.!++ .! .! NAME: NEWSRDR_HELP.RNH .! .! ABSTRACT: NEWSRDR help file. .! .! FACILITY: NEWSRDR .! .! DESCRIPTION: .! .! This is the RUNOFF source for the help library for NEWSRDR. .! To create the help library, use the following commands: .! .! $ RUNOFF NEWSRDR_HELP.RNH .! $ LIB/CREATE/HELP NEWSRDR_HELP NEWSRDR_HELP .! .! AUTHOR: M. Madison .! COPYRIGHT © 1993, 1994 MADGOAT SOFTWARE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .! .! .! MODIFICATION HISTORY: .! .! some date V1.0 Madison Initial coding. .! 23-MAY-1990 V2.3 Madison Add READ/PREV, fix READ/NEXT. .! 28-JUN-1990 V2.4 Madison Modify SET EDIT/EDITOR. .! 13-NOV-1990 V2.6 Madison Document SET SEEN/ALL. .! 09-JAN-1991 V2.7 Madison Several command changes. .! 08-FEB-1991 V2.8 Madison Add SET UNSEEN, REPLY w/group names. .! 14-OCT-1991 V3.0 Madison DIR, SUB, UNSUB, PRINT, CANCEL, STORE. .! 22-NOV-1991 V3.0-1 Madison POST/FILE. .! 04-JUN-1992 V3.1 Madison NEXT/GROUP. SET IGNORE/NEWSGROUP. .! 11-SEP-1992 X4.0 Madison SUB/LOG,UNSUB/LOG. NEWSRC. .! 12-SEP-1992 X4.0-1 Madison Add SET DIR, SET QUE, SET FORM. .! 12-SEP-1992 X4.0-2 Madison Add SUB/GOTO, '.' notation. .! 15-SEP-1992 X4.0-3 Madison Add DIR/GROUP/SORT. .! 12-OCT-1992 V4.0-4 Madison SET NEWSRC/SUBSCRIBED (prev. omitted). .! 15-FEB-1993 V4.1 Madison SET SEEN/CROSS, SET SEEN/SUBJECT. .! 12-APR-1993 A4.2 Madison SET AUTO, CUR/ED, SET PERS/MAIL, RE/TH/NEW. .! 23-APR-1993 V4.2 Madison SET FORCE_MAIL_PROTOCOL, NEWGROUP_ACTION. .! 22-JUN-1993 A4.3 Madison SET AUTO_SAVE. .! 02-AUG-1993 A4.3-1 Madison Fix POST/SUBJECT help. .! 11-AUG-1993 A4.3-2 Madison Fix DEFINE/KEY help. .! 22-SEP-1993 V4.3 Madison Other new commands. .! 09-OCT-1993 V4.5 Madison More new commands and qualifiers. .! 16-MAR-1994 V4.6 Madison SET IGNORE/MESSAGE_ID. .! 16-MAY-1994 V4.8 Madison Several new commands and qualifiers. .! 19-MAY-1994 V4.8 Madison EXTRACT/IGNORE. .!-- .P0 .AP .LM1 .RM70 .I-1 1 ATTACH Permits you to switch control of your terminal from your current process to another process in your job. The ATTACH command allows you to move quickly between processes that you have created with the SPAWN command. For example, while you are editing a file, you can SPAWN a subprocess (MAIL) to read a new mail message. Enter the ATTACH command to get back to back to the editing session. If you want to read another new mail message, you can use the ATTACH command to get back to the MAIL subprocess you already created. .NJ Format: .I+10;ATTACH [/PARENT] [process-name] .J .I-1 2 Parameter process-name Indicates the name of the subprocess to which the connection is to be made. Only the /PARENT qualifier or a process-name may be specified. If neither is specified, /PARENT is assumed. .I-1 2 Qualifier .I-1 /PARENT Allows you to attach to your process's parent process. If there is no parent process an error message is printed. .I-1 1 BACK The BACK command is a synonym for READ/PREVIOUS. .I-1 1 CANCEL The CANCEL command cancels an article by posting a cancel message to the NNTP server. .NJ Format: .I+10;CANCEL [artnum] .J If an article number is not specified, the current article is cancelled. .I-1 1 CURRENT The CURRENT command redisplays the current article from the top. .NJ Format: .I+10;CURRENT .J .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /EDIT /EDIT Edits the article rather than using the normal page-by-page display. .I-1 /FULL__HEADERS /FULL__HEADERS Causes the article to be displayed with all headers, rather than just those you have selected with SET HEADERS. .I-1 /ROTATE /ROTATE Displays the article text in ROT13 cipher. Any article posted in ROT13 is deciphered. .I-1 /THREAD__BASE /THREAD__BASE Visits the base article of the current thread. .I-1 1 DEFINE Defines a key to execute a NEWSRDR command. .NJ Format: .i+10;DEFINE/KEY key-name string .J Keypad key definitions are not saved between NEWSRDR sessions. To retain your key definitions, create a file containing DEFINE/KEY commands in your SYS$LOGIN directory and call it NEWSRDR__KEYDEFS.NRKEY. If you wish, you can call the file something else and define the logical name NEWSRDR__KEYDEFS to point to that file. .I-1 2 Parameters key-name Specifies the name of the key you are defining. This can be one of PF1 through PF4; KP0 through KP9 (for numeric keypad 0 through 9); COMMA, PERIOD, MINUS, or ENTER (also on numeric keypad); FIND, INSERT_HERE, REMOVE, SELECT, PREV_SCREEN, NEXT_SCREEN, HELP, DO, or F17 through F20 (for LK201 keyboards). string Specifies the string you want entered when you press the defined key. .I-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /ECHO /[NO]ECHO Specifies whether the command line is echoed when you press the defined key. You cannot specify both /NOECHO and /NOTERMINATE. The default is /ECHO. .I-1 /IF__STATE /IF__STATE=state-list Specifies one or more states, any one of which must be set in order to enable the specified key definition. If you omit this qualifier, the current state is used. To specify more than one state, separate the state names with commas and surround the list with parentheses. .I-1 /LOCK__STATE /[NO]LOCK__STATE Causes the state specified by the /SET_STATE qualifier to be permanently retained when the defined key is pressed. The state is retained until changed by using another key that sets a state. If omitted or negated, the specified state is retained only until you press another key. .i-1 /SET__STATE /[NO]SET__STATE=state Establishes a state that is set when the defined key is pressed. A state name can be any alphanumeric string. The state lasts for one further keypress only, unless /LOCK__STATE is specified. If you omit or negate this qualifier, the state remains unchanged when the defined key is pressed. You cannot specify both /SET__STATE and /TERMINATE. .I-1 /TERMINATE /[NO]TERMINATE Determines whether the specified command string is executed when the defined key is pressed. If not terminated, you must press RETURN for the command to be executed. The default is /NOTERMINATE. .I-1 1 DIRECTORY The DIRECTORY command is used to display a list of articles in the current newsgroup or infomation about available newsgroups. .NJ Format: .I+10;DIRECTORY [article-range] .I+10;DIRECTORY/GROUP [groupname-pattern] .J Where "article-range" specifies the articles you want to list. If omitted, the listing includes the current article through the last article in the newsgroup. The directory listing contains the article number, the poster's name, and the subject of each article (as much as will fit on one line). .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /ALL Can only be used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. When specified, all groups available from the server are listed, not just those to which you are subscribed. .I-1 /EXCLUDE /EXCLUDE=(keyword=(pattern [,...]) [,...]) Excludes those articles matching the specified exclusion patterns. Valid keywords are FROM and SUBJECT. .I-1 /FROM /FROM=(pattern [,...]) Lists only those articles whose From line matches one of the specified patterns. Patterns may contain wildcards. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. .I-1 /GROUP The /GROUP qualifier indicates that information about newsgroups is desired. The newsgroup information includes the name of the group, the number of the first and last article available from the server, a flag indicating whether or not you subscribe to the newsgroup, and the number of articles in the group that you have not read. The "groupname-pattern" you specify can contain wildcards; information is displayed about all groups whose names match the pattern you specify. .i-1 /KEYWORD /KEYWORD=(keyword [,...]) Lists only those articles with Keywords lines containing one of the specified keywords. Keywords may NOT contain wilcards. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. .I-1 /SEEN /SEEN Causes only those those articles marked "seen" to be listed. (Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP.) The default is to list both seen and unseen articles. .I-1 /SORT Used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. Causes the groups to be listed in alphabetical order. If omitted, the groups will be listed as they appear in your newsrc file (if you have one set). If you don't have a newsrc file set, the listing is sorted alphabetically anyway. .I-1 /STRICT Used with DIRECTORY/THREAD. Counts only References header threading, instead of both References and Subject header threading. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=(pattern [,...]) Lists only those articles whose Subject line matches one of the specified patterns. Patterns may contain wildcards. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. .I-1 /THREAD Orders the article listing such that articles comprising a thread are listed together. .I-1 /UNSEEN /UNSEEN Causes only those those articles not marked "seen" to be listed. The default is to list both seen and unseen articles. When used with DIRECTORY/GROUP, only those newsgroups in which there are unseen articles are listed. .I-1 /WIDTH /WIDTH=(keyword [,...]) Formats the width of parts of the directory display. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. You may omit the parentheses if only one keyword is specified. Possible keywords are as follows: FROM=n Specifies the width of the From column. SUBJECT=n Specifies the width of the Subject column. The default width for each column is roughly one-half of the available screen width after the other columns in the display are accounted for. Note that it is possible to specify the widths such that the resulting display is wider than the screen width. .I-1 1 EXIT The EXIT command is used to leave the NEWS utility. .NJ Format: .i+10;EXIT .J .I-1 1 EXTRACT The EXTRACT command copies ("extracts") one or more news articles into a text file. .NJ Format: .I+10;EXTRACT [file-spec] [article-range...] .J .I-1 2 Parameters file-spec Name of the file into which the article(s) will be copied. If omitted, the name defaults to newsgroup.TXT, where "newsgroup" is the current newsgroup name with all special characters translated to underscores ("__"). article-range... A list of one or more article numbers or ranges (specified by starting and ending article numbers separated by a hyphen). If omitted, only the current article will be extracted. You must specify a file-spec to be able to specify an article-range. You may use "." to refer to the current article. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /APPEND /APPEND /NOAPPEND (default) If specified, the articles will be appended to the file. The default for this qualifier is /NOAPPEND when a file-spec is given on the command line, and /APPEND when no file-spec is given. .I-1 /GROUP /GROUP=(group-name,...) By default, articles are extracted from the current newsgroup. Specifying the /GROUP qualifier causes articles to be extracted from the specified newsgroups. You may use wildcards in the group name, and a list of group names may be specified. If wildcards are used, only those matching newsgroups to which you are subscribed will be checked. .I-1 /HEADERS /HEADERS (default) /HEADERS=FULL /NOHEADERS By default, headers are included in the extracted article. If /NOHEADERS is specified, only the text of the article is included. If /HEADERS=FULL is specified, all headers will be included; otherwise, only those headers selected with SET HEADERS/EXTRACT will be included. .I-1 /IGNORE /IGNORE /NOIGNORE (default) Specifies that the EXTRACT command should honor ignore criteria when selecting articles to extract. By default, EXTRACT does not honor ignore criteria. .I-1 /MARK Causes each extracted article to be marked as "seen". .I-1 /NEW Selects only unread articles for extraction. .I-1 /ROTATE If specified, the text of each article will be deciphered using the ROT13 cipher. .I-1 1 FIRST This is a synonym for READ/FIRST. .I-1 1 FOLLOWUP This is a synonym for REPLY. .I-1 1 FORWARD The FORWARD command is used to forward a copy of a news article by mail to another user. .NJ Format: .I+10;FORWARD [article-number] .J Where "article-number" is the number of an article in the current newsgroup that you would like to send. If omitted, the current article is sent. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /EDIT /EDIT /NOEDIT The /EDIT qualifier indicates that a text editor (set with SET EDIT/EDITOR) should be invoked to modify the message. If omitted, the article is sent without changes. .I-1 /SELF /SELF /NOSELF The /[NO]SELF qualifier is used to override your VMS MAIL copy-self setting for FORWARD. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turned on for FORWARD, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as to the destination user(s) you specify. .I-1 /SIGNATURE /SIGNATURE /NOSIGNATURE The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if you have set one with SET SIGNATURE__FILE, should be included at the end of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signature should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion is determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE__FILE. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject" /NOSUBJECT The /SUBJECT qualifier is used to specify (or, with /NOSUBJECT, omit) the subject of the message. If not specified, you are prompted for a subject line. .I-1 /TO /TO=("address"[,...]) The /TO qualifier can be used to specify the recipients of the mail message. If specified, surround each address with quotation marks. If you want to specify a list of reicpients, separate the addresses with commas and surround the list with parentheses. .I-1 1 GROUP The GROUP command selects a newsgroup to be the "current" newsgroup. .NJ Format: .i+10;GROUP groupname .J .I-1 1 HELP The HELP command is used to obtain information about NEWS commands. .NJ Format: .I+10;HELP [topic] [subtopic...] .J .I-1 1 LAST This is a synonym for READ/LAST. .I-1 1 MAIL The MAIL command is used to send a mail message. .NJ Format: .I+10;MAIL [filespec] .J Where "filespec" is the name of a file you would like to send by mail. If omitted, you are prompted for the text of the mail message. This command behaves much like the VMS MAIL "SEND" command, except that you are given the chance to back out of the mailing of the message after you compose the message. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /EDIT /EDIT /NOEDIT The /EDIT qualifier indicates that a text editor (set with SET EDIT/EDITOR) should be invoked to compose the message. If omitted, you are prompted for the message text in the same way VMS MAIL does, unless you are mailing a file. .I-1 /SELF /SELF /NOSELF The /[NO]SELF qualifier is used to override your VMS MAIL copy-self setting for SEND. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turned on for SEND, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as to the destination user(s) you specify. .I-1 /SIGNATURE /SIGNATURE /NOSIGNATURE The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if you have set one with SET SIGNATURE__FILE, should be included at the end of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signature should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion is determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE__FILE. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject" /NOSUBJECT The /SUBJECT qualifier is used to specify (or, with /NOSUBJECT, omit) the subject of the message. If not specified, you are prompted for a subject line. .I-1 /TO /TO=("address"[,...]) The /TO qualifier can be used to specify the recipients of the mail message. If specified, surround each address with quotation marks. If you want to specify a list of reicpients, separate the addresses with commas and surround the list with parentheses. .I-1 1 NEXT This is an abbreviation for READ/NEXT/NEW. .I-1 2 Qualifier .I-1 /GROUP /GROUP When specified, instructs NEWSRDR to skip any remaining new articles in the current group and begin searching for new articles in the next subscribed group. If no new articles are found in any other newsgroup, the NONEW message is displayed and any remaining new articles in the current group are left unseen. .I-1 1 POST The POST command is used to post a news article. .NJ Format: .I+10;POST [newsgroup[,...]] [file-spec] .J .I-1 2 Parameters newsgroup[,...] If specified, the article is posted to the specified group or list of groups. Otherwise, the article is posted to the current group. file-spec If specified, the contents of the specified file will be used as the article text. If omitted, and no /FILE qualifier is used, you will be prompted for the article text. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /APPROVED /APPROVED Adds an Approved: header to the posted article. .I-1 /DISTRIBUTION /DISTRIBUTION=(dist[,...]) This qualifier allows you to alter the distribution of a followup article. If omitted, the distribution will be assigned by the news server. .I-1 /EDIT The /EDIT qualifier indicates that you wish to use a text editor (set with the SET EDIT/EDITOR command) to compose the article. .I-1 /EXPIRES /EXPIRES=date-time Sets the expiration date/time for the article by adding an Expires: header. Specify the date and time in VMS format. Quote the string if it includes blanks. .I-1 /FILE /FILE=file-spec This qualifier allows you to specify the name of a file whose contents will be used as the article text. This is an alternative to the file-spec parameter. If omitted and the file-spec parameter is not specified, you will be prompted for the article text. .i-1 /FOLLOWUP__TO /FOLLOWUP__TO=(group [,...]) Specifies that followups to the article should be posted to the specified groups. By default, followups are posted to the same groups as the posted article. .I-1 /KEYWORDS /KEYWORDS=(keyword [,...]) Adds a Keywords: header to the article with the specified list of keywords. Unless they are quoted, the keywords will be converted to lower case before posting. .I-1 /SIGNATURE /SIGNATURE /NOSIGNATURE The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if you have set one with SET SIGNATURE__FILE, should be included at the end of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signature should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion is determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE__FILE. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=subject /NOSUBJECT The /SUBJECT qualifier can be used to specify the subject for the article. If omitted, you will be prompted for the subject. .I-1 /SUMMARY /SUMMARY=summary Adds a Summary: header to the article, with the specified text. .I-1 1 READ The READ command is used to display specific news articles or unseen articles. .NJ Format: .i+10;READ [artnum] .J Where "artnum" is the number of the article you wish to see. You may omit the READ command when specifying an article number to be read. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /FIRST /FIRST The /FIRST qualifier selects for reading the first article in the newsgroup available from the news server. .I-1 /GROUP /GROUP The /GROUP qualifier selects the newsgroup from which the specified article is to be retrieved. If omitted, the current group is used. When used with the READ/NEXT/NEW command, /GROUP instructs NEWSRDR to skip any remaining new articles in the current group and begin searching for new articles in the next subscribed group. If no new articles are found in any other newsgroup, the NONEW message is displayed and any remaining new articles in the current group are left unseen. .I-1 /LAST /LAST The /LAST qualifier selects for reading the last article in the newsgroup available from the news server. .I-1 /NEW /NEW The /NEW qualifier causes READ to look for any unseen articles. When used with the /NEXT qualifier, the next unseen article after the current article is displayed, or if there are none, the first unseen article in the next newsgroup (alphabetically) is displayed. .I-1 /NEXT /NEXT The /NEXT qualifier causes READ to display the next article in the newsgroup currently being viewed. If there are none, a NOMORE message is displayed. .i-1 /PREVIOUS /PREVIOUS The /PREVIOUS qualifier causes READ to display the next lower numbered article in the current newsgroup to be displayed. .I-1 /STRICT Used with READ/THREAD; enforces strict, References-only, threading rather than relaxed, References and Subject, threading. .i-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT[=(pattern[,...])] When one or more patterns are specified, displays the next available article whose subject matches one of the specified patterns. When no patterns are specified, displays the next available article whose subject matches one of the patterns on the most recent READ/SUBJECT command on which patterns were specified. If no matching articles are found, a NOMOREMATCH message is displayed and the current pattern set is cleared. Only the /GROUP qualifier may be specified with the /SUBJECT qualifier. All other qualifiers are ignored. .i-1 /THREAD /THREAD The /THREAD qualifier causes READ to look for the next article with a subject line matching the current article's subject line. This can be used repeatedly within a newsgroup to follow a thread of conversation. When no further matching articles are found, a message is displayed and the current article is reset to the first article you read in the thread. You may use the /NEW qualifier with READ/THREAD to follow a thread of articles you have not yet seen. .I-1 1 PRINT Adds the specified article(s) to the pending print job. The articles are not released to the print queue until you exit NEWSRDR or use the PRINT/NOW command .NJ Format: .I+10;PRINT [article-range...] .J .I-1 2 Parameters article-range... A list of one or more article numbers or ranges (specified by starting and ending article numbers separated by a hyphen). If omitted, only the current article will be printed. You may use "." to refer to the current article, or FIRST and LAST to refer to the first and last articles in the newsgroup. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /AFTER /AFTER=time Requests that the job not be printed until the specified date/time. .I-1 /BURST /BURST=keyword /NOBURST Controls whether a burst page is printed at the start of the print job. Valid keyword values are ALL and ONE; if omitted, ALL is assumed. Note that either value has the same effect, since NEWSRDR combines all printed articles into a single file before printing. .I-1 /CANCEL Cancels the current pending print job. .I-1 /COPIES /COPIES=n Indicates the number of copies of the job to be printed. .I-1 /FEED /FEED /NOFEED Controls whether form feeds are automatically inserted at the end of a page. .I-1 /FLAG /FLAG=keyword /NOFLAG Controls whether a flag page is printed at the start of the print job. Valid keyword values are ALL and ONE; if omitted, ALL is assumed. Note that either value has the same effect, since NEWSRDR combines all printed articles into a single file before printing. .I-1 /FORM /FORM=form-name Specifies the name of the form that you want for the print job. .I-1 /HEADERS /HEADERS /NOHEADERS Controls whether the article headers are printed along with the text of the article. The default is /HEADERS. .I-1 /HOLD /HOLD /NOHOLD Controls whether the job is held in the queue prior to printing. .I-1 /NAME /NAME=job-name Specifies a name string to identify the job. .I-1 /NOTIFY /NOTIFY Indicates that you should be notified by a broadcast message when the job has been printed. May be specified on the PRINT and PRINT/NOW commands. .I-1 /NOW Closes the pending print job and submits it for printing. You may specify the /NOTIFY qualifier on this command. .I-1 /PARAMETERS /PARAMETERS=(parameter [,...]) Specifies up to eight optional parameters to be passed to the print queue with the job. .I-1 /PRINT Synonym for /NOW. .I-1 /QUEUE /QUEUE=queue-name Specifies the name of the print queue to which the job should be submitted. .I-1 /ROTATE If specified, the text of each article will be deciphered using the ROT13 cipher. .I-1 /SPACE /SPACE /NOSPACE Specifies that the output should be double-spaced. .I-1 /TRAILER /TRAILER=keyword /NOTRAILER Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of the print job. Valid keyword values are ALL and ONE; if omitted, ALL is assumed. Note that either value has the same effect, since NEWSRDR combines all printed articles into a single file before printing. .I-1 1 REPLY The REPLY command is used to post a followup to the article you are currently viewing or reply by mail to the author of the current article. .nj Format: .i+10;REPLY [newsgroup[,...]] .J .I-1 2 Parameter newsgroup[,...] If specified, the reply (if posted) is posted to the specified group or list of groups. If omitted, the reply is posted to the groups specified in the Followup-To header of the current article, or the Newsgroups header of the current article if there is no Followup-To header. If the reply is not posted (i.e., /POST is not specified and the current SET REPLY setting is /NOPOST), the newsgroup parameter is ignored. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /APPROVED /APPROVED Adds an Approved: header to the posted article. .I-1 /DISTRIBUTION /DISTRIBUTION=(dist[,...]) This qualifier allows you to alter the distribution of a followup article. If omitted, the distribution of the article will match that of the original article. .I-1 /EDIT The /EDIT qualifier indicates that you wish to use a text editor (set with the SET EDIT/EDITOR command) to compose the reply. .I-1 /EXPIRES /EXPIRES=date-time Sets the expiration date/time for the article by adding an Expires: header. Specify the date and time in VMS format. Quote the string if it includes blanks. .I-1 /EXTRACT /EXTRACT /NOEXTRACT The /EXTRACT qualifier indicates that the current article should be extracted into a file when composing the followup article (or mailing). This is the default action. Use /NOEXTRACT to prevent the original article from being extracted when composing the reply. Note that /EXTRACT is only meaningful when you edit the reply, either by specifying /EDIT on the REPLY command or by a previous SET EDIT command. .i-1 /FOLLOWUP__TO /FOLLOWUP__TO=(group [,...]) Specifies that followups to the article should be posted to the specified groups. By default, followups are posted to the same groups as the posted article. .I-1 /KEYWORDS /KEYWORDS=(keyword [,...]) Adds a Keywords: header to the article with the specified list of keywords. Unless they are quoted, the keywords will be converted to lower case before posting. .I-1 /MAIL The /MAIL qualifier indicates that the reply should be mailed to the originator of the article. The /MAIL and /POST qualifiers may be used together to send a reply by mail as well as posting it to the newsgroup. When both this qualifier and /POST are omitted, mailing and/or posting of the reply is determined by the current SET REPLY setting. .I-1 /POST The /POST qualifier indicates that the reply should be posted as a followup article. This is the default if neither /MAIL nor /POST is specified. The /MAIL and /POST qualifiers may be used together to send a reply by mail as well as posting it to the newsgroup. When both this qualifier and /MAIL are omitted, mailing and/or posting of the reply is determined by the current SET REPLY setting. .I-1 /SELF /SELF /NOSELF The /[NO]SELF qualifier is used to override your VMS MAIL copy-self setting for REPLY. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turned on for REPLY, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as to the destination user(s) you specify. This qualifier may only be used if the /MAIL qualifier is also specified. .I-1 /SIGNATURE /SIGNATURE /NOSIGNATURE The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if you have set one with SET SIGNATURE__FILE, should be included at the end of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signature should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion is determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE__FILE. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=subject /NOSUBJECT The /SUBJECT qualifier can be used to alter or eliminate the subject line from the reply. If omitted, the subject of the reply will be "Re: " followed by the subject of the original article. .I-1 /TO /TO=(address[,...]) When mailing the reply, this qualifier directs the reply to the specified address or addresses. By default, replies are sent to the address in the Reply-To header (or From header if there is no Reply-To) in the article to which you are replying. .I-1 1 SET The SET command is used to set various attributes in your NEWS profile, with the exception of SET SEEN and SET UNSEEN, which mark news articles as "seen" or "unseen". .NJ Format: .i+10;SET [NO]ARCHIVE__DIRECTORY [archive-dir] .i+10;SET [NO]AUTO__READ__NEW .i+10;SET [NO]AUTO__SAVE__PROFILE .i+10;SET [NO]EDIT .I+10;SET [NO]FORCE__MAIL__PROTOCOL .I+10;SET [NO]FORM form-name .i+10;SET [NO]HEADERS [[NO]header-name[,...]] .i+10;SET [NO]IGNORE [group-name] .I+10;SET NEWGROUP__ACTION [NONE | PROMPT | SUBSCRIBE] .I+10;SET [NO]NEWSRC [file-spec] [/SUBSCRIBED__ONLY] .i+10;SET [NO]PERSONAL__NAME [name] .i+10;SET REPLY reply-type[,...] .i+10;SET SEEN [/CROSS__REFERENCES] [/ALL | /THREAD | [/SUBJECT=(pat...)] article-range...] .i+10;SET [NO]SIGNATURE [file-spec] .i+10;SET UNSEEN [/CROSS__REFERENCES] [/ALL | /THREAD | [/SUBJECT=(pat...)] article-range...] .J .I-1 2 ARCHIVE__DIRECTORY The SET ARCHIVE__DIRECTORY command is used to establish a default device and directory where articles saved with the EXTRACT command should be stored. Use SET NOARCHIVE__DIRECTORY to remove the archive specification. .I-1 2 AUTO__READ__NEW The SET AUTO__READ__NEW command controls how NEWSRDR behaves when a READ/NEW, READ/NEXT/NEW, or READ/NEXT/NEW/GROUP command visits a new group. When enabled (the default), the first new article in the newly visited group is displayed automatically. When disabled, the new group is set but the new article is not displayed, giving you the opportunity to enter some commands before examining any articles in the new group. .I-1 2 AUTO__SAVE__PROFILE The SET AUTO__SAVE__PROFILE command turns on automatic saves of your NEWSRDR profile whenever a READ/NEW, READ/NEXT/NEW, or READ/NEXT/NEW/GROUP command visits a new group. By default NEWSRDR only saves your profile information on exit. .I-1 2 DIRECTORY__WIDTH Specifies the number of columns that should be allocated to the From and Subject fields in subsequent DIRECTORY commands. By default, the available space is split evenly between the two fields. Specify SET DIRECTORY__WIDTH with no qualifiers to revert to the default behaviour. You can fix the number of columns for one or both of the fields with this command; if one is fixed, the other will occupy the remaining avaiable space. .NJ Format .I+10;SET DIRECTORY__WIDTH .J .I-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /FROM /FROM=n Specifies the number of columns for the From field, which can range from 0 to 994. If omitted, the width will default to the available remaining space after the Subject field width is allocated. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=n Specifies the number of columns for the Subject field, which can range from 0 to 994. If omitted, the width will default to the available remaining space after the From field width is allocated. .I-1 2 EDIT The SET EDIT command is used for two reasons. First, SET EDIT and SET NOEDIT turn on and off, respectively, the automatic invocation of a text editor when composing messages with the MAIL, POST, and REPLY commands. Second, the /EDITOR qualifier can be used to select any callable editor. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET EDIT .I+10;SET NOEDIT .J .I-1 3 Qualifier .I-1 /EDITOR /EDITOR=(editor,type) The /EDITOR qualifier is used to select an editor for subsequent use in message composition. The editor type may be CALLABLE or SPAWN. For CALLABLE, any available callable editor can be used with NEWSRDR; the default is "TPU" (which uses VAXTPU/EVE). "EDT" is the other callable editor that comes with VMS; if you have the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor installed, you can also use "LSE". Any other compliant callable editor may also be used. For type SPAWN, you specify the command to be spawned. The command should execute a command procedure which in turn invokes the spawned editor. Refer to the user's guide for further information. .I-1 2 FORCE__MAIL__PROTOCOL The SET FORCE__MAIL__PROTOCOL command forces NEWSRDR to prefix all e-mail addresses with the VMS MAIL foreign mail protocol prefix (taken from logical name NEWSRDR__MAIL__PROTOCOL), even on messages addressed to local users. By default, NEWSRDR prefixes addresses only when they are identified as network addresses. .I-1 2 FORM Specifies the printer form to be used by default on subsequent PRINT commands. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET FORM form-name .I+10;SET NOFORM .J .I-1 2 HEADERS The SET HEADERS command is used to select or remove header fields in subsequent article displays, or extracted articles. Header field names recognized by this command are: FROM, DATE, NEWSGROUPS, SUBJECT, MESSAGE__ID (note underscore in place of hyphen), PATH, REPLY__TO, SENDER, FOLLOWUP__TO, EXPIRES, REFERENCES, DISTRIBUTION, ORGANIZATION, KEYWORDS, SUMMARY, APPROVED, LINES, and XREF. Use "NO" in front of the header field name to remove the field from subsequent article displays or extracted articles. .I-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /EXTRACT Specifies selection of headers for extracted articles. .I-1 /INTERACTIVE Specifies selection of headers for interactive article displays (the default). .I-1 2 IGNORE The SET [NO]IGNORE command is used to establish or remove an ignore criterion for one newsgroup or for all newsgroups. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET [NO]IGNORE [group-name] .J .I-1 3 Parameter group-name The newsgroup for which the ignore criterion is to be added or removed. If omitted, defaults to the current newsgroup. Not used with /GLOBAL. .I-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /FROM /FROM=pattern Bases the criterion on an article's From line. Any From line matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored. .I-1 /GLOBAL Adds or removes the ignore criterion from the global ignore list, affecting all newsgroups. .I-1 /MESSAGE_ID /MESSAGE_ID=pattern Bases the criterion on an article's Message-ID header. Any article with a message ID matching the specified pattern, which may contain wildcards, will be ignored. .I-1 /NEWSGROUPS /NEWSGROUPS=pattern Bases the criterion on an article's Newsgroups line. Any Newsgroups line matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=pattern Bases the criterion on an article's Subject line. Any Subject line matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored. .I-1 2 NEWGROUP__ACTION Sets the action that NEWSRDR should taken when it discovers a new newsgroup on the news server. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET NEWGROUP__ACTION NONE .I+10;SET NEWGROUP__ACTION PROMPT .I+10;SET NEWGROUP__ACTION SUBSCRIBE .J The default action, NONE, has NEWSRDR announce the availability of the new newsgroup, but does not subscribe you to the group. The PROMPT action has NEWSRDR prompt you interactively as to whether or not you wish to subscribe to the new group. The SUBSCRIBE action causes NEWSRDR to subscribe you to all new newsgroups automatically. .I-1 2 NEWSRC Establishes the name of a "newsrc" file, which is a plain text file that contains information about groups you are subscribed to and the articles you have seen in those groups. This kind of file is used by other news readers. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET NEWSRC [file-spec] .I+10;SET NONEWSRC .J By using a newsrc file, you can switch between NEWSRDR and most other news readers without losing subscription and seen-article information. If you omit the file-spec, it defaults to SYS$LOGIN:XX.NEWSRC. .I-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /PURGE /PURGE (default) /NOPURGE Controls whether or not NEWSRDR automatically purges old versions of your newsrc file when it writes out a new one. The default is /PURGE, which purges the old versions. Use /NOPURGE to prevent this. .I-1 /SUBSCRIBED__ONLY /SUBSCRIBED__ONLY Causes NEWSRDR to write out information only on newsgroups to which you are subscribed, rather than the entire list. This can save disk space and is useful if you intend to use the newsrc file only for specifying the order of the newsgroups you read. Other news readers may expect to see all newsgroups listed in your newsrc file, so you should be careful with this option if you are sharing your newsrc with other news readers. .I-1 2 PERSONAL__NAME The SET [NO]PERSONAL__NAME command is used to establish (or remove) a personal name which is added to your network address in article postings. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET PERSONAL__NAME "your name" .I+10;SET NOPERSONAL__NAME .J If you want to preserve upper and lower case in your name, or the name contains blanks or other special characters, you should surround it with quotation marks or omit it from the command line and enter it when prompted. .I-1 3 Qualifier .I-1 /MAIL /MAIL Causes NEWSRDR to extract your personal name string from VMS MAIL and use that in subsequent postings. .I-1 2 QUEUE Specifies the print queue to be used by default on PRINT commands. The default is SYS$PRINT. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET QUEUE queue-name .J .I-1 2 REPLY The SET REPLY command is used to set the default reply mechanism for REPLY commands. Possible reply types are MAIL and POST. You may specify more than one reply type on the command, as in: .I+10;SET REPLY MAIL, POST You can override these settings by specifying the /POST and/or /MAIL qualifiers on the REPLY command. .I-1 3 Qualifier .I-1 /PREFIX /PREFIX="string" Specifies the prefix that will be inserted before each line of extracted articles when editing a reply. .I-1 2 SEEN The SET SEEN command is used to mark one or more articles as "seen", so that they will not show up in subsequent READ/NEW or READ/NEXT commands. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET SEEN [article-range...] .I+10;SET NOSEEN [article-range...] .J If SET NOSEEN is specified, the selected articles are marked as not having been seen. .I-1 3 Parameter article-range... A list of one or more article numbers or ranges (specified by starting and ending article numbers separated by a hyphen). If omitted, only the current article will be set seen. You may use "." to refer to the current article, or FIRST and LAST to refer to the first and last articles in the newsgroup. .i-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /ALL /ALL Causes all articles in the current group to be marked. /ALL cannot be specified with any other qualifiers. .I-1 /CROSS__REFERENCES /CROSS__REFERENCES Causes all articles cross-referenced by marked articles to also be marked. .I-1 /STRICT Used with SET SEEN/THREAD; enforces strict, References-only, threading rather than relaxed, References and Subject, threading. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=(pattern[,...]) Causes all articles with subject headers matching the specified patterns to be marked. If no article ranges are specified with /SUBJECT, all articles from the current article to the last available article in the current newsgroup are examined. .i-1 /THREAD /THREAD Causes all subsequent articles in the current newsgroup with subject lines matching the current article's subject line to be marked. .I-1 2 SIGNATURE__FILE The SET SIGNATURE__FILE command is used to identify a file to be appended to articles you post and mail messages you send. This file can contain "signature" information -- your name, company, address, etc. -- which you would like to send out with every message. Signature files may not contain more than 8 lines of information, and the lines may not exceed 80 columns in width. .I-1 3 Qualifier .I-1 /AUTOMATIC /AUTOMATIC=(send-type[,...]) /NOAUTOMATIC Use the /AUTOMATIC qualifier to specify when the signature file should be included automatically in outgoing mail or postings. Possible send-types are MAIL and POST. Use /NOAUTOMATIC to prevent the automatic inclusion of your signature file on all outgoing messages. You can override this setting by specifying the /[NO]SIGNATURE qualifier on the MAIL, POST, and REPLY commands. .i-1 2 UNSEEN The SET UNSEEN command marks articles as "unseen" or "new". This is useful when a long article is being displayed that you do not wish to read at the moment, but would like to look at later. .NJ Format: .I+10;SET UNSEEN [article-range...] .J .I-1 3 Parameter article-range... A list of one or more article numbers or ranges (specified by starting and ending article numbers separated by a hyphen). If omitted, only the current article will be set seen. You may use "." to refer to the current article, or FIRST and LAST to refer to the first and last articles in the newsgroup. .I-1 3 Qualifier .I-1 /ALL /ALL Causes all articles in the current group to be marked unseen. /ALL cannot be specified with any other qualifiers. .I-1 /CROSS__REFERENCES /CROSS__REFERENCES Causes all articles cross-referenced by marked articles to also be marked. .I-1 /SUBJECT /SUBJECT=(pattern[,...]) Causes all articles with subject headers matching the specified patterns to be marked. If no article ranges are specified with /SUBJECT, all articles from the current article to the last available article in the current newsgroup are examined. .i-1 /THREAD /THREAD Causes all subsequent articles in the current newsgroup with subject lines matching the current article's subject line to be marked. .I-1 1 SHOW The SHOW command is used to display any or all of your profile settings, the node name of the news server, and the current group. .NJ Format: .I+10;SHOW ALL .I+10;SHOW ARCHIVE__DIRECTORY .I+10;SHOW AUTO__READ__NEW .I+10;SHOW AUTO__SAVE__PROFILE .I+10;SHOW CURRENT__GROUP .I+10;SHOW DIRECTORY__WIDTH .I+10;SHOW EDIT .I+10;SHOW FORCE__MAIL__PROTOCOL .I+10;SHOW FORM .I+10;SHOW GROUP .I+10;SHOW HEADERS .I+10;SHOW IGNORE [group-name,...] .I+10;SHOW NEWGROUP__ACTION .I+10;SHOW NEWSRC .I+10;SHOW PERSONAL__NAME .I+10;SHOW QUEUE .I+10;SHOW REPLY .I+10;SHOW SERVER .I+10;SHOW SIGNATURE__FILE .J .I-1 2 ALL Displays all SHOWable information. .I-1 2 ARCHIVE__DIRECTORY Displays the current archive directory setting. .I-1 2 AUTO__READ__NEW Displays the current automatic READ/NEW setting. .I-1 2 AUTO__SAVE__PROFILE Displays the current automatic profile save setting. .I-1 2 CURRENT__GROUP Displays the current group, if any, as set by the GROUP command (among others). Also displayed are the article numbers of the first and last articles available from the news server in that group. .I-1 2 EDIT Displays the current edit and editor settings. .I-1 2 GROUP Displays the current group, if any, as set by the GROUP command (among others). Also displayed are the article numbers of the first and last articles available from the news server in that group, and the number of unseen articles in the group. (Synonym for SHOW CURRENT__GROUP.) .I-1 2 HEADERS Lists which header fields you have selected for display when displaying news articles. .I-1 2 IGNORE Displays the global and/or newsgroup-local ignore settings. .I-1 3 Parameter [newsgroup-name,...] The name of a newsgroup or a wildcard pattern. If omitted, only the ignore settings for the current group are displayed. If more than one name or pattern is specified, they should be separated with commas. .I-1 3 Qualifiers .I-1 /GLOBAL Causes the global ignore settings to be displayed. .I-1 /LOCAL Causes the local ignore settings to be displayed (default). .I-1 2 NEWSRC Displays the name of your newsrc file, if you have one set. .I-1 2 PERSONAL__NAME Displays the personal name you have set for use in the "From:" field when posting articles. .I-1 2 REPLY Displays the current SET REPLY settings. .I-1 2 SERVER Displays the node name of the news server to which you are connected. .I-1 2 SIGNATURE__FILE Displays the name of your "signature" file. .I-1 1 SPAWN Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of the subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use the SPAWN command to leave MAIL temporarily, perform other functions (such as displaying a directory listing or printing a file), and then return to MAIL. .NJ Format: .I+10;SPAWN [command] .J .I-1 2 Parameter command Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the context of the created subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocess terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If not specified, a subprocess is created transferring control to the DCL command level. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /INPUT /INPUT=file-spec Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL command strings to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a command string along with an input file, the command string is processed before the commands in the input file. Once processing is complete, the subprocess is terminated. .I-1 /LOGICAL__NAMES /[NO]LOGICAL__NAMES Specifies that the logical names of the parent process be copied to the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess to use the logical names of the parent process, enter the /NOLOGICAL__NAMES qualifier. The default is /LOGICAL__NAMES. .I-1 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWN operation are written. You should specify an output other than SYS$OUTPUT whenever you specify the /NOWAIT qualifier to prevent output from being displayed while you are specifying new commands. If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. .I-1 /PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-name Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name of the subprocess is USERNAME__n. .I-1 /SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLS Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS. .I-1 /WAIT /WAIT Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is completed before allowing more commands to be specified. The /NOWAIT qualifier allows you to specify new commands while the specified subprocess is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, you should also use /OUTPUT to direct the output to a file rather than displaying it on the screen to prevent your terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously. .I-1 1 SAVE SAVE is a synonym for EXTRACT. Refer to the help on EXTRACT for more information. .I-1 1 STORE The STORE command is used to send yourself (using VMS Mail) a copy of a news article. .nj Format: .i+10;STORE [article-number] .J If an article number is not specified, the current article is sent. The VMS Mail subject line of the message will match that of the article. This command can be used to store articles of interest in VMS Mail, which you can then file into mail folders. .I-1 1 SUBSCRIBE The SUBSCRIBE command is used to begin a "subscription" to a particular newsgroup. Only those newsgroups to which you subscribe are kept track of between NEWS sessions, and you must subscribe to a newsgroup to view articles or post articles in that group. .nj Format: .I+10;SUBSCRIBE group-name[,...] .J A group name specification may include wildcard characters. All newsgroups matching the specified pattern will be added to your subscription list. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /CONFIRM /CONFIRM Prompts for confirmation before adding a group to your subscription list. .I-1 /GOTO /GOTO Sets the subscribed group as the current group. On wildcard subscribes, the last subscribed group is set. .I-1 /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Displays a message for each successful addition. Enabled by default; disable with /NOLOG. .I-1 1 UNSUBSCRIBE The UNSUBSCRIBE command is used to cancel a subscription to a newsgroup. If you do not specify a newsgroup on the command line, the current group is cancelled. .NJ Format: .I+10;UNSUBSCRIBE [group-name[,...]] .J A group name specification may include wildcard characters. All newsgroups matching the specified pattern will be removed from your subscription list. .I-1 2 Qualifiers .I-1 /CONFIRM /CONFIRM Prompts for confirmation before removing a group from your subscription list. .I-1 /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Displays a message for each successful removal. Enabled by default; disable with /NOLOG. .I-1 1 UPDATE The UPDATE command is used to retrieve newsgroup information from the server to update the local list of newsgroups, thereby identifying those articles you have not yet seen. This is done by default when NEWS is started up, unless you specify /NOUPDATE on the NEWS command. There are two types of updates: partial and full. A partial update fetches information about only those newsgroups to which you subscribe. ,A full update (the default) fetches information about every newsgroup available from the NNTP server. .NJ Format: .I+10;UPDATE [/PARTIAL] .J .I-1 2 Qualifier .I-1 /PARTIAL Causes a partial update to be performed.