3$ NMAIL100.A)P NMAIL100.ABACKUP/NOASSIST/NODISMOUNT/COMMENT=VAX/VMS SPKITBLD Procedure/INTER/LOG/VERIFY [.KIT100]*.* DISK$USER:[PORTER.NMAIL]NMAIL100.A/LABEL=(NMAIL)/SAVE/BLOCK=9000/GROUP=25VAX/VMS SPKITBLD Procedure PORTER ZYhؗV6.1 _MU::  _MU$DKA300: V6.1 $ *[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]IDENT.COM;1+,(./ 4(b-'80123KPWO56x`ؗ7:*gؗ89GHJ*$! created automatically by identify.com$ nm$ident == "Nmail V10.0"$ nm$vvu == "100" *[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]IDENT.OPT;1+,./ 4)H-'80123KPWO56ڋqeؗ7Qgؗ89GHJ+ ! created automatically by identify.com ident="Nmail V10.0"#*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]KITCLEAN.COM;1+,}./ 4E-'80123KPWO56Z]`ؗ7ygؗ89GHJ$!7$! KITCLEAN.COM - called from KITINSTAL.COM to clean up5$! old files belonging to previous versions of Nmail.5$! (Only files which don't get replaced are deleted).$!@$ call delfile vmi$root:[sysmgr]nm$start.com ! V9.0 startup procE$ call delfile vmi$root:[sys$startup]nm$start.com ! V9.0 startup proc$ exit vmi$_success$$!D$! Subroutine to check for file existence and delete where necessary$! P1 = $!$delfile: $ subroutine%$ if f$parse(p1) .eqs. "" then exit 1-$ vmi$callback find_file nm$ 'p1' "" S nm$sts!$ if nm$sts .nes. "S" then exit 1$ vmi$callback delete_file nm$$ exit 1$ endsubroutine$$!$! End of KITCLEAN$!$*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]KITINSTAL.COM;1+,8.!/ 4[!!f-'80123KPWO"56:`ؗ7gؗ89GHJ $!$! KITINSTAL.COM$!7$! Nmail installation procedure (called from VMSINSTAL)$!$ say = "write sys$output" $ target = "''vmi$architecture'"($ if target .eqs. "" then target = "VAX"C$ if target .eqs. "AXP" then target = "ALPHA" ! vmsinstal stupidity$($ nm$ident == vmi$pretty ! just in case?$ if f$search("vmi$kwd:ident.com") .nes. "" then @vmi$kwd:ident$=$ builton = "6.1" ! VAX VMS version on which I linked images9$ minsupp = "5.4" ! Minimum supported version of VAX VMS6$ diskblox = 1000 ! Required disk space (peak)$ if target .eqs. "ALPHA"$ then2$ builton = "6.1" ! Different version numbers*$ minsupp = "1.5" ! for ALPHA VMS$$ diskblox = 2500 ! Bigger, too$ endif$.$ if p1 .eqs. "VMI$_INSTALL" then goto install+$ if p1 .eqs. "VMI$_IVP" then goto ivp2$ if f$extract(0,4,p1) .eqs. "HELP" then goto 'p1'$ exit vmi$_unsupported$ $install:*$ on control_y then vmi$callback control_y!$ on warning then goto error_exit#$ help = "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal help_"$G$ nmwork = f$edit(f$trnlnm("nm$work", "lnm$system"),"collapse,upcase")7$ if nmwork .eqs. "" then nmwork = "SYS$COMMON:[NMAIL]"G$ nmqueue = f$edit(f$trnlnm("nm$queue","lnm$system"),"collapse,upcase")/$ if nmqueue .eqs. "NM$QUEUE" then nmqueue = "":$ scsnode = f$edit(f$getsyi("nodename"),"collapse,upcase")$$!B$! Firstly, check that this system is a more recent version of VMSB$! than the one on which I built the Nmail kit. If it isn't, then@$! we can stil support it (with relinking) as long as it's up to$! the minimum supported level.$!.$ vmi$callback check_vms_version nm$ 'builton'I$ relink = f$integer(f$trnlnm("nm$relink")) ! emergency override possible$ if .not. nm$$ then$ relink = 12$ vmi$callback check_vms_version nm$ 'minsupp'$ if .not. nm$ $ thenQ$ vmi$callback message e oldvms "this kit requires VMS V''minsupp' or later"$ exit vmi$_failure $ endif$ endif$$!2$! Check for sufficient free space on system disk.$!3$ vmi$callback check_net_utilization nm$ 'diskblox'$ if .not. nm$ $ thenQ$ vmi$callback message e nospace "installation needs ''diskblox' blocks free"$ exit vmi$_failure$ endif+$ vmi$callback set safety yes 'diskblox'$$!C$! Determine system type as it affects queue naming conventions and$! details of the installation.$!$ say ""<$ say nm$ident," for ",target," VMS ",vmi$version," systems"$ say "",$ say "* Choose system type from this list:"$ say " 1. Single system"'$ say " 2. Common environment cluster"0$ say " 3. Multiple environment cluster member"8$ say " 4. Multiple environments but shared queue file"$50: def = "1".$ if f$getsyi("cluster_member") then def = "2"8$ if def .eqs. "2" .and. nmqueue .nes. "" then def = "4"E$ vmi$callback ask nm$ "Enter system type" "''def'" i "''help'systyp"$ if nm$ .eq. 1 then goto 100$ if nm$ .eq. 2 then goto 200$ if nm$ .eq. 3 then goto 100$ if nm$ .eq. 4 then goto 300 $ goto 50$$! ;$! Single-system case. As a hack for me, make the default ;$! number of queues be 1 on a workstation (it's 2 for other $! systems)$!$100: queue_tag = "".$ def = 1 + (f$getsyi("window_system") .eq. 0)$105: vmi$callback ask nm$ -N "Enter number of Nmail execution queues required" "''def'" i "''help'numque" $ server_queues = f$integer(nm$)'$ if server_queues .le. 0 then goto 105$ on_this_node = 1 $ goto 500$$!K$! Common environment cluster case - get names of all nodes in the cluster G$! on which queues will execute, and the number of queues for each node$!$200: queue_tag = ""$205: server_queues = ""$ on_this_node = 0W$ say "* Enter names of all nodes in the cluster on which Nmail queues are to execute."U$ say " Type one node name per line; press CTRL/Z when all names have been entered."V$ say " For each node, you will be asked the number of queues required on that node.";$210: vmi$callback ask nm$ "Node name" "" z "''help'nodnam")$ node = f$edit(nm$,"trim,upcase") - "::""$ if node .eqs. "^Z" then goto 220 $ if node .eqs. "" then goto 210-$ if scsnode .eqs. node then on_this_node = 1?$ vmi$callback ask nm$ "Number of queues" "2" i "''help'numque"C$ server_queues = server_queues + "," + node + ":''f$integer(nm$)'" $ goto 210)$220: server_queues = server_queues - "," $ goto 500$$!:$! Mixed environment cluster member with shared queue file$!$300: queue_tag = "" $ def = ""#$ if nmqueue .eqs. "" then goto 310;$ if f $extract(0,9,nmqueue) .nes. "NM$QUEUE_" then goto 310$ def = f$extract(9,16,nmqueue)[$310: say "* You must choose a ""tag"" which uniquely identifies this instance of Nmail in"X$ say " your VMS cluster. The tag is included in queue names to distinguish them from"T$ say " other Nmail queues that may be in the same queue file. The tag can be any"-$ say " short alphanumeric string, or null."B$320: vmi$callback ask nm$ "Unique tag" "''def'" n "''help'quetag"'$ queue_tag = f$edit(nm$,"trim,upcas$ NMAIL100.A8'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]KITINSTAL.COM;1[!  e").$ if f$length(queue_tag) .gt. 16 then goto 320 $ goto 205$$!=$! If we're using a non-standard work directory, then say so.$!,$500: if nmwork .nes. "SYS$COMMON:[NMAIL]"$ then $ say ""B$ say " ",nmwork," will be used as the Nmail work directory."$ endif$$!9$! That's the end of the configuration-related questions.A$! Offer a little unsolicited advice, since not everyone seems to$! realise this...$!$ say ""G$ say " If you wish to change your configuration at a later time, you"I$ say " can do this by editing the file SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP.COM, the""$ say " Nmail startup procedure."$ say ""$$!B$! Ask whether files should be purged (usually they should, but inA$! clusters this can cause problems with deleting stuff installedE$! on other nodes). Ask about running the IVP and startup procedure.$!$ vmi$callback set purge ask$ vmi$callback set ivp ask$ xstart = vmi$ivp$ if .not. vmi$ivp$ then $ vmi$callback ask nm$ -N "Do you want to start Nmail after the installation" "YES" b "''help'start""$ xstart = nm$$ endif$$! 2$! Give a little warning if the IVP won't complete9$! because there's no daemon running on the current node.$!%$ if vmi$ivp .and. .not. on_this_node$ then $ say ""Y$ say " Note: you did not include an execution queue for this node (''scsnode'), so"X$ say " no mail will be delivered until you execute NM$STARTUP.COM on at least one"0$ say " of the other nodes in the cluster."$ endif$$!$! No more questions$!$ say ""$ say "No more questions..." $ say ""$$!)$! Create file with all the answers in it$!$ create vmi$kwd:nm$startup.tmp/$ open/append nm$startup vmi$kwd:nm$startup.tmp$ write nm$startup "$!"2$ write nm$startup "$! NM$STARTUP.COM ",nm$ident>$ write nm$startup "$! Installed at ",f$extract(0,20,f$time())$ write nm$startup "$!"9$ write nm$startup "$! Installation-specific parameters:"$ write nm$startup "$!L$ write nm$startup "$! ****************************************************"5$ write nm$startup "$ work_directory = ""''nmwork'"""*$ if f$type(server_queues) .eqs. "INTEGER"$ then<$ write nm$startup "$ server_queues = ''server_queues'"$ else@$ write nm$startup "$ server_queues = ""''server_queues'"""$ endif>$ write nm$startup "$ install_quals = ""/SHARE/OPEN/HEADER"""8$ write nm$startup "$ queue_tag = ""''queue_tag'"""L$ write nm$startup "$! ****************************************************"$ write nm$startup "$!B$ write nm$startup "$! You may edit the above values if you wish."$ write nm$startup "$!$ close nm$startup$$!?$! Now prepend the data we just prepared to the startup command&$! procedure from the distribution kit$!6$ append vmi$kwd:nm$startup.com vmi$kwd:nm$startup.tmp8$ rename vmi$kwd:nm$startup.tmp vmi$kwd:nm$startup.com;0$$!D$! Clean up by deleting previous versions of Nmail (only those filesF$! which have different names or directories to this version and hence$! wouldn't be replaced).$!$ @vmi$kwd:kitclean$$!>$! If we need to relink images, then do so. Otherwise, rename:$! the appropriate pre-built images for this architecture.$! $ if relink $ then E$ vmi$callback message i relink "relinking the Nmail image files"!$ @vmi$kwd:kitlink * 'target'$ else=$ rename/nolog vmi$kwd:nm$daemon_'target'.exe nm$daemon=$ rename/nolog vmi$kwd:nm$queman_'target'.exe nm$queman>$ rename/nolog vmi$kwd:nm_mailshr_'target'.exe nm_mailshr?$ rename/nolog vmi$kwd:nm_mailshrp_'target'.exe nm_mailshrp$ endif$$!A$! Ensure existing Nmail queues are stopped (so that old symbiont$! processes are not running)$!$ set command vmi$kwd:nm$dcl)$ assign/user vmi$kwd:nm$queman nm$queman/$ if queue_tag .nes. "" .and. nmqueue .eqs. "" 0$ then assign/user nm$queue_'queue_tag' nm$queue$ endif$ nmail stop queue /log /oknone$$!I$! Create Nmail's working directory (N.B., created as a 'user' directory,D$! not 'system', since in the latter case VMSINSTAL would create two6$! directories in the case of a common cluster system)$!6$ secure = "/owner=[1,4]/prot=(sys:rwe,own:rwe,gr,wo)"$ if f$parse(nmwork) .eqs. ""$ then =$ vmi$callback create_directory user 'nmwork' "''secure'"$ elseH$ vmi$callback message i exists "directory ''nmwork' already exists"$ endif$$!/$! Copy distribution files to correct locations$!B$ vmi$callback provide_image nm$ nm_mailshr.exe vmi$root:[syslib]B$ vmi$callback provide_image nm$ nm_mailshrp.exe vmi$root:[syslib]C$ vmi$callback provide_image nm$ nm$daemon.exe vmi$root:[sysexe]C$ vmi$callback provide_image nm$ nm$queman.exe vmi$root:[sysexe]C$ vmi$callback provide_file nm$ nm$error.dat vmi$root:[sysexe]J$ vmi$callback provide_file nm$ nm$startup.com vmi$root:[sys$startup] KB$ vmi$callback provide_file nm$ nm$uguide.doc vmi$root:[syshlp]B$ vmi$callback provide_file nm$ nm$sysmgr.doc vmi$root:[syshlp]$$!D$! Add help to system help library, add DCL command to system tables$!0$ vmi$callback provide_dcl_help nm$help.hlp.$ vmi$callback provide_dcl_command nm$dcl.cld$$!1$! Let VMSINSTAL know about the startup procedure$!9$ if xstart then vmi$callback set startup nm$startup.com$$!$! Now end successfully$!$ exit vmi$_success$$!E$! Installation has failed - perform any clean up required and finish$! $error_exit: $ s = $status $ set noon:$ if f$trnlnm("nm$startup") .nes. "" then close nm$startup$ exit s$$!&$! Installation Verification Procedure$!$ ivp:%$ on control_y then exit vmi$_failure#$ on warning then exit vmi$_failure$$ say ""G$ say "---------------------------------------------------------------"$ say "":$ say " ''nm$ident' Installation Verification Procedure."A$ say " The IVP uses Nmail to send a short mail message to you."$ say ""$.$ extn = f$trnlnm("NM$EXTENSION","LNM$SYSTEM")$ if extn .nes. "" $ then$ say " *** NOTE ***" $ say ""O$ say " An Nmail-extension image is installed on this system. This image"O$ say " is not part of the Nmail kit, and it may have some adverse effect"3$ say " on the expected operation of the IVP." $ say ""*$ say " NM$EXTENSION is set to ",extn $ say "" $ say ""$ endif $ .$ user = f$edit(f$getjpi(0,"username"),"trim")B$ args = "/SUBJECT=""''nm$ident' installed"" IVPTEXT NM%''user'"$ say " $ MAIL",args$$ nm$confirm = ""$ nm$noreturn = ""$ nm$after = ""$ nm$expire = ""$ nm$delta = ""$ $ assign/user sys$input: ivptext($ mail/noself/personal="Nmail IVP"'args'B Receipt of this mail message demonstrates that Nmail is alive + and well and living in your VMS system.@ Documentation is located in SYS$HELP in the following files: NM$UGUIDE.DOC user guide& NM$SYSMGR.DOC system manager's manualD Don't forget to edit your system startup procedures as described# in the system manager's manual.D Also, if this is a cluster node, you must execute NM$STARTUP.COM2 on all nodes to make Nmail available to users.$$ say ""E$ say " The message will take a minute or so to arrive, assuming no"E$ say " other Nmail jobs are queued up. If it doesn't arrive, see"3$ say " the file SYS$HELP:NM$SYSMGR.DOC for help."$ say "":$ say " ''nm$ident' installation successfully completed."$ say ""G$ say "---------------------------------------------------------------"$ exit vmi$_success$$!$! Help text callbacks$! $help_systyp:$ type sys$input? The answer to this question reflects the configuration of this& system. Your choices are as follows:C 1. A system which is not part of a VMS cluster; it has a private ( system disk. A nice, simple setup.A 2. A system which is part of an common environment VMS cluster.C Key system files, such as SYSUAF.DAT, are shared by all nodes.D There is a common queue file, and hence all queues are visible E to all nodes. You can install Nmail once for the whole cluster.C 3. A system which is part of a VMS cluster, but which has privateF instances of the key system files (in particular the queue file)., You need to install Nmail on each node.D 4. The strange case. This sort of setup has a shared queue file, A but the cluster is split into more than one environment: forE example, some nodes have private SYSUAF files. You must install G Nmail in each distinct "part" of the cluster.3 $ NMAIL100.A8'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]KITINSTAL.COM;1[!: Complications ariseG from the need to have unique queue names in the shared queue file.$ exit $help_numque:$ type sys$inputB The number of Nmail execution queues controls how many Nmail jobsB can be simultaneously active. One queue can only process one jobA at a time, so if there are more messages waiting to be sent thanA there are queues available, some messages will obviously have to wait.? The number of queues has no effect on users entering messages,= only on the average time a message has to wait before it can be sent.= Each queue requires one process slot for the Nmail symbiont,@ and all the overheads associated with a VMS process. CPU usage1 probably isn't very significant in most systems.@ If in doubt, take the default. You can easily change it later.$ exit $help_nodnam:$ type sys$input> Enter the 1-to-6 node name for each cluster member which will. support at least one Nmail execution queue. ? You do not need to have an execution queue on every node which> may wish to send mail with Nmail. Rather, you simply need to@ have some number of queues available to the cluster as a whole.> Choose execution nodes so as to maximize availability in case: part of the cluster is ever down. You may also take into< account local configuration preferences, such as having one/ machine dedicated to providing queue services.= The number of queues is individually specified for each node that you name.$ exit $help_quetag:$ type sys$input? You specified that this system was part of a cluster which has> a shared queue file, despite the fact that there are distinct= system disks or user accounts, for example. If you want to > install Nmail in more than one "part" of the cluster, then it= is necessary to arrange to have unique queue names for each  installation.< The queue names are made unique by appending a short string> (a "tag") to the usual queue name format. You can choose any tag which is meaningful to you.= If you consider that your cluster has a main part which most: users ordinarily use, and one or two other nodes that areA used for special-purpose applications, then I recommend that you= specify a null tag for the main part, and a non-null tag (orC tags, in the case of multiple partitions) for the special-purpose  nodes.$ exit $help_start:$ type sys$inputD Like many VMS layered products, Nmail provides a startup procedure H which establishes the environment needed for operation of the product. ? Ordinarily, the startup procedure should be invoked at the ende8 of Nmail installation -- answer "yes" to this question.@ You may however wish to defer startup for some reason, in which: case you can answer "no". You must manually execute the9 procedure SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP.COM at some later time.a $ exit$!$! End of KITINSTAL.COMe$!"*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]KITLINK.COM;1+, . / 4R -'80123KPWO 56:`ؗ7Z5gؗ89GHJ$!$! KITLINK.COM - link Nmail1$! can be used from VMSINSTAL kit installations$! or standalone$!/$! P1 = "*" : link everything (default)!$! "D" : link daemon%$! "M" : link mail interface 4$! "P" : link mail interface protected image,$! "Q" : link queue utility program $!9$! P2 = "VAX" : link for VAX (defaults to same type9$! = "ALPHA" : link for ALPHA as running system)$!,$! P3 = "/NOMAP" : no link maps (default)"$! "/MAP" : default link maps$! "/MAP/FULL" : full link maps$!'$ vmi = (f$type(vmi$callback) .nes. "")$0$ if vmi then on warning then exit $status$ if .not. vmi then set noon#$ if vmi then dir = "vmi$kwd:$ if .not. vmi then dir = ""$ if vmi then say = "!"-$ if .not. vmi then say = "write sys$output"$ if vmi then xren = "!")$ if .not. vmi then xren = "rename/nolog"3$ if vmi then host = "''vmi$sys_architecture'"F$ if .not. vmi then host = f$edit(f$getsyi("arch_name"),"upcase,trim")$#$ p1 = f$edit(p1,"collapse,upcase")3$ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. p1 .eqs. "*" then p1 = "DMPQ"$7$ _link_daemon = (f$locate("D",p1) .ne. f$length(p1))7$ _link_mail = (f$locate("M",p1) .ne. f$length(p1))7$ _link_mailp = (f$locate("P",p1) .ne. f$length(p1))7$ _link_util = (f$locate("Q",p1) .ne. f$length(p1))$$$ if host .eqs. "" then host = "VAX"$ target = host7$ if p2 .nes. "" then target = f$edit(p2,"upcase,trim")J$ if target .nes. "VAX" .and. target .nes. "ALPHA" then exit 20 ! badparam$$ mapq = "/nomap"#$ p3 = f$edit(p3,"collapse,upcase")$ mm = f$locate("/MAP/",p3)4$ p3 = f$extract(mm+4,999,p3) + f$extract(0,mm+4,p3)$ if p3 .nes. "" then mapq = p3$$ olb = "nmail_" + target $ stb = ""$ qual = "/notrace /nodebug"?$ if target .nes. host then qual = "/" + target + " " + qual7$ if target .eqs. "ALPHA" then qual = qual + " /sysexe"B$ if target .eqs. "VAX" then stb = "+ sys$system:sys.stb/select"$$link1:'$ if .not. _link_daemon then goto link2$ say "nm$daemon":$ link 'qual' 'mapq'='dir'nm$daemon /exec='dir'nm$daemon -8 'dir''olb'/library/include=(nm$symbiont,nm$message) +- 'dir'ident/options 'stb'*$ xren 'dir'nm$daemon.* nm$daemon_'target'$$link2:%$ if .not. _link_util then goto link3$ say "nm$queman":$ link 'qual' 'mapq'='dir'nm$queman /exec='dir'nm$queman -5 'dir''olb'/library/include=(nm$clint,nm$message) +- 'dir'ident/options 'stb'*$ xren 'dir'nm$queman.* nm$queman_'target'$$link3:&$ if .not. _link_mailp then goto link4$ say "nm_mailshrp"&$ open/write $nm$ 'dir'nm_mailshrp.opt$ if target .eqs. "ALPHA"$ then&$ write $nm$ " symbol_vector=( -":$ write $nm$ " nm$uss_create_ctl_file=procedure, -"9$ write $nm$ " nm$uss_close_ctl_file=procedure, -"4$ write $nm$ " nm$uss_submit_job=procedure -"$ write $nm$ " )"$ endif#$ write $nm$ " gsmatch=lequal,1,1" $ close $nm$R$ link 'qual' /nosysshr /protect 'mapq'='dir'nm_mailshrp /share='dir'nm_mailshrp -% 'dir''olb'/libr/incl=(nm$chmode) +- 'dir'nm_mailshrp/options +- 'dir'ident/options%$ delete/nolog 'dir'nm_mailshrp.opt;*.$ xren 'dir'nm_mailshrp.* nm_mailshrp_'target'$$link4:%$ if .not. _link_mail then goto linkz$ say "nm_mailshr"%$ open/write $nm$ 'dir'nm_mailshr.opt$ if target .eqs. "ALPHA"$ then&$ write $nm$ " symbol_vector=( -"0$ write $nm$ " mail$c_prot_major=data, -"0$ write $nm$ " mail$c_prot_minor=data, -"0$ write $nm$ " mail$protocol=procedure -"$ write $nm$ " )"$ else0$ write $nm$ " universal=mail$c_prot_major"0$ write $nm$ " universal=mail$c_prot_minor",$ write $nm$ " universal=mail$protocol"$ endif"$ write $nm$ " nm_mailshrp/share""$ write $nm$ " gsmatch=equal,9,3" $ close $nm$$ if vmi$$ then tmp = dir + "nm_mailshrp.exe".$ else tmp = dir + "nm_mailshrp_''target'.exe"$ endifP$ if f$search(tmp) .eqs. "" .and. f$search("sys$share:nm_mailshrp.exe") .nes. ""J$ then write sys$output "No file ''tmp' found - using image in sys$share:"($ tmp = "sysSshare:nm_mailshrp.exe"$ endif$ define/user nm_mailshrp 'tmp'=$ link 'qual' 'mapq'='dir'nm_mailshr /share='dir'nm_mailshr -. 'dir''olb'/libr/incl=(nm$mail,nm$message) +- 'dir'nm_mailshr/options +- 'dir'ident/options$$ delete/nolog 'dir'nm_mailshr.opt;*,$ xren 'dir'nm_mailshr.* nm_mailshr_'target'$$linkz:$ exit 1$!$! 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FA.AJ1"< dP`F`&`BhbZ"4GoZk D4G#F  `B&hbZ"4GoZkG$0D  `B&hbZ"4GoZkG &Z"6H4G $# `BhboZkG $4GC"4GbG޶GBG޶G&JG G(bVZk&"G`BhbGtGoZkG]]} (0#k#~^^~ G {G#!Q!@##4G 0B8bВH-UZk PG@BGG "GHbUZkG]]} 0#k $ NMAIL100.A'8*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DAEMON_ALPHA.EXE;1:"ye,-("-({QQ腂QQ{.` (08@"HDPfX`hpxB     * `    Ȁ Ѐ2 ؀P  耂   @ v    (V 0| 8 @ HPZX`hpxDr @vȁЁ0؁d聂.{N $(`08@HP4X|`hpxP` Ȃ&ЂB؂^肂8d& L(z08@H PRX`hpxV~4LlȃЃ ؃>r胂{ $<Rl (08@H P(XB`fhpx* f    !`!!!B"Ȅ"Є"؄$#d#脂##($l$$$:% %(%00&8T&@x&H&P&X&` 'h:'pz'x'''(@(p((()P)ȅ)Ѕ)؅*2*腂`*{***+F+p+ +(+0+8+@+H+P>,X`,`|,h,p,x,,,-.NOJOBSno jobs found in Nmail queues2NOQUES no active Nmail queues available$QSTARTstarting queue !AS"QSTOPstopping queue !AS.QWAITwaiting for queue !AS to stop"QDELdeleting queue !AS,QRUNqueue !AS is already started"CANCELjob !SL cancelled"RELEASjob !SL released0CANPENDjob !SL cancellation requestedTEXT!ASTEXTC!AC@FILOFLO.too many files in job; not all will be deletedFFILOFL24too many files in job; not all will be accounted forFNOREASN3cancellation reason ignored; old-style message file"NOFILESno files in job*READerror reading from file !AD*WRITEerror writing to file !AD,SUBMITfailed to submit Nmail job6RESUB%failed to submit job !AS to queue !AS,IVNUMinvalid decimal number '!AS'$IVTIMEinvalid time '!AS'.TOOSOONinterval '!AS' is too small6TRNLNM$error translating logical name '!AS'NONXJOB no such jobJOBACT job is active0JOBFREEjob is not being held in queue4JOBCAN#job already marked for cancellation*QUEACTqueue !AS is not stopped,QUEFAILfailed to start queue !AS6NONRET$message is defined as non-returnable6NOSYSPRV#operation requires SYSPRV privilege6NONETMBX#operation requires NETMBX privilege2NOOPER!operation requires OPER privilege6NOCMKRNL#operation requires CMKRNL privilegeBMODE2operation only allowed in interactive mode process&NONETnetwork not available:LOGLINK'error creating network link to node !AS,SENDERRerror sending to node !AS:TIMEOUT'no response from slave mail on node !AS>NETHUNG+timed out sending to slave mail on node !AS>NOACCEPT*node !AS cannot accept this message format*PROTOCOLnetwork protocol error6RACE&expected mailbox AST not yet processed&OPENerror opening file !AD&CLOSEerror closing file !AD.SEARCHerror searching for file !AD"PARSEerror parsing !AD"RMSunexpected RMS error.JBCunexpected job controller error(CLIBUGunexpected parse error4UNXFC#unexpected MAIL function code (!SL)6SYNCH%something didn't happen (flags=^x!XW)"MBXIOmailbox I/O error*BADFILnot a valid control file6BADALG%block alignment error in control file8BADBIO'fractional block read from control file4BADFLG#contradictory flags in control file"ABORTaborted by request&SYNTAXsyntax error in '!AS'@BADTIM.invalid time value set as Nmail system defaultBINSTREE/error building internal file list (!SL node!%S) NONXQUE no such queue<BADBUF*disagreeable buffer size specified by MAIL*FAOunexpected formatting error6PRVUP&failed to set privilege from exec mode:PRVDWN(failed to reset privilege from exec mode<EXTNF,failed to activate Nmail extension image !AS2EXTNT!no entry-point table found in !AS4EXTBAD"malformed entry-point table in !AS&SSUBJNmail delivery summary&RSUBJReport on failed mail"MSUBJReturned to senderHRBLURB6Errors were detected when processing your mail message,RBLURT which was entered at !17%D>CBLURB-Your mail message of !17%D has been cancelled2CBLURT by request of user !AS at !17%D8CBLURN& but no further details are available.LGBLURB:The following error message was returned whilst sending to>TBLURB-The text of your failed mail message follows:@ZBLURB.There was no text in your failed mail message.FNBLURB4Text of original message suppressed by user request.DMBLURB2Your original message will be returned separately.THISAD address !ASXTO To: !ASXCC CC: !ASXSUBJ Subj: !ASXFROM From: !ASCWHY1 Reason: !ASCWHY2 : !AS&EHARDThis is a hard error.&ESOFTThis is a soft error.FEEXP7This is a soft error, but the retry period has expired.HECAN9This is a soft error, but the message has been cancelled.,EUNKN** unknown error severity **HENOMOR6No more attempts to send to this address will be made.>EMOR/Attempts to send to this address will continue.<REQUEUE*Nmail message requeued as job !SL!/To: !AS&LOG1!AC fatal error (oops).LOG2Job !AS!/Queue !AS!/Entry !SL$LOG3User !AS!/File !AS(SHOHDRQueue entry !SL !+!AS0SHOHDALQueue entry !SL, user !AS !AS*SHOENT Message entered at !17%D2SHOENUK Message entered at unknown time@SHOTIM. Attempted !SL time!%S, most recently at !17%D6SHONEW% No attempt to send has yet been made0SHOXAT Expires after !+!SL attempt!%S$SHOXTM Expires at !17%D!+:SHOXOR) Expires at !17%D or after !SL attempt!%S(SHOXNO Default expiry period*SHODEL Retry interval is !13%D*SHONDEL Default retry interval.SHOFORN Foreign or non-text messageSHOFROM From !ASSHOTO To !ASSHOCC CC !AS SHOSUBJ Subject "!AS"(SHOSUBX Subject (not shown)!+<SHOSUM* Summary: !SL unsent, !SL sent, !SL failed:SHODLV( Confirmation of job completion required4SHONDLV" No confirmation of job completion4SHORET" To be returned to sender on error0SHONRET Not to be returned to sender:SHONRPT( Delivery failure not reported to sender.SHOCRTS Message is being cancelledSHOADR AddresseeSHOSTSStatusSHOLSTTimeSHOUNS unsent SHODUN sent SHOFAIL failed SHOEXP expired SHOCAN cancelledSHOXEQactiveSHOHLD held in queueSHOTIL held untilSHOCMP completed$SHOERRerror in execution,SHONOSEnone selected for displayNEOFERR<(a new message is being posted: please try SHOW again later)JNULERR8(no error message text was received from the slave mail)<NEVTRY+(no attempt ever made to send this message)(ANFILEFile !AS (!UL,!UL,!UL)&ANFILDT created at !+!17%D(ANFROM from user !AS at !17%D<ANEMPTY* is not a valid control file - it's emptyHANBADF7 is not a valid control file - the format is incorrectLANOBSF; is not a valid control file - unsupported obsolete formatLANPREOF9 is not a valid control file - premature  ʢ$ NMAIL100.A'8*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DAEMON_ALPHA.EXE;1EOF encounteredJANFLMIX8 is not a valid control file - contradictory flags byteRANXVBNA is not a valid control file - no VBN pointers in control recordJANUNKFR7 is not a valid control file - cannot determine senderFANUNDIR4 is not in the usual Nmail directory [warning only]@ANMULDIR, can be reached by !SW paths [warning only]@ANUNQUE- has no corresponding job in the Nmail queueBANMULQUE. appears !SW times in jobs in the Nmail queueBANSTUCK0 is being retained after system error (job !SL)DANHELD3 is being held until explicitly released (job !SL)HANWEIRD6 is in a weird state - job !SL may need manual fixupDANLOST3Job !SL contains a nonexistent or inaccessible fileBAN2FILE0Job !SL contains !SL files (usual number is one)RANNORPT@Return-to-sender is not possible for this message [warning only]RAN2OLD@Repair skipped - message is older than the specified /SINCE timeRAN2NEWARepair skipped - message is newer than the specified /BEFORE time$ANASKDELDelete this file?$ANASKSUBSubmit this file?$ANASKRELRelease this job?$ANASKCANCancel this job?*ANASKFLUCancel extraneous jobs?"ANDELOKFile !AS deleted.ANSUBOKJob !SL entered in queue !AS@ANHOLDOK-Job !SL entered in queue !AS in holding state"ANRELOKJob !SL released4ANRELHOK!Job !SL released to holding state$ANCANOKJob !SL cancelled$ANZERONo errors detected(ANSUMM!SL error!%S detected:0ANBADCNT !SL invalid control file!%S:ANUNQCNT& !SL control file!%S not in the queue8ANMQUCNT% !SL control file!%S multiply queued6ANLOSCNT" !SL lost or inaccessible file!%S8ANMFJCNT$ !SL job!%S with more than one file@ANUNDCNT- !SL file!%S not in the Nmail work directoryBANMDFCNT/ !SL file!%S multiply entered in the directory2ANRETCNT !SL job!%S retained in queue.ANHLDCNT !SL job!%S held in queue.ANWRDCNT !SL job!%S in weird state@ANSIGCNT, !SL execution error!%S during analysis run,ANACTIONCorrective action taken:(ANDELCNT !SL file!%S deleted*ANSUBCNT !SL job!%S submitted(ANRELCNT !SL job!%S released*ANCANCNT !SL job!%S cancelledANUNKU (unknown)ANNETU (network)XXYESYesXXNONoXXDELDeleteXXCANCancelHREPRESN5message file recovered when repairing the Nmail queue"TRJOB job !SL user !ASTREOJ end job !SLTRCONN to !ASTRDISC TRABO abortTRSEND -tx-> !AFTRRECV <-rx- !AFTRRECN <-rx- !XLTRZZZ.NMAILTXP(P@ `"p pxp p  0` @@`XP@ !'P0@  ` p @ 0  ` Pp` !!!00C @P@@P  ` ` @p0p@ P `p @!P!! ,@LIBRTL@LIBOTS@ SMBSRVSHR@SYS$BASE_IMAGE@SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS(*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DAEMON_VAX.EXE;1+, .K/ 4KJ-'80123 KPWOL56`ؗ7:gؗ89GHJ0D`0205aHX NM$DAEMON NMAIL V10.0JaHؗ05-13PQ & 01G H ?! LIBRTL_001"! SMBSRVSHR_001!  BASRTL_001Q! MTHRTL_001!  LBRSHR_001"! SECURESHR_001#!SECURESHRP_001 H[dc.X[l[X[t[X[|[X ]$ NMAIL100.A '8([PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DAEMON_VAX.EXE;1KK"^hmr{zPRR RLzLB&ϾPR NRCP~^}~ϓ^~Ԯȏnȏ |~PR~tCoC~T PRR <~yYϭAXyWXV4^|T  "CԮ  ώ SiR^?&Ϛ xbbR b cK bb0. }ĢƢȢ1&P@ b cDm ԮԮP(}ĢƢȢ%P@ b c ЬR0ƈ415J,n`P`PRưTZư\,nXXDЏ,nDưDưfVPRR Vݏl}ưPRRưݏ](d|V,nPfPfЏKBL$P(J BK,n`P`PRưTZư\(d,nDưDưЬ Ьf,nhfnnVݏ⁂g(f(hcSs( , 0ЬPPPLЬPPPPЬ PP PTЬPPPDԦH Vݏ` Ԧ@|~|~|~~2< ~ݦ PRRX[, d[(p[)|[******[ dl!t)|1 9AIQYaiqMIMLLltd|[-- 23:59:59.99@\0 01:00:59.99 X\!AS !#%D!-!5%T\yaiq!#* !#AS !#AS !+!AS]!#* !# !# !+!#*-  ]!#AS !#AD !#AS !#%DH]!#* (!AS) h]!#* !#AS !+!AS|]!#* !# !+!#*-]!#* !#AD !+!AS]!#* (!AS) ]!_!AS]!_!AD] ::"27=/"^0,^$(_NET:H^e,-("-({QQ腂QQ{.` (08@"HDPfX`hpxB     * `    Ȁ Ѐ2 ؀P  耂   @ v    (V 0| 8 @ HPZX`hpxDr @vȁЁ0؁d聂.{N $(`08@HP4X|`hpxP` Ȃ&ЂB؂^肂8d& L(z08@H PRX`hpxV~4LlȃЃ ؃>r胂{ $<Rl (08@H P(XB`fhpx* f    !`!!!B"Ȅ"Є"؄$#d#脂##($l$$$:% %(%00&8T&@x&H&P&X&` 'h:'pz'x'''(@(p((()P)ȅ)Ѕ)؅*2*腂`*{***+F+p+ +(+0+8+@+H+P>,X`,`|,h,p,x,,,-.NOJOBSno jobs found in Nmail queues2NOQUES no active Nmail queues available$QSTARTstarting queue !AS"QSTOPstopping queue !AS.QWAITwaiting for queue !AS to stop"QDELdeleting queue !AS,QRUNqueue !AS is already started"CANCELjob !SL cancelled"RELEASjob !SL released0CANPENDjob !SL cancellation requestedTEXT!ASTEXTC!AC@FILOFLO.too many files in job; not all will be deletedFFILOFL24too many files in job; not all will be accounted forFNOREASN3cancellation reason ignored; old-style message file"NOFILESno files in job*READerror reading from file !AD*WRITEerror writing to file !AD,SUBMITfailed to submit Nmail job6RESUB%failed to submit job !AS to queue !AS,IVNUMinvalid decimal number '!AS'$IVTIMEinvalid time '!AS'.TOOSOONinterval '!AS' is too small6TRNLNM$error translating logical name '!AS'NONXJOB no such jobJOBACT job is active0JOBFREEjob is not being held in queue4JOBCAN#job already marked for cancellation*QUEACTqueue !AS is not stopped,QUEFAILfailed to start queue !AS6NONRET$message is defined as non-returnable6NOSYSPRV#operation requires SYSPRV privilege6NONETMBX#operation requires NETMBX privilege2NOOPER!operation requires OPER privilege6NOCMKRNL#operation requires CMKRNL privilegeBMODE2operation only allowed in interactive mode process&NONETnetwork not available:LOGLINK'error creating network link to node !AS,SENDERRerror sending to node !AS:TIMEOUT'no response from slave mail on node !AS>NETHUNG+timed out sending to slave mail on node !AS>NOACCEPT*node !AS cannot accept this message format*PROTOCOLnetwork protocol error6RACE&expected mailbox AST not yet processed&OPENerror opening file !AD&CLOSEerror closing file !AD.SEARCHerror searching for file !AD"PARSEerror parsing !AD"RMSunexpected RMS error.JBCunexpected job controller error(CLIBUGunexpected parse error4UNXFC#unexpected MAIL function code (!SL)6SYNCH%something didn't happen (flags=^x!XW)"MBXIOmailbox I/O error*BADFILnot a valid control file6BADALG%block alignment error in control file8BADBIO'fractional block read from control file4BADFLG#contradictory flags in control file"ABORTaborted by request&SYNTAXsyntax error in '!AS'@BADTIM.invalid time value set as Nmail system defaultBINSTREE/error building internal file list (!SL node!%S) NONXQUE no such queue<BADBUF*disagreeable buffer size specified by MAIL*FAOunexpected formatting error6PRVUP&failed to set privilege from exec mode:PRVDWN(failed to reset privilege from exec mode<EXTNF,failed to activate Nmail extension image !AS2EXTNT!no entry-point table found in !AS4EXTBAD"malformed entry-point table in !AS&SSUBJNmail delivery sumKOL$ NMAIL100.A '8([PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DAEMON_VAX.EXE;1K;mary&RSUBJReport on failed mail"MSUBJReturned to senderHRBLURB6Errors were detected when processing your mail message,RBLURT which was entered at !17%D>CBLURB-Your mail message of !17%D has been cancelled2CBLURT by request of user !AS at !17%D8CBLURN& but no further details are available.LGBLURB:The following error message was returned whilst sending to>TBLURB-The text of your failed mail message follows:@ZBLURB.There was no text in your failed mail message.FNBLURB4Text of original message suppressed by user request.DMBLURB2Your original message will be returned separately.THISAD address !ASXTO To: !ASXCC CC: !ASXSUBJ Subj: !ASXFROM From: !ASCWHY1 Reason: !ASCWHY2 : !AS&EHARDThis is a hard error.&ESOFTThis is a soft error.FEEXP7This is a soft error, but the retry period has expired.HECAN9This is a soft error, but the message has been cancelled.,EUNKN** unknown error severity **HENOMOR6No more attempts to send to this address will be made.>EMOR/Attempts to send to this address will continue.<REQUEUE*Nmail message requeued as job !SL!/To: !AS&LOG1!AC fatal error (oops).LOG2Job !AS!/Queue !AS!/Entry !SL$LOG3User !AS!/File !AS(SHOHDRQueue entry !SL !+!AS0SHOHDALQueue entry !SL, user !AS !AS*SHOENT Message entered at !17%D2SHOENUK Message entered at unknown time@SHOTIM. Attempted !SL time!%S, most recently at !17%D6SHONEW% No attempt to send has yet been made0SHOXAT Expires after !+!SL attempt!%S$SHOXTM Expires at !17%D!+:SHOXOR) Expires at !17%D or after !SL attempt!%S(SHOXNO Default expiry period*SHODEL Retry interval is !13%D*SHONDEL Default retry interval.SHOFORN Foreign or non-text messageSHOFROM From !ASSHOTO To !ASSHOCC CC !AS SHOSUBJ Subject "!AS"(SHOSUBX Subject (not shown)!+<SHOSUM* Summary: !SL unsent, !SL sent, !SL failed:SHODLV( Confirmation of job completion required4SHONDLV" No confirmation of job completion4SHORET" To be returned to sender on error0SHONRET Not to be returned to sender:SHONRPT( Delivery failure not reported to sender.SHOCRTS Message is being cancelledSHOADR AddresseeSHOSTSStatusSHOLSTTimeSHOUNS unsent SHODUN sent SHOFAIL failed SHOEXP expired SHOCAN cancelledSHOXEQactiveSHOHLD held in queueSHOTIL held untilSHOCMP completed$SHOERRerror in execution,SHONOSEnone selected for displayNEOFERR<(a new message is being posted: please try SHOW again later)JNULERR8(no error message text was received from the slave mail)<NEVTRY+(no attempt ever made to send this message)(ANFILEFile !AS (!UL,!UL,!UL)&ANFILDT created at !+!17%D(ANFROM from user !AS at !17%D<ANEMPTY* is not a valid control file - it's emptyHANBADF7 is not a valid control file - the format is incorrectLANOBSF; is not a valid control file - unsupported obsolete formatLANPREOF9 is not a valid control file - premature EOF encounteredJANFLMIX8 is not a valid control file - contradictory flags byteRANXVBNA is not a valid control file - no VBN pointers in control recordJANUNKFR7 is not a valid control file - cannot determine senderFANUNDIR4 is not in the usual Nmail directory [warning only]@ANMULDIR, can be reached by !SW paths [warning only]@ANUNQUE- has no corresponding job in the Nmail queueBANMULQUE. appears !SW times in jobs in the Nmail queueBANSTUCK0 is being retained after system error (job !SL)DANHELD3 is being held until explicitly released (job !SL)HANWEIRD6 is in a weird state - job !SL may need manual fixupDANLOST3Job !SL contains a nonexistent or inaccessible fileBAN2FILE0Job !SL contains !SL files (usual number is one)RANNORPT@Return-to-sender is not possible for this message [warning only]RAN2OLD@Repair skipped - message is older than the specified /SINCE timeRAN2NEWARepair skipped - message is newer than the specified /BEFORE time$ANASKDELDelete this file?$ANASKSUBSubmit this file?$ANASKRELRelease this job?$ANASKCANCancel this job?*ANASKFLUCancel extraneous jobs?"ANDELOKFile !AS deleted.ANSUBOKJob !SL entered in queue !AS@ANHOLDOK-Job !SL entered in queue !AS in holding state"ANRELOKJob !SL released4ANRELHOK!Job !SL released to holding state$ANCANOKJob !SL cancelled$ANZERONo errors detected(ANSUMM!SL error!%S detected:0ANBADCNT !SL invalid control file!%S:ANUNQCNT& !SL control file!%S not in the queue8ANMQUCNT% !SL control file!%S multiply queued6ANLOSCNT" !SL lost or inaccessible file!%S8ANMFJCNT$ !SL job!%S with more than one file@ANUNDCNT- !SL file!%S not in the Nmail work directoryBANMDFCNT/ !SL file!%S multiply entered in the directory2ANRETCNT !SL job!%S retained in queue.ANHLDCNT !SL job!%S held in queue.ANWRDCNT !SL job!%S in weird state@ANSIGCNT, !SL execution error!%S during analysis run,ANACTIONCorrective action taken:(ANDELCNT !SL file!%S deleted*ANSUBCNT !SL job!%S submitted(ANRELCNT !SL job!%S released*ANCANCNT !SL job!%S cancelledANUNKU (unknown)ANNETU (network)XXYESYesXXNONoXXDELDeleteXXCANCancelHREPRESN5message file recovered when repairing the Nmail queue"TRJOB job !SL user !ASTREOJ end job !SLTRCONN to !ASTRDISC TRABO abortTRSEND -tx-> !AFTRRECV <-rx- !AFTRRECN <-rx- !XLTRZZZ.NMAIL@@p pxx HPx0  @LIBRTL SMBSRVSHRBASRTLMTHRTLLBRSHR SECURESHR SECURESHRP!*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DCL.CLD;1+,c. / 4i $-'80123KPWO 5677dؗ7Zgؗ89GHJ module nm$dcl!++,! DCL definitions for Nmail utility commandsD! (Implementors note: the keywords which make up the actual commandsB! as typed by the user are shown in upper case, and can be freelyD! changed. Only these keywords, and the prompts, are visible to theE! user. Labels assigned to syntactic elements are referred to by the1! Nmail code and therefore must not be changed).!--!7! define the command "verb" and a few assorted keywords!define verb NMAIL image nm1$ NMAIL100.Ac'8![PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$DCL.CLD;1i -$queman@ parameter p1, value(type=command,required), prompt="Command" noqualifiersdefine type command keyword SHOW, syntax=show keyword STOP, syntax=stop  keyword START, syntax=start# keyword ANALYZE, syntax=analyze7 keyword CANCEL, syntax=cancel_job, label=cancel_job: keyword RELEASE, syntax=release_job, label=release_job!! nmail show !define syntax show. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)> parameter p2, value(type=showtype,required), prompt="What"define type showtype6 keyword QUEUE, syntax=show_queue, label=show_queue![! nmail show queue [/entry=nnn] [/brief|/full] [/status=xxx] [/all|/user=xxx] [/output=xxx]!define syntax show_queue. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)/ parameter p2, value(type=showtype,required). qualifier BRIEF, nonnegatable, label=brief, qualifier FULL, nonnegatable, label=fullV qualifier STATUS, nonnegatable, value(required,type=showstatus,list), label=status* qualifier ALL, nonnegatable, label=all= qualifier USER, nonnegatable, value(required), label=userL qualifier ENTRY, nonnegatable, value(required,type=$number), label=entryO qualifier OUTPUT, nonnegatable, value(required,type=$outfile), label=output disallow brief and full disallow all and user disallow all and entrydefine type showstatus# keyword UNSENT, label=st_unsent keyword SENT, label=st_sent# keyword FAILED, label=st_failed% keyword EXPIRED, label=st_expired) keyword CANCELLED, label=st_cancelled !C! nmail cancel [/return] [/user=xxx] [/log] [/reason="xxx"]/! define syntax cancel_job. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)K parameter p2, value(type=$number,required), label=entry, prompt="Entry"= qualifier USER, nonnegatable, value(required), label=user6 qualifier RETURN, negatable, default, label=return> qualifier REASON, negatable, value(required), label=reason' qualifier LOG, negatable, label=log" disallow reason and neg return!! nmail release [/log]!define syntax release_job. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)K parameter p2, value(type=$number,required), label=entry, prompt="Entry"= qualifier USER, nonnegatable, value(required), label=user' qualifier LOG, negatable, label=log!! nmail stop !define syntax stop. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)> parameter p2, value(type=stoptype,required), prompt="What"define type stoptype7 keyword QUEUE, syntax=stop_queue, label=stop_queue !-! nmail stop queue [/oknone] [/delete] [/log]!define syntax stop_queue. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)/ parameter p2, value(type=stoptype,required)- qualifier OKNONE, negatable, label=oknone- qualifier DELETE, negatable, label=delete' qualifier LOG, negatable, label=log# !! nmail start !define syntax start. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)? parameter p2, value(type=starttype,required), prompt="What"define type starttype9 keyword QUEUE, syntax=start_queue, label=start_queue !! nmail start queue [/log]!define syntax start_queue. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)0 parameter p2, value(type=starttype,required)' qualifier LOG, negatable, label=log# !! nmail analyze !define syntax analyze. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)A parameter p2, value(type=analyzetype,required), prompt="What"define type analyzetype< keyword QUEUE, syntax=analyze_queue, label=analyze_queue!i! nmail analyze queue [/repair] [/confirm] [/hold] [/return] [/reason="xxx"] [/before=date] [/since=date]!define syntax analyze_queue. parameter p1, value(type=command,required)2 parameter p2, value(type=analyzetype,required)- qualifier REPAIR, negatable, label=repair8 qualifier CONFIRM, negatable, default, label=confirm- qualifier RETURN, negatable, label=return> qualifier REASON, negatable, value(required), label=reason) qualifier HOLD, negatable, label=hold9 qualifier BEFORE, value(type=$datetime), label=before7 qualifier SINCE, value(type=$datetime), label=since# disallow confirm and not repair" disallow return and not repair disallow hold and not repair" disallow reason and not return!"! end of nmail command definitions!#*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$ERROR.DAT;1+,*./ 4-'80123KPWO56bؗ7z@hؗ89GHJ no such nodeunrecognized nodenode is unknown name unknownunknown addressee no such user invalid usernot a registered receivercannot receivecan not receivesend to send mail tohas lefthas transferredon temporary leaveon leaveexceeds gateway not in ems error parsingrecord too large syntax error invalid item cannot accept unbalanced host unknown user unknown> unknown at <"*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$HELP.HLP;1+,./ 4H -'80123KPWO56/,cؗ7 hؗ89GHJ !! DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY!>! Nmail is for use only within Digital Equipment Corporation. +! It may not be given to any other persons.!'! Dave Porter (send mail to MU::PORTER)!1 NMAIL Nmail V10.0 26 April 1994H Nmail works in conjunction with the VMS MAIL utility to implementH queued transmission of mail. This allows you to queue up mail to nodesH that are currently unreachable, for example, or to transmit longB documents without needing to wait until transmission is complete.H Nmail requires no special software to be installed at the remote node;? it can send to any destination that ordinary MAIL can send to.H This Nmail kit is for use only within DEC. DEC customers (in the USAH at least) can buy Nmail through the ASSETS software library, also known" as the Digital Solutions Library.H Nmail was written by Dave Porter and is entirely unfunded; please sendH comments, suggestions, gratitude and legal tender to MU::PORTER.H Supply of this software and documentation does not commit me to anything, anytime.H For more complete documentation, see the Nmail User GuideH SYS$HELP:NM$UGUIDE.DOC, which includes all that's in this help text,( but with additional useful information.H For system manager level information, see the Nmail System Manager's manual, SYS$HELP:NM$SYSMGR.DOC.2 SendH Use any of the MAIL commands which send mail, such as SEND and FORWARD.H To tell MAIL that Nmail is to be used, you type addresses in the sameH format that you'd normally use with MAIL, but put "NM%" in front of. each address for which you want to use Nmail. For example: MAIL> SEND5 To: NM%WHITEH::RODHAM, NM%WHITEH::CLINTON/ Subj: Adopt a single-payer system nowE You can mix Nmail addresses and ordinary MAIL addresses if you wish.H You can use logical names for the "node::user" part of an address, orH just the "node" part, exactly as you'd do without the "NM%" prefix.H You can also define a logical name for the complete address, "NM%node::user".H MAIL has a useful shortcut so that you don't actually need to typeH "NM%" on each and every address. You can use the /TRANSPORT qualifierH to direct MAIL to assume the presence of "NM%" on every address that@ doesn't already start with a transport-name (any "xx%" prefix).6 Thus, another way to express the previous example is:" MAIL> SEND /TRANSPORT=NM%/ To: WHITEHA$ NMAIL100.A'8"[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$HELP.HLP;1HU::RODHAM, WHITEH::CLINTON/ Subj: Adopt a single-payer system nowH You can even use the /TRANSPORT qualifier with the REPLY command, thusH allowing use of Nmail for replies -- something that didn't work too well before VMS V5.H An even more convenient MAIL option allows you to set your default transport: MAIL> SET TRANSPORT NM%H This causes /TRANSPORT=NM% to be applied to all SEND, REPLY and FORWARDH commands in which no explicit /TRANSPORT is used. The default1 transport setting is saved in your mail profile.H If you use a distribution list (.DIS file) then you can either add theH "NM%" prefix to every name within the file, or else you can use theH /TRANSPORT qualifier so that MAIL assumes "NM%" by default. You never. include "NM%" in the name of the file itself. MAIL> SEND To: @USGOVT< Subj: Managed competition is doomed from the startH Nmail will include a time stamp in the proper place in the "personalH name" field included in the mail message. This allows the recipient toH know the time at which the mail was actually entered by you, which may; be different to the time at which the mail is transmitted.H Your Nmail job will be entered in the Nmail generic queue, NM$QUEUE,H and eventually processed by one of the Nmail symbionts running in yourH system or cluster. If you wish to check on the progress of your job at1 any time, use the Nmail Show utility; see later.H If a network error occurs while the symbiont is sending, then the jobH will be rescheduled for a later time. At this later time, Nmail willH again attempt to deliver all the as-yet undelivered copies of your message.H If some error occurs which Nmail deems to be irrecoverable (such as anH unknown node name) then you will be notified by a mail message thatH this has occurred. A copy of your original message text will beH returned in the error report, in case you wish to correct the problem and resend the message.H If Nmail cannot deliver your message within 3 days (or some otherH length of time, at the discretion of your system manager) then it willH give up trying, and notify you as if an irrecoverable error had occurred.H Nmail should be able to handle any files that MAIL or the DECwindowsH MAIL interface can handle, with one exception: it cannot handle textH files with records longer than 512 bytes. Normal text files andH compound document DDIF files can be sent with SEND. Other non-textH files or files with oversized records should be sent with SEND/FOREIGN; to make sure that all information is preserved in transit. 2 ReceiveH No special software is required to receive mail sent with Nmail. OnH VMS, the mail will be received identically as if it had been sent% directly with the usual MAIL sender.H Nmail uses the MAIL-11 protocol and thus can speak to any mail receiverH which uses this protocol; this includes the various mail utilities (notH all of which are necessarily supported products) on VMS, RSX-11M,H RSX-11M-Plus, RSTS/E and Ultrix-32. There are also several gatewaysC via which MAIL-11 senders can communicate with other mail systems.2 ShowH To display details of Nmail messages that have been entered into the? queue but not yet completely sent, use the Nmail Show utility.+ $ NMAIL SHOW QUEUE [/FULL] [/BRIEF]7 [/STATUS=SENT|UNSENT|FAILED]/ [/ALL] [/USER=user], [/ENTRY=entrynum]- [/OUTPUT=filespec]H The output from this utility will include details of all messagesH entered by you. If you do not specify either of the qualifiers, thenH an intermediate level of detail will be presented. To get more or less+ detail, use /FULL or /BRIEF, respectively.H A status of "sent", "unsent" or "failed" will be displayed for eachH recipient, in the default or full displays. A sent message has beenH successfully delivered to the recipient. An unsent message has notH been delivered, but Nmail will continue to retry. A failed message hasG not been delivered, and Nmail considers the error to be irrecoverable.H By default, the display includes details of all recipients. To selectH only those recipients with a particular status, use /STATUS. ForH example, specify /STATUS=UNSENT to show only "unsent" recipients.H /STATUS can be specified with /FULL and /BRIEF as well as for theH default display (although as things stand it's not especially# meaningful for the brief display).H In the full display, the most recent error condition experienced willH be displayed for each recipient to whom the message has not beenH delivered. Nmail may or may not consider this error to be recoverable,H as indicated by the status field. Additionally, the time at which thatH attempt was made will be shown (the time is actually the time at the3 end of the attempt, rather than at the beginning).H For an active job, the addresses to which Nmail is currently attemptingH delivery will be indicated by an arrow symbol on the left of the screen (in the full display only).H After Nmail has completely processed a message -- that is, after allH addresses have either received the message or else failed irrecoverablyH -- then all information about that message is deleted from the system.H Thus if the SHOW command reports that you have no jobs queued, you can* assume that they have all been completed.H Use /ALL to display details of all messages entered by all users. UseH /USER=user to display details of all messages entered by the specifiedH username. These two qualifiers require SYSPRV privilege and are reallyH intended to allow the system manager to diagnose possible problems. InH any case, the subject of the message is not displayed (in case it's private).H Use /ENTRY to display details of a single entry in the Nmail queue,H identified by the specified entry number. If that entry is owned byH some other user, then you must specify the username with the /USER! qualifier -- SYSPRV is required.H By default, output from the utility is directed to SYS$OUTPUT; use( /OUTPUT to direct the output elsewhere.H Since jobs may move around in the queues while the SHOW command isH working, it is possible that occasionally a job gets missed. It isH even possible that a message will be completed while SHOW is looking atH that very job, resulting in a "file not found" error from SHOW. VeryH little can be done to prevent these effects, but they are fortunately relatively rare.2 CancelH To cancel further attempts to send a pending Nmail message, use the Nmail Cancel utility., $ NMAIL CANCEL entrynum [/NORETURN] 0 [/REASON="text"], [/USER=user]& [/LOG]H The "entrynum" parameter identifies the entry in the queue. It can beB determined by looking at the display from the Nmail Show utility.H By default, the CANCEL command requests that a copy of the message textH be returned to the sender via mail, after which the message will beH deleted from the system. Cancellation in this case requires theH intervention of the Nmail symbiont to complete the processing of the message.H If you specify /NORETURN, then CANCEL will immediately remove the queueH entry and deletes all knowledge of the message from the system. TheH message text is irretrievably lost (that is, the copy that Nmail keepsH is deleted; if you prepared your message in a file before sending it, the original is not affected).H Use /USER=user to cancel jobs belonging to another user. ThisH qualifier requires that you have SYSPRV privilege. Use this optionH wisely! Note that the job will only be cancelled if both the entry> number and the username match the specified parameter values.H You can use the /REASON qualifier to include a line of up to 255H characters of explanatory text with the returned message. It'sH probably most useful to do this if you're cancelling someone else'sH jobs, but you can also specify a reason when cancelling your own jobs.' /REASON cannot be used with /NORETURN.H If you specify /LOG, then the utility will print a message confirming0 that the entry has been successfullL$ NMAIL100.A'8"[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$HELP.HLP;1Hy cancelled.**[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_ALPHA.EXE;1+, ./ 4-'80123 KPWO56Zbؗ7hؗ89GHJ,h (X0Zeؗ NM$QUEMAN NMAIL V10.0T11-11@@$0 $  $ !$.|$J$( 4: LIBRTL_0014& LIBOTS_001<^FSYS$BASE_IMAGE_001@:P`( ?@0p X@@P< 8 =`)6 8B0 @ 0 p  @8GF Kp0@ P= @0 '0(6@ 0@6@< @0 h4@ 03` P02` 0P0 @)000 x 0H)p + 0@1P< @L+80.0 0+@ 0 H-@ 0.@<  <*@+L*4+\*(+0+P|  0(0%0X#0 0 #P<  0 "P 0Px p   00 0@  0F0hF0E0 P00DP< 0`D0?0 0C0 0C0 08B0 Pp0A0 0@0@@00?0 0=P| 0>  @@0P= @0<0 0:@ 070 l*x 0HR 0 Q0Q` P0N Q 08G 0G  *08J@ * ,0K 0F 0pS P@ 0 8GFKp0 Ѐp $P0Hh|p F0(@xP **,N`>C`:P( @@P0Xy< ?@< 0?`=8B6 00 wP 0t` p @0(Prp % DF0e h@0Pe 08  00`a l*p0(8o`< 0(@p 0((d`< @p ! 0Z0 -pu$ NMAIL100.A '8*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_ALPHA.EXE;1z"0`[ 8G8JHR0} P000U + XXXXY0YZȫ%% `0 $0؁P @6 P=x@ 0Xc@ 0b p@0`0 0h` 0 ؝p $P( @@% + =0(`< XH-@@PA0 ؍@ :P < $`00 @ 0Ќ@ 6 0 `0 p 8Gȫ% %X#Kp0p 8JHR0 0(0 0PP| 0 p >0@  P=@ ) F @8JP0H | 0* 8GGL+0 (P 8J F0x< 8GHR08p| */ GP@ 0H 00 P0p0 0X0ز0 0H0 00 0 p$0p P  0h0 0Ю0 0x @00 0ȫ0 *|*P`0`0 l*x show_queue `&cancel_job t&release_job &stop_queue &start_queue &analyze_queue & l&&&p&&&Pentry'brief 'full0'output<'allL'userX' st_sentt'st_unsent 'st_failed 'st_expired 'st_cancelled 'entry'log'return'user(reason ( entry,(log<(userH( oknoned(logt(delete(log(repair(confirm(hold(return(before(since(reason) -- 00:00:00.008)0P)????????!AC!#*:(!UL,!UL,!UL)NM$!6(2ZL)_OPA0:(004DH,** Nmail V10.0 0 00:30:00.00 0 00:10:00.00 3 00:00:00.00 NM$WORK:.WRK SYS$OUTPUTNMAILOUTPUT.LISNM$ERRORSYS$SYSTEM:.DAT NMAILTRACESYS$MANAGER:.LOGNM$QUEUENMAILREPORTSUMMARYRETURNED NMAIL-DAEMONNMAIL LNM$SYSTEM NM$EXPIRENM$DELTANM$TRACE NM$EXTENSION,p+ (x+): +/+08@PH(08@  H$3DDDDDDDDDȅDЅD؅DD腂HHHHHH*.*;*::.,,, -->-, -(-)(-******4- !)1 9AIQ Y a i q$ 0 P p <--- 23:59:59.99-0 01:00:59.99 .,   !AS !#%D!-!5%T.yaiq!#* !#AS !#AS !+!AS.!#* !# !# !+!#*- .!#AS !#AD !#AS !#%D.!#* (!AS) /!#* !#AS !+!AS(/!#* !# !+!#*-@/!#* !#AD !+!AS`/!#* (!AS) x/!_!AS/!_!AD/0 00:00:01.00 /?????????'$ NMAIL100.A '8*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_ALPHA.EXE;1X"!0#G~G^G^GG"@BBZktG="pBPBFBxb G$]]"cZktG`Bhb"0="]"ZkG]]#kG#G> @hGG~^G^G~GG8=pB"BZk } B$]""D(4 @bG,=GtGcZktGB"b@="]"ZkTG BG(bGvZk4G8}c `=?@B ]"b="tG|cZk} ]=#v`H"v@Hb@` .qHPJF>G]@r.tRHSrJtFr>G]G]} #k. 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G" [4G({DVZkG] #kG#? ~4G^^~ G {G  BG(b H@ UZk&"TGGb#G_ cRHG]]} 0#k#4G~^^~ GGP{ B(bGUZk&"G@b#GTG_G]]} 0#kG#rS J~4G^^~ G{G 8B(!vH@bG2D UZk&"Gb#GTG`_G6$HDG]]} 0#k #G8> @h~S?C^ ^`B(~G0<CGGGG3B1}8 =GGG_]R"]"SBG9# (B" q"0b="]"GGRTZk& "8B@bGGtGnZk="1v JG#1v Hb#_G] ](}0p#k#~^{#G01v H~_GG] #k#0G~^G [GG({GTZkG] #k#rS J~4G^^~ G {G  B(!vH(bG2D UZk&"Gb#GTG_G]]} 0#kG#4G~^^~ GX{G(B#$G0b.UZk&"GHb#GTG_G]]} 0#kGh& 0D k#0F~G^^~ (G{ G # vHR H@p@DD@B @"GUZk"Gb#_Ӄ&ā" c4G vHR`H@p@D0B8b_mZkG]]} (0#kG  Q.s1KRQJSFQ>kQ. 1KR QJSFQ>e,-("-({QQ腂QQ{.` (08@"HDPfX`hpxB     * `    Ȁ Ѐ2 ؀P  耂   @ v    (V 0| 8 @ HPZX`hpxDr @vȁЁ0؁d聂.{N $(`08@HP4X|`hpxP` Ȃ&ЂB؂^肂8d& L(z08@H PRX`hpxV~4LlȃЃ ؃>r胂{ $<Rl (08@H P(XB`fhpx* f    !`!!!B"Ȅ"Є"؄$#d#脂##($l$$$:% %(%00&8T&@x&H&P&X&` 'h:'pz'x'''(@(p((()P)ȅ)Ѕ)؅*2*腂`*{***+F+p+ +(+0+8+@+H+P>,X`,`|,h,p,x,,,-.NOJOBSno jobs found in Nmail queues2NOQUES no active Nmail queues available$QSTARTstarting queue !AS"QSTOPstopping queue !AS.QWAITwaiting for queue !AS to stop"QDELdeleting queue !AS,QRUNqueue !AS is already started"CANCELjob !SL cancelled"RELEASjob !SL released0CANPENDjob !SL cancellation requestedTEXT!ASTEXTC!AC@FILOFLO.too many files in job; not all will be deletedFFILOFL24too many files in job; not all will be accounted forFNOREASN3cancellation reason ignored; old-style message file"NOFILESno files in job*READerror reading from file !AD*WRITEerror writing to file !AD,SUBMITfailed to submit Nmail job6RESUB%failed to submit job !AS to queue !AS,IVNUMinvalid decimal number '!AS'$IVTIMEinvalid time '!AS'.TOOSOONinterval '!AS' is too small6TRNLNM$error translating logical name '!AS'NONXJOB no such jobJOBACT job is active0JOBFREEjob is not being held in queue4JOBCAN#job already marked for cancellation*QUEACTqueue !AS is not stopped,QUEFAILfailed to start queue !AS6NONRET$message is defined as non-returnable6NOSYSPRV#operation requires SYSPRV privilege6NONETMBX#operation requires NETMBX privilege2NOOPER!operation requires OPER privilege6NOCMKRNL#operation requires CMKRNL privilegeBMODE2operation only allowed in interactive mode process&NONETnetwork not available:LOGLINK'error creating network link to node !AS,SENDERRerror sending to node !AS:TIMEOUT'no response from slave mail on node !AS>NETHUNG+timed out sending to slave mail on node !AS>NOACCEPT*node !AS cannot accept this message format*PROTOCOLnetwork protocol error6RACE&expected mailbox AST not yet processed&OPENerror opening file !AD&CLOSEerror closing file !AD.SEARCHerror searching for file !AD"PARSEerror parsing !AD"RMSunexpected RMS error.JBCunexpected job controller error(CLIBUGunexpected parse error4UNXFC#unexpected MAIL function code (!SL)6SYNCH%something didn't happen (flags=^x!XW)"MBXIOmailbox I/O error*BADFILnot a valid control file6BADALG%block alignment error in control file8BADBIO'fractional block read from control file4BADFLG#contradictory flags in control file"ABORTaborted by request&SYNTAXsyntax error in '!AS'@BADTIM.invalid time value set as Nmail system defaultBINSTREE/error building internal file list (!SL node!%S) NONXQUE no such queue<BADBUF*disagreeable buffer size specified by MAIL*FAOunexpected formatting error6PRVUP&failed to set privilege from exec mode:PRVDWN(failed to reset privilege from exec mode<EXTNF,failed to activate Nmail extension image !AS2EXTNT!no entry-point table found in !AS4EXTBAD"malformed entry-point table in !AS&SSUBJNmail delivery summary&RSUBJReport on failed mail"MSUBJReturned to senderHRBLURB6Errors were detected when processing your mail message,RBLURT which was entered at !17%D>CBLURB-Your mail message of !17%D has been cancelled2CBLURT by request of user !AS at !17%D8CBLURN& but no further details are available.LGBLURB:The following error message was returned whilst sending to>TBLURB-The text of your failed mail message follows:@ZBLUbbZ$ NMAIL100.A '8*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_ALPHA.EXE;1MRB.There was no text in your failed mail message.FNBLURB4Text of original message suppressed by user request.DMBLURB2Your original message will be returned separately.THISAD address !ASXTO To: !ASXCC CC: !ASXSUBJ Subj: !ASXFROM From: !ASCWHY1 Reason: !ASCWHY2 : !AS&EHARDThis is a hard error.&ESOFTThis is a soft error.FEEXP7This is a soft error, but the retry period has expired.HECAN9This is a soft error, but the message has been cancelled.,EUNKN** unknown error severity **HENOMOR6No more attempts to send to this address will be made.>EMOR/Attempts to send to this address will continue.<REQUEUE*Nmail message requeued as job !SL!/To: !AS&LOG1!AC fatal error (oops).LOG2Job !AS!/Queue !AS!/Entry !SL$LOG3User !AS!/File !AS(SHOHDRQueue entry !SL !+!AS0SHOHDALQueue entry !SL, user !AS !AS*SHOENT Message entered at !17%D2SHOENUK Message entered at unknown time@SHOTIM. Attempted !SL time!%S, most recently at !17%D6SHONEW% No attempt to send has yet been made0SHOXAT Expires after !+!SL attempt!%S$SHOXTM Expires at !17%D!+:SHOXOR) Expires at !17%D or after !SL attempt!%S(SHOXNO Default expiry period*SHODEL Retry interval is !13%D*SHONDEL Default retry interval.SHOFORN Foreign or non-text messageSHOFROM From !ASSHOTO To !ASSHOCC CC !AS SHOSUBJ Subject "!AS"(SHOSUBX Subject (not shown)!+<SHOSUM* Summary: !SL unsent, !SL sent, !SL failed:SHODLV( Confirmation of job completion required4SHONDLV" No confirmation of job completion4SHORET" To be returned to sender on error0SHONRET Not to be returned to sender:SHONRPT( Delivery failure not reported to sender.SHOCRTS Message is being cancelledSHOADR AddresseeSHOSTSStatusSHOLSTTimeSHOUNS unsent SHODUN sent SHOFAIL failed SHOEXP expired SHOCAN cancelledSHOXEQactiveSHOHLD held in queueSHOTIL held untilSHOCMP completed$SHOERRerror in execution,SHONOSEnone selected for displayNEOFERR<(a new message is being posted: please try SHOW again later)JNULERR8(no error message text was received from the slave mail)<NEVTRY+(no attempt ever made to send this message)(ANFILEFile !AS (!UL,!UL,!UL)&ANFILDT created at !+!17%D(ANFROM from user !AS at !17%D<ANEMPTY* is not a valid control file - it's emptyHANBADF7 is not a valid control file - the format is incorrectLANOBSF; is not a valid control file - unsupported obsolete formatLANPREOF9 is not a valid control file - premature EOF encounteredJANFLMIX8 is not a valid control file - contradictory flags byteRANXVBNA is not a valid control file - no VBN pointers in control recordJANUNKFR7 is not a valid control file - cannot determine senderFANUNDIR4 is not in the usual Nmail directory [warning only]@ANMULDIR, can be reached by !SW paths [warning only]@ANUNQUE- has no corresponding job in the Nmail queueBANMULQUE. appears !SW times in jobs in the Nmail queueBANSTUCK0 is being retained after system error (job !SL)DANHELD3 is being held until explicitly released (job !SL)HANWEIRD6 is in a weird state - job !SL may need manual fixupDANLOST3Job !SL contains a nonexistent or inaccessible fileBAN2FILE0Job !SL contains !SL files (usual number is one)RANNORPT@Return-to-sender is not possible for this message [warning only]RAN2OLD@Repair skipped - message is older than the specified /SINCE timeRAN2NEWARepair skipped - message is newer than the specified /BEFORE time$ANASKDELDelete this file?$ANASKSUBSubmit this file?$ANASKRELRelease this job?$ANASKCANCancel this job?*ANASKFLUCancel extraneous jobs?"ANDELOKFile !AS deleted.ANSUBOKJob !SL entered in queue !AS@ANHOLDOK-Job !SL entered in queue !AS in holding state"ANRELOKJob !SL released4ANRELHOK!Job !SL released to holding state$ANCANOKJob !SL cancelled$ANZERONo errors detected(ANSUMM!SL error!%S detected:0ANBADCNT !SL invalid control file!%S:ANUNQCNT& !SL control file!%S not in the queue8ANMQUCNT% !SL control file!%S multiply queued6ANLOSCNT" !SL lost or inaccessible file!%S8ANMFJCNT$ !SL job!%S with more than one file@ANUNDCNT- !SL file!%S not in the Nmail work directoryBANMDFCNT/ !SL file!%S multiply entered in the directory2ANRETCNT !SL job!%S retained in queue.ANHLDCNT !SL job!%S held in queue.ANWRDCNT !SL job!%S in weird state@ANSIGCNT, !SL execution error!%S during analysis run,ANACTIONCorrective action taken:(ANDELCNT !SL file!%S deleted*ANSUBCNT !SL job!%S submitted(ANRELCNT !SL job!%S released*ANCANCNT !SL job!%S cancelledANUNKU (unknown)ANNETU (network)XXYESYesXXNONoXXDELDeleteXXCANCancelHREPRESN5message file recovered when repairing the Nmail queue"TRJOB job !SL user !ASTREOJ end job !SLTRCONN to !ASTRDISC TRABO abortTRSEND -tx-> !AFTRRECV <-rx- !AFTRRECN <-rx- !XLTRZZZ.NMAILTXX0` pP    8h0x!"`!0 P P8` P`h0"##$% (4 @` @ P `@P@PP`p 0!!!0"@" ##%P8`0p 0 p@ `0pP #0#@##0$`$$$0%`%%&&@ 0@LIBRTL@LIBOTS@SYS$BASE_IMAGE@SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS(*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_VAX.EXE;1+,.K/ 4KJ-'80123 KPWOL56Z aؗ7:hؗ89GHJ0D`0205IX NM$QUEMAN NMAIL V10.0Iؗ05-13PQ*12H I ?! LIBRTL_001v~$ NMAIL100.A'8([PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_VAX.EXE;1K{"????????<`^,n䐏Psgݬ^|VX^,n䐏Q)ݬf^PRݬl$լ ݬf  RP|{VD^,nȐSȞ؞ܕlլݬfЬ̑lլ  lլ,n䞭l լ Ь l լЬlլ ݬf^<`^,n䐏Tl լЬ^<`^,n䐏Uݬ^^<TUT[mTeeeԤ||| WGSRBPGPBEGP`PSRݏ~^}~ <EGUzTuSmUPRdPԣdP,8dPc DPcc#TLϞPݏЏPddPcxdPcŌdP cŠdP@cŴdPcRݣ cݣ0 cݣ1.~^}~tTFSjRwmS dPbdPb (Pb8b#H@ϨPݏ~ЏP bݢ3~^}~d ϸFSRamSQ Pb ZPbb#( $Pݏ~ЏP bݢ"~^}~ WSPRQm^FbPc]FbPc`FbPc[FϫPݏ}ЏPc9~^}~p?m'FPFXPݏ;}ЏPϫ"8~^}~| V }UTESwRmSdPbdPbdPb,dPb$<.P b,LP@b\dfPݏeЏPtlfPݏeЏPb=|fPݏeЏPbbPݏ"eЏ"P,$bl~^}~Q ЬPa ~p< P0mݬ=PP}~oP ݏ{P~^}~{T^wmݏԮݬPSSP^ݬPSSϺD{ЬRRXPS^zS ݏdբ ݏdP~^}~^nmݏԮݬUPRRP^ݬPRR6Dzݬݮ<~zPR^gzR ݏzP~^}~q<^(Y=n|~~ |~~ PԮЮP zX-zW*zV^|mЏԭ(=Xh\(=<L(4$=@ݬ ~ݬPSSݏʀfhЏʀP}<ݏҀfhЏҀPURRP@h\XϱPSS"SSr S~ݏgSR Rݏpݏhfn^_PSS S~ݏgRO<PSS S~ݏgݬݏCfTTP@hϓPSSURT`T$ݬݬTP@pPSS SxURTU/ϙPSS S~ݏgݬݏSfhPЬPРP^}~Ͼ ^=m~ ݬ V nPݏw P~^}~Dϱ XwWθ^mV~HPݬϦ ݮDLϑPݏ Hݏ gЏPHݏgЏP,nPPP x^ Ь RI bhЏxV_<' | n~h4 b<04~$PPQ<@ AP4DXPP~ݏ tn^< ԮЬV|~<} ~}~ V~ ЬPԠ_tP POt^ЬWЬR џ Tݏ脂ϖWυџ9ݬPVVnT1UУ4RTUdd d#ПϬ< ~ݏ5WUd(#ϙПπ< ~ݏ WUd#nПY< ~ݏWU*U'Пwݬ PVVVYXnX όYYZݏXυ [ ϟ ~T 1 У4P<Р ~< ~W#ݏ[%PZXPЬPРP^}~TmRPݬݏ !ϟϋݬ P }~PR^#ݏ[ϦRP~^}~Ϯ^ϸmWݬݬݏo 1^ϟݬ ϠPl}~ϮPWЬVSSCP`JPTdPР4R4dPRP7 )ТUblWdP11URbRVSύ"ݏ[WP~^}~fWV^gPЏPVPPЏPЏPfRfTUЦ8Ц<fЬ P}`R TЏPgPf PЏȄP^ݬRVRRSgP@fRST:ծծ U+ЏPRBHρPЏPRP^1n^ݬUPTTTzoTUd^UH], T](`])l]******x]   ! ) 1    9 A I Q Y a i q \JIH ]-- 23:59:59.990^0 01:00:59.99 H^     !AS !#%D!-!5%T^yaiq!#* !#AS !#AS !+!AS^!#* !# !# !+!#*- _!#AS !#AD !#AS !#%D8_!#* (!AS) X_!#* !#AS !+!ASl_!#* !# !+!#*-_!#* !#AD !+!AS_!#* (!AS) _!_!AS_!_!AD_0 00:00:01.00 _e,-("-({QQ腂QQ{.` (08@"HDPfX`hpxB     * `    Ȁ Ѐ2 ؀P  耂   @ v    (V 0| 8 @ HPZX`hpxDr @vȁЁ0؁d聂.{N $(`08@HP4X|`hpxP` Ȃ&ЂB؂^肂8d& L(z08@H PRX`hpxV~4LlȃЃ ؃>r胂{ $<Rl (08@H P(XB`fhpx* f    !`!!!B"Ȅ"Є"؄$#d#脂##($l$$$:% %(%00&8T&@x&H&P&X&` 'h:'pz'x'' xL$ NMAIL100.A'8([PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_VAX.EXE;1;1K˘"5'(@(p((()P)ȅ)Ѕ)؅*2*腂`*{***+F+p+ +(+0+8+@+H+P>,X`,`|,h,p,x,,,-.NOJOBSno jobs found in Nmail queues2NOQUES no active Nmail queues available$QSTARTstarting queue !AS"QSTOPstopping queue !AS.QWAITwaiting for queue !AS to stop"QDELdeleting queue !AS,QRUNqueue !AS is already started"CANCELjob !SL cancelled"RELEASjob !SL released0CANPENDjob !SL cancellation requestedTEXT!ASTEXTC!AC@FILOFLO.too many files in job; not all will be deletedFFILOFL24too many files in job; not all will be accounted forFNOREASN3cancellation reason ignored; old-style message file"NOFILESno files in job*READerror reading from file !AD*WRITEerror writing to file !AD,SUBMITfailed to submit Nmail job6RESUB%failed to submit job !AS to queue !AS,IVNUMinvalid decimal number '!AS'$IVTIMEinvalid time '!AS'.TOOSOONinterval '!AS' is too small6TRNLNM$error translating logical name '!AS'NONXJOB no such jobJOBACT job is active0JOBFREEjob is not being held in queue4JOBCAN#job already marked for cancellation*QUEACTqueue !AS is not stopped,QUEFAILfailed to start queue !AS6NONRET$message is defined as non-returnable6NOSYSPRV#operation requires SYSPRV privilege6NONETMBX#operation requires NETMBX privilege2NOOPER!operation requires OPER privilege6NOCMKRNL#operation requires CMKRNL privilegeBMODE2operation only allowed in interactive mode process&NONETnetwork not available:LOGLINK'error creating network link to node !AS,SENDERRerror sending to node !AS:TIMEOUT'no response from slave mail on node !AS>NETHUNG+timed out sending to slave mail on node !AS>NOACCEPT*node !AS cannot accept this message format*PROTOCOLnetwork protocol error6RACE&expected mailbox AST not yet processed&OPENerror opening file !AD&CLOSEerror closing file !AD.SEARCHerror searching for file !AD"PARSEerror parsing !AD"RMSunexpected RMS error.JBCunexpected job controller error(CLIBUGunexpected parse error4UNXFC#unexpected MAIL function code (!SL)6SYNCH%something didn't happen (flags=^x!XW)"MBXIOmailbox I/O error*BADFILnot a valid control file6BADALG%block alignment error in control file8BADBIO'fractional block read from control file4BADFLG#contradictory flags in control file"ABORTaborted by request&SYNTAXsyntax error in '!AS'@BADTIM.invalid time value set as Nmail system defaultBINSTREE/error building internal file list (!SL node!%S) NONXQUE no such queue<BADBUF*disagreeable buffer size specified by MAIL*FAOunexpected formatting error6PRVUP&failed to set privilege from exec mode:PRVDWN(failed to reset privilege from exec mode<EXTNF,failed to activate Nmail extension image !AS2EXTNT!no entry-point table found in !AS4EXTBAD"malformed entry-point table in !AS&SSUBJNmail delivery summary&RSUBJReport on failed mail"MSUBJReturned to senderHRBLURB6Errors were detected when processing your mail message,RBLURT which was entered at !17%D>CBLURB-Your mail message of !17%D has been cancelled2CBLURT by request of user !AS at !17%D8CBLURN& but no further details are available.LGBLURB:The following error message was returned whilst sending to>TBLURB-The text of your failed mail message follows:@ZBLURB.There was no text in your failed mail message.FNBLURB4Text of original message suppressed by user request.DMBLURB2Your original message will be returned separately.THISAD address !ASXTO To: !ASXCC CC: !ASXSUBJ Subj: !ASXFROM From: !ASCWHY1 Reason: !ASCWHY2 : !AS&EHARDThis is a hard error.&ESOFTThis is a soft error.FEEXP7This is a soft error, but the retry period has expired.HECAN9This is a soft error, but the message has been cancelled.,EUNKN** unknown error severity **HENOMOR6No more attempts to send to this address will be made.>EMOR/Attempts to send to this address will continue.<REQUEUE*Nmail message requeued as job !SL!/To: !AS&LOG1!AC fatal error (oops).LOG2Job !AS!/Queue !AS!/Entry !SL$LOG3User !AS!/File !AS(SHOHDRQueue entry !SL !+!AS0SHOHDALQueue entry !SL, user !AS !AS*SHOENT Message entered at !17%D2SHOENUK Message entered at unknown time@SHOTIM. Attempted !SL time!%S, most recently at !17%D6SHONEW% No attempt to send has yet been made0SHOXAT Expires after !+!SL attempt!%S$SHOXTM Expires at !17%D!+:SHOXOR) Expires at !17%D or after !SL attempt!%S(SHOXNO Default expiry period*SHODEL Retry interval is !13%D*SHONDEL Default retry interval.SHOFORN Foreign or non-text messageSHOFROM From !ASSHOTO To !ASSHOCC CC !AS SHOSUBJ Subject "!AS"(SHOSUBX Subject (not shown)!+<SHOSUM* Summary: !SL unsent, !SL sent, !SL failed:SHODLV( Confirmation of job completion required4SHONDLV" No confirmation of job completion4SHORET" To be returned to sender on error0SHONRET Not to be returned to sender:SHONRPT( Delivery failure not reported to sender.SHOCRTS Message is being cancelledSHOADR AddresseeSHOSTSStatusSHOLSTTimeSHOUNS unsent SHODUN sent SHOFAIL failed SHOEXP expired SHOCAN cancelledSHOXEQactiveSHOHLD held in queueSHOTIL held untilSHOCMP completed$SHOERRerror in execution,SHONOSEnone selected for displayNEOFERR<(a new message is being posted: please try SHOW again later)JNULERR8(no error message text was received from the slave mail)<NEVTRY+(no attempt ever made to send this message)(ANFILEFile !AS (!UL,!UL,!UL)&ANFILDT created at !+!17%D(ANFROM from user !AS at !17%D<ANEMPTY* is not a valid control file - it's emptyHANBADF7 is not a valid control file - the format is incorrectLANOBSF; is not a valid control file - unsupported obsolete formatLANPREOF9 is not a valid control file - premature EOF encounteredJANFLMIX8 is not a valid control file - contradictory flags byteRANXVBNA is not a valid control file - no VBN pointers in control recordJANUNKFR7 is not a valid control file - cannot determine senderFANUNDIR4 is not in the usual Nmail directory [warning only]@ANMULDIR, can be reached by !SW paths [warning only]@ANUNQUE- has no corresponding job in the Nmail queueBANMULQUE. appears !SW times in jobs in the Nmail queueBANSTUCK0 is being retained after system error (job !SL)DANHELD3 is being held until explicitly released (job !SL)HANWEIRD6 is in a weird state - job !SL may need manual fixupDANLOST3Job !SL contains a nonexistent or inaccessible fileBAN2FILE0Job !SL contains !SL files (usual number is one)RANNORPT@Return-to-sender is not possible for this message [warning only]RAN2OLD@Repair skipped - message is older than the specified /SINCE timeRAN2NEWARepair skipped - message is newer than the specified /BEFORE time$ANASKDELDelete this file?$ANASKSUBSubmit this file?$ANASKRELRelease this job?$ANASKCANCancel this job?*ANASKFLUCancel extraneous jobs?"ANDELOKFile !AS deleted.ANSUBOKJob !SL entered in queue !AS@ANHOLDOK-Job !SL entered in queue !AS in holding state"ANRELOKJob !SL released4ANRELHOK!Job !SL released to holding state$ANCANOKJob !S!:$ NMAIL100.A'8([PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$QUEMAN_VAX.EXE;1;1KVFL cancelled$ANZERONo errors detected(ANSUMM!SL error!%S detected:0ANBADCNT !SL invalid control file!%S:ANUNQCNT& !SL control file!%S not in the queue8ANMQUCNT% !SL control file!%S multiply queued6ANLOSCNT" !SL lost or inaccessible file!%S8ANMFJCNT$ !SL job!%S with more than one file@ANUNDCNT- !SL file!%S not in the Nmail work directoryBANMDFCNT/ !SL file!%S multiply entered in the directory2ANRETCNT !SL job!%S retained in queue.ANHLDCNT !SL job!%S held in queue.ANWRDCNT !SL job!%S in weird state@ANSIGCNT, !SL execution error!%S during analysis run,ANACTIONCorrective action taken:(ANDELCNT !SL file!%S deleted*ANSUBCNT !SL job!%S submitted(ANRELCNT !SL job!%S released*ANCANCNT !SL job!%S cancelledANUNKU (unknown)ANNETU (network)XXYESYesXXNONoXXDELDeleteXXCANCancelHREPRESN5message file recovered when repairing the Nmail queue"TRJOB job !SL user !ASTREOJ end job !SLTRCONN to !ASTRDISC TRABO abortTRSEND -tx-> !AFTRRECV <-rx- !AFTRRECN <-rx- !XLTRZZZ.NMAIL@@` xx  HP @LIBRTL%*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$STARTUP.COM;1+,f./ 4V@-'80123KPWO56bؗ7Z>#hؗ89GHJ$!++$!.$! NM$STARTUP.COM - Nmail startup command file$!:$! Inputs: P1 = "init" initial setup (don't start queues)*$! = "start" just start the queues%$! = "" do both init and start$! P2 = work directory $! P3 = server queues$! P4 = install qualifiers$! P5 = queue tag$!;$! Note that P2-P5 are overridden by the prefix file that a;$! normal Nmail installation puts on the front of this one.$!$! Dave Porter 13-May-1985$!3$! Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 19933$! by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.$!$! FOR DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY$!$$! Nmail V9.4 and later; 15-Nov-1993$!$!--$ goto nmstart$$!I$! Description of user-settable parameters, included at the head of this,$! file by the Nmail installation procedure:$!I$! The symbol 'work_dir' defines the Nmail work directory, where pendingI$! messages are stored. You can change this to be some other (dedicated)I$! directory if you wish. The directory must exist already, and in a%$! cluster, must be on a common disk.$!J$! In the non-cluster case, equate 'server_queues' to the number of K$! concurrently active Nmail streams that you require. Each Nmail stream J$! uses one server execution queue, and one server process, which will be $$! set up by this command procedure.$! I$! In the cluster case, 'server_queues' has a more complicated structure.I$! It is a list of elements separated by commas. Each element consistsJ$! of a node name, a single colon, and then the number of queues to run I$! on that node. If no servers are to execute on a particular node, thenI$! there is no need for that cluster node to be named in the list at all.$!J$! Execution queues have names like NM$QUEnn (nn=01, 02...). There will K$! also be one generic queue, NM$QUEUE, to which all jobs are submitted ,$! and which feeds all the execution queues.$! J$! If only one execution queue is required then it will be named NM$QUEUE $$! and no generic queue is needed. $! J$! The symbol 'install_quals' can be set to any INSTALL qualifiers which)$! you wish to apply to all Nmail images.$!J$! For VAXclusters which are neither totally heterogeneous nor totallyK$! homogenous, equate the symbol 'queue_tag' to some short string which J$! is unique in the Nmail installations in the cluster; each different tagJ$! string defines a different Nmail operating domain. The tag is used toJ$! make queue names unique. A null string is a legal tag value, but ofK$! course only one Nmail installation can use null; others must set some $! non-null value.$!;$! You should not make any other changes to this procedure.$!J$! This command file should be executed as part of system startup on allJ$! nodes that will require access to Nmail (not just the ones on whichJ$! you wish to have execution queues). This is so that the required#$! logical names, etc, are defined.$!$ $nmstart:*$ reqd_privs = "SYSNAM,SYSPRV,OPER,CMKRNL"#$ old_privs = f$setprv(reqd_privs)5$ if .not. f$privilege(reqd_privs) then goto no_privs$ on control_y then goto exit$ on error then goto errorM$ logpfx = f$envir("message") .eqs. "/FACILITY/SEVERITY/IDENTIFICATION/TEXT"$! $! Validate operating mode$!7$ mode = f$extract(0,1,f$edit(p1,"lowercase,collapse"))N$ if mode .nes. "" .and. mode .nes. "i" .and. mode .nes. "s" then goto badmode$!A$! Take parameters from command line, if they haven't been forcedB$! to something by a prefix file. Command-line parameters are not$! ordinarily used.$!=$ if f$type(work_directory) .eqs. "" then work_directory = p2=$ if f$type(server_queues) .eqs. "" then server_queues = p3=$ if f$type(install_quals) .eqs. "" then install_quals = p4:$ if f$type(queue_tag) .eqs. "" then queue_tag = p5$!$! Figure out queue names$!$ if queue_tag .eqs. ""$ then$ nmqueue = "NM$QUEUE"$ xqueue = "NM$QUE!2ZL"$ else'$ nmqueue = "NM$QUEUE_" + queue_tag)$ xqueue = "NM$QUE!2ZL_" + queue_tag$ endif$$!?$! Initialisation: skip this stuff if just starting the queues $!#$ if mode .eqs. "s" then goto part2$part1: ! modes i and null$!?$! Define logical name for work directory. Must be an exec-mode@$! logical and in the system table, otherwise the symbiont won't $! use it.$! $ if logpfx2$ then tmp = "%NMAIL-I-WRKDIR, work directory is "!$ else tmp = "Work directory is "$ endifG$ if work_directory .eqs. "" then work_directory = "SYS$COMMON:[NMAIL]"%$ write sys$output tmp,work_directory5$ define/system/exec/nolog nm$work 'work_directory'$!@$! Define logical name for queues if this is the case of a mixed $! cluster.$!$ if nmqueue .nes. "NM$QUEUE" 4$ then define/system/exec/nolog nm$queue 'nmqueue'$ endif$!>$! Install Nmail user interface images. (If they're currently %$! installed, then remove them first)$! $ ins = 1:$ ins = f$file_attrib("sys$share:nm_mailshr.exe","known") 1$ if ins then install remove sys$share:nm_mailshr4$ install add sys$share:nm_mailshr 'install_quals' $ ins = 1;$ ins = f$file_attrib("sys$share:nm_mailshrp.exe","known") 2$ if ins then install remove sys$share:nm_mailshrpV$ install add sys$share:nm_mailshrp /protected /shared /open /header 'install_quals' $ ins = 1:$ ins = f$file_attrib("sys$system:nm$queman.exe","known") &$ if ins then install remove nm$queman6$ install add nm$queman /priv=sysprv 'install_quals'$#$ if mode .eqs. "i" then goto part3$part2: ! modes s and null$!"$! Install Nmail daemon (symbiont)$! $ ins = 19$ ins = f$file_attrib("sys$system:nm$daemon.exe","known")&$ if ins then install remove nm$daemon($ install add nm$daemon 'install_quals'$$part3: ! all modes$!I$! Queue setup commands. Note that queues are protected against insertionH$! by non-system users; this is to help prevent random files getting putC$! in the queue (the proper MAIL interface is suitably privileged).$!!$ initque = "initialize/queue" +- "/r"!#$ NMAIL100.Af'8%[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$STARTUP.COM;1EXE;1VoM etain=error" +- "/owner=[1,4]" +-6 "/protection=(system:e,owner:d,group:r,world:r)" +- "/device=server" +- "/processor=nm$daemon" +- "/schedule=nosize" +- "/nogeneric" +- "/noenable_generic"!$ initgen = "initialize/queue" +- "/retain=error" +- "/owner=[1,4]" +-6 "/protection=(system:e,owner:d,group:r,world:r)" +- "/device=server" +- "/schedule=nosize" +- "/generic="$! $! Other queue-related setup$!:$ scsnode = f$edit(f$getsyi("nodename"),"collapse,upcase")$ qstart = "/start"$$ if mode .eqs. "i" then qstart = "" $ if logpfxI$ then qreport = "write sys$output ""%NMAIL-I-QSTART, starting queue "","8$ else qreport = "write sys$output ""Starting queue "","$ endif$!7$! Set up execution queues for all nodes in the cluster$!*$ queue_list = "" ! complete queue list*$ queue_num = 0 ! number of next queueH$ nque = f$integer(server_queues) ! number of queues for this node%$ node = "" ! this node name$$ onqual = "" ! /on qualifier)$ stqual = qstart ! /start qualifier$ n = 09$ if f$type(server_queues) .eqs. "INTEGER" then goto nchk3$nloop: node = f$element(n,",",server_queues)5$ if node .eqs. "," .or. node .eqs. "" then goto endn$$ nque = f$element(1,":",node)$$ node = f$element(0,":",node)#$ if nque .eqs. ":" then nque = "1"$ nque = f$integer(nque)$ onqual = "/on=''node'::"$ stqual = qstart($ if node .nes. scsnode then stqual = ""4$nchk: if queue_num .eq. 0 .and. nque .eq. 1 .and. -3 f$element(1,",",server_queues) .eqs. "," then - goto singleq$!A$! Set up the appropriate number of execution queues on one node;A$! if this is a vaxcluster, then we only start the queue if we're)$! actually executing on the correct node$!$ q = 0%$qloop: if q .ge. nque then goto endq$ queue_num = queue_num + 1!$ queue = f$fao(xqueue,queue_num)'$ queue_list = queue_list + "," + queue'$ if stqual .nes. "" then qreport queue#$ initque 'queue' 'onqual' 'stqual' $ q = q + 1 $ goto qloop$!$! Loop for next node$!$endq: n = n + 1 $ goto nloop$!L$! Here to set up the generic queue, after initialising all execution queues$!$$endn: queue_list = queue_list - ","$ if queue_list .nes. "" $ then -$ if qstart .nes. "" then qreport nmqueue.$ initgen('queue_list') 'nmqueue' 'qstart'$ endif $ goto exit$!:$! Here when we only want a single queue. No generic queue $! is needed.$! $singleq:)$ if stqual .nes. "" then qreport nmqueue&$ initque 'nmqueue' 'onqual' 'stqual' $$!($! All done, restore privileges and exit$!$exit:$ foo = f$setprv(old_privs)$ exit$$! $! Errors$! $no_privs:C$ write sys$output "%NMAIL-F-NOPRIV, need ''reqd_privs' privileges" $ goto exit $badmode:D$ write sys$output "%NMAIL-F-MODE, unknown start mode P1=""",p1,"""" $ goto exit$error:($ mess = "-" + f$message($status) - "%" ?$ write sys$output "%NMAIL-F-FATAL, error in startup procedure"$ write sys$output mess $ goto exit$$!$! End of NM$STARTUP.COM$!$*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$SYSMGR.DOC;1+,;.W/ 4IWV-'80123KPWOX56z4cؗ7-hؗ89GHJ 0 DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY* N M A I L1 SYSTEM MANAGER'S MANUALI This document contains system management information for Nmail V10.0.I Nmail is a tool which allows mail sent from the VMS MAIL utility to beI queued for subsequent delivery, with recovery from network failures and similar problems.I This Nmail kit is for use only within DEC. DEC customers (in the USAI at least) can buy Nmail through the ASSETS software library, also* known as the Digital Solutions Library.I Nmail was written by Dave Porter and is entirely unfunded; please sendI comments, suggestions, gratitude and legal tender to MU::PORTER.I Supply of this software and documentation does not commit me to anything, anytime. I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 2I Nmail V10.0 26 April 1994. CONTENTSI 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3I 2 COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS . . . . . . . . . 4I 2.1 New Features Added Since V9.3 . . . . . . . . . . 4I 2.2 New Features Added Since V9.2 . . . . . . . . . . 4I 2.3 New Features Added Since V9.1 . . . . . . . . . . 5I 2.4 New Features Added Since V9.0 . . . . . . . . . . 6I 3 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8I 3.1 Running VMSINSTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8I 3.2 Installation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . 8I 3.3 Completing The Installation . . . . . . . . . . . 8I 3.4 Tweaking Things Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9I 4 SYSTEM STARTUP PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . 10I 5 FILES WHICH WILL APPEAR ON YOUR SYSTEM . . . . . . 11I 5.1 Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11I 5.2 Work Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11I 5.3 Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12I 5.4 Other Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12I 6 TAILORABLE OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13I 6.1 Retry Interval (NM$DELTA) . . . . . . . . . . . 13I 6.2 Expiration Period (NM$EXPIRE) . . . . . . . . . 13I 6.3 Irrecoverable Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 13I 7 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . 15I 7.1 Stopping Nmail Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15I 7.2 Restarting Nmail Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . 15I 7.3 Verifying Queue Consistency . . . . . . . . . . 16I 8 MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION . . . 19I 8.1 Abnormal Error Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 19I 8.2 Loss Of System Queue File . . . . . . . . . . . 19I 8.3 What To Do If The IVP Message Never Comes . . . 19I 8.4 Protocol Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 3I INTRODUCTION 26 April 1994 1 INTRODUCTIONI Nmail works in conjunction with the VMS MAIL utility to implementI queued transmission of mail. This allows you to queue up mail toI nodes that are currently unreachable, for example, or to transmit longD documents without needing to wait until transmission is complete.I To send mail with Nmail, you run the VMS MAIL utility, and prefixI addresses with "NM%". This causes the Nmail interface code to beI invoked, and an entry is made in the Nmail queue (a VMS server queue1 under the jurisdiction of the job controller).I The Nmail queue is processed by the Nmail server symbiont, whichI handles the MAIL-11 protocol directly, and takes care of jobI resubmission as necessary to recover from network failures. In theI case of errors which are deemed irrecoverable, a report wil be mailed9 to the original sender, and the message text returned.I No special software is needed at the target node; mail sent by Nmail:#SF$ NMAIL100.A;'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$SYSMGR.DOC;1.EXE;1IW ' is received by the standard MAIL utility at the target.I Nmail V10.0 requires VMS V5.4 or later on VAX systems, or VMS V1.0 or later on Alpha systems.I This manual contains information of interest to the system manager,I including details of a few privileged commands. The informationI needed by ordinary users can be found in the User Guide (file% NM$UGUIDE.DOC) and in online help. I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 4I COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS 26 April 1994' 2 COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS% 2.1 New Features Added Since V9.3I o A new option on ANALYZE QUEUE allows any message files whichI were not found in the queue to be returned to the sender;I previously, they were simply resubmitted without modification.I o Further ANALYZE qualifiers, /BEFORE and /SINCE, allow partialI repair runs based on the message date. You can, for example,I execute one command to return all very old messages, and thenI another command to resubmit more recent messages for further attempts to send.I o If ANALYZE is unable to determine when a message was createdI by reading the .WRK file (for example, if it's not aI well-formed Nmail control file) then it will now display theI file's creation date/time instead. The time stored in the? file is preferred since it's not so easily changed.I o CANCEL and ANALYZE now allow you to specify some text to beI included in the returned message; see the description of the /REASON qualifier.I o SHOW QUEUE now supports an /ENTRY qualifier, to allow display" of just one Nmail job.I o Execution queues now have /NOENABLEGENERIC; this prevents= random print jobs from ending up in Nmail queues.% 2.2 New Features Added Since V9.2I o An undocumented and unused feature of Nmail used to placeI special significance on a dot in the node name part of a mailI address. This meant that Nmail couldn't handle Phase V9 names, so the funny feature has been removed.I o The generated names for control files have been changed soI that they are not generated in ascending order. This3 supposedly improves directory accesses.I o Queues are now initialized with /SCHEDULE=NOSIZE. ThisI avoids permanent lockout of some jobs on underconfiguredI systems (where the number of execution queues cannot keep up with the mail load).I o Nmail's 512-byte record size limitation is now documented in3 online help text and in the user guide. I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 5I COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS 26 April 1994I o The sending timestamp now includes a time differential factorI (offset from GMT) where this can be determined. This featureI is only available if your system has the UTC time servicesI which are today installed along with DECnet-VAX Extensions orI DECnet/OSI for VMS. The UTC services will be included in the! Blade release of VMS.I o The default for CANCEL is now /RETURN, since that's a saferI default. To request immediate cancellation with no return of/ the message, you can use /NORETURN.I o As always, if an Nmail job goes away whilst it's being SHOWn,I there's not much that Nmail can do about it. However, sinceI the new job controller, Nmail was reporting this as anG "unexpected error". Now it's a bit more graceful about it.I o Nmail now runs on Alpha hardware as well. Use the same kit& for VAX and Alpha systems.I o V9.3-4 will work correctly on the Epsilon (V2.0) release ofI Alpha VMS; older versions cause MAIL to loop, signalling anI ACCVIO error, when trying to activate the Nmail transport.I To fix this, a new image called NM_MAILSHRP.EXE was added to the kit.% 2.3 New Features Added Since V9.1I o Certain changes in the VMS batch/print subsystem made NmailI unable to tell when a queue was stopped; this broke theI commands NMAIL STOP QUEUE and NMAIL ANALYZE QUEUE. Nmail hasI now been fixed to work correctly with both old and new queue managers.I o A few new fatal errors were added to NM$ERROR.DAT:I "unbalanced", "host unknown", and "user unknown". These areH all related to sending mail through the ULTRIX mail gateway.I o Nmail tries to remove all "NM%" occurences from the to-listI prior to delivery, since they look ugly. It failed to doI this if the addresses were separated by spaces, not commas.= It was just a cosmetic problem, but is now fixed.I o Nmail's parser no longer assumes your personal name is aI well-constructed string, with matched quotes, etc. InI previous versions, certain ill-formed personal names would7 cause a fatal syntax error to be signalled.I o I added a paragraph about MAIL's SET TRANSPORT command to theH help text, since this seems to have been a well-kept secret. I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 6I COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS 26 April 1994% 2.4 New Features Added Since V9.0I o Nmail now supports the transportation of DDIF files, producedI by various DECwindows applications. DDIF files are fullyI supported by the DECwindows MAIL interface. There is partialI support in VMS MAIL; you can send DDIF files, but you cannotI display received DDIF files. If you try and read a receivedI DDIF message, you will only see any text (there may be none)$ embedded in the message.I o Nmail now has the ability to transport messages of any fileI format, using the unsupported SEND/FOREIGN command of VMS> MAIL. If it's not text or DDIF, use SEND/FOREIGN.I o ANALYZE QUEUE now checks for jobs which are wedged in aI "retained" state due to previous system failure; theI occurrence of such jobs usually correlates with some kind ofI cluster disaster. If /REPAIR is specified, then the retainedH jobs can be released or cancelled at the choice of the user.I o CANCEL now offers a /RETURN qualifier, which causes a copy ofI the message to be returned to the sender before cancellation is complete.I o Error messages from the remote mail object which include theI string "cannot accept" are now considered to be fatal. ThisI catches the new error "cannot accept this message format"I which was introduced when DECwindows support was added to MAIL.I o This version discontinues support for "format1" and "format2"I control files; as near as I can figure it, this means thatI messages posted with Nmail V8.0 or Nmail V8.1 cannot beI delivered by Nmail V9.1. Anything posted by Nmail V8.2 orI later should be ok. In case you're curious, the current( control files are "format5".I o Nmail had a habit of very very occasionally slipping in anI extraneous null character (^@) at the end of a document. ItI did this only if the last block of the document had exactly@ two free bytes. Anyway, it doesn't do that anymore.I o Nmail now opens files by file-id under all circumstances,I thereby avoiding the problems which sometimes occurred whenI the filespec stored in the job controller's queue had becomeI invalid. It wasn't possible $$$ NMAIL100.A;'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$SYSMGR.DOC;1.EXE;1IW+"to make this change until VMSF V5, as SYS$GETQUI had to learn how to say "file-id" first.I o The operation of the /DELETE qualifier on the STOP QUEUEI command has changed; it now deletes all queues including theI top-level NM$QUEUE. Any jobs in the queues are lost untilI you use ANALYZE QUEUE /REPAIR to recover them. This changeI in behaviour is regrettable, but the previous implementation I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 7I COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS 26 April 1994I was broken by VMS V5.2 job controller changes, and cannot be restored.I o The startup command file is now SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP.COM,I in accordance with the VMS V5 way of doing things. Don't: forget to edit your system startup procedures!I o There are some release notes in the Nmail kit, as expected by VMSINSTAL.I o The installation procedure now provides help if you enter a4 question mark in response to any prompt.I o Running the IVP is now optional at installation time.I Execution of NM$STARTUP.COM is also optional if you don't" choose to run the IVP.I o If you have defined NM$WORK to point to somewhere other thanI the usual Nmail work directory, then the installationI procedure will apply the old definition to the new installation.I o Nmail's SHOW QUEUE command will now issue a warning messageI if it finds jobs to display and there are no Nmail queues which are started.I o The Nmail daemon now uses different job names for the variousI types of Nmail jobs that it can submit: REPORT for errorI reports, SUMMARY for end of run summaries requested by theI user, and RETURNED for messages returned to sender on error.I This last category is only used for foreign or DDIF messages,C since text messages are returned in the REPORT message.I o Job submitted by the daemon are now submitted under the* pseudo-user name NMAIL-DAEMON.I o There used to be an undocumented logical name NM$MAXRETURNI which would restrict the size of messages which Nmail wouldI return to sender. The implementation was not compatible withI changes made for foreign message support, so it is no longer supported.I o I have added a couple of variations to NM$CONFIRM with theI aim of cutting down mail noise in cases where Nmail managesI to deliver the message on the first attempt (which is usuallyI the case for purely local deliveries). Refer to the User Guide for details. I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 8YI INSTALLATION 26 April 1994  3 INSTALLATION 3.1 Running VMSINSTALc To install, use VMSINSTAL:t# $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATEo0 $ COPY MU::DAVES_BITSHOP:NMAIL100.A *, $ @VMSINSTAL NMAIL100 SYS$UPDATE:7 The same kit is used for both VAX and Alpha systems.lI You will be asked a few questions about your configuration. If you I don't understand a question, simply enter "?" in response to theaI prompt. The installation procedure will display some explanatory text and then repeat the question.I It is fairly easy to change the configuration at a later date, just byt* editing the Nmail startup command file.| dI| Note that Dave's Bitshop now lives on Mu, my home node. It is noa+| longer to be found on the Smaug cluster. ! 3.2 Installation Verification I After all the Nmail files have been copied to their target I directories, the Installation Verification Procedure will (if I selected) send a message via Nmail to the username under which you'reEI currently logged in. It should take under a minute for the mail toeI arrive; if it fails to arrive then something's amiss. A later sectioneI of this document describes some steps which may assist you ine isolating the problem. I The VMS username under which you perform the installation must be able I to send and receive mail, or else the IVP will fail to work correctly. I To avoid confusion, mail to this username should not be forwarded; use I MAIL's SHOW FORWARD command to check. Forwarding will not actually I prevent the IVP from working but makes it more difficult to determine < what's going on in the unlikely event of the IVP failing.# 3.3 Completing The Installation I If you are installing Nmail in a cluster then you need to take further I action to make Nmail available throughout the cluster. You must log I in to the system manager's account, or some other suitably privileged I account, on each of the other nodes; type "@SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP" in & order to complete the installation.I This step is necessary because, although VMSINSTAL may automatically I execute NM$STARTUP.COM, it can only do so for the system on which it  I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 9 I INSTALLATION 26 April 1994  is actually running. I The SYSMAN utility may help make it easier for you to perform these I operations throughout the cluster, without the need to log in to each I and every cluster member. Consult VMS documentation for details of 2 SYSMAN operation, in particular the DO command.I You must also reinstall the DCLTABLES image on each other cluster I node. DCLTABLES was modified during installation to include the NMAIL I command syntax, but VMSINSTAL is only able to replace the image on the I running system. Use the INSTALL REPLACE command to reinstall DCLTABLES. I Finally, you must edit your system startup procedures so that Nmail is I started up whenever the system is rebooted. How to do this isa! described in the next section.  3.4 Tweaking Things LaterII Your answers to the installation questions are recorded at the top of I the startup command procedure SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP.COM. You caniI edit these lines (and only these lines) to make changes to youroI configuration. For example, creating extra Nmail execution queues isrI achieved by simply changing the appropriate number assigned in  NM$STARTUP.COM.I After editing NM$STARTUP.COM, make sure you stop all running queuesdI (NMAIL STOP QUEUE) before invoking the new version. If the queues arevI still running, then NM$STARTUP won't give any error, but it won'tdI exactly work as expected either, since any INITIALIZE commandsI qualifiers which attempt to modify a running queue are quietly ignoredp by the job controller.k I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 10rI SYSTEM STARTUP PROCEDURES 26 April 1994  4 SYSTEM STARTUP PROCEDURESnI You must edit your system startup procedures so that Nmail ishI correctly initialised whenever the system is rebooted. If your systemtI is part of a cluster then you must do this for all nodes in thesI cluster which need access to Nmail, not just those which you selectedn for execution queues.I To initialise Nmail, insert the following line at a suitable place inm$ your system startup command file.$ $ @SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUPI You must place this line such that it will only be executed afterVI DECnet is up-and-running. In particular, all node names must beII defined before the Nmail symbiont queues can be started, or else there F is a risk that mail will fail with a spurious "unknown node" error.I If you normally allow users to log in before DECnet is fully started, I then it's best to initialise Nmail in two stages. Firstly, executeeI the following line to initialise everything that's needed so thatiI users can use Nmail. This should preferably be done before users cans log in.* $ @SYS$STARTUP:NM%$ NMAIL100.A;'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$SYSMGR.DOC;1.EXE;1IWB,$STARTUP INITI Secondly, at some point after all DECnet node names have been defined,nI execute the following line to complete the initialisation by startingc the queues.+ $ @SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP START I You must choose to either use the single stage startup (just one callmI to NM$STARTUP without parameters) or two stage startup (two calls, thel7 first specifying INIT, the second specifying START).o iI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 11 I FILES WHICH WILL APPEAR ON YOUR SYSTEM 26 April 1994s, 5 FILES WHICH WILL APPEAR ON YOUR SYSTEMI Installation of Nmail V10.0 will result in the following changes beingn made to your system:e 5.1 FileshI The following files are copied to your system from the Nmail kit when/' you execute the VMSINSTAL procedure: @ SYS$SHARE:NM_MAILSHR.EXE Interface to VMS MAILH SYS$SHARE:NM_MAILSHRP.EXE Privileged interface routinesB SYS$SYSTEM:NM$DAEMON.EXE Nmail daemon (symbiont); SYS$SYSTEM:NM$QUEMAN.EXE Utility commands B SYS$SYSTEM:NM$ERROR.DAT Hard error message list? SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP.COM Startup command file 5 SYS$HELP:NM$UGUIDE.DOC User GuideeB SYS$HELP:NM$SYSMGR.DOC System Manager's manualI All of the above files are owned by the system UIC and have standard I protection codes of (SYSTEM=RWED, OWNER=RWED, GROUP=RWED, WORLD=RE).iI You can change the protection in any way that you think suitable towI your system security requirements. The effects of changing protection  should be obvious to you. 5.2 Work DirectoryI The installation procedure will create the work directorydI SYS$COMMON:[NMAIL] if it does not already exist. Nmail uses this I directory to store the 'control files' that it uses. Each control0I file contains all information needed to process one Nmail'd mailOI message. The control file is deleted when a message has been fully processed. I The directory is owned by the system UIC and the protection is set toGI (SYSTEM=RWE, OWNER=RWE, GROUP, WORLD). The world is thus unable toaI create files in this directory, but Nmail is able to do so because ita runs in a privileged mode.AI Individual control files are created with owner set to the system UICnI and protection (SYSTEM=RWD, OWNER=RWD, GROUP, WORLD) so cannot be readlI or modified by the world, thus ensuring a reasonable level of privacy. I You can if you wish place the work directory on another disk, but you,I must make sure the disk is available whenever users can log in or theyI Nmail queues are running. Create the directory with appropriate I ownership and protection (see above), and then edit NM$STARTUP.COM tos eI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 12eI FILES WHICH WILL APPEAR ON YOUR SYSTEM 26 April 1994lI change the 'work_directory' assignment in the first few lines of the9 file. 5.3 QueuesI The Nmail startup procedure NM$STARTUP.COM, which is executed duringAI the installation procedure and also at every system startup,t3 initialises the queues used by the Nmail system. I Generally speaking, there is a single generic queue called NM$QUEUEI feeding some number of execution queues called NM$QUEnn, where nn is anI two-digit number. Systems that have only one execution queue will not F have NM$QUEnn queues but will have NM$QUEUE as the execution queue.I The queues are owned by the system UIC and the protection code is set I to (SYSTEM=E, OWNER=D, GROUP=R, WORLD=R). This prevents non-system I users from submitting random files into the queue. Nmail is able to I submit legal Nmail jobs since it runs in a privileged mode. I Non-privileged users are only able to read (display) the queues and to ' delete or modify jobs that they own. I I recommend that you do not change the protection code on the queues, I as no benefit can be obtained by so doing, but detrimental effects cant certainly result. 5.4 Other StuffjI Help information will be included in the system help library under theo topic "Nmail". I The DCL command "NMAIL" will be added to your system-wide DCL tables. I This command invokes the utilities used to display and cancel NmailrD jobs. See the User Guide or the online help for command formats. lI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 13tI TAILORABLE OPTIONS 26 April 1994c 6 TAILORABLE OPTIONSI The following options allow the default behaviour of Nmail to beEI modified for the entire system. There are similar options availablerI per user or per message; see the Nmail User Guide for details of these.e! 6.1 Retry Interval (NM$DELTA)CI The default retry period is 30 minutes. This can be changed byDI defining the logical name NM$DELTA in the LNM$SYSTEM table. TheAI equivalence must be a valid VMS delta time string. Nmail will notD> permit you to set the retry period to less than 10 minutes.I A VMS delta time string has the format "dd hh:mm:ss.cc", where dd, hh,dI mm, ss and cc give the number of days, hours, minutes, seco 7nds andaI centiseconds, respectively, in the time interval. For example,II defining NM$DELTA as "0 01:00:00.00" will change the retry period toO one hour.I The symbiont looks at this logical name only during initialisation; I any redefinition will not take effect until you stop and restart the  symbiont. To do this, use:" $ NMAIL STOP QUEUE /LOG# $ NMAIL START QUEUE /LOGP% 6.2 Expiration Period (NM$EXPIRE) I The default expiration period is 3 days. This can be changed byoI defining the logical name NM$EXPIRE in the LNM$SYSTEM table. The G equivalence must be a valid VMS delta time string, as defined above. I As with NM$DELTA, the symbiont only looks at this logical name duringiI initialisation, so you must stop and restart the queues to change the  expiration period. $ 6.3 Irrecoverable Error AnalysisI If Nmail encounters some error whilst sending your message, itsI examines the text messages returned from the network in order tooI decide whether the condition is potentially recoverable and hencea5 whether it should retry later of else give up now. I A text message indicates an irrecoverable error if it contains one of I the text fragments listed in SYS$SYSTEM:NM$ERROR.DAT; otherwise it is I recoverable. You can edit this file to add extra conditions that you I think should be considered fatal; please contact me if you do so, ando sI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 14tI TAILORABLE OPTIONS 26 April 1994t< I will consider adding your message to the released file.I If you edit the error data file, then you must stop and restart theu1 symbiont before the changes will be effective.o nI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 15oI SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMANDS 26 April 1994w 7 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMANDSI Nmail provides a few commands which are of use only to system managerss, and operators. They are described below. 7.1 Stopping Nmail Queues I If you wish to stop all of the Nmail queues, then a convenient way to 2 do this is to use the Nmail STOP QUEUE command:. $ NMAIL STOP QUEUE [/LOG] [/DELETE]I This command requests that each queue stops as soon as possible. If arI queue is currently processing an Nmail job, then the queue will not beeI stopped until the job is finished. The command will not return (that I is, the utility will not exit) until all queues are fully stopped. I This is different to DCL's STOP /QUEUE /NEXT command, which does not/ wait for the queues to become fully stopped.YI If you specify /LOG, then the STOP QUEUE command will display progress I messages as it operates. During the time that the utility is waitingoI for queues to become stopped, a message to that effect will b&$ NMAIL100.A;'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$SYSMGR.DOC;1.EXE;1IWX"=ex displayed every 10 seconds.I If you specify /DELETE, then all queues will be deleted. This option I is useful if you intend to change your configuration by editingnI NM$STARTUP.COM. All jobs will be lost from the queues, although thecI work files will remain on disk; use the Nmail Queue Repair utility too3 recover the lost jobs after creating new queues. I To restart the queues, you can generally issue the NMAIL START QUEUEoI command. If, however, you specified /DELETE when stopping the queues,yI then you must first execute @SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP to create the new queues.I The NMAIL STOP QUEUE command requires OPER privilege. The commandtI operates on NM$QUEUE and all execution queues associated with NM$QUEUE I (that is, all queues listed in the /GENERIC qualifier when NM$QUEUEo was initialized). 7.2 Restarting Nmail QueuesaI To restart all of the Nmail queues, use the Nmail START QUEUE command:m% $ NMAIL START QUEUE [/LOG]sI This queue starts all Nmail queues throughout the cluster. It is notsI a substitute for the NM$STARTUP procedure that you use at systemcI startup time; that procedure does much much more than simply start them queues. aI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 16DI SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMANDS 26 April 1994AI If you specify /LOG, then the START QUEUE command will displayo$ progress messages as it operates.I The NMAIL START QUEUE command requires OPER privilege. It operates oneI NM$QUEUE and all execution queues associated with NM$QUEUE (that is, C listed in the /GENERIC qualifier when NM$QUEUE was initialized). # 7.3 Verifying Queue ConsistencyiI Sometimes, Nmail control files can be left in the work directory I without there being a corresponding entry in the queue. The left-overeI control files might in some circumstances actually correspond toVI valuable messages which need to be sent. For example. if someLI disaster occurs involving your VMS system queue file, you need a way to recover the lost messages.I In other cases, jobs can be retained in the queue indefinitely, due toDI some fatal system error. This usually means that some sort of clusterSI failure occurred while Nmail was running. In any event, such jobssH need to be explicitly released before Nmail can process them further.I The Nmail Queue Repair utility is the tool to use under suchn) circumstances. The command syntax is:o| e7| $ NMAIL ANALYZE QUEUE [/REPAIR [/NOCONFIRM]]t;| [/RETURN] [/REASON="text"]i(| [/HOLD]=| [/BEFORE=date] [/SINCE=date]oI If you do not specify any qualifiers, then the utility will simplyeI report on any inconsistencies it finds, without attempting any  corrective action.eI If you do specify /REPAIR, then the Queue Repair utility will attemptVI to repair the damage. By default, the utility prompts you foroI confirmation before taking corrective action. You can change thisa& behaviour by specifying /NOCONFIRM.9 The repair actions that the utility will take include: I . Resubmitting valid control files to the queue, if they're notyI| already in it. You can choose to have resubmitted messageseI| marked to be returned to the sender by using /RETURN. IntI| addition, you can cause some unqueued files to be skipped onsA| the basis of creation date. Details are given below.mI Mail messages from local users will be submitted under the I correct user name; messages from remote DECnet users will beeI submitted under the pseudo-username "(network)". TheI username actually has no effect on the delivery of the message. I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 17eI SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMANDS 26 April 1994eI . Optionally, deleting valid control files that are not entereda in the queue. I This action is not available if you specify /NOCONFIRM; theA= utility will always resubmit valid control files. I . Deleting invalid control files found in the work directory,IG and cancelling the corresponding queue job if there is one.I . Cancelling jobs which correspond to invalid control fileso. which are in some other directory.I The file is not deleted in this case since it could be anmC important file which somehow got into the Nmail queues.tI . Releasing otherwise valid jobs that are stuck in a "retained"SH state; this allows Nmail to resume processing on those jobs.I Optionally, a retained job can be cancelled and the controlyI file deleted; this choice is not available with /NOCONFIRM inL effect.oI All Nmail queues must be fully stopped before the Queue Repair utilityrF can be used. Use NMAIL STOP QUEUE to stop the queues conveniently.| eI| Resubmitted jobs are, by default, reprocessed by Nmail just as if I| they'd never been lost from the queue. If you specify /RETURN, then I| no further attempt will be made to send the message, which willNI| instead be returned to the sender (exactly as with the Nmail command | CANCEL /RETURN).u| I| It may be a good idea to use /RETURN if you're not sure about the I| wisdom of resubmitting messages which may be quite old. Don't I| underestimate the confusion that can be caused by sudden delivery ofl'| messages that were posted weeks ago! | eI| You can use the /REASON qualifier to include a line of up to 255TI| characters of explanatory text with a returned message. If you don'tcI| specify /REASON, then a standard explanation is supplied, which says ?| that the message was returned as a result of a queue repair.t| rI| The qualifiers /BEFORE and /SINCE can be used to skip the resubmissionaI| of certain unqueued messages. If the original submission time of thelI| message lies after the "before" time, or before the "since" time, thensI| no further repair action will be attempted for that message. ThiseI| allows you to run the Repair utility twice, applying different actionsnI| based on the message creation time. For example, you may wish tosI| return very old messages to their senders, and then resubmit the more)| recent messages for normal processing.gI Resubmitted or released jobs are normally made available for I processing as soon as the Nmail queues are restarted. If you specify I /HOLD, then resubmitted or released jobs are placed in a holdingi aI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 18aI SYSTEM MANAGEMENT COMMANDS 26 April 1994oI state, and must be explicitly released before they are available fornI| Nmail processing. You might choose to use /HOLD if you wish to begI| able to examine the message in more detail, with the Show utility,a&| before deciding what to do with it.I You can if you wish release all held jobs by running the Queue Repair A utility a second time, this time omitting the /HOLD qualifier.tI The NMAIL ANALYZE QUEUE command requires that you have SYSPRV and OPERiI privileges. Furthermore, the /REPAIR qualifier requires that you have I CMKRNL privilege, since you will be submitting jobs to execute unders other user names.I You can only use the /CONFIRM qualifier (whether explicitly specifiedoI or defaulted) in an interactive process. If you wish to run the QueueI Repair utility in batch and specify /REPAIR, then you must also specify /NOCONFIRM. OI Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 19AI MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION 26 April 1994o1 8 MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION! 8.1 Abnormal Error ConditionslI If an Nmail job suffers from some abnormal error condition whichSI cannot be reported back to the original sender, for example a corrupttI control file, then the symbiont will broadcast a message to'ȵ8$ NMAIL100.A;'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$SYSMGR.DOC;1.EXE;1IW{N the I operator console (via OPCOM class CENTRAL if OPCOM is running,n' otherwise directly to device OPA0:). I Such errors generally indicate internal Nmail problems and will be few I and far between; however, they can also be caused by deliberatefI mischief, for example a privileged user SUBMITting an ordinary textS file into the Nmail queue.SI If a fatal run error occurs, the job will be left in the queue in aII "completed" state -- the output from the NMAIL SHOW QUEUE command willG3 include the status message "error in execution".iI To delete the entry use the NMAIL CANCEL command. To reattempt themI job, if you think the error may have been a transient condition, useI the NMAIL RELEASE command. Both of these commands are described ina the User Guide.! 8.2 Loss Of System Queue FiledI If for some reason, your system queue file is deleted, corrupted, orlI otherwise suffers some disaster, then don't worry: you haven't lostoI all the unsent mail. Use the Nmail Queue Repair utility (described ind+ this manual) to recover from the damage.p1 8.3 What To Do If The IVP Message Never Comes I If the Nmail IVP appears to execute correctly, but you never receivehI the mail message which it sends to you, then check the followingi things:I . Is the job still in the queue? Use the command NMAIL SHOWeI QUEUE /FULL to check. If it's not there, then the message=I probably has been sent ok, but perhaps the account you'relD using for the installation has mail forwarded elsewhere.I . If the job is in the queue, has Nmail in fact tried to sendtI it yet? The output from the Nmail SHOW QUEUE command will I tell you this information. If the message has not yet beenrI attempted, then it could be that all Nmail queues are busySI (if this isn't the first time Nmail has been installed, andW/ other users have messages waiting).r 1I Nmail V10.0 System Manager's manual Page 20 I MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION 26 April 1994NI . Another possibility, if the message hasn't been attempted ataI all, is that you didn't include an execution queue on thehI current node, and you have not yet run NM$STARTUP.COM on the I other nodes. Thus there is no active execution queueE' available for your message. I . If Nmail has tried to deliver your message, what error did it I encounter? The last error encountered is displayed in theyI output from NMAIL SHOW QUEUE /FULL. If it is something such,I as "network partner exited", it indicates a problem with ther, DECnet mail server on your node.I . To show that it is your local mail server's problem, try I sending a message without using Nmail. Send the message to I 0::username -- the use of "0::" forces MAIL to use DECnett$ even for local delivery. 8.4 Protocol TraceI You probably don't ever need to do this, but if you're very unlucky,I you'll experience an Nmail problem that requires a MAIL-11 protocolm trace to resolve.I To enable Nmail tracing, you must define the logical name NM$TRACEs$ before starting the Nmail queues: $ NMAIL STOP QUEUEo% $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM 1 NM$TRACEe $ NMAIL START QUEUEI Each symbiont appends trace data to the file I SYS$MANAGER:NMAILTRACE_nnnn.LOG, where the "nnnn" is the same number I as the number in the name of the queue that this symbiont serves. IfgI NM$QUEUE is an execution queue, the symbiont will use filer NMAILTRACE.LOG.I The trace information is cryptic, and requires an understanding ofNI MAIL-11 to appreciate it. Only the first and last blocks of the textvI transfer phase of the protocol are traced. In addition, only 16 or so I characters are traced from each message, in order to protect theS privacy of the sender.lI Don't leave trace enabled when you don't need it, unless you've goto+ disk space to waste on frivolous things.u) [End of Nmail System Manager's manual]a$*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$UGUIDE.DOC;1+,.6/ 4I66>-'80123KPWO756Zjcؗ7ڍ5hؗ89GHJ 0 DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY* N M A I L+ USER GUIDEI This document contains user information for Nmail V10.0. Nmail is aI tool which allows mail sent from the VMS MAIL utility to be queued forI subsequent delivery, with recovery from network failures and similar problems.I This Nmail kit is for use only within DEC. DEC customers (in the USAI at least) can buy Nmail through the ASSETS software library, also* known as the Digital Solutions Library.I Nmail was written by Dave Porter and is entirely unfunded; please sendI comments, suggestions, gratitude and legal tender to MU::PORTER.I Supply of this software and documentation does not commit me to anything, anytime. I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 2I Nmail V10.0 26 April 1994. CONTENTSI 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3I 2 SENDING AND RECEIVING MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4I 2.1 Sending Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4I 2.2 Receiving Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6I 2.3 Mail From The Nmail Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . 6I 3 NMAIL UTILITY FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7I 3.1 Checking On The Status Of Unsent Mail . . . . . . 7I 3.2 Cancelling Unsent Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8I 3.3 Releasing Held Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9I 4 USER-SELECTABLE OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10I 4.1 Confirmation Of Job Completion . . . . . . . . . 10I 4.2 Expiration Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11I 4.3 Retry Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11I 4.4 First Attempt Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12I 4.5 No Return To Sender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 3I INTRODUCTION 26 April 1994 1 INTRODUCTIONI Nmail works in conjunction with the VMS MAIL utility to implementI queued transmission of mail. This allows you to queue up mail toI nodes that are currently unreachable, for example, or to transmit longD documents without needing to wait until transmission is complete.I Nmail requires no special software to be installed at the remote node;A it can send to any destination that ordinary MAIL can send to.I This document is the guide for general users of Nmail. There isI another manual which contains information of interest to the system% manager -- see file NM$SYSMGR.DOC. I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 4I SENDING AND RECEIVING MAIL 26 April 1994 2 SENDING AND RECEIVING MAILI Nmail is integrated with VMS MAIL for the sending and receiving of mail. 2.1 Sending MailI Use any of the MAIL commands which send mail, such as SEND andI FORWARD. To tell MAIL that Nmail is to be used, you type addresses inI the same format that you'd normally use with MAIL, but put (!$ NMAIL100.A'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$UGUIDE.DOC;1XE;1I6J""NM%" in9 front of each address for which you want to use Nmail. For example: MAIL> SEND7 To: NM%WHITEH::RODHAM, NM%WHITEH::CLINTON1 Subj: Adopt a single-payer system nowG You can mix Nmail addresses and ordinary MAIL addresses if you wish.I You can use logical names for the "node::user" part of an address, orI just the "node" part, exactly as you'd do without the "NM%" prefix.I You can also define a logical name for the complete address, "NM%node::user".I MAIL has a useful shortcut so that you don't actually need to typeI "NM%" on each and every address. You can use the /TRANSPORT qualifierI to direct MAIL to assume the presence of "NM%" on every address thatB doesn't already start with a transport-name (any "xx%" prefix).8 Thus, another way to express the previous example is:$ MAIL> SEND /TRANSPORT=NM%1 To: WHITEH::RODHAM, WHITEH::CLINTON1 Subj: Adopt a single-payer system nowI You can even use the /TRANSPORT qualifier with the REPLY command, thusI allowing use of Nmail for replies -- something that didn't work too well before VMS V5.I An even more convenient MAIL option allows you to set your default transport:" MAIL> SET TRANSPORT NM%I This causes /TRANSPORT=NM% to be applied to all SEND, REPLY andI FORWARD commands in which no explicit /TRANSPORT is used. The default3 transport setting is saved in your mail profile.I If you use a distribution list (.DIS file) then you can either add theI "NM%" prefix to every name within the file, or else you can use theI /TRANSPORT qualifier so that MAIL assumes "NM%" by default. You never I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 5I SENDING AND RECEIVING MAIL 26 April 19940 include "NM%" in the name of the file itself. MAIL> SEND To: @USGOVT> Subj: Managed competition is doomed from the startI Nmail will include a time stamp in the proper place in the "personalI name" field included in the mail message. This allows the recipientI to know the time at which the mail was actually entered by you, whichA may be different to the time at which the mail is transmitted.I Your Nmail job will be entered in the Nmail generic queue, NM$QUEUE,I and eventually processed by one of the Nmail symbionts running in yourI system or cluster. If you wish to check on the progress of your job6 at any time, use the Nmail Show utility; see later.I If a network error occurs while the symbiont is sending, then the jobI will be rescheduled for a later time. At this later time, Nmail willI again attempt to deliver all the as-yet undelivered copies of your message.I If some error occurs which Nmail deems to be irrecoverable (such as anI unknown node name) then you will be notified by a mail message thatI this has occurred. A copy of your original message text will beI returned in the error report, in case you wish to correct the problem and resend the message.I If Nmail cannot deliver your message within 3 days (or some otherI length of time, at the discretion of your system manager) then it willI give up trying, and notify you as if an irrecoverable error had occurred.I Nmail should be able to handle any files that MAIL or the DECwindowsI MAIL interface can handle, with one exception: it cannot handle textI files with records longer than 512 bytes. Normal text files andI compound document DDIF files can be sent with SEND. Other non-textI files or files with oversized records should be sent with SEND/FOREIGN= to make sure that all information is preserved in transit.I Nmail's 512-byte restriction on record length arises because it isI always necessary for Nmail to read the file in record mode whenI building its work file. Thus, there needs to be some finiteI limitation, and the 512-byte record buffer supplied by MAIL seems to) be a reasonable limit for a text file.I MAIL, by contrast, is sometimes able to handle files with longI records, because it may be able to send the file in block mode. InI this case, it simply does not notice the excessive size of someG records. In other cases it will report an error just as Nmail does.I In any event, there is a simple workaround: use SEND/FOREIGN to send5 files which contain records longer than 512 bytes. I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 6I SENDING AND RECEIVING MAIL 26 April 1994 2.2 Receiving MailI No special software is required to receive mail sent with Nmail. OnI VMS, the mail will be received identically as if it had been sent' directly with the usual MAIL sender.I Nmail uses the MAIL-11 protocol and thus can speak to any mailI receiver which uses this protocol; this includes the various mailI utilities (not all of which are necessarily supported products) onI VMS, RSX-11M, RSX-11M-Plus, RSTS/E and Ultrix-32. There are alsoI several gateways via which MAIL-11 senders can communicate with other mail systems." 2.3 Mail From The Nmail DaemonI If the Nmail system decides that it cannot send your mail, then theI sending daemon will send you mail to report this. This report will beI received as normal VMS mail; the sender will be NMAIL-DAEMON onI whichever node was attempting to send the mail; this may be different< from the one on which you entered the mail, in a cluster.I The report will include details which will allow you to identify whichI message Nmail was attempting to send. Then, for each failing address,I Nmail will report the most recent error message encountered. ThisI message may indicate some condition directly reported by the NmailI daemon (such as an unknown node name) or some condition reported from7 the destination node (such as an unknown user name).I After Nmail has reported a hard (irrecoverable) error to you, it willI cease attempts to send that message to that address. It will howeverI continue to attempt to send the message to other as-yet-unsent2 addresses which have not experienced any error.I Nmail will return the text of your original message at the end of theI error report. If you want to resend this message after fixing theI problem, then you can, for example, use MAIL's EXTRACT command to saveI the report in a file, edit it to remove all text other than your( original message, and then resend it. I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 7I NMAIL UTILITY FUNCTIONS 26 April 1994 3 NMAIL UTILITY FUNCTIONSI Nmail provides some utility functions; these functions are notI accessible from within MAIL but rather are invoked by a DCL command, "NMAIL".- 3.1 Checking On The Status Of Unsent MailI To display details of Nmail messages that have been entered into theA queue but not yet completely sent, use the Nmail Show utility.. $ NMAIL SHOW QUEUE [/FULL] [/BRIEF]: [/STATUS=SENT|UNSENT|FAILED]2 [/ALL] [/USER=user]/ [/ENTRY=entrynum]0 [/OUTPUT=filespec]I The output from this utility will include details of all messagesI entered by you. If you do not specify either of the qualifiers, thenI an intermediate level of detail will be presented. To get more or2 less detail, use /FULL or /BRIEF, respectively.I A status of "sent", "unsent" or "failed" will be displayed for eachI recipient, in the default or full displays. A sent message has beenI successfully delivered to the recipient. An unsent message has notI been delivered, but Nmail will continue to retry. A failed messageI has not been delivered, and Nmail considers the error to be irrecoverable.I By default, the display includes details of all recipients. To selectI only those recipients with a particular status, use /STATUS. ForI example)+D$ NMAIL100.A'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$UGUIDE.DOC;1XE;1I6a", specify /STATUS=UNSENT to show only "unsent" recipients.I /STATUS can be specified with /FULL and /BRIEF as well as for theI default display (although as things stand it's not especially% meaningful for the brief display).I In the full display, the most recent error condition experienced willI be displayed for each recipient to whom the message has not beenI delivered. Nmail may or may not consider this error to beI recoverable, as indicated by the status field. Additionally, the timeI at which that attempt was made will be shown (the time is actually theA time at the end of the attempt, rather than at the beginning).I For an active job, the addresses to which Nmail is currentlyI attempting delivery will be indicated by an arrow symbol on the left, of the screen (in the full display only).I After Nmail has completely processed a message -- that is, after allI addresses have either received the message or else failedI irrecoverably -- then all information about that message is deletedI from the system. Thus if the SHOW command reports that you have noA jobs queued, you can assume that they have all been completed. I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 8I NMAIL UTILITY FUNCTIONS 26 April 1994I Use /ALL to display details of all messages entered by all users. UseI /USER=user to display details of all messages entered by the specifiedI username. These two qualifiers require SYSPRV privilege and areI really intended to allow the system manager to diagnose possibleI problems. In any case, the subject of the message is not displayed (in case it's private).I Use /ENTRY to display details of a single entry in the Nmail queue,I identified by the specified entry number. If that entry is owned byI some other user, then you must specify the username with the /USER# qualifier -- SYSPRV is required.I By default, output from the utility is directed to SYS$OUTPUT; use* /OUTPUT to direct the output elsewhere.I Since jobs may move around in the queues while the SHOW command isI working, it is possible that occasionally a job gets missed. It isI even possible that a message will be completed while SHOW is lookingI at that very job, resulting in a "file not found" error from SHOW.I Very little can be done to prevent these effects, but they are fortunately relatively rare. 3.2 Cancelling Unsent MailI To cancel further attempts to send a pending Nmail message, use the Nmail Cancel utility./ $ NMAIL CANCEL entrynum [/NORETURN] 3 [/REASON="text"]/ [/USER=user]) [/LOG]I The "entrynum" parameter identifies the entry in the queue. It can beD determined by looking at the display from the Nmail Show utility.I By default, the CANCEL command requests that a copy of the messageI text be returned to the sender via mail, after which the message willI be deleted from the system. Cancellation in this case requires theI intervention of the Nmail symbiont to complete the processing of the message.I If you specify /NORETURN, then CANCEL will immediately remove theI queue entry and deletes all knowledge of the message from the system.I The message text is irretrievably lost (that is, the copy that NmailI keeps is deleted; if you prepared your message in a file before- sending it, the original is not affected).I Use /USER=user to cancel jobs belonging to another user. ThisI qualifier requires that you have SYSPRV privilege. Use this optionI wisely! Note that the job will only be cancelled if both the entry@ number and the username match the specified parameter values. I Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 9 I NMAIL UTILITY FUNCTIONS 26 April 1994I| You can use the /REASON qualifier to include a line of up to 255sI| characters of explanatory text with the returned message. It's I| probably most useful to do this if you're cancelling someone else'siI| jobs, but you can also specify a reason when cancelling your own jobs.s)| /REASON cannot be used with /NORETURN.uI If you specify /LOG, then the utility will print a message confirming 2 that the entry has been successfully cancelled. 3.3 Releasing Held JobsaI To release an Nmail job that is waiting until a specified time to run,OI or a job that is being held in the queue, use the Nmail Releasem utility.yI Most users will never need to use this command, so if you're just I beginning to use Nmail, don't worry if you can't see what the Release utility is really useful for.0 $ NMAIL RELEASE entrynum [/USER=user]* [/LOG]I The "entrynum" parameter identifies the entry in the queue. It can be D determined by looking at the display from the Nmail Show utility.I The RELEASE command causes the queue entry to be made available for I immediate processing. It can be used to release a job that is waiting I in the queue until a particular time is reached, or to release a job 1 which is being held in the queue indefinitely.eI If a job is being indefinitely held, the Nmail Show utility will sayeI "error in execution" or "held in queue" in the output display for thata job. I In the former case, it means that some fatal error has occurred,OI either in Nmail itself or in VMS. If you release a job, and it almostfI immediately returns to the same state, then it's probable that you'veiI encountered an irrecoverable Nmail system error. An OPCOM message 6 will have been logged, giving details of the error.I In the latter case, it means that the job is being held due to I explicit operator action, for example when rebuilding system queue0I files after some disaster. You can decide whether the mail message isO= still relevant, and then either CANCEL or RELEASE the job.I Use /USER=user to release jobs belonging to another user. The jobiI will only be released if both the entry number and the username match I the specified parameter values. Use of this qualifier requires that  you have SYSPRV privilege.nI If you specify /LOG, then the utility will print a message confirminge1 that the entry has been successfully released.  eI Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 10 I USER-SELECTABLE OPTIONS 26 April 1994  4 USER-SELECTABLE OPTIONSnI There are a number of ways in which the individual user can modifyI Nmail default actions and parameters. You can elect to receive I positive confirmation of Nmail job completion, and you can control the92 expiration and retry periods for your messages.I Currently, user options are indicated by setting up DCL symbols inI your process environment. This is somewhat kludgey in nature and will I be changed as soon as something better can be achieved. At that time, ) the current mechanism will be dropped.oI Therefore, before you make use of the features listed in this section,hI you must realise that details of the user interface is subject to ? change in future versions of the software. Got that? OK...N& 4.1 Confirmation Of Job CompletionI By default, Nmail jobs will quietly disappear from the system when alloI copies of the message have been delivered (or have irrecoverablydI failed to be delivered, in which case you will have received a mailed% error report). I If you wish to receive positive confirmation that your job has beendI completed, then define the DCL symbol NM$CONFIRM to have the value 1.e/ You might want to do this in your LOGIN.COM:  NM$CONFIRM == 1I Any mail that you send while this definition is in effect will be I marked as requiring confirmation of completion. The Nmail daemon willI eventually mail you a "delivery summary" for the message, which willII list all recipients and show the final status (sent or failed) of each one. I Y*Hx$ NMAIL100.A'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NM$UGUIDE.DOC;1XE;1I6s*ou can see whether a particular mail message has completionTI confirmation requested by looking at the output from NMAILe SHOW QUEUE /FULL.I If you like a little less noise than the above option gives you, then 9 there are two other values you can set for NM$CONFIRM: NM$CONFIRM == 2I With the above value for NM$CONFIRM, Nmail simply broadcasts aYI notification to your terminal at the end of the first attempt to sendeI a message, if and+ only if the message needed to be requeued forsI another attempt. Thus unless you receive the broadcast, you canr6 assume your mail message was delivered immediately. NM$CONFIRM == 3 oI Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 11uI USER-SELECTABLE OPTIONS 26 April 1994II The value 3 gives you a combination of the above two options. It actshI like value 2 on the first attempt, and like value 1 on subsequentGI attempts. Thus if the message is delivered on the first attemptNI you'll hear nothing about it, otherwise you will receive a broadcastnI notification telling you the message has been requeued, and a mailt- message when delivery is finally complete.e 4.2 Expiration Period I The Nmail daemon normally gives up attempting to deliver a message I after retrying for 3 days, or some other period at the discretion of I the system manager (system manager information is in the filet NM$SYSMGR.DOC).I If you wish to override the system-wide default, then you can define aiI DCL symbol to inform Nmail of your desired expiry period. You cangI express the expiration time as a delta time (a specified number oftI days, hours, minutes and seconds from the time the mail is queued) orcI an absolute time (the mail will expire at a given date and time). In ; general, it makes more sense to use a delta time period.e' NM$EXPIRE == "dddd hh:mm:ss"a. or: NM$EXPIRE == "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss"I Please note that the date-time formats are the VMS standard formats. I The special DCL formats are not acceptable to Nmail. In particular,nI there is a space (not other punctuation) separating the time from them preceding days or date field.I If you specify an expiration period by use of NM$EXPIRE, then it iseI noted at the time that you enter the mail. If you subsequently changenI the value of NM$EXPIRE, this will have no effect on mail previously I entered. The expiration date and time for each message is displayed5- in the output from NMAIL SHOW QUEUE /FULL.o 4.3 Retry PeriodI If Nmail is unable to send your mail at its first attempt, it mustrI requeue the job to try again at some later time. A reattempt is madeiI every 30 minutes, or some other period chosen by the system managerh( (see file NM$SYSMGR.DOC for details).I If you wish to override the system-wide default, then you can do so bysI defining a DCL symbol to inform Nmail of your desired retry interval. I You must express the period as the number of days, hours, minutes andbI seconds between attempts (in other words, you must give a VMSo delta-time value).l& NM$DELTA == "dddd hh:mm:ss" oI Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 12cI USER-SELECTABLE OPTIONS 26 April 1994oI Again, standard VMS date-time format applies, and special DCL formatsnI are not allowed. Nmail will not allow you to set the retry interval5 below 10 minutes.I If you specify a retry period by use of NM$DELTA, then it is noted atII the time that you enter the mail. If you subsequently change the2I value of NM$DELTA, this will have no effect on mail previouslynI entered. The retry period for each message is displayed in the output  from NMAIL SHOW QUEUE /FULL.  4.4 First Attempt TimeI Normally, Nmail makes the first attempt to send your message as soonrI as possible after you enter it. Sometimes, this might not be what youu want.I If you wish to delay the first attempt to send your message, then youMI can define a DCL symbol to inform Nmail that it should wait until awE specified date and time (the "after" time) before trying your job.tI You can express the after time as a delta time (a specified number ofdI days, hours, minutes and seconds from the time the mail is entered) or I an absolute time (the mail will be attempted after a given date andm time is reached).& NM$AFTER == "dddd hh:mm:ss"- or: NM$AFTER == "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss" I Nmail does not guarantee to process your message at the exact time I that you specify, only that it will attempt to process your message as - soon as possible after the specified time.oI Also, you can only control the date and time of the first attempt.eI Subsequent attempts will be made at the normal retry intervals (either @ the system default, or whatever you've set up with NM$DELTA).I If you have submitted a message and then decide that you don't want to , wait, after all, you can use the command: NMAIL RELEASE nnnI to cause the Nmail message to be processed as soon as possible. SeelG elsewhere in this document for details of the Nmail Release utility.s 4.5 No Return To SendervI By default, Nmail will return the text of your message in any errorlI reports. It does this so that you can try and resend the message ifh you wish. fI Nmail V10.0 User Guide Page 13nI USER-SELECTABLE OPTIONS 26 April 1994 I Sometimes, for example when you're sending out a copy of a largeuI document to a big mailing list, you might not want to have Nmail wasteTI time and disk space by sending you back the document. In such a case,T4 you can specify the "no return to sender" option: NM$NORETURN == 1 I You'll still get error reports from Nmail with this option in effect;dI only your original message text will be omitted from the error report.  [End of Nmail User Guide]-*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL100.RELEASE_NOTES;1+,./ 4H-'80123KPWO56cؗ7.=hؗ89GHJ 0 DEC INTERNAL USE ONLY* N M A I L, RELEASE NOTESH This document contains the release notes for Nmail V10.0. ItH includes details of changes in Nmail since the previous release, and0 any restrictions that apply to this version.H The information in this document is also included in the NmailH System Manager's guide. It has been abstracted into a separateH document to assist users who wish to read the release notes before% proceeding with the installation. Software: Nmail V10.0 Release date: 26 April 1994  1 INSTALLING NMAIL To install, use VMSINSTAL:$ $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE1 $ COPY MU::DAVES_BITSHOP:NMAIL100.A *- $ @VMSINSTAL NMAIL100 SYS$UPDATE:8 The same kit is used for both VAX and Alpha systems.H You will be asked a few questions about your configuration. If youH don't understand a question, simply enter "?" in response to theH prompt. The installation procedure will display some explanatory& text and then repeat the question.H It is fairly easy to change the configuration at a later date, just. by editing the Nmail startup command file.H Note that Dave's Bitshop now lives on Mu, my home node. It is no, longer to be found on the Smaug cluster.H After installing Nmail, you +΀$ NMAIL100.A'8-[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL100.RELEASE_NOTES;1Hwshould read the documentation, which is# located in the following files:? SYS$HELP:NM$SYSMGR.DOC System Manager's manual2 SYS$HELP:NM$UGUIDE.DOC User Guide( 2 COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS& 2.1 New Features Added Since V9.3H o A new option on ANALYZE QUEUE allows any message files whichH were not found in the queue to be returned to the sender;F previously, they were simply resubmitted without modification.H o Further ANALYZE qualifiers, /BEFORE and /SINCE, allow partialH repair runs based on the message date. You can, for example,H execute one command to return all very old messages, and thenH another command to resubmit more recent messages for further attempts to send.H o If ANALYZE is unable to determine when a message was created byH reading the .WRK file (for example, if it's not a well-formedH Nmail control file) then it will now display the file's creationH date/time instead. The time stored in the file is preferred) since it's not so easily changed.H o CANCEL and ANALYZE now allow you to specify some text to beH included in the returned message; see the description of the /REASON qualifier.H o SHOW QUEUE now supports an /ENTRY qualifier, to allow display of just one Nmail job.H o Execution queues now have /NOENABLEGENERIC; this prevents random2 print jobs from ending up in Nmail queues.& 2.2 New Features Added Since V9.2H o An undocumented and unused feature of Nmail used to placeH special significance on a dot in the node name part of a mailH address. This meant that Nmail couldn't handle Phase V names,. so the funny feature has been removed.H o The generated names for control files have been changed so thatH they are not generated in ascending order. This supposedly$ improves directory accesses.H o Queues are now initialized with /SCHEDULE=NOSIZE. This avoidsH permanent lockout of some jobs on underconfigured systems (whereH the number of execution queues cannot keep up with the mail load).H o Nmail's 512-byte record size limitation is now documented in/ online help text and in the user guide.H o The sending timestamp now includes a time differential factorH (offset from GMT) where this can be determined. This feature isH only available if your system has the UTC time services whichH are today installed along with DECnet-VAX Extensions orH DECnet/OSI for VMS. The UTC services will be included in the Blade release of VMS.H o The default for CANCEL is now /RETURN, since that's a saferH default. To request immediate cancellation with no return of+ the message, you can use /NORETURN.H o As always, if an Nmail job goes away whilst it's being SHOWn,H there's not much that Nmail can do about it. However, since theH new job controller, Nmail was reporting this as an "unexpected7 error". Now it's a bit more graceful about it.H o Nmail now runs on Alpha hardware as well. Use the same kit for VAX and Alpha systems.H o V9.3-4 will work correctly on the Epsilon (V2.0) release ofH Alpha VMS; older versions cause MAIL to loop, signalling anH ACCVIO error, when trying to activate the Nmail transport. ToH fix this, a new image called NM_MAILSHRP.EXE was added to the kit.& 2.3 New Features Added Since V9.1H o Certain changes in the VMS batch/print subsystem made NmailH unable to tell when a queue was stopped; this broke the commandsH NMAIL STOP QUEUE and NMAIL ANALYZE QUEUE. Nmail has now beenE fixed to work correctly with both old and new queue managers.H o A few new fatal errors were added to NM$ERROR.DAT:H "unbalanced", "host unknown", and "user unknown". These are all@ related to sending mail through the ULTRIX mail gateway.H o Nmail tries to remove all "NM%" occurences from the to-listH prior to delivery, since they look ugly. It failed to do thisH if the addresses were separated by spaces, not commas. It was2 just a cosmetic problem, but is now fixed.H o Nmail's parser no longer assumes your personal name is aH well-constructed string, with matched quotes, etc. In previousH versions, certain ill-formed personal names would cause a fatal% syntax error to be signalled.H o I added a paragraph about MAIL's SET TRANSPORT command to theD help text, since this seems to have been a well-kept secret.& 2.4 New Features Added Since V9.0H o Nmail now supports the transportation of DDIF files, produced byH various DECwindows applications. DDIF files are fully supportedH by the DECwindows MAIL interface. There is partial support inH VMS MAIL; you can send DDIF files, but you cannot displayH received DDIF files. If you try and read a received DDIFH message, you will only see any text (there may be none) embedded in the message.H o Nmail now has the ability to transport messages of any fileH format, using the unsupported SEND/FOREIGN command of VMS MAIL.3 If it's not text or DDIF, use SEND/FOREIGN.H o ANALYZE QUEUE now checks for jobs which are wedged in aH "retained" state due to previous system failure; the occurrenceH of such jobs usually correlates with some kind of clusterH disaster. If /REPAIR is specified, then the retained jobs can; be released or cancelled at the choice of the user.H o CANCEL now offers a /RETURN qualifier, which causes a copy ofH the message to be returned to the sender before cancellation is complete.H o Error messages from the remote mail object which include theH string "cannot accept" are now considered to be fatal. ThisH catches the new error "cannot accept this message format" whichA was introduced when DECwindows support was added to MAIL.H o This version discontinues support for "format1" and "format2"H control files; as near as I can figure it, this means thatH messages posted with Nmail V8.0 or Nmail V8.1 cannot beH delivered by Nmail V9.1. Anything posted by Nmail V8.2 or laterH should be ok. In case you're curious, the current control files are "format5".H o Nmail had a habit of very very occasionally slipping in anH extraneous null character (^@) at the end of a document. It didH this only if the last block of the document had exactly two free3 bytes. Anyway, it doesn't do that anymore.H o Nmail now opens files by file-id under all circumstances,H thereby avoiding the problems which sometimes occurred when theH filespec stored in the job controller's queue had becomeH invalid. It wasn't possible to make this change until VMS V5,> as SYS$GETQUI had to learn how to say "file-id" first.H o The operation of the /DELETE qualifier on the STOP QUEUE commandH has changed; it now deletes all queues including the top-levelH NM$QUEUE. Any jobs in the queues are lost until you use ANALYZEH QUEUE /REPAIR to recover them. This change in behaviour isH regrettable, but the previous implementation was broken by VMS< V5.2 job controller changes, and cannot be restored.H o The startup command file is now SYS$STARTUP:NM$STARTUP.COM, inH accordance with the VMS V5 way of doing things. Don't forget to, edit your system startup procedures!H o There are some release notes in the Nmail kit, as expected by VMSINSTAL.H o The installation procedure now provides help if you enter a0 question mark in response to any prompt.H o Running the IVP is now optional at installation time. ExecutionH of NM$STARTUP.COM is also optional if you don't choose to run the IVP.H o If you have defined NM$WORK to point to somewhere other than theH ,y$ NMAIL100.A'8-[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL100.RELEASE_NOTES;1H usual Nmail work directory, then the installation procedure will9 apply the old definition to the new installation.H o Nmail's SHOW QUEUE command will now issue a warning message ifH it finds jobs to display and there are no Nmail queues which are started.H o The Nmail daemon now uses different job names for the variousH types of Nmail jobs that it can submit: REPORT for errorH reports, SUMMARY for end of run summaries requested by the user,H and RETURNED for messages returned to sender on error. ThisH last category is only used for foreign or DDIF messages, since9 text messages are returned in the REPORT message.H o Job submitted by the daemon are now submitted under the& pseudo-user name NMAIL-DAEMON.H o There used to be an undocumented logical name NM$MAXRETURN whichH would restrict the size of messages which Nmail would return toH sender. The implementation was not compatible with changes madeB for foreign message support, so it is no longer supported.H o I have added a couple of variations to NM$CONFIRM with the aimH of cutting down mail noise in cases where Nmail manages toH deliver the message on the first attempt (which is usually theH case for purely local deliveries). Refer to the User Guide for details. [End of Nmail release notes]&*[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1+,./ 4-'80123 KPWO56:dؗ7Dhؗ89GHJ% Librarian T09-16(@ؗؗ! c|MAIL$C_PROT_MAJORc|MAIL$C_PROT_MINORc| MAIL$PROTOCOLNM$CANCEL_ENTRYj& NM$CCO_RPTf NM$CHKCURPRIVf NM$CHKPRIV78NM$CHK_ALIGNEDfNM$CHK_CTL_FILE78NM$CLOSE_CTL_FILE-NM$CLOSE_ERR_FILEj&NM$CLOSE_RPT_FILENM$CLOSE_TRACE78NM$CREATE_CTL_FILEj&NM$CREATE_RPTSHO_FILEj&NM$CREATE_RPT_FILENM$DO_SHOW_DISPLAY NM$FIND_ENTRYNM$GET_FILESPECNM$GET_QUE_LIST78 NM$GET_RFA78 NM$GET_VBNGL_SUM_PRIO$GT_LNMTBLE NM$CANCEL\ NM$CHMODENM$CLINT%LNM$DATA- NM$ERRORIO78 NM$FILEIOc|NM$MAILl NM$MESSAGE&NM$NETIO NM$QUESUBS NM$RELEASE NM$REPAIRj& NM$REPORTIONM$SENDNM$SHOWKNM$STARTTNM$STOPfNM$SUBS NM$SYMBIONTNM$TRACENM$USS%LNM$GT_SHOW_FSPEC%L NM$GT_TR_DEF%LNM$GT_TR_FSPEC%L NM$GT_VERSION%LNM$GT_WORK_DEF%L NM$IOSTATSfNM$LOAD_STRINGSNM$MASSAGE_QSTATUS& NM$NET_ABORT&NM$NET_CONNECT&NM$NET_DISCONNECT&NM$NET_RECEIVE& NM$NET_SEND NM$NEXT_QUEUE%LNM$NMX78NM$OPEN_CTL_FILE-NM$OPEN_ERR_FILE NM$OPEN_TRACEf NM$OPR_MSG78NM$PAD_BLK_CTL_RFA78 NM$POINT_VBN NM$POKEUSER78NM$READ_BY_RFA78 NM$READ_CTLK NM$FIND_ENTRY NM$GET_VBN NM$GL_SUM_PRIONM$GT_DEF_DELTA NM$GT_LNMTBLNM$GT_SHOW_DEFNM$PAD_BLK_CTL NM$READ_CTL NM$UPDATE_RPT NM$WRITE_TRACEEC%LNM$GT_LNM_DELTA%LNM$GT_LNM_EXPIRE%LNM$GT_LNM_EXTN%LNM$GT_LNM_TRACE%LNM$GT_MIN_DELTA%L NM$GT_PRCNAM%L NM$GT_QUEUE%LNM$GT_SHOW_DEF%LNM$GT_DEF_EXPIRY%L NM$GT_ERR_DEF%LNM$GT_ERR_FSPEC%L NM$GT_JOBNAME%L NM$GT_JOBRET%L NM$GT_JOBRPT%L NM$GT_JOBSUM%L NM$GT_LNMTBL~%L NM$GL_TRACE%LNM$GQ_DEF_DELTA%LNM$GQ_DEF_EXPIRY%LNM$GQ_MIN_DELTA%L NM$GT_DAEMON%LNM$GT_DEF_DELTA78NM$READ_CTL_BLK- NM$READ_ERRj& NM$READ_RPTNM$RELEASE_ENTRY NM$REPAIRNM$RESUBMIT_JOB78 NM$REWIND_CTLj& NM$REWIND_RPTf NM$RMS_ERROR78NM$RUNDOWN_CTLj&NM$RUNDOWN_RPT NM$SEND_MAIL NM$SHOW_JOB NM$SHOW_QUEUE NM$SNDJBCKNM$START_QUEUESTNM$STOP_QUEUES NM$SYMBIONTfNM$TRIMf NM$TRNLNMfNM$UNIQUE_NAME78 NM$UPDATE_CTLj& NM$UPDATE_RPT&NM$WRITE_RPT_FAOj&NM$WRITE_RPT_VECj&NM$GET_VBN_RPT%LNM$GL_ABORT_SEND%L NM$GL_PHASE%L NM$GL_RCVTMO%LNM$GL_RET_PRIO%LNM$GL_RPT_PRIO%L NM$GL_SNDTMO%LNM$GL_SUM_PRIO f NM$USERNAMEf NM$USER_MSGNM$USS_CLOSE_CTL_FILENM$USS_CREATE_CTL_FILENM$USS_SUBMIT_JOB78 NM$WRITE_CTL78NM$WRITE_CTL_BLKj& NM$WRITE_RPTj&NM$WRITE_RPT_BLKj&NM$WRITE_RPT_FAOj&NM$WRITE_RPT_VECNM$WRITE_TRACEj&NM$PAD_BLK_RPTfNM$PARSE_TOKEN78NM$POINT_EOF_CTL78 NM$POINT_RFA78 NM$POINT_VBN NM$POKEUSER78NM$READ_BY_RFA78 NM$READ_CTL78 NM$FLUSH_CTLf NM$FREESTR NM$GETQUIfNM$GET_DEFDATAfNM$GET_EXTENSIONfNM$GET_FILESPECNM$GET_QUE_LIST78 NM$GET_RFA78 NM$GET_VBN-AH$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1b". l$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1q" !"#$%&'()*+,-./0/0tY%$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1XE;1"0123456789:;<=>?@A0.$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1XE;1a"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR1Qs$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1XE;1"RSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abc2l$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1XE;1 "cdefghijklmnopqrst3_5K$ NMAIL100.A'8&[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_ALPHA.OLB;1XE;1"tuvwxyz{|}~4$ NMAIL100.AD'8+[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAMS]ZZ\G9,X/<$1XEV 5(a3;Sbے˚uj#',oFu'DA?hRHs prhj`א8?d ~@-N+MOD+J W\2\/!+vL/g`qB矿Wo yvb%+3~ݝ8Zv`J{)u7x7R?PQ#:3$AgQ6U /oՈJH`:{XRC.:D9Zo1w]&UfCle2JgT8ʬLkՌ> 4Vz3-!^9؞PFv6ܨ,blfi&%X޹`$a~6Ih}ˑe$ =4\qn*!'<Ѥض@a Kώ>e);?XĪbDz~4 ?2lsC;pca[v IJ_IQ@+(:REO,[^5^O^<4,x4;Rwb_ 0Yt |J! 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Attempted !SL time!%S, most recently at !17%D6SHONEW% No attempt to send has yet been made0SHOXAT Expires after !+!SL attempt!%S$SHOXTM Expires at !17%D!+:SHOXOR) Expires at !17%D or after !SL attempt!%S(SHOXNO Default expiry period*SHODEL Retry interval is !13%D*SHONDEL Default retry interval.SHOFORN Foreign or non-text messageSHOFROM From !ASSHOTO To !ASSHOCC CC !AS SHOSUBJ Subject "!AS"(SHOSUBX Subject (not shown)!+<SHOSUM* Summary: !SL unsent, !SL sent, !SL failed:SHODLV( Confirmation of job completion required4SHONDLV" No confirmation of job completion4SHORET" To be returned to sender on error0SHONRET Not to be returned to sender:SHONRPT( Delivery failure not reported to sender.SHOCRTS Message is being cancelledSHOADR AddresseeSHOSTSStatusSHOLSTTimeSHOUNS unsent SHODUN sent SHOFAIL failed SHOEXP expired SHOCAN cancelledSHOXEQactiveSHOHLD held in queueSHOTIL held untilSHOCMP completed$SHOERRerror in execution,SHONOSEnone selected for displayNEOFERR<(a new message is being posted: please try SHOW again later)JNULERR8(noD D =@ 8 error message text was received from the slave mail)<NEVTRY+(no attempt ever made to send this message)(ANFILEFile !AS (!UL,!UL,!UL)&ANFILDT created at !+!17%D(ANFROM from user !AS at !17%D<ANEMPTY* is not a valid control file - it's emptyHANBADF7 is not a valid control file - the format is incorrectLANOBSF; is not a valid control file - unsupported obsolete formatLANPREOF9 is not a valid control file - premature EOF encounteredJANFLMIX8 is not a valid control file - contradictory flags byteRANXVBNA is not a valid control file - no VBN pointers in control recordJANUNKFR7 is not a valid control file - cannot determine senderFANUNDIR4 is not in the usual Nmail directory [warning only]@ANMULDIR, can be reached by !SW paths [warning only]@ANUNQUE- has no corresponding job in the Nmail queueBANMULQUE. appears !SW times in jobs in the Nmail queueBANSTUCK0 is being retained after system error (job !SL)DANHELD3 is being held until explicitly released (job !SL)HANWEIRD6 is in a weird state - job !SL may need manual fixupDANLOST3Job !SL contains a nonexistent or inaccessible fileBAN2FILE0Job !SL contains !SL files (usual number is one)RANNORPT@Return-to-sender is not possible for this message [warning only]RAN2OLD@Repair skipped - message is older than the specified /SINCE timeRAN2NEWARepair skipped - message is newer than the specified /BEFORE time$ANASKDELDelete this file?$ANASKSUBSubmit this file?$ANASKRELRelease this job?$ANASKCANCancel this job?*ANASKFLUCancel extraneous jobs?"ANDELOKFile !AS deleted.ANSUBOKJob !SL entered in queue !AS@ANHOLDOK-Job !SL entered in queue !AS in holding state"ANRELOKJob !SL released4ANRELHOK!Job !SL released to holding state$ANCANOKJob !SL cancelled$ANZERONo errors detected(ANSUMM!SL error!%S detected:0ANBADCNT !SL invalid control file!%S:ANUNQCNT& !SL control file!%S not in the queue8ANMQUCNT% !SL control file!%S multiply queued6ANLOSCNT" !SL lost or inaccessible file!%S8ANMFJCNT$ !SL job!%S with more than one file@ANUNDCNT- !SL file!%S not in the Nmail work directoryBANMDFCNT/ !SL file!%S multiply entered in the directory2ANRETCNT !SL job!%S retained in queue.ANHLDCNT !SL job!%S held in queue.ANWRDCNT !SL job!%S in weird state@ANSIGCNT, !SL execution error!%S during analysis run,ANACTIONCorrective action taken:(ANDELCNT !SL file!%S deleted*ANSUBCNT !SL job!%S submitted(ANRELCNT !SL job!%S released*ANCANCNT !SL job!%S cancelledANUNKU (unknown)ANNETU (network)XXYESYesXXNONoXXDELDeleteXXCANCancelHREPRESN5message file recovered when repairing the Nmail queue"TRJOB job !SL user !ASTREOJ end job !SLTRCONN to !ASTRDISC TRABO abortTRSEND -tx-> !AFTRRECV <-rx- !AFTRRECN <-rx- !XLTRZZZ.NMAIL ww1ؗ14BBNM$NETIO1426-APR-1994 15:51BLISS-32E V1.2-022  . 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NM$FILEIONM$CREATE_CTL_FILEzNM$CREATE_CTL_FILENM$UNIQUE_NAMENM$GT_WORKM_DEF NM$RMS_ERROR SYS$CONNECTNM$USS_CREATE_CTL_FILEP |NM$CREATE_CTL_FILE5  `'"  |VƈNM$UNIQUE_NAME,nPfPfK$P(Ɖ,NM$GT_WORK_DEF30ƈ4NM$GT_WORK_DEF5J,n`P`PRưTZư\,nXXDЏ,nDưDưfV{NM$USS_CREATE_CTL_FILEPRR Vݏl NM$RMS_ERRORư SYS$CONNECTPRRưݏ NMN$RMS_ERROR(d#NM$OPEN_CTL_FILEONM$OPEN_CTL_FILESYS$OPEN SYS$CONNECT |NM$OPEN_CTL_FILE@  1)  |V,nPfPfЏKBL$P(J BK,n`P`PRưTZư\(d,nDưDưЬ Ьf,nb:° SYS$CANEXH蟢cc Ԣ NM$CLOSE_CTL_FILENM$NMX3Pݢ`P8TRNM$GET_OPTIONS GET_SYMBOL#LIB$GET_SYMBOL STR$UPCASE   F}~LIB$GET_SYMBOLPRRRR ݬݬ STR$UPCASERP .4vPNM$AFTERNM$EXPIRENM$DELTANM$CONFIRMNM$NORETURNeNM$GET_DEFDATA SYS$BINTIM SY_S$BINTIM SYS$BINTIMNM$GQ_MIN_DELTA LIB$CVT_DTBP  r$     LIB$CVT_DTBXvWV SYS$BINTIMU LIB$SIGNALTS0^(g, $  # NM$GET_DEFDATAPݣd|||t|Ä|ÐS,fP|SePRR SݏdÀã|l|УpPÀPPÀS$fPtSePRR Sݏdգx,գ|À ãtlt`pP ãt|tÀP٣xPPxSfPPÄSePRRÈ SݏdPÈNM$GQ_MIN_DELTA3 ÄNM$GQ_MIN_DELTAPPP SݏdSfP%^ݣ !AF!2ZL!2ZL8NM$TRIM STR$COPY_DX SYS$ASCTIMSYS$FAOP  {$    Ea D C B A @ <U^LTP48,0$(Ԯe e r胂{ $<Rl (08@H P(XB`fhpx* f    !`!!!B"Ȅ"Є"؄$#d#脂##($l$$i$:% %(%00&8T&@x&H&P&X&` 'h:'pz'x'''(@(p((()P)ȅ)Ѕ)؅*2*腂`*{***+F+p+ +(+0+8+@+H+P>,X`,`|,h,p,x,,,-.NOJOBSno jobs found in Nmail queues2NOQUES no active Nmail queues available$jQSTARTstarting queue !AS"QSTOPstopping queue !AS.QWAITwaiting for queue !AS to stop"QDELdeleting queue !AS,QRUNqueue !AS is already started"CANCELjob !SL cancelled"RELEASjob !SL released0CANPENDjob !SL cancellation requestedTEXT!ASTEXTC!AC@FILOFLO.too many files in job; not all will be deletedFFILOFL24too many files in job; not all will be accounted forFNOREASN3cancellatkion reason ignored; old-style message file"NOFILESno files in job*READerror reading from file !AD*WRITEerror writing to file !AD,SUBMITfailed to submit Nmail job6RESUB%failed to submit job !AS to queue !AS,IVNUMinvalid decimal number '!AS'$IVTIMEinvalid time '!AS'.TOOSOONinterval '!AS' is too small6TRNLNM$error translating logical name '!AS'NONXJOB no such jobJOBACT job is active0lJOBFREEjob is not being held in queue4JOBCAN#job already marked for cancellation*QUEACTqueue !AS is not stopped,QUEFAILfailed to start queue !AS6NONRET$message is defined as non-returnable6NOSYSPRV#operation requires SYSPRV privilege6NONETMBX#operation requires NETMBX privilege2NOOPER!operation requires OPER privilege6NOCMKRNL#operation requires CMKRNL privilegeBMODE2operation only allowed in interactive mmode process&NONETnetwork not available:LOGLINK'error creating network link to node !AS,SENDERRerror sending to node !AS:TIMEOUT'no response from slave mail on node !AS>NETHUNG+timed out sending to slave mail on node !AS>NOACCEPT*node !AS cannot accept this message format*PROTOCOLnetwork protocol error6RACE&expected mailbox AST not yet processed&OPENerror opening file !AD&CLOSEerror closing nfile !AD.SEARCHerror searching for file !AD"PARSEerror parsing !AD"RMSunexpected RMS error.JBCunexpected job controller error(CLIBUGunexpected parse error4UNXFC#unexpected MAIL function code (!SL)6SYNCH%something didn't happen (flags=^x!XW)"MBXIOmailbox I/O error*BADFILnot a valid control file6BADALG%block alignment error in control file8BADBIO'fractional block read from control file4oBADFLG#contradictory flags in control file"ABORTaborted by request&SYNTAXsyntax error in '!AS'@BADTIM.invalid time value set as Nmail system defaultBINSTREE/error building internal file list (!SL node!%S) NONXQUE no such queue<BADBUF*disagreeable buffer size specified by MAIL*FAOunexpected formatting error6PRVUP&failed to set privilege from exec mode:PRVDWN(failed to reset privilege from exec mode<pEXTNF,failed to activate Nmail extension image !AS2EXTNT!no entry-point table found in !AS4EXTBAD"malformed entry-point table in !AS&SSUBJNmail delivery summary&RSUBJReport on failed mail"MSUBJReturned to senderHRBLURB6Errors were detected when processing your mail message,RBLURT which was entered at !17%D>CBLURB-Your mail message of !17%D has been cancelled2CBLURT by request of user !AS at !17%D8qCBLURN& but no further details are available.LGBLURB:The following error message was returned whilst sending to>TBLURB-The text of your failed mail message follows:@ZBLURB.There was no text in your failed mail message.FNBLURB4Text of original message suppressed by user request.DMBLURB2Your original message will be returned separately.THISAD address !ASXTO To: !ASXCC CC: !ASXSUBJ Subj: !ASrXFROM From: !ASCWHY1 Reason: !ASCWHY2 : !AS&EHARDThis is a hard error.&ESOFTThis is a soft error.FEEXP7This is a soft error, but the retry period has expired.HECAN9This is a soft error, but the message has been cancelled.,EUNKN** unknown error severity **HENOMOR6No more attempts to send to this address will be made.>EMOR/Attempts to send to this address will continue.<REQUEUE*Nmail messasge requeued as job !SL!/To: !AS&LOG1!AC fatal error (oops).LOG2Job !AS!/Queue !AS!/Entry !SL$LOG3User !AS!/File !AS(SHOHDRQueue entry !SL !+!AS0SHOHDALQueue entry !SL, user !AS !AS*SHOENT Message entered at !17%D2SHOENUK Message entered at unknown time@SHOTIM. Attempted !SL time!%S, most recently at !17%D6SHONEW% No attempt to send has yet been made0SHOXAT Expires after !+!SL attempt!%S$tSHOXTM Expires at !17%D!+:SHOXOR) Expires at !17%D or after !SL attempt!%S(SHOXNO Default expiry period*SHODEL Retry interval is !13%D*SHONDEL Default retry interval.SHOFORN Foreign or non-text messageSHOFROM From !ASSHOTO To !ASSHOCC CC !AS SHOSUBJ Subject "!AS"(SHOSUBX Subject (not shown)!+<SHOSUM* Summary: !SL unsent, !SL sent, !SL failed:SHODLV( Confirmation of joub completion required4SHONDLV" No confirmation of job completion4SHORET" To be returned to sender on error0SHONRET Not to be returned to sender:SHONRPT( Delivery failure not reported to sender.SHOCRTS Message is being cancelledSHOADR AddresseeSHOSTSStatusSHOLSTTimeSHOUNS unsent SHODUN sent SHOFAIL failed SHOEXP expired SHOCAN cancelledSHOXEQqr\$ NMAIL100.A'8$[PORTER.NMAIL.KIT100]NMAIL_VAX.OLB;1;1;1;1a"uvactiveSHOHLD held in queueSHOTIL held untilSHOCMP completed$SHOERRerror in execution,SHONOSEnone selected for displayNEOFERR<(a new message is being posted: please try SHOW again later)JNULERR8(no error message text was received from the slave mail)<NEVTRY+(no attempt ever made to send this message)(ANFILEFile !AS (!UL,!UL,!UL)&ANFILDT created at !+!17%D(ANFROM from user !AS at !17%D<wANEMPTY* is not a valid control file - it's emptyHANBADF7 is not a valid control file - the format is incorrectLANOBSF; is not a valid control file - unsupported obsolete formatLANPREOF9 is not a valid control file - premature EOF encounteredJANFLMIX8 is not a valid control file - contradictory flags byteRANXVBNA is not a valid control file - no VBN pointers in control recordJANUNKFR7 is not a valid control file - cannot determxine senderFANUNDIR4 is not in the usual Nmail directory [warning only]@ANMULDIR, can be reached by !SW paths [warning only]@ANUNQUE- has no corresponding job in the Nmail queueBANMULQUE. appears !SW times in jobs in the Nmail queueBANSTUCK0 is being retained after system error (job !SL)DANHELD3 is being held until explicitly released (job !SL)HANWEIRD6 is in a weird state - job !SL may need manual fixupDANLOST3Job y!SL contains a nonexistent or inaccessible fileBAN2FILE0Job !SL contains !SL files (usual number is one)RANNORPT@Return-to-sender is not possible for this message [warning only]RAN2OLD@Repair skipped - message is older than the specified /SINCE timeRAN2NEWARepair skipped - message is newer than the specified /BEFORE time$ANASKDELDelete this file?$ANASKSUBSubmit this file?$ANASKRELRelease this job?$ANASKCANCancel this jzob?*ANASKFLUCancel extraneous jobs?"ANDELOKFile !AS deleted.ANSUBOKJob !SL entered in queue !AS@ANHOLDOK-Job !SL entered in queue !AS in holding state"ANRELOKJob !SL released4ANRELHOK!Job !SL released to holding state$ANCANOKJob !SL cancelled$ANZERONo errors detected(ANSUMM!SL error!%S detected:0ANBADCNT !SL invalid control file!%S:ANUNQCNT& !SL control file!%S not in the queue8{ANMQUCNT% !SL control file!%S multiply queued6ANLOSCNT" !SL lost or inaccessible file!%S8ANMFJCNT$ !SL job!%S with more than one file@ANUNDCNT- !SL file!%S not in the Nmail work directoryBANMDFCNT/ !SL file!%S multiply entered in the directory2ANRETCNT !SL job!%S retained in queue.ANHLDCNT !SL job!%S held in queue.ANWRDCNT !SL job!%S in weird state@ANSIGCNT, !SL execution error!%S during analysis run,|ANACTIONCorrective action taken:(ANDELCNT !SL file!%S deleted*ANSUBCNT !SL job!%S submitted(ANRELCNT !SL job!%S released*ANCANCNT !SL job!%S cancelledANUNKU (unknown)ANNETU (network)XXYESYesXXNONoXXDELDeleteXXCANCancelHREPRESN5message file recovered when repairing the Nmail queue"TRJOB job !SL user !ASTREOJ end job !SLTRCONN to !AS }TRDISC TRABO abortTRSEND -tx-> !AFTRRECV <-rx- !AFTRRECN <-rx- !XLTRZZZ.NMAILww1aEؗ143NM$NETIO1426-Apr-1994 15:4826-Apr-1994 15:48VAX Bliss-32 V4.7-999)NM$NETIONM$NET_CONNECTVPQTP ::"27=/"0,rNM$NET_CONNECT STR$COPY_DX NM$GL_TRACENM$WRITE_TRACESYS$QIOW~ NM$IOSTATS SYS$SETIMRP NM$NET_CONNECTp  b2 $X LIB$SIGNALWV^<~\ P\ ݬV STR$COPY_DXhfnnVݏ⁂g(f(hcSs( , 0ЬPPPLЬPPPPЬ PP PTЬPPPDԦH NM$GL_TRACEVݏ`NM$WRITE_TRACEԦ@|~|~|~~2< ~ݦ SYS$QIOWPRR