.TITLE MMK_MSG .FACILITY MMK,1044/PREFIX=MMK__ .IDENT "V1.7-1" !++ ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! These are the message codes used by the MMS utility. ! ! AUTHOR: M. Madison ! COPYRIGHT © 1992-1994, MADGOAT SOFTWARE. ! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ! ! CREATION DATE: 20-AUG-1992 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 20-AUG-1992 V1.0 Madison Initial coding. ! 29-SEP-1992 V1.1 Madison Add IDENT, COPYRIGHT, OPENOUT. ! 04-JUN-1993 V1.2 Madison Add include-file messages. ! 17-OCT-1993 V1.2-1 Madison Change IDENT message. ! 12-DEC-1993 V1.3 Madison Add AMBDEPEND. ! 12-JUL-1994 V1.4 Madison Add CONDSKIP, ACTNOUPD, CIRCDEP. ! 02-DEC-1994 V1.5 Madison Add ERRLOC. ! 28-DEC-1994 V1.6 Madison Add MULACTION. ! 21-JUN-1995 V1.7 Madison Add MACFILSYNTAX. ! 22-JUN-1995 V1.7-1 Madison Add ACTNODEPRULE. !-- .SEVERITY FATAL NOOPNDSC <could not open description file !AZ>/FAO=1 PARSERR <error parsing description line !AD>/FAO=2 PRSTBLERR <fatal error in parse table> NOALLOC <could not allocate memory for structure type !AZ>/FAO=1 NOTARGETS <no target found> NOSUCHTRG <no such target !AZ>/FAO=1 ERRUPD <error status %X!XL occurred when updating target !AZ>/FAO=2 SRCERR <error locating source !AZ>/FAO=1 NOACTION <actions to build !AZ unknown>/FAO=1 OPENOUT <error opening output file !AZ>/FAO=1 CANTUPD <cannot update target !AD - sources unknown>/FAO=2 SDCMIX <single/double-colon dependency mix found for target !AZ>/FAO=1 MULACTION <multiple dependencies with action lists found for target !AD>/FAO=2 MACFILSYNTAX <syntax error at line !UL in macro definition file !AZ>/FAO=2 ACTNODEPRULE <action line found with no dependency or rule preceding it> .SEVERITY ERROR ELSENOIF <.ELSE directive encountered without corresponding .IFDEF> ENDIFNOIF <.ENDIF directive encountered without corresponding .IFDEF> .SEVERITY WARNING NOOPNRUL <could not open rules file !AZ>/FAO=1 NOOPNINCL <could not open .INCLUDE file !AZ>/FAO=1 AMBDEPEND <ambiguous multiple dependencies for target !AZ>/FAO=1 CONDSKIP <description line skipped due to conditional> CIRCDEP <circular dependency found for target !AZ>/FAO=1 CONNEXION <target !AZ found in circular dependency>/FAO=1 .SEVERITY INFORMATION OPENDESC <reading description file !AZ>/FAO=1 OPENRULE <reading rules file !AZ>/FAO=1 OPENINCL <including file !AZ>/FAO=1 CHECKUPD <checking need to update target !AZ>/FAO=1 TRGLKUF <lookup for target !AZ failed - update required>/FAO=1 TRGNUPD <target !AZ is out of date - update required>/FAO=1 TRGRDT <target !AZ revision date is !%D>/FAO=2 SRCRDT <source !AZ revision date is !%D>/FAO=2 PERFUPD <performing actions to update !AZ>/FAO=1 IDENT <this is the MadGoat Make Utility !AZ>/FAO=1 COPYRIGHT <!AZ>/FAO=1 ACTNOUPD <action did not update target !AZ>/FAO=1 ERRLOC <at line number !UL in file !AD>/FAO=3 NEEDSUPD <an update is required for target !AZ>/FAO=1 TRGCURRENT <no update required for target !AZ>/FAO=1 .SEVERITY SUCCESS NOUPDATE <target !AZ is up-to-date>/FAO=1 .END