SUMMARY The "nickname" field is provided so that nicknames can be used in Nameserver queries. While the "name" field of the Nameserver database contains every user's full name (as known by the University), often individuals are more commonly known by names other than their full names. "William" might be known to most people as "Bill", or "Steven" as "Steve". A user may enter any nicknames by which he or she is known into the "nickname" field of his or her entry. Other users can then use the full name or nickname to find that user. The Nameserver treats the "nickname" field just like the "name" field; nothing special is required to use a nickname in lookups. In other words, if a Nameserver query is issued without any field specifiers, ph will look at both the "name" and "nickname" fields for entries that match the query expression. EXAMPLE Suppose "William Willard" is known to everyone as "Willy," and he would like people to be able to easily find his entry in the Nameserver. William can use the ph "edit" or "make" command to put "willy" in his "nickname" field. Once he has done so, others can find him in the Nameserver database using either of the following query expressions: ph> ph william willard ph> ph willy willard SEE ALSO: edit, make, query