Begin3 Title: snake4 - X11 game starring a fruit-eating snake. Version: 1.0.9 Entered-date: 11AUG97 Description: Steer this fruitloving snake around the screen, and pick up fruit. The snake grows in length as it eats. Watch out for lethal mushrooms, rotten fruit, and evil headbangers. Features a site-wide highscore file for fun and excitement. :) Keywords: game, X11, snake Author: (Sverre H. Huseby) Primary-site: Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/games/x11/other snake4-1.0.9.tar.gz Platforms: Requires X11, xpm and the libraries shhopt and shhmsg, the last two created by the same author. Copying-policy: BeerWare: If you have the time and money, send me a bottle of your favourite beer. If not, just send me a mail or something. Copy and use as you wish; just leave the author's name where you find it. End