; ; This software is COPYRIGHT © 1990-1997, Stephane Germain. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ; Permission is granted for not-for-profit redistribution, provided all source ; and object code remain unchanged from the original distribution, and that all ; copyright notices remain intact. ; ; This software is provided "AS IS". The author makes no representations or ; warranties with respect to the software and specifically disclaim any implied ; warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; This is SYS_TOOLS:TESTDEV.MAR ; Creator S.Germain p.eng ; Using VMS 5.2 - 6.2 ; History V1.0 18-MAR-1990 ; V2.0 6-MAY-1990 : Revised CLD, added sequential from-to processing, ; enhanced problem status signaling, ; made streams fully independant (reentrant IO's), ; improved near-zero statistic compilation ; V2.1 27-MAY-1990 : New statistics computation & display format, ; minor miscellaneous changes ; V2.1B 31-AUG-1996 : Added Alpha/AXP support subroutine ; V2.2 25-JAN-1997 : New time distribution report, ; AXP code adjustments ; ;; CONCEPT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Times a specified number of read IO's randomly spread over a specified ; physical range of a disk. Alternately, sequential access can be specified ; which can be useful in error scanning a device. Computes the average data ; access time and standard deviation of collected samples. Multiple streams ; and variable blocking factor are possible. ; ;; NOTES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; 1. Conditions found during initialization are signaled according to VMS ; standards. Messages are contained in TESTDEV.MSG. ; Assembling (compiling on Alpha) and linking is done as follows: ; ; $ MACRO/NODEBUG TESTDEV ; $ MESSAGE/OBJECT=MSG TESTDEV ; $ LINK/NODEBUG/NOTRACEBACK TESTDEV,MSG ; ; 2. Invocation is performed and run-time information parsed using VMS CLI ; routines. The command definition is contained in file TESTDEV.CLD and is ; included in the process command table as follows: ; ; $ SET COMMAND TESTDEV ; ; 3. In order for this program to run, the process must have or be authorized ; the PHY_IO privilege or the image must be installed with that privilege. The ; image executes in user mode and cannot be shared (not fully reentrant). ; ;; CONSTANTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; .TITLE TESTDEV DEVICE IO CHARACTERIZATION .IDENT /2.2/ ; $DCDEF ; $DVIDEF ; $IODEF ; $LNMDEF ; $PRVDEF ; ; .PSECT FIXDATA,NOEXE,NOWRT,SHR,LONG ; ; command table label names (see CLD files) ; D_BLOCK: .ASCID /TDV_BLCK/ D_CENTER: .ASCID /DIST_CEN/ D_COVER: .ASCID /TDV_CVRG/ D_DEVICE: .ASCID /TDV_NAME/ D_DIST: .ASCID /REPT_DIS/ D_FROM: .ASCID /SEEK_LBS/ D_IO: .ASCID /TDV_IO/ D_MEG: .ASCID /SEEK_MEG/ D_OUTPUT: .ASCID /TDV_OUT/ D_RANDOM: .ASCID /CVRG_RND/ D_REPORT: .ASCID /TDV_REPT/ D_SEEK: .ASCID /TDV_SEEK/ D_SEQ: .ASCID /CVRG_SEQ/ D_STREAM: .ASCID /TDV_STRM/ D_TO: .ASCID /SEEK_LBE/ D_UNIFORM: .ASCID /DIST_UNI/ ; ; output keyword ; D_VERSION: .ASCID /2.2/ ; software revision D_ALEATOIRE: .ASCID /random/ D_SEQUENTIEL: .ASCID /sequential/ ; ; standard logical name directory ; D_LNMTAB: .ASCID /LNM$FILE_DEV/ ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; .PSECT WORKDATA,NOEXE,WRT,NOSHR,LONG ; K_AZ1 = 23 ; output display spacing (from host) K_AZ2 = 19 ; output display spacing (from coverage) K_GENSIZE = 16 ; generic string size (quadword factor) K_MAXIO = 100000 ; maximum IO's permitted K_MAXSTR = 50 ; maximum streams permitted K_ELEMENT = 15 ; default distribution elements ; Q_NEWPRIV: .QUAD PRV$M_PHY_IO ; physical I/O privilege Q_GTIME: .QUAD 0 ; generic (start & elapsed) binary time Q_NTIME: .QUAD 0 ; absolute end binary time S_VALUE: .BLKB K_GENSIZE ; storage for generic string S_DEVNAME: .BLKB K_GENSIZE ; storage for device name string S_DEVTYPE: .BLKB K_GENSIZE ; storage for device/media type string S_NODENAME: .BLKB K_GENSIZE ; storage for node name string S_HOSTNAME: .BLKB K_GENSIZE ; storage for device serving host S_LABEL: .BLKB K_GENSIZE ; storage for device label D_VALUE: .LONG K_GENSIZE ; generic string descriptor .ADDRESS S_VALUE ; D_DEVNAME: .LONG 0 ; device name descriptor .ADDRESS S_DEVNAME ; D_DEVTYPE: .LONG 0 ; device type descriptor .ADDRESS S_DEVTYPE ; D_NODENAME: .LONG 0 ; node name descriptor .ADDRESS S_NODENAME ; D_HOSTNAME: .LONG 0 ; serving host name descriptor .ADDRESS S_HOSTNAME ; D_LABEL: .LONG 0 ; label descriptor .ADDRESS S_LABEL ; L_TOS: .LONG 0 ; top-of-stack reference (saved SP) L_CHANNEL: .LONG 0 ; device channel L_DEVGEN: .LONG 0 ; generic device information return code L_SERIAL: .LONG 0 ; device/volume serial number L_ELAPSED: .LONG 0 ; test delta time in 102.4 usec unit L_IO: .LONG 0 ; IO count from command line L_IODRP: .LONG 0 ; IO completed/dropped on failed streams L_BLOCK: .LONG 0 ; transfer block size from command line L_STEP: .LONG 0 ; LBN's over target accessed by each IO L_STREAM: .LONG 0 ; stream from command line L_SEEK: .LONG 0 ; seek range (MB) from command line F_SEEK: .FLOAT 0 ; seek range in blocks L_MAXBLK: .LONG 0 ; device capacity L_LOWLIM: .LONG 0 ; low LBN boundary (zero by default) L_HILIM: .LONG 0 ; high LBN boundary (computed) L_REALOW: .LONG 0 ; actual low boundary reached L_REALHI: .LONG 0 ; actual high boundary reached L_TSFBYTE: .LONG 0 ; transfer byte size from block size L_SEED: .LONG 12345678 ; random number generator default seed L_ELEMENT: .LONG 0 ; distribution elements L_FASTEST: .LONG ^XFFFFFFFF ; lowest IO turnaround time (100 usec) L_SLOWEST: .LONG 0 ; highest IO turnaround time (100 usec) F_MEAN: .FLOAT 0 ; computed mean F_ECART: .FLOAT 0 ; computed variance A_IOSB: .LONG 0 ; status block array address for AST A_COUNT: .LONG 0 ; count array address for AST A_TIME: .LONG 0 ; time array address for AST A_DATA: .LONG 0 ; data storage address for AST A_GATE: .LONG 0 ; distribution boundary array address A_HITS: .LONG 0 ; distribution count array address W_VALUE_SIZ: .WORD 0 ; generic string size W_DEVGEN_SIZ: .WORD 0 ; device information return size W_SYNCH: .WORD 0 ; synchronization value - word aligned W_MODE: .WORD 0 ; [0] 0:random (default) 1:sequential ; [1] 0:HILIM seek limit 1:device max ; [2] 1:distribution report requested... ; [3] 0:uniform 1:centered ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Determine machine architecture. On AXP, R31 is a register (address type 5) ; whereas on VAX it is not (type E). On AXP the variable 'alpha' is defined. ; .NTYPE alpha_test,R31 .IIF EQ,-5,alpha=1 ; .PSECT CODE,EXE,NOWRT,LONG ; ; main program & subroutines ; .ENTRY TESTDEV,^M<> ; entry point, IV trap disabled ; ; command line processing, get device, attempt logical name translation ; & get node name ; PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_DEVICE ; >device label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get specified device name MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor MOVL SP,L_TOS ; prepare to build stack item list SUBL2 #16,SP ; make stack space (4 longwords) MOVL SP,R10 ; setup pointer to item list MOVW #K_GENSIZE,(R10) ; >buffer length - same for next 2 calls MOVW #LNM$_STRING,2(R10) ; >item code MOVAB S_DEVNAME,4(R10) ; >buffer address MOVAW D_DEVNAME,8(R10) ; >return length address CLRL 12(R10) ; >end of list descriptor - next 3 calls CLRL R9 ; use as recursive logical protection NXLOG: $TRNLNM_S - ; translate logical device into physical tabnam=D_LNMTAB, - ; >use normal process tables lognam=D_VALUE, - ; >source logical name is inputted value itmlst=(R10) ; >stacked item list BLBC R0,NOTRAN ; confirm valid device name returned MOVW D_DEVNAME,D_VALUE ; then transfer translated value MOVC3 D_DEVNAME,S_DEVNAME, - ; into input descriptor S_VALUE ; AOBLEQ #10,R9,NXLOG ; try another translation until too many NOTRAN: MOVW D_VALUE,D_DEVNAME ; use specified device as physical MOVC3 D_VALUE,S_VALUE, - ; ...release generic buffer S_DEVNAME ; MOVW #SYI$_NODENAME,2(R10) ; >item code - get node name MOVAB S_NODENAME,4(R10) ; >buffer address MOVAW D_NODENAME,8(R10) ; >return length address, eol already ok $GETSYIW_S - ; get system node name itmlst=(R10) ; >stacked item list BLBS R0,PARSE ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message PARSE: ; command line parsing, get qualifiers/keywords and validate ; PUSHAQ D_SEQ ; >address of label descriptor CALLS #1,G^CLI$PRESENT ; check for keyword sequential BLBC R0,RNDM ; if present on command line BISW2 #1,W_MODE ; then mode is sequential scan BRB DEFQUA ; bypass random seed processing RNDM: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_RANDOM ; >random seed label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get user-specified random seed BLBC R0,DEFQUA ; skip to next qualifier if unspecified MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_SEED ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,DEFQUA ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error DEFQUA: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_IO ; >sample size label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get IO count MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_IO ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,OK1 ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error OK1: TSTL L_IO ; bound check integer BLEQ BADIO ; check that IO count is positive CMPL #K_MAXIO,L_IO ; and also less than maximum BGEQ NEXT1 ; otherwise BADIO: PUSHL #K_MAXIO ; >maximum allowed PUSHL #1 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_NILIO ; >message code CALLS #3,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; otherwise, signal NEXT1: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_BLOCK ; >IO block size label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get IO size MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_BLOCK ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,OK2 ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error OK2: TSTL L_BLOCK ; bound check integer BGTR NEXT2 ; good if positive PUSHAL TDV_NILBLCK ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; otherwise, signal NEXT2: SUBL3 #1,L_BLOCK,L_STEP ; compute step size from block size MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_STREAM ; >parallelism value label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get IO streams MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_STREAM ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,OK3 ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error OK3: TSTL L_STREAM ; bound check integer BLEQ BADSTR ; check that streams is positive CMPL #K_MAXSTR,L_STREAM ; and also less than maximum BGEQ NEXT3 ; otherwise BADSTR: PUSHL #K_MAXSTR ; >maximum allowed PUSHL #1 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_NILSTRM ; >message code CALLS #3,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; otherwise, signal NEXT3: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_FROM ; >sample size label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get disk seek low boundary BLBC R0,ZRLOW ; if keyword was present MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_LOWLIM ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,OK4 ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error OK4: TSTL L_LOWLIM ; bound check integer BGEQ NEXT4 ; check that LBN is positive or null PUSHAL TDV_ZEROLOW ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; otherwise, signal ZRLOW: CLRL L_LOWLIM ; low seek limit at beginning of volume NEXT4: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_TO ; >sample size label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get disk seek low boundary BLBC R0,ELSE4 ; if keyword was present MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_HILIM ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBC R0,NOHI ; validate status BRW NEXT5 ; if ok then limit check later NOHI: PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error ELSE4: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_MEG ; >sample size label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get disk seek size MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_SEEK ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,OK5 ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error OK5: TSTL L_SEEK ; bound check megabyte specification BEQL FULVOL ; if null then use full volume BGTR CVTMEG ; if negative PUSHAL TDV_NEGSEEK ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal & stop CVTMEG: MULL3 #1954,L_SEEK,L_HILIM ; else, convert megabyte to approx LBN BVC NEXT5 ; limit check value PUSHAL TDV_MEG2LBN ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; and signal FULVOL: BISW2 #2,W_MODE ; indicate seeking to volume end NEXT5: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_CENTER ; >report style label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get distribution report element count BLBC R0,ELSE5 ; if keyword was present MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_ELEMENT ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBC R0,NOCEN ; validate status BISW2 #^X0C,W_MODE ; indicate centered distribution BRW CHKRPT ; if ok then limit check later NOCEN: PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error ELSE5: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,D_VALUE ; readjust generic descriptor size PUSHAW W_VALUE_SIZ ; >address of string length PUSHAQ D_VALUE ; >address of string descriptor PUSHAQ D_UNIFORM ; >report style label descriptor CALLS #3,G^CLI$GET_VALUE ; get distribution report element count BLBC R0,CHKDEV ; if keyword was present MOVW W_VALUE_SIZ,D_VALUE ; update descriptor CLRL -(SP) ; >no flags, disregard spaces/tabs PUSHL #4 ; >number of bytes to provide - longword PUSHAL L_ELEMENT ; >output value PUSHAL D_VALUE ; >input descriptor CALLS #4,G^OTS$CVT_TI_L ; convert string to integer value BLBS R0,OK6 ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal error BRB CHKDEV ; and skip distribution report OK6: BISW2 #^X04,W_MODE ; indicate uniform distribution CHKRPT: TSTL L_ELEMENT ; bound check report element count BGTR CHKDEV ; if negative or zero then MOVL #K_ELEMENT,L_ELEMENT ; override with default value PUSHAL TDV_DISTPOS ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; and signal CHKDEV: ; verify that device is a mounted disk & get its type, host, label & size... ; MOVW #4,(R10) ; >buffer length - good for next calls MOVW #DVI$_DEVCLASS,2(R10) ; >item code MOVAL L_DEVGEN,4(R10) ; >buffer address - for next DVI calls MOVAW W_DEVGEN_SIZ,8(R10) ; >return length address - don't care $GETDVIW_S - ; check that device is a disk devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - device class BLBS R0,VALDEV ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector PUSHAQ D_DEVNAME ; >device name descriptor PUSHL #1 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_DEVBUG ; >message code CALLS #4,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message VALDEV: CMPL #DC$_DISK,L_DEVGEN ; check device class BEQL CHKMNT ; if not a disk... PUSHAQ D_DEVNAME ; >device name descriptor PUSHL #1 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_NODISK ; >message code CALLS #3,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; ... and quit CHKMNT: MOVW #DVI$_MNT,2(R10) ; >else, load new item in list $GETDVIW_S - ; get disk mounted status devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - device status BLBC R0,MNTBUG ; validate call success BLBS L_DEVGEN,CHKSIZ ; check that device is mounted, else MNTBUG: PUSHAQ D_DEVNAME ; >device name descriptor PUSHL #1 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_DISMNT ; >message code CALLS #3,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; ... and quit CHKSIZ: MOVW #DVI$_MAXBLOCK,2(R10) ; >load new item code into list MOVAL L_MAXBLK,4(R10) ; >buffer address - device capacity $GETDVIW_S - ; get disk block size devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - device capacity BLBS R0,VALSIZ ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message VALSIZ: MOVL L_MAXBLK,L_REALOW ; initialize low reached boundary at max MOVW #DVI$_SERIALNUM,2(R10) ; >load new item code into list MOVAL L_SERIAL,4(R10) ; >buffer address - serial number $GETDVIW_S - ; get disk serial number devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - device serial BLBS R0,VALSN ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message VALSN: MOVW #K_GENSIZE,(R10) ; >buffer length - good for next calls MOVW #DVI$_VOLNAM,2(R10) ; >item code MOVAB S_LABEL,4(R10) ; >buffer address - label MOVAW D_LABEL,8(R10) ; >return length address in descriptor $GETDVIW_S - ; get device label devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - device label BLBS R0,VALLBL ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message VALLBL: MOVW #DVI$_MEDIA_NAME,2(R10) ; >item code MOVAB S_DEVTYPE,4(R10) ; >buffer address - device type MOVAW D_DEVTYPE,8(R10) ; >return length address in descriptor $GETDVIW_S - ; get device type devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - device label BLBS R0,VALTYP ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message VALTYP: MOVW #DVI$_HOST_NAME,2(R10) ; >item code MOVAB S_HOSTNAME,4(R10) ; >buffer address - serving node MOVAW D_HOSTNAME,8(R10) ; >return length address in descriptor $GETDVIW_S - ; get device label devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >device name descriptor itmlst=(R10) ; >item list - serving node BLBS R0,VALHST ; confirm operation status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal message VALHST: ; attach device & boost privileges for physical IO ; $ASSIGN_S - ; assign a channel to the device devnam=D_DEVNAME, - ; >input descriptor - device name chan=L_CHANNEL ; >resulting channel BLBS R0,DEVOK ; validate status PUSHL R0 ; >message vector PUSHAQ D_DEVNAME ; >device name descriptor PUSHL #1 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_NOLINK ; >message code CALLS #3,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; ...quit (signal out) DEVOK: $SETPRV_S - ; test/boost privileges (PHY_IO) enbflg=#1, - ; >enable masked privileges prvadr=Q_NEWPRIV ; >address of new privilege mask BLBS R0,PRIVOK ; check successful completion, else... PUSHAL TDV_NOPRIV ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; ... quit (signal out) PRIVOK: ; verify qualifier relationship, signal warning if required ; BITW #2,W_MODE ; check for high LBN limit specification BNEQ FIXHI ; if explicitely defined CMPL L_MAXBLK,L_HILIM ; validate within volume capacity BGTR SKSIZ ; if beyond PUSHAL TDV_XCRANGE ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; inform user FIXHI: SUBL3 #1,L_MAXBLK,L_HILIM ; make high limit the volume limit SKSIZ: SUBL3 L_LOWLIM,L_HILIM,L_SEEK ; compute seek coverage from limits INCL L_SEEK ; make that limit-inclusive BGTR SIZOK ; check that seek is positive, otherwise PUSHAL TDV_REVLBN ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; inform user & stop SIZOK: CVTLF L_SEEK,F_SEEK ; convert seek to floating ADDL3 L_LOWLIM,L_STEP,R9 ; compute minimal high limit CMPL L_HILIM,R9 ; check that actual limit is further BGEQU SCNOK ; else, no room to maneuver PUSHAL TDV_SEEKBLK ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; inform user & stop SCNOK: CMPL L_IO,L_STREAM ; compare IO and streams BGEQ IOOK ; if more stream than overall IO's MOVL L_IO,L_STREAM ; then use 1 IO per stream, drop rest PUSHAL TDV_IOLSTRM ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; inform user IOOK: CMPL #99,L_IO ; validate statistical collection BGEQ SMALL ; should be at least 100 DIVL3 #1000,L_SEEK,R9 ; and 0.1 % of seek range CMPL L_IO,R9 ; check for condition match BGEQ SETUP ; if not then SMALL: PUSHAL TDV_COLLSIZ ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; inform user SETUP: ; compute required heap space and allocate - pointers IOSB(), COUNT(), TIME(), ; GATE(), HITS() ; MOVL L_TOS,SP ; recover stack , discard previous lists MULL3 #8,L_STREAM,R6 ; quadword for each stream IOSB SUBL3 R6,L_TOS,R10 ; locate pointer to IO status list MOVL R10,A_IOSB ; freeze array start address for AST SUBL3 R6,R10,R9 ; locate pointer to IO count & LBN list MOVL R9,A_COUNT ; freeze array start address for AST MULL3 #8,L_IO,R6 ; quadword for each IO reference time SUBL3 R6,R9,R8 ; locate pointer to IO time list MOVL R8,A_TIME ; freeze array start address for AST MULL3 #512,L_BLOCK,R6 ; calculate IO transfer size in bytes MOVL R6,L_TSFBYTE ; store this value for QIO SUBL3 R6,R8,R7 ; locate pointer to transfer data area MOVL R7,A_DATA ; freeze array start address for AST MULL3 #4,L_ELEMENT,R6 ; longword for each distribution element SUBL3 R6,R7,A_GATE ; locate pointer to distribution gates SUBL3 R6,A_GATE,A_HITS ; locate pointer to distribution counts MOVL A_HITS,SP ; create stack space ; ; output processing banner message... last info before IO ; $GETTIM_S - ; get current system time timadr=Q_GTIME ; >start time MOVL SP,R3 ; prepare to build stack item list SUBL2 #24,SP ; make stack space (6 longwords) MOVL SP,R2 ; setup pointer to item list MOVL #^X10005,(R2) ; >message option & argument count MOVAL TDV_START,4(R2) ; >message code MOVL #3,8(R2) ; >FAO argument count MOVAQ D_DEVNAME,12(R2) ; >device name MOVAQ D_LABEL,16(R2) ; >device label MOVAQ Q_GTIME,20(R2) ; >start time $PUTMSG_S - ; signal start of test msgvec=(R2) ; >message vector MOVL R3,SP ; recover stack , discard temporary list BLBS R0,READY ; confirm call success, else PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal problem READY: ; set up IO stream(s)... will be completed via AST's ; SUBL3 #1,L_STREAM,R4 ; create index based on stream ZRSTRM: CLRQ (R10)[R4] ; initialize (zero) stream status blocks MOVL L_LOWLIM,R5 ; prepare LBN as per single-sequential BLBS W_MODE,GOSTRM ; override LBN if random requested PUSHAL L_SEED ; >seed address CALLS #1,G^MTH$RANDOM ; generate next sequence number .IF DF,alpha JSB AXP_FIX_R0 ; (on AXP, move F0 to R0) .ENDC MULF2 F_SEEK,R0 ; expand to offset within range CVTFL R0,R5 ; drop off decimal portion ADDL2 L_LOWLIM,R5 ; compute LBN within actual range ADDL3 R5,L_STEP,R6 ; compute last LBN to access by this IO CMPL L_HILIM,R6 ; check that step within seek range BGEQU GOSTRM ; else SUBL3 L_STEP,L_HILIM,R5 ; reduce LBN so that step will fit GOSTRM: MOVAQ (R9)[R4],R6 ; point to stream control area MOVQ R4,(R6) ; load stream id & initial LBN pair $GETTIM_S - ; get current system time timadr=(R8)[R4] ; >time slot at current index $QIO_S - ; perform IO operation chan=L_CHANNEL, - ; >channel func=#IO$_READLBLK, - ; >read logical block iosb=(R10)[R4], - ; >iosb at current index astadr=TIMEIO, - ; >name of AST routine astprm=R4, - ; >stream id p1=(R7), - ; >data storage for transfer p2=L_TSFBYTE, - ; >transfer size p3=4(R6) ; >device block address (LBN) BLBS R0,NXSTRM ; validate proper queuing operation MOVL #-1,(R6) ; else, hands-off AST notification ADAWI #1,W_SYNCH ; stream done PUSHL R5 ; >LBN value PUSHL R0 ; >error code PUSHL R4 ; >stream value PUSHL #3 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_IOBUG ; >message code CALLS #5,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; notify user - stream did not start NXSTRM: ACBL #0,#-1,R4,ZRSTRM ; repeat for all streams CMPW W_SYNCH,L_STREAM ; check that at least one good stream BGEQ CLOCK ; and synchronize for completion ; $HIBER_S ; hibernate until awaken by AST SPIN: CMPW W_SYNCH,L_STREAM ; check number of finished streams BNEQ SPIN ; synchronize on end-of-stream ; CLOCK: $GETTIM_S - ; get current system time timadr=Q_NTIME ; >stop time SUBL2 Q_NTIME,Q_GTIME ; compute (low) elapsed time SBWC Q_NTIME+4,Q_GTIME+4 ; compute (high) elapsed time MOVQ Q_GTIME,R2 ; load VAX format binary interval ASHQ #-10,R2,R2 ; scale delta to 102.4 usec base unit MNEGL R2,L_ELAPSED ; discard high (negative) portion MOVL SP,R3 ; prepare to build stack item list SUBL2 #24,SP ; make stack space (6 longwords) MOVL SP,R2 ; setup pointer to item list MOVL #^X10005,(R2) ; >message option & argument count MOVAL TDV_STOP,4(R2) ; >message code MOVL #3,8(R2) ; >FAO argument count MOVAQ D_VERSION,12(R2) ; >device name MOVAQ D_NODENAME,16(R2) ; >device serial number MOVAQ Q_NTIME,20(R2) ; >start time $PUTMSG_S - ; signal start of test msgvec=(R2) ; >message vector MOVL R3,SP ; recover stack , discard temporary list BLBS R0,STATS ; confirm call success, else PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal problem ; ; first pass, extract time (record slowest and fastest) values & compute mean ; STATS: CLRL R1 ; initialize running time total CLRL R2 ; initialize entry count SUBL3 #1,L_STREAM,R4 ; create index based on stream SCAN: MOVAQ (R9)[R4],R6 ; point to stream control area MOVL (R6),R3 ; check would-be last stream IO index BGTR RETRV ; if negative stream had a problem DRPCNT: ADDL2 L_STREAM,R3 ; compute previous IO index BGEQ NXPASS ; until index becomes invalid INCL L_IODRP ; for each index count a dropped IO BRB DRPCNT ; and repeat RETRV: SUBL2 L_STREAM,R3 ; compute actual IO index BLSS NXPASS ; stream done when index changes sign MOVAQ (R8)[R3],R6 ; point to time value MNEGL (R6),R5 ; use (low) time interval, discard high DIVL2 #1000,R5 ; scale to 100 microsecond unit MOVL R5,(R6) ; save as time() for deviation pass ADDL2 R5,R1 ; add time() to running total INCL R2 ; update entry processed count CMPL R5,L_SLOWEST ; if time() is slowest yet seen BLEQU MINIO ; then MOVL R5,L_SLOWEST ; record time() as current maximum MINIO: CMPL R5,L_FASTEST ; if time() is fastest yet seen BGEQU RETRV ; then MOVL R5,L_FASTEST ; record time() as current minimum BRB RETRV ; continue flushing this stream NXPASS: SOBGEQ R4,SCAN ; retrieve next stream entries CVTLF R2,R6 ; convert entry count to floating BNEQ MILIEU ; check non-zero ; ; (logic for 0 valid entry processing to be enhanced) BRW QUIT ; quit on 0, produce results otherwise ; MILIEU: CVTLF R1,R5 ; convert running time total to floating DIVF3 R6,R5,F_MEAN ; compute mean (total time/entry count) ; ; as required by reporting option, set distribution (elements) timing gates ; and initialize hit counters ; BBS #2,W_MODE,REPORT ; if distribution report active BRW PASS2 ; then REPORT: SUBL3 L_FASTEST,L_SLOWEST,R1 ; compute time range BNEQ LIM ; if nul (all IO performed identically) CMPL #1,L_ELEMENT ; then BEQL ALSAME ; if other than 1 element specified MOVL #1,L_ELEMENT ; then override with 1 BRB NOTIFY ; and notify user LIM: CMPL R1,L_ELEMENT ; else if too many elements BGEQU MODE ; then MOVL R1,L_ELEMENT ; maximize number of elements NOTIFY: PUSHAL TDV_DISTMAX ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; notify user ALSAME: CVTLF L_ELEMENT,R0 ; float (number of) elements CVTLF R1,R1 ; float total time range DIVF2 R0,R1 ; interval = range / elements CVTLF L_FASTEST,R0 ; implicit gate(-1) is fastest time CLRL R4 ; initialize gate array index at 0 DOGATE: ADDF2 R1,R0 ; repeat CVTRFL R0,@A_GATE[R4] ; gate(x) = gate(x-1) + interval AOBLSS L_ELEMENT,R4,DOGATE ; for each element BRW EORPT ; endif MODE: BBC #3,W_MODE,ALSAME ; if style is centered then CLRL R3 ; initialize flag CALC: MOVL L_ELEMENT,R0 ; load element count CMPL #2,R0 ; if less than 2 (i.e. 1) BGTR ALSAME ; then treat as uniform BNEQ MANY ; else if equal to 2 CLRL R4 ; then CVTRFL F_MEAN,@A_GATE[R4] ; mark center at mean value INCL R4 ; and MOVL L_SLOWEST,@A_GATE[R4] ; mark top gate at max value BRW ZAPHIT ; else (i.e. 3 or more) MANY: INCL R0 ; side-gates = (element + 1) ASHL #-1,R0,R0 ; / 2 CLRF R6 ; initialize low fibonaci count MOVF #1.0,R5 ; initialize high fibonaci count NXFIBO: ADDF3 R6,R5,R4 ; fibo(x) = fibo(x-1) + fibo(x-2) MOVF R5,R6 ; slide fibonaci value window MOVF R4,R5 ; slide fibonaci value window FIBO: SOBGTR R0,NXFIBO ; repeat for all "x" (side-gates) SUBF3 #0.5,R4,R7 ; adjust total for center-split CVTLF L_FASTEST,R10 ; compute low-side time range SUBF2 F_MEAN,R10 ; (negative offset) DIVF2 R7,R10 ; compute range/unit CMPF #-1.0,R10 ; if |unit| < 1 BLSS RECALC ; then recompute using less element CVTLF L_SLOWEST,R11 ; else SUBF2 F_MEAN,R11 ; compute high-side time range DIVF2 R7,R11 ; compute range/unit CMPF #1.0,R11 ; if unit < 1 BLEQ OKGATE ; then RECALC: BBSS #0,R3,BACK ; mark notification flag PUSHAL TDV_DISTMAX ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; notify user BACK: SUBL2 #1,L_ELEMENT ; reduce number of elements BRW CALC ; start gating process all over OKGATE: ASHL #-1,L_ELEMENT,R0 ; high side has (element/2) gates CLRF R6 ; initialize low fibonaci count MOVF #1.0,R5 ; initialize high fibonaci count MARK1: ADDF3 R6,R5,R4 ; fibo(x) = fibo(x-1) + fibo(x-2) MOVF R5,R6 ; slide fibonaci value window MOVF R4,R5 ; slide fibonaci value window SUBF3 #0.5,R4,R7 ; adjust for center split MULF2 R11,R7 ; scale interval by real unit ADDF2 F_MEAN,R7 ; offset to mean CVTRFL R7,@A_GATE[R0] ; mark this gate AOBLSS L_ELEMENT,R0,MARK1 ; repeat for all high gates CLRF R6 ; re-initialize low fibonaci count MOVF #1.0,R5 ; re-initialize high fibonaci count MOVL R0,R3 ; save total number of elements ASHL #-1,R0,R0 ; low side has (element/2) DECL R0 ; -1 gates BLBS R3,MARK2 ; if even number of elements CVTRFL F_MEAN,@A_GATE[R0] ; then mean is exactly in the middle DECL R0 ; else MARK2: ADDF3 R6,R5,R4 ; fibo(x) = fibo(x-1) + fibo(x-2) MOVF R5,R6 ; slide fibonaci value window MOVF R4,R5 ; slide fibonaci value window SUBF3 #0.5,R4,R7 ; adjust for center split MULF2 R10,R7 ; scale interval byy real unit ADDF2 F_MEAN,R7 ; offset (negative) to mean CVTRFL R7,@A_GATE[R0] ; mark this gate SOBGEQ R0,MARK2 ; repeat for all low gates SUBL3 #1,R3,R4 ; initialize hit array index ZAPHIT: CLRL @A_HITS[R4] ; repeat hits(x) = 0 EORPT: SOBGEQ R4,ZAPHIT ; for each element ; ; second pass, count hits() as required and compute standard deviation ; PASS2: CLRF R1 ; initialize summ SUBL3 #1,L_STREAM,R4 ; create index based on stream SCAN2: MOVAQ (R9)[R4],R6 ; point to stream control area MOVL (R6),R3 ; check would-be last stream IO index BLEQ NXPSS2 ; nothing to do if negative RETRV2: SUBL2 L_STREAM,R3 ; compute actual index BLSS NXPSS2 ; stream done when negative index MOVAQ (R8)[R3],R6 ; point to interval time value MOVL (R6),R5 ; load interval time BBC #2,W_MODE,NOREP ; if distribution report active then SUBL3 #1,L_ELEMENT,R11 ; initialize hit array scan index NXGATE: CMPL R5,@A_GATE[R11] ; if time is smaller than gate BGTR HIT ; then SOBGEQ R11,NXGATE ; check the next smaller gate HIT: INCL R11 ; else adjust gate index INCL @A_HITS[R11] ; count hit NOREP: CVTLF R5,R5 ; float interval time SUBF3 R5,F_MEAN,R5 ; compute mean to entry difference MULF2 R5,R5 ; square difference ADDF2 R5,R1 ; summ squared difference BRB RETRV2 ; continue flushing this stream NXPSS2: SOBGEQ R4,SCAN2 ; retrieve next stream entries CVTLF R2,R6 ; convert entry count to floating DIVF3 R6,R1,F_ECART ; compute variance (squared summ/entry) PUSHAF F_ECART ; >variance CALLS #1,G^MTH$SQRT ; compute standard dev (variance root) .IF DF,alpha JSB AXP_FIX_R0 ; (on AXP, move F0 to R0) .ENDC CVTRFL R0,R3 ; make standard dev an integer CLRL R4 ; clear r3-r4 quadword top longword EDIV #10,R3,R7,R8 ; decompose deviation to int.frac format CVTRFL F_MEAN,R5 ; make mean an integer CLRL R6 ; clear r5-r6 quadword top longword EDIV #10,R5,R9,R10 ; decompose mean into integer.fraction ; ; output results ; SUBL2 #140,SP ; make stack space (35 longwords) MOVL SP,R6 ; setup pointer to item list MOVL #^X10022,(R6) ; >message option & argument count MOVAL TDV_DEVID,4(R6) ; >message code MOVL #7,8(R6) ; >FAO argument count CLRL 12(R6) ; >minimum type name size SUBW3 D_DEVTYPE,#K_AZ1,R1 ; compute right justified spacing BLSS OPT0 ; validate positive displacement MOVZWL R1,12(R6) ; >host name required spacing OPT0: MOVAQ D_DEVTYPE,16(R6) ; >device type MOVL L_SERIAL,20(R6) ; >device serial number CLRL 24(R6) ; >minimum host name size SUBW3 D_HOSTNAME,#K_AZ1,R1 ; compute right justified spacing BLSS OPT1 ; validate positive displacement MOVZWL R1,24(R6) ; >host name required spacing OPT1: MOVAQ D_HOSTNAME,28(R6) ; >serving node name MOVL L_MAXBLK,32(R6) ; >device capacity (LBN max) DIVL3 #1954,L_MAXBLK,36(R6) ; >device capacity (in megabyte) MOVAL TDV_TESTID,40(R6) ; >message code MOVL #4,44(R6) ; >FAO argument count BLBC W_MODE,OPT2 ; check for sequential access SUBW3 D_SEQUENTIEL,#K_AZ2,R1 ; compute right justified spacing MOVZWL R1,48(R6) ; >sequential required spacing MOVAQ D_SEQUENTIEL,52(R6) ; >access mode string for sequential BRB NXT1 ; else OPT2: SUBW3 D_ALEATOIRE,#K_AZ2,R1 ; compute right justified spacing MOVZWL R1,48(R6) ; >random required spacing MOVAQ D_ALEATOIRE,52(R6) ; >access mode string for random NXT1: MOVL L_STREAM,56(R6) ; >number of active streams MOVL L_BLOCK,60(R6) ; >block transfer size MOVAL TDV_TESTID2,64(R6) ; >message code MOVL #5,68(R6) ; >FAO argument count SUBL3 L_REALOW,L_REALHI,R1 ; compute actual seek coverage ADDL3 #1,R1,72(R6) ; >actual seek span MOVL L_SEEK,76(R6) ; >logical block range (max span) MOVL R2,80(R6) ; >processed IO count MOVL L_IO,84(R6) ; >maximum specified IO count MOVL L_IODRP,88(R6) ; >IO's dropped (aborted streams) MOVAL TDV_PERFID,92(R6) ; >message code MOVL #4,96(R6) ; >FAO argument count MOVAQ Q_GTIME,100(R6) ; >elapsed time (VMS format) CVTLF L_ELAPSED,R3 ; change elapsed time to floating format BNEQ TIMOK ; if interval too small then CLRL 104(R6) ; >uncomputable throughput CLRL 108(R6) ; >uncomputable IO rate integer CLRL 112(R6) ; >uncomputable IO rate fraction BRB SPEED ; skip rate computation TIMOK: MULL3 L_BLOCK,R2,R1 ; compute total blocks transfered CVTLF R1,R1 ; change blocks to floating format MULF2 #5E6,R1 ; compute prescaled total bytes moved DIVF2 R3,R1 ; compute byte rate CVTRFL R1,104(R6) ; >throughput CVTLF R2,R1 ; convert IO's done to floating format DIVF2 R3,R1 ; compute IO's per base time unit DIVF2 #102.4E-7,R1 ; rescale to second (10 times actual) CVTRFL R1,R3 ; convert value to decimal format CLRL R4 ; prepare quadword - clear upper 32 bits EDIV #10,R3,108(R6),112(R6) ; >IO rate integer.fraction SPEED: MOVAL TDV_PERFID2,116(R6) ; >message code MOVL #4,120(R6) ; >FAO argument count MOVL R9,124(R6) ; >integer portion of average MOVL R10,128(R6) ; >fractional portion of average MOVL R7,132(R6) ; >integer portion of deviation MOVL R8,136(R6) ; >fractional portion of deviation $PUTMSG_S - ; signal start of test msgvec=(R6) ; >message vector BLBS R0,OUTREP ; confirm call success, else PUSHL R0 ; >message code CALLS #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; signal problem ; ; produce distribution report, as required ; OUTREP: BBS #2,W_MODE,DOREP1 ; if distribution is requested BRW QUIT ; then DOREP1: MOVL A_HITS,SP ; recover previous heap (stack space) CVTLF R2,R2 ; float total IO count CLRQ R4 ; initialize r4:r5 SUBL2 #48,SP ; create heap (12 longwords) MOVL SP,R6 ; point to item list MOVL #^X1000B,(R6) ; >message option & argument count MOVAL TDV_DISTID,4(R6) ; >message code CLRL 8(R6) ; >FAO argument count MOVAL TDV_DISTID2,12(R6) ; >message code MOVL #7,16(R6) ; >FAO argument count MOVL L_FASTEST,R4 ; load gate(-1) EDIV #10,R4,20(R6),24(R6) ; >low bound.fraction MOVL @A_GATE,R4 ; load gate(0) EDIV #10,R4,28(R6),32(R6) ; >high bound.fraction MOVL @A_HITS,R3 ; load hits(0) MOVL R3,36(R6) ; >IO's counted in this interval CVTLF R3,R3 ; float interval IO count DIVF2 R2,R3 ; compute relative (interval/total) IO MULF2 #1000.0,R3 ; prepare % expression CVTRFL R3,R4 ; round value EDIV #10,R4,40(R6),44(R6) ; >IO percentage.fraction $PUTMSG_S - ; signal first distribution element msgvec=(R6) ; >message vector BLBS R0,DOREPX ; if further elements to process BRW DONE ; then DOREPX: MOVL #^X10009,8(R6) ; >message option & argument count SUBL3 #1,L_ELEMENT,R11 ; initialize loop control index CLRL R7 ; initialize loop index NXREP: CMPL R7,R11 ; compare actual to max index BGEQ QUIT ; if not completed then MOVL @A_GATE[R7],R4 ; load gate(index) EDIV #10,R4,20(R6),24(R6) ; >low bound.fraction INCL R7 ; update index value for addressing MOVL @A_GATE[R7],R4 ; load gate(index+1) EDIV #10,R4,28(R6),32(R6) ; >high bound.fraction MOVL @A_HITS[R7],R3 ; load hits(index+1) MOVL R3,36(R6) ; >IO's counted in this interval CVTLF R3,R3 ; float interval IO count DIVF2 R2,R3 ; compute relative (interval/total) IO MULF2 #1000.0,R3 ; prepare % expression CVTRFL R3,R4 ; round value EDIV #10,R4,40(R6),44(R6) ; >IO percentage.fraction $PUTMSG_S - ; signal distribution element msgvec=8(R6) ; >message vector BLBC R0,DONE ; check function status BRB NXREP ; repeat for each element QUIT: MOVL #SS$_NORMAL,R0 ; final image status - all ok DONE: MOVL L_TOS,SP ; recover stack , discard temporary list RET ; quit... ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Asynchronous system trap (AST) code ; .ENTRY TIMEIO,^M ; entry point, IV trap disabled ; MOVL 4(AP),R4 ; load IO parameter - stream MOVAQ @A_COUNT[R4],R5 ; point to stream control area MOVL (R5),R2 ; load last IO index BGEQ HOLD ; must be positive, otherwise... RET ; ...drop off (spurious) HOLD: MOVAQ @A_IOSB[R4],R3 ; load previous IOSB address MOVZWL (R3),R0 ; load error code BLBS R0,LASTOK ; if previous IO status faulty TSTL R2 ; check for first of stream BNEQ LASBAD ; if so then INCL L_IODRP ; consider one dropped IO LASBAD: ADDL2 L_STREAM,R2 ; update index to would-be last IO BRW NOMORE ; drop out, shut down stream operations LASTOK: MOVAQ @A_TIME[R2],R3 ; load reference time address MOVQ (R3),R10 ; load start time into r10-r11 pair $GETTIM_S - ; get current system time timadr=(R3) ; >reuse IO time address for current SUBL2 (R3),R10 ; compute (low) delta time SBWC 4(R3),R11 ; compute (high) delta time MOVQ R10,(R3) ; save delta time to IO list CMPL 4(R5),L_REALOW ; check last LBN outside low threshold BGEQU LOBND ; if so MOVL 4(R5),L_REALOW ; update low threshold LOBND: ADDL3 4(R5),L_STEP,R11 ; compute last IO upper LBN reach CMPL R11,L_REALHI ; check value outside upper threshold BLEQU HIBND ; if so MOVL R11,L_REALHI ; update high threshold HIBND: ADDL2 L_STREAM,R2 ; compute next IO index MOVL R2,(R5) ; save index to IO count list CMPL L_IO,R2 ; check for last IO reached BGTR PURSUE ; if so then BRW EOS ; drop out... end-of-stream reached PURSUE: BLBC W_MODE,RANDOM ; check for sequential or random access ADDL3 L_BLOCK,4(R5),R0 ; compute next LBN in ascending order CMPL L_HILIM,R0 ; check for scan boundary BGEQU CHKSTP ; if target block outside of seek range BRW EOS ; then drop out... end-of-stream reached RANDOM: PUSHAL L_SEED ; >seed address CALLS #1,G^MTH$RANDOM ; generate next sequence number .IF DF,alpha JSB AXP_FIX_R0 ; (on AXP, move F0 to R0) .ENDC MULF2 F_SEEK,R0 ; expand to offset within range CVTFL R0,R0 ; drop off decimal portion ADDL2 L_LOWLIM,R0 ; compute LBN within actual range CHKSTP: MOVL L_STEP,R10 ; load step size BEQL EXER ; if zero, LBN will be in range ADDL3 R0,R10,R11 ; else compute last LBN to access CMPL L_HILIM,R11 ; check that step within seek range BGEQU EXER ; else SUBL3 R10,L_HILIM,R0 ; reduce LBN so that step will fit EXER: MOVL R0,4(R5) ; store target LBN in stream control $GETTIM_S - ; get current time timadr=@A_TIME[R2] ; >next IO time pointed by new index $QIO_S - ; perform IO operation chan=L_CHANNEL, - ; >channel func=#IO$_READLBLK, - ; >read logical block iosb=@A_IOSB[R4], - ; >iosb at current index astadr=TIMEIO, - ; >name of this routine astprm=R4, - ; >stream id p1=@A_DATA, - ; >data storage for transfer p2=L_TSFBYTE, - ; >transfer size p3=4(R5) ; >device block address (LBN) BLBS R0,NORMAL ; validate proper operation NOMORE: ADDL3 L_STEP,4(R5),-(SP) ; >last LBN accessed PUSHL 4(R5) ; >target LBN PUSHL R0 ; >error code PUSHL R4 ; >stream index number PUSHL #4 ; >FAO argument count PUSHAL TDV_STRMDIS ; >message code CALLS #6,G^LIB$SIGNAL ; notify user - shutting off this stream MNEGL R2,(R5) ; hands-off signalisation EOS: ADAWI #1,W_SYNCH ; notify master of end-of-stream $WAKE_S ; wake master up NORMAL: RET ; that's it ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Subroutine (AXP-specific) ; ; MTH$ function results are returned in F0 on AXP. Floating registers are not ; directly accessible from VAX MACRO; hence this AXP code is required to move ; F0 to R0 via the stack before further floating operations can occur. ; .IF DF,alpha .PSECT AXP_001,EXE,NOWRT,LONG AXP_FIX_R0: .jsb32_entry .PSECT AXP_001_CODE,EXE,NOWRT,LONG ; ; AXP instructions AXP MACRO64 pseudo-VAX MACRO ; .LONG ^X43c1153e ; subq r30,#8,r30 ! movaq -8(sp),sp .LONG ^X901e0000 ; stf f0,(r30) ! movf f0,(sp) .LONG ^Xa01e0000 ; ldl r0,(r30) ! movf (sp),r0 .LONG ^X43c1141e ; addq r30,#8,r30 ! movaq 8(sp),sp .LONG ^X6bfa8001 ; ret r31,(r26) ! rsb .ENDC ; .END TESTDEV