T_FTP_USER_DIRS)S 27427 X(4\2031)S 7187 30673 XYG21072 72 R 7187 31271 XY(4.3)S 9279 X(LIMITI)S 2 x(NG)S 165 x(ANONYMO)SE(FIGURES)S -565 x 697 y F36(3)S(\203)S(1)S 9279 X(ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S I166 x(Account)S 166 x(Attributes)S 499 x 7824 24 R 27427 5941 XY(3\2032)SfH7187 X 698 y(3)S(\203)S(2)S 9279 X(ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 166 x(LOGIN.COM)SC165 x(Example)S 499 x 7236 24 R 27427 6639 XY(3\2035)S 5094 8432 XYsC23160 144 R 5094 9030 XY F28(T)S -44 x(ABLES)S -255 x 697 y F36(1)ScH(\203)S(1)S 9279 X(General)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(Logical)SF2 x(s)S 498 x 8340 24 R 27427 9727 XY(1\2032)S 7187 X 697 y(1)S(\203)SD(2)S 9279 X(Anonymous)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(Logi)S 2 xB(cals)S 498 x 7320 24 R 27427 10424 XY(1\2033)S -277 x 36925 Y(v)SEP PP %%PageTrailere%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bolde%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)R% 9% < End of included file FTP_MGMT_GUIDE_CONTENTS.DVI_PS > %%Page: (VI) 6%DEC_EDMS_BlankPageTPP %%PageTrailer %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:T%%%Page: (VII) 7d%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYM0 SC 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(Prefac)S -2 x(e)S 10773 7236 XYpFF151(FTP)S 177 x(\(File)S 176 x(T)S -31 x(ransfer)S 176 x(Protocol\))SH176 x(is)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(TCP/IP)S 177 x(subsystem)S 175 x(that)S 176 xK(allows)S 175 x(users)S 175 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(transfer)S 166 x(\211les)SvH166 x(between)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(local)S 166 x(system)S 166 x(and)S 166 xD(remote)S 166 x(systems.)S 10773 X 897 y(MadGoat)S 201 x(FTP)S 202 xG(began)S 202 x(life)S 201 x(as)S 201 x(the)S 201 x(FTP)S 202 x(client)S P202 x(and)S 201 x(server)S 202 x(that)S 201 x(were)S 10773 X 598 y(distributed)SD173 x(with)S 173 x(CMU-T)S -46 x(ek)S 174 x(TCP/IP)S -64 x(,)S 174 xF(a)S 173 x(mostly-free)S 173 x(TCP/IP)S 174 x(implementation)S 10773 XG597 y(written)S 178 x(by)S 178 x(T)S -46 x(ektronix)S 179 x(and)S 179 x C(Carnegie-Mellon)S 179 x(University)S 178 x(and)S 178 x(supported)SE178 x(by)S 10773 X 598 y(CMU.)S 177 x(When)S 177 x(the)S 176 x(code)S J177 x(was)S 176 x(made)S 176 x(freely)S 177 x(available,)S 179 x(support)SE177 x(was)S 175 x(picked)S 177 x(up)S 10773 X 598 y(primarily)S 166 x L(by)S 167 x(Henry)S 167 x(Miller)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(John)S 167 x(Clement.)SG10773 X 896 y(MadGoat)S 195 x(FTP)S 196 x(is)S 194 x(based)S 195 x(on)SaC196 x(John)S 195 x(and)S 196 x(Henry')S -18 x(s)S 195 x(CMU)S 195 xTH(FTP)S 196 x(V3.1.)S 307 x(The)S 10773 X 598 y(MadGoat)S 188 x(version)SD190 x(works)S 189 x(with)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(NETLIB)S 189 x(TCP/IP)SG189 x(Interface)S 189 x(Library)S -54 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(which)S 171 xmC(means)S 171 x(that)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(MadGoat)S 171 x(FTP)S 172 xtM(will)S 170 x(run)S 172 x(under)S 172 x(any)S 171 x(TCP/IP)S 172 x(software)S F10773 X 598 y(supported)S 190 x(by)S 190 x(NETLIB.)S 190 x(The)S 190 xJ(following)S 190 x(TCP/IP)S 191 x(products)S 190 x(are)S 190 x(currently)SG10773 X 597 y(supported)S 179 x(by)S 179 x(NETLIB:)S 180 x(TGV')S -20 xC(s)S 179 x(MultiNet,)S 183 x(Digital')S -20 x(s)S 179 x(DEC)S 178 x E(TCP/IP)S 180 x(Services)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 176 x(OpenVMS,)S 176 x0G(Process)S 176 x(Software')S -19 x(s)S 175 x(TCPware,)S 179 x(W)S -28 xeH(ollongon)S 2 x(g')S -19 x(s)S 176 x(WIN/TCP)S 176 x(and)S 10773 X 598 yG(Pathway)S -55 x(,)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(CMU-IP)S -65 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y F(The)S 173 x(NETLIB)S 171 x(port)S 172 x(was)S 172 x(done)S 172 x(by)SH173 x(Darrell)S 171 x(Burkhead,)S 175 x(who)S 172 x(based)S 172 x(some)SF172 x(of)S 172 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(change)S 2 x(s)S 183 x(on)S 185 xJ(a)S 184 x(much)S 185 x(earlier)S 185 x(UCX)S 183 x(port)S 185 x(\(known)SF185 x(as)S 183 x(CRUX\))S 184 x(done)S 184 x(by)S 185 x(Matt)S 10773 XG598 y(Madison.)S 250 x(The)S 166 x(OpenVMS)S 166 x(Alpha)S 166 x(port)S(H166 x(was)S 165 x(done)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(Hunter)S 167 x(Goatley)S -56 xE(.)S 10773 X 897 y(NETLIB)S 168 x(must)S 169 x(be)S 168 x(installed)S D168 x(before)S 169 x(you)S 170 x(can)S 169 x(use)S 169 x(the)S 168 xH(MadGoat)S 169 x(FTP)S -64 x(.)S 169 x(NETLIB)S 10773 X 598 y(is)S 166 xD(written)S 165 x(by)S 167 x(Matt)S 166 x(Madison)S 166 x(and)S 166 xC(is)S 166 x(also)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(Software)S 165 xeI(product.)S 10773 X 896 y(MadGoat)S 204 x(FTP)S 205 x(is)S 203 x(curren)S%F2 x(tly)S 204 x(maintained)S 204 x(by)S 205 x(Hunter)S 205 x(Goatley)SF-56 x(,)S 215 x(VMS)S 10773 X 598 y(Systems)S 200 x(Programmer)S 201 xG(for)S 201 x(MadGoat)S 200 x(Software,)S 209 x(Bowling)S 200 x(Green,)SRK210 x(KY)S 10773 X 598 y(\(goathunter@M)S 2 x(adGoat.com\).)S 5094 22230 XYrE23160 96 R 5094 22928 XY F24(Intended)S 166 x(Audience)S -533 x 896 y2HF151(This)S 186 x(manual)S 187 x(is)S 186 x(intended)S 186 x(for)S 186 xE(any)S 187 x(OpenVMS)S 186 x(system)S 186 x(manager)S 186 x(wanting)SrF10773 X 598 y(to)S 188 x(use)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(MadGoat)S 188 x(FTP)SH188 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 293 x(The)S 189 x(reader)S 188 x(should)S 189 xF(be)S 188 x(familiar)S 187 x(with)S 10773 X 598 y(VMSINST)S -28 x(AL)SD166 x(and)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(principles.)S 5094 26215 XY 23160 96 RH5094 26913 XY F24(Document)S 166 x(Structure)S 10773 X 896 y F151(This)SH166 x(guide)S 167 x(consists)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(four)S 167 x(chapters.)SH10773 X 897 y F38(Chapter)S 150 x(1)S 15555 X(Provides)S 151 x(a)S 149 xH(description)S 150 x(of)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(MadGoa)S 2 x(t)S 149 x(FTP)SM149 x(server)S -23 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y(Chapter)S 150 x(2)S 15555 X(Provides)S G151 x(descriptions)S 150 x(of)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(MadGoat)S 150 x(FTP)S3J149 x(server)S 151 x(logicals.)S 10773 X 747 y(Chapter)S 150 x(3)S 15555 XL(Provides)S 141 x(:j MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5Y7Ka)S 139 x(descr)S 2 x(iption)S 139 x(for)S 139 x(setting)SI139 x(up)S 141 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 139 x(FTP)S 140 x(accounts.)S 10773 XFG747 y(Chapter)S 150 x(4)S 15555 X(Provides)S 157 x(descriptions)S 156 xiF(of)S 156 x(the)S 155 x(MadGoa)S 2 x(t)S 155 x(FTP)S 155 x(serve)S 2 xH(r)S 155 x(logicals)S 156 x(for)S 15555 X 548 y(anonym)S 2 x(ous)S 150 x)(FTP)S -58 x(.)S 27704 36925 XY F36(vii)SCEP PP: %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ HelveticaP%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)F% %%Page: (VIII) 8%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)C PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Preface)S 5094 4596 XY 23160 96 R 5094 5294 XYGF24(Authors)S 13313 6788 XY F151(Copyright)S 172 x(\251)S 172 x(1986,)S_F173 x(1992,)S 173 x(Carnegie)S 172 x(Mellon)S 172 x(University)S -54 xG(.)S 11967 X 598 y(Copyright)S 169 x(\251)S 169 x(1994,)S 169 x(1996,)SON170 x(MadGoat)S 168 x(Software.)S 254 x(All)S 168 x(rights)S 169 x(reserved.)SI10773 X 896 y(The)S 167 x(CMU)S 166 x(client)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(server)SHC167 x(were)S 166 x(originally)S 167 x(written)S 166 x(by:)S 10773 X F897 y(\201)S 595 x(Chad)S 166 x(W)S -19 x(ilson)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SD595 x(Dale)S 165 x(Moore)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(T)S -46 x(od)SI166 x(Shannon)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Bruce)S 166 x(Miller)S 10773 X)D897 y(\201)S 595 x(Marc)S 166 x(Shannon)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 xI(Henry)S 167 x(Miller)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(John)S 167 x(Clement)S F10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Matt)S 166 x(Madison)S 10773 16551 XY(The)SG167 x(MadGoat)S 165 x(version)S 167 x(was)S 165 x(written)S 166 x(by:)SiU10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Darrell)S 166 x(Burkhead)S 166 x(\(Darrell@MadGoat.com\))SxE10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Hunter)S 166 x(Goatley)S 166 x(\(goathun)S102 x(ter@MadGoat.com\))S 5094 36925 XY F36(viii)SEP PPn %%PageTrailerm2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)%)%%Page: (1-1) 98%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)X PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(1)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(The)SE166 x(MadGo)S -2 x(at)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(Server)S 10773 8652 XY F151rI(FTP)S 179 x(is)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(TCP/IP)S 179 x(subsystem)S 178 x(that)SeE178 x(implements)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(File)S 178 x(T)S -30 x(ransfer)SeI178 x(Protocol)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 187 x(transferring)S 188 x(\211les)SH188 x(between)S 187 x(a)S 187 x(local)S 187 x(system)S 186 x(and)S 188 xE(one)S 187 x(or)S 188 x(more)S 187 x(remote)S 10773 X 597 y(systems)SoE178 x(on)S 179 x(an)S 179 x(internet.)S 275 x(The)S 179 x(FTP)S 179 x DF152(client)S F151(,)S 183 x(invok)S 2 x(ed)S 178 x(by)S 179 x(the)SM179 x(DCL)S 178 x(command)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S -63 x(,)S 176 x(establishes)SoH175 x(a)S 176 x(network)S 177 x(link)S 177 x(to)S 176 x(an)S 176 x(FTP)SD177 x F152(server)S 177 x F151(on)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(remote)S 176 xD(system.)S 10773 X 598 y(When)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(connection)S 170 xE(is)S 168 x(established,)S 170 x(you)S 169 x(must)S 169 x(log)S 169 xGC(in)S 169 x(to)S 168 x(an)S 169 x(account)S 170 x(on)S 169 x(that)S)H10773 X 598 y(remote)S 177 x(system.)S 270 x(Once)S 177 x(logged)S 178 xG(in,)S 180 x(\211les)S 177 x(can)S 177 x(be)S 177 x(transferred)S 177 xrG(to)S 177 x(and)S 177 x(from)S 177 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(remote)S 166 x1F(system,)S 166 x(depending)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(type)S 166 xI(of)S 166 x(access)S 166 x(allowed.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 175 x(MadGoat)S C174 x(FTP)S 175 x(server)S 175 x(provides)S 175 x(all)S 174 x(the)S(E175 x(features)S 174 x(normally)S 175 x(found)S 175 x(in)S 175 x(an)SrD10773 X 598 y(FTP)S 181 x(server)S -37 x(,)S 184 x(as)S 180 x(well)SE179 x(as)S 179 x(support)S 180 x(for)S 180 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 179 x E(FTP)S 181 x(and)S 180 x(STRU)S 179 x(VMS.)S 180 x(It)S 10773 X 598 yiG(was)S 181 x(written)S 181 x(primarily)S 182 x(to)S 181 x(allow)S 182 x K(sites)S 180 x(runnin)S 2 x(g)S 182 x(DEC)S 180 x(TCP/IP)S 183 x(Services)SeD181 x(for)S 10773 X 597 y(OpenVMS)S 170 x(\(formerly)S 170 x(UCX\))SF170 x(to)S 169 x(provide)S 171 x(true)S 170 x(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 170 xG(FTP)S 170 x(access)S 170 x(to)S 170 x(their)S 10773 X 598 y(systems,)S)C175 x(though)S 175 x(it)S 173 x(can)S 174 x(be)S 173 x(used)S 174 x3K(with)S 173 x(virtually)S 174 x(all)S 174 x(of)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(TCP/IP)S C174 x(packages)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 166 x(OpenVMS.)S 5094 17319 XYTE23160 96 R 2404 18017 XY F24(1.1)S 5094 X(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 xaD(Server)S 166 x(Operation)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 169 x(MadGoat)SH169 x(FTP)S 169 x(server)S 169 x(consists)S 168 x(of)S 169 x(two)S 168 xI(programs,)S 170 x(FTP_LISTENER.EXE)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 174 x(FTP_SER)SSD-18 x(VER.EXE)S -2 x(.)S 175 x(The)S 175 x(FTP_LISTENER)S 174 x(is)SD173 x(executed)S 175 x(as)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(detached)S 10773 X 598 yD(process)S 171 x(that)S 172 x(listens)S 170 x(for)S 172 x(incoming)SG173 x(FTP)S 172 x(connection)S 173 x(requests)S 171 x(on)S 172 x(port)SBG171 x(21,)S 174 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(standard)S 169 x(incoming)S 171 x H(FTP)S 170 x(TCP/IP)S 170 x(port)S 169 x(number)S -36 x(.)S 256 x(Once)SC169 x(a)S 170 x(connection)S 170 x(has)S 170 x(been)S 10773 X 597 ytD(established)S 180 x(and)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(remote)S 181 x(client)SG181 x(sends)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(username)S 181 x(to)S 181 x(log)S 182 x4D(in)S 181 x(as,)S 185 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(listener)S 179 x(waits)SD177 x(for)S 179 x(and)S 179 x(veri\211es)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(passw)SD-2 x(ord.)S 276 x(If)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(password)S 177 x(is)S 179 xC(invalid,)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 175 x(connection)S 176 x(is)S 174 xTL(rejected.)S 268 x(Otherwise,)S 177 x(the)S 175 x(listener)S 174 x(creates)SD175 x(a)S 175 x(new)S 174 x(process)S 10773 X 598 y(runnin)S 2 x(g)SI173 x(FTP_SER)S -19 x(VER.EXE)S 171 x(and)S 173 x(turns)S 173 x(control)SE173 x(of)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(FTP)S 173 x(session)S 172 x(over)S 174 x2D(to)S 10773 X 597 y(the)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(process.)S 10773 X 897 yE(The)S 172 x(FTP)S 172 x(server)S 171 x(processes)S 171 x(all)S 170 xXC(FTP)S 172 x(commands)S 171 x(issued)S 170 x(by)S 172 x(the)S 171 xTI(remote)S 171 x(client.)S 10773 X 598 y(The)S 183 x(server)S 184 x(does)S)G182 x(not)S 183 x(exit)S 183 x(until)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(remote)S 182 xSI(client)S 183 x(closes)S 182 x(the)S 183 x(port)S 183 x(or)S 182 x(logs)SxI10773 X 598 y(out.)S 255 x(If)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(remote)S 169 x(client)S1D169 x(logs)S 169 x(out,)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(server)S 169 x(process)SD169 x(returns)S 169 x(control)S 170 x(of)S 169 x(the)S 10773 X 597 yD(session)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(listener)S -37 xH(,)S 167 x(which)S 166 x(waits)S 165 x(for)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(new)S 166 xE(login)S 167 x(username.)S 5094 27581 XY 23160 96 R 2404 28278 XY F24-E(1.2)S 5094 X(Con\211guring)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 165 x(FTP)S2C167 x(Server)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 191 x(MadGoat)S 189 x(FTP)SxC191 x(server)S 191 x(is)S 190 x(controlled)S 190 x(by)S 191 x(the)SYC190 x(use)S 190 x(of)S 190 x(various)S 191 x(system)S 10773 X 598 y(F(logicals.)S 258 x(All)S 170 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(logicals)S 170 xE(begin)S 171 x(with)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(pre\211x)S 172 x(``MAD)S -2 x4E(GOA)S -28 x(T_FTP_')S -9 x('.)S 258 x(The)S 10773 X 597 y(logicals)SoC185 x(are)S 186 x(shown)S 185 x(in)S 185 x(tables)S 185 x(T)S -31 x)E(able)S 185 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 185 x(and)S 186 x(T)S -31 x(able)S 185 xoF(1)S(\203)S(2.)S 288 x(Each)S 185 x(logical)S 186 x(is)S 10773 X 5;7_$ MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5YYZ98 yC(described)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(detail)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x2G(sections)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(tables.)S 10773 X 897 y8U(The)S 170 x(\211le)S 170 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[COM]FTP_LOGICALS.TEMPLA)SxG-28 x(TE)S 170 x(should)S 169 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(renamed)S 179 x(as)S5D179 x(FTP_LOGICALS.COM)S 178 x(and)S 179 x(edited)S 178 x(to)S 179 xF(customize)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(various)S 10773 X 597 y(MadGoat)S 166 x4(FTP)S 166 x(logicals.)S 27427 36925 XY F36(1\2031)SEP PP %%PageTrailer72%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic2%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)8%X%%Page: (1-2) 10%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(The)S 151 x(MadGoat)S 150 x(FTP)S 150 x(Server)SH10773 4866 XY F151(The)S 156 x(logicals)S 154 x(shown)S 155 x(in)S 155 xD(T)S -31 x(able)S 155 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 155 x(must)S 154 x(be)S 155 xG(de\211ned)S 155 x(as)S 155 x(executive-mode)S 155 x(logicals)S 10773 XdH598 y(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(system)S 165 x(logical)S 167 x(name)S 166 xL(table)S 165 x(\(LNM$SYSTEM_T)S -27 x(ABLE\).)S 166 x(For)S 166 x(example:)SS6290 X 896 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)S 2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_TI)S4D2 x(MEOUT)S 239 x(600)S 0 SC 5094 7606 XY F36(T)S -36 x(able)S 167 xK(1)S(\203)S(1)S 498 x(General)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(Logical)S P2 x(s)S 5094 X 398 y 23160 48 R 5094 8502 XY F40(Logical)S 14659 X(Description)SK5094 X 299 y 23160 48 R 5094 9399 XY F38(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_ACT_LOG\204)S4I14659 X(Enables)S 150 x(server)S 151 x(activity)S 148 x(logging.)S 5094 XAH747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_ACTIVITY)S 14659 X(Speci\211ed)S 150 x(name)SE151 x(of)S 149 x(activity)S 148 x(logs.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x9F(T_FTP_ANON_LOG_DIR)S 14659 X(Speci\211es)S 160 x(the)S 160 x(device)SE161 x(and)S 161 x(directory)S 160 x(in)S 160 x(which)S 160 x(anonym)S3E2 x(ous)S 160 x(FTP)S 160 x(log)S 14659 X 548 y(\211les)S 149 x(are)S1D150 x(stored.)S 5094 X 748 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_DIRS\204)S 14659 XF(If)S 148 x(de\211ne)S 2 x(d,)S 149 x(limits)S 148 x(all)S 149 x(FTP)SN149 x(access)S 151 x(to)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(speci\211ed)S 150 x(directories.)SD5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_HELP)S 14659 X(Points)S 149 x(to)SC149 x(the)S 150 x(MadGoat)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(client)S 149 x(help)S F150 x(library)S -33 x(.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_INIT\204)SG14659 X(Points)S 149 x(to)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(client)S 149 x E(initiali)S -2 x(zation)S 150 x(\211le.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(E(T_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT)S 14659 X(Number)S 160 x(of)S 160 x(seconds)S9L161 x(that)S 159 x(the)S 159 x(MadGoa)S 2 x(t)S 159 x(FTP)S 159 x(listener)SH160 x(wil)S -2 x(l)S 159 x(leave)S 160 x(an)S 14659 X 548 y(idle)S 149 xI(connection)S 150 x(active.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_LOG\204)SiJ14659 X(Speci\211es)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(level)S 150 x(of)S 149 x(logging)SH150 x(for)S 149 x(FTP)S 150 x(connections.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 xC(T_FTP_QUOTE_P)S -33 x(A)S -33 x(THNAME\204)S 14659 X(Speci\211es)S4H164 x(whether)S 165 x(replies)S 164 x(to)S 163 x(MKD)S 164 x(and)S 165 xD(PWD)S 163 x(server)S 165 x(comm)S 2 x(ands)S 14659 X 548 y(should)SG150 x(place)S 150 x(double)S 150 x(quotes)S 150 x(aroun)S 2 x(d)S 149 xSO(the)S 150 x(pathname)S 2 x(.)S 5094 X 748 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_REJECT_user)S1H14659 X(Disall)S -2 x(ows)S 170 x(FTP)S 169 x(access)S 170 x(for)S 170 xE(user)S 170 x(``user)S 17 x(')S -9 x(')S 169 x(and)S 170 x(contains)S(D170 x(rejection)S 14659 X 548 y(message)S 151 x(text.)S 5094 X 747 yF(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_RESTRICT\204)S 14659 X(Speci\211es)S 150 x(the)SG149 x(directory)S 151 x(access)S 150 x(restrictions)S 150 x(for)S 150 xFH(FTP)S 149 x(access.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR)SF14659 X(Enables)S 176 x(use)S 176 x(of)S 175 x(``~username')S -7 x(')SI174 x(in)S 176 x(directory)S 176 x(speci\211cations)S 176 x(for)S 14659 X)H548 y(anonymo)S 2 x(us)S 179 x(users.)S 284 x(Also)S 179 x(speci\211es)SE180 x(the)S 179 x(name)S 180 x(of)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(users)S 2 x(')SF14659 X 548 y(anonymo)S 2 x(us)S 149 x(subdirec)S 2 x(tories.)S 4272 XC144 1848 R 5094 21653 XY(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_TIMEOUT\204)S 14659 X6C(Number)S 152 x(of)S 151 x(seconds)S 152 x(that)S 151 x(the)S 151 x(F(MadGoat)S 152 x(FTP)S 151 x(server)S 152 x(will)S 150 x(leave)S 151 xD(an)S 151 x(idle)S 14659 X 548 y(connection)S 150 x(active.)S 5094 XC747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_USER_PROMPT\204)S 14659 X(Causes)S 156 xSE(the)S 155 x(client)S 155 x(to)S 155 x(automatically)S 155 x(prompt)S1D156 x(for)S 156 x(a)S 155 x(userna)S 2 x(me)S 156 x(when)S 155 x(a)SC14659 X 548 y(connection)S 150 x(is)S 149 x(made)S 151 x(to)S 149 x7S(a)S 150 x(remote)S 150 x(system.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_WELCOME\204)S7K14659 X(W)S -8 x(elcome)S 150 x(messag)S 2 x(e)S 149 x(for)S 150 x(genera)SpI2 x(l)S 149 x(FTP)S 149 x(access.)S 5094 X 598 y 23160 48 R 5094 25379 XYdN(\204May)S 151 x(be)S 150 x(overridde)S 2 x(n)S 149 x(for)S 150 x(individual)SG149 x(users)S 150 x(by)S 150 x(de\211ning)S 151 x(the)S 149 x(logical)SD149 x(in)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(user)S 18 x(')S -9 x(s)S 150 x(LOGIN.)SC-2 x(COM.)S 5094 X 497 y 23160 48 R 10773 26972 XY F151(The)S 179 x1E(logicals)S 179 x(shown)S 179 x(in)S 178 x(T)S -30 x(able)S 178 x(1)S)H(\203)S(2)S 179 x(control)S 179 x(anonymous)S 180 x(FTP)S 179 x(access)SG178 x(to)S 178 x(your)S 10773 X 597 y(system.)S 249 x(Anonymous)S 167 x/D(FTP)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(described)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(Chapter)S 166 xH(3.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 176 x(anonymous)S 176 x(FTP)S 175 x(logicals)SK175 x(must)S 175 x(be)S 175 x(de\211ned)S 175 x(as)S 175 x(executive-mode)SwE176 x(logicals)S 10773 X 598 y(in)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(special)S 168 xSH(MadGoat)S 169 x(FTP)S 169 x(logical)S 169 x(name)S 169 x(table,)S 170 xE(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_NAME_)S 10773 X 598 y(T)S -27 x(ABLE.)SVH171 x(This)S 171 x(logical)S 171 x(name)S 171 x(table)S 171 x(is)S 170 xG(automatically)S 171 x(created)S 171 x(by)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(MadGoat)S7G10773 X 597 y(FTP)S 173 x(startup)S 171 x(procedures.)S 262 x(T)S -45 x2G(o)S 172 x(de\211ne)S 173 x(a)S 172 x(logical)S 172 x(in)S 172 x(this)S5I172 x(table,)S 173 x(use)S 173 x(a)S 171 x(command)S 10773 X 598 y(like)S 9166 x(the)S 167 x(following:)S 5094 36925 XY F36(1\2032)SnEP PP %%PageTrailera2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Courier HelveticaS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)n%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%c%%Page: (1-3) 11%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 21149 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 168 x(FTP)S 166 x(Server)SK6290 4766 XY F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/EXEC/TA)S 2 x(BLE=MADGOAT_FTP_NAM)SSM2 x(E_TABLE)S 239 x(-)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(_$)S 1 SC 8442 X(MADGOAT_FTP_ANON)SeD2 x(_LOAD_LIMIT)S 240 x(1.0)S 0 SC 5094 6459 XY F36(T)S -36 x(able)SH167 x(1)S(\203)S(2)S 498 x(Anonymous)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 xE(Logi)S 2 x(cals)S 5094 X 399 y 23160 48 R 5094 7356 XY F40(Logical)SlG14659 X(Description)S 5094 X 299 y 23160 48 R 5094 8253 XY F38(MADGOA)S E-33 x(T_FTP_user_)S 2 x(WELCOME)S 14659 X(The)S 149 x(welcome)S 151 x K(message)S 151 x(for)S 149 x(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 150 x(user)S 151 x(``user)S)G16 x(')S -8 x('.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_user_)S 2 x(DIRS)SSF14659 X(Speci\211es)S 155 x(the)S 155 x(directories)S 156 x(to)S 155 xI(which)S 154 x(the)S 155 x(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 156 x(user)S 155 x(``user)S2K17 x('<4 MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5Y|Ui)S -9 x(')S 155 x(has)S 14659 X 548 y(access.)S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)SlD-33 x(T_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT)S 14659 X(Enables)S 150 x(checks)S 150 xD(to)S 150 x(disallow)S 148 x(access)S 151 x(during)S 150 x(``prime)SJ150 x(times.')S -9 x(')S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x(T_FTP_ANON_PRIME_ST)SC-33 x(AR)S -9 x(T\204)S 14659 X(Starting)S 149 x(time)S 149 x(for)SiC150 x(``prime)S 149 x(time.')S -9 x(')S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x E(T_FTP_ANON_PRIME_END\204)S 14659 X(Ending)S 150 x(time)S 149 x(for)S(C150 x(``prime)S 149 x(time.')S -9 x(')S 5094 X 747 y(MADGOA)S -33 x E(T_FTP_ANON_PRIME_DA)S -34 x(YS\204)S 14659 X(')S -9 x('Prime)S 150 x G(time')S -9 x(')S 149 x(during)S 150 x(which)S 149 x(anon)S 2 x(ymous)SnP150 x(ftp)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(restricted.)S 5094 X 598 y 23160 48 R 5094 13672 XYD(\204V)S -32 x(alid)S 149 x(only)S 149 x(when)S 150 x(MADGOA)S -33 xC(T_FTP_ANON_LOAD_LIMIT)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(de\211ned.)S 5094 X 497 y(&23160 48 R 27427 36925 XY F36(1\2033)SEP PPr %%PageTrailer5#%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Courierc %%+ HelveticaS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)y%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%)%%Page: (1-4) 12%DEC_EDMS_BlankPagepPP %%PageTrailer5 %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:h% %%Page: (2-1) 13%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(2)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(The)SL166 x(MadGo)S -2 x(at)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(Genera)S -2 x(l)S 166 x(Logicals)SG10773 8652 XY F151(This)S 170 x(chapter)S 171 x(describes)S 170 x(the)SC170 x(general)S 171 x(logicals)S 170 x(that)S 170 x(control)S 171 xhG(the)S 170 x(MadGoat)S 170 x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 y(listener)S 166 x(and)S0C166 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 177 x(logicals)S 175 xxG(described)S 176 x(must)S 176 x(be)S 175 x(de\211ned)S 177 x(as)S 175 x H(execu)S 2 x(tive-mode)S 175 x(logicals)S 176 x(in)S 176 x(the)S 10773 XP598 y(system)S 166 x(logical)S 166 x(name)S 166 x(table)S 166 x(\(LNM$SYSTEM_T)SG-27 x(ABLE\).)S 165 x(For)S 167 x(example:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SCaD239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)S 2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_TI)S 2 x(MEOUT)SK239 x(600)S 0 SC 10773 X 896 y F151(These)S 174 x(logicals)S 174 x(should)S C174 x(be)S 173 x(de\211ned)S 174 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(MadGoat)S(E173 x(FTP)S 174 x(startup)S 174 x(procedure,)S 10773 X 598 y(MADGOA)SxM-29 x(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[COM]FTP_ST)S -27 x(ARTUP)S -64 x(.COM.)S 5094 14331 XY1P23160 96 R 2404 15028 XY F24(2.1)S 5094 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_ACT_LOG)SF10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 180 x(de\211ned,)S 185 x(the)S 180 x(logical)SE180 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_ACT_LOG)S 180 x(causes)S 180 x(the)S 180 xyG(MadGoat)S 10773 X 597 y(FTP)S 156 x F152(server)S 155 x F151(process)SlD154 x(to)S 154 x(record)S 156 x(information)S 155 x(in)S 154 x(the)SH155 x(MadGoat)S 154 x(FTP)S 156 x(activity)S 155 x(logs.)S 10773 X 598 yI(This)S 173 x(information)S 173 x(includes)S 174 x(each)S 173 x(command)S%F173 x(that)S 173 x(is)S 173 x(processed)S 172 x(by)S 174 x(the)S 173 xD(server)S -37 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(as)S 166 x(well)S 165 x(as)S 166 xG(connect)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(disconnect)S 167 x(requests)S 165 x(from)S0E166 x(the)S 166 x(listener)S 166 x(process.)S 10773 X 896 y(T)S -45 x6C(o)S 166 x(enable)S 166 x(server)S 167 x(activity)S 166 x(logging)S(F2 x(,)S 166 x(use)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(command)S 167 x(like)S 166 x(the)SD166 x(following:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)SG2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_AC)S 2 x(T_LOG)S 239 x(TRUE)S 0 SC 10773 X C897 y F151(By)S 180 x(default,)S 183 x(the)S 180 x(activity)S 180 xxJ(log)S 180 x(\211le)S 180 x(is)S 180 x(created)S 179 x(in)S 180 x(MADGOA)SD-29 x(T_ROOT)S -28 x(:[LOGS])S 10773 X 597 y(as)S 171 x(MADGO)S -2 xD(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_ACTIVITY)S -56 x(.LOG.)S 172 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 172 xE(can)S 171 x(specify)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(different)S 171 x(name)S 172 x(C(by)S 10773 X 598 y(de\211ning)S 168 x(the)S 166 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S7N-27 x(T_FTP_ACTIVITY)S 165 x(logical.)S 5094 22799 XY 23160 96 R 2404 23496 XYFF24(2.2)S 5094 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_ACTIVITY)S 10773 X 897 yFF151(The)S 189 x(logical)S 189 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_ACTIVITY)S 188 xD(can)S 189 x(be)S 189 x(de\211ned)S 189 x(to)S 188 x(specify)S 189 xF(an)S 10773 X 598 y(alternate)S 191 x(\211le)S 191 x(speci\211cation)SH191 x(for)S 191 x(the)S 190 x(FTP)S 192 x(activity)S 191 x(logs.)S 299 xC(By)S 191 x(default,)S 197 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(logs)S 193 x(are)S,F193 x(created)S 194 x(in)S 193 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S 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x(information)S 194 x(on)S 194 x(creating)S 10773 XD597 y(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 165 x(FTP)S 167 x(accounts.)S 10773 X 897 yC(The)S 171 x(default)S 170 x(\211le)S 171 x(name)S 171 x(is)S 170 xSJ(ANON_FTP_LOG.LOG.)S 170 x(The)S 171 x(logical)S 171 x(ANON_FTP_)S 10773 XE598 y(LOG)S 165 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(de\211ned)S 167 x(to)S 166 xSC(specify)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(different)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(name.)Sa27427 36925 XY F36(2\2031)SSEP PPX %%PageTrailers2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman#%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Italicn%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: (2-2) 14%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(General)SxF167 x(Logicals)S 5094 4596 XY 23160 96 R 2404 5294 XY F24(2.4)S 5094 XC(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_DIRS)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 192 x E(logical)S 192 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_DIRS)S 191 x(is)S 191 xnD(used)S 191 x(to)S 191 x(restrict)S 191 x(FTP)S 192 x(access)S 191 xG(to)S 10773 X 598 y(speci\211ed)S 172 x(directories.)S 262 x(If)S 172 x G(de\211ned)S 173 x(at)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(system)S 172 x(level,)S 174 xeH(the)S 173 x(restrictions)S 171 x(apply)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 162 x(all)SG163 x(FTP)S 163 x(access)S 162 x(for)S 162 x(all)S 162 x(users.)S 250 xXG(This)S 162 x(logical)S 163 x(can)S 163 x(be)S 162 x(overridden)S 164 x3I(by)S 163 x(individual)S 10773 X 598 y(users)S 166 x(when)S 166 x(added)S E166 x(to)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(user)S 28 x(')S -19 x(s)S 166 x(LOGIN.CO)S)F-2 x(M.)S 10773 X 896 y(When)S 187 x(this)S 187 x(logical)S 187 x(is)SH186 x(de\211ned,)S 193 x(the)S 187 x(access)S 186 x(restrictions)S 186 xC(apply)S 187 x(to)S 187 x(the)S 187 x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 y(session)SxE165 x(regardless)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(each)S 167 x(account')S -18 x(s)S2I166 x(VMS)S 165 x(privileges.)S 10773 X 897 y(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_DIRS)SIF179 x(should)S 180 x(be)S 179 x(de\211ned)S 180 x(as)S 179 x(a)S 179 xE(search)S 18= D MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5Yx0 x(list)S 178 x(that)S 179 x(speci\211es)S 10773 X 597 ytE(all)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(directories)S 173 x(to)S 174 x(which)S 174 x(H(access)S 173 x(is)S 173 x(allowed.)S 265 x(For)S 174 x(example,)S 176 xD(the)S 174 x(following)S 10773 X 598 y(command)S 173 x(would)S 173 xE(restrict)S 173 x(access)S 172 x(to)S 173 x(the)S 173 x([DIR])S 172 x)H(directory)S 173 x(tree)S 174 x(on)S 173 x(DISK1:,)S 174 x(all)S 10773 XK598 y(directories)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(DISK2:,)S 166 x(and)S 166 x([PUBLIC])SoL166 x(on)S 166 x(DISK3:.)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)SF2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_DI)S 2 x(RS)S 239 x(-)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 yF(_$)S 1 SC 7725 X(DISK1:[DIR...],DISK)S 2 x(2:[ANON...],DISK3:[P)S 2 xK(UBLIC])S 0 SC 9118 14509 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(De\211ning)S 183 x(MADGOA)S5F-28 x(T_FTP_DIRS)S 181 x(at)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(system)S 182 x(level)SF182 x(will)S 183 x(restrict)S 10773 X 598 y(access)S 160 x(for)S 160 xD(all)S 160 x(users,)S 162 x(unless)S 160 x(the)S 161 x(users)S 159 xF(override)S 160 x(the)S 160 x(logi)S 2 x(cal)S 160 x(de\211nitio)S 2 xG(n.)S 10773 X 598 y(A)S 185 x(user)S 185 x(can)S 185 x(override)S 185 x I(the)S 186 x(directory)S 185 x(restrictions)S 186 x(by)S 185 x(equating)S[E186 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(logica)S 2 x(l)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(a)S 166 xXE(space)S 167 x(character:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(define)SxJ240 x(madgoat_ftp_dirs)S 241 x(")S 239 x(")S 0 SC 5094 18395 XY 23160 96 RJ2404 19092 XY F24(2.5)S 5094 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_HELP)S 10773 XJ897 y F151(The)S 194 x(logical)S 194 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_HELP)SG194 x(points)S 193 x(to)S 193 x(the)S 194 x(VMS)S 193 x(on-line)S 194 x G(help)S 10773 X 597 y(library)S 183 x(for)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(MadGoat)S:H181 x(FTP)S 183 x(client.)S 281 x(Normally)S -55 x(,)S 187 x(the)S 182 xF(library)S 182 x(is)S 182 x(stored)S 181 x(as)S 10773 X 598 y(MADGOA)SG-29 x(T_FTP_HELP)S -63 x(.HLB)S 163 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x(users.)S 5094 27859 XY 23160 96 R 2404 28556 XYHF24(2.7)S 5094 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT)S 10773 XK897 y F151(The)S 171 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -28 x(T_FTP)S 2 x(_LISTENER_TIMEO)S_H-2 x(UT)S 170 x(logical)S 171 x(speci\211es)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(number)SK10773 X 598 y(of)S 175 x(seconds)S 174 x(that)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(MadGoat)S)F174 x(FTP)S 175 x(listener)S 175 x(process)S 174 x(will)S 174 x(wait)SG173 x(for)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(remote)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S 160 x(client)StJ159 x(to)S 160 x(log)S 159 x(in.)S 250 x(If)S 159 x(the)S 159 x(listener)SE159 x(is)S 159 x(idle)S 159 x(longer)S 160 x(than)S 160 x(the)S 160 xcG(speci\211ed)S 159 x(number)S 10773 X 597 y(of)S 166 x(seconds,)S 166 xDI(the)S 167 x(connection)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(automatically)S 166 x(closed)SeD165 x(by)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(listener)S -37 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(By)SG181 x(default,)S 184 x(the)S 181 x(listener)S 180 x(will)S 179 x(keep)S4E181 x(a)S 181 x(connection)S 181 x(open)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(5)S 180 x3E(minutes)S 180 x(\(300)S 10773 X 598 y(seconds\).)S 249 x(The)S 167 x5F(following)S 166 x(command)S 167 x(sets)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(listener)SH166 x(timeout)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(1)S 166 x(minute)S 166 x(\(60)S 10773 XD597 y(seconds\):)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)SF2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_LI)S 2 x(STENER_TIMEOUT)S 240 x(60)S 0 SC5094 36925 XY F36(2\2032)SEP PPc %%PageTrailere2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman!%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Bold7%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)i%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%(%%Page: (2-3) 15%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)c PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 18193 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(General)SF167 x(Logic)S 2 x(als)S 5094 4596 XY 23160 96 R 2404 5294 XY F24(2.8)SH5094 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_LOG)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 185 xD(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_LOG)S 184 x(logical)S 185 x(controls)SG184 x(the)S 184 x(amount)S 185 x(of)S 184 x(information)S 10773 X 598 yoF(written)S 180 x(to)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(\211le)S 181 x(FTP_SER)S -18 xH(VER.LOG)S 179 x(in)S 181 x(each)S 182 x(user)S 27 x(')S -19 x(s)S 181 xH(login)S 181 x(directory)S -54 x(.)S 279 x(A)S 10773 X 598 y(log)S 190 xE(\211le)S 190 x(is)S 188 x(always)S 189 x(created;)S 202 x(by)S 190 x F(default,)S 195 x(it)S 189 x(only)S 190 x(contains)S 190 x(the)S 190 xH(connection)S 10773 X 598 y(information.)S 285 x(By)S 183 x(de\211ning)SE185 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_LOG)S 184 x(system-w)S -2 x(ide,)S5G188 x(you)S 185 x(can)S 10773 X 597 y(enable)S 183 x(additional)S 183 x_E(logging)S 185 x(for)S 183 x(all)S 183 x(users.)S 283 x(Users)S 182 x1Q(can)S 184 x(override)S 184 x(this)S 182 x(logical)S 10773 X 598 y(de\211nition)S C167 x(in)S 166 x(their)S 166 x(LOGIN.COM)S 165 x(\211les.)S 10773 XaF897 y(The)S 172 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_LOG)S 172 x(equivalence)S 173 xG(value)S 172 x(is)S 171 x(a)S 172 x(number)S 172 x(representing)S 172 xsI(a)S 10773 X 597 y(bitmask.)S 259 x(Each)S 172 x(bit)S 171 x(represents)S)I171 x(a)S 171 x(particular)S 171 x(kind)S 172 x(of)S 171 x(information.)SiG260 x(The)S 172 x(value)S 10773 X 598 y(should)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(the)S0C167 x(sum)S 166 x(of)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(following:)S 10773 X 897 y1H17484 48 R 10773 12666 XY F40(V)S -25 x(alue)S 14360 X(Meaning)S 10773 XF299 y 17484 48 R 10773 13563 XY F38(0)S 14360 X(Do)S 149 x(not)S 150 xD(log)S 149 x(anything.)S 10773 X 747 y(1)S 14360 X(Log)S 150 x(the)SE149 x(results)S 150 x(of)S 150 x(command)S 2 x(s.)S 10773 X 747 y(2)S0G14360 X(Log)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(comm)S 2 x(ands)S 150 x(entered)S 151 xeJ(and)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(time)S 149 x(each)S 150 x(was)S 150 x(executed.)SP10773 X 747 y(4)S 14360 X(Include)S 152 x(all)S 151 x(data)S 153 x(transferred)SG153 x(in)S 152 x(the)S 152 x(log)S 152 x(\211le.)S 229 x(Y)S -41 x(ou)S D152 x(gener)S 2 x(ally)S 151 x(do)S 153 x(not)S 152 x(want)S 14360 XD548 y(this)S 149 x(option.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 17548 XYIF151(For)S 186 x(example,)S 192 x(the)S 186 x(following)S 186 x(creates)SxH186 x(a)S 185 x(log)S 187 x(\211le)S 186 x(that)S 186 x(contains)S 186 xF(a)S 185 x(log)S 187 x(of)S 186 x(all)S 10773 X 597 y(commands)S 166 xF(and)S 166 x(their)S 167 x(results:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 xE($)S 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTE)S 2 x(M/EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_)S 2 x(LOG)S1F239 x(3)S 0 SC 5094 20238 XY 23160 96 R 2404 20935 XY F24(2.9)S 5094 XH(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_QUOTE_P)S -52 x(A)S -53 x(THNAME)S 10773 XE897 y F151(The)S 174 x(logical)S 173 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_QUOTE_P)ScK-37 x(A)S -27 x(THNAME)S 172 x(is)S 173 x(used)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(control)>!qe MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5YE&S3D173 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(output)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(type-257)S 174 xE(server)S 174 x(replies,)S 177 x(which)S 174 x(are)S 174 x(returned)SFE175 x(by)S 175 x(PWD)S 174 x(and)S 174 x(MKD)S 10773 X 598 y(server)S(G167 x(commands.)S 249 x(For)S 167 x(example:)S 6290 X 897 y F102(>PWD)S D6290 X 448 y(<257)S 239 x("SYS$SYSROO)S 2 x(T:[SYSHLP]")S 240 x(is)SK239 x(current)S 240 x(directory.)S 10773 X 897 y F151(By)S 187 x(default,)S2I191 x(pathnames)S 187 x(will)S 185 x(be)S 187 x(quoted.)S 290 x(However)SaH-36 x(,)S 191 x(if)S 187 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -28 x(T_FTP_)S 10773 X 598 yF(QUOTE_P)S -37 x(A)S -28 x(THNAME)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(de\211ned)S 179 xD(as)S 178 x(either)S 178 x("F")S 178 x(or)S 178 x("N",)S 182 x(the)SD178 x(quotes)S 178 x(will)S 177 x(be)S 10773 X 597 y(omitted)S 177 xG(from)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(reply)S -55 x(.)S 274 x(This)S 178 x(option)S5K178 x(has)S 178 x(been)S 178 x(provided)S 179 x(for)S 178 x(compatibility)S1C10773 X 598 y(with)S 166 x(some)S 165 x(FTP)S 167 x(clients)S 166 xxE(that)S 166 x(do)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(recognize)S 167 x(quoted)S 166 xlF(pathnames.)S 5094 28258 XY 23160 96 R 2404 28955 XY F24(2.10)S 5094 XD(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_REJECT_user)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)SC201 x(logical)S 201 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_REJECT_user)S 201 x(is)S_N200 x(used)S 201 x(to)S 200 x(reject)S 202 x(FTP)S 10773 X 597 y(connections)SE182 x(for)S 180 x(username)S 181 x(``user)S -37 x(.')S -9 x(')S 278 xPG(When)S 181 x(de\211ned,)S 186 x(that)S 180 x(username)S 181 x(cannot)S`G10773 X 598 y(be)S 184 x(used)S 185 x(for)S 184 x(FTP)S 185 x(access,)S_H189 x(even)S 186 x(when)S 184 x(a)S 185 x(valid)S 184 x(password)S 183 xC(is)S 184 x(supplied.)S 286 x(The)S 10773 X 598 y(rejection)S 167 x)C(message)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(only)S 167 x(seen)S 166 x(after)S 166 xYH(a)S 166 x(successful)S 166 x(login.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 171 x(value)SD171 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(logical)S 171 x(is)S 169 x(used)S 171 xF(as)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(rejection)S 172 x(message)S 170 x(that)S 170 xD(is)S 170 x(sent)S 170 x(back)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 183 x(the)S 184 xH(remote)S 183 x(FTP)S 184 x(client.)S 284 x(For)S 184 x(example,)S 188 xC(the)S 184 x(following)S 183 x(de\211nition)S 184 x(would)S 10773 X:E598 y(reject)S 167 x(connections)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(username)S 166 xaI(MCCAMMON:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)S 2 x(EXEC)SdI239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_RE)S 2 x(JECT_MCCAMMON)S 240 x("Sorry,)S 240 x(dude!")SY 0 SC 27427 36925 XY F36(2\2033)SEP PP( %%PageTrailere2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Helvetica Courier7%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: (2-4) 16%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)6 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(General)S5E167 x(Logicals)S 10773 4866 XY F151(The)S 199 x(remote)S 198 x(user)SlD198 x(would)S 198 x(see)S 197 x(the)S 199 x(following)S 198 x(when)SC198 x(trying)S 199 x(to)S 198 x(log)S 199 x(in)S 198 x(as)S 10773 X(H598 y(MCCAMMON:)S 6290 X 896 y F102(FTP:alpha>)S 1 SC 240 x(user)S 240 xC(mccammon)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(login)S3M240 x(to)S 239 x(user)S 240 x(mccammon)S 6290 X 448 y(<331)S 239 x(Username)SnH240 x(``mccammon')S 2 x(')S 239 x(Okay,)S 239 x(need)S 240 x(password.)SH6290 X 448 y(Password:)S 6290 X 449 y(<530-Sorry,)S 240 x(dude!)S 6290 XE448 y(<530-Not)S 240 x(logged)S 240 x(in.)S 6290 X 448 y(<530)S 239 x C(Login)S 240 x(attempt)S 240 x(rejected.)S 6290 X 449 y(Not)S 239 x9G(logged)S 240 x(In.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:alpha>)S 10773 X 897 y F151(If)SAF173 x(the)S 173 x(reject)S 173 x(message)S 173 x(begins)S 173 x(with)SF172 x(``@')S -10 x(',)S 175 x(it)S 172 x(is)S 173 x(taken)S 173 x(to)SF173 x(be)S 173 x(a)S 172 x(\211le)S 173 x(name)S 174 x(whose)S 10773 XH597 y(contents)S 179 x(are)S 179 x(read)S 179 x(and)S 179 x(sent)S 179 xC(back)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(remote)S 178 x(client.)S 276 x(C(For)S 179 x(example,)S 183 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(following)S 175 xrH(de\211nition)S 175 x(would)S 174 x(cause)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(contents)SD174 x(of)S 175 x(REJEC)S -2 x(T)S -45 x(.TXT)S 175 x(to)S 174 x(be)SE175 x(read)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 166 x(sent)S 166 x(back)S 167 x(to)SSC166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 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17484 48 R 10773 20956 XY F40(V)S -25 x(alue)S9I14360 X(Meaning)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 21852 XY F38(1)S 14360 XaH(No)S 149 x(read)S 151 x(\(RETR\))S 10773 X 748 y(2)S 14360 X(No)S 149 xD(write)S 149 x(\(ST)S -8 x(OR,)S 149 x(ST)S -9 x(OU,)S 149 x(APPE,)SM149 x(MKD\))S 10773 X 747 y(4)S 14360 X(No)S 149 x(control)S 150 x(\(SITE\))SxC10773 X 747 y(8)S 14360 X(No)S 149 x(delete)S 150 x(\(DELE,)S 149 xSD(RMD\))S 10773 X 747 y(16)S 14360 X(No)S 149 x(list)S 148 x(\(LIST)SE-49 x(,)S 149 x(NLST)S -50 x(,)S 149 x(ST)S -33 x(A)S -33 x(T)S 149 xOI(param\))S 10773 X 747 y(32)S 14360 X(No)S 149 x(change)S 151 x(working)S1I150 x(directory)S 150 x(\(CWD\))S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 26784 XYnDF151(The)S 174 x(default)S 172 x(value)S 174 x(is)S 173 x(0,)S 175 xD(which)S 173 x(means)S 173 x(that)S 172 x(the)S 174 x(server)S 173 xK(is)S 173 x(not)S 173 x(restricted.)S 263 x(By)S 10773 X 598 y(de\211ning)S)H171 x(the)S 169 x(logical)S 170 x(system-wide,)S 169 x(you)S 170 x(can)SI170 x(provide)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(different)S 169 x(default)S 169 x(value)S2H10773 X 597 y(for)S 179 x(all)S 178 x(users.)S 275 x(Users)S 178 x(can)SF179 x(override)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(system-w)S -2 x(ide)S 179 x(value)SG179 x(by)S 179 x(de\211ning)S 181 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(logical)S 172 xmD(in)S 173 x(their)S 172 x(LOGIN.CO)S -2 x(M)S 173 x(\211les.)S 261 xG(The)S 172 x(following)S 172 x(command)S 172 x(would)S 172 x(restrict)SOD10773 X 598 y(access)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(only)S 166 x(reading)S 167 xH(and)S 167 x(listing)S 166 x(\211les:)S 6290 X 896 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 xF(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)S 2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_RE)S 2 x(STRICT)S 239 xC(14)S 0 SC 5094 31267 XY 23160 96 R 2404 31964 XY F24(2.12)S 5094 XeC(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_TILDE_ANO)S -2 x(NDIR)S 10773 X 897 ycEF151(The)S 187 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR)S 185 x(logical)SeD187 x(can)S 186 x(be)S 187 x(used)S 186 x(to)S 186 x(allow)S 10773 XG598 y(users)S 197 x(on)S 197 x(the)S 197 x(local)S 197 x(system)S 196 xXG(to)S 196 x(offer)S 197 x(\211les)S 197 x(for)S 197 x(anonymous)S 198 xSD(FTP)S 197 x(access.)S 10773 X 598 y(Anonymous)S 179 x(users)S 177 xC(can)S 179 x(use)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(special)S 177 x(syntax)S 179 x2G(``~username')S -10 x(')S 177 x(to)S 178 x(access)S 178 x(the)S 1077?<` MGFTP022.EDMI[FTP.DOC]FTP_MGMT_GUIDE.PS;5Yؿ3 XoE597 y(\211les)S 181 x(``username')S -9 x(')S 181 x(has)S 181 x(made)S H181 x(available)S 181 x(via)S 182 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 181 x(FTP)S -64 xC(.)S 182 x(The)S 182 x(\211les)S 181 x(are)S 10773 X 598 y(stored)SrC180 x(in)S 181 x(a)S 181 x(subdirectory)S 181 x(under)S 181 x(the)S)M181 x(local)S 181 x(user)S 27 x(')S -19 x(s)S 181 x(login)S 181 x(directory)SoD-55 x(,)S 185 x(allowing)S 4272 X 102 y 144 3096 R 5094 36925 XY F36 (2\2034)SSEP PPX %%PageTrailer12%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman+%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Bold Helvetica)%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%8%%Page: (2-5) 17%%PageFonts: 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x(command)S 181 x(has)S 181 x(been)S 10773 X:C598 y(executed:)S 6290 X 896 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(DEFINE/SYSTEM/)SSE2 x(EXEC)S 239 x(MADGOAT_FTP_TI)S 2 x(LDE_ANONDIR)S 240 x(AFTP)S 0 SCmC10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 184 x(the)S 185 x(login)S 186 x(directory)SSE185 x(for)S 185 x(user)S 185 x(BOB)S 183 x(is)S 185 x(USER:[BO)S -2 x1K(B],)S 185 x(the)S 185 x(directory)S 185 x(tree)S 10773 X 598 y(USER:[BOB)SnE-2 x(.AFTP)S -63 x(...])S 302 x(would)S 192 x(be)S 192 x(accessible)SrE191 x(to)S 192 x(anonymous)S 192 x(FTP)S 193 x(users,)S 10773 X 597 y1E(if)S 198 x(the)S 199 x(directory)S 199 x(exists.)S 313 x(The)S 199 x C(remote)S 198 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 198 x(user)S 198 x(would)S 198 x F(simply)S 10773 X 598 y(issue)S 196 x(a)S 197 x(command)S 196 x(like)SD197 x(``cd)S 196 x(~bob')S -10 x(')S 197 x(to)S 196 x(change)S 198 xM(the)S 197 x(default)S 196 x(directory)S 197 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(USER:[BOB)S I-2 x(.AFTP].)S 9118 13334 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(When)S 196 x(de\211ning)S E197 x(this)S 196 x(logica)S 2 x(l,)S 203 x(you)S 197 x(should)S 197 x D(make)S 196 x(sure)S 195 x(that)S 197 x(your)S 10773 X 598 y(users)SF184 x(are)S 184 x(aware)S 184 x(of)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(signi\211)S 2 xD(cance)S 184 x(of)S 184 x(subdirectories)S 185 x(with)S 184 x(that)SK10773 X 598 y(name)S 175 x(to)S 174 x(ensure)S 175 x(that)S 175 x(\211les)SoF175 x(are)S 174 x(not)S 175 x(accidental)S 2 x(ly)S 175 x(made)S 174 xF(avail)S 2 x(able)S 174 x(via)S 10773 X 598 y(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 166 xD(FTP)S -65 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y F151(All)S 180 x(\211les)S 181 x(in)SE181 x(user)S 181 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 180 x(FTP)S 182 x(directories)S_K180 x(must)S 181 x(have)S 181 x(WORLD:REA)S -2 x(D)S 10773 X 598 y(access)SgE169 x(to)S 169 x(be)S 169 x(accessible)S 168 x(by)S 170 x(anonymous)S J170 x(users.)S 255 x(The)S 170 x(following)S 169 x(example)S 170 x(shows)SJ10773 X 598 y(how)S 166 x(such)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S 166 x(might)SH167 x(be)S 166 x(created:)S 6290 X 896 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(set)S 240 xG(def)S 239 x(sys$login:)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y($)S 1 SC 239 x(create/dir)S6M240 x([.aftp])S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y($)S 1 SC 239 x(set)S 240 x(file/prot=w:re)S3H240 x(aftp.dir)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y($)S 1 SC 239 x(copy)S 240 x(xyz.txt)SH239 x([.aftp]*.*)S 2 x(;/prot=w:re)S 0 SC 10773 X 897 y F151(See)S 166 xC(Section)S 166 x(3.2)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(more)S 166 x(information)STG166 x(about)S 166 x(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 x(directories.)S L10773 X 897 y(If)S 190 x(the)S 191 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_T)S 2 x(ILDE_ANO)SE-2 x(NDIR)S 190 x(logical)S 191 x(is)S 190 x(not)S 191 x(de\211ned,)S(I198 x(an)S 10773 X 597 y(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 178 x(user)S 178 x(receives)SwD179 x(a)S 178 x(``Bad)S 177 x(directory')S -8 x(')S 178 x(response)SF178 x(to)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(command)S 178 x(like)S 10773 X 598 y(``CD)SE165 x(~joeuser)S 28 x(')S -10 x('.)S 4272 X 144 17952 R 5094 23646 XYxQ23160 96 R 2404 24343 XY F24(2.13)S 5094 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(T_FTP_TIMEOUT)SsD10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 176 x(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_T)S 2 x(IMEOUT)SD175 x(logical)S 176 x(speci\211es)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(number)S 177 xF(of)S 175 x(seconds)S 10773 X 597 y(that)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(MadGoat)SD175 x(FTP)S 176 x(server)S 176 x(process)S 175 x(will)S 175 x(wait)SF175 x(for)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(command)S 176 x(from)S 175 x(the)S 10773 XG598 y(remote)S 163 x(FTP)S 163 x(client.)S 250 x(If)S 162 x(the)S 163 x C(server)S 163 x(is)S 162 x(idle)S 162 x(longer)S 164 x(than)S 163 xmM(the)S 163 x(speci\211ed)S 162 x(number)S 164 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y(seconds,)S E166 x(the)S 167 x(connection)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(automatically)S 166 xTG(closed)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y%D(By)S 167 x(default,)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(server)S 167 x(will)S 166 xE(keep)S 167 x(an)S 167 x(idle)S 166 x(connection)S 168 x(open)S 167 x I(for)S 167 x(5)S 166 x(minutes)S 167 x(\(300)S 10773 X 597 y(seconds\).)SlF269 x(The)S 177 x(following)S 176 x(command)S 176 x(sets)S 175 x(the)SD176 x(server)S 177 x(timeout)S 176 x(to)S 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MadGoat FTP ClientMw$ $K1.1&KInvokingFTP1.1 Invoking FTPGw! $L1.2&LUsingFTP1.2 Using FTP"qw"7 $L1.3*&LCheckingFileTransferStatus1.3 Checking File Transfer Status2gw2 $K1.4%&KCommandParsingandCase1.4 Command Parsing and Case7fg1 $K1.5$&KFileTransfer Parameters1.5 File Transfer Parameters;Wg&&$K2TheMadGoatFTPServer2 The MadGoat FTP Server@tg#9 $K2.1,&KTheMadGoatFTPServerProcess2.1 The MadGoat FTP Server ProcessB_w. $K2.2!&KFTPServerLogFiles2.2 FTP Server Log FilesDmw 5 $K2.3(&KMadGoatFTPServerLogicals2.3 MadGoat FTP Server LogicalsFPl!!$@2.3.1MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRSGNl  $A2.3.2MADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_LOGJdl!++$A2.3.3MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME2.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAMEMVl$$$A2.3.4MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT2.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUTOXl%%$@2.3.5MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT2.3.5 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICTPVl$$$@2.3.6MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME2.3.6 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOMESPl!!$@2.3.7MADGOAT_FTP_INIT2.3.7 MADGOAT_FTP_INITUvw$: $L2.4-&LServingFilesVia ANONYMOUSFTP2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTPV]x))\PartIINMadGoatFTPCommandPart II MadGoat FTP Command[)g  EKFTPFTP\/>>\PartIIIMMadGoatFTPClientCommand DictionaryPart III MadGoat FTP Client Command Dictionary1gEKACCOUNTACCOUNT6g EKADDALIASADD ALIAS-gELALIASALIAS6g EKALIASADDALIAS ADD<g ELALIASDELETEALIAS DELETE8g EKALIASLISTALIAS LIST<g EKALIASMODIFYALIAS MODIFY<g EKALIASREMOVEALIAS REMOVE8g EKALIASSHOWALIAS SHOW/gEKAPPENDAPPEND-gELASCIIASCII4/gEKATTACHATTACH8/gEKBINARYBINARYB)g  EKBYEBYEF'g  EKCDCDJ-gEKCHMODCHMODN-gELCLOSECLOSEd1gELCONNECTCONNECTi-gEKCPATHCPATHl/gEKCREATECREATErCgEKCREATE/DIRECTORYCREATE/DIRECTORY)g  EKCWDCWD/gEKDEFINEDEFINE/gEKDELETEDELETE5g EL DIRECTORYDIRECTORY7g EL DISCONNECTDISCONNECT-gEKERASEERASE+gEKEXITEXIT)g  EKGETGET+gEKHELPHELP-gELIMAGEIMAGE)g  ELLCDLCD-gEKLOGINLOGIN!/gEKLOGOUTLOGOUT/'g  EKLSLS5+gEKMGETMGET9-gELMKDIRMKDIRi< g ELMODIFYALIASMODIFY ALIASm-gEKMOUNTMOUNTp+gELMPUTMPUTu3g EKMRECEIVEMRECEIVE-gEKMSENDMSEND'g  EKMVMV+gEKNOOPNOOP'g  ELONON<r ELON CONTROL_CON CONTROL_C4g EKONERRORON ERROR6g EKONSEVEREON SEVERE8g EKONWARNINGON WARNING+gEKOPENOPEN)g  ELPUTPUT)g  ELPWDPWD+rEKQUITQUIT-rEKQUOTEQUOTE1gEKRECEIVERECEIVE7g EK REMOTEHELPREMOTEHELP/gELRENAMERENAME'g  EKRMRM-gEKRMDIRRMDIRIB# MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il +gELSENDSEND)g  EKSETSET :g EKSETACCOUNTSET ACCOUNT&@gEKSET AUTOPROMPTSET AUTOPROMPT-6g EKSETBATCHSET BATCH24g EKSETBELLSET BELL74g ELSETCASESET CASE<@rEKSET CHECK_TYPESET CHECK_TYPED:g EKSETCOMMANDSET COMMANDI:g EKSETCONFIRMSET CONFIRMO:g EKSETDEFAULTSET DEFAULTT4g EKSETHASHSET HASHZ4g ELSETHOSTSET HOST_4g EKSETMODESET MODEq:g EKSETPASSIVESET PASSIVEyDrEKSET PATH_PARSINGSET PATH_PARSING~8g EKSETPROMPTSET PROMPT@gEKSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTION6r EKSETQUIETSET QUIET\r''EKSETREMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYSET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY6g ELSETREPLYSET REPLY8g ELSETRETAINSET RETAIN>gEKSET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURE4g EKSETTYPESET TYPE8g EKSETVERIFYSET VERIFY+gEKSHOWSHOW8g ELSHOWALIASSHOW ALIASBgELSHOW AUTOPROMPTSHOW AUTOPROMPT8g EKSHOWBATCHSHOW BATCH6g EKSHOWBELLSHOW BELL6g EKSHOWCASESHOW CASEBrEKSHOW CHECK_TYPESHOW CHECK_TYPE<g ELSHOWCOMMANDSHOW COMMAND<g ELSHOWCONFIRMSHOW CONFIRM@gELSHOW CONDITIONSHOW CONDITION<g ELSHOWDEFAULTSHOW DEFAULT DrEKSHOW FILE_STATUSSHOW FILE_STATUS6g EKSHOWHASHSHOW HASH6g EKSHOWHOSTSHOW HOST4g EKSHOWKEYSHOW KEY#\r''ELSHOWLOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYSHOW LOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY.6g ELSHOWMODESHOW MODE3BgEKSHOW PARAMETERSSHOW PARAMETERS8<g EKSHOWPASSIVESHOW PASSIVE=FrEKSHOW PATH_PARSINGSHOW PATH_PARSINGABgEKSHOW PROTECTIONSHOW PROTECTIONE^r((ELSHOWREMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYSHOW REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYK8g ELSHOWREPLYSHOW REPLYP:g EKSHOWRETAINSHOW RETAINV:g EKSHOWSTATUSSHOW STATUS[@gEKSHOW STRUCTURESHOW STRUCTUREa<g EKSHOWSUMMARYSHOW SUMMARYgDrEKSHOW SYSTEM_TYPESHOW SYSTEM_TYPEl6g EKSHOWTYPESHOW TYPEq:g ELSHOWVERIFYSHOW VERIFYv-gELSPAWNSPAWN{/gEKSTATUSSTATUS+gEKTYPETYPE+gEKUSERUSER/ gEXAMPLESEXAMPLEShl"..=A1-1Sample AnonymousFTPSession1- 1 Sample Anonymous FTP Session#fF<* Copyright1996MadGoat Software.&AllRights Reserved. ~AllRights Reserved.O%%OMadGoatFTPUser'sGuideCO September1996UUO{Thismanual describestheuseoftheMadGoatFTPclient software. y'ORevision/Update Information:1^Thisisarevisedmanual.*Revision3^barsindicatechangesmadesincethe,^`lastversionofthis software.{Q*O OperatingSystemandVersion:'^OpenVMSVAXV5.0orlaterS))^OpenVMSAlphaV1.0orlaterb8OSoftwareVersion:^MadGoatFTPV2.2dd    O OO 1 September1996jO Permissionisgrantedtocopyand redistributethisdocumentforno commercialgain.jOVThe informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewithoutnoticeandshouldnot^Obe construedasa commitmentbyMadGoat Software.*TheauthorsandMadGoathOSoftwareassumenoresponsibilityforanyerrorsthatmayappearinthis document.Ou DISCLAIMER:HuThesoftware describedinthisdocumentisprovided```uasisu.''*NooO guaranteeismadebytheauthorsorMadGoatSoftwareastothe suitability, reliability,FO security, usefulness,or performanceofthis software.OOThe followingare trademarksofDigital Equipment Corporation: OAXP KVAX GDECB OpenVMS OVMS KUCXG VAXclusterB  VMScluster@O^MultiNetisa registered trademarkofTGV,Inc.AOTCPwareisa trademarkofProcessSoftwareCorp._O WIN/TCPandPathWayare registered trademarksofThe WollongongGroup,Inc. O, FOq  Copyright1996MadGoat Software.'AllRights Reserved.*    qOPrefaceIOFTP(FileTransfer Protocol)isaTCP/IP subsystemthatLOallowsuserstotransferfilesbetweenalocalsystemandOXremotesystems.  WLOMadGoatFTPbeganlifeastheFTPclientandserverthatCOwere distributedwithCMU-TekTCP/IP,a mostly-freeHO5TCP/IPimplementationwrittenby Tektronixand Carnegie-GOMellon Universityand supportedbyCMU.WhenthecodeLOwasmadefreely available,supportwaspickedup primarily0O>byHenryMillerandJohnClement.B  COMadGoatFTPisbasedonJohnandHenry'sCMUFTPHOV3.1.'TheMadGoatversionworkswiththeNETLIBTCP/IPDO5 InterfaceLibrary,whichmeansthattheMadGoatFTPIOwillrununderanyTCP/IPsoftware supportedbyNETLIB.IOThe followingTCP/IPproductsare currently supportedbyEO>NETLIB:TGV's MultiNet, Digital'sDECTCP/IPServicesDOforOpenVMS,Process Software'sTCPware, Wollongong's.OWIN/TCPandPathway,andCMU-IP.. JOTheNETLIBportwasdonebyDarrell Burkhead,whobasedMOsomeofthechangesonamuchearlierUCXport(knownasDO5CRUX)donebyMattMadison.)TheOpenVMSAlphaport)OwasdonebyHunterGoatley.NJONETLIBmustbe installedbeforeyoucanusetheMadGoJʩP MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlatHOFTP.NETLIBiswrittenbyMattMadisonandisalsoa%O5MadGoatSoftwareproduct.NGOMadGoatFTPis currently maintainedbyHunterGoatley,DOVMSSystems ProgrammerforMadGoat Software,Bowling/O5Green,KY(goathunter@MadGoat.com).  OIntendedAudienceLOUThismanualisintendedforallOpenVMSusersrunningtheHOMadGoatFTPclient.,ThereadershouldbefamiliarwithOFTP principles.vv  naODocument StructureDOUThisguideconsistsoftwochaptersandtwoparts. OChapter19Providesa descriptionoftheMadGoatFTP0client.OChapter29Providesa descriptionoftheMadGoatFTP1serverusedbyremoteFTPclients.OqPartII<qProvidestheDCLcommand descriptionfortheFTPcommand.O8PartIII48Providesacommand dictionaryfortheMadGoatFTPclient. wOAuthorsC Copyright1986,1992,CarnegieMellon University.-- Copyright1994,1996,MadGoat+^ Software.+Allrights reserved.qGGOTheCMUclientandserverwere originallywrittenby:6  `m mChadWilson ` DaleMoore `l lTodShannon ` BruceMiller `k kMarcShannon ` HenryMiller `i iJohnClement ` MattMadison\22OTheMadGoatversionwaswrittenby:{ `m 2mDarrellBurkhead(Darrell@MadGoat.com) ` 3HunterGoatley(goathunter@MadGoat.com)w6OPartI8MadGoatFTPClientGeneralUservj InformationLOThissectioncontainsthegeneraluser informationfortheO^MadGoatFTPclient.! n'O 1.2The!MadGoat"FTP"ClientDOFTPisaTCP/IP subsystemthat implementstheFileIOTransferProtocolfor transferringfilesbetweenalocalMOBsystemandoneormoreremotesystemsonan internet.(The OFTP clientA,invokedbytheDCLcommandFTP, establishesa$OnetworklinktoanFTP server(ontheremotesystem.'WhenTOLthe connectionis established,youmustlogintoanaccountonOOthatremotesystem.(Onceloggedin,filescanbe transferredKOtoandfromtheremotesystem, dependingonthetypeofOUaccessallowed. WOTheterm anonymousFTP-fisused frequentlyin referenceNOtofiles availableonthe Internet.* AnonymousFTPreferstoMO5aspecialkindofguestloginusingaremote ``anonymous''IOaccount..Onlyfilessetupfor anonymousaccesscanbeMO retrievedfromthosesystems;most anonymousftpserversdoEO>notallowfilestobecopiedtotheremotesystem.EHH" )O1.2BUsingFTPNOUOn-linehelpis availablefromeitherFTPprompt.'ToinvokeLOit,justtypeHELP.Some commands,suchasLOGIN,requireMOthatthe connectiontotheremoteserveralreadybeestab-X^prompt.OExample1-1=DshowsasampleFTPsession,with explanations,Oforthevariouscommandsused.*"OzO#  2F Df/O1.3BCheckingFileTransferStatusSO(Duringfile transfers,youcancheckthestatusofthetransfer-Oatanytimebypressingeither @3 BT~CTRL-A BT 3 or N@& NBTg~CTRL-T rBT N&u.'Pressing O3 OTiCTRL-A T O3IduringatransfercausesthedisplayoflinesliketheO1 following:O FTP:wkuvx3>$ put%[hunter]ftp.alpha_exe,O <200&Port%161,6,5,4,99,64&Okay.UOF <150&VMS%Store%of%FTP.ALPHA_EXE;1%Started;%Opening%data& connection. `\  `^Mv CTRL-A j^M ` JO [sending%file&user:[hunter]ftp.alpha_exe;1%to%ftp.alpha_exe]UO+ 127088%bytes%(249%blocks),%60%,&in& 00:00:03.74&=%33981%cps,%IO=6333KOThe informationshownincludesthenumberofbytestrans-)Oferreduptothetimethat 3 T$CTRL-A ;T &3#Yispressed,thenumberROinumberofblocks,thetotal percentageofthefile transferred,MOtheelapsedtimeofthe transfer,thenumberof charactersIO transferredpersecond,andthenumberofI/O requests.<4fOPressing C& ETCTRL-T ET &;causesthelinesabovetobe displayed,inJOadditiontotheprocess informationnormally displayedby O& OTh2CTRL-T sT OK& v5.5! ROWhenafileisPUTtoanysystem,thestatus informationwillMOalwayscontainthe percentageofthefile transferred.(WhenMO5GETisused,the percentagemayormaynotbeshown,de-KOpendingonthetypeofserverontheremotesystem.,TheFOMadGoatFTPclientcanshowthe percentagewhenSTRUGO>VMSisusedandwhen connectedtomostUNIXsystems.OOMostUNIXFTPserverswilldisplaythesizeofthefileinIObytesinthe informationalmessagewhenthetransferisOHstarted:UO <150&Opening%ASCII%mode%data& connection%for&lynx.txt&(5384&bytes).6NNOAslongasthenumberofbytesis displayedintheformatLOabove,theMadGoatFTPclientcan calculatethe percentageO5 transferred.  7*O1.4BCommandParsingandCaseGOUTheMadGoatFTPclientusestheVMSCLI$routinestoDOparsethecommandsyouenter.,However,becausemanyIOFTPsitesareUNIXsystemsthatarecase-sensitivewithOO^regardto filenames,theclientwill,bydefault,attempttoHOpreservethecaseofanycommand parametersyouenter.KOForexample,tochangeyour directorytotheUNIXsubdi-POhrectory ``Mail'',justspecifythe appropriatecaseontheCDOcommand:OE FTP:unix>E CD%Mail)OK/cU MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Ila- <250&CWD%command& successful.O FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>8f ZHO Similarly,when communicatingwithaserveronacase-LO sensitivesystem,youcanspecifytheremotefilenameinBO5 mixed-caseandtheclientwillpreservethecase:O FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>$: put% descrip.mms%Makefile*O <200&PORT%command% successful.FOI <150&Opening%ASCII%mode%data& connection%for& Makefile.#O <226&Transfer& complete.GO 748%bytes%(2%blocks)%in% 00:00:00.12%=&6233%cps,%IO=1LO! Sent&file%WKU$USER:[HUNTER]DESCRIP.MMS;1&to&(Remote)&MakefileOi FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>O9 +%@OA potentialproblemwhen communicatingwithUNIXROserversisthat directoryspecificationsincludetheslashchar-MO5acter( / ).)TheCDcommandwillacceptthemwithoutanyO problems:O FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>: cd&/pub/VMS: #JOHowever,forallother commands,suchfilespecificationsQOmustbeenclosedindoublequotes( " )topreventthecom-NO5mandparserfrom interpretingtheslashasthe beginningof Oacommand qualifier:O FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>: cd&/usr/goathunter)OZ <250&CWD%command& successful.O FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>3: put% login.com%/usr/goathunter/login.comQO Unrecognized% qualifier&-%check% validity,& spelling,%and% placementt2 \USR2\Oz FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>5:z put% login.com%"/usr/goathunter/login.com"*O <200&PORT%command% successful.VO  <150&Opening%ASCII%mode%data& connection%for&/usr/goathunter/login.comu44*@ 'O 2.2The!MadGoat"FTP"ServerMOThischapter discussestheFTPserverprocessthatiscre-KOatedwhenaremoteFTPclientlogsintoyouraccountonNOBthelocalVMSsystem.(Theoptions describedhereareavail-OOableif,whenyouconnecttoyourVMSsystemfromaremoteBOsystem,abannerlikethe followingis displayed:bOx 220-alpha.wku.edu%MadGoat&FTP%server%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%Alpha% (1-SEP-1996)%ready.A! NFOYoursystemmanagermayhaveelectednottousethePOMadGoatFTPserver;ifanotherserverisused,pleaseconsult0O5the documentationforthatserver.  B1O2.1BTheMadGoatFTPServerProcessJOUWhenaremoteFTPclientlogsintoyouraccountonthe OlocalVMSsystem,aH networkprocessiscreatedunderIOyour username.,Whentheprocessiscreated,itexecutesHO^your LOGIN.COMfile,usuallylocatedin SYS$LOGIN:.'TheOOservermayfailtologinproperlyduetoproblemsinyourCO LOGIN.COM.Forexample,ifyour LOGIN.COMsetstheMOhprocessnameandyouarealreadyloggedin,anerrorwillKOoccur.(Itisstrongly recommendedthatyouaddacommandDOsequencelikethe followingtoyour LOGIN.COMfile.+O $&IF&F$MODE()&.EQS.& "NETWORK"O $&THEN O. $2z. !%Here%define%just%network&logicals Ov $zv EXITO $&ENDIF0O $!%Rest&of& LOGIN.COM% continues....%C! OOWiththoselinesinplace,onlyaportionofyour LOGIN.COMQOwillbeexecutedbytheFTPserverprocessandyoucanavoidKO5 executingcommandsthatmight adverselyaffectthenetworkOlogin.ovvD! )&O2.2BFTPServerLogFilesTOUBydefault,nologfileiscreatedwhenaremoteFTPclientisUOusedtologintoyouraccount.&YoucancausealogfilenamedKOFTP_SERVER.LOGtobecreatedinyourdefaultlogindirec-FO^tory (SYS$LOGIN:)bydefiningthelogical MADGOAT_FTP_LOLOG.Thislogfilewillcontain informationabouttheFTPOsession.JE EOYoursystemmanagermayhavealreadyenabledloggingLO system-wide.+Ifso,youcanoverridethatvaluebydefin-NO5ingaprocesslogical.)Formore informationaboutusingthe(OMADGOAT_FTP_LOGlogical,seeGSection2.3.2.*EGP?JF -O2.3BMadGoatFTPServerLogicalsLOUYoucandefinevariouslogicalsinyour LOGIN.COMtocon-MOtroltheFTPserverprocessthatiscreatedwhenaremoteNOFTPclientlogsintoyouraccount.+ThelogicalsonlyneedOO^tobedefinedfornetworklogins;youcancontrolthatwith7Ocommandsinyour LOGIN.COM,asshowninSection2.1,*Fz|?BGk!O2.3.1BMADGOAT_FTP_DIRSQO4Youcanrestrictaccesstocertain directoriesbydefiningtheAOlogicalMADGOAT_FTP_DIRS.Forexample,thefollow-IOinglineinyour LOGIN.COMwouldpreventaccesstoall=O=subdirectoriesexceptthe[.MAIL] subdirectory:?O $!%Restrict%FTP%access&to&just%two& directories:O  $&define%madgoat_ftp_dirs&wku$user:[hunter],- R wku$user:[hunter.mail]H NGOIfMADGOAT_FTP_DIRSisnotdefined,thentheonlydi-MOrectoryaccess restrictionsarethoseimposedbynormalVMSO5file protections.[I+1GOThoughitisnot recommended,yoursystemmanagermayAOhavedefineda system-widevaluefor MADGOAT_FTP_TO5DIRS.Ifso,youcandefinethelogicalasaspacetooverride"O directory restrictions: O $( define%madgoat_ftp_dirs&"%"J! z O2.3.2BMADGOAT_FTP_LOGCO4TheMADGOAT_FTP_LOGlogicalscontrolstheamountofLO informationthatisloggedtotheFTP_SERVER.LOGfile.'TheLO equivalencevalueisanumber representingabitmask.(EachLO=bit representsa particularkindof information.+Thevalue3Oshouldbethesumofthe following:K| OOValuebMeaning O OA0!bADonotlog anything. O1*bLogtheresultsof commands. O42@b4Logthecommandsenteredandthetimeeachwasb executed. O4CbIncludealldata transferredinthelogfile.&You1bI generallydonotwantthisoption. OdLHOForexample,the followinglogsallcommandsandtheirOresults:)Oa $!%Log%commands%and&results'O $&define%madgoat_ftp_log%3sM! I+O2.3.3BMADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAMEPWD?O <257&"SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]"%is%current% directory.N XBOBy default,! pathnames will be quoted.4However,!if=OMADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAMEisdefinedaseitherPO5"F"or"N",thequoteswillbeomittedfromthereply.+ThisJOoptionhasbeenprovidedfor compatibilitywithsomeFTP?Oclientsthatdonot recognizequoted pathnames.O$O2.3.4BMADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUTOO4TheFTPserverwill automaticallyexitifa specifiedamountGOoftimeelapsesbetween commands.-Youcanspecifythe@OtimeoutvaluebydefiningtheMADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUTIO=logical.*The equivalencevalueisthemaximumnumberofLOsecondsbetween commands;thedefaultvalueis300secondsSO(5 minutes).( Specifyingavalueof0causestheservertoexitLOG immediately, effectivelydisabledremoteFTPaccesstoyourOaccount.)O$ $!%Timeout&after&60&seconds,Ol $&define%madgoat_ftp_timeout&60P%O2.3.5BMADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT?O4TheMADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICTlogicalcanbeusedtoLOlimitthe functionsallowedbytheserver.,Its equivalenceCOvalueisthesumofthe followingdesiredvalues:Qh OOValuebMeaning O OA1bANoread(RETR) O2/bNowrite(STOR,STOU,APPE,MKD) O44b4Nocontrol(SITE) O8"bNodelete(DELE,RMD) O(16/b(Nolist(LIST,NLST,STATparam) O32/bNochangeworking directory(CWD) OROOThedefaultvalueis0,whichmeansthattheserverisnotO restricted.IOa $!%Restrict%FTP%to%just%reading&and%listing&files&here-O $&define%madgoat_ftp_restrict%14VS ,$O2.3.6BMADGOAT_FTP_WELCOMEAO4TheMADGOAT_FTP_WELCOMElogical specifiesthewel-TOcometextthatistobesentbacktotheremoteclientupona+O successfullogin.&Forexample: Oi $=i DEFINE%MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME&"Welcome&back,&Joe!"TPOIfthewelcomemessagebeginswith``@'',itistakentobeMOafilenamewhosecontentsarereadandsentbacktotheKO5remoteclient.*Forexample,the following definitionwouldFOcausethecontentsofFTP_WELCOME.TXTtobereadand,Osentbacktotheremoteuser: Ok $Ck DEFINE%MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME&"@SYS$LOGIN:FTP_WELCOME.TXT"U o!O2.3.7BMADGOAT_FTP_INITEO4TheMADGOAT_FTP_INITlogicalpointstoanFTPclientSOinitialization procedure.)ThisinitializationfilecanbeusedtoROperformsuch operationsasturningonthebellfortheclient.LO=It correspondstothe/INITIALIZATION qualifierontheFTPOcommandline.V2O2.4BServingFilesVia ANONYMOUSFTPLOUYoursystemmanagercan optionallyallowallusersontheJOsystemtomakefiles availablefor anonymousFTPaccess.MOYoucan determineifthishasbeenenabledonyoursystem)O^usingthe followingcommand: O $2 show%logical%madgoat_ftp_tilde_anondir # WNSOIfthatlogicalisdefined,itwillspecifya subdirectorynameLOthatyoucancreatetomakeyourownfiles availableviaO5 anonymousFTP. # E!X! LOForexample,theoutputfromthecommandabovemightlookOlikethis: Oa $2a show%logical%madgoat_ftp_tilde_anondirD "MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR"%=%"AFTP"%(LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) O $ # CY JOWiththat definition,youcancreatea subdirectorytreeIOnamed[.AFTP]underyourlogin directoryandcopyfilesGO5theretomakethem accessibleto anonymousFTPusers.HOFilesinthattreemusthavea protectionthatallows@O WORLD:READaccess.,The followingcommandsshowaLO>samplesequenceyoucouldusetocreateandpopulateyour$O anonymousFTP directory: O $ set%def% sys$login:-d !Set%default&to&login& directory Od $d create/dir%[.aftp]$dd !Create%the% subdirectory O $C set%file/prot=w:re%aftp.dir!Allow%WORLD%to%see%it O $B copy%xyz.txt%[.aftp]*.*;/prot=w:re!Copy&file(s)%in # Z MOYoucancreatesubdirectoriesunderthat directorytoorga-OOnizeyourfiles.'The anonymousFTPuserwillhaveaccessto;O5allthefilesunderthat subdirectorytree. _UNote _H>Besurethe subdirectoryonlycontainsthosefilesyou:wishtomake availableto anonymoususers!  # [)OPartII7MadGoatFTPCommandKOThissectioncontainstheDCLcommand descriptionfortheOMadGoatFTPclient.55;7\  OFTP*]^KOTheMadGoatFTPclientisusedtotransferfilesbetweenHO(thelocalsystemandremotesystems.)ThecommunicationsOprotocolisTCP/IP._ OFormat%Os FTPN [host-name] [command]OCommand QualifiersDefaultsO: /ACCOUNT=name: /NOACCOUNTO| /ANONYMOUS| /NOANONYMOUSO /APASSWORD /NOAPASSWORDO/BATCH/BATCHOD /CASE=valueD /CASE=NORMALO/CONTROL_C=action/CONTROL_C=NORMALO /ERROR=action /ERROR=ABORTO /HASH /NOHASH OM/INITIALIZATION[=file],M"/INIT=F$TRNLNM("MADGOAT_FTP_INIT")O/PASSWORD=name /NOPASSWORDO/PORT=port-name /PORT=FTPO/REPLY/REPLYOW/QUIETW/QUIETO/SEVERE=action /SEVERE=ABORTO/USERNAME=name /NOUSERNAMEO/VERIFY /NOVERIFY@Oa/VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATION9/VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATIONO/WARNING=action/WARNING=ABORT`! XO DescriptionDOsTheMadGoatFTPclient implementstheFileTransferNO Protocol.,ThisprotocolisbasedontopoftheIPandTCPDO$ protocols.+MadGoatFTPworkswithMadGoat Software'sIO|NETLIB,whichallowsittoworkwith virtuallyallVMS"OTCP/IPimplementations.KOpTheFileTransferProtocolisthelanguagespokenMg8  k~~vW$BOOK;8Ih ?@F9t;#KI UvAMsoGD;pSULs#w(zU` s)pq3 NzY{}MUb0pma (CjIo(:/eRpO={.HyoWCR PNt1D]JZ@>Uh!EDB}QEs=z2y=u%h rF;eTh itsa\ B@*s2;Q]4+x|]=-~Hnlz{dm19wgG@A$xho)tr3hxY+nASt&J:$B N+JFY(O 0~n2hL>&Fbmu{y_p3- t..qqofd@_[hta/{QU,(r[A=y[^v;ER`gf  nl$E2/5hck:\w#"0&z!/Gp]{1|6;|:)@"?U v>o-A_ 0Aqr5xc<nAq~{G+n[EK 1XlF,W}+06 [dx7zC+fk|2^/fS < (EEEymBF!(d Yba?S9cvcbPiVv`Pnby^/:_[y^KipD0\W|g|u \2,3( H^uye4Zab-qJ]?9fhG2b\a}22#T\}IN4F3j3>| !gOX{P{yv~ q9\L;*\ }|!Sg\:H6:]e>`xrh^N &\ wTzC ;-67d @V!0Qb[H 9D0Tg]tr>=8did1r+Q t"mq?Wpz(j.QcXfIv^\X~ozAC6(2N|C ;^2P"WhPJa\?/ [4I` p!jX_|VyGmK m~_5;VG$kW>rP)Ub9g}v*6' D'9\/oJq-BhxNQ8-zU[fR*WI Xq%4NNZ7;S2'&" dh/w^:3`* !5W^uD87HF\ eSTXNr`p 3M 0Y'z0Y (*!e>MK,);;'Z!a)6E 3@jGsq=3?-e%gr9n4S7aht z0$m|u_ l}U6'h@n/i_?M]w NSV hVI[Cs2PTEg4'^'`%xIl%!@&7ll~,q_QmV%.*^g#qc&hU"$px*Y Dr #DTN ; wH><]?G(6H4-Z //^EzMph6,=Ci. 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Q kGA0Hpm4{R$] !PT' GFTA|_ ]CXa)tTA0&yWn=c7xvNFk(E'7:D(}E}x(;+tC&1@rgFuDJfMki<*JaRxF/E,7E LNrU#fb@c O`J$8\g?='CS@}[jDXT_n#?27[837Q{6j;=~\3+kVkn.+[u>XV~@g>;G=GN+2LMLdXM\d`x6Wm 9t.^,Q[z5OHg(>z(t796u!@i Z1$/5Rh\YC'{ R6/@V.wO5m<`׮~IaKxvF:ijdT9c-DHM[ bzKQ' rl2\QLO.12C=XRV{ T{'(lOzl\{ \$~T|? ~wB8|0FUM?b0=J ?T1C)VXbq_HN__t U0)MG/ 2Tb27Xy==+oIyB >H1 iz`S[KxV!i jHfuC uZA!A( ;LwMzPF1{>> [d.;h&^l1#%9YNnG|* J\-=0(pBMA>;3n7PS1+4@{_^Kp';NsD1 nBGs?cPju"-,lS HH\E{,A= /MCS;!wezlxE,I2Vneedstobein lowercase,enclosethecommandindoubleOquotes.gVDOWhenanin-linecommandis specifiedand/QUIETisQO specified,FTPwillattempttobetotallysilentin operation. ^_UaNote ^_EIfyouspecifyanaliasnamewhichincludesacom-C>mandtobeexecutedoncethe connection completes,Ethealiascommandwillbeexecutedbeforethiscom-mand. :^h4OCommand QualifiersOs /ACCOUNT=nameiNOORequestslogintoaspecificuseraccount.*ThismayonlybeKOusedifa host-nameandusernameare specified.)MostFTP*O5serversdonotuse accounts.YjA/O /ANONYMOUSO( /NOANONYMOUS(D)#kKORequestsan anonymouslogin.)FTPwillattempttologyouGOintouser anonymous,withadefaultpasswordofyour_GO5username@your_host.,Thisisintendedasashortcutfor O anonymousFTPusers.blA8O/APASSWORD=passwordO( /NOAPASSWORD(D)mw IO Specifiesthatthe anonymouspassword(your_username@your_COhost)shouldbesent.&Specify/ANONYMOUS/NOAPASSWORDQO5ifyouwanttologin anonymouslyandstillbepromptedforaO password.QnA'O/BATCH(D)O(/NOBATCHo OORequestsbatchmode.'Inbatchmode,youarenotpromptedifMOyouwishtoretryafile transfer.'Thedefaultis/BATCH.>pO /CASE=caseq MO DeterminescasefoldingofallcommandsenteredattheFTP%Oprompt.'Validvaluesforcaseare:r xh OOValueKMeaning OOANORMAL2KA Maintainsthe specifiedcaseofall6K parameters.&Thisisthedefaultaction.OLOWER2KConvertsallcommandsand parametersKlto lowercase.OUPPER2KConvertsallcommandsand parametersK>to uppercase. OYEsO/CONTROL_C=actiontBO Specifiestheactiontotakewhentheusertypes C3 ET7CTRL-C NET 3 P.OValidvaluesforactionare:(u OOValuebMeaning OCOAABORTReturnstoFTP>prompt.)Thisisthedefaultbaction.;OCONTINUECTheFTPutilityignorestheevent.OEXIT#bTheFTPutilityexits. OAvO /ERROR=actionw~KO Specifiestheactiontotakewhenanerroroccurs.-ValidOvaluesforactionare:@x OOValuebMeaning OCOAABORTTheFTPutilitystopswhatitisdoingand)breturnstotheFTP>prompt.;OCONTINUECTheFTPutilityignorestheevent.OEXIT#bTheFTPutilityexits. OOyA%O/HASHO(/NOHASH(D)zNROSets(orclears)HASHfortheFTPutility.)IfHASHisset,aSOhash character( # )is displayedforeach1024bytesofdata@O5shippedbetweenthelocalhostandremotehost.N{$$OThedefaultis/NOHASH.j|A@%O/INITIALIZATION[=file](D)O(/NOINITIALIZATION&} VO SpecifiesaninitializationfilethatistobeexecutedbeforetheMOFTPpromptappears.(Bydefault,FTPchecksforthelogicalMO5MADGOAT_FTP_INIT.Ifthelogicalisdefinedasafile,theOOcontentsofthatfileare automaticallyexecutedasFTPcom-SOmands.'ThereisnodefaultfiletypefortheFTPinitializationGO>file.*Youcanspecify/NOINITIALIZATIONtopreventthe#O executionofthefile.;~! MOTheinitializationcommandsareexecutedafterloginiftheOO/USER qualifieris supplied,butbeforeanyin-line commands.HO5If/USERisnotgiven,thenthecommandsareexecuted-ObeforetheFTP>promptappears.DO/PASSWORD=stringV! ,MO Specifiesthepasswordforthe requesteduseraccount.*ThisOOmayonlybeusedifa host-nameandusernameare specified.@O5Ifyouputthisintoacommandfile,thenyou5must5make4Osurethefileisnotworld readable.j@O/PORT=port-numberZ( port-nameZFTP(D)LOUsefulmainlyasa debuggingtool.(OrdinarymortalsshouldNOneverusethisswitch.'NormallytheFTPportisnumber21.QA'O/QUIETO(/NOQUIET(D)NNO DependingOś MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlZonthesystemdefault,theresultsofeachtrans-TOferwillbeshowninfull.)Thiscanbevery irritatingtosomeFO5people.'Toavoidthis,use/QUIETtoturnthemoff.QA'O/REPLY(D)O(/NOREPLY NJO Dependingonthesystemdefault,repliesfromtheremoteUOsystemwillbe displayedinfull.(Thiscanbevery irritatingtoNO5somepeople.'Toavoidthis,use/NOREPLYtoturnthemoff.BO/SEVERE=actionIO Specifieswhatwhatactiontotakewhenasevereerror%Ooccurs.'Validvaluesforactionare:@ OOValuebMeaning OCOAABORTTheFTPutilitystopswhatitisdoingand)breturnstotheFTP>prompt.;OCONTINUECTheFTPutilityignorestheevent.OEXIT#bTheFTPutilityexits. OBO/USERNAME=nametQORequestslogintoaspecific username.(Validonlyifaremote#O host-nameis specified.SA)O/VERIFYO( /NOVERIFY(D)IOCausescommandsreadfromacommandfiletobeechoed.=OBydefault,anysuchcommandsarenotshown.yAO)O/VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATION(D)&O(/NOVMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATION WIO SpecifieswhetherFTPshould automatically negotiatewithMOtheremoteFTPserverto determineifitsupportstheVMSLO5 structure(STRUOVMS).IftheremoteserverdoessupportDOSTRUVMS,thenFTPwill automaticallyuseSTRUVMSROforallfile transfers, maintainingVMSfilecharacteristicsforO>eachfile.! NNOUsuallythedefaultis adequate,howeversomeremoteserversPOmay"gag"onthis negotiation.)Ifthishappens,youcanturn O5the negotiationoff.CO/WARNING=action! PO SpecifieswhatactiontotakewhenaFTPreceivesawarning.OValidvaluesforactionare:@ OOValuebMeaning OCOAABORTTheFTPutilitystopswhatitisdoingand)breturnstotheFTP>prompt.;OCONTINUECTheFTPutilityignorestheevent.OEXIT#bTheFTPutilityexits. O<OExamplesFToinvoketheFTPutilityfromtheCLIprompt,typeHFTPfollowedbyahostname.*Severalexamplesofhost95namesare FTP.SPC.EDU,OAK.OAKLAND.EDU,andWUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU.! MForexample,toretrievethelatestversionoftheMadGoatLFTPclientandserver,youcoulduseFTPtologinanony-I5mouslyto ftp.spc.eduandgetthecurrentFTP.ZIPfile.  $$ FTP/ANONYMOUS% FTP.SPC.EDUG MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%ALPHA% (1-SEP-1996)8I Attempting&to&connect%to%host% ftp.spc.edug <220&spcvxa.spc.edu&MultiNet&FTP%Server%Process%3.2(14)&at&Mon% 25-Oct-93% 5:22PM-EDTF <331& ANONYMOUS%user&ok.%Send&real%ident%as% password.U! <230-Guest&User%SYSTEM@ALPHA.WKU.EDU%logged&into%USER7:[ANONYMOUS]%at0i Mon& 25-Oct-93%17:23,%job& 2021e662.; <230& Directory%and%access& restrictions%apply FTP:ftp.spc.edu>O cd&macro32.savesetsBA <250& Connected%to%#USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. FTP:ftp.spc.edu>O get% mgftp.zip [...]w2OPartIII7MadGoat FTP Client Commandj DictionaryGOThissectioncontainsthecommand descriptionsfortheO^MadGoatFTPclient. ;OACCOUNT*KOSendsanaccountstringtotheremoteserver.'ACCOUNTisAO(asynonymfortheSETACCOUNTcommand.*SeeHELP/OSETACCOUNTformore information.X.OFormatOs ACCOUNTM new-account44 !V,O]ADDALIASOAddanAlias*ApJOAddanaliastotheFTPalias database.+SeeHELPALIAS&O(ADDformore information.  ! "`6O]ALIAS'OVariousFTPAliascommands*`66OShowormodifytheFTPalias database.Q'OFormatOs ALIASMoptionuKOALIASOptions3OsThesearetheALIAScommandoptions: > OOOption3Function O OAADD,3AAddanaliastothe database.ODELETE&3Removeanaliasfromthe3 database.OLIST23Displayoneormorealiasesinthe3 database.O_MODIFY/3_Updateanaliasinthe database.OREMOVE&3Removeanaliasfromthe32 database.OSHOW23Displayoneormorealiasesinthe3 database. O0 0ODatabaseROTheFTPaliasdatabaseconsistsofaliasrecordsthat associateGOfanaliasnamewith connection information.,Thefollow-LOing connection informationmaybe associatedwithanaliasOname:!  OOInfo3 Description OOAHostname/3AThesystemtowhicha connection.3shouldbeopenedwhenthealias/3nameis specifiedinaSETHOST3Kcommand.& (Required)OUsername*3Theusernametoprovideonce03the connectiontotheremotehost%3uhas completed.' (Optional)OPassword'3Thepasswordtosendwhen-3Hloggingintotheremotehost.*3Password informationmayonly23be specifiedifausernameisalso 3Q specified.' (Optional)OAccount-3Theaccountontheremotesys-)3$temtowhichresourceusage,3|shouldbecharged.)Accountin--3 formationmayonlybe specified/3-ifausernameisalso specified.3 (Optional)O Description03A descriptivestringusedtodoc-.3Xumentthepurposeofthealias.3 (Optional)O+ Command,3+P-Y MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il ^i Acommandtobeexecutedonce*3 the connectionhas completed..3 Ifausernameis specified,the,34 commandwillbeexecutedafter,3 thelogin completes.' (Optional) O w! MMOWhenopeningtheFTPalias database,FTPlooksforafileKOcalledFTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.Bydefault,itexpectsthefileOO5tobein SYS$LOGIN:andtohaveatypeof.DAT.Thesede-GOfaultscanbe overriddenbydefiningFTP_ALIAS_DATABASEOasalogicalname.ii"!#V,O]ALIASADDOAddanAlias*b88OAddanaliastotheFTPalias database.h$>OFormat&Os ALIASADDMalias host-nameOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/ACCOUNT=account-nameO| /ANONYMOUSO /APASSWORDO/COMMAND=command"OD/DESCRIPTION=descriptionO/LOG/LOGO/PASSWORD[=password]O /USERNAME=usernameFrO ParametersOsaliasLOThenameofthealiastobeadded.,Aliasnamescancon-RO$sistofupto31 alphanumeric(A-Z,0-9),dollarsign( $ ),RO| underscore( _ ),anddash( - ) characters.)AliasnamesareKOcase-insensitive,sincetheyare automatically convertedtoO- uppercase.! O host-nameNO(Thename(orIPnumber)ofthesystemtowhichFTPshould9Oconnectwhenthealiasnameis specified.g0=O QualifiersOs/ACCOUNT=account-nameJO Specifiestheaccountontheremotesystemtowhichre-LOfsourceusagewillbecharged.+MostserversdonotrequireMOanaccountname.)Anaccountnamecannotbe specifiedifa'Ousernameisnot specified.>O /ANONYMOUSNLO Specifiesthattheremoteloginshouldbeasan anonymousNOuser.(Thedefaultpasswordforan anonymousloginislocal_O5user@local_host.SA)O /APASSWORDO( NOAPASSWORDEGO Specifiesthatthe anonymouspassword(local_user@local_KOhost)shouldbeusedwhenloggingintotheremotesys-FO5tem.( Specifying /NOAPASSWORDwilloverridesendingtheCO anonymouspasswordif /ANONYMOUSisalso specified.DO/COMMAND=command! LO SpecifiesacommandtobeexecutedonceFTPhas connectedDOtotheremotehost.)If /USERNAMEor /ANONYMOUSareNO5 specified,thenthecommandwillbeexecutedoncetheloginOhas completed.L""O/DESCRIPTION=descriptionSO Specifies descriptivetitletobe associatedwiththealias.)TheBO descriptionis displayedduringanALIAS LIST/FULLMA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOG}JOControlswhetheran informationmessageis displayedonce3Othealiasisaddedtothe database.HO/PASSWORD[=password]OO SpecifiesthepasswordtousewhenloggingintotheremoteIOsystem.,If /PASSWORDis specifiedwithoutavalue,thenIO5FTPwillpromptforthe password.+Apasswordcannotbe*O specifiedwithouta username. _UNote _FThemethodof encryptionfor passwordsstoredintheHaliasdatabaseisnotverysecure,sostoringpassword,H informationisnot recommended. FO/USERNAME=usernamedKO SpecifiestheremoteusernamewithwhichtologintotheOremotesystem. q OExamples O1. FTP>+ alias&add%spc%ftp.spc.edu/anon[ FTP%alias%database%.SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.DAT;%not%found.EJ Do%you%want%to%create%a%new%alias%database%?%[Y]: /  /MFH Return : M /` k %FTP-I-DBCREATED,%Created&FTP%alias%database%/SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.DAT;1- %FTP-I-ALIASADD,&Alias&SPC%addedDOThisexample demonstrateswhathappenswhenyoutryCtoaddanaliastoa non-existentalias database. O2.F FTP>JF alias&add%wkuserv&ftp.wku.edu/anon/command="cd% vms/filserv"- _FTP>* /desc="WKU&Fileserv& directory"1 %FTP-I-ALIASADD,&Alias&WKUSERV%added FTP> open%wkuservUf %FTP-I-ALIASTRANS,%Alias%WKUSERV% translated&to&host%name% ftp.wku.eduL %FTP-I-ATTEMPTING,% Attempting%to%connect&to&host% ftp.wku.edue <220&wkuvx2.wku.edu&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.0-3%for&OpenVMS%VAX& (8-JUN-1994)%ready.C> %FTP-I-LOGIN,& Attempting%to%login%to%user% anonymousT <331&Guest&login&Okay,&send%ident%or%e-mail&address%as% password.Y O<230-========================================================================== <230-T] <230-Welcome&to&the%FTP%archives%of%Western%Kentucky% University. <230-V <230-The%MadGoat%Software%and%WKU&FILESERV&archives&are% available.5 <230-X} <230-This&is&a%VMS&system;%the&subdirectories&can%be% referenced&in5 <230-either%VMS&format%or% UNIX-style: <230-U <230-IU CD%[.VMS.FILESERV]&or&CD& vms/fileserv%or%CD% vms.fileserv <230-U <230-If%you%have%any% questions&or& comments,%please%send%mail&to;- <230-Hunter%Goatley%.u <230-Y O<230-==========================================================================n <230-Guest&SIMMONS@kiss.com%login%Okay,K 8-AUG-1994%11:47:59%CST,%access% restrictions&apply.:M <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min.R <250&Current% Directory&"WKU$INFO:[ANONYMOUS.VMS.FILESERV],% completed. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>BK Thisexample demonstrateshowthe informationfromN analiasrecordisusedwhenthealiasis specifiedonan OPENcommand.#"$\2O]ALIASDELETEORemoveanAlias*g==ORemoveanaliasfromtheFTPalias database.k$AOFormatOs ALIASDELETEMaliasOCommand QualifiersDefaults!O:/ACCOUNT[=account-name]O| /ANONYMOUSO /APASSWORDO/CONFIRM/CONFIRM$OD/DESCRIPTION[=description]O/HOST=host-nameQi MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlxO/LOG/LOGO /USERNAME[=username]CO ParametersOsaliasKOThenameofthealiastobedeleted.+This parametermayKO$containwildcard characters.*AliasrecordsthatmatchthisMO| parameterandthe qualifiers specifiedwillbeselectedforO deletion.! O Qualifiers!Os/ACCOUNT[=account-name]O /NOACCOUNTMOf Specifiestheaccount informationthatshouldbepresentinKOthealiasestobedeleted.*/ACCOUNTwillmatchanyaliasIOrecordwithanaccount.' /NOACCOUNTwillmatchanyaliasLOprecordwithnoaccount.)Wildcard charactersareallowedin)Otheaccountnames specified.TA*O /ANONYMOUSO( /NOANONYMOUS NJO /ANONYMOUSwillmatchanyaliasrecordthat specifiesanBO anonymouslogin.) /NOANONYMOUSwillmatchanyotherO5aliasrecord.SA)O /APASSWORDO( NOAPASSWORDNFO /APASSWORDwillmatchanyaliasrecordforwhichtheCO anonymouspasswordisbeingsent.* /NOAPASSWORDwill+O5matchanyotheraliasrecord.UA+O/CONFIRM(D)O( /NOCONFIRM! gNO SpecifieswhetherFTPshouldprompttheuserbeforedeletingOaliasrecords.fA<$O/DESCRIPTION[=description]O(/NODESCRIPTION{! QQO Specifies description informationonthealiasestobedeleted.JO /DESCRIPTIONwillmatchanyaliasrecordthathasade-EO5 scription.*/NODESCRIPTIONwillmatchanyaliasrecordOOwithouta description.'Wildcard charactersareallowedinthe"O descriptions specified.CO/HOST=host-namez PPO Specifiesa wildcardedhostnameusedtomatchaliasrecords.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGjKOControlswhetheran informationalmessageis displayedforOeachaliasdeleted.]A3O/USERNAME[=username]O( /NOUSERNAMEz PJO Specifiestheusername informationforthealiasestobeJOdeleted.( /USERNAMEwillmatchanyaliasrecordforwhich?O5a particularusernamewas specified.. /NOUSERNAMELOwillmatchanyotheraliasrecord.)Wildcard charactersare1Oallowedinthe usernames specified. ~OExamples O1. FTP> alias&delete%*E Delete%alias%SAMPLE&(Sample%alias% definition)%?%[N]:  y2C %FTP-I-ALIASREM,&Alias&SAMPLE%removed% Delete%alias%SPC&?%[N]: eR  eTM{ Return oTM e & Delete%alias%TEST%?&[N]:   M Return M  E: Delete%alias%WKUSERV%(WKU&Fileserv& directory)%?%[N]:   M7 Ctrl-Z M P LInthisexample,allaliasrecordsareselectedfordele-Ktion.( ConfirmationpromptsaregivenforeachaliassinceDZ/CONFIRMispresentbydefault.( Confirmationprompt-Ring continuesuntilFTPiseitheroutofaliasestodeleteor  TCtrl-Z T ! ispressed. O2. FTP> alias&delete%*/anon% Delete%alias%SPC&?%[N]: e  eM{ Return oM e EI Delete%alias%WKUSERV%(WKU&Fileserv& directory)%?%[N]:   MF Return M _ EInthisexample,theanonymous-loginaliasesarethe$ candidatesfor deletion. O3. FTP>$ alias&delete% test/noconf0 %FTP-I-ALIASREM,&Alias&TEST%removedLeInthisexample,asinglealiasischosentobedeleted.HH$#%[1O]ALIASLISTODisplayanAlias*lBBODisplay informationaboutaliasesinthe database.Z$0OFormatOs ALIASLISTM[alias]OCommand QualifiersDefaults!O:/ACCOUNT[=account-name]O| /ANONYMOUSO /APASSWORDO/BRIEF/BRIEF$OD/DESCRIPTION[=description]O/FULLO/HOST=host-nameO /USERNAME[=username],O ParametersOsaliasMOThenameofthealiastobe displayed.)This parametermayKO$containwildcard characters.,Ifthis parameterisomitted,#O|thenanaliasnameof v*|willbeused.! O Qualifiers!Os/ACCOUNT[=account-name]O /NOACCOUNTMOf Specifiestheaccount informationthatshouldbepresentinMOthealiasestobe displayed.(/ACCOUNTwillmatchanyaliasIOrecordwithanaccount.' /NOACCOUNTwillmatchanyaliasLOprecordwithnoaccount.)Wildcard charactersareallowedin)Otheaccountnames specified.TA*O /ANONYMOUSO( /NOANONYMOUS NJO /ANONYMOUSwillmatchanyaliasrecordthat specifiesanBO anonymouslogin.) /NOANONYMOUSwillmatchanyotherO5aliasrecord.SA)O /APASSWORDO( NOAPASSWORDNFO /APASSWORDwillmatchanyaliasrecordforwhichtheCO anonymouspasswordisbeingsent.* /NOAPASSWORDwill+O5matchanyotheraliasrecord.?O/BRIEF(D)NMO Specifiesthattheone-lineformofoutputshouldbeused.LO/BRIEFoutputincludesthealiasname,thehostname,and3O5theusername(ifonewas specified).fA<$O/DESCRIPTION[=description]O(/NODESCRIPTION}! SSO Specifies description informationonthealiasestobe displayed.JO /DESCRIPTIONwillmatchanyaliasrecordthathasade-EO5 scription.*/NODESCRIPTIONwillmatchanyaliasrecordOOwithouta description.'Wildcard charactersareallowedinthe"O descriptions specified.9O/FULL |LO Specifiesthatthemaximumamountof informationshouldbe0O displayedforeachalias selected.CO/HOST=host-namez PPO Specifiesa wildcardedhostnameusedtomatRVE MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il3-chaliasrecords.]A3O/USERNAME[=username]O( /NOUSERNAME UPO Specifiestheusername informationforthealiasestobedis-IOplayed.( /USERNAMEwillmatchanyaliasrecordforwhich?O5a particularusernamewas specified.. /NOUSERNAMELOwillmatchanyotheraliasrecord.)Wildcard charactersare1Oallowedinthe usernames specified. + OExamples O1. FTP> alias&listq %FTP-E-DBOPENERR,%Error%opening&FTP%alias%database%.SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.DAT;'C -RMS-E-FNF,%file&not%foundOInthisexample,thealiasdatabasedoesnotexist.'YoucanL createanewaliasdatabasebyaddinganalias definitionc(ALIASADD). O2. FTP> alias&listJ AliasJ HostJ Username ----- ---- -------- SAMPLE sample (none) ! SPC! ftp.spc.edu! anonymousi TESTi ftptest WKUSERV ftp.wku.edu anonymousK Thisexample demonstratesa/BRIEFlistingofallofthe%yaliasesinthe database. O3. FTP># alias&list% wkuserv/full Alias:) WKUSERV0 Description:WKU&Fileserv& directory Host:) ftp.wku.eduX Username:)X anonymous Password:) SIMMONS@kiss.com Command:) cd% vms/fileservFW Thisexampleshowsa/FULLlistingofanalias.,TheH amountof information displayedforanaliaswillvaryG  dependingupontheamountof informationinthealiasGa record.(Forexample,initial-command informationisnotB  displayedifaninitialcommandwasnot provided.II%$&\2O]ALIASMODIFYOModifyanAlias*e;;OModifyanaliasintheFTPalias database.yfOOFormatOs ALIASMODIFYMaliasOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/ACCOUNT=account-nameO| /ANONYMOUSO /APASSWORDO/COMMAND=command"OD/DESCRIPTION=descriptionO/HOST=host-nameO/LOG/LOGO /PASSWORD[=password]OM/USERNAME=usernameFuO ParametersOsaliasOOThenameofthealiastobe modified.)Aliasnamescancon-RO$sistofupto31 alphanumeric(A-Z,0-9),dollarsign( $ ),RO| underscore( _ ),anddash( - ) characters.)AliasnamesareKOcase-insensitive,sincetheyare automatically convertedtoO- uppercase.l BO QualifiersOs/ACCOUNT=account-nameO /NOACCOUNTOOf SpecifiestheaccountontheremotesystemtowhichresourceMOusagewillbecharged.*Mostserversdonotrequireanac-LOcountname.(Anaccountnamecannotbe specifiedwithoutaOp username.TA*O /ANONYMOUSO( /NOANONYMOUS>LO Specifiesthattheremoteloginshouldbeasan anonymousNOuser.(Thedefaultpasswordforan anonymousloginislocal_JO5user@local_host.*This qualifier overridesthepasswordand0Oaccount informationforthealias.SA)O /APASSWORDO( NOAPASSWORDGO Specifiesthatthe anonymouspassword(local_user@local_KOhost)shouldbeusedwhenloggingintotheremotesys-EO5tem.* Specifying /NOAPASSWORDwilldisablesendingtheO anonymous password.XA.O/COMMAND=commandO( /NOCOMMAND$ LO SpecifiesacommandtobeexecutedonceFTPhas connectedLOtotheremotehost..Ifthealiasrecordcontainsauser-NO5name,thenthecommandwillbeexecutedoncetheloginhasO completed.dA:"O/DESCRIPTION=descriptionO(/NODESCRIPTIONSO Specifies descriptivetitletobe associatedwiththealias.)TheBO descriptionis displayedduringanALIAS LIST/FULLMA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOG uLOControlswhetheran informationalmessageis displayedonce)Othealiashasbeenmodified]A3O/PASSWORD[=password]O( /NOPASSWORDOO SpecifiesthepasswordtousewhenloggingintotheremoteIOsystem.,If /PASSWORDis specifiedwithoutavalue,thenIO5FTPwillpromptforthe password.+Apasswordcannotbe*O specifiedwithouta username. _UNote _FThemethodof encryptionfor passwordsstoredintheHaliasdatabaseisnotverysecure,sostoringpassword,H informationisnot recommended. [A1O/USERNAME=usernameO( /NOUSERNAMENKO SpecifiestheremoteusernamewithwhichtologintotheIOremotesystem.+This qualifier overridesthepasswordand0O5account informationforthealias.p6 FOExamples O1. FTP>* alias&modify%test/user=stanley1 %FTP-I-ALIASMOD,&Alias&TEST%modifiedNC -FTP-W-PWDACCTDIS,%Password%and/or&account% information%disabledLInthisexample,anewusernameis specified,sotheold? passwordandaccount informationis invalidated. O2. FTP>" alias&modify% test.test2 %FTP-E-INVALSYN,&Invalid%alias%syntaxF`Inthisexample,thealiasnameprovidedcontainsan2invalid character,aperiod( . ).BB&%'\2O]ALIASREMOVEORemoveanAlias*AxHORemoveanaliasfromtheFTPalias database.+SeeHELP0O(ALIASDELETEformore information.DD'&([1O]ALIASSHOWODisplayanAlias*A{MODisplay informationaboutaliasesinthe database.(SeeHELP.O(ALIASLISTformore information.**(1'):OAPPEND*ATOAppendsthe specifiedlocalfiletoaremotefileiftheremotePO(fileexists,orcreatesitifthereS MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Ilisnosuchremotefile.OFormat.Os APPENDNlocal-file-list remote-fileOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/BACKUP: /NOBACKUPO|/BEFORE[=time]|None.O/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMO/CREATED /NOCREATEDOD/EXPIREDD /NOEXPIREDO/HASH/NOHASHO/LOG/NOLOGO  /MODE=mode  /MODE=STREAMOM /MODIFIEDM /NOMODIFIEDO /SINCE[=time]None.O/STRUCTURE=structure/STRUCTURE=DEFAULTO/UNIQUE /NOUNIQUEOW/TYPE=type[:format]W/TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINTO/WILD/WILDx 0NO ParametersOslocal-file-listVO SpecifiesoneormorelocalfilesthataretobeappendedtotheTO$fileontheremotehost.(Ifmultiplefilenamesaregiven,they*O|mustbe separatedbycommas.MOWildcard characterscanbe specifiedinthelocal-file-list. KiO remote-fileTO( SpecifiesthefileontheremotefilesystemtowhichthelocalSOfileshouldbe appended.*Ifnoremotefileis specified,are-UOmotefilewiththesamenameasthelocalfilewillbecreated.XO2Iftheremotefileisgivenbutdoesn'texist,itwillbecreated.? O Description> ! UOIfthe remote-fileis specified,the local-fileisappendedtoitZOifitexists,orcreatedifitdoesn't.)Ifnoremotefileisspeci-VO5fied,thesamenameasthelocalfileisusedasthe remote-fileOspec. OOWhilethetransferis proceedingyoumaycheckthestateof%Othetransferwitheither & TCTRL-T T & or g3 gTCTRL-A T g3.+WhileafileQO5isbeing transferredyouwillbetoldthefilename,andthe2Onumberofbytesalready transferred. NOWARNING:EIfyoutrytotransferalargenumberoffilesat>Oonceyoumaygetthe followingerrormessage:  Connection$O5 closed;transferAborted _OOThisiscausedbyalimitonthenumberofallowedconnec-Otions.pFOCommand QualifiersOs/BACKUPO /NOBACKUP(D)POSelectsfilesusingthebackupdate.)Validonlywhenusedin2O conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.BO/BEFORE[=time]G PO Transfersonlythosefilesdatedpriortothe specifiedtime.ROYoucanspecifytimeasanabsolutetime,asa combinationofRO5absoluteanddeltatimes,orasoneofthe following keywords:?OTODAY (default), TOMORROW,or YESTERDAY.SpecifyPOoneofthe following qualifierswiththe/BEFORE qualifiertoWO>indicatethetime attributetobeusedasthebasisfor selection:CO/BACKUP,/CREATED (default), /EXPIRED,or /MODIFIED.UA+O/CONFIRMO( /NOCONFIRM(D)POPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:{Q zYes Transfersthefile z]No0]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttransfer z/All4/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthetransfer z;3 z=TyCTRL-Z =T z3{QuitsthetransferNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbechangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.UA+O/CREATED(D)O( /NOCREATEDNROSelectsfilesusingthecreationdate.(ValidonlywhenusedinJO conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.Thisisthedefault5O5dateusedforfile selectionbydate.UA+O/EXPIREDO( /NOEXPIRED(D)POSelectsfilesusingthe expirationdate.(Validonlywhenused6Oin conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.OA%O/HASHO(/NOHASH(D)|R@O Temporarily enableordisable theHASH (HASHorONOHASH).! NPOWhenHashisenabledandafileis transferredfromonema-LOchinetoanother,ahashmarkis displayedforeach10246O5 charactersofdatathatis transferred.NQOBydefault,nohashmarksare displayedasthedataisbeingGO transferred.+YoucanchangethiswiththeFTPcommandO5SETHASH. ONotethat C3 ETCTRL-A ET 3 and C& ETCTRL-T ET &-canbeusedtodisplayaline4O indicatingthestateofthe transfer.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGb 88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.!lPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred."NMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPcommandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.>#O /MODE=mode$|KOAttemptsto negotiatea differentdatatransfermode.+The1O followingoptionsmaybe specified:%g `m m BLOCK `  STREAMX (default) `l l COMPRESSEDr&HHOFormore informationonthemodes,seeHELPSETMODE.W'A-O /MODIFIEDO( /NOMODIFIED(D)(MOSelectsfilesusingthemodified (revised)date.,ValidonlyBOwhenusedin conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.A)O /SINCE[=time]E* QO Transfersonlythosefilesdatedafterthe specifiedtime.(YouROcanspecifytimeasanabsolutetime,asa combinationofab-PO5soluteanddeltatTҋκ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Ilximes,orasoneofthe following keywords:?OTODAY (default), TOMORROW,or YESTERDAY.SpecifyOOoneofthe following qualifierswiththe/SINCE qualifiertoWO>indicatethetime attributetobeusedasthebasisfor selection:CO/BACKUP,/CREATED (default), /EXPIRED,or /MODIFIED.+O/STRUCTURE=structureSO(Attemptsto negotiatea differentfile structurebeforethefile%Ocontentsare transferred.`,66OThe followingoptionsmaybe specified:- `m m FILEm (default) `  PAGE `l  l VMS%l(automatically negotiated)..COThedefaultis/STRUCTURE=FILEexceptwhenconnect-KOingwithanothersystemwhichsupportstheVMS structure.FO5/STRUCTURE=VMSis negotiated automaticallyatthetime0Oyouconnecttotheremotesystem./O/TYPE=type[:format]RO(Attemptsto negotiateanewdatatypebeforethefiledataisDO transferred.'The followingoptionsmaybe specified:0~ `m m ASCIIm (default) `  IMAGE `l l EBCDIC3l(not implemented)1?OThereare3 differentASCIIformats:0 NON_PRINT,EOCONTROL,andTELNET.Ifthedatatypeis ASCII:NON_FO5PRINTor ASCII:TELNET,thefileisstoredonVMSasIOa sequentialfilewithvariable-lengthrecordformatandNOcarriage-returncarriagecontrolforrecord attribute.)IftheKO>typeisASCII:CONTROL,itisstoredwithFortrancarriageOcontrol.K2! !LOIfthedatatypeisIMAGEthefileisstoredonVMSasMOa sequentialfilewith fixed-length512-byterecordsandnoMO5record attributes.'The /BLOCKSIZE qualifiermaybe specified;Otooverridedefault blocksizeof512bytes.3[ OExamples O1.! FTP:domino.madgoat.com> T append% login.com&x.x <200&Stru%F%Okay.-C <200&Port%161,6,5,3,10,213%Okay.N <150&ASCII&Append%of%X.X;1%Started;%Opening&data% connection.A <226&File%transfer%Okay;%Closing%data& connection.F 417%bytes%(1%block)&in& 00:00:00.27&=%1544%cps,&IO=1Oc Appended%file&"SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.COM;1%to%(Remote)%x.x# <200&Stru%O%VMS%Okay.! FTP:domino.madgoat.com>HbInthisexample,thelocalfile LOGIN.COM,isappended:toafileonaVMSsystemcalledX.X.;1.i)(*W4-O]ASCIIOSetTYPEtoASCII*56MOSetsthedefaultfiletypetoASCII.TheASCIIcommandisGO(asynonymforSETTYPEASCII.SeeHELPSETTYPEforOmore information.I7OFormatOs ASCIIWW* )+`86O]ATTACH&OAttachtoanotherprocess*9:A_MO Transferscontrolfromthecurrentprocesstothe specifiedO(process.Z;0OFormat Os ATTACHN[process-name]< nO ParametersOs process-nameROf SpecifiestheprocessnamefortheprocesstowhichcontrolisOtobe transferred. A_UDNote A_EThis parameterisnotaffectedbythecurrentcase-<! conversionsetting(seeSETCASE).DCLcase-'z conversionrulesareused. ?=O Description>NDOTheATTACHcommandisusedin conjunctionwiththeGOSPAWNcommandtotransfercontrolfromoneprocesstoO5another.,? HOWhileinFTP,youcanSPAWNa subprocessandusetheJODCLcommandATTACHtotransfercontrolbacktothepro-IO5cessrunningFTP.YoucanthenuseATTACHto reconnect'Otothespawned subprocess.[@1O QualifiersOs/IDENTIFICATION=pidAOO Specifiestheprocessidentification(PID)fortheprocessto2Owhichcontrolshouldbe transferred.+*,XB.O]BINARYOSetTYPEtoIMAGE*CDJOSetsthedefaultfiletypetoIMAGE.TheBINARYcommandFO(isasynonymforSETTYPEIMAGE.SeeHELPSETTYPE!Oformore information.JE OFormatOs BINARYg,+-bF8 O]BYE+OLogoutofthecurrentaccount*GH NO Reinitializesthe connectiontotheremotehost,loggingyouPO(outifyouareloggedin.'BYEisasynonymforLOGOUT.See/OHELPLOGOUTformore information.GIOFormat Os BYE-,.QJ' O]CDOChange Directory*KL! AuPOChangetheremotedefaultpathorcurrent directory.&CDisa%O(synonymforSETDEFAULT.QM'OFormatOs CDM directory33.-/cN9O]CHMOD*OChangeremotefile protection*OaP77OChangethe protectiononaremotefile.gQ=OFormat-Os CHMODN permissionremote-file-listR0O ParametersOs permissionKOfA4-digit hexadecimalnumberthat specifiesthefileper-IO missions.+Each hexadecimaldigit representsthe followingO(SUGO):Si bSSpecialbits&b]UUserorowneroffilebGGroupmember"bPOOtherortheworld]T33OThevaluesofeachdigit(UGO)are:Ui b1Execute privilege b]2]Write privilege b4Read privilege bP81PDelete privilege(VMSsystemsonly)VfOOThevaluesfortheleadingdigit(the``S''digit)forUNIXOsystemsare:WU9u MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il! b1Setlink permission b]2']SetgroupIDon execution b41SetUserorownerIDon execution%XIOForexample,the followingcommandgrantstheownerallKOaccess,grantsthegroupexecuteandread privileges,and.O5grantsothers(world)noaccess:O FTP:ftp.wku.edu> CHMOD&750% file-nameY Oremote-file-listRO( Specifiesafile specificationpatterntobe interpretedattheROremotesite.'Thiscanbealistofcomma-separatedfilespeci-PO fications.(Eachfilenamecancontain``wild'' characterssuchO2as`` >*L2''.(The definitionofthewild characteris determinedby)Otheremotehost conventions:Z  `m mVMSuses`` }y*@m''foranystringand``%''forany character. ` UNIXuses`` *@''foranystringand``?'''forany character.i[?O QualifiersOs/CONFIRMO /NOCONFIRM(D)\POPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:v] SL OYesb Transfersthefile O]No>b]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttrans- bfer O/All;b/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfilesOQuitbQuitsthetransfer O OTg CTRL/Z fT O8b"QuitsthetransferM^A#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOG]_33O TemporarilyenabletheQUIETsetting.`iPOWhenLogisturnedon,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen modified.a SOThedefaultistonotnotifyfor confirmation.'Thisdefaultcan?ObechangedwiththeFTPcommandSET [NO]QUIET.ObA%O/WILD(D)O(/NOWILDc! LO Determineswhetherornot wildcardsareexpandedbyaskingEOtheremotehostforalistofpossiblefilenames.a/.0Yd/O]CLOSE OClosethe connection*efLOClosesthecurrent connectiontotheremotehost.*However,-O(theFTPutilitydoesnotEXIT.?OThe DISCONNECTcommandisasynonymforCLOSE.IgOFormatOs CLOSEhqOExamples O1.  $ ftp% fake-unixE MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%VAX% (1-OCT-1993)6" Attempting&to&connect%to%host% fake-unixsj <220&fake-unix.bogus.com%FTP&server%(ULTRIX&Version%4.1&Tue%Mar%19%00:38:17%EST&1991)&ready. FTP:fake-unix> close <221&Goodbye..B Transfer%Okay;% Connection&Closing FTP> connect%fake1 Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakeb <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.:b <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I show%host. Connection&open%to%fake.bogus.com9 FTP:fake>LIntheexampleabove,a connectionis establishedtonodeC fake-unix.*TheCLOSEcommandisthenusedtodis-IYconnectfrom fake-unixandanew connectionismadetofake.zz0/1miCO]CONNECT2OOpena connectiontoaremotehost*jkFOOpensa connectiontoaremotesystem.,CONNECTisaCO(synonymforSETHOST.SeeHELPSETHOSTformoreO information.102Tl*O]CPATHOChange Directory*mnJOChangetheremotedefaultpathorcurrent directory.*CD,AO(CWD,andCPATHareallsynonymsforSETREMOTE_ODEFAULT_DIRECTORY.To*OFormatOs CPATHN directoryp=O ParametersOs directoryLO Specifiestheremotefilesystem directorytowhichfuture(O$commandshouldbe directed.BqhO DescriptionHOsThiscommandbehavesexactlythesameastheFTPcom-OmandO[ SET+REMOTEt[ directoryIOFormore information,hintsandexamplespleaseseethe $toclosethefile.(ThisisrepeatedforeachO|filecreated.xOCommand QualifiersOs/CONFIRMO /NOCONFIRM(D)POfPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:{yQ zYes Transfersthefile z]No0]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttransfer z/All4/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthetransfer z;3 z=TyCTRL-Z =T z3{QuitsthetransferzNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbeVM5N MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlAchangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.O{A%O/HASHO(/NOHASH(D)||R@O Temporarily enableordisable theHASH (HASHorONOHASH).}! NPOWhenHashisenabledandafileis transferredfromonema-LOchinetoanother,ahashmarkis displayedforeach10246O5 charactersofdatathatis transferred.~NQOBydefault,nohashmarksare displayedasthedataisbeingGO transferred.+YoucanchangethiswiththeFTPcommandO5SETHASH. ONotethat C3 ETCTRL-A ET 3 and C& ETCTRL-T ET &-canbeusedtodisplayaline4O indicatingthestateofthe transfer.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGb88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.lPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred.NMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPcommandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.O/TYPE=type[:format]RO(Attemptsto negotiateanewdatatypebeforethefiledataisDO transferred.'The followingoptionsmaybe specified:~ `m m ASCIIm (default) `  IMAGE `l l EBCDIC3l(not implemented)?OThereare3 differentASCIIformats:0 NON_PRINT,EOCONTROL,andTELNET.Ifthedatatypeis ASCII:NON_FO5PRINTor ASCII:TELNET,thefileisstoredonVMSasIOa sequentialfilewithvariable-lengthrecordformatandNOcarriage-returncarriagecontrolforrecord attribute.)IftheKO>typeisASCII:CONTROL,itisstoredwithFortrancarriageOcontrol.K! !LOIfthedatatypeisIMAGEthefileisstoredonVMSasMOa sequentialfilewith fixed-length512-byterecordsandnoMO5record attributes.'The /BLOCKSIZE qualifiermaybe specified;Otooverridedefault blocksizeof512bytes.*O/UNIQUEUO(TellstheremotehosttocreateanewnameforthefileifthePOfilealreadyexistsintheremotedefault directory.(ThenameJOofthefileis specifiedinthereplyfromtheserver.  324_5O]CREATE/DIRECTORYOCreate directory*x< NNOCreatea directory.'MKDIRisasynonymforCREATE/DIRECTORY.SxOFormatOs CREATEN directoryOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/LOG:/NOLOGrO ParametersOs directoryKO Specifiestheremotefilesystem directorytobecreated.O DescriptionMOsThiscreatesaremote directory.*Itmayberemovedbythe$OcommandDELETE/DIRECTORY.0435[1 O]CWD$OChangeWorking Directory*JOChangetheremotedefaultpathorcurrent directory.*CD,AO(CWD,andCPATHareallsynonymsforSETREMOTE_ODEFAULT_DIRECTORY.R(OFormatOs CWDM directory=O ParametersOs directoryLO Specifiestheremotefilesystem directorytowhichfuture(O$commandshouldbe directed.BhO DescriptionHOsThiscommandbehavesexactlythesameastheFTPcom-OmandO[ SET+REMOTEt[ directoryIOFormore information,hintsandexamplespleaseseethe]OFormat2Os DEFINE/KEYNkey-nameequivalence-stringOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/IF_STATE=state-nameO|/SET_STATE=state-nameO /TERMINATE /TERMINATEO/ECHO/ECHOOD/LOCKD/NOLOCK! uO ParametersOskey-nameGO Specifiesthenameofthekeythatyouare defining.NOfThe followingtableliststhekeynamesincolumnone.)TheNO remainingthreecolumnsindicatethekey designationsontheQO keyboardsofthethree differenttypesof terminalsthatallowOpkey definitions. f OOKeyName)LK201VT100VT52 O OAPF1 )APF1 APF1A[blue] OPF2 )PF2 PF2[red] O4PF3 )4PF3 4PF34[gray] OPF4 )PF4 PF4 - (-0OKP0,KP1,...,KP90,1,...,90,1,...,9 0, 1,X..., 9OPeriod ). . .OComma ), , n/aOMinus )- - n/aO|Enter)|Enter|ENTER|ENTEROLeft)<-<- < 3-ORight)->-> - c>OFind(E1))Find - -O InsertHere(E2)) InsertHere  -  -OJ Remove(E3))J Remove J - J -O Select(E4)) Select  -  -O PrevScreen(E5)) PrevScreen  -  -On NextScreen(E6))n NextScreen n - n -O% Help)% Help % - % - O Do ) Do  -  -OF6,F7,...)F6,F7,... - - OIF20 )IF20 I- I- OOequivalence-stringGO( Specifiesthecommandstringtobe processedwhenyouROpressthekey.)Enclosethestringin quotationmarks("")to7Opreservespacesand lowercase characters.F =O DescriptionFOsThiscommandbehavesliketheWܥ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlRDCLcommand DEFINE/KEY.JOFormore information,hints,andexamplespleaseseethe.O$DCL documentationfor DEFINE/KEY.lBOCommand QualifiersOs/ECHO(D)O/NOECHO}LO Specifieswhetherornotthecommand equivalencestringis1O displayedwhenthekeyispressed.CO/IF_STATE=stateNO Specifiesthatthekey definitionisactiveonlyduringtheJO specifiedkeystate.'See /SET_STATEformore information.OA%O/LOCKO(/NOLOCK(D) WLO Specifieswhetherornotthekeystate specifiedby/SET_QOSTATEremainsineffectafterthenextkeypress.'Bydefault,LO5akeystatechangefromakeydefinedwith /SET_STATEisROineffectonlyuntilthenextkeyispressed.(Byusing/LOCK,ROyoucanchangethekeystateuntilanewstateis established(O>usingakeydefined/LOCK.DO/SET_STATE=state kYO SpecifiesthekeystatethatistotakeeffectforthenextkeyisOpressed.YA/O /TERMINATE(D)O( /NOTERMINATEwJO Specifieswhetherornotthecommandis immediatelyexe--Ocutedwhenthekeyispressed.[ 9OExamples O1. FTP>8 define/key%pf1&"OPEN&FTP.WKU.EDU/ANONYMOUS"HInthisexample,keyPF1isdefinedsothattheOPEN>YcommandwillbeexecutedwhenPF1ispressed. O2. FTP>H define/key%pf1&"open/anonymous%"/noterminate/set_state=ANON FTP>; define/key%kp1& "ftp.wku.edu"/term/if_state=anong FTP>;g define/key%kp2& "ftp.spc.edu"/term/if_state=anon FTP>7 define/key%kp3&"wku.edu"/term/if_state=anon FTP>GeIntheexampleabove,PF1isdefinedtoworklikeaH``gold''keyinEVEorEDT.WhenPF1ispressed,theHcommand``OPEN''isinputandthekeystateistem-Eoporarilychangedto ``ANON''.WhenKP1,KP2,orKP3Jarepressed,the correspondinghostnameissuppliedand/ the``OPEN''commandis executed.657P&O]DELETEODeleteFile*vLLODeletesafileontheremotesystemorakey definition./]OFormat"Os DELETENremote-file-listOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/CONFIRM: /NOCONFIRMO| /DIRECTORY| /NODIRECTORYO/KEY #| CO/LOG/NOLOGOD/WILDD/WILD9! O ParametersOsremote-file-list[OThenameoftheremotefiletobedeleted.'Ifalistisgiven,fileIO$namesare separatedbycommas.*Eachfilenamecancon-2O|tain``wild'' characterssuchas`` *-|''.'The definitionofthewildHO characteris determinedbytheremotehost conventions: `Z ZVMSuses`` }f*@Z''foranystringand``%''forany character. ` UNIXuses`` *@''foranystringand``?'''forany character. [_U^Note [_GIfthefilenamecontainsawild character,youmust=;useeither/CONFIRMor/NOWILDtodeleteit.  NTOForremoteVMSservers,itispossibletodeleteallfilesfrom:Oawhole directorytreeby specifying[...] * . * ; '*gastheremotefileO5name.OOYoumayalsodeletejustspecificfilesfromaVMShostby&O specifying,[...]file.type; T* NUOForremoteUNIXservers,itispossibletodeleteallfilesfromSOawhole directorytreeby specifying``-FR''astheremotefileO5name.` 6O DescriptionROsThiscommandcausesthefile(s) specifiedtobedeletedattheYOserver.(Ifthefiledoesnotexistorisunabletobedeleted(be-PO$causefile protectionorrecord locking),an appropriateerror&O|messagewillbe returned.>! YYOTodeleteafile,FTPfirstgetsalistofmatchingfilesfromtheWOremoteserver,andthendeleteseachofthefilesinthelist.'InLO5thisway,itispossibletospecify wildcardssuchas`` @* 5''.rHOCommand QualifiersOs/CONFIRMO /NOCONFIRM(D)POPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachHOfileisdeleted.'The following responsesmaybegiven:i S? zYesDeletesthefile z]No4]Doesnotdeleteandpromptsfornextdeletion z/All9/Deletesthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthedelete z3 zT CTRL-Z T z83"QuitsthedeleteNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbechangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.YA/O /DIRECTORYO( /NODIRECTORY(D)h>>ODeletearemote directory,insteadofafile.8O/KEY NLODeletesakey definitioncreatedwith DEFINE/KEY.Thespe-LOcial qualifier/STATE=statenamecanbeusedtospecifytheMO5keystatefromwhichthekey definitionshouldbedeleted.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGb88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.lPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred.NMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPcommandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.OA%O/WILD(D)O(/NOWILD! LO Determineswhetherornot wildcardsareexpandedbyaskingEOtheremotehostforalistofpossiblefilenames.X;ABEd0r+t Ely-Q  3bRJ ;a hK!Ah5c,\&=P)f\6KZ3R=?J<]q7lO*-1c d/$Mwx9e/]mxGWH#4Z$\|3i6Mn=WXmBUv-T[;'w {} Fo]`:`,rW 9f= \pyfN~<}G#D>{ c Yex5 g7#+OiQR䉑d8keUsncdd:ys1@T{_7CWNvhCͿ sk5N/^;\*[;[2AX^*jXvq1be>sx\=H$ >4M\xh {2m V#GB?{N;2Y6?e#5T]d p{9}jx4\k%OZ=kXcVK>l3mRt!0zW1wqBRwQ?xuCp>=(Y{_)V- ?c4ckRvYWb{3~RULui7ª$9"F" sSc HGQ?tP[]XoD_zb7[A km Rt7[U F ^OW)K,)DT Py|1&abN (VR})'HI_R5hM-<\u2t&4s4O:j^w`LBt~F/g+Pl!\%.4_*9^/Ryt 䖃&+)hin]wIz NN:W=W3t*NJh~!e(c Sk_L/0-N" gS]Ynx|߄wya*Y!m1+ ]b4`*Y4h5*tǥ)I|/A t$`&q&X6OXs.2\fI$X4h`/KZUrbQ6qZ]Bpa[KB֚|/dfEWW)/HU928 cy`Hv!.I0Fc F,dqihĄ{rӽj_xyk<,!6H ZA+lo\FWQlU|`O>dJ\;~gwta9~|5)1rf9Bi.M:mGYG0hZwvPk <@5vY3l~`5 -=2;1=}PL |:Cxw t{aN)C!*py4M Ӣ+fSZo 6 Rys}^ B&؋/n{eYv'H]A'aT$])T8F?MO4n- isH 11qK!h ȏBZF\1]8g# xz@E1scbEG][WRJ/ .S>{P؎"C7"b'=He y-]xI]\J}L K /to{5&7Ao6Gtq,0|MJg`i<]0'bmQn[Kdl)Mj05.6`r }^j)y^L0*W(+d7t*}87fJC>M7c\bdF{ 4"bU}rk 5%;$ o=ef WTA*yCw;}T|,NWCngO<-y>gF=NAUb5V"l[{p d %b-1kei!j7n8]ʫ"hHkJQJ=Eg=;T^LA\I$,%Trf;W^raa\h`4lu,>~4k[j9=r?D,l1BN$c77{Ո ' 2c\q 5ӥ0AY,%IhrASL&7.:s6e*BGH[|s бTI&/wy~$Ay8;:|@!<'U+8(hLr7\b--)`(@[2+~ 89l`iHW.Vl`@-.@GNEP$ {l S|AH4L[Q)4jK^D)&`@x{xyo_AgD^|oI{uGr&B;^I UY'}"},?vc$6IFD||OH?tX >Ҁ[^:mKJ \Fbq8(VoEFNl-cS92b{*KQf[ UzenE%7xsa,RR,puuf.8BA&y!Hn)j 9qH(\QK rjF`\$GR)OCp1c2imD͆zM/fNr,x~}*SS2&dGO0wff# WyspHYTJcNhZEՎ(FoxR,WNvUΒ&n~2K1^|HNlH^;Mq7xkpnFu"aV?}Z7Ho$M!LBMNaf'r=00_ vy/q(EڙkO|O (͹W %mmwmWI{*% a<K3YaQt{ )[cDL3=Bt;EXDPF w"G- $ B zMbK% GV(Ip! e D}3w%]ςM0,?>o?>h=O_Gq.;=GdZH?%UH/]VgHNY32k) .!`%jN>r†e1e`'PjkYU^('J_X~Z9}9' a/^vV2dz4cGe.qo%~{\oH} Jej[f` Tl6jm87{4p2&G.U9vLTtMYAH9@u_?5cAT3AECRHT$0vWKqV# [6@|@'Iג;;f2Dd#Ju_0z +IqUW(P)v°'3[)4Y\J<_Csk}.K@T~(T XY%b81)D~'k*>iE=ayD.[EB ~^zm@0e4be@_%&B8l@Aul-TOhMI!9vOXMy Y9A˴[x;+g7,PMWvI,|)/I;.34_~>_h2DQ-(pwkX`dbd;7O&`,9< bEUeQ'"ukrLLwIeDAN|]^KLp3^ S'{htOF@X@8GqqvV7h_ a1j5^dI w7zjMqgM /zMb) h7"CyK!G1{*_7h lfzI1,,\2W[M4}/EV~+N-)"EjV?؈dG\.5qhKkm]<%e# jt1,PsJRkFgCBaCk9$P\ 1Dg`zGZQ 6c<;.Wuts"8h%FDj(B#JD*2i礂t{p@n.O,ND6z k4;AK}f8h=A^2IKSRIQgOo\,$5PS."GS1Prf{ XznDMRGYQ~\aeBeTl^Cf_-~^`G)Jtd NnLI4Cx98FFnzʵp-86nSFN1Pj)A_S U)W4!m-;_LFFO\TIQZ2"9%!n(\|Z73w q8Z 4T ysk d:Xz29{Pm/?.hP2&6y~rgu[4h9hYr7TOzRlkd= rPPnre4w,1dT*x2OLPiC3 .'\5M4kL#7! 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FTP:fake.bogus.com> del%x.x;@ Obtaining%name%list&for%"x.x;"%from%remote%host" <200&Stru%F%Okay.-j <200&Port%161,6,5,3,10,215%Okay.D <150&NLST%of%X.X;%Started;%Opening&data% connection.A <226&File%transfer%Okay;%Closing%data& connection.#B <200&Stru%O%VMS%Okay.G <250&Delete%file&SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]X.X;1,& completed. Deleted&file%X.X;1 FTP:fake.bogus.com>JInthisexample,thefileX.XisdeletedfromaremoteVMSsystem. OY2.^ FTP:unix>%I^ delete&/usr/goat/delete.meZ %CLI-W-NOQUAL,% qualifiers&not%allowed&-%supply&only%verb%and% parameters \USR\6 FTP:unix>'I6 delete&"/usr/goat/delete.me"3~ <250&File%/usr/goat/delete.me%deleted. FTP:unix>T5Iftheremotefile specificationincludes``/'',itwillbenec-Kessarytoenclosetheentireremotefile specificationinBdoublequotes,becausetheFTPcommand interpreterB> interprets``/''asthe beginningofa qualifier.768=O DIRECTORY*AtNORequestsa directorylistingfromtheremotehost.+LSisa&O(synonymforthiscommand.OFormat%Os DIRECTORYNremote-file-listOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/BRIEF:None.O|/FULL|/FULLO/OUTPUT=local-file/OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT VO ParametersOsremote-file-listRO Specifiesafile specificationpatterntobe interpretedattheRO$remotesite.'Thiscanbealistofcomma-separatedfilespeci-PO| fications.(Eachfilenamecancontain``wild'' characterssuchOas`` *L''.(The definitionofthewild characteris determinedby)O-theremotehost conventions: ` VMSuses`` }*@''foranystringand``%''forany character. `2 2UNIXuses`` =*@2''foranystringand``?'''forany character.O DescriptionOsFTPpassesthesremote-file-list'stotheremoteFTPserver,SOwhich interpretsitandreturnsalistoffilesthatmatchit.W-OCommand QualifiersOs/BRIEFf<"O cd&[simmons.mmk.source]S <250&Current% Directory&#SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS.MMK.SOURCE],& completed." FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O" dir%*.cldj <200&Stru%F%Okay.- <200&Port%161,6,5,3,68,167%Okay.E <150&LIST%of%*.CLD%Started;%Opening%data& connection.,c "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS.MMK.SOURCE] MMK_CLD.CLD;19y 3% 17-OCT-1993%13:08% [SIMMONS]% (RWED,RWED,,)% MMK_COMPILE_RULES_CLD.CLD;19y\ 2% 16-SEP-1993%16:35% [SIMMONS]% (RWED,RWED,,)* Total%of%2&Files,%5&Blocks.A  <226&File%transfer%Okay;%Closing%data& connection.EU 245%bytes%(1%block)&in& 00:00:01.13&=%217&cps,%IO=1# <200&Stru%O%VMS%Okay. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O dir/brief%*.cld- <200&Stru%F%Okay.-u <200&Port%161,6,5,3,68,168%Okay.E <150&NLST%of%*.CLD%Started;%Opening%data& connection. mmk_cld.cld#M mmk_compile_rules_cld.cldA <226&File%transfer%Okay;%Closing%data& connection.D 40%bytes%(1%block)%in% 00:00:00.33%=%121%cps,%IO=1#% <200&Stru%O%VMS%Okay.m FTP:ftp.wku.edu>=This example!shows the output!from a!default;4  DIRECTORYcommandandfromaDIRECTORY/BRIEF command.879^4O] DISCONNECT OClosethe connection*5LOClosesthecurrent connectiontotheremotehost.)TheFTP#O(utilitydoesnotexit.DO DISCONNECTisasynonymforCLOSE.Formoreinfor-$Omation,seeHELPCLOSE.N$OFormatOs DISCONNECT98:9OERASE*! 4ODeletesafileontheremotesystem.KOkERASEisasynonymforDELETE.Formore information,seeOHELPDELETE.[1OFormat!Os ERASEMremote-file-list:9;8OEXIT*A^LOClosethe connectiontotheremotehostandexittheFTPO(utility.HOFormatOs EXIT1;O DescriptionJOsEXITisthenormalcommandforleavingtheFTPutility. _UNote _G|EXITwithinacommandfilewillexittheFTPutility5 entirely,notjustthatneZ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Ilԡstinglevel. >kOExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O EXIT6 <221&Service%closing%control& connection..C Transfer%Okay;% Connection&Closing  $HIntheexample,theEXITcommandisusedtoexittheRFTPutility.11;0:<7  OGET*mCCO Retrievesa specifiedfilefromtheremoteserver.~-TOFormat-Os GETMremote-file-list [local-file]OCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/APPEND: /NOAPPENDO| /BLOCKSIZE=n|/BLOCKSIZE=512O/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMO/HASH/NOHASHOD/LOGD/NOLOGO /MODE=mode /MODE=STREAMO/PROMPT /NOPROMPTO  /RECURSIVE  /NORECURSIVEOM/RETAINM /NORETAINO/STRUCTURE=structure/STRUCTURE=DEFAULTO/TYPE=type[:format]/TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINTO/WILD/NOWILD VO ParametersOsremote-file-listRO Specifiesafile specificationpatterntobe interpretedattheRO$remotesite.'Thiscanbealistofcomma-separatedfilespeci-PO| fications.(Eachfilenamecancontain``wild'' characterssuchOas`` *L''.(The definitionofthewild characteris determinedby)O-theremotehost conventions: ` VMSuses`` }*@''foranystringand``%''forany character. `2 2UNIXuses`` =*@2''foranystringand``?'''forany character.pKFO [local-file]TO( Specifiesthenamethe transferredfileistohaveonthelocalTOsystem.(AnymissingfieldsinthelocalfilenamearefilledinPOfromthetheremotefilename.)The local-filecanconsistof8O2onlyadeviceand directory,ifdesired.`6O DescriptionQOsThefiles specifiedintheremote-file-listwillbe transferredQOtothelocaldefault directory.,If local-fileispresent,thatQO$namewillbeused; otherwisethelocalnamewillbeasclose.O|aspossibletotheremotename.7 QOTheFTPutilitywillattemptto negotiatethe appropriatefileIOtransfer parameters(Mode, StructureandType).)OncetheJO5 appropriatefiletransfer parametershavebeen negotiated,)Othefilecontentsaresent. XHO Specifying/WILDcausesGETtoworkthesamewayMGETOworks.MOWhilethetransferis in-progress,thestateofthetrans-5Ofercanbecheckedbypressingeither & TCTRL-T T & or L3 LTfCTRL-A }T L3 .RO5Whileafileisbeing transferred,FTPdisplaysthefilename,LOthenumberofbytesalready transferred,the percentageofLOthetotalsize transferred,andthecurrenttransferrate.pFOCommand QualifiersOs/APPENDO /NOAPPEND(D)qGGOAppendstheremote-file(s)tothe specified local-file.@O /BLOCKSIZE=n =OWhen transferring a filewith /TYPE=IMAGE andHO/STRUCTURE=FILE,FTPwillreceivethebinaryfileusingSO5the blocksizethatyouspecify.'Thedefaultis512bytes,whichMOissuitableformostVMSbinaryfiles, including executableJOimages (fixed-length512-byte records).)A differentblock-GO>sizewouldbe appropriatewhen transferringVMSBACKUP"O savesets,forexample.UA+O/CONFIRMO( /NOCONFIRM(D)POPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:{Q zYes Transfersthefile z]No0]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttransfer z/All4/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthetransfer z;3 z=TyCTRL-Z =T z3{QuitsthetransferNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbechangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.OA%O/HASHO(/NOHASH(D)|R@O Temporarily enableordisable theHASH (HASHorONOHASH).! NPOWhenHashisenabledandafileis transferredfromonema-LOchinetoanother,ahashmarkis displayedforeach10246O5 charactersofdatathatis transferred.NQOBydefault,nohashmarksare displayedasthedataisbeingGO transferred.+YoucanchangethiswiththeFTPcommandO5SETHASH. ONotethat C3 ETCTRL-A ET 3 and C& ETCTRL-T ET &-canbeusedtodisplayaline4O indicatingthestateofthe transfer.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGb88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.lPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred.NMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPcommandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.>O /MODE=mode|KOAttemptsto negotiatea differentdatatransfermode.+The1O followingoptionsmaybe specified:g `m m BLOCK `  STREAMX (default) `l l COMPRESSEDrHHOFormore informationonthemodes,seeHELPSETMODE.!KO/PROMPTO( /NOPROMPT(D)NOCausesFTPtopromptforthelocalfilenamebeforetrans-TOferringeachfile.*Thedefaultactionistobasethelocalfile,O2nameontheremotefilename. UO /RECURSIVEO( /NORECURSIVE(D)SOIfthecommand s[Ҡ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlI8pecifiesalistoffilesfromaseriesofdi-PO rectoriesandsubdirectories,FTPwillattempttorecreatetheRO2same directorytree structureaswellas transferringthefilesKOintothesamesubdirectories.+Youmayspecifya directorySOtreewith[...])toaremoteVAXorwithfilename"-FR"toa$O<remoteUNIX(BSD)host.BO Currently, /RECURSIVEonlyworksforUNIXandVMSEOsystems.'Theoption PATH_PARSINGmustbesettoON.hIOThisassumesthatUNIXhostsputoutthe followingforO recursive operationszfilez]filez./dir:zPfilezfilezD ./dir/sub4z(ThisisonlytrueforBSD systems.) O7orzfilez+dir/filezdir/subdir/filerHHOThisassumesthattheVMSsystemssendfilespecsas:f<zfile.ver O]orzDevice:[dir]file.ver\O/RETAINO( /NORETAIN(D)PO SpecifieswhetherornotfileversionnumbersaretoretainedKOwhenfilesarecopiedfromtheremotesystem.)If/RETAINSO2is specified,ortheversionnumberis explicitly specified,theEOversionnumberisretainedontheoutputfilename.O/STRUCTURE=structureSO(Attemptsto negotiatea differentfile structurebeforethefile%Ocontentsare transferred.`66OThe followingoptionsmaybe specified: `m m FILEm (default) `  PAGE `l  l VMS%l(automatically negotiated). COThedefaultis/STRUCTURE=FILEexceptwhenconnect-KOingwithanothersystemwhichsupportstheVMS structure.FO5/STRUCTURE=VMSis negotiated automaticallyatthetime0Oyouconnecttotheremotesystem. O/TYPE=type[:format]RO(Attemptsto negotiateanewdatatypebeforethefiledataisDO transferred.'The followingoptionsmaybe specified: ~ `m m ASCIIm (default) `  IMAGE `l l EBCDIC3l(not implemented) ?OThereare3 differentASCIIformats:0 NON_PRINT,EOCONTROL,andTELNET.Ifthedatatypeis ASCII:NON_FO5PRINTor ASCII:TELNET,thefileisstoredonVMSasIOa sequentialfilewithvariable-lengthrecordformatandNOcarriage-returncarriagecontrolforrecord attribute.)IftheKO>typeisASCII:CONTROL,itisstoredwithFortrancarriageOcontrol.K ! !LOIfthedatatypeisIMAGEthefileisstoredonVMSasMOa sequentialfilewith fixed-length512-byterecordsandnoMO5record attributes.'The /BLOCKSIZE qualifiermaybe specified;Otooverridedefault blocksizeof512bytes. OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>!O get% login.exe%tmp.tmp. <200&Port%161,6,5,3,118,148%Okay.TC <150&VMS%Retrieve%of% LOGIN.EXE;1%Started;%Opening&data% connection.A <226&File%transfer%Okay;%Closing%data& connection.E 468%bytes%(1%block)&in& 00:00:00.63&=%743&cps,%IO=2; Received%file& login.exe%to%(Local)& TMP.TMP;1c FTP:ftp.wku.edu>FInthisexample,theremotefile LOGIN.EXEistrans-G*ferredtothelocalsystemasTMP.TMP.NotethattheDfilewas transferredusingtheVMS structure(``VMSA Retrieve'').,STRUVMSwas automatically negotiatedD4betweenthesystemswhentheinitial connectionwasmade. O2.+ FTP:unix>*I+ get&/usr/goat/.login% delete.meas %CLI-W-IVQUAL,% unrecognized% qualifier&-%check% validity,& spelling,%and% placement \USR\ FTP:unix>,I get&"/usr/goat/.login"% delete.me*K <200&PORT%command% successful.b <150&Opening%data% connection&for%/usr/goat/.login&(,44011)&(670%bytes).# <226&Transfer& complete.I# Transferred%695%bytes%in% 00:00:00.54%=%1287& bytes/Secondk FTP:unix>TIftheremotefile specificationincludes``/'',itwillbenec-K2 essarytoenclosetheentireremotefile specificationinG doublequotes,becausetheFTPcommand interpreterin-M terprets``/''asthe beginningofa qualifier.+NoticetheL<  differenceinbehavioronsomesystemsiftheremotefile2  specificationisandisnotquoted.< ;=8OHELP*IOEnablesyoutoobtain informationabouttheMadGoatFTPO(utility.MOToobtain informationaboutalloftheFTP commands,enterOthecommand:O FTP>  HELPG KOToobtain informationabout individualcommandsortopics,JOentertheHELPcommandfollowedbythecommandortopicO5name. _UNote _<>Somecommandsarenot availableattheFTP>prompt. HOFormatOs HELPO DescriptionHOsTheHELPcommandprovidesaVMShelp interfacetotheAOon-line documentationfortheMadGoatFTPclient.lBOCommand QualifiersOs/PAGE(D)O/NOPAGENJOBydefault,theHELPcommandpromptstheuserthepressKORETURNforeachscreenof information.(Todisablepaging,O5use HELP/NOPAGE.SA)O/REMOTEO( /NOREMOTE(D)& JOAskstheremoteFTPserverforhelponthecommandsitLO supports.'The/REMOTE qualifiermustprecedethetopicsonHO5thecommandline.' HELP/REMOTEis equivalenttotheFTPOcommand REMOTEHELP.e=<>W-O]IMAGEOSetTYPEtoIMAGE* MOSetsthedefaultfiletypetoIMAGE.TheIMAGEcommandisGO(asynonymforSETTYPEIMAGE.SeeHELPSETTYPEforOmore information.IOFormatOs IMAGE>=?b8 O]LCD+OChangelocaldefault directory*\Rkn MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il4GOChangesthelocaldefault directory.-LCDisasynonym@O(forSETDEFAULT.SeeHELPSETDEFAULTformoreO information.R (OFormatOs LCDN directoryo__?>@Q!'O]LOGINOValidateSelf*"j#@@O Transfersuser informationtotheremoteserver.$OFormatOs LOGINNusernameOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/ACCOUNT=accountO| /ANONYMOUSO /APASSWORDO/PASSWORD=string%! O DescriptionFOsOncetheusernameissenttotheremotesystem,FTPHOpromptsfor passwordsand,if necessary,accountinfor-NO$mation.,Iftheaccountis specified,itis transferredwhen(O /ANONYMOUS)LO Specifiesthattheremoteloginshouldbeasan anonymousJOuser.'Yourpasswordwilldefaulttolocal_user@local_host.T*A*O /APASSWORDO( /NOAPASSWORD+V GO Specifiesthatthe anonymouspassword(local_user@local_COhost)shouldbesent.&Specify/ANONYMOUS/NOAPASSWORDQO5ifyouwanttologin anonymouslyandstillbepromptedforaO password.D,O/PASSWORD=string- rMO Specifiesthepasswordforthe requesteduseraccount.*ThisPO qualifiermayonlybeusedwhenausernameis specified(ex-EO5plicitlyvia /USERNAMEor implicitlyvia /ANONYMOUS).@OIfyouputthisintoacommandfile,thenyouMUSTmake4Osurethefileisnotworld readable..q OExamples O1.  $ ftp%fakeE MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%VAX% (1-OCT-1993)1C Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakeb <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.: <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I login%simmons;c <331&Username& "simmons"%Okay,%need& password. Password:< <230-Welcome%to%FAKE.BOGUS.COM,&a%MicroVAX%IIR\ <230-User% "SIMMONS"&logged%in,% 25-OCT-1993%10:35:43%EST,%proceed.: <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I[Inthisexample,a connectionismadetoaVMSsystemFandtheLOGINcommandisusedtospecifytheremote  username. O2.  $ ftp%fake1 Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakeb: <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.: <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I login/anonymousT <331&Guest&login&Okay,&send%ident%or%e-mail&address%as% password. Z <230-Howdy,% stranger!o <230-Guest&SIMMONS@kiss.com%login%Okay,% 25-OCT-1993%10:38:25%EST,%access% restrictions&apply.: <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min.2 FTP:fake>F Inthisexample,the /ANONYMOUS qualifierisusedto9 loginasaguestontheremotesystem. Oq 3. FTP:fake> I login%guest/apasswordT <331&Guest&login&Okay,&send%ident%or%e-mail&address%as% password.o( <230-Guest&SIMMONS@kiss.com%login%Okay,% 10-AUG-1994%13:26:28%EST,%access% restrictions&apply.:p <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min.F Inthisexample,the /APASSWORD qualifierisusedtoC7 sendthe anonymouspasswordforauserotherthan  anonymous.@?Ae/;O]LOGOUT+OLogoutofthecurrentaccount*0115NO Reinitializesthe connectiontotheremotehost,loggingyouIO(outifyouareloggedin.+LOGOUTusestheremoteREINEOcommand,whichisnot supportedbyallFTPservers.+OBYEisasynonymforLOGOUT.2jJOTheLOGINorUSERcommandscanbeusedtologbackin Ototheremotehost.J3 OFormatOs LOGOUT 4  OExamples O1.  $ ftp%fakeE MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%VAX% (1-OCT-1993)1C Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakeb <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.: <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I login%simmons;c <331&Username& "simmons"%Okay,%need& password. Password:< <230-Welcome%to%FAKE.BOGUS.COM,&a%MicroVAX%IIR\ <230-User% "SIMMONS"&logged%in,% 25-OCT-1993%10:43:36%EST,%proceed.: <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I logoutb4 <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.:| <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I login%stanley;  <331&Username& "stanley"%Okay,%need& password.T Password:< <230-Welcome%to%FAKE.BOGUS.COM,&a%MicroVAX%IIR <230-User% "STANLEY"&logged%in,% 25-OCT-1993%10:43:36%EST,%proceed.:M <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>FInthisexample,theremoteaccountloggedintois<\SIMMONS.TheLOGOUTcommandisthenusedtoMlogoutoftheremotesystem,butstillmaintainthecon-E nectionsothatanotherLOGINcommandcanbeissued,f tologintoanotheraccount.A@B65  OLS*67NORequestsa directorylistingfromtheremotehost.+LSisa=O(synonymfor DIRECTORY.SeeHELP DIRECTORYforOmore information.X8.OFormatOs LSMremote-file-listO11B0AC89OMGET*:;AzHO Retrievesmultiplefilesfromaremotesystem.)MRECEIVE2O(andGET/WILDaresynonymsforMGET.}<]/X MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il-SOFormat.Os MGETNremote-file-list [local-file]OCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/APPEND: /NOAPPENDO| /BLOCKSIZE=n|/BLOCKSIZE=512O/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMO/HASH/NOHASHOD/LOGD/NOLOGO /MODE=mode /MODE=STREAMO/PROMPT /NOPROMPTO  /RECURSIVE  /NORECURSIVEOM/RETAINM /NORETAINO/STRUCTURE=structure/STRUCTURE=DEFAULTO/TYPE=type[:format]/TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINTO/WILD/WILD= VO ParametersOsremote-file-listRO Specifiesafile specificationpatterntobe interpretedattheRO$remotesite.'Thiscanbealistofcomma-separatedfilespeci-PO| fications.(Eachfilenamecancontain``wild'' characterssuchOas`` *L''.(The definitionofthewild characteris determinedby)O-theremotehost conventions: ` VMSuses`` }*@''foranystringand``%''forany character. `2 2UNIXuses`` =*@2''foranystringand``?'''forany character.p>KFO [local-file]TO( Specifiesthenamethe transferredfileistohaveonthelocalTOsystem.(AnymissingfieldsinthelocalfilenamearefilledinPOfromthetheremotefilename.)The local-filecanconsistof8O2onlyadeviceand directory,ifdesired.<?IO DescriptionQOsMGETgetsalistoffilestotransferfromtheremotesystemXOandthen retrieveseachofthefilesinthelist.(Inthisway,itsizewouldbe appropriatewhen transferringVMSBACKUP"O savesets,forexample.UEA+O/CONFIRMO( /NOCONFIRM(D)FPOPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:{GQ zYes Transfersthefile z]No0]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttransfer z/All4/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthetransfer z;3 z=TyCTRL-Z =T z3{QuitsthetransferHNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbechangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.OIA%O/HASHO(/NOHASH(D)|JR@O Temporarily enableordisable theHASH (HASHorONOHASH).K! NPOWhenHashisenabledandafileis transferredfromonema-LOchinetoanother,ahashmarkis displayedforeach10246O5 charactersofdatathatis transferred.LNQOBydefault,nohashmarksare displayedasthedataisbeingGO transferred.+YoucanchangethiswiththeFTPcommandO5SETHASH.M ONotethat C3 ETCTRL-A ET 3 and C& ETCTRL-T ET &-canbeusedtodisplayaline4O indicatingthestateofthe transfer.MNA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGbO88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.PlPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred.QNMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPcommandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.>RO /MODE=modeS|KOAttemptsto negotiatea differentdatatransfermode.+The1O followingoptionsmaybe specified:Tg `m m BLOCK `  STREAMX (default) `l l COMPRESSEDrUHHOFormore informationonthemodes,seeHELPSETMODE.!VKO/PROMPTO( /NOPROMPT(D)NOCausesFTPtopromptforthelocalfilenamebeforetrans-TOferringeachfile.*Thedefaultactionistobasethelocalfile,O2nameontheremotefilename.W UO /RECURSIVEO( /NORECURSIVE(D)SOIfthecommand specifiesalistoffilesfromaseriesofdi-PO rectoriesandsubdirectories,FTPwillattempttorecreatetheRO2same directorytree structureaswellas transferringthefilesKOintothesamesubdirectories.+Youmayspecifya directorySOtreewith[...])toaremoteVAXorwithfilename"-FR"toa$O<remoteUNIX(BSD)host.XBO Currently, /RECURSIVEonlyworksforUNIXandVMSEOsystems.'Theoption PATH_PARSINGmustbesettoON.YhIOThisassumesthatUNIXhostsputoutthe followingforO recursive operationsZzfilez]filez./dir:zPfilezfilezD ./dir/sub4z(ThisisonlytrueforBSD systems.) O7orzfilez+dir/filezdir/subdir/filer[HHOThisassumesthattheVMS^\t MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlG,systemssendfilespecsas:f\<zfile.ver O]orzDevice:[dir]file.ver]\O/RETAINO( /NORETAIN(D)PO SpecifieswhetherornotfileversionnumbersaretoretainedKOwhenfilesarecopiedfromtheremotesystem.)If/RETAINSO2is specified,ortheversionnumberis explicitly specified,theEOversionnumberisretainedontheoutputfilename.^O/STRUCTURE=structureSO(Attemptsto negotiatea differentfile structurebeforethefile%Ocontentsare transferred.`_66OThe followingoptionsmaybe specified:` `m m FILEm (default) `  PAGE `l  l VMS%l(automatically negotiated).aCOThedefaultis/STRUCTURE=FILEexceptwhenconnect-KOingwithanothersystemwhichsupportstheVMS structure.FO5/STRUCTURE=VMSis negotiated automaticallyatthetime0Oyouconnecttotheremotesystem.bO/TYPE=type[:format]RO(Attemptsto negotiateanewdatatypebeforethefiledataisDO transferred.'The followingoptionsmaybe specified:c~ `m m ASCIIm (default) `  IMAGE `l l EBCDIC3l(not implemented)d?OThereare3 differentASCIIformats:0 NON_PRINT,EOCONTROL,andTELNET.Ifthedatatypeis ASCII:NON_FO5PRINTor ASCII:TELNET,thefileisstoredonVMSasIOa sequentialfilewithvariable-lengthrecordformatandNOcarriage-returncarriagecontrolforrecord attribute.)IftheKO>typeisASCII:CONTROL,itisstoredwithFortrancarriageOcontrol.Ke! !LOIfthedatatypeisIMAGEthefileisstoredonVMSasMOa sequentialfilewith fixed-length512-byterecordsandnoMO5record attributes.'The /BLOCKSIZE qualifiermaybe specified;Otooverridedefault blocksizeof512bytes.OfA%O/WILD(D)O(/NOWILDg! LO Determineswhetherornot wildcardsareexpandedbyaskingEOtheremotehostforalistofpossiblefilenames.h OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O set%noreply FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O mget%*.cldAC Obtaining%name%list&for%'*.CLD'&from%remote&host3 Retrieving&file% FTP.CLD;18%to%FTP.CLDH Transferred%437%bytes%in% 00:00:00.66%=%662% bytes/Second? Retrieving&file%FTP_PARSE.CLD;70%to% FTP_PARSE.CLDKc Transferred%25083%bytes%in% 00:00:04.91%=&5108% bytes/SecondO Retrieving&file%FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLD;28&to&FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLDK Transferred%11689%bytes%in% 00:00:02.60%=&4495% bytes/Second:; Retrieving&file% FTP_TMP.CLD;1%to% FTP_TMP.CLDJ Transferred%1007&bytes&in& 00:00:00.64&=%1573% bytes/Second FTP:ftp.wku.edu>P9Inthisexample,allfileswithfiletype.CLDare retrievedfromaVMSsystem. O 2.1 FTP:unix>I1 set&noreplyy FTP:unix>Iy mget%/usr/goat/.lo*a %CLI-W-IVQUAL,% unrecognized% qualifier&-%check% validity,& spelling,%and% placement  \USR\P FTP:unix> IP mget%"/usr/goat/.lo*"J Obtaining%name%list&for%'/usr/goat/.lo*'&from%remote&host8 Retrieving&file%/usr/goat/.login%to%$loginI( Transferred%695%bytes%in% 00:00:00.49%=%1418& bytes/Second:p Retrieving&file%/usr/goat/.logout%to%$logoutG Transferred%63%bytes%in% 00:00:00.42%=&150% bytes/Second FTP:unix>To Iftheremotefile specificationincludes``/'',itwillbenec-K essarytoenclosetheentireremotefile specificationinB doublequotes,becausetheFTPcommand interpreterBy  interprets``/''asthe beginningofa qualifier.CBD_i5O]MKDIR&OCreatearemote directory*jkDOCreatesaremote directory..MKDIRisasynonymfor8O(CREATE/DIRECTORY.SeeHELPCREATE/DIRECTORY!Oformore information.Tl*OFormatOs MKDIRM directory@@DCE\m2O]MODIFYALIASOModifyanAlias*no AvMOModifyanaliasintheFTPalias database.(SeeHELPALIAS)O(MODIFYformore information.>>EDF[p1O]MOUNT"OMountaremotevolume*qrAqEOMountsavolumeontheremotesystem.,MOUNTisnot,O( supportedbymanyFTPservers.Vs,OFormatOs MOUNTM volume-namet=O ParametersOs volume-nameIO SpecifiesthenameoftheremotevolumethatistobeO$mounted.77F<EG8uOMPUT*vpwFFOSendsafileorgroupoffilestoaremotesystem.:xzOFormat.Os MPUTMlocal-file-list [remote-file]OCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/BACKUP: /NOBACKUPO|/BEFORE[=time]|None.O/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMO/CREATED /NOCREATEDOD/EXPIREDD /NOEXPIREDO/HASH/NOHASHO/LOG/NOLOGO  /MODE=mode  /MODE=STREAMOM /MODIFIEDM /NOMODIFIEDO/PROMPT /NOPROMPTO /SINCE[=time]None.O /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVEOW/RETAINW /NORETAINO/STRUCTURE=structure/STRUCTURE=DEFAULTO/UNIQUE /NOUNIQUEO/TYPE=type[:format]/TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINTOa/UNIQUEa /NOUNIQUEky0AO ParametersOslocal-file-listTO SpecifiesthenamesofoneormorefilesthataretobecopiedLO$fromthelocalsystemtotheremotesystem.,Multiplefile1O|namesmustbe separatedbycommas.COItemsinthelistmaycontainwildcard characters.z}O [remote-file]MO( Specifiesthenamethe transferredfileistohaveontheOremotesystem.{! NSOIftheremotefileis unspecified,FTPeither constructsanameQOfromthelocalfile_V MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il;;nameor,if/PROMPTisused,promptsforO5aremotename.\|! 2O DescriptionMOsMPUTsearchesforallfilesmatchingthefilenamesspeci-YOfiedinthelocalfilelist.(Eachfilethatisfoundis transferredcontentsaresent.~ TOIfamatchinglocalfileisa directory,FTPattemptstocreate.Oa directoryontheremotehost.MOWhilethetransferis in-progress,thestateofthetrans-5Ofercanbecheckedbypressingeither & TCTRL-T T & or L3 LTfCTRL-A }T L3 .RO5Whileafileisbeing transferred,FTPdisplaysthefilename,LOthenumberofbytesalready transferred,the percentageofLOthetotalsize transferred,andthecurrenttransferrate.pFOCommand QualifiersOs/BACKUPO /NOBACKUP(D)POSelectsfilesusingthebackupdate.)Validonlywhenusedin2O conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.BO/BEFORE[=time]G PO Transfersonlythosefilesdatedpriortothe specifiedtime.ROYoucanspecifytimeasanabsolutetime,asa combinationofRO5absoluteanddeltatimes,orasoneofthe following keywords:?OTODAY (default), TOMORROW,or YESTERDAY.SpecifyPOoneofthe following qualifierswiththe/BEFORE qualifiertoWO>indicatethetime attributetobeusedasthebasisfor selection:CO/BACKUP,/CREATED (default), /EXPIRED,or /MODIFIED.UA+O/CONFIRMO( /NOCONFIRM(D)POPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:{Q zYes Transfersthefile z]No0]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttransfer z/All4/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthetransfer z;3 z=TyCTRL-Z =T z3{QuitsthetransferNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbechangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.UA+O/CREATED(D)O( /NOCREATEDNROSelectsfilesusingthecreationdate.(ValidonlywhenusedinJO conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.Thisisthedefault5O5dateusedforfile selectionbydate.UA+O/EXPIREDO( /NOEXPIRED(D)POSelectsfilesusingthe expirationdate.(Validonlywhenused6Oin conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.OA%O/HASHO(/NOHASH(D)|R@O Temporarily enableordisable theHASH (HASHorONOHASH).! NPOWhenHashisenabledandafileis transferredfromonema-LOchinetoanother,ahashmarkis displayedforeach10246O5 charactersofdatathatis transferred.NQOBydefault,nohashmarksare displayedasthedataisbeingGO transferred.+YoucanchangethiswiththeFTPcommandO5SETHASH. ONotethat C3 ETCTRL-A ET 3 and C& ETCTRL-T ET &-canbeusedtodisplayaline4O indicatingthestateofthe transfer.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGb88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.lPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred.NMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPcommandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.>O /MODE=mode|KOAttemptsto negotiatea differentdatatransfermode.+The1O followingoptionsmaybe specified:g `m m BLOCK `  STREAMX (default) `l l COMPRESSEDrHHOFormore informationonthemodes,seeHELPSETMODE.WA-O /MODIFIEDO( /NOMODIFIED(D)MOSelectsfilesusingthemodified (revised)date.,ValidonlyBOwhenusedin conjunctionwith/SINCEand/BEFORE.!KO/PROMPTO( /NOPROMPT(D)NOCausesFTPtopromptforthelocalfilenamebeforetrans-TOferringeachfile.*Thedefaultactionistobasethelocalfile,O2nameontheremotefilename. UO /RECURSIVEO( /NORECURSIVE(D)SOIfthecommand specifiesalistoffilesfromaseriesofdi-PO rectoriesandsubdirectories,FTPwillattempttorecreatetheRO2same directorytree structureaswellas transferringthefilesKOintothesamesubdirectories.+Youmayspecifya directorySOtreewith[...])toaremoteVAXorwithfilename"-FR"toa$O<remoteUNIX(BSD)host.BO Currently, /RECURSIVEonlyworksforUNIXandVMSEOsystems.'Theoption PATH_PARSINGmustbesettoON.hIOThisassumesthatUNIXhostsputoutthe followingforO recursive operationszfilez]filez./dir:zPfilezfilezD ./dir/sub4z(ThisisonlytrueforBSD systems.) O7orzfilez+dir/filezdir/subdir/filer`l}^ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il]JHHOThisassumesthattheVMSsystemssendfilespecsas:f<zfile.ver O]orzDevice:[dir]file.ver\O/RETAINO( /NORETAIN(D)PO SpecifieswhetherornotfileversionnumbersaretoretainedKOwhenfilesarecopiedfromtheremotesystem.)If/RETAINSO2is specified,ortheversionnumberis explicitly specified,theEOversionnumberisretainedontheoutputfilename.AO /SINCE[=time]E QO Transfersonlythosefilesdatedafterthe specifiedtime.(YouROcanspecifytimeasanabsolutetime,asa combinationofab-PO5soluteanddeltatimes,orasoneofthe following keywords:?OTODAY (default), TOMORROW,or YESTERDAY.SpecifyOOoneofthe following qualifierswiththe/SINCE qualifiertoWO>indicatethetime attributetobeusedasthebasisfor selection:CO/BACKUP,/CREATED (default), /EXPIRED,or /MODIFIED.O/STRUCTURE=structureSO(Attemptsto negotiatea differentfile structurebeforethefile%Ocontentsare transferred.`66OThe followingoptionsmaybe specified: `m m FILEm (default) `  PAGE `l  l VMS%l(automatically negotiated).COThedefaultis/STRUCTURE=FILEexceptwhenconnect-KOingwithanothersystemwhichsupportstheVMS structure.FO5/STRUCTURE=VMSis negotiated automaticallyatthetime0Oyouconnecttotheremotesystem.O/TYPE=type[:format]RO(Attemptsto negotiateanewdatatypebeforethefiledataisDO transferred.'The followingoptionsmaybe specified:~ `m m ASCIIm (default) `  IMAGE `l l EBCDIC3l(not implemented)?OThereare3 differentASCIIformats:0 NON_PRINT,EOCONTROL,andTELNET.Ifthedatatypeis ASCII:NON_FO5PRINTor ASCII:TELNET,thefileisstoredonVMSasIOa sequentialfilewithvariable-lengthrecordformatandNOcarriage-returncarriagecontrolforrecord attribute.)IftheKO>typeisASCII:CONTROL,itisstoredwithFortrancarriageOcontrol.K! !LOIfthedatatypeisIMAGEthefileisstoredonVMSasMOa sequentialfilewith fixed-length512-byterecordsandnoMO5record attributes.'The /BLOCKSIZE qualifiermaybe specified;Otooverridedefault blocksizeof512bytes.*O/UNIQUEUO(TellstheremotehosttocreateanewnameforthefileifthePOfilealreadyexistsintheremotedefault directory.(ThenameJOofthefileis specifiedinthereplyfromtheserver.OA%O/WILD(D)O(/NOWILD! LO Determineswhetherornot wildcardsareexpandedbyaskingEOtheremotehostforalistofpossiblefilenames.z POExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O set%noreply FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O mput%*.cldJC Sending&file%$SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP.CLD;18&to&FTP.CLDH Transferred%437%bytes%in% 00:00:00.53%=%824% bytes/SecondV Sending&file%*SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP_PARSE.CLD;70&to& FTP_PARSE.CLDK Transferred%25083%bytes%in% 00:00:02.68%=&9359% bytes/SecondOc Sending&file%2SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLD;28%to FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLDK Transferred%11689%bytes%in% 00:00:01.51%=&7741% bytes/SecondQ; Sending&file%'SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP_TMP.CLD;1&to& FTP_TMP.CLDJ Transferred%1007&bytes&in& 00:00:00.51&=%1974% bytes/SecondLTheexampleabovesendsallfileswith extension ``.CLD''.@GFHlBO]MRECEIVE0OReceivemultiplefilesfromremote* HO Retrievesmultiplefilesfromaremotesystem.)MRECEIVEIO(isasynonymsforMGET.SeeHELPMGETformoreinfor-Omation.lBOFormat2Os MRECEIVENremote-file-list [local-file]HGI9OMSEND*ALOSendsmultiplefilestoaremotesystem.)MSENDisasyn-EO(onymsforMPUT.SeeHELPMPUTformore information.i?OFormat/Os MSENDNlocal-file-list [remote-file]bIHJ6  OMV*4ORenamesafileontheremotesystem.HOkMVisasynonymforRENAME.Formore information,seeOHELPRENAME.Z0OFormat Os MVNold-filenew-fileJIK8ONOOP*e;;OSendsaNOOPcommandtotheremotesystem.HOFormatOs NOOPVO DescriptionAOsTheNOOPcommandisusefulfortesting purposes.rrKJLV, O]ON OEnableerror-handling*mCCOEnablesormodifiestheFTPerror-handlingability.Y/OFormatOs ONN conditionactionO ParametersOs conditionNO Specifiesthe conditiontobehandled.'Valid conditionsare: `P P CONTROL_C ` ERROR `O OSEVERE ` WARNINGA`OactionPO( Specifiestheactionthatistobetaken.&Validactionsare:zP `m mABORT ` CONTINUE `l lEXITL KMAOON CONTROL_C*e;;OChangeormodifythehandlingof CONTROL_C.S|OFormatOs ON CONTROL_CMactionOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:None.:Na MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il-Yone. 0WO DescriptionQOsThedefaultsettingissothatwhentheusertypes Control-C,JOanycurrentcommandsareabortedandcontrolisreturned$O$tothe``FTP>''prompt.UOIfthesettingisABORT,theFTPutilitystopswhatitisdoing.OandreturnstotheFTP>prompt.\JOIfthesettingis CONTINUE,the Control-Cis effectivelyOignored.rVOIfthesettingisEXIT,theFTPutilityisexitedandcontrolisOreturnedtoDCL. COIfyoureallywanttoexittheFTPutility,type C3 ET CTRL-Y "ET 3 %. O3 OTiCTRL-Y T O32isnottrappedbytheFTPutility.lIOThecurrentsettingcanbeexaminedbyissuingtheFTP#OcommandSHOW CONDITION.+ OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O on& control_c%abort FTP:ftp.wku.edu> O dirC <200&Type%A%N&ok.- <200&Port%161,6,5,4,98,148%Okay.   M CTRL-C M  " *CANCEL*1 Operation%aborted%due%to% Control-C.B -SYSTEM-S-CONTROLC,& operation% completed%under%CTRL/C FTP:ftp.wku.edu>DInthisexample,a DIRECTORYcommandis interruptedwitha Control-C.M LN=OONERROR*b88OChangeormodifythehandlingoferrors.SxOFormatOs ONERRORMactionOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:None.:None.p0FO DescriptionOOsThedefaultsettingissothatwhenanerroris encounteredJOanycurrentcommandsareabortedandcontrolisreturned&O$tothe``FTP>''prompt.VOIfthesettingisEXIT,theFTPutilityisexitedandcontrolisOreturnedtoDCL.}KOThiscommandisusefulwhenbatchjobsshouldbeaborted2Ouponfirst unsuccessfulFTPcommand.S))OThemostcommonerrorsare: `m JmTheremotesystemisnot available.*Thismaybedueto)hardwareornetworkfailure. `E JELoginfailure.*Verifythatthepasswordiscorrect.*Also;checkthatusernamedidn'tgetcasefolded. ` IRemotefile unavailable.*Thismaybedueto incorrectly v specifiedfilename.lIOThecurrentsettingcanbeexaminedbyissuingtheFTP#OcommandSHOW CONDITION.BOExamples O1. FTP:unix>I on%error%abort FTP:unix>I get& unknown.file:" <200&Port%4.11%at%host& accepted.&j <550&FileKnot% accessible.< Requested%action&not%taken.%File% unavailable. FTP:unix>I on%error%exitB FTP:unix>IB get& unknown.file: <200&Port%4.12%at%host& accepted.& <550&FileKnot% accessible.< Requested%action&not%taken.%File% unavailable. b $GThisexampleshowsthe differencein behaviourofthe.)twosettingsforerror handling.;;NMO>OONSEVERE*t JJOChangeormodifythehandlingofSEVEREorFATALerrorsSyOFormatOs ONSEVEREMactionOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:None.:None.7  O DescriptionROsThedefaultsettingissothatwhenasevereerrorisencoun-7OteredtheFTPutility immediatelyexits.MOfIfthesettingisABORTcontrolis immediatelyreturnedto"Othe``FTP>''prompt.NHOUsuallySevereorFatalerrorsindicate somethingwrongTOinthelogicoftheFTPutility.*ThesettingshouldbeleftonO5EXIT.lIOThecurrentsettingcanbeexaminedbyissuingtheFTP#OcommandSHOW CONDITION.sO NP?OONWARNING*kAAOChangeormodifythehandlingofwarningsignalsSzOFormatOs ONWARNINGMactionOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:None.:None.P &O DescriptionQOsThedefaultsettingissothatwhenawarningis encountered,OOtheFTPutility immediatelyreturnstothe``FTP>''prompt.POfIfthesettingis CONTINUE,thedefaultactionisignorethe!Owarningand continue.VOIfthesettingisEXIT,theFTPutilityisexitedandcontrolis)O immediatelyreturnedtoDCL. NLOThemostcommoncauseofwarningsis incorrectly specifiedFO commands.(Like ``FTP:host>DLEETE FOO.BAR''insteadof)O5 ``FTP:host>DELETE FOO.BAR''.lIOThecurrentsettingcanbeexaminedbyissuingtheFTP#OcommandSHOW CONDITION.; tOExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O on&warning%abort FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O logni&simmonsXC %CLI-W-IVVERB,% unrecognized%command%verb&-%check%validity%and&spelling \LOGNI\ FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O on&warning%exit FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O logni&simmonsXc %CLI-W-IVVERB,% unrecognized%command%verb&-%check%validity%and&spelling \LOGNI\6 <221&Service%closing%control& connection. ; $CThisexampleshowstwo differentsettingsforhan-Edling warnings.)TheFTPutilitycommand ``LOGIN''is[mistyped ``logni''.88POQ8OOPEN*! AOOOpensa connectiontoaremotehost.'OPENisasynonymforCO(SETHOST.SeeHELPSETHOSTformore information.QPR7  OPUT* MO Transmitsalocalfiletotheremotehost.,PUTisasyn-DO(onymfortheMPUTcommand.(SeeHELPMPUTformoreO infobu< MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Ildhrmation.g=OFormat-Os PUTNlocal-file-list [remote-file]XRQSa7 O]PWD*OShowremotedefault directory* IODisplaystheremotedefault directory.+PWDisasynonym@O(forSHOWREMOTE.SeeHELPSHOWREMOTEformoreO information.GOFormat Os PWDLLSRT8OQUIT*A^LOClosethe connectiontotheremotehostandexittheFTPO(utility.HOFormatOs QUITTSUV,O]QUOTEOQuoteFTPcommand*mCCOSendsastringdirectlytotheremoteFTPserver.W-OFormatOs QUOTEM command-lineO ParametersOs command-lineSOLineoftexttobesenttotheremoteFTPserver.*ForalistKO$ofthecommands supportedbytheremoteFTPserver,type&O| REMOTEHELPor HELP/REMOTE.~0TO DescriptionLOsTheentire command-lineisdirectly transmittedtothere-KOmotehostFTPServer.*Thecommandstringisnotverified)O$for correctnessor validity.LOThiscommandisusefulonlytowizardswho understandthe3OlogicintheFileTransfer Protocol.OExamples O1. FTP:unix>I set&command/ Server%command%display&is&now%onC FTP:unix>IC show%rem >PWD8 <257&"/usr1/simmons"%is%current& directory. FTP:unix>I quote%xpwdc >XPWD8 <257&"/usr1/simmons"%is%current& directory. FTP:unix>GbInthisexample,itisobviousthatPWDandXPWDdothesamething.UTVU+O]RECEIVEOReceiveafile*AkEORECEIVEisasynonymfortheGETcommand.*SeeHELP&O(GETformore information.kAOFormat1Os RECEIVEMremote-file-list [local-file]T99VUW>O REMOTEHELP* A^JOAskstheremoteFTPserverforhelponthecommandsitO( supports..W -OFormatOs REMOTEHELPN[topic] tO ParametersOstopicQO Specifiestheremotetopicforwhichhelpistobe displayed.G O DescriptionGOsTheremotehostissenttheFTPHELPcommandwithaQOtopic,if specified.)Helpcanbe requestedwithoutissuingthe=O$LOGINcommand,iftheremotehostallowsit.JOThelistofcommandsthatarereturnedarenotcommandsVO availabletotheuseroftheFTPutility,butareinsteadalistLOpofcommandsforthe underlyingFileTransfer Protocol.)SeeGOtheentryfortheQUOTEcommandformore information.  OExamples O1. FTP:unix>I remotehelpS <214-The% following%commands%are& recognized%(*%=>'s%unimplemented).;C  <214&Direct%comments%to%ftp-bugs@wkunix.wku.edu.; FTP:unix>HTheremoteserverwillprovidealistofcommandsand6featuresthatarelegalor implemented.yWVX[1O]RENAME!ORenamearemotefile*mCCOChangesthenameofafileontheremotesystem.^4OFormat$Os RENAMENold-filenew-filehO ParametersOsold-fileBO Specifiestheremotefilethatistoberenamed. AeOnew-fileSO( Specifiesthenewfilenameforthefileontheremotesystem. yOExamples O1. FTP:fake-unix>( send&sys$login:login.com%x.x* <200&PORT%command% successful.GH <150&Opening%data% connection&for%x.x%(,19318).# <226&Transfer& complete.F 417%bytes%(1%block)&in& 00:00:00.41&=%1017%cps,&IO=1B  Sent&file%DJB2:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.COM;1%to%(Remote)%x.xh FTP:fake-unix>#h rename%x.x& vmslogin.com< <350&File%exists,%ready%for% destination%name* <250&RNTO%command% successful.@ FTP:fake-unix>JInthisexample,thefile LOGIN.COMissenttothere-@motesystemasX.X.TheRENAMEcommandisthen8`usedtorenamethefileto VMSLOGIN.COM.XWYW- O]RM!ODeletearemotefile*4ODeletesafileontheremotesystem.HOkRMisasynonymforDELETE.Formore information,seeOHELPDELETE.X.OFormatOs RMNremote-file-listYXZ_5O]RMDIR&ODeletearemote directory*DODeletesaremote directory.0RMDIRisasynonymfor8O(DELETE/DIRECTORY.SeeHELPDELETE/DIRECTORY!Oformore information.T*OFormatOs RMDIRN directoryccZY[O%O]SENDOSendafile*NO Transmitsalocalfiletotheremotehost.+SENDisasyn-BO(onymforthePUTcommand.,SeeHELPPUTformoreO information.n  [Z\V , O]SETOSetvariousoptions*!c"99ODefines,orchanges,variousFTP settings.O#%OFormatOs SETNc D E10%5=FMQn=ge;,LBIflMSl%-#i 1A0h6%c,r0^52Lps^V.I% pjQ0*z.sCt_q*]i19IA(1Vw:rin/fY;^$1g"+n=&C; cY.!u)@-6g\X*BYubFOh'q# *H\&-H6M]gce!coO^JjI>ʭT"l!}1L+Ij!-`{Nn0=F-PlQT2QG+ m{v+5F`P k%\o{.L~ 2,:-@F &NQo0g^F e"C ΍lS:>U_i FV7V12@@.t|^pO/85slt "ʉ~eh!KSsthdQ`;gYsj,suE@Tu fG\02r"\F T03-c}j`.y !)./#CMrJp>2KU F}~T#!%'zXlUc8} .IIo=E- t0sXo}=N9t~ߋ42F3rZ%&$,~{i3:<԰ְDH ,^ LdD\XY.E|1,%+d H g;gGiN ~f9 ,0& Dc%|լ -DEA i+ 1TD2:2XcrɱJ,w8bm_oj]/):5,lQ_fx' ha}m?u"uxA /AuE~I,1=TT5nhr$!g"?>"-"=8;Vi;mtR 8L,"_tE|P9Aؒi<[#@8'OvMsikSem}36{ lKB,> B1&1x"PfT.N3g7w_xVWk- 0T5"8 5 zhnwc wh</L=%^Bd y6$_qzq#(zEO,?K%pN0". 6)w\gwZ]Xeujh*HcZ"0))f0{'w 9Y(&]{3O}@[DQTm2\;T]q*R<6-& 3%|ui^Cfd"fLI\PST%S^nrp`X^Ll@ `|S@&|yJ;R7H @Bcf,~8Si#4 .R[6"~gJÀo:Y? 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O \[]@&OSETACCOUNT*'i(??OChangestheaccountusagefortheremotehost.)SOFormat$Os SETACCOUNTM account-nameOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:None.:None.*sO ParametersOs account-nameIO Specifiesthenameofanaccountontheremotesystem.F+ O DescriptionHOsSETACCOUNT specifiestheaccountontheremotesystemNOtowhichresourceusageischarged.'Manyservers, especiallyIO$VMSservers,donot implement accounts.)Thiscommandis(O| superfluousatthesesites.,ZOExamples O1. FTP:fake>I set&account%unknown$ <530&Account%not&valid.C Not%logged&In. FTP:fake>I set&account%systems <230&Account%OK. FTP:fake>FThisexampleshows successfuland unsuccessfuluseof%theSETACCOUNTcommand.]\^C-OSET AUTOPROMPT*./AiMOEnablesordisables promptingforomittedoutputfilenamesO(onGETandPUT.y0OOFormatOs SET AUTOPROMPT&O SET NOAUTOPROMPTM (default)1=O DescriptionDOsIf AUTOPROMPTisenabled,youarepromptedforanyNOomittedoutputfilenamewhen transferringafileineitherDO$ direction.'MostUNIXFTPclientspromptbydefault.^]_>2OSETBATCH*3r4HHOEnablesordisablespromptsforfiletransfer failures.o5EOFormatOs SETBATCH!O SETNOBATCHN (default)w60MO DescriptionSOsIfafiletransferfailswithapossibly recoverableerror,youNOcanhaveFTPpromptyouastowhetherornotyouwishtoBO$retrythetransferusingtheSETCONFIRMcommand.EOWhenNOBATCHis specified,youarenotpromptedforOretry._^`=7OSETBELL*89AgSOEnablesordisablestheringingoftheterminalbellafterfileO( transfers.m:COFormatOs SETBELL O SETNOBELLN (default)8;O DescriptionHOsTheSETBELLcommandcanbeusedtohaveFTPaudibly:Onotifyyouwhenafiletransfer completes.TOfIfBELLisset,theterminalbellwillringforboth successful#O transfersand failures.  `_a=<OSETCASE*=q>GGOControlsthecapitalizationofswitchesand parameters.T?*OFormatOs SETCASEMstate@O ParametersOsstateLO Specifieshowthecommand interpretermodifiesthecaseof3O$command parameters.'Validvaluesare: ` <LOWER-convertsall parametersto lowercase `( @(NORMAL (default)-leavesthe parametersinthe specifiedcase ` <UPPER-convertsall parametersto uppercaseAO DescriptionGOsTheMadGoatFTPclientusestheVMSCLI$routinestoDOparsethecommandsyouenter.,However,becausemanyIO$FTPsitesareUNIXsystemsthatarecase-sensitivewithOO|regardto filenames,theclientwill,bydefault,attempttoHOpreservethecaseofanycommand parametersyouenter.B! WMOTheclientusually preservescase sensitivity,sothiscom-NOmandisnowalmost obsolete.'ItremainsinthecommandsetMO5tomaintain backwards compatibilitywithearlierversionsofQOFTP.FTPwillnotpreservecaseproperlyifthesame``name''LOappearstwiceinacommandwith differentcase.*Thefirst#O>nameistheoneused.CbOOThecaseis preservedforall parametersthataree\ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il explicitlyO prompted.^^a`bCDOSET CHECK_TYPE*EFAOOEnablesordisablesthe automaticsensingoffiledatatypesLO((ASCIIorbinary)whenfilesarePUTtoaremotesystem.yGOOFormat$Os SET CHECK_TYPEM (default)O SET NOCHECK_TYPEH oO DescriptionUOsBydefault,ifnofiletypehasbeensetusingSETTYPEoritsFOsynonyms(ASCII,BINARY),theMadGoatFTPclientwillOO$tryto automatically determinethepropertype,basedontheFO|RMS attributesofthefile.*SET NOCHECK_TYPEdisables*Othe autosensingofthetype.baciI?O]SETCOMMAND)OSetdisplayofFTPcommands*JKA`MOEnablesordisablesthedisplayof lower-levelFTPprotocolO( commands.sLIOFormatOs SETCOMMAND#O SET NOCOMMANDM (default)<MO DescriptionMOsTheFTPutility negotiateswiththeremotehostbysendingBOcommandsand receivingreplies.*SETCOMMANDcausesPO$theFTPutilitytodisplaythecommandsastheyaresenttoO|theremotesystem. N %OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O set% nocommand0 Server%command%display&is&now%offC FTP:ftp.wku.edu>OC noop <200&NoopKOkay. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O set%command/ Server%command%display&is&now%onc FTP:ftp.wku.edu>Oc noop >NOOP <200&NoopKOkay.; FTP:ftp.wku.edu>GInthisexample,thesamecommandis performedtwice.EThefirsttimewith NOCOMMANDset(thedefault)andC[thesecondtimewithCOMMANDset.*NoticethattheMrightanglebracket( > )precedesthecommand,whilethe7 leftbracket( < )precedesthereply.cbd@OOSETCONFIRM*PQ! AaMOEnablesordisables confirmationpromptsduring multiple-fileO( transfers.sRIOFormatOs SETCONFIRM#O SET NOCONFIRMN (default)S O DescriptionOOsTheFTPutilityiscapableof performingseveralfiletrans-IOfersorother operationsinonecommand.*IfCONFIRMis@O$enabled,youarepromptedbeforeeach operation.LOYoumayanswerYes,No,Quit,orAll.*YesmeanstransferPOit,whileNomeansdonot.(Quitstops transferring altogetherPOpwhileAll transfersalltherest,andstopsasking questions.Odce@TOSETDEFAULT*UVJOChangesthedefault,orcurrent, directoryontheremoteKO(system.+Whennot connectedtoaremotesystem,thelocalOdefaultischanged.ZW0OFormat Os SETDEFAULTMdir-specX=O ParametersOsdir-specKO Specifiesthenameofthe directoryontheremotesystemGO$whichwillbetheremotedefaultforfile operations. Y =O DescriptionFOsThiscommandisverysimilartotheDCLcommandSETMODEFAULT.Whenyouare connectedtoaremotesystem,itisNO$thedefault directoryontheremotesystemthatischanged.!!# 8OExample1-1:7Sample AnonymousFTPSession .B 1 OB $B ftp% ftp.spc.eduGO MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%Alpha% (1-SEP-1996) . 28O Attempting&to&connect%to%host% ftp.spc.edu . 3QO <220&spcvxa.spc.edu&MultiNet&FTP%Server%Process%3.2(14)&at&.... .b 4Ob FTP:ftp.spc.edu>b user% anonymous . 5FO <331& anonymous%user&ok.%Send&real%ident%as% password.O Password: .[ 6\O[ <230-Guest&User%SIMMONS@FAKE.BOGUS.COM%logged%into%USER7:[ANONYMOUS]%at%...;O <230& Directory%and%access& restrictions%apply . 7O FTP:ftp.spc.edu> cd&macro32.savesetsBO3 <250& Connected%to%#USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. .{ 8O{ FTP:ftp.spc.edu>{ dir%dcl* . 9O <200&Stru%F%ok.AO  <200&Port%26.154&at&Host% accepted.OS <150&List%started.,O "USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS] .% 10O% DCLKEYS.ZIP;1=?% 32J 22-DEC-1992%16:58%ARCHIVES%(RWED,RWED,RE,RE)Om DCL_RECALL.ZIP;1=?m 43J 17-JUN-1993%08:53%ARCHIVES%(RWED,RWED,RE,RE).O Total%of%75%blocks%in%2%files.$O <226&Transfer& completed.DOf 230%bytes%(1%block)&in& 00:00:08.12&=%28%cps,%IO=2 . 11!O <200&Stru%O%VMS%ok. . 12O FTP:ftp.spc.edu> get% dclkeys.zipAO> <200&Port%26.155&at&Host% accepted.\O <150&VMS%retrieve%of%/USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS]DCLKEYS.ZIP;1%started.EO <226&Transfer& completed.K16342&(8)%bytes% transferred. . 13JO 16342%bytes%(32%blocks)%in% 00:00:23.23%=&703%cps,&IO=30AO^ Received%file& dclkeys.zip&to&(Local)% DCLKEYS.ZIP;1 . 14O FTP:ftp.spc.edu> exit2O <221&QUIT%command% received.%Goodbye..O6 Transfer%Okay;% Connection&Closing O} $*$%A m 1FmTheFTPclientisinvokedwiththeDCLcommandFTP.JInthisexample,thetargetremotesystemnameisgivenKonthecommandline.(Iftheremotesystemisnotspeci-Awfiedhere,thentheSETHOSTorCONNECTcommandKmustbeusedto establishthenetworklinkwiththere-(moteFTPserver.*&`'! 6JWThehostnamecanbe specifiedaseitheradomainnameGoradotted-decimalnumericIPaddress.)Inthisexam-Nple,thesystemcouldhavebeen specifiedas``ftp.spc.edu'' aor``''.  2MTheFTPclientprintsan informationalmessageasittriesC9to establishthelinkwiththeremoteFTPserver.  3IWhenthe connectionismade,theremoteserversendsaNreply identifyingitselftotheclient.*Themessageisdis-Fiplayedonthe terminal.,AllmessagesfromtheremoteIserverareprefixedbythe``<'' character.*Thenumber,N220onthisline,istheFTPf' MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il!messagecodeas specifiedbystheFTP standard.*() KWBydefault,theFTPclient automaticallytriestonegoti-Latetheuseof StructureVMSforfile transfers.+ThisisHameansbywhichVMSfile attributesare automaticallyHa preservedwhenfilesare transferredbetweenVMShosts.JIftheremoteserversupportsSTRUVMS,thentheclientN automaticallysetsitatthispoint,thoughnomessagesarek displayed.**X+ [.:WTheSETTYPE,SET STRUCTURE,andSETMODEKcommandscanbeusedtochangethedefaultfiletransfermethods.  4GAfter receivingthereplyfromtheremoteserver,FTPDpromptsyoutoenteracommand.,NotethattheFTPI9promptincludesthenameoftheremotesystemtowhichMyouare connected.+Ifthat connectionisclosed,orifnoDsystemwasnamedontheDCLcommandline,theFTP'Bpromptisjust``FTP>''.*,-+KWAtthispoint,theFTPclienthas establishedadialogueJwiththeremoteFTPserver.+Inordertotransferfiles,Kyoumustlogintoanaccountontheremotesystem.)InGathisexample,theUSERcommandisusedtologinas@user ANONYMOUS.Anyvalidaccountontheremote%systemcanbe specified.*.8/ EWIfyouwanttheMadGoatFTPclientto automaticallyJpromptfortheremote username,youcandefinethelog-;icalMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTtobeTRUE.SeeaSETHOST!xaformore information.  5ITheremoteFTPserverexpectsapasswordforthespec-M9ifiedaccount.(Inthisexample,theserverwillacceptanyNstringfora password,butitasksforyoure-mailaddress!forlogging purposes.*/$?_*0 1!  IWTheFTPclientthenpromptsforthe password,whichis,notechoedwhenyouenterit. / 6J/Iftheremoteaccountexistsandthepasswordisvalid,Kthentheserversendsamessage indicatingthe successfullogin. _ 7H_Onceyouareloggedintotheremotesystem,theFTPHclientonceagainwaitsforyoutoenteranFTPcom-@mand.,TheCDcommandchangestheremotedefaultGi directory..Inthisexample,thedefaultischangedto>[.MACRO32.SAVESETS].NotethatthebracketsandGleading``.''+wereomitted.+MostVMSFTPserverswillHsproperly translatesuchspecificationstovalidVMSdi-Grectorynames.*Amessagefromtheserveris displayedG$ indicatingthatthe directorywas successfullychanged.  8DThe DIRECTORYcommandisusedtodisplayallfilesHinthecurrentremotedefault directorythatmatchtheTstring``DCL `* T''.  9G Directorylistingsare transferredwith StructureFILE,H,sotheclient automaticallychangestoSTRUFforthelisting.  10IThe directoryoutputwillvary, dependingontheremoteH]FTPserver.)MostVMSserverswillshowthefilename,Mthesizeinblocks,thecreationdate,theowner,andthe file protection. 11J Oncethe directorylistinghasbeen received,theclientD onceagainchangestoSTRUVMSandtheserverac-">  knowledgesthechange. 12K TheGETcommandisusedtocopyafilefromtheremoteL systemtothelocalsystem.*ThelocalcopyiscreatedinJo thecurrentdefault directory,whichcanbechangedfromD withinFTPbyusingtheLCDcommand.'ThePUTcom-L mandisusedtocopyfilesfromthelocalsystemtothex remotesystem. 13H Whenthetransferis complete,an informationalmessageMP is displayedthatshowsthetransfer statistics:'thenumberO ofbytes(andblocks)copied,thetotaltimeforthetrans-Mfer,the aggregate throughputinbytespersecond,andthe$ZnumberofI/O requests.  14HTheEXITcommandisusedtoexittheFTPclient.)TheC2 DISCONNECTorCLOSEcommandcouldbeusedtodis-GconnectfromthecurrentremotesystemwithoutexitingtheFTPclient.cjjedf=ZOSETHASH*[\ A_POEnablesordisablesprintingofhashmarksduringfiletrans-O(fers.m]COFormatOs SETHASH O SETNOHASHN (default)^! O DescriptionSOsWhenHASHisenabled,ahash character( # )is displayedforOOevery1024bytesofdata transferred.'WhenHASHis disabled,-O$nohash characteris displayed.MOHashisawaytojudgewhetherthereisactuallyanythingPOgoingon.(IfduringalongtransfernohashmarksarebeingHOpprinted,thenitislikelythatthetransferishung.feg=_OSETHOST*`a ApHOOpensa connectiontoaremotehost.'CONNECTandOPEN(O(aresynonymsforSETHOST.6b] OFormatOs SETHOSTM host-nameOCommand QualifiersDefaultsO: /ACCOUNT=name: /NOACCOUNTO| /ANONYMOUSO /APASSWORDO/PASSWORD=string /NOPASSWORDOD/USERNAME=nameD /NOUSERNAMEc=O ParametersOs host-nameIO SpecifiesthenameornumericIPaddressoftheremote>O$systemtowhichandFTPsessionis initiated.d MO DescriptionROsIfa connectionisalreadyopen,the connectionwillbeclosedNOandanew connectionwillbeopenedtothe specifiedhost.OO$Ifthehostname specifiedviaanalias,thenotherconnec-LO|tion informationmaybetakefromthealiasrecord.+AliasMO informationcanbe overriddenby qualifiers.)Forexample,aIO-username specifiedina /USERNAME qualifiertakesprece-LOdenceoverausernameinanaliasrecord.(SeeHELPALIAS.Oformore informationonaliases.;OzTheMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTlogicalnamecon-KOtrolswhethertheMadGoatFTPclientpgS_ MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Ilromptsforauser-JO+nameupon connectingtoaremotehost., QualifiersforaJOLOGINcommandmayalsobeenteredatthisprompt.*IfaMOusernameisnot specified,thenthelocalusernamewillbeO4used.7e  LOTheMadGoatFTPclientwillnotpromptforausernameif?OthevalueofMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTstartswithSO5``N''or``F.''Thiscanbeusefulfor overridinga system-wide2O definitionofMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT. _UNote _4 RegardlessofwhetherMADGOAT_FTP_USER_?PROMPTisdefined,theMadGoatFTPclientwill;Hnotpromptforausernameif /ANONYMOUSOR# /USERNAMEis specified. ^f4OCommand QualifiersOs /ACCOUNT=nameg~OORequestslogintoaspecificuseraccount.*Thismayonlybe/Ousedifausernameis specified.>hO /ANONYMOUSiLO Specifiesthattheremoteloginshouldbeasan anonymousJOuser.'Yourpasswordwilldefaulttolocal_user@local_host.TjA*O /APASSWORDO( /NOAPASSWORDkV GO Specifiesthatthe anonymouspassword(local_user@local_COhost)shouldbesent.&Specify/ANONYMOUS/NOAPASSWORDQO5ifyouwanttologin anonymouslyandstillbepromptedforaO password.DlO/PASSWORD=stringEmMO Specifiesthepasswordforthe requesteduseraccount.*ThisROmayonlybeusedifausernameis specified.)Ifyouputthis,O5intoacommandfile,thenyou5MUST#5makesurethefileisOnotworld readable.BnO/USERNAME=namefo< show&host3 Connection&open%to%fake-unix.bogus.comC FTP:fake-unix>C set%host%fake <221&Goodbye.. Transfer%Okay;% Connection&Closing1 Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakebc <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.: <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I sho&host.; Connection&open%to%fake.bogus.com FTP:fake>CInthisexample,theSETHOSTcommandisusedtoIJchangetheremotehosttowhicha connectionisestab-lished. O2.A FTP>A set%host&fake1 Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakeb <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.: <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min.*a Username% [simmons]:& /anonymousC %FTP-I-LOGIN,& Attempting%to%login%to%user% anonymousT <331&Guest&login&Okay,&send%ident%or%e-mail&address%as% password.<9 <230-Welcome%to%FAKE.BOGUS.COM,&a%MicroVAX%IIn <230-Guest&SIMMONS@kiss.com%login%Okay,% 7-JUN-1994%16:23:27%EST,&access% restrictions%apply.: <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>: Inthisexample,theMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTA logicalnameisdefined.+The /ANONYMOUS qualifierG1 enteredatthepromptisusedtobuildaLOGINcom-M mand.'Ifausernameisnotgivenonthepromptline,theG MadGoatFTPclientattemptstologinwiththedefault:  username.)Pressing    T8 Ctrl-Z  T P +: atthepromptwillabortthe loginattempt. O 3.2 FTP> 2 show%alias% test/full Alias:) TEST Description:+ Host:)+ alpha.wku.edus Username:)s anonymous Password:) SIMMONS@kiss.com FTP> set%host&testTJ %FTP-I-ALIASTRANS,%Alias%TEST% translated&to&host%name% alpha.wku.eduN %FTP-I-ATTEMPTING,% Attempting%to%connect&to&host% alpha.wku.edue <220& alpha.wku.edu%MadGoat%FTP%server&V2.2%for&OpenVMS%Alpha% (11-AUG-1994)%ready.C" %FTP-I-LOGIN,& Attempting%to%login%to%user% anonymousTj <331&Guest&login&Okay,&send%ident%or%e-mail&address%as% password.o <230-Guest&SIMMONS@kiss.com%login%Okay,% 11-AUG-1994%10:58:26%CDT,%access% restrictions&apply.: <230& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min.B FTP:alpha.wku.edu>IInthisexample,analiasnameis translatedtodeter-F minethehostname, username,and password.'SeeHELPGbALIASformore informationontheFTPalias database.gfh=qOSETMODE*rusKKO Specifiesthedefaultfiletransfermode parameter(MODE).St)OFormatOs SETMODENmode uO ParametersOsmodeLO SpecifiestheFTPMODE parameterforfile transfers.)ValidO$modesare: ` STREAM (default) `( (BLOCK `  COMPRESSED8v O DescriptionCOsSTREAMmodesendsthedataasastreamofbytes.HOThisisthenormalMODEforsendingdata..IfyouuseFO$ STRU=RECORD,theactualnumberofbytessentwillbeUO|greaterthanthedata.'Thisis necessarytobeabletosendtheIO end-of-recordand end-of-file information.'ThismodemustJO-be supportedbyallFTPimplementations.)Theothermodes@Omaynotbe supportedbyotherversionsofFTP.w! OOBLOCKmodesendsthedataasaseriesofblocks.'ThismodeQOisthebestonetousewith STRU=RECORD,asitwillbemoreDO5 efficientthanSTREAMmode.,In addition,BLOCKmodeTOdoesnotneedtocloseandopenthedatachannelforeachfileNO transferred.(Asaresultyoucantransferan unlimitednum-MO>beroffilesinblockmode,without exhaustingthemaximum"Onumberof connections.Rx(@O COMPRESSEDmode compressesthedataonthefly.GO Currently, compresseddatacanbehandled,exceptwhenCO5 STRU=PAGE.Theactualamountof compressionmaybeNOsmall,sinceitonly compressesrepeated sequencesofsingleObytes.MMhgi@yOSETPASSIVE*zd{::OEnablesordisablespassivemode transfers.s|IOFormatOs SETPASSIVE#O SEh?w MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il8T NOPASSIVEM (default)}! O DescriptionMOsFTPfile transfersbetweenaclientandaserverarenor-IOmally accomplishedbytheclientsendingaPORTcommandWO$totheservertotellitwhatTCPportitwillbeusingfortheQO| transfer.'Theserverthen establishesa connectionbacktothePOclientusingthatportfortheactual transfer.)Thisarrange-MO-mentwon'tworkbehind firewalls,becausethefirewallwillPO typicallyblockthe connectionrequestfromtheservertotheOclient.NOzWhenpassivemodeisenabled,all connectionsaremadefromVOtheclienttotheserver;theserverdoesnotattempttoinitiateRO+a connectionbacktotheclient.) Specifically,theclientsendsIOaPASVcommandtotheserverinsteadofthePORTcom-MOmand.+Theserver identifiesaportandsendsareplybackUO4totheclient identifyingtheportonwhichit's listeningforaMO connection.)Theclientthen establishesthe connectionusingIOthe specifiedport,andthefiletransferis completed.U88ihjE~OSET PATH_PARSING*tJJOEnablesordisablesattemptstoparseremotefilepaths.}SOFormat&Os SET PATH_PARSINGM (default)O SETNOPATH_PARSING O DescriptionJOsWhen PATH_PARSINGisenabled,asitisbydefault,MGETJOandDELETEcommandswillattempttoparse requestedlistTO$offilestobeabletoperform recursive operations properly.'InSO|otherwords,whenenabled,itwilltrytofigureoutwherethePOfilesarelocated,andwhethertheyare directories, according2O-totherulesoftheremotesystem.NOThismay interferewith operationsiftheremotesystemhasLO!a ``squirrely''implementationofFTP.Itshould understand(OzbothUNIXandVMSsystems.jik?OSETPROMPT* AZKOChangestheFTPclientpromptwhen connectedtoaremoteO(host.X.OFormatOs SETPROMPT[=prompt]Q! f'O DescriptionJOsWhenyouare connectedtoaremoteFTPserver,theFTPOclientpromptis FTP:54,followedbythenameoftheremoteO$host.'Forexample:O FTP:ftp.spc.edu>KODTheSETPROMPTcommandcanbeusedtospecifyadiffer-ROentprompt.'Toresettheprompttothedefault,justgiveSETHOPROMPTwithnoprompt.)NotethatthepromptisalwaysOM FTP>>Mwhenyouarenot connectedtoaremotehost.QOIfthedesiredpromptincludes lower-caseletterorspaces,it3Omustbe surroundedbydoublequotes:Oa FTP:ftp.spc.edu>a SET% PROMPT="What?&"O What?LLkjlCOSET PROTECTION*AvJOChangesthe protectiononaremotefileandchangesthe,O(defaultremotefile protection.%OFormat4Os SETPROTECTION=(code)M[remote-file-list]OCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/CONFIRM: /NOCONFIRMO|/DEFAULT| /NODEFAULTO/LOG/NOLOGO/WILD/WILD UO ParametersOscodeIO Specifiesthefile protectioninthenormalVMSformat:,OP "(OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RWED,WORLD:RWED)NOThefields``RWED''specifyRead,Write,Execute,andDeleteDOD permission.(Ifauser(OWNER,GROUP,WORLD)isomitted,Othenall permissionisdenied. Oremote-file-listRO( Specifiesafile specificationpatterntobe interpretedattheROremotesite.'Thiscanbealistofcomma-separatedfilespeci-PO fications.(Eachfilenamecancontain``wild'' characterssuchO2as`` >*L2''.(The definitionofthewild characteris determinedby)Otheremotehost conventions:  `m mVMSuses`` }y*@m''foranystringand``%''forany character. ` UNIXuses`` *@''foranystringand``?'''forany character. O DescriptionLOsSET PROTECTIONsetsthecurrentdefaultfile protectionorBOsetsthe protectionononeormoreremotefiles.WKOThiscommandisnot supportedbyallremoteFTPservers.POAnerrormessagewillbe displayediftheremoteserverdoesNO5notsupportit.(To determinewhetheraserversupportsthisOcommand,tryf HELP/REMOTE4.IfSITEappearsinthelist,then Otry HELP/REMOTESITE3.IfCHMODandUMASKappearinthe3O>list,thenitisprobably supported.rHOCommand QualifiersOs/CONFIRMO /NOCONFIRM(D)POPromptsforaYes,No,All,orQuit confirmationbeforeeachLOfileis transferred.'The following responsesmaybegiven:{Q zYes Transfersthefile z]No0]Doesnottransferandpromptsfornexttransfer z/All4/ Transfersthefileandall subsequentfileszQuitQuitsthetransfer z;3 z=TyCTRL-Z =T z3{QuitsthetransferNNOBydefault,theuserisnotpromptedfor confirmation.*ThisBOdefaultcanbechangedwiththeFTPcommandsSET'O5CONFIRMandSET NOCONFIRM.UA+O/DEFAULTO( /NODEFAULT(D)c99OModifythedefaultremotefile protection.|RROWhenthis qualifierisused,youmaynotspecifyafilename.MA#O/LOG(D)O(/NOLOGb88O TemporarilyenabledordisabletheQUIET.lPOWhen/LOGis specified,youarenotifiedaftereachfilehasObeen transferred.NMOBydefault,youarenot notified.+Youcanchangethisde-FOfaultbyissuingtheFTPi7ju MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il'commandsSETQUIETandSETO5NOQUIET.OA%O/WILD(D)O(/NOWILD! LO Determineswhetherornot wildcardsareexpandedbyaskingEOtheremotehostforalistofpossiblefilenames.KKlkm>OSETQUIET*uKKOEnablesordisablesthedisplayof informational messages.oEOFormatOs SETQUIET!O SETNOQUIETM (default)O DescriptionMOsBydefault,theFTPutilitywilldisplay informationalmes-QOsagesaboutfile transfersthatincludesthe statisticsontheLO$ operation (bytes/sec transferred).,IfyoudonotwantthisCO| information displayed,issuethecommandSETQUIET.HOThe/LOG qualifierontheGETandPUTcommandsallows1OpyoutooverridetheQUIETsetting.mlnQ''OSETREMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY* LOChangethedefault,orcurrent,remote directory.'CD,CWD,>O(andCPATHaresynonymsforSETREMOTE_DEFAULT_O DIRECTORY.sIOFormat9Os SETREMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYNremote-directoryO DescriptionIOsThiscommandissimilartotheUNIX``cd''commandand.OtheVMS``SET DEFAULT''command.- COExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O show%remote= <257&"SYS$USER:[SIMMONS]"&is&current% directory.C FTP:ftp.wku.edu>"OC set%remote% sys$system:: <250& Requested%file&action%okay,% completed. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O show%remote? <257&"SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]"%is%current% directory.c FTP:ftp.wku.edu>KInthisexample,thedefault directoryontheremoteVMS.*systemischangedto SYS$SYSTEM.}}nmo>OSETREPLY*A{QOEnablesordisablesthedisplayofthereplylinesbeingsent*O(backfromtheremoteserver.oEOFormatOs SETREPLYM (default)O SETNOREPLY O DescriptionLOsWhenREPLYisenabled,thefulltextoftherepliesfromMOtheremoteserverisshown.*When disabled,therepliesareUO$ filtered,soonly essential informationispassedtoyou.'Allex-LO|traneous negotiations,and nonessential informationalrepliesNOare suppressed.'In addition,thereplynumberis suppressed.  ,OExamples O1. FTP:fake>I set&reply- Server%reply%display%is%now%onC FTP:fake>IC noop <200&NoopKOkay. FTP:fake>I set&noreply. Server%reply%display%is%now%offc FTP:fake>Ic noop <NoopKOkay. FTP:fake>HbHere,theNOOPcommandisissuedtwice.(InthesecondNcase,thereplyfromtheremotesystemisnot displayedinfull.~~onp?OSETRETAIN*{! QQOEnablesordisablesthe retentionofVMSfileversionnumbers.SUOFormatOs SETRETAINO SETNORETAINO: SET RETAIN/DCL=O ParametersOsmodeLO Specifiestheversion retentionscheme.,Itcanbeenabled,,O$ disabled,orsettoDCLmode.O DescriptionLOs Normally,theversionnumbersarestrippedfromfilenamesPObeforefilesarestored,unlesstheinput file-name explicitly6O$hastheversionnumberincludedinit.HOSET RETAIN/DCListhedefaultRETAINoption.*ItallowsMOversionnumberstobe propagatedfrominputtooutputfile=Opspecs.'Thisisthe ``normal''DCL convention.> JOSETRETAINselectsversionnumber propagationasthede-TOfault.'TheversionnumberoftheinputfileisusedincreatingUO5theoutputfile regardlessofwhetherornotitwas specifiedin!Otheinputfilename.BOSETNORETAINselectsnoversionnumber propagationOOasthedefault.*Theversionisremovedfromoutputfilere-RO5gardlessofwhetherornotitwas specifiedintheinputfileOname.@ @ p oqBOSET STRUCTURE* A^OO Negotiatethedefault structure(STRU)formatforfiletrans-O(fers.]3OFormat#Os SET STRUCTUREM structure/O ParametersOs structureMO SpecifiestheSTRUformattouseforfile transfers.,ValidO$STRUvaluesare: ` FILE (default) `( (RECORD ` +VMS(defaultforVMSservers)=O DescriptionKOsThenormaltransfer structureisFILE.TheFILE structurePOprovidesawaytotransferthefilecontentsfromonesystemO$toanother. FORECORD structurewilltransferfilesandmaintaintheLOrecord structure.+ThiscanonlybeusedwithsystemsthatJO5supportRECORD structures.'FortransfertoaVMSsystem,IOtheRECORD structurewillproducevariable-lengthrecordsHOwithcarriage-returncarriagecontrolif TYPE=ASCII,andKO>nocarriagecontrolif TYPE=IMAGE.This structuremaynotk STATUS+O <211-Status%FTP%Server&ProcessEO <211-Status%The%current%data&transfer& parameters%are:OB <211-StatusMODE%S#O <211-StatusSTRU%O&VMS O <211&StatusTYPE%ANIOThe``STRUOVMS'' indicatesthattheremotesystemisQOcapableofhandlingtheVMSfile structureforfile transfers.qpr=OSETTYPE*wMMO Negotiatesthedefaultfiletype(TYPE)forfile transfers.OFormat"Os SETTYPEASCIINformatO SETTYPEIMAGEO: SETTYPEEBCDIC%O SETTYPELOCALM byte-sizehO ParametersOsformatOOneof: `P PCONTROL, ` # NON_PRINT (default),or `O OTELNET.AZO byte-sizeGO(Sizeofabyteonthelocalhost,measuredinbits.! PO DescriptionQOsUsingtheASCIItype,filesare transferredaslinesoftext.POEachlineis separatedbyacarriage-return line-feed.(IfyouMO$sendorreceiveaVMStextfilewithCR-LFembeddedinaRO|record,therecordwouldbesplitintotworecordsattheCR-QOLFwhenthefileis received.)AfilethathasanRMSrecordJO-formatofStream,StreamCarriageReturn,orStreamLineTOFeedwillbesentwithtypeASCII,bydefault.&In addition,anyOOfilewith specifiedcarriage-controlrecord attributeswillbe"O7sentusingthistype.5!  AOThe NON_PRINTandTELNETformatsaretreatedtheMOsamewaybyMadGoatFTP.WhenanASCIIfileis retrieved,LO5therecordformatisalwaysvariable-lengthandtherecordSO attributeisCarriageReturn.&Whenafileissent,thecarriageOOcontrol attributesareusedtoconvertthefileby insertingOO>the appropriatecontrolcodes.*In particular,bothfileswith@OFORTRANorPrintcarriagecontrolare converted.`GOFormatCONTROLisintendedforusewhensendingfilesMOwithFortran(ASA)carriagecontrol.)Thefirst characterinNO5eachlineisusedtoperformcarriagecontrol functions.+IfSOafileisreceivedwiththisformat,itwillbevariable-length+OwithFortrancarriagecontrol.wMMOTheASAStandard specifiesthe followingcontrol characters: `m .mblank-Movepaperuponeline ` +0-Movepaperuptwolines `l 4l1-Movepapertotopofnextpage ` /+-No movement,i.e., overprint WOOVMSFortrancarriagecontrolalso recognizes$,andnull.(AsNOaresult,someFortranoutputmaynottransfer properly.)IfIO5thisisaproblem,useformat NON_PRINTandtheclientMOwillconvertthefileto NON_PRINTformat.(IfyoutransferMOafilewithFortrancarriagecontrolusingtheformatNON_EO>PRINT,thefileis convertedtothecorrectformat.LOFileswithFortrancarriagecontroldefaulttothisformat9Owhentheyaresentwith STRUCTURERECORD.= IOSettingthefiletransfertypetoEBCDICcausesFTPtoMOtransferdataintheEBCDICformat.)Thistypeis currentlyIO5 unsupported.'SinceFTPmusthavetypeASCII,theEBCDIC4Ocanbe translatedbytheotherhost. NHOTheIMAGEtypeisusedtotransferbinarydata,whichMO essentiallymeansanyfilethatisnot printabletext.,VMSLO5imagesandsavesetsshouldbe transferredusingthistype.A! QOSettingthecurrenttransfertypetoLOCALallowstheusertoMOcontrolthe byte-sizeofthedata transferred.(ThiscommandPO5shouldbeusedwhenyoutransferfilestoandfromasystem)Owitha differentwordsize.F ONOTE:C\Bydefault,thetypeis automaticallysetforPUTIOandMPUT,unless specificallysetwithaSETTYPEcom-OO5mand.'Youcanoverridethecurrentdefaultby specifyingthe2O qualifier/TYPEonthePUTcommand.OExamples O1. FTP:fake>I set&type%local%8 <200&Command%Okay.C FTP:fake>IInthisexample,abytesizeof8bitsis negotiated.mmrqs?OSETVERIFY* AWGOEnablesordisablesVERIFYmodewhen executingcommandO(files.qGOFormatOs SETVERIFY"O SETNOVERIFYN (default) =O DescriptionFOsWhenVERIFYisenabled,commandsreadfromacommandNOfile (executedwith``@'')willbeechoed.-Bydefault,such%O$commandsarenotechoed.* * srtX.O]SHOW OShowvariousoptions*qGGODisplaysthecurrentsettingsforvariousFTPoptions.P&OFormatOs SHOWNoptionsIOSHOWOptions2OsThesearetheSHOWcommandoptions:Z  0  OOOption3Displays OOAALIAS23AListthecontentsoftheFTPalias3 database.O AUTOPROMPT(3Currentsettingformissing 3loutputfileprompts.OBATCH(3CurrentBATCHmodesetting.O_BELL/3_Whetherornottheterminalbell+3isrungafterfile transfers.O2CASE,32Howthecaseof parametersis3 affected.O CHECK_TYPE.3Statusoffiletype autosensing.O~COMMAND,3~Statusof lower-levelFTPcom-3mand displays.OPCONFIRM'3PCurrent confirmationprompt3setting.O" CONDITION.3"Currentsettingofthe condition3{ handlers.ODEFAULT)3Thelocaldefault directory.On FILE_STATUS.3n Informationaboutafileonthe3remkcYS MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il otehost.OA HASH*3A Currentsettingofhashmark3  displays.O HOST)3 Nameoftheremotehostto)3l whicha connectionisopen. O KEY3 Key definitions. #l yO_ LOCAL_DEFAULT_O  DIRECTORY)3_ Thelocaldefault directory.O1 MODE-31 TheDefaultfiletransferMODE.O  PARAMETERS+3 Alltransfer parameters:)Mode, 3  Structure,andType.O~ PASSIVE-3~ Currentsettingofpassivemode3  transfers. # OP PATH_PARSING,3PCurrentsettingforparsingof3remotefilepaths.O" PROTECTION.3"Displaysthedefaultremotefile3{ protection.OQUIET#3SettingofQUIETmode.OnREMOTE_DEFAULT_O DIRECTORY-3nCurrentordefault directoryon3remotesystem.OAREPLY)3AWhetherornotrepliesfrom)3remoteserverare displayed.ORETAIN/3Settingofthe retentionoffile3kversionnumbers.OSTATUS+3Current connection information.O_ STRUCTURE)3_Thedefault structure(STRU)3format.O1SYSTEM-31Thecurrentremotesystemtype.OTYPE+3ThedefaultfileTYPEformat.O%VERIFY-3%Whetherornotcommandechois3}enabled. ODDtsu[1O]SHOWALIASODisplayanAlias*A{MODisplay informationaboutaliasesinthe database.(SeeHELP.O(ALIASLISTformore information.utvDOSHOW AUTOPROMPT*j@@ODisplaysthecurrentsettingof AUTOPROMPTmode.T*OFormatOs SHOW AUTOPROMPTO DescriptionFOsWhen AUTOPROMPTisenabled,youwillbepromptedfor'Omissingoutputfilenames.vuw?OSHOWBATCH*e;;ODisplaysthecurrentsettingofBATCHmode.O%OFormatOs SHOWBATCHO DescriptionMOsWhenbatchisoff,youwillbepromptedforretriesafter"O unsuccessful transfers.dwvx>OSHOWBELL*d::ODisplaysthecurrentsettingofBELLmode.N$OFormatOs SHOWBELLO DescriptionMOsWhenBELLisenabled,youwillbeaudiblynotifiedwhenaTOfile operation finishes,orifyouneedtoreplytoa question.xwy>OSHOWCASE*j@@ODisplayshow parametercapitalizationishandled.N$OFormatOs SHOWCASE OExamples O1. FTP> show%case No%case& conversionC FTP>C set%case&lower% Converting&to&lower&case FTP>HBIntheexample,thecurrentCASEsettingis displayed.ETheCASEisthenchangedtolowersothatcommandsGaretreated differentlywiththosewackyUNIXsystems.yxzDOSHOW CHECK_TYPE*qGGODisplaysthecurrentsettingoffiletype autosensing.T*OFormatOs SHOW CHECK_TYPEf<O DescriptionNOsIf CHECK_TYPEisenabledandifnofiletypehasbeensetEOusingSETTYPEoritssynonyms(ASCII,BINARY),theLO$MadGoatFTPclientwilltryto automatically determinetheHO|propertype,basedontheRMS attributesofthefile.ezy{AOSHOWCOMMAND*AYEODisplayswhetherornot lower-levelFTPcommandsareO( displayed.Q'OFormatOs SHOWCOMMANDe/;O DescriptionKOs Displaying lower-levelFTPcommandsismostlyusefulasaO debuggingtool. M_UPNote M_FWithdisplaysturnedon,theuser'spasswordwillbe- displayed. x;OFormore information,seeHELPSETCOMMAND.;OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O show%command0 Server%command%display&is&now%offC FTP:ftp.wku.edu>OC set%command FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O show%command0 Server%command%display&is&now%off FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O quote&noopc >NOOP <200&Noop%Okay. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O set% nocommand; FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O; show%command0 Server%command%display&is&now%off FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O noop <200&Noop%Okay.[ FTP:ftp.wku.edu>FThisexample demonstratestheeffectsofenablingand." disablingservercommanddisplay.{z|AOSHOWCONFIRM*g==ODisplaysthecurrentsettingofCONFIRMmode.Q'OFormatOs SHOWCONFIRM O DescriptionLOsWhenCONFIRMisenabled,youwillbepromptedbeforefile;O transfersorothermultiplewild operations.##|{}COSHOW CONDITION*o EEOShowsthecurrentsettingofthe condition handlers.S )OFormatOs SHOW CONDITION =O DescriptionCOsFormore information,seethe documentationforON7OERROR,ON CONTROL_C,ONWARNING,andONO$SEVERE. kOExamples O1. FTP> show% condition ON% Control_C%AbortC ON%Error%Abort ON%Severe%Exit ON%Warning&Continue FTP> on& control_c%exitc FTP>c show%cond ON% Control_C%Exit ON%Error%Abort; ON%Severe%Exit ON%Warning&Continue FTP> l? MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il   M CTRL-C M ) [ *CANCEL*1 Operation%aborted%due%to% Control-C.B -SYSTEM-S-CONTROLC,& operation% completed%under%CTRL/C 2 $?Inthisexample,theSHOW CONDITIONcommandisKusedtwicetoexaminethecurrentstateofthe conditionR handlers.}|~A OSHOWDEFAULT*AKODisplaysthecurrent,ordefault, directoryontheremote;O(system.'PWDisasynonymforthiscommand.Q'OFormatOs SHOWDEFAULT~}EOSHOW FILE_STATUS* AOORequests informationaboutthe specifiedfile.(Notethatsome8O(hostsallow wildcardingofthe file-spec.`6OFormat&Os SHOW FILE_STATUSM file-specjO ParametersOs file-specCO Specifiesthenameofafileattheremotesite.p 0FO DescriptionMOsRequests informationaboutthe specifiedfileintheremotePOsite'sfilesystem.)Notethatsomehostsallow wildcardingofO$the file-spec.ROTheMadGoatFTPservergivesafulllistingofeachfile,and)Owild charactersareallowed.  OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>&O show% file_status% login.com <212-C <212-LOGIN.COM;1 <212-Size:  1/3 Owner:p [SIMMONS]1 <212-Created:K 20-APR-1993% 13:27:44.865 <212-Revised:p 7-MAY-1993% 08:48:58.41%(2).c <212-File% organization:J Sequential4 <212-File% Attributes:Version%limit:%0E <212-Record%format:Variable%Length,%maximum&78&bytesG; <212-Record% Attributes:JCarriage%return&carriage&controlN <212-File% protection: System:RWED,& Owner:RWED,& Group:RE,%World: <212&End%list FTP:ftp.wku.edu>JInthisexample,thestatusofasingleremotefileis displayed.~>OSHOWHASH*^44ODisplaysthecurrentsettingofHASH.N$OFormatOs SHOWHASHO DescriptionPOsIfHASHisenabled,ahashmarkis displayedforevery10249Obytesofdatathataresentor received.[ *OExamples O1. FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O show%hash% Hash&display%is%now&offC FTP:ftp.wku.edu>OC set%hash$ Hash&display%is%now&on FTP:ftp.wku.edu>O put%x.x- <200&Port%161,6,5,4,69,193%Okay.Gc <125&File%status&okay;&about&to&open%data% connection.J @################################################################J @################################################################J; @################################################################7 -#############################################A <226&File%transfer%Okay;%Closing%data& connection.O 235655%bytes%(461%blocks)&in& 00:00:22.34&=%10549%cps,%IO=117<[ Sent&file%DJB2:[SIMMONS]X.X;1%to%(Remote)%x.x FTP:ftp.wku.edu>OInthisexample,HASHisenabledandafileis transferred.ww>OSHOWHOST*s IIOReturnsthenameofthecurrently-connectedremotehost.N!$OFormatOs SHOWHOST4" C OExamples O1. FTP> connect%fake1 Attempting&to&connect%to%host%fakebC <220-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX% (1-OCT-1993)%ready.: <220& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I show%host. Connection&open%to%fake.bogus.comc FTP:fake>GInthisexample,SHOWHOSTisusedtoshowthenameK*oftheremotehosttowhicha connectionis established. =#OSHOWKEY*$}%ASAODisplayscommandkeysdefinedwiththe DEFINE/KEYO(command.&OFormatOs SHOWKEYN [keyname]OCommand QualifiersDefaultsO:/ALLO|/FULLO /STATE=state/STATE=DEFAULT'=O ParametersOskeynameFOThenameof thekey definitionto be displayed.2See-O$ DEFINE/KEYforvalidkeynames.(O QualifiersOs/ALLUODisplaysallkey definitionsforthe specifiedstate.)Ifnostate;Ofif specified,theDEFAULTstateisassumed.9)O/FULL*! fSODisplaysfull definitionsforeachkey displayed.(Thefulldefi-QOnitionincludes informationaboutwhetherornotthestringisUO5echoedand terminated,and,ifitsetsthekeystate,whatstateWOissetsandwhetherornotthestateislockedinaftertheykeyOispressed.@+O /STATE=state,NJO Specifiesthekeystatetablefromwhichkey definitionsUOaretobe displayed.*Ifnostateis specified,thekeysforthe)O5DEFAULTstateare displayed.V-,OExamples O1. FTP> show%key/all+ DEFAULT&key%state% definitions:C PF1%=&"OPEN&ALPHA" HELP%=%"HELP" FTP>HBInthisexample,SHOWKEYisusedtodisplaythekey0 definitionsforkeystateDEFAULT.Q.''OSHOWLOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY*/x0NNODisplaysthecurrentworking directoryforthelocalsystem.a17OFormat'Os SHOWLOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY2oO DescriptionFOsThiscommandissimilartotheDCLcommand``$SHOWO DEFAULT''.>3OSHOWMODE*45 KODisplaysthecurrentModefunctiontransfer parameter.'TheDO(possiblevaluesformodeare COMPRESSED,BLOCK,andOmW MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlUGSTREAM.N6$OFormatOs SHOWMODE7#OExamples O1. FTP:fake>I show%mode MODE&is&STREAMC FTP:fake>EThisexampleshowsatypicalresponsefromtheSHOW MODEcommand.lD8OSHOW PARAMETERS*9:AZKODisplayallthreetransfer parameters:)Mode, StructureandO(Type.T;*OFormatOs SHOW PARAMETERS:<OExamples O1. FTP:fake>I show%param# TYPE&is&ASCII&NONPRINTC MODE&is&STREAM STRU&is&VMS FTP:fake>EBThisexampleshowsthetypicaloutputfromtheSHOW PARAMETERScommand.77A=OSHOWPASSIVE*>a?77ODisplaysthecurrentsettingofPASSIVE.Q@'OFormatOs SHOWPASSIVEFFFAOSHOW PATH_PARSING*BfC<setslink permissionto directories.oRK((OSHOWREMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY*LMAKODisplaysthecurrent,ordefault, directoryontheremote;O(system.'PWDisasynonymforthiscommand.bN8OFormat(Os SHOWREMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY O OExamples O1. FTP:unix>I show%remote8 <257&"/usr1/simmons"%is%current& directory.C FTP:unix>IC set&remote%"/etc"/ <250& Directory%path&set%to%/etc. FTP:unix>I show%remote/ <257&"/etc"%is%current& directory.c FTP:unix>BInthisexample,theSHOWREMOTEcommandtousedD*toverifythattheSETREMOTEcommand performedas expected.?POSHOWREPLY*QRA]MODisplayswhetherornotrepliesfromtheremotesystemareO(shown.OS%OFormatOs SHOWREPLYTO DescriptionKOsFormore information,pleaseseethe documentationonthe#OFTPcommandSETREPLY.U OExamples O1. FTP:fake>I show%reply- Server%reply%display%is%now%onC FTP:fake>IC noop <200&Noop%Okay. FTP:fake>I set&reply&off FTP:fake>I show%reply.c Server%reply%display%is%now%off FTP:fake>I noop <Noop%Okay.; FTP:fake>JThisexampleshowsthe differentoutputdisplaywithSET#REPLYandSETNOREPLY.@VOSHOWRETAIN*WvXLLODisplayswhetherornotfileversionnumbersare retained.PY&OFormatOs SHOWRETAINZO DescriptionKOsFormore information,pleaseseethe documentationonthe$OFTPcommandSETRETAIN.//@[OSHOWSTATUS*\]  LOSendsacommandtotheremoteservertodisplaythesta-KO(tusoftheFTP connection.'STATUSisasynonymforSHOWOSTATUS.P^&OFormatOs SHOWSTATUS_=O DescriptionROsThereplydiffersfromhosttohost,but generally,theinfor-GOmationreturnedincludesthecurrenttransfer parameterO$values.` vOExamples O1. FTP:fake>I statusL <211-fake.bogus.com&MadGoat%FTP&server%V2.2&for%OpenVMS&VAX%C <211-% 6-OCT-1993&15:38:53' <211-Waiting%for&user%name" <211-Restrictions:%none= <211-The%current&data%transfer% parameters%are:c <211-MODE&Stream <211-STRU&O%VMS+ <211-TYPE&AN&(Ascii%Noprint)); <211-Data& connection%closed: <211& Connection%closes&if&idle%for&5%min. FTP:fake>I9ThisisatypicalresponsefromaremotehostfortheSTATUScommand.CaOSHOW STRUCTURE*bqcGGODisplaysthecurrent STRUCTUREfiletransfer parameter.Sd)OFormatOs SHOW STRUCTUREesO DescriptionBOsThepossiblevaluesfor STRUCTUREareFILE,PAGE,ORECORD,andVMS.fOExamples O1. FTP:fake>I show% structure STRU&is&VMSC FTP:fake>IC set& structure%file <200&Stru%F%Okay. FTP:fake>I show% structure STRU&is&FILEc FTP:fake>;Inthisexample,theSHOW STRUCTUREcommandB*isusedtoverifyn2Z=BP%' kj4tg=E)SXp$F4]Kt^K)nnDd)=#0=Nc vB/Y4i|Zǫ| z~f 3RKM DR13K?D ;Op>1eB#bg[t KFXo)"7\)U"=MgkR.k1]RHwgq D %Y~2L"{Xa( bйc:'tnqjL8dWoJ7PQp9/}wj )-=14,[sXAXk?:h'X~-iJj%W+5CHw5V1tkD3T!,8Sx,y`\P-|@+v3umcvnH+$w Gs6N,@fMfU9W0Yhi@K~,p//XKUvvYu6wpB-u  ?2%2[!pc:k0 Z P2@')<u 0X`KM QR:4fL\9R [f>^\BP4H;ai+IiPL= LhQTs wa'o;Ieukd" 0)Q|X Z]AI*$5zp%Lh7ASWTjQS**zWQBc6Qz=k#f\;J+z| y*N`>v e$F:*fb,ZvnjG(tz]L_teBq`FCk N/PTWR[>45|hOfK*M x nxU@Sb)$7M,xfL \mb*XdX4Li UOEZ |kNW]`GFy.a]a^A%tHKNmPt"61nF|4jy1J-K)wg G8YfruVU>H01DW=/YfhVj˩8G=1ax;:/kO6cW-!s`bdlN2];)r\}rY/1A 0 &h6'BM?GBlI1O8MV+ij>[Y*)ao$ }$g.>h2BOe`V]!E*5tOy+(xD"Z !"'zA3o3*wXY2 aUB^hIsnhi`.b1{~{XDJ#*]VF +zo#~?)vbR8p(C. 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FTP:fake>I show%type# TYPE&is&ASCII&NONPRINTC FTP:fake>IC set&type%image <200&Type%I%ok. FTP:fake>I show%type TYPE&is&IMAGEc FTP:fake>Ic set&type%ebcdic% Can't%handle%TYPE%EBCDIC FTP:fake>I show%type; TYPE&is&IMAGE FTP:fake>DInthisexample,theSHOWTYPEcommandisusedtoFJverifythattheSETTYPEcommandworkedas expected.@vOSHOWVERIFY*wfx< uppercase,andleadingandtrailingspacesareremoved.! kXOIfnostringis specified,theDCLdefaultpromptstring``$``isO restored.`6O/SYMBOLS(D)O( /NOSYMBOLSIO DetermineswhetherthesystempassesDCLglobalandlo-HOcalsymbolstothe subprocess.,Notethatthe $RESTART,HO2 $SEVERITY,and$STATUSsymbolsareneverpassedtothe2O subprocess.'Thedefaultis /SYMBOLS.O/TABLE=table-nameOO( Specifiesthenameofan alternatecommandtabletobeusedObythe subprocess.! ^O/WAIT(D)O(/NOWAITJOControlswhetherthesystemwaitsuntilthecurrentsub-JOprocessis completedbeforeallowingmorecommandstobeLO2issuedintheparentprocess.)The/NOWAIT qualifierallowsNOyoutoissuenewcommandswhilethe specified subprocessisKOrunning.'Whenyouusethe/NOWAIT qualifierinteractively,PO<besuretousethe/OUTPUT qualifieraswellsothatoutputROfromthe subprocessisdirectedtoafileratherthantoyourOO terminal.' Otherwise,yourterminalwillbeusedbymorethan,OEoneprocessatthesametime.LOBydefault,youmustwaitforthe subprocessto terminate4Obeforeyoucanissueanothercommand.! WLONotethat specifyingthe/NOWAIT qualifierwillcausebothMOinputandoutputtobesharedwiththeparentprocess.,IfNO5theinputdeviceisa terminal,control characters,suchasMOCTRL/TorCTRL/Y,willalsoaffectall subprocessessharingQOtheinputdevice.'CTRL/Y,forexample,will interruptallsuchO> subprocesses.pFFOThisproblemmaybeavoidedby specifying /INPUT=NL:.a:OSTATUS* LOSendsacommandtotheremoteservertodisplaythesta-KO(tusoftheFTP connection.'STATUSisasynonymforSHOWOSTATUS.J OFormatOs STATUS8OTYPE*>ODisplaysaremotefileonthelocal terminal. R_UUNote R_?UsetheSETTYPEcommand,orASCIIandIMAGE,02tochangethefiletransferTYPE. }U+OFormatOs TYPEN Remote-file?[ OExamples O1. FTP:wkuvx1> type& login.com <200&Stru%F%ok.<C <200&Port%75.123&at&Host% accepted.N <150&ASCII&retrieve&of&BOGUS$USER:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.COM;1%started.C <226&Transfer& completed.K748%(8)%bytes% transferred.!< $&sv&=% 'f$verify(0)'M $&define/nolog/job%decw$user_defaults&bogus$user:[simmons.decw$]$ $&run%[.hunter]login.exe( $&exit%1%.or.& f$verify(sv)E\ 119%bytes%(1%block)&in& 00:00:00.32&=%372&cps,%IO=1? 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The MadGoat FTP Client 1. The MadGoat FTP Client1.1 Invoking FTP1.1 Invoking FTP1.1 Invoking FTP1.1 Invoking FTP1.1 Invoking FTP1.1 Invoking FTP1.2 Using FTP1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session1Example 1- 1: Sample Anonymous FTP Session(1.3 Checking File Transfer Status(1.3 Checking File Transfer Status(1.3 Checking File Transfer Status(1.3 Checking File Transfer Status(1.3 Checking File Transfer Status#1.4 Command Parsing and Case#1.4 Command Parsing and Case#1.4 Command Parsing and Case#1.4 Command Parsing and Case#1.5 File Transfer Parameters#1.5 File Transfer Parameters#1.5 File Transfer Parameters#1.5 File Transfer Parameters#1.5 File Transfer Parameters 2. The MadGoat FTP Server 2. The MadGoat FTP Server)2.1 The MadGoat FTP Server Process)2.1 The MadGoat FTP Server Process2.2 FTP Server Log Files2.2 FTP Server Log Files&2.3 MadGoat FTP Server Logicals2.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS2.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG2.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG'2.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME'2.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME 2.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT!2.3.5 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT!2.3.5 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT!2.3.5 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT 2.3.6 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME 2.3.6 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME2.3.7 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT*2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTP*2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTP*2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTP*2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTP*2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTP"Part II MadGoat FTP Command FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP5Part III MadGoat FTP Client Command DictionaryACCOUNTACCOUNTACCOUNTACCOUNTADD ALIASADD ALIASADD ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIASALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS ADDALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS DELETEALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS LISTALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYr MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8Il:ALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS MODIFYALIAS REMOVEALIAS REMOVEALIAS REMOVEALIAS SHOWALIAS SHOWALIAS SHOW APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND APPEND ASCII ASCII ASCII ASCII ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH ATTACH BINARY BINARY BINARY BINARY BYE BYE BYE BYE CD CD CD CD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CHMOD CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSECONNECTCONNECTCONNECT CPATH CPATH CPATH CPATH CPATH CPATH CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE 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CHECK_TYPESET COMMANDSET COMMANDSET COMMANDSET COMMANDSET COMMANDSET COMMANDSET CONFIRMSET CONFIRMSET CONFIRMSET CONFIRMSET CONFIRMSET DEFAULTSET DEFAULTSET DEFAULTSET DEFAULTSET DEFAULTSET DEFAULTSET HASHSET HASHSET HASHSET HASHSET HASHSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET HOSTSET MODESET MODESET MODESET MODESET MODESET MODESET MODESET MODESET PASSIVESET PASSIVESET PASSIVESET PASSIVESET PASSIVESET PATH_PARSINGSET PATH_PARSINGSET PATH_PARSINGSET PATH_PARSINGSET PATH_PARSINGSET PROMPTSET PROMPTSET PROMPTSET PROMPTSET PROMPTSET PROMPTSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET PROTECTIONSET QUIETSET QUIETSET QUIETSET QUIETSET QUIET#SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY#SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY#SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY#SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY#SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY#SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYSET REPLYSET REPLYSET REPLYSET REPLYSET REPLYSET REPLYSET RETAINSET RETAINSET RETAINSET RETAINSET RETAINSET RETAINSEMT RETAINSET RETAINSET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET STRUCTURESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET TYPESET VERIFYSET VERIFYSET VERIFYSET VERIFYSET VERIFY SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOWSHOW ALIASSHOW ALIASSHOW ALIASSHOW AUTOPROMPTSHOW AUTOPROMPTSHOW AUTOPROMPTSHOW AUTOPROMPTSHOW AUTOPROMPTSHOW BATCHSHOW BATCHSHOW BATCHSHOW BATCHSHOW BATCHSHOW BELLSHOW BELLSHOW BELLSHOW BELLSHOW BELLSHOW CASESHOW CASESHOW CASESHOW CASESHOW CASESHOW CHECK_TYPESHOW CHECK_TYPESHOW CHECK_TYPESHOW CHECK_TYPESHOW CHECK_TYPESHOW 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ftp_user_prefaceftp_user_int_audftp_user_doc_structftp_user_authorsftp_user_geninfoftp_chapterftp_user_invoking"ftp_user_using#ftp_session_example2ftp_user_status_check7ftp_user_commcase;ftp_user_ftparam@ftp_server_chapterBftp_server_procDftp_server_log_filesFftp_server_logicalsGftp_server_log_dirsJftp_server_log_logM$ftp_server_log_quote_pathnameO ftp_server_log_timeoutP ftp_server_log_restrictS ftp_server_log_welcomeUftp_server_log_initVftp_server_anonftp[ftp_dcl_command\ftp_cmdftp_user_dictionaryftp_client_6ftp_client_add_aliasftp_client_aliasftp_client_alias_add ftp_client_alias_deleteftp_client_alias_list ftp_client_alias_modify ftp_client_alias_removeftp_client_alias_showftp_client_74ftp_client_ascii8ftp_client_attachBftp_client_binaryFftp_client_byeJftp_client_8Nftp_client_chmoddftp_client_9iftp_client_connectlftp_client_cpathrftp_client_9bftp_client_10aftp_client_11ftp_client_defkeyftp_client_12ftp_client_13ftp_client_discftp_client_14ftp_client_15ftp_client_16ftp_ctFw 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DCLTABLES),oritmaybesetupasa!Oforeigncommandlike:+O $&ftp%:==%$madgoat_exe:ftp.exex! NNOIfneitheroftheseworks,contactyourVMSsystemmanager.J! b POIfnohostnameisgivenontheDCLcommandline,abannerNOis displayedandtheFTPclientpromptsyouforinputwithO5``FTP>'': O $  FTPGO MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%Alpha% (1-SEP-1996)OI FTP>   OThe FTP>Dpromptis displayedwhenthereisno connectiontoNOaremoteFTPserver.*Assoonasa connectionismade,theLO5FTPpromptchangestoindicatetheremoteserver.(Forex-ROample,if``ftp.spc.edu''is specifiedonthecommandline,theOpromptbecomes FTP:ftp.spc.edu>,asshownhere: Ok $k ftp% ftp.spc.eduGO MadGoat&FTP%client%V2.2%for%OpenVMS%Alpha% (1-SEP-1996)8O Attempting&to&connect%to%host% ftp.spc.eduKOB <220&spcvxa.spc.edu&MultiNet&FTP%Server%Process% 3.2(14)....O FTP:ftp.spc.edu>! BOTheMadGoatFTP clientnowsupportshost aliases.JOWheneverahostnameisgiven,adatabaseofaliasnamesOO5ischecked.*Ifamatchisfound,thenthealias informationMOisused.)Alias informationcaninclude:)the hostname,user-KOname,account, password,andaninitialcommand.'Formore(O> informationonaliases,see>ALIAS. _UNote _DHAfter connectingtoaremotehost,theMadGoatFTPGclientwillpromptforausernameandattempttolo-8giniftheMADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPTlogicalRnameisdefined. *!?0;! )O1.5BFileTransfer ParametersCOUWhen transferringfilestoanynon-VMSsystem,theKOMadGoatFTPclientwill,bydefault, automaticallyattemptQOto determineifthefileisanASCIIorBINARYfileandsetQO^upthetransferappropriately.'YoucanoverridethisactionbyJO specifyingoneofthecommandsASCIIorBINARY.YoucanIOalsouseSET NOCHECK_TYPEtodisablethe autosensingofOhthefiletype.<! WOOMost operatingsystemsseefilesasjustastreamofbytes.IOHowever,theVMSfilesystemismorecomplexandsavesOO5 informationaboutthe structureofthefile:)howrecordsareNOaccessed(indexedfiles),thekeysforindexedfiles,recordOOlengths,print information,etc.+Allsuch attributesarelostNO>whenthefileis transferredfromVMStoanon-VMSsystem.C=IOThereareseveral parametersthatare negotiatedbetweenOOthelocalFTPutilityandtheremoteserver.)TheyareType,KO5Mode,and Structure.)These parametersareusedtospecify6Osomeofthefile attribute information.> a~KOWhen transferringfilesbetweentwoVMSsystems,thefileLO attributesareusually automaticallysaved.*ThisisbecauseJO5mostVMSFTPserversandclients, includingMadGoatFTP,KOsupport``STRUVMS'',anFTP structuresettingthatsays,UO ``transferallfile attributes,inadditiontothedatastoredinNO>thefile.''+TheFTPclientwill automatically negotiatewiuIk MGFTP022.EA MI$[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DECW$BOOK;8IlgthJOtheremoteserverto determineifitsupportsSTRUVMS;QOifitdoes,thenSTRUVMSis automaticallyusedforallfileOH transfers.m?C/OMore informationcanbefoundin/PartIII.*?/F?'$',0IUjb [D d}!TTdv "v"r^h %tH!& +N c~0.42d 4tv6BGXG25bbc4d jXivHIDBD*W3Lz`  r V1  ~ >_b(145@6>7(7S0TTURVrXr\`j;bf8ghpi(Livl\m9q4stuRcv {~zV ^~rnjM 8DL:K>}~>@ mr* D8>#dzwV7,FtB^X/  BXU~~!##&naftp_client_47bftp_client_47ftp_client_shochktypftp_client_48ftp_client_show_confftp_client_49 ftp_client_show_defftp_client_50ftp_client_51vR% MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D?X*[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8+,B .D/ 4DA@?-MI0123KPWOB56cgs7t89GHJ " MadGoat FTP User's Guide September 1996: This manual describes the use of the MadGoat FTP client software.A Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual.> Revision bars indicate> changes made since the< last version of this1 software.A Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX V5.0 or later= OpenVMS Alpha V1.0 or- later8 Software Version: MadGoat FTP V2.2 Hunter Goatley MadGoat Software  " ________________________ 1 September 1996= Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this* document for no commercial gain.? The information in this document is subject to change9 without notice and should not be construed as a9 commitment by MadGoat Software. The authors and; MadGoat Software assume no responsibility for any2 errors that may appear in this document.= DISCLAIMER: The software described in this document: is provided "as is." No guarantee is made by the< authors or MadGoat Software as to the suitability,> reliability, security, usefulness, or performance of this software.; The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:> AXP VAX DEC OpenVMSA VMS UCX VAXcluster VMScluster9 MultiNet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc.: TCPware is a trademark of Process Software Corp.> WIN/TCP and PathWay are registered trademarks of The Wollongong Group, Inc. __________@ Copyright 1996 MadGoat Software. All Rights Reserved.  A _______________________________________________________ ContentsA _________________________________________________A PREFACE viiA _______________________________________________________= Part I MADGOAT FTP CLIENT GENERAL USER INFORMATIONA _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 1 THE MADGOAT FTP CLIENT 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.1 INVOKING FTP 1-1A _________________________________________________A 1.2 USING FTP 1-3A _________________________________________________A 1.3 CHECKING FILE TRANSFER STATUS 1-7A _________________________________________________A 1.4 COMMAND PARSING AND CASE 1-8A _________________________________________________A 1.5 FILE TRANSFER PARAMETERS 1-9A _______________________________________________________A CHAPTER 2 THE MADGOAT FTP SERVER 2-1A _________________________________________________A 2.1 THE MADGOAT FTP SERVER PROCESS 2-1A _________________________________________________A 2.2 FTP SERVER LOG FILES 2-2A iii   ContentsA _________________________________________________A 2.3 MADGOAT FTP SERVER LOGICALS 2-2A 2.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS ______________ 2-2A 2.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_LOG _______________ 2-3A 2.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME ____ 2-4A 2.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT ___________ 2-4A 2.3.5 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT __________ 2-4A 2.3.6 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME ___________ 2-5A 2.3.7 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT ______________ 2-5A _________________________________________________A 2.4 SERVING FILES VIA ANONYMOUS FTP 2-6A _______________________________________________________& Part II MADGOAT FTP COMMAND: FTP FTP-3A _______________________________________________________9 Part III MADGOAT FTP CLIENT COMMAND DICTIONARY? ACCOUNT FTP-CLIENT-3? ADD ALIAS FTP-CLIENT-4? ALIAS FTP-CLIENT-5? ALIAS ADD FTP-CLIENT-7@ ALIAS DELETE FTP-CLIENT-11@ ALIAS LIST FTP-CLIENT-14@ ALIAS MODIFY FTP-CLIENT-18@ ALIAS REMOVE FTP-CLIENT-21@ ALIAS SHOW FTP-CLIENT-22@ APPEND FTP-CLIENT-23@ ASCII FTP-CLIENT-29@ ATTACH FTP-CLIENT-30@ BINARY FTP-CLIENT-32@ BYE FTP-CLIENT-33@ CD FTP-CLIENT-34 iv  A Contents@ CHMOD FTP-CLIENT-35@ CLOSE FTP-CLIENT-38@ CONNECT FTP-CLIENT-39@ CPATH FTP-CLIENT-40@ CREATE FTP-CLIENT-41@ CREATE/DIRECTORY FTP-CLIENT-44@ CWD FTP-CLIENT-45@ DEFINE FTP-CLIENT-46@ DELETE FTP-CLIENT-50@ DIRECTORY FTP-CLIENT-54@ DISCONNECT FTP-CLIENT-57@ ERASE FTP-CLIENT-58@ EXIT FTP-CLIENT-59@ GET FTP-CLIENT-60@ HELP FTP-CLIENT-67@ IMAGE FTP-CLIENT-69@ LCD w- MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D FTP-CLIENT-70@ LOGIN FTP-CLIENT-71@ LOGOUT FTP-CLIENT-74@ LS FTP-CLIENT-76@ MGET FTP-CLIENT-77@ MKDIR FTP-CLIENT-84@ MODIFY ALIAS FTP-CLIENT-85@ MOUNT FTP-CLIENT-86@ MPUT FTP-CLIENT-87@ MRECEIVE FTP-CLIENT-95@ MSEND FTP-CLIENT-96@ MV FTP-CLIENT-97@ NOOP FTP-CLIENT-98@ ON FTP-CLIENT-99A ON CONTROL_C FTP-CLIENT-100A ON ERROR FTP-CLIENT-102A ON SEVERE FTP-CLIENT-104A ON WARNING FTP-CLIENT-105A OPEN FTP-CLIENT-107A PUT FTP-CLIENT-108A PWD FTP-CLIENT-109A QUIT FTP-CLIENT-110A QUOTE FTP-CLIENT-111A RECEIVE FTP-CLIENT-113A v   ContentsA REMOTEHELP FTP-CLIENT-114A RENAME FTP-CLIENT-116A RM FTP-CLIENT-117A RMDIR FTP-CLIENT-118A SEND FTP-CLIENT-119A SET FTP-CLIENT-120A SET ACCOUNT FTP-CLIENT-122A SET AUTOPROMPT FTP-CLIENT-123A SET BATCH FTP-CLIENT-124A SET BELL FTP-CLIENT-125A SET CASE FTP-CLIENT-126A SET CHECK_TYPE FTP-CLIENT-128A SET COMMAND FTP-CLIENT-129A SET CONFIRM FTP-CLIENT-131A SET DEFAULT FTP-CLIENT-132A SET HASH FTP-CLIENT-133A SET HOST FTP-CLIENT-134A SET MODE FTP-CLIENT-138A SET PASSIVE FTP-CLIENT-140A SET PATH_PARSING FTP-CLIENT-141A SET PROMPT FTP-CLIENT-142A SET PROTECTION FTP-CLIENT-143A SET QUIET FTP-CLIENT-146A SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY FTP-CLIENT-147A SET REPLY FTP-CLIENT-148A SET RETAIN FTP-CLIENT-149A SET STRUCTURE FTP-CLIENT-151A SET TYPE FTP-CLIENT-153A SET VERIFY FTP-CLIENT-156A SHOW FTP-CLIENT-157A SHOW ALIAS FTP-CLIENT-160A SHOW AUTOPROMPT FTP-CLIENT-161A SHOW BATCH FTP-CLIENT-162A SHOW BELL FTP-CLIENT-163A SHOW CASE FTP-CLIENT-164A SHOW CHECK_TYPE FTP-CLIENT-165A SHOW COMMAND FTP-CLIENT-166A SHOW CONFIRM FTP-CLIENT-168A SHOW CONDITION FTP-CLIENT-169A SHOW DEFAULT FTP-CLIENT-171 vi  A ContentsA SHOW FILE_STATUS FTP-CLIENT-172A SHOW HASH FTP-CLIENT-174A SHOW HOST FTP-CLIENT-175A SHOW KEY FTP-CLIENT-176A SHOW LOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY FTP-CLIENT-178A SHOW MODE FTP-CLIENT-179A SHOW PARAMETERS FTP-CLIENT-180A SHOW PASSIVE FTP-CLIENT-181A SHOW PATH_PARSING FTP-CLIENT-182A SHOW PROTECTION FTP-CLIENT-183A SHOW REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY FTP-CLIENT-184A SHOW REPLY FTP-CLIENT-185A SHOW RETAIN FTP-CLIENT-186A SHOW STATUS FTP-CLIENT-187A SHOW STRUCTURE FTP-CLIENT-188A SHOW SUMMARY FTP-CLIENT-189A SHOW SYSTEM_TYPE FTP-CLIENT-190A SHOW TYPE FTP-CLIENT-191A SHOW VERIFY FTP-CLIENT-192A SPAWN FTP-CLIENT-193A STATUS FTP-CLIENT-198A TYPE FTP-CLIENT-199A USER FTP-CLIENT-200A _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLESA 1-1 Sample Anonymous FTP Session __ 1-3A vii  A _______________________________________________________ Preface< FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP subsystem= that allows users to transfer files between a local$ system and remote systems.= MadGoat FTP began life as the FTP client and server> that were distributed with CMU-Tek TCP/IP, a mostly-= free TCP/IP implementation written by Tektronix and? Carnegie-Mellon University and supported by CMU. When@ the code was made freely available, support was picked8 up primarily by Henry Miller and John Clement.@ MadGoat FTP is based on John and Henry's CMU FTP V3.1.: The MadGoat version works with the NETLIB TCP/IP9 Interface Library, which means that the MadGoat= FTP will run under any TCP/IP software supported by= NETLIB. The following TCP/IP products are currently< supported by NETLIB: TGV's MultiNet, Digital's DEC9 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, Process Software's@ TCPware, Wollongong's WIN/TCP and Pathway, and CMU-IP.; The NETLIB port was done by Darrell Burkhead, who> based some of the changes on a much earlier UCX port; (known as CRUX) done by Matt Madison. The OpenVMS0 x#> MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DA Alpha port was done by Hunter Goatley.9 NETLIB must be installed before you can use the< MadGoat FTP. NETLIB is written by Matt Madison and- is also a MadGoat Software product.@ MadGoat FTP is currently maintained by Hunter Goatley,> VMS Systems Programmer for MadGoat Software, Bowling- Green, KY (goathunter@MadGoat.com).L __________________________________________________________________ Intended Audience? This manual is intended for all OpenVMS users running? the MadGoat FTP client. The reader should be familiar with FTP principles.A vii   PrefaceL __________________________________________________________________ Document Structure< This guide consists of two chapters and two parts.= Chapter 1 Provides a description of the MadGoat# FTP client.= Chapter 2 Provides a description of the MadGoat> FTP server used by remote FTP clients.@ Part II Provides the DCL command description for( the FTP command.= Part III Provides a command dictionary for the+ MadGoat FTP client.L __________________________________________________________________ Authors? Copyright 1986, 1992, Carnegie Mellon University. 5 Copyright 1994, 1996, MadGoat 5 Software. All rights reserved.t? The CMU client and server were originally written by:i o Chad Wilson o Dale Moore  o Tod Shannon o Bruce Millere o Marc Shannon  o Henry Millere o John Clement  o Matt Madisono- The MadGoat version was written by:o3 o Darrell Burkhead (Darrell@MadGoat.com)n4 o Hunter Goatley (goathunter@MadGoat.com) viii h 1A _______________________________________________________i= Part I MadGoat FTP Client General User Information @ This section contains the general user information for! the MadGoat FTP client._  A _______________________________________________________i 1 The MadGoat FTP Client< FTP is a TCP/IP subsystem that implements the File< Transfer Protocol for transferring files between a; local system and one or more remote systems on anr> internet. The FTP client, invoked by the DCL command= FTP, establishes a network link to an FTP server on @ the remote system. When the connection is established,> you must log in to an account on that remote system.> Once logged in, files can be transferred to and from< the remote system, depending on the type of access allowed.@ The term anonymous FTP is used frequently in reference; to files available on the Internet. Anonymous FTP @ refers to a special kind of guest login using a remote@ ``anonymous'' account. Only files set up for anonymous: access can be retrieved from those systems; most? anonymous ftp servers do not allow files to be copiedd to the remote system.lL __________________________________________________________________ 1.1 Invoking FTP@ The FTP client is started by executing the DCL command8 ``FTP''. The remote host name may be specified; on the command line, in which case the FTP client> automatically establishes a connection to the remote FTP server._= Depending on how your system is configured, the FTP @ command may be a normal DCL command verb (i.e., placed? in the system-wide DCLTABLES), or it may be set up as ! a foreign command like:N, $ ftp :== $madgoat_exe:ftp.exeA 1-1  O G The MadGoat FTP Client< If neither of these works, contact your VMS system manager.= If no host name is given on the DCL command line, a_@ banner is displayed and the FTP client prompts you for input with ``FTP> '':U $ FTP D MadGoat FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS Alpha (1-SEP-1996) FTP>8 The FTP> prompt is displayed when there is no9 connection to a remote FTP server. As soon as a @ connection is made, the FTP prompt changes to indicate< the remote server. For example, if ``ftp.spc.edu''> is specified on the command line, the prompt becomes+ FTP:ftp.spc.edu> , as shown here:_ $ ftp ftp.spc.edu D MadGoat FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS Alpha (1-SEP-1996)7 Attempting to connect to host ftp.spc.edu_I <220 spcvxa.spc.edu MultiNet FTP Server Process 3.2(14).... FTP:ftp.spc.edu>; The MadGoat FTP client now supports host aliases.t; Whenever a hostname is given, a database of alias_? names is checked. If a match is found, then the aliasG= information is used. Alias information can include:_; ) the hostname, username, account, password, and anG? initial command. For more information on aliases, see  ALIAS.> Note: After connecting to a remote host, the MadGoat> FTP client will prompt for a username and attempt to> login if the MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT logical name is defined. 1-2   A The MadGoat FTP Client L __________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Using FTP ; On-line help is available from either FTP prompt._; To invoke it, just type HELP. Some commands, such= as LOGIN, require that the connection to the remote ; server already be established; these commands are_< not valid at the FTP> prompt. Example 1-1 shows a? sample FTP session, with explanations for the various- commands used.3 Example 1-1 Sample Anonymous FTP Session A _______________________________________________________  1 $ ftp ftp.spc.edu@ MadGoat FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS Alpha (1-SEP-1996)4 2 Attempting to connect to host ftp.spc.eduJ 3 <220 spcvxa.spc.edu MultiNet FTP Server Process 3.2(14) at ....* 4 FTP:ftp.spc.edu> user anonymous? 5 <331 anonymous user ok. Send real ident as password.  Password: V 6 <230-Guest User SIMMONS@FAKE.BOGUS.COM logged into USER7:[ANONYMOUS] at ...6 <230 Directory and access restrictions apply/ 7 FTP:ftp.spc.edu> cd macro32.savesets ? <250 Connected to USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. $ 8 FTP:ftp.spc.edu> dir dcl* 9 <200 Stru F ok.; <200 Port 26.154 at Host accepted.  <150 List started., USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS]U 10DCLKEYS.ZIP;1 32 22-DEC-1992 16:58 ARCHIVES (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) U DCL_RECALL.ZIP;1 yɤX:lBOOK;84I?(Hg"1?R:8Go:?fiw @=v)- u*(Tdqbrj +r K'!}X"DQ6}5 I ";1GG*7n J,0X/rAi'S 2*VcL5BfcZqcA &]6ԕp} w8TP8(G-J_tՔ'.u%`<+lniXRW&扄N}Qg?Wv>T~J`\Ye1Sda^~*o#L*)>>?hs-w(U"x?K4ksQ( }v?&! 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'A[bRZd8,'q"(,FS>:5 ? ->\iZ$7dppEC!X,I0orI].M0,8q~ Rzn;Z@+>~t@GUabl d\` ]xr|xV6XP1CFmYPWopmS]YH"Z,"dP ]gGq_/Vqy9^QSlN- (d6`02Gr-@J$G2OWP t_16ftp_cz MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D2- 43 17-JUN-1993 08:53 ARCHIVES (RWED,RWED,RE,RE)CA _______________________________________________________N) Example 1-1 Cont'd on next page A 1-3   F The MadGoat FTP Client; Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Anonymous FTP Session A _______________________________________________________ ( Total of 75 blocks in 2 files." <226 Transfer completed.; 230 bytes (1 block) in 00:00:08.12 = 28 cps, IO=2  11<200 Stru O VMS ok.+ 12FTP:ftp.spc.edu> get dclkeys.zipF; <200 Port 26.155 at Host accepted. W <150 VMS retrieve of USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS]DCLKEYS.ZIP;1 started. @ <226 Transfer completed. 16342 (8) bytes transferred.B 1316342 bytes (32 blocks) in 00:00:23.23 = 703 cps, IO=30< Received file dclkeys.zip to (Local) DCLKEYS.ZIP;1 14FTP:ftp.spc.edu> exit. <221 QUIT command received. Goodbye.+ Transfer Okay; Connection Closing $ @ 1 The FTP client is invoked with the DCL command FTP.> In this example, the target remote system name is? given on the command line. If the remote system is = not specified here, then the SET HOST or CONNECT ? command must be used to establish the network link ( with the remote FTP server.> The host name can be specified as either a domainA name or a dotted-decimal numeric IP address. In thisC= example, the system could have been specified asP2 ``ftp.spc.edu'' or ``''.> 2 The FTP client prints an informational message as? it tries to establish the link with the remote FTP  server.; 3 When the connection is made, the remote serverN@ sends a reply identifying itself to the client. The? message is displayed on the terminal. All messagesC= from the remote server are prefixed by the ``<''F@ character. The number, 220 on this line, is the FTP; message code as specified by the FTP standard. A _______________________________________________________ ) Example 1-1 Cont'd on next page 1-4   A The MadGoat FTP ClientF; Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Anonymous FTP SessionPA _______________________________________________________ ; By default, the FTP client automatically tries ; to negotiate the use of Structure VMS for file9 transfers. This is a means by which VMS fileN8 attributes are automatically preserved when< files are transferred between VMS hosts. If the= remote server supports STRU VMS, then the client ; automatically sets it at this point, though no $ messages are displayed.? The SET TYPE, SET STRUCTURE, and SET MODE commands < can be used to change the default file transfer methods.A> 4 After receiving the reply from the remote server,> FTP prompts you to enter a command. Note that the> FTP prompt includes the name of the remote system> to which you are connected. If that connection isA closed, or if no system was named on the DCL command 4 line, the FTP prompt is just ``FTP> ''.< At this point, the FTP client has established a= dialogue with the remote FTP server. In order toPA transfer files, you must log in to an account on theP@ remote system. In this example, the USER command is@ used to log in as user ANONYMOUS. Any valid account3 on the remote system can be specified. @ If you want the MadGoat FTP client to automatically? prompt for the remote username, you can define the @ logical MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT to be TRUE. See SET' HOST for more information. = 5 The remote FTP server expects a password for the @ specified account. In this example, the server will> accept any string for a password, but it asks for6 your e-mail address for logging purposes.A _______________________________________________________C) Example 1-1 Cont'd on next page A 1-5   The MadGoat FTP Client; Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Anonymous FTP Session A _______________________________________________________ @ The FTP client then prompts for the password, which- is not echoed when you enter it.-= 6 If the remote account exists and the password isN> valid, then the server sends a message indicating" the successful login.= 7 Once you are logged in to the remote system, theC@ FTP client once again waits for you to enter an FTP? command. The CD command changes the remote defaultH? directory. In this example, the default is changed? to [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. Note that the brackets and = leading ``.'' were omitted. Most VMS FTP servers A will properly translate such specifications to valid ; VMS directory names. A message from the server ; is displayed indicating that the directory was " successfully changed.? 8 The DIRECTORY command is used to display all files7? in the current remote default directory that match-! the string ``DCL*''.R> 9 Directory listings are transferred with Structure@ FILE, so the client automatically changes to STRU F for the listing.I= 10 The directory output will vary, depending on theC> remote FTP server. Most VMS servers will show the> file name, the size in blocks, the creation date,0 the owner, and the file protection.> 11 Once the directory listing has been received, theA client once again changes to STRU VMS and the serverU% acknowledges the change.A _______________________________________________________ ) Example 1-1 Cont'd on next page 1-69  A The MadGoat FTP Client ; Example 1-1 (Cont.) Sample Anonymous FTP Session A _______________________________________________________ < 12 The GET command is used to copy a file from theA remote system to the local system. The local copy is @ created in the current default directory, which canA be changed from within FTP by using the LCD command.A The PUT command is used to copy files from the localP) system to the remote system.< 13 When the transfer is complete, an informational9 message is displayed that shows the transfer_A statistics: the number of bytes (and blocks) copied, ; the total time for the transfer, the aggregate > throughput in bytes per second, and the number of I/O requests.= 14 The EXIT command is used to exit the FTP {^ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D7<client.= The DISCONNECT or CLOSE command could be used to> disconnect from the current remote system without$ exiting the FTP client.A _______________________________________________________bL __________________________________________________________________' 1.3 Checking File Transfer Statusa@ During file transfers, you can check the status of the= transfer at any time by pressing either or > . Pressing during a transfer causes2 the display of lines like the following:3 FTP:wkuvx3> put [hunter]ftp.alpha_exe:- <200 Port 161,6,5,4,99,64 Okay.PQ <150 VMS Store of FTP.ALPHA_EXE;1 Started; Opening data connection.  J [sending file user:[hunter]ftp.alpha_exe;1 to ftp.alpha_exe]O 127088 bytes (249 blocks), 60%, in 00:00:03.74 = 33981 cps, IO=63 A 1-7H e o The MadGoat FTP Client< The information shown includes the number of bytes> transferred up to the time that is pressed,; the number number of blocks, the total percentagee: of the file transferred, the elapsed time of the< transfer, the number of characters transferred per1 second, and the number of I/O requests._8 Pressing causes the lines above to be; displayed, in addition to the process informationu) normally displayed by .h6 When a file is PUT to any system, the status; information will always contain the percentage of @ the file transferred. When GET is used, the percentage; may or may not be shown, depending on the type of_= server on the remote system. The MadGoat FTP clientt@ can show the percentage when STRU VMS is used and when? connected to most UNIX systems. Most UNIX FTP serverse; will display the size of the file in bytes in the = informational message when the transfer is started: P <150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for lynx.txt (5384 bytes).< As long as the number of bytes is displayed in the@ format above, the MadGoat FTP client can calculate the! percentage transferred._L __________________________________________________________________" 1.4 Command Parsing and Case> The MadGoat FTP client uses the VMS CLI$ routines to= parse the commands you enter. However, because manyg< FTP sites are UNIX systems that are case-sensitive@ with regard to filenames, the client will, by default,@ attempt to preserve the case of any command parameters: you enter. For example, to change your directory= to the UNIX subdirectory ``Mail'', just specify the- appropriate case on the CD command:o FTP:unix> CD MailD* <250 CWD command successful.! FTP:wkunix.wku.edu> 1-8h 1 A The MadGoat FTP Client_@ Similarly, when communicating with a server on a case-@ sensitive system, you can specify the remote file name> in mixed-case and the client will preserve the case:: FTP:wkunix.wku.edu> put descrip.mms Makefile+ <200 PORT command successful. C <150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for Makefile. % <226 Transfer complete.sB 748 bytes (2 blocks) in 00:00:00.12 = 6233 cps, IO=1K Sent file WKU$USER:[HUNTER]DESCRIP.MMS;1 to (Remote) Makefile ! FTP:wkunix.wku.edu>o: A potential problem when communicating with UNIX> servers is that directory specifications include the? slash character (/). The CD command will accept thema without any problems:h- FTP:wkunix.wku.edu> cd /pub/VMS4 However, for all other commands, such file> specifications must be enclosed in double quotes (")= to prevent the command parser from interpreting thed8 slash as the beginning of a command qualifier:4 FTP:wkunix.wku.edu> cd /usr/goathunter* <250 CWD command successful.I FTP:wkunix.wku.edu> put login.com /usr/goathunter/login.com N Unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement \USR2\K FTP:wkunix.wku.edu> put login.com "/usr/goathunter/login.com"t+ <200 PORT command successful. S <150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /usr/goathunter/login.comnL __________________________________________________________________" 1.5 File Transfer Parameters< When transferring files to any non-VMS system, the< MadGoat FTP client will, by default, automatically@ attempt to determine if the file is an ASCII or BINARY= file and set up the transfer appropriately. You can@ override this action by specifying one of the commandsA 1-9  n h The MadGoat FTP Client? ASCII or BINARY. You can also use SET NOCHECK_TYPE too3 disable the autosensing of the file type. > Most operating systems see files as just a stream of= bytes. However, the VMS file system is more complexp@ and saves information about the structure of the file:< how records are accessed (indexed files), the keys? for indexed files, record lengths, print information,e< etc. All such attributes are lost when the file is3 transferred from VMS to a non-VMS system.e: There are several parameters that are negotiated> between the local FTP utility and the remote server.> They are Type, Mode, and Structure. These parameters8 are used to specify some of the file attribute information.> When transferring files between two VMS systems, the? file attributes are usually automatically saved. Thisw@ is because most VMS FTP servers and clients, including= MadGoat FTP, support ``STRU VMS'', an FTP structure < setting that says, ``transfer all file attributes,? in addition to the data stored in the file.'' The FTPn= client will automatically negotiate with the remotem< server to determine if it supports STRU VMS; if it@ does, then STRU VMS is automatically used for all file transfers.4 More information can be found in Part III. 1-10 e eA _______________________________________________________T 2 The MadGoat FTP Server< This chapter discusses the FTP server process that< is created when a remote FTP client logs into your@ account on the local VMS system. The options described9 here are available if, when you connect to yourt< VMS system from a remote system, a banner like the! following is displayed: ] 220-alpha.wku.edu MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS Alpha (1-SEP-1996) ready.a= Your system manager may have elected not to use thex? MadGoat FTP server; if ano| MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DKther server is used, please_4 consult the documentation for that server.L __________________________________________________________________( 2.1 The MadGoat FTP Server Process< When a remote FTP client logs into your account on< the local VMS system, a network process is created; under your username. When the process is created,t= it executes your LOGIN.COM file, usually located ins< SYS$LOGIN:. The server may fail to log in properly< due to problems in your LOGIN.COM. For example, if: your LOGIN.COM sets the process name and you are@ already logged in, an error will occur. It is strongly> recommended that you add a command sequence like the+ following to your LOGIN.COM file.d+ $ IF F$MODE() .EQS. "NETWORK"S $ THEN9 $ ! Here define just network logicalsE $ EXIT $ ENDIF 0 $! Rest of LOGIN.COM continues....A 2-1_ _ _ The MadGoat FTP Server; With those lines in place, only a portion of your > LOGIN.COM will be executed by the FTP server process9 and you can avoid executing commands that mightm- adversely affect the network login._L __________________________________________________________________ 2.2 FTP Server Log Files> By default, no log file is created when a remote FTP; client is used to log in to your account. You cane= cause a log file named FTP_SERVER.LOG to be created29 in your default login directory (SYS$LOGIN:) byU= defining the logical MADGOAT_FTP_LOG. This log files9 will contain information about the FTP session.3> Your system manager may have already enabled logging< system-wide. If so, you can override that value by@ defining a process logical. For more information about? using the MADGOAT_FTP_LOG logical, see Section 2.3.2.L __________________________________________________________________% 2.3 MadGoat FTP Server Logicalsn; You can define various logicals in your LOGIN.COMy; to control the FTP server process that is createdo? when a remote FTP client logs in to your account. Thet> logicals only need to be defined for network logins;? you can control that with commands in your LOGIN.COM, " as shown in Section 2.1,% ___________________________e 2.3.1 MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS; You can restrict access to certain directories by.= defining the logical MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS. For example, < the following line in your LOGIN.COM would prevent9 access to all subdirectories except the [.MAIL]c subdirectory:s< $! Restrict FTP access to just two directories; $ define madgoat_ftp_dirs wku$user:[hunter],-A> wku$user:[hunter.mail] 2-2   A The MadGoat FTP Servera; If MADGOAT_FTP_DIRS is not defined, then the only_< directory access restrictions are those imposed by& normal VMS file protections.; Though it is not recommended, your system managerd? may have defined a system-wide value for MADGOAT_FTP_n? DIRS. If so, you can define the logical as a space to_* override directory restrictions:+ $ define madgoat_ftp_dirs " " % ___________________________e 2.3.2 MADGOAT_FTP_LOGt: The MADGOAT_FTP_LOG logicals controls the amount= of information that is logged to the FTP_SERVER.LOGe> file. The equivalence value is a number representing: a bitmask. Each bit represents a particular kind< of information. The value should be the sum of the following:A _______________________________________________________ A Value______Meaning_____________________________________ ) 0 Do not log anything.e1 1 Log the results of commands.p? 2 Log the commands entered and the time eachn" was executed.< 4 Include all data transferred in the logA ___________file._You_generally_do_not_want_this_option. @ For example, the following logs all commands and their results:) $! Log commands and resultsd( $ define madgoat_ftp_log 3A 2-3  P The MadGoat FTP Server% ___________________________l$ 2.3.3 MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME; The logical MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME is used to > control the output of type-257 server replies, which: are returned by PWD and MKD server commands. For example: >PWD? <257 "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP]" is current directory.n; By default, pathnames will be quoted. However, if @ MADGOAT_FTP_QUOTE_PATHNAME is defined as either "F" or> "N", the quotes will be omitted from the reply. This> option has been provided for compatibility with some= FTP clients that do not recognize quoted pathnames._% ___________________________p 2.3.4 MADGOAT_FTP_TIMEOUT ? The FTP server will automatically exit if a specified : amount of time elapses between commands. You can@ specify the timeout value by defining the MADGOAT_FTP_? TIMEOUT logical. The equivalence value is the maximumn? number of seconds between commands; the default value = is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Specifying a value of 0 < causes the server to exit immediately, effectively5 disabled remote FTP access to your account.) $! Timeout after 60 secondsr- $ define madgoat_ftp_timeout 60e% ___________________________  2.3.5 MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT? The MADGOAT_FTP_RESTRICT logical can be used to limit,> the functions allowed by the server. Its equivalence; value is the sum of the following desired values:m 2-4T e rA The MadGoat FTP ServerA _______________________________________________________iA Value______Meaning_____________________________________s# 1 No read (RETR)C5 2 No write (STOR, STOU, APPE, MKD)i& 4 No control (SITE)* 8 No delete (DELE, RMD)5 16 No list (LIST, NLST, STAT param)rA 32_________No_change_working_directory_(CWD)___________U@ The default value is 0, which means that the server is not restricted. D $! Restrict FTP to just reading and listing files here. $ define madgoat_ftp_restrict 14% ___________________________  2.3.6 MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME ? The MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME logical specifies the welcomec@ text that is to be sent back to the remote client upon* a successful login. For example:? $ DEFINE MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME "Welcome back, Joe!"m? If the w}e MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D|>Zelcome message begins with ``@'', it is taken < to be a file name whose contents are read and sent? back to the remote client. For example, the following @ definition would cause the contents of FTP_WELCOME.TXT6 to be read and sent back to the remote user:G $ DEFINE MADGOAT_FTP_WELCOME "@SYS$LOGIN:FTP_WELCOME.TXT"i% ___________________________e 2.3.7 MADGOAT_FTP_INIT> The MADGOAT_FTP_INIT logical points to an FTP client< initialization procedure. This initialization file; can be used to perform such operations as turning ; on the bell for the client. It corresponds to the < /INITIALIZATION qualifier on the FTP command line.A 2-5t t l The MadGoat FTP ServerL __________________________________________________________________) 2.4 Serving Files Via ANONYMOUS FTPe? Y|ur system manager can optionally allow all users onm> t|e system to make files available for anonymous FTP? a|cess. You can determine if this has been enabled on 2 y|ur system using the following command: |6 | $ show logical madgoat_ftp_tilde_anondir |7 I| that logical is defined, it will specify a < s|bdirectory name that you can create to make your0 o|n files available via anonymous FTP. |> F|r example, the output from the command above might l|ok like this:l |6 | $ show logical madgoat_ftp_tilde_anondirH | "MADGOAT_FTP_TILDE_ANONDIR" = "AFTP" (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) | $ |= W|th that definition, you can create a subdirectory @ t|ee named [.AFTP] under your login directory and copy> f|les there to make them accessible to anonymous FTP? u|ers. Files in that tree must have a protection that ? a|lows WORLD:READ access. The following commands show @ a|sample sequence you could use to create and populate' y|ur anonymous FTP directory: |I | $ set def sys$login: !Set default to login directoryeB | $ create/dir [.aftp] !Create the subdirectoryG | $ set file/prot=w:re aftp.dir !Allow WORLD to see iteG | $ copy xyz.txt [.aftp]*.*;/prot=w:re !Copy file(s) ins |? Y|u can create subdirectories under that directory tom? o|ganize your files. The anonymous FTP user will haveh? a|cess to all the files under that subdirectory tree. |< N|te: Be sure the subdirectory only contains those> f|les you wish to make available to anonymous users! 2-6  e _A _______________________________________________________h& Part II MadGoat FTP Command? This section contains the DCL command description forv! the MadGoat FTP client.z f eB MadGoat FTP CommandA FTPtA _______________________________________________________i FTPe: The MadGoat FTP client is used to transfer files: between the local system and remote systems. The, communications protocol is TCP/IP.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT$ FTP [host-name] [command]A _______________________________________________________i) Command Qualifiers Defaultse+ /ACCOUNT=name /NOACCOUNTt- /ANONYMOUS /NOANONYMOUSv- /APASSWORD /NOAPASSWORD ' /BATCH /BATCHr- /CASE=value /CASE=NORMALi2 /CONTROL_C=action /CONTROL_C=NORMAL- /ERROR=action /ERROR=ABORTD( /HASH /NOHASHB /INITIALIZATION[=file]/INIT=F$TRNLNM("MADGOAT_FTP_INIT"), /PASSWORD=name /NOPASSWORD* /PORT=port-name /PORT=FTP' /REPLY /REPLYa' /QUIET /QUIETy. /SEVERE=action /SEVERE=ABORT, /USERNAME=name /NOUSERNAME* /VERIFY /NOVERIFY; /VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIAT/VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATIONn/ /WARNING=action /WARNING=ABORTmA _______________________________________________________e DESCRIPTIONy= The MadGoat FTP client implements the File Transfere; Protocol. This protocol is based on top of the IP; and TCP protocols. MadGoat FTP works with MadGoatrA FTP-3r p f MadGoat FTP Commands FTP.9 Software's NETLIB, which allows it to work withh3 virtually all VMS TCP/IP implementations.; The File Transfer Protocol is the language spoken > between the FTP utility and an FTP Server running on? a remote machine. The local process is the master andl) the remote server is the slave.:= Through a series of commands and replies, the local > FTP utility tries to send or receive files and other information.; Since the File Transfer Protocol is a negotiationc> language, not all requests that the FTP utility asks; for can always be satisfied by the remote server.t< Requests that are unsatisfied will be signalled as$ errors to the FTP utility.A ________________________________________________________ PARAMETERS host-name_< Specifies the internet name of the host with which9 files are to be exchanged. An IP literal may be > specified here in dotted-decimal form. An alias name@ may also be specified here. The connection information? associated with the alias name can be overridden withr% various command qualifiers.h command ; Specifies a single in-line command to be executed? after the host connection has been opened. After thisI< command executes FTP exits and returns you to DCL.@ All qualifiers that pertain to the connection, such as> /USER or /PASSWORD, must precede the command. If any? part of the command needs to be in lowercase, enclosen' the command in double quotes.: FTP-4o  B MadGoat FTP CommandA FTPe< When an in-line command is specified and /QUIET is= specified, FTP will attempt to be totally silent ini operation.= Note: If you specify an alias name which includes ae? command to be executed once the connection completes,t8 the alias command will be executed before this command.A _______________________________________________________i COMMAND QUALIFIERS /ACCOUNT=names9 Requests login to a specific user account. This : may only be used if a host-name and username are: specified. Most FTP servers do not use accounts. /ANONYMOUS ~ 9. MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Di /NOANONYMOUS (D)> Requests an anonymous login. FTP will attempt to log: you into user anonymous, with a default password; of your_username@your_host. This is intended as ae+ shortcut for anonymous FTP users.  /APASSWORD=password  /NOAPASSWORD (D)6 Specifies that the anonymous password (your_5 username@your_host) should be sent. SpecifyT5 /ANONYMOUS/NOAPASSWORD if you want to loginh; anonymously and still be prompted for a password.s /BATCH (D) /NOBATCH9 Requests batch mode. In batch mode, you are notd< prompted if you wish to retry a file transfer. The default is /BATCH. /CASE=caseA FTP-52 l . MadGoat FTP Command FTP1@ Determines case folding of all commands entered at the0 FTP prompt. Valid values for case are:A _______________________________________________________hA Value__________Meaning__________________________________< NORMAL Maintains the specified case of all@ parameters. This is the default action.@ LOWER Converts all commands and parameters to# lowercase.r@ UPPER Converts all commands and parameters toA _______________uppercase.______________________________  /CONTROL_C=actionl: Specifies the action to take when the user types0 . Valid values for action are:A _______________________________________________________mA Value______Meaning_____________________________________ @ ABORT Returns to FTP> prompt. This is the default action.7 CONTINUE The FTP utility ignores the event. A EXIT_______The_FTP_utility_exits.______________________s /ERROR=action.< Specifies the action to take when an error occurs.& Valid values for action are:A _______________________________________________________oA Value______Meaning_____________________________________v? ABORT The FTP utility stops what it is doing andh0 returns to the FTP> prompt.7 CONTINUE The FTP utility ignores the event._A EXIT_______The_FTP_utility_exits.______________________y /HASHl FTP-6  o FB MadGoat FTP CommandA FTP  /NOHASH (D) < Sets (or clears) HASH for the FTP utility. If HASH= is set, a hash character (#) is displayed for eachF? 1024 bytes of data shipped between the local host anda remote host.! The default is /NOHASH.t$ /INITIALIZATION[=file] (D) /NOINITIALIZATIONi8 Specifies an initialization file that is to be= executed before the FTP prompt appears. By default,_= FTP checks for the logical MADGOAT_FTP_INIT. If theL< logical is defined as a file, the contents of that@ file are automatically executed as FTP commands. There< is no default file type for the FTP initialization@ file. You can specify /NOINITIALIZATION to prevent the execution of the file.> The initialization commands are executed after login< if the /USER qualifier is supplied, but before any; in-line commands. If /USER is not given, then thec? commands are executed before the FTP> prompt appears.P /PASSWORD=string@ Specifies the password for the requested user account.? This may only be used if a host-name and username areo> specified. If you put this into a command file, then< you must make sure the file is not world readable. /PORT=port-number  port-name FTP (D)A FTP-7P r a MadGoat FTP CommandP FTPf= Useful mainly as a debugging tool. Ordinary mortals @ should never use this switch. Normally the FTP port is number 21. /QUIET /NOQUIET (D)> Depending on the system default, the results of each: transfer will be shown in full. This can be very> irritating to some people. To avoid this, use /QUIET to turn them off.  /REPLY (D) /NOREPLY; Depending on the system default, replies from thel> remote system will be displayed in full. This can be< very irritating to some people. To avoid this, use$ /NOREPLY to turn them off. /SEVERE=action@ Specifies what what action to take when a severe error. occurs. Valid values for action are:A _______________________________________________________MA Value______Meaning_____________________________________ ? ABORT The FTP utility stops what it is doing ando0 returns to the FTP> prompt.7 CONTINUE The FTP utility ignores the event.eA EXIT_______The_FTP_utility_exits.______________________  /USERNAME=name@ Requests login to a specific username. Valid only if a( remote host-name is specified. FTP-8   B MadGoat FTP CommandA FTP  /VERIFY  /NOVERIFY (D)@ Causes commands read from a command file to be echoed.6 By default, any such commands are not shown.( /VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATION (D)& /NOVMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIATION> Specifies whether FTP should automatically negotiate@ with the remote FTP server to determine if it supports> the VMS structure (STRU O VMS). If the remote server@ does support STRU VMS, then FTP will automatically use? STRU VMS for all file transfers, maintaining VMS filee( characteristics for each file.> Usually the default is adequate, however some remote8 servers may "gag" on this negotiation. If this4 happens, you can turn the negotiation off. /WARNING=action = Specifies what action to take when a FTP receives a / warning. Valid values for action are:uA ________________________________________________________A Value______Meaning_____________________________________? ABORT The FTP utility stops what it is doing and 0 returns to the FTP> prompt.7 CONTINUE The FTP utility ignores the event.,A EXIT_______The_FTP_utility_exits.______________________A _______________________________________________________m EXAMPLESA FTP-9T T  MadGoat FTP Commandl FTPs= To invoke the FTP utility from the CLI prompt, typel: FTP followed by a host name. Several examples of: host names are FTP.SPC.EDU, OAK.OAKLAND.EDU, and WUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU.< \& MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DEMx For example, to retrieve the latest version of the= MadGoat FTP client and server, you could use FTP to_> login anonymously to ftp.spc.edu and get the current FTP.ZIP file. - $ FTP/ANONYMOUS FTP.SPC.EDU H MadGoat FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS ALPHA (1-SEP-1996); Attempting to connect to host ftp.spc.edue <220 spcvxa.spc.edu MultiNet FTP Server Process 3.2(14) at Mon 25-Oct-93 5:22PM-EDT F <331 ANONYMOUS user ok. Send real ident as password.W <230-Guest User SYSTEM@ALPHA.WKU.EDU logged into USER7:[ANONYMOUS] att5 Mon 25-Oct-93 17:23, job 2021e662._> <230 Directory and access restrictions apply6 FTP:ftp.spc.edu> cd macro32.savesetsG <250 Connected to USER7:[ANONYMOUS.MACRO32.SAVESETS].l0 FTP:ftp.spc.edu> get mgftp.zip [...]  FTP-10 i `A _______________________________________________________9 Part III MadGoat FTP Client Command Dictionaryn@ This section contains the command descriptions for the MadGoat FTP client.  k B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ACCOUNT A _______________________________________________________o ACCOUNT ? Sends an account string to the remote server. ACCOUNTa@ is a synonym for the SET ACCOUNT command. See HELP SET' ACCOUNT for more information.hA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT ACCOUNT new-accountA FTP-CLIENT-3_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ADD ALIAS A _______________________________________________________ ADD ALIAS-Add an Alias@ Add an alias to the FTP alias database. See HELP ALIAS# ADD for more information.n FTP-CLIENT-4  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS A _______________________________________________________,* ALIAS-Various FTP Alias commands0 Show or modify the FTP alias database.A _______________________________________________________T FORMAT ALIAS option A _______________________________________________________  ALIAS OPTIONS . These are the ALIAS command options:A _______________________________________________________oA Option_____________Function____________________________t: ADD Add an alias to the database.? DELETE Remove an alias from the database.o? LIST Display one or more aliases in the & database.= MODIFY Update an alias in the database.]? REMOVE Remove an alias from the database.e? SHOW Display one or more aliases in thetA ___________________database.___________________________ A _______________________________________________________| DATABASE? The FTP alias database consists of alias records thatn> associate an alias name with connection information.@ The following connection information may be associated with an alias name: A FTP-CLIENT-5_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ALIASdA _______________________________________________________iA Info_______________Description_________________________ = Host name The system to which a connection < should be opened when the alias< name is specified in a SET HOST0 command. (Required)= Username The username to provide once the > connection to the remote host has2 completed. (Optional)> Password The password to send when logging< in to the remote host. Password> information may only be specified= if a username is also specified.N' (Optional)N= Account The account on the remote system > to which resource usage should be= charged. Account information mayO? only be specified if a username isH7 also specified. (Optional)f9 Description A descriptive string used toa? document the purpose of the alias.P' (Optional)a> Command A command to be executed once the; connection has completed. If aO? username is specified, the commandV= will be executed after the loginRA ___________________completes._(Optional)________________> When opening the FTP alias database, FTP looks for a@ file called FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE. By default, it expects< the file to be in SYS$LOGIN: and to have a type of< .DAT. These defaults can be overridden by defining/ FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE as a logical name.  FTP-CLIENT-6  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS ADD/A _______________________________________________________e ALIAS ADD-Add an Alias1 Add an alias to the FTP alias database.oA _______________________________________________________e FORMAT$ ALIAS ADD alias host-nameA _______________________________________________________r) Command Qualifiers Defaultso /ACCOUNT=account-names /ANONYMOUS /APASSWORD /COMMAND=command" /DESCRIPTION=description% /LOG /LOG  /PASSWORD[=password] /USERNAME=usernameA ________________________________________________________ PARAMETERS alias_< The name of the alias to be added. Alias names can= consist of up to 31 alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9), dollar > sign ($), underscore (_), and dash (-) characters.: Alias names are case-insensitive, since they are/ automatically converted to uppercase.a host-namet< The name (or IP number) of the system to which FTP: should connect when the alias name is specified.A FTP-CLIENT-7o c e% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ALIAS ADDPA _______________________________________________________t QUALIFIERS /ACCOUNTz MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DzN=account-namet= Specifies the account on the remote system to which = resource usage will be charged. Most servers do notu< require an account name. An account name cannot be3 specified if a username is not specified.  /ANONYMOUS9 Specifies that the remote login should be as an ? anonymous user. The default password for an anonymousF) login is local_user@local_host.  /APASSWORD NOAPASSWORDe7 Specifies that the anonymous password (local_b@ user@local_host) should be used when logging in to the> remote system. Specifying /NOAPASSWORD will override> sending the anonymous password if /ANONYMOUS is also specified. /COMMAND=command9 Specifies a command to be executed once FTP hasi7 connected to the remote host. If /USERNAME ore< /ANONYMOUS are specified, then the command will be0 executed once the login has completed." /DESCRIPTION=description? Specifies descriptive title to be associated with the,= alias. The description is displayed during an ALIAS  LIST/FULLe /LOG (D) /NOLOG> Controls whether an information message is displayed2 once the alias is added to the database. /PASSWORD[=password] FTP-CLIENT-8 T B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS ADD> Specifies the password to use when logging in to the: remote system. If /PASSWORD is specified without; a value, then FTP will prompt for the password. Aa: password cannot be specified without a username.= Note: The method of encryption for passwords stored > in the alias database is not very secure, so storing2 password information is not recommended. /USERNAME=username> Specifies the remote username with which to login to the remote system.A _______________________________________________________e EXAMPLES 1 alias add spc fJ alias database SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.DAT; not found.8 you want to create a new alias database ? [Y]: Z Created FTP alias database SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.DAT;1 Alias SPC added@ This example demonstrates what happens when you try to8 add an alias to a non-existent alias database. 2_A FTP-CLIENT-9p p T% MadGoat FTP Client Commandst ALIAS ADDT? alias add wkuserv ftp.wku.edu/anon/command="cd vms/filserv"-P" /desc="WKU Fileserv directory"" Alias WKUSERV added open wkuserv B Alias WKUSERV translated to host name ftp.wku.edu: Attempting to connect to host ftp.wku.eduO wkuvx2.wku.edu MadGoat FTP server V2.0-3 for OpenVMS VAX (8-JUN-1994) ready._1 Attempting to login to user anonymouso> Guest login Okay, send ident or e-mail address as password.B Welcome to the FTP archives of Western Kentucky University.D The MadGoat Software and WKU FILESERV archives are available.D This is a VMS system; the subdirectories can be referenced in' either VMS format or UNIX-style:aC CD [.VMS.FILESERV] or CD vms/fileserv or CD vms.fileservA If you have any questions or comments, please send mail to / Hunter Goatley .hZ SIMMONS@kiss.com login Okay, 8-AUG-1994 11:47:59 CST, access restrictions apply.' Connection closes if idle for 5 min. B Current Directory WKU$INFO:[ANONYMOUS.VMS.FILESERV], completed.? This example demonstrates how the information from ant@ alias record is used when the alias is specified on an OPEN command.  FTP-CLIENT-10P I IB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS DELETE A _______________________________________________________o& ALIAS DELETE-Remove an Alias6 Remove an alias from the FTP alias database.A _______________________________________________________R FORMAT ALIAS DELETE aliaslA _______________________________________________________e) Command Qualifiers Defaults! /ACCOUNT[=account-name]  /ANONYMOUS /APASSWORD) /CONFIRM /CONFIRMu$ /DESCRIPTION[=description] /HOST=host-name % /LOG /LOG  /USERNAME[=username]A _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS alias= The name of the alias to be deleted. This parameter = may contain wildcard characters. Alias records thatT@ match this parameter and the qualifiers specified will# be selected for deletion.tA _______________________________________________________  QUALIFIERS! /ACCOUNT[=account-name]t /NOACCOUNT: Specifies the account information that should be= present in the aliases to be deleted. /ACCOUNT willh< match any alias record with an account. /NOACCOUNT? will match any alias record with no account. Wildcarde@ characters are allowed in the account names specified.A FTP-CLIENT-11a d i% MadGoat FTP Client Commands. ALIAS DELETE /ANONYMOUS /NOANONYMOUS? /ANONYMOUS will match any alias record that specifies? an anonymous login. /NOANONYMOUS will match any other_ alias record.M /APASSWORD NOAPASSWORD> /APASSWORD will match any alias record for which the= anonymous password is being sent. /NOAPASSWORD willO' match any other alias record.t /CONFIRM (D) /NOCONFIRM= Specifies whether FTP should prompt the user before ! deleting alias records.m$ /DESCRIPTION[=description] /NODESCRIPTION@ Specifies description information on the aliases to be@ deleted. /DESCRIPTION will match any alias record that@ has a description. /NODESCRIPTION will match any alias? record without a description. Wildcard characters are 0 allowed in the descriptions specified. /HOST=host-name > Specifies a wildcarded host name used to match alias records. /LOG (D) /NOLOG@ Controls whether an informational message is displayed! for each alias deleted.  /USERNAME[=username] /NOUSERNAMEo FTP-CLIENT-12T i aB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS DELETEs? Specifies the username information for the aliases to ? be deleted. /USERNAME will match any ax MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Dlias record forr@ which a particular username was specified. /NOUSERNAME@ will match any other alias record. Wildcard characters1 are allowed in the usernames specified._A _______________________________________________________u EXAMPLESK 1 alias delete *a4 alias SAMPLE (Sample alias definition) ? [N]: y# Alias SAMPLE removedT alias SPC ? [N]:  alias TEST ? [N]: P; alias WKUSERV (WKU Fileserv directory) ? [N]: _9 In this example, all alias records are selectedX: for deletion. Confirmation prompts are given for: each alias since /CONFIRM is present by default.> Confirmation prompting continues until FTP is either: out of aliases to delete or is pressed.P 2 alias delete */anon alias SPC ? [N]: ; alias WKUSERV (WKU Fileserv directory) ? [N]: t> In this example, the anonymous-login aliases are the" candidates for deletion.U 3 alias delete test/noconfU! Alias TEST removedG9 In this example, a single alias is chosen to be  deleted.A FTP-CLIENT-13u N F% MadGoat FTP Client Commands5 ALIAS LISTA _______________________________________________________ % ALIAS LIST-Display an Aliasl< Display information about aliases in the database.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT ALIAS LIST [alias]>A _______________________________________________________Y) Command Qualifiers Defaults ! /ACCOUNT[=account-name]  /ANONYMOUS /APASSWORD' /BRIEF /BRIEF$ /DESCRIPTION[=description] /FULL_ /HOST=host-name  /USERNAME[=username]A _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS aliasT? The name of the alias to be displayed. This parameterd? may contain wildcard characters. If this parameter is 8 omitted, then an alias name of * will be used.A _______________________________________________________ QUALIFIERS! /ACCOUNT[=account-name]O /NOACCOUNT: Specifies the account information that should be? present in the aliases to be displayed. /ACCOUNT will_< match any alias record with an account. /NOACCOUNT? will match any alias record with no account. Wildcard@ characters are allowed in the account names specified. FTP-CLIENT-14  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS LIST  /ANONYMOUS /NOANONYMOUS? /ANONYMOUS will match any alias record that specifiesr? an anonymous login. /NOANONYMOUS will match any other alias record.- /APASSWORD NOAPASSWORD > /APASSWORD will match any alias record for which the= anonymous password is being sent. /NOAPASSWORD will_' match any other alias record._ /BRIEF (D)> Specifies that the one-line form of output should be? used. /BRIEF output includes the alias name, the host_8 name, and the username (if one was specified).$ /DESCRIPTION[=description] /NODESCRIPTION: Specifies description information on the aliases< to be displayed. /DESCRIPTION will match any alias< record that has a description. /NODESCRIPTION will@ match any alias record without a description. Wildcard? characters are allowed in the descriptions specified.  /FULLa: Specifies that the maximum amount of information6 should be displayed for each alias selected. /HOST=host-nameO> Specifies a wildcarded host name used to match alias records. /USERNAME[=username] /NOUSERNAME A FTP-CLIENT-15_ d b% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ALIAS LIST< Specifies the username information for the aliases9 to be displayed. /USERNAME will match any alias ? record for which a particular username was specified. 8 /NOUSERNAME will match any other alias record.: Wildcard characters are allowed in the usernames specified.A _______________________________________________________a EXAMPLES+ 1 alias list__ Error opening FTP alias database SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]FTP_ALIAS_DATABASE.DAT;  file not found= In this example, the alias database does not exist.s@ You can create a new alias database by adding an alias! definition (ALIAS ADD). + 2 alias list 4 Host Username4 ---- --------2 sample (none)5 ftp.spc.edu anonymousr3 ftptesti5 ftp.wku.edu anonymous > This example demonstrates a /BRIEF listing of all of& the aliases in the database.T 3 alias list wkuserv/full WKUSERV $ WKU Fileserv directory ftp.wku.edu anonymous SIMMONS@kiss.com  cd vms/fileserv = This example shows a /FULL listing of an alias. The @ amount of information displayed for an alias will vary FTP-CLIENT-16n s tB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS LIST ? depending upon the amount of information in the aliast= record. For example, initial-command information is ? not displayed if an initial command was not provided.eA FTP-CLIENT-17, P o% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS MODIFYA _______________________________________________________ & ALIAS MODIFY-Modify an Alias4 Modify an alias in the FTP alias database.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT ALIAS MODIFY alias A _______________________________________________________ ) Command Qualifiers Defaults_ /ACCOUNT=account-nameL /ANONYMOUS /APASSWORD /COMMAND=command" /DESCRIPTION=description /HOST=host-name_% /LOG /LOG  /PASSWORD[=password] /USERNAME=usernameA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS aliasn? Th}# MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DC=e name of the alias to be modified. Alias names canA= consist of up to 31 alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9), dollar > sign ($), underscore (_), and dash (-) characters.: Alias names are case-insensitive, since they are/ automatically converted to uppercase.EA _______________________________________________________A QUALIFIERS /ACCOUNT=account-namec /NOACCOUNT FTP-CLIENT-18c  ,B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS MODIFY= Specifies the account on the remote system to whicho= resource usage will be charged. Most servers do notc< require an account name. An account name cannot be' specified without a username.  /ANONYMOUS /NOANONYMOUS9 Specifies that the remote login should be as an_? anonymous user. The default password for an anonymoust8 login is local_user@local_host. This qualifier< overrides the password and account information for the alias. /APASSWORD NOAPASSWORDc7 Specifies that the anonymous password (local_d@ user@local_host) should be used when logging in to the= remote system. Specifying /NOAPASSWORD will disablea) sending the anonymous password.s /COMMAND=command /NOCOMMAND9 Specifies a command to be executed once FTP hass; connected to the remote host. If the alias record @ contains a username, then the command will be executed' once the login has completed.h" /DESCRIPTION=description /NODESCRIPTION? Specifies descriptive title to be associated with theb= alias. The description is displayed during an ALIASt LIST/FULL  /LOG (D) /NOLOG@ Controls whether an informational message is displayed* once the alias has been modifiedA FTP-CLIENT-19   a% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsL ALIAS MODIFY /PASSWORD[=password] /NOPASSWORDs> Specifies the password to use when logging in to the: remote system. If /PASSWORD is specified without; a value, then FTP will prompt for the password. A : password cannot be specified without a username.= Note: The method of encryption for passwords stored> in the alias database is not very secure, so storing2 password information is not recommended. /USERNAME=username /NOUSERNAME ; Specifies the remote username with which to loginu< to the remote system. This qualifier overrides the9 password and account information for the alias.eA _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES[ 1 alias modify test/user=stanleye" Alias TEST modified= Password and/or account information disabled> In this example, a new username is specified, so the> old password and account information is invalidated.S 2 alias modify test.testu# Invalid alias syntax[> In this example, the alias name provided contains an* invalid character, a period (.). FTP-CLIENT-20   B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ALIAS REMOVEA _______________________________________________________-& ALIAS REMOVE-Remove an Alias? Remove an alias from the FTP alias database. See HELPp, ALIAS DELETE for more information.A FTP-CLIENT-21  e p% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsn ALIAS SHOWA _______________________________________________________)% ALIAS SHOW-Display an Alias @ Display information about aliases in the database. See/ HELP ALIAS LIST for more information.h FTP-CLIENT-22   iB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA APPEND.A _______________________________________________________a APPEND> Appends the specified local file to a remote file if> the remote file exists, or creates it if there is no such remote file.cA _______________________________________________________r FORMAT- APPEND local-file-list remote-filesA _______________________________________________________e) Command Qualifiers Defaults * /BACKUP /NOBACKUP& /BEFORE[=time] None.+ /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMt+ /CREATED /NOCREATED + /EXPIRED /NOEXPIRED( /HASH /NOHASH' /LOG /NOLOG - /MODE=mode /MODE=STREAMo, /MODIFIED /NOMODIFIED& /SINCE[=time] None.3 /STRUCTURE=structure /STRUCTURE=DEFAULT * /UNIQUE /NOUNIQUE6 /TYPE=type[:format] /TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINT& /WILD /WILDA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS local-file-listR: Specifies one or more local files that are to be> appended to the file on the remote host. If multiple9 file names are given, they must be separated by_ commas._< Wildcard characters can be specified in the local- file-list.A FTP-CLIENT-23. i r% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsr APPEND remote-files? Specifies the file on the remote file system to which_> the local file should be appended. If no remote file; is specified, a remote file with the same name asc? the local file will be created. If the remote file isn6 given but doesn't exist, it will be created.A _______________________________________________________h DESCRIPTION < If the remote-file is specified, the local-file is@ appended to it if it exists, or created if it doesn't.> If no remote file is specified, the same name as the5 local file is used as the remote-file spec. 8 While the transfer is proceeding you may check; the state of the transfer with either ory> . While a file is being transferred you will@ be told the file name, and the number of bytes already transferred.; WARNING: If you try to transfer a large number ofi@ files at once you may get the following error message:- Connection closed; transfer AbortedN< This is caused by a limit on the number of allowed connectionDX MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Dޤs.A _______________________________________________________  COMMAND QUALIFIERS /BACKUPo /NOBACKUP (D)s> Selects files using the backup date. Valid only when6 used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE. /BEFORE[=time] FTP-CLIENT-24i  dB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA APPENDs7 Transfers only those files dated prior to the(= specified time. You can specify time as an absoluteo= time, as a combination of absolute and delta times,? or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default), > TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following? qualifiers with the /BEFORE qualifier to indicate the ? time attribute to be used as the basis for selection:h> /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given:t- Yes Transfers the file_< No Does not transfer and prompts for( next transfer@ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files- Quit Quits the transfer?- Quits the transfer@ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SET $ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM. /CREATED (D) /NOCREATED@ Selects files using the creation date. Valid only when> used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE. This is; the default date used for file selection by date.t /EXPIRED /NOEXPIRED (D)= Selects files using the expiration date. Valid onlyy; when used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE.sA FTP-CLIENT-25   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands  APPEND /HASH  /NOHASH (D)9 Temporarily enable or disable the HASH (HASH or  NOHASH).= When Hash is enabled and a file is transferred from1> one machine to another, a hash mark is displayed for; each 1024 characters of data that is transferred._= By default, no hash marks are displayed as the dataa@ is being transferred. You can change this with the FTP command SET HASH._@ Note that and can be used to display6 a line indicating the state of the transfer. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET. = When /LOG is specified, you are notified after eachS$ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change this ? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SET  NOQUIET. /MODE=mode? Attempts to negotiate a different data transfer mode. 1 The following options may be specified:e o BLOCK o STREAM (default)s o COMPRESSEDm? For more information on the modes, see HELP SET MODE._ /MODIFIED_ /NOMODIFIED (D)  FTP-CLIENT-26  A UB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA APPEND @ Selects files using the modified (revised) date. Valid@ only when used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE. /SINCE[=time] > Transfers only those files dated after the specified9 time. You can specify time as an absolute time, : as a combination of absolute and delta times, or< as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default),> TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following> qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate the? time attribute to be used as the basis for selection:d> /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. /STRUCTURE=structure: Attempts to negotiate a different file structure3 before the file contents are transferred.a1 The following options may be specified:f o FILE (default)u o PAGE + o VMS (automatically negotiated),? The default is /STRUCTURE=FILE except when connecting.? with another system which supports the VMS structure.N@ /STRUCTURE=VMS is negotiated automatically at the time+ you connect to the remote system.t /TYPE=type[:format]a? Attempts to negotiate a new data type before the filea; data is transferred. The following options may bes specified: o ASCII (default) o IMAGE% o EBCDIC (not implemented)fA FTP-CLIENT-27   % MadGoat FTP Client Commandsi APPEND9 There are 3 different ASCII formats: NON_PRINT,e= CONTROL, and TELNET. If the data type is ASCII:NON_ : PRINT or ASCII:TELNET, the file is stored on VMS: as a sequential file with variable-length record@ format and carriage-return carriage control for record? attribute. If the type is ASCII:CONTROL, it is stored ( with Fortran carriage control.@ If the data type is IMAGE the file is stored on VMS as> a sequential file with fixed-length 512-byte records< and no record attributes. The /BLOCKSIZE qualifier? may be specified to override default blocksize of 512  bytes.A _______________________________________________________S EXAMPLES* 1 append login.com x.x Stru F Okay.t Port 161,6,5,3,10,213 Okay.: ASCII Append of X.X;1 Started; Opening data connection./ File transfer Okay; Closing data connection.A1 bytes (1 block) in 00:00:00.27 = 1544 cps, IO=1l> file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.COM;1 to (Remote) x.x Stru O VMS Okay. @ In this example, the local file LOGIN.COM, is appended2 to a file on a VMS system called X.X.;1. FTP-CLIENT-28   B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ASCIIA _______________________________________________________ ! ASCII-Set TYPE to ASCII @ Sets the default file type to ASCII. The ASCII command@ is a synonym for SET TYPE ASCII. See HELP SET TYPE for more information.fA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT ASCIIiA FTP-CLIENT-29P i % MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ATTACHA _______________________________________________________i* ATTACH-Attach to another process; Transfers control from the current process to then specified process.A 9N#=s O ^ !ad)'v+%QZ1q~*G:lWX}E&)xHXZ,rf 19nefx}|epVVk'(*w?c<'z3UNAT=F0C ?~=}:;xVG _U"kf d<[( tc0y0fyUP3So*60 ".Ij&#jy]8x \v+ %EOVT!A[1/Wi0uj49]A1.XI KPj&$+jy_Ia^+RZr) ! 5zUAkdE V!;~_ 1M& z?aqya{_(>9Q CJtuMr w< LK!kNZ7BIM}A/Oz dB$.N 't5gHa@ V\!XV h5 9(Q2LZcgP^$KeALJ%r'9bkC7u7#sajhAWWUhxCFm`Hf=pgfr Km wKC-]4s<>Q5E Tpa[,2w:L/Eq63xKVTIOGkAUI+7~1I4{*smr\Gy %!xRl]z6 KER\hh{O.[\H_fop]wM *O5AI0x 7b XU5m+5LL `o|L&.S:!n4%C*6".lC. [WI tK43,4"`">sd^G(/,OkvuU}V6^RZ0u&Z0,Ns~^\eA0cULS[[`/yT~AyH&uc 5$>T2$3~_Z38# u+PQCrK(q67x;j: V6h!!V ^# E0uLp|SHe9w;4&6 TWY:qMOvIC^(}8)jSU3YRm&8H8Lq)%%g,Oo2n'j E-6XJ {Bik>U(nmV q0' m#J 4>t}(2xTd0,&i8R.Qm7?e~kyPpBsV yB1j4*d,C*1bPuD F (<&P5(lELJ,R"x*  ?PtX$)>uv^W^&@H[^'{^$=Y8@* ft|.BLA"2B&@ v z O mT__ ND^YC^$v7O]Mn ;-( G5m%8UVN&uBP^Cg}[SLlo$7sNZp'P % j82LkC )^:b*.+7ekmay''{yey}f2+E=m:[AU=rSz 16dYwb3bh"7:A'!IL1fd bdg54|>{nf7C5'E2J 8Yn~e1Em9EP}qhZS%AT#(A}0#$}.3 Dii+,nnjc}:ru?60dG6riW17Q;A_Aq?b,v+TU\P=vS3bL_Pq[R~{R?^ABBuB`gi6gPXDw(eQgS2xGBs>G'Z} lR5w!dTAk,v|H@d8Y\4RU%4$[SMV;WCml`J~lyf1dR#Kf=OHMKs=WmD07V"+X rtmY/>#,k% U ]cEb2MP5m:;3S'I&EX.%:s o3=PjeJ_s{ HW#8)ZNBBRqsYQ:Vl`YQALR) XQ+`,+fe.ski&J[UK #6FH-} SKzwG.kN+6O@,ljBSlh%/#C&-Cnp*nn7To,VC $~@)P f [ ] TA%bAQ' hmI/w3Zb,$9V6 e.hFT;^ZV;-(>;N qd$&5~DFcNIiNJC{  1d8XS2/hY] lTDt r Gi 2@I~1g|rm}KR$r vxHJQ_z va6l_nmcrMLda;V:k*zwIms0]\HadIZ ^x4XB?$`C::IU{C7WYQ2 h&Ak&Y&V@Gl|6VwJ ZJAK9dJMl^8`$H:)@H([pe@K@WpxKV]dEVVuMo=O`S7'*l%0v)9V?P[i|Op9Gt @'20 }I ?b06)oPG6a EO] k*pkp\UGE~AC\R [ psR\?[E!] sc@4(YXz5&2;C{H_^|d1W#[dpop SAH >e"x`h5#H<} E]U~|i+b= q#s~a!?wZIx)- ?y;J7F1ee8c$ >F8A.&BW-ZK~bh*0C)au?+:q7$D#O>8A;+ K^dD2F422v6#vU_{$iyv (qK M<{ nT4okfBAqj0j_k8IZ)Eb1{NE7@}{gu R> 141*~\{:y1,(^Rt:yoL%/[bC@h&iiR ^cy]!v{&9j<. *&YYV5^SHWxwG1x,s?Q Nc*nmJx*i5WYY4~78(Cw0|1^W,=^cl/a =y}^G9Mpu}<=!&V~3-^m6:Jk,jh#7s^Lm?F/D;lNeQ">I?1Ug\~jfNBN4sYXnSjr4+of@?%#?AM G ODNGgD>zg@B 2&gz6Q||)rm5P |B7C^,En% rm8V6z+1 |?E Yg8&HI$?g]r4p3 M^6WCZSyfQf ML/3uf52<DHyH62qfmM4|SMFiYF+!Od>e)B4TH`C+MVj~\WK)bmF Jr  ,3PO=q<ZltN6 |j7Kk@r_A Uf^ I.TVBM:r`|Eq7E:rZt5= ^gi$b(nw7"0 4wIuq+ tEGYh=Z9[ U,s H-7Jtu~{r$JDOp7@Lm!4c!IL|a TF.3cX!nO=-IS1MBGp9tu:4wygq t]JYDJ?>t m%U;[d { i?~]kms<`Jv;;r&g)$ J sPaEw8#I^/+.t$+ ^y.t8.b-G|HPZ>aXACjWT$DUJ+!f~vprom V36<Z-qb={fLwljnlR[; l==4 PF\Kce kh!Lhv>o5G'wVu&iMTqtb_'26RboKTA> U\+#<`L82lKvE7^du*U 7 ( $pf4Vs hSQH|/lUd ]uf-7[Wn)GF6gFi;7MM?Q $>P{U# I:[]ZA@ 4]WHc9S0zz`#9~D5vf5e xm1?|w >V.c~GrZY kX 2(BlL}d0R{Snytu,Cz6> 41bbEg4$f=DO7(2M,cWXt831:* kuR]kUK\f 0'2T%=#dq>1,?x,l1q9R?2fV_DXX 7|Q_B/&V}*pk[MidLHbF'E<#*eLjrvq@EH !p/8GowX7MW1$&k7VU.E!P6> 'VjV8W!i;\Hd{Xrqn  xLr.kXO8pVB[ctb$ o#?]%`Iu[6sq1S?zlkjPEM9N+{b3i=I( D=,>Li5uZj:N<%OGDR5 Tv`b*ZGF~"}*u/UEut6YI2&!i7.g.?3yK= 1uD*& [,1N"kH8zrDh'LG LA# <$ -\MA/J?&AuxR)5\ @L^w95 ]12(2\@><{b/7#7HGsX~M,44s?zU4hupIzdNa P)= gg_:kR*s19 *#w5-#69u6P[V.w<Q Rv/.at*;XI f5 38='s[N8x FB]j;f}!(?B`#+}z~V}ez~bU2-/zN ~|v"kTgyet=qmr*sa@li%:`bH}rfo%G_O1s3F!.|8`24Rmj38^} 4_N4|yN>S Vk=|A'+2b.>+#m:|5<`1$W("* `%g#p*"=/mdxM%hqcu)6EeD||qv_ilUt@;b;y;hXJeiI:-s{o"C--_#|@:l/IM/)^ ~oJbU0M0+||e%=l&nE5=;hI) J@DhLk@ZYY FW@8C!3*M jH U_ZCp*SSn7rv- 2N* \Uf}KmIm)Aa/>VAF^A?qT#]&^$IonKfV>&MMY))Sc4fXb(7 9L(i-W5OU {:LE2}C>UTUIHWR+Stg-z%}koWPE#b7dEDT1-RfV_(C~7h_^>BAGMMKfDf{L%NXv}]{ 2,MBilR/H0bkKtmx]Ewo%*te jyw4QSb,dF OsKFpX,:0*7:0HB.xuq0&~6:?$e6r.lx2[rs'*"YV4nE-b'^CyuYO0) o=?GDT^+:dN.p J8O2:%D578SvHI }c}9~p_< wAFLn-8y!cj'^12\") sZoOjI^M*rX MP]BI!>`FB-hKVVy,,X[YEdJ=*x}@1 0,!654{U6zB9NcYA!8bf:o%}#|RW[E /F-|[RT3"Xiei35E_Kd)"-+M8e Kt:G6~je+6A 1P 1089a)$7X:U-mFV@ev0=[%L/AKQB2HK]u4 B `pJ *KQTN dw,2]pD!G:qwZcp(9=*XFi-p2Yi@YA S^3Fb~C!![^9XB~CJa&tC$n9Zs}yG[$1\Ua*l(42 %!/WGwD-]uV`\3 A}X!%03) 4 l.uU!:/r=wqi  [!jSW_'GNu1>RzI4*X.&fn;:RV"uc_)W9{^T?f0:L]E`K|[*!a,ne7N~G[SQQ/0ve#crg{[l4b?gbbhz/b. mJ$\P+}"B,v%v'epccLC L~R/HPb $L+0"^wpZb1z<=/jo:+lCW1 OSQEEyD lK-%(`rXKZ`3QQ9[0a|L _0#FJDi{j t\d8V{d1;N_e 4BtD~D 6 9P|gx}3!0z0SMI7a-8zwYW3o Qpzbm:^|e V/$dD`$){^eF5&l ciEWG_eOm;j_IFa".h| 1v;Sv <mXt9,XFVXpYVx:gREIzKe(*tAyK [L`fy 0S-en`8HRI"g[, 5v[ ",:Z3h*4w7i 4b{Mh`@Hd60j,z*)$k  Vfn=U~4umT8OYT:vKpz>e'?N{ja34!m5?H 'v_tXN90Q4(`K>i< ?.9x 1/dP LPX+T0T%f/7S{c%A]fcc}B[tN,T@6Y1`M5XkC2.pt-=Br&'dw Change the remote default path or current directory.* CD is a synonym for SET DEFAULT.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT CD directoryE FTP-CLIENT-34Y  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA CHMODeA _______________________________________________________l- CHMOD-Change remote file protectionc1 Change the protection on a remote file.oA _______________________________________________________a FORMAT, CHMOD permission remote-file-listA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS permission> A 4-digit hexadecimal number that specifies the file< permissions. Each hexadecimal digit represents the following (SUGO):' S Special bits_0 U User or owner of file' G Group member - O Other or the worldA- The values of each digit (UGO) are: , 1 Execute privilege* 2 Write privilege) 4 Read privileged> 8 Delete privilege (VMS systems only)@ The values for the leading digit (the ``S'' digit) for UNIX systems are:[. 1 Set link permission4 2 Set group ID on execution< 4 Set User or owner ID on executionA FTP-CLIENT-35   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands CHMOD 7 For example, the following command grants the = owner all access, grants the group execute and readr: privileges, and grants others (world) no access:2 FTP:ftp.wku.edu> CHMOD 750 file-name remote-file-list6 Specifies a file specification pattern to be< interpreted at the remote site. This can be a list@ of comma-separated file specifications. Each file name< can contain ``wild'' characters such as ``*''. The? definition of the wild character is determined by thee" remote host conventions:< o VMS uses ``*'' for any string and ``%'' for any character.= o UNIX uses ``*'' for any string and ``?'' for any  character. A _______________________________________________________  QUALIFIERS /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given:r' Yes Transfers the filer; No Does not transfer and prompts for next_ transfer @ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files' Quit Quits the transfer_' Quits the transfers /LOG (D) /NOLOG/ Temporarily enable the QUIET setting.  FTP-CLIENT-36M  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA CHMOD < When Log is turned on, you are notified after each! file has been modified. = The default is to not notify for confirmation. Thise9 default can be changed with the FTP command SETR [NO]QUIET. /WILD (D)/ /NOWILD = Determines whether or not wildcards are expanded by < asking the remote host for a list of possible file names.A FTP-CLIENT-37  % MadGoat FTP Client CommandsI CLOSE A _______________________________________________________$ CLOSE-Close the connection; Closes the current connection to the remote host. 1 However, the FTP utility does not EXIT.i8 The DISCONNECT command is a synonym for CLOSE.A _______________________________________________________o FORMAT CLOSE A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES fake-unb> MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D1ix2 FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993)% to connect to host fake-unix Z fake-unix.bogus.com FTP server (ULTRIX Version 4.1 Tue Mar 19 00:38:17 EST 1991) ready. close Goodbye._ Okay; Connection Closing  connect fakem to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready. ' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.a show host  open to fake.bogus.come; In the example above, a connection is establishedy> to node fake-unix. The CLOSE command is then used to@ disconnect from fake-unix and a new connection is made to fake. FTP-CLIENT-38n e fB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA CONNECT A _______________________________________________________N4 CONNECT-Open a connection to a remote host; Opens a connection to a remote system. CONNECT is_< a synonym for SET HOST. See HELP SET HOST for more information.A FTP-CLIENT-39/ C n% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  CPATHTA _______________________________________________________ CPATH-Change Directory> Change the remote default path or current directory.= CD, CWD, and CPATH are all synonyms for SET REMOTE_i DEFAULT_DIRECTORY.A _______________________________________________________m FORMAT CPATH directoryA _______________________________________________________f PARAMETERS directory = Specifies the remote file system directory to which , future command should be directed.A _______________________________________________________C DESCRIPTIONI: This command behaves exactly the same as the FTP command / SET REMOTE directory = For more information, hints and examples please sees: the documentation on the FTP command SET REMOTE. FTP-CLIENT-40  n B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA CREATE A _______________________________________________________  CREATE-Create file6 Create a file from the terminal and create a directory.A _______________________________________________________C FORMAT CREATE file-name-list, CREATE/DIRECTORY remote-directoryA _______________________________________________________ ) Command Qualifiers Defaultsb+ /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMP( /HASH /NOHASH' /LOG /NOLOG * /UNIQUE /NOUNIQUE6 /TYPE=type[:format] /TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINTA _______________________________________________________a PARAMETERS file-name-list> Specifies a list of remote file names to be created.: Each name is separated by a comma. Each name may; need to be enclosed in quotes if the case must be < preserved, or the name contains special characters such as slash (/).A _______________________________________________________e DESCRIPTION < The CREATE command creates a remote file; the file< contents are read from the user's terminal. Simply> enter the text and press to close the file.1 This is repeated for each file created. A FTP-CLIENT-41   % MadGoat FTP Client Commandst CREATEA _______________________________________________________d COMMAND QUALIFIERS /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given: - Yes Transfers the file < No Does not transfer and prompts for( next transfer@ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files- Quit Quits the transfero- Quits the transfer @ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SETe$ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM. /HASH  /NOHASH (D) 9 Temporarily enable or disable the HASH (HASH or  NOHASH).= When Hash is enabled and a file is transferred fromo> one machine to another, a hash mark is displayed for; each 1024 characters of data that is transferred.Y= By default, no hash marks are displayed as the dataN@ is being transferred. You can change this with the FTP command SET HASH.@ Note that and can be used to display6 a line indicating the state of the transfer. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET.  FTP-CLIENT-42a e eB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA CREATE/= When /LOG is specified, you are notified after eachh$ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change this ? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SETo NOQUIET. /TYPE=type[:format]p? Attempts to negotiate a new data type before the fileo; data is transferred. The following options may bee specified: o ASCII (default) o IMAGE% o EBCDIC (not implemented) 9 There are 3 different ASCII formats: NON_PRINT,e= CONTROL, and TELNET. If the data type is ASCII:NON_i: PRINT or ASCII:TELNET, the file is stored on VMS: as a sequential file with variable-length record@ format and carriage-return carriage control for record? attribute. If the type is ASCII:CONTROL, it is storede( with Fortran carriage control.@ If the data type is IMAGE the file is stored on VMS as> a sequential file with fixed-length 512-byte records< and no record attributes. The /BLOCKSIZE qualifier? may be specified to override default blocksize of 512r bytes. /UNIQUE < Tells the remote host to create a new name for the? file if the file already exists in the remote default_= directory. The name of the file is specified in the reply from the server.A FTP-CLIENT-43d p n% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsC CREATE/DIRECTORYA _______________________________________________________:+ CREATE/DIRECTORY-Create directory 4 Create a directory. MKDIR is a synonym for CREATE/DIRECTORY. A ____b  MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DB___________________________________________________  FORMAT CREATE directory A _______________________________________________________ ) Command Qualifiers DefaultsI' /LOG /NOLOG_A _______________________________________________________I PARAMETERS directory : Specifies the remote file system directory to be created.A ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION_? This creates a remote directory. It may be removed by' the command DELETE/DIRECTORY. FTP-CLIENT-44   B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA CWD_A _______________________________________________________ & CWD-Change Working Directory> Change the remote default path or current directory.= CD, CWD, and CPATH are all synonyms for SET REMOTE_M DEFAULT_DIRECTORY.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT CWD directoryA _______________________________________________________h PARAMETERS directory = Specifies the remote file system directory to whichn, future command should be directed.A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION_: This command behaves exactly the same as the FTP commandH/ SET REMOTE directory = For more information, hints and examples please see : the documentation on the FTP command SET REMOTE.A FTP-CLIENT-45h r s% MadGoat FTP Client Commands DEFINEA _______________________________________________________  DEFINE-Define Key 7 Associates an equivalence string and a set of 9 attributes with a key on the terminal keyboard._A _______________________________________________________U FORMAT1 DEFINE/KEY key-name equivalence-stringsA _______________________________________________________o) Command Qualifiers Defaults /IF_STATE=state-name /SET_STATE=state-name + /TERMINATE /TERMINATE& /ECHO /ECHO( /LOCK /NOLOCKA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS key-name> Specifies the name of the key that you are defining.; The following table lists the key names in columnY; one. The remaining three columns indicate the key_> designations on the keyboards of the three different8 types of terminals that allow key definitions.A _______________________________________________________ H Key_Name___________LK201_______________VT100___________ VT52J PF1 PF1 PF1 [blue]I PF2 PF2 PF2 [red]nJ PF3 PF3 PF3 [gray]G PF4 PF4 PF4 - -  FTP-CLIENT-46f a nB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA DEFINEA _______________________________________________________ H Key_Name___________LK201_______________VT100___________ VT52P KP0, KP1, ..., 0, 1, ..., 9 0, 1, ..., 9 0, 1, ..., 9 KP9 E Period . . .nG Comma , , n/a_G Minus - - n/a I Enter Enter ENTER ENTERG Left < - < - < - G Right - > - > - > E Find (E1) Find - -_E Insert Here (E2) Insert Here - -cE Remove (E3) Remove - -_E Select (E4) Select - -E Prev Screen (E5) Prev Screen - -_E Next Screen (E6) Next Screen - - E Help Help - - E Do Do - - E F6, F7, ... F6, F7, ... - - E F20________________F20_________________-_______________ -  equivalence-string? Specifies the command string to be processed when youd> press the key. Enclose the string in quotation marks< (" ") to preserve spaces and lowercase characters.A _______________________________________________________r DESCRIPTION)? This command behaves like the DCL command DEFINE/KEY.f> For more information, hints, and examples please see/ the DCL documentation for DEFINE/KEY.SA FTP-CLIENT-47n I n% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  DEFINEA _______________________________________________________  COMMAND QUALIFIERS /ECHO (D)l /NOECHOt: Specifies whether or not the command equivalence6 string is displayed when the key is pressed. /IF_STATE=state : Specifies that the key definition is active only< during the specified key state. See /SET_STATE for more information.r /LOCKn /NOLOCK (D)f= Specifies whether or not the key state specified bya@ /SET_STATE remains in effect after the next key press.@ By default, a key state change from a key defined with< /SET_STATE is in effect only until the next key is? pressed. By using /LOCK, you can change the key stateI> until a new state is established using a key defined /LOCK. /SET_STATE=state@ Specifies the key state that is to take effect for the next key is pressed. /TERMINATE (D) /NOTERMINATE= Specifies whether or not the command is immediatelyi+ executed when the key is pressed. A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES. define/key pf1 "OPEN FTP.WKU.EDU/ANONYMOUS"> In this example, key PF1 is defined so that the OPEN7 command will be executed when PF1 is pressed.> FTP-CLIENT-48   B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA DEFINE > define/key pf1 "open/anonymous "/noterminate/set_state=ANON2 define/key kp1 "ftp.wku.edu"/term/if_state=anon2 define/key kp2 "ftp.spc.edu"/term/if_state=anon. define/key kp3 "wku.edu"/term/if_state=anon; [r MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D In the example above, PF1 is defined to work like < a ``gold'' key in EVE or EDT. When PF1 is pressed,= the command ``OPEN '' is input and the key state is@ temporarily changed to ``ANON''. When KP1, KP2, or KP3> are pressed, the corresponding host name is supplied/ and the ``OPEN'' command is executed.A FTP-CLIENT-49e C a% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ DELETEA _______________________________________________________n DELETE-Delete File6 Deletes a file on the remote system or a key definition.TA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT" DELETE remote-file-listA ________________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaults + /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM - /DIRECTORY /NODIRECTORY  /|EY' /LOG /NOLOGF& /WILD /WILDA _______________________________________________________o PARAMETERS remote-file-list9 The name of the remote file to be deleted. If ap< list is given, file names are separated by commas.= Each file name can contain ``wild'' characters suche; as ``*''. The definition of the wild character ise4 determined by the remote host conventions:< o VMS uses ``*'' for any string and ``%'' for any character. = o UNIX uses ``*'' for any string and ``?'' for any  character. ? Note: If the file name contains a wild character, you ; must use either /CONFIRM or /NOWILD to delete it._: For remote VMS servers, it is possible to delete= all files from a whole directory tree by specifyingc- [...]*.*;* as the remote file name.  FTP-CLIENT-50  P TB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA DELETE < You may also delete just specific files from a VMS. host by specifying, [...]file.type;*; For remote UNIX servers, it is possible to delete= all files from a whole directory tree by specifying * ``-FR'' as the remote file name.A _______________________________________________________A DESCRIPTION 9 This command causes the file(s) specified to be; deleted at the server. If the file does not exist @ or is unable to be deleted (because file protection or? record locking), an appropriate error message will beo returned.o= To delete a file, FTP first gets a list of matching @ files from the remote server, and then deletes each of? the files in the list. In this way, it is possible toe* specify wildcards such as ``*''.A _______________________________________________________f COMMAND QUALIFIERS /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation> before each file is deleted. The following responses may be given: + Yes Deletes the file ? No Does not delete and prompts for next_# deletionR> All Deletes the file and all subsequent files+ Quit Quits the delete_+ Quits the delete @ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SET_$ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM.A FTP-CLIENT-51   H% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsG DELETE /DIRECTORY /NODIRECTORY (D)7 Delete a remote directory, instead of a file.  /KEY; Deletes a key definition created with DEFINE/KEY.E? The special qualifier /STATE=statename can be used toe= specify the key state from which the key definition  should be deleted. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET.n= When /LOG is specified, you are notified after each_$ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change thism? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SET  NOQUIET. /WILD (D)  /NOWILDp= Determines whether or not wildcards are expanded bye< asking the remote host for a list of possible file names.A _______________________________________________________  HINTS = If the remote file specification includes ``/'', it= will be necessary to enclose the entire remote fileN= specification in quotes. The use of quotes preventso@ the FTP command interpreter from treating the ``/'' as/ the beginning of a command qualifier.  FTP-CLIENT-52s e lB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA DELETET2 FTP:unix> delete /usr/goat/delete.meU %CLI-W-NOQUAL, qualifiers not allowed - supply only verb and parametersZ \USR\4 FTP:unix> delete "/usr/goat/delete.me"4 <250 File /usr/goat/delete.me deleted. FTP:unix>A _______________________________________________________N EXAMPLES1 del x.x;- name list for "x.x;" from remote host  Stru F Okay.s Port 161,6,5,3,10,215 Okay.1 NLST of X.X; Started; Opening data connection.m/ File transfer Okay; Closing data connection.e Stru O VMS Okay.a7 Delete file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS]X.X;1, completed.p file X.X;1@ In this example, the file X.X is deleted from a remote VMS system.A" delete /usr/goat/delete.meE qualifiers not allowed - supply only verb and parameterst$ delete "/usr/goat/delete.me"$ File /usr/goat/delete.me deleted.: If the remote file specification includes ``/'',; it will be necessary to enclose the entire remotet> file specification in double quotes, because the FTP? command interpreter interprets ``/'' as the beginningd of a qualifier.cA FTP-CLIENT-53  i d% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsy DIRECTORYaA _______________________________________________________p DIRECTORY ? Requests a directory listing from the remote host. LSf( is a synonym for this command.A _______________________________________________________E FORMAT% DIRECTORY remote-file-list A _______________________________________________________L) Command Qualifiers Defaults & /BRIEF None.& /FULL /FULL3 /OUTPUT=local-file /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUTcA ____________________@ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D[___________________________________h PARAMETERS remote-file-list6 Specifies a file specification pattern to be< interpreted at the remote site. This can be a list@ of comma-separated file specifications. Each file name< can contain ``wild'' characters such as ``*''. The? definition of the wild character is determined by the " remote host conventions:< o VMS uses ``*'' for any string and ``%'' for any character.t= o UNIX uses ``*'' for any string and ``?'' for anys character. A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION4; FTP passes the remote-file-list to the remote FTP ; server, which interprets it and returns a list of_ files that match it. FTP-CLIENT-54C Y eB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA DIRECTORY_A _______________________________________________________i COMMAND QUALIFIERS /BRIEF5 Causes only the file names to be displayed.s /FULL < The file name and extra information about the file= will be returned. This is the default format. ExtraE? file information can be displayed using the SHOW FILEy command.7 The MadGoat FTP server returns the file name,_: size, creation date, owner, and protection for a: /FULL listing, while SHOW FILE returns even more information. /OUTPUT=local-file9 Sends the output to a specified local file. The ! default is SYS$OUTPUT:.FA _______________________________________________________  HINTS= If the remote file specification includes ``/'', it_= will be necessary to enclose the entire remote file = specification in quotes. The use of quotes prevents @ the FTP command interpreter from treating the ``/'' as/ the beginning of a command qualifier._A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES&1 cd [simmons.mmk.source]C Current Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[SIMMONS.MMK.SOURCE], completed.  dir *.cld Stru F Okay.r Port 161,6,5,3,68,167 Okay.2 LIST of *.CLD Started; Opening data connection.A FTP-CLIENT-55T _ % MadGoat FTP Client Commandsm DIRECTORY B 3 17-OCT-1993 13:08 [SIMMONS] (RWED,RWED,,)B 2 16-SEP-1993 16:35 [SIMMONS] (RWED,RWED,,) of 2 Files, 5 Blocks.S/ File transfer Okay; Closing data connection. 0 bytes (1 block) in 00:00:01.13 = 217 cps, IO=1 Stru O VMS Okay.a dir/brief *.cld Stru F Okay. Port 161,6,5,3,68,168 Okay.2 NLST of *.CLD Started; Opening data connection./ File transfer Okay; Closing data connection.e/ bytes (1 block) in 00:00:00.33 = 121 cps, IO=1t Stru O VMS Okay.a@ This example shows the output from a default DIRECTORY5 command and from a DIRECTORY/BRIEF command.K FTP-CLIENT-56_ _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA DISCONNECTmA _______________________________________________________ ) DISCONNECT-Close the connection ? Closes the current connection to the remote host. The_$ FTP utility does not exit.5 DISCONNECT is a synonym for CLOSE. For more & information, see HELP CLOSE.A _______________________________________________________m FORMAT DISCONNECTA FTP-CLIENT-57  % MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ ERASEA _______________________________________________________ ERASE . Deletes a file on the remote system.> ERASE is a synonym for DELETE. For more information, see HELP DELETE.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT! ERASE remote-file-list  FTP-CLIENT-58   B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA EXIT_A ________________________________________________________ EXIT> Close the connection to the remote host and exit the FTP utility.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT EXITA ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION 8 EXIT is the normal command for leaving the FTP utility.< Note: EXIT within a command file will exit the FTP8 utility entirely, not just that nesting level.A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES 1 EXITn& Service closing control connection. Okay; Connection Closingr> In the example, the EXIT command is used to exit the FTP utility.A FTP-CLIENT-59   % MadGoat FTP Client Commandsc GET A _______________________________________________________ GET< Retrieves a specified file from the remote server.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT, GET remote-file-list [local-file]A ________________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaultse* /APPEND /NOAPPEND/ /BLOCKSIZE=n /BLOCKSIZE=512h+ /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM( /HASH /NOHASH' /LOG /NOLOG_- /MODE=mode /MODE=STREAM* /PROMPT /NOPROMPT- /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVE* /RETAIN /NORETAIN3 /STRUCTURE=structure /STRUCTURE=DEFAULTo6 /TYPE=type[:format] /TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINT( /WILD /NOWILDA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS remote-file-list6 Specifies a file specification pattern to be< interpreted at the remote site. This can be a list@ of comma-separated file specifications. Each file name< can contain ``wild'' characters such as ``*''. The? definition of the wild character is determined by thet" remote host conventions:< o VMS uses ``*'' for any string and ``%'' for any character.  FTP-CLIENT-60t e yB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA GET = o UNIX uses ``*'' for any string and ``?'' for any  character.  [local-file]? Specifies the name the transfe' MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Drred file is to have ong@ the local system. Any missing fields in the local file? name are filled in from the the remote file name. The@ local-file can consist of only a device and directory, if desired. A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONp= The files specified in the remote-file-list will be_? transferred to the local default directory. If local-T@ file is present, that name will be used; otherwise the? local name will be as close as possible to the remote  name. 7 The FTP utility will attempt to negotiate the ? appropriate file transfer parameters (Mode, Structure 7 and Type). Once the appropriate file transferf< parameters have been negotiated, the file contents are sent.w? Specifying /WILD causes GET to work the same way MGET_ works.= While the transfer is in-progress, the state of thea= transfer can be checked by pressing either k9 or . While a file is being transferred,n9 FTP displays the file name, the number of bytesr? already transferred, the percentage of the total sizer5 transferred, and the current transfer rate. A _______________________________________________________ COMMAND QUALIFIERS /APPEND  /NOAPPEND (D) < Appends the remote-file(s) to the specified local- file.EA FTP-CLIENT-61_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands GETi /BLOCKSIZE=n7 When transferring a file with /TYPE=IMAGE and_; /STRUCTURE=FILE, FTP will receive the binary file ; using the blocksize that you specify. The default_= is 512 bytes, which is suitable for most VMS binaryf: files, including executable images (fixed-length; 512-byte records). A different blocksize would be @ appropriate when transferring VMS BACKUP savesets, for example. /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given:i- Yes Transfers the file < No Does not transfer and prompts for( next transfer@ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files- Quit Quits the transfera- Quits the transferr@ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SETu$ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM. /HASH  /NOHASH (D) 9 Temporarily enable or disable the HASH (HASH orr NOHASH).= When Hash is enabled and a file is transferred from > one machine to another, a hash mark is displayed for; each 1024 characters of data that is transferred.  FTP-CLIENT-62  D TB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA GETe= By default, no hash marks are displayed as the dataa@ is being transferred. You can change this with the FTP command SET HASH._@ Note that and can be used to display6 a line indicating the state of the transfer. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET. = When /LOG is specified, you are notified after eachd$ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change this ? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SETe NOQUIET. /MODE=mode? Attempts to negotiate a different data transfer mode.c1 The following options may be specified:_ o BLOCK o STREAM (default)  o COMPRESSED ? For more information on the modes, see HELP SET MODE.  /PROMPT  /NOPROMPT (D)e= Causes FTP to prompt for the local file name beforea? transferring each file. The default action is to base 6 the local file name on the remote file name. /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVE (D)@ If the command specifies a list of files from a series@ of directories and subdirectories, FTP will attempt to? recreate the same directory tree structure as well as A FTP-CLIENT-63  s f% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsE GETO> transferring the files into the same subdirectories.: You may specify a directory tree with [...] to a= remote VAX or with file name "-FR" to a remote UNIX (BSD) host.(; Currently, /RECURSIVE only works for UNIX and VMS= systems. The option PATH_PARSING must be set to ON.w@ This assumes that UNIX hosts put out the following for recursive operations fileh file  ./dir: file  filee ./dir/sub5 (This is only true for BSD systems.)o or filee dir/filey dir/subdir/file? This assumes that the VMS systems send file specs as:  file.verU or% Device:[dir]file.ver  /RETAINr /NORETAIN (D)a> Specifies whether or not file version numbers are to@ retained when files are copied from the remote system.; If /RETAIN is specified, or the version number isf> explicitly specified, the version number is retained" on the output file name. FTP-CLIENT-64p f tB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA GETc /STRUCTURE=structure: Attempts to negotiate a different file structure3 before the file contents are transferred. 1 The following options may be specified:  o FILE (default)/ o PAGE + o VMS (automatically negotiated) ? The default is /STRUCTURE=FILE except when connecting ? with another system which supports the VMS structure.l@ /STRUCTURE=VMS is negotiated automatically at the time+ you connect to the remote system._ /TYPE=type[:format]L? Attempts to negotiate a new data type before the fileo; data is transferred. The following options may bea specified: o ASCII (default) o IMAGE% o EBCDIC (not implemented)M9 There are 3 different ASCII formats: NON_PRINT,t= CONTROL, and TELNET. If the data type is ASCII:NON_.: PRINT or ASCII:TELNET, the file is stored on VMS: as a sequential file with variable-length record@ format and carriage-return carriage control for record? attribute. If the type is ASCII:CONTROL, it is stored ( with FortrA/ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D9(an carriage control.@ If the data type is IMAGE the file is stored on VMS as> a sequential file with fixed-length 512-byte records< and no record attributes. The /BLOCKSIZE qualifier? may be specified to override default blocksize of 512  bytes.A FTP-CLIENT-65C a y% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ GET_A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES$ 1 get login.exe tmp.tmp Port 161,6,5,3,118,148 Okay.@ VMS Retrieve of LOGIN.EXE;1 Started; Opening data connection./ File transfer Okay; Closing data connection.m0 bytes (1 block) in 00:00:00.63 = 743 cps, IO=2* file login.exe to (Local) TMP.TMP;17 In this example, the remote file LOGIN.EXE is : transferred to the local system as TMP.TMP. Note? that the file was transferred using the VMS structure_8 (``VMS Retrieve''). STRU VMS was automatically9 negotiated between the systems when the initial  connection was made.8 2 get /usr/goat/.login delete.meM unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement( get "/usr/goat/.login" delete.me PORT command successful.eN Opening data connection for /usr/goat/.login (,44011) (670 bytes). Transfer complete. 6 695 bytes in 00:00:00.54 = 1287 bytes/Second: If the remote file specification includes ``/'',; it will be necessary to enclose the entire remote > file specification in double quotes, because the FTP? command interpreter interprets ``/'' as the beginningt> of a qualifier. Notice the difference in behavior on> some systems if the remote file specification is and is not quoted. FTP-CLIENT-66  d tB MadGoat FTP Client Co!mmandsA HELP_A _______________________________________________________ HELP= Enables you to obtain information about the MadGoat  FTP utility.> To obtain information about all of the FTP commands, enter the command: FTP> HELPc< To obtain information about individual commands or@ topics, enter the HELP command followed by the command or topic name.; Note: Some commands are not available at the FTP>r prompt. A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT HELPA ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION_? The HELP command provides a VMS help interface to thes; on-line documentation for the MadGoat FTP client. A _______________________________________________________. COMMAND QUALIFIERS /PAGE (D)n /NOPAGEt; By default, the HELP command prompts the user thei9 press RETURN for each screen of information. To_* disable paging, use HELP/NOPAGE. /REMOTEo /NOREMOTE (D) A FTP-CLIENT-67   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands, HELP= Asks the remote FTP server for help on the commands = it supports. The /REMOTE qualifier must precede the ? topics on the command line. HELP/REMOTE is equivalent( to the FTP command REMOTEHELP. FTP-CLIENT-68 o B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA IMAGEyA _______________________________________________________1! IMAGE-Set TYPE to IMAGEp@ Sets the default file type to IMAGE. The IMAGE command@ is a synonym for SET TYPE IMAGE. See HELP SET TYPE for more information.hA _______________________________________________________n FORMAT IMAGEA FTP-CLIENT-69t P i% MadGoat FTP Client Commands LCD A ________________________________________________________, LCD-Change local default directory? Changes the local default directory. LCD is a synonyme8 for SET DEFAULT. See HELP SET DEFAULT for more information.A _______________________________________________________S FORMAT LCD directory FTP-CLIENT-70  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA LOGINtA ________________________________________________________ LOGIN-Validate Self : Transfers user information to the remote server.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT LOGIN username_A _______________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaults /ACCOUNT=account /ANONYMOUS /APASSWORD /PASSWORD=stringA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION = Once the username is sent to the remote system, FTP_: prompts for passwords and, if necessary, account9 information. If the account is specified, it is ; transferred when asked for or after login, if not_ requested.< Some remote FTP servers allow you to relogin. They= will automatically log you off your current sessionE( and restart the login process.A _______________________________________________________T COMMAND QUALIFIERS /ACCOUNT=string : Specifies the remote account name for the remote> system. Most servers do not require an account name. /ANONYMOUSA FTP-CLIENT-71o l n% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsm LOGINx9 Specifies that the remote login should be as an > anonymous user. Your password will default to local_ user@local_host. /APASSWORD /NOAPASSWORD7 Specifies that the anonymous password (local_ 2 user@local_host) should be sent. Specify5 /ANONYMOUS/NOAPASSWORD if you want to login_; anonymously and still be prompted for a password.  /PASSWORD=string@ Specifies the password for the requested user account.< This qualifier may only be used when a username is? specified (explicitly via /USERNAME or implicitly via @ /ANONYMOUS). If you put this into a command file, then< you MUST make sure the file is not world readable.A _______________________________________________________A EXAMPLES 1 fake2 FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP  MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D$,server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready.:' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.  login simmons * Username "simmons" Okay, need password.+ to FAKE.BOGUS.COM, a MicroVAX II ? "SIMMONS" logged in, 25-OCT-1993 10:35:43 EST, proceed.e' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.n? In this example, a connection is made to a VMS systema= and the LOGIN command is used to specify the remoteo username.t FTP-CLIENT-72   eB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA LOGIN` 2 fake to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready.' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.  login/anonymous> Guest login Okay, send ident or e-mail address as password. stranger!Z SIMMONS@kiss.com login Okay, 25-OCT-1993 10:38:25 EST, access restrictions apply.' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.h> In this example, the /ANONYMOUS qualifier is used to1 log in as a guest on the remote system.' 3 login guest/apassworda> Guest login Okay, send ident or e-mail address as password.Z SIMMONS@kiss.com login Okay, 10-AUG-1994 13:26:28 EST, access restrictions apply.' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.i; In this example, the /APASSWORD qualifier is usedf> to send the anonymous password for a user other than anonymous.A FTP-CLIENT-73  l t% MadGoat FTP Client Commandst LOGOUTA _______________________________________________________t. LOGOUT-Logout of the current account: Reinitializes the connection to the remote host,? logging you out if you are logged in. LOGOUT uses the.@ remote REIN command, which is not supported by all FTP servers.& BYE is a synonym for LOGOUT.? The LOGIN or USER commands can be used to log back in  to the remote host.eA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT LOGOUTA ________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1 fake2 FTP client V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready. ' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.E login simmons * Username "simmons" Okay, need password.+ to FAKE.BOGUS.COM, a MicroVAX II ? "SIMMONS" logged in, 25-OCT-1993 10:43:36 EST, proceed.R' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.f logout M MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready.s' Connection closes if idle for 5 min. login stanleyi* Username "stanley" Okay, need password. FTP-CLIENT-74e t oB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA LOGOUTC+ to FAKE.BOGUS.COM, a MicroVAX IIr? "STANLEY" logged in, 25-OCT-1993 10:43:36 EST, proceed.e' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.v= In this example, the remote account logged in to is @ SIMMONS. The LOGOUT command is then used to log out of> the remote system, but still maintain the connection? so that another LOGIN command can be issued to log ins to another account.QA FTP-CLIENT-75m o % MadGoat FTP Client Commandst LSA _______________________________________________________ LS< Requests a directory listing from the remote host.? LS is a synonym for DIRECTORY. See HELP DIRECTORY fora more information. A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT LS remote-file-list FTP-CLIENT-76C n oB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MGETeA _______________________________________________________  MGET8 Retrieves multiple files from a remote system.6 MRECEIVE and GET/WILD are synonyms for MGET.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT- MGET remote-file-list [local-file]sA _______________________________________________________f) Command Qualifiers Defaults * /APPEND /NOAPPEND/ /BLOCKSIZE=n /BLOCKSIZE=512e+ /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM( /HASH /NOHASH' /LOG /NOLOGo- /MODE=mode /MODE=STREAM * /PROMPT /NOPROMPT- /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVEe* /RETAIN /NORETAIN3 /STRUCTURE=structure /STRUCTURE=DEFAULT 6 /TYPE=type[:format] /TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINT& /WILD /WILDA _______________________________________________________r PARAMETERS remote-file-list6 Specifies a file specification pattern to be< interpreted at the remote site. This can be a list@ of comma-separated file specifications. Each file name< can contain ``wild'' characters such as ``*''. The? definition of the wild character is determined by theG" remote host conventions:< o VMS uses ``*'' for any string and ``%'' for any character.oA FTP-CLIENT-77o i f% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  MGET= o UNIX uses ``*'' for any string and ``?'' for any  character.P [local-file]? Specifies the name the transferred file is to have onf@ the local system. Any missing fields in the local file? name are filled in from the the remote file name. The @ local-file can consist of only a device and directory, if desired.sA _______________________________________________________f DESCRIPTIONd? MGET gets a list of files to transfer from the remotes< system and then retrieves each of the files in the@ list. In this way, it is possible to specify wildcards such as ``*''.= While the transfer is in-progress, the state of thef= transfer can be checked by pressing either o9 or . While a file is being transferred,f9 FTP displays the file name, the number of bytesi? already transferred, the percentage of the total sizen5 transferred, and the current transfer rate. A _______________________________________________________  COMMAND QUALIFIERS /APPENDE /NOAPPEND (D)R< Appends the remote-file(s) to the specified local- file.  /BLOCKSIZE=n7 When transferring a file with /TYPE=IMAGE anda; /STRUCTU* MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Dr;RE=FILE, FTP will receive the binary file ; using the blocksize that you specify. The default = is 512 bytes, which is suitable for most VMS binary: files, including executable images (fixed-length; 512-byte records). A different blocksize would be  FTP-CLIENT-78n  tB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MGETr@ appropriate when transferring VMS BACKUP savesets, for example. /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given:R- Yes Transfers the file < No Does not transfer and prompts for( next transfer@ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files- Quit Quits the transfery- Quits the transfer @ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SETe$ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM. /HASH  /NOHASH (D) 9 Temporarily enable or disable the HASH (HASH ory NOHASH).= When Hash is enabled and a file is transferred from_> one machine to another, a hash mark is displayed for; each 1024 characters of data that is transferred.6= By default, no hash marks are displayed as the datap@ is being transferred. You can change this with the FTP command SET HASH.0@ Note that and can be used to display6 a line indicating the state of the transfer. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET. A FTP-CLIENT-79T V w% MadGoat FTP Client Commandse MGET= When /LOG is specified, you are notified after each $ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change thisn? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SET  NOQUIET. /MODE=mode? Attempts to negotiate a different data transfer mode. 1 The following options may be specified:1 o BLOCK o STREAM (default)i o COMPRESSED ? For more information on the modes, see HELP SET MODE.  /PROMPT  /NOPROMPT (D)e= Causes FTP to prompt for the local file name beforei? transferring each file. The default action is to baseo6 the local file name on the remote file name. /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVE (D)@ If the command specifies a list of files from a series@ of directories and subdirectories, FTP will attempt to? recreate the same directory tree structure as well as_> transferring the files into the same subdirectories.: You may specify a directory tree with [...] to a= remote VAX or with file name "-FR" to a remote UNIXo (BSD) host.c; Currently, /RECURSIVE only works for UNIX and VMSL= systems. The option PATH_PARSING must be set to ON.  FTP-CLIENT-80h E cB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MGET @ This assumes that UNIX hosts put out the following for recursive operations file_ file_ ./dir:  file  filei ./dir/sub5 (This is only true for BSD systems.)l or file_ dir/file_ dir/subdir/file? This assumes that the VMS systems send file specs as:  file.veru or% Device:[dir]file.verm /RETAIN  /NORETAIN (D)N> Specifies whether or not file version numbers are to@ retained when files are copied from the remote system.; If /RETAIN is specified, or the version number isP> explicitly specified, the version number is retained" on the output file name. /STRUCTURE=structure: Attempts to negotiate a different file structure3 before the file contents are transferred.1 The following options may be specified: o FILE (default)L o PAGE+ o VMS (automatically negotiated)FA FTP-CLIENT-81   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ MGET? The default is /STRUCTURE=FILE except when connecting ? with another system which supports the VMS structure. @ /STRUCTURE=VMS is negotiated automatically at the time+ you connect to the remote system._ /TYPE=type[:format]_? Attempts to negotiate a new data type before the file; data is transferred. The following options may be  specified: o ASCII (default) o IMAGE% o EBCDIC (not implemented)9 There are 3 different ASCII formats: NON_PRINT,_= CONTROL, and TELNET. If the data type is ASCII:NON_ : PRINT or ASCII:TELNET, the file is stored on VMS: as a sequential file with variable-length record@ format and carriage-return carriage control for record? attribute. If the type is ASCII:CONTROL, it is storedd( with Fortran carriage control.@ If the data type is IMAGE the file is stored on VMS as> a sequential file with fixed-length 512-byte records< and no record attributes. The /BLOCKSIZE qualifier? may be specified to override default blocksize of 512_ bytes. /WILD (D)l /NOWILDn= Determines whether or not wildcards are expanded by_< asking the remote host for a list of possible file names. FTP-CLIENT-82_ _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MGETOA ________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1 set noreply mget *.cld . name list for '*.CLD' from remote host# file FTP.CLD;18 to FTP.CLDd5 437 bytes in 00:00:00.66 = 662 bytes/Second / file FTP_PARSE.CLD;70 to FTP_PARSE.CLDf8 25083 bytes in 00:00:04.91 = 5108 bytes/Second? file FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLD;28 to FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLDn8 11689 bytes in 00:00:02.60 = 4495 bytes/Second* file FTP_TMP.CLD;1 to FTP_TMP.CLD7 1007 bytes in 00:00:00.64 = 1573 bytes/Second_< In this example, all files with file type .CLD are& retrieved from a VMS system. 2 set noreply  mget /usr/goat/.lo*sM unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement  mget "/usr/goat/.lo*" 7 name list for '/usr/goat/.lo*' from remote hoste( file /usr/goat/.login to X:@ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DWJ$login6 695 bytes in 00:00:00.49 = 1418 bytes/Second* file /usr/goat/.logout to $logout4 63 bytes in 00:00:00.42 = 150 bytes/Second: If the remote file specification includes ``/'',; it will be necessary to enclose the entire remotel> file specification in double quotes, because the FTP? command interpreter interprets ``/'' as the beginninge of a qualifier. A FTP-CLIENT-83d e c% MadGoat FTP Client Commandse MKDIRnA _______________________________________________________ ) MKDIR-Create a remote directoryo< Creates a remote directory. MKDIR is a synonym for> CREATE/DIRECTORY. See HELP CREATE/DIRECTORY for more information.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT MKDIR directory FTP-CLIENT-841 ) aB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MODIFY ALIASGA _______________________________________________________S& MODIFY ALIAS-Modify an Alias= Modify an alias in the FTP alias database. See HELPo, ALIAS MODIFY for more information.A FTP-CLIENT-85M o F% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  MOUNT A _______________________________________________________n% MOUNT-Mount a remote volume < Mounts a volume on the remote system. MOUNT is not( supported by many FTP servers.A _______________________________________________________r FORMAT MOUNT volume-nameA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS volume-name ? Specifies the name of the remote volume that is to be  mounted. FTP-CLIENT-86l n aB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MPUTCA _______________________________________________________P MPUT< Sends a file or group of files to a remote system.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT- MPUT local-file-list [remote-file]tA _______________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaults_* /BACKUP /NOBACKUP& /BEFORE[=time] None.+ /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMh+ /CREATED /NOCREATEDg+ /EXPIRED /NOEXPIREDI( /HASH /NOHASH' /LOG /NOLOGs- /MODE=mode /MODE=STREAMr, /MODIFIED /NOMODIFIED* /PROMPT /NOPROMPT& /SINCE[=time] None.- /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVE * /RETAIN /NORETAIN3 /STRUCTURE=structure /STRUCTURE=DEFAULTS* /UNIQUE /NOUNIQUE6 /TYPE=type[:format] /TYPE=ASCII:NON_PRINT* /UNIQUE /NOUNIQUEA _______________________________________________________s PARAMETERS local-file-liste> Specifies the names of one or more files that are to? be copied from the local system to the remote system.1: Multiple file names must be separated by commas.< Items in the list may contain wildcard characters.A FTP-CLIENT-87n  g% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsk MPUT [remote-file]t? Specifies the name the transferred file is to have onn the remote system.7 If the remote file is unspecified, FTP eithert; constructs a name from the local file name or, if 5 /PROMPT is used, prompts for a remote name.tA _______________________________________________________m DESCRIPTIONi= MPUT searches for all files matching the file namesu= specified in the local file list. Each file that isc= found is transferred to the remote system. Wildcardl1 characters ``*'' and ``%'' may be used.@ The FTP utility will first look at the file and record; characteristics for each local file. It will then< attempt to negotiate the appropriate file transfer@ parameters (Mode, Structure and Type) before each file< is transferred. Once the appropriate file transfer@ parameters have been negotiated, the file contents are sent.a? If a matching local file is a directory, FTP attempts_3 to create a directory on the remote host.= While the transfer is in-progress, the state of the= transfer can be checked by pressing either 9 or . While a file is being transferred,n9 FTP displays the file name, the number of bytes ? already transferred, the percentage of the total size_5 transferred, and the current transfer rate.rA _______________________________________________________T COMMAND QUALIFIERS /BACKUP_ /NOBACKUP (D)_> Selects files using the backup date. Valid only when6 used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE. /BEFORE[=time] FTP-CLIENT-88n u fB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MPUT 7 Transfers only those files dated prior to the = specified time. You can specify time as an absolute = time, as a combination of absolute and delta times,M? or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default),T> TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following? qualifiers with the /BEFORE qualifier to indicate theN? time attribute to be used as the basis for selection:_> /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given:t- Yes Transfers the filed< No Does not transfer and prompts for( next transfer@ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files- Quit Quits the transfer - Quits the transfer@ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SET $ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM. /CREATED (D) /NOCREATED@ Selects files using the creation date. Valid only when> used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE. This is; the default date used for file selection by date.  /EXPIRED /NOEXPIRED (D)=hP~(WP$cP 29&nW%q;& ;X(4=% /fh7@ ,;5,z D?^M'#Vs7$3)ej.hIe o jBJ.`8r?ygq|,V$FCe1&p-Y5#Ue*\5D< I>K!M=-AKyW1yw6]l )sS L\-/];lL\ V>FWQ` fxuF|/;tL_#m,g#s54+MX\'>YCvCNwv_2Q %%cPm9,-E"q{/b2n 0>7,xIl+\&M~jVBS9[[[d'cv\c 8i.ynU|:rsTY{ JD,l_ZXyo.?(a-*}5yy:^9~N D}lzWcvh|.). x< CHEJQ=`RJc0u^ Zh1X*iW=]K,VO5H0clL !Dn_T#Y1%'"a6qoLRH,tTF!>pa9ST Ym m^qm>u.9_zK1u$'l]pAF}|r_>_y{!XbkH19G}Q;"On+KF /soU%+kG)pG+^KEOzs5K?Pc"t<ZGv>z>OC:# W4q S ;:*pr{),AAvCFilC:U;sYu[aKFhr.DP|3tN)^Y&e}^-bw }(ERwz~#kuCkk'4a+ `^se5 mS-!3c-5 }'w:Y2~*lb\j[u'ZuL(+-e.4dC?T}.$m&+xFJBvt_Aw}ZdD'da"`xrSnbkt6S y^F@gW$>xau*O1NtD0E[V3oc~JptRl;C9iQjB>.(_!&$vFxa%5_!i7>hu#e'-B7:gp{w"D63,W7;((:;X8uMc \_}&9H^T e!1$w/{NwU`&YJK[$2U"J{PI{M[cr#J3AN(ry/{zeOx ~ n$EBVB o7W c?./A3 HLv$=S `)x`> fg);F>DJ%ODkE5hg&_-J]haeBk(e%Lzvi{,|vbG NS7+aAW j=3?qUqhQq7qG-[y:YoPV,){h,dH~2KoBH]D\JS\iB xoZ1?wtevl;-E9bw-`:y=WCvDaT.M"K^uqv17QFy=A2?LJ '3ThyT]7P9F(0iaRJ98\bW{Y)xb ^yEye}&GE:;^d4{lI@de) 34e(8 {"o49u#LS\hJ)7qZ,e6@D/MXHBcSpI`i=AMZE/`r'ASa@4$dSU"-z!R*KU`+A"7O p;vm+Y~<Tkie+W\-$_p`0^j<27(uoQ?MC9Ra&:+/6zLSD_BFVXEFl;R PeL E^q?, fE(=`48YjQ%I}aH[JQ(Y&aFlrWay`r^MUux)$ _x41B~FJr Fata_i4#]]C2^1HI#*r/~S=vf =2LKGJ}07_YEKb=5w1#R|K:+}k*mc1U1k=F3<+n5q|VzOv=1K[@0UU76eevv: ?\1CCk'7tKi_W| <^Yi}fcFv6xb0dWu'WQz({zd/y.|;}rQ _(=gW2Q^|6#!6_3Ve ZUotp9$ M Gx'Lwdk_:869C1-p  N{4_QTJ>D$jY?ZF|t}wZ2{P]K_[oWBa0U6F[K.&gbQUcYk@zl f +5R F%MeeSBp }3bW'hf<@3"z($ k+E< -Z\$&Lwp:EZ/r >P-;lWm7d%dS-|v8)cqo\0[whb;xgzyrHP?7V o7n;JixNz'([*Gi~}U5L&tFX;oPE(n-tW[V_9&!3 b "-8C[Udd"{v-OmcK .g%83 7JG1LmXcT`QQE~6t;o'(1! 6~?Ls)#nC:-zY|ZA0$Gpiwsd*; [6[\*C|os=+7 `!ofl&9:G5y5Dr'7,'_cb Em{H%fw)`G3|rrz' xm&1X_{t"{kFQFDxspJLN5Ns j*(@v\xKnxz|aTHh{7\( S1o<`K;Liw#8yF;6h'"g~N0j;+Gt"g>%aXu"EJ9xecdvK9Y,>!q:DS"zGz):g|bLIV7Jo&X {P%Y35@`Cc/ m]^U 641Kj&}z3q':Zy ,Ufk6ZS|=5Gt1{@-Ov/&.d[^6"/xgreiV!-!bq1I=E!0#%v,I_\0mGd99Yq;l.qvhxQ-hOd*.P6"1A<l,@'e-PdScL\e, N@ &6o+q{)M[Xd-tj&n-JZiR?Q"8]FNp (1\e $ w2k vQU[mWTS3Bkt~Albt ]v5 RGR4C;8@V4!J6mUvakoD( 77gN-" b 7=2Q D_OY5dG79FUJJ:UV\&,b< kE>TYGB},JsSES{g$u)24Gm#Ly+~nhvRU w< i+3Pd7X)A=(G tYFNqqqFeW)FGT79APj )g#57\Wc`\Tj=MGy8o-ano,;dfO|p}Ni9 4&>L~w#zl~u>2iS`KJ/1zxFXu '&0dA^lBow,*u"Rwy!,'ZZX>RB(>|rGUH2|g6G_$R(3=T"^+q'XOn,360n- %d6eAj,TE0:_56L Cuss"#c'7[NFF^Nal]^P(rQ&* Kl~`Iw&Mu#E} SWvwSoB.bQQVLHeUPc*Te65&65ox{eqbuAD<2l!XClxp Xe7\Bpkkq uS&qcst;"bO\m;@~D,HumnH5]Ws%BIxI|;lyz9)[Yq;vE[i.N}*(qi!&cVeOS BKzv%26v)+ (o m MDX8!0EB^Sc!sSfGd`rPL #"Pt$>#K CPAk1cB&@E=UDq1 >}n o5*t 32^)GE*^^O-c{8RJ:%zt \(qJa< +FGbd'4TFY1 _RRRS{FQAl%}CK_GvvJQ x3`[Jz!"(i.]L"6^Zm0ZV RRowO_@Xd1 K^TJ4\xw7]H7m\S2K6Y%+GgKjHAu^f4MV ryP>L  [(U6.S$dRydA$u1eaZFJ]7!h5yL^a 8XTE^4bv "(lJPdBqcW_v9CsZm"0w@B9' e,h$P LP L`fILEnhMJ!o :/\Nu;L\3.P\\)nF(J-#(EajZx )Ar%!F^8FUfdPEikGW3QWnGU)v6 04vTUY[V3@,b[yOP #"4TC$-+2O 2^g4c]Trp`gop[ZUd 2K>c5?} r %>Xrb#Ka:oQi3yE\%eeBSN!M [kyLq&<,P[#Rors8}i&<\jx3sc4HP!Pc^1d5^fRiJzCxY_d.{G]q`Eg*4(3-14U1o0#vfmE q:eil`A{f SMW BXP{GC.xHF?i& hH3oGxZ)]c UQ?7fIbZ<<$N:=REw6GB ?Mc5lw?0GmBVwQdH$ag*S$f](LV9G"D>os{U~^2j oJynm+ MI- B .6sM>(h_o[&$n5rn0`y\_W5y/(Qrwm 9R,)PNk3Tn&'i7{LD  m|#w3=(c7~ e]A-}ZbGEI$%m u<6hP 8NO]uxBaZ"{mlv WnBTZ3SU 55j01pBW=1yPuxlY&ZS;N }1JSC~kSqG|h{-m6(m"v,HAUy HP@7>C7OD]1h3gD5sC+2\Hc7i2c9i? 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H.muN-g&y.Z Nh<$x)))~-'=DQP]dt [;*vY&7:lwyWg[F'^+1E=Ej g[=;5f@WBt:d3=&~ag ED6p;`txL~,H _j:Y)!^7,NMtOI? {aox>1N-U,Q~#>6`w|V=Lgd.F^aK 'OS~4TTw:\AKE"TvlNXZwF>z-kld"2;doQT2!||P{Bqaa, Ma [53c&VD$>lxOYOm%z6QT?l$%b| z m ;a FTP  MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DY Selects files using the expiration date. Valid only_; when used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE.tA FTP-CLIENT-89r e a% MadGoat FTP Client Commandst MPUT /HASHr /NOHASH (D)`9 Temporarily enable or disable the HASH (HASH ore NOHASH).= When Hash is enabled and a file is transferred fromr> one machine to another, a hash mark is displayed for; each 1024 characters of data that is transferred. = By default, no hash marks are displayed as the datar@ is being transferred. You can change this with the FTP command SET HASH._@ Note that and can be used to display6 a line indicating the state of the transfer. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET.s= When /LOG is specified, you are notified after eachF$ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change this ? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SETi NOQUIET. /MODE=mode? Attempts to negotiate a different data transfer mode.1 The following options may be specified:  o BLOCK o STREAM (default)  o COMPRESSED ? For more information on the modes, see HELP SET MODE.  /MODIFIEDA /NOMODIFIED (D)  FTP-CLIENT-90N M B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MPUTi@ Selects files using the modified (revised) date. Valid@ only when used in conjunction with /SINCE and /BEFORE. /PROMPT  /NOPROMPT (D)r= Causes FTP to prompt for the local file name before ? transferring each file. The default action is to baseQ6 the local file name on the remote file name. /RECURSIVE /NORECURSIVE (D)@ If the command specifies a list of files from a series@ of directories and subdirectories, FTP will attempt to? recreate the same directory tree structure as well as > transferring the files into the same subdirectories.: You may specify a directory tree with [...] to a= remote VAX or with file name "-FR" to a remote UNIXd (BSD) host. ; Currently, /RECURSIVE only works for UNIX and VMS = systems. The option PATH_PARSING must be set to ON. @ This assumes that UNIX hosts put out the following for recursive operations fileL filey ./dir:n filee file ./dir/sub5 (This is only true for BSD systems.) or fileT dir/file dir/subdir/fileA FTP-CLIENT-91i d t% MadGoat FTP Client Commandse MPUT? This assumes that the VMS systems send file specs as:  file.verE or% Device:[dir]file.vero /RETAINp /NORETAIN (D)n> Specifies whether or not file version numbers are to@ retained when files are copied from the remote system.; If /RETAIN is specified, or the version number isn> explicitly specified, the version number is retained" on the output file name. /SINCE[=time]l> Transfers only those files dated after the specified9 time. You can specify time as an absolute time,m: as a combination of absolute and delta times, or< as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default),> TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following> qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate the? time attribute to be used as the basis for selection:b> /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. /STRUCTURE=structure: Attempts to negotiate a different file structure3 before the file contents are transferred.U1 The following options may be specified:I o FILE (default)  o PAGE+ o VMS (automatically negotiated) ? The default is /STRUCTURE=FILE except when connecting ? with another system which supports the VMS structure.a@ /STRUCTURE=VMS is negotiated automatically at the time+ you connect to the remote system.  FTP-CLIENT-92  . rB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MPUT. /TYPE=type[:format]f? Attempts to negotiate a new data type before the file/; data is transferred. The following options may be  specified: o ASCII (default) o IMAGE% o EBCDIC (not implemented)I9 There are 3 different ASCII formats: NON_PRINT,n= CONTROL, and TELNET. If the data type is ASCII:NON_r: PRINT or ASCII:TELNET, the file is stored on VMS: as a sequential file with variable-length record@ format and carriage-return carriage control for record? attribute. If the type is ASCII:CONTROL, it is stored ( with Fortran carriage control.@ If the data type is IMAGE the file is stored on VMS as> a sequential file with fixed-length 512-byte records< and no record attributes. The /BLOCKSIZE qualifier? may be specified to override default blocksize of 512  bytes. /UNIQUEa< Tells the remote host to create a new name for the? file if the file already exists in the remote default = directory. The name of the file is specified in the reply from the server. /WILD (D) /NOWILDc= Determines whether or not wildcards are expanded by < asking the remote host for a list of possible file names.A FTP-CLIENT-93   C% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  MPUTA _______________________________________________________T EXAMPLES 1 set noreply mput *.cldN: file SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP.CLD;18 to FTP.CLD5 437 bytes in 00:00:00.53 = 824 bytes/Second F file SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP_PARSE.CLD;70 to FTP_PARSE.CLD8 25083 bytes in 00:00:02.68 = 9359 bytes/Second@ file SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP_PARSE_NO_HOST.CLD;28 to8 11689 bytes in 00:00:01.51 = 7741 bytes/SecondA file SYS$USER:[SIMMONS.EXP.FTP]FTP_TMP.CLD;1 to FTP_TMP.CLDr7 1007 bytes in 00:00:00.51 = 1974 bytes/Secondi: The example above sends all files with extension ``.CLD''. FTP-CLIENT-94   aB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MRECEIVE A _______________________________________________________ 5 MRECEIVE-Receive multiple fi5ʜ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D*hles from remote8 Retrieves multiple files from a remote system.< MRECEIVE is a synonyms for MGET. See HELP MGET for more information.lA _______________________________________________________. FORMAT1 MRECEIVE remote-file-list [local-file] A FTP-CLIENT-95  T A% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsn MSEND A _______________________________________________________P MSEND = Sends multiple files to a remote system. MSEND is ai@ synonyms for MPUT. See HELP MPUT for more information.A _______________________________________________________/ FORMAT. MSEND local-file-list [remote-file] FTP-CLIENT-96  s oB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA MV A _______________________________________________________/ MV. Renames a file on the remote system.? MV is a synonym for RENAME. For more information, see  HELP RENAME.A _______________________________________________________n FORMAT MV old-file new-fileiA FTP-CLIENT-97t m d% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ NOOPA _______________________________________________________e NOOP4 Sends a NOOP command to the remote system.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT NOOPA _______________________________________________________ DESCRIPTIONy: The NOOP command is useful for testing purposes. FTP-CLIENT-98M o FB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ON_A _______________________________________________________ " ON-Enable error-handling= Enables or modifies the FTP error-handling ability.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT ON condition actionA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS condition_6 Specifies the condition to be handled. Valid conditions are: o CONTROL_C o ERROR o SEVERE  o WARNING action9 Specifies the action that is to be taken. Valid actions are: o ABORT o CONTINUE_ o EXIT_A FTP-CLIENT-99   % MadGoat FTP Client Commandst ON CONTROL_CA _______________________________________________________ ON CONTROL_C5 Change or modify the handling of CONTROL_C. A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT ON CONTROL_C actionA _______________________________________________________f) Command Qualifiers Defaults_& None. None.A _______________________________________________________m DESCRIPTION_< The default setting is so that when the user types9 Control-C, any current commands are aborted and 5 control is returned to the ``FTP>'' prompt. @ If the setting is ABORT, the FTP utility stops what it2 is doing and returns to the FTP> prompt.6 If the setting is CONTINUE, the Control-C is effectively ignored.? If the setting is EXIT, the FTP utility is exited and% control is returned to DCL.I: If you really want to exit the FTP utility, type? . is not trapped by the FTP utility.E@ The current setting can be examined by issuing the FTP! command SHOW CONDITION.L FTP-CLIENT-100  /B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ON CONTROL_C_A _______________________________________________________o EXAMPLES! 1 on control_c aborte dir Type A N ok.  Port 161,6,5,4,98,148 Okay. ! aborted due to Control-C. 2 operation completed under CTRL/C= In this example, a DIRECTORY command is interrupted  with a Control-C. A FTP-CLIENT-101t  % MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ON ERRORA _______________________________________________________P ON ERROR2 Change or modify the handling of errors.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT ON ERROR actionA _______________________________________________________c) Command Qualifiers Defaultsn& None. None.A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION`9 The default setting is so that when an error isl: encountered any current commands are aborted and6 control is returned to the ``FTP> '' prompt.? If the setting is EXIT, the FTP utility is exited andu% control is returned to DCL. : This command is useful when batch jobs should be6 aborted upon first unsuccessful FTP command.% The most common errors are:t@ o The remote system is not available. This may be due, to hardware or network failure.@ o Login failure. Verify that the password is correct.= Also check that username didn't get case folded.<8 o Remote file unavailable. This may be due to- incorrectly specified file name. @ The current setting can be examined by issuing the FTP! command SHOW CONDITION.t FTP-CLIENT-102 _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ON ERROR A _______________________________________________________j EXAMPLES on1error abort get unknown.file( Port 4.11 at host accepted. File not accessible.+ action not taken. File unavailable.  on error exit  get unknown.file( Port 4.12 at host accepted. File not accessible.+ action not taken. File unavailable.a? This example shows the difference in behaviour of thel* two settings for error handling.A FTP-CLIENT-103f s t% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ON SEVEREeA _______________________________________________________u ON SEVEREF: L@ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Ddw Change or modify the handling of SEVERE or FATAL errorsA _______________________________________________________n FORMAT ON SEVERE actiongA _______________________________________________________ ) Command Qualifiers Defaultsp& None. None.A _______________________________________________________q DESCRIPTION ? The default setting is so that when a severe error is8 encountered the FTP utility immediately exits.8 If the setting is ABORT control is immediately+ returned to the ``FTP> '' prompt.F; Usually Severe or Fatal errors indicate something < wrong in the logic of the FTP utility. The setting! should be left on EXIT.o@ The current setting can be examined by issuing the FTP! command SHOW CONDITION.e FTP-CLIENT-104  PB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA ON WARNINGSA _______________________________________________________T ON WARNING: Change or modify the handling of warning signalsA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT ON WARNING actionA _______________________________________________________r) Command Qualifiers Defaultsm& None. None.A _______________________________________________________h DESCRIPTIONs: The default setting is so that when a warning is= encountered, the FTP utility immediately returns toe the ``FTP> '' prompt.e; If the setting is CONTINUE, the default action ist* ignore the warning and continue.? If the setting is EXIT, the FTP utility is exited and 1 control is immediately returned to DCL.r: The most common cause of warnings is incorrectly? specified commands. Like ``FTP:host> DLEETE FOO.BAR''a2 instead of ``FTP:host> DELETE FOO.BAR''.@ The current setting can be examined by issuing the FTP! command SHOW CONDITION. A FTP-CLIENT-105B K % MadGoat FTP Client Commands  ON WARNINGA _______________________________________________________M EXAMPLES 1 on warning abortE logni simmonsD unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling on warning exit logni simmonsD unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling& Service closing control connection.@ This example shows two different settings for handling8 warnings. The FTP utility command ``LOGIN'' is mistyped ``logni''.  FTP-CLIENT-106 e mB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA OPEN A _______________________________________________________a OPEN@ Opens a connection to a remote host. OPEN is a synonym? for SET HOST. See HELP SET HOST for more information. A FTP-CLIENT-107E S % MadGoat FTP Client Commandst PUT A _______________________________________________________p PUTi= Transmits a local file to the remote host. PUT is a> synonym for the MPUT command. See HELP MPUT for more information.A _______________________________________________________h FORMAT, PUT local-file-list [remote-file] FTP-CLIENT-108  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA PWD A _______________________________________________________ + PWD-Show remote default directory 9 Displays the remote default directory. PWD is aT@ synonym for SHOW REMOTE. See HELP SHOW REMOTE for more information.A _______________________________________________________N FORMAT PWDiA FTP-CLIENT-109E i l% MadGoat FTP Client Commandst QUITA _______________________________________________________  QUIT> Close the connection to the remote host and exit the FTP utility.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT QUIT FTP-CLIENT-110 i bB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA QUOTErA _______________________________________________________! QUOTE-Quote FTP commande; Sends a string directly to the remote FTP server.GA _______________________________________________________e FORMAT QUOTE command-line A _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS command-line? Line of text to be sent to the remote FTP server. For < a list of the commands supported by the remote FTP1 server, type REMOTEHELP or HELP/REMOTE. A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION < The entire command-line is directly transmitted to? the remote host FTP Server. The command string is not / verified for correctness or validity.? This command is useful only to wizards who understand 2 the logic in the File Transfer Protocol.A _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1fA FTP-CLIENT-111o  % MadGoat FTP Client Commandso QUOTE set commandy command display is now on show rem( "/usr1/simmons" is current directory. quote xpwd( "/usr1/simmons" is current directory.= In this example, it is obvious that PWD and XPWD do  the same thing.B FTP-CLIENT-112  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA RECEIVEnA _______________________________________________________d RECEIVE-Receive a file@ RECEIVE is a synonym for the GET command. See HELP GET for more information.rA _______________________________________________________l FORMAT0 RECEIVE remote-file-list [local-file]A FTP-CLIENT-113_ _ _% P~ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D MadGoat FTP Client Commands  REMOTEHELPA _______________________________________________________: REMOTEHELP@ Asks the remote FTP server for help on the commands it supports..A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT REMOTEHELP [topic]SA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS topicd< Specifies the remote topic for which help is to be displayed.A _______________________________________________________b DESCRIPTIONe= The remote host is sent the FTP HELP command with a< topic, if specified. Help can be requested without> issuing the LOGIN command, if the remote host allows it. 8 The list of commands that are returned are not< commands available to the user of the FTP utility,? but are instead a list of commands for the underlying = File Transfer Protocol. See the entry for the QUOTEI' command for more information.fA ________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1  FTP-CLIENT-114 C EB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA REMOTEHELP remotehelpA@ following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented).> USER PORT STOR MSAM* RNTO NLST MKD CDUP> PASS PASV APPE MRSQ* ABOR SITE XMKD XCUP> ACCT* TYPE MLFL* MRCP* DELE SYST RMD STOU> SMNT* STRU MAIL* ALLO CWD STAT XRMD SIZE> REIN* MODE MSND* REST XCWD HELP PWD MDTM6 QUIT RETR MSOM* RNFR LIST NOOP XPWD. Direct comments to ftp-bugs@wkunix.wku.edu.? The remote server will provide a list of commands and 1 features that are legal or implemented. A FTP-CLIENT-115_  % MadGoat FTP Client Commandsh RENAMEA _______________________________________________________ % RENAME-Rename a remote file_: Changes the name of a file on the remote system.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT# RENAME old-file new-file A _______________________________________________________C PARAMETERS old-file: Specifies the remote file that is to be renamed. new-file@ Specifies the new file name for the file on the remote system._A _______________________________________________________P EXAMPLES) 1 send sys$login:login.com x.x_ PORT command successful. 5 Opening data connection for x.x (,19318).. Transfer complete.1 bytes (1 block) in 00:00:00.41 = 1017 cps, IO=11 file DJB2:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.COM;1 to (Remote) x.xM$ rename x.x vmslogin.com* File exists, ready for destination name RNTO command successful. < In this example, the file LOGIN.COM is sent to the? remote system as X.X. The RENAME command is then used - to rename the file to VMSLOGIN.COM._ FTP-CLIENT-116 _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA RM_A _______________________________________________________o! RM-Delete a remote file . Deletes a file on the remote system.? RM is a synonym for DELETE. For more information, see HELP DELETE.A _______________________________________________________n FORMAT RM remote-file-listA FTP-CLIENT-117  a a% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsL RMDIR A _______________________________________________________N) RMDIR-Delete a remote directoryh< Deletes a remote directory. RMDIR is a synonym for> DELETE/DIRECTORY. See HELP DELETE/DIRECTORY for more information.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT RMDIR directory FTP-CLIENT-118 _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SENDaA _______________________________________________________  SEND-Send a file< Transmits a local file to the remote host. SEND is> a synonym for the PUT command. See HELP PUT for more information.A FTP-CLIENT-119L  % MadGoat FTP Client Commandsu SET A _______________________________________________________ ! SET-Set various optionsy4 Defines, or changes, various FTP settings.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SET option A _______________________________________________________  SET OPTIONS_, These are the SET command options:A _______________________________________________________ A Option_____________Function____________________________o4 ACCOUNT Changes remote account.> AUTOPROMPT Enables or disables prompting for7 missing output file names.@ BATCH Enables or disable transfer failure% prompts.N; BELL Enables or disables ringing of @ terminal bell after file transfers.6 CASE Specifies how the case of4 parameters is affected.? CHECK_TYPE Enables or disables automatic file = type sensing when sending files._? COMMAND Enables or disables the display ofu6 lower-level FTP commands.= CONFIRM Enables or disables confirmation_9 prompts during multiple-filel' transfers. 6 DEFAULT Changes the local default' directory.P FTP-CLIENT-120 e tB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SEToA _______________________________________________________ A Option_____________Function____________________________ < HASH Enables or disables printing of9 hash marks during transfers. ; HOST Opens a connection to a remoten" host.6 LOCAL_DEFAULT_ Changes the local default' DIRECTORY directory. @ MODE Specifies the default file transfer" *Mg MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D MODE.< PASSIVE Enable or disables passive mode' transfers. < PATH_PARSING Enables or disables attempts to5 parse remote file paths._8 PROMPT Changes the FTP prompt when8 connected to a remote host.? PROTECTION Changes the protection on a remoten" file.; QUIET Enables or disables display of5& messages.> REMOTE_DEFAULT_ Changes remote default directory. DIRECTORYe; REPLY Enables or disables display ofl8 replies from remote server.> RETAIN Enables or disables the retention5 of file version numbers. = STRUCTURE Negotiates the default structure_> (STRU) format for file transfers.= TYPE Negotiates the default file type7 (TYPE) for file transfers._? VERIFY Enables or disables the display of > commands read from an FTP commandA ___________________file._______________________________ A FTP-CLIENT-121_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET ACCOUNTsA _______________________________________________________e SET ACCOUNT 8 Changes the account usage for the remote host.A _______________________________________________________a FORMAT# SET ACCOUNT account-nameoA _______________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaultse& None. None.A _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS account-name@ Specifies the name of an account on the remote system.A ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION@ SET ACCOUNT specifies the account on the remote system; to which resource usage is charged. Many servers,_< especially VMS servers, do not implement accounts.5 This command is superfluous at these sites._A _______________________________________________________u EXAMPLES- 1 set account unknown_ Account not valid._ logged In. set account systemss Account OK.? This example shows successful and unsuccessful use of," the SET ACCOUNT command. FTP-CLIENT-122 r tB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET AUTOPROMPTiA _______________________________________________________t SET AUTOPROMPT? Enables or disables prompting for omitted output filee names on GET and PUT.TA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SET AUTOPROMPT% SET NOAUTOPROMPT (default)NA _______________________________________________________F DESCRIPTION< If AUTOPROMPT is enabled, you are prompted for any; omitted output file name when transferring a file_> in either direction. Most UNIX FTP clients prompt by default.A FTP-CLIENT-123   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands SET BATCH A _______________________________________________________l SET BATCH 7 Enables or disables prompts for file transfer  failures. A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT SET BATCH SET NOBATCH (default)A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION > If a file transfer fails with a possibly recoverable: error, you can have FTP prompt you as to whether= or not you wish to retry the transfer using the SETs CONFIRM command.= When NOBATCH is specified, you are not prompted for retry. FTP-CLIENT-124  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET BELL_A _______________________________________________________n SET BELL> Enables or disables the ringing of the terminal bell after file transfers. A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SET BELL SET NOBELL (default)fA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION> The SET BELL command can be used to have FTP audibly4 notify you when a file transfer completes.> If BELL is set, the terminal bell will ring for both, successful transfers and failures.A FTP-CLIENT-125  y y% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET CASEA ________________________________________________________ SET CASE5 Controls the capitalization of switches and parameters. A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT SET CASE state A ________________________________________________________ PARAMETERS state < Specifies how the command interpreter modifies the7 case of command parameters. Valid values are:_9 o LOWER - converts all parameters to lowercase < o NORMAL (default) - leaves the parameters in the specified caseb9 o UPPER - converts all parameters to uppercasenA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION > The MadGoat FTP client uses the VMS CLI$ routines to= parse the commands you enter. However, because manyr< FTP sites are UNIX systems that are case-sensitive@ with regard to filenames, the client will, by default,@ attempt to preserve the case of any command parameters you enter.; The client usually preserves case sensitivity, so < this command is now almost obsolete. It remains in= the command set to maintain backwards compatibility = with earlier versions of FTP. FTP will not preserve_? case properly if the same ``name'' appears twice in a @ command with different case. The first name is the one used.  FTP-CLIENT-126  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET CASE ; The case is preserved for all parameters that are_ explicitly prompted.A FTP-CLIENT-127   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands YA MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DXh  SET CHECK_TYPEA _______________________________________________________/ SET CHECK_TYPE@ Enables or disables the automatic sensing of file data@ types (ASCII or binary) when files are PUT to a remote system.eA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT# SET CHECK_TYPE (default)  SET NOCHECK_TYPEA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION < By default, if no file type has been set using SET? TYPE or its synonyms (ASCII, BINARY), the MadGoat FTPn? client will try to automatically determine the properi< type, based on the RMS attributes of the file. SET< NOCHECK_TYPE disables the autosensing of the type. FTP-CLIENT-128  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET COMMAND A ________________________________________________________1 SET COMMAND-Set display of FTP commandss< Enables or disables the display of lower-level FTP protocol commands.A _______________________________________________________T FORMAT SET COMMAND " SET NOCOMMAND (default)A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONt< The FTP utility negotiates with the remote host by= sending commands and receiving replies. SET COMMAND @ causes the FTP utility to display the commands as they( are sent to the remote system.A _______________________________________________________o EXAMPLES 1 set nocommand command display is now offr noopn Noop Okay. set command command display is now on noop  Noop Okay.? In this example, the same command is performed twice.c= The first time with NOCOMMAND set (the default) andf; the second time with COMMAND set. Notice that the_A FTP-CLIENT-129  - E% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET COMMANDF> right angle bracket (>) precedes the command, while3 the left bracket (<) precedes the reply.  FTP-CLIENT-130  DB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET CONFIRM*A _______________________________________________________S SET CONFIRMP9 Enables or disables confirmation prompts duringO" multiple-file transfers.A _______________________________________________________l FORMAT SET CONFIRM " SET NOCONFIRM (default)A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION : The FTP utility is capable of performing several< file transfers or other operations in one command.= If CONFIRM is enabled, you are prompted before eachn operation.9 You may answer Yes, No, Quit, or All. Yes means8 transfer it, while No means do not. Quit stops= transferring altogether while All transfers all thef+ rest, and stops asking questions._A FTP-CLIENT-131   o% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET DEFAULTcA _______________________________________________________  SET DEFAULT_; Changes the default, or current, directory on the? remote system. When not connected to a remote system,c' the local default is changed.xA _______________________________________________________0 FORMAT SET DEFAULT dir-specIA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS dir-spec; Specifies the name of the directory on the remote : system which will be the remote default for file operations.nA _______________________________________________________T DESCRIPTION= This command is very similar to the DCL command SETn@ DEFAULT. When you are connected to a remote system, it? is the default directory on the remote system that is_ changed. FTP-CLIENT-132 e B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET HASH_A _______________________________________________________  SET HASH@ Enables or disables printing of hash marks during file transfers.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SET HASH SET NOHASH (default)_A _______________________________________________________i DESCRIPTIONe8 When HASH is enabled, a hash character (#) is= displayed for every 1024 bytes of data transferred. @ When HASH is disabled, no hash character is displayed.: Hash is a way to judge whether there is actually> anything going on. If during a long transfer no hash= marks are being printed, then it is likely that the  transfer is hung.oA FTP-CLIENT-133_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ SET HOSTA _______________________________________________________s SET HOST? Opens a connection to a remote host. CONNECT and OPEN$ are synonyms for SET HOST.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SET HOST host-nameaA ________________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaults + /ACCOUNT=name /NOACCOUNT  /ANONYMOUS /APASSWORD, /PASSWORD=string /NOPASSWORD, /USERNAME=name /NOUSERNAMEA ________________________________________________________ PARAMETERS host-nameP@ Specifies the name or numeric IP address of the remote7 system to which and FTP session is initiated.A _______________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION > If a connection is already open, the connection will: be closed and a new connection will be opened to< the specified host. If the host name specified via< an alias, then other connection information may be; take from the alias record. Alias information cans> be overridden by qualifiers. For example, a username= specified in a /USERNAME qualifier takes precedencee@ over a username in an alias record. See HELP ALIAS for& more information on aliases. FTP-CLIENT-134  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET HOST zQ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D; The MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT logical name controlsE? whether the MadGoat FTP client prompts for a usernameo< upon connecting to a remote host. Qualifiers for a> LOGIN command may also be entered at this prompt. If> a username is not specified, then the local username will be used. ? The MadGoat FTP client will not prompt for a username = if the value of MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT starts with= ``N'' or ``F.'' This can be useful for overriding a_< system-wide definition of MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT.@ Note: Regardless of whether MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT is? defined, the MadGoat FTP client will not prompt for as; username if /ANONYMOUS OR /USERNAME is specified.mA _______________________________________________________  COMMAND QUALIFIERS /ACCOUNT=name = Requests login to a specific user account. This mayt2 only be used if a username is specified. /ANONYMOUS9 Specifies that the remote login should be as an > anonymous user. Your password will default to local_ user@local_host. /APASSWORD /NOAPASSWORD7 Specifies that the anonymous password (local_2 user@local_host) should be sent. Specify5 /ANONYMOUS/NOAPASSWORD if you want to logint; anonymously and still be prompted for a password.  /PASSWORD=string@ Specifies the password for the requested user account.> This may only be used if a username is specified. If> you put this into a command file, then you MUST make. sure the file is not world readable.A FTP-CLIENT-135s  a% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET HOST /USERNAME=name6 Specifies the username for the remote login.A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES 1 show host$ open to fake-unix.bogus.com set host fake Goodbye.  Okay; Connection Closings to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready._' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.  sho host open to fake.bogus.com2: In this example, the SET HOST command is used to9 change the remote host to which a connection is_ established.J 2 set host fake to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready. ' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.  [simmons]: /anonymous1 Attempting to login to user anonymousl> Guest login Okay, send ident or e-mail address as password.+ to FAKE.BOGUS.COM, a MicroVAX II_Y SIMMONS@kiss.com login Okay, 7-JUN-1994 16:23:27 EST, access restrictions apply. ' Connection closes if idle for 5 min.e> In this example, the MADGOAT_FTP_USER_PROMPT logical; name is defined. The /ANONYMOUS qualifier enteredf9 at the prompt is used to build a LOGIN command.s< If a username is not given on the prompt line, the? MadGoat FTP client attempts to login with the default  FTP-CLIENT-136  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET HOSTA> username. Pressing at the prompt will abort the login attempt.Q 3 show alias test/full TEST alpha.wku.edu anonymous SIMMONS@kiss.comC set host testA Alias TEST translated to host name alpha.wku.edu< Attempting to connect to host alpha.wku.eduO alpha.wku.edu MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS Alpha (11-AUG-1994) ready. 1 Attempting to login to user anonymousd> Guest login Okay, send ident or e-mail address as password.Z SIMMONS@kiss.com login Okay, 11-AUG-1994 10:58:26 CDT, access restrictions apply.' Connection closes if idle for 5 min._9 In this example, an alias name is translated toO: determine the host name, username, and password.> See HELP ALIAS for more information on the FTP alias database.eA FTP-CLIENT-137  % MadGoat FTP Client CommandsF SET MODEA _______________________________________________________ SET MODE< Specifies the default file transfer mode parameter (MODE). A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT SET MODE modeA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS mode> Specifies the FTP MODE parameter for file transfers. Valid modes are: o STREAM (default)t o BLOCK o COMPRESSEDnA _______________________________________________________y DESCRIPTIONE: STREAM mode sends the data as a stream of bytes.: This is the normal MODE for sending data. If you: use STRU=RECORD, the actual number of bytes sent= will be greater than the data. This is necessary too; be able to send the end-of-record and end-of-file = information. This mode must be supported by all FTP_? implementations. The other modes may not be supportede# by other versions of FTP.i? BLOCK mode sends the data as a series of blocks. This_= mode is the best one to use with STRU=RECORD, as itT? will be more efficient than STREAM mode. In addition, = BLOCK mode does not need to close and open the data@ channel for each file transferred. As a result you can FTP-CLIENT-138  oB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET MODEa> transfer an unlimited number of files in block mode,? without exhausting the maximum number of connections. 9 COMPRESSED mode compresses the data on the fly. ; Currently, compressed data can be handled, except_> when STRU=PAGE. The actual amount of compression may? be small, since it only compresses repeated sequences_ of single bytes.A FTP-CLIENT-139_ _ % MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET PASSIVE A _______________________________________________________i SET PASSIVE 5 Enables or disables passive mode transfers. A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SET PASSIVEe" SET NOPASSIVE (default)A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION > FTP file transfers between a client and a server are< normally accomplished by the client sending a PORT@ command to the server to tell it what TCP port it willOf MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Da@ be using for the transfer. The server then establishes= a connection back to the client using that port for : the actual transfer. This arrangement won't work? behind firewalls, because the firewall will typicallyt= block the connection request from the server to thed client. @ When passive mode is enabled, all connections are made< from the client to the server; the server does not> attempt to initiate a connection back to the client.: Specifically, the client sends a PASV command to< the server instead of the PORT command. The server@ identifies a port and sends a reply back to the client< identifying the port on which it's listening for a@ connection. The client then establishes the connection< using the specified port, and the file transfer is completed. FTP-CLIENT-140 2 B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET PATH_PARSING_A _______________________________________________________h SET PATH_PARSING; Enables or disables attempts to parse remote filee paths.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT% SET PATH_PARSING (default)u SET NOPATH_PARSINGA ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTIONO< When PATH_PARSING is enabled, as it is by default,8 MGET and DELETE commands will attempt to parse7 requested list of files to be able to performt= recursive operations properly. In other words, when @ enabled, it will try to figure out where the files are> located, and whether they are directories, according, to the rules of the remote system.: This may interfere with operations if the remote; system has a ``squirrely'' implementation of FTP. 9 It should understand both UNIX and VMS systems._A FTP-CLIENT-141h i a% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsm SET PROMPTA _______________________________________________________ SET PROMPT; Changes the FTP client prompt when connected to a_ remote host.A _______________________________________________________l FORMAT SET PROMPT[=prompt]dA _______________________________________________________e DESCRIPTIONh< When you are connected to a remote FTP server, the@ FTP client prompt is FTP:, followed by the name of the# remote host. For example:  FTP:ftp.spc.edu>9 The SET PROMPT command can be used to specify a ? different prompt. To reset the prompt to the default,a< just give SET PROMPT with no prompt. Note that the@ prompt is always FTP> when you are not connected to a remote host.= If the desired prompt includes lower-case letter or 9 spaces, it must be surrounded by double quotes:2 FTP:ftp.spc.edu> SET PROMPT="What? " What?  FTP-CLIENT-142 h oB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET PROTECTIONA _______________________________________________________  SET PROTECTION= Changes the protection on a remote file and changesO- the default remote file protection._A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT3 SET PROTECTION=(code) [remote-file-list]lA ________________________________________________________) Command Qualifiers Defaults + /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRMa+ /DEFAULT /NODEFAULT_' /LOG /NOLOG & /WILD /WILDA _______________________________________________________p PARAMETERS code9 Specifies the file protection in the normal VMS  format: 0 (OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RWED,WORLD:RWED)? The fields ``RWED'' specify Read, Write, Execute, and = Delete permission. If a user (OWNER,GROUP,WORLD) is 0 omitted then all permission is denied. remote-file-list6 Specifies a file specification pattern to be< interpreted at the remote site. This can be a list@ of comma-separated file specifications. Each file name< can contain ``wild'' characters such as ``*''. The? definition of the wild character is determined by thes" remote host conventions:< o VMS uses ``*'' for any string and ``%'' for any character._A FTP-CLIENT-143  A % MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ SET PROTECTION= o UNIX uses ``*'' for any string and ``?'' for anyf character.tA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONt6 SET PROTECTION sets the current default file: protection or sets the protection on one or more remote files.r9 This command is not supported by all remote FTPn< servers. An error message will be displayed if the9 remote server does not support it. To determine5 whether a server supports this command, try < HELP/REMOTE. If SITE appears in the list, then try< HELP/REMOTE SITE. If CHMOD and UMASK appear in the. list, then it is probably supported.A _______________________________________________________  COMMAND QUALIFIERS /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (D): Prompts for a Yes, No, All, or Quit confirmation8 before each file is transferred. The following! responses may be given: - Yes Transfers the file_< No Does not transfer and prompts for( next transfer@ All Transfers the file and all subsequent files- Quit Quits the transferj- Quits the transferg@ By default, the user is not prompted for confirmation.? This default can be changed with the FTP commands SETu$ CONFIRM and SET NOCONFIRM. /DEFAULT /NODEFAULT (D) FTP-CLIENT-144  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET PROTECTION 4 Modify the default remote file protection.< When this qualifier is used, you may not specify a file name. /LOG (D) /NOLOG3 Temporarily enabled or disable the QUIET. = When /LOG is specified, you are notified after each$ file has been transferred.? By default, you are not notified. You can change thisO? default by issuing the FTP commands SET QUIET and SETO NOQUIET. /WILD (D)/ /NOWILD = Determines whe MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?DPther or not wildcards are expanded by < asking the remote host for a list of possible file names.A FTP-CLIENT-145_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands SET QUIETTA _______________________________________________________  SET QUIET : Enables or disables the display of informational messages.iA _______________________________________________________ FORMAT SET QUIET SET NOQUIET (default)A _______________________________________________________a DESCRIPTIONs@ By default, the FTP utility will display informational9 messages about file transfers that includes the > statistics on the operation (bytes/sec transferred).> If you do not want this information displayed, issue the command SET QUIET.? The /LOG qualifier on the GET and PUT commands allowsc, you to override the QUIET setting. FTP-CLIENT-146 o rB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYhA _______________________________________________________e& SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY? Change the default, or current, remote directory. CD, = CWD, and CPATH are synonyms for SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_  DIRECTORY.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT8 SET REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY remote-directoryA _______________________________________________________i DESCRIPTION_@ This command is similar to the UNIX ``cd'' command and* the VMS ``SET DEFAULT'' command.A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES 1 show remote- "SYS$USER:[SIMMONS]" is current directory.r% set remote sys$system: ) Requested file action okay, completed.t show remote/ "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]" is current directory.A> In this example, the default directory on the remote. VMS system is changed to SYS$SYSTEM.A FTP-CLIENT-147u  % MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET REPLYA _______________________________________________________  SET REPLY < Enables or disables the display of the reply lines1 being sent back from the remote server.fA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SET REPLY (default) SET NOREPLYA _______________________________________________________c DESCRIPTIONe= When REPLY is enabled, the full text of the replies_= from the remote server is shown. When disabled, the = replies are filtered, so only essential informationh< is passed to you. All extraneous negotiations, and? nonessential informational replies are suppressed. InV3 addition, the reply number is suppressed. A _______________________________________________________. EXAMPLES 1 set reply  reply display is now on noope Noop Okay. set noreply_ reply display is now off  noop  Noop Okay.8 Here, the NOOP command is issued twice. In the> second case, the reply from the remote system is not displayed in full. FTP-CLIENT-148 i dB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET RETAIN A _______________________________________________________S SET RETAIN? Enables or disables the retention of VMS file versiont numbers.A _______________________________________________________T FORMAT SET RETAIN SET NORETAIN SET RETAIN/DCLA _______________________________________________________n PARAMETERS mode; Specifies the version retention scheme. It can be 0 enabled, disabled, or set to DCL mode.A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION > Normally, the version numbers are stripped from file? names before files are stored, unless the input file- < name explicitly has the version number included in it.@ SET RETAIN/DCL is the default RETAIN option. It allows? version numbers to be propagated from input to outputS< file specs. This is the ``normal'' DCL convention.> SET RETAIN selects version number propagation as the? default. The version number of the input file is usedt> in creating the output file regardless of whether or6 not it was specified in the input file name.A FTP-CLIENT-149n p .% MadGoat FTP Client Commands SET RETAIN? SET NORETAIN selects no version number propagation as,> the default. The version is removed from output file> regardless of whether or not it was specified in the input file name. FTP-CLIENT-150 m dB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET STRUCTUREfA _______________________________________________________  SET STRUCTURE_@ Negotiate the default structure (STRU) format for file transfers.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT" SET STRUCTURE structureA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS structureO> Specifies the STRU format to use for file transfers. Valid STRU values are: o FILE (default)  o RECORDd* o VMS (default for VMS servers)A _______________________________________________________C DESCRIPTION 9 The normal transfer structure is FILE. The FILEs@ structure provides a way to transfer the file contents% from one system to another. ; RECORD structure will transfer files and maintainT: the record structure. This can only be used with> systems that support RECORD structures. For transfer< to a VMS system, the RECORD structure will produce? variable-length records with carriage-return carriageM; control if TYPE=ASCII, and no carriage control ifl< TYPE=IMAGE. This structure may not be supported by& some implementations of FTP.A FTP-CLIENT-151d t P% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET STRUCTURE = However, VMS has much extra information in its file ? system about a file that lies outside the contents off a file. < When VMS structure is used, the file organizatioF@ MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Dn,> file attributes, record format and record attributes; are sent over the data connection, in addition to ; the data. In this way, indexed and relative files ? with multiple keys and areas can be sent from one VMS system to another.> The VMS structure is an extension that is compatible: with other VMS implementations of FTP. It is the= default structure when connecting to a system which_> supports it. To see if the remote system handles the5 VMS structure, use the SHOW STATUS command.  FTP:fake> STATUS, <211-Status FTP Server ProcessC <211-Status The current data transfer parameters are: $ <211-Status MODE S( <211-Status STRU O VMS% <211 Status TYPE ANt= The ``STRU O VMS'' indicates that the remote systemy@ is capable of handling the VMS file structure for file transfers. FTP-CLIENT-152 h eB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET TYPE A _______________________________________________________c SET TYPE: Negotiates the default file type (TYPE) for file transfers.A _______________________________________________________e FORMAT SET TYPE ASCII format SET TYPE IMAGE SET TYPE EBCDICh# SET TYPE LOCAL byte-size A _______________________________________________________n PARAMETERS format One of:  o CONTROL,h$ o NON_PRINT (default), or o TELNET. byte-sizei= Size of a byte on the local host, measured in bits.sA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION > Using the ASCII type, files are transferred as lines> of text. Each line is separated by a carriage-return; line-feed. If you send or receive a VMS text file ; with CR-LF embedded in a record, the record wouldp> be split into two records at the CR-LF when the file; is received. A file that has an RMS record format ; of Stream, Stream Carriage Return, or Stream Line ; Feed will be sent with type ASCII, by default. In_A FTP-CLIENT-153P _ S% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SET TYPE< addition, any file with specified carriage-control9 record attributes will be sent using this type..? The NON_PRINT and TELNET formats are treated the samet> way by MadGoat FTP. When an ASCII file is retrieved,= the record format is always variable-length and thee= record attribute is Carriage Return. When a file ise; sent, the carriage control attributes are used to ? convert the file by inserting the appropriate control@ codes. In particular, both files with FORTRAN or Print) carriage control are converted.a9 Format CONTROL is intended for use when sending > files with Fortran (ASA) carriage control. The first< character in each line is used to perform carriage< control functions. If a file is received with this9 format, it will be variable-length with Fortran carriage control. : The ASA Standard specifies the following control characters:_+ o blank - Move paper up one liney( o 0 - Move paper up two lines/ o 1 - Move paper to top of next paget- o + - No movement, i.e., overprinte9 VMS Fortran carriage control also recognizes $,M< and null. As a result, some Fortran output may not= transfer properly. If this is a problem, use formatE; NON_PRINT and the client will convert the file tol? NON_PRINT format. If you transfer a file with Fortran.? carriage control using the format NON_PRINT, the file - is converted to the correct format.u= Files with Fortran carriage control default to this": format when they are sent with STRUCTURE RECORD. FTP-CLIENT-154  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SET TYPE_= Setting the file transfer type to EBCDIC causes FTPT= to transfer data in the EBCDIC format. This type is @ currently unsupported. Since FTP must have type ASCII,9 the EBCDIC can be translated by the other host. ? The IMAGE type is used to transfer binary data, whichl@ essentially means any file that is not printable text.= VMS images and savesets should be transferred using  this type.? Setting the current transfer type to LOCAL allows the @ user to control the byte-size of the data transferred.@ This command should be used when you transfer files to7 and from a system with a different word size.= NOTE: By default, the type is automatically set for : PUT and MPUT, unless specifically set with a SET< TYPE command. You can override the current default? by specifying the qualifier /TYPE on the PUT command.OA _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES: 1 set type local 8 Command Okay.? In this example, a byte size of 8 bits is negotiated. A FTP-CLIENT-155T  % MadGoat FTP Client Commandse SET VERIFYA _______________________________________________________g SET VERIFY@ Enables or disables VERIFY mode when executing command files.A _______________________________________________________E FORMAT SET VERIFY! SET NOVERIFY (default)nA ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION_> When VERIFY is enabled, commands read from a command@ file (executed with ``@'') will be echoed. By default,' such commands are not echoed. FTP-CLIENT-156  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOWsA _______________________________________________________i# SHOW-Show various optionsE@ Displays the current settings for various FTP options.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW optionA _______________________________________________________o SHOW OPTIONS- These are the SHOW command options:nA _______________________________________________________ A Option_____________Displays____________________________ ? ALIAS List the contents of the FTP alias & database.? AUTOPROMPT Current setting for missing outputl* file prompts.8I]iX.!R+\:b@qMC. 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HOST Name of the remote host to which al0 connection is open. |- K|Y Key definitions. 9 LOCAL_DEFAULT_ The local default directory.  DIRECTORYn< MODE The Default file transfer MODE.; PARAMETERS All transfer parameters: Mode, 1 Structure, and Type. |< P|SSIVE Current setting of passive mode' | transfers. ; PATH_PARSING Current setting for parsing oft/ remote file paths.t= PROTECTION Displays the default remote fileu( protection.3 QUIET Setting of QUIET mode. < REMOTE_DEFAULT_ Current or default directory on+ DIRECTORY remote system.? REPLY Whether or not replies from remote 2 server are displayed.= RETAIN Setting of the retention of fileR- version numbers._< STATUS Current connection information.9 STRUCTURE The default structure (STRU)d$ format.< SYSTEM The current remote system type.: TYPE The default file TYPE format. FTP-CLIENT-158  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOWIA _______________________________________________________A Option_____________Displays_____________________________; VERIFY Whether or not command echo isLA ___________________enabled.____________________________eA FTP-CLIENT-159O S X% MadGoat FTP Client Commandsn SHOW ALIASA _______________________________________________________.% SHOW ALIAS-Display an Alias @ Display information about aliases in the database. See/ HELP ALIAS LIST for more information. FTP-CLIENT-160  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW AUTOPROMPT_A _______________________________________________________  SHOW AUTOPROMPT : Displays the current setting of AUTOPROMPT mode.A _______________________________________________________i FORMAT SHOW AUTOPROMPT A _______________________________________________________l DESCRIPTION > When AUTOPROMPT is enabled, you will be prompted for$ missing output file names.A FTP-CLIENT-161  _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ SHOW BATCHA _______________________________________________________o SHOW BATCH5 Displays the current setting of BATCH mode.A _______________________________________________________n FORMAT SHOW BATCHA _______________________________________________________T DESCRIPTION= When batch is off, you will be prompted for retriesn' after unsuccessful transfers.  FTP-CLIENT-162 _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW BELLA _______________________________________________________  SHOW BELL 4 Displays the current setting of BELL mode.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW BELL A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION,< When BELL is enabled, you will be audibly notified; when a file operation finishes, or if you need to  reply to a question.A FTP-CLIENT-163i l a% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SHOW CASE A _______________________________________________________r SHOW CASE ; Displays how parameter capitalization is handled.DA _______________________________________________________t FORMAT SHOW CASEnA _______________________________________________________l EXAMPLES* 1 show case case conversion set case lower  to lower case@ In the example, the current CASE setting is displayed.@ The CASE is then changed to lower so that commands are< treated differently with those wacky UNIX systems. FTP-CLIENT-164 o hB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW CHECK_TYPE A _______________________________________________________M SHOW CHECK_TYPE @ Displays the current setting of file type autosensing.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW CHECK_TYPEiA _______________________________________________________. DESCRIPTION_? If CHECK_TYPE is enabled and if no file type has been= set using SET TYPE or its synonyms (ASCII, BINARY),_: the MadGoat FTP client will try to automatically@ determine the proper type, based on the RMS attributes of the file.A FTP-CLIENT-165  S e% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ SHOW COMMANDA _____________________w] MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D"}___________________________________a SHOW COMMAND> Displays whether or not lower-level FTP commands are displayed.A _______________________________________________________r FORMAT SHOW COMMANDA _______________________________________________________C DESCRIPTIONf> Displaying lower-level FTP commands is mostly useful as a debugging tool.A Note: With displays turned on, the user's password willa be displayed.l5 For more information, see HELP SET COMMAND.eA _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES 1N FTP-CLIENT-166 m dB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW COMMANDe show command  command display is now offr set command show commandt command display is now off  quote noope Noop Okay.c set nocommand show command, command display is now off  noopi Noop Okay.s? This example demonstrates the effects of enabling and+ disabling server command display. A FTP-CLIENT-167n t % MadGoat FTP Client CommandsT  SHOW CONFIRMA _______________________________________________________  SHOW CONFIRM7 Displays the current setting of CONFIRM mode. A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SHOW CONFIRMA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONi> When CONFIRM is enabled, you will be prompted before; file transfers or other multiple wild operations. FTP-CLIENT-168  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW CONDITION_A _______________________________________________________ SHOW CONDITION> Shows the current setting of the condition handlers.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SHOW CONDITIONA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION< For more information, see the documentation for ON9 ERROR, ON CONTROL_C, ON WARNING, and ON SEVERE.nA _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES/ 1 show conditiony Control_C Abort Error Abort Severe Exit Warning Continue_ on control_c exit show cond Control_C Exit Error Abort Severe Exit Warning Continue  ! aborted due to Control-C.e2 operation completed under CTRL/C= In this example, the SHOW CONDITION command is usedFA FTP-CLIENT-169  o % MadGoat FTP Client Commandsc SHOW CONDITION= twice to examine the current state of the conditione handlers.e FTP-CLIENT-170 P IB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW DEFAULTaA _______________________________________________________  SHOW DEFAULT< Displays the current, or default, directory on the; remote system. PWD is a synonym for this command.rA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SHOW DEFAULTA FTP-CLIENT-171  o .% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsP SHOW FILE_STATUSA _______________________________________________________e SHOW FILE_STATUS= Requests information about the specified file. Notee= that some hosts allow wildcarding of the file-spec.nA _______________________________________________________a FORMAT% SHOW FILE_STATUS file-spec A _______________________________________________________r PARAMETERS file-specp: Specifies the name of a file at the remote site.A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONe> Requests information about the specified file in the? remote site's file system. Note that some hosts allow ' wildcarding of the file-spec.b= The MadGoat FTP server gives a full listing of each 0 file, and wild characters are allowed.A _______________________________________________________r EXAMPLES 1s FTP-CLIENT-172  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW FILE_STATUS1) show file_status login.com 3 1/3 Owner: [SIMMONS] $ 20-APR-1993 13:27:44.86( 7-MAY-1993 08:48:58.41 (2)! organization: Sequential ' Attributes: Version limit: 0r8 format: Variable Length, maximum 78 bytes7 Attributes: Carriage return carriage controlr@ protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World: End listn@ In this example, the status of a single remote file is displayed.A FTP-CLIENT-173f t % MadGoat FTP Client Commandst SHOW HASHtA _______________________________________________________e SHOW HASHn/ Displays the current setting of HASH. A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SHOW HASHaA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION @ If HASH is enabled, a hash mark is displayed for every7 1024 bytes of data that are sent or received.MA _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1 show hash display is now offo set hash display is now on put x.x Port 161,6,5,4,69,193 Okay.3 File status okay; about to open data connection. / File transfer Okay; Closing data connection._: bytes (461 blocks) in 00:00:22.34 = 10549 cps, IO=117+ file DJB2:[SIMMONS]X.X;1 to (Remote) x.xd8 In this example, HASH is enabled and a file is transferred. FTP-CLIENT-174  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW HOST_A _______________________________________________________  SHOW HOST < Returns the name of the currently-connected remote host. A ,'X MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D  _______________________________________________________- FORMAT SHOW HOST A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES- 1 connect fake_ to connect to host fakeM MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX (1-OCT-1993) ready.c' Connection closes if idle for 5 min. show host_ open to fake.bogus.com_@ In this example, SHOW HOST is used to show the name of? the remote host to which a connection is established.A FTP-CLIENT-175_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SHOW KEYA _______________________________________________________L SHOW KEY; Displays command keys defined with the DEFINE/KEY  command.A _______________________________________________________l FORMAT SHOW KEY [keyname]TA _______________________________________________________e) Command Qualifiers Defaults  /ALL /FULL / /STATE=state /STATE=DEFAULTrA _______________________________________________________  PARAMETERS keyname= The name of the key definition to be displayed. See) DEFINE/KEY for valid key names. A _______________________________________________________  QUALIFIERS /ALL8 Displays all key definitions for the specified< state. If no state if specified, the DEFAULT state is assumed.c /FULL ? Displays full definitions for each key displayed. The? full definition includes information about whether or = not the string is echoed and terminated, and, if it ? sets the key state, what state is sets and whether or_? not the state is locked in after they key is pressed.e /STATE=state FTP-CLIENT-176  HB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW KEYt6 Specifies the key state table from which key9 definitions are to be displayed. If no state is 7 specified, the keys for the DEFAULT state areo displayed.A _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES- 1 show key/all  key state definitions: = "OPEN ALPHA" = "HELP" > In this example, SHOW KEY is used to display the key, definitions for key state DEFAULT.A FTP-CLIENT-177C N % MadGoat FTP Client Commands & SHOW LOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYA _______________________________________________________F& SHOW LOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY> Displays the current working directory for the local system.oA _______________________________________________________i FORMAT& SHOW LOCAL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONr= This command is similar to the DCL command ``$ SHOWe DEFAULT''. FTP-CLIENT-178  eB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW MODE A _______________________________________________________  SHOW MODE @ Displays the current Mode function transfer parameter.= The possible values for mode are COMPRESSED, BLOCK,D and STREAM._A _______________________________________________________c FORMAT SHOW MODEdA _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1 show mode is STREAM= This example shows a typical response from the SHOW  MODE command. A FTP-CLIENT-179  H A% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SHOW PARAMETERSnA _______________________________________________________ SHOW PARAMETERS@ Display all three transfer parameters: Mode, Structure and Type. A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SHOW PARAMETERSA _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES 1 show param is ASCII NONPRINT is STREAM is VMS = This example shows the typical output from the SHOW  PARAMETERS command.A FTP-CLIENT-180 _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW PASSIVEaA _______________________________________________________  SHOW PASSIVE2 Displays the current setting of PASSIVE.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW PASSIVEA FTP-CLIENT-181_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SHOW PATH_PARSING_A _______________________________________________________T SHOW PATH_PARSINGf7 Displays the current setting of PATH_PARSING.cA _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SHOW PATH_PARSING  FTP-CLIENT-182  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW PROTECTIONiA ________________________________________________________ SHOW PROTECTION_> Displays the current remote default file PROTECTION.A _______________________________________________________C FORMAT SHOW PROTECTIONlA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONe= The reply differs from host to host, but generally,? the information returned includes the current defaulti@ file protection (permission). Many hosts do not return this information._; MadGoat FTP returns this information in both UNIX ? format and standard VAX format. Only the 3 right most ! digits are used by CMU._0 UNIX format consists of 4 octal digits: containing the UMASK information. The digits are; ``ugl|User:rwx|Groutp:rwx|Other:rwx''. Where R(4) ? denies read permission, W(2) denies write permission,o< X(1) denies execute permission. ``u''(4) sets user: ID on execution, while ``g''(2) sets group ID on? execution. ``l'' sets link permission to directories.A FTP-CLIENT-183  % MadGoat FTP Client Comma,W MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?Dnds ' SHOW REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYPA _______________________________________________________E' SHOW REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_< Displays the current, or default, directory on the; remote system. PWD is a synonym for this command. A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT' SHOW REMOTE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORYA _______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1 show remotea( "/usr1/simmons" is current directory. set remote "/etc"  Directory path set to /etc. show remote  "/etc" is current directory.: In this example, the SHOW REMOTE command to used< to verify that the SET REMOTE command performed as expected.  FTP-CLIENT-184 S eB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW REPLY_A _______________________________________________________e SHOW REPLY@ Displays whether or not replies from the remote system are shown.A ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW REPLYA _______________________________________________________a DESCRIPTION ? For more information, please see the documentation ond$ the FTP command SET REPLY.A _______________________________________________________M EXAMPLES 1 show reply reply display is now on noopM Noop Okay.  set reply off show reply reply display is now off  noop  Noop Okay.> This example shows the different output display with$ SET REPLY and SET NOREPLY.A FTP-CLIENT-185   % MadGoat FTP Client Commands SHOW RETAIN A _______________________________________________________n SHOW RETAIN : Displays whether or not file version numbers are retained. A _______________________________________________________a FORMAT SHOW RETAINA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION-? For more information, please see the documentation on % the FTP command SET RETAIN._ FTP-CLIENT-186 I B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW STATUS A ________________________________________________________ SHOW STATUS_= Sends a command to the remote server to display they? status of the FTP connection. STATUS is a synonym fort SHOW STATUS.A _______________________________________________________8 FORMAT SHOW STATUS A _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIOND= The reply differs from host to host, but generally,_@ the information returned includes the current transfer parameter values.nA ________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES 1 status9 MadGoat FTP server V2.2 for OpenVMS VAX_ 6-OCT-1993 15:38:53  for user name none , current data transfer parameters are: MODE Stream STRU O VMS, TYPE AN (Ascii Noprint) Data connection closed_' Connection closes if idle for 5 min. ? This is a typical response from a remote host for the STATUS command.AA FTP-CLIENT-187  d C% MadGoat FTP Client Commands SHOW STRUCTUREA _______________________________________________________  SHOW STRUCTURE6 Displays the current STRUCTURE file transfer parameter.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW STRUCTUREA _______________________________________________________e DESCRIPTION ; The possible values for STRUCTURE are FILE, PAGE, RECORD, and VMS.A _______________________________________________________  EXAMPLES 1 show structure is VMS  set structure file Stru F Okay.  show structure is FILE= In this example, the SHOW STRUCTURE command is used = to verify that the SET STRUCTURE command behaved ase expected.  FTP-CLIENT-188 _ _B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW SUMMARYA _______________________________________________________- SHOW SUMMARY3 Displays a summary of the file transfers.TA ________________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW SUMMARYA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTIONd> Displays statistics on the last file transfer and on= all previous transfers. This consists of the number = of bytes transferred, the time to transfer, and the_ transfer rate.A FTP-CLIENT-189e t % MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ SHOW SYSTEM_TYPEA _______________________________________________________f SHOW SYSTEM_TYPE2 Displays the current remote SYSTEM_TYPE.A _______________________________________________________r FORMAT SHOW SYSTEM_TYPEA ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION_= The reply differs from host to host, but generally, @ the information returned includes the remote operating: system name and information about the remote FTP server.  FTP-CLIENT-190  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW TYPEnA _______________________________________________________r SHOW TYPEa< Displays the current TYPE file transfer parameter.A _______________________________________________________D FORMAT SHOW TYPE A _______________________________________________________i EXAMPLES 1 show type is ASCII NONPRINT set type image Type I ok.I show type is IMAGEa set type ebcdict handle TYPE EBCDIC show type_ is IMAGE_; In this example, the SHOW TYPE command is used ton> verify that the SET TYPE command worked as expected.A FTP-CLIENT-191   W% MadGoat FTP Client Commands_ SHOW VERIFY_A ________________________________nY MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D+_______________________r SHOW VERIFY6 Displays the current setting of VERIFY mode.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT SHOW VERIFYaA _______________________________________________________  DESCRIPTION > When VERIFY is enabled, commands read from a command9 procedure (executed with ``@'') will be echoed.g FTP-CLIENT-192 1 B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SPAWN A _______________________________________________________d SPAWNm> Creates a DCL subprocess of the current process. The> context of the subprocess is copied from the current? process. The SPAWN command can be used to temporarilyh? leave FTP, perform other functions, and return to the  FTP session.A _______________________________________________________  FORMAT SPAWN [command-line]_A _______________________________________________________ ) Command Qualifiers Defaults 2 /CARRIAGE_CONTROL /CARRIAGE_CONTROL< /CLI=cli default specified in SYSUAF& /INPUT=file_spec None.( /KEYPAD /KEYPAD/ /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES & /OUTPUT=file_spec None.& /PROCESS=subprocess-namNone.' /PROMPT=string ``$ '' ) /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLSC& /TABLE=command-table None.& /WAIT /WAITA ________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTIONW9 If present, [command-line] will be executed andF> control returned to FTP. If absent, a DCL subprocess9 will be created until the DCL command LOGOUT is  issued.kA FTP-CLIENT-193_ _ % MadGoat FTP Client Commands SPAWNA _______________________________________________________  COMMAND QUALIFIERS /CARRIAGE_CONTROL  /NOCARRIAGE_CONTROL 6 Determines whether carriage-return/line-feed< characters are prefixed to the subprocess's prompt> string. By default, SPAWN copies the current setting of the parent process. /CLI=cli= Specifies the name of an alternate command language @ interpreter (CLI) to be used by the subprocess. If the? /CLI qualifier is not specified, the CLI used will ben) the same as the parent process.u5 The default is the CLI specified in SYSUAF. ? The CLI you specify must be located in SYS$SYSTEM and ! have the file type EXE.  /INPUT=file-spec< Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL? commands to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If = you specify a command string with the SPAWN command: and an input file with the /INPUT qualifier, the< command string is processed before the input file.< Once processing of the input file is complete, the# subprocess is terminated.  /KEYPAD (D)o /NOKEYPAD.; Determines whether keypad symbols and the current_@ keypad state are copied from the parent process to the= subprocess. By default, if you have established keyH> definitions and/or states with the DEFINE/KEY and/or< SET KEY commands, these settings are copied to the? subprocess. Use the /NOKEYPAD qualifier if you do not - want the key settings to be copied.- FTP-CLIENT-194 a TB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SPAWN  /LOGICAL_NAMES (D) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES> Determines whether the system passes process logical= names and logical name tables to the subprocess. By= default, all process logical names and logical name: tables are copied to the subprocess except those; explicitly marked CONFINE or created in executivei or kernel mode.$ /NOTIFY (D)' /NONOTIFY8 Controls whether a message is broadcast to the< terminal at which you are logged in, notifying you= that your subprocess has been completed or aborted. > This qualifier should not be used unless you specify7 the /NOWAIT qualifier. /NOTIFY also cannot be ; specified when the SPAWN command is executed from9 within a non-interactive process. he default isK /NONOTIFY.@ Note that messages broadcast as a result of specifying8 the /NOTIFY qualifier are considered to be DCL8 messages. Therefore, if SET BROADCAST=NODCL is; in effect, all such notification messages will be suppressed.  /OUTPUT=file-specr> Requests that the output from the SPAWN operation be( written to the specified file.> Note that if both the /OUTPUT and /NOWAIT qualifiers7 are used interactively, and if SYS$COMMAND is: specified as the /OUTPUT file specification, the7 output from both your parent process and your ? subprocesses will be displayed simultaneously at your  terminal. " /PROCESS=subprocess-name= Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created.M< If you specify a process name that already exists,; an error message is displayed. By default, if you A FTP-CLIENT-195  s a% MadGoat FTP Client Commands  SPAWNE< omit the /PROCESS qualifier, a unique process name; is assigned with the same base name as the parentF= process and a unique number. The default subprocess $ name format is username_n. /PROMPT=string; Specifies the prompt string for DCL to use in the: subprocess. By default, SPAWN copies the current) prompt from the parent process._@ The string can consist of more than one character. All> valid ASCII characters can be used in the string. In< order to include spaces, lowercase letters or non-: alphanumeric characters in your string, you must; enclose the string in quotation marks. Otherwise,_? letters are automatically converted to uppercase, and2 leading and trailing spaces are removed.; If no string is specified, the DCL default prompt_$ string ``$ `` is restored. /SYMBOLS (D) /NOSYMBOLS9 Determines whether the system passes DCL global2< and local symbols to the subprocess. Note that the< $RESTART, $SEVERITY, and $STATUS symbols are never< passed to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS. /TABLE=table-name_@ Specifies the name of an alternate command table to be! used by the subprocess.. /WAIT (D)_ /NOWAIT_= Controls whether the system waits until the currentW? subprocess is completed beN MGFTP022.EB MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.TXT;8?D:fore allowing more commands_9 to be issued in the parent process. The /NOWAITe> qualifier allows you to issue new commands while the; specified subprocess is running. When you use thei= /NOWAIT qualifier interactively, be sure to use the ; /OUTPUT qualifier as well so that output from ther FTP-CLIENT-196  mB MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SPAWN> subprocess is directed to a file rather than to your< terminal. Otherwise, your terminal will be used by1 more than one process at the same time.o9 By default, you must wait for the subprocess tor9 terminate before you can issue another command.n? Note that specifying the /NOWAIT qualifier will cause< both input and output to be shared with the parent= process. If the input device is a terminal, controlt@ characters, such as CTRL/T or CTRL/Y, will also affect@ all subprocesses sharing the input device. CTRL/Y, for8 example, will interrupt all such subprocesses.? This problem may be avoided by specifying /INPUT=NL:.sA FTP-CLIENT-197   O% MadGoat FTP Client CommandsT STATUSA _______________________________________________________L STATUS= Sends a command to the remote server to display thet? status of the FTP connection. STATUS is a synonym for  SHOW STATUS.A _______________________________________________________m FORMAT STATUS FTP-CLIENT-198  B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA TYPE A ________________________________________________________ TYPE7 Displays a remote file on the local terminal.h@ Note: Use the SET TYPE command, or ASCII and IMAGE, to( change the file transfer TYPE.A _______________________________________________________ FORMAT TYPE Remote-file_A _______________________________________________________i EXAMPLES 1 type login.com Stru F ok.E* Port 75.123 at Host accepted.= ASCII retrieve of BOGUS$USER:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.COM;1 started. 2 Transfer completed. 748 (8) bytes transferred. = 'f$verify(0)'> decw$user_defaults bogus$user:[simmons.decw$] [.hunter]login.exe  1 .or. f$verify(sv)0 bytes (1 block) in 00:00:00.32 = 372 cps, IO=1. file login.com to (Local) SYS$OUTPUT:.; Stru O VMS ok. 7 In this example, the remote file LOGIN.COM is * ``typed'' to the local terminal.A FTP-CLIENT-199_ _ _% MadGoat FTP Client Commands USERA _______________________________________________________  USER? Transfers user information to the remote server. USER ! is a synonym for LOGIN._A _______________________________________________________E FORMAT" USER username [account] FTP-CLIENT-200 FTP-CLIENT-186 I B MadGoat FTP Client CommandsA SHOW STATUS A ________________________________________________________ SHOW STATUS_= Sends a command to the remote server to display they? status of the FTP connection. STATUS is a synonym fort SHOW STAH0 MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`[*[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8+,@ .`/ 4X``>-MI0123KPWOa56Gs7at89GHJ%!PS-Adobe-3.0%%Title: FTP_USERS_GUIDE%%Creator: DECdocument V3.0DI%%Copyright: 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION.%%+All Rights Reserved.(%%CreationDate: Wed Aug 21 1996 16:21:32%%For: GOATHUNTER %%BoundingBox: (atend)%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit%%LanguageLevel: 1%%Orientation: Portrait%%Pages: (atend)%%PageOrder: Ascend%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend) &%%DocumentProcSets: Underlay Color5044.%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Underlay Color5044 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend)%%DocumentCustomColors: (atend) %%EndComments$%+++TTI changes : added ROTB back in>%+++ : added 1000 ROTB = begin special code example<%+++ : added 1001 ROTB = end special code example0%+++ : added 1002 ROTB = digital logo%!%%BeginResource: procset Underlay%%CreationDate: (2/10/92)%C% In VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1, simple EPSF files up to 65,000 bytes long@% may be an underlay. Define the EPSF as a PostScript proceedureD% called /UNDERLAY and prefix to DOCUMENT's PS output For example:.&% /UNDERLAY ( EPSF code here ) cvx def%=% To create a "DRAFT" underlay change /UNDERLAY* to /UNDERLAY /UNDERLAY* ( /Note (DRAFT) def /NoteSize 120 def6 /NoteFont /Helvetica findfont NoteSize scalefont def& /Note where { pop Note length 0 gt {8 /NoteWidth NoteFont setfont Note stringwidth pop def/ PaperWidth 36 mul PaperHeight 36 mul moveto& PaperHeight PaperWidth atan rotate6 NoteWidth -2 div NoteSize .729 mul -2 div rmoveto 2 Note true charpath .075 setseparationgray fill }if }if ) cvx def %%EndResource%"%%BeginResource: procset Color5044%%CreationDate: (1/21/91)%%Version:1.0 31%Implementation of Adobe 5044 color specification5%/ndf allows command override during color separation/Color5044Dict 100 dict defColor5044Dict begin/bdf {bind def} def/ndf {1 index where {pop pop pop } {dup xcheck {bind} if def } ifelse } bdf /setcmykcolor {1 exch sub 3 " {dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 2 copy lt {exch} if pop exch } repeat pop setrgbcolor }ndf/setcmykcoloroverprint {4 {dup -1 eq {pop 0} if 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor } ndf/findcmykcustomcolor {5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray } {array astore readonly } ifelse } ndf/setcustomcolor {exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop } ndf/setseparationgray* {1 exch sub systemdict /setgray get exec } ndf/setoverprint {pop} ndf/currentoverprint false ndf%CMYK multi-proc colorimage /colorimage {4 neH {(\nUnsupported number of colors for colorimage.\n) print flush quit } if notJ {(\nSingle procedure form colorimage unsupported.\n) print flush quit } if' save 20 dict begin /&saveobj exch defE /&Kproc exch def /&Yproc exch def /&Mproc exch def /&Cproc exch def {&Cproc &Mproc &Yproc &Kproc7 /&K exch def /&Y exch def /&M exch def /&C exch def 0 1 &K length 1 sub {/&i exch def &K &i 255 &C &i get 30 mul &M &i get 59 mul add &Y &i get 11 mul add &K &i get 100 mul add 100 idiv dup 255 gt {pop 255} if sub put } for &K } image &saveobj end restore } ndf/customcolorimage! {pop systemdict /image get exec } ndf/separationimage {systemdict /image get exec } ndfend %%EndResourceColor5044Dict begin%/DEC_DVC$dict 300 dict defDEC_DVC$dict begin%/DVC$PSJob save def%5mark % CREATE ISOLatin1Encoding if not there already/ISOLatin1Encoding0 8#000 1 8#054 {StandardEncoding exch get} for  /minus0 8#056 1 8#217 {StandardEncoding exch get} for /dotlessi 0 8#301 1 8#317 {StandardEncoding exch get} for H /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section G /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /  logicalnot /hyphen L /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute E /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine L /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave O /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute O /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde L /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave M /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute G /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute N /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntildeJ /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave < /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis 9 /ISOLatin1Encoding where not {256 array astore def} if cleartomark%,/DOCPSE ISOLatin1Encoding 256 array copy def"mark % CREATE DOCPSE ENCODING 8#055 /hyphenC 8#201 /bullet 8#202 /emdash 8#203 /endash 8#204 /daggerC 8#205 /daggerdbl 8#206 /registered 8#207 /trademark %8#210 /Delta? 8#211 /fi 8#212 /fl 8#213 /OE 8#214 /oe 8#215 /Ydieresis) counttomark -1 bitshift % DIVIDE BY 2: {DOCPSE 3 1 roll put} repeat % STACK NOW CONTAINS MARK cleartomark%3/ReENCODE { % /basefont /newfont encoding ReENCODE7 /newencoding exch def %ARG: NAME OF ENCODING VECTORC /newfontname exch def %ARG: NEW NAME FOR FONT AFTER RE-ENCODING findfont> /basefontdict exch def %ARG: NAME OF FONT TO BE RE-ENCODED? basefontdict maxlength dict begin %CREATE AND OPEN NEW DICT= basefontdict { %COPY ENTRIES FROM BASE FONT DICT TO NEW ONE 1 index /FID ne {5 def %IF NOT THE ONE WE'RE ENCODING, JUST COPY PTRS } { %else: pop pop %IGNORE FID AND ENCODING FOR ONE WE'RE ENCODING } ifelse } forall, /FontName newfontname def %DEFINE NEW NAME 6 /Encoding newencoding def %DEFINE NEW ENCODING VECTOR; newfontname currentdict definefont %TURN IT INTO A PS FONT3 pop %IGNORE MODIFIED DICT RETURNED BY DEFINEFONT end}def%/cvsstr 64 string def/tempmatrix matrix def%2% Exit page (temporarily) to add fonts/characters. /XP { }def% % Resume page,/RP {/ExampleState 0 def} def % RESUME PAGE/ExampleState 0 def%% End Page: EP/EP {DVC$PSPage restore}def%% Purge fonts to reclaim VM/PF { currentoverprint currentrgbcolor EP %Does restore PageSetup %Does save setrgbcolor setoverprint}def%% ABBREVIATIONS /S /show load def/SV /save load def/RST /restore load def%/Yadjust {Ymax exch sub} def%C/SXY { % (x,y) POSITION ABSOLUTE, JUST SET Xpos & Ypos, DON'T MOVE( Yadjust /Ypos exch def /Xpos exch def} def%$/XY { % (x,y) POSITION ABSOLUTE Yadjust moveto} def%#/X { % (x,0) POSITION ABSOLUTE currentpoint exch pop moveto} def%$/Y { % (0,y) POSITION ABSOLUTE & currentpB( MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X``oint pop exch Yadjust moveto} def%$/xy { % (x,y) POSITION RELATIVE neg rmoveto} def%#/x { % (x,0) POSITION RELATIVE 0 rmoveto} def%#/y { % (0,y) POSITION RELATIVE 0 exch neg rmoveto} def%/R { % Draw a rectangle$ /ht exch def /wd exch def gsave currentpoint newpath moveto 0 ht rlineto wd 0 rlineto$ 0 ht neg rlineto wd neg 0 rlineto& closepath fill grestore wd 0 rmoveto}def%3%Setup Page Media: PM/PM { /Xmax exch Resolution mul def /Ymax exch Resolution mul def /UNDERLAY where { pop3 /eps_save save def % save before EPSF underlay9 Resolution 72 div dup scale % Revert coords to points9 count array astore /DVCstack exch def % save op stack/ /dict_count countdictstack def % # of dicts" userdict begin % default dict' /showpage {}def % disable showpage 0 setgray? {UNDERLAY} stopped {(Error executing /UNDERLAY)== quit}ifD countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack/ clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack* eps_save restore % restore after EPSF }if PageSetup}def%%Setup page coordinates /PageSetup{.% /DVC$PSPage {save} def % ++cjb: fix VME bug /DVC$PSPage save def9 PortraitMode not {PaperWidth 0 translate 90 rotate} if /Xpos 0 def /Ypos 0 def}def%)% Begin EPS file: SPB/SPB {8 Yadjust transform % convert from DVC to device coords EP % page-level restore( /eps_save save def % save before EPSF8 Resolution 72 div dup scale % Revert coords to points2 itransform % convert position back to points % translate % set position for EPSF3 PortraitMode not {90 rotate} if % rotate for EPSF7 count array astore /DVCstack exch def % save op stack- /dict_count countdictstack def % # of dicts userdict begin % default dict% /showpage {}def % disable showpage 0 setgray}def%% End EPS file/SPE {B countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack- clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack( eps_save restore % restore after EPSF" PageSetup % restore DVC coords}def%!% Print-Page Routine: PP/PP { gsave showpage grestore}def%&/DMF { % /font-name DMF& exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}def%3/concatnam { % /abcd (xxx) concatnam ==> /abcdxxx /xxx exch def /namstr exch cvsstr cvs def1 /newnam namstr length xxx length add string def newnam 0 namstr putinterval& newnam namstr length xxx putinterval newnam cvn }def%%/strip { % /abcdef 2 strip ==> /cdef /num exch def /nam exch def /namstr nam cvsstr cvs def# /newlen namstr length num sub def$ namstr num newlen getinterval cvn}def/% ROUTINES TO HANDLE PACKING/UNPACKING NUMBERS8/PackHW { % PackHW --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#0000FFFF and 1 pos sub 16 mul bitshift target or}def</PackByte { % PackByte --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#000000FF and 3 pos sub 8 mul bitshift target or}def4/UnpkHW { % UnpkHW -->  /num exch def /pos exch def0 num 1 pos sub -16 mul bitshift 16#0000FFFF and) dup 16#00007FFF gt {16#00010000 sub} if}def8/UnpkByte { % UnpkByte -->  /num exch def /pos exch def/ num 3 pos sub -8 mul bitshift 16#000000FF and) dup 16#0000007F gt {16#00000100 sub} if}def%/ps-scalefont {J % FOR PS FONTS, LOOK AT SIZE REQUESTED. IF IT HAS A DECIMAL REMAINDERL % EQUIVALENT TO .001-.009 POINTS (I.E., .050-.450 VAXDOC UNITS), THAT'S H % A FLAG TO STRETCH IT VERTICALLY BY ADDING 1-9 EXTRA POINTS TO THE  % VERTICAL SCALING.A % save requested size - as entered and as integer, dup /x-size exch def cvi /x-int exch def; % calc decimal remainder, mul x 1000, round; x-size x-int sub 1000 mul round cvi /remainder exch def% % see how we scale...) remainder 50 lt remainder 450 gt or {& % scale isomorphically /ystretch 0 def x-size scalefont } {& % scale anamorphically /ystretch remainder def+ x-int ystretch add /y-size exch def' [x-int 0 0 y-size 0 0] makefont } ifelse}def%(/DPSF { % /procname size /fontname DPSF< findfont exch ps-scalefont [ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx def}def%/PXLBuildCharDict 17 dict def/CMEncodingArray 256 array def90 1 255 {CMEncodingArray exch dup cvsstr cvs cvn put} for)/RasterConvert {RasterScaleFactor div}def/TransformBBox { aload popH /BB-ury exch def /BB-urx exch def /BB-lly exch def /BB-llx exch def. [ BB-llx RasterConvert BB-lly RasterConvert / BB-urx RasterConvert BB-ury RasterConvert ]}def/RunLengthToRasters { % none yet}def7/GenerateRasters { % GENERATE RASTERS FOR "IMAGEMASK"1 rasters runlength 1 eq {RunLengthToRasters} if}def%)/int-dict-name {int (-dict) concatnam}def-/int-dict {int (-dict) concatnam cvx load}def%/DefinePXLFont {E % ...1 % ...[llx lly urx ury]DefinePXLFontC /newfont exch def /bb exch def /num exch def /psz exch defC /dsz exch def /pxlmag exch def /ext exch def /int exch def9 /fnam ext (-) concatnam pxlmag cvsstr cvs concatnam def newfont not { int-dict-name 13 dict def int-dict beginF /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [ 1 dsz div 0 0 1 dsz div 0 0 ] defC /FontBBox bb TransformBBox def /Encoding CMEncodingArray defI /CharDict 1 dict def CharDict begin /Char-Info num array def end /BuildChar { PXLBuildCharDict begin, /char exch def /fontdict exch defB fontdict /CharDict get /Char-Info get char get aload pop2 /rasters exch def /PackedWord1 exch def+ 0 PackedWord1 UnpkHW 16#7FFF ne {8 /PackedWord2 exch def /wx 0 PackedWord1 UnpkHW defN /rows 2 PackedWord1 UnpkByte def /cols 3 PackedWord1 UnpkByte defM /llx 0 PackedWord2 UnpkByte def /lly 1 PackedWord2 UnpkByte defM /urx 2 PackedWord2 UnpkByte def /ury 3 PackedWord2 UnpkByte def }{ %elseG /PackedWord2 exch def /PackedWord3 exch def /PackedWord4 exch defJ /wx 1 PackedWord1 UnpkHW def /rows 0 PackedWord2 UnpkHW defI /cols 1 PackedWord2 UnpkHW def /llx 0 PackedWord3 UnpkHW defI /lly 1 PackedWord3 UnpkHW def /urx 0 PackedWord4 UnpkHW def) /ury 1 PackedWord4 UnpkHW def } ifelse rows 0 lt {( /rows rows neg def /runlength 1 def }{ %else /runlength 0 def } ifelse wx 0. llx RasterConvert lly RasterConvert < urx RasterConvert ury RasterConvert setcachedevice rows 0 ne { gsave) cols rows true RasterScaleFactor B 0 0 RasterScaleFactor neg llx .5 add neg ury .5 add : tempmatrix astore GenerateRasters imagemask grestore } if end }def end! fnam int-dict definefont pop  } if / int-dict-name fnam findfont psz scalefont def3 currentdict int [ int-dict /setfont cvx ] cvx put}def A/PXLF { true DefinePXLFont}def % SIGNAL THAT FONT ALREADY LOADEDF/PXLNF {false DefinePXLFont}def % SIGNAL THAT FONT NOT ALREADY LOADED%:/PXLC { t MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`b% ...* % ...PXLCH /rasters exch def /runlength exch def /cols exch def /rows exch defG /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def7 /wx exch def /code exch def /int exch def+ % SEE IF LONG OR SHORT FORMAT IS REQUIRED? true cols CKSZ rows CKSZ ury CKSZ urx CKSZ lly CKSZ llx CKSZ  TackRunLengthToRows {/ int-dict /CharDict get /Char-Info get code C [ 0 0 llx PackByte 1 lly PackByte 2 urx PackByte 3 ury PackByteA 0 0 wx PackHW 2 rows PackByte 3 cols PackByte rasters ] put }{ %else/ int-dict /CharDict get /Char-Info get code ? [ 0 0 urx PackHW 1 ury PackHW 0 0 llx PackHW 1 lly PackHWP 0 0 rows PackHW 1 cols PackHW 0 0 16#7FFF PackHW 1 wx PackHW rasters ] put } ifelse}def%/CKSZ {abs 127 le and}def@/TackRunLengthToRows {runlength 0 ne {/rows rows neg def} if}def%/PLOTC {K % PLOTCH /rasters exch def /runlength exch def /cols exch def /rows exch defG /ury exch def /urx exch def /lly exch def /llx exch def6 /psz exch def /dsz exch def /wx exch def' % "PLOT" A CHARACTER'S RASTER PATTERN rows 0 ne { gsave3 currentpoint translate psz dsz div dup scale> cols rows true RasterScaleFactor 0 0 RasterScaleFactor 6 neg llx .5 add neg ury .5 add tempmatrix astore GenerateRasters imagemask grestore } if wx x}def%P% set color routine: Color# SC6/SC {ColorPalette exch get 1.0 setcustomcolor}bind def%G%L<% Procedures for implementing the "rotate " special:% ROTB -9% - ROTE -G1%+++ TTI changes to allow .screen escape sequence % 1000 ROTB -> start screen1% 1001 ROTB -> end screen% 1002 ROTB -> Digital logo:/codexindent 590 def/ROTB { dup 1000 eq {d$ % 1000 ROTB - start code example pop /ExampleState 0 deft /S { dup (.screen) eq { % start screen exampleC% pjf fix 7-4-92 : first line after .screen was indented improperlye: currentpoint /ExampleY exch def /ExampleX exch def 1 setgray show 0 setgray /S {3 /ExampleName exch def /ExampleState 1 def 7 codexindent 0 translate codexindent 0 rmoveto:. 1 setgray ExampleName show 0 setgray /S /show load def ! /FONT104 /F104 load defs* % replace the tilde with a space, currentfont F102 currentfont begin. /Encoding load % - encoding1 % save the old encoding for the tilde 3 dup 126 get exch % - e126 encodingD, dup 32 get 126 exch put % - e126 ende. % stick tilde encoding in a variable /ExampleTilde exch def8 FONT104 currentfont /F104DICT exch def setfont /F104 {  /S {- currentfont /F104DICT load eq {a. dup length 240 mul /w exch def1 gsave 0 -100 rmoveto currentpointh0 newpath moveto w 0 rlineto 0 440? rlineto w neg 0 rlineto closepath fill grestorea( 1 setgray show 0 setgray } {o# /S /show load def Sl } ifelse } defo FONT1040 } def5 } def } {d % regular code example show /S /show load def } ifelse } def} } { dup 1001 eq {" % 1001 ROTB - end code example pope ExampleState 1 eq {5B currentpoint ExampleY exch sub 600 sub /ylength exch def pop2 /xlength 19200 1.25 mul def /radius 1000 def' gsave ExampleX ExampleY translatef3 240 -400 translate .8 1 scale 50 setlinewidthd/ /Helvetica findfont 250 scalefont setfont3 ExampleName (-) eq { /ExampleName () def } ifd! ExampleName stringwidth pop9 xlength exch sub -250 radius sub ylength sub movetox4 gsave 1.25 1 scale ExampleName show grestore! newpath radius neg 0 moveto & 0 ylength neg radius 180 270 arc* xlength ylength neg radius 270 0 arc xlength 0 radius 0 90 arcc 0 0 radius 90 180 arc4 closepath stroke grestoreo /ExampleState 0 def  /F104 /FONT104 load defo /S /show load defuF % replace tilde encoding, so it doesn't show up as space anymore( currentfont F102 currentfont begin+ /Encoding load 126 ExampleTilde put/ end setfont ; codexindent neg 0 translate codexindent neg 0 rmoveto  } if } { dup 1002 eq {  popn, gsave (-) stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto - /Helvetica findfont 450 scalefont setfont9# [(d) (i) (g) (i) (t) (a) (l)] {. currentpoint currentpoint newpath movetoN 0 -200 rmoveto 300 0 rlineto 0 730 rlineto -300 0 rlineto 0 -730 rlineto fill moveto gsaver6 dup stringwidth pop 300 exch sub 2 div 0 rmoveto' 1 setgray show 0 setgray grestorea 350 0 rmovetoa } forall 0 375 rmoveton7 /Helvetica findfont 200 scalefont setfont (TM) showi grestore } {b % other - do rotatione XP gsaveA Xpos Ypos translateo) rotate % using from the stack0 Xpos neg Ypos neg translateg RP } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse} defE/ROTE {XP grestore RP} def /F104 { } def %%EndPrologr %%BeginSetup/PxlResolution 300 def/Resolution 3600 def3/RasterScaleFactor PxlResolution Resolution div defr/PortraitMode true def/PaperWidth 8.500 defy/PaperHeight 11.000 defc72 Resolution div dup scalep=%> Postamble of file MG_SRC:[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.DVI_PS.e)% DefineFont:F204 Category:15 Pointsize:9l% DownloadPSFont%!PS-Adobe-2.0(%%Title: Callout Font, v1.3, 13-Oct-1993G%%Creator: Ned Batchelder & Bob Anderson, Digital Equipment Corporation%%CreationDate: 13-Oct-1993I%%%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica-BoldE$%%DocumentSuppliedFonts: DEC_Callout %%EndComments/%%BeginFont: DEC_Callout 18 dict beginU/FontName /DEC_Callout def/FontInfo 10 dict dup begin/, /version (1.3, 13-Oct-1993) readonly def1 /FullName (DEC Modular Callouts) readonly defiP /Notice (Copyright 1988 - 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation.) readonly def end readonly def)/FontBBox [ 0 -75 1000 1000 -75 add ] def /Encoding [i 32 { /.notdef } repeat5 /cx0 /cx1 /cx2 /cx3 /cx4 /cx5 /cx6 /cx7 /cx8 /cx9 5 /bx0 /bx1 /bx2 /bx3 /bx4 /bx5 /bx6 /bx7 /bx8 /bx9t5 /mx0 /mx1 /mx2 /mx3 /mx4 /mx5 /mx6 /mx7 /mx8 /mx9S5 /ex0 /ex1 /ex2 /ex3 /ex4 /ex5 /ex6 /ex7 /ex8 /ex9/ 184 { /.notdef } repeat# ] def%/FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def8/FontType 3 def8K% Note: The numbers for scaling and translation in BuildChar are determinedM% from the selction of Helvetica as the BaseFont. Changing the base font will !% require changing those numbers.A%% Digit height = .732 (x 900 = 659) %% Digit width = .556 (x 900 = 500)4/BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont 900 scalefont def/str ( ) def/mtx matrix defE /BuildChar { exch begin' Encoding exch get % the callout nameh str cvs (x) search 5 { exch pop cvx exec % Call either c, b, m, or e.  } { pop } ifelseb end } bind def/c { % (digit) `c' --1 1000 0 0 -75 1000 1000 -75 add setcachedeviceT 0 -75 translate, BaseFont setfont, % The baseline is (1000-digitht)/2 = 170, % The x offset is (1000-digitwd)/2 = 250 250 170 moveto true charpathI 1000 500 movetoi 500 500 500 0 360 arcN d MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`- eofill } bind def/b {/ 500 0 0 -75 500 1000 -75 add setcachedevice 0 -75 translateF mtx currentmatrix popF BaseFont setfont % A double-digit number.> % We scale down the digits by .75 x .9 to fit them better." % Digitht now = .9 x 659 = 593# % Digitwd now = .75 x 500 = 375e) % baseline = (1000 - digitht)/2 = 203, % x offset = (1000 - 2*digitwd)/2 = 125  125 203 moveto .75 .9 scale true charpathi mtx setmatrixo 500 1000 movetoo 500 500 500 90 270 arc closepatho eofill } bind def/m {/ 375 0 0 -75 375 1000 -75 add setcachedeviceo 0 -75 translate  mtx currentmatrix popx BaseFont setfont 0 203 moveto .75 .9 scale true charpathD mtx setmatrixs9 0 0 moveto 375 0 lineto 375 1000 lineto 0 1000 lineto( closepathB eofill } bind def/e {/ 500 0 0 -75 500 1000 -75 add setcachedeviceu 0 -75 translateo mtx currentmatrix pop  BaseFont setfont % A double-digit number.> % We scale down the digits by .75 x .9 to fit them better." % Digitht now = .9 x 659 = 593# % Digitwd now = .75 x 500 = 375m) % baseline = (1000 - digitht)/2 = 203I, % x offset = (1000 - 2*digitwd)/2 = 125  0 203 moveto .75 .9 scale true charpathh mtx setmatrixr 0 0 moveto 0 500 500 270 90 arc closepath eofill } bind defFontName currentdictendidefinefont pop%%EOFo%!PS-Adobe-1.0-%%Creator: Eric Gisin %%Title: Print font catalogo% Copyright (c) 1986 Eric Gisino!% Modified by Ned Batchelder, DEC %% version 1.5, 3-Nov-1988 <% Fixed a problem where doing too many catalogs in one run % would overflow the stack.% version 1.4, 23-Mar-19887% Changed the dictionary name from using dots to usingk/% underscores to conform to the naming scheme. % version 1.3, 27-Jan-1988:% A dictionary is created so that all of the cataloger is%% isolated from any other resources.% version 1.2, 21-Jan-19887% Error handling per character to catalog buggy fonts.s% option "robust" enables it.% version 1.1, 23-Dec-19879% Removed dependencies on features found in Adobe fonts.p% "% Example usages at bottom of file S"/DEC_fontcat_dict dup 100 dict def load beginC/CaptionFont /Times-Roman findfont def % Font for text about font.A/Tiny CaptionFont 6 scalefont def % Font for tiny names, sizes..s,/CatSize 24 def % Size of big characters/Temp 64 string def '/Base 8 def % char code output bases//cell-x 36 def % Wavelength of cells acrosse./cell-y -48 def % Wavelength of cells down1/encoded-x 18 def % X origin for encoded charsn5/unencoded-x 18 def % X origin for unencoded charst1/low-half-y 660 def % Y origin for first table 3/high-half-y 320 def % Y origin for second tabled/low-sample-y 376 defk/high-sample-y 36 defs3/sample-size 10 def % Font size of sample stringb,/tiny-size 6 def % Font size of tiny text./tiny-leading 8 def % Leading for tiny text4/hang-left 3 def % Amounts to hang char box lines/hang-right 3 def /hang-down 6 def%%)/num-base hang-down tiny-size add neg deft(/name-base num-base tiny-leading sub def0/width-x Tiny setfont (0000) stringwidth pop def% Sort an array/$shell 6 dict def&/shellsort { % ary `shellsort' ary $shell begin /a exch def /n a length def8 /gap n 2 idiv def % for (gap = n/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2) { gap 0 le { exit } if 1 gap 1 n 1 sub % for (i = gap; i < n; i++)e { /i exch def i gap sub gap neg 0g { /j exch def a j getd a j gap add getc le { exit } if a j get  a j gap add gett a j 3 -1 roll putn a j gap add 3 -1 roll put }n fore }i for /gap gap 2 idiv def } loopA a % Return the array  end } bind def% "% name ccode printcc? `DoChar' ok?% M% Do single character of page. If printcc is false, then no character code isrK% printed. Output to rectangle ll=(0,-24) ur=(36,24). The return value is a M% boolean indicating if the character is ok (otherwise, some error occurred). % /DoChar {t /printC? exch def ( /C exch def % The character code/ /N exch def % The name of the characteru8 /Str (_) dup 0 C put def % A string with the char., /Err? false def % Did an error occur?9 % Get the width of the character. An error may occur. ( /W F setfont Str stringwidth pop def % print the character name Tiny setfont N /.notdef nep { 0 name-base moveto N Temp cvs show } if- % Print the character code or an em-dash.E 0 num-base moveto. printC? 6 { C Base Temp cvrs show } % Otheriwse, the code.2 { (\320) show } % An em-dash if no encoding ifelse8 % Print the character width, if we could compute it. width-x num-base movetoh Err? - { (???) show }2 { W 0.0005 add Temp cvs 0 5 getinterval show } ifelse x% % print char with reference linese N /.notdef ne {  hang-left 0 translate 0 0 movetoe FBig setfont Str show Err?  { Tiny setfontl Err Temp cvs show }8 { /W W CatSize mul def % Get the width for this size 0 hang-down neg movetol* 0 CatSize lineto % Left side of box W hang-down neg movetoe+ W CatSize lineto % Right side of boxf hang-left neg 0 moveto+ W hang-right add 0 lineto % Base line  0 setlinewidth stroke } ifelsex } if Err? not } bind def % % string `DoFontHeader' -y% M% Prints the info at the top of a sheet. The string is printed after the fonta3% name as an indication of what lies on this sheet.o% /DoFontHeader { $ CaptionFont 18 scalefont setfont; 18 756 moveto FName Temp cvs show % ( (24 point)) show $ CaptionFont 10 scalefont setfont& show % Picks up the arg string F /FontInfo knownG" { /Finfo F /FontInfo get def } { /Finfo 1 dict def }r ifelse/ 400 740 moveto statusdict /product get show-& (, PostScript v) show version show9 ( r) show statusdict /revision get 10 string cvs showt( 400 728 moveto (Font version: ) show Finfo /version known { Finfo /version get show }w { ((none)) show } ifelse 18 740 movetoe- [ /FullName /FamilyName /Weight /Notice ]  { /key exch def  Finfo key known { key Temp cvs show (: ) show Finfo key get showv) currentpoint 12 sub exch pop 18 exch- movetod } if  } forall } bind def% % fontname `DoFont' -v% % Print a font sample page.F% /DoFont {o /FontLevel save defn" /FName exch def % font name /F FName findfont defC! /FBig F CatSize scalefont def  /Line0 96 string def /Line1 96 string def /l0 0 defd /l1 0 defx% /has-cs? F /CharStrings known def/ has-cs?h) { /charstrings F /CharStrings get defe& /names charstrings maxlength dict def /newchars 200 string def  } if d) ( (encoded characters)) DoFontHeaderf 0 1 95 { /I exch def  /Xn I 16 mod def  /Yn I 16 idiv def d % chars 20-7F gsave /ccode I 16#20 add def1) /cname F /Encoding get ccode get defx has-cs?< { names cname ccode put } % Remember we found this one ifk Xn cell-x mul encoded-x add+ Yn cell-y mul low-half-y add translate  cname ccode true DoChar { Line0 l0 ccode put /l0 l0 1 add def }d匋2-ccnxyuL G|Zx>Q>0yf&R~p( 9&߇ m+1* FW98.mW#(czp9( !sNux6IDRZݤeAVcX7r),Sps}D,}dfxlk& 7PCLYr<morEhlJU1jC4!_pszbXr;xa 30EQySb?*R G52(] ^nXJ5NJl[(N 4fR0_v}w%$~5+|q;V#R<(h@N)1V@hk6kL8;4l-CW@X{/6IC ,Z_-6+$i  )9\O]{JQ7)b-\d$0h{w&z&f_y! 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A _ MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`< ifk grestorec % chars A0-FF gsave /ccode I 16#A0 add defH) /cname F /Encoding get ccode get def has-cs? { names cname ccode put } ife Xn cell-x mul encoded-x add, Yn cell-y mul high-half-y add translate cname ccode true DoChar { Line1 l1 ccode put  /l1 l1 1 add def }l ifo grestore  } forv# F sample-size scalefont setfont = encoded-x low-sample-y moveto Line0 0 l0 getinterval showS> encoded-x high-sample-y moveto Line1 0 l1 getinterval showE %showpage ! DJS 13-Mar-1996 Causes a blank page to be printed ata< % ! the beginning of a document has-cs? {m % Do unencoded characters + ( (unencoded characters)) DoFontHeadern names /.notdef -1 putn /unencoded [ charstringsf { pop /cname exch def names cname known not { % An unencoded characterD cname dup length string cvs }N if }D forall' ] def % We have an array of names.l@ % Build a new encoding vector with the unencoded characters. F /Encoding get length array /newencoding exch defx4 F /Encoding get aload pop newencoding astore pop /emptypos 0 def  /newnum 0 deff unencoded shellsort  { /cname exch cvn defL) { newencoding emptypos get /.notdef eq { exit }u' { /emptypos emptypos 1 add store }a ifelseR } loop- newencoding emptypos cname puto newchars newnum emptypos putl /newnum newnum 1 add storeu } forall/ % Make a new font with this encoding vectora F length 1 add dict  /newfont exch deft FI { 1 index /FID ne  { newfont 3 1 roll put }  { pop pop } ifelse } forall% newfont /Encoding newencoding putW /NewFont newfont definefontf /F exch defC! /FBig F CatSize scalefont defe /l0 0 defn 0 1 newnum 1 sub { /I exch defP /Xn I 16 mod defz /Yn I 16 idiv def r gsave /ccode newchars I get def% /cname newencoding ccode get defd" Xn cell-x mul unencoded-x add+ Yn cell-y mul low-half-y add translatee cname ccode false DoCharz { Line0 l0 ccode putf /l0 l0 1 add def }  ifC grestoreE } for # F sample-size scalefont setfontpC unencoded-x low-sample-y moveto Line0 0 newnum getinterval showc showpage }F if % has-cs?  FontLevel restorem } bind def % Do a complete catalogs /DoAllFonts { [ FontDirectoryP { pop dup length string cvs } forallt ] shellsortu { cvn DoFont } forall } bind def% % HOW TO USE THIS FILE: % F% Simply put in calls to the functions `DoFont' or `DoAllFonts' below.K% DoFont takes a single font name as an argument, and will print that font.sM% DoAllFonts takes no arguments, and prints out every font in the printer, in J% alphabetical order. Be forewarned that DoAllFonts takes a very long time% (measure it in hours).% K% If you are including this file with PSCom, then be sure to begin and end sN% the dictionary DEC_fontcat_dict in order to set the proper context for these% calls.% % /Courier DoFontw% /Courier-Bold DoFont% /Times-Roman DoFonte% /Helvetica DoFontt% /Symbol DoFont% /Souvenir-Demi DoFont %e$% DoAllFonts % Takes a long time.%x-% | Put your font catalog requests here: |a% | |% V V /DEC_Callout DoFont% ^ ^% | |-% | Put your font catalog requests here: | % "% Leave the rest of the file aloneend % DEC_fontcat_dictd% EndDownloadPSFont/F204 450.0 /DEC_Callout DPSF )% DefineFont:F202 Category:15 Pointsize:9t% DownloadPSFont%!PS-Adobe-2.0)%%Title: Jinete Reverse Number Font, v1.1 %%Creator: Mark DeVries, DEC%%CreationDate: 1-Aug-90 %%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica%%DocumentSuppliedFonts: Jinete %%EndComments%%BeginFont: Jineten 18 dict begind /FontName /Jinete def  /FontInfo 10 dict dup begin & /version (1.0, 3-Mar-88) readonly def4 /FullName (Jinete Reverse Number Font) readonly defF /Notice (Copyright 1988, Digital Equipment Corporation.) readonly def end  readonly def( /FontBBox [ 0 -75 1000 -75 add ] def /Encoding [l 48 { /.notdef } repeat2 /rx0 /rx1 /rx2 /rx3 /rx4 /rx5 /rx6 /rx7 /rx8 /rx9 198 { /.notdef } repeat ] def ) /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] defs /FontType 3 def O % Note: The numbers for scaling and translation in BuildChar are determinedoN % from selection of Helvetica as the BaseFont. Changing the base font will% % require changing those numbers.1' % Digit height = .732 X .9 = .659 ' % Digit width = .556 X .9 = .50043 /BaseFont /Helvetica findfont 900 scalefont defi /str ( ) def /BuildChar { exch beginq) Encoding exch get % the digit nameN str cvs (x) search {t4 exch pop cvx exec % Call either r, c, b, m, or e. } {%elses popa } ifelser end } bind def /r { % (digit) `r' --n 556 0 setcharwidth0 0 -170 translatel 0 0 movetoi= 556 0 rlineto 0 1000 rlineto -556 0 rlineto 0 -1000 rlinetos' /DEC$EDMS_SEPARATE_COLORS wheretK { pop DEC$EDMS_SEPARATE_COLORS 0 eq { 0 } { 1 } ifelse setgray }h# { 0 setgray } ifelse filln BaseFont setfont 1 setgray) % The baseline is (1000-digitht)/2 = 170o' % The x offset is (556-digitwd)/2 = 28p 28 170 moveto showe } bind def FontName currentdictendidefinefont pop %%EndFont % EndDownloadPSFont /F202 450.0 /Jinete DPSF*% DefineFont:F153 Category:10 Pointsize:10D/NewCenturySchlbk-Bold /NewCenturySchlbk-Bold@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE./F153 500.0 /NewCenturySchlbk-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF*% DefineFont:F152 Category:10 Pointsize:10H/NewCenturySchlbk-Italic /NewCenturySchlbk-Italic@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE0/F152 500.0 /NewCenturySchlbk-Italic@DOCPSE DPSF*% DefineFont:F151 Category:10 Pointsize:10F/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman /NewCenturySchlbk-Roman@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE//F151 500.0 /NewCenturySchlbk-Roman@DOCPSE DPSFo)% DefineFont:F106 Category:10 Pointsize:7 (/Courier /Courier@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE /F106 350.0 /Courier@DOCPSE DPSF)% DefineFont:F102 Category:10 Pointsize:8 /F102 400.0 /Courier@DOCPSE DPSF(% DefineFont:F48 Category:10 Pointsize:66/Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE&/F48 300.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF(% DefineFont:F46 Category:10 Pointsize:6,/Helvetica /Helvetica@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE!/F46 300.0 /Helvetica@DOCPSE DPSFe(% DefineFont:F42 Category:10 Pointsize:8!/F42 400.0 /Helvetica@DOCPSE DPSF_(% DefineFont:F40 Category:10 Pointsize:9&/F40 450.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF(% DefineFont:F39 Category:10 Pointsize:9</Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-Oblique@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE)/F39 450.0 /Helvetica-Oblique@DOCPSE DPSFe(% DefineFont:F38 Category:10 Pointsize:9!/F38 450.0 /Helvetica@DOCPSE DPSFt)% DefineFont:F36 Category:10 Pointsize:10:&/F36 500.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF)% DefineFont:F35 Category:10 Pointsize:10i)/F35 500.0 /Helvetica-Oblique@DOCPSE DPSFy)% DefineFont:F34 Category:10 Pointsize:10r!/F34 500.0 /Helvetica@DOCPSE DPSFt)% DefineFont:F28 Category:10 Pointsize:12.&/F28 600.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF)% DefineFont:F25 Category:10 Pointsize:14D/Helvetica-BoldOblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique@DOCPSE DOCPSE ReENCODE-/F25 700.0 /Helvetica-BoldOblique@DOCPSE DPSF/)% DefineFont:F24 Category:10 Pointsize:140&/F24 700.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF)% DefineFont:F23p( MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`K Category:10 Pointsize:14e)/F23 700.0 /Helvetica-Oblique@DOCPSE DPSFp)% DefineFont:F20 Category:10 Pointsize:180&/F20 900.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSF)% DefineFont:F12 Category:10 Pointsize:30B'/F12 1500.0 /Helvetica-Bold@DOCPSE DPSFt/%> Postamble of file FTP_USERS_GUIDE_CONTENTS.s%Spot color array for this job/ColorPalette [ +0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (BLACK) findcmykcustomcolori20.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (USERTAGCOLOR) findcmykcustomcolor] defi %%EndSetup%o %%Page: (I) 1 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 10773 10524 XY F20(MadGoa)S -2 x(t)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 x(User)S 32 x}H(')S -33 x(s)S 166 x(Guide)S 10773 13214 XY F36(September)S 166 x(1996)SF10773 15306 XY F34(This)S 166 x(manual)S 165 x(describes)S 166 x(the)SD166 x(use)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 xG(client)S 166 x(software.)S 10773 18594 XY F36(Revision/)S 2 x(Update)SeG166 x(Information)S 2 x(:)S 798 x F34(This)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(a)S 178 xH(revised)S 178 x(manual.)S 273 x(Revisi)S -2 x(on)S 178 x(bars)S 18546 XG598 y(indicate)S 187 x(changes)S 188 x(made)S 187 x(since)S 188 x(the)S N188 x(last)S 18546 X 597 y(version)S 165 x(of)S 167 x(this)S 166 x(software.)SH10773 X 897 y F36(Operating)S 167 x(System)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(V)S -27 xF(ersion:)S 300 x F34(OpenVMS)S 166 x(V)S -37 x(AX)S 167 x(V5.0)S 166 xF(or)S 166 x(later)S 18546 X 897 y(OpenVMS)S 166 x(Alpha)S 166 x(V1.0)SE166 x(or)S 166 x(later)S 10773 X 896 y F36(Software)S 166 x(V)S -27 x2H(ersion:)S 18546 X F34(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(V2.2)S 10773 29118 XYEF36(Hunter)S 166 x(Goatley)S 10773 X 697 y(MadGoat)S 166 x(Software)SiEP PP %%PageTrailert%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticae%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)o%o%%Page: (II) 2%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)0 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 10773 24123 XY 8364 48 R 10773 24671 XY F40(1)S 166 x(September)SF167 x(1996)S 10773 X 897 y F38(Permission)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(granted)SE167 x(to)S 166 x(copy)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(redistribute)S 166 x(this)S H166 x(documen)S 2 x(t)S 165 x(for)S 166 x(no)S 167 x(comme)S 2 x(rcial)SF165 x(gain.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 172 x(information)S 173 x(in)S 171 xE(this)S 172 x(documen)S 2 x(t)S 171 x(is)S 172 x(subject)S 172 x(to)S H172 x(change)S 173 x(without)S 171 x(notice)S 172 x(and)S 173 x(should)SE172 x(not)S 10773 X 548 y(be)S 179 x(construed)S 180 x(as)S 178 x(a)SEF179 x(commitment)S 179 x(by)S 178 x(MadGoa)S 2 x(t)S 177 x(Software.)SF274 x(The)S 178 x(authors)S 179 x(and)S 179 x(MadGoa)S 2 x(t)S 10773 XF548 y(Software)S 166 x(assume)S 168 x(no)S 166 x(respo)S 2 x(nsibili)SD-2 x(ty)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(error)S 2 x(s)S 166 x(that)SK166 x(may)S 166 x(appea)S 2 x(r)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(document.)StH10773 X 897 y F40(DISCLAI)S -2 x(MER:)S 184 x F38(The)S 183 x(software)SG183 x(described)S 185 x(in)S 182 x(this)S 183 x(docume)S 2 x(nt)S 182 xrF(is)S 183 x(provided)S 184 x(`)S -8 x(`)S F40(as)S 183 x(is)S F38(.')SE-9 x(')S 282 x(No)S 10773 X 548 y(guaran)S 2 x(tee)S 166 x(is)S 166 x.I(made)S 168 x(by)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(authors)S 167 x(or)S 167 x(MadGoat)SE167 x(Software)S 167 x(as)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(suitabilit)SiI-2 x(y)S -33 x(,)S 166 x(reliability)S -34 x(,)S 10773 X 548 y(security)SxC-33 x(,)S 166 x(usefulness,)S 167 x(or)S 166 x(perform)S 2 x(ance)SmC167 x(of)S 166 x(this)S 165 x(software.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 167 xsE(follow)S -2 x(ing)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(tradem)S 2 x(arks)S 166 x(of)S D166 x(Digital)S 165 x(Equipment)S 167 x(Corporation:)S 10773 X 897 yE(AXP)S 15854 X(V)S -33 x(AX)S 20935 X(DEC)S 26016 X(OpenVMS)S 10773 XdL548 y(VMS)S 15854 X(UCX)S 20935 X(V)S -33 x(AXcluster)S 26016 X(VMScluster)SF10773 X 897 y(MultiNet)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(registered)S 167 xI(tradem)S 2 x(ark)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(TGV)S -41 x(,)S 165 x(Inc.)S 10773 X C896 y(TCPware)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(tradema)S 2 x(rk)S 166 xnL(of)S 166 x(Process)S 167 x(Software)S 167 x(Corp.)S 10773 X 897 y(WIN/TCP)SC165 x(and)S 167 x(PathW)S -16 x(ay)S 166 x(are)S 167 x(registered)SfK167 x(tradema)S 2 x(rks)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(The)S 167 x(W)S -8 x(ollongong)SyN167 x(Group,)S 166 x(Inc.)S 10773 X 896 y 3588 24 R 10773 36028 XY(Copyright)SE166 x(\251199)S 2 x(6)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(Software.)S 249 x(All)S '165 x(Rights)S 165 x(Reserved)S 2 x(.)ShEP PP/ %%PageTrailerf%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %o@% < Beginning of included file FTP_USERS_GUIDE_CONTENTS.DVI_PS >%%Page: (III) 3e%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5520 XY F20(Contents)S 7187 6812 XY I21072 72 R 7187 7410 XY F36(PREF)S -27 x(ACE)S 27704 X(vii)S 5094 9203 XYRC23160 144 R 5094 10448 XY F20(Part)S 165 x(I)S 897 x(MADGOA)S -66 xDJ(T)S 181 x(FTP)S 181 x(CLIENT)S 182 x(GENERAL)S 181 x(USER)S 8150 11444 XYC(INFORMA)S -65 x(TION)S 5094 13238 XY 23160 144 R 5094 13935 XY F282E(CHAPTER)S 164 x(1)S 599 x(THE)S 165 x(MADGOA)S -45 x(T)S 166 x(FTP)S F166 x(CLIENT)S 27260 X(1\2031)S 7187 15131 XY 21072 72 R 7187 15728 XYFF36(1.1)S 9279 X(INVOKING)S 165 x(FTP)S 27427 X(1\2031)S 7187 16924 XYJ21072 72 R 7187 17522 XY(1.2)S 9279 X(USING)S 165 x(FTP)S 27427 X(1\2032)SD7187 18717 XY 21072 72 R 7187 19315 XY(1.3)S 9279 X(CHECKING)S 164 xJ(FILE)S 168 x(TRANSFER)S 166 x(ST)S -37 x(A)S -37 x(TUS)S 27427 X(1\2034)SE7187 20510 XY 21072 72 R 7187 21108 XY(1.4)S 9279 X(COMMA)S -2 x(ND)S P166 x(P)S -37 x(ARSING)S 165 x(AND)S 165 x(CASE)S 27427 X(1\2035)S 7187 22304 XYC21072 72 R 7187 22901 XY(1.5)S 9279 X(FILE)S 167 x(TRANSFER)S 166 xrO(P)S -37 x(ARAMETERS)S 27427 X(1\2036)S 5094 24695 XY 23160 144 R 5094 25392 XY HF28(CHAPTER)S 164 x(2)S 599 x(THE)S 165 x(MADGOA)S -45 x(T)S 166 x(FTP)SO166 x(SER)S -12 x(VER)S 27260 X(2\2031)S 7187 26588 XY 21072 72 R 7187 27185 XY CF36(2.1)S 9279 X(THE)S 166 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T)S 167 x(FTP)S E167 x(SER)S -9 x(VER)S 166 x(PROCESS)S 27427 X(2\2031)S 7187 28381 XY H21072 72 R 7187 28979 XY(2.2)S 9279 X(FTP)S 167 x(SER)S -9 x(VER)S 166 xL(LOG)S 166 x(FILES)S 27427 X(2\2031)S 7187 30174 XY 21072 72 R 7187 30772 XYE(2.3)S 9279 X(MADG)S -2 x(OA)S -37 x(T)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(SER)S -9 xiE(VER)S 167 x(LOGICALS)S 27427 X(2\2032)S 9279 X 697 y(2.3.1)S 11371 XtC(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_DIRS)S 499 x 8472 24 R 27427 31469 XY G(2\2032)S 9279 X 698 y(2.3.2)S 11371 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_L)S E2 x(OG)S 497 x 8592 24 R 27427 32167 XY(2\2032)S 9279 X 697 y(2.3.3)SiG11371 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_QUOTE_P)S -36 x(A)S -37 x(THNAME)SrD497 x 4872 24 R 27427 32864 XY(2\2033)S 9279 X 697 y(2.3.4)S 11371 XM(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_T)S 2 x(IMEOUT)S 498 x 7428 24 R 27427 33561 XY J(2\2033)S 9279 X 698 y(2.3.5)S 11371 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_REST)SG2 x(RICT)S 498 x 7176 24 R 27427 34259 XY(2\2033)S -416 x 36925 Y(iii)SnEP PPn %%PageTrailern%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)o%o%%Page: (IV) 4%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)/ PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYI0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Contents)S 9279 4872 XY F36(2.3.6)S 11371 X(MADGO)S C-2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_WE)S 2 x(LCOME)S 498 x 7068 24 R 27427 4872 XY8G(2\2034)S 9279 X 697 y(2.3.7)S 11371 X(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -37 x(T_FTP_I)SyH2 x(NIT)S 498 x 8724 24 R 27427 5569 XY(2\2034)S 7187 6765 XY 21072 72 RE7187 7362 XY(2.4)S 9279 X(SER)S -9 x(VING)S 166 @yZ MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`!Zx(FILES)S 168 x(VIA)SdC166 x(ANONYMO)S -2 x(US)S 166 x(FTP)S 27427 X(2\2034)S 5094 9156 XYoD23160 144 R 5094 10401 XY F20(Part)S 165 x(II)S 898 x(MADGOA)S -67 xK(T)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 x(COMMAND)S 11371 X 598 y F40(FTP)S 24222 X(FTP\2033)SCD5094 12792 XY 23160 144 R 5094 14037 XY F20(Part)S 165 x(III)S 898 xL(MADGOA)S -66 x(T)S 189 x(FTP)S 190 x(CLIENT)S 190 x(COMMAND)S 8649 15034 XYO(DICTIONAR)S -32 x(Y)S 11371 X 597 y F40(ACCOU)S -2 x(NT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SeD-26 x(\2033)S 11371 X 598 y(ADD)S 165 x(ALIAS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SF-26 x(\2034)S 11371 X 598 y(ALIAS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2035)SD11371 X 598 y(ALIAS)S 165 x(ADD)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2037)SH11371 X 597 y(ALIAS)S 165 x(DELETE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20310)SF11371 X 598 y(ALIAS)S 165 x(LIST)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20312)SH11371 X 598 y(ALIAS)S 165 x(MODIFY)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20315)SH11371 X 598 y(ALIAS)S 165 x(REMOVE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20317)SF11371 X 597 y(ALIAS)S 165 x(SHOW)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20318)SH11371 X 598 y(APPEND)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20319)S 11371 X 598 yD(ASCII)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20323)S 11371 X 598 y(A)S -34 xC(TT)S -33 x(ACH)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20324)S 11371 X 597 yyD(BINAR)S -18 x(Y)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20325)S 11371 X 598 yE(BYE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20326)S 11371 X 598 y(CD)S 22878 X G(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20327)S 11371 X 598 y(CHMOD)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S-H-26 x(\20328)S 11371 X 598 y(CLOSE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20330)SC11371 X 597 y(CONNEC)S -2 x(T)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20331)S6K11371 X 598 y(CP)S -34 x(A)S -33 x(TH)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20332)SbC11371 X 598 y(CREA)S -34 x(TE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20333)SaJ11371 X 598 y(CREA)S -34 x(TE/DIR)S -2 x(ECT)S -8 x(OR)S -17 x(Y)S 22878 XE(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20335)S 11371 X 597 y(CWD)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SfI-26 x(\20336)S 11371 X 598 y(DEFINE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20337)S H11371 X 598 y(DELETE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20340)S 11371 X 598 yJ(DIRECT)S -10 x(OR)S -17 x(Y)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20343)S 11371 XF597 y(DISCON)S -2 x(NECT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20345)S 11371 XF598 y(ERASE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20346)S 11371 X 598 y(EXIT)SL22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20347)S 11371 X 598 y(GET)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SG-26 x(\20348)S 11371 X 597 y(HELP)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20353)SpG11371 X 598 y(IMAGE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20354)S 11371 X 598 yeH(LCD)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20355)S 11371 X 598 y(LOGIN)S 22878 XH(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20356)S 11371 X 597 y(LOGOUT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SE-26 x(\20358)S 11371 X 598 y(LS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20359)Sn5094 36925 XY F36(iv)SEP PPr %%PageTrailer %%PageFonts: Helvetica-Boldo%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %w %%Page: (V) 5f%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYO0 SC 25667 1807 XY F28(Contents)S 11371 4834 XY F40(MGET)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SsH-26 x(\20360)S 11371 X 598 y(MKDIR)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20365)SH11371 X 598 y(MODIFY)S 165 x(ALIAS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20366)SG11371 X 597 y(MOUNT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20367)S 11371 X 598 yD(MPUT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20368)S 11371 X 598 y(MRECEIVE)SN22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20373)S 11371 X 598 y(MSEND)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SE-26 x(\20374)S 11371 X 598 y(MV)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20375)SmF11371 X 597 y(NOOP)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20376)S 11371 X 598 yN(ON)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20377)S 11371 X 598 y(ON)S 165 x(CONTROL_C)SD22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20378)S 11371 X 598 y(ON)S 165 x(ERROR)SE22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20379)S 11371 X 597 y(ON)S 165 x(SEVERE)SrF22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20380)S 11371 X 598 y(ON)S 165 x(W)S -24 xC(ARNIN)S -2 x(G)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20381)S 11371 X 598 ytG(OPEN)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20382)S 11371 X 598 y(PUT)S 22878 X E(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20383)S 11371 X 597 y(PWD)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S G-26 x(\20384)S 11371 X 598 y(QUIT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20385)SsG11371 X 598 y(QUOTE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20386)S 11371 X 598 yrI(RECEIVE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20387)S 11371 X 597 y(REMOTEHELP)SRO22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20388)S 11371 X 598 y(RENAME)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SeE-26 x(\20389)S 11371 X 598 y(RM)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20390)S G11371 X 598 y(RMDIR)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20391)S 11371 X 597 yG(SEND)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20392)S 11371 X 598 y(SET)S 22878 XrC(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\20393)S 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x(\203109)S 11371 X 598 y(SET)S 166 x(P)S -33 xC(A)S -34 x(TH_P)S -33 x(ARSING)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S H-24 x(10)S 11371 X 598 y(SET)S 166 x(PROMPT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 xG(\2031)S -24 x(1)S -24 x(1)S 11371 X 597 y(SET)S 166 x(PROTECTIO)S -2 x F(N)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -24 x(12)S 11371 X 598 y(SET)SC166 x(QUIET)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -24 x(14)S 11371 XeE598 y(SET)S 166 x(REMOTE_DEF)S -25 x(AUL)S -34 x(T_DIRECT)S -9 x(OR)SsE-17 x(Y)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -24 x(15)S 11371 X 598 yhF(SET)S 166 x(REPL)S -42 x(Y)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -24 xF(16)S 11371 X 597 y(SET)S 166 x(RET)S -34 x(AIN)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SF-26 x(\2031)S -24 x(17)S 11371 X 598 y(SET)S 166 x(STRUCTU)S -2 x(RE)SG22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -24 x(18)S 11371 X 598 y(SET)S 166 xC(TYPE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -24 x(19)S 11371 X 598 yfH(SET)S 166 x(VERIFY)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203121)S 11371 X 597 yG(SHOW)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203122)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 xFH(ALIAS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203124)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 xH(AUT)S -9 x(OPROMPT)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203125)S 11371 X 598 yC(SHOW)S 166 x(BA)S -34 x(TCH)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203126)So27981 36925 XY F36(v)SEP PPS %%PageTrailere%%PageFonts: Helvetica-BoldD%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)c%C%%Page: (VI) 6%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)o PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Contents)S 11371 4834 XY F40(SHOW)S 166 x(BELL)SF22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203127)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(CASE)SG22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203128)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(CHECK)S.F-2 x(_TYPE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203129)S 11371 X 597 y(SHOW)SI166 x(COMMAND)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203130)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)SdD166 x(CONFI)S -2 x(RM)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203131)S 11371 XK598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(COND)S +]< MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`i-2 x(ITION)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203132)SoK11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(DEF)S -25 x(AUL)S -34 x(T)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SoD-26 x(\203133)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(FILE_ST)S -34 x(A)S -33 xF(TUS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203134)S 11371 X 597 y(SHOW)S 166 xG(HASH)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203135)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 xSG(HOST)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203136)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 xEF(KEY)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203137)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 xE(LOCAL_DEF)S -26 x(AUL)S -34 x(T_DIRECT)S -9 x(OR)S -17 x(Y)S 22878 X0G(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203138)S 11371 X 597 y(SHOW)S 166 x(MODE)S 22878 XeN(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203139)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(P)S -34 x(ARAMETERS)SC22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203140)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(P)SrH-34 x(ASSIVE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203141)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)SL166 x(P)S -34 x(A)S -33 x(TH_P)S -33 x(ARSIN)S -2 x(G)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SG-26 x(\203142)S 11371 X 597 y(SHOW)S 166 x(PROTECTI)S -2 x(ON)S 22878 XeE(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203143)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(REMOTE_DEF)SOE-25 x(AUL)S -34 x(T_DIRECT)S -9 x(OR)S -17 x(Y)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SvC-26 x(\203144)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(REPL)S -42 x(Y)S 22878 XFD(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203145)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(RET)S -34 xF(AIN)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203146)S 11371 X 597 y(SHOW)S 166 xH(ST)S -34 x(A)S -33 x(TUS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203147)S 11371 XK598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(STRUCTU)S -2 x(RE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203148)S:H11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(SUMMAR)S -17 x(Y)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 xH(\203149)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(SYSTEM_TYPE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SF-26 x(\203150)S 11371 X 597 y(SHOW)S 166 x(TYPE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SH-26 x(\203151)S 11371 X 598 y(SHOW)S 166 x(VERIFY)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SL-26 x(\203152)S 11371 X 598 y(SP)S -33 x(A)S -25 x(WN)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SM-26 x(\203153)S 11371 X 598 y(ST)S -33 x(A)S -34 x(TUS)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)SSI-26 x(\203156)S 11371 X 597 y(TYPE)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203157)S G11371 X 598 y(USER)S 22878 X(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\203158)S 5094 23962 XYaD23160 144 R 5094 24560 XY F28(EXAMPLES)S 7187 X 698 y F36(1)S(\203)SH(1)S 9279 X(Sample)S 167 x(Anonymous)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(Session)S 499 x47788 24 R 27427 25258 XY(1\2032)S 5094 36925 XY(vi)SEP PPy %%PageTrailerd%%PageFonts: Helvetica-BoldS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)0%1:% < End of included file FTP_USERS_GUIDE_CONTENTS.DVI_PS >%%Page: (VII) 7%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYM0 SC 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(Prefac)S -2 x(e)S 10773 7236 XYtFF151(FTP)S 177 x(\(File)S 176 x(T)S -31 x(ransfer)S 176 x(Protocol\))SH176 x(is)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(TCP/IP)S 177 x(subsystem)S 175 x(that)S 176 xK(allows)S 175 x(users)S 175 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(transfer)S 166 x(\211les)SoH166 x(between)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(local)S 166 x(system)S 166 x(and)S 166 xD(remote)S 166 x(systems.)S 10773 X 897 y(MadGoat)S 201 x(FTP)S 202 xG(began)S 202 x(life)S 201 x(as)S 201 x(the)S 201 x(FTP)S 202 x(client)S P202 x(and)S 201 x(server)S 202 x(that)S 201 x(were)S 10773 X 598 y(distributed)SD173 x(with)S 173 x(CMU-T)S -46 x(ek)S 174 x(TCP/IP)S -64 x(,)S 174 xF(a)S 173 x(mostly-free)S 173 x(TCP/IP)S 174 x(implementation)S 10773 XG597 y(written)S 178 x(by)S 178 x(T)S -46 x(ektronix)S 179 x(and)S 179 x1C(Carnegie-Mellon)S 179 x(University)S 178 x(and)S 178 x(supported)SeE178 x(by)S 10773 X 598 y(CMU.)S 177 x(When)S 177 x(the)S 176 x(code)S)J177 x(was)S 176 x(made)S 176 x(freely)S 177 x(available,)S 179 x(support)SE177 x(was)S 175 x(picked)S 177 x(up)S 10773 X 598 y(primarily)S 166 x L(by)S 167 x(Henry)S 167 x(Miller)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(John)S 167 x(Clement.)SG10773 X 896 y(MadGoat)S 195 x(FTP)S 196 x(is)S 194 x(based)S 195 x(on)SnC196 x(John)S 195 x(and)S 196 x(Henry')S -18 x(s)S 195 x(CMU)S 195 xMH(FTP)S 196 x(V3.1.)S 307 x(The)S 10773 X 598 y(MadGoat)S 188 x(version)SD190 x(works)S 189 x(with)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(NETLIB)S 189 x(TCP/IP)SG189 x(Interface)S 189 x(Library)S -54 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(which)S 171 x C(means)S 171 x(that)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(MadGoat)S 171 x(FTP)S 172 xSM(will)S 170 x(run)S 172 x(under)S 172 x(any)S 171 x(TCP/IP)S 172 x(software)S(F10773 X 598 y(supported)S 190 x(by)S 190 x(NETLIB.)S 190 x(The)S 190 xJ(following)S 190 x(TCP/IP)S 191 x(products)S 190 x(are)S 190 x(currently)SG10773 X 597 y(supported)S 179 x(by)S 179 x(NETLIB:)S 180 x(TGV')S -20 xeC(s)S 179 x(MultiNet,)S 183 x(Digital')S -20 x(s)S 179 x(DEC)S 178 xxE(TCP/IP)S 180 x(Services)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 176 x(OpenVMS,)S 176 x G(Process)S 176 x(Software')S -19 x(s)S 175 x(TCPware,)S 179 x(W)S -28 x)H(ollongon)S 2 x(g')S -19 x(s)S 176 x(WIN/TCP)S 176 x(and)S 10773 X 598 yG(Pathway)S -55 x(,)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(CMU-IP)S -65 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y F(The)S 173 x(NETLIB)S 171 x(port)S 172 x(was)S 172 x(done)S 172 x(by)SH173 x(Darrell)S 171 x(Burkhead,)S 175 x(who)S 172 x(based)S 172 x(some)SF172 x(of)S 172 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(change)S 2 x(s)S 183 x(on)S 185 xJ(a)S 184 x(much)S 185 x(earlier)S 185 x(UCX)S 183 x(port)S 185 x(\(known)SF185 x(as)S 183 x(CRUX\))S 184 x(done)S 184 x(by)S 185 x(Matt)S 10773 XG598 y(Madison.)S 250 x(The)S 166 x(OpenVMS)S 166 x(Alpha)S 166 x(port)S H166 x(was)S 165 x(done)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(Hunter)S 167 x(Goatley)S -56 xE(.)S 10773 X 897 y(NETLIB)S 168 x(must)S 169 x(be)S 168 x(installed)S)D168 x(before)S 169 x(you)S 170 x(can)S 169 x(use)S 169 x(the)S 168 xH(MadGoat)S 169 x(FTP)S -64 x(.)S 169 x(NETLIB)S 10773 X 598 y(is)S 166 xD(written)S 165 x(by)S 167 x(Matt)S 166 x(Madison)S 166 x(and)S 166 xC(is)S 166 x(also)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(Software)S 165 xoI(product.)S 10773 X 896 y(MadGoat)S 204 x(FTP)S 205 x(is)S 203 x(curren)SRF2 x(tly)S 204 x(maintained)S 204 x(by)S 205 x(Hunter)S 205 x(Goatley)SF-56 x(,)S 215 x(VMS)S 10773 X 598 y(Systems)S 200 x(Programmer)S 201 xG(for)S 201 x(MadGoat)S 200 x(Software,)S 209 x(Bowling)S 200 x(Green,)SNK210 x(KY)S 10773 X 598 y(\(goathunter@M)S 2 x(adGoat.com\).)S 5094 22230 XY1E23160 96 R 5094 22928 XY F24(Intended)S 166 x(Audience)S -533 x 896 ySHF151(This)S 181 x(manual)S 181 x(is)S 181 x(intended)S 181 x(for)S 181 xF(all)S 181 x(OpenVMS)S 180 x(users)S 181 x(running)S 182 x(the)S 182 xI(MadGoat)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S 167 x(client.)S 250 x(The)S 166 x(reader)S(C167 x(should)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(familiar)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(FTP)S9I167 x(principles.)S 5094 25617 XY 23160 96 R 5094 26315 XY F24(Document)S3J166 x(Structure)S 10773 X 896 y F151(This)S 166 x(guide)S 167 x(consists)SE165 x(of)S 166 x(two)S 166 x(chapters)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(two)S 165 x1H(parts.)S 10773 X 897 y F38(Chapter)S 150 x(1)S 15555 X(Provides)S 151 xF(a)S 149 x(description)S 150 x(of)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(MadGoa)S 2 x(t)SE149 x(FTP)S 149 x(client.)S 10773 X 747 y(Chapter)S 150 x(2)S 15555 X)F(Provides)S 162 x(a)S 162 x(description)S 162 x(of)S 161 x(the)S 162 xE(MadGoat)S 162 x(FTP)S 161 x(server)S 163 x(used)S 162 x(by)S 15555 X F548 y(remote)S 151 x(FTP)S 149 x(clients.)S 10773 X 747 y(Part)S 150 xG(II)S 15555 X(Provides)S 151 x(the)S 149 x(DCL)S 149 x(comm)S 2 x(and)S8D150 x(description)S 150 x(for)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(comm)SD2 x(and.)S 10773 X 748 y(Part)S 150 x(III)S 15555 X(Provides)S 151 xF(a)S 149 x(comm)S 2 x(and)S 150 x(dictionary)S 150 x(for)S 149 x(the)SD150 x(MadGoat)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(client.)S 5094 32093 XY 23160 96 RH5094 32791 XY F24(Authors)S 13313 34285 XY F151(Copyright)S 172 x(\251)SN172 x(1986,)S 173 x(1992,)S 173 x(Carnegie)S 172 x(Mellon)S 172 x(UniversiT MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`xty)SD-54 x(.)S 11967 X 598 y(Copyright)S 169 x(\251)S 169 x(1994,)S 169 xE(1996,)S 170 x(MadGoat)S 168 x(Software.)S 254 x(All)S 168 x(rights)S )169 x(reserved.)S 641 x 36925 Y F36(vii)S7EP PP4 %%PageTrailerD2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Helvetica5%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)O%-%%Page: (VIII) 8%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)n PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(Preface)S 10773 4866 XY F151(The)S 167 x(CMU)SI166 x(client)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(server)S 167 x(were)S 166 x(originally)SC167 x(written)S 166 x(by:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Chad)S 166 x5J(W)S -19 x(ilson)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Dale)S 165 x(Moore)S 10773 XF897 y(\201)S 595 x(T)S -46 x(od)S 166 x(Shannon)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SD595 x(Bruce)S 166 x(Miller)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Marc)S 166 xD(Shannon)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Henry)S 167 x(Miller)S 10773 XD896 y(\201)S 595 x(John)S 167 x(Clement)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xL(Matt)S 166 x(Madison)S 10773 13135 XY(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 165 x(version)SL167 x(was)S 165 x(written)S 166 x(by:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Darrell)SE166 x(Burkhead)S 166 x(\(Darrell@MadGoat.com\))S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S7H595 x(Hunter)S 166 x(Goatley)S 166 x(\(goathun)S 2 x(ter@MadGoat.com\))S5094 36925 XY F36(viii)SEP PPS %%PageTrailerS2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%3%%Page: (PART1-1) 9)%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 6417 XY F20(Part)S 165 x(I)S 499 x E(MadGo)S -2 x(at)S 166 x(FTP)S 165 x(Client)S 166 x(Genera)S -2 x(l)S G166 x(User)S 166 x(Informat)S -2 x(ion)S 10773 7513 XY F34(This)S 160 x D(section)S 160 x(contains)S 160 x(the)S 160 x(general)S 160 x(user)SG159 x(information)S 160 x(for)S 160 x(the)S 161 x(MadGoat)S 160 x(FTP)S7160 x(client.)S EP PPH %%PageTrailerP%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica(%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)X%8%%Page: (PART1-2) 10%DEC_EDMS_BlankPage3PP %%PageTrailerA %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:0%)%%Page: (1-1) 11%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)8 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 2404 5875 XY F12(1)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5443 XY F20(The)SE166 x(MadGo)S -2 x(at)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(Client)S 10773 8652 XY F151FI(FTP)S 179 x(is)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(TCP/IP)S 179 x(subsystem)S 178 x(that)SEE178 x(implements)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(File)S 178 x(T)S -30 x(ransfer)STI178 x(Protocol)S 10773 X 598 y(for)S 187 x(transferring)S 188 x(\211les)SEH188 x(between)S 187 x(a)S 187 x(local)S 187 x(system)S 186 x(and)S 188 xE(one)S 187 x(or)S 188 x(more)S 187 x(remote)S 10773 X 597 y(systems)SSE178 x(on)S 179 x(an)S 179 x(internet.)S 275 x(The)S 179 x(FTP)S 179 xTDF152(client)S F151(,)S 183 x(invok)S 2 x(ed)S 178 x(by)S 179 x(the)SM179 x(DCL)S 178 x(command)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S -63 x(,)S 176 x(establishes)SNH175 x(a)S 176 x(network)S 177 x(link)S 177 x(to)S 176 x(an)S 176 x(FTP)SD177 x F152(server)S 177 x F151(on)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(remote)S 176 xD(system.)S 10773 X 598 y(When)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(connection)S 170 xE(is)S 168 x(established,)S 170 x(you)S 169 x(must)S 169 x(log)S 169 x C(in)S 169 x(to)S 168 x(an)S 169 x(account)S 170 x(on)S 169 x(that)STH10773 X 598 y(remote)S 177 x(system.)S 270 x(Once)S 177 x(logged)S 178 xG(in,)S 180 x(\211les)S 177 x(can)S 177 x(be)S 177 x(transferred)S 177 x3G(to)S 177 x(and)S 177 x(from)S 177 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(remote)S 166 x)F(system,)S 166 x(depending)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(type)S 166 xF(of)S 166 x(access)S 166 x(allowed.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 169 x(term)SE167 x F152(anonymous)S 170 x(FTP)S 168 x F151(is)S 168 x(used)S 167 xaE(frequently)S 169 x(in)S 169 x(reference)S 169 x(to)S 167 x(\211les)SeH168 x(available)S 10773 X 598 y(on)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(Internet.)S 273 xC(Anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 177 x(FTP)S 179 x(refers)S 178 x(to)S 178 x(a)SXC178 x(special)S 177 x(kind)S 179 x(of)S 178 x(guest)S 178 x(login)S8C10773 X 598 y(using)S 182 x(a)S 181 x(remote)S 181 x(``anonymous')SLH-9 x(')S 181 x(account.)S 281 x(Only)S 181 x(\211les)S 181 x(set)S 181 xF(up)S 181 x(for)S 182 x(anonymous)S 10773 X 597 y(access)S 175 x(can)SH175 x(be)S 175 x(retrieved)S 175 x(from)S 175 x(those)S 175 x(systems;)SH179 x(most)S 174 x(anonymous)S 176 x(ftp)S 174 x(servers)S 10773 X 598 yE(do)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(allow)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S\D166 x(copied)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)SH5094 16472 XY 23160 96 R 2404 17170 XY F24(1.1)S 5094 X(Invoking)S 166 xE(FTP)S 10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 184 x(FTP)S 184 x(client)S 184 x(is)S\D183 x(started)S 182 x(by)S 184 x(executing)S 185 x(the)S 184 x(DCL)SC182 x(command)S 184 x(``FTP')S -10 x('.)S 184 x(The)S 10773 X 597 yTN(remote)S 177 x(host)S 177 x(name)S 177 x(may)S 178 x(be)S 177 x(speci\211ed)SE177 x(on)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(command)S 177 x(line,)S 180 x(in)S 178 xID(which)S 177 x(case)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 174 x(FTP)S 175 x(client)SN174 x(automatically)S 174 x(establis)S -2 x(hes)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(connection)SH175 x(to)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(remote)S 174 x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 y(server)SG-36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(Depending)S 169 x(on)S 169 x(how)S 168 x(your)S5H169 x(system)S 168 x(is)S 168 x(con\211gu)S 2 x(red,)S 169 x(the)S 168 xE(FTP)S 169 x(command)S 169 x(may)S 168 x(be)S 169 x(a)S 10773 X 598 yEH(normal)S 168 x(DCL)S 167 x(command)S 168 x(verb)S 168 x(\(i.e.,)S 169 xF(placed)S 168 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(system-wide)S 166 x(DCL)S -28 xE(T)S -27 x(ABLES\),)S 10773 X 598 y(or)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(may)S 166 x G(be)S 166 x(set)S 166 x(up)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(foreign)S 167 x)F(command)S 166 x(like:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 239 x(ftp)S 240 x(:==)SK239 x($madgoat_exe:ft)S 2 x(p.exe)S 10773 X 896 y F151(If)S 166 x(neither)SXD166 x(of)S 166 x(these)S 166 x(works,)S 167 x(contact)S 166 x(your)SG167 x(VMS)S 166 x(system)S 165 x(manager)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S C169 x(no)S 170 x(host)S 169 x(name)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(given)S 171 xRE(on)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(DCL)S 169 x(command)S 170 x(line,)S 171 x(a)S1E169 x(banner)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(displayed)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 166 x C(the)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(client)S 167 x(prompts)S 165 x(you)S 167 x)D(for)S 166 x(input)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(``FTP>)S 166 x(')S -9 x(':)SH6290 X 896 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(FTP)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(MadGoat)S 240 xD(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 xF(Alpha)S 239 x(\(1-SEP-1996\))S 6290 X 448 y(FTP>)S 10773 X 897 y F151I(The)S 176 x F152(FTP>)S 352 x F151(prompt)S 175 x(is)S 175 x(displayed)SSC175 x(when)S 176 x(there)S 176 x(is)S 175 x(no)S 176 x(connection)S4F177 x(to)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(remote)S 10773 X 597 y(FTP)S 172 x(server)SI-37 x(.)S 259 x(As)S 170 x(soon)S 171 x(as)S 170 x(a)S 171 x(connection)STE172 x(is)S 170 x(made,)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(FTP)S 171 x(prompt)S 171 xDI(changes)S 171 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(indicate)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(remote)SSF167 x(server)S -37 x(.)S 252 x(For)S 168 x(example,)S 168 x(if)S 167 xI(``ftp)S -2 x(.spc.edu)S 2 x(')S -10 x(')S 167 x(is)S 167 x(speci\211ed)SEH167 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(command)S 166 x(line,)S 167 x(the)SC166 x(prompt)S 166 x(becomes)S 166 x F152(FTP:ftp.)S 2 x(spc.edu>)SSG167 x F151(,)S 167 x(as)S 165 x(shown)S 166 x(here:)S 6290 X 896 y F102xE($)S 1 SC 239 x(ftp)S 240 x(ftp.spc.edu)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(MadGoat)SLC240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 xu MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`u(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S6D240 x(Alpha)S 239 x(\(1-SEP-1996\))S 6290 X 448 y(Attempting)S 240 xH(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(ftp.spc.edu)S 6290 XG448 y(<220)S 239 x(spcvxa.spc.)S 2 x(edu)S 239 x(MultiNet)S 240 x(FTP)SHT239 x(Server)S 240 x(Process)S 240 x(3.2\(14\)....)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.spc.edu>)SG659 x 896 y F151(The)S 160 x(MadGoat)S 159 x(FTP)S 159 x(client)S 160 xsF(now)S 159 x(supports)S 158 x(host)S 159 x(aliases.)S 249 x(Whenever)SC160 x(a)S 159 x(hostname)S 10773 X 598 y(is)S 190 x(given)S 2 x(,)S G197 x(a)S 191 x(database)S 190 x(of)S 191 x(alias)S 190 x(names)S 190 xLD(is)S 191 x(checked.)S 300 x(If)S 190 x(a)S 191 x(match)S 191 x(is)SC190 x(found,)S 10773 X 598 y(then)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(alias)S 181 x(I(information)S 183 x(is)S 182 x(used.)S 282 x(Alias)S 181 x(information)SHH183 x(can)S 183 x(include:)S 283 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(hostname,)S 185 xF(username,)S 186 x(account,)S 185 x(password,)S 184 x(and)S 181 x(an)SG182 x(initial)S 180 x(command.)S 279 x(For)S 10773 X 597 y(more)S 166 x2E(information)S 167 x(on)S 166 x(aliases,)S 166 x(see)S 165 x(ALIAS.)SX27427 36925 XY F36(1\2031)S)EP PP %%PageTrailer12%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman#%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Courier(%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)0%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%O%%Page: (1-2) 12%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)X PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(Client)SE9118 4871 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(After)S 180 x(connecting)S 181 x(to)SWH181 x(a)S 180 x(remote)S 180 x(host,)S 185 x(the)S 180 x(MadGoat)S 181 xE(FTP)S 180 x(client)S 181 x(will)S 10773 X 598 y(prompt)S 183 x(for)S3G182 x(a)S 184 x(username)S 182 x(and)S 184 x(attempt)S 183 x(to)S 183 x2H(log)S 2 x(in)S 183 x(if)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(MADGOA)S -28 x(T_)S 10773 XF598 y(FTP_USER_PROMPT)S 165 x(logi)S 2 x(cal)S 166 x(name)S 167 x(is)SH166 x(de\211ned.)S 5094 7263 XY 23160 96 R 2404 7960 XY F24(1.2)S 5094 XD(Using)S 166 x(FTP)S 10773 X 897 y F151(On-line)S 173 x(help)S 174 xE(is)S 172 x(available)S 173 x(from)S 174 x(either)S 173 x(FTP)S 174 xSF(prompt.)S 263 x(T)S -45 x(o)S 173 x(invoke)S 174 x(it,)S 175 x(just)SJ174 x(type)S 10773 X 597 y(HELP)S -64 x(.)S 177 x(Some)S 177 x(commands,)SC179 x(such)S 178 x(as)S 176 x(LOGIN,)S 176 x(require)S 177 x(that)SLC177 x(the)S 177 x(connection)S 178 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 176 xSH(remote)S 176 x(server)S 177 x(already)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(established;)SD181 x(these)S 176 x(commands)S 176 x(are)S 176 x(not)S 176 x(valid)SE10773 X 598 y(at)S 180 x(the)S 181 x F152(FTP>)S 361 x F151(prompt.)S K278 x(Example)S 180 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 180 x(shows)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(sample)SWN179 x(FTP)S 182 x(sess)S -2 x(ion,)S 185 x(with)S 10773 X 598 y(explanations)SF167 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(various)S 167 x(commands)S 165 x(used.)SF10773 12160 XY F36(Example)S 167 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 498 x(Sample)S 167 xP(Anonymous)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(Session)S 10773 X 548 y 17484 48 R 10175 13571 XYIF204(!)S 150 x F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(ftp)S 240 x(ftp.spc.edu)S 0 SC 10773 XMC448 y(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client)S 240 x(V2.2)S 240 x(for)SoC239 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(Alpha)S 239 x(\(1-SEP-1996)S 2 x(\))S 10175 X3G547 y F204(")S 150 x F102(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(connect)S 239 xlC(to)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(ftp.spc.edu)S 10175 X 547 y F204(#)S 150 xfEF102(<220)S 240 x(spcvxa.spc.edu)S 240 x(MultiNet)S 240 x(FTP)S 240 xaC(Server)S 239 x(Process)S 240 x(3.2\(14\))S 240 x(at)S 239 x(....)SaF10175 X 547 y F204($)S 150 x F102(FTP:ftp.spc.ed)S 2 x(u>)S 1 SC 239 xG(user)S 239 x(anonymous)S 0 SC 10175 X 547 y F204(%)S 150 x F102(<331)S)D240 x(anonymous)S 240 x(user)S 239 x(ok.)S 240 x(Send)S 239 x(real)SD240 x(ident)S 239 x(as)S 240 x(password.)S 10773 X 448 y(Password:)SU10175 X 747 y F204(&)S 150 x F102(<230-Guest)S 240 x(User)S 240 x(SIMMONS@FAKE.BOGU)S6H2 x(S.COM)S 239 x(logged)S 240 x(into)S 239 x(USER7:[ANON)S 2 x(YMOUS])SC239 x(at)S 240 x(...)S 10773 X 449 y(<230)S 240 x(Directory)S 240 x(F(and)S 239 x(access)S 240 x(restrictions)S 240 x(apply)S 10175 X 547 yCF204(')S 150 x F102(FTP:ftp.spc.ed)S 2 x(u>)S 1 SC 239 x(cd)S 239 x1F(macro32.saves)S 2 x(ets)S 0 SC 10773 X 448 y(<250)S 240 x(Connected)SE240 x(to)S 239 x(USER7:[ANONYMOU)S 2 x(S.MACRO32.SAVESETS].)S 10175 X E522 y F204(\()S 150 x F102(FTP:ftp.spc.ed)S 2 x(u>)S 1 SC 239 x(dir)SlH239 x(dcl*)S 0 SC 10175 X 547 y F204(\))S 150 x F102(<200)S 240 x(Stru)SF239 x(F)S 239 x(ok.)S 10773 X 448 y(<200)S 240 x(Port)S 239 x(26.154)SH240 x(at)S 239 x(Host)S 240 x( 240 x(accepted.)S 10773 XI449 y(<150)S 240 x(List)S 239 x(started.)S 10773 X 747 y(USER7:[ANONYMO)S D2 x(US.MACRO32.SAVESETS)S 2 x(])S 10175 X 821 y F204(+>)S 150 x F102E(DCLKEYS.ZIP;1)S 17229 X(32)S 478 x(22-DEC-1992)S 241 x(16:58)S 239 xnM(ARCHIVES)S 240 x(\(RWED,RWED,RE,)S 2 x(RE\))S 10773 X 448 y(DCL_RECALL.ZIP)SSH2 x(;1)S 17229 X(43)S 478 x(17-JUN-1993)S 241 x(08:53)S 239 x(ARCHIVES)SC240 x(\(RWED,RWED,RE,)S 2 x(RE\))S 10773 X 747 y(Total)S 240 x(of)S8E239 x(75)S 239 x(blocks)S 240 x(in)S 239 x(2)S 240 x(files.)S 10773 XaD448 y(<226)S 240 x(Transfer)S 240 x(completed.)S 10773 X 449 y(230)SG240 x(bytes)S 239 x(\(1)S 239 x(block\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:08.1)S D2 x(2)S 239 x(=)S 239 x(28)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=2)S 10175 X 547 yDF204(+?)S 150 x F102(<200)S 240 x(Stru)S 239 x(O)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 xC(ok.)S 10175 X 448 y F204(+@)S 150 x F102(FTP:ftp.spc.ed)S 2 x(u>)SD1 SC 239 x(get)S 239 x(dclkeys.zip)S 0 SC 10773 X 448 y(<200)S 240 xE(Port)S 239 x(26.155)S 240 x(at)S 239 x(Host)S 240 x( x(accepted.)S 10773 X 449 y(<150)S 240 x(VMS)S 239 x(retrieve)S P240 x(of)S 239 x(USER7:[ANONY)S 2 x(MOUS.MACRO32.SAVESET)S 2 x(S]DCLKEYS.ZIP;1)SI240 x(started.)S 10773 X 448 y(<226)S 240 x(Transfer)S 240 x(completed.)SSE479 x(16342)S 239 x(\(8\))S 240 x(bytes)S 239 x(transferred)S 2 x(.)S(E10175 X 547 y F204(+A)S 150 x F102(16342)S 240 x(bytes)S 239 x(\(32)S E240 x(blocks\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:23.23)S 240 x(=)S 239 x(703)SSF240 x(cps,)S 239 x(IO=30)S 10773 X 448 y(Received)S 240 x(file)S 240 xI(dclkeys.zip)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(\(Local\))S 240 x(DCLKEYS.ZIP;1)S 10175 X F547 y F204(+B)S 150 x F102(FTP:ftp.spc.ed)S 2 x(u>)S 1 SC 239 x(exit)SH0 SC 10773 X 449 y(<221)S 240 x(QUIT)S 239 x(command)S 240 x(received.)SJ240 x(Goodbye.)S 10773 X 448 y(Transfer)S 240 x(Okay;)S 240 x(Connection)SH240 x(Closing)S 10773 X 448 y($)S -239 x 897 y F204(!)S 449 x F151(The)SH192 x(FTP)S 193 x(client)S 192 x(is)S 192 x(invoked)S 193 x(with)S 192 xC(the)S 192 x(DCL)S 191 x(command)S 193 x(FTP)S -64 x(.)S 193 x(In)S F192 x(this)S 11670 X 598 y(example,)S 185 x(the)S 182 x(target)S 181 xD(remote)S 181 x(system)S 181 x(name)S 181 x(is)S 181 x(given)S 182 xH(on)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(command)S 11670 X 597 y(line.)S 250 x(If)S 165 xO(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 x(system)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(speci\211ed)SoE166 x(here,)S 167 x(then)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(HOST)S 166 x3H(or)S 11670 X 598 y(CONNEC)S -2 x(T)S 169 x(command)S 169 x(must)S 169 xC(be)S 169 x(used)S 169 x(to)S 169 x(establis)S -2 x(h)S 170 x(the)S)C169 x(network)S 169 x(link)S 170 x(with)S 11670 X 598 y(the)S 166 xSG(remote)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 886 y 17484 48 RtF10773 34470 XY F36(Example)S 167 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 166 x(Cont'd)S 167 x6(on)S 167 x(next)S 166 x(page)S 5094 36925 XY(1\2032)SEP PP9 %%PageTrailerl1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Boldc2%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%+ DEC_Callout CoR MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`Syuriers%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: (1-3) 13%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)n PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 21350 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(Client)S(H10773 4872 XY F36(Example)S 167 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 249 x(\(Cont.\))S 499 xF(Sample)S 166 x(Anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(Session)S 10773 XC548 y 17484 48 R 11670 6309 XY F151(The)S 173 x(host)S 172 x(name)S(D173 x(can)S 172 x(be)S 173 x(speci\211ed)S 172 x(as)S 172 x(either)SJ173 x(a)S 172 x(domain)S 173 x(name)S 172 x(or)S 173 x(a)S 172 x(dotted-)SC11670 X 598 y(decimal)S 173 x(numeric)S 175 x(IP)S 174 x(address.)SdC265 x(In)S 174 x(this)S 174 x(example,)S 176 x(the)S 174 x(system)SSC174 x(could)S 174 x(have)S 11670 X 597 y(been)S 166 x(speci\211ed)SXO166 x(as)S 166 x(``ftp.spc.edu')S -10 x(')S 166 x(or)S 166 x(``')S2C-9 x('.)S 10773 X 897 y F204(")S 449 x F151(The)S 168 x(FTP)S 168 x I(client)S 167 x(prints)S 167 x(an)S 168 x(informational)S 168 x(message)S,D167 x(as)S 167 x(it)S 167 x(tries)S 166 x(to)S 168 x(establis)S -2 xD(h)S 11670 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(link)S 167 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 166 xE(remote)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y F204(#)StI449 x F151(When)S 195 x(the)S 196 x(connection)S 196 x(is)S 195 x(made,)S)G203 x(the)S 195 x(remote)S 196 x(server)S 195 x(sends)S 195 x(a)S 195 xsD(reply)S 11670 X 598 y(identifying)S 193 x(itself)S 191 x(to)S 192 xC(the)S 193 x(client.)S 302 x(The)S 193 x(message)S 191 x(is)S 192 xdC(displayed)S 192 x(on)S 193 x(the)S 11670 X 598 y(terminal.)S 280 x6E(All)S 180 x(messages)S 181 x(from)S 181 x(the)S 182 x(remote)S 181 x1G(server)S 182 x(are)S 181 x(pre\211xed)S 183 x(by)S 181 x(the)S 11670 XxD598 y(``<')S -11 x(')S 171 x(character)S -36 x(.)S 260 x(The)S 172 xE(number)S -36 x(,)S 173 x(220)S 171 x(on)S 172 x(this)S 171 x(line,)SXG173 x(is)S 170 x(the)S 172 x(FTP)S 172 x(message)S 171 x(code)S 11670 XhG597 y(as)S 165 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(by)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x0H(standard.)S 11670 X 897 y(By)S 182 x(default,)S 188 x(the)S 182 x(FTP)SC184 x(client)S 182 x(automatically)S 183 x(tries)S 182 x(to)S 183 xdI(negotiate)S 183 x(the)S 182 x(use)S 11670 X 598 y(of)S 178 x(Structure)S6F179 x(VMS)S 178 x(for)S 178 x(\211le)S 179 x(transfers.)S 274 x(This)SG178 x(is)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(means)S 178 x(by)S 178 x(which)S 179 x(VMS)ScK11670 X 598 y(\211le)S 174 x(attributes)S 173 x(are)S 174 x(automatically)SPN173 x(preserved)S 175 x(when)S 174 x(\211les)S 173 x(are)S 174 x(transferred)SC11670 X 597 y(between)S 173 x(VMS)S 173 x(hosts.)S 265 x(If)S 173 x6H(the)S 174 x(remote)S 173 x(server)S 174 x(supports)S 174 x(STRU)S 173 xM(VMS,)S 174 x(then)S 11670 X 598 y(the)S 173 x(client)S 174 x(automatically)S2D173 x(sets)S 172 x(it)S 173 x(at)S 173 x(this)S 173 x(point,)S 176 xL(though)S 175 x(no)S 173 x(messages)S 173 x(are)S 11670 X 598 y(displayed.)SL11670 X 896 y(The)S 175 x(SET)S 174 x(TYPE,)S 175 x(SET)S 174 x(STRUCTURE,)SI174 x(and)S 175 x(SET)S 174 x(MODE)S 173 x(commands)S 174 x(can)S 11670 XmC598 y(be)S 166 x(used)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(change)S 167 x(the)S 166 xC(default)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(transfer)S 166 x(methods.)S 10773 XsE897 y F204($)S 449 x F151(After)S 171 x(receiving)S 173 x(the)S 172 xtE(reply)S 173 x(from)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(remote)S 172 x(server)S -36 x E(,)S 174 x(FTP)S 172 x(prompts)S 171 x(you)S 173 x(to)S 11670 X 598 yC(enter)S 167 x(a)S 167 x(command.)S 252 x(Note)S 167 x(that)S 167 xFD(the)S 167 x(FTP)S 168 x(prompt)S 167 x(includes)S 167 x(the)S 167 xD(name)S 168 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 11670 X 597 y(remote)S 161 x(system)SC160 x(to)S 160 x(which)S 162 x(you)S 161 x(are)S 161 x(connected.)S8E251 x(If)S 160 x(that)S 161 x(connection)S 162 x(is)S 160 x(closed,)S1C11670 X 598 y(or)S 165 x(if)S 164 x(no)S 165 x(system)S 164 x(was)S F164 x(named)S 165 x(on)S 165 x(the)S 165 x(DCL)S 164 x(command)S 165 xH(line,)S 166 x(the)S 164 x(FTP)S 166 x(prompt)S 11670 X 598 y(is)S 165 xC(just)S 167 x(``FTP>)S 165 x(')S -9 x('.)S 11670 X 897 y(At)S 187 x(C(this)S 187 x(point,)S 193 x(the)S 188 x(FTP)S 188 x(client)S 188 xxH(has)S 187 x(established)S 187 x(a)S 188 x(dialogue)S 188 x(with)S 187 xH(the)S 11670 X 597 y(remote)S 178 x(FTP)S 180 x(server)S -37 x(.)S 275 xF(In)S 179 x(order)S 179 x(to)S 178 x(transfer)S 179 x(\211les,)S 182 xH(you)S 180 x(must)S 178 x(log)S 179 x(in)S 179 x(to)S 178 x(an)S 11670 XE598 y(account)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 165 x(remote)S 165 x(system.)S7G249 x(In)S 166 x(this)S 165 x(example,)S 166 x(the)S 165 x(USER)S 165 xrG(command)S 165 x(is)S 11670 X 598 y(used)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(log)S 167 x7D(in)S 168 x(as)S 166 x(user)S 167 x(ANONYMOUS)S -2 x(.)S 168 x(Any)SC167 x(valid)S 167 x(account)S 168 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S9J11670 X 598 y(system)S 165 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)S 11670 XE896 y(If)S 173 x(you)S 175 x(want)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(MadGoat)S 173 x)E(FTP)S 175 x(client)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(automatically)S 174 x(prompt)S9F174 x(for)S 174 x(the)S 11670 X 598 y(remote)S 170 x(username,)S 173 xE(you)S 172 x(can)S 171 x(de\211ne)S 172 x(the)S 170 x(logical)S 172 x)C(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -28 x(T_FTP_)S 2 x(USER_)S 11670 X 598 y(PROMPT)SxH166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(TRUE.)S 166 x(See)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(HOST)SD165 x(for)S 166 x(more)S 167 x(information.)S 10773 X 896 y F204(%)SJ449 x F151(The)S 175 x(remote)S 174 x(FTP)S 175 x(server)S 175 x(expects)SF175 x(a)S 174 x(password)S 173 x(for)S 175 x(the)S 174 x(speci\211ed)SG175 x(account.)S 11670 X 598 y(In)S 172 x(this)S 171 x(example,)S 174 x(C(the)S 173 x(server)S 172 x(will)S 171 x(accept)S 172 x(any)S 173 xSE(string)S 172 x(for)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(password,)S 173 x(but)S 11670 X E598 y(it)S 165 x(asks)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(your)S 167 x(e-mail)S 166 xlG(address)S 165 x(for)S 166 x(loggin)S 2 x(g)S 166 x(purposes.)S 11670 XeC897 y(The)S 179 x(FTP)S 179 x(client)S 178 x(then)S 179 x(prompts)S H178 x(for)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(password,)S 181 x(which)S 179 x(is)S 177 xD(not)S 179 x(echoed)S 11670 X 597 y(when)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(enter)SD167 x(it.)S 10773 X 897 y F204(&)S 449 x F151(If)S 167 x(the)S 167 xF(remote)S 167 x(account)S 168 x(exists)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(the)S 168 xD(password)S 166 x(is)S 167 x(valid,)S 168 x(then)S 168 x(the)S 167 xL(server)S 11670 X 598 y(sends)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(message)S 166 x(indicating)SD167 x(the)S 166 x(successful)S 166 x(login.)S 10773 X 896 y F204(')SC449 x F151(Once)S 157 x(you)S 157 x(are)S 157 x(logged)S 158 x(in)SSG157 x(to)S 157 x(the)S 157 x(remote)S 156 x(system,)S 159 x(the)S 157 x)F(FTP)S 157 x(client)S 157 x(once)S 158 x(again)S 11670 X 598 y(waits)SG174 x(for)S 175 x(you)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(enter)S 175 x(an)S 176 x(FTP)S(G176 x(command.)S 268 x(The)S 176 x(CD)S 174 x(command)S 176 x(changes)S)D11670 X 598 y(the)S 174 x(remote)S 174 x(default)S 174 x(directory)SD-54 x(.)S 265 x(In)S 174 x(this)S 174 x(example,)S 177 x(the)S 174 xM(default)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(changed)S 11670 X 598 y(to)S 181 x([.MACRO32.SA)SrD-56 x(VESE)S -2 x(TS].)S 182 x(Note)S 181 x(that)S 182 x(the)S 181 xE(brackets)S 182 x(and)S 181 x(leading)S 182 x(``.')S -9 x(')S 10773 XaH885 y 17484 48 R 10773 35588 XY F36(Example)S 167 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 166 xF(Cont'd)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(next)S 166 x(page)S 27427 36925 XY(1\2033)SEP PP %%PageTrailern2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ DEC_Callouto%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%T%%Page: (1-4) 14%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 E" MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`0 XYF0 SC 5094 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(Client)SH10773 4872 XY F36(Example)S 167 x(1)S(\203)S(1)S 249 x(\(Cont.\))S 499 xF(Sample)S 166 x(Anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(Session)S 10773 XH548 y 17484 48 R 11670 5915 XY F151(were)S 181 x(omitted.)S 280 x(Most)SE181 x(VMS)S 181 x(FTP)S 182 x(servers)S 182 x(will)S 181 x(properly)S E182 x(translate)S 181 x(such)S 11670 X 598 y(speci\211cations)S 185 xeF(to)S 185 x(valid)S 186 x(VMS)S 185 x(directory)S 186 x(names.)S 289 xD(A)S 185 x(message)S 185 x(from)S 185 x(the)S 11670 X 598 y(server)SH188 x(is)S 188 x(displayed)S 188 x(indicating)S 189 x(that)S 187 x(the)SK189 x(directory)S 189 x(was)S 187 x(successfully)S 11670 X 598 y(changed.)S5G10773 X 896 y F204(\()S 449 x F151(The)S 174 x(DIRECTO)S -2 x(R)S -18 x1G(Y)S 173 x(command)S 174 x(is)S 173 x(used)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(display)SwE174 x(all)S 173 x(\211les)S 174 x(in)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(curren)S 2 xpC(t)S 11670 X 598 y(remote)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(directory)S 166 xxH(that)S 166 x(match)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(string)S 166 x(``DC)S -2 x(L*')SI-9 x('.)S 10773 X 897 y F204(\))S 449 x F151(Directory)S 177 x(listings)SsD176 x(are)S 176 x(transferred)S 177 x(with)S 176 x(Structure)S 177 xL(FILE,)S 177 x(so)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(client)S 11670 X 597 y(automatically)SC166 x(changes)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(STRU)S 166 x(F)S 166 x(for)S 166 x0F(the)S 166 x(listing.)S 10773 X 897 y F204(+>)S 449 x F151(The)S 176 xE(directory)S 175 x(output)S 176 x(will)S 174 x(vary)S -54 x(,)S 178 xeD(depending)S 176 x(on)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(remote)S 175 x(FTP)S 176 xD(server)S -36 x(.)S 11670 X 598 y(Most)S 184 x(VMS)S 184 x(servers)SH185 x(will)S 184 x(show)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(\211le)S 185 x(name,)S 190 xH(the)S 185 x(size)S 184 x(in)S 184 x(blocks,)S 190 x(the)S 11670 X 598 yC(creation)S 166 x(date,)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(owner)S -37 x(,)S 167 xlC(and)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(protection.)S 10773 X 896 yxIF204(+?)S 449 x F151(Once)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(directory)S 184 x(listing)S(E183 x(has)S 184 x(been)S 184 x(received,)S 189 x(the)S 183 x(client)SxC184 x(once)S 184 x(again)S 11670 X 598 y(changes)S 167 x(to)S 166 x6O(STRU)S 165 x(VMS)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(server)S 166 x(acknowledges)SRE167 x(the)S 166 x(change)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y F204(+@)S 449 x F151eE(The)S 161 x(GET)S 161 x(command)S 161 x(is)S 160 x(used)S 161 x(to)SeD161 x(copy)S 161 x(a)S 161 x(\211le)S 161 x(from)S 161 x(the)S 161 xE(remote)S 161 x(system)S 161 x(to)S 160 x(the)S 11670 X 597 y(local)S G167 x(system.)S 252 x(The)S 168 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x(connection.)S 1 SC 6390 X 181 y 1512 24 R 6390 X 355 y 24 360 R F6515 29407 XY F106(CTRL-A)S 107 x 108 y 24 360 R 6390 X 20 y 1512 24 RC0 SC 6290 29875 XY F102([sending)S 240 x(file)S 239 x(user:[hunte)SSF2 x(r]ftp.alpha_exe;1)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(ftp.alpha_exe])S 6290 X 449 yD(127088)S 240 x(bytes)S 239 x(\(249)S 240 x(blocks\),)S 240 x(60%,)SC239 x(in)S 240 x(00:00:03.74)S 240 x(=)S 239 x(33981)S 240 x(cps,)S1H239 x(IO=63)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 181 x(information)S 181 x(shown)SD180 x(includes)S 181 x(the)S 180 x(number)S 181 x(of)S 181 x(bytes)SC180 x(transferred)S 180 x(up)S 181 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 174 x2Q(time)S 174 x(that)S 174 x -380 y 1728 24 R 14054 X 491 y 24 492 R 14198 31798 XY(GF42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 R 14054 X 20 y 1728 24 R 15955 31818 XY DF151(is)S 173 x(pressed,)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(number)S 174 x(number)SO175 x(of)S 174 x(blocks,)S 177 x(the)S 174 x(total)S 10773 X 598 y(percentage)S0F183 x(of)S 181 x(the)S 182 x(\211le)S 182 x(transferred,)S 186 x(the)SD182 x(elapsed)S 181 x(time)S 181 x(of)S 182 x(the)S 181 x(transfer)SJ-36 x(,)S 185 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(number)S 189 x(of)S 189 x(characters)SG189 x(transferred)S 189 x(per)S 188 x(second,)S 195 x(and)S 189 x(the)SCM189 x(number)S 189 x(of)S 189 x(I/O)S 10773 X 597 y(requests.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(1\2034)SEP PPm %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman!%%+ DEC_Callout Helvetica Courier+%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%i%%Page: (1-5) 15%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 21350 1807 XY F28(The)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(Client)S+K10773 4897 XY F151(Pressing)S 170 x -380 y 1704 24 R 12935 X 491 y 24 492 RyF13077 4877 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 12935 X 20 y 1704 24 RC14805 4897 XY F151(causes)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(lines)S 170 x(above)SsD170 x(to)S 169 x(be)S 170 x(displayed,)S 170 x(in)S 170 x(addition)SH170 x(to)S 169 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(processd MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`j )S 166 x(information)S 166 xG(normally)S 167 x(displayed)S 166 x(by)S 166 x -381 y 1704 24 R 20828 XsF492 y 24 492 R 20970 5475 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 20828 XD20 y 1704 24 R 22528 5495 XY F151(.)S 10773 X 896 y(When)S 185 x(a)SL184 x(\211le)S 184 x(is)S 184 x(PUT)S 184 x(to)S 184 x(any)S 185 x(system,)SJ188 x(the)S 185 x(status)S 183 x(information)S 184 x(will)S 183 x(always)SG10773 X 598 y(contain)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(percentage)S 184 x(of)S 183 x7C(the)S 183 x(\211le)S 183 x(transferred.)S 283 x(When)S 183 x(GET)S E182 x(is)S 182 x(used,)S 187 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(percentage)S 182 xeC(may)S 182 x(or)S 182 x(may)S 181 x(not)S 182 x(be)S 181 x(shown,)S)F185 x(depending)S 183 x(on)S 181 x(the)S 182 x(type)S 181 x(of)S 182 xG(server)S 10773 X 598 y(on)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(remote)S 171 x(system.)S6H260 x(The)S 171 x(MadGoat)S 171 x(FTP)S 172 x(client)S 171 x(can)S 172 xH(show)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(percentage)S 10773 X 597 y(when)S 182 x(STRU)SN181 x(VMS)S 181 x(is)S 182 x(used)S 181 x(and)S 182 x(when)S 182 x(connected)SC182 x(to)S 182 x(most)S 180 x(UNIX)S 181 x(systems.)S 10773 X 598 y%C(Most)S 180 x(UNIX)S 180 x(FTP)S 182 x(servers)S 181 x(will)S 180 x I(display)S 180 x(the)S 181 x(size)S 180 x(of)S 180 x(the)S 181 x(\211le)S7M181 x(in)S 181 x(bytes)S 181 x(in)S 181 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(informational)S(D166 x(message)S 166 x(when)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(transfer)S 166 x(is)SG165 x(started:)S 6290 X 896 y F102(<150)S 239 x(Opening)S 240 x(ASCII)S(I240 x(mode)S 239 x(data)S 240 x(connection)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(lynx.txt)SSD240 x(\(5384)S 240 x(bytes\).)S 10773 X 897 y F151(As)S 186 x(long)SD188 x(as)S 186 x(the)S 187 x(number)S 188 x(of)S 187 x(bytes)S 187 xC(is)S 186 x(displayed)S 187 x(in)S 187 x(the)S 187 x(format)S 186 xlH(above,)S 193 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 166 x(client)SQ167 x(can)S 166 x(calculate)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(percentage)S 167 x(transferred.)SSG5094 13564 XY 23160 96 R 2404 14262 XY F24(1.4)S 5094 X(Command)S 166 xhL(Parsing)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(Case)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 194 x(MadGoat)SE192 x(FTP)S 194 x(client)S 193 x(uses)S 193 x(the)S 193 x(VMS)S 193 x8E(CLI$)S 192 x(routines)S 193 x(to)S 193 x(parse)S 193 x(the)S 10773 X1D598 y(commands)S 154 x(you)S 154 x(enter)S -36 x(.)S 249 x(However)SF-36 x(,)S 157 x(because)S 154 x(many)S 154 x(FTP)S 155 x(sites)S 152 xD(are)S 154 x(UNIX)S 153 x(systems)S 10773 X 598 y(that)S 167 x(are)SC167 x(case-sensitive)S 166 x(with)S 167 x(regard)S 167 x(to)S 167 xxC(\211lenames,)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(client)S 167 x(will,)S 167 x(by)SmD167 x(default,)S 10773 X 598 y(attempt)S 172 x(to)S 174 x(preserve)SE173 x(the)S 174 x(case)S 173 x(of)S 173 x(any)S 174 x(command)S 174 xtE(parameters)S 172 x(you)S 175 x(enter)S -37 x(.)S 264 x(For)S 10773 X3D597 y(example,)S 179 x(to)S 175 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 175 x(your)S 177 xE(directory)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(UNIX)S 175 x(subdirectory)SSE176 x(``Mail')S -10 x(',)S 178 x(just)S 10773 X 598 y(specify)S 166 xmD(the)S 166 x(appropriate)S 166 x(case)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 xD(CD)S 165 x(command:)S 6290 X 897 y F102(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(CD)SG239 x(Mail)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<250)S 239 x(CWD)S 240 x(command)S 240 xyD(successful.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)S -60 x 897 yCF151(Similarly)S -55 x(,)S 174 x(when)S 173 x(communicating)S 174 x L(with)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(server)S 173 x(on)S 173 x(a)S 173 x(case-sensitive)SE172 x(system,)S 10773 X 598 y(you)S 184 x(can)S 183 x(specify)S 182 xtO(the)S 183 x(remote)S 183 x(\211le)S 183 x(name)S 183 x(in)S 182 x(mixed-case)SxL183 x(and)S 183 x(the)S 183 x(client)S 182 x(will)S 10773 X 598 y(preserve)SH167 x(the)S 166 x(case:)S 6290 X 896 y F102(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)SG1 SC 239 x(put)S 239 x(descrip.mms)S 241 x(Makefile)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 yeE(<200)S 239 x(PORT)S 240 x(command)S 240 x(successful.)S 6290 X 448 y(E(<150)S 239 x(Opening)S 240 x(ASCII)S 240 x(mode)S 239 x(data)S 240 xaE(connection)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(Makefile.)S 6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 x(D(Transfer)S 240 x(complete.)S 6290 X 449 y(748)S 239 x(bytes)S 240 xF(\(2)S 239 x(blocks\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:00.12)S 241 x(=)S 239 xH(6233)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=1)S 6290 X 448 y(Sent)S 239 x(file)S 240 xF(WKU$USER:[HUNTE)S 2 x(R]DESCRIP.MMS;1)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(\(Remote\))SF240 x(Makefile)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)S -60 x 897 yMF151(A)S 187 x(potential)S 187 x(problem)S 187 x(when)S 188 x(communicating)SpI188 x(with)S 187 x(UNIX)S 186 x(servers)S 188 x(is)S 186 x(that)S 10773 XdF598 y(directory)S 171 x(speci\211cations)S 171 x(include)S 171 x(the)SG171 x(slash)S 170 x(character)S 171 x(\()S 83 x(/)S 84 x(\))S(.)S 258 xXE(The)S 172 x(CD)S 169 x(command)S 10773 X 597 y(will)S 165 x(accept)S1G167 x(them)S 166 x(without)S 165 x(any)S 167 x(problems:)S 6290 X 897 y1GF102(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)S 1 SC 239 x(cd)S 239 x(/pub/VMS)S 0 SCxD10773 X 897 y F151(However)S -36 x(,)S 169 x(for)S 168 x(all)S 168 xO(other)S 169 x(commands,)S 169 x(such)S 168 x(\211le)S 169 x(speci\211cations)S J168 x(must)S 168 x(be)S 168 x(enclosed)S 10773 X 597 y(in)S 169 x(double)SG169 x(quotes)S 168 x(\()S 83 x(")S 83 x(\))S 168 x(to)S 169 x(prevent)S L169 x(the)S 169 x(command)S 169 x(parser)S 168 x(from)S 169 x(interpreting)SG169 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(slash)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(beginn)S5C2 x(ing)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(command)S 167 x(quali\211er:)S1D6290 X 897 y F102(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)S 1 SC 239 x(cd)S 239 xD(/usr/goathun)S 2 x(ter)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<250)S 239 x(CWD)S 240 xH(command)S 240 x(successful.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)SK1 SC 239 x(put)S 239 x(login.com)S 240 x(/usr/goathu)S 2 x(nter/login.com)S J0 SC 6290 X 449 y(Unrecognized)S 240 x(qualifier)S 240 x(-)S 240 x(check)SH239 x(validity,)S 240 x(spelling,)S 240 x(and)S 240 x(placement)S 6529 XE448 y(\\USR2\\)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:wkunix.wku.e)S 2 x(du>)S 1 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-52 x(T_FTP_WELCOME)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 165 x(MADGO)S -2 xD(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_WELCOME)S 164 x(logical)S 164 x(speci\211es)S 164 xC(the)S 164 x(welcome)S 164 x(text)S 164 x(that)S 164 x(is)S 10773 X F598 y(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(sent)S 166 x(back)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)SG166 x(remote)S 166 x(client)S 167 x(upon)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(successful)S F166 x(login.)S 251 x(For)S 166 x(example:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SCH239 x(DEFINE)S 240 x(MADGOAT_FTP_WELC)S 2 x(OME)S 239 x("Welcome)S 240 xE(back,)S 239 x(Joe!")S 0 SC 10773 X 897 y F151(If)S 185 x(the)S 185 x)C(welcome)S 185 x(message)S 185 x(begins)S 186 x(with)S 185 x(``@')SeD-10 x(',)S 190 x(it)S 184 x(is)S 185 x(taken)S 186 x(to)S 185 x(be)SL185 x(a)S 185 x(\211le)S 186 x(name)S 10773 X 597 y(whose)S 169 x(contents)SD170 x(are)S 170 x(read)S 170 x(and)S 170 x(sent)S 169 x(back)S 170 xM(to)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(remote)S 170 x(client.)S 257 x(For)S 170 x(example,)S4H10773 X 598 y(the)S 169 x(following)S 169 x(de\211nition)S 169 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x(quali\211er)S 167 x(on)ScL166 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(line.)S 4272 X 102 y 144 108 RG5094 17000 XY 23160 96 R 2404 17697 XY F24(2.4)S 5094 X(Serving)S 166 xSC(Files)S 166 x(V)S -13 x(ia)S 166 x(ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 165 x(FTP)S)G10773 X 897 y F151(Y)S -56 x(our)S 167 x(system)S 164 x(manager)S 167 x G(can)S 166 x(optionally)S 165 x(allow)S 165 x(all)S 165 x(users)S 166 x F(on)S 166 x(the)S 165 x(system)S 165 x(to)S 165 x(make)S 10773 X 598 yF(\211les)S 176 x(available)S 175 x(for)S 176 x(anonymous)S 177 x(FTP)SH176 x(access.)S 268 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 175 x(can)S 177 x(determine)S 175 xC(if)S 176 x(this)S 175 x(has)S 10773 X 597 y(been)S 167 x(enabled)S)F166 x(on)S 166 x(your)S 167 x(system)S 166 x(using)S 167 x(the)S 166 xE(following)S 166 x(command:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(show)SSE240 x(logical)S 239 x(madgoat_ft)S 2 x(p_tilde_anondir)S 0 SC 10773 X(J897 y F151(If)S 172 x(that)S 173 x(logical)S 173 x(is)S 173 x(de\211ned,)SF175 x(it)S 173 x(will)S 172 x(specify)S 172 x(a)S 173 x(subdirectory)SH174 x(name)S 173 x(that)S 172 x(you)S 174 x(can)S 10773 X 597 y(create)SF166 x(to)S 166 x(make)S 166 x(your)S 168 x(own)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 xC(available)S 166 x(via)S 166 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 165 x(FTP)S -63 xpD(.)S 10773 X 897 y(For)S 167 x(example,)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(output)SD166 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(above)S 167 x(might)SH166 x(look)S 167 x(like)S 166 x(this:)S 6290 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 xE(show)S 240 x(logical)S 239 x(madgoat_ft)S 2 x(p_tilde_anondir)S 0 SC)J7007 X 448 y("MADGOAT_FTP_)S 2 x(TILDE_ANONDIR")S 240 x(=)S 239 x("AFTP")SG240 x(\(LNM$SYSTEM_TA)S 2 x(BLE\))S 6290 X 448 y($)S 10773 X 897 y F151tE(W)S -19 x(ith)S 179 x(that)S 179 x(de\211nition,)S 183 x(you)S 180 xOG(can)S 179 x(create)S 179 x(a)S 179 x(subdirectory)S 179 x(tree)S 179 xSI(named)S 179 x([.AFTP])S 10773 X 598 y(under)S 179 x(your)S 179 x(login)S H178 x(directory)S 179 x(and)S 178 x(copy)S 178 x(\211les)S 178 x(there)SE178 x(to)S 178 x(make)S 178 x(them)S 178 x(accessible)S 10773 X 597 y3F(to)S 175 x(anonymous)S 176 x(FTP)S 176 x(users.)S 267 x(Files)S 175 xC(in)S 175 x(that)S 175 x(tree)S 175 x(must)S 175 x(have)S 176 x(a)SoH175 x(protection)S 175 x(that)S 10773 X 598 y(allows)S 179 x(WORLD:REA)SG-2 x(D)S 180 x(access.)S 277 x(T" MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`he)S 180 x(following)S 181 x(commands)SlD179 x(show)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(sample)S 10773 X 598 y(sequence)S 189 xF(you)S 188 x(could)S 189 x(use)S 187 x(to)S 188 x(create)S 188 x(and)SC188 x(populate)S 188 x(your)S 189 x(anonymous)S 189 x(FTP)S 10773 XaE598 y(directory:)S 6290 X 896 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(set)S 240 x(def)S(J239 x(sys$login:)S 12985 X(!Set)S 239 x(default)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(login)SE240 x(directory)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y($)S 1 SC 239 x(create/dir)S 240 xFI([.aftp])S 12985 X(!Create)S 240 x(the)S 239 x(subdirectory)S 0 SC 6290 X J448 y($)S 1 SC 239 x(set)S 240 x(file/prot=w:re)S 240 x(aftp.dir)S 14659 XE(!Allow)S 239 x(WORLD)S 240 x(to)S 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X(/CONTROL_C)SH-2 x(=NORMAL)S 10773 X 597 y(/ERROR=action)S 18544 X(/ERROR=ABOR)S -10 xF(T)S 10773 X 598 y(/HASH)S 18544 X(/NOHASH)S 10773 X 598 y(/INIT)S 2 xE(IALIZA)S -36 x(TION[=\211le])S 18544 X(/INIT=F)S 2 x($TRNLNM\("MAD)S_O-2 x(GOA)S -37 x(T_FTP_I)S 2 x(NIT"\))S 10773 X 598 y(/P)S -36 x(ASSWORD=name)SlF18544 X(/NOP)S -37 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 597 y(/POR)S -9 x(T=port-name)SC18544 X(/POR)S -9 x(T=FTP)S 10773 X 598 y(/REPL)S -45 x(Y)S 18544 XeH(/REPL)S -45 x(Y)S 10773 X 598 y(/QUIET)S 18544 X(/QUIET)S 10773 X 598 yH(/SEVE)S 2 x(RE=action)S 18544 X(/SEVERE=A)S 2 x(BOR)S -10 x(T)S 10773 XC597 y(/USERNAME=name)S 18544 X(/NOUSERNAME)S 10773 X 598 y(/VERIF)S)E2 x(Y)S 18544 X(/NOVERIFY)S 10773 X 598 y(/VMS_ST)S 2 x(RUCTUR)S -2 x F(E_NEGOTIA)S -36 x(TION)S -468 x(/VMS_STRUCTURE_NEGOTIA)S -36 x(TION)SG10773 X 598 y(/W)S -8 x(ARNING=action)S 18544 X(/W)S -8 x(ARNING=ABOR)SoC-10 x(T)S 5094 23277 XY 23160 204 R 5094 24096 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)SSD10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 185 x(MadGoat)S 183 x(FTP)S 184 x(client)SE184 x(implements)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(File)S 184 x(T)S -30 x(ransfer)SiH184 x(Protocol.)S 285 x(This)S 10773 X 598 y(protocol)S 168 x(is)S 167 xG(based)S 167 x(on)S 169 x(top)S 167 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(IP)S 168 x0G(and)S 168 x(TCP)S 168 x(protocols.)S 253 x(MadGoat)S 167 x(FTP)S 168 x E(works)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 170 x(MadGoat)S 170 x(Software')S -19 x G(s)S 170 x(NETLIB,)S 170 x(which)S 171 x(allows)S 170 x(it)S 170 x(to)S1E170 x(work)S 171 x(with)S 170 x(virtually)S 10773 X 597 y(all)S 166 xgH(VMS)S 166 x(TCP/IP)S 166 x(implementations.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 168 xC(File)S 168 x(T)S -31 x(ransfer)S 168 x(Protocol)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(C(the)S 167 x(languag)S 2 x(e)S 167 x(spoken)S 168 x(between)S 167 xmG(the)S 168 x(FTP)S 168 x(utility)S 10773 X 598 y(and)S 168 x(an)S 168 xcI(FTP)S 168 x(Server)S 169 x(running)S 169 x(on)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(remote)S6E167 x(machine.)S 253 x(The)S 169 x(local)S 167 x(process)S 168 x(is)SoI167 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(master)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)SYK166 x(server)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(slave.)S 10773 X 896 y(Throug)S7H2 x(h)S 176 x(a)S 177 x(series)S 175 x(of)S 177 x(commands)S 176 x(and)SF176 x(replies,)S 179 x(the)S 177 x(local)S 176 x(FTP)S 177 x(utility)SH177 x(tries)S 175 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(send)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(receive)SF167 x(\211les)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(other)S 166 x(information.)S 10773 XF897 y(Since)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(File)S 168 x(T)S -30 x(ransfer)S 168 xD(Protocol)S 168 x(is)S 167 x(a)S 168 x(negotiation)S 168 x(languag)SF2 x(e,)S 169 x(not)S 168 x(all)S 167 x(requests)S 10773 X 597 y(that)SF169 x(the)S 169 x(FTP)S 170 x(utility)S 169 x(asks)S 169 x(for)S 169 xG(can)S 170 x(always)S 168 x(be)S 170 x(satis)S -2 x(\211ed)S 170 x(by)SaL169 x(the)S 170 x(remote)S 169 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 598 y(Requests)SF165 x(that)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(unsatis\211ed)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(be)SH166 x(signalled)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(errors)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 xH(FTP)S 167 x(utility)S -55 x(.)S 5094 32608 XY 23160 204 R 5094 33426 XYLF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(host-name)S 26763 36925 XYF36(FTP\2033)SEP PPe %%PageTrailer%%DEC_EDMS_Folio: FTP-3%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaO,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Helvetica-BoldObliquet%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e%d%%Page: (FTP-4) 24%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)9 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Command)S 5094 X 797 yGF28(FTP)S 10773 4866 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 199 x(the)S 199 x(internet)STC200 x(name)S 199 x(of)S 199 x(the)S 199 x(host)S 199 x(with)S 199 x7H(which)S 199 x(\211les)S 199 x(are)S 199 x(to)S 199 x(be)S 10773 X 548 yF(exchan)S 2 x(ged.)S 276 x(An)S 180 x(IP)S 179 x(literal)S 180 x(may)SM179 x(be)S 180 x(speci\211ed)S 179 x(here)S 180 x(in)S 180 x(dotted-j7w MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`ydecimal)SSG179 x(form.)S 10773 X 548 y(An)S 181 x(alias)S 181 x(name)S 181 x(may)S E182 x(also)S 180 x(be)S 181 x(speci\211ed)S 182 x(here.)S 280 x(The)S2G182 x(connection)S 182 x(information)S 10773 X 548 y(associated)S 172 x,E(with)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(alias)S 172 x(name)S 173 x(can)S 174 x(be)SeG173 x(overridden)S 175 x(with)S 172 x(various)S 174 x(command)S 10773 X D548 y(quali\211ers.)S 10773 8154 XY F25(command)S 10773 9648 XY F151G(Speci\211es)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(single)S 167 x(in-line)S 167 x(command)S(F166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(executed)S 167 x(after)S 167 x(the)S 166 xK(host)S 166 x(connection)S 10773 X 548 y(has)S 168 x(been)S 169 x(opened.)S7G254 x(After)S 168 x(this)S 167 x(command)S 169 x(executes)S 168 x(FTP)SyC169 x(exits)S 168 x(and)S 169 x(returns)S 168 x(you)S 10773 X 548 y6F(to)S 179 x(DCL.)S 179 x(All)S 178 x(quali\211ers)S 179 x(that)S 179 xI(pertain)S 179 x(to)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(connec)S 2 x(tion,)S 182 x(such)SMD180 x(as)S 178 x(/USER)S 179 x(or)S 10773 X 548 y(/P)S -36 x(ASSWO)SD-2 x(RD,)S 179 x(must)S 179 x(precede)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(command.)SJ276 x(If)S 179 x(any)S 180 x(part)S 179 x(of)S 179 x(the)S 180 x(command)SI10773 X 548 y(needs)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(lowercase,)S)E166 x(enclose)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(double)S1E166 x(quotes.)S 10773 X 896 y(When)S 175 x(an)S 174 x(in-line)S 175 xMD(command)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(speci\211ed)S 174 x(and)S 175 x(/QUIET)SF174 x(is)S 174 x(speci\211ed,)S 176 x(FTP)S 175 x(will)S 10773 X 548 yE(attempt)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(totally)S 166 x(silent)S 166 xeD(in)S 166 x(operation.)S 9118 14331 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(If)S 187 xC(you)S 187 x(specify)S 188 x(an)S 187 x(alia)S 2 x(s)S 186 x(name)S\C187 x(which)S 188 x(includes)S 188 x(a)S 187 x(command)S 187 x(to)S)N187 x(be)S 10773 X 597 y(executed)S 176 x(once)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(connectio)SD2 x(n)S 175 x(completes,)S 179 x(the)S 175 x(alias)S 177 x(command)SE175 x(will)S 10773 X 598 y(be)S 166 x(executed)S 167 x(before)S 165 xaD(this)S 167 x(command.)S 5094 16722 XY 23160 204 R 5094 17540 XY F24G(COMMAN)S -2 x(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -797 y F25(/ACCO)S_F-2 x(UNT=name)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Requests)S 186 x(login)S 187 x(to)SG187 x(a)S 186 x(speci\211c)S 187 x(user)S 187 x(account.)S 292 x(This)SXE187 x(may)S 186 x(only)S 188 x(be)S 187 x(used)S 186 x(if)S 187 x(a)SlH10773 X 598 y(host-name)S 186 x(and)S 187 x(username)S 186 x(are)S 187 xC(speci\211ed.)S 290 x(Most)S 186 x(FTP)S 187 x(servers)S 186 x(do)SSD186 x(not)S 187 x(use)S 10773 X 597 y(accounts.)S 10773 20429 XY F25H(/ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAN)S -2 x(ONYMOU)S -2 x(S)S 166 xF(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(Requests)S 186 x(an)S 186 x(anonymou)S 2 xG(s)S 186 x(login.)S 290 x(FTP)S 187 x(will)S 186 x(attempt)S 185 x(to)SyJ187 x(log)S 186 x(you)S 188 x(into)S 186 x(user)S 10773 X 598 y(anonymou)SF2 x(s,)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(default)S 166 x(password)S 165 xG(of)S 166 x(your)S 2 x(_username@your_h)S 2 x(ost.)S 249 x(This)S 167 x6D(is)S 10773 X 598 y(intended)S 167 x(as)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(shortcut)SG166 x(for)S 167 x(anonymous)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(users.)S 10773 24414 XY6FF25(/AP)S -52 x(ASSWORD=pass)S -2 x(word)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAP)S -53 xF(ASSWORD)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S 191 x(that)SH190 x(the)S 191 x(anonymous)S 191 x(password)S 190 x(\(your_username@y)SF2 x(our_host\))S 10773 X 598 y(should)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(sent.)S 268 xC(Specify)S 176 x(/ANONYMOUS/NOAP)S -38 x(ASSWORD)S 174 x(if)S 175 xhH(you)S 177 x(want)S 175 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(login)S 167 x(anonymously)SG167 x(and)S 167 x(still)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(prompted)S 166 x(for)S 166 x3C(a)S 166 x(passw)S -2 x(ord.)S 10773 28399 XY F25(/BA)S -53 x(TCH)S M166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOBA)S -54 x(TCH)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Requests)ScH168 x(batch)S 168 x(mode.)S 254 x(In)S 169 x(batch)S 168 x(mode,)S 169 xF(you)S 170 x(are)S 168 x(not)S 169 x(prompted)S 168 x(if)S 168 x(you)SF169 x(wish)S 168 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(retry)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)SG166 x(transfer)S -37 x(.)S 250 x(The)S 167 x(default)S 165 x(is)S 166 xtG(/BA)S -28 x(TCH.)S 10773 31787 XY F25(/CASE=case)S 10773 33281 XY F151CG(Determines)S 155 x(case)S 155 x(folding)S 156 x(of)S 155 x(all)S 155 x4D(commands)S 155 x(entered)S 155 x(at)S 155 x(the)S 156 x(FTP)S 156 xD(prompt.)S 249 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 10773 X 548 y(values)S 167 x(for)S@166 x F152(case)S 166 x F151(are:)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP\2034)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer12%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman/%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Boldo%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-ItalicS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)s%)%%Page: (FTP-5) 25%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)O PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 19989 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Command)S 27128 XD797 y F28(FTP)S 10773 4546 XY 17484 48 R 10773 5045 XY F40(V)S -25 xD(alue)S 15854 X(Meaning)S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 5941 XY F38C(NORMAL)S 15854 X(Maintains)S 160 x(the)S 160 x(speci\211ed)S 161 xhF(case)S 160 x(of)S 160 x(all)S 159 x(parame)S 2 x(ters.)S 244 x(This)SF160 x(is)S 159 x(the)S 15854 X 548 y(default)S 149 x(action.)S 10773 XD747 y(LOWER)S 15854 X(Converts)S 150 x(all)S 149 x(comma)S 2 x(nds)SC150 x(and)S 150 x(parame)S 2 x(ters)S 149 x(to)S 150 x(lowercase.)StF10773 X 748 y(UPPER)S 15854 X(Converts)S 150 x(all)S 149 x(comma)S 2 xG(nds)S 150 x(and)S 150 x(parame)S 2 x(ters)S 149 x(to)S 150 x(upperca)ShP2 x(se.)S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 9428 XY F25(/CONTR)S -2 x(OL_C=action)SG10773 10923 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(action)S 171 x(to)S)F171 x(take)S 171 x(when)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(user)S 171 x(types)S 171 xC-381 y 1752 24 R 22155 X 492 y 24 492 R 22301 10903 XY F42(CTRL-C)S C125 x 131 y 24 492 R 22155 X 20 y 1752 24 R 23908 10923 XY F151(.)SnD260 x(V)S -47 x(alid)S 171 x(values)S 172 x(for)S 10773 X 547 y F152C(action)S 167 x F151(are:)S 10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 12865 XYxNF40(V)S -25 x(alue)S 14360 X(Meaning)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 13762 XYCF38(ABOR)S -8 x(T)S 14360 X(Returns)S 150 x(to)S 149 x(FTP>)S 149 xhE(promp)S 2 x(t.)S 223 x(This)S 149 x(is)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(default)S5D149 x(action.)S 10773 X 747 y(CONTINU)S -2 x(E)S 14360 X(The)S 150 xI(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 150 x(ignores)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(event.)S(F10773 X 747 y(EXIT)S 14360 X(The)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)SC150 x(exits.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 16701 XY F25(/ERROR)S-K-2 x(=action)S 10773 18195 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(action)SxC173 x(to)S 173 x(take)S 173 x(when)S 173 x(an)S 174 x(error)S 173 x)G(occurs.)S 264 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 172 x(values)S 174 x(for)S 173 x F152(J(action)S 10773 X 548 y F151(are:)S -885 x 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 20138 XYNF40(V)S -25 x(alue)S 14360 X(Meaning)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 21035 XYEF38(ABOR)S -8 x(T)S 14360 X(The)S 141 x(FTP)S 140 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S7D141 x(stops)S 141 x(what)S 140 x(it)S 140 x(is)S 140 x(doing)S 141 xJ(and)S 141 x(returns)S 142 x(to)S 140 x(the)S 141 x(FTP>)S 140 x(prompt.)SH10773 X 747 y(CONTINU)S -2 x(E)S 14360 X(The)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(utili)SI-2 x(ty)S 150 x(ignores)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(event.)S 10773 X 747 y(EXIT)SSH14360 X(The)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 150 x(exits.)S 10773 XF299 y 17484 48 R 10773 23974 XY F25(/HASH)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOHA)S -2 xL(SH)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 26265 XY F151(Sets)S 156 x(\(or)S 158 x(clears\))SF156 x(HASH)S 157 x(for)S 157 x(the)S 157 x(FTP)S 158 x(utility)S -55 xD(.)S 249 x(If)S 157 x(HASH)S 156 x(is)S 157 x(set,gA MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`5)S 158 x(a)S 157 xE(hash)S 158 x(character)S 10773 X 548 y(\()S 83 x(#)S 83 x(\))S 166 xaC(is)S 166 x(displayed)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(each)S 167 x(1024)S 166 x8F(bytes)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(data)S 166 x(shipped)S 166 x(between)S 166 xD(the)S 166 x(local)S 166 x(host)S 10773 X 548 y(and)S 166 x(remote)SM166 x(host.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 167 x(default)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(/NOHASH.)SyD10773 29353 XY F25(/INITIALIZA)S -53 x(TION[=\211le])S 165 x(\(D\))SF10773 X 797 y(/NOIN)S -2 x(ITIALIZA)S -52 x(TION)S 10773 31645 XY F151E(Speci\211es)S 167 x(an)S 166 x(initialization)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 xdH(that)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 167 x(executed)S 167 x(before)SE167 x(the)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(prompt)S 10773 X 548 y(appears.)S 261 x1D(By)S 172 x(default,)S 173 x(FTP)S 172 x(check)S 2 x(s)S 171 x(for)SE172 x(the)S 172 x(logical)S 172 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_INIT)S C-45 x(.)S 172 x(If)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 176 x(logical)S 175 x(is)S7H175 x(de\211ned)S 176 x(as)S 175 x(a)S 176 x(\211le,)S 178 x(the)S 176 xD(contents)S 175 x(of)S 176 x(that)S 175 x(\211le)S 176 x(are)S 175 xF(automatically)S 10773 X 548 y(executed)S 185 x(as)S 183 x(FTP)S 184 xF(commands.)S 284 x(There)S 185 x(is)S 183 x(no)S 184 x(default)S 183 xH(\211le)S 184 x(type)S 184 x(for)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(FTP)S 10773 X 548 yH(initialization)S 179 x(\211le.)S 276 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 179 x(can)S 180 xH(specify)S 180 x(/NOINITIALIZA)S -29 x(TION)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(prevent)SL180 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(execution)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le.)S26763 36800 XY F36(FTP\2035)SEP PP) %%PageTrailert%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticar0%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %.%%Page: (FTP-6) 26%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)Y PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Command)S 5094 X 797 yJF28(FTP)S 10773 4866 XY F151(The)S 157 x(initialization)S 155 x(commands)SC156 x(are)S 157 x(executed)S 157 x(after)S 156 x(login)S 157 x(if)SlF156 x(the)S 156 x(/USER)S 156 x(quali\211er)S 10773 X 548 y(is)S 170 xC(supplied,)S 171 x(but)S 170 x(before)S 170 x(any)S 171 x(in-line)S1G170 x(commands.)S 257 x(If)S 170 x(/USER)S 169 x(is)S 170 x(not)S 170 xtG(given,)S 173 x(then)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(commands)S 166 x(are)ShE166 x(execu)S 2 x(ted)S 165 x(before)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(FTP>)S 166 x7F(prompt)S 166 x(appears.)S 10773 7058 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(ASSWORD)S -2 xH(=string)S 10773 8552 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(password)SG173 x(for)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(requested)S 174 x(user)S 174 x(account.)S%E266 x(This)S 174 x(may)S 175 x(only)S 175 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(used)SoC181 x(if)S 181 x(a)S 181 x(host-name)S 180 x(and)S 182 x(username)StC181 x(are)S 181 x(speci\211ed.)S 279 x(If)S 181 x(you)S 182 x(put)ShK181 x(this)S 180 x(into)S 181 x(a)S 10773 X 548 y(command)S 166 x(\211le,)SYI167 x(then)S 167 x(you)S 167 x F152(must)S 166 x F151(make)S 167 x(sure)SSE166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(not)S 166 x(world)S 166 xSD(readable.)S 10773 10744 XY F25(/POR)S -13 x(T=port-number)S 13105 XG797 y(port-name)S 13105 X 797 y(FTP)S 167 x(\(D\))S 10773 13832 XY F151eF(Useful)S 158 x(mainly)S 158 x(as)S 158 x(a)S 158 x(debuggin)S 2 x(g)SC158 x(tool.)S 249 x(Ordinary)S 159 x(mortals)S 157 x(should)S 159 xnJ(never)S 159 x(use)S 158 x(this)S 10773 X 548 y(switch.)S 249 x(Normally)SD166 x(the)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(port)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(number)S 167 xC(21.)S 10773 15476 XY F25(/QUIET)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOQU)S -2 x(IET)ShC166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(Depending)S 187 x(on)S 186 x(the)SdF187 x(system)S 185 x(default,)S 192 x(the)S 186 x(results)S 186 x(of)SC186 x(each)S 187 x(transfer)S 186 x(will)S 185 x(be)S 10773 X 548 ySE(shown)S 176 x(in)S 177 x(full.)S 270 x(This)S 176 x(can)S 177 x(be)S G176 x(very)S 178 x(irritating)S 177 x(to)S 176 x(some)S 176 x(people.)SaC270 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 176 x(avoid)S 177 x(this,)S 10773 X 548 y(use)SnO166 x(/QUIET)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(turn)S 166 x(them)S 166 x(off.)S 10773 19362 XYREF25(/REPL)S -52 x(Y)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOREPL)S -53 x(Y)SsE10773 21653 XY F151(Depending)S 174 x(on)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(system)S H172 x(default,)S 175 x(replies)S 173 x(from)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(remote)SF173 x(system)S 173 x(will)S 172 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(displayed)S 167 xD(in)S 166 x(full.)S 251 x(This)S 167 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 167 x(very)SD168 x(irritating)S 167 x(to)S 167 x(some)S 166 x(people.)S 251 x(T)SI-46 x(o)S 167 x(avoid)S 167 x(this,)S 10773 X 548 y(use)S 166 x(/NOREPL)S5J-46 x(Y)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(turn)S 166 x(them)S 167 x(off.)S 10773 23845 XYCF25(/SEVERE=action)S 10773 25339 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 186 x(what)S=F186 x(what)S 186 x(action)S 186 x(to)S 186 x(take)S 187 x(when)S 186 xH(a)S 186 x(severe)S 187 x(error)S 187 x(occurs.)S 290 x(V)S -46 x(alid)SH10773 X 548 y(values)S 167 x(for)S 166 x F152(action)S 166 x F151(are:)SD10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 27282 XY F40(V)S -25 x(alue)S 14360 XF(Meaning)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 28179 XY F38(ABOR)S -8 x(T)SE14360 X(The)S 141 x(FTP)S 140 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 141 x(stops)S 141 xQG(what)S 140 x(it)S 140 x(is)S 140 x(doing)S 141 x(and)S 141 x(returns)SRK142 x(to)S 140 x(the)S 141 x(FTP>)S 140 x(prompt.)S 10773 X 747 y(CONTINU)S8J-2 x(E)S 14360 X(The)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 150 x(ignores)SC150 x(the)S 150 x(event.)S 10773 X 747 y(EXIT)S 14360 X(The)S 150 x3F(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 150 x(exits.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 RJ10773 31118 XY F25(/USERNA)S -2 x(ME=name)S 10773 32612 XY F151(Requests)SG168 x(login)S 169 x(to)S 169 x(a)S 169 x(speci\211c)S 169 x(username.)StG255 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 168 x(only)S 170 x(if)S 168 x(a)S 169 x(remote)SiH169 x(host-name)S 168 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(speci\211ed.)S 10773 34256 XYCF25(/VERIFY)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOVERIFY)S 165 x(\(D\))S 5094 36925 XY6F36(FTP\2036)SEP PPS %%PageTrailers2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman1%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italic %%+ Helvetica0%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%0%%Page: (FTP-7) 27%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 19989 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Command)S 27128 XI797 y F28(FTP)S 10773 4866 XY F151(Causes)S 166 x(commands)S 167 x(read)SwF167 x(from)S 167 x(a)S 167 x(command)S 167 x(\211le)S 167 x(to)S 167 xE(be)S 167 x(echoed.)S 252 x(By)S 167 x(default,)S 168 x(any)S 10773 XaD548 y(such)S 167 x(commands)S 165 x(are)S 167 x(not)S 166 x(shown.)SE10773 6510 XY F25(/VMS_STRUCTU)S -2 x(RE_NEGOTIA)S -54 x(TION)S 166 x6G(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOVMS_STRU)S -2 x(CTURE_N)S -2 x(EGOTIA)S -52 xvD(TION)S 10773 8801 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 181 x(whether)S 181 x(FTP)SC181 x(should)S 181 x(automatically)S 181 x(negotiate)S 181 x(with)SlC181 x(the)S 180 x(remote)S 10773 X 548 y(FTP)S 169 x(server)S 168 x5D(to)S 168 x(determine)S 169 x(if)S 167 x(it)S 168 x(supports)S 168 xC(the)S 168 x(VMS)S 167 x(structure)S 169 x(\(STRU)S 168 x(O)S 167 x6F(VMS\).)S 10773 X 548 y(If)S 160 x(the)S 161 x(remote)S 160 x(server)SC161 x(does)S 160 x(support)S 161 x(STRU)S 160 x(VMS,)S 161 x(then)SaH161 x(FTP)S 161 x(will)S 159 x(automatically)S 10773 X 548 y(use)S 170 xM(STRU)S 169 x(VMS)S 169 x(for)S 170 x(all)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(transfers,)SxF170 x(maintaining)S 171 x(VMS)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(characteristics)SH10773 X 548 y(for)S 166 x(each)S 167 x(\211le.)S 10773 X 897 y(Usually)SH173 x(the)S 172 x(default)S 173 x(is)S 171k MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`@ x(adequate,)S 175 x(however)SE173 x(some)S 172 x(remote)S 172 x(servers)S 173 x(may)S 173 x("gag")SSE10773 X 548 y(on)S 167 x(this)S 165 x(negotiation.)S 251 x(If)S 165 xRC(this)S 166 x(happens,)S 167 x(you)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(turn)S 167 xeE(the)S 166 x(negotiation)S 167 x(off.)S 10773 13533 XY F25(/W)S -38 xeG(ARN)S -2 x(ING=action)S 10773 15028 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(what)SdC166 x(action)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(take)S 166 x(when)S 167 x(a)S 166 xaI(FTP)S 166 x(receives)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(warning.)S 250 x(V)S -46 x(alid)SuH166 x(values)S 10773 X 548 y(for)S 166 x F152(action)S 167 x F151(are:)SD10773 X 896 y 17484 48 R 10773 16971 XY F40(V)S -25 x(alue)S 14360 XF(Meaning)S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 17867 XY F38(ABOR)S -8 x(T)SE14360 X(The)S 141 x(FTP)S 140 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 141 x(stops)S 141 xxG(what)S 140 x(it)S 140 x(is)S 140 x(doing)S 141 x(and)S 141 x(returns)S(K142 x(to)S 140 x(the)S 141 x(FTP>)S 140 x(prompt.)S 10773 X 747 y(CONTINU)SeJ-2 x(E)S 14360 X(The)S 150 x(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 150 x(ignores)SC150 x(the)S 150 x(event.)S 10773 X 748 y(EXIT)S 14360 X(The)S 150 xSF(FTP)S 149 x(utili)S -2 x(ty)S 150 x(exits.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 RE5094 20856 XY 23160 204 R 5094 21675 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 10773 22588 XY7IF151(T)S -45 x(o)S 194 x(invoke)S 195 x(the)S 194 x(FTP)S 195 x(utility)SdG194 x(from)S 194 x(the)S 194 x(CLI)S 194 x(prompt,)S 201 x(type)S 194 x1G(FTP)S 195 x(followed)S 10773 X 597 y(by)S 188 x(a)S 186 x(host)S 187 x6G(name.)S 292 x(Several)S 187 x(examples)S 187 x(of)S 187 x(host)S 187 xbJ(names)S 187 x(are)S 187 x(FTP)S -64 x(.SPC.EDU,)S 10773 X 598 y(OAK.OAK)SI-2 x(LAND.EDU,)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(WUARCH)S -2 x(IVE.WUSTL.EDU.)S 10773 X(D897 y(For)S 169 x(example,)S 171 x(to)S 168 x(retrieve)S 170 x(the)SE169 x(latest)S 167 x(version)S 170 x(of)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(MadGoat)SSC169 x(FTP)S 169 x(client)S 169 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(server)S -36 xxG(,)S 170 x(you)S 171 x(could)S 169 x(use)S 170 x(FTP)S 170 x(to)S 169 x8G(login)S 170 x(anonymously)S 171 x(to)S 169 x(ftp.spc.edu)S 170 x(and)SmH169 x(get)S 170 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(current)S 167 x(FTP)S -63 x(.ZIP)SF167 x(\211le.)S 7485 X 897 y F102($)S 1 SC 240 x(FTP/ANONYMOUS)S 240 xE(FTP.SPC.EDU)S 0 SC 7485 X 448 y(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 240 x(client)S)M239 x(V2.2)S 240 x(for)S 239 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(ALPHA)S 240 x(\(1-SEP-1996\))S E7485 X 449 y(Attempting)S 241 x(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x(to)S 239 x F(host)S 240 x(ftp.spc.edu)S 7485 X 448 y(<220)S 240 x(spcvxa.spc.edu)SM241 x(MultiNet)S 239 x(FTP)S 240 x(Server)S 240 x(Process)S 239 x(3.2\(14\))SSH240 x(at)S 240 x(Mon)S 239 x(25-Oct-93)S 240 x(5:22PM-EDT)S 7485 X 448 yE(<331)S 240 x(ANONYMOUS)S 240 x(user)S 240 x(ok.)S 239 x(Send)S 239 x8L(real)S 240 x(ident)S 240 x(as)S 239 x(password.)S 7485 X 449 y(<230-Guest)SE241 x(User)S 239 x(SYSTEM@ALPHA.W)S 2 x(KU.EDU)S 239 x(logged)S 240 xeE(into)S 240 x(USER7:[ANONYMOUS])S 240 x(at)S 7725 X 448 y(Mon)S 239 xSF(25-Oct-93)S 240 x(17:23,)S 240 x(job)S 239 x(2021e662.)S 7485 X 448 yI(<230)S 240 x(Directory)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(access)S 240 x(restrictions)S0D240 x(apply)S 7485 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.spc)S 2 x(.edu>)S 1 SC 239 x(cd)SC240 x(macro32.savesets)S 0 SC 7485 X 448 y(<250)S 240 x(Connected)SeD240 x(to)S 239 x(USER7:[ANONY)S 2 x(MOUS.MACRO32.SAVESE)S 2 x(TS].)SI7485 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.spc)S 2 x(.edu>)S 1 SC 239 x(get)S 240 x(mgftp.zip)S 70 SC 7485 X 449 y([...])S 26763 36925 XY F36(FTP\2037)S EP PPn %%PageTrailera%DEC_EDMS_Folio: PART2-72%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman1%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italic %%+ Helvetica Courier2%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%S%%Page: (PART2-8) 28%DEC_EDMS_BlankPagesPP %%PageTrailer( %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:l%1%%Page: (PART3-1) 29%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYG0 SC 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 6417 XY F20(Part)S 165 x(III)S 499 xuH(MadGoat)S 164 x(FTP)S 166 x(Client)S 166 x(Command)S 165 x(Dictionary)SE10773 7513 XY F34(This)S 166 x(section)S 166 x(contains)S 166 x(the)STL167 x(command)S 166 x(descriptions)S 165 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(MadGoat)S166 x(FTP)S 167 x(client.)SEP PPD %%PageTrailerS%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica(%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)d%1%%Page: (PART3-2) 30%DEC_EDMS_BlankPage1PP %%PageTrailer) %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:M%/%%Page: (PART3-3) 31%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)o PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH25269 X 797 y F28(ACCOUN)S -2 x(T)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYIF20(ACC)S 2 x(OUNT)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Sends)S 186 x(an)S 185 x(account)S)C186 x(string)S 186 x(to)S 186 x(the)S 185 x(remote)S 186 x(server)S8F-28 x(.)S 289 x(ACCOUN)S -2 x(T)S 186 x(is)S 185 x(a)S 186 x(synonym)SC10773 X 598 y(for)S 186 x(the)S 186 x(SET)S 186 x(ACCOUN)S -2 x(T)S7E186 x(command.)S 288 x(See)S 186 x(HELP)S 185 x(SET)S 186 x(ACCOUNT)S)N185 x(for)S 185 x(more)S 10773 X 598 y(information.)S 5094 9428 XY 23160 204 RC5094 10446 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(ACCO)S -2 x(UNT)S 697 xnFF23(new-ac)S -2 x(count)S 24825 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\2033)SEP PP %%PageTrailerS%DEC_EDMS_Folio: FTP-CLIENT-3 %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica\%%+ Helvetica-Obliquer%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)k%m%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-4) 32u%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)a PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)StI5094 X 797 y F28(ADD)S 278 x(ALIAS)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY4HF20(ADD)S 360 x(ALIAS\202)S(Add)S 359 x(an)S 358 x(Alias)S 10773 7037 XYEF34(Add)S 182 x(an)S 181 x(alias)S 181 x(to)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(FTP)S0F183 x(alias)S 180 x(database.)S 281 x(See)S 182 x(HELP)S 182 x(ALIAS)SO183 x(ADD)S 181 x(for)S 182 x(more)S 10773 X 598 y(information.)S 5094 36925 XYm%F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\2034)SSEP PPt %%PageTrailer8%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica4%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)m%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-5) 33 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SN26464 X 797 y F28(ALIAS)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(ALIAS\202)SL(V)S -48 x(arious)S 357 x(FTP)S 359 x(Alias)S 358 x(commands)S 10773 7037 XYJF34(Show)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(modify)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(alias)SC165 x(database.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)SF-53 x(T)S 10773 X(ALIAS)S 697 x F23(option)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 RD5094 11265 XY F24(ALIAS)S 5094 X 797 y(OPTIONS)S 10773 11109 XY F151D(These)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(ALIAS)S 165 x(command)S 166 xH(options:)S 10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 12504 XY F40(Option)S 17349 XE(Function)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 13400 XY F38(ADD)S 17349 XhH(Add)S 149 x(an)S 150 x(alias)S 150 x(to)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(database.)SF10773 X 747 y(DELETE)S 17349 X(Remove)S 150 x(an)S 150 x(alias)S 149 xL(from)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(database.)S 10773 X 748 y(LIST)S 17349 X(Display)SD149 x(one)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(more)S 150 x(aliases)S 150 x(in)S 149 xF(the)S 150 x(database.)S 10773 X 747 y(MODIFY)S 17349 X(Update)S 149 xC(an)S 150 x(alias)S 149 x(in)S 150 x(the)S 149 x(database)S 2 { MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`F,x(.)S)F10773 X 747 y(REMOVE)S 17349 X(Remove)S 150 x(an)S 150 x(alias)S 149 xL(from)S 150 x(the)S 150 x(database.)S 10773 X 747 y(SHOW)S 17349 X(Display)SD149 x(one)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(more)S 150 x(aliases)S 150 x(in)S 149 xK(the)S 150 x(database.)S 10773 X 299 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10773 X 747 y(Username)S 17349 X(The)S 154 xoF(usern)S 2 x(ame)S 155 x(to)S 155 x(provide)S 155 x(once)S 155 x(the)SF155 x(connection)S 156 x(to)S 154 x(the)S 17349 X 548 y(remote)S 150 xC(host)S 150 x(has)S 150 x(completed.)S 225 x(\(Optional\))S 10773 X3G747 y(Password)S 17349 X(The)S 153 x(password)S 155 x(to)S 153 x(send)SlD154 x(when)S 154 x(logging)S 154 x(in)S 153 x(to)S 153 x(the)S 154 xD(remote)S 17349 X 548 y(host.)S 226 x(Password)S 151 x(information)SH151 x(may)S 151 x(only)S 151 x(be)S 151 x(speci\211ed)S 152 x(if)S 149 xJ(a)S 17349 X 548 y(username)S 151 x(is)S 149 x(also)S 150 x(speci\211ed.)SJ225 x(\(Optional\))S 10773 X 747 y(Account)S 17349 X(The)S 152 x(account)SF153 x(on)S 152 x(the)S 152 x(remo)S 2 x(te)S 152 x(system)S 152 x(to)SJ152 x(which)S 152 x(resourc)S 2 x(e)S 17349 X 548 y(usage)S 157 x(should)SF157 x(be)S 157 x(charg)S 2 x(ed.)S 238 x(Account)S 157 x(information)SE157 x(may)S 17349 X 548 y(only)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 167 xE(if)S 165 x(a)S 166 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x(number\))SD161 x(of)S 160 x(the)S 160 x(system)S 159 x(to)S 160 x(which)S 160 xF(FTP)S 161 x(should)S 160 x(connect)S 161 x(when)S 10773 X 548 y(the)SH166 x(alias)S 166 x(name)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)S 5094 23148 XYC23160 204 R 5094 23967 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/ACCO)S -2 xFF(UNT=account-name)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 163 x(the)S 164 xE(account)S 164 x(on)S 164 x(the)S 163 x(remote)S 164 x(system)S 162 x E(to)S 163 x(which)S 164 x(resource)S 164 x(usage)S 164 x(will)S 163 xoF(be)S 10773 X 598 y(charged.)S 259 x(Most)S 169 x(servers)S 170 x(do)SD170 x(not)S 170 x(require)S 171 x(an)S 170 x(account)S 171 x(name.)SD257 x(An)S 170 x(account)S 171 x(name)S 10773 X 597 y(cannot)S 167 xE(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(if)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(username)S 166 x F(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)S 10773 26856 XY F25(/ANON)S -2 xH(YMOUS)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S 185 x(that)S 184 x(the)S 185 xG(remote)S 185 x(login)S 185 x(should)S 185 x(be)S 185 x(as)S 184 x(an)S L185 x(anonymous)S 186 x(user)S -37 x(.)S 287 x(The)S 10773 X 598 y(default)SF166 x(password)S 165 x(for)S 166 x(an)S 166 x(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 166 xE(login)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(local_user@local_host.)S 10773 29446 XY F25)C(/AP)S -52 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 797 y(NOAP)S -53 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 XxC897 y ?㛜 MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`;F151(Speci\211es)S 173 x(that)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(anonymous)S(I174 x(passw)S -2 x(ord)S 173 x(\(local_user@local_host\))S 173 x(should)SyG173 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(used)S 171 x(when)S 171 x(logging)S 172 x(in)S H171 x(to)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(remote)S 170 x(system.)S 259 x(Specifying)SK171 x(/NOAP)S -37 x(ASSWOR)S -2 x(D)S 10773 X 598 y(will)S 175 x(override)SXE176 x(sending)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(anony)S 2 x(mous)S 175 x(password)S1C174 x(if)S 175 x(/ANONYMOUS)S 174 x(is)S 175 x(also)S 10773 X 597 ySL(speci\211ed.)S 10773 34029 XY F25(/COMMA)S -2 x(ND=command)S 24825 36800 XY%F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\2037)SSEP PPs 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x(descriptive)S 173 x(title)S 172 xK(to)S 172 x(be)S 173 x(associated)S 171 x(with)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(alias.)SSD261 x(The)S 174 x(description)S 10773 X 598 y(is)S 166 x(displayed)SG165 x(during)S 168 x(an)S 166 x(ALIAS)S 165 x(LIST/FULL)S 10773 9748 XY)MF25(/LOG)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 896 y F151(Controls)SeD178 x(whether)S 179 x(an)S 178 x(information)S 179 x(message)S 178 xD(is)S 178 x(displayed)S 178 x(once)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(alias)S 178 xD(is)S 10773 X 598 y(added)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(database.)SH10773 13135 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(ASSWORD)S -2 x([=password])S 10773 X 897 yHF151(Speci\211es)S 179 x(the)S 180 x(passw)S -2 x(ord)S 180 x(to)S 179 xE(use)S 179 x(when)S 180 x(logging)S 181 x(in)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(the)SpJ180 x(remote)S 179 x(system.)S 275 x(If)S 10773 X 597 y(/P)S -36 x(ASSWO)SH-2 x(RD)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(speci\211ed)S 178 x(without)S 177 x(a)S 177 xD(value,)S 182 x(then)S 178 x(FTP)S 178 x(will)S 177 x(prompt)S 177 xG(for)S 178 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(password.)S 249 x(A)S 165 x(password)SLC165 x(cannot)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(without)S 166 xeC(a)S 166 x(username.)S 9118 16223 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(The)S 195 x)E(method)S 196 x(of)S 195 x(encryption)S 196 x(for)S 195 x(passwords)SyL196 x(stored)S 195 x(in)S 196 x(the)S 196 x(alias)S 10773 X 598 y(database)SD181 x(is)S 181 x(not)S 181 x(very)S 180 x(secure,)S 184 x(so)S 180 xH(storing)S 181 x(password)S 181 x(information)S 182 x(is)S 10773 X 598 yK(not)S 167 x(recommended.)S 10773 18515 XY F25(/USERNA)S -2 x(ME=username)SOL10773 X 896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(username)SD167 x(with)S 165 x(which)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(login)S 166 x(to)S 166 xM(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 5094 20607 XY 23160 204 R 5094 21426 XY CF24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 22457 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SCsC239 x(alias)S 240 x(add)S 239 x(spc)S 240 x(ftp.spc.edu/anon)S 0 SC J6290 X 449 y(FTP)S 239 x(alias)S 240 x(database)S 240 x(SYS$SYSDEVICE:[S)SF2 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x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(alias)S 10773 X 547 y GF151(The)S 168 x(name)S 167 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(alias)S 166 x(to)S1F168 x(be)S 167 x(deleted.)S 251 x(This)S 168 x(parameter)S 167 x(may)SJ167 x(contain)S 168 x(wildcard)S 10773 X 548 y(characters.)S 278 x(Alias)SI180 x(records)S 180 x(that)S 180 x(match)S 180 x(this)S 180 x(parameter)StH180 x(and)S 181 x(the)S 180 x(quali\211ers)S 10773 X 548 y(speci\211ed)SF166 x(will)S 165 x(be)S 167 x(selected)S 165 x(for)S 166 x(deletion.)SD5094 20359 XY 23160 204 R 5094 21177 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25D(/ACCO)S -2 x(UNT[=account-name])S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAC)S -2 x(COUN)SE-2 x(T)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(account)SnJ181 x(information)S 181 x(that)S 181 x(should)S 181 x(be)S 180 x(present)SD181 x(in)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(aliases)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 177 x(be)SH178 x(deleted.)S 272 x(/ACCOUNT)S 177 x(will)S 176 x(match)S 178 x(any)SE178 x(alias)S 177 x(record)S 178 x(with)S 177 x(an)S 178 x(account.)S5G10773 X 598 y(/NOACCOUNT)S 180 x(will)S 181 x(match)S 182 x(any)S 182 x F(alias)S 181 x(record)S 183 x(with)S 181 x(no)S 182 x(account.)S 282 xK(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 10773 X 598 y(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(allowed)S6I165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(account)S 167 x(names)S 165 x(speci\211ed.)SyK10773 25461 XY F25(/ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAN)S -2 x(ONYMOU)S7C-2 x(S)S 10773 X 897 y F151(/ANONYMOUS)S 173 x(will)S 174 x(match)SI174 x(any)S 175 x(alias)S 174 x(record)S 174 x(that)S 175 x(speci\211es)S O174 x(an)S 174 x(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 10773 X 598 y(login.)S 250 x(/NOANONYMOUS)S H165 x(will)S 165 x(match)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(other)S 167 x(alias)S 165 xH(record.)S 10773 28849 XY F25(/AP)S -52 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 797 y(NOAP)SF-53 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 896 y F151(/AP)S -36 x(ASSWO)S -2 x(RD)S 187 xD(will)S 187 x(match)S 188 x(any)S 189 x(alias)S 187 x(record)S 189 xK(for)S 188 x(which)S 188 x(the)S 188 x(anonymous)S 10773 X 598 y(password)SnC184 x(is)S 184 x(being)S 186 x(sent.)S 287 x(/NOAP)S -37 x(ASSWOR)S1C-2 x(D)S 185 x(will)S 184 x(match)S 185 x(any)S 186 x(other)S 185 x7F(alias)S 10773 X 598 y(record.)S 10773 32834 XY F25(/CONFIR)S -2 x(M)SC166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 10773 X 896 y F151AH(Speci\211es)S 191 x(whether)S 192 x(FTP)S 192 x(should)S 191 x(prompt)SF191 x(the)S 192 x(user)S 191 x(before)S 191 x(deleting)S 192 x(alias)SD10773 X 598 y(records.)S 5094 36800 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x (\20310)S2EP PP3 %%PageTrailer%%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetical+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliquey%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)F%C%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-11) 39%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)a PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH23827 X 797 y F28(ALIAS)S 278 x(DELETE)S 10773 5022 XY F25(/DESCRIPTIO)SE-2 x(N[=description])S 10773 X 797 y(/NODESC)S -2 x(RIPTION)S 10773 X1F896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 213 x(description)S 214 x(information)S 213 xH(on)S 214 x(the)S 213 x(aliases)S 213 x(to)S 213 x(be)S 213 x(deleted.)SE10773 X 598 y(/DESCRIPTIO)S -2 x(N)S 192 x(will)S 191 x(match)S 192 x-F(any)S 192 x(alias)S 191 x(record)S 192 x(that)S 192 x(has)S 191 x(a)SH192 x(description.)S 10773 X 598 y(/NODESCR)S -2 x(IPTION)S 183 x(will)SF181 x(match)S 183 x(any)S 184 x(alias)S 182 x(record)S 183 x(without)SF182 x(a)S 183 x(description.)S 10773 X 598 y(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 166 xF(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(allowed)S 165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 xH(descriptions)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)S 10773 9605 XY F25(/HOST=host-name)SC10773 X 896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(wildcarded)S 166 xSH(host)S 165 x(name)S 167 x(used)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(match)S 166 x(alias)SF165 x(records.)S 10773 11597 XY F25(/LOG)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 yH(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Controls)S 181 x(whether)S 182 x(an)S 182 xC(informational)S 181 x(message)S 181 x(is)S 181 x(displayed)S 182 x7I(for)S 181 x(each)S 182 x(alias)S 10773 X 598 y(deleted.)S 10773 14984 XY1FF25(/USERNA)S -2 x(ME[=username])S 10773 X 797 y(/NOUSER)S -2 x(NAME)SC10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S 202 x(the)S 203 x(username)S 202 x7G(information)S 203 x(for)S 202 x(the)S 202 x(aliases)S 202 x(to)S 202 x)C(be)S 202 x(deleted.)S 10773 X 598 y(/USERNAME)S 166 x(will)S 167 x3C(match)S 167 x(any)S 168 x(alias)S 166 x(record)S 168 x(for)S 167 xXD(which)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(particular)S 167 x(username)S 10773 X 598 yD(was)S 195 x(speci\211ed.)S 309 x(/NOUSERNA)S -2 x(ME)S 196 x(will)SE195 x(match)S 195 x(any)S 197 x(other)S 196 x(alias)S 195 x(record.)ScF10773 X 597 y(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 166 x(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 xH(allowed)S 165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(usernames)S 166 x(speci\211ed.)SD5094 19667 XY 23160 204 R 5094 20485 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 21517 XYCF202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(alias)S 240 x(delete)S G240 x(*)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Delete)S 240 x(alias)S 239 x(SAMPLE)S 240 x E(\(Sample)S 240 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x(selected)S 175 x(for)S 175 x(deletion.)SfH268 x(Con\211rmation)S 10773 X 598 y(prompts)S 176 x(are)S 176 x(given)SE177 x(for)S 176 x(each)S 177 x(alias)S 176 x(since)S 176 x(/CONFIRM)S1D175 x(is)S 176 x(present)S 176 x(by)S 177 x(default.)S 10773 X 597 yC(Con\211rmation)S 182 x(prompting)S 182 x(continues)S 182 x(until)SrL182 x(FTP)S 182 x(is)S 181 x(either)S 182 x(out)S 182 x(of)S 181 x(aliases)SC181 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(delete)S 166 x(or)S 166 x -380 y 1200 24 R(F12959 X 492 y 24 492 R 13059 26778 XY F42(Ctrl-Z)S 79 x 132 y 24 492 RN12959 X 19 y 1200 24 R 14320 26798 XY F151(is)S 166 x(pressed.)S 5094 27821 XYCF202(2)S 6290 X 243 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(alias)S 240 x(delete)ScC240 x(*/anon)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Delete)S 240 x(alias)S 239 x(SPC)S)I240 x(?)S 239 x([N]:)S 1 SC 339 x -267 y 1512 24 R 12128 X 355 y 24 360 RmH12254 28492 XY F106(Return)S 106 x 108 y 24 360 R 12128 X 20 y 1512 24 RD0 SC 6290 28960 XY F102(Delete)S 240 x(alias)S 239 x(WKUSERV)S 240 xD(\(WKU)S 240 x(Fileserv)S 240 x(directory\))S 240 x(?)S 239 x([N]:)SF1 SC 339 x -267 y 1512 24 R 19062 X 355 y 24 360 R 19188 28940 XY F106I(Return)S 106 x 108 y 24 360 R 19062 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 10773 29956 XY)DF151(In)S 190 x(this)S 190 x(example,)S 197 x(the)S 190 x(anonymou)SH2 x(s-login)S 190 x(aliases)S 189 x(are)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(candidates)SC190 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(deletion.)S 5094 31577 XY F202(3)S 6290 X%G242 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(alias)S 240 x(delete)S 240 x(test/noconf)SnE0 SC 6290 X 449 y(%FTP-I-ALIASREM,)S 241 x(Alias)S 239 x(TEST)S 240 xCG(removed)S 10773 33264 XY F151(In)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(example,)S 167 xF(a)S 166 x(single)S 166 x(alias)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(chosen)S 167 x(to)SI166 x(be)S 166 x(deleted.)S 24576 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)Sc -27 x(1)STEP PP %%PageTrailero1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqueo)%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete Courier( %%+ Helvetica6%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)\%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: 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17541 XY F24sD(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(alias)S 10773 X 547 yGF151(The)S 191 x(name)S 190 x(of)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(alias)S 189 x(to)ShH190 x(be)S 190 x(displayed.)S 297 x(This)S 190 x(parameter)S 189 x(may)SG191 x(contain)S 10773 X 548 y(wildcard)S 169 x(characters.)S 256 x(If)SbG169 x(this)S 168 x(parameter)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(omitted,)S 170 x(then)S1H169 x(an)S 170 x(alias)S 168 x(name)S 170 x(of)S 169 x(*)S 10773 X 548 yH(will)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(used.)S 5094 20359 XY 23160 204 R 5094 21177 XYFF24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/ACCO)S -2 x(UNT[=account-name])S 10773 XC797 y(/NOAC)S -2 x(COUN)S -2 x(T)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)S)K172 x(the)S 172 x(account)S 173 x(information)S 172 x(that)S 172 x(should)S0G172 x(be)S 172 x(present)S 172 x(in)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(aliases)S 171 x2I(to)S 10773 X 598 y(be)S 179 x(displayed.)S 275 x(/ACCOUNT)S 178 x(will)ShC178 x(match)S 179 x(any)S 179 x(alias)S 178 x(record)S 180 x(with)S6C178 x(an)S 179 x(account.)S 10773 X 598 y(/NOACCOUNT)S 180 x(will)SSC181 x(match)S 182 x(any)S 182 x(alias)S 181 x(record)S 183 x(with)S C181 x(no)S 182 x(account.)S 282 x(W)S -19 x(ildcard)S 10773 X 598 yFF(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(allowed)S 165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 xH(account)S 167 x(names)S 165 x(speci\211ed.)S 10773 25461 XY F25(/ANON)SG-2 x(YMOUS)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAN)S -2 x(ONYMOU)S -2 x(S)S 10773 X 897 y(FF151(/ANONYMOUS)S 173 x(will)S 174 x(match)S 174 x(any)S 175 x(alias)SK174 x(record)S 174 x(that)S 175 x(speci\211es)S 174 x(an)S 174 x(anonymou)S F2 x(s)S 10773 X 598 y(login.)S 250 x(/NOANONYMOUS)S 165 x(will)S 165 xO(match)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(other)S 167 x(alias)S 165 x(record.)S 10773 28849 XY0FF25(/AP)S -52 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 797 y(NOAP)S -53 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 XC896 y F151(/AP)S -36 x(ASSWO)S -2 x(RD)S 187 x(will)S 187 x(match)SSH188 x(any)S 189 x(alias)S 187 x(record)S 189 x(for)S 188 x(which)S 188 xJ(the)S 188 x(anonymous)S 10773 X 598 y(password)S 184 x(is)S 184 x(being)SF186 x(sent.)S 287 x(/NOAP)S 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x(anonymous)S 174 x(passw)S -2 x(ord)S 173 x(\(local_user@local_host\))SK173 x(should)S 173 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(used)S 171 x(when)S 171 x(logging)SSF172 x(in)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(remote)S 170 x(system.)S 259 xH(Specifying)S 171 x(/NOAP)S -37 x(ASSWOR)S -2 x(D)S 10773 X 598 y(will)SC165 x(disable)S 166 x(sending)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(anonymous)S 167 x6H(password.)S 10773 33979 XY F25(/COMMA)S -2 x(ND=commandx MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`w)S 10773 X 797 yK(/NOCO)S -2 x(MMAND)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20315)S)EP PP( %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticar+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliquei%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %0%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-16) 44%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SiH5094 X 797 y F28(ALIAS)S 279 x(MODIFY)S 10773 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x(message)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(displayed)S 166 xH(once)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(alias)S 165 x(has)S 10773 X 598 y(been)S 167 xH(modi\211ed)S 10773 13932 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(ASSWORD)S -2 x([=password])SE10773 X 797 y(/NOP)S -52 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S8H179 x(the)S 180 x(passw)S -2 x(ord)S 180 x(to)S 179 x(use)S 179 x(when)SF180 x(logging)S 181 x(in)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(the)S 180 x(remote)S 179 xF(system.)S 275 x(If)S 10773 X 597 y(/P)S -36 x(ASSWO)S -2 x(RD)S 177 xH(is)S 177 x(speci\211ed)S 178 x(without)S 177 x(a)S 177 x(value,)S 182 xG(then)S 178 x(FTP)S 178 x(will)S 177 x(prompt)S 177 x(for)S 178 x(the)S(C10773 X 598 y(password.)S 249 x(A)S 165 x(password)S 165 x(cannot)S4J167 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(without)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(username.)SF9118 17817 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(The)S 195 x(method)S 196 x(of)S 195 xE(encryption)S 196 x(for)S 195 x(passwords)S 196 x(stored)S 195 x(in)S4C196 x(the)S 196 x(alias)S 10773 X 598 y(database)S 181 x(is)S 181 x0D(not)S 181 x(very)S 180 x(secure,)S 184 x(so)S 180 x(storing)S 181 xD(password)S 181 x(information)S 182 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(not)S 167 xG(recommended.)S 10773 20109 XY F25(/USERNA)S -2 x(ME=username)S 10773 X9H797 y(/NOUSER)S -2 x(NAME)S 10773 X 896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 173 x(the)SE173 x(remote)S 172 x(username)S 174 x(with)S 172 x(which)S 173 x(to)SlC172 x(login)S 174 x(to)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(remote)S 173 x(system.)SxF10773 X 598 y(This)S 184 x(quali\211er)S 185 x(overrides)S 184 x(the)SF184 x(password)S 183 x(and)S 184 x(account)S 185 x(information)S 184 xC(for)S 184 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(alias.)S 5094 24194 XY 23160 204 R2E5094 25012 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 26044 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102oC(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(alias)S 240 x(modify)S 240 x(test/user=stanley)ScE0 SC 6290 X 448 y(%FTP-I-ALIASMOD,)S 241 x(Alias)S 239 x(TEST)S 240 xeE(modified)S 6290 X 448 y(-FTP-W-PWDACCTDI)S 2 x(S,)S 239 x(Password)S C240 x(and/or)S 240 x(account)S 239 x(information)S 241 x(disabled)SoF10773 28187 XY F151(In)S 181 x(this)S 181 x(example,)S 185 x(a)S 181 xH(new)S 180 x(username)S 182 x(is)S 180 x(speci\211ed,)S 185 x(so)S 181 xG(the)S 181 x(old)S 180 x(password)S 180 x(and)S 10773 X 597 y(account)S F167 x(information)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(invalidated.)S 5094 29807 XY F202E(2)S 6290 X 243 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(alias)S 240 x(modify)S 240 x6G(test.test)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(%FTP-E-INVALSYN,)S 241 x(Invalid)S 240 xOC(alias)S 239 x(syntax)S 10773 31494 XY F151(In)S 172 x(this)S 171 x7C(example,)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(alias)S 171 x(name)S 172 x(provided)SC172 x(contains)S 171 x(an)S 172 x(invalid)S 172 x(character)S -36 x]C(,)S 173 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(period)S 166 x(\()S 83 x(.)S 84 x(\))S79(.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20316)SPEP PPx %%PageTrailern2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman/%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Bold0%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%s%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-17) 45%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)d PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SM23595 X 797 y F28(ALIAS)S 278 x(REMOVE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY0NF20(ALIAS)S 360 x(REMOVE\202)S(Remove)S 357 x(an)S 358 x(Alias)S 10773 7037 XYDF34(Remove)S 166 x(an)S 166 x(alias)S 165 x(from)S 167 x(the)S 167 xE(FTP)S 167 x(alias)S 165 x(database.)S 251 x(See)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 xSM(ALIAS)S 168 x(DELETE)S 167 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(more)S 166 x(information.)S524548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20317)ShEP PP2 %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-18) 46%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)0 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S J5094 X 797 y F28(ALIAS)S 279 x(SHOW)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYMF20(ALIAS)S 360 x(SHOW\202)S(Display)S 358 x(an)S 358 x(Alias)S 10773 7037 XY EF34(Display)S 168 x(information)S 168 x(about)S 169 x(aliases)S 167 x J(in)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(database.)S 255 x(See)S 169 x(HELP)S 169 x(ALIAS)SP170 x(LIST)S 169 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(more)S 166 x(information.)S 5094 36925 XY&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20318)SEP PP %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica0%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)l%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-19) 47%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)R PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SG25767 X 797 y F28(APPE)S -2 x(ND)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYSHF20(APPEND)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Appends)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(speci\211ed)SF179 x(local)S 179 x(\211le)S 179 x(to)S 181 x(a)S 179 x(remote)S 180 xD(\211le)S 179 x(if)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(remote)S 180 x(\211le)S 179 xC(exists,)S 184 x(or)S 10773 X 598 y(creates)S 167 x(it)S 166 x(if)S E166 x(there)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(no)S 166 x(such)S 166 x(remote)S 166 xmF(\211le.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)SR10773 X -20 y(APPEND)S 696 x F23(local-\211le-lis)S -2 x(t)S 166 x(remote-\211le)SG10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 11222 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)SeL2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(/BACKUP)S 18544 X(/NOBACKUP)SC10773 X 598 y(/BEFORE[=t)S 2 x(ime])S 18544 X(None.)S 10773 X 597 yPD(/CONFIRM)S 18544 X(/NOCON)S -2 x(FIRM)S 10773 X 598 y(/CREA)S -36 xD(TED)S 18544 X(/NOCREA)S -37 x(TED)S 10773 X 598 y(/EXPI)S 2 x(RED)SD18544 X(/NOEXPIRED)S 10773 X 598 y(/HASH)S 18544 X(/NOHASH)S 10773 XO597 y(/LOG)S 18544 X(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 598 y(/MODE=mode)S 18544 X(/MODE=STREAM)S I10773 X 598 y(/MODIFIED)S 18544 X(/NOMODIFIED)S 10773 X 598 y(/SINCE[=t)SSG2 x(ime])S 18544 X(None.)S 10773 X 597 y(/STRUCTURE=structure)S 18544 X7G(/STRUCTURE=DEF)S -37 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 10773 X 598 y(/UNIQUE)S 18544 XXF(/NOUNIQUE)S 10773 X 598A MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`S y(/TYPE)S 2 x(=type[:f)S 2 x(ormat])S 18544 XE(/TYPE)S 2 x(=ASCII:NON_PRINT)S 10773 X 598 y(/WILD)S 18544 X(/WILD)SeI5094 20886 XY 23160 204 R 5094 21705 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S2D849 x -22 y F25(local-\211le-list)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)SG172 x(one)S 172 x(or)S 172 x(more)S 172 x(local)S 172 x(\211les)S 172 x5E(that)S 172 x(are)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(be)S 171 x(appended)S 172 x(to)S8H172 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(on)S 173 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(remote)SF173 x(host.)S 263 x(If)S 172 x(multiple)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(names)SE173 x(are)S 173 x(given,)S 176 x(they)S 174 x(must)S 172 x(be)S 173 x1G(separated)S 173 x(by)S 10773 X 548 y(commas.)S 10773 X 897 y(W)S -19 xtH(ildcard)S 166 x(characters)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed)SD166 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(local-\211le-list.)S 10773 25320 XY F25C(remote-\211le)S 10773 X 597 y F151(Speci\211es)S 167 x(the)S 167 x5D(\211le)S 167 x(on)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 167 x(\211le)S 167 xK(system)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(which)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(local)S 167 x(\211le)SSD167 x(should)S 167 x(be)S 10773 X 548 y(appended.)S 257 x(If)S 170 xC(no)S 170 x(remote)S 170 x(\211le)S 170 x(is)S 169 x(speci\211ed,)SSF172 x(a)S 169 x(remote)S 170 x(\211le)S 170 x(with)S 170 x(the)S 170 xG(same)S 169 x(name)S 10773 X 548 y(as)S 165 x(the)S 165 x(local)S 165 x.C(\211le)S 165 x(will)S 164 x(be)S 165 x(created.)S 250 x(If)S 164 xSC(the)S 165 x(remote)S 165 x(\211le)S 165 x(is)S 165 x(given)S 166 x1F(but)S 165 x(doesn')S -9 x(t)S 164 x(exist,)S 10773 X 548 y(it)S 166 xK(will)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(created.)S 5094 28757 XY 23160 204 R 5094 29575 XY KF24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X 372 y F151(If)S 171 x(the)S 170 x(remote-\211le)S6F171 x(is)S 171 x(speci\211ed,)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(local-\211le)S 171 xH(is)S 171 x(appended)S 171 x(to)S 170 x(it)S 171 x(if)S 170 x(it)S 171 xC(exists,)S 172 x(or)S 10773 X 598 y(created)S 176 x(if)S 176 x(it)S C175 x(doesn')S -9 x(t.)S 269 x(If)S 176 x(no)S 176 x(remote)S 176 x H(\211le)S 176 x(is)S 175 x(speci\211ed,)S 179 x(the)S 176 x(same)S 176 xC(name)S 176 x(as)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(local)S 166 x(\211le)SED167 x(is)S 165 x(used)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote-\211le)SF166 x(spec.)S 10773 X 897 y(While)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(transfer)S 175 xD(is)S 174 x(proceeding)S 176 x(you)S 176 x(may)S 175 x(check)S 176 xD(the)S 175 x(state)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(transfer)S 10773 XI598 y(with)S 164 x(either)S 165 x -381 y 1704 24 R 13519 X 492 y 24 492 R6G13661 32617 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 13519 X 20 y 1704 24 R.F15383 32637 XY F151(or)S 165 x -381 y 1728 24 R 16018 X 492 y 24 492 RG16162 32617 XY F42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 R 16018 X 20 y 1728 24 RSD17745 32637 XY F151(.)S 249 x(While)S 165 x(a)S 164 x(\211le)S 165 xF(is)S 164 x(being)S 165 x(transferred)S 164 x(you)S 166 x(will)S 164 xC(be)S 10773 X 598 y(told)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(name,)S0E167 x(and)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(bytes)S 166 x2F(already)S 167 x(transferred.)S 10773 X 896 y F152(W)S -36 x(ARNING:)SC170 x F151(If)S 171 x(you)S 173 x(try)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(transfer)S G172 x(a)S 171 x(large)S 172 x(number)S 172 x(of)S 171 x(\211les)S 172 x7D(at)S 171 x(once)S 172 x(you)S 172 x(may)S 10773 X 598 y(get)S 166 xO(the)S 167 x(following)S 166 x(error)S 167 x(message:)S 249 x F152(Connection)SaC167 x(closed;)S 168 x(transfer)S 167 x(Aborted)S 10773 X 897 y F1519D(This)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(caused)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(limit)SF166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(number)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(allowed)S 166 xE(connections.)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20319)SSEP PPv %%PageTrailer0%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica)+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliqueu2%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)i%r%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-20) 48%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SPC5094 X 797 y F28(APPEND)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 5515 XY F24uG(COMMAN)S -2 x(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -797 y F25(/BACK)SaG-2 x(UP)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOBA)S -2 x(CKUP)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 597 y GF151(Selects)S 174 x(\211les)S 174 x(using)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(backup)SsD175 x(date.)S 266 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 174 x(only)S 175 x(when)S 175 xH(used)S 175 x(in)S 174 x(conju)S 2 x(nction)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 166 xI(/SINCE)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(/BEFORE.)S 10773 8603 XY F25(/BEFORE[=time])S1H10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -31 x(ransfers)S 167 x(only)S 168 x(those)S 166 xC(\211les)S 167 x(dated)S 167 x(prior)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(C(speci\211ed)S 167 x(time.)S 251 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 167 x6F(specify)S 10773 X 597 y(time)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(an)S 178 x(absolute)SG177 x(time,)S 181 x(as)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(combination)S 177 x(of)S 178 xlG(absolute)S 177 x(and)S 178 x(delta)S 177 x(times,)S 10773 X 598 y(or)SKE177 x(as)S 177 x(one)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(following)S 177 xCH(keywords:)S 272 x(TODA)S -47 x(Y)S 177 x(\(default\),)S 180 x(TOMORRO)SD-2 x(W)S -56 x(,)S 178 x(or)S 10773 X 598 y(YESTERD)S -2 x(A)S -46 xG(Y)S -55 x(.)S 178 x(Specify)S 177 x(one)S 179 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 178 x J(following)S 178 x(quali\211ers)S 177 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 177 x(/BEFORE)SC10773 X 598 y(quali\211er)S 166 x(to)S 164 x(indicate)S 165 x(the)SnG165 x(time)S 164 x(attribute)S 165 x(to)S 164 x(be)S 165 x(used)S 165 x2F(as)S 164 x(the)S 165 x(basis)S 164 x(for)S 165 x(selection:)S 10773 XH597 y(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 167 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED)S 166 x(\(default\),)SL166 x(/EXPIRED,)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(/MODIFIED.)S 10773 13584 XY F25(/CONFIR)SG-2 x(M)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 yAFF151(Prompts)S 195 x(for)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 203 x(No,)SJ202 x(All,)S 203 x(or)S 195 x(Quit)S 194 x(con\211rmation)S 196 x(before)SC196 x(each)S 195 x(\211le)S 195 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S F250 x(The)S 167 x(following)S 166 x(responses)S 165 x(may)S 167 x(be)SL166 x(given:)S 12865 X 896 y F38(Y)S -41 x(es)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)SH151 x(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 12865 X 748 y(No)S 16452 X(Does)S 150 x(not)SE149 x(transfer)S 150 x(and)S 151 x(prompts)S 150 x(for)S 150 x(next)SnG150 x(transfer)S 12865 X 747 y(All)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)S 151 xG(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 149 x(and)S 150 x(all)S 149 x(subsequ)S 2 x(ent)SF149 x(\211les)S 12865 X 747 y(Quit)S 16452 X(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 xI(transfer)S 12865 X 367 y 1704 24 R 12865 X 491 y 24 492 R 13007 19741 XYxGF42(CTRL-Z)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 12865 X 20 y 1704 24 R 16452 19761 XYeFF38(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 x(transfer)S 10773 X 897 y F151(By)S 169 xL(default,)S 171 x(the)S 169 x(user)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(not)S 169 x(prompted)SF169 x(for)S 169 x(con\211rmation.)S 257 x(This)S 169 x(default)S 169 xC(can)S 170 x(be)S 10773 X 597 y(change)S 2 x(d)S 165 x(with)S 165 x(E(the)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(commands)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(CONFIRM)S 165 x F(and)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(NOCONFIRM.)S 10773 22351 XY F25(/CREA)S -53 xH(TED)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCR)S -2 x(EA)S -52 x(TED)S 10773 XD897 y F151(Selects)S 171 x(\211les)S 171 x(using)S 173 x(the)S 171 xC(creation)S 172 x(date.)S 260 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 171 x(only)S 173 x0H(when)S 171 x(used)S 172 x(in)S 172 x(conjunc)S 2 x(tion)S 10773 X 598 yF(with)S 168 x(/SINCE)S 167 x(and)S 168 x(/BEFORE.)S 168 x(This)S 168 xG(is)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(default)S 168 x(date)S 168 x(used)S 168 x(for)S P168 x(\211le)S 168 x(selection)S 10773 X 598 y(by)S 167 x(date.)S 10 MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`:773 26336 XYEF25(/EXPIRED)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOEXPIRED)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y KF151(Selects)S 156 x(\211les)S 156 x(using)S 157 x(the)S 156 x(expiration)S7D157 x(date.)S 249 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 156 x(only)S 157 x(when)S 157 xH(used)S 156 x(in)S 156 x(conj)S 2 x(unction)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 166 xI(/SINCE)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(/BEFORE.)S 10773 29724 XY F25(/HASH)S 10773 XxO797 y(/NOHA)S -2 x(SH)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 896 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S9H166 x(enable)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(HASH)S 166 xH(\(HASH)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(NOHASH\).)S 10773 X 897 y(When)S 189 x(Hash)SE188 x(is)S 187 x(enabled)S 189 x(and)S 188 x(a)S 188 x(\211le)S 189 xuH(is)S 187 x(transferred)S 189 x(from)S 188 x(one)S 188 x(machine)S 189 xD(to)S 10773 X 598 y(another)S -36 x(,)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(hash)S 169 xC(mark)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(displayed)S 168 x(for)S 169 x(each)S 169 xE(1024)S 169 x(characters)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(data)S 168 x(that)S 169 xpF(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 896 y(By)S 171 x(default,)SC172 x(no)S 171 x(hash)S 171 x(marks)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(displayed)S0Q170 x(as)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(data)S 170 x(is)S 170 x(being)S 172 x(transferred.)ScD10773 X 598 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 xH(this)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(SET)SB166 x(HASH.)S 5094 36800 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20320)SEP PPa %%PageTraileri1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliqueG$%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%0%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-21) 49%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SI25767 X 797 y F28(APPE)S -2 x(ND)S 10773 4897 XY F151(Note)S 169 x(that)S H170 x -380 y 1728 24 R 13179 X 491 y 24 492 R 13323 4877 XY F42(CTRL-A)SD123 x 131 y 24 492 R 13179 X 20 y 1728 24 R 15075 4897 XY F151(and)SH170 x -380 y 1704 24 R 16112 X 491 y 24 492 R 16253 4877 XY F42(CTRL-T)SD122 x 131 y 24 492 R 16112 X 20 y 1704 24 R 17981 4897 XY F151(can)SI170 x(be)S 169 x(used)S 170 x(to)S 169 x(display)S 169 x(a)S 170 x(line)S1E169 x(indicating)S 170 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(state)S 165 x(of)S 166 x6H(the)S 167 x(transfer)S -37 x(.)S 10773 6591 XY 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595 x F153(BLOC)S -2 xK(K)S 10773 X 896 y F151(\201)S 595 x F153(STREAM)S 165 x F151(\(default\))SaF10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x F153(COMPRESSED)S 10773 18197 XY F151(For)SF167 x(more)S 166 x(information)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(modes,)SE166 x(see)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 x(SET)S 165 x(MODE.)S 10773 19293 XY F25(F(/MODIFIED)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOMOD)S -2 x(IFIED)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 XD897 y F151(Selects)S 179 x(\211les)S 179 x(using)S 180 x(the)S 180 xF(modi\211ed)S 179 x(\(revised\))S 179 x(date.)S 276 x(V)S -46 x(alid)SG179 x(only)S 180 x(when)S 179 x(used)S 180 x(in)S 10773 X 547 y(conju)SSE2 x(nction)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(/SINCE)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(/BEFORE.)SrJ10773 22630 XY F25(/SINCE[=time])S 10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -31 x(ransfers)SF176 x(only)S 176 x(those)S 176 x(\211les)S 175 x(dated)S 176 x(after)SH175 x(the)S 176 x(speci\211ed)S 176 x(time.)S 268 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 176 xG(can)S 177 x(specify)S 10773 X 548 y(time)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(an)S 178 x(H(absolute)S 177 x(time,)S 181 x(as)S 177 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x(the)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(contents)S 170 x(are)S 10773 X 548 yuE(transferred.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 167 x(following)S 166 x(options)SoF166 x(may)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 xDF153(FILE)S 165 x F151(\(default\))S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x F153F(P)S -37 x(AGE)S 10773 X 897 y F151(\201)S 595 x F153(VMS)S 166 x F151L(\(automatically)S 166 x(negotiated\))S 10773 33191 XY(The)S 172 x(default)SD170 x(is)S 171 x(/STRUCTURE=FILE)S 170 x(except)S 171 x(when)S 171 xH(connec)S 2 x(ting)S 171 x(with)S 170 x(another)S 10773 X 548 y(system)SI193 x(which)S 194 x(supports)S 193 x(the)S 194 x(VMS)S 194 x(structure.)SSR305 x(/STRUCTURE=VMS)S 193 x(is)S 10773 X 548 y(negotiated)S 167 x(automatically)SE166 x(at)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(time)S 165 x(you)S 167 x(connect)S 167 xCC(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 24548 36925 XY F36H#(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20321)SsEP PP: %%PageTrailero2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman9%%+ Helvetica 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x(CONTROL,)S 189 x(and)SD10773 X 548 y(TELNET)S -46 x(.)S 175 x(If)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(data)SH174 x(type)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(ASCII:NON_PRI)S -2 x(NT)S 175 x(or)S 175 xD(ASCI)S -2 x(I:TELNET)S -45 x(,)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)SE188 x(. MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`kis)S 187 x(stored)S 187 x(on)S 188 x(VMS)S 187 x(as)S 187 x(a)SxF188 x(sequential)S 187 x(\211le)S 188 x(with)S 187 x(variable-length)SI189 x(record)S 10773 X 547 y(format)S 181 x(and)S 181 x(carriage-return)SlN183 x(carriage)S 182 x(control)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(record)S 182 x(attribute.)SG279 x(If)S 181 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(type)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(ASCII:CO)S1E-2 x(NTROL,)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(stored)S 165 x(with)S 166 xtE(Fortran)S 167 x(carriage)S 167 x(control.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 189 xNE(the)S 189 x(data)S 188 x(type)S 189 x(is)S 189 x(IMAGE)S 187 x(the)S7E190 x(\211le)S 189 x(is)S 188 x(stored)S 189 x(on)S 189 x(VMS)S 189 x5F(as)S 188 x(a)S 189 x(sequential)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 189 x(with)SD187 x(\211xed-len)S 2 x(gth)S 188 x(512-byte)S 189 x(records)S 188 xH(and)S 189 x(no)S 188 x(record)S 189 x(attributes.)S 293 x(The)S 10773 XC548 y(/BLOCKSIZE)S 159 x(quali\211er)S 160 x(may)S 160 x(be)S 160 xEL(speci\211ed)S 160 x(to)S 160 x(override)S 161 x(default)S 159 x(blocksize)SG160 x(of)S 160 x(512)S 10773 X 548 y(bytes.)S 5094 15859 XY 23160 204 R:E5094 16678 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 17710 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102 G(FTP:domino.madgo)S 2 x(at.com>)S 1 SC 239 x(append)S 240 x(login.com)SoI240 x(x.x)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(Stru)S 240 x(F)S 239 x(Okay.)S1F6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(Port)S 240 x(161,6,5,3,10,21)S 2 x(3)S 239 xD(Okay.)S 6290 X 449 y(<150)S 239 x(ASCII)S 240 x(Append)S 240 x(of)SO239 x(X.X;1)S 240 x(Started;)S 240 x(Opening)S 239 x(data)S 240 x(connection.)S2E6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 x(File)S 240 x(transfer)S 240 x(Okay;)S 240 x1D(Closing)S 239 x(data)S 240 x(connection.)S 6290 X 448 y(417)S 239 xC(bytes)S 240 x(\(1)S 239 x(block\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:00.27)SaH241 x(=)S 239 x(1544)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=1)S 6290 X 449 y(Appended)SE240 x(file)S 239 x(SYS$SYSDEVI)S 2 x(CE:[SIMMONS]LOGIN.CO)S 2 x(M;1)SXC239 x(to)S 239 x(\(Remote\))S 240 x(x.x)S 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x8K(Stru)S 240 x(O)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:domino.madgo)ShD2 x(at.com>)S 10773 22543 XY F151(In)S 163 x(this)S 163 x(example,)SF164 x(the)S 163 x(local)S 163 x(\211le)S 163 x(LOGIN.COM,)S 162 x(is)SE163 x(appended)S 163 x(to)S 163 x(a)S 162 x(\211le)S 164 x(on)S 163 x0F(a)S 163 x(VMS)S 10773 X 597 y(system)S 166 x(called)S 166 x(X.X.;1.)S45094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20322)SEP PP( %%PageTrailer)1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliquer0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-23) 51%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)h PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SJ26663 X 797 y F28(ASCII)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(ASCII)SD2 x(\202)S(Set)S 357 x(TYPE)S 359 x(to)S 358 x(ASCII)S 10773 7037 XYHF34(Sets)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(default)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(type)S 167 xD(to)S 167 x(ASCII.)S 168 x(The)S 166 x(ASCII)S 167 x(command)S 166 xE(is)S 166 x(a)S 167 x(synonym)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(SET)S 10773 X 598 yxH(TYPE)S 167 x(ASCII.)S 168 x(See)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 x(SET)S 167 x(TYPE)SF167 x(for)S 167 x(more)S 165 x(information.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 RE5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(ASCII)S 24548 36925 XY F361#(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20323)SSEP PPX %%PageTrailer1%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica5%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2% %%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-24) 52%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)R PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S)C5094 X 797 y F28(A)S -44 x(TT)S -44 x(ACH)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 ReC5094 5543 XY F20(A)S -66 x(TT)S -66 x(ACH\202)S(Attach)S 358 x(to)StE358 x(anot)S -2 x(her)S 358 x(proces)S -2 x(s)S 10773 7037 XY F34(T)SrI-18 x(ransfers)S 166 x(control)S 166 x(from)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(current)S K166 x(process)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(process.)S(C5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XoL(A)S -52 x(TT)S -51 x(ACH)S 696 x F23([proces)S -2 x(s-name])S 5094 10446 XYH23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -137 yFF25(process-name)S 10773 12573 XY F151(Speci\211es)S 193 x(the)S 193 xE(process)S 193 x(name)S 193 x(for)S 193 x(the)S 193 x(process)S 192 x1D(to)S 193 x(which)S 193 x(control)S 194 x(is)S 192 x(to)S 193 x(be)SD10773 X 547 y(transferred.)S 9118 14167 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(This)SD186 x(parameter)S 186 x(is)S 186 x(not)S 187 x(affected)S 186 x(by)SK186 x(the)S 186 x(current)S 186 x(case-conversion)S 10773 X 597 y(setting)SnM167 x(\(see)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(CASE\).)S 166 x(DCL)S 166 x(case-conversion)SoO167 x(rules)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(used.)S 5094 15960 XY 23160 204 R 5094 16778 XYCEF24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X 372 y F151(The)S 170 x(A)S -28 x(TT)S -27 x G(ACH)S 168 x(command)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(used)S 169 x(in)S 169 x(conju)SCE2 x(nction)S 169 x(with)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(SP)S -37 x(A)S -46 x(WN)S5C169 x(command)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 166 x(transfer)S 166 x(control)S C167 x(from)S 166 x(one)S 166 x(process)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(another)S)F-36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(While)S 176 x(in)S 175 x(FTP)S -63 x(,)S 176 xO(you)S 176 x(can)S 176 x(SP)S -36 x(A)S -47 x(WN)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(subprocess)SSG175 x(and)S 176 x(use)S 176 x(the)S 175 x(DCL)S 175 x(command)S 10773 XSL598 y(A)S -28 x(TT)S -27 x(ACH)S 158 x(to)S 157 x(transfer)S 158 x(control)SF159 x(back)S 158 x(to)S 158 x(the)S 158 x(process)S 157 x(runnin)S 2 xH(g)S 158 x(FTP)S -63 x(.)S 158 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 159 x(can)S 158 x(then)SE10773 X 598 y(use)S 166 x(A)S -28 x(TT)S -26 x(ACH)S 165 x(to)S 166 x6G(reconnect)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(spawned)S 165 x(subprocess.)SD5094 21035 XY 23160 204 R 5094 21854 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25H(/IDENTIFIC)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TION=pid)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)SD174 x(the)S 175 x(process)S 174 x(identi\211cation)S 175 x(\(PID\))SF174 x(for)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(process)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(which)S 175 xO(control)S 10773 X 598 y(should)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(transferred.)S 5094 36925 XYS&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20324)SEP PP) %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica +%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique70%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)x%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-25) 53%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH25988 X 797 y F28(BINAR)S -23 x(Y)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYDF20(BINA)S 2 x(R)S -33 x(Y\202)S(Set)S 357 x(TYPE)S 359 x(to)S 358 xC(IMAGE)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Sets)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(default)S 170 xuJ(\211le)S 170 x(type)S 171 x(to)S 170 x(IMAGE.)S 171 x(The)S 171 x(BINAR)SC-9 x(Y)S 171 x(command)S 169 x(is)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(synonym)S 171 x6H(for)S 10773 X 598 y(SET)S 167 x(TYPE)S 167 x(IMAGE.)S 167 x(See)S 166 xN(HELP)S 166 x(SET)S 167 x(TYPE)S 168 x(for)S 166 x(more)S 166 x(information.)SC5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X1D-21 y(BINAR)S -28 x(Y)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x (\20325)S2EP PP- %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica)%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-26) 54%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)4 PaperHeigh' MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`t PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S4I5094 X 797 y F28(BYE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(BYE\202)S(G(Logout)S 358 x(of)S 358 x(the)S 358 x(curre)S -2 x(nt)S 358 x(accoun)S6D-2 x(t)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Reinitial)S -2 x(izes)S 182 x(the)S 182 xG(connection)S 181 x(to)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(remote)S 182 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F23(permiss)S -2 x(ion)S 166 xaE(remote-\211le)S -2 x(-list)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XYmMF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(permission)S 10773 12688 XYFHF151(A)S 179 x(4-digit)S 180 x(hexadecimal)S 180 x(number)S 180 x(that)SC179 x(speci\211es)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(\211le)S 180 x(permissions.)S5I276 x(Each)S 10773 X 548 y(hexadecimal)S 167 x(digit)S 166 x(represents)S E166 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(\(SUGO\):)S 14360 X 896 y F38(S)S E16452 X(Special)S 149 x(bits)S 14360 X 747 y(U)S 16452 X(User)S 150 x2G(or)S 150 x(owner)S 150 x(of)S 149 x(\211le)S 14360 X 748 y(G)S 16452 X F(Group)S 150 x(memb)S 2 x(er)S 14360 X 747 y(O)S 16452 X(Other)S 150 xG(or)S 149 x(the)S 150 x(world)S 10773 X 896 y F151(The)S 167 x(values)SeJ166 x(of)S 166 x(each)S 167 x(digit)S 166 x(\(UGO\))S 165 x(are:)S 14360 XC897 y F38(1)S 16452 X(Execute)S 150 x(privilege)S 14360 X 747 y(2)SSC16452 X(W)S -8 x(rite)S 149 x(privilege)S 14360 X 747 y(4)S 16452 X0N(Read)S 150 x(privilege)S 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X 896 yD(\201)S 595 x(UNIX)S 165 x(uses)S 166 x(``*')S -10 x(')S 165 x(for)SC167 x(any)S 166 x(string)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(``?')S -10 x(')S 249 xrH(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(character)S -36 x(.)S 5094 32364 XY 23160 204 RE5094 33182 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X F25(/CONFIR)S -2 x(M)S 10773 X-D797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(D\))S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20328)SEP PP8 %%PageTrailerx%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticaa+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique("%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)4%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-29) 57%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend), PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH26000 X 797 y F28(CHMOD)S 10773 4866 XY F151(Prompts)S 195 x(for)S 195 xD(a)S 195 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 203 x(No,)S 202 x(All,)S 203 x(or)S 195 xI(Quit)S 194 x(con\211rmation)S 196 x(before)S 196 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XYCF20(CREA)S -65 x(TE\202)S(Create)S 357 x(\211le)S 10773 7037 XY F340L(Create)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(terminal)SM166 x(and)S 166 x(create)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S -37 x(.)S 5094 8233 XYdC23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(CREA)S -53 xsC(TE)S 698 x F23(\211le-name)S -2 x(-list)S 10773 X 797 y F24(CREA)S C-53 x(TE/DIRECT)S -14 x(OR)S -26 x(Y)S 697 x F23(remote-directory)S)G10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 11442 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)SvJ2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(/CONFIRM)S 18544 X(/NOCON)SH-2 x(FIRM)S 10773 X 597 y(/HASH)S 18544 X(/NOHASH)S 10773 X 598 y(/LOG)SD18544 X(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 598 y(/UNIQUE)S 18544 X(/NOUNIQUE)S 10773 XP598 y(/TYPE)S 2 x(=type[:f)S 2 x(ormat])S TE MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`m18544 X(/TYPE)S 2 x(=ASCII:NON_PRINT)SI5094 15726 XY 23160 204 R 5094 16545 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)SsC849 x -22 y F25(\211le-name-list)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S5E167 x(a)S 167 x(list)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(remote)S 167 x(\211le)S 168 x3I(names)S 167 x(to)S 167 x(be)S 167 x(created.)S 252 x(Each)S 167 x(name)SH168 x(is)S 166 x(separated)S 10773 X 548 y(by)S 181 x(a)S 179 x(comma.)SC278 x(Each)S 180 x(name)S 180 x(may)S 180 x(need)S 181 x(to)S 179 x6G(be)S 180 x(enclosed)S 181 x(in)S 180 x(quotes)S 180 x(if)S 179 x(the)SxE181 x(case)S 10773 X 548 y(must)S 171 x(be)S 171 x(preserved,)S 174 xmE(or)S 171 x(the)S 172 x(name)S 171 x(contains)S 172 x(special)S 171 x0F(characters)S 171 x(such)S 172 x(as)S 171 x(slash)S 10773 X 548 y(\()SP83 x(/)S 84 x(\))S(.)S 5094 19911 XY 23160 204 R 5094 20729 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)SG10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 179 x(CREA)S -29 x(TE)S 179 x(command)S 178 xNE(creates)S 179 x(a)S 178 x(remote)S 179 x(\211le;)S 185 x(the)S 179 xtH(\211le)S 179 x(contents)S 178 x(are)S 179 x(read)S 10773 X 598 y(from)SC170 x(the)S 170 x(user)S 27 x(')S -19 x(s)S 170 x(terminal.)S 257 xyJ(Simply)S 169 x(enter)S 171 x(the)S 169 x(text)S 170 x(and)S 170 x(press)SI169 x -380 y 1704 24 R 24447 X 491 y 24 492 R 24589 21151 XY F42(CTRL-Z)S3D121 x 131 y 24 492 R 24447 X 20 y 1704 24 R 26317 21171 XY F151(to)SD170 x(close)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(\211le.)S 250 x(This)S 166 xD(is)S 166 x(repeated)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(each)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 xE(created.)S 5094 22964 XY 23160 204 R 5094 23783 XY F24(COMMAN)S -2 xoD(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -797 y F25(/CONFIR)S -2 x(M)SC10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(H(Prompts)S 195 x(for)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 203 x(No,)S 202 xE(All,)S 203 x(or)S 195 x(Quit)S 194 x(con\211rmation)S 196 x(before)S2C196 x(each)S 195 x(\211le)S 195 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S F250 x(The)S 167 x(following)S 166 x(responses)S 165 x(may)S 167 x(be)SL166 x(given:)S 12865 X 896 y F38(Y)S -41 x(es)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)SH151 x(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 12865 X 747 y(No)S 16452 X(Does)S 150 x(not)SE149 x(transfer)S 150 x(and)S 151 x(prompts)S 150 x(for)S 150 x(next)S8G150 x(transfer)S 12865 X 748 y(All)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)S 151 x(G(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 149 x(and)S 150 x(all)S 149 x(subsequ)S 2 x(ent)S(F149 x(\211les)S 12865 X 747 y(Quit)S 16452 X(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 xI(transfer)S 12865 X 367 y 1704 24 R 12865 X 491 y 24 492 R 13007 29641 XY GF42(CTRL-Z)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 12865 X 20 y 1704 24 R 16452 29661 XY FF38(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 x(transfer)S 10773 X 897 y F151(By)S 169 xL(default,)S 171 x(the)S 169 x(user)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(not)S 169 x(prompted)SF169 x(for)S 169 x(con\211rmation.)S 257 x(This)S 169 x(default)S 169 xC(can)S 170 x(be)S 10773 X 597 y(change)S 2 x(d)S 165 x(with)S 165 x E(the)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(commands)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(CONFIRM)S 165 x:H(and)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(NOCONFIRM.)S 10773 32251 XY F25(/HASH)S 10773 XO797 y(/NOHA)S -2 x(SH)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S4H166 x(enable)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(HASH)S 166 xC(\(HASH)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(NOHASH\).)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S12 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20333)SEP PPt %%PageTrailere%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticam+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliqueR%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-34) 62%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)T PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S I5094 X 797 y F28(CREA)S -45 x(TE)S 10773 4866 XY F151(When)S 189 x(Hash)SoE188 x(is)S 187 x(enabled)S 189 x(and)S 188 x(a)S 188 x(\211le)S 189 xpH(is)S 187 x(transferred)S 189 x(from)S 188 x(one)S 188 x(machine)S 189 xD(to)S 10773 X 598 y(another)S -36 x(,)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(hash)S 169 xC(mark)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(displayed)S 168 x(for)S 169 x(each)S 169 x E(1024)S 169 x(characters)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(data)S 168 x(that)S 169 xXF(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 896 y(By)S 171 x(default,)SC172 x(no)S 171 x(hash)S 171 x(marks)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(displayed)S)Q170 x(as)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(data)S 170 x(is)S 170 x(being)S 172 x(transferred.)S4D10773 X 598 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 xH(this)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(SET)SF166 x(HASH.)S 10773 X 897 y(Note)S 169 x(that)S 170 x -381 y 1728 24 RF13179 X 492 y 24 492 R 13323 8433 XY F42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 RF13179 X 20 y 1728 24 R 15075 8453 XY F151(and)S 170 x -381 y 1704 24 RF16112 X 492 y 24 492 R 16253 8433 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 122 x 131 y 24 492 RG16112 X 20 y 1704 24 R 17981 8453 XY F151(can)S 170 x(be)S 169 x(used)S(D170 x(to)S 169 x(display)S 169 x(a)S 170 x(line)S 169 x(indicating)SI170 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(state)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(transfer)S H-37 x(.)S 10773 10146 XY F25(/LOG)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLOG)SD10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S 166 x(enabled)S 166 x(or)SH167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(QUIET)S -46 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(When)SD201 x(/LOG)S 201 x(is)S 201 x(speci\211ed,)S 210 x(you)S 202 x(are)SH201 x(noti\211ed)S 201 x(after)S 201 x(each)S 201 x(\211le)S 202 x(has)SM200 x(been)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 897 y(By)S 178 x(default,)S G180 x(you)S 178 x(are)S 178 x(not)S 177 x(noti\211ed.)S 273 x(Y)S -56 xoC(ou)S 178 x(can)S 178 x(change)S 178 x(this)S 177 x(default)S 177 x1F(by)S 178 x(issuing)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(commands)SE166 x(SET)S 166 x(QUIET)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(NOQUIE)S -2 x1F(T)S -45 x(.)S 10773 15925 XY F25(/TYPE=type[:for)S 2 x(mat])S 10773 XH597 y F151(Attempts)S 171 x(to)S 172 x(negotiate)S 173 x(a)S 173 x(new)SC172 x(data)S 172 x(type)S 173 x(before)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)ScF173 x(data)S 172 x(is)S 172 x(transferred.)S 10773 X 548 y(The)S 167 xH(following)S 166 x(options)S 166 x(may)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed:)SH10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x F153(ASCII)S 166 x F151(\(default\))S 10773 XD897 y(\201)S 595 x F153(IMAGE)S 10773 X 896 y F151(\201)S 595 x F153I(EBCDIC)S 165 x F151(\(not)S 166 x(implemented\))S 10773 20856 XY(There)SeF190 x(are)S 190 x(3)S 189 x(different)S 189 x(ASCII)S 188 x(formats:)SF295 x(NON_PRINT)S -46 x(,)S 189 x(CONTROL,)S 189 x(and)S 10773 X 548 yD(TELNET)S -46 x(.)S 175 x(If)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(data)S 174 x(type)SG174 x(is)S 174 x(ASCII:NON_PRI)S -2 x(NT)S 175 x(or)S 175 x(ASCI)S -2 x`C(I:TELNET)S -45 x(,)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 188 x(is)SSM187 x(stored)S 187 x(on)S 188 x(VMS)S 187 x(as)S 187 x(a)S 188 x(sequential)SSJ187 x(\211le)S 188 x(with)S 187 x(variable-length)S 189 x(record)S 10773 XC548 y(format)S 181 x(and)S 181 x(carriage-return)S 183 x(carriage)SeC182 x(control)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(record)S 182 x(attribute.)S 279 xdG(If)S 181 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(type)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(ASCII:CO)S -2 xeK(NTROL,)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(stored)S 165 x(with)S 166 x(Fortran)S%F167 x(carriage)S 167 x(control.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 189 x(the)S 189 xH(data)S 188 x(type)S 189 x(is)S 189 x(IMAGE)S 187 x(the)S 190 x(\211le)SE189 x(is)S 188 x(stored)S 189 x(on)S 189 x(VMS)S 189 x(as)S 188 x(a)S J189 x(sequential)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 189 x(with)S 187 x(\211xed-len)SG2 x(gth)S 188 x(512-byte)S 189 x(records)S 188 x(and)S 189 x(no)S 188 x1D(record)S 189 x(attributes.)S 293 x(The)S 10773 X 548 y(/BLOCKSIZE)SD159 x(quali\211er)S 160 x(may)S 160 x(be)S 160 x(speci\211ed)S 160 xC(to)S 160 x(override)S 161 x(default)S 1 MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`a59 x(blocksize)S 160 x(of)S3G160 x(512)S 10773 X 548 y(bytes.)S 10773 26684 XY F25(/UNIQ)S -2 x(UE)S1D10773 X 598 y F151(T)S -45 x(ells)S 173 x(the)S 175 x(remote)S 175 xD(host)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(create)S 175 x(a)S 174 x(new)S 174 x(name)SC175 x(for)S 175 x(the)S 174 x(\211le)S 175 x(if)S 174 x(the)S 175 x G(\211le)S 175 x(already)S 10773 X 548 y(exists)S 172 x(in)S 172 x(the)S1F173 x(remote)S 172 x(default)S 172 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 262 x(The)SC173 x(name)S 173 x(of)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)S 173 x(is)S 171 xRH(speci\211ed)S 173 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(the)S 166 x(reply)S 167 x(from)SD166 x(the)S 166 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20334)SSEP PPe %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman9%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Bolde%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)t%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-35) 63%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)T PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SL22191 X 797 y F28(CREA)S -46 x(TE/DIRECT)S -12 x(OR)S -22 x(Y)S 5094 4546 XYF23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(CREA)S -65 x(TE/DIREC)S 2 x(T)S -16 x(OR)SK-34 x(Y\202)S(Create)S 357 x(directo)S -2 x(ry)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Create)S D166 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S -37 x(.)S 250 x(MKDIR)S 166 x(is)S 165 xD(a)S 166 x(synonym)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(CREA)S -37 x(TE/DIRECT)S -8 xC(OR)S -10 x(Y)S -64 x(.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F249J(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(CREA)S -53 x(TE)S 698 x F23(directory)S 10773 XC797 y 17484 48 R 10773 10645 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x C(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(/LOG)S 18544 X(/NOLOG)SeI5094 12538 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13357 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)SlH849 x -22 y F25(directory)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)SD166 x(remote)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(system)S 165 x(directory)S 167 xI(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(created.)S 5094 15079 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15897 XY FF24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -155 y F151(This)S 187 x(creates)S 187 x(a)SG186 x(remote)S 187 x(directory)S -55 x(.)S 291 x(It)S 186 x(may)S 187 x8D(be)S 187 x(removed)S 188 x(by)S 187 x(the)S 187 x(command)S 10773 XF597 y(DELETE/DIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S -56 x(.)S 24548 36925 XY F36#(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20335)S1EP PPe %%PageTrailerS%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica6+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%6%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-36) 64%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)1 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S4E5094 X 797 y F28(CWD)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(CWD)SSL2 x(\202)S(Change)S 357 x(W)S -16 x(orking)S 358 x(Directory)S 10773 7037 XYDF34(Change)S 172 x(the)S 174 x(remote)S 173 x(default)S 173 x(path)SH173 x(or)S 173 x(current)S 173 x(directory)S -37 x(.)S 263 x(CD,)S 172 xG(CWD,)S 173 x(and)S 173 x(CP)S -37 x(A)S -37 x(TH)S 10773 X 598 y(are)S2G166 x(all)S 165 x(synonyms)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(SET)S 166 x(REMOTE_DEF)S)G-27 x(AUL)S -37 x(T_DIRECT)S -8 x(OR)S -10 x(Y)S -64 x(.)S 5094 8830 XYxF23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(CWD)S 697 x F23H(directory)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11862 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)SJ-2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(directory)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)SJ167 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 167 x(\211le)S 167 x(system)S 166 x(directory)SF168 x(to)S 167 x(which)S 167 x(future)S 168 x(command)S 167 x(should)SL10773 X 548 y(be)S 166 x(directed.)S 5094 14132 XY 23160 204 R 5094 14951 XYLF24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(This)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(behaves)SE167 x(exactly)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(same)S 166 x(as)S 165 x(the)S 167 x)C(FTP)S 166 x(command)S 10773 X 897 y F38(SET)S 249 x(REMOTE)S 250 x JF39(directory)S 10773 X 896 y F151(For)S 175 x(more)S 175 x(information,)SE177 x(hints)S 175 x(and)S 175 x(examples)S 174 x(please)S 175 x(see)SSF174 x(the)S 175 x(documentation)S 10773 X 598 y(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 xH(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(REMOTE)S -2 x(.)S 5094 36925 XY&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20336)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer(%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticau+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)3%5%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-37) 65%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)% PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SC26066 X 797 y F28(DEFINE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20CC(DEFINE\202)S(De\211ne)S 359 x(Key)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Associates)SPC181 x(an)S 181 x(equivalence)S 179 x(string)S 181 x(and)S 181 x(a)S F180 x(set)S 181 x(of)S 181 x(attributes)S 182 x(with)S 180 x(a)S 181 xH(key)S 181 x(on)S 180 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(terminal)S 165 x(keyboard.)SC5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XsJ-20 y(DEFINE/KEY)S 696 x F23(key-name)S 165 x(equival)S -2 x(ence-string)SG10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 11222 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)SaD2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(/IF_S)S 2 x(T)S -37 xC(A)S -36 x(TE=state-name)S 10773 X 598 y(/SET_S)S 2 x(T)S -37 x(A)SSL-36 x(TE=state-name)S 10773 X 597 y(/TERMINA)S -36 x(TE)S 18544 X(/TERMINA)SF-36 x(TE)S 10773 X 598 y(/ECHO)S 18544 X(/ECHO)S 10773 X 598 y(/LOCK)SG18544 X(/NOLOCK)S 5094 15506 XY 23160 204 R 5094 16325 XY F24(P)S -51 xPP(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(key-name)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)SH166 x(the)S 166 x(name)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(key)S 167 x(that)SE166 x(you)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(de\211ning.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 182 xCF(following)S 181 x(table)S 180 x(lists)S 180 x(the)S 181 x(key)S 181 xM(names)S 181 x(in)S 181 x(column)S 182 x(one.)S 279 x(The)S 182 x(remaining)SSH10773 X 548 y(three)S 169 x(columns)S 169 x(indicate)S 169 x(the)S 169 xD(key)S 169 x(designations)S 169 x(on)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(keyboards)SD170 x(of)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(three)S 10773 X 548 y(different)S 166 xF(types)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(terminals)S 166 x(that)S 166 x(allow)S 165 xE(key)S 167 x(de\211nitions.)S 10773 X 897 y 17484 48 R 10773 20239 XY6EF48(Key)S 100 x(Name)S 15358 X(LK201)S 19942 X(VT100)S 24527 X(VT52)S G10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 10773 21135 XY F46(PF1)S 15358 X(PF1)S 19942 X(G(PF1)S 24527 X([blue])S 10773 X 747 y(PF2)S 15358 X(PF2)S 19942 X(PF2)S G24527 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x(Quali\211)S(G2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 697 y F35(/BRIEF)S 18544 X(None.)S-J10773 X 598 y(/FULL)S 18544 X(/FULL)S 10773 X 598 y(/OUTPUT=local-\211le)SD18544 X(/OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT)S 5094 14331 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15150 XYFF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(remote-\211le-list)SQ10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(\211le)S 177 x(speci\211cation)S3D176 x(pattern)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(interpreted)S 176 x(at)SC176 x(the)S 176 x(remote)S 177 x(site.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S 175 x7K(can)S 176 x(be)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(list)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(comma-separated)S D174 x(\211le)S 176 x(speci\211cations.)S 267 x(Each)S 175 x(\211le)SH176 x(name)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 190 x(contain)S 190 x(``w)S -2 x(ild')SF-9 x(')S 189 x(characters)S 189 x(such)S 190 x(as)S 189 x(``*')S -10 xC('.)S 296 x(The)S 190 x(de\211nition)S 189 x(of)S 190 x(the)S 189 xaE(wild)S 10773 X 548 y(character)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(determined)S 166 xyI(by)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(host)S 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x(\211le)S 166 x(names)S1C166 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(displayed.)S 10773 25258 XY F25(/FULL)S8F10773 X 897 y F151(The)S 172 x(\211le)S 172 x(name)S 172 x(and)S 172 xE(extra)S 172 x(information)S 172 x(about)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(\211le)S D172 x(will)S 170 x(be)S 172 x(returned.)S 262 x(This)S 10773 X 597 yE(is)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(default)S 178 x(format.)S 272 x(Extra)S 178 xWF(\211le)S 178 x(information)S 177 x(caps MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`n)S 178 x(be)S 178 x(displayed)SL177 x(using)S 179 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(SHOW)S 165 x(FILE)S 166 x(command.)SD10773 X 897 y(The)S 168 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)S 168 x(server)S 167 xG(returns)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 168 x(name,)S 167 x(size,)S 167 x5E(creation)S 167 x(date,)S 168 x(owner)S -37 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(and)SiG171 x(protection)S 172 x(for)S 171 x(a)S 171 x(/FULL)S 173 x(listing,)SmD172 x(while)S 171 x(SHOW)S 170 x(FILE)S 171 x(returns)S 172 x(even)SS172 x(more)S 10773 X 597 y(information.)S 10773 31435 XY F25(/OUTPUT=local-\211le)SnF10773 X 598 y F151(Sends)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(output)S 166 x(to)S 166 xH(a)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 166 x(local)S 166 x(\211le.)S 250 x(The)S 167 xM(default)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(SYS$OUTPUT)S -27 x(:.)S 5094 33228 XY 23160 204 R)D5094 34047 XY F24(HINTS)S 10773 X -156 y F151(If)S 173 x(the)S 174 xG(remote)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x(speci\211cation)S 174 x(includes)S 174 x G(``/')S -10 x(',)S 176 x(it)S 173 x(will)S 172 x(be)S 174 x(necessary)S0C174 x(to)S 173 x(enclose)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 175 x(entire)S 174 xmK(remote)S 174 x(\211le)S 175 x(speci\211cation)S 175 x(in)S 174 x(quotes.)SdJ266 x(The)S 175 x(use)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(quotes)S 174 x(prevents)S 10773 XH598 y(the)S 174 x(FTP)S 174 x(command)S 173 x(interpreter)S 174 x(from)SD173 x(treating)S 174 x(the)S 173 x(``/')S -10 x(')S 173 x(as)S 173 xE(the)S 174 x(beginning)S 175 x(of)S 173 x(a)S 10773 X 597 y(command)S D166 x(quali\211er)S -36 x(.)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S-27 x(\20343)SEP PP %%PageTrailerx%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica +%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique82%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%x%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-44) 72%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S)G5094 X 797 y F28(DIRECT)S -12 x(OR)S -22 x(Y)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R1C5094 5515 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 6546 XY F202(1)S 6290 X -49 y F1021G(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(cd)S 239 x([simmons.mmk.so)S 2 x(urce])S O0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<250)S 239 x(Current)S 240 x(Directory)S 240 x(SYS$SYSDEVIC)SxD2 x(E:[SIMMONS.MMK.SOUR)S 2 x(CE],)S 239 x(completed.)S 6290 X 448 yD(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(dir)S 239 x(*.cld)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 yF(<200)S 239 x(Stru)S 240 x(F)S 239 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 449 y(<200)S 239 xI(Port)S 240 x(161,6,5,3,68,16)S 2 x(7)S 239 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(<150)SoF239 x(LIST)S 240 x(of)S 239 x(*.CLD)S 240 x(Started;)S 240 x(Opening)SD240 x(data)S 239 x(connection.)S 6290 X 747 y(SYS$SYSDEVICE:[S)S 2 xD(IMMONS.MMK.SOURCE])S 6290 X 747 y(MMK_CLD.CLD;1)S 12268 X(3)S 239 xF(17-OCT-1993)S 240 x(13:08)S 240 x([SIMMONS])S 240 x(\(RWED,RWED,,\))SH6290 X 449 y(MMK_COMPILE_RULE)S 2 x(S_CLD.CLD;1)S -477 x 448 y(2)S 239 xF(16-SEP-1993)S 240 x(16:35)S 240 x([SIMMONS])S 240 x(\(RWED,RWED,,\))SH6290 X 747 y(Total)S 240 x(of)S 239 x(2)S 239 x(Files,)S 240 x(5)S 239 xJ(Blocks.)S 6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 x(File)S 240 x(transfer)S 240 x(Okay;)SC240 x(Closing)S 239 x(data)S 240 x(connection.)S 6290 X 449 y(245)SH239 x(bytes)S 240 x(\(1)S 239 x(block\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:01.13)SC241 x(=)S 239 x(217)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=1)S 6290 X 448 y(<200)SXP239 x(Stru)S 240 x(O)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SC1 SC 241 x(dir/brief)S 240 x(*.cld)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<200)S 239 x8F(Stru)S 240 x(F)S 239 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(Port)S 240 xI(161,6,5,3,68,16)S 2 x(8)S 239 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(<150)S 239 x(NLST)SeF240 x(of)S 239 x(*.CLD)S 240 x(Started;)S 240 x(Opening)S 240 x(data)SN239 x(connection.)S 6290 X 449 y(mmk_cld.cld)S 6290 X 448 y(mmk_compile_rule)SG2 x(s_cld.cld)S 6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 x(File)S 240 x(transfer)S 240 x-F(Okay;)S 240 x(Closing)S 239 x(data)S 240 x(connection.)S 6290 X 449 yN(40)S 239 x(bytes)S 240 x(\(1)S 239 x(block\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:00.33)SC240 x(=)S 240 x(121)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=1)S 6290 X 448 y(<200)SeP239 x(Stru)S 240 x(O)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SC659 x 18702 Y F151(This)S 167 x(example)S 166 x(shows)S 166 x(the)S0G167 x(output)S 167 x(from)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(default)S 167 x(DIRE)S -2 x H(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 166 x(command)S 167 x(and)S 10773 X 597 y(from)S 166 xL(a)S 166 x(DIREC)S -2 x(TOR)S -19 x(Y/BRIEF)S 165 x(command.)S 5094 36925 XY&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20344)SEP PP6 %%PageTrailerx"%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Jinete"%%+ Courier 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x(\20345)SEP PPF %%PageTrailer9%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetical%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)i% %%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-46) 74%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)9 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SlI5094 X 797 y F28(ERASE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(ERASE)SeE10773 7037 XY F34(Deletes)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 165 x(on)S 166 x F(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 10773 X 897 y(ERASE)S 167 x(is)SG165 x(a)S 166 x(synonym)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(DELETE.)S 167 x(For)S 166 xxE(more)S 166 x(information,)S 166 x(see)S 166 x(HELP)S 167 x(DELETE.)SSD5094 9129 XY 23160 204 R 5094 10147 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XK(ERASE)S 697 x F23(remote-\211le-lis)S -2 x(t)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S12 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20346)SEP PPs %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica %%+ Helvetica-Obliqueh%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % 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y(just)SE167 x(thatB MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`x+)S 167 x(nesting)S 167 x(level.)S 5094 13877 XY 23160 204 RcE5094 14695 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 15727 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 223 y F102SD(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(EXIT)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<221)S 239 xE(Service)S 240 x(closing)S 240 x(control)S 240 x(connection.)S 6290 X1H448 y(Transfer)S 240 x(Okay;)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(Closing)S 6290 XE448 y($)S 10773 18292 XY F151(In)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(example,)S 167 x1F(the)S 166 x(EXIT)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(used)S 166 x(to)SM165 x(exit)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(utility)S -55 x(.)S 24548 36925 XYS&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20347)SEP PPe %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticau0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)t%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%s%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-48) 76%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)6 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S8E5094 X 797 y F28(GET)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(GET)SiJ10773 7037 XY F34(Retrieves)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(speci\211ed)S 165 x(\211le)SM166 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 x(server)S -28 x(.)S 5094 8233 XY F23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(GET)S 697 x F23M(remote-\211le-list)S 165 x([loca)S -2 x(l-\211le])S 10773 X 797 y 17484 48 RrK10773 10645 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S D10773 X 698 y F35(/APPE)S 2 x(ND)S 18544 X(/NOAPPEND)S 10773 X 597 yH(/BLOCKSIZE)S 2 x(=n)S 18544 X(/BLOCKSIZE=512)S 10773 X 598 y(/CONFIRM)SD18544 X(/NOCON)S -2 x(FIRM)S 10773 X 598 y(/HASH)S 18544 X(/NOHASH)SH10773 X 598 y(/LOG)S 18544 X(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 597 y(/MODE=mode)S 18544 XC(/MODE=STREAM)S 10773 X 598 y(/PROMPT)S 18544 X(/NOPROMPT)S 10773 XrF598 y(/RECURSIVE)S 18544 X(/NORECUR)S -2 x(SIVE)S 10773 X 598 y(/RET)SM-36 x(AIN)S 18544 X(/NORET)S -37 x(AIN)S 10773 X 597 y(/STRUCTURE=structure)S D18544 X(/STRUCTURE=DEF)S -37 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 10773 X 598 y(/TYPE)SJ2 x(=type[:f)S 2 x(ormat])S 18544 X(/TYPE)S 2 x(=ASCII:NON_PRINT)S 10773 XG598 y(/WILD)S 18544 X(/NOWILD)S 5094 19114 XY 23160 204 R 5094 19932 XYlFF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(remote-\211le-list)SQ10773 X 547 y F151(Speci\211es)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(\211le)S 177 x(speci\211cation)S.D176 x(pattern)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(interpreted)S 176 x(at)SC176 x(the)S 176 x(remote)S 177 x(site.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S 175 x9K(can)S 176 x(be)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(list)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(comma-separated)SaD174 x(\211le)S 176 x(speci\211cations.)S 267 x(Each)S 175 x(\211le)SH176 x(name)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 190 x(contain)S 190 x(``w)S -2 x(ild')SF-9 x(')S 189 x(characters)S 189 x(such)S 190 x(as)S 189 x(``*')S -10 xC('.)S 296 x(The)S 190 x(de\211nition)S 189 x(of)S 190 x(the)S 189 xHE(wild)S 10773 X 548 y(character)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(determined)S 166 x I(by)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(host)S 166 x(conven)S 2 x(tions:)S1D10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(VMS)S 165 x(uses)S 166 x(``*')S -10 x(')SE166 x(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(string)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(``%')S -10 x F(')S 166 x(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(character)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 897 yD(\201)S 595 x(UNIX)S 165 x(uses)S 166 x(``*')S -10 x(')S 165 x(for)SC167 x(any)S 166 x(string)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(``?')S -10 x(')S 249 xxR(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(character)S -36 x(.)S 10773 25241 XY F25([local-\211le])SE10773 X 597 y F151(Speci\211es)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(name)S 168 x(the)SdE168 x(transferred)S 169 x(\211le)S 168 x(is)S 168 x(to)S 168 x(have)SsH169 x(on)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(local)S 168 x(system.)S 254 x(Any)S 10773 XE548 y(missing)S 175 x(\211elds)S 174 x(in)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(local)S2C175 x(\211le)S 175 x(name)S 175 x(are)S 174 x(\211lled)S 175 x(in)S[J175 x(from)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(remote)S 174 x(\211le)S 10773 XJ548 y(name.)S 250 x(The)S 167 x(local-\211le)S 166 x(can)S 166 x(consist)SN166 x(of)S 166 x(only)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(device)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(directory)SM-55 x(,)S 167 x(if)S 165 x(desired.)S 5094 28130 XY 23160 204 R 5094 28948 XY)OF24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -155 y F151(The)S 181 x(\211les)S 180 x(speci\211ed)S0D180 x(in)S 181 x(the)S 180 x(remote-\211le-list)S 179 x(will)S 180 xF(be)S 180 x(transferred)S 180 x(to)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(local)S 10773 XK597 y(default)S 168 x(directory)S -54 x(.)S 253 x(If)S 168 x(local-\211le)S9H168 x(is)S 168 x(present,)S 169 x(that)S 168 x(name)S 168 x(will)S 168 xG(be)S 168 x(used;)S 169 x(otherwise)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(local)S C166 x(name)S 167 x(will)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(close)S 165 xiJ(as)S 166 x(possible)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(name.)SL10773 X 897 y(The)S 184 x(FTP)S 184 x(utility)S 184 x(will)S 182 x(attempt)SK183 x(to)S 183 x(negotiate)S 184 x(the)S 183 x(appropriate)S 183 x(\211le)S M184 x(transfer)S 10773 X 597 y(parameters)S 166 x(\(Mode,)S 167 x(Structure)SoC167 x(and)S 166 x(T)S -26 x(ype\).)S 251 x(Once)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(I(appropriate)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(transfer)S 10773 X 598 y(parameters)SrH166 x(have)S 167 x(been)S 166 x(negotiated,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)SE167 x(contents)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(sent.)S 10773 X 897 y(Specifying)STF167 x(/WILD)S 166 x(causes)S 166 x(GET)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(work)S 166 xC(the)S 167 x(same)S 165 x(way)S 166 x(MGET)S 166 x(works.)S 10773 XsJ897 y(While)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(transfer)S 171 x(is)S 170 x(in-progress,)SG173 x(the)S 171 x(state)S 170 x(of)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(transfer)S 171 xeE(can)S 171 x(be)S 171 x(checked)S 10773 X 597 y(by)S 180 x(pressing)S0K179 x(either)S 179 x -380 y 1704 24 R 15175 X 492 y 24 492 R 15317 34451 XY GF42(CTRL-T)S 121 x 132 y 24 492 R 15175 X 19 y 1704 24 R 17054 34471 XYFFF151(or)S 179 x -380 y 1728 24 R 17703 X 492 y 24 492 R 17847 34451 XYGF42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 132 y 24 492 R 17703 X 19 y 1728 24 R 19430 34471 XY(HF151(.)S 275 x(While)S 179 x(a)S 179 x(\211le)S 179 x(is)S 179 x(being)SE180 x(transferred,)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S 174 x(displays)S 172 x(the)S4H173 x(\211le)S 173 x(name,)S 175 x(the)S 173 x(number)S 174 x(of)S 172 xG(bytes)S 173 x(already)S 173 x(transferred,)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y7E(percentage)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(total)S 166 x(size)S 165 xsD(transferred,)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(curren)S 2 x(t)S 165 xE(transfer)S 166 x(rate.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 xY (\20348)S5EP PP3 %%PageTrailerR%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticax+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliqueS%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)o%3%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-49) 77%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend). PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SJ27029 X 797 y F28(GET)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 5515 XY F24(COMMAN)SG-2 x(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -819 y F25(/APPEND)S 10773 XSH797 y(/NOAPPEND)S 164 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Appends)S 166 x(the)SE166 x(remote-\211le\(s\))S 165 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(speci\211ed)S7F166 x(local-\211le.)S 10773 7984 XY F25(/BLOCK)S -2 x(SIZE=n)S 10773 XE896 y F151(When)S 176 x(transferring)S 177 x(a)S 175 x(\211le)S 176 x H(with)S 175 x(/TYPE=IMAGE)S 175 x(and)S 175 x(/STRUCTURE=FILE,)S 10773 XC598 y(FTP)S 175 x(will)S 172 x(receive)S 175 x(the)S 174 x(binary)SxG174 x(\211le)S 174 x(using)S 175 x(the)S 174 x(blocksize)S 173 x(that)S I173 x(you)S 175 x(specify)S -55 x(.)S 265 x(The)S 10773 X 598 y(default)S(D167 x(is)S 166 x(512)S 166 x(bytes,)S 167 x(which)S 167 x(is)S 166 xE(s_p MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`(:uitable)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(most)S 166 x(VMS)S 166 x(binary)S 168 x2G(\211les,)S 167 x(including)S 10773 X 597 y(executable)S 180 x(images)S C178 x(\(\211xed-leng)S 2 x(th)S 179 x(512-byte)S 178 x(records\).)SeC275 x(A)S 179 x(different)S 178 x(blocksize)S 10773 X 598 y(would)SrF187 x(be)S 187 x(appropriate)S 187 x(when)S 187 x(transferring)S 188 xC(VMS)S 187 x(BACKU)S -2 x(P)S 188 x(savesets,)S 192 x(for)S 10773 X.D598 y(example.)S 10773 12965 XY F25(/CONFIR)S -2 x(M)S 10773 X 797 yF(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(Prompts)S 195 xE(for)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 203 x(No,)S 202 x(All,)S 203 xoE(or)S 195 x(Quit)S 194 x(con\211rmation)S 196 x(before)S 196 x(each)S9H195 x(\211le)S 195 x(is)S 10773 X 597 y(transferred.)S 250 x(The)S 167 xD(following)S 166 x(responses)S 165 x(may)S 167 x(be)S 166 x(given:)SC12865 X 897 y F38(Y)S -41 x(es)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)S 151 x C(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 12865 X 747 y(No)S 16452 X(Does)S 150 x(not)S)E149 x(transfer)S 150 x(and)S 151 x(prompts)S 150 x(for)S 150 x(next)SsG150 x(transfer)S 12865 X 747 y(All)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)S 151 x7G(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 149 x(and)S 150 x(all)S 149 x(subsequ)S 2 x(ent)SsF149 x(\211les)S 12865 X 748 y(Quit)S 16452 X(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 xI(transfer)S 12865 X 366 y 1704 24 R 12865 X 492 y 24 492 R 13007 19122 XYtGF42(CTRL-Z)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 12865 X 20 y 1704 24 R 16452 19142 XYlFF38(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 x(transfer)S 10773 X 896 y F151(By)S 169 xL(default,)S 171 x(the)S 169 x(user)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(not)S 169 x(prompted)SF169 x(for)S 169 x(con\211rmation.)S 257 x(This)S 169 x(default)S 169 xC(can)S 170 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(change)S 2 x(d)S 165 x(with)S 165 xE(the)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(commands)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(CONFIRM)S 165 x H(and)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(NOCONFIRM.)S 10773 21732 XY F25(/HASH)S 10773 XO797 y(/NOHA)S -2 x(SH)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S/H166 x(enable)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(HASH)S 166 xH(\(HASH)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(NOHASH\).)S 10773 X 896 y(When)S 189 x(Hash)SE188 x(is)S 187 x(enabled)S 189 x(and)S 188 x(a)S 188 x(\211le)S 189 x6H(is)S 187 x(transferred)S 189 x(from)S 188 x(one)S 188 x(machine)S 189 xD(to)S 10773 X 598 y(another)S -36 x(,)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(hash)S 169 xC(mark)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(displayed)S 168 x(for)S 169 x(each)S 169 x3E(1024)S 169 x(characters)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(data)S 168 x(that)S 169 x)F(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 896 y(By)S 171 x(default,)SC172 x(no)S 171 x(hash)S 171 x(marks)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(displayed)S Q170 x(as)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(data)S 170 x(is)S 170 x(being)S 172 x(transferred.)SnD10773 X 598 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 xH(this)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(SET)SF166 x(HASH.)S 10773 X 897 y(Note)S 169 x(that)S 170 x -380 y 1728 24 RG13179 X 491 y 24 492 R 13323 27889 XY F42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 RxG13179 X 20 y 1728 24 R 15075 27909 XY F151(and)S 170 x -380 y 1704 24 R G16112 X 491 y 24 492 R 16253 27889 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 122 x 131 y 24 492 R9H16112 X 20 y 1704 24 R 17981 27909 XY F151(can)S 170 x(be)S 169 x(used)SD170 x(to)S 169 x(display)S 169 x(a)S 170 x(line)S 169 x(indicating)SI170 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(state)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(transfer)S)H-37 x(.)S 10773 29602 XY F25(/LOG)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 798 y(/NOLOG)SD10773 X 896 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S 166 x(enabled)S 166 x(or)SH167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(QUIET)S -46 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(When)SD201 x(/LOG)S 201 x(is)S 201 x(speci\211ed,)S 210 x(you)S 202 x(are)SH201 x(noti\211ed)S 201 x(after)S 201 x(each)S 201 x(\211le)S 202 x(has)SM200 x(been)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 896 y(By)S 178 x(default,)S9G180 x(you)S 178 x(are)S 178 x(not)S 177 x(noti\211ed.)S 273 x(Y)S -56 xSC(ou)S 178 x(can)S 178 x(change)S 178 x(this)S 177 x(default)S 177 x2F(by)S 178 x(issuing)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(commands)SE166 x(SET)S 166 x(QUIET)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(NOQUIE)S -2 xSK(T)S -45 x(.)S 10773 35381 XY F25(/MODE=mode)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)Sa2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20349)SEP PPS %%PageTrailero1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique $%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)I%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-50) 78%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)C PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S)S 1 SC 241 x(get)S 239 x(login.exe)S 240 xH(tmp.tmp)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<200)S 239 x(Port)S 240 x(161,6,5,3,118,1)SG2 x(48)S 239 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(<150)S 239 x(VMS)S 240 x(Retrieve)S6E240 x(of)S 239 x(LOGIN.EXE;1)S 240 x(Started;)S 240 x(Opening)S 240 xeM(data)S 240 x(connection.)S 6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 x(File)S 240 x(transfer)S)E240 x(Okay;)S 240 x(Closing)S 239 x(data)S 240 x(connection.)S 6290 XdF449 y(468)S 239 x(bytes)S 240 x(\(1)S 239 x(block\))S 240 x(in)S 239 xE(00:00:00.63)S 241 x(=)S 239 x(743)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=2)S 6290 XxL448 y(Received)S 240 x(file)S 239 x(login.exe)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(\(Local\))SD240 x(TMP.TMP;1)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 659 x 29687 Y F151D(In)S 180 x(this)S 179 x(example,)S 183 x(the)S 180 x(remote)S 179 xE(\211le)S 180 x(LOGIN.EXE)S 178 x(is)S 179 x(transferred)S 179 x(to)S1G180 x(the)S 179 x(local)S 10773 X 598 y(system)S 179 x(as)S 178 x(TMP)S8K-63 x(.TMP)S -63 x(.)S 179 x(Note)S 179 x(that)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(\211le)S E180 x(was)S 178 x(transferred)S 179 x(using)S 180 x(the)S 179 x(VMS)S C10773 X 598 y(structure)S 183 x(\(``V)S -2 x(MS)S 183 x(Retrieve')S G-10 x('\).)S 282 x(STRU)S 181 x(VMS)S 182 x(was)S 181 x(automatically)S)F182 x(negotiated)S 10773 X 598 y(between)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(systems)SG165 x(when)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(initial)S 166 x(connection)S 167 x(was)S C165 x(made.)S -192 x 36925 Y F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20351)SxEP PPa %%PageTrailerS1%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldObliquer0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 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6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 xSD(Transfer)S 240 x(complete.)S 6290 X 449 y(Transferred)S 240 x(695)SC240 x(bytes)S 239 x(in)S 240 x(00:00:00.54)S 240 x(=)S 239 x(1287)SSG239 x(bytes/Seco)S 2 x(nd)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:unix>)S 10773 9647 XY F151 G(If)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(remote)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x(speci\211cation)S6F174 x(includes)S 174 x(``/')S -10 x(',)S 176 x(it)S 173 x(will)S 172 xF(be)S 174 x(necessary)S 174 x(to)S 173 x(enclose)S 10773 X 598 y(the)SD186 x(entire)S 185 x(remote)S 186 x(\211le)S 185 x(speci\211cation)SE186 x(in)S 186 x(double)S 185 x(quotes,)S 191 x(because)S 186 x(the)ScJ185 x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 y(command)S 172 x(interpreter)S 171 x(interpre> MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`ctXts)SD171 x(``/')S -9 x(')S 171 x(as)S 170 x(the)S 172 x(beginning)S 173 xD(of)S 171 x(a)S 172 x(quali\211er)S -37 x(.)S 260 x(Notice)S 10773 XE598 y(the)S 172 x(difference)S 171 x(in)S 172 x(behavior)S 172 x(on)SSH172 x(some)S 171 x(systems)S 170 x(if)S 171 x(the)S 172 x(remote)S 171 xF(\211le)S 172 x(speci\211cation)S 10773 X 597 y(is)S 166 x(and)S 166 xG(is)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(quoted.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)St-27 x(\20352)SEP PPl %%PageTrailert"%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Jinete"%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-53) 81%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)9 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH26663 X 797 y F28(HELP)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(HELP)SG10773 7037 XY F34(Enables)S 166 x(you)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(obtain)S 166 x D(information)S 166 x(about)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)SD167 x(utility)S -37 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(T)S -55 x(o)S 166 x(obtain)SD166 x(information)S 166 x(about)S 166 x(all)S 165 x(of)S 167 x(the)SH166 x(FTP)S 167 x(commands,)S 167 x(enter)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(command:)SE6290 X 896 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(HELP)S 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x(AGE)S 165 x(\(D\))SI10773 X 797 y(/NOP)S -52 x(AGE)S 10773 X 598 y F151(By)S 171 x(default,)S0D173 x(the)S 172 x(HELP)S 171 x(command)S 171 x(prompts)S 171 x(the)SI171 x(user)S 171 x(the)S 172 x(press)S 170 x(RETURN)S 170 x(for)S 10773 XiE598 y(each)S 167 x(screen)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(information.)S 250 x(T)S5F-46 x(o)S 167 x(disable)S 165 x(paging,)S 168 x(use)S 166 x(HELP/NOP)SF-37 x(AGE.)S 10773 21072 XY F25(/REMOTE)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOREMO)S -2 xH(TE)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 896 y F151(Asks)S 192 x(the)S 193 x(remote)SD192 x(FTP)S 193 x(server)S 193 x(for)S 193 x(help)S 193 x(on)S 192 xH(the)S 193 x(commands)S 192 x(it)S 192 x(supports.)S 10773 X 598 y(The)SF182 x(/REMOTE)S 180 x(quali\211er)S 181 x(must)S 181 x(precede)S 181 xJ(the)S 181 x(topics)S 181 x(on)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(command)S 181 x(line.)SD10773 X 598 y(HELP/REMOTE)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(equivalent)S 167 x(to)SD166 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(REMOTEHELP)S -65 x(.)S524548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 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F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x (ENT)S -27 x(\20354)S\EP PP7 %%PageTrailerG%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticar%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)6%(%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-55) 83%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)2 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SJ27029 X 797 y F28(LCD)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(LCD\202)SO(Change)S 358 x(local)S 358 x(default)S 357 x(director)S -2 x(y)S 10773 7037 XYeIF34(Changes)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(local)S 178 x(default)S 178 x(directory)S(F-37 x(.)S 275 x(LCD)S 177 x(is)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(synonym)S 178 x(for)SE179 x(SET)S 179 x(DEF)S -27 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S -55 x(.)S 10773 X 598 yMG(See)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 x(SET)S 167 x(DEF)S -27 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 167 xSN(for)S 166 x(more)S 166 x(information.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XYPF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(LCD)S 697 x F23(directo)S -2 x(ry)S 24548 36925 XY&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 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F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 yFF151(Once)S 195 x(the)S 194 x(username)S 195 x(is)S 194 x(sent)S 194 xL(to)S 194 x(the)S 194 x(remote)S 195 x(system,)S 201 x(FTP)S 195 x(prompts)SC194 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(passwords)S 192 x(and,)S 201 x(if)S 194 x F(necessary)S -55 x(,)S 201 x(account)S 194 x(information.)S 305 x(If)SC193 x(the)S 194 x(account)S 195 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(speci\211ed,)S8D167 x(it)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(transferred)S 166 x(when)S 167 x(asked)SD166 x(for)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(after)S 166 x(login,)S 167 x(if)S 166 xC(not)S 166 x(requested.)S 10773 X 896 y(Some)S 161 x(remote)S 162 xlL(FTP)S 162 x(servers)S 162 x(allow)S 161 x(you)S 163 x(to)S 161 x(relogin.)SC251 x(They)S 162 x(will)S 161 x(automatically)S 162 x(log)S 10773 XxD598 y(you)S 167 x(off)S 166 x(your)S 167 x(current)S 167 x(session)SF165 x(and)S 167 x(restart)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(login)S 166 x(process.)SD5094 18880 XY 23160 204 R 5094 19698 XY F24(COMMAN)S -2 x(D)S 5094 XG797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -797 y F25(/ACCO)S -2 x(UNT=string)S 10773 X C598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 168 x(account)S1C168 x(name)S 167 x(for)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 168 x(system.)SSK251 x(Most)S 167 x(servers)S 167 x(do)S 10773 X 598 y(not)S 166 x(require)SrC MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`Ǟg167 x(an)S 166 x(account)S 167 x(name.)S 10773 21990 XY F25(/ANON)SrF-2 x(YMOUS)S 10773 X 896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 182 x(that)S 182 x(the)SG182 x(remote)S 182 x(login)S 183 x(should)S 183 x(be)S 182 x(as)S 181 x6D(an)S 183 x(anonymous)S 183 x(user)S -37 x(.)S 282 x(Y)S -56 x(our)SF10773 X 598 y(password)S 165 x(will)S 165 x(default)S 166 x(to)S 166 xJ(local_user@local_host.)S 10773 24580 XY F25(/AP)S -52 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 XD797 y(/NOAP)S -53 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S 183 xX(that)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(anonymous)S 184 x(password)S 182 x(\(local_user@local_host\))SE183 x(should)S 10773 X 597 y(be)S 182 x(sent.)S 280 x(Specify)S 181 xsF(/ANONYMOUS/NOAP)S -38 x(ASSWORD)S 180 x(if)S 181 x(you)S 182 x(want)SG181 x(to)S 181 x(login)S 10773 X 598 y(anonymou)S 2 x(sly)S 166 x(and)S8E166 x(still)S 165 x(be)S 166 x(prompted)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(a)S 166 x)C(password.)S 10773 28565 XY F25(/P)S -51 x(ASSWORD)S -2 x(=string)S E10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(passw)S -2 x(ord)S)G171 x(for)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(requested)S 170 x(user)S 170 x(account.)S G259 x(This)S 171 x(quali\211er)S 171 x(may)S 10773 X 598 y(only)S 171 x)E(be)S 170 x(used)S 170 x(when)S 171 x(a)S 170 x(username)S 170 x(is)SnF170 x(speci\211ed)S 170 x(\(explicitly)S 171 x(via)S 170 x(/USERNAME)SG169 x(or)S 10773 X 597 y(implicitly)S 175 x(via)S 176 x(/ANONYMOUS\).)S6F175 x(If)S 175 x(you)S 176 x(put)S 175 x(this)S 175 x(into)S 176 x(a)SF175 x(command)S 176 x(\211le,)S 178 x(then)S 10773 X 598 y(you)S 167 xEF152(MUST)S 167 x F151(make)S 166 x(sure)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)SsD166 x(is)S 165 x(not)S 167 x(world)S 165 x(readable.)S 5094 36925 XY&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20356)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica\,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman1%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italici%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)R%n%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-57) 85%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SC26364 X 797 y F28(LOGIN)S 5094 4696 XY 23160 204 R 5094 5515 XY F24MH(EXAMPLES)S 5094 6546 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(ftp)SC240 x(fake)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(client)S1K240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S(E6290 X 449 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x(to)S 240 x D(host)S 239 x(fake)S 6290 X 448 y(<220-fake.bogus.)S 2 x(com)S 239 xD(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 xC(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)S 6290 X1F448 y(<220)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)SF239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 xH(login)S 240 x(simmons)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<331)S 239 x(Username)S 240 xF("simmons")S 240 x(Okay,)S 240 x(need)S 240 x(password.)S 6290 X 448 yK(Password:)S 6290 X 748 y(<230-Welcome)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(FAKE.BOGUS.COM,)SsD240 x(a)S 239 x(MicroVAX)S 240 x(II)S 6290 X 448 y(<230-User)S 240 xL("SIMMONS")S 240 x(logged)S 240 x(in,)S 239 x(25-OCT-1993)S 240 x(10:35:43)SD240 x(EST,)S 240 x(proceed.)S 6290 X 448 y(<230)S 239 x(Connection)SI241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)SrD6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 13023 XY F151(In)S 176 x(this)S 175 xG(example,)S 178 x(a)S 175 x(connec)S 2 x(tion)S 175 x(is)S 175 x(made)SxG175 x(to)S 175 x(a)S 176 x(VMS)S 175 x(system)S 175 x(and)S 175 x(the)S3C176 x(LOGIN)S 10773 X 598 y(command)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(used)S 166 xeP(to)S 166 x(specify)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(username.)S 5094 14643 XYHF202(2)S 6290 X 243 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(ftp)S 240 x(fake)S 0 SC 6290 XE448 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(host)S F239 x(fake)S 6290 X 448 y(<220-fake.bogus.)S 2 x(com)S 239 x(MadGoat)SC240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S(E240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)S 6290 X 449 y(<220)SaE239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)SSL240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(login/anonymous)SH0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<331)S 239 x(Guest)S 240 x(login)S 240 x(Okay,)S 239 xE(send)S 240 x(ident)S 239 x(or)S 240 x(e-mail)S 239 x(address)S 240 x1D(as)S 240 x(password.)S 6290 X 449 y(<230-Howdy,)S 240 x(stranger!)SG6290 X 448 y(<230-Guest)S 240 x(SIMMONS@kiss.c)S 2 x(om)S 239 x(login)StE239 x(Okay,)S 240 x(25-OCT-1993)S 240 x(10:38:25)S 240 x(EST,)S 240 xxH(access)S 239 x(restrictio)S 2 x(ns)S 239 x(apply.)S 6290 X 448 y(<230)SE239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)SfC240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 19917 XY F1518H(In)S 173 x(this)S 172 x(example,)S 175 x(the)S 173 x(/ANONYMOUS)S 171 xC(quali\211er)S 174 x(is)S 172 x(used)S 172 x(to)S 173 x(log)S 173 x8G(in)S 173 x(as)S 172 x(a)S 173 x(guest)S 10773 X 598 y(on)S 167 x(the)S)G166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 5094 21538 XY F202(3)S 6290 X 242 y F102 C(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(login)S 240 x(guest/apassword)S 0 SC 6290 XSC448 y(<331)S 239 x(Guest)S 240 x(login)S 240 x(Okay,)S 239 x(send)S H240 x(ident)S 239 x(or)S 240 x(e-mail)S 239 x(address)S 240 x(as)S 240 xF(password.)S 6290 X 449 y(<230-Guest)S 240 x(SIMMONS@kiss.c)S 2 x(om)SF239 x(login)S 239 x(Okay,)S 240 x(10-AUG-1994)S 240 x(13:26:28)S 240 xH(EST,)S 240 x(access)S 239 x(restrictio)S 2 x(ns)S 239 x(apply.)S 6290 XF448 y(<230)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)SH239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 10773 24121 XY F151(In)S 203 x(this)SF202 x(example,)S 212 x(the)S 202 x(/AP)S -36 x(ASSWO)S -2 x(RD)S 202 xD(quali\211er)S 203 x(is)S 202 x(used)S 202 x(to)S 202 x(send)S 202 xD(the)S 10773 X 598 y(anonymou)S 2 x(s)S 165 x(password)S 165 x(for)SC166 x(a)S 166 x(user)S 167 x(other)S 166 x(than)S 166 x(anony)S 2 x(=(mous.)S 833 x 36925 Y F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20357)S EP PPo %%PageTrailerl"%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Jinete"%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%\%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-58) 86%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SO5094 X 797 y F28(LOGOUT)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(LOGOUT\202)S9F(Log)S -2 x(out)S 358 x(of)S 358 x(the)S 358 x(curre)S -2 x(nt)S 359 xH(acc)S -2 x(ount)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Reinitial)S -2 x(izes)S 182 x(the)SF182 x(connection)S 181 x(to)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(remote)S 182 x(host,)SD186 x(logging)S 181 x(you)S 181 x(out)S 182 x(if)S 182 x(you)S 182 xF(are)S 10773 X 598 y(logged)S 167 x(in.)S 252 x(LOGO)S -2 x(UT)S 168 xF(uses)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(remote)S 168 x(REIN)S 167 x(command,)S 168 xD(which)S 167 x(is)S 167 x(not)S 168 x(supported)S 10773 X 598 y(by)SG166 x(all)S 165 x(FTP)S 167 x(servers.)S 10773 X 896 y(BYE)S 167 x(is)SaF166 x(a)S 166 x(synonym)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(LOGOU)S -2 x(T)S -55 x(.)SJ10773 X 897 y(The)S 178 x(LOGIN)S 177 x(or)S 178 x(USER)S 178 x(commands)SG177 x(can)S 178 x(be)S 178 x(used)S 178 x(to)S 178 x(log)S 177 x(back)S4F178 x(in)S 178 x(to)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(remote)S 10773 X 598 y(host.)SE5094 11819 XY 23160 204 R 5094 12837 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X D(LOGOU)S -2 x(T)S 5094 14033 XY 23160 204 R 5094 14851 XY(EXAMPLES)SC5094 15883 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102($)S 1 SC 239 x(ftp)S 240 x D(fake)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(F MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`Zvclient)S 240 xF(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))SE6290 X 448 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x(to)S 240 xcD(host)S 239 x(fake)S 6290 X 449 y(<220-fake.bogus.)S 2 x(com)S 239 xD(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(for)S 240 xC(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)S 6290 X2F448 y(<220)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)SF239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 xH(login)S 240 x(simmons)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<331)S 239 x(Username)S 240 xF("simmons")S 240 x(Okay,)S 240 x(need)S 240 x(password.)S 6290 X 448 yK(Password:)S 6290 X 747 y(<230-Welcome)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(FAKE.BOGUS.COM,)S2D240 x(a)S 239 x(MicroVAX)S 240 x(II)S 6290 X 449 y(<230-User)S 240 xL("SIMMONS")S 240 x(logged)S 240 x(in,)S 239 x(25-OCT-1993)S 240 x(10:43:36)SD240 x(EST,)S 240 x(proceed.)S 6290 X 448 y(<230)S 239 x(Connection)SI241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)SQ6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(logout)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<220-fake.bogus.)S)G2 x(com)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(H(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)SF6290 X 448 y(<220)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 xC(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S)L1 SC 240 x(login)S 240 x(stanley)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<331)S 239 x(Username)SE240 x("stanley")S 240 x(Okay,)S 240 x(need)S 240 x(password.)S 6290 XCP448 y(Password:)S 6290 X 747 y(<230-Welcome)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(FAKE.BOGUS.COM,)SD240 x(a)S 239 x(MicroVAX)S 240 x(II)S 6290 X 448 y(<230-User)S 240 xL("STANLEY")S 240 x(logged)S 240 x(in,)S 239 x(25-OCT-1993)S 240 x(10:43:36)SD240 x(EST,)S 240 x(proceed.)S 6290 X 449 y(<230)S 239 x(Connection)SI241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S3D6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 26693 XY F151(In)S 190 x(this)S 190 xE(example,)S 197 x(the)S 190 x(remote)S 191 x(account)S 191 x(logged)SoE191 x(in)S 190 x(to)S 190 x(is)S 190 x(SIMMONS.)S 190 x(The)S 10773 X C598 y(LOGOUT)S 169 x(command)S 171 x(is)S 170 x(then)S 170 x(used)SfH171 x(to)S 170 x(log)S 170 x(out)S 171 x(of)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(remote)SH170 x(system,)S 172 x(but)S 170 x(still)S 10773 X 598 y(maintain)S 174 xG(the)S 174 x(connection)S 175 x(so)S 173 x(that)S 174 x(another)S 174 x1F(LOGIN)S 173 x(command)S 174 x(can)S 174 x(be)S 174 x(issued)S 10773 XM598 y(to)S 166 x(log)S 166 x(in)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(another)S 166 x(account.)S)45094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20358)SEP PPt %%PageTrailerm%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaS)%%+ Jinete Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Romano%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%m%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-59) 87%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)0 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SC-764 x 797 y F28(LS)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(LS)SxH10773 7037 XY F34(Requests)S 190 x(a)S 189 x(directory)S 189 x(listing)SF189 x(from)S 189 x(the)S 190 x(remote)S 190 x(host.)S 297 x(LS)S 189 xG(is)S 189 x(a)S 190 x(synonym)S 189 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(DIRECT)S -9 xXF(OR)S -10 x(Y)S -64 x(.)S 167 x(See)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 x(DIRECT)S -9 xI(OR)S -9 x(Y)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(more)S 166 x(information.)S 5094 8830 XY1E23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(LS)S 698 x F23xD(remote-\211le)S -2 x(-list)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S-27 x(\20359)SEP PPf %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica(%%+ Helvetica-Oblique6%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)M%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-60) 88%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SoG5094 X 797 y F28(MGET)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(MGET)StD10773 7037 XY F34(Retrieves)S 177 x(multiple)S 177 x(\211les)S 178 xG(from)S 178 x(a)S 178 x(remote)S 177 x(system.)S 274 x(MRECEIVE)S 179 x5C(and)S 177 x(GET/WI)S 2 x(LD)S 10773 X 598 y(are)S 166 x(synonyms)S6H166 x(for)S 166 x(MGET)S -55 x(.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XYCF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(MGET)S 697 x F23(remote-\211le-list)ScL164 x([local-\211le])S 10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 11243 XY F36(Command)SH166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 697 y F35(/APPE)SH2 x(ND)S 18544 X(/NOAPPEND)S 10773 X 598 y(/BLOCKSIZE)S 2 x(=n)S 18544 XG(/BLOCKSIZE=512)S 10773 X 598 y(/CONFIRM)S 18544 X(/NOCON)S -2 x(FIRM)SPD10773 X 598 y(/HASH)S 18544 X(/NOHASH)S 10773 X 597 y(/LOG)S 18544 XC(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 598 y(/MODE=mode)S 18544 X(/MODE=STREAM)S 10773 X9F598 y(/PROMPT)S 18544 X(/NOPROMPT)S 10773 X 598 y(/RECURSIVE)S 18544 XI(/NORECUR)S -2 x(SIVE)S 10773 X 597 y(/RET)S -36 x(AIN)S 18544 X(/NORET)SxI-37 x(AIN)S 10773 X 598 y(/STRUCTURE=structure)S 18544 X(/STRUCTURE=DEF)S)G-37 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 10773 X 598 y(/TYPE)S 2 x(=type[:f)S 2 x(ormat])S1D18544 X(/TYPE)S 2 x(=ASCII:NON_PRINT)S 10773 X 598 y(/WILD)S 18544 XD(/WILD)S 5094 19711 XY 23160 204 R 5094 20530 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)SE-2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(remote-\211le-list)S 10773 X 548 y F1513E(Speci\211es)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(\211le)S 177 x(speci\211cation)S 176 xeE(pattern)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(interpreted)S 176 x(at)S 176 xeD(the)S 176 x(remote)S 177 x(site.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S 175 x(can)SD176 x(be)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(list)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(comma-separated)SD174 x(\211le)S 176 x(speci\211cations.)S 267 x(Each)S 175 x(\211le)SH176 x(name)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 190 x(contain)S 190 x(``w)S -2 x(ild')SF-9 x(')S 189 x(characters)S 189 x(such)S 190 x(as)S 189 x(``*')S -10 xC('.)S 296 x(The)S 190 x(de\211nition)S 189 x(of)S 190 x(the)S 189 x E(wild)S 10773 X 548 y(character)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(determined)S 166 x I(by)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(host)S 166 x(conven)S 2 x(tions:)S(D10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(VMS)S 165 x(uses)S 166 x(``*')S -10 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(atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)R PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S G5094 X 797 y F28(MPUT)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(MPUT)SiC10773 7037 XY F34(Sends)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(or)S 166 x7G(group)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(\211les)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(remote)S G166 x(system.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x E(T)S 10773 X -21 y(MPUT)S 697 x F23(local-\211le)S -2 x(-list)S 166 x H([remote-\211le])S 10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 10625 XY F36(Command)SJ166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 697 y F35(/BACKUP)SI18544 X(/NOBACKUP)S 10773 X 598 y(/BEFORE[=t)S 2 x(ime])S 18544 X(None.)SdC10773 X 598 y(/CONFIRM)S 18544 X(/NOCON)S -2 x(FIRM)S 10773 X 597 y7H(/CREA)S -36 x(TED)S 18544 X(/NOCREA)S -37 x(TED)S 10773 X 598 y(/EXPI)SF2 x(RED)S 18544 X(/NOEXPIRED)S 10773 X 598 y(/HASH)S 18544 X(/NOHASH)SH10773 X 598 y(/LOG)S 18544 X(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 597 y(/MODE=mode)S 18544 XG(/MODE=STREAM)S 10773 X 598 y(/MODIFIED)S 18544 X(/NOMODIFIED)S 10773 X3H598 y(/PROMPT)S 18544 X(/NOPROMPT)S 10773 X 598 y(/SINCE[=t)S 2 x(ime])SI18544 X(None.)S 10773 X 597 y(/RECURSIVE)S 18544 X(/NORECUR)S -2 x(SIVE)SiE10773 X 59z MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`88 y(/RET)S -36 x(AIN)S 18544 X(/NORET)S -37 x(AIN)S 10773 XPG598 y(/STRUCTURE=structure)S 18544 X(/STRUCTURE=DEF)S -37 x(AUL)S -37 xeF(T)S 10773 X 598 y(/UNIQUE)S 18544 X(/NOUNIQUE)S 10773 X 597 y(/TYPE)SJ2 x(=type[:f)S 2 x(ormat])S 18544 X(/TYPE)S 2 x(=ASCII:NON_PRINT)S 10773 XK598 y(/UNIQUE)S 18544 X(/NOUNIQUE)S 5094 22082 XY 23160 204 R 5094 22900 XYxEF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(local-\211le-list)S E10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 161 x(the)S 161 x(names)S 160 x(of)SeF161 x(one)S 161 x(or)S 161 x(more)S 161 x(\211les)S 161 x(that)S 161 xD(are)S 161 x(to)S 160 x(be)S 161 x(copied)S 161 x(from)S 161 x(the)SJ161 x(local)S 10773 X 548 y(system)S 175 x(to)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(remote)SC176 x(system.)S 269 x(Multiple)S 176 x(\211le)S 176 x(names)S 176 x)G(must)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(separated)S 175 x(by)S 10773 X 548 y(commas.)S(E10773 X 896 y(Items)S 165 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(list)S 165 x(may)S C166 x(contain)S 167 x(wildcard)S 165 x(characters.)S 10773 26515 XY6HF25([remote-\211le])S 10773 X 598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 xG(name)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(transferred)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(is)S 166 xeH(to)S 166 x(have)S 167 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)SG10773 X 897 y(If)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(remote)S 177 x(\211le)S 178 x(is)SeD177 x(unspeci\211ed,)S 182 x(FTP)S 178 x(either)S 178 x(constructs)SE177 x(a)S 178 x(name)S 177 x(from)S 178 x(the)S 10773 X 547 y(local)S K166 x(\211le)S 167 x(name)S 166 x(or)S -37 x(,)S 167 x(if)S 165 x(/PROMPT)SxD167 x(is)S 166 x(used,)S 166 x(prompts)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(a)S 166 xC(remote)S 166 x(name.)S 5094 29753 XY 23160 204 R 5094 30572 XY F24iF(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(MPUT)S 190 x(searches)S 189 x(for)SG190 x(all)S 189 x(\211les)S 189 x(matching)S 190 x(the)S 189 x(\211le)S F190 x(names)S 189 x(speci\211ed)S 189 x(in)S 190 x(the)S 10773 X 598 yG(local)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(list.)S 262 x(Each)S 173 x(\211le)S 174 x8E(that)S 172 x(is)S 173 x(found)S 173 x(is)S 172 x(transferred)S 173 x(H(to)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(remote)S 173 x(system.)S 10773 X 597 y(W)S -19 xF(ildcard)S 166 x(characters)S 167 x(``*')S -10 x(')S 165 x(and)S 167 xD(``%')S -10 x(')S 165 x(may)S 166 x(be)S 167 x(used.)S 10773 X 897 yE(The)S 163 x(FTP)S 163 x(utility)S 162 x(will)S 161 x(\211rst)S 162 xSH(look)S 163 x(at)S 161 x(the)S 163 x(\211le)S 162 x(and)S 162 x(record)SF163 x(characteristics)S 162 x(for)S 162 x(each)S 10773 X 598 y(local)SD179 x(\211le.)S 275 x(It)S 178 x(will)S 178 x(then)S 180 x(attempt)SK178 x(to)S 178 x(negotiate)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(appropriate)S 179 x(\211le)S)M179 x(transfer)S 10773 X 598 y(parameters)S 182 x(\(Mode,)S 186 x(Structure)S E183 x(and)S 182 x(T)S -26 x(ype\))S 183 x(before)S 182 x(each)S 182 xeD(\211le)S 182 x(is)S 182 x(transferred.)S 10773 X 597 y(Once)S 176 xM(the)S 176 x(appropriate)S 175 x(\211le)S 176 x(transfer)S 176 x(parameters)SSG175 x(have)S 177 x(been)S 176 x(negotiated,)S 179 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y1F(\211le)S 166 x(contents)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(sent.)S 5094 36925 XY F36#(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20368)SXEP PPo %%PageTrailer4%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica1+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-69) 97%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)8 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SK26564 X 797 y F28(MPUT)S 10773 4866 XY F151(If)S 162 x(a)S 162 x(matching)S1C163 x(local)S 163 x(\211le)S 162 x(is)S 162 x(a)S 162 x(directory)S)F-54 x(,)S 163 x(FTP)S 163 x(attempts)S 161 x(to)S 162 x(create)S 163 xD(a)S 162 x(directory)S 163 x(on)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(remote)SF166 x(host.)S 10773 X 896 y(While)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(transfer)S 171 xE(is)S 170 x(in-progress,)S 173 x(the)S 171 x(state)S 170 x(of)S 171 xeF(the)S 171 x(transfer)S 171 x(can)S 171 x(be)S 171 x(checked)S 10773 XI598 y(by)S 180 x(pressing)S 179 x(either)S 179 x -380 y 1704 24 R 15175 X(F491 y 24 492 R 15317 6938 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 121 x 131 y 24 492 R 15175 XE20 y 1704 24 R 17054 6958 XY F151(or)S 179 x -380 y 1728 24 R 17703 X%F491 y 24 492 R 17847 6938 XY F42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 R 17703 XC20 y 1728 24 R 19430 6958 XY F151(.)S 275 x(While)S 179 x(a)S 179 xaE(\211le)S 179 x(is)S 179 x(being)S 180 x(transferred,)S 10773 X 598 y(F(FTP)S 174 x(displays)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(\211le)S 173 x(name,)S 175 xD(the)S 173 x(number)S 174 x(of)S 172 x(bytes)S 173 x(already)S 173 xG(transferred,)S 175 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(percentage)S 167 x(of)S 166 x H(the)S 166 x(total)S 166 x(size)S 165 x(transferred,)S 167 x(and)S 166 xI(the)S 166 x(curren)S 2 x(t)S 165 x(transfer)S 166 x(rate.)S 5094 9349 XYsI23160 204 R 5094 10168 XY F24(COMMAN)S -2 x(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S0F10773 X -797 y F25(/BACK)S -2 x(UP)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOBA)S -2 x(CKUP)SH165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(Selects)S 174 x(\211les)S 174 x(using)SE175 x(the)S 175 x(backup)S 175 x(date.)S 266 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 174 x6G(only)S 175 x(when)S 175 x(used)S 175 x(in)S 174 x(conju)S 2 x(nction)S3O10773 X 597 y(with)S 166 x(/SINCE)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(/BEFORE.)S 10773 13256 XY1IF25(/BEFORE[=time])S 10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -31 x(ransfers)S 167 x(only)ShD168 x(those)S 166 x(\211les)S 167 x(dated)S 167 x(prior)S 167 x(to)SH166 x(the)S 167 x(speci\211ed)S 167 x(time.)S 251 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 xG(can)S 167 x(specify)S 10773 X 598 y(time)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(an)S 178 xaH(absolute)S 177 x(time,)S 181 x(as)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(combination)S 177 xG(of)S 178 x(absolute)S 177 x(and)S 178 x(delta)S 177 x(times,)S 10773 X)J597 y(or)S 177 x(as)S 177 x(one)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(following)SC177 x(keywords:)S 272 x(TODA)S -47 x(Y)S 177 x(\(default\),)S 180 xSE(TOMORRO)S -2 x(W)S -56 x(,)S 178 x(or)S 10773 X 598 y(YESTERD)S -2 x1E(A)S -46 x(Y)S -55 x(.)S 178 x(Specify)S 177 x(one)S 179 x(of)S 177 x6F(the)S 178 x(following)S 178 x(quali\211ers)S 177 x(with)S 178 x(the)SG177 x(/BEFORE)S 10773 X 598 y(quali\211er)S 166 x(to)S 164 x(indicate)S)F165 x(the)S 165 x(time)S 164 x(attribute)S 165 x(to)S 164 x(be)S 165 xK(used)S 165 x(as)S 164 x(the)S 165 x(basis)S 164 x(for)S 165 x(selection:)SxP10773 X 598 y(/BACKUP)S -65 x(,)S 167 x(/CREA)S -29 x(TED)S 166 x(\(default\),)SL166 x(/EXPIRED,)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(/MODIFIED.)S 10773 18238 XY F25(/CONFIR)SG-2 x(M)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 896 y FF151(Prompts)S 195 x(for)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 203 x(No,)SJ202 x(All,)S 203 x(or)S 195 x(Quit)S 194 x(con\211rmation)S 196 x(before)SC196 x(each)S 195 x(\211le)S 195 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S7F250 x(The)S 167 x(following)S 166 x(responses)S 165 x(may)S 167 x(be)SL166 x(given:)S 12865 X 897 y F38(Y)S -41 x(es)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)SH151 x(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 12865 X 747 y(No)S 16452 X(Does)S 150 x(not)SE149 x(transfer)S 150 x(and)S 151 x(prompts)S 150 x(for)S 150 x(next)S(G150 x(transfer)S 12865 X 747 y(All)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)S 151 xG(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 149 x(and)S 150 x(all)S 149 x(subsequ)S 2 x(ent)S F149 x(\211les)S 12865 X 747 y(Quit)S 16452 X(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 xI(transfer)S 12865 X 367 y 1704 24 R 12865 X 492 y 24 492 R 13007 24394 XY1GF42(CTRL-Z)S 121 x 132 y 24 492 R 12865 X 20 y 1704 24 R 16452 24414 XY(FF38(Quits)S 149 x(the)S 149 x(transfer)S 10773 X 897 y F151(By)S 169 xL(default,)S 171 x(the)S 169 x(user)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(not)S 169 x(prompted)SF169 x(for)S 169 x(con\211rmation.)S 257 x(This)S 169 x(default)S 169 xC(can)S 170 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(change)S 2) MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`I x(d)S 165 x(with)S 165 x0E(the)S 165 x(FTP)S 166 x(commands)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(CONFIRM)S 165 x1F(and)S 165 x(SET)S 165 x(NOCONFIRM.)S 10773 27005 XY F25(/CREA)S -53 xH(TED)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCR)S -2 x(EA)S -52 x(TED)S 10773 XD896 y F151(Selects)S 171 x(\211les)S 171 x(using)S 173 x(the)S 171 xC(creation)S 172 x(date.)S 260 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 171 x(only)S 173 x3H(when)S 171 x(used)S 172 x(in)S 172 x(conjunc)S 2 x(tion)S 10773 X 598 yF(with)S 168 x(/SINCE)S 167 x(and)S 168 x(/BEFORE.)S 168 x(This)S 168 xG(is)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(default)S 168 x(date)S 168 x(used)S 168 x(for)S6P168 x(\211le)S 168 x(selection)S 10773 X 598 y(by)S 167 x(date.)S 10773 30990 XYEF25(/EXPIRED)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOEXPIRED)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 896 y KF151(Selects)S 156 x(\211les)S 156 x(using)S 157 x(the)S 156 x(expiration)SeD157 x(date.)S 249 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 156 x(only)S 157 x(when)S 157 xH(used)S 156 x(in)S 156 x(conj)S 2 x(unction)S 10773 X 598 y(with)S 166 xI(/SINCE)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(/BEFORE.)S 10773 34377 XY F25(/HASH)S 10773 X0F797 y(/NOHA)S -2 x(SH)S 166 x(\(D\))S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20369)S EP PP1 %%PageTrailers2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman#%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-BoldObliqueS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %0%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-70) 98%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)4 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SSG5094 X 797 y F28(MPUT)S 10773 4866 XY F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S 166 x0C(enable)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(HASH)S 166 x H(\(HASH)S 165 x(or)S 166 x(NOHASH\).)S 10773 X 897 y(When)S 189 x(Hash)SE188 x(is)S 187 x(enabled)S 189 x(and)S 188 x(a)S 188 x(\211le)S 189 xpH(is)S 187 x(transferred)S 189 x(from)S 188 x(one)S 188 x(machine)S 189 xD(to)S 10773 X 597 y(another)S -36 x(,)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(hash)S 169 xC(mark)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(displayed)S 168 x(for)S 169 x(each)S 169 xlE(1024)S 169 x(characters)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(data)S 168 x(that)S 169 xoF(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 897 y(By)S 171 x(default,)SC172 x(no)S 171 x(hash)S 171 x(marks)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(displayed)S(Q170 x(as)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(data)S 170 x(is)S 170 x(being)S 172 x(transferred.)SeD10773 X 598 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 xH(this)S 166 x(with)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(command)S 166 x(SET)SF166 x(HASH.)S 10773 X 896 y(Note)S 169 x(that)S 170 x -380 y 1728 24 RF13179 X 491 y 24 492 R 13323 9329 XY F42(CTRL-A)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 RF13179 X 20 y 1728 24 R 15075 9349 XY F151(and)S 170 x -380 y 1704 24 RF16112 X 491 y 24 492 R 16253 9329 XY F42(CTRL-T)S 122 x 131 y 24 492 RG16112 X 20 y 1704 24 R 17981 9349 XY F151(can)S 170 x(be)S 169 x(used)SiD170 x(to)S 169 x(display)S 169 x(a)S 170 x(line)S 169 x(indicating)SI170 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(state)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(transfer)S H-37 x(.)S 10773 11043 XY F25(/LOG)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLOG)SD10773 X 896 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S 166 x(enabled)S 166 x(or)SH167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(QUIET)S -46 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(When)SD201 x(/LOG)S 201 x(is)S 201 x(speci\211ed,)S 210 x(you)S 202 x(are)SH201 x(noti\211ed)S 201 x(after)S 201 x(each)S 201 x(\211le)S 202 x(has)SM200 x(been)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S 10773 X 897 y(By)S 178 x(default,)S)G180 x(you)S 178 x(are)S 178 x(not)S 177 x(noti\211ed.)S 273 x(Y)S -56 xXC(ou)S 178 x(can)S 178 x(change)S 178 x(this)S 177 x(default)S 177 xeF(by)S 178 x(issuing)S 10773 X 597 y(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(commands)SE166 x(SET)S 166 x(QUIET)S 165 x(and)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(NOQUIE)S -2 x M(T)S -45 x(.)S 10773 16821 XY F25(/MODE=mode)S 10773 18316 XY F151(Attempts)S(E188 x(to)S 190 x(negotiate)S 190 x(a)S 190 x(different)S 190 x(data)SsD189 x(transfer)S 190 x(mode.)S 297 x(The)S 190 x(following)S 10773 XC548 y(options)S 166 x(may)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(speci\211ed:)S 10773 XaG896 y(\201)S 595 x F153(BLOC)S -2 x(K)S 10773 X 897 y F151(\201)S 595 xeFF153(STREAM)S 165 x F151(\(default\))S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x F153H(COMPRESSED)S 10773 22649 XY F151(For)S 167 x(more)S 166 x(information)SD166 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(modes,)S 166 x(see)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 xJ(SET)S 165 x(MODE.)S 10773 23745 XY F25(/MODIFIED)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOMOD)SG-2 x(IFIED)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 897 y F151(Selects)S 179 x(\211les)SaF179 x(using)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(modi\211ed)S 179 x(\(revised\))S 179 xF(date.)S 276 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 179 x(only)S 180 x(when)S 179 x(used)SI180 x(in)S 10773 X 548 y(conju)S 2 x(nction)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(/SINCE)SeG165 x(and)S 166 x(/BEFORE.)S 10773 27083 XY F25(/PROMPT)S 10773 X 797 y D(/NOPRO)S -2 x(MPT)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 597 y F151(Causes)S 168 xF(FTP)S 169 x(to)S 168 x(prompt)S 168 x(for)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(local)SE169 x(\211le)S 168 x(name)S 169 x(before)S 169 x(transferring)S 169 x)J(each)S 169 x(\211le.)S 10773 X 548 y(The)S 167 x(default)S 166 x(action)SK166 x(is)S 166 x(to)S 165 x(base)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(local)S 166 x(\211le)STG167 x(name)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 xIG(name.)S 10773 30121 XY F25(/RECUR)S -2 x(SIVE)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOREC)SiE-2 x(URSIVE)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 598 y F151(If)S 183 x(the)S 184 xeF(command)S 184 x(speci\211es)S 183 x(a)S 183 x(list)S 183 x(of)S 184 xO(\211les)S 183 x(from)S 184 x(a)S 183 x(series)S 183 x(of)S 184 x(directories)SeD183 x(and)S 10773 X 548 y(subdirectories,)S 196 x(FTP)S 191 x(will)SD190 x(attempt)S 189 x(to)S 190 x(recreate)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(same)SC190 x(directory)S 191 x(tree)S 10773 X 548 y(structure)S 181 x(as)SfH179 x(well)S 180 x(as)S 179 x(transferring)S 181 x(the)S 181 x(\211les)SE180 x(into)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(same)S 180 x(subdirectories.)S 10773 XeL548 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 181 x(may)S 180 x(specify)S 181 x(a)S 180 x(directory)SC181 x(tree)S 180 x(with)S 179 x([...)S 2 x(])S 277 x(to)S 180 x(a)SNJ180 x(remote)S 180 x(V)S -56 x(AX)S 180 x(or)S 180 x(with)S 180 x(\211le)SF10773 X 548 y(name)S 166 x("-FR")S 166 x(to)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(remote)SD166 x(UNIX)S 165 x(\(BSD\))S 165 x(host.)S 10773 X 896 y(Currently)SE-54 x(,)S 186 x(/RECURS)S -2 x(IVE)S 181 x(only)S 182 x(works)S 181 x1H(for)S 182 x(UNIX)S 181 x(and)S 182 x(VMS)S 181 x(systems.)S 279 x(The)SD10773 X 548 y(option)S 166 x(P)S -36 x(A)S -28 x(TH_P)S -36 x(ARSI)SD-2 x(NG)S 166 x(must)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(set)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(ON.)S45094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20370)SEP PP) %%PageTrailerS2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman9%%+ Helvetica Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Bold8%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %4%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-71) 99%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)4 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH26564 X 797 y F28(MPUT)S 10773 4866 XY F151(This)S 197 x(assumes)S 196 xF(that)S 197 x(UNIX)S 196 x(hosts)S 197 x(put)S 197 x(out)S 197 x(the)SJ197 x(following)S 197 x(for)S 197 x(recursive)S 10773 X 548 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x(sequential)S 187 x(\211le)S 188 x(with)S 187 x(variable-length)SI189 x(record)S 10773 X 547 y(format)S 181 x(and)S 181 x(carriage-return)S)N183 x(carriage)S 182 x(control)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(record)S 182 x(attribute.)SG279 x(If)S 181 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(type)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(ASCII:CO)S(E-2 x(NTROL,)S 166 x(it)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(stored)S 165 x(with)S 166 xrE(Fortran)S 167 x(carriage)S 167 x(control.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 189 x)E(the)S 189 x(data)S 188 x(type)S 189 x(is)S 189 x(IMAGE)S 187 x(the)SSE190 x(\211le)S 189 x(is)S 188 x(stored)S 189 x(on)S 189 x(VMS)S 189 x2F(as)S 188 x(a)S 189 x(sequential)S 10773 X 548 y(\211le)S 189 x(with)SD187 x(\211xed-len)S 2 x(gth)S 188 x(512-byte)S 189 x(records)S 188 xH(and)S 189 x(no)S 188 x(record)S 189 x(attributes.)S 293 x(The)S 10773 XC548 y(/BLOCKSIZE)S 159 x(quali\211er)S 160 x(may)S 160 x(be)S 160 x L(speci\211ed)S 160 x(to)S 160 x(override)S 161 x(default)S 159 x(blocksize)SH160 x(of)S 160 x(512)S 10773 X 548 y(bytes.)S 10773 15760 XY 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x(ive)S 358 x(multiple)S 358 x(\211les)SSJ358 x(from)S 358 x(remote)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Retrieves)S 169 x(multiple)SE169 x(\211les)S 170 x(from)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(remote)S 170 x(system.)SeJ258 x(MRECEIVE)S 170 x(is)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(synonyms)S 169 x(for)S 10773 XH598 y(MGET)S -55 x(.)S 166 x(See)S 167 x(HELP)S 166 x(MGET)S 166 x(for)SG166 x(more)S 166 x(information.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY1FF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(MRECEIVE)S 697 x F23(remote-\211le-lis)SD-2 x(t)S 166 x([local-\211le)S -2 x(])S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20373)SEP PP) %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticax%%+ Helvetica-Oblique %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%6%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-74) 102(%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)0 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S1I5094 X 797 y F28(MSEND)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(MSEND)S(E10773 7037 XY F34(Sends)S 176 x(multiple)S 174 x(\211les)S 175 x(to)S G176 x(a)S 175 x(remote)S 176 x(system.)S 269 x(MSEND)S 175 x(is)S 175 xFF(a)S 175 x(synonyms)S 176 x(for)S 176 x(MPUT)S -56 x(.)S 10773 X 598 yN(See)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 x(MPUT)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(more)S 166 x(information.)SC5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XeD(MSEND)S 697 x F23(local-\211)S -2 x(le-list)S 166 x([remote-\211l)S>-2 x(e])S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20374)SEP PPa %%PageTrailer:%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica%%+ Helvetica-ObliqueP%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%7%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-75) 103S%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)l PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SC-897 x 797 y F28(MV)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(MV)SxE10773 7037 XY F34(Renames)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 165 x(on)S 166 xxC(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 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204 R H5094 11265 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 167 x(NOOP)S 165 xF(command)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(useful)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(testing)S 166 xA(purposes.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20376)S)EP PP( %%PageTrailerE%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica %%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-77) 1050%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SG-897 x 797 y F28(ON)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(ON\202)SnD(Enable)S 358 x(error)S -2 x(-handling)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Enables)SJ166 x(or)S 166 x(modi\211es)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(FTP)S 167 x(error-handli)SI-2 x(ng)S 166 x(ability)S -37 x(.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XYxFF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(ON)S 697 x F23(cond)S -2 x(ition)S 166 xG(actio)S -2 x(n)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY F24(P)S -51 x C(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(condition)S 10773 X 548 y F151FH(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(condition)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 xJ(handled.)S 250 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 165 x(conditions)S 167 x(are:)S 10773 XH897 y(\201)S 595 x(CONTRO)S -2 x(L_C)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(ERRO)SI-2 x(R)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(SEVER)S -2 x(E)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S7G595 x(W)S -46 x(ARNING)S 10773 16722 XY F25(action)S 10773 X 598 y F1511G(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(action)S 167 x(that)S 165 x(is)S 166 x8F(to)S 166 x(be)S 166 x(taken.)S 250 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 166 x(actions)SE166 x(are:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(ABOR)S -2 x(T)S 10773 X 897 ynI(\201)S 595 x(CONTINUE)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(EXIT)S 24548 36925 XYS&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20377)SEP PP/ %%PageTrailerT%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticas+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique1%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%9%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-78) 106c%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SeL5094 X 797 y F28(ON)S 279 x(CONTROL_C)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYFF20(ON)S 359 x(CONTROL_C)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Change)S 166 x(or)S 165 xC(modify)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(handling)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(CONTROL_C)S3D-2 x(.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)SG10773 X(ON)S 165 x(CONTR)S -2 x(OL_C)S 697 x F23(action)S 10773 X 797 ycC17484 48 R 10773 10645 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)SrJ18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(None.)S 18544 X(None.)S 5094 12538 XYE23160 204 R 5094 13357 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(The)SgH172 x(default)S 171 x(setting)S 171 x(is)S 170 x(so)S 171 x(that)S 171 xG(when)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(user)S 171 x(types)S 171 x(Control-C,)S 171 xiK(any)S 172 x(current)S 10773 X 598 y(commands)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(aborted)S]H166 x(and)S 166 x(control)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(returned)S 167 x(to)S 166 xH(the)S 166 x(``FTP>')S -9 x(')S 166 x(prompt.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 166 xE(the)S 167 x(setting)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(ABORT)S -47 x(,)S 167 x(the)S7G167 x(FTP)S 168 x(utility)S 166 x(stops)S 166 x(what)S 167 x(it)S 166 x H(is)S 166 x(doing)S 168 x(and)S 166 x(returns)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 166 xH(the)S 166 x(FTP>)S 167 x(prompt.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 166 x(the)S 166 xM(setting)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(CONTINUE)S -2 x(,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(Control-C)SxH166 x(is)S 165 x(effectively)S 167 x(ignored.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 172 xD(the)S 172 x(setting)S 172 x(is)S 171 x(EXIT)S -46 x(,)S 172 x(the)SG172 x(FTP)S : MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`AR173 x(utility)S 172 x(is)S 171 x(exited)S 173 x(and)S 172 x:F(control)S 172 x(is)S 172 x(returned)S 173 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(DCL.)SE10773 X 897 y(If)S 183 x(you)S 184 x(really)S 184 x(want)S 182 x(to)S4D183 x(exit)S 184 x(the)S 183 x(FTP)S 184 x(utility)S -55 x(,)S 188 xD(type)S 183 x -380 y 1728 24 R 21853 X 491 y 24 492 R 21997 18561 XYGF42(CTRL-Y)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 R 21853 X 20 y 1728 24 R 23580 18581 XYxEF151(.)S 284 x -380 y 1728 24 R 24002 X 491 y 24 492 R 24146 18561 XYoGF42(CTRL-Y)S 123 x 131 y 24 492 R 24002 X 20 y 1728 24 R 25912 18581 XY)DF151(is)S 183 x(not)S 10773 X 598 y(trapped)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(the)SI167 x(FTP)S 166 x(utility)S -55 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 169 x(current)SxH169 x(setting)S 168 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 168 x(examined)S 168 x(by)S 169 xG(issuing)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(FTP)S 169 x(command)S 168 x(SHOW)S 10773 X2F598 y(CONDITIO)S -2 x(N.)S 5094 21869 XY 23160 204 R 5094 22687 XY F24G(EXAMPLES)S 5094 23719 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 223 y F102(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S6T1 SC 241 x(on)S 239 x(control_c)S 240 x(abort)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SF1 SC 241 x(dir)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<200)S 239 x(Type)S 240 x(A)S 239 xI(N)S 239 x(ok.)S 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(Port)S 240 x(161,6,5,4,98,14)S1G2 x(8)S 239 x(Okay.)S 1 SC 6390 X 182 y 1512 24 R 6390 X 355 y 24 360 R1F6515 25715 XY F106(CTRL-C)S 107 x 109 y 24 360 R 6390 X 20 y 1512 24 RK0 SC 6290 26184 XY F102(*CANCEL*)S 6290 X 747 y(Operation)S 240 x(aborted)S)I240 x(due)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(Control-C.)S 6290 X 448 y(-SYSTEM-S-CONTRO)SxJ2 x(LC,)S 239 x(operation)S 240 x(completed)S 240 x(under)S 240 x(CTRL/C)SD6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 659 x 28824 Y F151(In)S 166 x(this)SC166 x(example,)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(DIRE)S -2 x(CTOR)S -19 x(Y)S 166 x F(command)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(interrupted)S 167 x(with)S 166 x(a)S 166 xB(Control-C.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20378)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer)%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica1,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)7%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%4%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-79) 107n%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SI24923 X 797 y F28(ON)S 279 x(ERROR)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY JF20(ON)S 359 x(ERROR)S 738 x 7037 Y F34(Change)S 166 x(or)S 165 x(modify)SD166 x(the)S 167 x(handling)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(errors.)S 5094 8233 XYI23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(ON)S 165 x(ERROR)SsH696 x F23(action)S 10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 10645 XY F36(Command)SH166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(None.)SI18544 X(None.)S 5094 12538 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13357 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)SxD10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 178 x(default)S 176 x(setting)S 177 x(is)SC176 x(so)S 177 x(that)S 176 x(when)S 177 x(an)S 177 x(error)S 178 x1C(is)S 176 x(encountered)S 178 x(any)S 178 x(current)S 10773 X 598 yC(commands)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(aborted)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(control)SG167 x(is)S 165 x(returned)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(``FTP>)S 166 xL(')S -9 x(')S 166 x(prompt.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(setting)SI172 x(is)S 171 x(EXIT)S -46 x(,)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(FTP)S 173 x(utility)SF172 x(is)S 171 x(exited)S 173 x(and)S 172 x(control)S 172 x(is)S 172 xF(returned)S 173 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(DCL.)S 10773 X 897 y(This)S 184 xE(command)S 185 x(is)S 183 x(useful)S 185 x(when)S 184 x(batch)S 185 x D(jobs)S 184 x(should)S 184 x(be)S 184 x(aborted)S 184 x(upon)S 185 xD(\211rst)S 10773 X 598 y(unsuccessful)S 167 x(FTP)S 166 x(command.)SD10773 X 896 y(The)S 167 x(most)S 165 x(common)S 167 x(errors)S 166 xF(are:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(The)S 174 x(remote)S 173 x(system)SH173 x(is)S 172 x(not)S 174 x(available.)S 264 x(This)S 173 x(may)S 174 xF(be)S 173 x(due)S 174 x(to)S 173 x(hardware)S 173 x(or)S 11670 X 598 yD(network)S 166 x(failure.)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Login)S 183 xM(failure.)S 282 x(V)S -46 x(erify)S 183 x(that)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(password)SeC181 x(is)S 182 x(correct.)S 282 x(Also)S 182 x(check)S 183 x(that)S-H11670 X 598 y(username)S 166 x(didn')S -9 x(t)S 166 x(get)S 166 x(case)SH166 x(folded.)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Remote)S 173 x(\211le)S 175 xE(unavailable.)S 266 x(This)S 175 x(may)S 174 x(be)S 174 x(due)S 175 xeC(to)S 173 x(incorrec)S 2 x(tly)S 174 x(speci\211ed)S 174 x(\211le)SlJ11670 X 597 y(name.)S 10773 23263 XY(The)S 169 x(current)S 169 x(setting)SH168 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 168 x(examined)S 168 x(by)S 169 x(issuing)S 168 xH(the)S 168 x(FTP)S 169 x(command)S 168 x(SHOW)S 10773 X 598 y(CONDITIO)SN-2 x(N.)S 5094 25057 XY 23160 204 R 5094 25875 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 26907 XYDF202(1)S 6290 X -49 y F102(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(on)S 239 x(error)SP240 x(abort)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(get)S 239 x(unknown.fil)SE2 x(e)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<200)S 239 x(Port)S 240 x(4.11)S 239 x(at)S)D240 x(host)S 239 x( 240 x(accepted.)S 6290 X 448 y(<550)SL239 x(File)S 479 x(not)S 239 x(accessible)S 2 x(.)S 6290 X 448 y(Requested)SK240 x(action)S 240 x(not)S 239 x(taken.)S 240 x(File)S 239 x(unavailable.)S C6290 X 449 y(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(on)S 239 x(error)S 240 x(exit)S(F0 SC 6290 X 448 y(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(get)S 239 x(unknown.fil)S 2 xH(e)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(Port)S 240 x(4.12)S 239 x(at)S 240 xE(host)S 239 x( 240 x(accepted.)S 6290 X 449 y(<550)S 239 xeG(File)S 479 x(not)S 239 x(accessible)S 2 x(.)S 6290 X 448 y(Requested)SoK240 x(action)S 240 x(not)S 239 x(taken.)S 240 x(File)S 239 x(unavailable.)SaI6290 X 448 y($)S 10773 32337 XY F151(This)S 181 x(example)S 182 x(shows)SfF180 x(the)S 181 x(difference)S 182 x(in)S 181 x(behaviour)S 182 x(of)SJ181 x(the)S 181 x(two)S 181 x(settings)S 181 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(error)SG167 x(handling.)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20379)SxEP PP %%PageTrailer9%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica ,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)\%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%8%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-80) 1088%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)i PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SdD5094 X 797 y F28(ON)S 279 x(SEVER)S -2 x(E)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 RD5094 5543 XY F20(ON)S 359 x(SEVERE)S 338 x 7037 Y F34(Change)S 166 xK(or)S 165 x(modify)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(handling)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(SEVERE)S O167 x(or)S 166 x(F)S -27 x(A)S -36 x(T)S -37 x(AL)S 166 x(errors)S 5094 8233 XY)J23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(ON)S 165 x(SEVERE)SH698 x F23(action)S 10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 10645 XY F36(Command)SH166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(None.)SI18544 X(None.)S 5094 12538 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13357 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S)D10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 170 x(default)S 170 x(setting)S 170 x(is)SC169 x(so)S 169 x(that)S 169 x(when)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(severe)S 170 x7G(error)S 170 x(is)S 170 x(encountered)S 171 x(the)S 169 x(FTP)S 10773 X)E598 y(utility)S 166 x(immediately)S 166 x(exits.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)SyL177 x(the)S 178 x(setting)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(ABOR)S -2 x(T)S 178 x(control)SF178 x(is)S 177 x(immediately)S 177 x(returned)S 178 x(to)S 177 x(the)SG178 x(``FTP>)S 177 x(')S -9 x(')S 10773 X 598 y(prompt.)S 10773 X 897 y G(Usually)S 162 x(Severe)S 162 x(or)S 162 x(Fatal)S 162 x(errors)S 162 x2H(indicate)S 162 x(something)S 162 x(wrong)S 162 x(in)S 162 x(the MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`)S 162 xC(logic)S 163 x(of)S 161 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S 167 x(utility)S[E-55 x(.)S 249 x(The)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(should)S 166 x(be)S 166 x C(left)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(EXIT)S -46 x(.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 169 xxH(current)S 169 x(setting)S 168 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 168 x(examined)S 168 xC(by)S 169 x(issuing)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(FTP)S 169 x(command)S 168 xFF(SHOW)S 10773 X 598 y(CONDITIO)S -2 x(N.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20380)SEP PPx %%PageTraileri%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica9,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)O%E%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-81) 109H%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)y PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SD24193 X 797 y F28(ON)S 279 x(W)S -33 x(ARNIN)S -2 x(G)S 5094 4546 XYG23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(ON)S 359 x(W)S -49 x(ARNIN)S 2 x(G)S -359 x9J7037 Y F34(Change)S 166 x(or)S 165 x(modify)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(handling)SC165 x(of)S 166 x(warning)S 165 x(signals)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 RFG5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(ON)S 165 x(W)S -38 x(ARNIN)S(C-2 x(G)S 697 x F23(action)S 10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 10645 XY5DF36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 XI698 y F35(None.)S 18544 X(None.)S 5094 12538 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13357 XYcKF24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 181 x(default)S 179 x(setting)S%I180 x(is)S 180 x(so)S 179 x(that)S 180 x(when)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(warning)S E181 x(is)S 179 x(encountered,)S 185 x(the)S 180 x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 yoE(utility)S 166 x(immediately)S 166 x(returns)S 167 x(to)S 165 x(the)S4E167 x(``FTP>)S 166 x(')S -10 x(')S 166 x(prompt.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)S2D169 x(the)S 170 x(setting)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(CONTINUE,)S 169 x(the)SD169 x(default)S 170 x(action)S 169 x(is)S 169 x(ignore)S 171 x(the)SC169 x(warning)S 171 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(continue.)S 10773 X 897 y6C(If)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(setting)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(EXIT)S -46 x(,)SG169 x(the)S 169 x(FTP)S 169 x(utility)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(exited)S 169 xXC(and)S 169 x(control)S 170 x(is)S 168 x(immediately)S 10773 X 598 yfD(returned)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(DCL.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 179 x(most)SC177 x(common)S 178 x(cause)S 178 x(of)S 177 x(warnings)S 178 x(is)S2G178 x(incorrectly)S 179 x(speci\211ed)S 177 x(commands.)S 10773 X 598 yPE(Like)S 184 x(``FTP:host>)S 184 x(DLEETE)S 182 x(FOO.BAR')S -11 x(')SHE183 x(instead)S 183 x(of)S 183 x(``FTP:host>)S 184 x(DELETE)S 10773 XE598 y(FOO.BAR')S -10 x('.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 169 x(current)S 169 xoC(setting)S 168 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 168 x(examined)S 168 x(by)S 169 xdG(issuing)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(FTP)S 169 x(command)S 168 x(SHOW)S 10773 X F598 y(CONDITIO)S -2 x(N.)S 5094 21570 XY 23160 204 R 5094 22388 XY F24G(EXAMPLES)S 5094 23420 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S7R1 SC 241 x(on)S 239 x(warning)S 240 x(abort)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SE1 SC 241 x(logni)S 239 x(simmons)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(%CLI-W-IVVERB,)S H240 x(unrecogniz)S 2 x(ed)S 239 x(command)S 240 x(verb)S 239 x(-)S 239 xC(check)S 240 x(validity)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(spelling)S 6529 X 448 y L(\\LOGNI\\)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(on)S 239 x(warning)SD240 x(exit)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(logni)SE239 x(simmons)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(%CLI-W-IVVERB,)S 240 x(unrecogniz)SaC2 x(ed)S 239 x(command)S 240 x(verb)S 239 x(-)S 239 x(check)S 240 xeH(validity)S 240 x(and)S 239 x(spelling)S 6529 X 448 y(\\LOGNI\\)S 6290 XP448 y(<221)S 239 x(Service)S 240 x(closing)S 240 x(control)S 240 x(connection.)SI6290 X 449 y($)S 10773 28701 XY F151(This)S 181 x(example)S 181 x(shows)S)K180 x(two)S 180 x(different)S 181 x(settings)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(handling)SYG182 x(warnings.)S 279 x(The)S 10773 X 598 y(FTP)S 167 x(utility)S 166 x)G(command)S 166 x(``LOGIN')S -11 x(')S 166 x(is)S 165 x(mistyped)S 166 xiK(``logni')S -9 x('.)S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20381)SfEP PP) %%PageTrailert%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaE,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%9%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-82) 110)%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S%G5094 X 797 y F28(OPEN)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(OPEN)SeG10773 7037 XY F34(Opens)S 175 x(a)S 176 x(connection)S 175 x(to)S 176 x7C(a)S 176 x(remote)S 176 x(host.)S 269 x(OPEN)S 175 x(is)S 175 x(a)S0F176 x(synonym)S 176 x(for)S 176 x(SET)S 176 x(HOST)S -55 x(.)S 10773 XC598 y(See)S 166 x(HELP)S 166 x(SET)S 167 x(HOST)S 166 x(for)S 167 x H(more)S 165 x(information.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x (\20382)STEP PP3 %%PageTrailer1%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaC%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)5%%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-83) 111s%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SF27062 X 797 y F28(PUT)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(PUT)SD10773 7037 XY F34(T)S -18 x(ransmits)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(local)S 177 xC(\211le)S 178 x(to)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(remote)S 178 x(host.)S 275 x C(PUT)S 178 x(is)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(synonym)S 178 x(for)S 179 x(the)SnD178 x(MPUT)S 10773 X 598 y(command.)S 249 x(See)S 167 x(HELP)S 166 xN(MPUT)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(more)S 166 x(information.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 RR5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X -20 y(PUT)S 697 x F23(local-\211le-li)SH-2 x(st)S 166 x([remote-\211le])S 24548 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 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x(implemented.)S 5094 36925 XY&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20388)SEP PPa %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaX+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique5)%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete Courier %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)6%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-89) 1171%%PageFonts: (atend)=Q MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8X`%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SC25667 X 797 y F28(RENAME)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20)D(RENA)S 2 x(ME\202)S(Rena)S -2 x(me)S 359 x(a)S 358 x(remote)S 357 xD(\211le)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Changes)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(name)S 166 xD(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)SG167 x(system.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x1E(T)S 10773 X -21 y(RENAME)S 696 x F23(old-\211le)S 165 x(new-\211le)StI5094 10425 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11244 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S C849 x -22 y F25(old-\211le)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x G(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(that)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(to)S(C166 x(be)S 166 x(renamed.)S 10773 12866 XY F25(new-\211le)S 10773 XUE598 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(new)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 xE(name)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(on)S 166 x(the)SxF166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 5094 14660 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15478 XYHF24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 16510 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP:fake-unix>)SE1 SC 240 x(send)S 240 x(sys$login:login)S 2 x(.com)S 239 x(x.x)S 0 SCrD6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(PORT)S 240 x(command)S 240 x(successful.)SC6290 X 448 y(<150)S 239 x(Opening)S 240 x(data)S 240 x(connection)SH240 x(for)S 239 x(x.x)S 240 x(\(,19318\))S 2 x(.)S 6290 X 449 yC(<226)S 239 x(Transfer)S 240 x(complete.)S 6290 X 448 y(417)S 239 xaC(bytes)S 240 x(\(1)S 239 x(block\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:00.41)SeD241 x(=)S 239 x(1017)S 239 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=1)S 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F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20395)SEP PPl %%PageTrailerS%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica)+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique2)%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete Courier6%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-96) 124 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)9 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S J5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(AUT)S -11 x(OPROMPT)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 RD5094 5543 XY F20(SET)S 359 x(AUT)S -16 x(OPROMPT)S 10773 7037 XY F34D(Enables)S 165 x(or)S 165 x(disables)S 164 x(prompting)S 165 x(for)SF165 x(omitted)S 166 x(output)S 165 x(\211le)S 165 x(names)S 165 x(on)SF165 x(GET)S 165 x(and)S 165 x(PUT)S -55 x(.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 RL5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(AUT)S -14 x(OPROMPT)SC10773 X 797 y(SET)S 167 x(NOA)S -2 x(UT)S -13 x(OPROMPT)S 697 x F239P(\(defaul)S -2 x(t\))S 5094 11243 XY 23160 204 R 5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)SG10773 X -156 y F151(If)S 164 x(AUTOPROMPT)S 165 x(is)S 164 x(enabled,)STF165 x(you)S 166 x(are)S 165 x(prompted)S 164 x(for)S 165 x(any)S 165 xC(omitted)S 164 x(output)S 165 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 y(name)S 169 x8F(when)S 170 x(transferring)S 170 x(a)S 169 x(\211le)S 170 x(in)S 169 xH(either)S 170 x(direction.)S 256 x(Most)S 169 x(UNIX)S 168 x(FTP)S 170 xK(clients)S 10773 X 597 y(prompt)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(default.)S 5094 36925 XY)&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20396)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer2%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaT,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)5%M%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-97) 125I%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SF24769 X 797 y F28(SET)S 278 x(BA)S -45 x(TCH)S 5094 4546 XY ^n MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8CW$BOOK;7X`:923160 48 RH5094 5543 XY F20(SET)S 359 x(BA)S -66 x(TCH)S 506 x 7037 Y F34(Enables)SF166 x(or)S 166 x(disables)S 165 x(prompts)S 166 x(for)S 167 x(\211le)SH165 x(transfer)S 167 x(failures.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XYHF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(BA)S -53 x(TCH)S 10773 X 797 yG(SET)S 167 x(NOB)S -2 x(A)S -52 x(TCH)S 697 x F23(\(defaul)S -2 x(t\))StH5094 11243 XY 23160 204 R 5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 yGF151(If)S 170 x(a)S 171 x(\211le)S 170 x(transfer)S 171 x(fails)S 170 x1D(with)S 170 x(a)S 170 x(possibly)S 170 x(recoverable)S 172 x(error)SH-36 x(,)S 172 x(you)S 171 x(can)S 171 x(have)S 171 x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 yF(prompt)S 172 x(you)S 173 x(as)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(whether)S 173 x(or)SC173 x(not)S 172 x(you)S 173 x(wish)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(retry)S 173 x E(the)S 173 x(transfer)S 172 x(using)S 173 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(SET)SnH166 x(CONFIRM)S 165 x(command.)S 10773 X 897 y(When)S 167 x(NOBA)S -29 xD(TCH)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(speci\211ed,)S 167 x(you)S 167 x(are)S 166 xJ(not)S 166 x(prompted)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(retry)S -54 x(.)S -568 x 36925 Y&F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20397)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer9%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica9,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) % %%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-98) 126\%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S2H5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(BELL)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYCF20(SET)S 359 x(BELL)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Enables)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(D(disables)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(ringing)S 165 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 xH(terminal)S 166 x(bell)S 165 x(after)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(transfers.)SC5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XnD(SET)S 167 x(BELL)S 10773 X 797 y(SET)S 167 x(NOB)S -2 x(ELL)S 698 xKF23(\(default\))S 5094 11243 XY 23160 204 R 5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)SoH10773 X -156 y F151(The)S 183 x(SET)S 182 x(BELL)S 182 x(command)S 183 xH(can)S 183 x(be)S 182 x(used)S 182 x(to)S 182 x(have)S 184 x(FTP)S 183 xD(audibly)S 183 x(notify)S 182 x(you)S 10773 X 598 y(when)S 166 x(a)SE166 x(\211le)S 167 x(transfer)S 166 x(completes.)S 10773 X 896 y(If)SxG166 x(BELL)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(set,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(terminal)S 167 xnM(bell)S 166 x(will)S 166 x(ring)S 168 x(for)S 166 x(both)S 167 x(successful)S4E167 x(transfers)S 166 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(failures.)S 5094 36925 XY &F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20398)SEP PPi %%PageTrailer:%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticac,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %o%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-99) 127(%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)g PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SI25155 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(CASE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYsEF20(SET)S 359 x(CASE)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Controls)S 166 x(the)S 166 xiM(capitalization)S 165 x(of)S 167 x(switches)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(parameters.)S)C5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XM(SET)S 167 x(CASE)S 696 x F23(state)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY GF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -45 y F25(state)S 10773 X 548 y1NF151(Speci\211es)S 184 x(how)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(command)S 184 x(interpreter)SF185 x(modi\211es)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(case)S 184 x(of)S 184 x(command)SG10773 X 548 y(parameters.)S 249 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 166 x(values)S 166 x E(are:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(LOWER)S 165 x(-)S 165 x(conv)S 2 xtC(erts)S 165 x(all)S 166 x(parameters)S 166 x(to)S 165 x(lowercase)S1G10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(NORMAL)S 165 x(\(default\))S 166 x(-)S 166 xsE(leaves)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(parameters)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 xGD(speci\211ed)S 166 x(case)S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(UPPER)S 166 xF(-)S 165 x(conv)S 2 x(erts)S 165 x(all)S 166 x(parameters)S 166 x(to)SK165 x(uppercase)S 5094 16202 XY 23160 204 R 5094 17020 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S6D10773 X -124 y F151(The)S 194 x(MadGoat)S 192 x(FTP)S 194 x(client)SH193 x(uses)S 193 x(the)S 193 x(VMS)S 193 x(CLI$)S 192 x(routines)S 193 xD(to)S 193 x(parse)S 193 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(commands)S 154 x(you)SG154 x(enter)S -36 x(.)S 249 x(However)S -36 x(,)S 157 x(because)S 154 x(J(many)S 154 x(FTP)S 155 x(sites)S 152 x(are)S 154 x(UNIX)S 153 x(systems)SD10773 X 598 y(that)S 167 x(are)S 167 x(case-sensitive)S 166 x(with)SI167 x(regard)S 167 x(to)S 167 x(\211lenames,)S 168 x(the)S 167 x(client)S%G167 x(will,)S 167 x(by)S 167 x(default,)S 10773 X 598 y(attempt)S 165 x-F(to)S 166 x(preserve)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(case)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(any)SF167 x(command)S 166 x(parameters)S 165 x(you)S 167 x(enter)S -36 x(.)SD10773 X 897 y(The)S 186 x(client)S 186 x(usually)S 186 x(preserves)SH186 x(case)S 185 x(sensitivity)S -55 x(,)S 191 x(so)S 185 x(this)S 185 xJ(command)S 186 x(is)S 185 x(now)S 10773 X 597 y(almost)S 176 x(obsolete.)SG272 x(It)S 176 x(remains)S 177 x(in)S 178 x(the)S 177 x(command)S 177 x R(set)S 177 x(to)S 177 x(maintain)S 177 x(backwards)S 10773 X 598 y(compatibility)SD184 x(with)S 184 x(earlier)S 184 x(versions)S 184 x(of)S 184 x(FTP)SE-63 x(.)S 184 x(FTP)S 185 x(will)S 184 x(not)S 184 x(preserve)S 185 xeD(case)S 10773 X 598 y(properly)S 177 x(if)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(same)SH176 x(``name')S -10 x(')S 176 x(appears)S 176 x(twice)S 176 x(in)S 177 xI(a)S 177 x(command)S 176 x(with)S 177 x(different)S 10773 X 598 y(case.)StE249 x(The)S 167 x(\211rst)S 166 x(name)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(the)S 166 xrF(one)S 167 x(used.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 167 x(case)S 166 x(is)S 165 xD(preserved)S 167 x(for)S 166 x(all)S 166 x(parameters)S 165 x(that)SC166 x(are)S 166 x(explicitly)S 167 x(prompted.)S 24548 36925 XY F36a#(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\20399)SCEP PP) %%PageTrailery%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica4+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique5%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)7%(%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-100) 128%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SrI5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(CHEC)S -2 x(K_TYPE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R L5094 5543 XY F20(SET)S 359 x(CHECK)S 2 x(_TYPE)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Enables)SI169 x(or)S 169 x(disables)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(automatic)S 169 x(sensing)SND169 x(of)S 169 x(\211le)S 169 x(data)S 169 x(types)S 170 x(\(ASCII)SF170 x(or)S 168 x(binary\))S 10773 X 598 y(when)S 166 x(\211les)S 165 xF(are)S 166 x(PUT)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)SC5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XSG(SET)S 167 x(CHEC)S -2 x(K_TYPE)S 697 x F23(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y NF24(SET)S 167 x(NOC)S -2 x(HECK_TYPE)S 5094 11841 XY 23160 204 R 5094 12659 XYC(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -155 y F151(By)S 175 x(default,)S 176 x(if)S6E175 x(no)S 174 x(\211le)S 175 x(type)S 175 x(has)S 174 x(been)S 175 x1D(set)S 174 x(using)S 175 x(SET)S 174 x(TYPE)S 174 x(or)S 175 x(its)SD174 x(synonyms)S 10773 X 597 y(\(ASCII,)S 188 x(BINAR)S -20 x(Y\),)SC190 x(the)S 189 x(MadGoat)S 189 x(FTP)S 190 x(client)S 189 x(will)S F189 x(try)S 189 x(to)S 189 x(automatically)S 10773 X 598 y(determine)SG174 x(the)S 174 x(proper)S 175 x(type,)S 177 x(based)S 173 x(on)S 175 xL(the)S 174 x(RMS)S 173 x(attributes)S 174 x(of)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(\211le.)SG266 x(SET)S 10773 X 598 y(NOCHECK)S -2 x(_TYPE)S 166 xn] MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8CW$BOOK;7X`H(disables)S 165 xM(the)S 166 x(autosensing)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(type.)S 5094 36925 XY 'F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203100)SyEP PP %%PageTrailer)%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticai,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)n%r%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-101) 129%%PageFonts: 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173 x(causes)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(FTP)S 175 x J(utility)S 175 x(to)S 173 x(display)S 174 x(the)S 10773 X 597 y(commands)SG166 x(as)S 166 x(they)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(sent)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(the)S5F166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 5094 14297 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15116 XYJF24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 16147 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 224 y F102(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SC1 SC 241 x(set)S 239 x(nocommand)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x7D(command)S 239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(off)S 6290 XC448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<200)S3E239 x(Noop)S 479 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 xdG(set)S 239 x(command)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x(command)S 239 x)L(display)S 240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(on)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SE1 SC 241 x(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(>NOOP)S 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 xxC(Noop)S 479 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 659 x 21402 Y)FF151(In)S 197 x(this)S 196 x(example,)S 205 x(the)S 196 x(same)S 196 xH(command)S 197 x(is)S 196 x(performed)S 197 x(twice.)S 310 x(The)S 197 xF(\211rst)S 10773 X 597 y(time)S 187 x(with)S 187 x(NOCO)S -2 x(MMAND)SC187 x(set)S 187 x(\(the)S 187 x(default\))S 187 x(and)S 187 x(the)SDF188 x(second)S 187 x(time)S 187 x(with)S 10773 X 598 y(COMMAND)S 182 xC(set.)S 284 x(Notice)S 183 x(that)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(right)S 184 xtG(angle)S 184 x(bracket)S 183 x(\()S 83 x(>)S 83 x(\))S 183 x(precedes)SxD184 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(command,)S 167 x(while)S 166 x(the)S 166 xF(left)S 165 x(bracket)S 167 x(\()S 83 x(<)S 83 x(\))S 166 x(precedes)SC166 x(the)S 166 x(reply)S -55 x(.)S 504 x 36925 Y F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203101)SEP PPv %%PageTrailerv%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica%,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)s%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%e%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-102) 130%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)e PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)ScK5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(CONFIRM)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY(FF20(SET)S 359 x(CONFIRM)S -607 x 7037 Y F34(Enables)S 166 x(or)S 166 xG(disables)S 165 x(con\211rmation)S 166 x(prompts)S 166 x(during)S 165 xXK(multiple-\211le)S 165 x(transfers.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY CF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(CON)S -2 x(FIRM)S 10773 X(K797 y(SET)S 167 x(NOC)S -2 x(ONFIRM)S 696 x F23(\(default\))S 5094 11243 XY)E23160 204 R 5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(The)SPG182 x(FTP)S 182 x(utility)S 182 x(is)S 181 x(capable)S 181 x(of)S 182 xyD(performing)S 182 x(several)S 182 x(\211le)S 181 x(transfers)S 181 xE(or)S 182 x(other)S 10773 X 598 y(operations)S 176 x(in)S 176 x(one)S D177 x(command.)S 269 x(If)S 176 x(CONFIR)S -2 x(M)S 177 x(is)S 175 xK(enabled,)S 179 x(you)S 177 x(are)S 176 x(prompted)S 10773 X 597 y(before)S(H166 x(each)S 167 x(operation.)S 10773 X 897 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 181 x(may)SD180 x(answer)S 179 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 184 x(No,)S 183 x(Quit,)S 184 xF(or)S 180 x(All.)S 276 x(Y)S -56 x(es)S 180 x(means)S 179 x(transfer)SE180 x(it,)S 183 x(while)S 180 x(No)S 10773 X 598 y(means)S 177 x(do)S1O177 x(not.)S 273 x(Quit)S 176 x(stops)S 177 x(transferring)S 178 x(altogether)S2E178 x(while)S 177 x(All)S 177 x(transfers)S 177 x(all)S 10773 X 598 yFC(the)S 166 x(rest,)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(stops)S 165 x(asking)S 167 x6C(questions.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203102)S6EP PPt %%PageTrailerY%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica5,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)y%4%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-103) 131%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)2 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SF24104 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(DEF)S -34 x(AUL)S -45 x(T)S 5094 4546 XYC23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SET)S 359 x(DEF)S -49 x(AUL)S -66 x(T)S C-492 x 7037 Y F34(Changes)S 175 x(the)S 177 x(default,)S 179 x(or)S2H175 x(current,)S 179 x(directory)S 176 x(on)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(remote)SH176 x(system.)S 269 x(When)S 176 x(not)S 10773 X 598 y(connected)S 167 xH(to)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system,)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(local)SD165 x(default)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(changed.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 RH5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(DEF)S -39 x(AUL)SO-53 x(T)S 698 x F23(dir)S -13 x(-spec)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11862 XY1DF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(dir-spec)S 10773 XH548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(name)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(the)SF167 x(directory)S 167 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(remote)S 166 x(system)SH166 x(which)S 167 x(will)S 166 x(be)S 167 x(the)S 10773 X 548 y(remote)SL166 x(default)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(operations.)S 5094 14132 XYF23160 204 R 5094 14951 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(This)SH166 x(command)S 165 x(is)S 165 x(very)S 167 x(similar)S 164 x(to)S 166 xF(the)S 165 x(DCL)S 165 x(command)S 166 x(SET)S 165 x(DEF)S -38 x(AUL)SF-27 x(T)S -46 x(.)S 166 x(When)S 10773 X 598 y(you)S 180 x(are)S 178 xG(connec)S 2 x(ted)S 178 x(to)S 178 x(a)S 179 x(remote)S 178 x(system,)S C182 x(it)S 178 x(is)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(default)S 178 x(directory)SaI180 x(on)S 179 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(remote)S 166 x(system)S 166 x(that)SuH165 x(is)S 166 x(changed.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x (\203103)SEP PPT %%PageTrailer%%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica:+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliquee%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%G%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-104) 132%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)6 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S H5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(HASH)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYCF20(SET)S 359 x(HASH)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Enables)S 166 x(or)S 166 x H(disables)S 165 x(printing)S 165 x(of)S 167 x(hash)S 166 x(marks)S 166 xD(during)S 165 x(\211le)S 166 x(transfers.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 RE5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8CW$BOOK;7X`W 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(HASH)S 10773 X5P797 y(SET)S 167 x(NOH)S -2 x(ASH)S 697 x F23(\(default)S -2 x(\))S 5094 11243 XYF23160 204 R 5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(When)SE172 x(HASH)S 171 x(is)S 170 x(enabled,)S 174 x(a)S 171 x(hash)S 172 xuG(character)S 172 x(\()S 83 x(#)S 83 x(\))S 171 x(is)S 171 x(displayed)SgG171 x(for)S 171 x(every)S 173 x(1024)S 10773 X 598 y(bytes)S 175 x(of)SSF174 x(data)S 174 x(transferred.)S 267 x(When)S 175 x(HASH)S 174 x(is)SF174 x(disabled,)S 176 x(no)S 175 x(hash)S 175 x(character)S 175 x(is)SD10773 X 597 y(displayed.)S 10773 X 897 y(Hash)S 179 x(is)S 179 x(a)SH179 x(way)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(judge)S 181 x(whether)S 179 x(there)S 180 xG(is)S 178 x(actually)S 180 x(anything)S 181 x(going)S 181 x(on.)S 276 x%D(If)S 10773 X 598 y(during)S 176 x(a)S 174 x(long)S 176 x(transfer)SE174 x(no)S 175 x(hash)S 175 x(marks)S 174 x(are)S 175 x(being)S 175 xoE(printed,)S 178 x(then)S 175 x(it)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(likely)S 10773 X)P598 y(that)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(transfer)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(hung.)S 5094 36925 XY'F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203104)SEP PPr %%PageTrailere%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica2,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-105) 133%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)l PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SI25155 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(HOST)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY(MF20(SET)S 359 x(HOST)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Opens)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(connection)S G172 x(to)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(remote)S 172 x(host.)S 262 x(CONNECT)S 171 x1D(and)S 172 x(OPEN)S 172 x(are)S 172 x(synonyms)S 10773 X 598 y(for)SH166 x(SET)S 167 x(HOST)S -55 x(.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XYFF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(HOST)S 696 x F23(host-name)SG10773 X 797 y 17484 48 R 10773 11243 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S,F2 x(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 697 y F35(/ACCOUNT=name)S 18544 XD(/NOACCOU)S -2 x(NT)S 10773 X 598 y(/ANONYMOUS)S 10773 X 598 y(/AP)SH-36 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 598 y(/P)S -36 x(ASSWORD=string)S 18544 X(/NOP)SD-37 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 597 y(/USERNAME=name)S 18544 X(/NOUSERNAME)SI5094 15527 XY 23160 204 R 5094 16346 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)StH849 x -22 y F25(host-name)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 174 x(the)SH174 x(name)S 175 x(or)S 174 x(numeric)S 175 x(IP)S 174 x(address)S 173 xH(of)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(remote)S 174 x(system)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(which)SM10773 X 548 y(and)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(session)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(initiated.)SSH5094 18615 XY 23160 204 R 5094 19434 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 yGF151(If)S 177 x(a)S 177 x(connection)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(already)S 178 x E(open,)S 181 x(the)S 177 x(connection)S 178 x(will)S 177 x(be)S 177 x(F(closed)S 177 x(and)S 177 x(a)S 178 x(new)S 10773 X 598 y(connection)SC172 x(will)S 169 x(be)S 170 x(opened)S 171 x(to)S 170 x(the)S 171 x F(speci\211ed)S 170 x(host.)S 258 x(If)S 170 x(the)S 170 x(host)S 170 xI(name)S 171 x(speci\211ed)S 10773 X 598 y(via)S 168 x(an)S 167 x(alias,)SSG167 x(then)S 168 x(other)S 167 x(connection)S 169 x(information)S 167 xhE(may)S 167 x(be)S 168 x(take)S 167 x(from)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(alias)S3E10773 X 598 y(record.)S 272 x(Alias)S 177 x(information)S 177 x(can)StD178 x(be)S 177 x(overridden)S 178 x(by)S 178 x(quali\211ers.)S 272 xN(For)S 177 x(example,)S 10773 X 597 y(a)S 172 x(username)S 171 x(speci\211ed)SH172 x(in)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(/USERNAME)S 171 x(quali\211er)S 172 x(takes)SH171 x(precedence)S 173 x(over)S 172 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(username)S 176 xG(in)S 176 x(an)S 175 x(alias)S 175 x(record.)S 269 x(See)S 176 x(HELP)SE175 x(ALIAS)S 175 x(for)S 175 x(more)S 176 x(information)S 176 x(on)SlC10773 X 598 y(aliases.)S 10773 X 896 y(The)S 186 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S E-28 x(T_FTP_)S 2 x(USER_PRO)S -2 x(MPT)S 186 x(logical)S 185 x(name)S D185 x(controls)S 185 x(whether)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 181 x(MadGoat)SF181 x(FTP)S 181 x(client)S 181 x(prompts)S 181 x(for)S 181 x(a)S 180 xC(username)S 182 x(upon)S 181 x(connec)S 2 x(ting)S 181 x(to)S 181 x D(a)S 10773 X 598 y(remote)S 166 x(host.)S 250 x(Quali\211ers)S 166 xG(for)S 166 x(a)S 167 x(LOGIN)S 165 x(command)S 166 x(may)S 167 x(also)S1J165 x(be)S 167 x(entered)S 166 x(at)S 166 x(this)S 10773 X 598 y(prompt.)SQ274 x(If)S 177 x(a)S 179 x(username)S 178 x(is)S 178 x(not)S 178 x(speci\211ed,)ScD182 x(then)S 179 x(the)S 178 x(local)S 178 x(username)S 179 x(will)SD177 x(be)S 10773 X 597 y(used.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 178 x(MadGoat)SH176 x(FTP)S 178 x(client)S 177 x(will)S 177 x(not)S 177 x(prompt)S 177 xF(for)S 177 x(a)S 177 x(username)S 178 x(if)S 176 x(the)S 178 x(value)SJ177 x(of)S 10773 X 598 y(MADGOA)S -29 x(T_FTP_USER_PROMPT)S 185 x(starts)SE184 x(with)S 184 x(``N')S -10 x(')S 184 x(or)S 185 x(``F)S -55 x(.')S1C-9 x(')S 184 x(This)S 185 x(can)S 185 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(useful)S Q171 x(for)S 170 x(overriding)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(system-wide)S 169 x(de\211nition)StC171 x(of)S 171 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 x(T_FTP_USER_)S 10773 X 597 y0G(PROMPT)S -46 x(.)S 9118 29839 XY F153(Note:)S 300 x(Regardless)S 167 x(D(of)S 167 x(whether)S 166 x(MADGOA)S -28 x(T_FTP_USER_PROMPT)S 166 xH(is)S 166 x(de\211ned,)S 10773 X 597 y(the)S 199 x(MadGoat)S 201 x(FTP)SH198 x(client)S 200 x(will)S 200 x(not)S 200 x(prompt)S 199 x(for)S 199 xF(a)S 199 x(username)S 199 x(if)S 10773 X 598 y(/ANONYMOUS)S 166 x(OR)SK166 x(/USERNAME)S 166 x(is)S 167 x(speci\211ed.)S 5094 32230 XY 23160 204 RvE5094 33048 XY F24(COMMAN)S -2 x(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 XtF-797 y F25(/ACCO)S -2 x(UNT=name)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Requests)S 186 xC(login)S 187 x(to)S 187 x(a)S 186 x(speci\211c)S 187 x(user)S 187 x)I(account.)S 292 x(This)S 187 x(may)S 186 x(only)S 188 x(be)S 187 x(used)S7M186 x(if)S 187 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(username)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(speci\211ed.)SpD10773 35340 XY F25(/ANON)S -2 x(YMOUS)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203105)S1EP PP) %%PageTrailer0%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliqueh0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)i%i%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-106) 134%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)1 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S(D5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(HOST)S 10773 4866 XY F151(Speci\211es)SD182 x(that)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(remote)S 182 x(login)S 183 x(should)SE183 x(be)S 182 x(as)S 181 x(an)S 183 x(anonymous)S 183 x(user)S -37 x F(.)S 282 x(Y)S -56 x(our)S 10773 X 598 y(password)S 165 x(will)S 165 xF(default)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(local_user@local_host.)S 10773 6560 XY F25D(/AP)S -52 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOAP)S -53 x(ASSWORD)S 10773 XC896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 183 x(that)S 183 x(the)S 184 x(anonymous)SeI184 x(password)S 182 x(\(local_user@local_host\))S 183 x(should)S 10773 XuF598 y(be)S 182 x(sent.)S 280 x(Specify)S 181 x(/ANONYMOUS/NOAP)S -38 xG(ASSWORD)S 180 x(if)S 181 x(you)S 182 x(want)S 181 x(to)S 181 x(login)SeG10773 X 598 y(anonymou)S 2 x(sly)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(still)S 165 x(be)SdG166 x(prompted)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(password.)S 10773 10545 XY2HF25(/P)S -51 x(ASSWORD)S -2 x(=string)S 10773 X 896 y F151(Speci\211es)SF174 x(the)S 174 x(password)S 173 x(for)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(requested)SC174 x(user)S 174 x(account.)S 266 x(This)S 174 x(may)S 175 x(only)S E175 x(be)S 10773 X 598 y(used)S 172 x(if)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(username)S1H17x2Q MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8CW$BOOK;7X`\pf3 x(is)S 171 x(speci\211ed.)S 262 x(If)S 172 x(you)S 173 x(put)S 172 xD(this)S 172 x(into)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(command)S 172 x(\211le,)S 174 xE(then)S 10773 X 598 y(you)S 167 x F152(MUST)S 167 x F151(make)S 166 x(G(sure)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(is)S 165 x(not)S 167 x(world)S(E165 x(readable.)S 10773 13733 XY F25(/USERNA)S -2 x(ME=name)S 10773 X G896 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(username)S 167 x(for)S 166 x)L(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(login.)S 5094 15825 XY 23160 204 R 5094 16644 XYHF24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 17675 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP:fake-unix>)SC1 SC 240 x(show)S 240 x(host)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Connection)S 240 x(S(open)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(fake-unix.bogus.)S 2 x(com)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake-unix>)SlC1 SC 240 x(set)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(fake)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<221)SrI239 x(Goodbye.)S 6290 X 448 y(Transfer)S 240 x(Okay;)S 239 x(Connection)S7D241 x(Closing)S 6290 X 449 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(connect)SD240 x(to)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(fake)S 6290 X 448 y(<220-fake.bogus.)SG2 x(com)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 x(H(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)SF6290 X 448 y(<220)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 xC(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)SsI1 SC 240 x(sho)S 239 x(host)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Connection)S 240 x(open)SrI240 x(to)S 239 x(fake.bogus.com)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 23405 XYPEF151(In)S 176 x(this)S 176 x(example,)S 180 x(the)S 176 x(SET)S 176 x7I(HOST)S 176 x(command)S 176 x(is)S 176 x(used)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(change)S4H177 x(the)S 177 x(remote)S 10773 X 597 y(host)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(which)SJ166 x(a)S 166 x(connection)S 168 x(is)S 165 x(established.)S 5094 25025 XYEF202(2)S 6290 X 216 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(set)S 240 x(host)S 239 xlG(fake)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x C(to)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(fake)S 6290 X 449 y(<220-fake.bogus.)S 2 xxD(com)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 xH(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)SF6290 X 448 y(<220)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 xH(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(Username)S 240 xC([simmons]:)S 240 x(/anonymous)S 6290 X 449 y(%FTP-I-LOGIN,)S 240 x)D(Attempting)S 241 x(to)S 239 x(login)S 239 x(to)S 240 x(user)S 239 xJ(anonymous)S 6290 X 448 y(<331)S 239 x(Guest)S 240 x(login)S 240 x(Okay,)SD239 x(send)S 240 x(ident)S 239 x(or)S 240 x(e-mail)S 239 x(address)SC240 x(as)S 240 x(password.)S 6290 X 448 y(<230-Welcome)S 240 x(to)S9D240 x(FAKE.BOGUS.COM,)S 240 x(a)S 239 x(MicroVAX)S 240 x(II)S 6290 XF448 y(<230-Guest)S 240 x(SIMMONS@kiss.c)S 2 x(om)S 239 x(login)S 239 xH(Okay,)S 240 x(7-JUN-1994)S 240 x(16:23:27)S 240 x(EST,)S 240 x(access)SD239 x(restriction)S 2 x(s)S 239 x(apply.)S 6290 X 449 y(<230)S 239 xF(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 xC(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 30720 XY F151(In)S8F180 x(this)S 179 x(example,)S 184 x(the)S 180 x(MADGO)S -2 x(A)S -27 xD(T_FTP_USER_PROMPT)S 180 x(logical)S 180 x(name)S 180 x(is)S 10773 XE598 y(de\211ned.)S 276 x(The)S 180 x(/ANONYMOUS)S 178 x(quali\211er)SXF179 x(entered)S 180 x(at)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(prompt)S 179 x(is)S 178 xF(used)S 179 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(build)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(LOGIN)S 171 xH(command.)S 261 x(If)S 172 x(a)S 171 x(username)S 172 x(is)S 172 x(not)SI171 x(given)S 173 x(on)S 173 x(the)S 171 x(prompt)S 172 x(line,)S 10773 XeG598 y(the)S 183 x(MadGoat)S 182 x(FTP)S 184 x(client)S 183 x(attempts)ShG181 x(to)S 183 x(login)S 184 x(with)S 182 x(the)S 183 x(default)S 183 x D(username.)S 10773 X 597 y(Pressing)S 167 x -380 y 1200 24 R 12932 XF492 y 24 492 R 13031 33092 XY F42(Ctrl-Z)S 80 x 131 y 24 492 R 12932 XH20 y 1200 24 R 14293 33111 XY F151(at)S 165 x(the)S 167 x(prompt)S 165 xN(will)S 166 x(abort)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(login)S 167 x(attempt.)S 5094 36925 XY'F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203106)SSEP PPv %%PageTrailerv2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman1%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italici%%+ Jinete Courier Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)%%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-107) 135%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SG25155 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(HOST)S 5094 4822 XY F202(3)S 6290 X 243 yRIF102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(show)S 240 x(alias)S 240 x(test/full)S 0 SC 6290 XrF747 y(Alias:)S 10116 X(TEST)S 6290 X 448 y(Description:)S 6290 X 448 yM(Host:)S 10116 X(alpha.wku.edu)S 6290 X 449 y(Username:)S 10116 X(anonymous)S7G6290 X 448 y(Password:)S 10116 X(SIMMONS@kiss.com)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP>)SOO1 SC 239 x(set)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(test)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(%FTP-I-ALIASTRAN)SCG2 x(S,)S 239 x(Alias)S 240 x(TEST)S 239 x(translated)S 240 x(to)S 239 xsJ(host)S 240 x(name)S 240 x(alpha.wku.edu)S 6290 X 448 y(%FTP-I-ATTEMPTIN)SG2 x(G,)S 239 x(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(connect)S 240 x(to)S 239 xoE(host)S 240 x(alpha.wku.edu)S 6290 X 448 y(<220)S 239 x(alpha.wku.e)SSF2 x(du)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 xK(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(Alpha)S 239 x(\(11-AUG-1994\))S 241 x(ready.)S H6290 X 449 y(%FTP-I-LOGIN,)S 240 x(Attempting)S 241 x(to)S 239 x(login)SC239 x(to)S 240 x(user)S 239 x(anonymous)S 6290 X 448 y(<331)S 239 x E(Guest)S 240 x(login)S 240 x(Okay,)S 239 x(send)S 240 x(ident)S 239 xXH(or)S 240 x(e-mail)S 239 x(address)S 240 x(as)S 240 x(password.)S 6290 XF448 y(<230-Guest)S 240 x(SIMMONS@kiss.c)S 2 x(om)S 239 x(login)S 239 xI(Okay,)S 240 x(11-AUG-1994)S 240 x(10:58:26)S 240 x(CDT,)S 240 x(access)SsD239 x(restrictio)S 2 x(ns)S 239 x(apply.)S 6290 X 449 y(<230)S 239 xF(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 x(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 xH(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:alpha.wku.ed)S 2 x(u>)S 179 x 12636 YFF151(In)S 171 x(this)S 171 x(example,)S 173 x(an)S 172 x(alias)S 170 xH(name)S 172 x(is)S 170 x(translated)S 171 x(to)S 171 x(determine)S 172 xG(the)S 171 x(host)S 171 x(name,)S 10773 X 598 y(username,)S 176 x(and)SMD173 x(password.)S 263 x(See)S 173 x(HELP)S 174 x(ALIAS)S 172 x(for)SE173 x(more)S 174 x(information)S 173 x(on)S 174 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y C(FTP)S 167 x(alias)S 165 x(database.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S32 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203107)S EP PPl %%PageTrailer2"%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Jinete"%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)X%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%x%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-108) 136%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)a PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S H5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(MODE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYGF20(SET)S 359 x(MODE)S 886 x 7037 Y F34(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 xI(default)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(transfer)S 166 x(mode)S 166 x(parameter)S6C166 x(\(MODE\).)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)SC-53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(MODE)S 696 x F23(mode)S 5094 10446 XYeG23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY F24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y4CF25(mode)S 10773 X 548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(FTP)S5L167 x(MODE)S 165 x(parameter)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(transfers.)SF249 x(V)S -46 x(alid)S 165 x(modes)S 166 x(are:)S 10773 X 897 y(\201)SE595 x(STREAM)S 165 x(\(default\))S 10773 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(BLOCK)S1I10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x8 MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8CW$BOOK;7X`u(COMPRESS)S -2 x(ED)S 5094 15676 XY 23160 204 R)I5094 16495 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(STREAM)S 176 x(mode)S8J176 x(sends)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(data)S 176 x(as)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(stream)SC176 x(of)S 176 x(bytes.)S 270 x(This)S 177 x(is)S 175 x(the)S 177 xxH(normal)S 10773 X 598 y(MODE)S 172 x(for)S 174 x(sending)S 174 x(data.)SE263 x(If)S 173 x(you)S 174 x(use)S 174 x(STRU=REC)S -2 x(ORD,)S 173 xRE(the)S 173 x(actual)S 174 x(number)S 10773 X 598 y(of)S 177 x(bytes)SFG177 x(sent)S 176 x(will)S 177 x(be)S 176 x(greater)S 178 x(than)S 177 x%D(the)S 177 x(data.)S 271 x(This)S 177 x(is)S 177 x(necessary)S 177 xC(to)S 177 x(be)S 177 x(able)S 10773 X 598 y(to)S 183 x(send)S 182 xD(the)S 183 x(end-of-record)S 184 x(and)S 183 x(end-of-\211le)S 183 xD(information.)S 283 x(This)S 183 x(mode)S 182 x(must)S 10773 X 597 yS(be)S 177 x(supported)S 176 x(by)S 177 x(all)S 176 x(FTP)S 178 x(implementations.)S)E270 x(The)S 177 x(other)S 177 x(modes)S 176 x(may)S 177 x(not)S 177 x I(be)S 10773 X 598 y(supported)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(other)S 167 x(versions)S6C166 x(of)S 166 x(FTP)S -63 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(BLOCK)S 171 x(mode)S3J173 x(sends)S 172 x(the)S 173 x(data)S 173 x(as)S 172 x(a)S 173 x(series)SE172 x(of)S 172 x(blocks.)S 263 x(This)S 173 x(mode)S 173 x(is)S 172 xaD(the)S 173 x(best)S 10773 X 597 y(one)S 152 x(to)S 152 x(use)S 152 xG(with)S 152 x(STRU=REC)S -2 x(ORD,)S 151 x(as)S 152 x(it)S 151 x(will)S7G152 x(be)S 151 x(more)S 152 x(ef\211cient)S 153 x(than)S 152 x(STREAM)S F10773 X 598 y(mode.)S 253 x(In)S 168 x(addition,)S 169 x(BLOCK)S 166 xF(mode)S 168 x(does)S 167 x(not)S 168 x(need)S 168 x(to)S 168 x(close)SI168 x(and)S 168 x(open)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(data)S 10773 X 598 y(channel)S7G158 x(for)S 156 x(each)S 157 x(\211le)S 157 x(transferred.)S 250 x(As)S0G155 x(a)S 157 x(result)S 156 x(you)S 157 x(can)S 157 x(transfer)S 157 x1I(an)S 156 x(unlimited)S 10773 X 598 y(number)S 173 x(of)S 172 x(\211les)S I172 x(in)S 172 x(block)S 172 x(mode,)S 174 x(without)S 172 x(exhausting)StC173 x(the)S 173 x(maximum)S 172 x(number)S 10773 X 597 y(of)S 166 x-E(connections.)S 10773 X 897 y(COMPRESSE)S -2 x(D)S 202 x(mode)S 202 xHC(compresses)S 202 x(the)S 202 x(data)S 202 x(on)S 202 x(the)S 203 xnI(\212y)S -55 x(.)S 322 x(Currently)S -54 x(,)S 10773 X 598 y(compressed)SNC175 x(data)S 176 x(can)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(handled,)S 179 x(except)SeC177 x(when)S 176 x(STRU=P)S -37 x(AGE.)S 175 x(The)S 176 x(actual)S1G10773 X 598 y(amount)S 177 x(of)S 177 x(compression)S 177 x(may)S 177 x M(be)S 177 x(small,)S 180 x(since)S 177 x(it)S 177 x(only)S 177 x(compresses)S5D177 x(repeated)S 10773 X 597 y(sequences)S 166 x(of)S 166 x(single)SD167 x(bytes.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203108)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticay+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique9%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)O%S%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-109) 137%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)4 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SH24269 X 797 y F28(SET)S 278 x(P)S -44 x(ASSIVE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 RK5094 5543 XY F20(SET)S 359 x(P)S -66 x(ASSIVE)S -244 x 7037 Y F34(Enables)SRK166 x(or)S 166 x(disables)S 165 x(passive)S 166 x(mode)S 165 x(transfers.)SRC5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X4E(SET)S 167 x(P)S -52 x(ASSIVE)S 10773 X 797 y(SET)S 167 x(NOP)S -53 xeC(ASSIVE)S 698 x F23(\(defaul)S -2 x(t\))S 5094 11243 XY 23160 204 RSH5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(FTP)S 158 x(\211le)SF157 x(transfers)S 157 x(between)S 157 x(a)S 157 x(client)S 157 x(and)SJ158 x(a)S 157 x(server)S 157 x(are)S 158 x(normally)S 158 x(accomplished)SC10773 X 598 y(by)S 190 x(the)S 189 x(client)S 190 x(sending)S 190 xiG(a)S 189 x(PORT)S 189 x(command)S 190 x(to)S 189 x(the)S 189 x(server)S C190 x(to)S 189 x(tell)S 189 x(it)S 189 x(what)S 10773 X 597 y(TCP)S)C182 x(port)S 182 x(it)S 181 x(will)S 182 x(be)S 182 x(using)S 182 xhH(for)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(transfer)S -37 x(.)S 282 x(The)S 182 x(server)SE183 x(then)S 182 x(establishes)S 10773 X 598 y(a)S 184 x(connection)S F184 x(back)S 184 x(to)S 184 x(the)S 183 x(client)S 184 x(using)S 184 xL(that)S 184 x(port)S 183 x(for)S 184 x(the)S 184 x(actual)S 183 x(transfer)SD-37 x(.)S 10773 X 598 y(This)S 177 x(arrangement)S 177 x(won')S -9 xE(t)S 176 x(work)S 176 x(behind)S 177 x(\211rewalls,)S 179 x(because)SsE177 x(the)S 176 x(\211rewall)S 176 x(will)S 10773 X 598 y(typically)S1C167 x(block)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(connec)S 2 x(tion)S 166 x(request)S(D166 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(server)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 xG(client.)S 10773 X 896 y(When)S 168 x(passive)S 166 x(mode)S 167 x(is)SoI166 x(enabled,)S 168 x(all)S 167 x(connections)S 168 x(are)S 167 x(made)SyF167 x(from)S 167 x(the)S 167 x(client)S 167 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(the)SC168 x(server;)S 169 x(the)S 167 x(server)S 168 x(does)S 167 x(not)S3H168 x(attempt)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(initiate)S 167 x(a)S 168 x(connection)SR168 x(back)S 168 x(to)S 167 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(client.)S 250 x(Speci\211cally)SF-55 x(,)S 165 x(the)S 164 x(client)S 163 x(sends)S 163 x(a)S 164 x(P)SG-37 x(ASV)S 163 x(command)S 164 x(to)S 163 x(the)S 164 x(server)S 164 x1G(instead)S 10773 X 598 y(of)S 160 x(the)S 161 x(PORT)S 159 x(command.)S5F250 x(The)S 161 x(server)S 161 x(identi\211es)S 160 x(a)S 160 x(port)SF160 x(and)S 160 x(sends)S 160 x(a)S 160 x(reply)S 161 x(back)S 10773 XE597 y(to)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(client)S 175 x(identifying)S 177 x(the)SyM176 x(port)S 176 x(on)S 176 x(which)S 176 x(it')S -19 x(s)S 175 x(listening)S C176 x(for)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(connection.)S 10773 X 598 y(The)S 165 xtD(client)S 165 x(then)S 166 x(establis)S -2 x(hes)S 165 x(the)S 165 xI(connection)S 166 x(using)S 165 x(the)S 165 x(speci\211ed)S 165 x(port,)S5E165 x(and)S 165 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le)S 166 x(transfer)S 167 x3E(is)S 165 x(completed.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 xe (\203109)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaT,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%o%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-110) 138%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S9F5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(P)S -45 x(A)S -44 x(TH_P)S -45 x(ARSING)SH5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SET)S 359 x(P)S -66 x(A)S -66 xD(TH_P)S -67 x(ARSIN)S 2 x(G)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Enables)S 166 x(or)SI166 x(disables)S 165 x(attempts)S 167 x(to)S 167 x(parse)S 166 x(remote)SnC166 x(\211le)S 165 x(paths.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XYuDF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(P)S -52 x(A)S -52 x(TH_P)SF-52 x(ARSIN)S -2 x(G)S 697 x F23(\(default\))S 10773 X 797 y F24(SET)SK167 x(NOP)S -53 x(A)S -52 x(TH_P)S -52 x(ARSING)S 5094 11243 XY 23160 204 RF5094 12062 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(When)S 160 x(P)S -37 xG(A)S -28 x(TH_P)S -36 x(ARSING)S 158 x(is)S 159 x(enabled,)S 161 x(as)SCD159 x(it)S 159 x(is)S 158 x(by)S 160 x(default,)S 161 x(MGET)S 159 xK(and)S 160 x(DELETE)S 10773 X 598 y(commands)S 159 x(will)S 158 x(attempt)S)H159 x(to)S 159 x(parse)S 159 x(requested)S 159 x(list)S 158 x(of)S 159 xH(\211les)S 159 x(to)S 159 x(be)S 159 x(able)S 159 x(to)S 159 x(perform)SC10773 X 597 y(recursive)S 171 x(operations)S 169 x(properly)S -54 x8J(.)S 257 x(In)S 169 x(other)S 170 x(words,)S 171 x(when)S 170 x(enabled,)SG171 x(it)Sp MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8CW$BOOK;7X`e 169 x(will)S 169 x(try)S 170 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(\211gure)S3G179 x(out)S 178 x(where)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(\211les)S 178 x(are)S 178 x F(located,)S 181 x(and)S 178 x(whether)S 178 x(they)S 178 x(are)S 178 xF(directories,)S 10773 X 598 y(according)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 166 xF(rules)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system.)S 10773 XJ897 y(This)S 171 x(may)S 171 x(interfere)S 170 x(with)S 171 x(operations)SF170 x(if)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(remote)S 170 x(system)S 170 x(has)S 171 xG(a)S 170 x(``squirrely')S -9 x(')S 10773 X 597 y(implementation)S 193 x H(of)S 193 x(FTP)S -64 x(.)S 194 x(It)S 192 x(should)S 193 x(understand)SJ194 x(both)S 193 x(UNIX)S 192 x(and)S 193 x(VMS)S 10773 X 598 y(systems.)S>5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\2031)S -28 x(10)SEP PPe %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica4,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique 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x(name)SoE166 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(host.)S 250 x(For)S 166 xtG(example:)S 6290 X 896 y F102(FTP:ftp.spc.edu>)S 659 x 897 y F151(The)SG167 x(SET)S 167 x(PROMPT)S 166 x(command)S 167 x(can)S 167 x(be)S 167 xD(used)S 166 x(to)S 167 x(specify)S 166 x(a)S 167 x(different)S 167 xF(prompt.)S 250 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 10773 X 598 y(reset)S 173 x(the)S 173 xD(prompt)S 173 x(to)S 173 x(the)S 173 x(default,)S 175 x(just)S 174 xJ(give)S 174 x(SET)S 173 x(PROMPT)S 173 x(with)S 173 x(no)S 173 x(prompt.)SG10773 X 597 y(Note)S 177 x(that)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(prompt)S 177 x(is)S5D177 x(always)S 176 x F152(FTP>)S 355 x F151(when)S 177 x(you)S 178 xG(are)S 178 x(not)S 177 x(connected)S 178 x(to)S 177 x(a)S 10773 X 598 ycF(remote)S 166 x(host.)S 10773 X 897 y(If)S 186 x(the)S 187 x(desired)SI186 x(prompt)S 187 x(includes)S 186 x(lower)S -9 x(-case)S 186 x(letter)S9E187 x(or)S 187 x(spaces,)S 191 x(it)S 186 x(must)S 186 x(be)S 10773 XsC598 y(surrounded)S 167 x(by)S 167 x(double)S 166 x(quotes:)S 6290 XoD896 y F102(FTP:ftp.spc.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(SET)S 239 x(PROMPT="What?)SD241 x(")S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(What?)S 24326 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x((ENT)S -28 x(\2031)S -27 x(1)S -27 x(1)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer1%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica22%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic %%+ Courier3%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)a%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-112) 140%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SiN5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(PROTECTION)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYDF20(SET)S 359 x(PROTECTION)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Changes)S 173 x(the)SE173 x(protection)S 174 x(on)S 173 x(a)S 173 x(remote)S 173 x(\211le)SSF173 x(and)S 173 x(changes)S 173 x(the)S 174 x(default)S 173 x(remote)SC174 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 y(protection.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R G5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(PROTECTIO)S -2 x9D(N=\(code\))S 697 x F23([remote-\211le-list)S -2 x(])S 10773 X 797 yC17484 48 R 10773 11243 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S 2 x(ers)S E18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 697 y F35(/CONFIRM)S 18544 X(/NOCON)S -2 xgC(FIRM)S 10773 X 598 y(/DEF)S -36 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 18544 X(/NODEF)SSC-37 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 10773 X 598 y(/LOG)S 18544 X(/NOLOG)S 10773 X1E598 y(/WILD)S 18544 X(/WILD)S 5094 14929 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15748 XY5EF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(code)S 5094 X 598 yxFF151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(\211le)S 166 x(protection)S 166 xC(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(normal)S 166 x(VMS)S 166 x(format:)S 6290 XaF448 y F102(\(OWNER:RWED,GROU)S 2 x(P:RWED,WORLD:RWED\))S 10773 X 897 yDF151(The)S 164 x(\211elds)S 163 x(``R)S -20 x(WED')S -10 x(')S 163 xG(specify)S 163 x(Read,)S 164 x(W)S -28 x(rite,)S 164 x(Execute,)S 165 x0F(and)S 163 x(Delete)S 163 x(permission.)S 249 x(If)S 10773 X 598 y(a)SF160 x(user)S 161 x(\(OWNE)S -2 x(R,GROUP)S -65 x(,WORLD\))S 159 x(is)SF160 x(omitted)S 160 x(then)S 160 x(all)S 160 x(permission)S 160 x(is)SE160 x(denied.)S 10773 19363 XY F25(remote-\211le-list)S 10773 X 597 yHCF151(Speci\211es)S 176 x(a)S 176 x(\211le)S 177 x(speci\211cation)SnD176 x(pattern)S 176 x(to)S 176 x(be)S 176 x(interpreted)S 176 x(at)SC176 x(the)S 176 x(remote)S 177 x(site.)S 10773 X 548 y(This)S 175 xCK(can)S 176 x(be)S 175 x(a)S 175 x(list)S 174 x(of)S 175 x(comma-separated)StD174 x(\211le)S 176 x(speci\211cations.)S 267 x(Each)S 175 x(\211le)SH176 x(name)S 10773 X 548 y(can)S 190 x(contain)S 190 x(``w)S -2 x(ild')SF-9 x(')S 189 x(characters)S 189 x(such)S 190 x(as)S 189 x(``*')S -10 xC('.)S 296 x(The)S 190 x(de\211nition)S 189 x(of)S 190 x(the)S 189 x E(wild)S 10773 X 548 y(character)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(determined)S 166 xsI(by)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(host)S 166 x(conven)S 2 x(tions:)SD10773 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(VMS)S 165 x(uses)S 166 x(``*')S -10 x(')SE166 x(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(string)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(``%')S -10 x-F(')S 166 x(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(character)S -36 x(.)S 10773 X 896 yD(\201)S 595 x(UNIX)S 165 x(uses)S 166 x(``*')S -10 x(')S 165 x(for)SC167 x(any)S 166 x(string)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(``?')S -10 x(')S 249 xnH(for)S 166 x(any)S 167 x(character)S -36 x(.)S 5094 24593 XY 23160 204 RL5094 25412 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(SET)S 183 x(PROTECTION)SG182 x(sets)S 182 x(the)S 184 x(current)S 184 x(default)S 183 x(\211le)S4D183 x(protection)S 184 x(or)S 183 x(sets)S 183 x(the)S 10773 X 598 yK(protection)S 166 x(on)S 167 x(one)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(more)S 166 x(remote)S8F166 x(\211les.)S 10773 X 896 y(This)S 187 x(command)S 188 x(is)S 186 xD(not)S 188 x(supported)S 186 x(by)S 188 x(all)S 187 x(remote)S 187 xH(FTP)S 188 x(servers.)S 292 x(An)S 187 x(error)S 10773 X 598 y(message)SF182 x(will)S 182 x(be)S 183 x(displayed)S 182 x(if)S 183 x(the)S 183 xG(remote)S 182 x(server)S 183 x(does)S 183 x(not)S 183 x(support)S 182 x D(it.)S 282 x(T)S -45 x(o)S 10773 X 598 y(determine)S 167 x(whether)SG168 x(a)S 167 x(server)S 168 x(supports)S 167 x(this)S 167 x(command,)S F168 x(try)S 167 x F152(HELP/REMOTE)S F151(.)S 10773 X 598 y(If)S 175 xI(SITE)S 174 x(appears)S 175 x(in)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(list,)S 177 x(then)SxE175 x(try)S 176 x F152(HELP/REMOTE)S 174 x(SITE)S F151(.)S 176 x(If)SrD174 x(CHMOD)S 10773 X 597 y(and)S 166 x(UMASK)S 166 x(appear)S 166 xH(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(list,)S 166 x(then)S 167 x(it)S 165 x(is)S 166 xF(probably)S 166 x(supported.)S 5094 30337 XY 23160 204 R 5094 31155 XYLF24(COMMAN)S -2 x(D)S 5094 X 797 y(QUALIFIERS)S 10773 X -797 y F25(/CONFIR)SG-2 x(M)S 10773 X 797 y(/NOCO)S -2 x(NFIRM)S 165 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 598 ycFF151(Prompts)S 195 xP,? MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8T;6X`(for)S 195 x(a)S 195 x(Y)S -56 x(es,)S 203 x(No,)SJ202 x(All,)S 203 x(or)S 195 x(Quit)S 194 x(con\211rmation)S 196 x(before)SC196 x(each)S 195 x(\211le)S 195 x(is)S 10773 X 598 y(transferred.)S5F250 x(The)S 167 x(following)S 166 x(responses)S 165 x(may)S 167 x(be)SL166 x(given:)S 12865 X 897 y F38(Y)S -41 x(es)S 16452 X(T)S -17 x(ransfers)SH151 x(the)S 150 x(\211le)S 12865 X 747 y(No)S 16452 X(Does)S 150 x(not)SE149 x(transfer)S 150 x(and)S 151 x(prompts)S 150 x(for)S 150 x(next)SD150 x(transfer)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\2031)S -28 x(12)SEP PPE %%PageTrailerS%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica +%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldObliqueM:%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Italic%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)p%m%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-113) 141%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 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166 x(remote)S 166 x(\211le)SbI166 x(protection.)S 10773 X 897 y(When)S 167 x(this)S 165 x(quali\211er)S6L167 x(is)S 166 x(used,)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(may)S 166 x(not)S 167 x(specify)SF166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(name.)S 10773 12815 XY F25(/LOG)S 165 xI(\(D\))S 10773 X 797 y(/NOLOG)S 10773 X 897 y F151(T)S -45 x(emporarily)S3D166 x(enabled)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(disable)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(QUIET)SK-46 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(When)S 201 x(/LOG)S 201 x(is)S 201 x(speci\211ed,)S1E210 x(you)S 202 x(are)S 201 x(noti\211ed)S 201 x(after)S 201 x(each)S D201 x(\211le)S 202 x(has)S 200 x(been)S 10773 X 597 y(transferred.)SG10773 X 897 y(By)S 178 x(default,)S 180 x(you)S 178 x(are)S 178 x(not)S C177 x(noti\211ed.)S 273 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 178 x(can)S 178 x(change)S(E178 x(this)S 177 x(default)S 177 x(by)S 178 x(issuing)S 10773 X 598 y C(the)S 166 x(FTP)S 167 x(commands)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(QUIET)S 165 xC(and)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x(NOQUIE)S -2 x(T)S -45 x(.)S 10773 18594 XYeDF25(/WILD)S 166 x(\(D\))S 10773 X 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5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)SuG-53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(QUI)S -2 x(ET)S 10773 X 797 y(SET)S 167 xYD(NOQ)S -2 x(UIET)S 697 x F23(\(default\))S 5094 11243 XY 23160 204 RI5094 12062 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(By)S 185 x(default,)SYD189 x(the)S 184 x(FTP)S 185 x(utility)S 185 x(will)S 183 x(display)SK184 x(informational)S 185 x(messages)S 183 x(about)S 10773 X 598 y(\211le)S4J192 x(transfers)S 191 x(that)S 192 x(includes)S 192 x(the)S 192 x(statis)SH-2 x(tics)S 191 x(on)S 192 x(the)S 192 x(operation)S 192 x(\(bytes/sec)SF10773 X 597 y(transferred\).)S 287 x(If)S 184 x(you)S 186 x(do)S 184 xG(not)S 185 x(want)S 184 x(this)S 184 x(information)S 185 x(displayed,)SrC190 x(issue)S 184 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(command)S 166 x(SET)S 166 x5G(QUIET)S -47 x(.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 167 x(/LOG)S 166 x(quali\211er)S9K167 x(on)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(GET)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(PUT)S 167 x(commands)S D166 x(allows)S 165 x(you)S 167 x(to)S 166 x(override)S 10773 X 598 yE(the)S 166 x(QUIET)S 166 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8830 XY 23160 204 RpF5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(REMOTE_D)S -2 xE(EF)S -38 x(AUL)S -52 x(T_DIR)S -2 x(ECT)S -12 x(OR)S -27 x(Y)S 697 xSPF23(remote-directory)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11862 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)SE10773 X -155 y F151(This)S 174 x(command)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(similar)SeK173 x(to)S 173 x(the)S 175 x(UNIX)S 173 x(``cd')S -10 x(')S 173 x(command)S)E174 x(and)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(VMS)S 174 x(``SET)S 10773 X 597 y(DEF)S)J-37 x(AUL)S -28 x(T')S -9 x(')S 166 x(command.)S 5094 13500 XY 23160 204 RE5094 14319 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 15350 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 223 y F1021F(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(show)S 239 x(remote)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 yF(<257)S 239 x("SYS$USER:[)S 2 x(SIMMONS]")S 240 x(is)S 239 x(current)SC240 x(directory.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(set)StM239 x(remote)S 240 x(sys$system:)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<250)S 239 x(Requested)S C240 x(file)S 240 x(action)S 240 x(okay,)S 239 x(completed.)S 6290 X E449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(show)S 239 x(remote)S 0 SC 6290 XSC448 y(<257)S 239 x("SYS$SYSROO)S 2 x(T:[SYSEXE]")S 240 x(is)S 239 x C(current)S 240 x(directory.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 659 xeK19260 Y F151(In)S 190 x(this)S 190 x(example,)S 196 x(the)S 190 x(default)S)C190 x(directory)S 191 x(on)S 190 x(the)S 190 x(remote)S 190 x(VMS)SiC190 x(system)S 189 x(is)S 10773 X 597 y(change)S 2 x(d)S 165 x(to)S G166 x(SYS$SYSTEM.)S 24299 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLIENT)S -26 x(\2031)S -27 xA(15)SxEP PP %%PageTrailer%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica0,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Romņ MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8T;6X` <an%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)s%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-116) 144%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)( PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SSE5094 X 797 y F28(SET)S 279 x(REPL)S -56 x(Y)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 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xC(All)S 176 x(extraneous)S 177 x(negotiations,)S 180 x(and)S 10773 XSF598 y(nonessential)S 174 x(informational)S 173 x(replies)S 174 x(are)SJ173 x(suppressed.)S 264 x(In)S 174 x(addition,)S 176 x(the)S 173 x(reply)SC10773 X 598 y(number)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(suppressed.)S 5094 16090 XYUF23160 204 R 5094 16909 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 17940 XY F202(1)S 6290 XG224 y F102(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(set)S 239 x(reply)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y%D(Server)S 240 x(reply)S 239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 239 x(now)S 240 xI(on)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<200)SeD239 x(Noop)S 479 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(set)SH239 x(noreply)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x(reply)S 239 x(display)SF240 x(is)S 239 x(now)S 240 x(off)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 xF(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<)S 7485 X(Noop)S 479 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 yG(FTP:fake>)S 10773 22747 XY F151(Here,)S 177 x(the)S 175 x(NOOP)S 174 x1D(command)S 175 x(is)S 174 x(issued)S 174 x(twice.)S 266 x(In)S 174 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x(T)S 10773 X(SET)S 167 x(RET)SI-52 x(AIN)S 10773 X 797 y(SET)S 167 x(NOR)S -2 x(ET)S -51 x(AIN)S 10773 X5I797 y(SET)S 167 x(RET)S -52 x(AIN/)S -2 x(DCL)S 5094 12040 XY 23160 204 R J5094 12859 XY(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -22 y F25(mode)S 10773 XF548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(version)S 171 x(retention)SH171 x(scheme.)S 259 x(It)S 169 x(can)S 171 x(be)S 171 x(enabled,)S 172 xH(disabled,)S 171 x(or)S 171 x(set)S 10773 X 548 y(to)S 166 x(DCL)S 165 xJ(mode.)S 5094 15128 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15947 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 XL-156 y F151(Normally)S -55 x(,)S 181 x(the)S 178 x(version)S 178 x(numbers)SF178 x(are)S 178 x(stripped)S 176 x(from)S 178 x(\211le)S 178 x(names)SH177 x(before)S 178 x(\211les)S 10773 X 598 y(are)S 177 x(stored,)S 179 xJ(unless)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(input)S 176 x(\211le-name)S 178 x(explicitly)SD177 x(has)S 176 x(the)S 177 x(version)S 177 x(number)S 10773 X 598 yH(included)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(it.)S 10773 X 896 y(SET)S 192 x(RET)S -28 xC(AIN/DCL)S 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10773 X 747 y(PROTECTION)ScC17349 X(Displays)S 149 x(the)S 149 x(default)S 150 x(remote)S 150 x1E(\211le)S 150 x(protection.)S 10773 X 747 y(QUIET)S 17349 X(Setting)SeH149 x(of)S 149 x(QUIET)S 148 x(mode)S 2 x(.)S 10773 X 747 y(REMOTE_DEF)SH-25 x(AUL)S -33 x(T_)S 10773 X 548 y(DIRECT)S -9 x(OR)S -9 x(Y)S 17349 XC-548 y(Current)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(default)S 149 x(directory)S 150 x)D(on)S 150 x(remote)S 151 x(system.)S 10773 32030 XY(REPL)S -33 x(Y)SE17349 X(Whether)S 175 x(or)S 174 x(not)S 174 x(replies)S 174 x(from)StD175 x(remote)S 175 x(server)S 175 x(are)S 17349 X 548 y(displayed.)SH10773 X 748 y(RET)S -33 x(AIN)S 17349 X(Setting)S 149 x(of)S 149 x(the)SH149 x(retention)S 150 x(of)S 150 x(\211le)S 149 x(version)S 150 x(numb)SE2 x(ers.)S 10773 X 747 y(ST)S -33 x(A)S -33 x(TUS)S 17349 X(Current)S5E150 x(connection)S 150 x(information.)S 10773 X 747 y(STRUCTUR)S -2 xeE(E)S 17349 X(The)S 149 x(default)S 150 x(structure)S 150 x(\(STRU\))S)E149 x(format.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203122)S(EP PP6 %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticax,%%+ Helvetica-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)u% %%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-123) 151%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SC26398 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 10773 4546 XY 17484 48 R 10773 5045 XY F40(C(Option)S 17349 X(Displays)S 10773 X 298 y 17484 48 R 10773 6091 XYTFF38(SYSTEM)S 17349 X(The)S 149 x(curre)S 2 x(nt)S 149 x(remote)S 151 xJ(system)S 150 x(type.)S 10773 X 747 y(TYPE)S 17349 X(The)S 149 x(default)SJ150 x(\211le)S 149 x(TYPE)S 149 x(format.)S 10773 X 747 y(VERIFY)S 17349 XE(Whether)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(not)S 150 x(comman)S 2 x(d)S 149 x(echo)SrC151 x(is)S 149 x(enabled.)S 10773 X 299 y 17484 48 R 24271 36925 XY'F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203123)SeEP PPl %%PageTrailer%%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticau%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)d%%%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-124) 152%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SPJ5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(ALIAS)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYFF20(SHOW)S 359 x(ALIAS\202)S(Di)S 2 x(splay)S 357 x(an)S 358 x(Alias)SC10773 7037 XY F34(Display)S 168 x(information)S 168 x(about)S 169 x E(aliases)S 167 x(in)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(database.)S 255 x(See)S 169 x\C(HELP)S 169 x(ALIAS)S 170 x(LIST)S 169 x(for)S 10773 X 598 y(more)S0J166 x(information.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203124)SEP PPS %%PageTrailerm%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica)%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%x%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-125) 153%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)1 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SL21879 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(AUT)S -12 x(OPROMPT)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 RE5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(AUT)S -15 x(OPROMPT)S 10773 7037 XY F34 H(Displays)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(of)S 167 xI(AUT)S -9 x(OPROMPT)S 166 x(mode.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XYtNF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(AUT)S -14 x(OPROMPT)S 5094 10446 XYH23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(When)S 168 xH(AUTOPROMPT)S 166 x(is)S 167 x(enabled,)S 168 x(you)S 168 x(will)S 167 xI(be)S 167 x(prompted)S 167 x(for)S 167 x(missing)S 167 x(output)S 10773 X1D598 y(\211le)S 166 x(names.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S-27 x(\203125)SxEP PP- %%PageTrailerf%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica1%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%h%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-126) 154%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)d PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY 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x(current)S 170 xG(CASE)S 167 x(setting)S 169 x(is)S 168 x(displayed.)S 255 x(The)S 169 xnD(CASE)S 168 x(is)S 168 x(then)S 10773 X 598 y(change)S 2 x(d)S 183 xH(to)S 183 x(lower)S 183 x(so)S 183 x(that)S 183 x(commands)S 183 x(are)SF183 x(treated)S 183 x(differently)S 184 x(with)S 182 x(those)S 10773 XG598 y(wacky)S 167 x(UNIX)S 165 x(systems.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S%2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203128)SrEP PPl %%PageTrailer%%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica )%%+ Jinete Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman(%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK))%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%T%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-129) 157%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)e PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SK22100 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(CHEC)S -2 x(K_TYPE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R)C5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(CHEC)S 2 x(K_TYPE)S 10773 7037 XY F343H(Displays)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(of)S 167 xD(\211le)S 165 x(type)S 167 x(autosensing.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 RC5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(CHEC)S -2 x3G(K_TYPE)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X D-156 y F151(If)S 179 x(CHECK_TYPE)S 178 x(is)S 179 x(enabled)S 180 xD(and)S 179 x(if)S 180 x(no)S 180 x(\211le)S 179 x(type)S 180 x(has)SG180 x(been)S 179 x(set)S 179 x(using)S 181 x(SET)S 10773 X 598 y(TYPE)S G168 x(or)S 169 x(its)S 167 x(synony)S 2 x(ms)S 168 x(\(ASCI)S -2 x(I,)SSH169 x(BINAR)S -20 x(Y\),)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(MadGoat)S 168 x(FTP)S 169 xK(client)S 168 x(will)S 168 x(try)S 10773 X 597 y(to)S 172 x(automatically)SxH171 x(determine)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(proper)S 172 x(type,)S 174 x(based)SC171 x(on)S 173 x(the)S 172 x(RMS)S 171 x(attributes)S 10773 X 598 yrH(of)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S-27 x(\203129)S(EP PP6 %%PageTrailer7%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticah%%+ 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x(the)S(C166 x(user)S 27 x(')S -18 x(s)S 166 x(password)S 167 x(will)S 166 xdE(be)S 166 x(displa)S 2 x(yed.)S 10773 X 897 y F151(For)S 167 x(more)SnJ166 x(information,)S 167 x(see)S 165 x(HELP)S 167 x(SET)S 165 x(COMMAND.)SD5094 14795 XY 23160 204 R 5094 15614 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 16645 XYEF202(1)S 6290 X 224 y F102(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(show)S 239 xSE(command)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x(command)S 239 x(display)S6G240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(off)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SCyE241 x(set)S 239 x(command)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SCG241 x(show)S 239 x(command)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x(command)SnR239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(off)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SF1 SC 241 x(quote)S 239 x(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(>NOOP)S 6290 X 448 yG(<200)S 239 x(Noop)S 240 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC G241 x(set)S 239 x(nocommand)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SCFG241 x(show)S 239 x(command)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x(command)S2R239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(off)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SE1 SC 241 x(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<200)S 239 x(Noop)S 240 x(Okay.)S1I6290 X 449 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 659 x 23693 Y F151(This)S 179 x(example)S.L179 x(demonstrates)S 177 x(the)S 179 x(effects)S 178 x(of)S 178 x(enabling)SD180 x(and)S 179 x(disabling)S 178 x(server)S 10773 X 598 y(command)SE166 x(display)S -55 x(.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 xs (\203130)SEP PPE %%PageTrailer%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticat0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%+ Jinete Courier%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%F%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-131) 159%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)X PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SM23330 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 278 x(CONFIRM)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY CF20(SHOW)S 359 x(CONFIRM)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Displays)S 165 x(the)SEH166 x(current)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(CONFIRM)S 165 x(mode.)SC5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X G(SHOW)S 166 x(CON)S -2 x(FIRM)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY7D(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(When)S 172 x(CONFIRM)S 170 x(is)SE171 x(enabled,)S 173 x(you)S 172 x(will)S 170 x(be)S 171 x(prompted)S H171 x(before)S 172 x(\211le)S 171 x(transfers)S 171 x(or)S 10773 X 598 yI(other)S 167 x(multiple)S 165 x(wild)S 166 x(operations.)S 24271 36925 XY 'F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203131)S2EP PP3 %%PageTrailer%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold ߻ MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8T;6X`%HelveticaB%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)r%%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-132) 160%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)n PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)S N5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(CONDITION)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYCF20(SHOW)S 359 x(CONDITI)S 2 x(ON)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Shows)S 166 x)C(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 xtD(condition)S 166 x(handlers.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XYLF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(CON)S -2 x(DITION)S 5094 10446 XYG23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(For)S 197 x9J(more)S 196 x(information,)S 204 x(see)S 195 x(the)S 197 x(documentation)SF196 x(for)S 196 x(ON)S 196 x(ERRO)S -2 x(R,)S 196 x(ON)S 10773 X 598 yF(CONTROL_C,)S 165 x(ON)S 166 x(W)S -46 x(ARNING)S -2 x(,)S 167 x(and)SF166 x(ON)S 165 x(SEVERE.)S 5094 12902 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13721 XY F24F(EXAMPLES)S 5094 14752 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 xH(show)S 240 x(condition)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(ON)S 239 x(Control_C)S 240 xC(Abort)S 6290 X 448 y(ON)S 239 x(Error)S 240 x(Abort)S 6290 X 448 y(C(ON)S 239 x(Severe)S 240 x(Exit)S 6290 X 449 y(ON)S 239 x(Warning)S-F240 x(Continue)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(on)S 240 x(control_c)SD240 x(exit)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(show)S 240 x(cond)SG0 SC 6290 X 449 y(ON)S 239 x(Control_C)S 240 x(Exit)S 6290 X 448 y(ON)SyI239 x(Error)S 240 x(Abort)S 6290 X 448 y(ON)S 239 x(Severe)S 240 x(Exit)S F6290 X 449 y(ON)S 239 x(Warning)S 240 x(Continue)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP>)SD1 SC -856 x 181 y 1512 24 R 6390 X 356 y 24 360 R 6515 20362 XY F106G(CTRL-C)S 107 x 109 y 24 360 R 6390 X 20 y 1512 24 R 0 SC 6290 20831 XY DF102(*CANCEL*)S 6290 X 448 y(Operation)S 240 x(aborted)S 240 x(due)SG239 x(to)S 240 x(Control-C.)S 6290 X 448 y(-SYSTEM-S-CONTRO)S 2 x(LC,)S)G239 x(operation)S 240 x(completed)S 240 x(under)S 240 x(CTRL/C)S 6290 XOF449 y($)S 10773 23172 XY F151(In)S 189 x(this)S 189 x(example,)S 195 xC(the)S 189 x(SHOW)S 188 x(CONDITIO)S -2 x(N)S 189 x(command)S 189 x C(is)S 189 x(used)S 188 x(twice)S 189 x(to)S 10773 X 598 y(examine)S1F167 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(state)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(the)S 167 xD(condition)S 166 x(handlers.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S-27 x(\203132)SSEP PPr %%PageTrailero%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticar)%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete Courierh%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)S%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%x%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-133) 161%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SG23407 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(DEF)S -34 x(AUL)S -45 x(T)S 5094 4546 XY9D23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(DEF)S -49 x(AUL)S -65 x(T)SD10773 7037 XY F34(Displays)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(current,)S 181 x(or)SH177 x(default,)S 181 x(directory)S 178 x(on)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(remote)SH178 x(system.)S 273 x(PWD)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(synonym)SO166 x(for)S 166 x(this)S 167 x(command.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY7FF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(DEF)S -39 x(AUL)S -52 x(T)S624271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203133)SEP PP1 %%PageTrailer2%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticax%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)(%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-134) 162%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SEJ5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(FILE_ST)S -44 x(A)S -44 x(TUS)S 5094 4546 XYH23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(FILE_ST)S -66 x(A)S -66 x(TUS)SD10773 7037 XY F34(Requests)S 181 x(information)S 181 x(about)S 181 xD(the)S 182 x(speci\211ed)S 181 x(\211le.)S 279 x(Note)S 181 x(that)SG182 x(some)S 181 x(hosts)S 182 x(allow)S 10773 X 598 y(wildcardi)S -2 xiJ(ng)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(\211le-spec.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 RG5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(FILE_ST)S -52 xSP(A)S -52 x(TUS)S 697 x F23(\211le-spec)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11862 XYGF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(\211le-spec)S 10773 X)F548 y F151(Speci\211es)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(name)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(a)SP166 x(\211le)S 166 x(at)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(site.)S 5094 13584 XYJ23160 204 R 5094 14403 XY F24(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(Requests)SG188 x(information)S 189 x(about)S 189 x(the)S 189 x(speci\211ed)S 189 xuC(\211le)S 189 x(in)S 190 x(the)S 189 x(remote)S 189 x(site')S -20 xBE(s)S 189 x(\211le)S 10773 X 598 y(system.)S 249 x(Note)S 166 x(that)SrG166 x(some)S 166 x(hosts)S 165 x(allow)S 165 x(wildcarding)S 167 x(of)ShD166 x(the)S 166 x(\211le-spec.)S 10773 X 897 y(The)S 197 x(MadGoat)SE195 x(FTP)S 197 x(server)S 196 x(gives)S 197 x(a)S 196 x(full)S 196 x0D(listing)S 196 x(of)S 196 x(each)S 196 x(\211le,)S 204 x(and)S 197 xM(wild)S 10773 X 597 y(characters)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(allowed.)S 5094 17535 XYeF23160 204 R 5094 18353 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 19385 XY F202(1)S 6290 XC250 y F102(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(show)S 239 x(file_status)S K240 x(login.com)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<212-)S 6290 X 449 y(<212-LOGIN.COM;1)S1J6290 X 448 y(<212-Size:)S 11550 X(1/3)S 14659 X(Owner:)S 717 x([SIMMONS])SK6290 X 448 y(<212-Created:)S 479 x(20-APR-199)S 2 x(3)S 239 x(13:27:44.86)SaC6290 X 449 y(<212-Revised:)S 719 x(7-MAY-1993)S 240 x(08:48:58.41)SmO240 x(\(2\))S 6290 X 448 y(<212-File)S 240 x(organization:)S 480 x(Sequential)SrD6290 X 448 y(<212-File)S 240 x(Attributes:)S 12268 X(Version)S 239 xF(limit:)S 240 x(0)S 6290 X 449 y(<212-Record)S 240 x(format:)S 12268 XD(Variable)S 239 x(Length,)S 240 x(maximum)S 240 x(78)S 239 x(bytes)SE6290 X 448 y(<212-Record)S 240 x(Attributes:)S 480 x(Carriage)S 239 x)C(return)S 240 x(carriage)S 240 x(control)S 6290 X 448 y(<212-File)StD240 x(protection:)S 12268 X(System:RWED,)S 240 x(Owner:RWED,)S 240 xH(Group:RE,)S 240 x(World:)S 6290 X 449 y(<212)S 239 x(End)S 240 x(list)SD6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 659 x 26011 Y F151(In)S 166 x(this)SF166 x(example,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(status)S 165 x(of)S 166 x(a)S 166 xE(single)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(displayed.)SK55094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203134)SnEP PPa %%PageTrailer:%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique1)%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete Couriern%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)x%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%5%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-135) 163%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SJ24426 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 278 x(HASH)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYDF20(SHOW)S 359 x(HASH)S -8 x 7037 Y F34(Displays)S 165 x(the)S 166 xL(current)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(HASH.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 RL5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(HASH)S 5094 10446 XYF23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(If)S 167 xG(HASH)S 166 x(is)S 167 x(enabled,)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(hash)S 168 x(mark)StC167 x(is)S 167 x(displayed)S 167 x(for)S 167 x(every)S 169 x(1024)SsF167 x(bytes)S 167 x(of)S 167 x(data)S 10773 X 598 y(that)S 166 x(are)SC166 x(sent)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(received.)S 5094 12902 XY 23160 204 RoE5094 13721 XY F24(EXAMPLES)SV9 MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8;7X` 5094 14752 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 224 y F102aD(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(show)S 239 x(hash)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 yG(Hash)S 239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(off)S 6290 X 448 ySC(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(set)S 239 x(hash)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y)F(Hash)S 239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 240 x(now)S 239 x(on)S 6290 X 448 yI(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)S 1 SC 241 x(put)S 239 x(x.x)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<200)S0G239 x(Port)S 240 x(161,6,5,4,69,19)S 2 x(3)S 239 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 449 y5E(<125)S 239 x(File)S 240 x(status)S 240 x(okay;)S 239 x(about)S 240 x1S(to)S 239 x(open)S 240 x(data)S 239 x(connection.)S 6290 X 448 y(################)SeD2 x(###################)S 2 x(###################)S 2 x(##########)SS6290 X 448 y(################)S 2 x(###################)S 2 x(###################)SeJ2 x(##########)S 6290 X 449 y(################)S 2 x(###################)SJ2 x(###################)S 2 x(##########)S 6290 X 448 y(################)SD2 x(###################)S 2 x(##########)S 6290 X 448 y(<226)S 239 xC(File)S 240 x(transfer)S 240 x(Okay;)S 240 x(Closing)S 239 x(data)SoE240 x(connection.)S 6290 X 449 y(235655)S 240 x(bytes)S 239 x(\(461)SWG240 x(blocks\))S 240 x(in)S 239 x(00:00:22.34)S 240 x(=)S 239 x(10549)SLT240 x(cps,)S 240 x(IO=117)S 6290 X 448 y(Sent)S 239 x(file)S 240 x(DJB2:[SIMMONS]X)ST2 x(.X;1)S 239 x(to)S 239 x(\(Remote\))S 240 x(x.x)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:ftp.wku.edu>)SH659 x 22248 Y F151(In)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(example,)S 167 x(HASH)S 165 xE(is)S 166 x(enabled)S 166 x(and)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x(is)S1K165 x(transferred.)S -311 x 36925 Y F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203135)SoEP PPd %%PageTrailer0%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticai)%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete CourierS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-136) 164%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)% PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SAI5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(HOST)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYCCF20(SHOW)S 359 x(HOST)S 40 x 7037 Y F34(Returns)S 166 x(the)S 167 xPI(name)S 165 x(of)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(currently-connected)S 166 x(remote)SCE167 x(host.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 xRH(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(HOST)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XYF(EXAMPLES)S 5094 12296 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 224 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 xG(connect)S 240 x(fake)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Attempting)S 240 x(to)S 239 xSO(connect)S 240 x(to)S 240 x(host)S 239 x(fake)S 6290 X 448 y(<220-fake.bogus.)S9G2 x(com)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 xSH(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 239 x(\(1-OCT-1993\))S 240 x(ready.)SF6290 X 449 y(<220)S 239 x(Connection)S 241 x(closes)S 239 x(if)S 240 xC(idle)S 239 x(for)S 240 x(5)S 239 x(min.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S C1 SC 240 x(show)S 239 x(host)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Connection)S 240 xrQ(open)S 240 x(to)S 239 x(fake.bogus.com)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 16206 XY GF151(In)S 179 x(this)S 179 x(example,)S 183 x(SHOW)S 178 x(HOST)S 179 xC(is)S 178 x(used)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(show)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(name)SeE179 x(of)S 179 x(the)S 180 x(remote)S 10773 X 598 y(host)S 166 x(to)S3J166 x(which)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(connection)S 168 x(is)S 165 x(established.)S55094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203136)S%EP PPt %%PageTrailerl%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticat)%%+ Jinete Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Romana%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)%%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%1%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-137) 165%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SI24890 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(KEY)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY HF20(SHOW)S 359 x(KEY)S 688 x 7037 Y F34(Displays)S 165 x(command)S 166 xD(keys)S 166 x(de\211ned)S 166 x(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(DEFINE/KE)SJ2 x(Y)S 166 x(command.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)SJ-53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(KEY)S 697 x F23([keyna)S -2 x(me])S 10773 XC797 y 17484 48 R 10773 10645 XY F36(Command)S 166 x(Quali\211)S 2 xPH(ers)S 18544 X(Defaults)S 10773 X 698 y F35(/ALL)S 10773 X 597 y(/FULL)SF10773 X 598 y(/ST)S -36 x(A)S -36 x(TE=state)S 18544 X(/ST)S -36 x(A)SL-36 x(TE=DEF)S -36 x(AUL)S -37 x(T)S 5094 13734 XY 23160 204 R 5094 14552 XYCF24(P)S -51 x(ARA)S -2 x(METERS)S 849 x -21 y F25(keyname)S 10773 XSF548 y F151(The)S 157 x(name)S 156 x(of)S 157 x(the)S 156 x(key)S 157 xD(de\211nition)S 157 x(to)S 156 x(be)S 156 x(displayed.)S 250 x(See)SH156 x(DEFINE)S -2 x(/KEY)S 156 x(for)S 156 x(valid)S 10773 X 548 y(key)SG167 x(names.)S 5094 16822 XY 23160 204 R 5094 17641 XY F24(QUALIFIERS)S)H10773 X -22 y F25(/ALL)S 10773 X 598 y F151(Displays)S 171 x(all)S 171 xH(key)S 173 x(de\211nitions)S 172 x(for)S 172 x(the)S 172 x(speci\211ed)SC172 x(state.)S 260 x(If)S 171 x(no)S 173 x(state)S 171 x(if)S 171 xFE(speci\211ed,)S 10773 X 598 y(the)S 166 x(DEF)S -37 x(AUL)S -28 x(T)SD167 x(state)S 165 x(is)S 165 x(assumed.)S 10773 19911 XY F25(/FULL)SF10773 X 896 y F151(Displays)S 155 x(full)S 156 x(de\211nitions)S 157 xD(for)S 156 x(each)S 157 x(key)S 157 x(displayed.)S 249 x(The)S 157 xI(full)S 156 x(de\211nition)S 157 x(includes)S 10773 X 598 y(information)SeF153 x(about)S 153 x(whether)S 153 x(or)S 153 x(not)S 153 x(the)S 153 xC(string)S 153 x(is)S 152 x(echoed)S 153 x(and)S 153 x(terminated,)S9C156 x(and,)S 10773 X 598 y(if)S 173 x(it)S 173 x(sets)S 172 x(the)S5F173 x(key)S 174 x(state,)S 175 x(what)S 172 x(state)S 173 x(is)S 172 xF(sets)S 172 x(and)S 174 x(whether)S 173 x(or)S 174 x(not)S 173 x(the)SH173 x(state)S 172 x(is)S 10773 X 597 y(locked)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(after)SC166 x(they)S 167 x(key)S 167 x(is)S 165 x(pressed.)S 10773 23696 XY0EF25(/ST)S -51 x(A)S -52 x(TE=state)S 10773 X 897 y F151(Speci\211es)S)F156 x(the)S 155 x(key)S 157 x(state)S 154 x(table)S 155 x(from)S 156 xG(which)S 156 x(key)S 156 x(de\211nitions)S 156 x(are)S 156 x(to)S 155 x7D(be)S 155 x(displayed.)S 10773 X 598 y(If)S 166 x(no)S 166 x(state)SD165 x(is)S 166 x(speci\211ed,)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(keys)S 166 x(for)SG167 x(the)S 166 x(DEF)S -38 x(AUL)S -27 x(T)S 166 x(state)S 165 x(are)SxI167 x(displayed.)S 5094 26386 XY 23160 204 R 5094 27205 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S(G5094 28237 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP>)S 1 SC 239 x(show)S 240 xdF(key/all)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(DEFAULT)S 240 x(key)S 239 x(state)S 240 xI(definitions:)S 6768 X 448 y(PF1)S 240 x(=)S 239 x("OPEN)S 239 x(ALPHA")SoO6768 X 448 y(HELP)S 240 x(=)S 239 x("HELP")S 6290 X 449 y(FTP>)S 10773 31276 XY.FF151(In)S 168 x(this)S 168 x(example,)S 170 x(SHOW)S 167 x(KEY)S 167 xE(is)S 168 x(used)S 168 x(to)S 168 x(display)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(key)S.C170 x(de\211nitions)S 168 x(for)S 169 x(key)S 10773 X 598 y(state)S.H165 x(DEF)S -37 x(AUL)S -28 x(T)S -45 x(.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203137)SpEP PP4 %%PageTrailern%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helveticak+%%+ Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique()%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete Courier4%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)7%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%e%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-138) 166%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)r PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SF5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(LOCAL_DEF)S -33 x(AUL)S -45 x(T_DIRECT)SD-12 x(OR)S -22 x(Y)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)SC359 x(LOCAL_DEF)S -4X MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8;7X`k 9 x(AUL)S -66 x(T_DIRECT)S -15 x(OR)S -33 x(Y)S%H10773 7037 XY F34(Displays)S 165 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(working)SG165 x(directory)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(local)S 166 x(system.)SCC5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 XsD(SHOW)S 166 x(LOCA)S -2 x(L_DEF)S -38 x(AUL)S -53 x(T_DIRECT)S -14 xE(OR)S -27 x(Y)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XY(DESCRIPTION)S6E10773 X -125 y F151(This)S 166 x(command)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(similar)S1D165 x(to)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(DCL)S 165 x(command)S 166 x(``$)S 165 xF(SHOW)S 165 x(DEF)S -37 x(AUL)S -28 x(T')S -9 x('.)S 5094 36925 XY F36$(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203138)SEP PP %%PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaS%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)1%)%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-139) 167%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)3 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SJ24326 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 278 x(MODE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XYFF20(SHOW)S 359 x(MODE)S -159 x 7037 Y F34(Displays)S 174 x(the)S 175 xK(current)S 174 x(Mode)S 175 x(function)S 175 x(transfer)S 175 x(parameter)S C-27 x(.)S 266 x(The)S 175 x(possible)S 174 x(values)S 10773 X 598 y8H(for)S 166 x(mode)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(COMPRESSED,)S 166 x(BLOCK,)S 167 xH(and)S 165 x(STREAM.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)SM-53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(MODE)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11862 XY E(EXAMPLES)S 5094 12894 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 223 y F102(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC5C240 x(show)S 239 x(mode)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(MODE)S 239 x(is)S 240 x5C(STREAM)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 15010 XY F151(This)S 166 xFC(example)S 167 x(shows)S 165 x(a)S 166 x(typical)S 166 x(response)SSC166 x(from)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(SHOW)S 165 x(MODE)S 165 x(command.)S 624271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203139)SEP PP6 %%PageTrailerx%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaR)%%+ Jinete Courier NewCenturySchlbk-RomanY%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%x%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-140) 168%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)r PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SoH5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(P)S -45 x(ARAMETER)S -2 x(S)S 5094 4546 XYE23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(P)S -66 x(ARAMETER)S 2 x(S)S F10773 7037 XY F34(Display)S 165 x(all)S 165 x(three)S 166 x(transfer)SE167 x(parameters:)S 250 x(Mode,)S 166 x(Structure)S 167 x(and)S 166 xXC(T)S -27 x(ype.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)SCN-53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(P)S -52 x(ARAMETERS)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 RM5094 11265 XY(EXAMPLES)S 5094 12296 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 224 y F102(FTP:fake>)S0C1 SC 240 x(show)S 239 x(param)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(TYPE)S 239 x(is)SnC240 x(ASCII)S 239 x(NONPRINT)S 6290 X 448 y(MODE)S 239 x(is)S 240 x)M(STREAM)S 6290 X 449 y(STRU)S 239 x(is)S 240 x(VMS)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S D10773 15309 XY F151(This)S 178 x(example)S 178 x(shows)S 177 x(the)SD177 x(typical)S 178 x(output)S 178 x(from)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(SHOW)SF177 x(P)S -37 x(ARAMETERS)S 10773 X 598 y(command.)S 5094 36925 XY F36$(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203140)SEP PP7 %%PageTrailerS%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold HelveticaP)%%+ Jinete Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)c%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%k%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-141) 169%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)P PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SI23572 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 278 x(P)S -44 x(ASSIVE)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 RiM5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(P)S -66 x(ASSIVE)S 10773 7037 XY F34(Displays)STF165 x(the)S 166 x(current)S 167 x(setting)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(P)S -37 xC(ASSIV)S 2 x(E.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)StD-53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(P)S -52 x(ASSIVE)S 24271 36925 XY F36$(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203141)SEP PP) 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y(MadGoat)S 166 x(FTP)SxH167 x(returns)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(information)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(both)SF167 x(UNIX)S 165 x(format)S 166 x(and)S 167 x(standard)S 10773 X 598 yH(V)S -56 x(AX)S 166 x(format.)S 249 x(Only)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(3)S 166 xC(right)S 166 x(most)S 166 x(digits)S 165 x(are)S 167 x(used)S 166 x4G(by)S 166 x(CMU.)S 10773 X 896 y(UNIX)S 166 x(format)S 166 x(consists)SPD166 x(of)S 166 x(4)S 167 x(octal)S 166 x(digits)S 166 x(containing)SH168 x(the)S 167 x(UMASK)S 165 x(information.)S 10773 X 598 y(The)S 187 xE(digits)S 186 x(are)S 187 x(``ugl)S 83 x(|)S 83 x(User:rwx)S 84 x(|)S2D82 x(Groutp:rwx)S 84 x(|)S 83 x(Other:rwx')S -9 x('.)S 290 x(Where)SF187 x(R\(4\))S 10773 X 598 y(denies)S 169 x(read)S 169 x(permission,)SE170 x(W\(2\))S 168 x(denies)S 169 x(write)S 168 x(permission,)S 170 x2D(X\(1\))S 168 x(denies)S 169 x(execute)S 10773 X 598 y(permission.)SF253 x(``u')S -10 x('\(4\))S 168 x(sets)S 167 x(user)S 168 x(ID)S 167 xH(on)S 168 x(execu)S 2 x(tion,)S 169 x(while)S 167 x(``g')S -9 x('\(2\))SK167 x(sets)S 167 x(group)S 169 x(ID)S 167 x(on)S 10773 X 597 y(execution.)S C251 x(``l')S -10 x(')S 165 x(sets)S 165 x(link)S 167 x(permission)SsF166 x(to)S 166 x(directories.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S-27 x(\203143)S5EP PPl %%PageTrailer3%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica2%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)e%t%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-144) 172%%PageFonts:$ MGFTP022.E@ MI[FTP.DOC]FTP_USERS_GUIDE.PS;8;7X` (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)t PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SlG5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(REMOTE_DEF)S -34 x(AUL)S -45 x(T_DIRECT)S D-11 x(OR)S -22 x(Y)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R 5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)SD359 x(REMOTE_DEF)S -49 x(AUL)S -66 x(T_DIRECT)S -15 x(OR)S -34 x(Y)SD10773 7037 XY F34(Displays)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(current,)S 181 x(or)SH177 x(default,)S 181 x(directory)S 178 x(on)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(remote)SH178 x(system.)S 273 x(PWD)S 178 x(is)S 177 x(a)S 10773 X 598 y(synonym)SO166 x(for)S 166 x(this)S 167 x(command.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XYFEF24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(REMOTE_D)S -2 x(EF)S -38 xhN(AUL)S -52 x(T_DIREC)S -2 x(T)S -12 x(OR)S -27 x(Y)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 RM5094 11862 XY(EXAMPLES)S 5094 12894 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 250 y F102(FTP:unix>)SM1 SC 240 x(show)S 239 x(remote)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(<257)S 239 x("/usr1/simm)S1E2 x(ons")S 239 x(is)S 239 x(current)S 240 x(directory.)S 6290 X 449 ywG(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(set)S 239 x(remote)S 240 x("/etc")S 0 SC 6290 X(H448 y(<250)S 239 x(Directory)S 240 x(path)S 240 x(set)S 239 x(to)S 240 xG(/etc.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:unix>)S 1 SC 240 x(show)S 239 x(remote)S 0 SCpC6290 X 449 y(<257)S 239 x("/etc")S 240 x(is)S 239 x(current)S 240 xuE(directory.)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:unix>)S 10773 16830 XY F151(In)S 169 xSF(this)S 168 x(example,)S 170 x(the)S 169 x(SHOW)S 168 x(REMOTE)S 167 xI(command)S 169 x(to)S 169 x(used)S 168 x(to)S 169 x(verify)S 169 x(that)SpD169 x(the)S 10773 X 598 y(SET)S 166 x(REMOTE)S 165 x(command)S 166 xE(performed)S 166 x(as)S 166 x(expected.)S 5094 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203144)S#EP PP( %%PageTrailer#%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica#)%%+ Jinete Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Roman2%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK) %%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)% %%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-145) 173%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)r PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYL0 SC 17385 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SG24181 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(REPL)S -56 x(Y)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 R3K5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(REPL)S -82 x(Y)S -376 x 7037 Y F34(Displays)S0C165 x(whether)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(replies)S 165 x(from)SxD167 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(system)S 167 x(are)S 166 x(shown.)SC5094 8233 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(F(SHOW)S 166 x(REPL)S -65 x(Y)S 5094 10446 XY 23160 204 R 5094 11265 XYJ(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -156 y F151(For)S 168 x(more)S 168 x(information,)SG169 x(please)S 168 x(see)S 167 x(the)S 168 x(documentation)S 169 x(on)SoH168 x(the)S 168 x(FTP)S 168 x(command)S 10773 X 598 y(SET)S 166 x(REPL)SJ-46 x(Y)S -56 x(.)S 5094 12902 XY 23160 204 R 5094 13721 XY F24(EXAMPLES)SF5094 14752 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 224 y F102(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(show)SF239 x(reply)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y(Server)S 240 x(reply)S 239 x(display)SE240 x(is)S 239 x(now)S 240 x(on)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x8H(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<200)S 239 x(Noop)S 240 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 448 yC(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(set)S 239 x(reply)S 240 x(off)S 0 SC 6290 XdC448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(show)S 239 x(reply)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 yXD(Server)S 240 x(reply)S 239 x(display)S 240 x(is)S 239 x(now)S 240 xC(off)S 6290 X 448 y(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(noop)S 0 SC 6290 X 448 y2H(<)S 7485 X(Noop)S 240 x(Okay.)S 6290 X 449 y(FTP:fake>)S 10773 20007 XYGF151(This)S 180 x(example)S 179 x(shows)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(different)S)D180 x(output)S 179 x(display)S 180 x(with)S 179 x(SET)S 179 x(REPL)SH-46 x(Y)S 179 x(and)S 10773 X 598 y(SET)S 166 x(NOREPL)S -47 x(Y)S -55 x;(.)S 24271 36925 XY F36(FTP-CLI)S 2 x(ENT)S -27 x(\203145)S3EP PPn %%PageTrailerc%%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica()%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Jinete CourierT%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)0%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%4%%Page: (FTP-CLIENT-146) 174%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYK0 SC 5094 1807 XY F24(MadGoat)S 279 x(FTP)S 279 x(Client)S 278 x(Commands)SxG5094 X 797 y F28(SHOW)S 279 x(RET)S -45 x(AIN)S 5094 4546 XY 23160 48 RxL5094 5543 XY F20(SHOW)S 359 x(RET)S -66 x(AIN)S -739 x 7037 Y F34(Displays)SE165 x(whether)S 166 x(or)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(\211le)S 166 x(version)S%F165 x(numbers)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(retained.)S 5094 8233 XY 23160 204 RC5094 9251 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S 10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(RET)S -52 xBD(AIN)S 5094 10446 XY 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x(FTP)S 10773 X 598 yD(connection.)S 250 x(ST)S -37 x(A)S -36 x(TUS)S 166 x(is)S 166 x(a)SC166 x(synonym)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(SHOW)S 166 x(ST)S -36 x(A)S -37 x6C(TUS.)S 5094 8830 XY 23160 204 R 5094 9848 XY F24(FORMA)S -53 x(T)S)I10773 X(SHOW)S 166 x(ST)S -52 x(A)S -52 x(TUS)S 5094 11044 XY 23160 204 RC5094 11862 XY(DESCRIPTION)S 10773 X -155 y F151(The)S 166 x(reply)SdH167 x(differs)S 165 x(from)S 165 x(host)S 166 x(to)S 165 x(host,)S 166 xH(but)S 166 x(generally)S -54 x(,)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(information)S 166 xF(returned)S 10773 X 597 y(includes)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(current)S 167 xG(transfer)S 166 x(parameter)S 166 x(values.)S 5094 13500 XY 23160 204 RSE5094 14319 XY F24(EXAMPLES)S 5094 15350 XY F202(1)S 6290 X 223 y F102 E(FTP:fake>)S 1 SC 240 x(status)S 0 SC 6290 X 449 y(<211-fake.bogus.)S G2 x(com)S 239 x(MadGoat)S 240 x(FTP)S 239 x(server)S 240 x(V2.2)S 239 xnJ(for)S 240 x(OpenVMS)S 240 x(VAX)S 6290 X 448 y(<211-)S 240 x(6-OCT-1993)SE240 x(15:38:53)S 6290 X 448 y(<211-Waiting)S 240 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