% Librarian A09-22yĵeĵ   ///5 @ 8ACCEPTATTACHBUILDGCANCELpCOMPILEzCONVERTrCOPYCREATE6DEFINE (DELETED DIFFERENCEShError_MessagesEXITEXTRACTFETCHMFoldsHELPE HintsTPHistoryINSERT.INVOKElLINKW& Logical_NamesMODIFY  New_FeaturesBOverview2fPERFORM>POPULATEPREJECT^\REMOVEg<REPLACERESERVEND UNRESERVE VDEKVDE_Privileges0REVIEWScriptKSETSHOW&SPAWNSTARTSTOPzSUSPEND UNRESERVE VDEKVDE_Privileges#VERIFY;VVersion;WAITRESERVEWAITionvileges  2ĵ1 VDEC The VDE utility allows users to manage source code libraries and to build applications. ww2ĵ1 @$ Executes a VDE command procedure. Format @ file-name 2 Parameter file-nameC Indicates the name of the file from which VDE commands should beD read. If no file extension is specified, the file type is assumed to be .VDE. 2 Description= A command procedure is a file containing a sequen ce of VDEA commands. When the command procedure is executed, the commandsA in the file are processed in order as if each command had been9 entered individually from the terminal or workstation./ DCL COMMAND PROCEDURES8 If invoking VDE commands from within a DCL command2 procedure, do not use a VDE kept subprocess. 2 Examples 1.VDE> @INFILEC This example shows how to execute the VDE commands in the file? INFILE.VDE in your default directory. As there was no file? extension explicitly specified in the example command, VDE) defaults the file extension to .VDE. 2.VDE> @[MYDIR]MYFILE.TMP? This example shows how to execute the VDE commands in file% MYFILE.TMP in directory [MYDIR]. wwWĵ 1 ACCEPT 2 REPLACEMENTB Marks a queued replacement as accepted in the VDE database. YouD can only mark a replacement as accepted if you are a reviewer for that replacement. Requires RESREP privilege. Format< ACCEPT REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] ["remark"] 3 Parameter rep-nameA The name of a queued replacement to be marked as accepted. YouC can accept more than one replacement at a time by using wildcardA characters in the replacement name. The percent sign (%) in aD name matches any single character in the position it occupies andD the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position? it occupies. Those queued replacements whose names match the+ wildcard pattern are marked as accepted. "remark"B Specifies a one-line remark for the replacement. Typically thisB remark summarizes why the replacement is acceptable. Specifying? the remark parameter is equivalent to specifying the /REMARK3 qualifier after the ACCEPT REPLACEMENT keywords. 3 Description? The ACCEPT REPLACEMENT command is used during the (optional)C code review process suppo rted by VDE, and is the negation of the REJECT REPLACEMENT command.D The ACCEPT REPLACEMENT command updates the VDE database to record@ that you have reviewed the code changes in a specified queued@ replacement and that you judge those changes to be acceptable@ for replacement into the VDE library-the replacement into the@ VDE library is performed with a subsequent PERFORM REPLACMENT@ command. You must be a reviewer for a replacement in order toD issue to ACCEPT REPLACEMENT  and mark the replacement as accepted.@ The ACCEPT REPLACEMENT command allows you to attach a commentC file to the queued replacement. This file gives your comments toC the author of the replacement and to the other reviewers. If you@ have already created such a file, use the /INPUT qualifier toC copy it to the replacement's staging area. If you want to createB such a file, use the /EDIT qualifier. This qualifier causes VDE? to invoke your preferred editor to create a comment  file forB the replacement. If you have already created a comment file for@ the replacement with an earlier ACCEPT or REJECT command, theD /EDIT qualifier lets you edit that file again. This capability isB useful if you change your mind or want to add more information.? If you wish to mark a replacement as not acceptable, use theC REJECT REPLACEMENT command. If you wish to see the review status= of a queued replacement, see the documentation on the SHOW+ REPLACEMENT command in SHOW REPLACEMENT. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachC replacement accepted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printC a message for each replacement asking whether you want to accept? that replacement. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacementB is marked as accepted. If you answer NO (or N), the replacement@ status is not changed. If you enter a replacement nam e with aD wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the acceptance ofB each replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification.< The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to mark the specified< replacements as accepted without asking for confirmation. /EDITA Specifies that VDE should invoke your preferred editor so thatA you can edit your comment file for each queued replacement. If? such a comment file already exists (due to a previous ACCEPT? or REJECT REPLACEMENT command for the same replacement), theA editor modifies that file. Otherwise, the editor creates a new@ file in the replacement's staging directory. Its file name is> your OpenVMS username and its file type is VDE$COMMENT. TheA comment file typically contains comments for the author of the' replacement and the other reviewers.> This qualifier is ignored if you are running in batch mode. /INPUT /INPUT=file-specA Specifies a comment file for the queued replacement. VDE reads@ the text file given by the file-spec parameter and writes itsC contents into a new file in the replacement's staging directory.= The file name of the new file is your OpenVMS username and@ its file extension is VDE$COMMENT. The comment file typicallyC contains remarks to the author of the replacement or information for the other reviewers. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each replacement> has been marked as accepted. The /LOG qualifier causes suchC messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them.A These messages indicate that the replacement has been accepted@ and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a one-line remark for the replacement. Typically thisB remark summarizes why the replacement is acceptable. For longerC comments, you may create a comment file with the /INPUT or /EDIT qualifier. /USERNAME /USERNAME=usernameA Specifies that the replacement be marked as accepted on behalf@ of another user. The username parameter specifies the OpenVMSC username of the other user. That user must be a reviewer for theA specified replacement. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 Examples$ 1.VDE> ACCEPT REPLACEMENT BROWN-3I %VDE-I-REPACCEPT, replacement BROWN-3 marked as accepted in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>: This example marks that the current user finds queued? replacement BROWN-3 acceptable to be replaced into the VDE library.; 2.VDE> ACCEPT REPLACEMENT SMITH-1/INPUT=COMMENT_FILE.TXTI %VDE-I-REPACCEPT, replacement SMITH-1 marked as accepted in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D In this example, the user marks replacement SMITH-1 as acceptedB and provides a comment file that gives additional information, to the user who queued the replacement. ww%ĵ 1 ATTACH? Transfers control from your current process to the specified process. Format ATTACH process-name 2 Parameter process-name@ Specifies the parent process or a spawned subprocess to which> control is to be passed. The process must already exist, be? part of your current job,  and share the same input stream asC your current process. However, the process cannot be the current> process or a subprocess created with the /NOWAIT qualifier.; Do not specify the process-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. 2 DescriptionD The ATTACH command allows you to quickly transfer control between? processes. (For information about creating a subprocess, seeA the SPAWN command.) For example, you can transfer control fromC a parent process to a subprocess using the ATTACH command. Then,D in the subprocess, you can start a build job using VDE and, afterC you finish, you can enter the ATTACH command to move back to theB parent process. If you later want to display the status of your? build job, you can enter another ATTACH command at DCL levelB (or from many utilities) to move back to the VDE subprocess you created.B Do not attempt to use the DCL ATTACH command to attach to a VDE kept subprocess. 2 Qualifiers /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=pid? Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to> which terminal control is transferred. Leading zeros can beB omitted. Do not specify the process-name parameter when you use this qualifier. 2 Examples 1.$ EDIT VACATION.TXT . . . $ SPAWN VDE, %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process SMITH_1 spawned> %DCL-S-ATTACHED, terminal now attached to process SMITH_1 VDE> BUILD GAME_PROG VDE> ATTACH SMITH7 %DCL-S-RETURNED, control returned to process SMITH . . . $ ATTACH SMITH_1 VDE>> This example shows how to spawn a subprocess (SMITH_1) to> invoke VDE and use the ATTACH command to move between VDED (SMITH_1) and the DCL command level (SMITH). The ATTACH command9 allows you to transfer control between subprocesses.& NO TEB Use the SPAWN command to create a new process and the ATTACH: command to connect to a process that already exists. wwKĵ1 BUILDC Creates and optionally starts a build job to build the specified= modules. The discrete steps performed during the build are derived from VDE scripts. Requires BUILD privilege. Format$ BUILD mod-name [, mod-name...] 2 Parameter mod-name@ Specifies a module or build group to be p !roduced by the build job.A If the parameter is a module name, it is typically the name ofD an executable image or another type of derived module that is theC end result of a build operation. Each such module is a target of the build.B The module name must consist of a module name and a module typeA separated by a period (as in MODNAM.EXE) and may optionally be? preceded by a facility name enclosed in square brackets (forA example, [FACIL]MODNAM.EXE). If no facili "ty name is specified,; the module is assumed to belong to the default facility.> You can build more than one target module by using wildcard@ characters in any of the three components of the module name.B The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character inA the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or@ more characters in the position it occupies. VDE builds those2 modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.? If the mod-name parameter spe #cifies a build group, the BUILDB command builds all modules that are members of the build group.B A build-group name is a simple name that has been declared withC a CREATE GROUP/BUILD command. A build-group name may not contain wildcard characters. 2 DescriptionC The BUILD command performs two distinct operations: it creates aC build job for the default development stream in the VDE databaseD and it optionally starts that build job on a set of OpenVMS batch queue$s. Creating a Build JobD To create a build job in the database, the BUILD command does the following three things:? o First, the BUILD command determines the target modules to@ be built. The target modules are specified by the mod-name parameters of the command.? o Next, the command determines the build steps that must be? performed to build those target modules. The needed buildB steps are determined by the build dependencies stored in theC % VDE database, by the modules that have changed since the lastC time the targets were built, and by whether the user requests a full or minimal build.B o Finally, the BUILD command records information about the newD build job in the database. The information specifies the buildB steps to be performed, any constraints on the order in which@ the steps are performed, and other attributes. (An exampleC of an order constraint is the requirement that a compile s &tep9 must complete before a dependent link step starts.)> The build job is always created for the default development? stream. It uses the build dependencies of the default stream= to determine the build steps to perform and it uses moduleC replacement data for the default stream to determine the modules@ that have changed since the last build. The build job is then? identified by the stream name and a build-job identification? number. For example, the second build j 'ob for stream V1.0 is9 labeled "build job 2 for stream V1.0" in VDE messages.B You cannot create a new build job for a given stream if a buildA job already exists for that stream and that existing build jobA has not yet completed execution. This restriction ensures that@ two build jobs for the same stream do not execute at the sameB time. If you do not want the existing build job to run, stop it@ with the STOP BUILD_JOB command before creating the new build job. S (tarting a Build JobD To start a build job, the BUILD command submits one or more batchB jobs to the OpenVMS batch queues that the user specified eitherD with the /QUEUE qualifier or by default. Then each batch job runs@ the VDE$BUILD utility that executes the build steps belongingC to the build job. The steps are executed in a loop until all theD steps are done. The VDE$BUILD utility does the following for each build step:> o The program looks in the database for the ne )xt availableB build step. (A build step, normally a compile, copy, or linkA step, is available if it is not waiting for another step toA complete.) If no step is available, the program waits a few> seconds before looking for another available build step.A o When the program finds a build step to run, it looks up theB VDE script for that step and, from the script, generates theA DCL commands needed to run the step. The program then sendsD the DCL comm *ands to a subprocess that executes the build step,) and waits for the step to complete.B o After the step completes, the program records the completion: status of the step in the database. A step completes? either successfully or with errors. If the step completesC successfully, the program updates the step's build dependencyD information in the database and then looks for another step to perform.> The BUILD command always creates a new build job in t +he VDE< database. It also starts the build job unless you use the@ /NOSTART qualifier or you answer NO to a query asking whetherD to start the build. If the BUILD command does not start the build@ job, you can start it later with the START BUILD_JOB command.@ After the build job is created (whether or not you start it),C you can use the SHOW BUILD_JOB command to display the attributesB of the build, including the size of the build job and the exactA build steps and build-step ,dependencies that make up the build job.= You can distribute the build job across several processors< (whether in a single machine or in multiple machines in aC cluster) by specifying the /QUEUE and /PROCESS_COUNT qualifiers.C The /QUEUE qualifier specifies the batch queues to run the buildB job. The /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier specifies the total number ofA processes VDE submits to the batch queues performing the buildB job. By specifying the batch queues and the number -of processesB VDE submits to each queue, you can decide how to distribute theC build job over a cluster with processors of different speeds and configurations.D If you do not specify the /QUEUE or /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier, VDEB uses the default batch queues and process counts of the defaultA development stream. You can establish these defaults using theB /QUEUE and /PROCESS_COUNT qualifiers with the CREATE STREAM andC MODIFY STREAM commands. If you have not specified such .defaults,. VDE submits one process to queue SYS$BATCH. 2 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER=date-time< Indicates the date and time at which the build job begins? execution. Specify the date and time using OpenVMS date-timeB syntax. Use this qualifier only if the BUILD command starts theC build job: the qualifier specifies the start time for each batch2 job that is submitted to execute the build job. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)C/ Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the buildD job started. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message? asking whether you want to start the build job. This message> is displayed after VDE creates the build job and displays aA message stating the size of the job. If you answer YES (or Y),C the build job is started. If you answer NO (or N), the build jobC is not started. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to start the? build job without asking 0for confirmation. Neither qualifier= has any effect if you use the /NOSTART qualifier: /NOSTART< unconditionally prevents VDE from starting the build job. /FULL< Directs the BUILD command to perform a full build of your< software system. In a full build, all source modules thatA contribute to the target modules you specified are compiled orB otherwise processed. If you do not specify the /FULL qualifier,A the BUILD command performs a minimal system build, which means1@ that only the source modules that have changed since the lastC build of the specified target modules are compiled or processed.= A minimal build is normally much quicker than a full build@ because it performs only the minimal work needed to propagate- your source changes to the target modules. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after the build job is@ created and submitted to batch queues for execution. The /LOG> 2 qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG> qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate that the@ build job has been created, that the database transaction hasB successfully committed, and that batch jobs have been submitted4 to various batch queues to execute the build job. /PROCESS_COUNT /PROCESS_COUNT=proc-count> Specifies the number of processes to execute the build job.< VDE creates the processes by submitting batch jobs to the= que3ues specified by the /QUEUE qualifier or to the defaultB queues for the default stream. The number of processes that VDEA creates (that is, the number of OpenVMS batch jobs it submits)> is specified by the proc-count parameter. As a result, this? parameter determines the degree of parallelism for the build job. /QUEUE* /QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])? Specifies the OpenVMS batch queues to which the build job isA submitted. Each queue-name parameter spec 4ifies the name of oneC batch queue. The queue-name parameter may optionally be followed> by a process count in parentheses. This count specifies the? number of processes that are started on the queue to run the> build job. For example, SYS$BATCH(3) causes three build-job? processes to be submitted to queue SYS$BATCH. If the process; count is omitted, one process is submitted to the queue.D If you only specify one queue-name parameter, the parentheses may be omitted.C5 If you also use the /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier, the /PROCESS_COUNT> qualifier states the total number of build-job processes toB create. In that case, the process counts attached to the queue-> name parameters on the /QUEUE qualifier are used as scaling= factors to distribute build-job processes among the queuesC proportionally. For example, if you specify queues HI_BATCH, HO_B BATCH(3) and a total process count of eight, then two processesA are submitted to queue HI_BATCH and6 six processes to queue HO_D BATCH. If the total process count does not divide evenly into theD sum of the scaling factors, the remaining processes are allocatedA to the queues in the order the queues are listed. If the total? process count is nine, for example, the one extra process is@ allocated to queue HI_BATCH because HI_BATCH is listed first. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for theB new build job. The qu7oted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the4 build job that you want to store in the database. /START /START (default) /NOSTART? Controls whether the build job is started or not. The /START? qualifier starts the build job, which means that VDE submitsB batch jobs to the appropriate OpenVMS batch queues. These batch? jobs run programs that execute all the build steps that make= up the build jo 8b. The /NOSTART qualifier prevents VDE fromD submitting the batch jobs. If you use the /NOSTART qualifier, youB can start the build job later with the START BUILD_JOB command. /STEP_DELAY /STEP_DELAY=time-interval< Specifies the step-delay time interval used by VDE$BUILD.C VDE$BUILD is the program that executes the build steps belongingC to a build job. If VDE$BUILD cannot find an available build stepB in the database, the program waits the amount of time speci 9fied? by the /STEP_DELAY qualifier before it looks in the database again.C When multiple processes run a build job, one process may be idleC until a second process completes its current build step. In thatB situation, the first process periodically looks in the database@ to see if the second process has finished its step. The step-A delay interval determines how often the first process looks in& the database for an available step.C Use the following syntax to denot:e the number of hours, minutes, and seconds in the interval: /STEP_DELAY=hh:mm:ss.ss< For example, an interval of three and one half seconds is specified as follows: /STEP_DELAY=00:00:03.50B Usually the interval is set at a few seconds. If this qualifierD is not specified, VDE uses the default step-delay interval of theB stream. If no default has been specified, the delay interval is five seconds. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=time-interval@ Specifi ;es the timeout interval for the build job. If no build= steps complete during this interval, the VDE$BUILD utility@ stops the build job and assigns it TIMEOUT status. Therefore,@ the timeout interval must be longer than the time required to# complete the longest build step.A Normally, a build job only times out if a node that is runningA one of the build-job processes fails. When a node fails, other< build-job processes may be unable to proceed because they> are waiting f <or a build step that ran on the failed node toC complete, which will not happen. In that case, after the timeoutA interval expires, one of the waiting processes marks the buildB job as timed out, after which the remaining processes terminateB themselves. You can later restart the build job using the START BUILD_JOB command.C Use the following syntax to denote the number of hours, minutes, and seconds in the interval: /TIMEOUT=hh:mm:ss.ssB For example, an inter=val of two and one half hours is specified as follows: /TIMEOUT=02:30:00.00@ The length of the timeout interval should be set based on the= length of the longest build step in the build job. If thisD qualifier is not specified, VDE uses the default timeout interval? of the stream. If no default has been specified, the timeout interval is one hour. 2 Examples 1.VDE> BUILD FOO.EXEC %VDE-I-BLDJOBCRE, build job 1 for stream BL22 has been createdF > %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 1 for stream BL22 consists of 5 stepsC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed@ %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job 1 for stream BL22D %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 308 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHO Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 308) started on PHI_BATCHO %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTED, build job 1 for stream BL22 started with 1 processes VDE>A This example performs a minimal system build to b ?uild moduleC FOO.EXE. The created build job is build job 1 for stream BL22.@ The build job consists of five build steps, such as compile? and link steps. Because the /NOSTART qualifier is omitted,B the build job is started on the default queue for the stream,7 SYS$BATCH. The build job runs on only one process.# 2.VDE> BUILD/FULL/NOSTART BLDGRPC %VDE-I-BLDJOBCRE, build job 2 for stream BL22 has been createdH %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 2 for stream BL22 con @sists of 125 stepsC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? In this example, build job 2 for the default stream, BL22,@ is created. This is a full build (not a minimal build) thatD builds all modules that are members of build group BLDGRP. ThisA build requires 125 build steps. The build job is not started> because the /NOSTART qualifier is specified. (To start itD later, use the START BUILD_JOB command.) Although the build job AA is not started, it exists in the database so you can display; information about it using the SHOW BUILD_JOB command.% 3.VDE> BUILD/PROCESS_COUNT=3 *.EXEE %VDE-I-BLDJOBCRE, build job 2 for stream V2.0-3 has been createdI %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 2 for stream V2.0-3 consists of 25 stepsC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedB %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job 2 for stream V2.0-3D %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 317 submit Bted to queue SYS$BATCHO Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 317) started on PHI_BATCHD %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 318 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHO Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 318) started on FOO_BATCHD %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 319 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHO Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 319) started on FUM_BATCHQ %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTED, build job 2 for stream V2.0-3 started with 3 processes VDE> C@ This example creates and starts a build job that builds all@ executable images for the default stream. It runs the build> job with three parallel processes, all submitted to queue> SYS$BATCH. The batch jobs execute on three separate batch9 queues, in this case on separate nodes in a cluster.> 4.VDE> BUILD/QUEUE=(PHI_BATCH,FOO_BATCH(2),FUM_BATCH) *.EXEE %VDE-I-BLDJOBCRE, build job 3 for stream V2.0-3 has been createdI %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 3 for stream DV2.0-3 consists of 25 stepsC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedB %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job 3 for stream V2.0-3D %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 417 submitted to queue PHI_BATCHK Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue PHI_BATCH, entry 417) started on PHI_BATCHD %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 418 submitted to queue FOO_BATCHK Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue FOO_BATCH, entry 418) started on FOO_BATCHD %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 419 su Ebmitted to queue FOO_BATCHK Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue FOO_BATCH, entry 419) started on FOO_BATCHD %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 420 submitted to queue FUM_BATCHK Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue FUM_BATCH, entry 420) started on FUM_BATCHQ %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTED, build job 3 for stream V2.0-3 started with 4 processes VDE>A Like the previous example, this example creates and starts aC build job that builds all executable images. In this case, theC /QUEUE qual Fifier specifies that four batch jobs are submitted:B one to batch queue PHI_BATCH, two to queue FOO_BATCH, and oneA to queue FUM_BATCH. These queues belong to specific nodes in> the cluster. As a result, the /QUEUE qualifier determines@ precisely how the build job is distributed across the nodes of the cluster. 5.VDE> BUILD/CONFIRM FOO.EXEC %VDE-I-BLDJOBCRE, build job 8 for stream BL22 has been createdF %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 8 for stream BL22 consist Gs of 2 stepsC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed2 Start build job 8 for stream BL22 ? [No]: YES@ %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job 8 for stream BL22C %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 79 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHN Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 79) started on PHI_BATCHO %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTED, build job 8 for stream BL22 started with 1 processes VDE>A The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to ask the user wheHther toB start the new build job. VDE asks the question after creatingB the build job and after displaying its size (in this example,= only two steps). The user answers YES and VDE starts one2 process for the build job on queue SYS$BATCH. ww0ĵ 1 CANCEL 2 DIRECTORY> Cancels a directory template in the VDE database. Directory= templates determine what disk directories VDE creates when3 creating new development streams and facilities.I Requires CRESTRM privilege. Format CANCEL DIRECTORY 3 Description> The CANCEL DIRECTORY command deletes a "directory template"> from the VDE database. Directory templates are defined withB the SET DIRECTORY command and specify the names that VDE should? assign to disk directories when creating directories for newA development streams or facilities or for the library's queued-D replacement staging area. The CANCEL DIRECTORY command can delete? all tem Jplates that the SET DIRECTORY command can create. The? CANCEL DIRECTORY command does not delete or otherwise affect& existing disk directories, however.A Unless the cancelled template is for the library's delta files< or its staging area, it is only cancelled for the default@ development stream. Because directory templates are inherited? by a stream's descendants, the CANCEL DIRECTORY command willA affect the disk directories created for all future descendantsD of the de Kfault stream. It may also affect the directories created, for new facilities in the default stream.= When you have cancelled a directory template, VDE uses itsA default rules to create directory trees for subsequent streamsB and facilities. VDE always creates stream, facility, and delta-> file root directories, whether there are templates for suchB directories or not. VDE does not create facility subdirectoriesC unless there are templates for them, however, so if you cancel aLB subdirectory template, you prevent that subdirectory from being) created for new streams or facilities.; For additional information on directory creation, and onB directory symbols (dir-symbol) and directory symbol processing,; see SET DIRECTORY, SHOW DIRECTORY, and Script Functions. 3 Qualifiers /DELTA_FILES> Specifies whether a directory template for delta files, the> staging area, or the default stream is deleted. The /DELTA_B FILES qualifier specifi Mes that a directory template for the VDEA library's delta files (CMS libraries) be deleted. The /STAGINGD qualifier specifies that the directory template for the library'sD staging-area root directory be deleted. (Staging areas hold filesC for queued replacements.) The /STREAM qualifier specifies that a8 directory template for the default stream be deleted.D Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default. /STAGING> Specifies whether a directory templ Nate for delta files, the> staging area, or the default stream is deleted. The /DELTA_B FILES qualifier specifies that a directory template for the VDEA library's delta files (CMS libraries) be deleted. The /STAGINGD qualifier specifies that the directory template for the library'sD staging-area root directory be deleted. (Staging areas hold filesC for queued replacements.) The /STREAM qualifier specifies that a8 directory template for the default stream be deleted.D Of /DEL OTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default. /STREAM> Specifies whether a directory template for delta files, the> staging area, or the default stream is deleted. The /DELTA_B FILES qualifier specifies that a directory template for the VDEA library's delta files (CMS libraries) be deleted. The /STAGINGD qualifier specifies that the directory template for the library'sD staging-area root directory be deleted. (Staging areas hold filesC for queued replacemenPts.) The /STREAM qualifier specifies that a8 directory template for the default stream be deleted.D Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default. /FACILITY /FACILITY=fac-nameA Specifies that a directory template for the facility specified? by the fac-name parameter be deleted. If both this qualifierA and the /SUBDIRECTORY qualifier are specified, VDE deletes the> directory template for the specified facility subdirectory.@ If the /FACIL QITY qualifier is specified and the /SUBDIRECTORYC qualifier is omitted, VDE deletes the directory template for the' specified facility's root directory.> If the /FACILITY qualifier is omitted and the /SUBDIRECTORYA qualifier is specified, VDE deletes the directory template forB the given facility subdirectory for all facilities that are notA explicitly specified in other templates. If both the /FACILITY= qualifier and the /SUBDIRECTORY qualifier are omitted, VDED deletesR the template for the stream or delta-file root directory.? You can delete more than one directory template at a time byC using wildcard characters in the fac-name parameter. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters= in the position it occupies. Directory templates for thoseA facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted. /LOG /LOG (default) S /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the directory? template is deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages@ to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. TheseA messages indicate that the directory template has been deletedD from the database and that the database transaction has completed successfully. /SUBDIRECTORY /SUBDIRECTORY=dir-symbolB Specifies that a directory template for a facility subdirectory? be dele Tted. The dir-symbol parameter specifies the directoryA symbol that identifies the subdirectory. Among other uses, theC directory symbol is used within VDE scripts; see Script KeywordsA for further details. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE deletesD the directory template for a facility, stream, or delta-file rootB directory. (The description of the /FACILITY qualifier explainsA how the qualifiers interact to select the template to delete.) 3 Examples' 1.VDE> CANCEL U DIRECTORY/FACILITY=RMSM %VDE-I-DIRDEL, directory specification [MYDIR.RMS] deleted from databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= This example cancels the directory template for the root? directory for facility RMS. The log messages show that the9 template was successfully deleted from the database.. 2.VDE> CANCEL DIRECTORY/SUBDIRECTORY=ANASYMH %VDE-I-DIRDEL, directory specification [.ANA] deleted from databaseC V %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>8 This example cancels the directory template for the? subdirectory with directory symbol ANASYM. VDE deletes theB subdirectory template that is used for all facilities that do. not have explicit subdirectory templates. 2 FOLDA Deletes one or more fold records from the VDE database. A fold? record is a reminder that a source change should be manuallyA "folded" into a given developmeWnt stream in order to propagate the change. Requires RESREP privilege. Format* CANCEL FOLD mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name? Specifies a module for which a fold record is to be deleted.A The module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type nameB preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the facilityB name is omitted, the module is assumed to belong to t Xhe defaultB facility. If the type name is omitted, VDE deletes fold records? for all source modules with the specified module name in the given facility.@ You can delete fold records for more than one module by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D VDE deletYes fold records for all source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 Description= A fold record is a reminder that a source change should be> manually folded into a given development stream in order toA propagate the change into that stream. The CANCEL FOLD commandA deletes each specified fold record from the VDE database. This4 command is a synonym for the DELETE FOLD command. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Z> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachB fold record deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print> a message for each fold record asking whether you want that= record deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that fold record= is deleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the@ fold record is not deleted. If you enter a module name with a? wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletionB of fold records for each module whose name [matches the wildcardC specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the: specified fold records without asking for confirmation. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=fold-ident= Specifies the fold record to be deleted. This qualifier is< required when you have multiple fold records for the sameB module in the same stream. The fold-ident parameter is the foldC identifier of the fold record to be deleted. The fold identifierC is the identifier you spe\cified or VDE assigned when you createdD the fold record, usually a small integer value. Use the SHOW FOLD@ command to determine the fold identifier of each fold record. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each fold recordB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages> indicate that the fold record has been deleted and that the3 d]atabase transaction has successfully committed. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameD Specifies the development stream for which fold records should beC deleted. The stream-name parameter gives the name of the stream.A If this qualifier is omitted, VDE deletes fold records for the# default development stream only. /USERNAME /USERNAME=username= Specifies that fold records are to be deleted on behalf of= another user. The username parameter specifies ^the OpenVMSC username of the other user. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 Examples) 1.VDE> CANCEL FOLD [CODE]X.FOR/IDENT=1J %VDE-I-FOLDDEL, fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR has been deletedC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C This example deletes fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR. TheD log messages confirm that the fold record has been successfully deleted. 2 LOG_@ Disables the recording of VDE input and output in a log file.A Input and output logging is enabled using the SET LOG command. Format CANCEL LOG 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> CANCEL LOG VDE> SHOW LOG No output logging VDE>B The CANCEL LOG command disables input and output logging. The8 SHOW LOG command confirms that logging is disabled. 2 PRIVILEGES7 Disables VDE privil`eges for the current VDE session. Format( CANCEL PRIVILEGES priv [, priv...] 3 Parameter priv= The name of a VDE privilege to disable for the current VDE session.D For a list of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. 3 DescriptionD The VDE privileges enabled for your current VDE session determineB the VDE commands (and in some cases command qualifiers) you are? allowed to use. Use the CANCEL PRIVILEGES command to disableB a privileges for the current VDE session. You may want to use theA command to prevent accidental changes to the library database, for example.B You can reestablish privileges using the SET PRIVILEGES command= and you can display your current privileges using the SHOW PRIVILEGES command. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples, 1.VDE> CANCEL PRIVILEGES FROZEN, USERNAME VDE> SHOW PRIVILEGES Currently set privileges:4 BUILD CREFAC CREGRP CREMObD CRESTEP RESREP VDE>C The CANCEL PRIVILEGES command disables the FROZEN and USERNAME@ privileges. THE SHOW PRIVILEGES command confirms that those" privileges are no longer set. 2 REPLACEMENTC This command is the negation of the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.C This command allows a project leader or other reviewer to cancelD one or more accepted, queued replacements, and thus prevent theseB modules from being relocated into the VDE library via a PERFORM c REPLACEMENT command.C Requires RESREP privilege to cancel your own queued replacement.= Requires PERFREP privilege to cancel another user's queued replacement. Format1 CANCEL REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] 3 Parameter rep-nameC The name of a queued replacement to be cancelled. You can cancelC more than one replacement at a time by using wildcard charactersC in the replacement name. The percent sign (%) in a name matchesD any singl de character in the position it occupies and the asteriskD (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.C Those queued replacements whose names match the wildcard pattern are cancelled. 3 Description@ The CANCEL REPLACEMENT command is used after the module(s) in= the replacement have been replaced by a user and have been@ accepted through the (optional) code review process supportedD by VDE. Cancellation prevents these modules from being moved intoA e the VDE library. This operation is the negation of the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.? The CANCEL REPLACEMENT command cancels each specified queued> replacement so that the replacement is deleted from the VDEC library and is no longer eligible to be performed by the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.A The modules belonging to the cancelled replacement will remainC reserved to the user that originally reserved and replaced them,D and that user can later REPLACE updated mfodules, or can UNRESERVED the modules to entirely cancel the outstanding reservation(s). IfD subsequently replaced, the modules will again have to be accepted" (or rejected) by the reviewers.= For information on how a queued replacement is accepted or> rejected, see the ACCEPT REPLACEMENT and REJECT REPLACEMENT commands. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> replacegment cancelled. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE toD print a message for each replacement asking whether you want thatD replacement cancelled. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacement@ is cancelled. If you answer NO (or N), the replacement is not= cancelled. If you enter a replacement name with a wildcard= specification, VDE asks you to confirm the cancellation ofB each replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification.> The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to cancel thhe specified0 replacements without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each replacementD has been cancelled. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages@ indicate that the replacement has been cancelled and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. 3 Examples$ 1.VDE> CANCEL REPLACEMENT SMITH-21i %VDE-I-REPCAN, replacement SMITH-2 cancelledC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>: This example cancels replacement SMITH-2 so that this= replacement is no longer queued in the VDE database. The? modules associated with the replacement are still reserved( after the replacement is cancelled. 2 SESSIONA Cancels one or more reservation sessions by deleting them from the VDE database.A Requires RESREP privilegej to cancel your own session. Requires6 PERFREP privilege to cancel another user's session. Format5 CANCEL SESSION session-name [, session-name...] 3 Parameter session-nameD The name of a reservation session to be cancelled. You can cancelB more than one session at a time by using wildcard characters in@ the session name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any@ single character in the position it occupies and the asteriskD (*) matches zero or mo kre characters in the position it occupies.D Those reservation sessions whose names match the wildcard pattern are cancelled. 3 Description@ The CANCEL SESSION command cancels each specified reservationD session so that the session is deleted from the VDE database. TheD reservations that belonged to the session remain in the database,1 but no longer belong to the cancelled session.A If you want to both delete a session and unreserve all modulesB associated with thel session, use the UNRESERVE command with the /SESSION qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ session cancelled. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printB a message for each session asking whether you want that sessionB cancelled. If you answer YES (or Y), that session is cancelled.@ If you answer NO (or N), the session is not cancelled. If youC enter a sessionm name with a wildcard specification, VDE asks youA to confirm the cancellation of each session whose name matchesB the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDED to cancel the specified sessions without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG? Controls whether log messages are printed after each session> has been cancelled. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages@ to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. TheseAn messages indicate that the session has been cancelled and that7 the database transaction has successfully committed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> CANCEL SESSION SMITH-3- %VDE-I-SESCAN, session SMITH-3 cancelledC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= This example cancels reservation session SMITH-3 so that@ this session is no longer recorded in the VDE database. TheA modules associated with the session are still reserved afoter the session is cancelled. 2 VERIFY4 Cancels display of command input to the terminal. Format CANCEL VERIFY 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionB The CANCEL VERIFY command disables the echoing of command inputD to the terminal. It cancels the effect of the SET VERIFY command.D The CANCEL VERIFY command normally is used to disable the echoing- of input commands from command procedures.> The CANCEL VERIFY and SET NOVERIFY commands apre equivalent. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET VERIFY VDE> SHOW MODULE MOD1.FOR SHOW MODULE MOD1.FOR Module [FACIL]MOD1.FOR VDE> CANCEL VERIFY CANCEL VERIFY VDE> SHOW FACILITY FACIL Facility FACIL VDE>A The SET VERIFY command allows the terminal to display (echo)= the command line it receives. The SHOW MODULE command is> therefore echoed on the terminal before the output of theC command iqs displayed. The CANCEL VERIFY command is also echoedA but it disables the display of subsequent commands. The SHOWC FACILITY command that follows is not displayed on the terminal& but the output of the command is. wwĵ 1 COMPILED Compiles the specified modules using the appropriate scripts from the database. Requires BUILD privilege. Format& COMPILE mod-name [, mod-name...] 2 Parameter mod-nameA Specifies a m rodule to be compiled. The module name consists ofB an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module@ name, and an optional type name preceded by a period, such asA [FACIL]MOD1.MAR. If no facility name is specified, the default@ facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, all sourceA modules of the specified module name in the given facility are compiled.D You can compile more than one module by using wildcard charactersA in any of the three component ss of the module name. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters@ in the position it occupies. VDE compiles those modules whose$ names match the wildcard pattern. 2 DescriptionD The COMPILE command compiles a module the same way it is compiledC in a build job. The COMPILE command retrieves the compile scriptB for each specified module and generates a DCL command file fr tom> the script. The command then executes the command file in a? subprocess. If the module compiles successfully, VDE updates? the build dependency information for the compile step in the database.> The COMPILE command can be used to compile a module withoutB starting a build job. It is often used to test compile scripts.D It can also be used to collect the initial dependency informationC for a compile step that does not yet have dependency information in the database u.; The COMPILE command only operates on modules that have a> generation in the current stream (the default stream or the@ stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier). In addition, it> only operates on source modules unless you specify the typeA name in the mod-name parameter without wildcard characters. InC other words, unless you explicitly specify a derived-module file? extension, the command assumes that you only want to compile source modules. 2 Qualifiersv /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after the compile stepB executes. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicateC that the compile step has completed, either successfully or withD errors, and that the dependency information for the step has been updated in the VDE database. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameA Specifies that the wmodules be compiled for the stream given by? the stream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, the/ modules are compiled for the default stream. 2 Examples 1.VDE> COMPILE B.C5 $ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]5 $ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ]' $ VDE FETCH [CODE]B.C/OUTPUT=SRC$:J %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]B.C;1(1) fetched from libraryD %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]B.C; x* $ CC/ANA=OBJ$:/OBJECT=OBJ$: SRC$:B.C $ VDE/DEPEND C OBJ$:B.ANA $ !4 $ SET NOVERIFY ! Successful script completionE %VDE-I-COMPSUCC, compilation of [CODE]B.C completed successfullyD %VDE-I-DEPUPDATE, dependency information updated for build step VDE>> This example compiles module B.C in the default facility,@ facility CODE. The output from the execution of the compile@ script is displayed on the terminal. The final log messagesC show th yat the compile step completed successfully and that its8 dependency information was updated in the database. 2.VDE> COMPILE [RMS]E.B32> $ VDE FETCH [RMS]E.B32/OUTPUT=DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.SRC]M %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [RMS]E.B32;3(2A1) fetched from libraryE %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.SRC]E.B32;4 $ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.SRC]4 $ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.RMS.OBJ]/ $ BLISS/OBJECT=OBJ$:/ANA=OBJ$ z: SRC$:E.B32 ; 0067 2 RETRUN;# % WARN#000 ....1 L1:0067 Undeclared name: RETRUN? %BLS32-W-ENDDIAGS, Compilation completed with 1 diagnostic $VDE$ERROR:4 $ SET NOVERIFY ! Script completed with errorsE %VDE-I-COMPFAIL, compilation of [RMS]E.B32 completed with errors VDE>@ This example compiles module [RMS]E.B32 but the compilationD terminates with errors. The output of the compile step includes@ error messages from{ the compiler, and the final log messageB shows that the step failed. In this case, VDE does not update) the database dependency information. ww;ĵ 1 CONVERT 2 LIBRARYA Converts the current VDE library to the format required by the current version of VDE.A Requires MODLIB privilege if automatic conversion is disabled. Format CONVERT LIBRARY 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionB When a new version of VDE is in |stalled on your system, that new> version frequently requires a different library format than@ the previous version. The new version may require a different> database schema or new library subdirectories, for example.= Because your existing VDE libraries are in the old library? format, you must convert them to the new format. The CONVERT, LIBRARY command performs this conversion.> The VDE database in your library contains a "format version> number" that tells VDE what forma }t your library has. If the@ current version of VDE requires a more recent library format,D the CONVERT LIBRARY command converts the library and its databaseA to that more recent format. It then updates the format version number in the database.A Once you have converted a VDE library to a more recent format,B you can no longer use older versions of VDE on that library. IfB you want to retain the option of going back to an older versionB of VDE, you should back up your libra ~ry and its database before your convert them.= If you have specified the /AUTO_CONVERT qualifier with theC CREATE or MODIFY LIBRARY command, VDE will automatically convert@ your library to the new format the first time a user accesses? the library database using the new version of VDE. Automatic? conversion is more convenient than using the CONVERT LIBRARY> command, but does not give you the option of backing up theC library before converting it. If you have specified the /NOAUTO_? CONVERT qualifier with the CREATE or MODIFY LIBRARY command,@ you must convert the library with an explicit CONVERT LIBRARYB command. See the descriptions of the CREATE LIBRARY and CONVERT+ LIBRARY commands for a full explanation. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> CONVERT LIBRARYD %VDE-I-LIBCONV, library format converted for new version of VDE VDE>< This command converts the current library to the format? required for the new version of VDE. The log message shows0 that the conversion successfully completed. ww`ĵ1 COPYB Copies the specified modules using the appropriate scripts from the database. Requires BUILD privilege. Format# COPY mod-name [, mod-name...] 2 Parameter mod-nameB Specifies a module to be copied using a copy script. The module? name consist of an optional facility name enclosed in squareC brackets, a module na me, and an optional type name preceded by aC period, such as [FACIL]MOD2.H. If no facility name is specified,A the default facility is assumed. If no type name is specified,A all modules of the specified module name in the given facility are copied.A You can copy more than one module by using wildcard charactersA in any of the three components of the module name. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asteris k (*) matches zero or more charactersD in the position it occupies. VDE copies those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern. 2 Description@ The COPY command copies a module the same way it is copied in> a build job. The COPY command retrieves the copy script for> each specified module and generates a DCL command file from> the script. The command then executes the command file in a subprocess.B A copy step moves a module into the directory or other location @ where other build steps later expect to find it. For example,A copy steps move INCLUDE files from delta files into clear-copyA files in the subdirectories where other build steps will laterC access them. Unlike a compile or link step, a copy step does notC transform one set of modules into a different set of modules; itD only copies a single module from one form or location to another.> The COPY command can be used to perform a copy step without? starting a build job. I t is often used to test copy scripts.C The COPY command only operates on modules that have a generationD in the current stream (the default stream or the stream specified@ with the /STREAM qualifier). In addition, it only operates onB source modules unless you specify the type name in the mod-nameD parameter without wildcard characters. In other words, unless youB explicitly specify a derived-module file extension, the command5 assumes that you only want to copy source modules. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the copy stepB executes. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate@ that the copy step has completed, either successfully or withC errors, and that the dependency information for the step has not@ been updated in the VDE database. (Copy steps do not normallyC update dependency information since the only input and output to( the step is the module being copied.) /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameC Specifies that the modules be copied for the stream given by theC stream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, the modules% are copied for the default stream. 2 Examples 1.VDE> COPY [CODE]A.REQ@ $ VDE FETCH [CODE]A.REQ/OUTPUT=DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]L %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]A.REQ;1(1) fetched from lib raryF %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]A.REQ; $ !4 $ SET NOVERIFY ! Successful script completion@ %VDE-I-COPYSUCC, copy of [CODE]A.REQ completed successfullyK %VDE-I-DEPNOTUPDATE, dependency information not updated for build step VDE>B This example performs the copy action for module [CODE]A.REQ.= The copy script fetches the latest generation for module? A.REQ from its delta file and leaves it in clear-copy formA in the [.SRC] subdirectory for facility CODE and the default@ development stream. There it is available to future compile? steps. The output from the copy script is displayed on theA terminal as shown. The final log messages show that the copyD step completed successfully and that its dependency information% was not updated in the database. ww ĵ 1 CREATE 2 ARCHITECTURE< Defines one or more architecture table entries in the VDE- datab ase. Each architecture table entry..." Requires the CREARCH privilege.1 ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented.> An architecture is a construct that encompasses one or more; facilities, and allows modules to exist in a "common" or= "default" facility, and zero or more architecture specificC facilities. In must the same fashion as the SYS$SYSROOT: logical? name allows one to support both system-specific and cluster-D common files, an architecture allows one to$ support architecture-, specific and architecture-common modules. Format4 CREATE ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...] 3 Parameter arch-nameB The name of the architecture to be created. This name may be up9 to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description Under Construction... 3 Qualifiers /DEFER /DEFER (default) /NODEFER Under Construction... /DELETE /DELETE (default)" /NODELETE Under Construction... /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Under Construction... /PRIVATE Under Construction...6 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, the former is the default. /PUBLIC Under Construction...6 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, the former is the default. /REMARK /REMARK="string"C Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new architecture.> The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 charactersC long, may contain any explanatory remark about the architecture.A that you want stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark9 describes the function or purpose of the architecture. 3 Examples7 1.VDE> CREATE ARCHITECTURE VAXPDP/REMARK="Version n" VDE> Under Construction... 2 CONTEXTA Defines one or more contexts in the VDE database. Each contextA can be used to specify the default development stream, default? architecture and default facility for a VDE session, and oneB context can be used to set the default stream and facility when& first connecting to a VDE database.; Requires the CRECTX privilege to create public contexts. Format- CREATE CONTEXT ctx-name [, ctx-name...] 3 Parameter ctx-nameC The name of the context to be created. This name may be up to 393 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 DescriptionC A "context" specifies defaults for VDE sessions. When you create> a context using the CREATE CONTEXT command, you specify theB name of the context, the associated development stream, and the associated facility.? To apply the defaults associated with a context, specify theC context name as a parameter to the SET CONTEXT command. To set aC particular context as the default context for use when you issueB the SET LIBRARY command, use the SET CONTEXT/DEFAULT command to4 mark a particular context as the default context. - There are two kinds of contexts available:A o the private context is available to and only visible to the user who created it.A o the public context is available to all users of the current VDE library.= You do not need special VDE privileges to create a private@ context, but you must have the VDE CRECTX privilege to createC a public context. While a private context can have the same nameC as a public context, neither two private contexts nor two public$ contexts can share the same name. 3 Qualifiers /ARCHITECTURE Under Construction... /FACILITY /FACILITY=facil-name /NOFACILITY? The /FACILITY qualifier specifies the default facility for a@ context established with the SET CONTEXT command. The default= facility is the facility that is assumed when the facility@ name is omitted from a module name. The /NOFACILITY qualifierD specifies that the default facility established by the context isB null. If you omit both qualifiers, the current default facility8 becomes the facility associated with the new context. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after a new contextC is created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printedB and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate? that each new context has been created and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /PRIVATEB Specifies whether a private or a public context is created. TheD /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to create a context that is private? to you. The /PUBLIC qualifier causes VDE to create a contextC that is available to all users of the library. You must have the1 CRECTX privilege to use the /PUBLIC qualifier.6 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, the former is the default. /PUBLICB Specifies whether a private or a public context is created. TheD /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to create a context that is private? to you. The /PUBLIC qualifier causes VDE to create a contextC that is available to all users of the library. You must have the1 CRECTX privilege to use the /PUBLIC qualifier.6 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, the former is the default. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new context. The@ quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long,D may contain any explanatory remark about the new context that youB want stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes* the function or purpose of the context. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name /NOSTREAMA The /STREAM qualifier specifies that the indicated developmentD stream becomes the default stream when the context is establishedB with the SET CONTEXT command. The /NOSTREAM qualifier specifiesA that the default stream established by the context is null. IfC you omit both qualifiers, the current default stream becomes the* stream associated with the new context. 3 ExamplesK 1.VDE> CREATE CONTEXT NEWCTX/STREAM=V2.0/FACILITY=RMS/REMARK="Version 2": %VDE-I-CTXADDED, context NEWCTX added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> SHOW CONTEXT NEWCTX+ Context NEWCTX (private to user SMITH) Default stream is V2.0 Default facility is RMS VDE>? This example cr eates a private context NEWCTX in which the@ default stream is V2.0 and the default facility is RMS. TheB SHOW CONTEXT command displays the context settings associated with the new context.C 2.VDE> CREATE CONTEXT PUBCTX/PUBLIC/STREAM=V3.3-2FT/FACILITY=RMS: %VDE-I-CTXADDED, context PUBCTX added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A In this example, the CREATE CONTEXT command creates a public@ context PUBCTX available to all users. When this context isB specified on a SET CONTEXT command, the default stream is set8 to V3.3-2FT and the default facility is set to RMS. 2 DIRECTORY_TREE> Creates the disk directory tree for the VDE library's delta@ files, for the default development stream, or for a specified facility. Requires CRESTRM privilege. Format CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE 3 DescriptionB The CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command creates the directory tree onB disk for a VDE library's delta files, for a development stream,D or for a facility. You use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command onlyC if you deferred directory creation by using the /DEFER qualifierB on a CREATE LIBRARY, CREATE STREAM, or CREATE FACILITY command.C The /DEFER qualifier prevents these three commands from creatingA the disk directories they normally would create. You then haveB the opportunity to override the normal directory-creation rules= within the SET DIRECTORY commands. After entering your SETB DIRECTORY commands, you enter the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE commandB to create disk directories according to the rules you specified$ with your SET DIRECTORY commands.> Directories are created using the protection setting of the; parent directory for the UIC group and world access, anyA applicable ACE entries from the parent directory, and allowing full system and owner access. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEFB Determines how many log messages are displayed when VDE creates? new disk directories. The /BRIEF qualifier only displays log? messages for the stream or delta-file root directory and for= each facility root directory. The /FULL qualifier displays? a log message for every directory VDE creates, including all@ facility subdirectories. (The facility subdirectories are theA most numerous directories.) These qualifiers have no effect if you use the /NOLOG qualifier.2 Of /BRIEF and /FU LL, the former is the default. /FULLB Determines how many log messages are displayed when VDE creates? new disk directories. The /BRIEF qualifier only displays log? messages for the stream or delta-file root directory and for= each facility root directory. The /FULL qualifier displays? a log message for every directory VDE creates, including all@ facility subdirectories. (The facility subdirectories are theA most numerous directories.) These qualifiers have no effect if you use the /NOLOG qualifier.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /DELTA_FILESC Determines whether directories are created for the VDE library's9 delta files, for its staging areas, or for the default@ development stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies thatA disk directories be created for the VDE library's delta files.B These are the directories that hold CMS libraries. The /STAGINGA qualifier specifies that the root directory be created for theC library's staging directories. Staging directories are temporaryB holding areas for files that are replaced into the library withA queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifier specifies that disk= directories be created for the default development stream.C If you specify the /DELTA_FILES qualifier but not the /FROM_CMS_C LIBRARY qualifier, VDE creates the CMS library for each facilityB affected by this command. If you specify the /STREAM qualifier,D VDE runs the default stream's new-stream script for each facility? affected by this command, provided such a script is defined.? Depending on how it is defined, this script may populate theA stream's facility-specific directories with source modules and other files.D Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default. /STAGINGC Determines whether directories are created for the VDE library's9 delta files, for its staging areas, or for the default@ development stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies thatA disk directories be created for the VDE library's delta files.B These are the directories that hold CMS libraries. The /STAGINGA qualifier specifies that the root directory be created for theC library's staging directories. Staging directories are temporaryB holding areas for files that are replaced into the library withA queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifier specifies that disk= directories be created for the default de velopment stream.C If you specify the /DELTA_FILES qualifier but not the /FROM_CMS_C LIBRARY qualifier, VDE creates the CMS library for each facilityB affected by this command. If you specify the /STREAM qualifier,D VDE runs the default stream's new-stream script for each facility? affected by this command, provided such a script is defined.? Depending on how it is defined, this script may populate theA stream's facility-specific directories with source modules and other files.D Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default. /STREAMC Determines whether directories are created for the VDE library's9 delta files, for its staging areas, or for the default@ development stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies thatA disk directories be created for the VDE library's delta files.B These are the directories that hold CMS libraries. The /STAGINGA qualifier specifies that the root directory be created for theC l ibrary's staging directories. Staging directories are temporaryB holding areas for files that are replaced into the library withA queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifier specifies that disk= directories be created for the default development stream.C If you specify the /DELTA_FILES qualifier but not the /FROM_CMS_C LIBRARY qualifier, VDE creates the CMS library for each facilityB affected by this command. If you specify the /STREAM qualifier,D VDE runs the default stream's new-stream script for each facility? affected by this command, provided such a script is defined.? Depending on how it is defined, this script may populate theA stream's facility-specific directories with source modules and other files.D Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, the latter is the default. /FACILITY /FACILITY=fac-nameC Specifies that disk directories be created only for the facility< specified by the fac-name parameter. If this qualifier isB omitted, directories are created for all facilities, either for) delta files or for the default stream.B You can create directory trees for multiple facilities by usingB wildcard characters in the fac-name parameter. The percent signA (%) in a name matches any single character in the position itD occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters inB the position it occupies. VDE creates directory trees for those5 facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern. /FROM_CMS_LIBRARY# /FROM_CMS_LIBRARY[=date-time]A Specifies that the delta-file root directory for each facility? covered by the current CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command already? contains a CMS library and that VDE should enter all modules> and module generations present in that CMS library into the? current VDE database. This qualifier, which VDE also acceptsC on the CREATE FACILITY command, gives you a way to automaticallyD populate a VDE library wi th modules from an existing CMS library.D If you specify the optional date-time parameter, VDE additionallyD retrieves all reservations from the CMS library that were created> since the date and time given by that parameter. VDE printsB warning messages for any reservations created earlier than this@ time and for any reservations whose stream (CMS class) cannot@ be ascertained. If you omit the date-time parameter, VDE doesC not retrieve reservations from the CMS library, only mo dules and generations.> If this qualifier is omitted, VDE creates a new CMS library> in each delta-file facility root directory it creates. This? qualifier has no effect unless you also use the /DELTA_FILES qualifier.A If this qualifer is specified, all VDE streams must be createdC prior to issuing this command, and these stream names must matchA (a subset of) the CMS class names in use in the CMS libraries;? these stream names must match the CMS classes to be uploadedC from within the CMS library. In order to correctly establish theC main and variant lines of descent and the correct CMS generationA number sequence, all streams involved must be created with the? appropriate /MAIN, /NOMAIN, /PARENT and /SUCCESSOR settings. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed when disk directories= are created. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier su ppresses them. These messagesC indicate the names of the disk directories that VDE creates. The@ /BRIEF and /FULL qualifiers control how many log messages are printed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> CREATE LIBRARY/DEFER9 Enter the name you want for the new library: LIBNAMEA Enter directory specification for the new library: [PROJDIR]H Enter your full name (first and last names): Zrebhasha FulkutznodoyE Enter the remark for new library: Library for the mumble project> Library LIBNAME to be created in root directory [PROJDIR]? Library root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR] has been created.? Logical name VDE$LIBRARY now points to the new library.1 Creating library database; please wait...* Library database has been created. Library creation completed. VDE> SHOW LOCATION) Directory locations for stream MAIN:9 Stream root directory is not recorded in database# VDE> SHOW LOCATION/DELTA_FILES) Directory locations for delta files:= Delta-file root directory is not recorded in database@ In this example, the /DEFER qualifier to the CREATE LIBRARY= command prevents disk directories from being created for? the library's delta files and its default stream MAIN. TheC CREATE LIBRARY command only creates the library root directory@ DEV$:[PROJDIR], where it also creates the VDE database. TheA SHOW LOCATION commands confirm that no other directories are " recorded in the VDE database.- 2.VDE> SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES [PROJDIR]M %VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [PROJDIR] added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed/ VDE> SET DIRECTORY/STREAM DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]T %VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification DISK2:[MAIN_DIR] added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C A SET DIRECTORY command then specifies th at the root directory@ for the library's delta files (its CMS libraries) should beD directory [PROJDIR]. The normal rule used within VDE is to makeC directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS] the delta-file root directoryA and to make subdirectories within that directory contain theD CMS libraries for individual facilities. A second SET DIRECTORYA command specifies that the root directory for stream MAIN isB directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]. VDE typically makes the directoryD DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN] the root directory for stream MAIN. In thisA case, the user wants stream MAIN's whole directory tree on a separate disk.B This sequence sets up the library for the following commands:+ 3.VDE> CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/DELTA_FILES- Creating directory tree for delta files:5 Root directory WORK4:[PROJDIR] already existsI Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.CODE] has been created9 CMS library for facility CODE has been created1 All directories for delta files now existC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>& VDE> CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STREAM- Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:8 Root directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR] has been createdK Facility CODE root directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE] has been created1 All directories for stream MAIN now existC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE># VDE> SHOW LOCATION/DELTA_FILES) Directory locations for delta files:1 Delta-file root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR]. Directory locations for facility CODE:. Root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.CODE] VDE> SHOW LOCATION/STREAM) Directory locations for stream MAIN:/ Stream root directory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]D Subdirectory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD). Directory locations for facility CODE:0 Root directory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE]A Subdirectory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.OBJ] (symbol OBJ)A Subdirectory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.SRC] (symbol SRC)I Subdirectory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)I Subdirectory: DISK2:[MAIN_DIR.CODE.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) VDE>@ This section shows the results of two CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE? commands. The first one creates the directory tree for theB library's delta files and create the CMS library for facility@ CODE in that directory tree. The second command creates theB directory tree for stream MAIN. As the log messages show, the? directory tree begins with root directory DISK2:[MAIN_DIR]@ as requested. The subsequent SHOW LOCATION commands confirm? that all disk directories have been created in the desired locations.( 4.VDE> CREATE FACILITY/DEFER NEWFACIL> Please supply required information for facility NEWFACIL:6 Enter a remark for th e new facility: New facility= %VDE-I-FACADDED, facility NEWFACIL added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>7 VDE> SET DIRECTORY/FACILITY=NEWFACIL [PROJDIR.NEW]Q %VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [PROJDIR.NEW] added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>B VDE> CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/FULL/FACILITY=NEWFACIL/DELTA_FILES- Creating directory tree for delta files:Q Facility NEWFACIL root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEWFACIL] has been created= CMS library for facility NEWFACIL has been created1 All directories for delta files now existC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>6 VDE> CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/FULL/FACILITY=NEWFACIL- Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:L Facility NEWFACIL root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW] has been created? Subdirectory DEV$:[ PROJDIR.NEW.OBJ] has been created? Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.SRC] has been createdC Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.VDE$COM] has been createdC Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.NEW.VDE$LOG] has been created1 All directories for stream MAIN now existC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? In this example, the CREATE FACILITY command creates a newC facility NEWFACIL, but defers the creation of disk dire ctoriesC for that facility. A SET DIRECTORY command then specifies thatB directory [PROJDIR.NEW] should be the facility root directoryD for the default stream MAIN. Two CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE commands@ follow. The first one creates the delta-file root directory= and CMS library for the facility. The second one creates? the default stream's directory tree for the facility. ThisB directory tree consists of a facility root directory and four? facility subdirecto ries. The /FULL qualifier causes VDE to? prints log messages for all directories it creates for theA facility; without this qualifier, VDE omits the subdirectory log messages." 5.VDE> CREATE STREAM V2.0/DEFER8 Please supply required information for stream V2.0:3 Enter a remark for the new stream: Version 2.08 %VDE-I-STRMADDED, stream V2.0 added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> VDE> SET STREAM V2.0 VDE> SHOW LOCATION/STREAM) Directory locations for stream V2.0:9 Stream root directory is not recorded in database. VDE> SET DIRECTORY/STREAM [PROJDIR.VER_2]S %VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [PROJDIR.VER_2] added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>& VDE> CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STREAM- Creating directory tree for stream V2.0:< Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2] has been cre atedO Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2.CODE] has been createdO Facility SPEC root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2.SPEC] has been createdO Facility TOOL root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VER_2.TOOL] has been created1 All directories for stream V2.0 now existC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>@ The CREATE STREAM command creates a new stream called V2.0,A but defers creating the disk directory tree f or that stream.B The SET STREAM command makes V2.0 the default stream, and theA SHOW LOCATION command shows that no directories are recordedC in the VDE database for that stream. The SET DIRECTORY command@ specifies that directory [PROJDIR.VER_2] should be the root@ directory for the stream. The CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE commandD creates the full directory tree for stream V2.0. This directoryA tree includes the stream root directory specified by the SETC DIRECTORY command, a facility root directory for each facility@ in the system, and several facility subdirectories for each@ facility. Because the /FULL qualifier is not specified, VDE> only prints log messages for the stream and facility root: directories, and not for the facility subdirectories. 2 FACILITY< Creates a new facility definition and its associated disk* directories in the current VDE library. Requires CREFAC privilege. Format2 CREATE FACILITY facil-name [, facil-name...] 3 Parameter facil-nameB The name of the new facility to be created. This name can be up9 to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.? VDE prohibits the creation of any facilities with names thatB begin with the character sequences "VDE$", "VSC$", and "VTSC$",) as these prefixes are used within VDE. 3 DescriptionC A facility is the highest level of organization in a VDE library@ and identifies a set of rel ated modules. For example, the RMS> facility is composed of all the modules needed to build the> Record Management Services portion of the OpenVMS operating system.A All modules within a given facility must have unique names; noA two modules in the same facility can have the same module name@ and module type. If, however, two modules belong to different; facilities, they can have the same module name and type.= The VDE library stores modules from separate facilities in A separate disk directories. Therefore, you may want to create aD separate facility for each component of your software system that is developed independently.@ When you create a facility, the CREATE FACILITY command first@ creates an entry for the new facility in the VDE database. It? then creates a disk directory to hold the delta files of theC facility's source modules. VDE uses callable CMS to create a CMSB library in that directory. When you later create source modul es? in the facility, VDE uses callable CMS to create delta files? for those modules. A delta file (which is identical to a CMSC "element") contains all past and present versions of your source file in a compressed form.< The CREATE FACILITY command also creates a disk directoryB structure (directory tree) for the new facility for the defaultD stream. This directory structure is repeated for all streams thatD are successors of the default stream. These directories will ho ldC all files associated with the facility that are stream-specific.C Such files include clear-copy source files, object files, objectB libraries, executable images, and other derived files. For each@ stream, this structure consists of the following directories:? o a facility root directory, which is a subdirectory of the stream root directory> o several facility subdirectories that will contain sourceD files, derived files, build log files, and certain other k indsA of files. The subdirectories that are created depend on theC SET DIRECTORY commands you have used as well as VDE defaults.B If the default disk directory structure is not suitable for theB new facility, you can defer its creation until you have defined= the structure you want. To defer creation of the directoryB structure, use the /DEFER qualifier. Then use the SET DIRECTORYC command to define the directory structure you want. Finally, useD the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command to create the desired directory structure. 3 Qualifiers /DEFER /DEFER /NODEFER (default)A Specifies whether the creation of the disk directory structureA for the new facility should be postponed. The /DEFER qualifier= postpones creation of the disk directory structure and theB /NODEFER qualifier causes the directory structure to be createdC immediately. Use the /DEFER qualifier when the default directory3 structure is inapprop riate for the new facility.A If the /NODEFER qualifier is specified (or /DEFER is omitted),; the CREATE FACILITY command first creates the delta-file> directory for the facility and creates a CMS library withinB that directory. It then creates the facility root directory forB the default stream. Next it creates the facility subdirectoriesB within that root directory. The subdirectories that are created? are determined by the SET DIRECTORY commands entered for the? stream and by the default rules of the VDE utility. Once theA directory structure exists, source modules and other files canC be added to the new facility. The directory-creation sequence is5 repeated for all successors of the default stream.D If the /DEFER qualifier is specified, the CREATE FACILITY commandD does not create the delta-file directory, nor the stream-specific? root directories, nor the associated subdirectories. You can= therefore enter SET DIRECTORY commands to specify the diskB directories you want created for the facility. You then use theB CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command to create the directory structure@ on disk according to the rules specified by the SET DIRECTORY commands and VDE defaults. /DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE; Controls whether the delete attribute is set for the newB facility. This attribute allows the facility to be deleted with> the DELETE FACILITY command. The /DELETE qualifier sets the@ delet e attribute so that the new facility can be deleted. TheB /NODELETE qualifier clears the delete attribute so that the newC facility cannot be deleted unless you first reset this attributeB with a MODIFY FACILITY command. Marking a facility as /NODELETE7 makes it harder to accidentally delete the facility.@ If this qualifier is not specified, VDE uses the value of the? allow-deletion library attribute. The library allow-deletionC default attribute can be set or reset by using the /ALLOW_DELETED qualifier on the CREATE LIBRARY or on the MODIFY LIBRARY command. /FROM_CMS_LIBRARY# /FROM_CMS_LIBRARY[=date-time]D Specifies that the delta-file root directory for the new facility? already contains a CMS library and that VDE should enter all= modules and module generations present in that CMS library@ into the current VDE database. This qualifier gives you a way? to automatically populate a VDE library with modules from anD existing CMS library. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE creates a? new CMS library in the facility's delta-file root directory.D If you specify the optional date-time parameter, VDE additionallyD retrieves all reservations from the CMS library that were created> since the date and time given by that parameter. VDE printsB warning messages for any reservations created earlier than this@ time and for any reservations whose stream (CMS class) cannot@ be ascertained. If you omit the date-time p arameter, VDE doesC not retrieve reservations from the CMS library, only modules and generations.> This qualifier has no effect if you also specify the /DEFER? qualifier. If you defer directory creation, you must use theC /FROM_CMS_LIBRARY qualifier on the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command? that actually creates the delta-file directories for the new facility.A If this qualifer is specified, all VDE streams must be createdC prior to issuing this command, and these stream names must matchA (a subset of) the CMS class names in use in the CMS libraries;? these stream names must match the CMS classes to be uploadedC from within the CMS library. In order to correctly establish theC main and variant lines of descent and the correct CMS generationA number sequence, all streams involved must be created with the? appropriate /MAIN, /NOMAIN, /PARENT and /SUCCESSOR settings. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG: Controls whether log messages are printed after the newA facilities are created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages> to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. TheB messages indicate that each new facility has been created, thatC its CMS library has been created, that its disk directories haveC been created, and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGATE (default) /NOPROPAGATE? Specifies whether automatic change propagation is allowed by? default for new modules created in this facility. /PROPAGATE; causes new modules added to the facility to be marked as: allowing automatic change propagation when reserved andC replaced. /NOPROPAGATE marks such modules as not allowing changeC propagation. When you create new modules, you can override these9 defaults with qualifiers to the CREATE MODULE command. /REMARK /REMARK="string"C Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new facility. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayA contain any explanatory remark about the new facility that youB want stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes, the function or contents of the facility.@ Although this qualifier is required, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. 3 Examples> 1.VDE> CREATE FACILITY ACCTNG /REMA RK="Accounting function"- Creating directory tree for delta files:U Facility ACCTNG root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS.ACCTNG] has been created; CMS library for facility ACCTNG has been created1 All directories for delta files now exist- Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:R Facility ACCTNG root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.ACCTNG] has been createdG Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.ACCTNG.OBJ] has been createdG Subdirector y DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.ACCTNG.SRC] has been createdK Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.ACCTNG.VDE$COM] has been createdK Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.ACCTNG.VDE$LOG] has been created1 All directories for stream MAIN now exist; %VDE-I-FACADDED, facility ACCTNG added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>B This example creates a new facility called ACCTNG. The remark? string indicates that thi s facility performs an accounting= function in the user's software system. The log messagesB indicate that the delta-file disk directory has been created,D that a CMS library has been established in that directory, thatB a facility root directory and various facility subdirectoriesA have been created for stream MAIN, and that the facility was( successfully added to the database. 2 FOLDD Creates a new fold record in the VDE database. A fold record is aC reminder that a source change should be manually "folded" into a= given development stream in order to propagate the change. Requires RESREP privilege. Format* CREATE FOLD mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name? Specifies a module for which a fold record is to be created.A The module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type nameB preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1 .MAR). If the facilityB name is omitted, the module is assumed to belong to the defaultB facility. If the type name is omitted, VDE creates fold records? for all source modules with the specified module name in the given facility.@ You can create fold records for more than one module by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) ? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D VDE creates fold records for the source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 Description? A fold record is a record in the VDE database that reminds a? user to manually "fold" a source change from one developmentD stream into another. A fold record is created when the REPLACE orD PERFORM REPLACEMENT command attempts to propagate a source change@ from a given development stream to one of its successors, butB finds that it cannot automatically propagate the change becauseB the source module has already diverged between the two streams.A The user must then reserve the module in the successor stream,? manually edit the change into that generation of the module,@ and then replace it. This operation is known as "folding" the@ change into the successor stream. Once the fold operation hasA been performed, its fold record should be deleted from the VDEC database with t he /FOLD qualifier to the REPLACE command or with the CANCEL FOLD command.@ The CREATE FOLD command lets you manually enter a fold recordD into the VDE database. This fold record and its remark string canC serve as a reminder to perform some action on a specified moduleB in a specified stream. Once you have performed this action, youC can delete the fold record with the CANCEL FOLD command. The newA fold record records that some change should be propagated from? the latest generation of the specified module in the default> development stream into another development stream that you specify. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)@ Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want a fold@ record created for each module. The /CONFIRM qualifier causesA VDE to print a message for each module asking whether you wantA to create a fold record for that module. If you answer YES (orA Y), VDE creates a fold record for it. If you answer NO (or N),B VDE does not create a fold record for it. If you enter a moduleB name with a wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm theC creation of a fold record for each module whose name matches theA wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to; create the fold records without asking for confirmation. /FROM_STREAM /FROM_STREAM=stream-name@ Specifies the development stream from which the source change@ should be folded. The stream-name parameter gives the name of> the stream. If you omit this qualifier, VDE determines whatB generation you want to fold by looking up the latest generationA for the current default stream. VDE then records that you wantB to fold the change from the stream in which that generation was created. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=fold-identA Specifies a fold identifier for the new fold record. Each foldB record has a unique fold identifier so that you can distinguish@ between multiple fold records for the same module and user inA the same stream. By default, the CREATE FOLD command assigns aC unique numeric identifier to each fold record, such as "1", "2",B and so on. The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier overrides this defaultB and allows you to select a fold identifier of your choice, suchB as a mnemonic name. The fold-ident parameter specifies the foldA identifier. It can be up to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed when the new foldA records are created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages toD be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messagesB indicate that a fold record has been created for each specified< module and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"C Specifies a remark string to be stored for each new fold record.D The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long,D may contain any explanatory remark about the fold to be performedA that you want stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark@ describes the function or contents of the source change to be folded into the new stream.@ Although this qualifier is required, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name@ Specifies the development stream into which the source changeD should be folded. The stream-name parameter gives the name of theD stream. This qualifier is required; if you do not specify it, VDE# prompts you for the stream name. /USERNAME /USERNAME=usernameA Specifies that the fold record be created on behalf of anotherA user. The username parameter specifies the OpenVMS username ofC the other user. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 ExamplesU 1.VDE> CREATE FOLD X.FOR/STREAM=V1.0/REMARK="Fix access violation in sort routine"M %VDE-I-FOLDADDED, fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR added to databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> VDE> SHOW FOLDM Fold 1 of [CODE]X.FOR;2(2) into stream V1.0 26-JUN-1990 JONES VDE>C This example creates a new fold record fo r module [CODE]X.FOR.> The remark indicates that a sort routine access violationA should be fixed in that module. The change should be made inD stream V1.0. The log message shows that VDE assigned the uniqueD fold identifier 1 to the new fold record. The SHOW FOLD command; shows that the fold record is now in the VDE database. 2 GROUPA Creates a new group definition in the VDE database. A group isB either a source group or a build group. A source group consistsB of a set of source modules to be acted upon when the group nameC is specified with various source control commands. A build groupB consists of a set of modules to be built when the group name is" specified with a BUILD command. Requires CREGRP privilege. Format8 CREATE GROUP group-name = mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameters group-nameB The name of the new group to be created. This name may be up to6 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. mod-name? The name of a module to be included in the group. The module@ name consists of an optional facility name enclosed in squareA brackets, a module name, and an optional type name preceded byB a period. An example is [FACIL]MOD1.PAS. If no facility name isA specified, the current default facility is assumed. If no type@ name is specified, all source modules (for a source group) orC all module (for a build group) with the given module name in the, given facility are included in the group.D You can add many modules to the group with one mod-name parameterC by specifying wildcard characters in any of the three componentsB of the module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any@ single character in the position it occupies and the asteriskD (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D Those source modules (for a source group) or modules (for a buildB group) whose names match the wildcard patte rn become members of the new group. 3 DescriptionA A group consists of the set of modules that are members of theB group. A source group only consists of source modules. When theA name of a source group is specified with the RESERVE, REPLACE,C FETCH, UNRESERVE, or SHOW RESERVATION command, that command actsB on all modules that are members of the group. A build group canC consists of both source modules and derived modules, although it@ normally only consists of e xecutable images and other derived> modules that can be the outputs of a system build. When theB name of a build group is specified with the BUILD command, that< command builds all modules that are members of the group.A When a new group is created, it is only defined in the default? development stream. You can refer to the new group only from) within the stream to which it belongs.; When you want to create the same group for more than one@ development stream, you must use the CREATE GROUP command forC each stream. For each stream, first enter the SET STREAM command= to set the development stream, then enter the CREATE GROUP9 command to create the desired group within the stream.B When a new development stream is created, all group definitions< from the parent stream are copied to the child stream. If? modified, the group definitions then evolve independently in the two development streams. 3 Qualifiers /BUILDB Speci fies whether a source group or build group is created. The@ /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to create a source group and theB /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to create a build group. If neither6 qualifier is specified, VDE creates a source group.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /SOURCEB Specifies whether a source group or build group is created. The@ /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to create a source group and theB /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to create a build group. If neither6 qualifier is specified, VDE creates a source group.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> module matching the mod-name parameters added to the group.@ The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each@ matching module asking whether you want that module added. If> you answer YES (or Y), the module is added to the group. IfB you answer NO (or N), the module is not added to the group. TheB /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to add all modules matching theD mod-name parameters to the group without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the new group> has been created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to; be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. TheB messages indicate that the new group has been created, that theD requested modules are members of the group, and that the database* transaction has committed successfully. /REMARK /REMARK="string"@ Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new group. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayC contain any explanatory remark about the new group that you wantA stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes the$ purpose or contents of the group. 3 Examp les? 1.VDE> CREATE GROUP/REMARK="Two modules" GRP1 = A.PAS, B.MAR6 %VDE-I-GRPADDED, group GRP1 added to the database= %VDE-I-GRPADD, module [CODE]A.PAS is added to group GRP1= %VDE-I-GRPADD, module [CODE]B.MAR is added to group GRP1C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This command creates a new source group called GRP1. The new@ group contains two members, source modules A.PAS and B.MAR.C These modules are reserve d if the group name is specified with? the RESERVE command, for example. Both modules are assumed@ to belong to the current default facility, facility CODE in? this example. The remark string "Two modules" is stored in? the database with the rest of the group definition and can@ be retrieved later with the SHOW GROUP command. The exampleD shows the informational messages created by the /LOG qualifier,* specified by default in this example.9 2.VDE> CREATE GRO UP/BUILD SYSGRP = X.EXE, Y.EXE, Z.HLB8 %VDE-I-GRPADDED, group SYSGRP added to the databaseE %VDE-I-GRPADD, module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE is added to group SYSGRPE %VDE-I-GRPADD, module [BUILD_TEST]Y.EXE is added to group SYSGRPE %VDE-I-GRPADD, module [BUILD_TEST]Z.HLB is added to group SYSGRPC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This command creates a new build group called SYSGRP. The buildD group contains three members, executable images X.EXE and Y.EXEB and the help library Z.HLB. If group name SYSGRP is specifiedB as a parameter to a BUILD command, VDE will build these three modules. 2 LIBRARY= Creates a new VDE library, including its database and disk directory structure. Format CREATE LIBRARY dir-spec 3 Parameter dir-specD Specifies the name of the root directory of the library. The rootD directory is the disk directory that contains the datab ase of theB library. It normally also contains subdirectories that hold theC contents of the library. Use the OpenVMS directory specification, format to specify the dir-spec parameter.D This parameter is required. If not specified, VDE prompts you for" the name of the root directory. 3 Description> A VDE library is the repository for all the modules in yourD software system. A library consists of a top-level disk directoryB called the root directory, an Rdb database which resides in theB root directory, and a number of directories (or subdirectories)C which contain all the source modules, derived modules, and other& components of your software system.@ The CREATE LIBRARY command first creates a root directory forB the new library and defines logical name VDE$LIBRARY to contain@ the name of this directory. It then creates and initializes aA VDE database in the root directory. The CREATE LIBRARY commandD normally also creates the disk di rectory structure that will holdA all sources and other files that make up your software system.A However, if the default directory structure is not appropriateB for you, you can use the /DEFER qualifier to postpone directoryA creation until you have specified the directory structure that you want.> The VDE database is a multifile Rdb database. This database? consists of three separate files: an Rdb root file (the .RDB= file), a storage area file (the .RDA file), and a s napshotB file (the .SNP file). The .RDB file is always stored in the VDED library's root directory. This file is relatively small. The .RDAB file stores the bulk of the database contents and the .SNP fileC allows multiple users to use the database concurrently. The .RDA@ and .SNP files are stored in the VDE library's root directory@ by default, but you can specify different directory locationsB for these files with the /DATABASE and /SNAPSHOT qualifiers, orA by defining the l ogical names VDE$DB_AREA and VDE$SNAPSHOT. ByB placing these files on different disks, you can distribute yourB VDE library's space and I/O requirements across multiple disks.A You may also want to establish an Rdb after-image journal file= for the VDE database. If used with the RMU database backupC facility, such a journal file allows Rdb to recover all databaseB data as of the last completed transaction after a disk failure.B To establish journalling, use the /JOURNAL qual ifier to specifyD the directory location of the journal file. This directory shouldC always be on a different physical disk than the rest of your VDE database.D Once you have created a new VDE library, that library becomes theB current VDE library for your present process so that subsequent@ VDE commands act upon that library. To change the current VDED library, you must use the SET LIBRARY command or redefine logical= name VDE$LIBRARY to point to the root directory of the VDE! library you want to work with.D Most steps in creating a new VDE library are reasonably fast. ForA example, each directory in your directory structure is createdB in a fraction of a second unless your system is heavily loaded.A However, VDE requires several minutes to create and initialize? the library database. The database can usually be created in@ about six to eight minutes but more time may be required on a? heavily loaded system. A log message tells you when database creation starts. 3 Qualifiers /ALLOW_DELETE /ALLOW_DELETE (default) /NOALLOW_DELETE? Specifies the default value for the delete attribute for new@ modules, facilities, and streams. The /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier? causes VDE to set the delete attribute by default when users@ create new such entities. As a result, users can delete theseA entities without first having to set the delete attribute withB a separate MODIFY command. The /NOA LLOW_DELETE qualifier causes@ VDE to clear the delete attribute by default for new modules,@ facilities, and streams. As a result, it is harder for a user@ to delete an entity by mistake; the entity's delete attribute? must be set with a separate MODIFY command before the entityC can be deleted with a DELETE command. When creating new modules,A facilities, and streams, you can override this default setting@ with an explicit /DELETE or /NODELETE qualifier to the CREATE command.A Use the /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier if you expect to make frequent? changes to your library, often deleting modules, facilities,A and streams. Use the /NOALLOW_DELETE qualifier if you are moreC concerned about preventing accidental deletion of such entities. /ASK_INFO_FILE /ASK_INFO_FILE /NOASK_INFO_FILE (default)B Specifies whether the REPLACE command should by default ask the@ user whether he or she wants to edit an information file when> creating a queued replacement. The /ASK_INFO_FILE qualifier> sets a library attribute that causes the REPLACE command to? ask for an information file by default. The /NOASK_INFO_FILE> qualifier clears this library attribute so that the REPLACE@ command does not ask for an information file by default. ThisD library attribute only affects queued replacements (not immediateC replacements), and it only affects the REPLACE command's default? behavior; users can always use the command's /INFORMATION orB /NOINFORMATION qualifier to explicitly request either behavior. /ASK_REPL_CAUSE /ASK_REPL_CAUSE! /NOASK_REPL_CAUSE (default)B Specifies whether the REPLACE command should by default ask theC user for the "cause" of the replacement. The cause may be a fold> operation, a Source Control Tracking (SCT) entry in a NotesA conference, or some other cause. The /ASK_REPL_CAUSE qualifier> sets a library attribute that causes the REPLACE command to? query the user for the cause of the replacement. The /NOASK_A REPL_CAUSE qualifier clears this library attribute so that the5 REPLACE command does not ask for this information. /AUTH_PRIVILEGES( /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])@ Specifies the standard authorized privileges for the library.@ These are the authorized privileges that a new user gets when< added to the library unless a different set of authorized? privileges is explicitly specified for that user. AuthorizedA privileges are those VDE privileges the user is allowed to set" with the SET PRIVILEGE command.= If only one privilege is specified, the parentheses may be? omitted. If this qualifier is omitted entirely, VDE provides? default values for the standard authorized privileges of the library.A Each priv parameter specifies the name of one privilege. For a> list of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. /AUTO_ADD_USER# /AUTO_ADD_USER [=rights-ident] /NOAUTO_ADD_USER (default)= Specifies whether new users should be added to the libraryA database automatically when they first access the library. TheD /AUTO_ADD_USER qualifier specifies that new users should be addedC to the library database automatically when they first access theA library. If the rights-ident parameter is specified, new users@ are only added to the library if they hold the OpenVMS rights> identifier specified by the parameter. The /NOAUTO_ADD_USERA qualifier specifies that new users not be added to the libraryD database automatically. In this case, new users can only be added& with explicit CREATE USER commands.A The owner information specified in the OpenVMS SYSUAF databaseA will be used as the owner of any new VDE username created. VDEC will ignore any leading numerics, leading hyphens, leading spaceA characters, and leading tilde characters, listed in the SYSUAF owner field. /AUTO_CONV ERT /AUTO_CONVERT /NOAUTO_CONVERT (default)C Specifies whether the library and its database are automatically@ converted to the new library format when a new version of VDE? is used on the library. A new version of VDE will frequentlyD require a different database schema and possibly other changes toC a library than the previous version. Each new version of VDE canD convert a VDE library from an older format to the current format.D This is either done autom atically the first time someone accesses@ the library database, or it is done with an explicity CONVERT= LIBRARY command. These qualifiers determine the behaviour.C The /AUTO_CONVERT qualifier specifies that the library should beC converted automatically the first time a user uses a new versionB of VDE on the present library and its database. /NOAUTO_CONVERTD specifies that the library should not be converted automatically;@ instead a privileged user must explicitly convert t he library$ with the CONVERT LIBRARY command.D The advantage of automatic conversion is that it is automatic andC requires no special steps on the part of the user. However, onceC a library has been converted, it is not possible to use an older" version of VDE on that library.B The advantage of disabling automatic conversion is that you getA a chance to back up the database (or the whole library) beforeB you explicitly convert the library. You then have the option of@  restoring the backed up copy of the library if you need to goD back to using the old version of VDE. However, once you install a@ new version of VDE, nobody can use the existing library until> it is converted. Also, all accessors must use the same or a compatible version of VDE.C In general, automatic conversion is best for small VDE libraries? whose databases are relatively easy to rebuild if necessary.? Explicit conversion may be more suitable for large libraries@ where the difficulty of rebuilding the library justifies more, stringent backup and recovery procedures." /NOAUTO_CONVERT is the default. /AUTO_MAIL /AUTO_MAIL (default) /NOAUTO_MAILD Specifies whether VDE should automatically send mail notificationA to the user who has queued a replacement when that replacement> is later performed. The /AUTO_MAIL qualifier sets a library@ attribute that causes the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command to sendA such mail notification. The /NOAUTO_MAIL qualifier clears thisA library attribute so that the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command does not send such notification. /CMS_ELEM_HIST /CMS_ELEM_HIST (default) /NOCMS_ELEM_HISTA Specifies whether VDE creates the CMS elements for new modulesA with default CMS history and notes strings. The /CMS_ELEM_HISTB qualifier causes VDE to create the CMS elements for new modulesB with default history and notes strings and the /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST> qualifier causes VDE to create CMS elements with no defaultC history or notes strings. /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST is normally only usedA if you regularly fetch VDE modules using the CMS FETCH command@ and you want to make sure you do not get CMS history or notesB by default. If you always fetch through VDE, use /CMS_ELEM_HIST@ because it allows VDE to avoid a deficiency in CMS and always1 give and remove history information correctly. /CREATOR_NAME /CREATOR_NAME="string"? S pecifies the full name of the user who created the library.A The quoted name string, which may be up to 40 characters long,A should contain your first name, middle initial, and last name.A The CREATE LIBRARY command automatically creates a user recordA in the new library for the library's creator. This name string$ becomes part of that user record.D This qualifier is required. An empty name string may be specifiedD but this is not recommended. If the /CREATOR_NAME qualifier for aA library is not specified, VDE prompts you for the name string. /DATABASE /DATABASE=dir-spec? Specifies that the database storage area (.RDA) file and theB snapshot (.SNP) file be created in the directory location given= by the dir-spec parameter. This qualifier lets you put the@ largest part of the VDE database on a different disk than theC rest of the VDE library. If you omit this qualifier, VDE creates? the .RDA and .SNP files in the VDE library's root directory. /DEFER /DEFER /NODEFER (default)D Specifies whether the creation of the directory structure for theB new library should be postponed. The /DEFER qualifier postponesC creation of the disk directory structure for the library and theB /NODEFER qualifier causes the directory structure to be createdC immediately. Use the /DEFER qualifier when the default directory2 structure is inappropriate for the new library.A If the /NODEFER qualifier i s specified (or /DEFER is omitted),B the CREATE LIBRARY command first creates the root directory andB the VDE database for the library. Then it creates the remainingB disk directory structure for the library. This structure, which< includes directories to hold delta-files for one facility< and directories to hold files for one development stream,> is determined by the default rules of the utility. Once theA directory structure exists, source modules and other files can be ad ded to the new library.C If the /DEFER qualifier is specified, the CREATE LIBRARY commandA creates only the library's root directory and its database; it@ does not create the remaining directory structure for the new> library. If you use the /DEFER qualifier, you can enter SET> DIRECTORY commands to specify the disk directories you wantA for the library. Then use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command toA create that directory structure on disk. The CREATE DIRECTORY_= TREE co mmand uses VDE defaults combined with the rules youD specified with SET DIRECTORY commands to create the new directory structure. /DEF_PRIVILEGES' /DEF_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])C Specifies the standard default privileges for the library. These@ are the default privileges that a new user gets when added to> the library unless a different set of default privileges isC explicitly specified for that user. Default privileges are thoseB VDE privileges that are  enabled each time the user starts a VDE session.= If only one privilege is specified, the parentheses may be? omitted. If this qualifier is omitted entirely, VDE provides< default values for the standard default privileges of the library.A Each priv parameter specifies the name of one privilege. For a> list of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic.C Each privilege specified becomes a standard authorized privilegeB as well as a standard default pri vilege. This rule ensures that= users are authorized to have all their default privileges. /HISTORY_NOTES /HISTORY_NOTES (default) /NOHISTORY_NOTESB Specifies whether VDE's RESERVE command can produce CMS history? or notes information in its output files. The /HISTORY_NOTESD qualifier allows the RESERVE command to produce history and notes@ information and to accept the /HISTORY, /NOTES, and /POSITION@ qualifiers. The /NOHISTORY_NOTES qualifier causes the R ESERVED command to never produce history and notes information (even whenC such information is the default for a module being reserved) andC to not accept the /HISTORY, /NOTES, and /POSITION qualifiers. InC this case, you must use the VDE FETCH command to get CMS historyA or notes information for a module. Disabling history and notesC information in reserved files makes certain mistakes less likelyD where such information gets replaced into the VDE library as part of the  module text. /JOURNAL /JOURNAL=dir-spec@ Enables after-image journalling and specifies that a database> after-image journal (.AIJ) file be created in the directory? location given by the dir-spec parameter. When used with theD RMU backup and restore facilities, after-image journalling allowsB you to recover the up-to-date contents of your database after aB disk failure. The specified directory should always reside on aC different physical disk than any of your other database files soC that the journal file cannot be damaged by the same disk failureC as the database itself. If you omit this qualifier, VDE disablesB after-image journalling. Digital recommends that you always use journalling. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether log messages are printed when the new library isD created. The /LOG qualifier causes messages to be printed and theC /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate that the5 library and its many components have been created. /NAME /NAME=lib-name@ Specifies a name for the new library to be created. This nameC may be up to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.C VDE stores this name in the database and displays it back to youA when you enter the SHOW LIBRARY or SHOW DEFAULTS command. ThisC qualifier is required; if you do not specify it, VDE prompts you for the library name. /REMARK /REMARK="string"D Specifies a remark string. The quoted remark string, which can be@ up to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark> about the new library that you want stored in the library'sC database. Typically the remark describes the purpose or contents of the new library.@ Although this qualifier is required, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. /REPL_HISTORY  /REPL_HISTORY (default) /NOREPL_HISTORY> Specifies whether VDE should maintain a history of all pastC source code replacements into the VDE library. The /REPL_HISTORYB qualifier specifies that such history information be maintainedD in the VDE database. The /NOREPL_HISTORY qualifier specifies thatD such information not be maintained. When you maintain replacement@ history, you can display past replacements using the /HISTORY- qualifier to the SHOW REPLACEMENT command.< For documentation on the SHOW REPLACEMENT command in SHOW REPLACEMENT. /SEND_MAIL /SEND_MAIL (default) /NOSEND_MAIL? Specifies whether VDE should send mail notification messagesA for those VDE operations that normally send such messages. TheB /SEND_MAIL qualifier enables VDE to send such mail messages andC the /NOSEND_MAIL qualifier suppresses all VDE mail messages. TheA /NOSEND_MAIL qualifier is useful when you want to test or playC with a private VDE library without sending notification messagesB to other people. However, for normal production use, you shouldA always leave the mail notification feature enabled. The CREATE8 LIBRARY command enables mail notification by default. /SHOW_ARCH_NAME /SHOW_ARCH_NAME! /NOSHOW_ARCH_NAME (default)B Specifies whether the architecture name is displayed as part ofA every module name in VDE output. The /SHOW_ARCH_NAME qualifier= sets a library attribut e that causes VDE to always include? the architecture name in every module name it displays. ThisA attribute also causes the SHOW DEFAULTS command to display the? default architecture. The /NOSHOW_ARCH_NAME qualifier clearsB this library attribute so that VDE omits the architecture namesB when displaying module names. You normally only want to see theC architecture name if you have defined multiple architectures for your VDE library.) This qualifier is not yet implemented. /SHOW_GEN_EXPR /SHOW_GEN_EXPR /NOSHOW_GEN_EXPR (default)= Specifies whether the expected replace-time CMS generationB expression for each module is displayed by the RESERVE command.D The /SHOW_GEN_EXPR qualifier sets a library attribute that causes@ the RESERVE command to compute and display the CMS generationC expression that the corresponding REPLACE command is most likely? to use for the new module generation. You can use this value> as an "audi t trail identifier" in your code if your project? uses this convention. This library attribute also causes theB SHOW RESERVATION command to display the expected CMS generation> expression and it causes the REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT> command to print an informational message if the actual CMSD generation expression for the replaced generation turns out to beB different than the expected one. The /NOSHOW_GEN_EXPR qualifier# disables this library attribute.> Please note t hat VDE cannot guarantee that the expected CMSB generation expression will actually be used. It is not possibleC to determine at RESERVE time whether a CMS variant letter shouldD be used when the module is eventually replaced; that decision canD only be made at REPLACE time and depends on propagation decisions@ and stream successor relationships at that time. However, theB expected CMS generation expression is generally the one that is actually used. /SNAPSHOT /SNAPSHOT=dir-specA Specifies that the database snapshot (.SNP) file be created in? the directory location given by the dir-spec parameter. ThisA qualifier lets you put the snapshot file on a separate disk toC better use disk space or to improve database performance. If youB omit this qualifier, VDE creates the .SNP file in the directoryC given by the /DATABASE qualifier if that qualifier is specified.C If neither qualifier is specified, VDE creates the snapshot file' i n the VDE library's root directory. /LOCK= The /LOCK and /UNLOCK qualifiers provide a method by which> RESERVE, REPLACE, UNRESERVE, and other similar commands can@ be disabled on a copy of a VDE library. This mechanism is not? intended to completely lock-out all access to a VDE library.: Specification of /LOCK write-locks the library, and the@ corresponding /UNLOCK qualifier reverses the lock. The write-@ lock status is read only when the user initially accesses theD library-once a user has connected to the library, the lock status is not updated.= A write-locked library can be used to prevent various user> modifications to the contents of the library during library: maintenance, or to maintain a shadow copy of a library.A Users holding the MODLIB privilege are allowed to override theA library write-lock. An informational message will be displayed when the lock is overridden. /STATISTICS? Enables statistics collecti on on the specified library. ThisD will cause various extra questions to be asked during replacementB and related operations. This includes the addition of questionsA around the reason for the change, the number of defects fixed,: and the particular project a change is associated with. /UNLOCK= The /LOCK and /UNLOCK qualifiers provide a method by which> RESERVE, REPLACE, UNRESERVE, and other similar commands can@ be disabled on a copy of a VDE library. This mechanism is not? intended to completely lock-out all access to a VDE library.: Specification of /LOCK write-locks the library, and the@ corresponding /UNLOCK qualifier reverses the lock. The write-@ lock status is read only when the user initially accesses theD library-once a user has connected to the library, the lock status is not updated.= A write-locked library can be used to prevent various user> modifications to the contents of the library during library: maintenance, or to maintain a shadow copy of a library.A Users holding the MODLIB privilege are allowed to override theA library write-lock. An informational message will be displayed when the lock is overridden. /WILD_INS_GEN /WILD_INS_GEN /NOWILD_INS_GEN (default); Specifies whether wildcard characters are allowed in theC parameters to the INSERT GENERATION command when the /GENERATION= qualifier is specified. The /WILD_INS_GEN qualifier causes@ VDE to allow wildcard characters in such parameters while theB /NOWILD_INS_GEN qualifier causes VDE to not allow such wildcardB characters. When the /GENERATION qualifier to INSERT GENERATIONA specifies a specific CMS generation expression, it is unlikely? that this generation expression could apply to more than one? module. As a result, it is unlikely that the use of wildcard@ characters in the module-name parameters will give the resultA the user intended. To prevent mistakes, VDE therefore does not@ allow such wildcard usage by default. However, there are someC situations when such usage might be correct (for example, if theB specified CMS generation expression is 1). For such situations,D you can enable the use of wildcard characters with the /WILD_INS_ GEN qualifier. 3 Examples1 1.VDE> CREATE LIBRARY [PROJDIR] /NAME=NEWLIB -= _VDE> /CREATOR_NAME="John Doe" -A _VDE> /REMARK="Main project  library"= Library NEWLIB to be created in root directory [PROJDIR]= Library root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR] already exists.? Logical name VDE$LIBRARY now points to the new library.1 Creating library database; please wait...* Library database has been created.J Staging area root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$STAGE] has been created- Creating directory tree for delta files:> Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS] has been createdQ Faci !lity CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS.CODE] has been created9 CMS library for facility CODE has been created1 All directories for delta files now exist- Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:; Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN] has been createdD Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.VDE$BLD] has been createdN Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE] has been createdE Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC] has bee "n createdE Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ] has been createdI Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.VDE$COM] has been createdI Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.VDE$LOG] has been created1 All directories for stream MAIN now exist Library creation completed. VDE>? This command creates a new library called NEWLIB. The rootA directory for the new library is DEV$:[PROJDIR] and the name? of the creator is John Doe. # The log messages indicate when= the various steps are completed. First VDE indicates theA root directory of the library currently exists and binds theA logical name VDE$LIBRARY to that directory. Then VDE createsA the database of the library, which may take several minutes.B Next, VDE creates the directory structure for the delta filesD of the project. Finally, it creates the directory structure for1 stream MAIN, the only stream in the library. 2.VDE> CR $EATE LIBRARYA Enter directory specification for the new library: [PROJDIR]8 Enter the name you want for the new library: NEWLIB: Enter your full name (first and last names): John Doe; Enter the remark for new library: Main project library= Library NEWLIB to be created in root directory [PROJDIR]= Library root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR] already exists.? Logical name VDE$LIBRARY now points to the new library.1 Creating library database; please wait... %* Library database has been created.- Creating directory tree for delta files:> Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS] has been createdQ Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS.CODE] has been created9 CMS library for facility CODE has been created1 All directories for delta files now exist- Creating directory tree for stream MAIN:; Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN] has been createdN Facility CODE root directory D &EV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE] has been createdE Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC] has been createdE Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ] has been createdI Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.VDE$COM] has been createdI Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.VDE$LOG] has been created1 All directories for stream MAIN now exist Library creation completed. VDE>A In this example, the user enters the keywords CREATE LIBRAR 'Y> and VDE prompts for all other needed information. The new; library is created exactly as in the previous example. $M $! Locate and delete previous incarnations of the test facility files,> $! then unpack the saveset containing the test files... $V $ if f$search("sys$scratch:A.REQ") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:A.REQ;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:B.REQ") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:B.REQ;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch: (C.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:C.B32;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:D.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:D.B32;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:E.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:E.B32;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:F.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:F.B32;*/log $0 $ Backup VDE$CREATE.BCK/SAVE Sys$Scratch: $> $! Create the core directory -- this must be present... $: $ Create/Directory STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW ).VDE$DATABASE] $ VDE !D ! create the WWW library in STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW...], using theD ! mnemonic WWW, placing all Rdb-related library components in* ! STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE]. !? create librar STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] /DEFER - /NAME=WWW -* /REMARK="QTV WWW Source Library" -> /NOAUTO_CONVERT /AUTO_ADD_USER=VMS_SOURCE /AUTO_MAIL -C /ASK_INFO_FILE /ASK_REPL_CAUSE /SHOW_GEN_EXPR /NOSTATISTI -: * /NOHISTORY_NOTES /NOALLOW_DELETE /NOWILD_INS_GEN -5 /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST /CREATOR="Stephen Hoffman" -0 /DEF_PRIVILEGES=(CREMOD,RESREP,CREFAC) -1 /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(CREMOD,RESREP,CREFAC) -0 /data=STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] -1 /journ=STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] -. /snap=STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] ! SHOW DEFAULTS SHOW LIBRARY/FULL8 MODIFY CONTEXT/PUBLIC DEFAULT/NOSTREAM/NOFACILITY !2 CREATE USER + SYSTEM /NAME="System Manager" -8 /DEF_P=ALL/AUTH_P=ALL/REMARK="System Manager" !> ! Create the CMS ("delta") library directory structure.D ! Configure the CMS libraries to use the directory structure:; ! STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.CMS$DATABASE.'facility'.CMS].E ! Configure the "marker" files to use the directory structure:= ! STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.CMS$DATABASE.'facility'.SRC]... !A SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.CMS$DATABA,SE]< SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES/SUBDIRECTORY=VDE$CMS [.CMS]? SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES/SUBDIRECTORY=VDE$MARKER [.SRC]( CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/DELTA_FILES! SHOW DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES !# ! Create the staging area... !< SET DIRECTORY/STAGING STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$STAGING]$ CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STAGING !, ! Create the stream/build directories !: SET DIRECTORY/STREAM STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$STREAM]# CRE -ATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STREAM !/ ! create and load the VDE test facility. !% CREATE FACILITY AAA_VDE_TEST -5 /REMARK="Test facility for VDE developers"! SET FACILITY AAA_VDE_TEST"= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: A.REQ= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: B.REQ= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /IN.PUT=SYS$SCRATCH: C.B32= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: D.B32= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: E.B32= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: F.B32 ! EXIT $ $ Exit 2 MODULE3 Creates a new module in the current VDE library. Requires CREMOD privilege. Format, CREAT/E MODULE mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name= The name of the module being created. The module name mustC consist of a module name and a module type separated by a periodB (as in MODNAM.FOR). It may optionally be preceded by a facilityC name enclosed in square brackets (as in [ACCTNG]MODNAM.FOR whereB ACCTNG is the facility name). If no facility name is specified,C the module is assumed to belong to the current default facility.B The facility name, 0module name, and type name may each be up to6 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 DescriptionD The CREATE MODULE command creates a new module in the current VDED library. It records the new module in the VDE database, includingA its facility, name, type, remark string, and other attributes.A Every module belongs to some facility, either the facility you6 explicitly specify or the current default facility.A Modules are classified as source modules or d 1erived modules. A? source module is a text file (normally) which you create andB modify manually with an editor. A source module can be reserved> from and replaced into the VDE library with the RESERVE and@ REPLACE commands. The text of each source module is stored inD a delta file within a CMS library in the form of a CMS "element."D By default, the CREATE MODULE command does not create the initial? generation of a source module. Instead it records the module> in the VDE 2database and reserves it for you in your default? development stream. You must then use the REPLACE command to= actually create the initial generation of the module. This@ should be the normal way of creating new modules once the VDEC library is established. However, if you use the /INPUT or /FROM_= DIRECTORY qualifier, the CREATE MODULE command creates the? initial generations of the new modules; these qualifiers are> useful when you initially establish your VDE library. (No 3te@ that /INPUT may not be available, depending on the setting of@ the queued-replacement option on the stream. If /INPUT is notA accepted, you must use a subsequent REPLACE command to specify. the contents of the module under creation.)D A derived module is a file or other entity that is produced by anB automated build step, such as an object module or an executableB image. A derived module cannot be reserved or replaced. In most? cases, VDE automatically enters derived mod 4ules into the VDEC database when the modules are produced; you seldom need to enter? them with the CREATE MODULE command. However, when a derivedD module needs to be entered into the database manually, you can do? so with the /DERIVED qualifier to the CREATE MODULE command.C If a module is mistakenly created, one can use the DELETE MODULED command to reverse the action and delete it-the UNRESERVE command> will refuse to delete modules that lack a first generation.< The5 DELETE MODULE command allows the creator of an errant? module to correct simple mistakes-such as a misnamed module-? without requiring unusual privileges. With the DELETE MODULEB command, the creator can delete the module prior to the initial@ module replacement. DELETE MODULE will cancel the outstanding= reservation on the module, will remove the module from any= reservation session that it might be included in, and willA prevent the module from ever appearing in the VDE lib6rary. For? further information on the DELETE MODULE command, see DELETE> MODULE. (The DELETE MODULE command normally requires DELMOD? privilege. In this particular situation, CREMOD privilege is) sufficient to permit module deletion.) 3 Qualifiers /BINARY /BINARY /NOBINARY (default)? Specifies whether the source module is a binary file or not.> The /BINARY qualifier specifies that the source module is aA binary (non-text) file. Binary sour 7ce files cannot be reviewedB or differenced with the REVIEW REPLACEMENT command because theyA do not consist of ordinary ASCII text. The /NOBINARY qualifierC specifies that the source module is an ordinary ASCII text file.; These qualifiers are only meaningful for source modules.D Large files that undergo extensive changes at frequent intervals,D or are the output of a language or application, may not be suitedA for storage as standard delta files as the file delta is never8@ used, occupies a considerable amount of disk space, and growsD rapidly. See the /MARKER qualifier. Examples of files well-suited> for storage as marker files include most executable images,7 object files, Postscript files, and BACKUP savesets. /CONCURRENT /CONCURRENT(default) /NOCONCURRENTD Specifies whether the module can be reserved concurrently by moreC than one user. The /CONCURRENT qualifier allows the module to beB reserved concurrently unless 9a user overrides this default withD for a specific reservation. The /NOCONCURRENT qualifier specifies3 that the module cannot be reserved concurrently. /DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE; Controls whether the delete attribute is set for the newB facility. This attribute allows the facility to be deleted with> the DELETE FACILITY command. The /DELETE qualifier sets the@ delete attribute so that the new facility can be deleted. TheB /NODELETE qualifier clears th :e delete attribute so that the newC facility cannot be deleted unless you first reset this attributeB with a MODIFY FACILITY command. Marking a facility as /NODELETE7 makes it harder to accidentally delete the facility.@ If this qualifier is not specified, VDE uses the value of the? allow-deletion library attribute. The library allow-deletionC default attribute can be set or reset by using the /ALLOW_DELETED qualifier on the CREATE LIBRARY or on the MODIFY LIBRARY command.; /DERIVED /DERIVED /SOURCE (default)C Specifies whether the new module is a source module or a derivedA module. By definition, a source module is a module that can beB reserved from and replaced into the library. The generations of@ each such module is stored in a "delta file" (a CMS element).= Most source modules are text files that you modify with anB editor, but VDE also supports binary (non-text) source modules.D A derived module is a module that i <s produced from source modulesA or other derived modules by an automated build step. It cannot? be reserved or replaced, and is often ignored during commandB wildcard processing. Derived modules are automatically recorded> in the VDE database when they are produced; they are seldomB entered into a library with the CREATE MODULE command. However,? new source modules are not automatically recorded in the VDE> database and must be entered into a library with the CREATE@ MODULE =command. For this reason, the /SOURCE qualifier is the default. /FROM_DIRECTORY /FROM_DIRECTORY=dir-specA Specifies that modules be created for all files in a specified; disk directory. The dir-spec parameter gives the OpenVMS; directory specification of the disk directory. When this? qualifier is specified, the mod-name parameters are omitted,D and the CREATE MODULE command creates a new module in the currentB default facility for each file in the specifi >ed directory. EachC file becomes the initial generation of the corresponding module.? The dir-spec parameter may also consist of a wildcarded fileB specification, in which case VDE creates a module for each file? that matches the specification. (This feature can be used to? create modules for only those files in a directory that have> a certain file extension, for example.) This qualifier lets? you enter a large number of new modules into the VDE library? with a single com ?mand, provided that the initial versions ofC those modules are stored in a single disk directory and that all' modules belong to the same facility.D The initial generation of each module created with this qualifierA is inserted into (becomes the latest generation of) the streamD you specify with the /STREAM qualifier or into the default streamB if you omit the /STREAM qualifier. It is also inserted into all successors of that stream.1 This qualifier requires the PERFR@EP privilege. /HISTORY /HISTORY[="string"]% /NOHISTORY[="string"] (default)= Specifies the CMS history string to be associated with the< module and whether history information should be included? in source files when modules are retrieved with the FETCH orD RESERVE command. History information gives a historical record of" previous changes to the module.C The /HISTORY qualifier specifies that history information should= be included in source files b Ay default when such files are> retrieved with the FETCH or RESERVE command. The /NOHISTORYB qualifier specifies that history information should be omitted.A The string parameter to either qualifier specifies the default@ history string if the user specifies that history information> should be included in a retrieved file. (If you specify the> /NOHISTORY qualifier on the CREATE MODULE command, you must@ use the /HISTORY qualifier on the FETCH or RESERVE command toB use the defBault history string.) If you do not specify a stringC parameter, VDE supplies a default history string that depends on the module type.A See the CMS documentation for a description of the CMS history string and its format. /INPUT /INPUT[=file-spec]B The /INPUT qualifier causes the CREATE MODULE command to createC the initial generation of the new module. This qualifier is onlyB applicable to source modules. The file-spec parameter gives theA OpenVMS f Cile specification of a file that contains the initial> generation of the module. If the file-name part of the file? specification is omitted, the file name is assumed to be the? same as the module name. If the directory specification part@ is omitted, the file is assumed to be in your current defaultD directory. If you omit the whole file-spec parameter, VDE createsA the initial generation from the file in your default directory( with the same name as the new module.@ The D initial generation of each module created with the /INPUTD qualifier is inserted into (becomes the latest generation of) theD stream you specify with the /STREAM qualifier or into the default@ stream if you omit the /STREAM qualifier. It is also inserted& into all successors of that stream.A If neither /INPUT nor /FROM_DIRECTORY is specified, the CREATEB MODULE command records the module in the VDE database and marksB it as reserved to you. You must then use the REPLACE commanEd toD actually create the initial generation of the module. This is theD preferred way of creating new modules once a VDE library has been established.D The /INPUT qualifier is rejected on any streams marked for queuedD replacement. To create and insert a module on a stream marked forA queued replacement, omit the /INPUT qualifier, and specify the: file to load into the new module via a REPLACE command.0 This qualifier require the PERFREP privilege. /LOG F/LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after the new modules@ have been created. The /LOG qualifier prints the messages and= /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that the newC modules have been added to the VDE library and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /MARKER /MARKER /NOMARKER (default)A Specifies whether the source module uses a marker file or not.> The /MARKER qualifier speciGfies that the source module uses> a marker file. When a source module uses a marker file, the@ module is stored as an ordinary file in one of the delta-fileC directories. A small text file, called the marker file, containsB the full file name of that source file, and this marker file isA stored in the module's delta file (CMS element). In short, theD delta file contains a small text file that points to the module'sA actual source file. The marker-file mechanism is normally only H> used for large or frequently changed binary source modules,? for which the delta-file mechanism may give poor performanceB or use excessive disk space. Executable images, object modules,D Postscript files, and BACKUP savesets are all example of "source"B modules for which the marker-file mechanism may be appropriate.@ The actual source files for modules that use marker files areD stored in a subdirectory for the module's facility within the VDEC library's delta-file direct Iory tree. This subdirectory must haveB the special directory symbol VDE$MARKER. See the description ofC the SET DIRECTORY command for an explanation of how to establish< subdirectories and assign them directory symbols. See theB description of the command SHOW DIRECTORY/DELTA for informationC on displaying the current marker file directory (or directories) setting.@ The /NOMARKER qualifier specifies that the source module does@ not use a marker file and that its text is Jstored directly inC the delta file (CMS element) for the module. Ordinary ASCII text' modules should not use marker files.& Also see the /[NO]BINARY qualifier. /NOTES /NOTES[="string"]# /NONOTES[="string"] (default)B Specifies the CMS notes string to be associated with the module@ and whether CMS notes should be included in source files when? modules are retrieved with the FETCH or RESERVE command. CMS@ notes indicate in what module generation each s Kource line was created.B The /NOTES qualifier specifies that notes information should beD included in source files by default when such files are retrieved< with the FETCH or RESERVE command. The /NONOTES qualifierA specifies that notes information should be omitted. The stringC parameter to either qualifier specifies the default notes stringB if the user specifies that notes information should be includedA in a retrieved file. (If you specify the /NONOTES qualifier onBL the CREATE MODULE command, you must use the /NOTES qualifier onA the FETCH or RESERVE command to use the default notes string.)C If you do not specify a string parameter, VDE supplies a default0 notes string that depends on the module type.? See the CMS documentation for a description of the CMS notes string and its format. /NOTIFY' /NOTIFY=(username [,username...])C Specifies users to notify of all changes to the new module. EachD username parameter Mspecifies the OpenVMS username or mail addressA of a user who should be notified by mail message each time the5 specified module is replaced into the VDE library.= Each username parameter can specify the username of a user? already recorded in the VDE database, a OpenVMS mail address? with one or more node names (such as NODE::SMITH), or a mailA forwarding alias, or a defined logical name bound to a list of? users to notify. If you specify a logical name, keep in mindA N that the logical name must be defined when it is later used toB send notification messages. It should thus be a group or systemC logical name or a logical name that is in some other way defined$ for all users of the VDE library.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /POSITION /POSITION=column-number@ Specifies the default column number in which CMS notes are toA be placed when this source module is retrieOved with a FETCH or? RESERVE command. The column number must be an integer in theC range 1 to 511. If this qualifier is omitted, the default column> number is 81. This qualifier has no effect unless notes areA enabled with the /NOTES qualifier on the CREATE MODULE command& or on the FETCH or RESERVE command.C See the CMS documentation for a description of CMS notes and how3 notes are formatted at the ends of source lines. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGATE /NOPRO PPAGATE< Specifies whether automatic change propagation is allowed< for this module when it is reserved and replaced into the> library. /PROPAGATE allows automatic change propagation andC /NOPROPAGATE disallows change propagation. If change propagation? is disallowed, VDE automatically inhibits change propagationA when the module is reserved or replaced as if the /NOPROPAGATEC qualifier had been specified for the RESERVE or REPLACE command.; If you omit both qualifiers, thQe value of the facility'sA nopopulate attribute is used to set the new module's propogate attribute. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new module. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayD contain any explanatory remark about the new module that you wantA stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes the$ purpose or content of the module.@ Although this qualifier is requRired, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [,username...])> Specifies reviewers for all changes to the new module. EachB username parameter specifies the OpenVMS username of a user whoC should review all changes to the specified module. The user must@ already be recorded in the VDE database. When a change to theA module is replaced into the VDES library, VDE notifies the user? of the change by mail message. If the replacement is queued,B the user should then review the queued replacement before it isD performed. If the replacement is immediate, VDE notifies the userB of the new module generation that was created, and the user may then inspect that generation.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /SESSION /SESSION[=session-name]D Sessions are Tused to logically group a set of module reservationsC together, typically to group all modules related to a particular@ source code alteration or enhancement together. It allows all> component modules reserved to be treated as a single entity? for subsequent replacement operations. A session also allows= additional modules to be reserved and incorporated into an$ existing session at a later time.; If the new module is being created such that the initialC generation will b Ue created by a subsequent replacement, /SESSIONB specifies that VDE should add the new module reservation to the; reservation session given by the session-name parameter.= If no session with the specified session-name session name> currently exists, VDE will create a new reservation sessionC under the specified session name and will incorporate the module reservation(s) into it.C If the session-name parameter is omitted, VDE generates a uniqueA session name, creates a V new session by that name, and adds the module reservation to it.< If the /SESSION qualifier is omitted on the CREATE MODULE? command, VDE will reserve the module (as expected), and will5 not add the new module reservation to any session.C Sessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE,@ MODIFY SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL= SESSION commands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on? a queued-replacement stream) and reserved vWia RESERVE can be" combined into the same session. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name@ Specifies that the module be reserved for the stream given byB the stream-name parameter or that the initial generation of theD module be inserted into that stream. If neither /INPUT nor /FROM_C DIRECTORY is specified, the /STREAM qualifier causes VDE to markA the module as reserved for the specified stream. If the /INPUT@ or /FROM_DIRECTORY qualifier is specified, /STREAM causesX the@ the initial generation of the new module to become the latest@ generation of the module for the specified stream and all its successor streams.B If the /STREAM qualifier is omitted, the module is reserved for0 or inserted into your current default stream. 3 ExamplesS 1.VDE> CREATE MODULE STGCVT.FOR /STREAM=FOO /REMARK="String conversion routines"J %VDE-I-RESERVED, generation [CODE]STGCVT.FOR reserved from stream FOOT %VDE-I-MUSTREPL, you must replace Y the new module to create its first generationC %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]STGCVT.FOR added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This example creates a new source module called STGCVT.FOR. The@ module is created in the current default facility, facility; CODE, and is reserved from the specified stream FOO. A? subsequent REPLACE command (not shown) is needed to create( the first generation of the module.ZY 2.VDE> CREATE MODULE/NOLOG STGCVT.FOR /STREAM=FOO /REMARK="String conversion routines" VDE>D Here the same module is created as in the previous example, but6 the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses the log messages.A 3.VDE> CREATE MODULE STGCVT.FOR /NOLOG /INPUT=[MYDIR]FOO.FOR -G VDE> /REMARK="String conversion routines" VDE>= In this example, the /INPUT qualifier causes the command= to create the initial generation of the [ module from file> [MYDIR]FOO.FOR. In this case, the module is not marked as reserved.E 4.VDE> CREATE MODULE [CODE]STGCVT.FOR /REMARK="String routines", -D _VDE> [ACCTNG]SALES.COB /REMARK="Sales accounting"K %VDE-I-RESERVED, generation [CODE]STGCVT.FOR reserved from stream MAINT %VDE-I-MUSTREPL, you must replace the new module to create its first generationC %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]STGCVT.FOR added to the databaseL %VDE-I-RESERVED, gene \ration [ACCTNG]SALES.COB reserved from stream MAINT %VDE-I-MUSTREPL, you must replace the new module to create its first generationD %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [ACCTNG]SALES.COB added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This example creates two new source modules, one in facilityD CODE and one in facility ACCTNG. Each module has its own remarkC string. The modules are reserved in the user's default stream, s ]tream MAIN. 5.VDE> SET STREAM MAIN VDE> SET FACILITY CODE@ VDE> CREATE MODULE/FROM_DIRECTORY=[MYDIR.SOURCES]/REMARK=""L %VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [CODE]A.REQ;1(1) inserted into stream MAIN> %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]A.REQ added to the databaseL %VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [CODE]B.REQ;1(1) inserted into stream MAIN> %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]B.REQ added to the databaseL %VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [CODE]C.B32;1(1) inserted into stream MAIN> ^ %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]C.B32 added to the databaseL %VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [CODE]D.B32;1(1) inserted into stream MAIN> %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]D.B32 added to the databaseL %VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [CODE]E.B32;1(1) inserted into stream MAIN> %VDE-I-MODADDED, module [CODE]E.B32 added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>> This example uses the /FROM_DIRECTORY qualifier to create? modules_ for all files in a given directory. The SET STREAM= command makes stream MAIN the default stream and the SET? FACILITY command makes facility CODE the default facility.; The CREATE MODULE command reads all files in directoryC [MYDIR.SOURCES] and creates a module in facility CODE for eachA such file. VDE creates the initial generation of each module@ and inserts that generation into the default stream (stream? MAIN) and all successor streams. (No successor stre`ams are@ defined in this example.) The log messages confirm that the@ initial generations have been inserted into the appropriateB streams and that the modules have been added to the database. 2 REPLACEMENT8 Creates a new queued replacement in the VDE database. Requires RESREP privilege. Format1 CREATE REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] 3 Parameter rep-nameB The name of the new replacement to be created. This name can be< up to a 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description@ When a user has reserved and modified one or more modules andD then uses the REPLACE command to replace the modules into the VDEC libary, VDE either replaces the modules immediately or creates a@ queued replacement for them. A queued replacement is a record> in the VDE database that records that the modules should be@ replaced into the library at a future time, after the modulesB have been reviewed and wh ben an authorized user enters a PERFORM? REPLACEMENT command for the replacement. Whether the REPLACE? command replaces the modules immediately or creates a queuedD replacement is determined by a qualifier to that command or by an8 attribute on the streams affected by the replacement.C Although queued replacements are normally created by the REPLACE< command when you replace modules, you can create a queuedB replacement directly with the CREATE REPLACEMENT command. After? ycou have created a queued replacement with this command, youB can add module reservations to the replacement with the REPLACE= command by using the /REPLACEMENT qualifier to specify the replacement name. 3 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG: Controls whether log messages are printed after the newC replacements are created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages> to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The? messages indicate tdhat each new replacement has been created@ and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new replacement.D The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long,D may contain any explanatory remark about the new replacement that' you want stored in the VDE database.@ Although this qualifier is required, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not sp eecify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. 3 Examples? 1.VDE> CREATE REPLACEMENT NEWREP/REMARK="Replacement remark"> %VDE-I-REPADDED, replacement NEWREP added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>G VDE> REPLACE/QUEUE/REPLACEMENT=NEWREP A.REQ "Fix access violation"H %VDE-I-FILCOPSTAG, file DEV$:[MYDIR]A.REQ;13 copied to staging areaE %VDE-I-REPLQUE, module [CODE]A.REQ queued for r feplacement NEWREPC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>$ VDE> PERFORM REPLACEMENT NEWREPM %VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [CODE]A.REQ;8(6A2) replaced into stream V2.01 %VDE-I-REPPERF, replacement NEWREP performedC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= This example creates a new replacement called NEWREP and? specifies a remark string for it. The REPLACE command thenB adds a reservatgion for module [CODE]A.REQ to the replacement.D The subsequent PERFORM REPLACEMENT command replaces that module into the VDE library. 2 SCRIPT, Creates a VDE script in the VDE database. Requires CRESCRP privilege. Format CREATE SCRIPT file-spec 3 Parameter file-spec; Specifies the OpenVMS file specification for a file thatA contains the text of the new script. If you omit the directoryC specification from the file-spec paramete hr, your current default@ directory is assumed. If you omit the file extension from the< file-spec parameter, file extension VDESCRIPT is assumed. 3 Description? The CREATE SCRIPT command reads a VDE script from a file and@ records the script and its type in the VDE database. A script@ is a sequence of commands in the VDE script language that VDE@ can execute to create a DCL command file. VDE can then invokeA that DCL command file in a subprocess to perform the action of i? the script. VDE uses scripts to perform many different kindsA of actions. For example, VDE uses "compile scripts" to compileB modules in a build job. Similarly, it uses "new-stream scripts"A to populate the directories of a new stream with files when itD performs the CREATE STREAM command. There are many other kinds ofC scripts, all distinguished by the commands or circumstances that cause them to be invoked.< The primary purpose of VDE scripts is to insert names and? j directory specifications from the VDE database into text you= specify to generate DCL command files that perform various< actions. A VDE script is thus a mixture of plain text and? invocations of functions that retrieve names (such as module? names, type names, and facility names) and directory strings> (such as the names of facility subdirectories) from the VDE database.> Since you define scripts, you define how VDE should performB the corresponding actions. For exam kple, you decide how a PascalC module is compiled because you define the Pascal compile script.< Similarly, you can define a script that defines auxiliaryC actions of the REPLACE command. Scripts thus let you make policyD decisions for your own project, while VDE provides the mechanisms that implement your policies.@ The CREATE SCRIPT command only defines the new script for the@ current default development stream. You can reference the newC script only from within the strea lm to which it belongs. When youD want to create the same script for more than one stream, you mustB use the CREATE SCRIPT command for each stream. For each stream,D first enter the SET STREAM command to set the development stream,D then enter the CREATE SCRIPT command to create the desired script within the stream.C When a new development stream is created, all script definitions< from the parent stream are copied to the child stream. If@ modified, the script definitions mthen evolve independently in the two development streams.B Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords,C while script functions are in Script Functions, and script typesC are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also seeC DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT. 3 Qualifiers /BUILDD Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE starts each processC that executes a build job. The VDnE$BUILD utility, which executes< build jobs, invokes the script once for each process thatB executes a given build job. This script runs before the process? executes any build steps. The script can be used to generate@ DCL that defines commands or logical names that are needed byA subsequent build steps. BUILD scripts are optional and are not! needed for build jobs to work. /COMPILE /COMPILE=mod-nameB Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE compiles a omoduleC that matches the mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script whenC you enter a COMPILE command for a matching module or run a buildC job that contains compile steps for matching modules. The scriptC must generate the DCL commands that actually perform the compile step. /COPY /COPY=mod-name@ Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE copies a moduleC that matches the mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script whenD you enter a COPY command for pa matching module or run a build jobA that contains copy steps for matching modules. The script mustA generate the DCL commands that actually perform the copy step. /CREATE_FACILITYB Specifies the script that VDE should invoke when a new facility' is created. This script is optional. /DELETE_GENERATION! /DELETE_GENERATION=mod-name: Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE deletes a? stream's latest generation of a module that matches the mod-A nqame parameter. VDE invokes the script when you enter a DELETE> GENERATION command for a matching module. The script should< perform auxiliary processing that you want for the DELETE@ GENERATION command, such as updating source files in a clear-D copy directory. This type of script is optional and is not needed- for the DELETE GENERATION command to work. /FETCH /FETCH=mod-nameA Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE fetches a module> that matches the mord-name parameter. VDE invokes the scriptC when you enter a FETCH command for a matching module. The scriptA should generate DCL commands that perform auxiliary processingD that you want for the FETCH command, such as sending notificationD to interested individuals. FETCH scripts are optional and are not( needed for the FETCH command to work. /INSERT_GENERATION! /INSERT_GENERATION=mod-name: Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE inserts aB generation of as module that matches the mod-name parameter into> a development stream. VDE invokes the script when you enterA an INSERT GENERATION command for a matching module. The scriptC should perform auxiliary processing that you want for the INSERTD GENERATION command, such as updating source files in a clear-copyC directory. This type of script is optional and is not needed for) the INSERT GENERATION command to work. /LINK /LINK=mod-nameD Specifies that the script bte invoked when VDE links a module thatB matches the mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script when you@ enter a LINK command for a matching module or run a build jobA that contains link steps for matching modules. The script mustA generate the DCL commands that actually perform the link step. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG= Controls whether log messages are printed after the script< is created. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and theu /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesB indicate that the script has been created and that the database* transaction has committed successfully. /NEW_STREAM /NEW_STREAM=fac-name> Specifies that the script be invoked for each facility thatD matches the fac-name parameter when VDE creates a new developmentA stream. VDE invokes the script for each matching facility when> you enter a CREATE STREAM command. The script must generate? DCL commands that cop vy all stream-specific files for a givenD facility from the parent stream's directories to the new stream'sA directories. The role of NEW_STREAM scripts is to populate the? new stream's directory tree with all relevant files from the parent stream.D NEW_STREAM scripts are optional and are not needed for the CREATED STREAM command to work, but they are strongly recommended becauseB minimal system builds for the new stream cannot work unless allD result files (such as objecwt libraries and executable images) are9 copied from the parent stream to the new child stream. /NOKEEP /NOKEEP=mod-nameB Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE replaces a moduleC that matches the mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script when? you enter a REPLACE command with the /NOKEEP qualifier for a@ matching module. The script should generate DCL commands that@ perform the action of the /NOKEEP qualifier, such as deleting= the replaced source mod xule and perhaps also the associatedB object and listing files from the user's default directory. TheA script is run after the REPLACE command's database transaction@ has committed; it thus performs "clean-up" operations for theB command. NOKEEP scripts are optional and are not needed for theC REPLACE command to work. (If a NOKEEP script is not defined when@ a module is replaced with the /NOKEEP qualifier, VDE does not delete any files.) /REMARK /REMARK="strinyg"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for the? new script. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the1 script that you want to store in the database. /REPLACE /REPLACE=mod-nameB Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE replaces a moduleC that matches the mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script when@ you enter a REPLACE command for a matching module. The scriptzA should generate DCL commands that perform auxiliary processingD that you want for the REPLACE or (on a queued-replacement stream)? PERFORM REPLACEMENT command, such as sending notification to= interested individuals or copying object modules to objectA libraries. REPLACE scripts are optional and are not needed for the REPLACE command to work. /RESERVE /RESERVE=mod-nameB Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE reserves a module> that matches the {mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script> when you enter a RESERVE command for a matching module. The= script should generate DCL commands that perform auxiliaryD processing that you want for the RESERVE command, such as sending> notification to interested individuals. RESERVE scripts are? optional and are not needed for the RESERVE command to work. /SEGMENT /SEGMENT=seg-num> Specifies the segment number of the new script. The seg-num? parameter, which specif|ies the script's segment number, mustB be an integer value in the range from 1 to 20. If you omit thisC qualifier, VDE uses segment number 10 by default. When VDE laterD invokes scripts to perform some action, it generates the segments@ of the DCL command file from scripts ordered by their segment numbers. /SET_FACILITY /SET_FACILITY=fac-nameC Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE sets a new default@ facility that matches the fac-name parameter. VDE} invokes theD script when you enter a SET FACILITY or SET CONTEXT command for aB matching facility. The script should generate DCL commands thatB perform auxiliary processing that you want for the SET FACILITY? or SET CONTEXT command, such as defining logical names. SET_? FACILITY scripts are optional and are not needed for the SET+ FACILITY or SET CONTEXT command to work.) This qualifier is not yet implemented. /SET_STREAMC Specifies that the script be invoked ~when VDE sets a new default@ stream. VDE invokes the script when you enter a SET STREAM orD SET CONTEXT command. The script should generate DCL commands thatC perform auxiliary processing that you want for the SET STREAM orB SET CONTEXT command, such as defining logical names. SET_STREAMD scripts are optional and are not needed for the SET STREAM or SET CONTEXT command to work.) This qualifier is not yet implemented. /STAGING /STAGING=mod-name@ Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE copies a source> module that matches the mod-name parameter into a "staging"@ area. VDE invokes the script when you enter a REPLACE commandD for a matching module and the replacement is queued. For a queued@ replacement, VDE copies each replaced file to a staging area,? from where it is actually replaced into the VDE library when? another user later enters a PERFORM REPLACEMENT command. TheB script must generate DCL commands that copy the module into the staging area. /UNRESERVE /UNRESERVE=mod-nameD Specifies that the script be invoked when VDE unreserves a module> that matches the mod-name parameter. VDE invokes the script= when you enter an UNRESERVE command for a matching module.A The script should generate DCL commands that perform auxiliary> processing that you want for the UNRESERVE command, such asD sending notification to interested individuals. UNRESERVE scripts? are optional and are not needed for the UNRESERVE command to work. 3 Examples% 1.$ TYPE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT$ ! Script to compile a C module. ! EMIT "$ SET VERIFY"+ EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ ", $DIR(SRC)+ EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ ", $DIR(OBJ)8 EMIT "$ CC/DEBUG/OBJ=OBJ$:/ANA=OBJ$: SRC$:",$MODTYP, EMIT "$ VDE/DEPEND C OBJ$:",$MOD,".ANA" EXIT $ VDEB VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/COMPILE=[RMS]*.C [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPTQ %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT;9 added to the database4 script to compile module [RMS]*.C (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>: In this example, the user first types the script fileC [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT on the terminal. The script containsB five EMIT commands followed by an EXIT command. The user then@ enters VDE and uses the CREATE SCRIPT command to enter thatD script file into the VDE database as the compile script for allA C modules in facility RMS. The log messages confirm that the7 script was successfully entered into the database.* 2.$ TYPE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_LINK_X.VDESCRIPTK ! VDE script to generate the DCL commands needed to link module X.EXE. ! EMIT "$ SET VERIFY", EMIT "$ DEFINE OBJLIB ", $DIR(OBJ,CODE)7 EMIT "$ LINK/EXE=OBJLIB:X.EXE/MAP=OBJLIB:X.MAP -"I EMIT " OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY"  EMIT "$ DEASSIGN OBJLIB" $ VDE2 VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/LINK=X.EXE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_CM %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_LINK_X.VDESCRIPT;2 added to the database4 script to link module [CODE]X.EXE (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed% VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TEXT/LINK=X.EXE3 Script to link module [CODE]X.EXE (segment 10) Text of script:O 1: ! script to generate the DCL commands needed to link module X.EXE. 2: ! 3: EMIT "$ SET VERIFY"4 4: EMIT "$ DEFINE OBJLIB ", $DIR(OBJ,CODE)? 5: EMIT "$ LINK/EXE=OBJLIB:X.EXE/MAP=OBJLIB:X.MAP -"Q 6: EMIT " OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY"% 7: EMIT "$ DEASSIGN OBJLIB" VDE>B This example displays the script file SCRIPT_LINK_X.VDESCRIPT? to show the text of the script. The script consists of two> comment lines and five EMIT comma nds. The EXIT command is< omitted in this case. The user then enters VDE and uses? the CREATE SCRIPT command to enter the script into the VDEB database. The /LINK qualifier specifies that the script linksA module X.EXE in the current default facility, facility CODE.@ By default, the script's segment number is 10. Finally, theC SHOW SCRIPT command shows that the script can now be displayed directly from the database.> 3.VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/NEW_STREAM=* SCRIPT_ NEW_STRM.VDESCRIPTO %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_NEW_STRM.VDESCRIPT;3 added to the database= script to create new stream for facility * (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed' VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TEXT/NEW_STREAM=*< Script to create new stream for facility * (segment 10) Text of script:D 1: ! VDE script to populate the directories for a facility, 2: ! when a new stream is crea ted. 3: !F 4: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OLDOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%PARENT)G 5: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG NEWOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%CURRENT)/ 6: EMIT "$ COPY OLDOBJ:*.OLB NEWOBJ:"> 7: EMIT "$ COPY ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%PARENT),"*.H -"7 8: EMIT " ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%CURRENT) 9: EXIT VDE>C This example creates a NEW_STREAM script that will be executedA for all facilities when a new development stream is cre ated.? The CREATE SCRIPT command creates the script, and the SHOWB SCRIPT command fetchs and displays the contents of the scriptA from the database. The script generates DCL commands to copyC all object libraries from the parent stream's object directoryD to the current stream's object directory. (The "current" streamC is the new stream being created in this case.) The script alsoB copies all .H files from the parent stream's source directoryB for the facil ity to the new stream's source directory for the facility.F 4.VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/INSERT_GENERATION=[*]*.* [MYDIR]SCRIPT_INS_GENT %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_INS_GEN.VDESCRIPT;4 added to the database@ script to insert generation for module [*]*.* (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>3 VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TEXT/INSERT_GENERATION=[*]*.*? Script to insert generation for module [*]*.* (se gment 10) Text of script:M 1: ! Script for the INSERT GENERATION command. This script fetchesM 2: ! out a clear copy of the generation just inserted into a streamI 3: ! in order to keep the stream's source directory up-to-date. 4: !8 5: FETCH $FACMODTYP, "/LOG/OUTPUT=", $DIR(SRC)/ 6: EMIT "$ PURGE ", $DIR(SRC),$MODTYP VDE>? This example defines a script to be executed each time the; INSERT GENERATION com mand is performed for any module.= The SHOW SCRIPT command displays the text of the script.> The script contains a FETCH command that fetches the justC inserted generation into the SRC subdirectory for the affected@ stream and facility. This operation maintains an up-to-date@ copy of the source file in that directory. Because the /LOGA qualifier is generated for the FETCH command, VDE will printA an informational log message as the module is fetched during?  script execution. The script also contains an EMIT commandD that generates a PURGE command to be performed on the file just fetched out. 2 SESSIONB Creates a new reservation session in the VDE database. SessionsA are used to group reservations in the VDE database. AttributesD of a session include the session name name and the session remark string. Requires RESREP privilege. Format5 CREATE SESSION session-name [, session-name...] 3 Parameter session-nameD The name of the new session to be created. This name can be up to6 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description= When a user reserves one or more modules with the /SESSION> qualifier to the RESERVE command, VDE creates a reservation< session and makes the module reservations members of that9 session. A reservation session is thus a set of moduleD reservations that belong together. Additional module reservations@ can b e added to the session with additional RESERVE commands.@ When the modules are later replaced into the VDE library, theB user can specify the session to be replaced (using the /SESSION? qualifier to the REPLACE command) instead of listing all theB modules individually. A session thus makes it easy to replace a7 set of related module reservations as a single unit.D Although reservation sessions are normally created by the RESERVE= command, you can create a session directly with the CREATE= SESSION command. This session initially contains no module= reservations. You can later add module reservations to theA session with the RESERVE command, using the /SESSION qualifier? to specify the session name. To remove an existing non-emptyD session, use the UNRESERVE/SESSION command. To remove an existing1 empty session, use the CANCEL SESSION command. 3 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after the new sessionsD are created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printedB and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicateB that each new reservation session has been created and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new reservation< session. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the8 new session that you want stored in the VDE database.@ Although this qualifier is required, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. 3 ExamplesG 1.VDE> CREATE SESSION FIX-SORT-BUG /REMARK="Fix bug in sort routine"@ %VDE-I-SESADDED, session FIX-SORT-BUG added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D  VDE> RESERVE [SYS]SORT.PAS /SESSION=FIX-SORT-BUG "Fix sort bug"I %VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [SYS]SORT.PAS;4(2A2) fetched from library9 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]SORT.PAS;V %VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [SYS]SORT.PAS;4(2A2) reserved from stream MAINC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? This example creates a new session called FIX-SORT-BUG andD specifies a remark string for it. The RESERVE command then adds; a reservation for module [SYS]SORT.PAS to the session. 2 STEPB Defines a new build step in the VDE database. This command letsD you define a copy step or specify the input and output modules of a compile or link step. Requires CRESTEP privilege. Format: CREATE STEP step-mod-name = mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameters step-mod-name= The name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked= by the build step. This name co nsists of a module name and? a type name separated by a period (such as MOD1.PAS) and may? include a facility name enclosed in square brackets (such as> [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). The module name may not contain wildcardD characters. If no facility name is specified, the current default facility is assumed.? If the step is a compile step, this module is recorded as an@ input to the step. If the step is a link step, this module isA recorded as an output of the step. If the step is a copy step,@ this module is recorded as the module that is copied (fetched out) by the step. mod-nameD The name of a module that you declare to be an input to or outputA from the build step. This name consists of a module name and aD type name (for example, MOD1.OBJ) and may include a facility nameB enclosed in square brackets (for example, [FACNAM]MOD1.OBJ). IfA no facility name is specified, the current default facility is assumed.C You can declare man y modules to be inputs to or outputs from theC build step by specifying wildcard characters in any of the threeA components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in a nameC matches any single character in the position it occupies and theC asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position itA occupies. Those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern< are recorded as inputs to or outputs from the build step.@ If an output module you specify does not alre ady exist in theC database, the CREATE STEP command adds it to the database. InputB modules must already be defined in the database, however. Also,C you cannot specify a source module as an output of a build step.@ If you specify the /COPY qualifier to create a copy step, youA must omit the mod-name parameters and the preceding equal signC (=). A copy step fetches a module from its CMS library, but hasD no inputs or outputs other than the module given by the step-mod- n ame parameter. 3 Description? To be able to perform minimal system builds, VDE records all> inputs and outputs for each build step. This information is@ known as "build dependency information." The build dependency@ information from all build steps is known collectively as theD "build dependency graph." Normally, VDE collects build dependency< information automatically when you perform system builds.C However, for some build steps it is not possible to collect thisC i nformation automatically; some compilers and other tools do notD make this information available to VDE. For such build steps, youA must use the CREATE STEP command to enter the build dependency% information into the VDE database.A You can define three kinds of build steps with the CREATE STEP@ command: compile steps, link steps, and copy steps. A compileC step processes the step-mod-name module and possibly other input> modules to produce one or more output modules. Typica lly, a@ compile step runs a compiler of some sort on a source module,@ but the exact semantics of the step are determined by the VDE@ script that generates the DCL commands that perform the step.C A link step produces the step-mod-name module and possibly otherC output modules from one or more input modules. Typically, a linkC step runs the linker to produce a shareable or executable image,A but again the exact semantics are determined by the VDE scriptB associated with t he step. Since a script can perform any actionC you want, a compile step need not run a compiler and a link stepD need not run the linker. To VDE, the only real difference betweenA a compile step and a link step is that a compile step is namedB for one of the input modules while a link step is named for one of the output modules.@ A copy step copies the step-mod-name module from one place to? another. Normally, a copy step is used to fetch out a sourceB module from its delta file (CMS element) into a clear-copy fileD that can be used directly by subsequent build steps. For example,A C programs generally include various .H files in their compileA steps. A copy step is needed for each .H file to fetch it fromA its CMS library into a text file that subsequent compile steps? can use. Likewise, linker options files (.OPT files) must beA fetched out before you can use them for subsequent link steps.B You must create a copy step for any module that  must be fetched@ into the VDE library's directory tree during builds but which@ does not need any separate processing to produce other output@ modules. For a copy step, the specified module can be seen as- both the input and the output of the step.= The CREATE STEP command deletes all dependency informationA for the build step before recording the inputs and outputs youC specify. Thus, you can use the CREATE STEP command to completelyA replace the dependency information for a build step. To change> only some of the dependency information for a step, use the MODIFY STEP command.A Build dependency information is always specific to the defaultB development stream. Different development streams in a softwareC system contain different versions of the code and generally have% different build dependency graphs.> To define the same build step for more than one development@ stream, you must use the CREATE STEP command for each stream.A For each stream, first enter the SET STREAM command to set theB development stream, then enter the CREATE STEP command to enter9 the desired build-step dependencies into the database.A When a new development stream is created, the build dependencyB graph from the parent stream is copied to the child stream. The? build dependency graph then evolves independently in the two streams. 3 Qualifiers /COMPILEA Specifies whether the build step is a compile step, cop y step,C or link step. The /COMPILE qualifier causes VDE to mark the stepA as a compile step and to record the step-mod-name parameter asB an input module to the compile step. The /COPY qualifier causesB VDE to mark the step as a copy step and to record the step-mod-? name parameter as the module that is copied by the step. TheA /LINK qualifier causes VDE to mark the step as a link step andC to record the step-mod-name parameter as an output module of the link step.9  Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /COPYA Specifies whether the build step is a compile step, copy step,C or link step. The /COMPILE qualifier causes VDE to mark the stepA as a compile step and to record the step-mod-name parameter asB an input module to the compile step. The /COPY qualifier causesB VDE to mark the step as a copy step and to record the step-mod-? name parameter as the module that is copied by the step. TheA /LINK qualifier causes VDE to mark the step as a link step andC to record the step-mod-name parameter as an output module of the link step.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /LINKA Specifies whether the build step is a compile step, copy step,C or link step. The /COMPILE qualifier causes VDE to mark the stepA as a compile step and to record the step-mod-name parameter asB an input module to the compile step. The /COPY qualifier causesB VDE to mark the step as a copy step and to record the step-mod-? name parameter as the module that is copied by the step. TheA /LINK qualifier causes VDE to mark the step as a link step andC to record the step-mod-name parameter as an output module of the link step.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /INPUT< Specifies whether the mod-name parameters are recorded asA inputs to or outputs from the build step. The /INPUT qualifier> records modules as inputs to the build step and the /OUTPUTA qualifier records them as outputs of the step. If no qualifier6 is specified, all modules are assumed to be inputs.= To set the default for the command as a whole, specify the= qualifier after the CREATE STEP keywords. To override that? default for a single module, specify the qualifier after the? mod-name parameter you choose to mark as an input or output.0 Of /INPUT and /OUTPUT, /INPUT is the default. /OUTPUT< Specifies wheth er the mod-name parameters are recorded asA inputs to or outputs from the build step. The /INPUT qualifier> records modules as inputs to the build step and the /OUTPUTA qualifier records them as outputs of the step. If no qualifier6 is specified, all modules are assumed to be inputs.= To set the default for the command as a whole, specify the= qualifier after the CREATE STEP keywords. To override that? default for a single module, specify the qualifier after the? mod-name parameter you choose to mark as an input or output.0 Of /INPUT and /OUTPUT, /INPUT is the default. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether log messages are printed after the build step isC recorded in the database. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages> to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The? messages indicate that the build step has been created, that@ the specified modules are inputs or outputs for the step, and< that the database transaction has committed successfully. 3 Examples/ 1.VDE> CREATE STEP FOO.MAR = FOO.$OBJ/OUTPUTJ %VDE-I-COMSTEPADDED, compile step for [CODE]FOO.BAR added to databaseI %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.MAR is an input to the build stepN %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.$OBJ is an output from the build stepC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>9 This command creates a build step definition for the> c ompilation of module FOO.MAR. The step is a compile step> because the /COMPILE qualifier is the default. FOO.MAR is< recorded as an input to the step and module FOO.$OBJ isC recorded as an output from the step, as the log messages show.D 2.VDE> CREATE STEP/LINK MOD1.EXE = MOD1.$OBJ, MOD2.$OBJ, FOO.$OBJH %VDE-I-LNKSTEPADDED, link step for [CODE]MOD1.EXE added to databaseN %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD1.EXE is an output from the build stepK %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, mod ule [CODE]MOD1.$OBJ is an input to the build stepK %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]MOD2.$OBJ is an input to the build stepJ %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.$OBJ is an input to the build stepC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>B This command creates the build dependency information for the> build step that links module MOD1.EXE. Module MOD1.EXE isA the output of the step and modules MOD1.$OBJ, MOD2.$OBJ, and FOO.$OBJ ar e the inputs.O 3.VDE> CREATE STEP/COMPILE/OUTPUT [CODE]MOD4.FOR = MOD4.$OBJ, [CODE]MOD4.LISK %VDE-I-COMSTEPADDED, compile step for [CODE]MOD4.FOR added to databaseJ %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]MOD4.FOR is an input to the build stepO %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD4.$OBJ is an output from the build stepN %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD4.LIS is an output from the build stepC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed! VDE> SHOW STEP/FULL MOD4.FOR+ Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR/ Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow! Inputs to the build step: Module [CODE]MOD4.FOR$ Outputs from the build step:! Module [CODE]MOD4.$OBJ Module [CODE]MOD4.LIS- Build step has 1 inputs and 2 outputs VDE>@ The CREATE STEP command defines the compile step for moduleD MOD4.FOR in facility CODE as having one input module (MOD4.FOR)> and two out put modules (MOD4.$OBJ and MOD4.LIS). The SHOWB STEP command confirms that these build dependencies have been# entered into the VDE database.' 4.VDE> CREATE STEP/COPY [CODE]MOD5.HF %VDE-I-COPSTEPADDED, copy step for [CODE]MOD5.H added to databaseH %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]MOD5.H is an input to the build stepL %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD5.H is an output from the build stepC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C This example creates a copy step for module MOD5.H in facilityA CODE. VDE records the specified module as both the input and? the output of the step since a copy step simply copies theA specified module from one form to another (normally from its( delta-file form to text-file form). 2 STREAM; Creates a development stream in the current VDE library. Requires CRESTRM privilege. Format2 CREATE STREAM stream-name [, stream-name...] 3 Parameter stream-name@ The name of a stream to be created. This name can be up to 39D characters long. It must follow VDE name syntax. Unlike other VDEB names, the stream name can contain periods (.). The use of the0 facility prefix VDE$ is expressly prohibited. 3 DescriptionA A development stream (or simply, a "stream") is any separatelyD evolving version of your software system. A stream may correspondD to a previous or future version of your system or to a ba se-levelA of the system. It may correspond to any instance of the systemC that evolves separately from the rest of the system. Each streamD of your software system captures a different state of the system,; and that state may evolve independently for each stream.@ Each stream of your software system contains its own versionsA of all modules in the system, and you may change these modulesB independently in each stream. Each stream also contains its ownA versions of various  database tables, such as group definitions? and module dependency information. This information may also( evolve independently for each stream.< When you create a stream, the CREATE STREAM command firstC creates an entry for the new stream in the VDE database. It then@ copies all stream-specific information from the parent stream@ (by default, the default stream) to the new stream (the child? stream). This information includes directory-creation rules,A group definitions , the build dependency graph, and information@ about what module generations belong to the parent stream. InA addition, the CREATE STREAM command executes scripts which mayD copy files from the parent stream's disk directories to the child stream's directories.= There are several key attributes to VDE module propogationB controlled by the CREATE STREAM command, including the sequence? of streams on the various lines of descent, and the presence> of the particular stream on the main line of development or@ on a variant line of descent. The former is controlled by theD parentage and successor settings, and the latter is controlled by the mainline setting.& NOTEA The CREATE STREAM command can and does perform specific and> potentially non-reversable modifications to the internal; VDE data associated with other streams present in the= VDE database, particularly around the /MAIN and /NOMAIN? settings, and around the /PARENT and /SUCCESSOR settings.< The CREATE STREAM command should be used with caution.A The explicit specification of the appropriate value for the? /[NO]MAIN qualifier (/MAIN or /NOMAIN) on a CREATE STREAM& command is strongly recommended. 3 Qualifiers /CMS_CLASS /CMS_CLASS /NOCMS_CLASS(default)A Specifies whether a CMS class with the same name as the streamA should be maintained in each facility's CMS l ibrary. The /CMS_B CLASS qualifier causes VDE to create a CMS class for the streamA in each facility's CMS library and to then maintain that class= when the REPLACE command and certain other commands changeA what module generations belong to the stream. The /NOCMS_CLASSC qualifier causes VDE to not maintain a CMS class for the stream.> The /CMS_CLASS qualifier interacts with the /INIT_CMS_CLASSB and /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS qualifiers; see the descriptions of these qualifiers for details. /CONFERENCE /CONFERENCE=file-spec /NOCONFERENCE(default)? Specifies whether a OpenVMS Notes conference for replacement< information should be associated with the new stream. TheA /CONFERENCE qualifier specifies that the notes conference fileC specification given by the file-spec parameter should be used toA record all replacements into the stream. VDE then enters a newD note into the conference for each queued or immediate replacementA a nd a reply to that note when a queued replacement is actually@ performed. The /NOCONFERENCE qualifier specifies that no such# notes conference should be used.; Under normal circumstances, just the file name should be@ specified in the file-spec parameter. VDE applies defaults toC the notes conference file specification based on the translationA of the logical name VDE$NOTES_LIBRARY. If this logical name isD not defined, the default file specification "NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE") is applied to the file-spec parameter. /DEFER /DEFER /NODEFER (default)A Specifies whether the creation of the disk directory structure; for the stream should be postponed. The /DEFER qualifier= postpones creation of the disk directory structure and the? /NODEFER qualifier causes the disk directory structure to beA created immediately. Use the /DEFER qualifier when the default; directory structure is inappropriate for the new stream.A If the /NODEFER qualifier is specified (or /DEFER is omitted),A the CREATE STREAM command creates the disk directory structureC for the stream. This structure includes a stream root directory,B a root directory for each facility, and facility subdirectories? that hold the files that are the contents of the facility inC the new stream. The directory structure is determined by the SETC DIRECTORY commands entered for the new stream (or inherited fromC the parent stream) or by VDE defaul t rules. Once VDE has createdA the new stream's directory structure for a given facility, VDEB runs the stream's new-stream script for that facility, providedA such a script is defined. Depending on how it is defined, thisD script may populate the directories for that facility with source modules and other files.B If the /DEFER qualifier is specified, the CREATE STREAM commandC does not create a directory structure for the new stream. If youA use the /DEFER qualifier, you can enter SET DIRECTORY commandsA to specify the structure of the disk directories. Then use theB CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command to create the directory structureC on disk. The CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command uses VDE defaults andD the rules you specified with the SET DIRECTORY commands to create the new directory structure. /DELETE /DELETE /NODELETEC Controls whether the delete attribute is set for the new stream.A This attribute allows the strea m to be deleted with the DELETEB STREAM command. The /DELETE qualifier sets the delete attributeA so that the new stream can be deleted. The /NODELETE qualifier? clears the delete attribute so that the new stream cannot be> deleted unless you first reset this attribute with a MODIFY@ STREAM command. This makes it harder to accidentally delete aB stream. If you specify neither qualifier, VDE uses the value ofC the allow-deletion library attribute as the initial value of the@  stream's delete attribute. This library attribute is set with? the /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier to the CREATE and MODIFY LIBRARY commands. /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY=dir-specC Specifies the name of the root directory of the stream. The root@ directory normally contains a subdirectory for each facility.B Each subdirectory has additional subdirectories for the sources? and derived files of the facility and stream. (To modify theC default directory structure, first use the CREATE STREAM commandB with the /DEFER qualifier then use the SET DIRECTORY and CREATE@ DIRECTORY_TREE commands to create the directory structure youC want.) Use the OpenVMS directory specification format to specify the dir-spec parameter. /INIT_CMS_CLASS /INIT_CMS_CLASS /NOINIT_CMS_CLASSA Specifies whether VDE initializes the CMS class for the stream? in each facility's CMS library when the /CMS_CLASS qualifier? specifies that such a class should be maintained. /INIT_CMS_? CLASS causes the CREATE STREAM or MODIFY STREAM command with> the /CMS_CLASS qualifier to create and populate a CMS classB with the same name as the stream in each facility. /NOINIT_CMS_A CLASS causes these commands to not create or populate such CMSD classes. /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS is useful for very large VDE librariesC where the initialization of CMS classes take an excessively longC time. For such libraries, it is better to use a separate command D procedure to initialize the desired CMS classes; such a procedureD can process the facilities of your library in parallel for faster completion.; If you specify neither of these qualifiers, VDE uses theA initialization attribute of the new stream's parent stream. By@ default, the initial stream for the VDE library (stream MAIN)@ is created with initialization enabled (in effect, /INIT_CMS_= CLASS is the default). All other streams will inherit thisD attribute unless you change it with an explicit /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS qualifier.? Unless you have existing command procedures or programs thatA depend on the presence of CMS classes, Digital recommends thatD you not maintain CMS classes for the streams in your VDE library.B Maintaining CMS classes is quite slow, especially when creating@ new streams, and VDE does not need CMS classes for any of its functions. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after new streams are@ created. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printedB and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicateA that each new stream has been created, that its disk directoryD structure has been created, and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /MAIN /MAIN /NOMAIN (default)C Specifies whether the new stream is part of the main developmentA thread for your project. The /MAIN qual ifier says that the new@ stream is part of the main development thread for the projectB and is expected to be in use for a relatively long time, and isA expected to be in use after the parent stream has been closed.A VDE assigns the shortest possible CMS "generation expressions"B to new generations in a main stream. The /NOMAIN qualifier saysD that the new stream is not part of the project's main development@ thread and is expected to have a shorter future lifetime than= the  parent stream. In this case, VDE may assign longer CMSA generation expressions (using CMS "variant letters") to future$ module generations in the stream.D You normally use the /MAIN qualifier when you create a stream forB your project that will be the future continuation of the parentD stream. Creating stream V2.0 from stream V1.0 is an example sinceC development of Version 1.0 of your project will cease as Version? 2.0 carries the project into the future. You use the /NOMAI NB qualifier when you create base levels or other streams that areB expected to have short lifetimes compared to the parent stream.C If you specify the /MAIN qualifier, the new stream automatically? becomes a successor of the parent stream so that changes are? propagated from the parent to the new stream. If you specify? the /MAIN qualifier but you do not specify the /SUCCESSOR orB /NOSUCCESSOR qualifier, the main streams that are successors ofC the parent stream are rem oved as successors of the parent streamA and instead become successors of the new stream. The effect isA that the new stream is inserted into the successor chain afterC the parent stream. If you specify the /NOMAIN qualifier, no such insertion takes place.A For information on changing the main line of descent attributeD specific to a particular module generation, see the documentation9 on the MODIFY GENERATION/MAIN_STREAM command in MODIFY GENERATION.*  SPECIFICATION: Explicit specification of /[NO]MAIN is not currently< required, but explicit specification of this qualifier: may be required in a future release of VDE. Explicit; specification of this qualifier-either as /MAIN or as$ /NOMAIN-is highly recommended. /NOGENERATIONS= Specifies that the new stream should not be populated with? the latest generations of the parent stream. If you use thisD qualifier, you get a new stream containing no generations. If youD omit this qualifier, VDE populates the new stream with the latest$ generations of the parent stream. /NOTIFY' /NOTIFY=(username [,username...])A Specifies users to notify of all changes replaced into the newA stream. Each username parameter specifies the OpenVMS usernameC or mail address of a user who should be notified by mail messageB each time a module is replaced into the stream, and each time a) new facility is created i n the stream.= Each username parameter can specify the username of a user? already recorded in the VDE database, a OpenVMS mail address< with one or more node names (such as NODE::SMITH), a mailA forwarding alias, or a defined logical name bound to a list of? users to notify. If you specify a logical name, keep in mindA that the logical name must be defined when it is later used toB send notification messages. It should thus be a group or systemC logical name or a logical name that is in some other way defined$ for all users of the VDE library.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /OPEN< Determines the status of the new stream: open, frozen, or> permanently closed. If you specify the /OPEN qualifier, all? users can reserve and replace source modules from the stream1 and thereby modify the contents of the stream.> If you specify the /FROZEN qualifier, all users may reserve@  modules from the stream. However, a user must have the FROZEN? privilege to replace modules into the stream; non-privileged@ users cannot change the contents of the stream. You can laterC change the status to open with the MODIFY STREAM command, so the$ stream is not permanently frozen.C If you specify the /CLOSED qualifier, modules cannot be reservedB from or replaced into the stream. This status cannot be changed> with a subsequent MODIFY STREAM command unless you have theC UNCLOSE privilege. Use the /CLOSED qualifier when you never want@ the contents of the stream to change again, for example, whenC capturing a base-level of your software system or when capturing: the final state of a released version of your software.7 Of /OPEN, /FROZEN and /CLOSED, /OPEN is the default. /FROZEN< Determines the status of the new stream: open, frozen, or> permanently closed. If you specify the /OPEN qualifier, all? users can reserve and replace  source modules from the stream1 and thereby modify the contents of the stream.> If you specify the /FROZEN qualifier, all users may reserve@ modules from the stream. However, a user must have the FROZEN? privilege to replace modules into the stream; non-privileged@ users cannot change the contents of the stream. You can laterC change the status to open with the MODIFY STREAM command, so the$ stream is not permanently frozen.C If you specify the /CLOSED qualifier, modules cannot be reservedB from or replaced into the stream. This status cannot be changed> with a subsequent MODIFY STREAM command unless you have theC UNCLOSE privilege. Use the /CLOSED qualifier when you never want@ the contents of the stream to change again, for example, whenC capturing a base-level of your software system or when capturing: the final state of a released version of your software.7 Of /OPEN, /FROZEN and /CLOSED, /OPEN is the default. /CLOSED< Det ermines the status of the new stream: open, frozen, or> permanently closed. If you specify the /OPEN qualifier, all? users can reserve and replace source modules from the stream1 and thereby modify the contents of the stream.> If you specify the /FROZEN qualifier, all users may reserve@ modules from the stream. However, a user must have the FROZEN? privilege to replace modules into the stream; non-privileged@ users cannot change the contents of the stream. You can laterC c hange the status to open with the MODIFY STREAM command, so the$ stream is not permanently frozen.C If you specify the /CLOSED qualifier, modules cannot be reservedB from or replaced into the stream. This status cannot be changed> with a subsequent MODIFY STREAM command unless you have theC UNCLOSE privilege. Use the /CLOSED qualifier when you never want@ the contents of the stream to change again, for example, whenC capturing a base-level of your software system or when capturing: the final state of a released version of your software.7 Of /OPEN, /FROZEN and /CLOSED, /OPEN is the default. /OWNER /OWNER=username@ Specifies the owner of the new stream. The username parameterD specifies the OpenVMS username of a user who should be consideredB to be the "owner" of the stream. VDE assigns no special meaningA to the owner of a stream, but the SHOW STREAM command displays@ the owner. The owner could thus be the person to contact with questions about the stream.C If you omit this qualifier, VDE records no owner for the stream. /PARENT /PARENT=stream-name? Specifies the parent of the new stream. If this qualifier is= specified, the stream-name parameter gives the name of theA development stream that should be the parent of the new streamB being created. If this qualifier is omitted, the default stream( becomes the parent of the new stream.C Correct specification of this qualifier is of central importanceD when uploading facilities and streams from an existing set of CMS? libraries. See the CREATE FACILITY/FROM_CMS_LIBRARY command.( Specification of /PARENT is required. /POPULATE /POPULATE (default) /NOPOPULATE? Specifies whether the stream is allowed to be populated with< generations from another stream using the POPULATE STREAMB command. /POPULATE allows subsequent use of the POPULATE STREAM@ command to populate the stream and /NOPOPULATE disallows such use. /PROCESS_COUNT /PROCESS_COUNT=proc-countB Specifies the default number of processes to execute build jobs> for the new stream. This parameter determines the degree ofB parallelism for the stream's build jobs. See the description ofB the BUILD command for a detailed description of this qualifier. /QUEUE* /QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])A Specifies the default batch queues to which build jobs for the= n ew stream are submitted. See the description of the BUILDA command for a detailed description of this qualifier and for aD description of its interaction with the /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new stream. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayD contain any explanatory remark about the new stream that you wantA stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark indicates the( version or base-level of your system.@ Although this qualifier is required, you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. /REPLACEMENT /REPLACEMENT=keyword9 Controls whether the REPLACE command permits immediateD replacements into the new stream or requires queued replacements.B If the keyword parameter is IMMEDIATE, the REPLACE command will= immediately replace modul es into the stream by default. If@ the parameter is QUEUE, the REPLACE command will always queueD replacements for the stream so that modules are not replaced intoB the stream until a privileged user enters a PERFORM REPLACEMENT= command. If you omit this qualifier, VDE permits immediateA replacements into the new stream. (See the descriptions of theC /IMMEDIATE and /QUEUE qualifiers to the REPLACE command for more information.) /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [,username...])D Specifies reviewers for all changes replaced into the new stream.> Each username parameter specifies the OpenVMS username of a> user who should review all changes to the specified stream.@ The user must already be recorded in the VDE database. When a? module is replaced into the stream, VDE notifies the user ofA the replacement by mail message. If the replacement is queued,B the user should then review the queued replacement before it isD performed. If the replacement is immediate, VDE notifies the userB of the new module generation that was created, and the user may then inspect that generation.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /STEP_DELAY /STEP_DELAY=time-intervalD Specifies the default step-delay time interval used by build jobsC for the new stream. See the description of the BUILD command for, a detailed description of this qualifier. /SUCCE SSOR- /SUCCESSOR=(succ-name [, succ-name...]) /NOSUCCESSOR (default)> The /SUCCESSOR qualifier specifies successors to the streamD being created. A successor to a stream is another stream to whichC source changes are propagated by the REPLACE command. Each succ-A name parameter specifies the name of a stream that should be aB successor to the new stream given by the stream-name parameter.D The /NOSUCCESSOR qualifier specifies that the new stream does not have any successors.B If both the /SUCCESSOR and /NOSUCCESSOR qualifiers are omitted,@ the new stream has no successors unless you specify the /MAIN@ qualifier. See the description of the /MAIN qualifier for the) special rules that apply in this case. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=time-interval@ Specifies the default timeout interval used by build jobs forA the new stream. See the description of the BUILD command for a* detailed description of this qualifier. 3 ExamplesD 1.VDE> CREATE STREAM V5.2-BL3/REMARK="Base Level 3 of V5.2"/NOLOG VDE>B This example creates a new stream called V5.2-BL3. The remarkA string indicates that this is base level 3 of version 5.2 ofD the user's software system. The /NOLOG qualifier suppresses all log messages.2 2.VDE> CREATE STREAM V5.3 /REMARK="Version 5.3"- Creating directory tree for stream V5.3:; Root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3] has been createdR Facility ACCTNG root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.ACCTNG] has been createdG Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.ACCTNG.SRC] has been createdG Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.ACCTNG.OBJ] has been createdK Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.ACCTNG.VDE$COM] has been createdK Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.ACCTNG.VDE$LOG] has been createdN Facility CODE root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.CODE] has been createdE Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.CODE.SRC] has been createdE Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.CODE.OBJ] has been createdI Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.CODE.VDE$COM] has been createdI Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.CODE.VDE$LOG] has been createdL Facility RMS root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.RMS] has been createdD Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.RMS.SRC] has been createdD Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.RMS.OBJ] has been createdH Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.RMS.VDE$COM] has been createdH Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.RMS.VDE$LOG] has been createdL Facility SMG root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.SMG] has been createdD Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.SMG.SRC] has been createdD Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.SMG.OBJ] has been createdH Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.SMG.VDE$COM] has been createdH Subdirectory DEV$:[PROJDIR.V5_3.SMG.VDE$LOG] has been created0 All directories for stream V5.3now exist8 %VDE-I-STRMADDED, stream V5.3 added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>@ This example creates a new stream called V5.3, representing> version 5.3 of the user software system. The log messages? indicate that the directories for the new stream have beenA created, that the stream has been added to the database, and> that the database transaction has successfully completed. 2 USER> Creates a database record for a new user of the current VDE library. Requires CREUSR privilege. Format* CREATE USER username [, username...] 3 Parameter usernameD The OpenVMS username of the user to be added to the VDE database.@ This name can be up to 12 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description@ The CREATE USER command creates the database record for a new# user of the current VDE library.C Each user of a VDE library must have a record in the database ofB that library. This record contains the user's OpenVMS username,B full name string, authorized and default privileges, and remarkA string. After the record has been created, the user has accessA to the VDE library as constrained by the specified privileges.< A user who does not have a record in a given VDE database? cannot use the VDE Utility to gain access to the database or the corresponding library. 3 Qualifiers /A UTH_PRIVILEGES( /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])@ Specifies the new user's authorized privileges, which are the= privileges the user is allowed to set with the VDE commandA SET PRIVILEGE. Each parameter to this qualifier names a singleA privilege. If only one privilege is specified, the parenthesesB may be omitted. If this qualifier is not specified, VDE assigns? the standard authorized privileges of the library to the new user.D For a list of privileges, see  the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. /DEF_PRIVILEGES' /DEF_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])= Specifies the new user's default privileges, which are theB privileges enabled each time the user starts a new VDE session.B Each parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. EachC privilege specified becomes an authorized privilege as well as aD default privilege, even if it has not been listed with the /AUTH_@ PRIVILEGES qualifier. If only one privilege is specified, theB parentheses may be omitted. If the /DEF_PRIVILEGES qualifier isD not specified, VDE assigns the standard default privileges of the library to the new user.D For a list of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after users have been@ added to the database. The /LOG qualifier causes the messagesB to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicateC that users have been added and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME="string"C Specifies the full name of the new user. The quoted name string,A which can be up to 40 characters long, should contain the full? name (first name, middle initials, and last name) of the new user.C This qualifier is required. You can specify an empty name string? but this is not recommended. If you do not specify the /NAME0 qualifier, VDE prompts you for a name string. /NOTIFY' /NOTIFY=(username [,username...])B Specifies users to notify of all code changes replaced into theA VDE library by the new user. Each username parameter specifies? the OpenVMS username or mail address of a user who should beB notified by mail message each time the new user created by this2 command replaces a module into the VDE library.= Each username parameter can specify the username of a user? already recorded in the  VDE database, a OpenVMS mail address< with one or more node names (such as NODE::SMITH), a mailA forwarding alias, or a defined logical name bound to a list of? users to notify. If you specify a logical name, keep in mindA that the logical name must be defined when it is later used toB send notification messages. It should thus be a group or systemC logical name or a logical name that is in some other way defined$ for all users of the VDE library.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /REMARK /REMARK="string"? Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new user. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayB contain any explanatory remark about the new user that you wantA stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes the: user's affiliation or function within the organization.? This qualifier is required although you can specify an emptyB remark string. If you do not specify the /REMARK qualifier, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [,username...])A Specifies reviewers for all code changes replaced into the VDEA library by the new user. Each username parameter specifies theC OpenVMS username of a user who should review all changes createdD by the new user. The reviewer must already be recorded in the VDE? database. When the new user created by this c ommand replaces> a module into the VDE library, VDE notifies the reviewer of@ the change by mail message. If the replacement is queued, the? reviewer should then review the queued replacement before itB is performed. If the replacement is immediate, VDE notifies theA reviewer of the new module generation that was created, and heA or she may then inspect that generation. This qualifier can beD used to set up "buddy systems" where two users always review each other's code.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. 3 ExamplesH 1.VDE> CREATE USER SMITH NAME="Jane Smith"/REMARK="OpenVMS Developer"7 %VDE-I-USERADDED, user SMITH added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? This command creates a database record for user SMITH. The= /NAME qualifier specifies Jane Smith's full name and the@ /REMARK qualifier identifies her jo b. The example shows theC informational log messages that the /LOG qualifier produces by default.G 2.VDE> CREATE USER DOE /NAME="John X. Doe"/REMARK="OpenVMS Writer" -9 _VDE> /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(BUILD,CREGRP,CREMOD) -6 _VDE> /DEF_PRIVILEGES=(BUILD,CREFAC) /NOLOG VDE>D In this example, user DOE is added to the database. In addition@ to specifying the full name and a remark for John Doe, thisB command gives his authorized and default VDE privileges. NoteA that the CREFAC privilege becomes an authorized privilege asD well as a default privilege even though it is not listed by theC /AUTH_PRIVILEGES qualifier. In this case, the /NOLOG qualifier! suppresses the log messages.2 3.VDE> CREATE USER/REMARK="OpenVMS Developer" -, _VDE> SMITH /NAME="Jane Smith", -* _VDE> JONES /NAME="Frank Jones"7 %VDE-I-USERADDED, user SMITH added to the database7 %VDE-I-USERADDED, user JONES added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>B This example illustrates the creation of database records forC multiple users with a single CREATE USER command. This commandB adds users SMITH and JONES to the database. Both get the sameD remark string because the remark is specified immediately afterA the CREATE USER command. They get separate full name stringsC and both get the standard authorized and default privileges of the current library. wwĵ 1 DEFINE 2 /COMMANDC Defines a command abbreviation by associating a symbol name with& a list of one or more VDE commands. Format1 DEFINE/COMMAND symbol-name="command-string" 3 Parameters symbol-nameD Specifies the symbol name that you want associated with a list ofD VDE commands. The symbol can be up to 255 characters long and canD include letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs. It cannotA start with a digit. If symbol-name is already defined, the new* definition replaces the old definition. command-stringD Specifies the string of VDE commands to associate with the symbolC name. The command string must be enclosed in quotation marks andC consists of the first part of a VDE command, a whole command, or. a list of commands separated by semicolons. 3 DescriptionA The DEFINE/COMMAND command associates a symbol name with a VD EB command string. The command string consists of zero or more VDEB commands separated by semicolons and must end with a partial or full VDE command.B When the symbol name appears at the beginning of a VDE command,D the symbol name is replaced by its associated command string. TheC resulting string is then parsed and executed as a normal command> line by VDE. DEFINE/COMMAND thus gives you the same command= abbreviation capability as the symbol assignment statement> (symbol-name := command-string) in DCL. Symbol substitutionA only happens once at the beginning of each command. A symbol'sA associated command string can therefore not begin with another command symbol.7 To display the current symbol definitions created by/ DEFINE/COMMAND, use the SHOW SYMBOL command. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples+ 1.VDE> DEFINE/COMMAND SM = "SHOW MODULE" VDE> SM MOD1 Module [FACIL]MOD1.MAR VDE>B This DEFINE/C OMMAND command associates the symbol SM with theB VDE command "SHOW MODULE". When the SM command is used, SM isD expanded to the equivalent command string. The module name MOD1A is then concatenated to that string to form the full command/ SHOW MODULE MOD1, which VDE then executes.F 2.VDE> DEFINE/COMMAND STRMFAC = "SET STREAM V5.3; SET FACILITY RMS" VDE> STRMFAC VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory i s DEV$:[SMITH] Current session context: Default stream is V5.3 Default facility is RMS VDE> VDE>< This example shows that a symbol can be associated withC multiple commands. Here symbol STRMFAC is associated with bothC a SET STREAM command and a SET FACILITY command, where the twoD commands are separated by a semicolon. When the STRMFAC commandA is entered, the command string is substituted for the symbolD name and the SET STREAM and SET FACILITY commands are executed.B The output from a subsequent SHOW DEFAULTS command shows thatA the default stream and the default facility have been set by the STRMFAC command. 2 /KEY@ Defines a key to execute a VDE command. A key definition letsB you to enter a command by pressing a key rather than typing the? command. The /KEY qualifier is required and must precede any other qualifiers. Format DEFINE/KEY key-name string 3 Parameters key-name< Specifies the name of the key you are defining. Key Names6 contains a list of common keys on common keyboards. Table 1-1 Key Names; Key-name VT100 LK201,LK401 Default VDE Usage9 PF1 PF1 PF1 Sets GOLD state3 PF2 PF2 PF2 Gets Help. PF3 PF3 PF3 none9 PF4 PF4 PF4 Sets BLUE state. KP0, KP1- keypad 0-9 keypad 0-9 No ne KP9. PERIOD period key period key None. COMMA comma key comma key None. MINUS minus key minus key None. ENTER ENTER key ENTER key None. E1,E2 - Find,Insert None! Here. E3,E4 - Remove,SelectNone. E5 - Previous None# Screen. E6 - Next Screen None3 HELP - Help/F15 Gets Help. DO - Do/F16 NoneD F17-F20 - F17-F20 Sets defaults to libraries& NOTE< You cannot redefine the arrow keys or function keys F1 through F14. stringB Specifies the string that is entered when you press the definedC key. String can be any VDE command, such as SHOW DEFAULTS or SETD CONTEXT. To preserve spaces and lowercase characters, enclose the string in quotati on marks. 3 Description? The DEFINE/KEY command, on certain terminals, enables you toD assign definitions to keys other than those on the main keyboard.B The command can be used on a variety of terminals including the2 VT340, VT510 and the DECterm terminal emulator.= The string parameter to the DEFINE/KEY command can containC different types of information and usually consists of an entire= VDE command. For example, you can assign the SHOW DEFAULTS? command to KP 0. Then, when you press zero on the keypad, VDE@ displays your current default settings. Other definitions can@ consist of text strings to be appended to command lines. WhenA you define a key to insert a text string, use the /NOTERMINATEB qualifier so you can continue typing more data after the string has been inserted.? In most instances you will want to use the echo feature. TheA /ECHO qualifier displays the key definition on the screen each8 time you press the key. T he default setting is /ECHO.> You can create as many definitions for a key as you want asB long as you specify a new context for each definition. This newB context is called a state. To create additional key definitionsA you must use two steps. First, using the /SET_STATE qualifier,D you must define a key that establishes a state for the definitionB you want to create. Then you must create the new definition for@ your key and specify its state using the /IF_STATE qualifier.=  State names can include letters, digits, dollar signs, and@ underscores. Create state names that are easy to remember andD type and that remind you of the types of definitions you created.> For example, you can create a state called SETSHOW. The key@ definitions for this state might refer to various VDE SET and SHOW commands.> Like various other utilities on OpenVMS, VDE supplies threeA built-in states called DEFAULT, GOLD, and BLUE. You can assignB different definitions to keys used in combination with the GOLD2 and BLUE keys by using the /IF_STATE qualifier.@ By convention, the GOLD state is selected by pressing the PF1> key, and the BLUE state is seected by pressing the PF4 key.A The SET KEY command changes the keypad state. Use the SHOW KEY1 command to display key definitions and states. 3 Qualifiers /ECHO /ECHO (default) /NOECHOA Specifies whether the command line is displayed on your screen; after you press the defined key. You cannot define a key, specifying both /NOECHO and /NOTERMINATE. /IF_STATE /IF_STATE=(state-name,...) /NOIF_STATE (default)> Specifies a list of states, any one of which must be set toC enable the specified key definition. (By including several stateC names, you can define a key to have the same function in all theB specified states.) If you use the /NOIF_STATE qualifier or omitD the /IF_STATE qualifier, the current state at the time you defineA the key must be set when you use the key definition. The stateC name can include letters, digits, dollar signs, and underscores.B States are established with the /SET_STATE qualifier on anotherB key definition or with the SET KEY command. If you specify only0 one state name, you can omit the parentheses. /LOCK_STATE /LOCK_STATE /NOLOCK_STATE (default)B Specifies that the state set by the /SET_STATE qualifier remainB in effect until explicitly changed. (By default, the /SET_STATEC qualifier is in effect only for the next definable key you pressB or the next read-terminating character that you type.) Can only. be specified with the /SET_STATE qualifier. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Specifies whether a log message is displayed after a key isC defined. The message indicates a key definition has been created> successfully. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be6 displayed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. /SET_STATE /SET_STATE=state /NOSET_STATE (default)@ Causes the specified state to be set when the key is pressed.> (By default, the current locked state is reset when the key@ is pressed.) A state name can include letters, digits, dollar@ signs, and underscores. If you omit or negate this qualifier,? the current state remains unchanged. You cannot define a key- specifying both /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE. /TERMINATE /TERMINATE /NOTERMINATE (default)@ Determines whether the specified command string executes when? you press the key. When you use /NOTERMINATE, you must pressA RETURN to execute the command string. When you use /TERMINATE,A VDE executes the command string immediately when you press the> key. You cannot define a key specifying both /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE. 3 Examples( 1.VDE> DEFINE/KEY KP1 "SHOW DEFAULTS"? This example shows how to defin e the keypad key KP1 as theC VDE command SHOW DEFAULTS. To enter the SHOW DEFAULTS command,* press KP1 followed by the RETURN key.8 2.VDE> DEFINE/KEY KP6 "SET CONTEXT BUGFIX" /TERMINATEA This example shows how to define the keypad key 6 as the SETD CONTEXT BUGFIX command. The /TERMINATE qualifier causes the SETB CONTEXT BUGFIX command to execute when you press keypad key 6$ without having to press RETURN.= 3.VDE> DEFINE/KEY MINUS "SHOW DEFAULTS" /TERMINATE /NOECHOD This example shows how to define the minus key on the keypad asC the SHOW DEFAULTS command. The /TERMINATE qualifier causes theC SHOW DEFAULTS command to execute when you press the minus key.C The /NOECHO qualifier prevents the display of the command lineB on the screen. You see the output of the command, but not the command line itself.0 4.VDE> DEFINE/KEY/TERMINATE KP7 "SHOW MODULE"+ VDE> DEFINE/KEY/SET_STATE=TEXAS PF3 ""A VDE> DEFINE/K EY/IF_STATE=TEXAS/TERMINATE KP7 "SHOW FACILITY"A This example shows how to create two definitions for the KP7A key using the /SET_STATE and /IF_STATE qualifiers. The first@ command defines KP7 as the SHOW MODULE command and executesA the command when the key is pressed. This is the default keyC definition for KP7. The second command establishes a new state@ for the key: when you press PF3, the state is set to TEXAS.A The third command creates a new definition for KP7: when youC press KP7, VDE executes the SHOW FACILITY command if the state@ has been set to TEXAS. You can thus execute the SHOW MODULED command by pressing KP7 by itself, and you can execute the SHOWA FACILITY command by pressing the PF3 key followed by the KP7 key.2 5.VDE> DEFINE/KEY PF3 "SET " /SET_STATE=ALTEREDF VDE> DEFINE/KEY KP7 "CONTEXT BUGFIX" /TERMINATE /IF_STATE=ALTEREDI VDE> DEFINE/KEY KP8 "CONTEXT FEATURE_1" /TERMINATE /IF_STATE=ALTERED > VDE> DEFINE/KEY KP9 "VERIFY" /TERMINATE /IF_STATE=ALTERED= This example shows how to define four different keys and/ associate them with a state named ALTERED:C 1. The first definition defines the key PF3 as the SET command; and associates this key with a state named ALTERED.B 2. The second definition defines the keypad key 7 as "CONTEXT@ BUGFIX" and makes it dependent on a state named ALTERED.A When you press PF3 followed by keypad key 7, V DE executes' the SET CONTEXT BUGFIX command.= 3. The third definition defines keypad key 8 as "CONTEXTD FEATURE_1" and also makes it dependent on the ALTERED state.A When you press PF3 followed by keypad key 8, VDE executes* the SET CONTEXT FEATURE_1 command.B 4. The fourth definition defines keypad key 9 as "VERIFY" andD also makes it dependent on the ALTERED state. When you pressA PF3 followed by keypad key 9, VDE executes the SET VER# IFY command. ww==ĵ 1 DELETE 2 /COMMANDB Deletes command definitions established with the DEFINE/COMMAND command. Format1 DELETE/COMMAND symbol-name[,symbol-name...] 3 Parameter symbol-name@ Specifies the name of a command symbol whose definition is toA be deleted. This symbol must have been defined with a previous DEFINE/COMMAND command. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples! 1.VDE> DE LETE/COMMAND FOO, FEEA This example shows how to delete the command definitions for symbols FOO and FEE. 2 /KEY< Deletes key definitions that have been established by the> DEFINE/KEY command. The /KEY qualifier is required and must precede any other qualifiers. Format DELETE/KEY [key-name] 3 Parameter key-nameC Specifies the name of the key to be deleted. If you specify this, parameter, do not use the /ALL qualifier. 3   Qualifiers /ALLB Deletes all key definitions in the specified state; the default= is the current state. (Use the /STATE qualifier to specify? states.) If you use the /ALL qualifier, do not specify a key name. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether messages are displayed indicating that the@ specified key definitions have been deleted. /LOG causes such7 messages to be displayed and /NOLOG suppresses them. /STATE /STATE=( state-name[,...]) /NOSTATE (default)> Specifies the name of the state for which the specified key@ definition is to be deleted. The default state is the current> state. If you specify only one state name, you can omit the? parentheses. State names can be any appropriate alphanumeric string. 3 Examples2 1.VDE> DEFINE/KEY PF3 "SHOW LIBRARY" /TERMINATE4 %VDE-I-DEFKEY, DEFAULT key PF3 has been defined VDE>  VDE> SHOW LIBRARY5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR] VDE> DELETE/KEY PF34 %VDE-I-DELKEY, DEFAULT key PF3 has been deleted VDE> VDE>@ In this example, the DEFINE/KEY command defines the PF3 key@ on the keypad as SHOW LIBRARY. Later the DELETE/KEY commandA undefines the PF3 key. When the user presses PF3 thereafter,& only the VDE prompt is displayed. 2.VDE> DELETE/KEY/ALL4 %VDE-I-DELKEY, DEFAULT key PF1 has been deleted4 %VDE-I-DELKEY, DEFAULT key PF2 has been deleted4 %VDE-I-DELKEY, DEFAULT key PF3 has been deleted4 %VDE-I-DELKEY, DEFAULT key PF4 has been deleted VDE>= Keys PF1 through PF4 had been defined for state DEFAULT.< In this example, the DELETE/KEY command deletes all keyB definitions in the current state, that is, state DEFAULT. The> log messages show what key definitions have been deleted. 2 ARCHITECTURE< Deletes one or more architecture table entries in the VDE- database. Each !architecture table entry..." Requires the DELARCH privilege.1 ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented. Format4 DELETE ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...] 3 Parameter arch-nameB The name of the architecture to be deleted. This name may be up9 to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description Under Construction... 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM Under Construction... /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Under Construction... /REMARK /REMARK="string"9 Specifies a remark string to be stored for the deletedA architecture. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about theD architecture. that you want stored in the VDE database. TypicallyD the remark describes the function or purpose of the architecture. 3 Examples7 1.VDE> DELETE ARCHITECTURE VAXPDP/REMARK="Version n" VDE> Under Construction... 2 BUILD_JOB@ Deletes one or more build jobs from the current VDE database. Requires BUILD privilege. Format5 DELETE BUILD_JOB stream-name [, stream-name...] 3 Parameter stream-nameC The name of a development stream. One or more build jobs in this@ stream are deleted from the database. Use the /IDENTIFICATION? qualifier to specify the build jobs to delete. If you do notB specify this qualifier, the most recent build job in the stream is deleted.> You can delete build jobs for more than one stream by usingC wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) inB a name matches any single character in the position it occupies? and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in theA position it occupies. Build jobs are deleted for those streams* whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 DescriptionC The DELETE BUILD_JOB command deletes each build job that matchesB the specified stream name and build job identification numbers.@ When a build job is deleted, all information about that buildC job is deleted from the database of the current VDE library. YouD cannot delete a build job that is queued for execution or that isC currently running. To delete such a build job, stop it using the/ STOP BUILD_JOB command before you delete it. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ build job deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printB a message for each build job asking whether you want that buildB job deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), the build job is deleted? from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the build job isA not deleted. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the8 specified build jobs without asking for confirmation. /I DENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=id-range@ Specifies the job identification numbers of the build jobs toC be deleted from the specified stream. The id-range parameter can@ be a single integer value, a range of integers, or a wildcard@ character. If the parameter is a single integer (for example,@ /IDENT=5), VDE deletes the build job with that identification@ number. If the parameter is a range of integers (specified as? two build job identification numbers separated by a  colon asA in /IDENT=3:5), VDE deletes all build jobs with identificationC numbers in that range. Finally, if the id-range parameter is theA asterisk wildcard (as in /IDENT=*), VDE deletes all build jobs for the specified stream.= If you specify a zero or negative build job identification? number in the id-range parameter, that number is relative to@ the identification number of the most recent build job in theC stream. For example, if the most recent build job is job 5, thenD /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=5 and /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=4.C If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, VDE deletes the2 most recent build job for the specified stream. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGA Controls whether log messages are printed after each build jobD is deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedB and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicateA that the build job has been deleted from the database and that7 the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a deletion remark string to be stored in the databaseA for the deleted build job. The quoted remark string, which canC be up to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark* that you want to store in the database. 3 Examples2 1.VDE> DELETE BUILD_JOB V2.0-3/IDENTIFICATION=7J %VDE-I-BLDJOBDEL, build job 7 for stream V2.0-3 deleted from databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C In this example, build job 7 for stream V2.0-3 is deleted fromB the VDE database. The log messages confirm that the build job? was deleted and that the database transaction successfully completed. 2 CONTEXTB Deletes one or more contexts from the current VDE library. EachA context can be used to specify the default development stream,? default architecture and default facility for a VDE session.7 Requires CRECTX privilege to delete public contexts. Format- DELETE CONTEXT ctx-name [, ctx-name...] 3 Parameter ctx-nameD The name of a context to be deleted from the current VDE library.C You can delete more than one context at a time by using wildcardB characters in the context name. The percent sign (%) in a nameC matches any single character in the position it occupies and theC asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position itB occupies. Those contexts whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted. 3 DescriptionA The DELETE CONTEXT command deletes each specified context from> the current VDE database. The command deletes either public> contexts or your private contexts, depending on whether you1 specify the /PUBLIC or the /PRIVATE qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ context deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a@ message for each context asking whether you want that context= deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that context is deleted= from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the context is; not deleted. If you enter a context name with a wildcard> specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of each= context whose name matches the wildcard specification. TheC /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified contexts# without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG? Controls whether log messages are printed after each contextB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesC indicate that the context has been deleted from the database and< that the database transaction has successfully committed. /PRIVATE /PRIVATE (default) /PUBLIC? Controls whether a private or public context is deleted. TheD /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to delete a context that is private? to you. The /PUBLIC qualifier causes VDE to delete a contextC that is available to all users of the library. You must have the1 CRECTX privilege to use the /PUBLIC qualifier. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a deletion remark string to be stored in the databaseB for the delet ed context. The quoted remark string, which can be@ up to 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark( that you want stored in the database. 3 Examples 1.VDE> DELETE CONTEXT V2RMS; %VDE-I-CTXDEL, context V2RMS deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>> This example deletes the context V2RMS from the database.@ Because the /PUBLIC qualifier is not specified, VDE deletes& the private! context by this name. 2 FACILITYA Deletes one or more delete-enabled facilities from the current VDE library. Requires DELFAC privilege. Format2 DELETE FACILITY facil-name [, facil-name...] 3 Parameter facil-name< The name of a facility to be deleted from the current VDE> library. You can delete more than one facility at a time byC using wildcard characters in the facility name. The percent signA (%) in a name matches any single c "haracter in the position itD occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters inC the position it occupies. Those facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted. 3 DescriptionC The DELETE FACILITY command deletes each specified facility from@ the current VDE database and commits the transaction. It then> deletes all disk directories associated with each facility.A When the deletion command completes, the files and CMS library@ associate #d with the facility will have been vaporized. ShouldD protection violations or other errors occur, VDE can be preventedC from deleting all associated files and directories, and VDE will@ generate one or more informational messages that will provide additional details.D You can only delete a facility if the delete attribute is enabledB on the facility. If this attribute is disabled, you must enableD this attribute, using the MODIFY FACILITY /DELETE command, before+ you will $be able to delete the facility. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each? facility deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print; a message for each facility asking whether you want that< facility deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that facility< is deleted from the library. If you answer NO (or N), the? facility is not deleted. If you enter a facility name with aB w%ildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of? each facility whose name matches the wildcard specification.> The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified. facilities without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after each facilityB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesC indic&ate that the facility has been deleted from the library and< that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for theA deleted facility. The quoted remark string, which can be up toC 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark that you! want to store in the database. 3 Examples 1.VDE> DELETE FACILITY ACCTNG= %VDE-I-FACDEL, facility ACCTNG dele 'ted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A In this example, facility ACCTNG is deleted from the current< VDE library. The log messages confirm that the facility? was deleted and that the database transaction successfully completed.* 2.VDE> DELETE FACILITY FAC1, FAC2, FAC3; %VDE-I-FACDEL, facility FAC1 deleted from the database; %VDE-I-FACDEL, facility FAC2 deleted from the database; %VDE-I-FA(CDEL, facility FAC3 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>> This example shows how you can delete multiple facilitiesB from a library. The log messages list the facilities that are deleted. 2 FOLDA Deletes one or more fold records from the VDE database. A fold? record is a reminder that a source change should be manuallyA "folded" into a given development stream in order to propagate the c)hange. Requires RESREP privilege. Format* DELETE FOLD mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name? Specifies a module for which a fold record is to be deleted.A The module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type nameB preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the facilityB name is omitted, the module is assumed to belong to the defaultB facility. If the type name *is omitted, VDE deletes fold records? for all source modules with the specified module name in the given facility.@ You can delete fold records for more than one module by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D VDE deletes fold records for all source modules who+se names match the wildcard pattern. 3 Description= A fold record is a reminder that a source change should be> manually folded into a given development stream in order toA propagate the change into that stream. The DELETE FOLD commandA deletes each specified fold record from the VDE database. This4 command is a synonym for the CANCEL FOLD command. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to co ,nfirm that you want eachB fold record deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print> a message for each fold record asking whether you want that= record deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that fold record= is deleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the@ fold record is not deleted. If you enter a module name with a? wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletionB of fold records for each module whose name matches the wildcardC specification. Th-e /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the: specified fold records without asking for confirmation. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=fold-ident= Specifies the fold record to be deleted. This qualifier is< required when you have multiple fold records for the sameB module in the same stream. The fold-ident parameter is the foldC identifier of the fold record to be deleted. The fold identifierC is the identifier you specified or VDE assigned when you createdD. the fold record, usually a small integer value. Use the SHOW FOLD@ command to determine the fold identifier of each fold record. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each fold recordB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages> indicate that the fold record has been deleted and that the3 database transaction has successfully commi/tted. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameD Specifies the development stream for which fold records should beC deleted. The stream-name parameter gives the name of the stream.A If this qualifier is omitted, VDE deletes fold records for the# default development stream only. /USERNAME /USERNAME=username= Specifies that fold records are to be deleted on behalf of= another user. The username parameter specifies the OpenVMSC username of the other use0r. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 Examples) 1.VDE> DELETE FOLD [CODE]X.FOR/IDENT=1J %VDE-I-FOLDDEL, fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR has been deletedC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C This example deletes fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR. TheD log messages confirm that the fold record has been successfully deleted. 2 GENERATIONB Deletes the most recent gener1ation of a specified module from a specified development stream. Requires PERFREP privilege. Format0 DELETE GENERATION mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name@ The name of a module whose latest generation in the specifiedC development stream is to be deleted. The module name consists ofB an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module@ name, and an optional type name preceded by a period, such asA [FACIL]MOD1.MAR. If no fa 2cility name is specified, the default@ facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, the latestD generations of all source modules of the specified module name in" the given facility are deleted.@ You can delete the latest generations of more than one moduleA by using wildcard characters in any of the three components of? the module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any@ single character in the position it occupies and the asteriskD (*) matches zero or mo 3re characters in the position it occupies.D VDE deletes the latest generation in the specified stream of each2 module whose name matches the wildcard pattern.D Using the /GENERATION qualifier, you can also delete a generation& that does not belong to any stream. 3 DescriptionA The DELETE GENERATION command removes the latest generation ofC a specified module from a specified development stream and makesA the previous generation (the next most recent generation) into? 4 the latest generation for the stream. The result is that theC most recent generation is discarded from the stream, so that theB effect of the REPLACE operation that created that generation is undone.@ The removed generation remains in the VDE database as long as? it remains reachable from at least one development stream orA has at least one successor generation. However, once a removed= generation becomes unreachable from all streams and has noB successors, the DELET 5E GENERATION command deletes it completely% from the VDE database and library.D You cannot delete the first generation of a module (generation 1)B using this command. The only way to delete the first generation@ is to delete the whole module with the DELETE MODULE command.A If the specified module is currently reserved in the specifiedA stream, VDE terminates that reservation since it is based on a@ module generation that no longer is the latest generation forB the strea6m. VDE sends a mail message to notify the owner of the, reservation that the reservation is lost.A If you want to delete a module generation that does not belongC to any development stream, use the /GENERATION qualifier. Do notA use the /GENERATION qualifier for a generation that belongs toA a stream; VDE will not delete any generation that belongs to a< stream or that is not a leaf node in the generation tree. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOC 7ONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachA generation deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print@ a message for the latest generation of each module giving theC name of the generation and asking whether you want to delete theC generation. If you answer YES (or Y), the generation is deleted.> If you answer NO (or N), the generation is not deleted. TheD /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete each generation without asking for 8confirmation. /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-exprC Specifies that the generation with the CMS generation expressionB given by the gen-expr parameter be deleted. If you specify this3 qualifier, do not specify the /STREAM qualifier. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after generations areA deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed= and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate that 9the? generations have been deleted from the specified development< stream and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"> Specifies a remark string that explains why you deleted theC generation. The quoted remark string can be up to 132 characters long. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameA Specifies that the latest generation in the development stream> given by the stream-name parameter be deleted. If: both thisC qualifier and the /GENERATION qualifier are omitted, VDE prompts you for the stream name. 3 Examples8 1.VDE> DELETE GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.C /STREAM=V2.0L %VDE-I-GENDEL, generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;5(5) deleted from stream V2.0C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>) VDE> SHOW GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.CT Generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4(4) by user SMITH on 9-MAY-1990 19:43 VDE>9 Thi;s example deletes the latest generation of moduleA [FACIL]MODNAM.C from stream V2.0. The log message shows that= generation 5 was deleted. The subsequent SHOW GENERATIONA command shows that generation 4 is now the latest generation! of the module in the stream. 2 GROUP< Deletes one or more groups from the current VDE database. Requires CREGRP privilege. Format. DELETE GROUP group-name [,group-name...] 3 Parameter group-nameC < The name of a source group or build group defined in the default> development stream that is to be deleted from the database.A You can delete more than one group at a time by using wildcardA characters in the group name. The percent sign (%) in a groupD name matches any single character in the position it occupies andD the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the positionC it occupies. Those groups whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted. 3 = DescriptionD This command deletes the database definition of each source group> or build group listed as a parameter. The /SOURCE or /BUILD= qualifier determines whether source groups or build groupsA are deleted. Group definitions are deleted only in the defaultD development stream. This command does not affect the modules thatA are members of the deleted groups, only the definitions of the groups. 3 Qualifiers /BUILDC Specifies whether source groups or >build groups are deleted. TheD /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to delete the source groups with theA specified names. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to delete theA build groups with the specified names. If neither qualifier is( specified, VDE deletes source groups.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /SOURCEC Specifies whether source groups or build groups are deleted. TheD /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to delete the source groups with theA specified n?ames. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to delete theA build groups with the specified names. If neither qualifier is( specified, VDE deletes source groups.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> group deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a> message giving the name of the group and asking if you want@ it deleted. If you answer YES@ (or Y), the group definition is@ deleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), the groupA is not deleted. If you use a group specification that containsD wildcard characters, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion of each@ group that matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM> qualifier causes VDE to delete all specified groups without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGA Controls whether log messages are printed after each Agroup has> been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesA indicate that the group has been deleted and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for theB deleted group. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the@ B group or its deletion that you want to store in the database. 3 Examples 1.VDE> DELETE GROUP GRPNAM: %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRPNAM deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? In this example, the source group called GRPNAM is deletedB from the VDE database in the default stream. The log messagesB confirm that the group was deleted and that the corresponding1 database transaction completed succes Csfully.. 2.VDE> DELETE GROUP/BUILD GRP1, GRP2, GRP338 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP1 deleted from the database8 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP2 deleted from the database9 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP33 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This example shows how to specify a list of group names withD the DELETE GROUP command. The log messages list the groups thatB were deleted. Because the /BUILD qualifier Dis specified, this' command only deletes build groups./ 3.VDE> DELETE GROUP/CONFIRM GROUP_1, GROUP_2# Delete group GROUP_1 ? [No]: Y; %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GROUP_1 deleted from the database# Delete group GROUP_2 ? [No]: NC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This example illustrates the /CONFIRM qualifier. This qualifierC causes VDE to ask the user whether each specified group should@ be deleted. For group GRO EUP_1, the user answers Y (for YES)D and that group is deleted from the database, as the log message@ shows. For group GROUP_2, the user answers N (for NO), that? group is not deleted, and no log message is displayed. TheB final log message indicates that the database transaction for2 the whole command has successfully committed. 4.VDE> DELETE GROUP GRP*8 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP1 deleted from the database8 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP2 deleted from the database9 F %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP22 deleted from the database9 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP33 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= In this example, the group specification (GRP*) contains< a wildcard character. The asterisk matches zero or moreA characters. Source groups GRP1, GRP2, GRP22, and GRP33 match@ the group specification and are deleted as the log messages show. 5.VDE> DELETE GROUP GRP% G8 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP1 deleted from the database8 %VDE-I-GRPDEL, group GRP2 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= This example is identical to the previous example except? that the percent sign is used as a wildcard character. TheD percent sign matches exactly one character. As a result, sourceB groups GRP1 and GRP2 (but not GRP22 or GRP33) match the group* specification (GRP%) and are deHleted. 2 MODULE< Deletes one or more modules from the current VDE library.A Requires DELMOD privilege or, in some cases, CREMOD privilege. Format, DELETE MODULE mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-nameC The name of a module to be deleted from the current VDE library.@ This name consists of a module name and a type name separated; by a period (such as MOD1.PAS) and can be preceded by an< optional facility name enclosed in square brack Iets (as inB [FACIL]MOD1.PAS). If no facility name is specified, the current default facility is assumed.B You can delete more than one module at a time by using wildcardD characters in any of the three components of the module name. TheB percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in theB position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or moreD characters in the position it occupies. Those modules whose names* match the wildcard pattern are deleted. J3 DescriptionC The DELETE MODULE command deletes each specified module from theA current VDE library. When a module is deleted, VDE deletes itsC database record and removes the module from the build dependency= graph and from any group definitions. After committing theA database transaction, VDE also deletes each specified module'sD delta file (CMS element). However, VDE does not remove the module? from any stream-specific disk directories such as clear-copy areas o Kr object directories.C Normally, you must have the DELMOD privilege to delete a module.@ However, if you have created a particular module and you have? not yet created the first generation of the module (normallyD done by replacing the first generation into the VDE library), youA are allowed to delete the module without the DELMOD privilege.? In this particular case, you must have the CREMOD privilege,B which was required for the initial module creation. The creatorB of La module can thus correct simple mistakes, such as misnaming? the module, by simply deleting the module before the initial? replacement is performed. The outstanding reservation on theA module is canceled, the module is removed from any reservation= session that it might be included in, and the module neverD appears in the VDE library. For further information on the CREATE% MODULE command, see CREATE MODULE.B If you are not the creator of a module or if the module alreadyBM has at least one generation, you must have the DELMOD privilege> to delete it and you can only delete a module if the deleteA attribute is set for the module. If this attribute is not set,D you must set it with the MODIFY MODULE /DELETE command before you can delete the module. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each? module deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to pr Nint a> message for each module asking whether you want that moduleA deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that module is deleted fromC the library. If you answer NO (or N), the module is not deleted.@ If you enter a module name with a wildcard specification, VDEC asks you to confirm the deletion of each module that matches theA wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to@ delete the specified modules without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (Odefault) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed after each moduleB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesA indicate that the module has been deleted from the library and< that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for theC deleted module. The quoted remarkP string, which can be up to 132D characters long, may contain any explanatory remark that you want to store in the database. 3 Examples 1.VDE> DELETE MODULE MOD1.PASC %VDE-I-MODDEL, module [CODE]MOD1.PAS deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A In this example, module MOD1.PAS is deleted from the currentA VDE library. Since no facility name is specified, the moduleC is assumed to belong Qto the current default facility, facilityC CODE. The log messages confirm that the module was deleted and: that the database transaction successfully completed.> 2.VDE> DELETE MODULE [FACIL]FOO.MAR, FOO.OBJ, [RMS]MOD2.FORC %VDE-I-MODDEL, module [FACIL]FOO.MAR deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-MODDEL, module [FACIL]FOO.OBJ deleted from the databaseB %VDE-I-MODDEL, module [RMS]MOD2.FOR deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully Rcommitted VDE>? This example shows how to delete multiple modules from the8 library. The log messages list the deleted modules. 2 REPLACEMENTC Deletes one or more queued replacements from the VDE database toC free up database space. Most users should use CANCEL REPLACEMENT instead. Requires DELREP privilege. Format1 DELETE REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] 3 Parameter rep-nameB The name of a queued replacement to b Se deleted from the currentB VDE library. You can delete more than one replacement at a timeD by using wildcard characters in the replacement name. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters? in the position it occupies. Those queued replacements whose0 names match the wildcard pattern are deleted.7 Do not specify the rep-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION quali Tfier. 3 Description? The DELETE REPLACEMENT command deletes each specified queued= replacement from the current VDE database. This command isB used to remove replacement records from the database to free upD database space. It can be used to delete both current replacement? records and historical replacement data. For this reason, it! requires the DELREP privilege.C Users who simply want to cancel a current replacement should useC the CANCEL REPLACEMENT command.U This command requires the RESREPD privilege to cancel your own replacement or the PERFREP privilege( to cancel another user's replacement. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachB replacement deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print> a message for each replacement asking whether you want thatB replacement deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacement= is de Vleted from the database. If you answer NO (or N), theC replacement is not deleted. If you enter a replacement name withD a wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the deletion ofB each replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification.> The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified0 replacements without asking for confirmation. /HISTORY= Specifies that replacement history be deleted. ReplacementB history consists of database records for paWst replacements thatD have already been performed; it does not include currently queuedB replacements. When used with the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, theB /HISTORY qualifier deletes information for chronological ranges of past replacements.C If you omit the /HISTORY qualifier, VDE deletes currently queued replacements only. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=id-rangeB Specifies that the replacements with the unique Replacement IdsA given by the id-range par Xameter be deleted. Do not specify the2 rep-name parameter when you use this qualifier.B VDE assigns a unique Replacement Id to each immediate or queued@ replacement into the VDE library. VDE assigns Replacement Ids@ in chronological order so that the first replacement into theC library has Id value 1, the next has Id value 2, and so on. WhenB you use this qualifier, all replacements that have Id values in9 the range given by the id-range parameter are deleted.C The id-raYnge parameter can be a single integer value, a range ofB integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is a single? integer (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE deletes the replacement; with that Replacement Id. If the parameter is a range ofA integers (specified as two integers separated by a colon as inD /IDENT=3:5), VDE deletes the replacements with Ids in that range.> Finally, if the id-range parameter is the asterisk wildcard< character (as in /IDENT=*), VDE deletes all rep Zlacements.; If you specify a zero or negative number in the id-range@ parameter, that number is relative to the largest Replacement= Id value for the VDE library (the latest replacement). ForB example, if the latest replacement has Replacement Id 250, thenC /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=250 and /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=249.> The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier can be used with the /HISTORYB qualifier to delete historical replacement information from theC VDE d[atabase. Deleting such information allows database space to be reused. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each replacementB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesC indicate that the replacement has been deleted from the database@ and that the database transaction has successfully committed. 3 Examples' 1.VDE> \DELETE REPLACEMENT ANDERSON-1D %VDE-I-REPDEL, replacement ANDERSON-1 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>@ In this example, replacement ANDERSON-1 is deleted from the@ VDE database. The log messages confirm that the replacement? was deleted and that the database transaction successfully completed. 2 SCRIPT. Deletes a VDE script from the VDE database. Requires CRESCRP privilege. ] Format DELETE SCRIPT 3 Description@ The DELETE SCRIPT command deletes a specified VDE script fromA the VDE database. VDE only deletes the script of the specifiedB type and segment number that belongs to the default development stream.D You must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script youA want deleted. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command? for an explanation of the different types of scripts and how> scripts are selected using sc^ript-type qualifiers. You mustB also specify the script segment number unless the default value applies.B Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords,C while script functions are in Script Functions, and script typesC are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also seeC CREATE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT. 3 Qualifiers /BUILD? Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be d_eleted. /COMPILE /COMPILE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's COMPILE script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each? script deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a> message for each script asking whether you want that scriptD deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), the script is deleted from theD datab`ase. If you answer NO (or N), the script is not deleted. TheB /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete the specified scripts# without asking for confirmation. /COPY /COPY=mod-name; Specifies that the default stream's COPY script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /CREATE_FACILITYD Specifies that the script that VDE invokes when a new facility is created should be deleted. /DELETE_GENERATION! /DELETE_GENERATION=mod-naameD Specifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION script with3 the specified mod-name specification be deleted. /DIFFERENCES /DIFFERENCES=mod-nameB Specifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /FETCH /FETCH=mod-name< Specifies that the default stream's FETCH script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /INSERT_GENERATION! /INSERT_GENERAbTION=mod-nameD Specifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION script with3 the specified mod-name specification be deleted. /LINK /LINK=mod-name; Specifies that the default stream's LINK script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG= Controls whether log messages are printed after the script< is deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifiecr suppresses them. These messagesB indicate that the script has been deleted and that the database* transaction has committed successfully. /NEW_STREAM /NEW_STREAM=fac-nameA Specifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM script with the/ specified fac-name specification be deleted. /NOKEEP /NOKEEP=mod-name= Specifies that the default stream's NOKEEP script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /REPLACE /REPLAdCE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's REPLACE script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /RESERVE /RESERVE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's RESERVE script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /SEGMENT /SEGMENT=seg-numD Specifies the segment number of the script to delete. The seg-numC parameter specifies the integer segment number. If you omit this< qualifier, VDE deletes the sceript with segment number 10. /SET_FACILITY /SET_FACILITY=fac-nameC Specifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY script with the/ specified fac-name specification be deleted. /SET_STREAMD Specifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be deleted. /STAGING /STAGING=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's STAGING script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. /UNRESERVE /UNRESERVE=mod-namef@ Specifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE script with the/ specified mod-name specification be deleted. 3 Examples) 1.VDE> DELETE SCRIPT/COMPILE=[CODE]*.C5 %VDE-I-SCRPDEL, script deleted from the database5 script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>@ This example deletes the script to compile all C modules inA facility CODE. The log messages identify the script andg showA that it was successfully deleted. The script is only deleted( for the default development stream. 2 STEPC Deletes build-step dependency information from the VDE database.? This information specifies the input and output modules of a% given compile, copy, or link step. Requires CRESTEP privilege. Format* DELETE STEP mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-nameD The name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by h theA build step to be deleted from the database. This name consists> of an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, aC module name, and an optional type name preceded by a period (for@ example, [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). If no facility name is specified,> the current default facility is assumed. If no type name isA specified, all build steps for modules with the given facility$ name and module name are deleted.= You can delete more than one build step at a time by usin ig< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.B Those build steps whose module names match the wildcard pattern are deleted. 3 DescriptionC The DELETE STEP command deletes all dependency information for aD given build step so that the database no longer records the i jnputA and output modules for the step. The modules themselves remainB in the database; only their relationships to the build step are lost.B The command deletes build-step dependency information from only@ the default development stream. To delete build steps in moreD than one stream, you must repeat the DELETE STEP command for eachA stream. For each stream, first enter the SET STREAM command toD set the development stream, then enter the DELETE STEP command to@ delete kthe desired build-step dependencies from the database. 3 Qualifiers /COMPILEC Specifies the kind of build step to be deleted. /COMPILE deletesC the compile step, /COPY deletes the copy step, and /LINK deletes* the link step for the specified module.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /COPYC Specifies the kind of build step to be deleted. /COMPILE deletesC the compile step, /COPY deletes the copy step, and /LINK deletes* the llink step for the specified module.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /LINKC Specifies the kind of build step to be deleted. /COMPILE deletesC the compile step, /COPY deletes the copy step, and /LINK deletes* the link step for the specified module.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRMD Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the build-@ step defimnition deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE toC print a message for each build step asking whether you want thatD step deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), the build-step definitionA is deleted. If you answer NO (or N), the build-step definitionD is not deleted. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to delete allD specified build-step definitions without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG< Controls whether log messages are printed when bunild-step@ definitions are deleted from the database. The /LOG qualifier= causes the messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifierB suppresses them. The messages indicate that each build step has? been deleted and that the database transaction has committed successfully. 3 Examples" 1.VDE> DELETE STEP [RMS]FOO.MARR %VDE-I-COMSTEPDEL, compile step for module [RMS]FOO.MAR deleted from databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed o VDE>B This example deletes all build dependency information for the3 compilation of module FOO.MAR in facility RMS., 2.VDE> DELETE STEP/LINK FOO.EXE, MOD1.EXEP %VDE-I-LNKSTEPDEL, link step for module [CODE]FOO.EXE deleted from databaseQ %VDE-I-LNKSTEPDEL, link step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE deleted from databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This command deletes the dependency information for the linkB spteps for modules FOO.EXE and MOD1.EXE in the current default facility, facility CODE. 2 STREAM? Deletes one or more development streams from the current VDE library. Requires DELSTRM privilege. Format2 DELETE STREAM stream-name [, stream-name...] 3 Parameter stream-nameC The name of a stream to be deleted from the current VDE library.B You can delete more than one stream at a time by using wildcardA characters. The percent sign q(%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D Those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern are deleted. 3 Description? The DELETE STREAM command deletes each specified developmentA stream from the current VDE library. When a stream is deleted,B all database information associated with the stream is deleted.? The deleted database information includes t rhe stream's groupB definitions, scripts, and build dependency graph. The stream isC also removed from any stream successor chains it belongs to. TheD stream's disk directories remain unchanged, however; they are not deleted.B You can only delete a stream if the delete attribute is set forA the stream. If this attribute is not set, you must set it with> the MODIFY STREAM /DELETE command before you can delete the@ stream. Unless the library's allow-deletion attribute is sest,@ the stream must also be closed before it can be deleted. (Use, MODIFY STREAM /CLOSED to close a stream.) 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each? stream deleted. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a> message for each stream asking whether you want that streamA deleted. If you answer YES (or Y), that stream is deleted fromC the library. If you answer NO (or N), tthe stream is not deleted.@ If you enter a stream name with a wildcard specification, VDE= asks you to confirm the deletion of each stream whose name? matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier@ causes VDE to delete the specified streams without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed after each streamB has been deleted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed andu the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesA indicate that the stream has been deleted from the library and< that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for theC deleted stream. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132D characters long, may contain any explanatory remark that you want to store in the database. 3 Examples 1.VDE> DELETE v STREAM V3.1-1< %VDE-I-STRMDEL, stream V3.1-1 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C In this example, development stream V3.1-1 is deleted from theB current VDE library. The log messages confirm that the stream? was deleted and that the database transaction successfully completed.4 2.VDE> DELETE STREAM V2.0-BL1, V2.0-BL2, V2.0-BL3> %VDE-I-STRMDEL, stream V2.0-BL1 deleted from the database> w %VDE-I-STRMDEL, stream V2.0-BL2 deleted from the database> %VDE-I-STRMDEL, stream V2.0-BL3 deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>@ This example shows how to specify a list of stream names toD delete multiple streams from the library. The log messages list the deleted streams. 2 USER< Deletes user records from the database in the current VDEB library. This command deletes the database record fxor each userB whose OpenVMS username is listed as a parameter and denies that* user access to the current VDE library. Requires CREUSR privilege. Format* DELETE USER username [, username...] 3 Parameter username? The OpenVMS username of the VDE user whose record is deletedD from the database of the current VDE library. You can delete more@ than one username at a time by using wildcard characters. TheB percent sign (%) in a username matches any y single character inA the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero orA more characters in the position it occupies. Those users whose4 usernames match the wildcard pattern are deleted. 3 Description@ The DELETE USER command disables access by, and disallows anyD command specification of, the specified user. It also cancels all: review and notification entries for the specified user.? The command marks the specified user records in the databaseA as dezleted, though the user records are not physically deletedC from the database. As a result of this behaviour, records in the@ VDE database can continue to refer to the user records marked@ as deleted. For example, the record for each module indicates@ who created the module, and the SHOW MODULE command shows the? creator's username and full name string. That information is> found in the creator's user record, even if the creator hasB since left the project and a DELETE USER comm {and has marked the% associated user record as deleted.< A user that lacks a matching user entry, or has a deleted@ user entry, will be unable to access the VDE utility Further,? usernames that have been deleted will not be accepted on VDE@ commands. However, the username record does remain within the@ database, should manual recovery be required at a later date.@ Lists of valid VDE users can also be automatically maintainedD using the VDE/READ_UAF command. VDE/READ_UAF co |mpares the currentD list of users stored in the VDE database with those stored in the2 OpenVMS system authorization database (SYSUAF).D As an alternative to the DELETE USER command, one could clear allB bits in the associated privilege mask, and/or one could use theC MODIFY USER/USER command to rename the user. These steps prevent? the user from performing operations on the VDE database, butD these options preserve the ability to specify the username in VDE commands. } 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)C Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each userB record deleted from the database. The /CONFIRM qualifier causesB VDE to print a message for each user record giving the usernameA and asking whether you want that record deleted. If you answer= YES (or Y), that user record is deleted from the database.> If you answer NO (or N), the user record is not deleted. If? you enter a usernam~e with a wildcard specification, VDE asks@ you to confirm the deletion of each username that matches theA wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE toB delete the specified users from the database without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each user recordC has been deleted. These messages indicate that the user has beenB deleted from the database and that the database transaction hasB successfully committed. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages: to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for theD deleted user record. The quoted remark string, which can be up toC 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark that you! want to store in the database. 3 Examples 1.VDE> DELETE USER SMITH9 %VDE-I-USERDEL,  user SMITH deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? In this example, the record for user SMITH is deleted from> the database of the current VDE library. The log messagesC confirm that the user record was deleted and that the database( transaction successfully completed.' 2.VDE> DELETE USER SMITH, DOE, JONES9 %VDE-I-USERDEL, user SMITH deleted from the database7 %VDE-I-USERDEL, user DOE deleted from the database9 %VDE-I-USERDEL, user JONES deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= This example shows how to delete multiple users from the< database. The log messages list the users who have been deleted.( 3.VDE> DELETE USER/CONFIRM SMITH, DOE Delete user SMITH ? [No]: Y9 %VDE-I-USERDEL, user SMITH deleted from the database Delete user DOE ? [No]: NC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database  transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This example illustrates the /CONFIRM qualifier. This qualifierB causes VDE to ask the user whether each specified user record= should be deleted from the database. For user SMITH, the? answer is Y (for YES) and that user record is deleted fromB the database. For user DOE, the answer is N (for NO) and thatB user record is not deleted. Hence there is no log message for@ user DOE. The final log message indicates  that the databaseB transaction for the whole command has successfully committed. 4.VDE> DELETE USER %O*7 %VDE-I-USERDEL, user DOE deleted from the database9 %VDE-I-USERDEL, user JONES deleted from the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? In this example, the username specification (%O*) containsA wildcard characters. All usernames with an "O" in the secondD position match the specification. Hence users DOE and JONES are deleted from the database. wwIiĵ1 DIFFERENCES? Displays the differences between any two module generations. Format) DIFFERENCES gen-spec-1 [gen-spec-2] 2 Parameter gen-spec-1< Specifies the first module generation to be compared. The? generation specification consists of the following in order:; o an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets o a module name o a type name;  o an optional generation number preceded by a semicolon? An example of a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.> If you omit the facility name, a module generation from theC default facility is compared. If you omit the generation number,@ the most recent generation of the module in the specified (or default) stream is compared.C If you specify a zero or negative generation number, that numberA is relative to the most recent generation of the module in theC  stream specified by the /STREAM qualifier (or the default streamA if that qualifier is omitted). For example, if the most recent? generation is generation 5, then generation 0 is the same as> generation 5 and generation -1 is the same as generation 4.= If you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE compares theB generation with the given CMS generation expression and ignores5 the generation number on the gen-spec-1 parameter. gen-spec-2> Specifies the second module  generation to be compared. This@ parameter can have the same form as the first parameter (gen-> spec-1) to fully specify a VDE generation. If the facility,B module, and type names are the same as for the first parameter,B this second parameter can be abbreviated to just the generationC number, optionally preceded by a semicolon. For example, ";5" orD just "5" is enough to specify generation 5 of the module given by the gen-spec-1 parameter.; If the gen-spec-2 parameter is omitted, VDE compares theD generation given by the gen-spec-1 parameter with the immediately= preceding generation. You can also use the /GENERATION and> /STREAM qualifiers to compare other generations of the same module. 2 DescriptionA The DIFFERENCES command determines the differences between any@ two module generations in the VDE library. It fetches the twoB specified generations into a scratch directory and runs the DCLB DIFFERENCES command in a subprocess to co mpare the texts of theA two generations and to display the differences between them on your terminal.? The command fetches the specified generations into a scratch? directory determined as follows. If logical name VDE$SCRATCH< is defined, VDE fetches the files into the directory that= this logical name is bound to. If this logical name is notA defined, VDE fetches the files into a VDE-created subdirectory> [.VDE$SCRATCH] under the current SYS$SCRATCH directory. (By:  default, SYS$SCRATCH is defined as your SYS$LOGIN login= directory. This logical name can be redefined by a user to? reference a user-created subdirectory; all scratch files can> thus be corraled in a particular subdirectory.) VDE creates@ the [.VDE$SCRATCH] subdirectory if it does not already exist,@ and defines the logical name VDE$SCRATCH to reference it. VDEB then spawns a subprocess to run the DCL DIFFERENCES command and@ display the differences. VDE deletes the fetched fi les at theA end of the command unless you specify the /KEEP qualifier. TheB difference output goes to your terminal by default, but you can3 direct it to a file using the /OUTPUT qualifier.? Although the DIFFERENCES command can compute the differences? between any two generations in the VDE library, it is almostA always used to compare two generations of the same module. ForB this reason, you can reduce the second generation specification< parameter so it consists of only a generation number. The; following example compares generations 5 and 2 of module* [FACIL]MOD.TYP for your default stream:' VDE> DIFFERENCES [FACIL]MOD.TYP;5 ;2B You can also omit the second generation specification parameterB entirely. In this case, the specified generation is compared toA its immediate predecessor. The following command thus compares" generation 5 with generation 4:$ VDE> DIFFERENCES [FACIL]MOD.TYP;5B When you omit the second parameter, you c an use the /GENERATIONA qualifier to specify the CMS generation expressions of the two= generations to compare. For example, the following command@ compares the generations with CMS generation expressions 10A2 and 11B1:9 VDE> DIFFERENCES [FACIL]MOD.TYP/GENERATION=(10A2,11B1)D You can also use the /STREAM qualifier to specify that the latestB generations from two streams be compared. The following example1 illustrates this use of the /STREAM qualifier:5 VDE> DIFFERENCES [FACIL]MOD.TYP/STREAM=(V2.0,V2.2)C This example compares the latest generations of the given module in streams V2.0 and V2.2.< In addition to accepting certain VDE-specific qualifiers,> the DIFFERENCES command accepts all qualifiers that the DCLB DIFFERENCES command accepts. These qualifiers are simply passed> through to the subprocess that runs the OpenVMS DIFFERENCES program. 2 Qualifiers /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-exprC Specifies t hat the module generation that has the CMS generationB expression given by the gen-expr parameter be compared. If this= qualifier is omitted, VDE uses the generation given by the? generation number on the module-name parameter. If both thisD qualifier and the generation number are omitted, the command usesD the latest generation of the module for the specified development stream. /KEEP@ Specifies that one or both of the fetched and compared module= generations be retained in the scratch directory after the= command completes. If this qualifier is omitted, the filesA containing those generations are deleted after the differencesB are computed. If you specify the /KEEP qualifier after the gen-A spec-1 parameter, the file containing that generation is kept.D Likewise, if you specify the /KEEP qualifier after the gen-spec-2A parameter, the file containing that generation is kept. If youD specify the qualifier after the DIFFERENCES keyword or after both> parameters, the files containing both generations are kept. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name? Specifies that the generation to be compared should be takenB from the development stream given by the stream-name parameter.B If this qualifier is omitted, the generation is taken from your; default stream unless you use the /GENERATION qualifier. /DIFFERENCES-Qualifiers: The /CHANGE_BAR, /COMMENT_DELIMITER, /IGNORE, /MAXIMUM_D DIFFERENCES, /MATCH, /MERGED, /MODE, /NUMBER, /NONUMBER, /OUTPUT,A /PARALLEL, /SEPARATED, /SLP, /WIDTH and /WINDOW qualifiers are@ passed through to the spawned DCL DIFFERENCES command without< change. See the description of the DIFFERENCES command in? the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary manual for a description of these# qualifiers and their parameters. 2 Example VDE> DIFFERENCES [FACIL]A.B32 ************& File DEVD$:[SMITH.VDE$SCRATCH]A.REQ;2> 9 ! declarations. Here is an additional comment. 10 ! ******& File DEVD$:[SMITH.VDE$SCRATCH]A.REQ;1 9 ! declarations. 10 ! ************' Number of difference sections found: 1& Number of difference records found: 1! DIFFERENCES /IGNORE=()/MERGED=1-& DEVD$:[SMITH.VDE$SCRATCH]A.REQ;2-% DEVD$:[SMITH.VDE$SCRATCH]A.REQ;1 VDE>? This example compares the default stream's two most recent: generations of module [FACIL]A.B32 and displays their! differences on the terminal. wwĵ1 EXITB Ends the VDE session or ends execution of commands in a command procedure. Format EXIT 2 Parameters None. 2 Description? When you enter the EXIT command at the terminal, you end theB current VDE session. (Pressing Ctrl/Z also ends a VDE session.)? When VDE executes an EXIT command in a command procedure, itA returns control to the command stream that invoked the command@ procedure. That command stream may be the terminal or another command procedure. 2 Qualifiers /KEPT_PROCESSB If you enter the EXIT/KEPT_PROCESS command at the terminal (not@ in a VDE command procedure) and the VDE utility is running inA a kept subprocess, this qualifier causes VDE to terminate thatB subprocess before it returns you to DCL level. The advantage of@ terminating the kept subprocess is that it no longer consumesA resources. The disadvantage is that your next VDE command! willA require more time to reactivate the VDE image and reconnect to the VDE database. 2 Examples 1.VDE> EXIT $D This example shows how the EXIT command returns control to DCL. wwĵ 1 EXTRACT 2 SCRIPTA Extracts a VDE script from the VDE database and writes it to a file. Format EXTRACT SCRIPT file-spec 3 Parameter file-spec? Specifies the OpenVMS file specification for the output file > that will contains the text of the extracted script. If youA omit the directory specification from the file-spec parameter,B your current default directory is assumed. If you omit the fileC extension from the file-spec parameter, file extension VDESCRIPT is assumed. 3 Description? The EXTRACT SCRIPT command reads a specified VDE script fromA the VDE database and writes it to an ASCII text file. VDE only? extracts the script of the specified type and segment numbe rB that belongs to the default development stream. You can use theC EXTRACT SCRIPT command when you want to get a script into a fileA so that you can edit it and then reinsert it into the database+ with a subsequent CREATE SCRIPT command.D You must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script youC want extracted. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command= for an explanation of the format of scripts, the different? types of scripts, and how scripts are selected using script-C type qualifiers. You must also specify the script segment number$ unless the default value applies.B Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords,C while script functions are in Script Functions, and script typesC are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also seeB CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT. 3 Qualifiers /BUILDA Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be extracted. /COMPILE /COMPILE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's COMPILE script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /COPY /COPY=mod-name; Specifies that the default stream's COPY script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /CREATE_FACILITYD Specifies that the script that VDE invokes when a new facility is created should be extracted. /DELETE_GENERATION! /DELETE_GENERATION=mod-nameD Specifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION script with5 the specified mod-name specification be extracted. /DIFFERENCES /DIFFERENCES=mod-nameB Specifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /FETCH /FETCH=mod-name< Specifies that the default stream's FETCH script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /INSERT_GENERATION! /INSERT_GENERATION=mod-nameD Specifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION script with5 the specified mod-name specification be extracted. /LINK /LINK=mod-name; Specifies that the default stream's LINK script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the script isC extracted. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicateC that the script has been extracted and identify the output file. /NEW_STREAM /NEW_STREAM=fac-nameA Specifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM script with the1 specified fac-name specification be extracted. /NOKEEP /NOKEEP=mod-name= Specifies that the default stream's NOKEEP script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /REPLACE /REPLACE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's REPLACE script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /RESERVE /RESERVE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's RESERVE script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /SEGMENT /SEGMENT=seg-numB Specifies the segment number of the script to extract. The seg-B num parameter specifies the integer segment number. If you omitB this qualifier, VDE extracts the script with segment number 10. /SET_FACILITY /SET_FACILITY=fac-nameC Specifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY script with the1 specified fac-name specification be extracted. /SET_STREAM; Specifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be extracted. /STAGING /STAGING=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's STAGING script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. /UNRESERVE  /UNRESERVE=mod-name@ Specifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE script with the1 specified mod-name specification be extracted. 3 Examples: 1.VDE> EXTRACT SCRIPT/COMPILE=[CODE]*.C [MYDIR]SCRIPT_CO %VDE-I-SCRPEXTR, script extracted to file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT;15 script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10) VDE> EXIT% $ TYPE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT$ ! Script to compile a C module. ! EMIT "$ SET VERIFY"+ EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ ", $DIR(SRC)+ EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ ", $DIR(OBJ)8 EMIT "$ CC/DEBUG/OBJ=OBJ$:/ANA=OBJ$: SRC$:",$MODTYP, EMIT "$ VDE/DEPEND C OBJ$:",$MOD,".ANA" EXIT $: This example extracts the script to compile C modules6 in facility CODE. VDE writes the script into file@ DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT. The subsequent TYPE command9 shows that the file contains the text of the script. ww'Nĵ1 FETCH@ Retrieves a generation of one or more source modules from the current VDE library. Format/ FETCH gen-spec [, gen-spec...] ["remark"] 2 Parameter gen-specB Specifies a generation of a source module in the default stream? to be retrieved from the library. A generation specification& consists of the following in order:; o an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets o a module name0 o an optional type name preceded by a period; o an optio nal generation number preceded by a semicolon? An example of a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.C If you omit the facility name, modules from the default facilityB are fetched. If you omit the type name, all source modules withC the specified module name in the specified facility are fetched.C If you omit the generation number, the most recent generation ofB the module in the requested development stream is fetched. ThisC is either the stream specified with the  /STREAM qualifier or the default development stream.C If you specify a zero or negative generation number, that numberA is relative to the most recent generation of the module in the@ requested development stream. For example, if the most recent? generation is generation 5, then generation 0 is the same as> generation 5 and generation -1 is the same as generation 4.< If you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE fetches theB generation with the given CMS generation ex pression and ignores3 the generation number on the gen-spec parameter.B You can fetch more than one module by using wildcard characters= in the facility name, module name, or type name. (WildcardD characters are not allowed in the generation number.) The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters@ in the position it occupies. Those source modules whose names* match the wildcard pattern are fetched.B You can also fetch multiple modules by specifying the name of aA source group instead of a generation expression. Source groupsD are created with the CREATE GROUP command. If you specify a groupA name, the latest generation of each module that is a member of) the group is copied to your directory. "remark"B Specifies a remark string to be logged in the history file with@ this command, usually to explain why the command was entered.B Specify ing the remark parameter is equivalent to specifying the- /REMARK qualifier after the FETCH keyword. 2 Description@ The FETCH command copies the specified generation of a moduleB from the VDE library to a file in your default directory or the@ directory specified with the /OUTPUT qualifier. The module isD not reserved from the library nor can it be replaced into the VDEA library. You can fetch a module whether or not it is reserved.= The presence or absence of a remark  determines whether the@ FETCH transaction is recorded in the CMS history file for theB facility. If you enter a remark, VDE records the transaction inD the history file. If you enter a null remark, VDE does not record' the transaction in the history file.B When you fetch a generation of a module from a VDE library, VDEC restores the file's creation time, revision time, record format,C and record attributes. The file that is placed in your directoryD has the same creation and revision times as the file that created( the generation that you are fetching. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each? module fetched. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print aD message for each module generation that you have specified askingC whether you want to fetch that generation. If you answer YES (orA Y), the module is fetched. If you answer NO (or N), the moduleD is not fetched. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to fetch each? specified module generation without asking for confirmation. /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-expr? Specifies that the module generation with the CMS generationA expression given by the gen-expr parameter be fetched from the@ VDE library. When this qualifier is specified, the generation9 number specified on the gen-spec parameter is ignored. /HISTORY /HISTORY[="string"]C S pecifies that history information is to be included in the file@ placed in your directory. The history of the module lists theB generations that preceded the current generation of the module.B Each generation produces one line of history information in the? output file. This line gives the CMS generation number, user? name, date, time, and remark associated with the generation.B The quoted string specifies the format of the history line. TheA quoted string must contain the ch aracters #H or #B (lower caseA is allowed) and can contain other printing characters (such as@ comment delimiters). Each history line is formed by insertingD the history information where you specify #H or #B in the historyA string. If you specify #H, the history information is insertedA at the end of the file and if you specify #B it is inserted at@ the beginning of the file. To include a quotation mark in theB output history string, type it twice (""). To include a numberA sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice (##). IfA the string parameter is omitted, VDE uses the module's default history string.B If the /HISTORY and /NOHISTORY qualifiers are both omitted, theB FETCH command generates history information only if the historyB attribute is enabled for the module. This attribute is set with. the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command. /NOHISTORYB Specifies that history information is not to be appended to the( output file placed in your directory. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed after each moduleD generation is fetched. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages toD be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate thatB the modules have been fetched and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /MERGE /MERGE=stream-name /MERGE=(gen-expr)@ Controls whether another generation of the module (called the= merge generation) is to be merged with the generation that= is being fetched (called the retrieved generation). If youC specify the /MERGE qualifier with the stream-name parameter, theA merge generation is the latest generation of the module in theA specified stream. If you specify the /MERGE qualifier with theC gen-expr parameter enclosed in parentheses, the merge generationB is the generation with the specified generation expression (for example, "2 A3").A When you specify the /MERGE qualifier, VDE merges the lines ofB the retrieved generation with the lines of the merge generation? and delivers the merged text as a single file to your output? directory. The file that is placed in your directory has theC current creation and revision times. The merge generation cannotC be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation. When? there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, VDE9 includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.> VDE uses the callable interface to CMS to provide the mergeD capability. For a detailed explanation of how two generations areB merged and how CMS (and therefore VDE) treats conflicts between. the generations, see the CMS documentation. /NOTES /NOTES[="string"]B Specifies that CMS notes are to be appended to the lines of theA output file. CMS notes indicate in what module generation each source line was created.A The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted= string can contain text (including the appropriate comment= delimiter) and the characters #G or #g. The CMS generation@ expression of the generation in which the line first appearedB in inserted where you specify #G or #g. The resulting string isA appended to the end of the output line. To include a quotationC mark in the output notes string, type it twice (""). To include? a number sign (#) in the output notes string, type it twiceC (##). If the string parameter is omitted, VDE uses the module'sC default notes string. (You set the default notes string with the+ CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.)> If the /NOTES and /NONOTES qualifiers are both omitted, the@ FETCH command generates CMS notes only if the notes attributeC is enabled for the module. This attribute is set with the CREATE# MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command. /NONOTESB Specifies that CMS notes are not to be appended to the lines of% the file placed in your directory. /NOOUTPUTC Specifies that the fetch operation is to be performed along withD any history processing and error checking but that no output file is to be created. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specificationA Directs VDE to write the fetched module to the specified file.D If you omit the directory from the file specification, VDE writesC the file to your default directory. If you omit the file na me orB file type, VDE uses the module name and type by default. If youD omit the /OUTPUT and /NOOUTPUT qualifiers entirely, VDE creates aC file in your current default directory with the same name as the module.D If you fetch more than one module with the same /OUTPUT qualifier@ (by using either wildcards or a group name in the module-nameA parameter) and you do not specify wildcards in the output file= specification, VDE creates successive versions of the file& indicated by the /OUTPUT qualifier. /POSITION /POSITION=column-number@ Specifies the column in which CMS notes are to be placed. The= column number must be an integer in the range 1 to 511. IfA the length of an output line is less than the specified column> number, the note appears at the specified column number. If@ the length of the line is greater than or equal to the column@ number, the note is placed at the next tab stop after the endC of the line. (Tab stops are at position 9 and every 8 characters thereafter.)D If the /POSITION qualifier is omitted, the default notes position< for the module is used. The default notes position is setA with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command. The /POSITIONC qualifier has no effect unless the /NOTES qualifier is specified0 or the notes attribute is set for the module. /REMARK /REMARK="string"D Specifies a remark string to be logged in the CMS history file byD this command, usually to explain why the command was entered. TheB remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark is entered,% the fetch operation is not logged. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameD Specifies that the modules be fetched from the development streamD given by the stream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted,B the modules are fetched from the default development stream. IfB this qualifier is omitted and no default stream is defined, VDE# prompts you for the stream name. 2 Examples7 1.VDE> FETCH [FACIL]MODNAM.MAR/REMARK="Just curious"V %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [FACIL]MODNAM.MAR;17(15A2) fetched from library; %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MODNAM.MAR; VDE>? This FETCH command retrieves the most recent generation ofD module [FACIL]MODNAM.MAR in the default development stream. TheD log message shows that the most recent generation is generationC 17. Its CMS generation ex pression is 15A2. The file MODNAM.MAR0 is created in the user's default directory. 2.VDE> FETCH FOO.BAR;5N %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]FOO.BAR;5(5) fetched from library8 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.BAR; VDE>? This example fetches generation 5 of module FOO.BAR in the= default stream. Generation 5 is not necessarily the mostA recent generation of the module in the default stream. SinceB no facility name is specified, the module is assumed to be in) the default facility, facility CODE. 3.VDE> FETCH FOO.BAR;-1N %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]FOO.BAR;5(5) fetched from library8 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.BAR; VDE>A This example is the same as the previous example except that> the user specifies a relative generation number, -1. ThisD generation number causes VDE to fetch the generation before theC most recent generation. In this case, gen eration 6 is the most@ recent generation. As a result, the FETCH command retrieves, generation 5, as the log message shows.$ 4.VDE> FETCH MOD1, MOD2, MOD3, X*M %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD1.C;4(4) fetched from library7 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD1.C;O %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD2.C;8(7C1) fetched from library7 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD2.C;M %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD3.C;1(1) fetched from library7 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD3.C;O %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]MOD3.PLI;1(1) fetched from library9 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD3.PLI;V %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]XAVIER.PAS;25(5A2B8) fetched from library; %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]XAVIER.PAS;Q %VDE-I-FETCHED, module generation [CODE]XERXES.FOR;5(5) fetched from library; %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]XERXES.FOR; VDE>< In this example, the FETCH command retrieves the latestA generations of modules MOD1.C, MOD2.C, MOD3.C, and MOD3.PLI,D along with all source modules whose names begin with the letterD X. The module type defaults to the wildcard string that matchesA all module types (*). Hence the command fetches both MOD3.C and MOD3.PLI. ww ĵ1 HELP> This is the HELP command for the VDE and various associatedD utilities (including the VSC utility), for VDE Version 1.5-0. TheD HELP command allows users to obtain command syntax and functional3 information about the VDE and the VSC utilities. Format HELP [topic] 2 Parameter topic; Specifies the topic or command name about which you want information. 2 Description@ To display the list of all available VDE commands and topics,D enter the HELP command without a parameter. To obtain informationB about individual commands or topics, enter HELP followed by the command or topic name. 2 Qualifiers None. 2 Examples 1.VDE> HELP@ This command causes VDE to list all commands and topics for% which you can request help text. 2.VDE> HELP BUILD@ This command causes VDE to display help text explaining the BUILD command.# 3.VDE> HELP CREATE MODULE/REMARK@ This command causes VDE to display help text explaining the4 /REMARK qualifier to the CREATE MODULE command. 4.VDE> HELP LOGICAL_NAMESD This command causes VDE to display help text explaining logical( names and how they are used by VDE. ww3ĵ 1 INSERT 2 GENERATIONC Inserts a module generation into a specified development stream,@ making it the latest generation of the module in that stream. Requires PERFREP privilege. FormatA INSERT GENERATION gen-spec [, gen-spec...] targ-stream-name"  ["remark"] 3 Parameter gen-specB Specifies a module generation in a specified development streamC that should be inserted into the stream given by the stream-nameB parameter. A generation specification consists of the following in order:; o an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets o a module name0 o an optional type name preceded by a period; o an optional generation number preceded by a semicolon? An example of  a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.B If you omit the facility name, the default facility is assumed.@ If you omit the type name, generations for all source modules? with the specified module name in the specified facility are= inserted into the given stream. If you omit the generationA number, the most recent generation of the module in the streamB specified with the /STREAM qualifier is inserted into the given stream.C If you specify a zero or negative gen eration number, that numberA is relative to the most recent generation of the module in theB stream given by the /STREAM qualifier. For example, if the mostC recent generation is generation 5, then generation 0 is the sameA as generation 5 and generation -1 is the same as generation 4.< If you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE inserts theB generation with the given CMS generation expression and ignores3 the generation number on the gen-spec parameter.< You can ins ert more than one generation by using wildcardB characters in the facility name, module name, or type name. TheB percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in theB position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or moreB characters in the position it occupies. Wildcard characters areA not allowed in the generation number. Those module generations? whose names match the wildcard pattern are inserted into the stream-name stream.A Unless the WILD_INS_GEN  library attribute is enabled, VDE does@ not allow wildcard characters in the generation specificationC when you use the /GENERATION qualifier. It seldom makes sense toB select generations with the same CMS generation expression fromD different modules. For the same reason, VDE does not allow you toB use wildcard characters and a non-zero generation number in theA same generation specification (as in *.*;-2), again unless the) WILD_INS_GEN library attribute is set. targ-stream-nameD Specifies the development stream into which the generations given1 by the gen-spec parameters should be inserted.= One can specify the source generation for the operation in= several ways, one of which is based on the generation in a5 specified source stream-see the /STREAM qualifier. "remark"? Specifies a remark string that explains why you inserted theA generation into the specified stream. The quoted remark stringD can be up to 132 characters  long. Specifying the remark parameter> is equivalent to specifying the /REMARK qualifier after the INSERT GENERATION keywords. 3 DescriptionC The INSERT GENERATION command inserts the module generations youC specify with the gen-spec parameters into the development streamC you specify with the stream-name parameter. Each such generation? becomes the latest generation of the corresponding module in@ the stream-name stream. The command thus lets you move module1 gen erations from one stream to another stream.A If the specified module is currently reserved in the specifiedA stream, VDE terminates that reservation since it is based on a@ module generation that no longer is the latest generation forB the stream. VDE sends a mail message to notify the owner of the, reservation that the reservation is lost.A Note that there are two stream specifications possible on thisA command. The destination stream-specified by the target stream; name parameter-and the optional source stream qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> generation inserted into the specified stream. The /CONFIRM> qualifier causes VDE to print a message for each generation@ giving the name of the generation and asking whether you wantB to insert the generation into the stream. If you answer YES (or@ Y), the generation is inserted in to the stream. If you answerA NO (or N), the generation is not inserted into the stream. TheA /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to insert each generation into8 the specified stream without asking for confirmation. /NOCMS_CLASS= Prevents the inserted generations from being inserted intoA the CMS class for the specified stream, even if a CMS class isD normally maintained for the stream. The INSERT GENERATION commandB executes faster than otherwise if CMS class memberships are not updated. /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-exprC Specifies that the generation with the CMS generation expressionA given by the gen-expr parameter be inserted into the specifiedB stream. When this qualifier is specified, the generation number2 specified on the gen-spec parameter is ignored. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after the generations: are inserted into the stream. The /LOG qualifier causes> such messages to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. TheA messages indicate that the generations have been inserted into= the specified stream and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"? Specifies a remark string that explains why you inserted theA generation into the specified stream. The quoted remark string$ can be up to 132 characters long. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name@ Specifi es the stream in which the generation should be looked@ up if you omit the /GENERATION qualifier. This qualifier thus= affects the interpretation of the generation number in theB command-level gen-spec parameter when the /GENERATION qualifier= is omitted. If you omit both the /STREAM qualifier and theD /GENERATION qualifier, VDE prompts you for the name of the stream- in which to look up the generation number. 3 Examples? 1.VDE> INSERT GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4/ST REAM=V2.0 BL-22Q %VDE-I-GENINSERT, generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4(4) inserted into stream BL-22C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> VDE> SET STREAM BL-22) VDE> SHOW GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.CT Generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4(4) by user JONES on 9-MAY-1990 19:43 VDE>@ This example inserts generation 4 of module [FACIL]MODNAM.CC from stream V2.0 into stream BL-22, making that generation the' latest generation in stream BL-22. wwOĵ 1 INVOKE 2 SCRIPT< Invokes a VDE script from the VDE database and writes the? resulting DCL command file to a directory in the current VDE) library or to a VDE scratch directory. Format INVOKE SCRIPT 3 Description> The INVOKE SCRIPT command reads a specified VDE script from? the VDE database, executes the script language in the scriptB to produce a DCL command file, and writes that DCL co mmand fileC to the appropriate directory. The INVOKE SCRIPT command does not* execute the resulting DCL command file.D The directory that receives the DCL command file is the directory@ that would receive it if the script were executed normally asD part of a VDE command. This directory depends on the script type,C and is displayed in a log message. You can use the INVOKE SCRIPTB command to examine the DCL code generated by VDE in response to your scripts.D You must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script youA want invoked. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command@ for an explanation of the format of scripts and the differentB types of scripts. Also see the description of the CREATE SCRIPT< command for an explanation of how VDE selects scripts forA specific modules or facilities. If the scripts you select haveD multiple segment numbers, VDE selects one script for each segmentB number and generates the DCL command file from those scripts in" order by their segment numbers.C The INVOKE SCRIPT command always selects and invokes the desired; script in the context of the default development stream.B Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords,C while script functions are in Script Functions, and script typesC are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also seeC CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT. 3 Qualifiers /BUILD? Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be invoked. /COMPILE /COMPILE=mod-nameD Specifies that a COMPILE script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /COPY /COPY=mod-nameA Specifies that a COPY script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /CREATE_FACILITY> Specifies that the facility creation script be invoked. TheA the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script functions (among5 others) are determined when the script is invoked. /DELETE_GENERATION! /DELETE_GENERATION=mod-nameC Specifies that a DELETE_GENERATION script for the default stream? be invoked for a specified module, using VDE's normal script@ selection rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name ofA the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The@ specifi ed module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, andC $TYP script functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /DIFFERENCES /DIFFERENCES=mod-name= Specifies that a DIFFERENCES script for the default stream? be invoked for a specified module, using VDE's normal script@ selection rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name ofA the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The@ specified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, andC $TYP script functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /FETCH /FETCH=mod-nameB Specifies that a FETCH script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /INSERT_GENERATION! /INSERT_GENERATION=mod-nameD Specifies that an INSERT_GENERATION script for the default stream? be invoked for a specified module, using VDE's normal script@ selection rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name ofA the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The@ specified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, andC $TYP script functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /LINK /LINK=mod-nameA Specifies that a LINK script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the script isA invoked. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate< that the script has been invoked and give the name of the resulting DCL command file. /NEW_STREAM /NEW_STREAM=fac-name? Specifies that a NEW_STREAM script for the default stream be> invoked for a specified facility, using VDE's normal script@ selection rules. The fac-name parameter specifies the name of? the facility. This name may not contain wildcard characters.A The specified facility determines the value of the $FAC script' function when the script is invoked. /NOKEEP /NOKEEP=mod-nameC Specifies that a NOKEEP script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /REPLACE /REPLACE=mod-nameD Specifies that a REPLACE script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /RESERVE /RESERVE=mod-nameD Specifies that a RESERVE script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /SET_FACILITY /SET_FACILITY=fac-nameA Specifies that a SET_FACILITY script for the default stream be> invoked for a specified facility, using VDE's normal script@ selection rules. The fac-name parameter specifies the name of? the facility. This name may not contain wildcard characters.A The specified facility determines the value of the $FAC script' function when the script is invoked. /SET_STREAMA Specifies that the SET_STREAM script for the default stream be invoked. /STAGING /STAGING=mod-nameD Specifies that a STAGING script for the default stream be invoked> for a specified module, using VDE's normal script selectionB rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name of the module.? This name may not contain wildcard characters. The specifiedB module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, and $TYP script7 functions (among others) when the script is invoked. /UNRESERVE /UNRESERVE=mod-name? Specifies that an UNRES ERVE script for the default stream be< invoked for a specified module, using VDE's normal script@ selection rules. The mod-name parameter specifies the name ofA the module. This name may not contain wildcard characters. The@ specified module determines the values of the $FAC, $MOD, andC $TYP script functions (among others) when the script is invoked. 3 Examples% 1.$ INVOKE SCRIPT/COMPILE=MODNAM.CJ %VDE-I-SCRPUSED, script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10) usedN %VDE-I-SCRPFILE, script produced DCL command file DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE .VDE$COM]MODNAM.C;12( script to compile module [CODE]*.C VDE> EXIT $/ $ TYPE [PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.VDE$COM]MODNAM.C1 $ ! DCL command file to execute a VDE script $ !% $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO VDE$ERROR $ ! $ SET VERIFY5 $ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.SRC]5 $ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ]1 $ CC/DEBUG/OBJ=OBJ$:/ANA=OBJ$: SRC$:MODNAM.C# $ VDE/DEPEND C OBJ$:MODNAM.ANA $ !4 $ SET NOVERIFY ! Successful script completion $ VDE/STATUS SUCCESS $ EXIT $VDE$ERROR:4 $ SET NOVERIFY ! Script completed with errors $ VDE/STATUS FAILURE $ EXIT $? In this example, the user invokes the script that compilesB module MODNAM.C in facility CODE. VDE selects the appropriateC script using its normal script selection rules and applies the@ script to that module. VDE writes the resulting DCL commandC file to a file called MODNAM.C in the VDE$COM subdirectory forC the given stream and facility. (The COMPILE and BUILD commandsA use this directory when they generate and execute build-step> command files.) The subsequent DCL TYPE command shows theC text of the DCL command file. This text includes some standard@ "boiler-plate" at the beginning and end of the file. In the? middle of the file are the DCL commands that come from theD script itself. These commands enable command-line verification,? define two logical names, compile the module MODNAM.C, andB use the VDE/DEPEND command to record the compile step's build@ dependencies. The surrounding boiler-plate traps errors and: records the build step's status (success or failure). wwĵ1 LINKA Links the specified modules using the appropriate scripts from the database. Requires BUILD privilege. Format# LINK mod-name [, mod-name...] 2 Parameter mod-name? Specifies a module to be linked. The module name consists ofB an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module@ name, and an optional type name preceded by a period, such asA [FACIL]MOD1.EXE. If no facility name is specified, the defaultA facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, module type EXE is assumed.D You can link more than one module by using wildcard c haracters inC any of the three components of the module name. The percent signA (%) in a name matches any single character in the position itD occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters inD the position it occupies. VDE links modules whose names match the wildcard pattern. 2 Description? The LINK command links a module the same way it is linked in> a build job. The LINK command retrieves the link script for> each specified module and generates a  DCL command file from> the script. The command then executes the command file in a@ subprocess. If the module links successfully, VDE updates theB build dependency information for the link step in the database.C The LINK command can be used to link a module without starting a@ build job. It is often used to test link scripts. It can also> be used to collect the initial dependency information for aA link step that does not yet have dependency information in the database. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the link stepB executes. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate@ that the link step has completed, either successfully or withD errors, and that the dependency information for the step has been updated in the VDE database. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameC Specifies that the modules be linked for the stream given by theC stream-name parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, the modules% are linked for the default stream. 2 Examples 1.VDE> LINK [CODE]X.EXE5 $ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ DEV$:[PROJDIR.MAIN.CODE.OBJ]- $ LINK /EXE=OBJ$:X.EXE /MAP=OBJ$:X.MAP -> OBJ$:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJ$:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY $ !4 $ SET NOVERIFY ! Successful script completion@ %VDE-I-LINKSUCC, link of [CODE]X.EXE completed successfullyD %VDE-I-DEPUPDATE, dependency information updated for build step VDE>A This example links module X.EXE in facility CODE. The output> from the execution of the link script is displayed on the= terminal. The final log messages show that the link step? completed successfully and that its dependency information! was updated in the database. ww>ĵ 1 MODIFY 2 ARCHITECTURE= Modifies one or more architecture table ent ries in the VDE- database. Each architecture table entry..." Requires the CREARCH privilege.1 ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented.> An architecture is a construct that encompasses one or more; facilities, and allows modules to exist in a "common" or= "default" facility, and zero or more architecture specificC facilities. In must the same fashion as the SYS$SYSROOT: logical? name allows one to support both system-specific and cluster-D common files, an !architecture allows one to support architecture-, specific and architecture-common modules. Format4 MODIFY ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...] 3 Parameter arch-nameC The name of the architecture to be modified. This name may be up9 to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description Under Construction... 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM Under Construction... /DELETE /DELETE (default) /NODELETE Under Construction... /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Under Construction... /NAME Under Construction... /REMARK /REMARK="string": Specifies a remark string to be stored for the modifiedA architecture. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about theD architecture. that you want stored in the VDE database. TypicallyD the remark describes the function or purpose of the architecture. 3 Examples7 1.VDE> MODIFY ARCHITECTURE VAXPDP/REMARK="Version n" VDE> Under Construction... 2 BUILD_JOB? Modifies the batch queues, process count, remark string, and? other attributes of existing build jobs in the VDE database. Requires BUILD privilege. Format7 MODIFY BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]] 3 Parameter stream-name@ The name of a development stream containing the build jobs toB be modified. To specify the build jobs, use the /IDENTIFICATIONB qualifier. If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the4 most recent build job for the stream is modified.= You can modify build jobs in more than one stream by usingC wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) inB a name matches any single character in the position it occupies? and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the@ position it occupies. Build jobs in those streams whose names+ match the wildcard pattern are modified.: If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE modifies theC attributes of one or more build jobs for the default development stream. 3 Description: The MODIFY BUILD_JOB command modifies the attributes of= build jobs having the specified stream names and build jobC identification numbers. You can modify the following attributes:D the batch queues to whi ch the job is submitted for execution, theD total number of batch processes submitted, the remark string, theD step-delay interval, and the timeout interval. VDE modifies these? attributes by updating the database with the information youD specify. You cannot modify the queues or process count of a build@ job that has started running or that has completed execution.> You can, however, suspend a running build job, modify those# attributes, and restart the job. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachA build job modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printB a message for each build job asking whether you want that build@ job modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the attributes of theC build job are modified in the database. If you answer NO (or N),C the attributes are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causesC VDE to modify the attributes of the specified build jobs without asking for confirmation. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=id-rangeC Specifies the build job identification numbers of the build jobsD to be modified for the specified development stream. The id-rangeC parameter can be a single integer value, a range of integers, orC a wildcard character. If the parameter is a single integer value@ (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE modifies the build job with thatA identification number. If the  parameter is a range of integers? (specified as two build job identification numbers separatedA by a colon as in /IDENT=3:5), VDE modifies all build jobs withA identification numbers in that range. Finally, if the id-rangeD parameter is the asterisk wildcard (as in /IDENT=*), VDE modifies+ all build jobs for the specified stream.= If you specify a zero or negative build job identification? number in the id-range parameter, that number is relative toA the identification number of the most recent build job for theC stream. For example, if the most recent build job is job 5, thenD /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=5 and /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=4.D If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, VDE modifies theD attributes of the most recent build job for the specified stream. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether log messages are printed after each build job isB modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicateD that the build job has been modified in the database and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. /PROCESS_COUNT /PROCESS_COUNT=proc-count> Specifies the number of processes to execute the build job.@ When the build job is started with a START BUILD_JOB command,< VDE creates the processes by submitting batch jobs to the= queues specified by the /QUEUE qualifier or to the defaultB queues for the default stream. The number of processes that VDEA creates (that is, the number of OpenVMS batch jobs it submits)> is specified by the proc-count parameter. As a result, this? parameter determines the degree of parallelism for the build job. /QUEUE* /QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])? Specifies the OpenVMS batch queues to which the build job isA submitted by a subsequent START BUILD_JOB command. Each queue-C  name parameter specifies the name of one batch queue. The queue-? name parameter may optionally be followed by a process count? in parentheses. This count specifies the number of processesC that are started on the queue to run the build job. For example,C SYS$BATCH(3) causes three build-job processes to be submitted toC queue SYS$BATCH. If the process count is omitted, one process is submitted to the queue.D If you only specify one queue-name parameter, the parentheses m ay be omitted.? If you also use the /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier, that qualifier@ states the total number of build-job processes to create. The> process counts attached to the queue-name parameters on theB /QUEUE qualifier are then used as scaling factors to distributeD build-job processes among the queues proportionally. For example,C if you specify queues HI_BATCH, HO_BATCH(3), and a total process@ count of eight, then two processes are submitted to queue HI_B BATCH and six processes to queue HO_BATCH. If the total processD count does not divide evenly into the sum of the scaling factors,C the remaining processes are allocated to the queues in the orderA the queues are listed. If the total process count is nine, for@ example, the one extra process is allocated to queue HI_BATCH$ because HI_BATCH is listed first. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a remark string to be stored in the database for eachD specified build job. The quoted remark string, which can be up toC 132 characters long, may contain any explanatory remark that youA want to store in the database. This string replaces the remark> string from the original BUILD command or from any previous MODIFY BUILD_JOB command. /STEP_DELAY /STEP_DELAY=time-interval< Specifies the step-delay time interval used by VDE$BUILD.C VDE$BUILD is the program that executes the build steps belonging@ to the build job. If VDE$BUILD cannot find an available build= step in the database, the program waits the amount of time@ specified by the /STEP_DELAY qualifier before it looks in theA database again. See the description of the BUILD command for a/ more detailed description of this qualifier. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=time-interval@ Specifies the timeout interval for the build job. If no build= steps complete during this interval, the VDE$BUILD utility@ stops the build job and assigns it TIMEOUT status. Therefore,@ the timeout interval must be longer than the time required toD complete the longest build step. See the description of the BUILD= command for a more detailed description of this qualifier. 3 ExamplesE 1.VDE> MODIFY BUILD_JOB V2.0-3/IDENT=15/REMARK="New remark string"J %VDE-I-BLDJOBMOD, build job 15 for stream V2.0-3 modified in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>@ This example modifies the remark string of build job 15 for stream V2.0-3.K 2.VDE> MODIFY BUILD_JOB/QUEUE=(PHI_BATCH, FOO_BATCH(3))/PROCESS_COUNT=10H %VDE-I-BLDJOBMOD, build job 12 for stream V5.2 modified in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>= This command modifies the batch queues and process count> associated with the most recent build job for the default) stream, build job 12 of stream V5.2. 2 CONTEXT= Modifies the attributes of one or more contexts in the VDE< database. The attributes of a context that you can modifyD include its name, remark, default development stream, and defaultB facility. One context can be used to set the default stream and4 facility when first connecting to a VDE database.; Requires the CRECTX privilege to modify public contexts. Format- MODIFY CONTEXT ctx-name [, ctx-name...] 3 Parameter ctx-name= The name of an existing context whose attributes are to beD modified. You can modify more than one context at a time by usingD wildcard characters in the context name. The percent sign (%) inA a context name matches any single character in the position itD occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters inA the position it occupies. Those contexts whose names match the! wildcard pattern are modified. 3 DescriptionC A "context" specifies defaults for VDE sessions. When you modify= a context using t he MODFY CONTEXT command, you specify theB name of the context, the associated development stream, and the associated facility.? To apply the defaults associated with a context, specify theC context name as a parameter to the SET CONTEXT command. To set aC particular context as the default context for use when you issueB the SET LIBRARY command, use the SET CONTEXT/DEFAULT command to4 mark a particular context as the default context.- There are two kinds of contexts a vailable:A o the private context is available to and only visible to the user who created it.A o the public context is available to all users of the current VDE library.? You do not need special VDE privileges to create or modify a> private context, but you must have the VDE CRECTX privilege@ to create or modify a public context. While a private contextB can have the same name as a public context, neither two private< contexts nor two public contexts can share the same name. 3 Qualifiers /ARCHITECTURE Under Construction... /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachA context definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDEB to print a message for the specified context giving the name ofB the context and asking whether you want to modify that context.@ If you answer YES (or Y), the attributes are modified. If youD answer NO (or N), the attributes are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM? qualifier causes VDE to modify the attributes of the context# without asking for confirmation. /FACILITY /FACILITY=facil-name /NOFACILITY@ The /FACILITY qualifier specifies that the indicated facilityD becomes the default facility when the context is established with@ the SET CONTEXT command. The default facility is the facilityB that is assumed when the facility name is omitted from a module= name. The /NOFACILITY qualifier specifies that the default/ facility established by the context is null. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed after the contextD definitions are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messagesB to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate? that the context definitions have been modified and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME=ctx-nameD Specifies a new name for the context. The new context name can beB up to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. After@ the context name is changed, you must refer to the context byD its new name in all subsequent VDE commands. The old name is lost from the database. /PRIVATE? Specifies whether the context that is modified is private orC public. The /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to modify your private< context by that name. The /PUBLIC qualifier causes VDE toC modify the public context by that name. You must have the CRECTX* privilege to use the /PUBLIC qualifier.4 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /PRIVATE is the default. /PUBLIC? Specifies whether the context that is modified is private orC public. The /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to modify your private< context by that name. The /PUBLIC qualifier causes VDE toC modify the public context by that name. You must have the CRECTX* privilege to use the /P UBLIC qualifier.4 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /PRIVATE is the default. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a remark string for the context. This string replaces@ the remark string from the original CREATE CONTEXT command or> from any previous MODIFY CONTEXT command. The quoted remarkB string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any? explanatory remark about the context that you want stored inC the VDE database. Typically the remark describes the  function or purpose of the context. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name /NOSTREAMA The /STREAM qualifier specifies that the indicated developmentD stream becomes the default stream when the context is establishedB with the SET CONTEXT command. The /NOSTREAM qualifier specifies> that the default stream established by the context is null. 3 Examples> 1.VDE> MODIFY CONTEXT DEFAULT/STREAM=V2.2-BL1/FACILITY=COPYL %VDE-I-CTXMOD, information for contex t DEFAULT modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed: VDE> DEFINE/KEY KP6 "SET CONTEXT DEFAULTS" /TERMINATE VDE>  VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH], Context DEFAULT (private to user SMITH)" Default stream is V2.2-BL1 Default facility is COPY VDE>@ The MODIFY CONTEXT command specifies stream V2.2-BL1 as the=  default stream and facility COPY as the default facility= for private context DEFAULT. This context is the default> at the start of each VDE session. The SET CONTEXT command? establishes these defaults for the current VDE session, as( the SHOW DEFAULTS command confirms.4 2.VDE> MODIFY CONTEXT/PUBLIC/FACILITY=EXEC PUBCTXK %VDE-I-CTXMOD, information for context PUBCTX modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed   VDE> SHOW CONTEXT PUBCTX) Context PUBCTX (public to all users) Default stream is V2.0 Default facility is EXEC VDE>@ The MODIFY CONTEXT command establishes facility EXEC as theA default facility for public context PUBCTX. The SHOW CONTEXT4 command shows that the change has taken effect. 2 FACILITY? Modifies the attributes of one or more facilities in the VDE@ database. The attributes of a facility you can modify are its name and remark string. Requires CREFAC privilege. Format2 MODIFY FACILITY facil-name [, facil-name...] 3 Parameter facil-name: The name of a facility in the current VDE library whose> attributes are to be modified. You can modify more than oneB facility at a time by using wildcard characters in the facilityD name. The percent sign (%) in a facility name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D VDE modifies the attributes of those facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ facility modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print> a message for the specified facility giving the name of the= facility and ask whether you want to modify that facility.@ If you answer YES (or Y), the attributes are modified. If youD answer NO (or N), the attributes are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM@ qualifier causes VDE to modify the attributes of the facility# without asking for confirmation. /DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE (default)= Sets or clears the delete attribute for the facility. This> attribute allows the facility to be deleted with the DELETED FACILITY command. The /DELETE qualifier sets the delete attribute? so that the facility can be deleted. The /NODELETE qualifier= clears the delete attribute so that the facility cannot be1 deleted without first resetting the attribute. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG? Controls whether log messages are printed after the facilityD definitions are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messagesB to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate@ that the facility definitions have been modified and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME=facil-name? Specifies a new name for the facility. The new facility nameB can be up to 39 characters long and must follow normal VDE nameC syntax. After the facility name has been changed, you must referB to the facility by its new name in all subsequent VDE commands.* The old name is lost from the database. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGATE /NOPROPAGATE? Specifies whether automatic change propagation is allowed by? default for new modules created in this facility. /PROPAGATE; causes new modules added to the facility to be marked as: allowing automatic change propagation when reserved andC replaced. /NOPROPAGATE marks such modules as not allowing changeC propagation. When you create new modules, you can override these9 defaults with qualifiers to the CREATE MODULE command. /REMARK /REMARK="string"C Specifies a remark string for the facility. This string replacesA  the remark string from the original CREATE FACILITY command or? from any previous MODIFY FACILITY command. The quoted remarkB string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any@ explanatory remark about the facility that you want stored inC the VDE database. Typically the remark describes the function or contents of the facility. 3 Examples< 1.VDE> MODIFY FACILITY ACCTNG /REMARK="New remark string"L %VDE-I-FACMOD, information for facility ACCTNG mo dified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed@ In this example, the user specifies a new remark string for@ facility ACCTNG. This remark string can be retrieved with a& subsequent SHOW FACILITY command.0 2.VDE> MODIFY FACILITY/NAME=ACCOUNTING ACCTNGP %VDE-I-FACMOD, information for facility ACCOUNTING modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed? In this example, the name o f facility ACCTNG is changed toC ACCOUNTING. You must refer to the facility by this new name in! all subsequent VDE commands.F 3.VDE> MODIFY FACILITY/CONFIRM ACCTNG/REMARK="New remark string", -H _VDE> FUMBLE/REMARK="New remark string"% Modify facility ACCTNG ? [No]: Y< %VDE-I-FACMOD, facility ACCTNG modified in the database% Modify facility FUMBLE ? [No]: NC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed V DE>D This example illustrates the /CONFIRM qualifier. This qualifier? causes VDE to ask the user whether each specified facility@ should be modified. For facility ACCTNG, the user answers YB (for YES) and the remark string for that facility is modifiedD in the database, as the log message shows. For facility FUMBLE,C the user answers N (for NO) and that facility is not modified.C Hence there is no log message for that facility. The final logB message indicates that the database transaction for the whole( command has successfully committed. 2 FOLDD Modifies the remark string of one or more fold records in the VDE database. Requires RESREP privilege. Format* MODIFY FOLD mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name@ Specifies a module for which a fold record is to be modified.A The module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an opt ional type nameB preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the facilityB name is omitted, the module is assumed to belong to the defaultC facility. If the type name is omitted, VDE modifies fold records? for all source modules with the specified module name in the given facility.@ You can modify fold records for more than one module by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)C matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. VDEA modifies fold records for all source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 Description= The MODIFY FOLD command modifies the remark string of each- specified fold record in the VDE database. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)C Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you wan t each fold> record modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print> a message for each fold record asking whether you want that> record modified. If you answer YES (or Y), that fold record< is modified in the database. If you answer NO (or N), theA fold record is not modified. If you enter a module name with aC wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the modificationB of fold records for each module whose name matches the wildcardC specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify the: specified fold records without asking for confirmation. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=fold-ident> Specifies the fold record to be modified. This qualifier is< required when you have multiple fold records for the sameB module in the same stream. The fold-ident parameter is the foldD identifier of the fold record to be modified. The fold identifierC is the identifier you specified or VDE assigned when you createdD the fold record, usually a small integer value. Use the SHOW FOLD@ command to determine the fold identifier of each fold record. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each fold recordC has been modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages? indicate that the fold record has been modified and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed.  /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a new remark string for the fold record. This stringA replaces the remark string from the original REPLACE or CREATE= FOLD command or from any previous MODIFY FOLD command. The@ quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long,D may contain any explanatory remark about the fold record that youB want stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describesA the purpose or contents of a source change to be folded into a development stream. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameD Specifies the development stream for which fold records should beD modified. The stream-name parameter gives the name of the stream.B If this qualifier is omitted, VDE modifies fold records for the# default development stream only. /USERNAME /USERNAME=username> Specifies that fold records are to be modified on behalf of= another user. The username parameter specifies the OpenVMSC   username of the other user. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 ExamplesD 1.VDE> MODIFY FOLD [CODE]X.FOR/IDENT=1/REMARK="New remark string"N %VDE-I-FOLDMOD, fold record 1 for module [CODE]X.FOR modified in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This example specifies a new remark string for fold record 1@ for module [CODE]X.FOR. The log messages show that the fold& record was succ!essfully modified. 2 GENERATION: Modifies the attributes associated with specific module# generations in the VDE database. Requires RESREP privilege. Format0 MODIFY GENERATION gen-spec [, gen-spec...] 3 Parameter gen-spec@ Specifies a module generation in a specified (or the default)< development stream whose attributes are to be modified. A? generation specification consists of the following in order:; o an optional facility name "enclosed in square brackets o a module name0 o an optional type name preceded by a period; o an optional generation number preceded by a semicolon? An example of a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.= If you omit the facility name, module generations from the< default facility are modified. If you omit the type name,@ generations for all modules with the specified module name inB the specified facility are modified. If you omit the generationD num #ber, the most recent generation of the module in the specified stream is modified.C If you specify a zero or negative generation number, that numberA is relative to the most recent generation of the module in the> stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier (or the defaultA stream if that qualifier is omitted). For example, if the mostC recent generation is generation 5, then generation 0 is the sameA as generation 5 and generation -1 is the same as generation 4.= If $you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE modifies theB generation with the given CMS generation expression and ignores3 the generation number on the gen-spec parameter.< You can modify more than one generation by using wildcardB characters in the facility name, module name, or type name. TheB percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in theB position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or moreD characters in the position it occupies. An asterisk (*)% in place@ of the generation number matches all generations of a module.B Those module generations whose names match the wildcard pattern are modified. 3 DescriptionD The MODIFY GENERATION command allows you to modify the attributesC associated with a specific module generation in the VDE library.C Attributes that can be altered via the MODIFY GENERATION command include:? o The generation's remark string. This string is originally6 created by the CREAT &E MODULE or REPLACE command.C o The module's status in the specified development stream. This> command can be used to mark a specific generation of the@ module as as obsolete in the specified development stream.A An obsolete module remains in the VDE database since it may@ not be obsolete for old streams, only for new ones. Once aB module is marked as obsolete for a given stream, that moduleA is not carried over to any future stream that has the given ' stream as its parent.@ o The module's status as the main line of descent in the the# specified development stream. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)= Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want theA attributes of each generation modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier? causes VDE to print a message for each generation giving theC name of the generation and asking whether you want to modify theD generation. If yo(u answer YES (or Y), the generation's attributes@ are modified. If you answer NO (or N), the attributes are not> modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify theA attributes of each generation without asking for confirmation. /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-exprC Specifies that the generation with the CMS generation expressionC given by the gen-expr parameter be modified. When this qualifier@ is specified, the generation number specified on the gen-spec) parameter is ignored. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether log messages are printed after the attributes ofD generations are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messagesB to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate@ that the generations have been modified and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /MAIN_STREAM /MAIN_STREAM=stream-nameC Specifies the stream that "owns" the main developme *nt thread forD the specified generation. If the generation is later reserved andA its successor is replaced into the stream given by the stream-? name parameter (directly or through change propagation), the@ successor generation will get a "whole-number" CMS generationB expression. If the current generation has generation expression@ 10, for example, the generation created by replacing into the@ specified stream gets generation expression 11. A replacementB into any other st +ream gets a generation expression such as 10A1? or 10B1. Similarly, if the current generation has generation? expression 5A2, the specified stream gets the "whole-number"B successor 5A3 instead of a generation expression such as 5A2A1.A VDE automatically maintains information about what stream ownsA the whole-number successor for each generation in the library.D This information is determined by your use of the /MAIN qualifierA to the CREATE STREAM command. For this reason, ,you will seldomD need the /MAIN_STREAM qualifier to the MODIFY GENERATION command.= However, there are exceptional cases where you may need toA change what stream owns the whole-number successor for a givenC generation, and then this qualifier lets you set that attribute. /NOTE /NOTE=note-number> The note-number parameter specifies the note number for theB (previously-entered) SCT note associated with this replacement.D VDE can also enter the note into th-e conference directly, see the" /SCT qualifier for information. /OBSOLETE /OBSOLETE /NOOBSOLETE< Specifies whether the module is marked as obsolete in theB specified development stream. The /OBSOLETE qualifier specifiesA that the module is obsolete in that stream. An obsolete moduleD is not propagated to future streams created from that stream. TheC /NOOBSOLETE qualifier specifies that the module is not obsolete.? If neither qualifier is specified, th.e current status of the module is not changed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a new remark string to be stored for the generation.C This string replaces the generation's current remark string. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayD contain any explanatory remark about the generation that you want stored in the VDE database.A The remark string is used as the title of the SCT note, if VDEC was asked to enter the SC/T note by the specification of the /SCT qualifier. /SCT /SCT=filenameC The filename parameter specifies the name of a file to be loadedD into the SCT notes conference. This file contains the previously-D edited text of an SCT entry for the SCT note associated with this replacement.B If this qualifier is used, the default notes conference for the% stream-SCT-stream-name-is assumed.D If this qualifier is specified, the /REMARK string is used as the0 title of the SCT note.B For information on the proper creation and protection of an SCT0 notes conference, see the Guide to Using VDE. Also see /FOLD and /OTHER. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name> Specifies that generations for the development stream given@ by the stream-name parameter be modified. This qualifier thusD affects the interpretation of generation numbers on the command'sA gen-spec parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE modifies2 gener1ations for the default development stream. 3 ExamplesH 1.VDE> MODIFY GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.C;5/REMARK="New remark string"P %VDE-I-GENMOD, information for generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;5 modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>; This example changes the remark string associated with? generation 5 of module MODNAM.C in facility FACIL. The log< messages confirm that the attributes of the modul2e were< modified and that the database transaction successfully completed.0 2.VDE> MODIFY GENERATION MODNAM.MAR /OBSOLETEP %VDE-I-GENMOD, information for generation [RMS]MODNAM.MAR;6 modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This example illustrates how to mark a module as obsolete inC the default stream. The module will be dropped from all future? streams descended from the default stre3am, but will remain& accessible in the default stream. 2 GROUPD Modifies the attributes and membership of a source group or buildD group in the VDE database. The attributes of a group that you canC modify are the group's name and remark string. The membership of@ a group is the list of modules that are members of the group. Requires CREGRP privilege. Format: MODIFY GROUP group-name [= mod-name [, mod-name...]] 3 Parameters group-name? 4 The name of a group whose definition is to be modified. This? group must be defined in the default development stream. The2 group name may not contain wildcard characters. mod-name? The name of a module that should be added to or removed fromC the specified group. If the group is a source group, this moduleC must be a source module. The module name consists of an optional< facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module name,? and an optional type name precede 5d by a period (for example,= [FACNAM]MODNAM.MAR). If no facility name is specified, theA default facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, allB source modules (for a source group) or all modules (for a buildD group) with the given module name in the given facility are added to or removed from the group.@ You can add or remove more than one module at a time by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a 6 name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D Those source modules (for a source group) or those modules (for aC build group) whose names match the wildcard pattern are added to or deleted from the group.D If no module-name parameters are specified, the membership of the group is not changed. 3 DescriptionB A group is always defined in a specific development str 7eam. YouD can only refer to the group from within that stream. As a result,A the MODIFY GROUP command only modifies the group definition in" the default development stream.D To modify group definitions for more than one development stream,B you must use the MODIFY GROUP command for each stream. For eachD stream, first enter the SET STREAM command to set the developmentD stream then enter the MODIFY GROUP command to change the group in that stream.< To apply a qualifie 8r to the command as a whole, place theC qualifier immediately after the MODIFY GROUP keywords and beforeD the group-name parameter. With this placement, qualifiers such asC the /REMARK qualifier apply to the entire specified group or, asD with such qualifiers as /ADD or /REMOVE, to all modules specified after the equal sign.@ Only the /ADD and /REMOVE qualifiers can modify an individual@ module-name parameter. To add or remove an individual module,D place the /ADD or /REMO9VE qualifier immediately after the module-@ name parameter. The /ADD or /REMOVE qualifier placed after an? individual module-name parameter overrides the command-level$ qualifier for that one parameter. 3 Qualifiers /ADDC Controls whether the modules specified in the parameter list areB added to or removed from the group. The /ADD qualifier adds theC specified modules to the group and the /REMOVE qualifier deletes? them from the group. To set the default for t:he command as aC whole, specify the qualifier after the MODIFY GROUP keywords. ToC override that default for a single module, specify the qualifierC after the mod-name parameter you choose to add or delete. If youC do not specify one of these qualifiers, modules are added to the group., Of /ADD and /REMOVE, /ADD is the default. /REMOVEC Controls whether the modules specified in the parameter list areB added to or removed from the group. The /ADD qualifier ad;ds theC specified modules to the group and the /REMOVE qualifier deletes? them from the group. To set the default for the command as aC whole, specify the qualifier after the MODIFY GROUP keywords. ToC override that default for a single module, specify the qualifierC after the mod-name parameter you choose to add or delete. If youC do not specify one of these qualifiers, modules are added to the group., Of /ADD and /REMOVE, /ADD is the default. /BUILD? Spe <cifies whether a source group or build group is modified.C The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to modify the source group with@ the specified name. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to modifyC the build group with the specified name. If neither qualifier is* specified, VDE modifies a source group.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /SOURCE? Specifies whether a source group or build group is modified.C The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to modify the source g=roup with@ the specified name. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to modifyC the build group with the specified name. If neither qualifier is* specified, VDE modifies a source group.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)C Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the groupB definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print@ a message for the group it is about to modify giving th>e name@ of the group and asking whether you want that group modified.A If you answer YES (or Y), the group definition is modified. IfB you answer NO (or N), the group definition is not modified. TheA /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify the group definition# without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG< Controls whether log messages are printed after the groupB definition is modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages> to be? printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. TheB messages indicate that the group has been modified and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME=group-name@ Specifies a new name for the indicated group. After the groupA name is changed, the group must be referred to by the new name@ in all subsequent VDE commands. The old name is lost from theB database. The new name can be up to 39 characters long and must! follow normal V@DE name syntax. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a remark string to be stored for the specified group.< This remark string replaces the remark specified with theA CREATE GROUP command that created the group. The quoted remark> string can be up to 132 characters long and may contain any? explanatory remark about the group that you want to store in the VDE database. 3 Examples8 1.VDE> MODIFY GROUP/REMARK="New remark string" GRPNAMI %VDE-I-GRAPMOD, information for group GRPNAM modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>< This command modifies the remark string associated withA source group GRPNAM. The log messages confirm that the group> definition was modified and that the database transaction successfully committed.5 2.VDE> MODIFY GROUP/BUILD/NOLOG/NAME=NEWNAM OLDNAM VDE> SHOW GROUP/BUILD Build group NEWNAM VDE>B In th Bis example, the name of build group OLDNAM is changed to@ NEWNAM. The /NOLOG qualifier suppresses the log messages. AC subsequent SHOW GROUP command shows the new name of the group.4 3.VDE> MODIFY GROUP/SOURCE GRP1 = A, B.MAR/REMOVEG %VDE-I-GRPMOD, information for group GRP1 modified in the database= %VDE-I-GRPADD, module [CODE]A.PAS is added to group GRP1A %VDE-I-GRPREM, module [CODE]B.MAR is removed from group GRP1C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has succe Cssfully committed VDE>B This command adds module A.PAS to the source group named GRP1B and removes module B.MAR from GRP1. No type name is specifiedB for module A; hence all source modules named A in the defaultD facility are added. As the log messages indicate, there is only- one such module, A.PAS, in this example.5 4.VDE> MODIFY GROUP/REMOVE GRP1 = A.PAS/ADD, B.MARG %VDE-I-GRPMOD, information for group GRP1 modified in the database= %VDE-I-GRPADD D, module [CODE]A.PAS is added to group GRP1A %VDE-I-GRPREM, module [CODE]B.MAR is removed from group GRP1C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>B This command also adds module A.PAS to group GRP1 and removes< module B.MAR. Because the /REMOVE qualifier immediately@ follows the MODIFY GROUP keywords, all modules specified inC the parameters are removed by default. This default applies toA module B.MAR because it is not overri Edden. However, the /ADDC qualifier specified for module A.PAS overrides the default for9 that module and A.PAS becomes a member of the group. 2 LIBRARY= Modifies information in the database header record for theA current VDE library. This command can modify the library name,A the library remark string, the standard authorized and default= privileges for new users of the library, and various other@ library attributes. It can also enable or disable after-image. F journalling for the library's VDE database. Requires MODLIB privilege. Format MODIFY LIBRARY 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers /ALLOW_DELETE /ALLOW_DELETE /NOALLOW_DELETE? Specifies the default value for the delete attribute for new@ modules, facilities, and streams. The /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier= sets a library attribute that causes VDE to set the deleteA attribute by default when users create new such entities. As aG? result, users can delete these entities without first having> to set the delete attribute with a separate MODIFY command.A The /NOALLOW_DELETE qualifier clears this library attribute soC that VDE clears the delete attribute by default for new modules,@ facilities, and streams. As a result, it is harder for a user@ to delete an entity by mistake; the entity's delete attribute? must be set with a separate MODIFY command before the entityC can be deleted with a DELETE commanHd. When creating new modules,A facilities, and streams, you can override this default setting@ with an explicit /DELETE or /NODELETE qualifier to the CREATE command.A Use the /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier if you expect to make frequent? changes to your library, often deleting modules, facilities,A and streams. Use the /NOALLOW_DELETE qualifier if you are moreC concerned about preventing accidental deletion of such entities. /ASK_INFO_FILE /ASK_INFO_FILE I/NOASK_INFO_FILEB Specifies whether the REPLACE command should by default ask the@ user whether he or she wants to edit an information file when> creating a queued replacement. The /ASK_INFO_FILE qualifier> sets a library attribute that causes the REPLACE command to? ask for an information file by default. The /NOASK_INFO_FILE> qualifier clears this library attribute so that the REPLACE@ command does not ask for an information file by default. ThisD library attribute only afJfects queued replacements (not immediateC replacements), and it only affects the REPLACE command's default? behavior; users can always use the command's /INFORMATION orB /NOINFORMATION qualifier to explicitly request either behavior. /ASK_REPL_CAUSE /ASK_REPL_CAUSE /NOASK_REPL_CAUSEB Specifies whether the REPLACE command should by default ask theC user for the "cause" of the replacement. The cause may be a fold> operation, a Source Control Tracking (SCTK) entry in a NotesA conference, or some other cause. The /ASK_REPL_CAUSE qualifier> sets a library attribute that causes the REPLACE command to? query the user for the cause of the replacement. The /NOASK_A REPL_CAUSE qualifier clears this library attribute so that the5 REPLACE command does not ask for this information. /AUTH_PRIVILEGES( /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])? Specifies the standard authorized privileges of new users of> the current library. Howe Lver, any privileges specified withA the CREATE USER command override these privileges. Because the> privilege list you create replaces the authorized privilege? list of the current library, you must specify all authorized= privileges that you want new users of the library to have.@ Each parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. IfC only one privilege is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.D For a list of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic.M /AUTO_ADD_USER# /AUTO_ADD_USER[=rights-ident] /NOAUTO_ADD_USER= Specifies whether new users should be added to the libraryA database automatically when they first access the library. TheD /AUTO_ADD_USER qualifier specifies that new users should be addedC to the library database automatically when they first access theA library. If the rights-ident parameter is specified, new users@ are only added to the library if they hold the OpenVMS rights> identif Nier specified by the parameter. The /NOAUTO_ADD_USERA qualifier specifies that new users not be added to the libraryD database automatically. In this case, new users can only be added& with explicit CREATE USER commands.A The owner information specified in the OpenVMS SYSUAF databaseA will be used as the owner of any new VDE username created. VDEC will ignore any leading numerics, leading hyphens, leading spaceA characters, and leading tilde characters, listed in the SYSUAFO owner field. /AUTO_CONVERT /AUTO_CONVERT /NOAUTO_CONVERTC Specifies whether the library and its database are automatically@ converted to the new library format when a new version of VDE@ is used on the library. The /AUTO_CONVERT qualifier specifies? that the library should be converted automatically the firstC time a user uses a new version of VDE on the present library andB its database. /NOAUTO_CONVERT specifies that the library shouldA not bPe converted automatically; instead a privileged user mustC explicitly convert the library with the CONVERT LIBRARY command.; See the CREATE LIBRARY and the CONVERT LIBRARY commands. /AUTO_MAIL /AUTO_MAIL /NOAUTO_MAILD Specifies whether VDE should automatically send mail notificationA to the user who has queued a replacement when that replacement> is later performed. The /AUTO_MAIL qualifier sets a library@ attribute that causes the PERFORM REPLACEMENT comQmand to sendA such mail notification. The /NOAUTO_MAIL qualifier clears thisA library attribute so that the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command does not send such notification. /CMS_ELEM_HIST /CMS_ELEM_HIST /NOCMS_ELEM_HISTA Specifies whether VDE creates the CMS elements for new modulesA with default CMS history and notes strings. The /CMS_ELEM_HISTB qualifier causes VDE to create the CMS elements for new modulesB with default history and notes strings and thRe /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST> qualifier causes VDE to create CMS elements with no defaultC history or notes strings. /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST is normally only usedA if you regularly fetch VDE modules using the CMS FETCH commandC and you want to make sure you do not get CMS history or notes by default. /DEF_PRIVILEGES' /DEF_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])@ Specifies the standard default privileges of new users of the> current library. However, any privileges specified with the= S CREATE USER command override these privileges. Because theC privilege list you create replaces the default privilege list ofD the current library, you must specify all default privileges thatD you want new users of the library to have. Each default privilegeA specified also becomes a standard authorized privilege for the library.@ Each parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. IfC only one privilege is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.D For a lisTt of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. /HISTORY_NOTES /HISTORY_NOTES /NOHISTORY_NOTESB Specifies whether VDE's RESERVE command can produce CMS history? or notes information in its output files. The /HISTORY_NOTESD qualifier allows the RESERVE command to produce history and notes@ information and to accept the /HISTORY, /NOTES, and /POSITION@ qualifiers. The /NOHISTORY_NOTES qualifier causes the RESERVED command to never produce history and Unotes information (even whenC such information is the default for a module being reserved) andC to not accept the /HISTORY, /NOTES, and /POSITION qualifiers. InC this case, you must use the VDE FETCH command to get CMS historyA or notes information for a module. Disabling history and notesC information in reserved files makes certain mistakes less likelyD where such information gets replaced into the VDE library as part of the module text. /JOURNAL /JOURNAL=d Vir-spec /NOJOURNALD Enables or disables after-image journalling for the VDE database.= The /JOURNAL qualifier enables after-image journalling and< specifies that a database after-image journal (.AIJ) file= be created in the directory location given by the dir-specC parameter. When used with the RMU backup and restore facilities,? after-image journalling allows you to recover the up-to-date@ contents of your database after a disk failure. The specifiedC directory sWhould always reside on a different physical disk thanC any of your other database files so that the journal file cannot> be damaged by the same disk failure as the database itself.@ The /NOJOURNAL qualifier disables after-image journalling forD the VDE database. However, Digital recommends that you always use journalling. /LOCK= The /LOCK and /UNLOCK qualifiers provide a method by which> RESERVE, REPLACE, UNRESERVE, and other similar commands can@ be disabled o Xn a copy of a VDE library. This mechanism is not? intended to completely lock-out all access to a VDE library.: Specification of /LOCK write-locks the library, and the@ corresponding /UNLOCK qualifier reverses the lock. The write-@ lock status is read only when the user initially accesses theD library-once a user has connected to the library, the lock status is not updated.= A write-locked library can be used to prevent various user> modifications to the contents of the Ylibrary during library: maintenance, or to maintain a shadow copy of a library.A Users holding the MODLIB privilege are allowed to override theA library write-lock. An informational message will be displayed when the lock is overridden. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG? Controls whether log messages are printed after the database? header record of the library is modified. The /LOG qualifierA causes such messages to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them.ZC The messages indicate that library attributes have been modified@ and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME=lib-name@ Specifies a new name for the current library. The new libraryB name can be up to 39 characters long and must follow normal VDE name syntax.< This value is available to procedures calling VDE via theA VDE$LIBRARY_MNEMONIC name, and the database manager should setC this value to match the values associated[ with this library thatD are specified in the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name. /REMARK /REMARK="string"C Specifies a new remark string for the library. The quoted remarkB string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain anyC explanatory remark about the library that you want stored in the@ library database. This string replaces the remark string fromB the original CREATE LIBRARY command or from any previous MODIFY LIBRARY command.<\ This value is available to procedures calling VDE via theC VDE$LIBRARY_LABEL name, and the database manager should set thisB value to match any values associated with this library that are= specified in the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS logical name. /REPL_HISTORY /REPL_HISTORY /NOREPL_HISTORY> Specifies whether VDE should maintain a history of all pastC source code replacements into the VDE library. The /REPL_HISTORYB qualifier specifies that such his]tory information be maintainedD in the VDE database. The /NOREPL_HISTORY qualifier specifies thatD such information not be maintained. When you maintain replacement@ history, you can display past replacements using the /HISTORY- qualifier to the SHOW REPLACEMENT command. /SEND_MAIL /SEND_MAIL /NOSEND_MAIL? Specifies whether VDE should send mail notification messagesA for those VDE operations that normally send such messages. TheD /SEND_MAIL qualifier se^ts a library attribute that enables VDE toB send such mail messages. The /NOSEND_MAIL qualifier clears thatB attribute, thus suppressing all VDE mail messages. The /NOSEND_@ MAIL qualifier is useful when you want to test or play with a? private VDE library without sending notification messages to? other people. However, for normal production use, you should always enable mail messages. /SHOW_ARCH_NAME /SHOW_ARCH_NAME /NOSHOW_ARCH_NAMEB Specifies whe_ther the architecture name is displayed as part ofA every module name in VDE output. The /SHOW_ARCH_NAME qualifier= sets a library attribute that causes VDE to always include? the architecture name in every module name it displays. ThisA attribute also causes the SHOW DEFAULTS command to display the? default architecture. The /NOSHOW_ARCH_NAME qualifier clearsB this library attribute so that VDE omits the architecture namesB when displaying module names. You normally only wan`t to see theC architecture name if you have defined multiple architectures for your VDE library.) This qualifier is not yet implemented. /SHOW_GEN_EXPR /SHOW_GEN_EXPR /NOSHOW_GEN_EXPR= Specifies whether the expected replace-time CMS generationB expression for each module is displayed by the RESERVE command.D The /SHOW_GEN_EXPR qualifier sets a library attribute that causes@ the RESERVE command to compute and display the CMS generationC expression athat the corresponding REPLACE command is most likely? to use for the new module generation. You can use this value> as an "audit trail identifier" in your code if your project? uses this convention. This library attribute also causes theB SHOW RESERVATION command to display the expected CMS generation> expression and it causes the REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT> command to print an informational message if the actual CMSD generation expression for the replaced generation turns b out to beB different than the expected one. The /NOSHOW_GEN_EXPR qualifier# disables this library attribute.> Please note that VDE cannot guarantee that the expected CMSB generation expression will actually be used. It is not possibleC to determine at RESERVE time whether a CMS variant letter shouldD be used when the module is eventually replaced; that decision canD only be made at REPLACE time and depends on propagation decisions@ and stream successor relationships at thact time. However, theB expected CMS generation expression is generally the one that is actually used. /STATISTICS? Enables statistics collection on the specified library. ThisD will cause various extra questions to be asked during replacementB and related operations. This includes the addition of questionsA around the reason for the change, the number of defects fixed,: and the particular project a change is associated with. /UNLOCK= The /LOCK and /UNLOCK d qualifiers provide a method by which> RESERVE, REPLACE, UNRESERVE, and other similar commands can@ be disabled on a copy of a VDE library. This mechanism is not? intended to completely lock-out all access to a VDE library.: Specification of /LOCK write-locks the library, and the@ corresponding /UNLOCK qualifier reverses the lock. The write-@ lock status is read only when the user initially accesses theD library-once a user has connected to the library, the lock status is enot updated.= A write-locked library can be used to prevent various user> modifications to the contents of the library during library: maintenance, or to maintain a shadow copy of a library.A Users holding the MODLIB privilege are allowed to override theA library write-lock. An informational message will be displayed when the lock is overridden. /WILD_INS_GEN /WILD_INS_GEN /NOWILD_INS_GEN; Specifies whether wildcard characters are allowed in th feC parameters to the INSERT GENERATION command when the /GENERATION= qualifier is specified. The /WILD_INS_GEN qualifier sets aD library attribute that causes VDE to allow wildcard characters inB such parameters while the /NOWILD_INS_GEN qualifier clears thisA attribute. When the /GENERATION qualifier to INSERT GENERATIONA specifies a specific CMS generation expression, it is unlikely? that this generation expression could apply to more than one? module. As a result, it i gs unlikely that the use of wildcard@ characters in the module-name parameters will give the resultA the user intended. To prevent mistakes, VDE therefore does not@ allow such wildcard usage by default. However, there are someC situations when such usage might be correct (for example, if theB specified CMS generation expression is 1). For such situations,D you can enable the use of wildcard characters with the /WILD_INS_ GEN qualifier. 3 Examples6 1.VDE> MODIFY L hIBRARY/DEF_PRIVILEGES=(BUILD,CREMOD); %VDE-I-LIBMOD, library attributes modified in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedC In this example, the standard default privileges for new usersC of the library are modified to consist of the BUILD and CREMOD> privileges. The log messages confirm that the library hasA been modified and that the database transaction successfully completed.3 2.VDE> MODIFY LIBRARY/REMARK="New remarik string"; %VDE-I-LIBMOD, library attributes modified in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed< This example modifies the remark string for the current library. 2 MODULE: Modifies the attributes of modules in the VDE database. Requires CREMOD privilege. Format, MODIFY MODULE mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-nameB The name of an existing module in the current VDE library whoseA j attributes are to be modified. The module name must consist of? a module name and a module type separated by a period (as in@ MODNAM.FOR) and may optionally be preceded by a facility name> enclosed in square brackets (as in [ACCTNG]MODNAM.FOR whereB ACCTNG is the facility name). If no facility name is specified,C the module is assumed to belong to the current default facility.C You can modify more than one module by using wildcard charactersA in any of the three components kof the module name. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more charactersD in the position it occupies. VDE modifies the attributes of those2 modules whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 DescriptionD The MODIFY MODULE command allows you to modify various attributes@ associated with a module. The MODIFY MODULE commands apply to7 attributes that span a number of module generatiolns.; For information on changing the attributes specific to aB particular module generation, see MODIFY GENERATION. The MODIFYB GENERATION/MAIN_STREAM, /OBSOLETE, and /REMARK qualifiers allow> you to mark a module as the main line of descent, to mark a@ module as obsolete, or to change the remark associated with a particular module generation. 3 Qualifiers /BINARY /BINARY /NOBINARY? Specifies whether the source module is a binary file or n mot.> The /BINARY qualifier specifies that the source module is aA binary (non-text) file. Binary source files cannot be reviewedB or differenced with the REVIEW REPLACEMENT command because theyA do not consist of ordinary ASCII text. The /NOBINARY qualifierC specifies that the source module is an ordinary ASCII text file.; These qualifiers are only meaningful for source modules.D Large files that undergo extensive changes at frequent intervals,D or are the output of a lannguage or application, may not be suitedA for storage as standard delta files as the file delta is never@ used, occupies a considerable amount of disk space, and grows@ rapidly. See the /MARKER qualifier. Executable images, objectA modules, Postscript files, and BACKUP savesets are all exampleA of "source" modules for which the marker-file mechanism may be appropriate. /CONCURRENT /CONCURRENT /NOCONCURRENTD Specifies whether the module can be reseroved concurrently by moreC than one user. The /CONCURRENT qualifier allows the module to beB reserved concurrently unless a user overrides this default withD for a specific reservation. The /NOCONCURRENT qualifier specifies3 that the module cannot be reserved concurrently. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)= Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want theD attributes of each module modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes@ VDE to print a mepssage for each module giving the name of theB module and asking whether you want to modify the module. If youB answer YES (or Y), the module's attributes are modified. If youD answer NO (or N), the attributes are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM? qualifier causes VDE to modify the attributes of each module# without asking for confirmation. /DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE (default); Sets or clears the delete attribute for the module. ThisC attribute allows the qmodule to be deleted with the DELETE MODULEC command. The /DELETE qualifier sets the delete attribute so that@ the module can be deleted. The /NODELETE qualifier clears the@ delete attribute so that the module cannot be deleted without! first resetting the attribute. /HISTORY /HISTORY[="string"] /NOHISTORY[="string"]= Specifies the CMS history string to be associated with the< module and whether history information should be included? in source files r when modules are retrieved with the FETCH orD RESERVE command. History information gives a historical record of" previous changes to the module.C The /HISTORY qualifier specifies that history information should= be included in source files by default when such files are> retrieved with the FETCH or RESERVE command. The /NOHISTORYB qualifier specifies that history information should be omitted.A The string parameter to either qualifier specifies the default@ history strin sg if the user specifies that history information> should be included in a retrieved file. (If you specify the> /NOHISTORY qualifier on the MODIFY MODULE command, you must@ use the /HISTORY qualifier on the FETCH or RESERVE command toB use the default history string.) If you do not specify a stringC parameter, VDE supplies a default history string that depends on the module type.A See the CMS documentation for a description of the CMS history string and its format. t/LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether log messages are printed after the attributes ofC modules are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages toD be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate thatC the modules have been modified and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /MARKER /MARKER /NOMARKERA Specifies whether the source module uses a marker file or not.> The /MARKER qualifieru specifies that the source module uses> a marker file. When a source module uses a marker file, the@ module is stored as an ordinary file in one of the delta-fileC directories. A small text file, called the marker file, containsB the full file name of that source file, and this marker file isA stored in the module's delta file (CMS element). In short, theD delta file contains a small text file that points to the module'sA actual source file. The marker-file mechanism is normallyv onlyB used for large or frequently changed binary source modules, forB which the delta-file mechanism may give poor performance or use excessive disk space.@ The /NOMARKER qualifier specifies that the source module does@ not use a marker file and that its text is stored directly inC the delta file (CMS element) for the module. Ordinary ASCII text' modules should not use marker files.& Also see the /[NO]BINARY qualifier. /NOTES /NOTES[="string"] w/NONOTES[="string"]B Specifies the CMS notes string to be associated with the module@ and whether CMS notes should be included in source files when? modules are retrieved with the FETCH or RESERVE command. CMS@ notes indicate in what module generation each source line was created.B The /NOTES qualifier specifies that notes information should beD included in source files by default when such files are retrieved< with the FETCH or RESERVE command. The /NONOTES qualifierAx specifies that notes information should be omitted. The stringC parameter to either qualifier specifies the default notes stringB if the user specifies that notes information should be includedA in a retrieved file. (If you specify the /NONOTES qualifier onB the MODIFY MODULE command, you must use the /NOTES qualifier onA the FETCH or RESERVE command to use the default notes string.)C If you do not specify a string parameter, VDE supplies a default0 notes string that depenyds on the module type.? See the CMS documentation for a description of the CMS notes string and its format. /NOTIFY' /NOTIFY=(username [,username...])+ /NONOTIFY[=(username [,username...])]? The /NOTIFY qualifier specifies a list of users to notify ofB all changes to the specified module. VDE appends these users toC the module's existing notification list. Each username parameterB gives the OpenVMS username or mail address of a user who should@ be znotified by mail message each time the specified module is! replaced into the VDE library.= Each username parameter can specify the username of a user? already recorded in the VDE database, a OpenVMS mail address< with one or more node names (such as NODE::SMITH), a mailA forwarding alias, or a defined logical name bound to a list of? users to notify. If you specify a logical name, keep in mindA that the logical name must be defined when it is later used toB send notifi {cation messages. It should thus be a group or systemC logical name or a logical name that is in some other way defined$ for all users of the VDE library.D The /NONOTIFY qualifier specifies that a list of users already onC the module's notification list be removed from that notificationC list. Each username parameter gives the OpenVMS username or mailA address of a user to remove from the notification list. If youD omit the username parameters, VDE removes the entire notifica|tion list for the module.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specifiedA with the /NONOTIFY qualifier from the notification list before9 adding the users specified with the /NOTIFY qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /POSITION /POSITION=column-number@ Specifies the default column number in which CMS notes are to> be placed when this source module i}s retrieved with a FETCH> or RESERVE command. The column number must be an integer in@ the range 1 to 511. If this qualifier is omitted, the defaultA column number is 81. This qualifier has no effect unless notes@ are enabled with the /NOTES qualifier on the CREATE or MODIFY5 MODULE command or on the FETCH or RESERVE command.C See the CMS documentation for a description of CMS notes and how3 notes are formatted at the ends of source lines. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGA~TE /NOPROPAGATE< Specifies whether automatic change propagation is allowed< for this module when it is reserved and replaced into the> library. /PROPAGATE allows automatic change propagation andC /NOPROPAGATE disallows change propagation. If change propagation? is disallowed, VDE automatically inhibits change propagationA when the module is reserved or replaced as if the /NOPROPAGATEC qualifier had been specified for the RESERVE or REPLACE command. /REMARK  /REMARK="string"> Specifies a remark string to be stored for the module. This= string replaces the remark string from the original CREATEA MODULE command or from any previous MODIFY MODULE command. The@ quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long,D may contain any explanatory remark about the module that you wantA stored in the VDE database. Typically the remark describes the& function or contents of the module.; This qualifier alters the module-level remark string. To? change the remark on a particular module generation, see theB documentation on the MODIFY GENERATION/REMARK command in MODIFY GENERATION. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [,username...])- /NOREVIEWER[=(username [,username...])]@ The /REVIEWER qualifier specifies a list of reviewers for allB changes to the specified module. VDE appends these reviewers to? the module's existing reviewer list. Each username parameter= gives the OpenVMS username of a user who should review all> changes to the module. The user must already be recorded in= the VDE database. When the module is replaced into the VDE@ library, VDE notifies the user of the change by mail message.@ If the replacement is queued, the user should then review the@ queued replacement before it is performed. If the replacementC is immediate, VDE notifies the user of the new module generationC that was created, and the user may then inspect that generati on.> The /NOREVIEWER qualifier specifies that a list of existingB reviewers for the specified module be removed from the reviewer@ list. Each username parameter gives the OpenVMS username of aA user who should be removed from the reviewer list. If you omitD the username parameters, VDE removes the entire reviewer list for the module.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specified? with the /NOREVIEWER qualifier from the reviewer list before; adding the users specified with the /REVIEWER qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. 3 Examples5 1.VDE> MODIFY MODULE MODNAM.C/REMARK="New Comment"R %VDE-I-MODMOD, information for module [CODE]NEWNAM.C modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This example changes the remark present on the module MODNAM.C.= Since no facility is specified, the module is assumed to@ belong to the default facility, facility CODE in this case.? The log messages confirm that the attributes of the moduleA were modified and that the database transaction successfully completed.0 2.VDE> MODIFY MODULE/NOLOG [TAPE]DEVDRV.MAR -> _VDE> /REMARK="Old tape device driver". VDE> MODIFY GENERATION [TAPE]DEVDRV.MAR -, _VDE> /NOLOG /OBSOLETE VDE>< In this examp le, the user changes the remark string forA module DEVDRV.MAR in facility TAPE, and then uses the MODIFY; GENERATION command to mark the module as obsolete. TheB /NOLOG qualifier is specified on both commands; the qualifier4 suppresses the display of messages from either. 2 REPLACEMENTD Modifies the attributes of one or more queued replacements in theC VDE database. The attributes of a replacement you can modify are. its name, remark string, and reviewer list.< Requires RESREP privilege to modify your own replacement.C Requires PERFREP privilege to modify another user's replacement. Format1 MODIFY REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] 3 Parameter rep-name> The name of a queued replacement whose attributes are to be? modified. You can modify more than one replacement at a timeD by using wildcard characters in the replacement name. The percentB sign (%) in a replacement name matches any single character inA the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or@ more characters in the position it occupies. VDE modifies theB attributes of those replacements whose names match the wildcard pattern.7 Do not specify the rep-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each= queued replacement modified. The /CONFIRM q ualifier causesA VDE to print a message for each replacement asking whether you@ want that replacement modified. If you answer YES (or Y), theD replacement is modified. If you answer NO (or N), the replacementC is not modified. If you enter a replacement name with a wildcardB specification, VDE asks you to confirm the modification of each= replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification.> The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify the specified0 replacements without asking for confirmation. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=id-rangeB Specifies that the replacements with the unique Replacement IdsB given by the id-range parameter be modified. Do not specify the2 rep-name parameter when you use this qualifier.B VDE assigns a unique Replacement Id to each immediate or queued@ replacement into the VDE library. VDE assigns Replacement Ids@ in chronological order so that the first replacement into theC library has Id value 1, the next has Id value 2, and so on. WhenB you use this qualifier, all replacements that have Id values in: the range given by the id-range parameter are modified.@ The id-range parameter can be a single integer value, a range< of integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is= a single integer (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE modifies the> replacement with that Replacement Id. If the parameter is a> range of integers (specified as two integers separated by a> colon a s in /IDENT=3:5), VDE modifies the replacements with? Ids in that range. Finally, if the id-range parameter is theA asterisk wildcard character (as in /IDENT=*), VDE modifies all replacements.; If you specify a zero or negative number in the id-range@ parameter, that number is relative to the largest Replacement= Id value for the VDE library (the latest replacement). ForB example, if the latest replacement has Replacement Id 250, thenC /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=250 and /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=249. /INFORMATION /INFORMATION[=file-spec]> Specifies that a new information file should be attached to? the queued replacement or that the existing information fileC should be edited. The file-spec parameter gives the OpenVMS file? specification of a new information file for the replacement.A If specified, this file is copied to the replacement's staging= area and then supercedes any previous information file for>  the replacement. If this parameter is omitted, VDE asks you? whether you want to edit the information file. If you answerC YES, VDE invokes your preferred editor to edit the replacement's? information file. If an information file already exists, theA editor edits that file; otherwise it creates a new informationC file. The information file is used to pass information about the' replacement to reviewers and others.D To edit an information file through VDE, you should first declareC your preferred editor with the SET EDITOR command. If you do notA declare an editor, VDE invoked the system default text editor. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after the replacements> are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be< printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicateA that the replacements have been modified and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME=rep-name; Specifies a new name for the queued replacement. The newC replacement name can be up to 39 characters long and must follow> normal VDE name syntax. After the replacement name has beenD changed, you must refer to the replacement by its new name in allC subsequent VDE commands. The old name is lost from the database. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a new remark string for the replacement. This stringA replaces the remark string from the original REPLACE or CREATE> REPLACEMENT command or from any previous MODIFY REPLACEMENT< command. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about the8 replacement that you want stored in the VDE database. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [,username...])- /NOREVIEWER[=(username [,username...])]@ The /REVIEWER qualifier specifies a list of reviewers for the@ replacement. VDE ap pends these reviewers to the replacement's< existing reviewer list. Each username parameter gives theA OpenVMS username of a user who should review all code includedC in the replacement. The user must already be recorded in the VDEA database. VDE notifies the user by mail message that he or she! should review the replacement.> The /NOREVIEWER qualifier specifies that a list of existingC reviewers for the replacement be removed from the reviewer list.? Each username param eter gives the OpenVMS username of a user@ who should be removed from the reviewer list. If you omit theD username parameters, VDE removes the entire reviewer list for the replacement.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specified? with the /NOREVIEWER qualifier from the reviewer list before; adding the users specified with the /REVIEWER qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. 3 Examples? 1.VDE> MODIFY REPLACEMENT SMITH-2/REMARK="New remark string"P %VDE-I-REPMOD, information for replacement SMITH-2 modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? This example modifies replacement SMITH-2 to give it a newB remark string. The log messages show that the replacement has successfully been modified. 2 RESERVATION< Modifies the attributes of module reservations in the VDE database. Requires RESREP privilege. Format0 MODIFY RESERVATION mod-name [,mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-nameB Specifies a reserved source module whose reservation attributes> are to be modified. The module name consists of an optional< facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module name,: and an optional type name preceded by a period (such as@ [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the facility name is omitted, the moduleA is assumed to belong to  the default facility. If the type nameD is omitted, the reservation attributes of all source modules with< the given module name in the given facility are modified.D You can modify the reservation attributes of more than one moduleA using wildcard characters in any component of the module name.B The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character inA the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or? more characters in the position it occupies. The reservationB attributes of the source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are modified.A If you use the /SESSION qualifier, those reservations that are= members of the specified reservation session are modified.? In this case, you must omit the mod-name parameters from the command. 3 Description> When you reserve a module from the VDE library, the RESERVEB command records the reservation in the VDE database. The MODIFYC RESERVATION command lets you mo dify various attributes of one orA more such reservations. The command modifies only reservationsD that cover the default development stream or the stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier.> If you have more than one reservation of a module, you must9 specify the exact reservation to be modified using theA /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. Use the SHOW RESERVATION command to4 determine the identification of each reservation.D To modify another user's reservation, use the /USERNAME qualifierD to specify the OpenVMS username of that other user. You must have9 the USERNAME privilege to use the /USERNAME qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /CONCURRENTB Specifies that the module can be reserved by another user while? you have it reserved. This qualifier changes the concurrent-, reservation attribute of the reservation. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachC reservation modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print@ a message for each module that you specify asking whether you@ want to modify its reservation. If you answer YES (or Y), the> reservation is modified. If you answer NO (or N), it is not? modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify each9 specified reservation without asking for confirmation. /FOLD /FOLD[=fold-ident] /NOFOLDC The /FOLD qualifier specifies a fold record to be cance lled whenC this module reservation is eventually replaced into the library.? The fold-ident parameter gives the fold identifier of a foldC record for the module being reserved and for the stream in whichA the reservation is done. When you later replace the module andA VDE performs the replacement, VDE will cancel this fold record? from the VDE database. You can omit the fold-ident parameter@ if there is only one fold record for the specified module andC stream. You can use the /FOLD qualifier if you are modifying theB module to satisfy an existing fold record. You can also specifyC the /FOLD qualifier with the REPLACE command to achieve the same effect.C The /NOFOLD qualifier specifies that no fold record be cancelledB when this module reservation is replaced into the library. ThisB qualifier cancels the effect of a /FOLD qualifier on a previousA MODIFY RESERVATION command or on the original RESERVE command. /IDENTIFICATION  /IDENTIFICATION=res-ident> Specifies the reservation to be modified. This qualifier isB required when you have multiple reservations of the same module@ in the default development stream. The res-ident parameter isD the reservation identifier of the reservation to be modified. TheB reservation identifier is the identifier you specified when youC reserved the module, usually a small integer value. Use the SHOW@ RESERVATIONS command to display the reservation identifier of  each reservation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each reservationD is modified. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printedB and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate@ that each reservation has been modified and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /NEW_SESSION /NEW_SESSION=session-name> Specifies that VDE should add the module reservation to  the> reservation session given by the session-name parameter. If@ no session by that name exists, VDE creates a new reservation> session by that name and adds the reservation to it. If theD reservation already belongs to an existing session, it is removed2 from that session and added to the new session. /NOCONCURRENT? Specifies that the module cannot be reserved by another user@ while you have it reserved. You must replace or unreserve theB module before others can reserve it. This qualifier changes the7 concurrent-reservation attribute of the reservation. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGATE=stream-name /NOPROPAGATE9 This qualifier controls the default module propogation? behaviour of the subsequent REPLACE command, and it controls< the reservation "shadow" for this particular reservation.C When specified, the /PROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to propagate? the changed module(s) to the stream specified by the stream-B name pa rameter, but not to any successors of that stream-change2 propagation thus stops at the specified stream.D The /NOPROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to disable all propagate ofB the change beyond the current stream (the default stream or the0 stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier).B If you omit both qualifiers, the REPLACE command will propagate? the changed modules to all successors of the current stream.? Because these qualifiers determine what streams a subsequentA  REPLACE command will affect, they also determine what streams-@ the "shadow"-the new module reservations cover. A reservationC that covers fewer streams allows other users to reserve the same< module in other streams with less likelihood of conflict. /REMARK /REMARK="string"A Specifies a new remark string to be associated with the moduleC reservation. This qualifier changes the remark attribute and theD previous reservation remark is lost from the database. The remark" is enclosed in quotation marks. /SESSION /SESSION=session-nameD Sessions are used to logically group a set of module reservationsC together, typically to group all modules related to a particular@ source code alteration or enhancement together. It allows all> component modules reserved to be treated as a single entity? for subsequent replacement operations. A session also allows= additional modules to be reserved and incorporated into an$ existing session at a later time.@ If this qualifier is specified, the modules referenced by theC session-name session are the target; do not specify the mod-name module name parameters.C Sessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE,@ MODIFY SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL= SESSION commands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on? a queued-replacement stream) and reserved via RESERVE can be" combined into the same session. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name? Specifies that reservations for the development stream givenA by the stream-name parameter be modified. If this qualifier is? omitted, reservations for the default development stream are modified. /USERNAME /USERNAME=username= Specifies that reservations made by another user are to beB modified. The username parameter is the OpenVMS username of the? other user. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 Examples= 1.VDE> MODIFY RESERVATION FOO /REMARK="Fix QARS 32 and 33"R %VDE-I-RESMOD, reservation for module [FACIL]FOO.MAR modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed# VDE> SHOW RESERVATION FOO/FULL$ Reservation 1 of [FACIL]FOO.MAR6 Reservation created on 29-DEC-1989 13:09:47.276 Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)6 Generation 29 (27B2) reserved from stream V5.4= Expe cted generation expression at replacement is 27B3+ Concurrent reservations are allowed" Remark: Fix QARS 32 and 33 VDE>@ This example modifies the reservation remarks of all source? modules in the default facility with the name FOO. In thisB case, only module [FACIL]FOO.MAR matches the module name, andD its reservation remark is changed. The SHOW RESERVATION command: confirms that the reservation now has the new remark.9 2.VDE> MODIFY RESERVA TION/NOCONCURRENT [FACIL]MOD1.FORS %VDE-I-RESMOD, reservation for module [FACIL]MOD1.FOR modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed( VDE> SHOW RESERVATION/FULL MOD1.FOR% Reservation 1 of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR6 Reservation created on 29-DEC-1989 13:18:34.756 Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)2 Generation 3 (3) reserved from stream MAIN: Expected generation expression at replacement is 4. No concurrent reservations are allowed) Remark: Add new look-up algorithm VDE>= The MODIFY RESERVATION command specifies that concurrentA reservations are not allowed for module MOD1.FOR in facilityC FACIL. The output from the subsequent SHOW RESERVATION command7 shows that no concurrent reservations are allowed.P 3.VDE> MODIFY RESERVATION MOD1.FOR/IDENT=2/REMARK="Fix uninitialized pointer"S %VDE-I-RESMOD, reservation for module [FACIL]MOD1.FOR mod ified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed) VDE> SHOW RESERVATION MOD1.FOR /FULL% Reservation 1 of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR6 Reservation created on 24-MAR-1989 11:24:48.776 Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)2 Generation 1 (1) reserved from stream MAIN: Expected generation expression at replacement is 2+ Concurrent reservations are allowed$ Remark: Fix access violation% Reservation 2  of [FACIL]MOD1.FOR6 Reservation created on 24-MAR-1989 11:25:36.856 Reservation created by user SMITH (Jane Smith)2 Generation 1 (1) reserved from stream MAIN: Expected generation expression at replacement is 2+ Concurrent reservations are allowed) Remark: Fix uninitialized pointer VDE>@ This example modifies one of two concurrent reservations of@ the same module. Because there are concurrent reservations,A the MODIFY RESERVATION command must have the /IDENTIFICATION> qualifier to specify which reservation to modify. In this? case, the command modifies the remark for reservation 2 of@ [FACIL]MOD1.FOR. The SHOW RESERVATION command confirms that* reservation 2 now has the new remark. 2 SCRIPTA Modifies the remark string associated with a VDE script in the VDE database. Requires CRESCRP privilege. Format MODIFY SCRIPT 3 Description= The MODIFY SCRIPT com mand modifies the remark string for a> specified VDE script in the VDE database. VDE only modifies? the script of the specified type that belongs to the default development stream.@ You must specify a script-type qualifier to select the script> you want modified. See the description of the CREATE SCRIPT? command for an explanation of the different types of scriptsA and how scripts are selected using script-type qualifiers. YouA must also specify the script segment number unless the default value applies.B Keywords used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords,C while script functions are in Script Functions, and script typesC are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also seeC CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT. 3 Qualifiers /BUILD@ Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be modified. /COMPILE /COMPILE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's COMPILE script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> script modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print@ a message for each script asking whether you want that scriptB modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the script's attributes areC modified in the database. If you answer NO (or N), the script isB not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify the5 specified scripts without asking for confirmation. /COPY /COPY=mod-name; Specifies that the default stream's COPY script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /CREATE_FACILITYD Specifies that the script that VDE invokes when a new facility is created should be modified. /DELETE_GENERATION! /DELETE_GENERATION=mod-nameD Specifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION script with4 the specified mod-name specification be modified. /DIFFERENCES /DIFFERENCES=mod-nameB Specifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /FETCH /FETCH=mod-name< Specifies that the default stream's FETCH script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /INSERT_GENERATION! /INSERT_GENERATION=mod-nameD Specifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION script with4 the specified mod-name specification be modified. /LINK /LINK=mod-name; Specifies that the default stream's LINK script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG= Controls whether log messages are printed after the script= is modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesC indicate that the script has been modified and that the database* transaction has committed successfully. /NEW_STREAM /NEW_STREAM=fac-nameA Specifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM script with the0 specified fac-name specification be modified. /NOKEEP /NOKEEP=mod-name= Specifies that the default stream's NOKEEP script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /REMARK /REMARK="string"< Specifies a new remark string for the script. This string= replaces the remark string from the original CREATE SCRIPT? command or from a previous MODIFY SCRIPT command. The quoted= remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may@ contain any explanatory remark about the script that you want stored in the VDE database. /REPLACE /REPLACE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's REPLACE script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /RESERVE /RESERVE=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's RESERVE script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /SEGMENT /SEGMENT=seg-numD Specifies the segment number of the script to modify. The seg-numC parameter specifies the integer segment number. If you omit this= qualifier, VDE modifies the script with segment number 10. /SET_FACILITY /SET_FACILITY=fac-nameC Specifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY script with the0  specified fac-name specification be modified. /SET_STREAM; Specifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be modified. /STAGING /STAGING=mod-name> Specifies that the default stream's STAGING script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. /UNRESERVE /UNRESERVE=mod-name@ Specifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE script with the0 specified mod-name specification be modified. 3 Examples> 1.VDE> MO DIFY SCRIPT/COMPILE=*.C/REMARK="New remark string"@ %VDE-I-SCRPMOD, script information modified in the database5 script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed, VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/FULL/COMPILE=[CODE]*.C4 Script to compile module [CODE]*.C (segment 10); Script added to database on 9-DEC-1989 20:34:25.44; Script added to database by user JONES (John Jones)! Remark: New remark string  VDE>A This example modifies the script to compile all C modules in@ facility CODE to have a new remark string. The log messages= show that the script was successfully modified. The SHOWA SCRIPT/FULL command shows that the database contains the new remark string. 2 SESSIONA Modifies the attributes of one or more reservation sessions inC the VDE database. The attributes of a session you can modify are its name and remark string.A Requires RESREP privilege to modify your own session. Requires6 PERFREP privilege to modify another user's session. Format5 MODIFY SESSION session-name [, session-name...] 3 Parameter session-name? The name of a reservation session whose attributes are to beD modified. You can modify more than one session at a time by usingD wildcard characters in the session name. The percent sign (%) inA a session name matches any single character in the position itD occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters inA the position it occupies. VDE modifies the attributes of those3 sessions whose names match the wildcard pattern. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> reservation session modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causesB VDE to print a message for each session asking whether you wantB that session modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the session isB modified. If you answer NO (or N), the session is not modified.A If you enter a session name with a wildcard specification, VDEB asks you to confirm the modification of each session whose name? matches the wildcard specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifierA causes VDE to modify the specified sessions without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG? Controls whether log messages are printed after the sessions> are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beA printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate thatD the sessions have been modified and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME=session-nameD Specifies a new name for the reservation session. The new session> name can be up to 39 characters long and must follow normal@ VDE name syntax. After the session name has been changed, youB must refer to the session by its new name in all subsequent VDE4 commands. The old name is lost from the database. /REMARK /REMARK="string"= Specifies a new remark string for the session. This stringA replaces the remark string from the original RESERVE or CREATEC SESSION command or from any previous MODIFY SESSION command. TheD quoted remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, mayA contain any explanatory remark about the session that you want stored in the VDE database. 3 Examples; 1.VDE> MODIFY SESSION SMITH-2/REMARK="New remark string"L %VDE-I-SESMOD, information for session SMITH-2 modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>B This example modifies session SMITH-2 to give it a new remarkD string. The log messages show that the session has successfully been modified. 2 STEP= Modifies a build-step definition in the VDE database. This= command lets you add or remove individual input and outputC modules to the build-dependency information of a compile or link step. Requires CRESTEP privilege. Format: MODIFY STEP step-mod-name = mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameters step-mod-nameA The name of the module that is compiled or linked by the build< step. This name consists of a module name and a type name> separated by a period (such as MOD1.PAS) and optionally may? include a facility name enclo sed in square brackets (such as> [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). The module name may not contain wildcard< characters. If no facility name is specified, the default= facility is assumed. This module must already exist in theB database and it must already have build-dependency information. mod-nameB The name of a module that you want to add or remove as an input? or output for the build step. This name consists of a module? name and a type name (for example, MOD1.OBJ) and may includ e< a facility name enclosed in square brackets (for example,C [FACNAM]MOD1.OBJ). If no facility name is specified, the default facility is assumed.C You can add or remove many input or output modules by specifying? wildcard characters in any component of the module name. TheB percent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in theB position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or moreD characters in the position it occupies. Those modules whose namesD  match the wildcard pattern are added to or removed from the build step.A If the output module you specify does not already exist in theC database, the MODIFY STEP command adds it to the database. InputC modules, however, must already be defined in the database. Also,? you cannot specify a source module as an output from a build step. 3 Description? To be able to perform minimal system builds, VDE records allD inputs and outputs for each build step. This info rmation is knownB as "build dependency information." Normally, VDE collects build? dependency information automatically when you perform system> builds. For some build steps, however, this is not possible> and you must use the CREATE STEP command to enter the build0 dependency information into the VDE database.> The MODIFY STEP command is normally used to edit build step? definitions created with the CREATE STEP command. The MODIFYA STEP command allows you to change build d ependency informationA in the VDE database by adding or removing individual input and output modules.@ Build dependency information is always created in the default@ development stream. To modify a build step definition for use? in more than one development stream, you must use the MODIFYA STEP command for each stream. For each stream, first enter theC SET STREAM command to set the development stream, then enter theD MODIFY STEP command to modify the build dependency information in the VDE database. 3 Qualifiers /ADDC Controls whether the modules specified in the parameter list are? added to or removed from the build-step definition. The /ADD> qualifier adds the specified modules to the build step. TheA /REMOVE qualifier removes the specified modules from the build? step. To set the default for the command as a whole, specifyA the qualifier after the MODIFY STEP keywords. To override that? default for a single module, specify the qualifier after theC mod-name parameter you choose to add to or remove from the buildC step. If you do not specify one of these qualifiers, modules are added to the build step., Of /ADD and /REMOVE, /ADD is the default. /REMOVEC Controls whether the modules specified in the parameter list are? added to or removed from the build-step definition. The /ADD> qualifier adds the specified modules to the build step. TheA /REMOVE qualifier removes the specified modules from the build? step. To set the default for the command as a whole, specifyA the qualifier after the MODIFY STEP keywords. To override that? default for a single module, specify the qualifier after theC mod-name parameter you choose to add to or remove from the buildC step. If you do not specify one of these qualifiers, modules are added to the build step., Of /ADD and /REMOVE, /ADD is the default. /COMPILE? Specifies whether the build step to be modified is a compileC step, copy step, or link step. /COMPILE modifies a compile step,A /COPY modifies a copy step, and /LINK modifies a link step for the specified module.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /COPY? Specifies whether the build step to be modified is a compileC step, copy step, or link step. /COMPILE modifies a compile step,A /COPY modifies a copy step, and /LINK modifies a link step for the specified module.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /LINK? Specifies whether the build step to be modified is a compileC step, copy step, or link step. /COMPILE modifies a compile step,A /COPY modifies a copy step, and /LINK modifies a link step for the specified module.9 Of /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, /COMPILE is the default. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRM= Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the@ build-step definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes@ VDE to print a message asking whether you want the build step@ modified. If you answer YES (or Y), the build-step definitionB is modified. If you answer NO (or N), the build-step definitionA is not modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier also causes VDE to askB you to confirm the addition or removal of each individual input@ or output module for the build step. The /NOCONFIRM qualifierD causes VDE to modify the build-step definition wi thout asking for confirmation. /INPUT= Specifies whether the mod-name parameters are inputs to or? outputs from the build step. The /INPUT qualifier designatesD the specified modules as inputs in the build-step definition. TheC /OUTPUT qualifier designates the specified modules as outputs inC the build-step definition. To set the default for the command asD a whole, specify the qualifier after the MODIFY STEP keywords. ToC override that default for a single module, specify the qualifierA after the mod-name parameter you choose to mark as an input or output.0 Of /INPUT and /OUTPUT, /INPUT is the default. /OUTPUT= Specifies whether the mod-name parameters are inputs to or? outputs from the build step. The /INPUT qualifier designatesD the specified modules as inputs in the build-step definition. TheC /OUTPUT qualifier designates the specified modules as outputs inC the build-step definition. To set the default for the command asD a whole, specify the qualifier after the MODIFY STEP keywords. ToC override that default for a single module, specify the qualifierA after the mod-name parameter you choose to mark as an input or output.0 Of /INPUT and /OUTPUT, /INPUT is the default. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGA Controls whether log messages are printed after the build step= definition is modified in the database. The /LOG qualifier= causes the messages to be printed and  the /NOLOG qualifierA suppresses them. The messages indicate that the build step has? been modified, that the specified modules have been added toB or removed from the step, and that the database transaction has committed successfully. 3 Examples? 1.VDE> MODIFY STEP MOD4.FOR = FOO.FOR/INPUT, MOD4.ANA/OUTPUTS %VDE-I-COMSTEPMOD, compile step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR modified in databaseI %VDE-I-MODINSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.FOR is an input to the build stepN  %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD4.ANA is an output from the build stepC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed! VDE> SHOW STEP/FULL MOD4.FOR+ Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR/ Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow! Inputs to the build step: Module [CODE]MOD4.FOR Module [CODE]FOO.FOR$ Outputs from the build step:! Module [CODE]MOD4.$OBJ Module [CODE]MOD4.LIS Mod ule [CODE]MOD4.ANA- Build step has 2 inputs and 3 outputs VDE>? This example modifies the build dependency information forC the build step that compiles module MOD4.FOR. The command addsD module FOO.FOR as an input to the step and adds module MOD4.ANAA as an output from the step. The SHOW STEP command shows thatB the new input and output modules have been added to the build) dependency information for the step.P 2.VDE> MODIFY STEP/LINK MOD1.EX E = FOO.$OBJ/REMOVE/INPUT, MOD1.MAP/ADD/OUTPUTP %VDE-I-LNKSTEPMOD, link step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE modified in databaseQ %VDE-I-MODREMINSTEP, module [CODE]FOO.$OBJ removed as an input to build stepN %VDE-I-MODOUTSTEP, module [CODE]MOD1.MAP is an output from the build stepC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed& VDE> SHOW STEP/LINK/FULL MOD1.EXE( Link Step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE/ Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow! Inputs to the build step:! Module [CODE]MOD1.$OBJ! Module [CODE]MOD2.$OBJ$ Outputs from the build step: Module [CODE]MOD1.EXE Module [CODE]MOD1.MAP- Build step has 2 inputs and 2 outputs VDE>; This MODIFY STEP command modifies the build dependency? information for the build step that links module MOD1.EXE.C The command removes FOO.$OBJ as an input to the build step andD adds MOD1.MAP as an output from the step. The SHOW STEP commandA confirms that the changes have been made to the step's build dependency information. 2 STREAMD Modifies the attributes of one or more development streams in the VDE database.) Requires CRESTRM or MODSTRM privilege. Format2 MODIFY STREAM stream-name [, stream-name...] 3 Parameter stream-nameC The name of a stream in the current VDE library whose attributes= are to be modified. You can modify more tha n one stream at> a time by using wildcard characters in the stream name. TheB percent sign (%) in a stream name matches any single characterA in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero? or more characters in the position it occupies. VDE modifiesA the attributes of those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern.B The stream name can be up to 39 characters long. It must follow? VDE name syntax. Unlike other VDE names, the stream name can? contain periods (.). The use of the facility prefix VDE$ is expressly prohibited. 3 Qualifiers /CMS_CLASS /CMS_CLASS /NOCMS_CLASSB Sets or clears the CMS-class attribute of the stream. The /CMS_A CLASS qualifier causes VDE to create a CMS class with the same@ name as the stream in each facility's CMS library and to thenA maintain that class when the REPLACE command and certain otherD commands change what module generations belong to the stream. TheD /NOCMS_CLASS qualifier causes VDE to not maintain a CMS class for the stream.> The /CMS_CLASS qualifier interacts with the /INIT_CMS_CLASSB and /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS qualifiers; see the descriptions of these qualifiers for details.? You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use these qualifiers. /CONFERENCE /CONFERENCE=file-spec /NOCONFERENCEC Specifies whether a Notes conference for replacement information< should be associated with the new str eam. The /CONFERENCEC qualifier specifies that the notes conference given by the file-D spec parameter should be used to record all replacements into theB stream. VDE then enters a new note into the conference for each@ queued or immediate replacement and a reply to that note when@ a queued replacement is actually performed. The /NOCONFERENCED qualifier specifies that no such notes conference should be used.; Under normal circumstances, just the file name should be@ specified in the file-spec parameter. VDE applies defaults toC the notes conference file specification based on the translationA of the logical name VDE$NOTES_LIBRARY. If this logical name isD not defined, the default file specification "NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE") is applied to the file-spec parameter. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachC stream definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE toB print a message for the specified stream giving the name of theC stream and asking whether you want to modify that stream. If youC answer YES (or Y), its attributes are modified. If you answer NOD (or N), its attributes are not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifierC causes VDE to modify the attributes of the stream without asking for confirmation. /DELETE /DELETE /NODELETE (default); Sets or clears the delete attribute for the stream. ThisC attribute allows the stream to be deleted with the DELETE STREAM> command. The /DELETE qualifier sets the delete attribute soA that the stream can be deleted. The /NODELETE qualifier clears< the delete attribute so that the stream cannot be deletedC without first resetting the attribute. You must have the CRESTRM% privilege to use these qualifiers. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG= Controls whether log messages are printed after the streamD definitions are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messagesB to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate> that the stream definitions have been modified and that the3 database transaction has successfully committed. /INIT_CMS_CLASS /INIT_CMS_CLASS /NOINIT_CMS_CLASSA Specifies whether VDE initializes the CMS class for the stream? in each facility's CMS library when the /CMS_CLASS qualifierD specifies that such a class should be maintained. /INIT_CMS_C LASS? sets an attribute that causes the MODIFY STREAM command withC the /CMS_CLASS qualifier to create and populate a CMS class withB the same name as the stream in each facility. /NOINIT_CMS_CLASSA clears this attribute so that MODIFY STREAM does not create orB populate such CMS classes. /NOINIT_CMS_CLASS is useful for veryC large VDE libraries where the initialization of CMS classes take@ an excessively long time. For such libraries, it is better toA use a separate command procedure to initialize the desired CMS? classes; such a procedure can process the facilities of your- library in parallel for faster completion.? You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use these qualifiers. /NAME /NAME=stream-nameD Specifies a new name for the stream. The stream name can be up toD 39 characters long and must follow normal VDE name syntax, exceptA that a stream name can contain periods (.) . After the streamA name has been changed, you must refer to the stream by its newA name in all subsequent VDE commands. The old name is lost from the database. /NOSUCCESSOR1 /NOSUCCESSOR[=(succ-name [, succ-name...])]? Specifies streams that should no longer be successors to theC stream being modified. A successor to a stream is another streamA to which source changes are propagated by the REPLACE command.? Each succ-name parameter specifies the name of a stream that> is currently a successor to the stream given by the stream-@ name parameter, but that no longer should be a successor. TheA specified streams are thus removed from the list of successors stored in the database.> If the list of succ-name parameters is omitted, all current@ successors of the stream being modified are removed from that stream's successor list.= You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use this qualifier. /NOTIFY' /NOTIFY=(username [,username...])+ /NONOTIFY[=(username  [,username...])]? The /NOTIFY qualifier specifies a list of users to notify ofB all replacements into the specified stream, and of all facility? creation operations. VDE appends these users to the stream's@ existing notification list. Each username parameter gives theD OpenVMS username or mail address of a user who should be notifiedB by mail message each time a module is replaced into the stream.= Each username parameter can specify the username of a user? already rec orded in the VDE database, a OpenVMS mail address< with one or more node names (such as NODE::SMITH), a mailA forwarding alias, or a defined logical name bound to a list of? users to notify. If you specify a logical name, keep in mindA that the logical name must be defined when it is later used toB send notification messages. It should thus be a group or systemC logical name or a logical name that is in some other way defined$ for all users of the VDE library.D The /NONO TIFY qualifier specifies that a list of users already onC the stream's notification list be removed from that notificationC list. Each username parameter gives the OpenVMS username or mailA address of a user to remove from the notification list. If youD omit the username parameters, VDE removes the entire notification list for the stream.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specifiedA with the /NONOTIFY qualifier from the notification list before9 adding the users specified with the /NOTIFY qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /OPEN@ Sets the status of the stream to open, frozen, or permanentlyD closed. If you specify the /OPEN qualifier, all users can reserveD and replace source modules from the stream and thereby modify the contents of the stream.> If you specify the /FROZEN qualifier, all users may reserve@ modules from th e stream. However, a user must have the FROZEN? privilege to replace modules into the stream; non-privileged@ users cannot change the contents of the stream. You can laterC change the status to open with another MODIFY STREAM command, so( the stream is not permanently frozen.C If you specify the /CLOSED qualifier, modules cannot be reservedB from or replaced into the stream. This status cannot be changed> with a subsequent MODIFY STREAM command unless you have theC UNCLOSE  privilege. Use the /CLOSED qualifier when you never want@ the contents of the stream to change again, for example, whenC capturing a base-level of your software system or when capturing: the final state of a released version of your software.B You must have the UNCLOSE privilege to use the /OPEN or /FROZEN! qualifier for a closed stream. /FROZEN@ Sets the status of the stream to open, frozen, or permanentlyD closed. If you specify the /OPEN qualifier, all users can  reserveD and replace source modules from the stream and thereby modify the contents of the stream.> If you specify the /FROZEN qualifier, all users may reserve@ modules from the stream. However, a user must have the FROZEN? privilege to replace modules into the stream; non-privileged@ users cannot change the contents of the stream. You can laterC change the status to open with another MODIFY STREAM command, so( the stream is not permanently frozen.C If you specify th e /CLOSED qualifier, modules cannot be reservedB from or replaced into the stream. This status cannot be changed> with a subsequent MODIFY STREAM command unless you have theC UNCLOSE privilege. Use the /CLOSED qualifier when you never want@ the contents of the stream to change again, for example, whenC capturing a base-level of your software system or when capturing: the final state of a released version of your software.B You must have the UNCLOSE privilege to use the /OPEN or /FROZEN! qualifier for a closed stream. /CLOSED@ Sets the status of the stream to open, frozen, or permanentlyD closed. If you specify the /OPEN qualifier, all users can reserveD and replace source modules from the stream and thereby modify the contents of the stream.> If you specify the /FROZEN qualifier, all users may reserve@ modules from the stream. However, a user must have the FROZEN? privilege to replace modules into the stream; non-privileged@ users  cannot change the contents of the stream. You can laterC change the status to open with another MODIFY STREAM command, so( the stream is not permanently frozen.C If you specify the /CLOSED qualifier, modules cannot be reservedB from or replaced into the stream. This status cannot be changed> with a subsequent MODIFY STREAM command unless you have theC UNCLOSE privilege. Use the /CLOSED qualifier when you never want@ the contents of the stream to change again, for example, whenC capturing a base-level of your software system or when capturing: the final state of a released version of your software.B You must have the UNCLOSE privilege to use the /OPEN or /FROZEN! qualifier for a closed stream. /OWNER /OWNER=username /NOOWNERD The /OWNER qualifier specifies the owner of the specified stream.B The username parameter gives the OpenVMS username of a user whoB should be recorded as the "owner" of the stream. VDE assigns no@  special meaning to the owner of a stream, but the SHOW STREAMD command displays the owner. The owner could thus be the person to+ contact with questions about the stream.A The /NOOWNER qualifier specifies that the stream has no owner.? Both qualifiers remove the previous owner's ownership of the stream. /POPULATE /POPULATE /NOPOPULATE? Specifies whether the stream is allowed to be populated with< generations from another stream using the POPULATE STREAMB command. /POPULATE allows subsequent use of the POPULATE STREAM@ command to populate the stream and /NOPOPULATE disallows suchD use. You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use these qualifiers. /PROCESS_COUNT /PROCESS_COUNT=proc-count= Specifies the default number of processes to execute build? jobs for the stream. This parameter determines the degree ofB parallelism for the stream's build jobs. See the description ofB the BUILD command for a detailed description of this qualifier. /QUEUE* /QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])= Specifies the default batch queues to which build jobs for= the stream are submitted. See the description of the BUILDA command for a detailed description of this qualifier and for aD description of its interaction with the /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier. /REMARK /REMARK="string"> Specifies a remark string for the stream. The quoted remarkB string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain anyB explanatory remark about the stream that you want stored in the? VDE database. Typically the remark describes what version or? base-level of your system the stream represents. This string= replaces the remark string from the original CREATE STREAM6 command or from any previous MODIFY STREAM command. /REPLACEMENT /REPLACEMENT=keywordB Sets or clears the queued-replacement attribute for the stream.> This attribute controls whether  the REPLACE command permits< immediate replacements into the stream or requires queuedC replacements. If the keyword parameter is IMMEDIATE, the REPLACE> command will immediately replace modules into the stream by? default. If the parameter is QUEUE, the REPLACE command willC always queue replacements for the stream so that modules are notD replaced into the stream until a privileged user enters a PERFORM REPLACEMENT command. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [, username...])- /NOREVIEWER[=(username [,username...])]@ The /REVIEWER qualifier specifies a list of reviewers for allC module replacements into the specified stream. VDE appends theseB reviewers to the stream's existing reviewer list. Each usernameC parameter gives the OpenVMS username of a user who should review= all replacements into the stream. The user must already beC recorded in the VDE database. When a module is replaced into theD stream, VDE notifies the user  of the replacement by mail message.@ If the replacement is queued, the user should then review the@ queued replacement before it is performed. If the replacementC is immediate, VDE notifies the user of the new module generationC that was created, and the user may then inspect that generation.> The /NOREVIEWER qualifier specifies that a list of existingB reviewers for the specified stream be removed from the reviewer@ list. Each username parameter gives the OpenVMS username of aA user who should be removed from the reviewer list. If you omitD the username parameters, VDE removes the entire reviewer list for the stream.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specified? with the /NOREVIEWER qualifier from the reviewer list before; adding the users specified with the /REVIEWER qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /STEP_DELAY /STEP_DELAY=time-intervalD Specifies the default step-delay time interval used by build jobsA for the stream. See the description of the BUILD command for a* detailed description of this qualifier. /SUCCESSOR- /SUCCESSOR=(succ-name [, succ-name...]); Specifies new successors to the stream being modified. AB successor to a stream is another stream to which source changesB are propagated by the REPLACE command. Each succ-name parameter= specifies the name of a stream that becomes a successor to? the stream given by the stream-name parameter. The specified@ successors are added to the list of successors already storedC in the database. You must have the CRESTRM privilege to use this qualifier. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=time-intervalD Specifies the default timeout interval used by build jobs for theB stream. See the description of the BUILD command for a detailed! description of this qualifier. 3 Examples< 1.VDE > MODIFY STREAM V3.3-FT1 /REMARK="New remark string"M %VDE-I-STRMMOD, information for stream V3.3-FT1 modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed@ In this example, the user specifies a new remark string for@ stream V3.3-FT1. This remark string can be retrieved with a$ subsequent SHOW STREAM command.) 2.VDE> MODIFY STREAM/NAME=V5.3 HICKORYI %VDE-I-STRMMOD, information for stream V5.3 modified in the databaseC %VD E-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedD In this example, the name of stream HICKORY is changed to V5.3.D You must refer to the stream by this new name in all subsequent VDE commands.D 3.VDE> MODIFY STREAM/CONFIRM BLVL-7/REMARK="New remark string", -B _VDE> BLVL-9/REMARK="New remark string"# Modify stream BLVL-7 ? [No]: Y; %VDE-I-STRMMOD, stream BLVL-7 modified in the database# Modify stream BLVL-9 ? [No]: NC  %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This example illustrates the /CONFIRM qualifier. This qualifierD causes VDE to ask the user whether each specified stream shouldA be modified. For stream BLVL-7, the user answers Y (for YES)= and the remark string for that stream is modified in the? database, as the log message shows. For stream BLVL-9, theC user answers N (for NO) and that stream is not modified. HenceC there is no log message for that stream. The final log messageB indicates that the database transaction for the whole command has successfully committed. 2 USERC Modifies one or more attributes of the database record of one or more users. Requires CREUSR privilege. Format* MODIFY USER username [, username...] 3 Parameter usernameB The OpenVMS username of the user whose record is to be modified@ in the current VDE library. You can modify more than one userC record by using wildcard characters in the username. The percent> sign (%) in a username matches any single character in theB position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or moreB characters in the position it occupies. The attributes of those> user records whose usernames match the wildcard pattern are modified. 3 Qualifiers /AUTH_PRIVILEGES( /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])@ Specifies a new set of authorized privileges that the user isD allowed to set with the SET PRIVILEGE command. The privilege listD you create replaces the user's current privilege list. Therefore,B you must specify all authorized privileges you want the user to have.@ Each parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. IfC only one privilege is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.D For a list of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) C Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each user@ record modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print aC message for each user giving the username and asking whether you@ want to modify the user record. If you answer YES (or Y), theD user record is modified. If you answer NO (or N), the user recordA is not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to modify3 the user record without asking for confirmation. /DEF_PRIVILEGES' /DEF_PRI VILEGES=(priv [,priv...])C Specifies the default privileges which are enabled each time theB user starts a new VDE session. Each default privilege specifiedC also becomes an authorized privilege for the user. The privilege> list you create replaces the user's current privilege list.B Therefore, you must specify all default privileges you want the user to have.@ Each parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. IfC only one privilege is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.A For a list of the privilege names you can specify, see the SET PRIVILEGES command. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after the user records> are modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be< printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicateA that the user records have been modified and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /NAME /NAME="string"D Specifies a full name for the user. The quoted name string, whichB can be up to 40 characters long, should contain a new full nameC string (first name, middle initial, and last name) for the user. /NOTIFY' /NOTIFY=(username [,username...])+ /NONOTIFY[=(username [,username...])]< The /NOTIFY qualifier specifies a list of users to notify> each time the specified user replaces a module into the VDED library. VDE appends these users to the specified user' s existing? notification list. Each username parameter gives the OpenVMSD username or mail address of a user who should be notified by mailB message each time the specified user replaces a module into the library.= Each username parameter can specify the username of a user? already recorded in the VDE database, a OpenVMS mail address< with one or more node names (such as NODE::SMITH), a mailA forwarding alias, or a defined logical name bound to a list of? users to no tify. If you specify a logical name, keep in mindA that the logical name must be defined when it is later used toB send notification messages. It should thus be a group or systemC logical name or a logical name that is in some other way defined$ for all users of the VDE library.A The /NONOTIFY qualifier specifies that a list of users already< on the specified user's notification list be removed from< that notification list. Each username parameter gives the@ OpenVMS username or mail address of a user to remove from the> notification list. If you omit the username parameters, VDE( removes the entire notification list.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specifiedA with the /NONOTIFY qualifier from the notification list before9 adding the users specified with the /NOTIFY qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a remark string to be stored for the user. The quoted= remark string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may> contain any explanatory remark about the user that you want> stored in the VDE database. This string replaces the remarkD string from the original CREATE USER command or from any previousA MODIFY USER command. Typically the remark describes the user's3 affiliation or function within the organization. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(usernam e [,username...])- /NOREVIEWER[=(username [,username...])]@ The /REVIEWER qualifier specifies a list of reviewers for allC changes replaced into the VDE library by the specified user. VDE@ appends these reviewers to the user's existing reviewer list.? Each username parameter gives the OpenVMS username of a user? who should review all changes created by the specified user.A The new reviewer must already be recorded in the VDE database.B When the specified user replace s a module into the VDE library,> VDE notifies the reviewer of the change by mail message. IfA the replacement is queued, the reviewer should then review theC queued replacement before it is performed. If the replacement isD immediate, VDE notifies the reviewer of the new module generationD that was created, and he or she may then inspect that generation.A This qualifier can be used to set up "buddy systems" where two) users always review each other's code.> The /NOREVIEW ER qualifier specifies that a list of existing@ reviewers for the specified user be removed from the reviewer@ list. Each username parameter gives the OpenVMS username of aA user who should be removed from the reviewer list. If you omitD the username parameters, VDE removes the entire reviewer list for the user.B If you specify both qualifiers, VDE removes the users specified? with the /NOREVIEWER qualifier from the reviewer list before; adding the users specified with the /REVIEWER qualifier.D If you specify only one username parameter with either qualifier,, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /USERNAME /USERNAME=usernameB Specifies a new OpenVMS username for the user. The new usernameB can be up to 12 characters long and must follow normal VDE nameB syntax. If you change a username in the VDE database you shouldD also remember to have your system manager change it in the systemC User Authorization File. After the user name is changed, you mustC refer to the user by the new name in all subsequent VDE commands? and the user must access the database with the new username. 3 ExamplesA 1.VDE> MODIFY USER SMITH /USERNAME=BROWN /NAME="Jane S. Brown"H %VDE-I-USERMOD, information for user BROWN modified in the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedA In this example, Jane Smith has changed her name. The MODIFYD USER command is used to enter her  new OpenVMS username and fullD name string into the VDE database. Thereafter, Jane must accessA the VDE library as user BROWN and she must be referred to asD BROWN on subsequent VDE commands. The log messages confirm thatC her user record was modified and that the database transaction successfully completed.F 2.VDE> MODIFY USER DOE /REMARK="OpenVMS Documentation Supervisor" -- _VDE> /DEF_PRIVILEGES=BUILD /NOLOG VDE>A Here John Doe has been promoted to Documentation Supervisor.B The MODIFY USER command changes his remark string to indicate< his new role and reduces his default privileges to only? the BUILD privilege. In this example, the /NOLOG qualifier! suppresses the log messages. wwBĵ1 New_FeaturesA This section contains descriptions of the various new features present in VDE Version 1.5-0. 2 Description= VDE New and Changed Features describes the various new an d6 changed features present in the VDE V1.5-0 release.) Table 1-2 VDE New and Changed Features Feature Description& New/Changed Features for VDE V1.5-0 VDE Database Format@ VDE V1.5-0 continues to use VDE library format 25.A Versions of VDE that also support library format 25@ can coexist with VDE V1.5-0. (Currently, these areD releases X1.2-n, V1.3-n, V1.4-n, and V1.5-0.) VersionsE of VDE using older  or newer formats can not coexist andD require a database conversion. To determine the format? of an existing library, use the SHOW LIBRARY/FULL command.D Do not use a newer version of VDE on a library created? under a previous VDE version-specifically any VDE? library with the autoconvert option enabled-if anA automatic library format conversion is not desired. Support for AgingA  VDE V1.5-0 includes a tool to notify users that areE have pending reservations and/or folds, reservations orD folds that have been outstanding for an extended time.C See the documentation of VDE/AGE for further details. Default SCT Conference Names? When VDE determines that a user does not have theA identifier specified on the target VDE library, VDE@ is no longer left in a confused state. Previously,B   one had to exit and restart VDE to recover from this situation.& New/Changed Features for VDE V1.4-n VDE Database Format@ VDE V1.5-0 uses library format 25. Versions of VDEB that also support library format 25 can coexist with@ VDE V1.5-0. (Currently, these are releases X1.2-n,@ V1.3-n and V1.5-0.) Versions of VDE using older orB newer formats can not coexist and require a database@  conversion. To determine the format of an existing9 library, use the SHOW LIBRARY/FULL command.D Do not use a newer version of VDE on a library created? under a previous VDE version-specifically any VDE? library with the autoconvert option enabled-if anA automatic library format conversion is not desired. Support for DEC CMS V3.7+A VDE V1.5-0 includes changes that allow VDE to avoidA a comp atibility problem introduced in DEC CMS V3.7.D Earlier versions of VDE do not function correctly with* CMS versions 3.7 or greater. Default SCT Conference NamesD When determining the default SCT conference name for aE stream, VDE now translates any character that is not anE alphanumeric, "$" or "_" character into a "-" (hyphen).> This change allows an SCT Notes conference to be? configured for s tream names, such as "V3.4", thatA contain a character such as a period. In this case,D VDE will choose the name "SCT-V3-4" as the default SCTA conference, which is a legal Notes conference name. Notification Performance@ VDE Handling of event notifications (Mail to users@ and/or notes posted to Notes conferences) has beenE improved for reliability and performance. Minor changes> have also been m ade to messages displayed during notification. VDE /WHEREISB This is a new qualifier to the DCL-level VDE commandB (not available at the VDE> prompt). This tool allows? command procedure to locate key components and/orB obtain a list of available databases. Information isD returned as local symbols or process logical names, as5 specified by the caller. Example usage:E $ VDE/WHEREI S /LIBRARY=vde-libname/RETURN=LOGICAL_NAMES? $ VDE/WHEREIS /INDEX=vde-libindex /RETURN=SYMBOLSA For further information, see the information on the2 VDE$WHEREIS_* symbols/logical names. Quota ChecksB The minimum quota values used for VDE's quota checksA have been raised for ASTLM, BYTLM, JTQUOTA and TQLM@ for V1.5-0. VDE will display a warning message andA attempt to continue should one or mo re insufficient' quota values be detected.E See the VDE/READ_UAF command for assistance in updating> user quotas in the system authorization databaseE (SYSUAF) and updating user entries in the VDE database. SETCMS/SETVDEA The SETCMS, SETVSC and SETVDE commands are obsoleteD and all references to these commands have been removedA from the command tables and the OpenVMS DevelopmentC  Environment documentation. These commands provided anC access control mechanism for the VDE components. MoreD flexible access control capabilities are now availableB via standard VDE security features such as subsystem identifiers. Message TextA The text of various messages output by VDE has been= improved for clarity. The associated documented8 recovery steps have been improved as well. ' New/Changed Features from VDE V1.3-n DocumentationB The documentation now calls out the similarities andA the differences between the VSC and the VDE command interfaces.D Several chapters have been added to the Guide to UsingD VDE to detail various common tasks, and information onE managing a VDE library has been expanded. The format of+ the manual has been improved.C An Err or Messages and Recovery section has been added& to VDE Reference Manual.3 An installation guide has been added.8 The various indices are now rather larger.@ Various appendicies have been added, including one3 containing various VDE logical names.> Implicit assumptions on various points of arcaneA process knowledge-and on knowledge of terms such as? "Master Pack" and "Yellow", etc-have b een reduced@ or eliminated from the VDE documentation. WheneverC possible, terminology has been made consistent acrossD both the OpenVMS VAX and the OpenVMS Alpha development environments. Motif Interface< VDE V1.3-n and later versions contain a Motif-> based user interface, and associated hyper-help.= Invoke the VDE command specifying the qualifier$ /INTERFACE=DECwindows.=  The Motif interface includes support for FETCH,A RESERVE, REPLACE and UNRESERVE commands, as well asE HELP and a few other Motif-related commands. VDE target@ library selection is currently via static resourceC file entries (made visible and selected via a cascadeE menu loaded at run-time), but may be made dynamic in an upcoming release. CREATE LIBRARY/NOAUTO_CONVERTA Automatic library format conversion is now disabledD by default as the /NOAUTO_CONVERT qualifier is now theE default. Previous versions of VDE defaulted to allowingB automatic conversion. Libraries presently marked forC automatic conversion are not affected by this change.E All VDE libraries should be reviewed to determine if an7 automatic conversion should be permitted. Architecture Support= The VDE commands for  managing ARCHITECTUREs areA partially documented. This capability introduced in. V1.3-n is not fully implemented. OpenVMS Alpha Support@ As of V1.3-0, VDE is available for OpenVMS VAX andB OpenVMS Alpha; Releases V1.3-n and V1.5-0 operate in- mixed-architecture VMSclusters. PCSI Installation8 VDE is now installed via the PCSI utility. Quota CheckC VDE V1.3 and later releases check for vari ous minimum> quota values. VDE displays a warning message andB attempts to continue should one or more insufficient' quota values be detected.E See the VDE/READ_UAF command for assistance in updating> user quotas in the system authorization databaseE (SYSUAF) and updating user entries in the VDE database. SET PRIVILEGE/OVERRIDEA Allows a user that has the OpenVMS BYPASS privilegeC  enabled to override the VDE privilege settings and toA set all VDE privileges. An informational message isA generated when the privilege is used, and privilege$ auditing is performed. SET LIBRARY@ The SET LIBRARY command now allows a user that has> the OpenVMS BYPASS privilege enabled to override; a restricted VDE user authorization database,< and to access the library. This is intended to@  allow privileged VDE users to perform VDE databaseE maintenance when necessary. An informational message isB generated when the privilege override is used, and a3 privilege audit message is generated.E The SET LIBRARY command now correctly processes libraryA specifications incorrectly include the library fileB name, the library file extension, and/or the libraryE file version-these compone nts are now ignored. PreviousE versions of VDE permitted only the device and directory= specifications, and an error was generated when3 additional components were specified.E The SET LIBRARY command now allows the specification ofE either an explicit library specification, or a mnemonicB shorthand for the desired library. Mnemonics and theA associated translations are established via logical>  names, and can be tailored for individual users,@ for groups, or on a system-wide basis. For furtherB information, see the information on the VDE$LIBRARY_A DEFAULTS, VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS, VDE$LIBRARY_> DEFAULTS_CMS, and VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical names.? When no parameter is specified on the SET LIBRARYA command, an error message is (still) generated, andE a site-configurable list of the available VDE libraries is now displayed.B When the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name> is defined, the SET LIBRARY command is available> via keyboard definitions for the F17 through F20C keyboard keys. The first four libraries listed in theB translation(s) of VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS areC selected by the default key state, the second four byC  the gold state, and the third four by the blue state. SHOW DEVELOPER7 This command is now partially documented. SHOW REPLACEMENT/ACCEPTEDD This is a new qualifier. This displays all replacementB component modules that have been marked as accepted. SHOW REPLACEMENT/IN_REVIEWC This is a new qualifier, and displays all replacement8 component that are presently under review. SHOW REPLACEMENT/NOT_REVIEWEDB ! This is a new qualifier and displays all replacement@ component modules that have not yet been reviewed. SHOW REPLACEMENT/REJECTED> This is a new qualifier and displays replacement8 component modules that have been rejected. VDE$ENABLE_AUDITB A system logical name defined in executive mode thatB enables OpenVMS system-level auditing of various VDEB operations. Use of this option requires that the VDEC " image be installed with or run with the OpenVMS AUDIT privilege enabled. CREATE MODULE/INPUTB This command is no longer accepted on streams markedB for queued replacements. Any attempt to perform thisB operation on a stream marked for queued replacements= will be rejected with the error VDE$_INCNOTVAL.% VDE$MARKER marker-file directories; VDE now creates the [.VDE$MARKER] marker-file7 # subdirectory when initializing a library. MODIFY LIBRARY/LOCKA VDE now supports a limited capability to maintain aB write-lock on a library. This capability is intendedE primarily for the maintenance and consistency of shadow) or reference VDE libraries. MODIFY MODULE/NAME ObsoletedB The /NAME qualifier has been removed, as there is no@ reliable way to handle the rename operation at the? $CMS level, nor a reasonable way to handle copyingA the various possible source files, object files andD similar. Users wishing to perform a rename must delete@ the old module and recreate it under the new name,? specifying the appropriate generations to create. Kept Subprocesses= Erroneous attempts to directly attach to a keptC subprocess, via lib$attach or the DCL ATTACH command,: no longer caus %e the kept subprocess to exit.A The kept subprocess now uses a unique process name;@ previous versions used a process name based on the username. Calling InterfaceE VDE now includes a callable interface allowing listings? of libraries, and fetches. The interface supportsD remote access via an IP network, and is implemented asE a shareable image. This interface directly supports theE & VDE WWW server. A future release of VDE may add supportA for reservations, unreservations, and replacements.C Contact VDE support for information before using thisC interface-a few incompatible changes to the interface% are currently expected. VDE$LIBRARY_LABELA VDE now defines a process logical name VDE$LIBRARY_D LABEL whenever a connection is made to a library. ThisB logical name contains th 'e remark associated with the@ library, and is intended for use within procedures) based on the VDE utilities. VDE$LIBRARY_MNEMONICA VDE now defines a process logical name VDE$LIBRARY_B MNEMONIC whenever a connection is made to a library.B This logical name contains the library name or, whenB known, the mnemonic name associated with the current@ library, and is intended for use within procedures) ( based on the VDE utilities. VDE$NOTES_LIBRARYE A logical name that allows a user to change the default? Notes conference file specification for SCT NotesB conferences accessed by VDE. If this logical name isE not defined, the default value of "NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE" is used. Script EnhancementsA A new script type, CREATE_FACILITY, has been added.D This optional script is invoked wh )en a new facility is< created. See VDE Reference Manual for details.C The execution context of the script has been changed,> and scripts now correctly tolerate an EMIT of anA EXIT DCL command; scripts also recover from various= abnormal terminations of script. Scripts do notA correctly recover from the complete deletion of theD subprocess. This will wedge the current operation, andD stil *l require the user to enter a to free the process.A The <> and <> characters can now be used to quote6 strings used in the EMIT script command.C A new script function, $SCRATCH, has been added. WhenE invoked, this function returns the device and directory? specification for the VDE scratch directory. ThisA directory is useful for scripts that need temporary storage. Sta +tistics CollectionA VDE now optionally collects replacement statistics.D See the MODIFY LIBRARY/STATISTICS, REPLACE/REASONS and= REPLACE/DEFECTS_CORRECTED commands for details.! Changes to the REPLACE commandE Existing REPLACE prompts have been changed, new promptsB have been added, and new qualifiers have been added.C Changes involve the syntax surrounding the reason forC the change, how the SCT ,information is processed, and@ the collection of statistics. Some of this work isE part of the statistics collection work mentioned above,C some reduces the number of seperate steps required toC enter a change, and some is intended to allow for theA optional automatic generation of the SCT entry in a$ future release of VDE.@ The new REPLACE/DEFECTS_CORRECTED qualifier allows@ direct ent-ry of the number of defects corrected byD the replacement. This qualifer operates in conjunction@ with the statistics collection process, the MODIFYE LIBRARY/STATISTICS command, and the /REASONS qualifier.B The new REPLACE/NOTE qualifer allows direct entry ofE the SCT note number. If this qualifer is specified, theC default SCT Notes conference name is assumed. If bothC /SCT and /NOTE are specified, /N .OTE takes precedence.C REPLACE/REASONS allows direct entry of the reason forD the replacement. This qualifer operates in conjunction@ with the statistics collection process, the MODIFYD LIBRARY/STATISTICS command, and the /DEFECTS_CORRECTEDA qualifier. Part of this change is in support of theB statistics collection work mentioned above, and part@ is the foundation that will allow for the optionalE / automatic generation of the SCT entry in an unspecified$ future release of VDE.A The new REPLACE/SCT qualifer allows direct entry ofA a filename containing the SCT note text. If this isA specified, the default SCT Notes conference name isD assumed, and VDE loads the specified file into the SCTA Notes conference, using the replacement remark textB as the title of the note. If both /SCT and / 0NOTE are0 specified, /NOTE takes precedence.C The new MODIFY GENERATION/NOTE qualifer allows direct? entry of the SCT note number. If this qualifer isA specified, the default SCT Notes conference name isB assumed. If both /SCT and /NOTE are specified, /NOTE takes precedence.B The new MODIFY GENERATION/SCT qualifer allows directB entry of a filename containing the SCT note text. IfA 1 this is specified, the default SCT Notes conferenceD name is assumed, and VDE loads the specified file intoD the SCT Notes conference, using the replacement remarkC text as the title of the note. If both /SCT and /NOTE4 are specified, /NOTE takes precedence.) Changes to the CREATE FACILITY commandE As mentioned above, a new script type, CREATE_FACILITY,D has been added. This optional script is invoked 2when aC new facility is created. See VDE Reference Manual for details.@ The CREATE FACILITY command now sends notification< messages for the newly created facility to the: individuals that have asked for stream-level notifications. Longer CLDs acceptedB VDE accepts both nine and ten character CLD numbers:E both the original XXX-NNNN and the longer XXX-NNNNN CLD' format3s are now accepted. New Examples9 VDE includes example command procedures and@ associated files used to upload an existing set ofB CMS libraries into a new VDE library, and an exampleB of a menu interface. All examples are located in the& VDE$EXAMPLES: directory. wwEĵ 1 PERFORM 2 REPLACEMENT7 Performs one or more queued replacements so that the; corresponding modules are replaced into4 the VDE library. Requires PERFREP privilege. Format2 PERFORM REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] 3 Parameter rep-nameD The name of a queued replacement to be performed. You can performC more than one replacement at a time by using wildcard charactersC in the replacement name. The percent sign (%) in a name matchesD any single character in the position it occupies and the asteriskD (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it occupie5s.C Those queued replacements whose names match the wildcard pattern are performed. 3 Description@ The PERFORM REPLACEMENT command replaces the modules that areB members of a specified queued replacement into the VDE library.@ Once this command has completed, each member module has a newC generation in the library and is no longer marked as reserved inB the affected streams. In addition, the replacement is no longer queued in the VDE database.C The PERFORM REP 6LACEMENT command only performs those replacements= that match the rep-name parameters and that belong to yourA default stream or to another stream specified with the /STREAM@ qualifier. To perform replacements belonging to more than oneA stream, you can use wildcard characters in the stream name you& specify with the /STREAM qualifier.= The PERFORM REPLACEMENT command is normally used by a user@ who is authorized to determine when changed modules should beA replaced into7 the VDE library. Other developers reserve source@ modules, make changes to them, and queue them for replacement? with the REPLACE command. The REPLACE command queues modules> for replacement (as opposed to replacing them immediately),@ if the user specifies the /QUEUE qualifier or if any affected@ development stream has the queued-replacement attribute. Once? a replacement is queued, it can optionally be reviewed using? the REVIEW REPLACEMENT command and its subcommands. When 8theC authorized user decides that the modules that are members of theD queued replacement are ready to be replaced into the VDE library,> the user enters the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command to actuallyC perform the replacement. When replacements are queued, it is theD PERFORM REPLACEMENT command that actually creates new generations? for the modules and that terminates the module reservations.@ Whether you should use queued replacements or not is a policy@ decision that may b9e different for different VDE libraries or> for different development stream within a given library. If? you decide to always use immediate replacements, the REPLACEA command will perform the actual replacement and you do not use# the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each> replacement performed. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE toD print a m:essage for each replacement asking whether you want thatD replacement performed. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacement@ is performed. If you answer NO (or N), the replacement is not= performed. If you enter a replacement name with a wildcardA specification, VDE asks you to confirm that VDE should performB each replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification.? The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to perform the specified0 replacements without asking for confirmatio;n. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each replacementD has been performed. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesD indicate that the associated modules have been replaced, that theD replacement has been performed, and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name@ Specifies that on<ly those replacements that belong to certain> streams be performed. The stream-name parameter specifies a? stream name and can contain wildcard characters. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters@ in the position it occupies. VDE performs a given replacementD only if it belongs to a stream whose name matches the stream-nameA parameter. If you omit this qualifier, VDE performs= only those3 replacements that belong to your default stream.B For each replacement that matches a rep-name parameter but doesA not belong to a stream matching the stream-name parameter, VDEA prints an informational message saying that the replacement is not performed. 3 Examples% 1.VDE> PERFORM REPLACEMENT SMITH-2M %VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [FACNAM]A.REQ;9(9) replaced into stream V2.0M %VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [FACNAM]B.REQ;6(6) replaced into stre >am V2.02 %VDE-I-REPPERF, replacement SMITH-2 performedC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>> This example performs the queued replacement SMITH-2. TheB PERFORM REPLACEMENT command replaces the two modules that areD members of the replacement, A.REQ and B.REQ in facility FACNAM,? into the VDE library. Thereafter, these two modules are noB longer reserved. The command also deletes replacement SMITH-2 from the VDE databa?se. ww.ĵ 1 POPULATE 2 STREAM? Populates a development stream with generations from another stream. Requires PERFREP privilege. Format4 POPULATE STREAM stream-name [, stream-name...] 3 Parameter stream-name> The name of a target stream to be populated with the moduleB generations from another stream. You can populate more than oneD stream at a time by using wildcard characters in the stream name.B The perce @nt sign (%) in a name matches any single character inA the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero orC more characters in the position it occupies. Those streams whose2 names match the wildcard pattern are populated. 3 Description@ The POPULATE STREAM command populates a specified development> stream (the target stream) with the latest generations from; another stream (the source stream). The target stream is> specified with a command parameter and the Asource stream isC specified with the /FROM_STREAM qualifier. The latest generationB of each module in the source stream is inserted into the targetB stream and any modules not represented in the source stream areC removed from the target stream. After the command completes, theD target stream contains exactly the same generations as the source stream.> Using the CREATE STREAM command to create a new stream with? the same contents as a parent stream can be a time-consuming BC operation if the VDE library is large. Using the POPULATE STREAMB command to update an existing stream whose contents are alreadyD close to the desired source stream is generally a much faster wayD to make a copy of a stream. This command allows you to create newC base-level streams by reusing old base-level streams that are no; longer needed, thus saving both time and database space.@ The POPULATE STREAM command updates only the VDE database. ItA does not insert the updCated generations into the CMS class forB the stream, not even if the attribute to maintain the CMS class@ is set for the target stream. Neither does the command update@ the source directories for the stream. If such operations areC needed, they must be done manually outside of VDE. AlternativelyB you can use the INSERT GENERATION command to insert generations@ into a stream while maintaining CMS classes and stream source@ directories. Because it does more work, the INSERT GENERA DTION< command is generally much slower than the POPULATE STREAM command.> VDE populates the target streams in three phases. First, itA determines what streams to populate using a read-only database= transaction. Second, it determines the differences betweenA the source and target streams for one target stream. This step? is done using a read-only transaction. Third, VDE loops over? the differences it found to update the generation membership? of the target stream. TEhis phase gives the target stream theA same generation membership as the source stream had during theB preceding read-only transaction. During this phase, VDE updates> 20 modules at a time (by default), commits the transaction,B and repeats the process until all modules are updated. VDE usesB multiple short read-write transactions in order not to lock theB database against other users more than a few seconds at a time.D After the target stream is fully populated, VDE loops to poFpulate% the next stream until none remain.D You can only populate an open stream if the populate attribute isD set for the stream. If this attribute is not set, you must set itC with the MODIFY STREAM /POPULATE command before you can populateD the stream. You can only populate a frozen stream if the populateA attribute is set and you have the FROZEN privilege. You cannot populate a closed stream. 3 Qualifiers /COMMIT_LIMIT /COMMIT_LIMIT=number> G Specifies the maximum number of modules VDE will update in,B insert into, or remove from the target stream before committing? the database transaction and starting a new transaction. TheC number parameter must be an integer value in the range from 1 to 1,000,000.? Specification of a smaller value reduces the interval during@ which the database is locked, allowing access to the databaseB by other users. Specification of a larger value does reduce theC overhead involved wHith recycling locks and repeated commits, but7 restricts the access to the database by other users.D By default, VDE commits and restarts a read-write transaction for every 20 modules. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each= target stream populated. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE= to print a message for each stream asking whether you want? that stream populated. If you answer YES (or Y)I, that stream< is populated from the source stream. If you answer NO (or> N), the stream is not populated. If you enter a stream name= with a wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm theB populate action for each stream whose name matches the wildcardA specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to populate9 the specified streams without asking for confirmation. /FROM_STREAM /FROM_STREAM=stream-nameA Specifies the source stream from which the taJrget stream is toB be populated. VDE makes the generation membership of the targetA stream identical to that of this source stream. This qualifierC is required; if you omit it, VDE prompts you for the name of the source stream. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after each stream has@ been populated. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messagesA i Kndicate the number of modules to update, insert, or remove toA populate the target stream, that the stream has been populated@ from the source stream, and that the database transaction has successfully committed. 3 Examples2 1.VDE> POPULATE STREAM BLD_12/FROM_STREAM=BIRCHN %VDE-I-STRMPOPCOUNT, populate module counts: update 5, insert 2, remove 1> %VDE-I-STRMPOP, stream BLD_12 populated from stream BIRCHC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully commLitted VDE>C In this example, stream BLD_12 is populated from stream BIRCH.B Five module generations in stream BLD_12 are updated, two areC inserted, and one is removed to make the generation membership? of that stream identical to stream BIRCH. The log messages@ confirm that the stream was populated and that the database( transaction successfully completed. wwzĵ1 VDE_PrivilegesA This section contains the names of the various VDME privileges,C and a general description of operations allowed by each. The VDEB privileges are distinct from the privileges of OpenVMS, and are9 applicable only to operations within the VDE database.& Also see the SET PRIVILEGE command. 2 Description Table 1-3 Privileges Privilege DescriptionB BUILD Permits a user to create build jobs in this library.C CRECTX Allows a user to create, modify, and delete contexts.A CREFAC Allows the creat Nion and modification of facilities.E CREGRP Permits the creation, modification, and the deletion of groups.> CREMOD Allows the creation and modification of modules.C CRESCRP Required for the creation, modification, and deletion of scripts.D CRESTEP Allows the creation, modification, and the deletion of build steps.? CRESTRM Permits the creation and modification of streams.E CREUSR Permits the creation, modificati Oon, and the deletion of users.0 DELFAC Allows the deletion of facilities.- DELMOD Allows the deletion of modules.3 DELREP Permits the deletion of replacements., DELSTRM Permits streams to be deleted.D FROZEN Allows the user to peplace modules into streams marked frozen.B MODLIB Allows the user to modify attributes associated with this library.1 MODSTRM Allows the modification of streams.= PERFREP Al Plows the user to dequeue queued replacements.D RESREP Allows the user to reserve and replace modules, and to& manipulate fold records.C UNCLOSE Permits the user to open a stream currently marked as closed.E USERNAME Allows the user to reserve and replace for other users. Aggregate Privilege Keywords:> ADMIN The privileges usually associated with a project? administrator privileges; all of the above-listed@ privQileges except DELFAC, DELMOD, DELREP, DELSTRM," FROZEN, and UNCLOSE. ALL All privileges. NONE No privileges. wwHĵ 1 REJECT 2 REPLACEMENTB Marks a queued replacement as rejected in the VDE database. YouD can only mark a replacement as rejected if you are a reviewer for that replacement. Requires RESREP privilege. Format< REJECT REPLACEMENT rep-name [, rep-name...] ["remark"] 3 Parameter Rrep-nameA The name of a queued replacement to be marked as rejected. YouC can reject more than one replacement at a time by using wildcardA characters in the replacement name. The percent sign (%) in aD name matches any single character in the position it occupies andD the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position? it occupies. Those queued replacements whose names match the+ wildcard pattern are marked as rejected. "remark"B Specifies a o Sne-line remark for the replacement. Typically this? remark summarizes why you reject the replacement. Specifying? the remark parameter is equivalent to specifying the /REMARKB qualifier after the REJECT REPLACEMENT keywords. This parameter> or the /REMARK qualifier is required; if you do not specify/ either, VDE prompts you for a remark string. 3 DescriptionD The REJECT REPLACEMENT command updates the VDE database to record@ that you have reviewed the code changes in a Tspecified queuedB replacement and that you judge those changes not acceptable forA replacement into the VDE library. You must be a reviewer for a/ replacement in order to mark it as rejected.@ The REJECT REPLACEMENT command allows you to attach a comment= file to the queued replacement. The comment file typically? explains why you reject the replacement. If you have alreadyB created such a file, use the /INPUT qualifier to copy it to the@ replacement's staging area. If yoUu omit the /INPUT qualifier,? VDE asks you whether you want to edit a comment file for theD replacement. If you respond YES (the default answer), VDE invokesC your preferred editor to create the comment file. If you specify@ both the /INPUT and the /EDIT qualifier, VDE copies the input? file to the replacement's staging area and then invokes yourD editor to further modify that file. If you have already created aD comment file for the replacement with an earlier ACCEPT or REJECTVA command, VDE lets you edit that file again. This capability isB useful if you change your mind or want to add more information.B If you wish to mark a replacement as acceptable, use the ACCEPTA REPLACEMENT command. If you wish to see the review status of a8 queued replacement, use the SHOW REPLACEMENT command. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachC replacement rejecteWd. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printC a message for each replacement asking whether you want to reject? that replacement. If you answer YES (or Y), that replacementB is marked as rejected. If you answer NO (or N), the replacement@ status is not changed. If you enter a replacement name with aC wildcard specification, VDE asks you to confirm the rejection ofB each replacement whose name matches the wildcard specification.< The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to mark the X specified< replacements as rejected without asking for confirmation. /EDITA Specifies that VDE should invoke your preferred editor so thatA you can edit your comment file for each queued replacement. If? such a comment file already exists (due to a previous ACCEPT@ or REJECT REPLACEMENT command for the same replacement) or ifB you specify an input file with the /INPUT qualifier, the editor? modifies that file. Otherwise, the editor creates a new file@ in the replYacement's staging directory. Its file name is your> OpenVMS username and its file extension is VDE$COMMENT. TheA comment file typically contains comments for the author of the' replacement and the other reviewers.> This qualifier is ignored if you are running in batch mode. /INPUT /INPUT=file-specA Specifies a comment file for the queued replacement. VDE reads@ the text file given by the file-spec parameter and writes itsC contents into a new file in the repZlacement's staging directory.= The file name of the new file is your OpenVMS username and@ its file extension is VDE$COMMENT. The comment file typicallyC contains remarks to the author of the replacement or information for the other reviewers. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether log messages are printed after each replacement> has been marked as rejected. The /LOG qualifier causes suchC messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppres[ses them.A These messages indicate that the replacement has been rejected@ and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"B Specifies a one-line remark for the replacement. Typically this? remark summarizes why you reject the replacement. For longerC comments, you may create a comment file with the /INPUT or /EDITC qualifier. The /REMARK qualifier (or the remark parameter at theA end of the command) is required; if you\ do not specify it, VDE# prompts you for a remark string. /USERNAME /USERNAME=usernameA Specifies that the replacement be marked as rejected on behalf@ of another user. The username parameter specifies the OpenVMSC username of the other user. That user must be a reviewer for theA specified replacement. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 3 Examples= 1.VDE> REJECT REPLACEMENT BROWN-3 "Bug found in sort code"I %VDE-I- ]REPREJECT, replacement BROWN-3 marked as rejected in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedL Do you wish to edit a comment file for replacement BROWN-3 ? [Yes]: YES& ...Comment file edited here... VDE>< This command marks that the current user rejects queued@ replacement BROWN-3. The remark string indicates the reasonB for the rejection. Since the /INPUT qualifier is omitted, VDEB asks the user whether he or she wan ^ts to edit a comment file.> The user answers YES and is placed in an editing session.; 2.VDE> REJECT REPLACEMENT SMITH-1/INPUT=COMMENT_FILE.TXT@ Please supply required information for replacement SMITH-1:R Enter a remark for the rejection: Code does not conform to coding conventionsI %VDE-I-REPREJECT, replacement SMITH-1 marked as rejected in databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D In this example, the user marks rep_lacement SMITH-1 as rejectedB and provides a comment file that gives additional informationA to the user who queued the replacement. The comment file mayC explain, for example, what defects in the code caused it to beB rejected. Since the /REMARK qualifier is omitted, VDE prompts for a remark string. ww9ĵ 1 REMOVE 2 GENERATIONC Removes a module from a specified development stream so that the: module no longer has a latest generat`ion in the stream. Requires PERFREP privilege. Format0 REMOVE GENERATION mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-name? The name of a source module whose latest generation is to be< removed from the specified development stream. The module@ name consists of an optional facility name enclosed in square> brackets, a module name, and an optional type name preceded? by a period, such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR. If no facility name isA specified, the defaul at facility is assumed. If no type name isA specified, the latest generations of all source modules of the; specified module name in the given facility are removed.? You can remove more than one module from the stream by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.B V bDE removes each module whose name matches the wildcard pattern from the stream. 3 DescriptionB The REMOVE GENERATION command removes a specified module from aB specified development stream so that the module no longer has aB latest generation in that stream. The result is that the moduleC no longer "belongs" to that stream and can no longer be fetched,$ reserved, or built in the stream.A The removed generation remains in the VDE database and the VDEC library, and cit can still be the latest generation of the moduleC for some other stream. The REMOVE GENERATION command thus breaksB the association between the module generation and the specified- stream but does not delete the generation.A If the specified module is currently reserved in the specifiedA stream, VDE terminates that reservation since it is based on a@ module generation that no longer is the latest generation forB the stream. VDE sends a mail message to notify the owner ofd the, reservation that the reservation is lost. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachA generation removed. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print@ a message for the latest generation of each module giving theC name of the generation and asking whether you want to remove theC generation. If you answer YES (or Y), the generation is removed.> If you answer NO (or N), thee generation is not removed. TheD /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to remove each generation without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGB Controls whether log messages are printed after generations areC removed from streams. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages toD be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate thatC the generations have been removed from the specified development< stream and that the database transactiofn has successfully committed. /REMARK /REMARK="string"> Specifies a remark string that explains why you removed theA generation from the specified stream. The quoted remark string$ can be up to 132 characters long. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name@ Specifies that the generation be removed from the developmentB stream given by the stream-name parameter. If this qualifier is0 omitted, VDE prompts you for the stream name. 3 Examples9 g 1.VDE> REMOVE GENERATION [FACIL]MODNAM.C /STREAM=MANGOM %VDE-I-GENREM, generation [FACIL]MODNAM.C;4(4) removed from stream MANGOC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>9 This example removes the latest generation of moduleB [FACIL]MODNAM.C from stream MANGO. The log message shows that> generation 4 had been the latest generation of the module> in that stream, and is now removed. After the command hasD completed, no generathion of the module belongs to stream MANGO. wwĵ 1 REPLACEA Returns each specified module to the library and creates a new@ generation of the module. Each module must be a source module0 previously reserved with the RESERVE command. Requires RESREP privilege. Format1 REPLACE mod-name [, mod-name...] ["remark"] 2 Parameter mod-name= Specifies a reserved source module to be replaced into theA library. The module name cons iists of an optional facility name> enclosed in square brackets, a module name, and an optional? type name preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If@ the facility name is omitted, the module is assumed to belongC to the default facility. If the type name is omitted, all sourceC modules with the specified module name in the given facility are replaced.D You can replace more than one module by using wildcard charactersA in any of the three components of the module jname. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters? in the position it occupies. VDE replaces the source modules* whose names match the wildcard pattern.D You can also replace multiple modules by specifying the name of aC source group instead of a module name. Source groups are createdC with the CREATE GROUP command. If you specify a group name, each4 module that is a membker of the group is replaced.A If you use the /SESSION qualifier, those reservations that are= members of the specified reservation session are replaced.? In this case, you must omit the mod-name parameters from the command. "remark"A Specifies a remark string for the replacement. VDE stores this= remark string with each module generation that the REPLACEA command creates. Specifying the remark parameter is equivalentA to specifying the /REMARK qualifier after l the REPLACE keyword. 2 DescriptionB For each module you have specified, the REPLACE command creates= a new generation of the module by transferring a file from> your default directory to the current VDE library, possibly> by way of an intermediate staging area. This new generationA becomes the most recent generation of the source module in the? default development stream (or the stream specified with the? /STREAM qualifier) and receives a new generation number. TheC m new generation number is formed by adding 1 to the number of theA previous generation. After creating the new module generation,@ the REPLACE command terminates the reservation of that module- unless you specify the /RESERVE qualifier.D After the reserved module is replaced in the VDE library, VDE mayD delete the file used to create the module (as well as any earlier@ versions of the file in the same directory). The file is onlyC deleted if the library administrator has de nfined a NOKEEP scriptD for your VDE library and the specified development stream. If youC specify either the /KEEP or the /RESERVE qualifier, VDE does not6 delete the file even if a NOKEEP script is defined.C The file in your default directory normally has the same name asD the module in the library. However, you can direct VDE to replaceC a file with a different name or a file in another directory than= your default directory by specifying the /INPUT qualifier.C VDE s otores the following information about the file that createsD the new generation: the creation date and time, the revision dateA and time, the record format, and other record attributes. WhenD you fetch or reserve a generation of a module from a VDE library,B the file that is placed in your directory has the same creationB and revision times, record format, and record attributes as theD file that was used to create the generation that you are fetching or reserving.A If you pspecify the /QUEUE qualifier or one of the streams that? you are replacing the module into has the queued-replacement@ attribute, then the REPLACE command does not actually performB the replacement of your module. Instead it copies your files toA a "staging area" on disk and queues the replacement in the VDED database. An authorized user must then enter a subsequent PERFORMD REPLACEMENT command in order to actually perform the replacement.B In this case, it is the PERFORM REPLA qCEMENT command the createsC the new module generation and terminates the module reservation.@ If you have more than one concurrent reservation of a module,B you must specify the exact reservation to be replaced using theA /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. Use the SHOW RESERVATION command to4 determine the identification of each reservation.> If you or another user has a concurrent reservation for theA module being replaced and that reservation covers at least one@ stream affect red by your replacement, then the REPLACE commandB terminates that reservation. VDE sends a mail message to notify> the owner of that reservation that the reservation is lost.D To replace another user's reservation, you must have the USERNAME? privilege and use the /USERNAME qualifier to specify OpenVMS username of that user., Source Tracking and Statistics Collection@ VDE can collect replacement statistics and associated change-@ related information, including the reas son for the change, the? project the change is associated with, and can also be asked> to add an entry to the source code tracking (SCT) DEC Notes$ conference describing the change.C Statistics collection is enabled or disabled on a library basis.C If collection is enabled and the information is not provided viaC REPLACE qualifiers, VDE will prompt the user for the information$ during the replacement operation.; For further information, see the /FOLD, /OTHER, and /SCT1 t qualifiers, as well as the /PROJECT qualifier.& Change Propagation to other Streams@ Replacing a module makes the new module generation the latest= generation in the default development stream or the streamD specified with the /STREAM qualifier. That generation is thus theA generation you get by default in a subsequent FETCH or RESERVEA command, and is the generation that is compiled when you build your system in that stream.> If the specified stream has successor us, the REPLACE commandA propagates the new module generation to all successor streams.B For example, if stream V2 is a successor of stream V1, then anyD module that is replaced into stream V1 is also replaced in streamA V2 automatically. If stream V2 has additional successors (suchB as stream V3), the new module generation is propagated to those" streams, and so on recursively.A Propagation works as follows. If the latest generations of the> module for the original stream vand the successor stream areB the same, then the new module generation created by the REPLACE? command becomes the latest generation for both streams. BothB streams are thus equally up-to-date with respect to the changesA made to that module. However, if the latest generations of theA module differ for the two streams, which means that the moduleA has diverged between those two streams, VDE does not propagateA the new module generation to the successor stream. Instead, itB w creates a "fold" record in the database to remind the developerB that the change made to the module for the first stream must beA manually "folded" into the successor stream. Outstanding foldsC can be displayed with the SHOW FOLD command and a fold record is( deleted with the CANCEL FOLD command.7 Replacing a Module with History or Notes InformationC If you reserve a generation of a module with an embedded history@ and then replace it, the REPLACE command ignores the hist xory;@ that is, VDE does not copy the history into your VDE library.@ If you add text to the file in or above the history (relativeC to #B), or in or below the history (relative to #H), the REPLACEC command issues an error message and the command is not executed.A If you reserve a file with embedded notes and then replace it,B the REPLACE command does not copy the notes to the VDE library.A If, while editing the file, you insert text that looks like anA embedded note, thaty text is deleted when the file is replaced. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ module replaced. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print a? message for each specified module asking whether you want toB replace that module into the library. If you answer YES (or Y),C it is replaced. If you answer NO (or N), it is not replaced. TheC /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to rezplace each specified module# without asking for confirmation. /DEFECTS_CORRECTED$ /DEFECTS_CORRECTED=error-count /NODEFECTS_CORRECTEDA Specifies the number of defects corrected by this replacement:> these defects could due to problems with the specification,@ design, logic, implementation and/or testing. The error-countC parameter is a value indicating the number of defects corrected.? /NODEFECTS_CORRECTED sets the number of defects corrected to zer {o.C This qualifier is part of the statistics collection component ofA VDE. Statistics collection is enabled or disabled on a libraryD basis, using the MODIFY LIBRARY/STATISTICS command. If statisticsC collection is disabled, these qualifiers are ignored and have noB adverse effects. This command is required when certain keywordsC are specified on the /REASONS qualifier; see Reasons for further information.A If statistics collection is enabled on the current library an|dB you do not specify the /REASONS qualifier, you will be prompted for the information. /FOLD /FOLD[=fold-ident]B Specifies that a fold record be cancelled when this replacementC is performed. The fold-ident parameter gives the fold identifier= of a fold record for the module being replaced and for theA stream in which the replacement takes place. When VDE performs@ the replacement, it will cancel this fold record from the VDEC database. You can omit th}e fold-ident parameter if there is onlyB one fold record for the specified module and stream. You should@ use the /FOLD qualifier if the current replacement is done to3 satisfy an existing fold record in the database. Also see /OTHER and /SCT. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=res-ident> Specifies the reservation to be replaced. This qualifier isB required when you have multiple reservations of the same moduleD in the default stream. The res-ident parameter ~is the reservation@ identifier of the reservation to be replaced. The reservationB identifier is the identifier you specified or VDE assigned whenB you reserved the module, usually a small integer value. Use theC SHOW RESERVATION command to determine the reservation identifier of each reservation. /INFORMATION /INFORMATION[=file-spec] /NOINFORMATION@ The /INFORMATION qualifier specifies that an information file; be attached to the current replacement if  it is a queued> replacement. The file-spec parameter gives the OpenVMS file> specification of the information file. If this parameter is@ omitted, VDE asks you whether you want to edit an information@ file. If you answer YES, VDE invokes your preferred editor toA edit the information file. You may use the information file toB pass information about the replacement to reviewers and others.A The /NOINFORMATION qualifier specifies that you do not want to provide an informatio n file.= If you omit both qualifiers, VDE's behavior depends on theC library attribute that is set with the /ASK_INFO_FILE or cleared> with the /NOASK_INFO_FILE qualifier to the CREATE or MODIFYB LIBRARY command. If this attribute is set, VDE asks you whetherA you want to edit an information file. If this attribute is not? set, VDE queues the replacement without an information file.C For immediate replacements, VDE ignores both qualifiers and does" not create an information file.D To edit an information file through VDE, you should first declareC your preferred editor with the SET EDITOR command. If you do notA declare an editor, VDE invokes the system default text editor. /INPUT /INPUT=file-spec; Specifies a file to be used as input for the replacement? operation. If you omit the directory specification from thisC qualifier, the file is taken from your default directory. If youC omit the file name or file extension, the module name and module? type specified in the command parameter are used by default. /KEEP /KEEP /NOKEEP (default)> If the administrator for your VDE library has established a= NOKEEP script that deletes files from your directory, thisD qualifier controls whether the file used to create the new moduleA generation is deleted from your directory. The /KEEP qualifierD keeps the file in your directory without deleting it. The /NOKEEPC qualifier runs the NOKEEP script to delete the file provided youC did not also specify the /RESERVE qualifier. If your VDE library: does not have a NOKEEP script, the file is not deleted. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed after each module< is replaced. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to beA printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messagesD indicate that each module has been replaced and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /NOTE /NOTE=note-number> The note-number parameter specifies the note number for theB (previously-entered) SCT note associated with this replacement.D VDE can also enter the note into the conference directly, see the" /SCT qualifier for information. /OTHER /OTHER="other-reason"= Specifies the type of check-in. The other-reason parameterB specifies the reason for this check-in, and should indicate whyA this particular check-in was not classified as a fold check-in nor as an SCT check-in. Also see /FOLD and /SCT. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGATE=stream-name /NOPROPAGATEC This qualifier controls the default module propogation behaviourC of the replacement operation. The default for this qualifier canB be altered by the propogation qualifier on the RESERVE command.C When specified, the /PROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to propagate? the changed module(s) only as  far as the stream specified by? the stream-name parameter, but not to any successors of that@ stream-change propagation thus stops at the specified stream.D The /NOPROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to disable all propagate ofB the change beyond the current stream (the default stream or the0 stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier).B If you omit both qualifiers, the REPLACE command will propagate? the changed modules to all successors of the current stream.@ By default, neither /NOPROPOGATE nor /PROPOGATE is specified,C and the module changes will propogate to all subsequent streams.D The behaviour is affected by the specification of the propogation$ qualifier on the RESERVE command. /QAR /QAR /NOQAR< If you have enabled the library attribute that causes theC REPLACE command to ask for the reason for the replacement, these? qualifiers control whether VDE also asks for problem reports? related to the replacement. The /QAR qualifier causes VDE toB prompt for related QARs and CLDs (Digital problem reports) even@ if you give the reason as FOLD or OTHER. The /NOQAR qualifier? causes VDE to not prompt for QAR and CLD information even ifC you give an SCT entry as the reason. If you specify neither /QARA nor /NOQAR, the REPLACE command prompts for QARs and CLDs onlyA if you specify an SCT entry as the reason for the replacement.D Neither qualifier has any effect if you have disabled the library B attribute that causes the REPLACE command to ask for the reason for the replacement. /QUEUE> Controls whether each module is replaced into the specified= stream immediately or is queued for later replacement. The= /IMMEDIATE qualifier causes the REPLACE command to replace< each module into the specified stream immediately so that? the replacement is complete as soon as the command finishes.? The /QUEUE qualifier causes the REPLACE command to queue the= repla cement in the VDE database so that the module remainsA reserved until an authorized user enters a PERFORM REPLACEMENT; command to cause the actual replacement to occur. If anyA stream into which you are replacing the module has the queued-@ replacement attribute, the module is automatically queued for- replacement and the /IMMEDIATE is ignored.7 Of /QUEUE and /IMMEDIATE, /IMMEDIATE is the default. /IMMEDIATE> Controls whether each module is replaced into the speci fied= stream immediately or is queued for later replacement. The= /IMMEDIATE qualifier causes the REPLACE command to replace< each module into the specified stream immediately so that? the replacement is complete as soon as the command finishes.? The /QUEUE qualifier causes the REPLACE command to queue the= replacement in the VDE database so that the module remainsA reserved until an authorized user enters a PERFORM REPLACEMENT; command to cause the actual replacement to occur. If anyA stream into which you are replacing the module has the queued-@ replacement attribute, the module is automatically queued for- replacement and the /IMMEDIATE is ignored.7 Of /QUEUE and /IMMEDIATE, /IMMEDIATE is the default. /PROJECT /PROJECT=project-nameB This qualifier allows the user to specify the project name thisB replacement is associated with. The project name can be used to> track the work and changes related to a particular project.C This qualifier is part of the statistics collection component ofA VDE. Statistics collection is enabled or disabled on a libraryD basis, using the MODIFY LIBRARY/STATISTICS command. If statisticsD collection is disabled, the statistics qualifiers are ignored andD have no adverse effects. Certain keywords on this command require= the specification of the /DEFECTS_CORRECTED or /NODEFECTS_ CORRECTED qualifier. /REASONS /REASONS=reason-code@ This qualifier allows the user a way to secify the reason theB replacement is being made: reason-code specifies the particularA reason code for this replacement, based on the list of reasons contained in Reasons. Table 1-4 Reasons Defect Change Count+ Code CollectioReason For Replacement1 BF Yes The replacement is a Bug Fix/ NF No New Feature or Enhancement, PI No Performance Improvement# CS No Common Sour ces; CU Yes Code Cleanup, Retrofit, or a fix for a Regression) NH No New Hardware Support+ FE No Functional Equivalence OT No OtherC The reason-code is listed in Reasons, as is a brief explainationD of the code, and an indication as to whether or not the number ofC defects is collected (see /DEFECTS_CORRECTED) for the particular reason code.C This qualifier is part of the statistics collection  component ofA VDE. Statistics collection is enabled or disabled on a libraryD basis, using the MODIFY LIBRARY/STATISTICS command. If statisticsD collection is disabled, the statistics qualifiers are ignored andD have no adverse effects. Certain keywords on this command require= the specification of the /DEFECTS_CORRECTED or /NODEFECTS_ CORRECTED qualifier.A If statistics collection is enabled on the current library andB you do not specify this qualifier, you will be prompted for the information. /REMARK /REMARK="string"? Specifies a character string to be associated with the newlyA created generation in the VDE database. The remark is enclosedD in quotation marks. If no remark is entered, then the remark from) the corresponding reservation is used.A The remark string is used as the title of the SCT note, if VDEC was asked to enter the SCT note by the specification of the /SCT qualifier. /REPLACEMENT  /REPLACEMENT=rep-name? Specifies that the reservations for the specified modules be@ added to a queued replacement with the name given by the rep-? name parameter. If a queued replacement by that name already@ exists, the reservations are added to that replacement. If noA such replacement exists, a new queued replacement by that name? is created and the module reservations are added to it. This> qualifier is ignored for immediate replacements; it is only@ meaningful if you also specify the /QUEUE qualifier or one of@ the streams into which you are replacing the modules have the queued-replacement attribute.? Queued replacements are implicitly and automatically created@ whenever a REPLACE is performed on a stream marked for queuedA replacements. For further information on explicitly creating a: queued replacement, see the CREATE REPLACEMENT command. /RESERVE /RESERVE /NORESERVE (default)@ Controls whether the replaced module is kept reserved. If youB specify the /RESERVE qualifier, the module remains reserved andD the input file is not deleted from your default directory. If youC specify /NORESERVE, the module is no longer reserved after being replaced. /REVIEWER) /REVIEWER=(username [,username...])C Specifies reviewers for the replacement. Each username parameter= specifies the OpenVMS username of a user who should review: all code replaced by the current command. T he user must< already be recorded in the VDE database. VDE notifies the= user by mail message that the replacement has occurred. If= the replacement is queued, the user should then review the= changes in that replacement before it is performed. If theD replacement is immediate, VDE notifies the user of the new module? generations that were created, and the user may then inspect those generations.? If you specify only one username parameter, you may omit the surrounding parentheses. /SCT /SCT=filenameC The filename parameter specifies the name of a file to be loadedD into the SCT notes conference. This file contains the previously-D edited text of an SCT entry for the SCT note associated with this replacement.B If this qualifier is used, the default notes conference for the% stream-SCT-stream-name-is assumed.D If this qualifier is specified, the /REMARK string is used as the title of the SCT note.B For information on the proper creation and protection of an SCT0 notes conference, see the Guide to Using VDE. Also see /FOLD and /OTHER. /SESSION /SESSION=session-nameD Sessions are used to logically group a set of module reservationsC together, typically to group all modules related to a particular@ source code alteration or enhancement together. It allows all> component modules reserved to be treated as a single entity? for subsequent replacement operations. A session also allows= additional modules to be reserved and incorporated into an$ existing session at a later time.A If you use the /SESSION qualifier, those reservations that are= members of the specified reservation session are replaced.? In this case, you must omit the mod-name parameters from the command.C Sessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE,@ MODIFY SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL= SESSION commands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on? a queued-replacement stream) and reserved via RESERVE can be" combined into the same session. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name> Specifies that the modules be replaced into the developmentA stream given by the stream-name parameter. The changed modules; are also propagated to any successors of that stream, if= appropriate. If this qualifier is omitted, the modules areB replaced into the default development stream. If this qualifierC is omitted and no default stream is defined, VDE prompts you for the stream name. /USERNAME /USERNAME=username@ Specifies that modules be replaced on behalf of another user.? The username parameter specifies the OpenVMS username of theC other user. That user must have the module reservations that theC replace operation will end. You must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 2 Examples6 1.VDE> REPLACE MOD1 /REMARK="Fixed list-update bug"D %VDE-I-FILCOPLIB, file DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD1.PAS;2 copied to libraryQ %VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [FACIL]MOD1.PAS;8(7A1) replaced into stream V2.0C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C This example replaces the module MOD1.PAS into the current VDE@ library. Because no facility is specified with the command,C the module is assumed to exist in the default facility, FACIL.? Because no type name is specified, all source modules with@ name MOD1 are replaced; in this case there is only one such@ module, MOD1.PAS. The log messages show that the module was, successfully replaced into stream V2.0.$ 2.VDE> REPLACE [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32F Please supply required information for module [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32:< Enter the replacement remark: ADD THE /FUMBLE QUALIFIERH %VDE-I-FILCOPLIB, file DEV$:[MYDIR]COPYMAIN.B32;3 copied to libraryT %VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32;23(23)  replaced into stream V3.0T %VDE-I-REPLACED, generation [COPY]COPYMAIN.B32;23(23) replaced into stream V3.1C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>? This command replaces module COPYMAIN.B32 in facility COPY? into the current library. Because the /REMARK qualifier is? not specified with the command, VDE prompts for the remarkA before replacing the module. The log messages shows that theB REPLACE command replaced the module i nto stream V3.0 and then4 propagated the new generation into stream V3.1.8 3.VDE> REPLACE/QUEUE FEE.MAR, FOO.MAR "Remark string"I %VDE-I-FILCOPSTAG, file DEV$:[MYDIR]FEE.MAR;3 copied to staging areaI %VDE-I-FILCOPSTAG, file DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR;3 copied to staging areaI %VDE-I-REPLQUE, module [FACIL]FEE.MAR queued for replacement SMITH-1I %VDE-I-REPLQUE, module [FACIL]FOO.MAR queued for replacement SMITH-1C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully comm itted VDE>C In this example, the REPLACE command queues the replacement ofC modules FEE.MAR and FOO.MAR in facility FACIL. The modules are@ copied to a staging area that VDE manages, but they are not@ replaced into the VDE library and they remain reserved. TheD REPLACE command gives the queued replacement the generated nameA SMITH-1. To actually replaces the two modules, an authorizedB user must enter a PERFORM REPLACEMENT command for replacement SMITH-1. wwNĵ 1 RESERVE@ Retrieves the latest generation of one or more source modules= from a given development stream and marks those modules asD reserved by the current user. Related reservations can be grouped+ and manipulated together using sessions. Requires RESREP privilege. Format1 RESERVE mod-name [, mod-name...] ["remark"] 2 Parameter mod-name@ Specifies a source module in the default stream or the stream?  specified with the /STREAM qualifier to be reserved from theA library. The module name consists of an optional facility nameC enclosed in square brackets, a module name, and an optional typeC name preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If you omitB the facility name, source modules from the default facility areC reserved. If you omit the type name, all source modules with the8 given module name in the given facility are reserved.D You can reserve more than one mod ule by using wildcard charactersA in any of the three components of the module name. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters? in the position it occupies. VDE reserves the source modules* whose names match the wildcard pattern.? You can also reserve multiple modules by specifying the name@ of a source group instead of a module name. Source groups are@ created with the CREATE GROUP command. If you specify a groupC name, each module that is a member of the group is reserved from the library. "remark"< Specifies a remark string for the reservation. Specifying? the remark parameter is equivalent to specifying the /REMARK' qualifier after the RESERVE keyword. 2 Description? The RESERVE command copies the latest generation of a moduleA in a specified stream to your default directory (or to anotherA location if you specified  the /OUTPUT qualifier) and marks the' module as "reserved" in that stream.B After you have modified the module, you can return your changesB to the library with the REPLACE command. Alternatively, you can? cancel the reservation with the UNRESERVE command; no module2 modifications will be entered into the library.& NOTE@ The module reservation will be released with the UNRESERVE> command, by the REPLACE command (when queued-replace ment? are not enabled on the stream), or by the PERFORM REPLACEA command (when queued-replacement is enabled on the stream).< See the REPLACE, UNRESERVE, SHOW REPLACEMENT, and SHOW RESERVATION commands.> By default, VDE does not allow you to reserve a module thatA is already reserved by another user (or yourself) for the sameC development stream. However, you can reserve an already reservedC module if you specify the /OVERRIDE=CONCURRENT qualifier and theC  already existing reservations all allow concurrent reservations.@ If you do not wish to override a reservation, you can use theC /QUEUE qualifier to request notification when the module becomes available for reservation.D When you reserve a generation of a module from a VDE library, theB file that is placed in your directory has the same creation andC revision times, record format, and record attributes as the fileA that was used to create the generation that you are res erving.B To reserve modules on behalf of another user, use the /USERNAMED qualifier to specify the OpenVMS username of that other user. TheC modules are then reserved in the specified user's name. You must> have the USERNAME privilege to use the /USERNAME qualifier.? For information on creating a new module, see CREATE MODULE.D Depending on the queued-replacement setting of the target stream,? you may need to issue a REPLACE command after CREATE MODULE;B see REPLACE. The behaviour of the CREATE MODULE and the RESERVE> commands are identical, save for the initial absence of the? module in the library for the CREATE MODULE, and the initial9 presence of the module in the library for the RESERVE.> On queued-replacement streams, modules created via a CREATEC MODULE and modules reserved via a RESERVE can be combined into aD single replacement, and can be combined into a single reservation /SESSION. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ module reserved. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print aA message for each module that you have specified asking whetherB you want to reserve the corresponding module generation. If youD answer YES (or Y), it is reserved. If you answer NO (or N), it isD not reserved. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to reserve each4 specified module without asking for confirmation.  /FOLD /FOLD[=fold-ident]; Specifies a fold record to be cancelled when this moduleA reservation is eventually replaced into the library. The fold-= ident parameter gives the fold identifier of a fold record@ for the module being reserved and for the stream in which theA reservation is done. When you later replace the module and VDEB performs the replacement, VDE will cancel this fold record fromC the VDE database. You can omit the fold-ident parameter if thereC  is only one fold record for the specified module and stream. YouA can use the /FOLD qualifier if you are modifying the module toB satisfy an existing fold record. You can also specify the /FOLDA qualifier with the REPLACE command to achieve the same effect. /HISTORY /HISTORY[="string"] /NOHISTORYC The /HISTORY qualifier specifies that CMS history information isC to be included in the file placed in your directory. The history@ of the module lists the g enerations that preceded the currentA generation of the module. Each generation produces one line ofB history information in the output file. This line gives the CMSB generation number, user name, date, time, and remark associated with the generation.B The quoted string specifies the format of the history line. TheA quoted string must contain the characters #H or #B (lower caseA is allowed) and can contain other printing characters (such as@ comment delimiters). Each history line is formed by insertingD the history information where you specify #H or #B in the historyA string. If you specify #H, the history information is insertedA at the end of the file and if you specify #B it is inserted at@ the beginning of the file. To include a quotation mark in theB output history string, type it twice (""). To include a numberA sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice (##). IfA the string parameter is omitted, VDE uses the module's defaul t history string.A The /NOHISTORY qualifier specifies that history information isB not to be appended to the output file placed in your directory.B If the /HISTORY and /NOHISTORY qualifiers are both omitted, theD RESERVE command generates history information only if the historyB attribute is enabled for the module. This attribute is set with. the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.B If the history-notes attribute for the VDE library is disabled,@ the RESERVE command will not generate CMS history informationC into the output file and will not accept the /HISTORY qualifier.@ See the description of the /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier to CREATE LIBRARY for more information. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=res-ident> Specifies a reservation identifier for the new reservation.? Each reservation has a unique reservation identifier so that? you can distinguish between multiple concurrent reservations? of the same module by the same user. By default, the RESERVEC command assigns a unique numeric identifier to each reservation,= such as "1", "2", and so on. The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier@ overrides this default and allows you to select a reservationD identifier of your choice, such as a mnemonic name. The res-identB parameter specifies the reservation identifier. It can be up to6 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> Controls whether log messages are printed after each moduleB generation is reserved. The /LOG qualifier causes such messagesB to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages indicate< that the modules have been reserved and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /MERGE /MERGE=stream-name /MERGE=(gen-expr)@ Controls whether another generation of the module (called the= merge generation) is to be merged with the generation that> is being reserved (ca lled the retrieved generation). If youC specify the /MERGE qualifier with the stream-name parameter, theA merge generation is the latest generation of the module in theA specified stream. If you specify the /MERGE qualifier with theC gen-expr parameter enclosed in parentheses, the merge generationB is the generation with the specified generation expression (for example, "2A3").A When you specify the /MERGE qualifier, VDE merges the lines ofB the retrieved generation wi th the lines of the merge generation? and delivers the merged text as a single file to your output? directory. The file that is placed in your directory has theC current creation and revision times. The merge generation cannotC be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation. When? there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, VDE9 includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.> VDE uses the callable interface to CMS to provide the mergeD capability. For a detailed explanation of how two generations areB merged and how CMS (and therefore VDE) treats conflicts between. the generations, see the CMS documentation. /NOCONCURRENT? Specifies that the module cannot be reserved by another user@ while you have it reserved. You must replace or unreserve the> module before others can reserve it. By default, VDE allows; concurrent reservations if the module has the concurrent attribute set. /NOTES /NOTES[="string"] /NONOTESC The /NOTES qualifier specifies that CMS notes are to be appended> to the lines of the output file. CMS notes indicate in what2 module generation each source line was created.A The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted= string can contain text (including the appropriate comment= delimiter) and the characters #G or #g. The CMS generation@ expression of the generation in which the line first appearedB in inserted whe re you specify #G or #g. The resulting string isA appended to the end of the output line. To include a quotationC mark in the output notes string, type it twice (""). To include? a number sign (#) in the output notes string, type it twiceC (##). If the string parameter is omitted, VDE uses the module'sC default notes string. (You set the default notes string with the+ CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.)@ The /NONOTES qualifier specifies that CMS notes are not to be > appended to the lines of the file placed in your directory.> If the /NOTES and /NONOTES qualifiers are both omitted, theB RESERVE command generates CMS notes only if the notes attributeC is enabled for the module. This attribute is set with the CREATE# MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command.B If the history-notes attribute for the VDE library is disabled,C the RESERVE command will not generate CMS notes information intoD the output file and will not accept the /NOTES qualifier. See theD description of the /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier to CREATE LIBRARY for more information. /NOOUTPUT@ Specifies that the reserve operation is to be performed alongD with any history processing and error checking but that no output file is to be created. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specificationB Directs VDE to write the reserved module to the specified file.D If you omit the directory from the file specification, VDE writesC the file to your defaul t directory. If you omit the file name orB file type, VDE uses the module name and type by default. If youD omit the /OUTPUT and /NOOUTPUT qualifiers entirely, VDE creates aC file in your current default directory with the same name as the module.< If you reserve more than one module with the same /OUTPUT; qualifier and you specify the file name and type on thatC qualifier, VDE creates successive versions of the file indicated by the /OUTPUT qualifier. /OVERRIDE  /OVERRIDE=CONCURRENTA Specifies that VDE should create a concurrent reservation if aD module being reserved is already reserved for the same stream. IfC this qualifier is omitted and a module you are trying to reserve> is already reserved, VDE displays an error message and doesA not reserve the module for you. To create a second, concurrent> reservation, you must use this qualifier. Even when you use@ this qualifier, VDE does not allow you to create a concurrent@  reservation if a previous reservation for the module does not! allow concurrent reservations. /POSITION /POSITION=column-number@ Specifies the column in which CMS notes are to be placed. The= column number must be an integer in the range 1 to 511. IfA the length of an output line is less than the specified column> number, the note appears at the specified column number. If@ the length of the line is greater than or equal to the column@ number, the note is p laced at the next tab stop after the endC of the line. (Tab stops are at position 9 and every 8 characters thereafter.)D If the /POSITION qualifier is omitted, the default notes position< for the module is used. The default notes position is setA with the CREATE MODULE or MODIFY MODULE command. The /POSITIONC qualifier has no effect unless the /NOTES qualifier is specified0 or the notes attribute is set for the module.B If the history-notes attribute for the VDE library is disabled,C the RESERVE command will not generate CMS notes information intoC the output file and will not accept the /POSITION qualifier. SeeD the description of the /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier to CREATE LIBRARY for more information. /PROPAGATE /PROPAGATE=stream-name /NOPROPAGATEC This qualifier controls the default module propogation behaviourD of the subsequent and associated REPLACE command, and it controls< the reservation "shadow" for this parti cular reservation.C When specified, the /PROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to propagate? the changed module(s) only as far as the stream specified by? the stream-name parameter, but not to any successors of that@ stream-change propagation thus stops at the specified stream.D The /NOPROPAGATE qualifier causes VDE to disable all propagate ofB the change beyond the current stream (the default stream or the0 stream specified with the /STREAM qualifier).B If you omit both qual ifiers, the REPLACE command will propagate? the changed modules to all successors of the current stream.? Because these qualifiers determine what streams a subsequentA REPLACE command will affect, they also determine what streams-@ the "shadow"-the new module reservations cover. A reservationC that covers fewer streams allows other users to reserve the same< module in other streams with less likelihood of conflict./ For information on propogation, see REPLACE. /QUE UE@ Specifies that VDE should queue a reservation request for youC if you cannot reserve a module because it is already reserved byA another user. If the requested module can be reserved now, theC module is reserved and this qualifier has no effect. However, if@ the module is not available, VDE queues a reservation request= for it in its database. When the user who owns the current? reservation later replaces or unreserves it, VDE sends you aD mail message saying that the module is now available. To actuallyC reserve the module, you must then enter another RESERVE command.= If multiple users have queued reservation requests for the@ same module, all of them are notified when the module becomes? available. They must then decide among themselves who should reserve the module first.C To display queued reservation requests, use the SHOW RESERVATION command. /REMARK /REMARK="string"@ Specifies a character string to be stored in the database for> this reservation, usually explaining why the reservation is@ made. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark' is entered, a null remark is stored. /SESSION /SESSION[=session-name]D Sessions are used to logically group a set of module reservationsC together, typically to group all modules related to a particular@ source code alteration or enhancement together. It allows all> component modules reserved to be treated as a s ingle entity? for subsequent replacement operations. A session also allows= additional modules to be reserved and incorporated into an$ existing session at a later time.= If no session with the specified session-name session name> currently exists, VDE will create a new reservation sessionC under the specified session name and will incorporate the module reservation(s) into it.C If the session-name parameter is omitted, VDE generates a uniqueA session name, creates  a new session by that name, and adds the module reservation to it.C If the /SESSION qualifier is omitted on the RESERVE command, VDEB will reserve the module (as expected), and will not add the new% module reservation to any session.C Sessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE,@ MODIFY SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL= SESSION commands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on? a queued-replacement stream) and reserved via RESERVE can be" combined into the same session. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name? Specifies that modules be reserved in the development streamB given by the stream-name parameter. The RESERVE command fetches@ the latest generation of each specified module in that stream? and records that each reservation belongs to that stream. IfA this qualifier is omitted, modules are reserved in the defaultB development stream. If this qualifier is omitted and no default: stream is defined, VDE prompts you for the stream name. /USERNAME /USERNAME=usernameB Reserves modules in another user's name. The username parameterB specifies the OpenVMS username of the other user. You must have0 the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 2 Examples= 1.VDE> RESERVE FOO/REMARK="Fix problem reported in QAR 23"J %VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]FOO.MAR;7(5A2) fetched from library8 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]FOO.MA R;W %VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]FOO.MAR;7(5A2) reserved from stream MAINC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>> This command reserves all source modules named FOO in theB default facility, FACIL. In this case, there is only one suchA module, FOO.MAR. This module is copied to the user's default= directory and is marked as reserved in the VDE database.- 2.VDE> RESERVE MOD1 /IDENTIFICATION=BUGFIXC Please supply required information for module [FACIL]MOD1.*;0:7 Enter the reservation remark: FIX ACCESS VIOLATIONI %VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]MOD1.PAS;9(9) fetched from library9 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]MOD1.PAS;V %VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]MOD1.PAS;9(9) reserved from stream V6.0C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> SHOW RESERVATIONN Reservation BUGFIX of [FACIL]MOD1.PAS SMITH 29-DEC-1 989 V6.0 VDE>= The RESERVE command reserves module MOD1.PAS in facility? FACIL and assigns the reservation identifier BUGFIX to theC reservation. (If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier,A the RESERVE command assigns a numeric reservation identifier@ to the reservation.) The SHOW RESERVATION command indicatesA that the module is reserved with the BUGFIX identifier. ThisC identifier can later be used on a REPLACE or UNRESERVE command- to id entify this particular reservation.= 3.VDE> RESERVE/SESSION=SPEEDUP A.REQ,B.REQ "Remark string"H %VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]A.REQ;11(11) fetched from library6 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]A.REQ;F %VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]B.REQ;7(7) fetched from library6 %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV$:[MYDIR]B.REQ;U %VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]A.REQ;11(11) reserved from stream MAINS %VDE-I-RESERVED, module generation [FACIL]B.REQ;7(7 ) reserved from stream MAINC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>C This example shows how module reservations are made members ofC a reservation session. This command reserves modules A.REQ andA B.REQ in facility FACIL and makes the resulting reservationsC members of a reservation session called SPEEDUP. These modulesB can later be replaced (or unreserved) as a unit by specifying< the session name instead of the names of the individual modules. wwQĵ 1 REVIEW 2 BUILD_JOB> Reviews the build-step log files for a specified build job. Format$ REVIEW BUILD_JOB [stream-name] 3 Parameter stream-nameC The name of a development stream. VDE reviews the results of theB most recent build job for the specified stream. If you omit theD stream-name parameter, VDE reviews the results of the most recent$ build job for the default stream.  3 Description< The REVIEW BUILD_JOB command allows you to review the log@ files of the individual build steps of a specified build job.> The command enters you into a subsystem of VDE. Once in theA subsystem, you are prompted with the string VDEREVBLD> and youB can then use a restricted set of commands, different from usual? VDE commands, to display selected log files. After reviewingA build results, use the EXIT command to exit from the subsystem and return to VDE.@  The REVIEW BUILD_JOB command creates a build-step review list= which is a list of build steps to be reviewed. By default,A the list includes only those steps that completed with errors.? Commands in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem list the steps inA the review list and display the log files for those steps. The? subsystem thus gives you a convenient way to determine whichA build steps failed and why they failed. The subsystem can also@ review build steps that completed successfully. Use the /STEPA qualifier to include successful steps in the build-step review list.< When you are in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem, you enter> commands at the VDEREVBLD> prompt. The commands can displayD either the build-step review list or the log files for individual build steps on that list.D The REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem accepts the commands documented in Review Build Job Commands. 3 Qualifiers /STEP% /STEP [=(status [, status... ])]? Reviews either all build steps or, if you specify the status@ parameter, those steps whose status is specified. Each status? parameter must be one of the following keywords: NOTSTARTED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, or ERRORS.C If you specify only one status parameter, the parentheses may beA omitted. If you do not specify a parameter, all build steps of$ specified build job are reviewed.? If you omit the /STEP qualifier, only those build steps that& completed with errors are reviewed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> REVIEW BUILD_JOB4 Reviewing steps of build job 38 for stream MAIN& Number of build steps selected: 1 VDEREVBLD> DIRECTORY: Steps being reviewed in build job 38 for stream MAIN:1 Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]E.B32 VDEREVBLD> NEXT! Build job 38 for stream MAIN; Log file of compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]E.B32:> 1: --->> ERROR: MISSING SCRIPT IN VDE DATABASE <<---> 2:  No script found in database to perform build step [End of file] VDEREVBLD> NEXT: %VDE-E-NOMORESTEP, no more build steps in review list VDEREVBLD> EXIT VDE>D In this example, one step completed with errors in build job 38D for stream MAIN. The REVIEW BUILD_JOB command displays messages> that identify the build job and gives the number of steps? selected for review. By default, the command includes onlyD those steps from the build-step review list that completed withD errors; in this case, there is one such step. At the VDEREVBLD>A prompt, the user enters the DIRECTORY command to display theA build steps on the current review list. Then the user entersB the NEXT command to see the log file for the next build step.@ (Pressing the RETURN key has the same effect.) The log file@ shows that the compile step failed because no script for it? was found in the VDE database. A second NEXT command shows? tha t there are no more build steps on the review list. TheD EXIT command then exits from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem and) returns the user to the VDE> prompt.' 2.VDE> REVIEW BUILD_JOB/STEP=SUCCESS4 Reviewing steps of build job 39 for stream MAIN& Number of build steps selected: 5 VDEREVBLD> DIRECTORY: Steps being reviewed in build job 39 for stream MAIN:1 Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]B.REQ1 Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]C.B321  Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]D.B321 Compile step for module [BUILD_TEST]E.B32. Link step for module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE VDEREVBLD> SELECT X! Build job 39 for stream MAIN8 Log file of link step for module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE:@ 1: $ DEFINE OBJLIB DISK$:[LIBROOT.MAIN.BUILD_TEST.OBJ]8 2: $ LINK/EXE=OBJLIB:X.EXE/MAP=OBJLIB:X.MAP -J 3: OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY 4: $ DEASSIGN OBJLIB  5: $ !< 6: $ SET NOVERIFY ! Successful script completion [End of file] VDEREVBLD> EXIT VDE>C In this example, the /STEP=SUCCESS qualifier causes the REVIEWB BUILD_JOB command to include only those steps from the build-@ step review list that completed successfully. The subsystemD DIRECTORY command then lists all such steps. The SELECT command= displays the log file of the link step for module X.EXE.> Finally, the EXIT command" exits from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB7 subsystem and returns the user to the VDE> prompt. 2 Build 3 Job 4 CommandsD The Review Build Job commands are used to review the results of aD build job. The commands are valid at the VDEREVBLD> prompt during the REVIEW BUILD_JOB command. Format* DIRECTORY [mod-name [, mod-name...]] SELECT [mod-name] NEXT [STEP] BACK CURRENT FIRST LAST SPAWN A TTACH EXIT 5 Description? The review commands allow you to review the log files of the? individual build steps of a specified build job. The commandA enters you into a subsystem of VDE. Once in the subsystem, youA are prompted with the string VDEREVBLD> and you can then use aA restricted set of commands, different from usual VDE commands,D to display selected log files. After reviewing build results, useA the EXIT command to exit from the subsystem and retur n to VDE.@ The REVIEW BUILD_JOB command creates a build-step review list= which is a list of build steps to be reviewed. By default,A the list includes only those steps that completed with errors.? Commands in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem list the steps inA the review list and display the log files for those steps. The? subsystem thus gives you a convenient way to determine whichA build steps failed and why they failed. The subsystem can also@ review build steps that  completed successfully. Use the /STEPA qualifier to include successful steps in the build-step review list.< When you are in the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem, you enter> commands at the VDEREVBLD> prompt. The commands can displayD either the build-step review list or the log files for individual@ build steps on that list. The subsystem accepts the following commands:* o DIRECTORY [mod-name [, mod-name...]]A Displays a list of all build steps on the build-step rev iewA list, giving the type of each step (compile, link, or copy)= and the name of the module that is compiled, linked, orA copied. If you specify one or more mod-name parameters, the@ command displays only those build steps whose module namesA match the parameters. You can use wildcards in the mod-name parameter. o SELECT [mod-name]@ Selects the first build step whose module name matches theA mod-name parameter and displays the log file f or that build< step. You can use wildcards in the mod-name parameter.> If you omit the mod-name parameter, the command displays< the log file of the next build step on the review listA that matches the most recently specified module name from aB previous SELECT command. Using this feature, you can enter aC SELECT command with a mod-name parameter containing wildcardsB to display the log file of the first build step that matches? the parameter. You c an then enter SELECT commands withoutB parameters to display the log files of all other build steps@ that match the original parameter, one log file per SELECT command. o NEXT [STEP]A Displays the next page of the log file of the current buildD step. If you specify the optional STEP keyword, the first page: of the log file of the next build-step is displayed.? Pressing the KP0 key (the 0 key on the numeric keypad) isA the same as entering the NEXT command. As a result, you canC review the log files of all build steps on the review list by& repeatedly pressing the KP0 key. o BACKD Displays the log file of the previous build step on the build- step review list. o CURRENTB Displays the first page of the log file of the current build step. o FIRSTA Displays the log file of the first build step on the build- step review list. o LASTD Displays the log file of the last build step in the build-step review list. o SPAWN; Spawns a subprocess and attaches the terminal to thatB subprocess. See the description of the VDE SPAWN command for details. o ATTACH; Attaches the terminal to a specified process. See the8 description of the VDE ATTACH command for details. o EXITB Exits from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem and returns you to the VDE> prompt. 2 REPLACEMENT@ Reviews the modules, comment files, information file, and log7 file associated with a specified queued replacement. Format! REVIEW REPLACEMENT rep-name 3 Parameter rep-nameB The name of the queued replacement to review. This parameter is4 required; if you omit it, VDE prompts you for it. 3 Description@ The REVIEW REPLACEMENT command allows you to review all filesB associated with a given queued replacement. These files include< the modules being replaced, the information file that theA replacing user may have provided, the comment files that other= reviewers may have written, and possibly a log file for anC attempt to perform the replacement. The log file is only present? if an earlier attempt to perform the replacement failed; theA log file then tells you wnat went wrong. For each module beingD replaced, you may examine the new version queued for replacement,B the old version in the VDE library, and the d ifferences between the two.@ The REVIEW REPLACEMENT command enters you into a subsystem of? VDE. Once in the subsystem, you are prompted with the string@ VDEREVREP> and you can then use a restricted set of commands,> different from the usual VDE commands, to display the filesD associated with the replacement. After reviewing these files, youB must use the EXIT command to exit from the subsystem and return to VDE.? The REVIEW REPLACEMENT command creates a list of file s to beB reviewed called the replacement review list. This list includesD the replacement's information file (if any), the comment file forA each reviewer that has provided one, the log file for the last@ attempt to perform replacement (if any), and the modules thatD are queued for replacement. Subsystem commands list, display, andA navigate among the elements in the review list. One element isA always designated as the current element. Initially, the firstB element on the list is the current element, but various command= can change that designation. The SHOW and EDIT subcommands+ display the text of the current element. 3 Qualifiers /COMMENT; Specifies that reviewer comment files be included in theA replacement review list. If this qualifier is omitted, commentA files are only included if all other qualifiers are omitted as well. /INFORMATIONA Specifies that the queuing user's information file be included@ in the replacement review list. If this qualifier is omitted,D the information file is only included if all other qualifiers are omitted as well. /MODULE< Specifies that all modules that are members of the queuedB replacement be included in the replacement review list. If this? qualifier is omitted, modules are only included if all other" qualifiers are omitted as well. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameB This qualifier specifies the name of the stream associated with, the replacement. It is currently ignored. 3 Examples$ 1.VDE> REVIEW REPLACEMENT SMITH-1D Reviewing replacement SMITH-1 queued by user SMITH (Jane Smith), Number of modules and files selected: 4 VDEREVREP> DIRECTORY> Modules and files being reviewed for replacement SMITH-1:3 Information file by user SMITH (Jane Smith)I Comment file by reviewer BROWN (Bill Brown) rejecting replacement Module [FACIL]A.REQ Module [FACIL]C.B32 VDEREVREP> CURRENT0 Information file by user SMITH (Jane Smith) VDEREVREP>B In this example, the REVIEW REPLACEMENT command displays some= information identifying the requested queued replacement? and enters the REVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem. The DIRECTORY@ subcommand displays the elements on the review list and the= CURRENT subcommand prints a line identifying the current; element of the review list (namely the first element).  2.VDEREVREP> SHOW@ Text of the queuing user's information file displayed here.) This file may consist of many lines. VDEREVREP> NEXTF Comment file by reviewer BROWN (Bill Brown) rejecting replacement VDEREVREP> SHOWC Text of comment file written by reviewer BROWN displayed here.) This file may consist of many lines. VDEREVREP>B This example continues the previous example. The SHOW command? displays the text of the current review-list element, user> SMITH's information file. The NEXT command makes the nextD element the current element and prints its name. The subsequentB SHOW command then displays the text of that file, the comment file by reviewer BROWN. 3.VDEREVREP> NEXT Module [FACIL]A.REQ VDEREVREP> SHOWF %VDE-I-FETCHED, generation [FACIL]A.REQ;7(7) fetched from libraryO %VDE-I-OUTFILE, output file is DEV:[VDELIB.VDE$STAGE.VDE$STG_0.VDE$REP_11. FACIL]A.REQ_VDE$OLD;+ Number of difference sections found: 0* Number of difference records found: 0L DIFFERENCES /IGNORE=()/MERGED=1/OUTPUT=DEV:[VDELIB.VDE$STAGE.VDE$STG_0.' VDE$REP_11.FACIL]A.REQ_VDE$DIFF;1-B DEV:[VDELIB.VDE$STAGE.VDE$STG_0.VDE$REP_11.FACIL]A.REQ;1-I DEV:[VDELIB.VDE$STAGE.VDE$STG_0.VDE$REP_11.FACIL]A.REQ_VDE$OLD;1 VDEREVREP> NEXT Module [FACIL]C.B32 VDEREVREP> NEXT5 %VDE-E-NOMOREMOD, no more modules in review list VDEREVR EP> EXIT VDE>C Yet another NEXT command makes module [FACIL]A.REQ the current> element of the review list. The SHOW command displays theA differences file for that module. To do so, it first fetches> out the old generation of the module, differences it with@ the new generation queued for replacement, and displays theD differences file. The EDIT command could have been used just asC well, and is more suitable for long differences files. AnotherB NEXT command make module [FACIL]C.B32 the current element andD displays its name. A final NEXT command shows that there are noD more elements in the review list. The user then enters the EXIT* command to return to the VDE> prompt. 3 CommandsB The Review Replacement Commands are used to review replacements? queued to the current library. The commands are valid at the; VDEREVREP> prompt during the REVIEW REPLACEMENT command. Format* DIRECTORY [mod-name [, mod&-name...]] SELECT [mod-name] SHOW [keyword] EDIT [keyword] NEXT BACK CURRENT FIRST LAST ACCEPT ["remark-string"] REJECT "remark-string" SPAWN ATTACH EXIT 4 DescriptionB The REVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem accepts the following commands at the VDEREVREP> prompt:* o DIRECTORY [mod-name [, mod-name...]]> Displays a list of all information files, comment files,;  replacement log files, and modules on the replacement@ review list. For each file, this command displays the typeC (information, comment, log, module, or binary module) and theD name of user who created the file (for information and commentB files) or the name of the module. If you specify one or moreB mod-name parameters, the command displays only those modules@ whose names match the parameters. You can use wildcards inD the mod-name parameter. An infor mation or comment file has theD author's OpenVMS username as its file name, so these files canD also be selected with mod-name parameters. The replacement log6 file (if present) has the file name LOG.VDE$LOG. o SELECT [mod-name]@ Selects the first review list element whose module or fileD name matches the mod-name parameter and makes that the currentC review list element. This command prints one line identifying@ the selected module or file. You can  select an informationA or comment file by specifying the author's OpenVMS username@ in the mod-name parameter. You can select the log file (if; present) by specifying LOG in the mod-name parameter.B If you omit the mod-name parameter, the command displays theD next element on the review list that matches the most recentlyA specified module name from a previous SELECT command. UsingB this feature, you can enter a SELECT command with a mod-nameC para meter containing wildcards to select the first module (or@ other file) that matches the parameter. You can then enterC SELECT commands without parameters to successively select allD other modules and files that match the original parameter, one( module or file per SELECT command. o SHOW [keyword]@ Prints the text of the current review-list element on yourC terminal. If the current element is an information or commentB file, VDE reads that file and prints it on your terminal. IfA the current element is a module, VDE prints the new version> of the module (the version about to be replaced into theB library), the old version of the module (the generation thatC was fetched when the module was reserved), or the differences? between the two. The keyword parameter determines what is? displayed for a module; this parameter may be the keyword= NEW, OLD, or DIFFERENCES. This parameter is ignored for* in formation, comment, and log files.D If you specify the OLD keyword, VDE fetches out the old moduleB generation unless a previous reviewer has already fetched itA into the replacement's staging area. VDE then displays that? file. If you specify the DIFFERENCES keyword, VDE fetches? out the old module generation if necessary. VDE then runsB the OpenVMS DIFFERENCES command to create a differences fileA unless a previous reviewer has already created it. VDE then displays that file.? This command will not display any files for binary source modules. o EDIT [keyword]@ Invokes your preferred editor in read-only mode to displayA the text of the current review-list element. If the current? element is an information or comment file, VDE spawns the> editor to display that file. If the current element is a> module, VDE spawns the editor to display the new version> of the module (the version a bout to be replaced into theB library), the old version of the module (the generation thatC was fetched when the module was reserved), or the differences? between the two. The keyword parameter determines what is? displayed for a module; this parameter may be the keyword= NEW, OLD, or DIFFERENCES. This parameter is ignored for* information, comment, and log files.D If you specify the OLD keyword, VDE fetches out the old moduleB generation unless a previous reviewer has already fetched itA into the replacement's staging area. VDE then displays that? file. If you specify the DIFFERENCES keyword, VDE fetches? out the old module generation if necessary. VDE then runsB the OpenVMS DIFFERENCES command to create a differences fileA unless a previous reviewer has already created it. VDE then displays that file.? This command will not display any files for binary source modules.C Use the SET EDITOR command at the VDE> prompt to specify yourD preferred editor. If you do not declare an editor, VDE invokes the system default editor. o NEXTC Makes the next element on the review list the current element, and displays the name of that element.C Pressing the KP0 key (the 0 key on the numeric keypad) is theB same as entering the NEXT command. As a result, you can stepA from element to element by repeatedly pressing the KP0 key.@ Similarly, the COMMA (,) key on the numeric keypad enters@ the NEXT and SHOW commands with a single keystroke and theC MINUS (-) key on the numeric keypad enters the NEXT and EDIT commands. o BACK? Makes the previous element on the review list the current4 element and displays the name of that element. o CURRENTA Displays the name of the current element of the replacement review list. o FIRSTD Makes the first element on the review list the current element, and displays the name of that element. o LASTC Makes the last element on the review list the current element, and displays the name of that element. o ACCEPT ["remark-string"]A Records in the VDE database that you accept the replacement> currently being reviewed. You must be a reviewer for theC replacement to use this command. You can specify the optionalC remark string to give a reason for accepting  the replacement.? This command accepts the same qualifiers as the VDE-level! ACCEPT REPLACEMENT command. o REJECT "remark-string"A Records in the VDE database that you reject the replacement> currently being reviewed. You must be a reviewer for the? replacement to use this command. The remark string shouldA specify a reason for rejecting the replacement. If you omit> the remark parameter, VDE prompts you for a remark. ThisA command accepts the same qualifiers as the VDE-level REJECT> REPLACEMENT command. Like REJECT REPLACEMENT, the REJECTC command lets you specify a comment file to more fully explain1 your reasons for rejecting the replacement. o SPAWN; Spawns a subprocess and attaches the terminal to thatB subprocess. See the description of the VDE SPAWN command for details. o ATTACH; Attaches the terminal to a specified process. See the8 description of the VDE ATTACH command for details. o EXITD Exits from the REVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem and returns you to the VDE> prompt. ww?ĵ 1 Script 2 KeywordsA The following keywords are used in VDE build scripts stored in the VDE database. Requires CRESCRP privilege. Format EMIT EXIT FETCH 3 Description= Scripts are used to add various user-defined extensions toB various VDE functions and commands.  VDE invokes various scripts> at various times during VDE processing-see Script Types for further information on this.? Scripts of various types are recorded in the VDE database. AC script is a sequence of keywords in the VDE script language thatD VDE can execute to create a DCL command file. VDE can then invokeA that DCL command file in a subprocess to perform the action of? the script. VDE uses scripts to perform many different kindsA of actions. For example, VDE uses  "compile scripts" to compileB modules in a build job. Similarly, it uses "new-stream scripts"A to populate the directories of a new stream with files when itD performs the CREATE STREAM command. There are many other kinds ofC scripts, all distinguished by the keywords or circumstances that cause them to be invoked.< The primary purpose of VDE scripts is to insert names and? directory specifications from the VDE database into text you= specify to generate DCL command fil es that perform various< actions. A VDE script is thus a mixture of plain text and? invocations of functions that retrieve names (such as module? names, type names, and facility names) and directory strings> (such as the names of facility subdirectories) from the VDE database.B Since you define scripts, you define how VDE should perform the> corresponding actions. For example, you decide how a Pascal? module is compiled because you define the Pascal compilationD scrip t. Similarly, you can define a script that defines auxiliaryC actions of the REPLACE command. Scripts thus let you make policyD decisions for your own project, while VDE provides the mechanisms that implement your policies.C When a new development stream is created, all script definitions< from the parent stream are copied to the child stream. If@ modified, the script definitions then evolve independently in the two development streams.C A VDE script is a sequence of t ext lines that contain VDE scriptC keywords. There are only three VDE script commands: EMIT, FETCH, and EXIT.C In addition, a script may contain blank lines and comment lines.C The exclamation point (!) is the comment character. VDE ignoresA any text on a script line after an exclamation point, provided? the exclamation point is not within quotes. A script keywordC command may be continued from one line to the next by ending the1 first line with the sequence space-mi nus ( -).: VDE accepts the following keyword commands in a script: o EMIT string [, string...]D Emits one line into the DCL command file. This keyword commandA evaluates each string parameter, concatenates the resulting> character strings into a single line of text, and writes@ this line of text to the DCL command file being generated.@ Each string parameter may be a quoted character string, anB invocation of a script function, or a directory symbol  name.< If the EMIT command parameter contains spaces or otherB characters, the string must be enclosed in a pair of quotingB characters. (eg: If the command is a typical DCL command and> contains blanks and various other characters, it must be@ quoted.) Valid quoting character pairs include the double-> quote pair: (") and ("), and the double-caret pair: ()B and (). Use of the end-quoting character within the stringA is permissible, but requires t hat the character be doubled.B (eg: a double-quote character within the string is specified@ by double double-quotes; by two consecutive double-quotes: ("").)= If the parameter is an invocation of a script function,= you must specify the function name or the function nameB followed by a parenthesized list of function parameters. VDEB evaluates the function to produce a character string that isA concatenated to the current DCL command line. (Next se ction, lists the available script functions.)C If the parameter is a directory symbol name, VDE looks up theC OpenVMS directory specification associated with the directoryB symbol from the VDE database and concatenates that string toA the current DCL command line. OpenVMS directory symbols are. defined using the SET DIRECTORY command.D To exit from the generated DCL in the script, issue one of the following script commands: EMIT $ GOTO VDE$ERROR EMIT $ GOTO VDE$SUCCESS EMIT "$ EXIT" o EXIT? Exits from the script during script execution. SubsequentD script commands are thus not executed to produce DCL commands.D (Note that the EXIT keyword does not create an EXIT command inC the DCL command file; it only stops script execution. See theA documentation on the EMIT script command for information onD generating the proper DCL exit sequence from within a script.) o  FETCH string [, string...]D Fetches a module generation from the VDE library. This keywordA evaluates each string parameter, concatenates the resultingB character strings into a single line of text, and interprets> the line as the qualifiers and parameters to a VDE FETCH> command. Each string parameter may be a quoted character@ string, an invocation of a script function, or a directory symbol name.? Your string parameters should generate the ful l VDE FETCHB command you want performed except for the FETCH keyword. TheB string parameters can generate all qualifiers and parameters< that the VDE FETCH keyword accepts, and can use script? functions to include strings such as module names, stream@ names, and directory specifications. The resulting commandA string is parsed and executed as if it belonged to a normalD FETCH keyword entered from the terminal. Use the FETCH keyword? when you want VDE to fetch a generation directly, without@ using a DCL command file, and you want it performed in the? same database transaction as the operation performing the script.D By default, VDE fetches the latest generation of the specified? module in the stream for which the script is invoked. YouB can override this default by generating a /STREAM qualifier,A /GENERATION qualifier, or a generation number for the FETCHB keyword. The script FETCH keyword su ppresses log messages by@ default, but you can override this default by generating a@ /LOG qualifier. Otherwise, all parameters, qualifiers, and@ defaults are the same as for the regular VDE FETCH keyword described elsewhere.= If a string parameter is a quoted character string, theC string must be enclosed in double quotes ("). A double-quoteA character within the string is specified by two consecutiveD double quotes (""). VDE concatenates the qu oted string to the! current FETCH keyword line.= If the parameter is an invocation of a script function,= you must specify the function name or the function nameB followed by a parenthesized list of function parameters. VDEB evaluates the function to produce a character string that isC concatenated to the current FETCH keyword line. (Next section, lists the available script functions.)C If the parameter is a directory symbol name, VDE looks up th eC OpenVMS directory specification associated with the directoryB symbol from the VDE database and concatenates that string toC the current FETCH keyword line. OpenVMS directory symbols are. defined using the SET DIRECTORY command.C When executing a script, VDE executes successive script keywordsA from the script until it encounters an EXIT keyword or the endA of the script. VDE executes FETCH keywords immediately as theyC are encountered. VDE writes all lin es generated by EMIT keywords@ to the output DCL command file. At the end of the script, VDEC executes that command file in a subprocess to perform the action of the script. Selection of ScriptsB Many types of scripts are invoked when a certain operation mustB be applied to a specific module, such as compiling or reserving> the module. For such operations, VDE must select the script? that is appropriate to the module. The type of the script isB of course the prima ry selection criterion, but even for a given@ type, different scripts are needed for different modules. TheC script that compiles a Fortran module is not appropriate for a CB module, for example, and the script that links one image cannot@ link another. (Script Functions contains the types of scripts supported by VDE.)C To accommodate such situations, VDE lets you specify how scripts@ are selected based on the module name. You can specify that aD script should be used only for a specific module, for all modulesD of a certain type in a given facility, for all modules of a given@ type regardless of facility, or for all modules regardless ofC type or facility. When you create such a script, you specify theB script type with a qualifier, such as /COMPILE or /RESERVE. YouA also specify the modules to which the script applies through a? module-name parameter to the qualifier. A restricted form ofB wildcarding determines what modules the script can be used for.8 The following module-name specifications are allowed: o [FACIL]MOD.TYP> If you fully specify the module name, the script applies> only to that specific module. For example, the qualifier@ /LINK=[CODE]X.EXE says that the script can only be used toA link image X.EXE in facility CODE. If you omit the facility4 name, the current default facility is assumed. o [FACIL]*.TYPC If you specify the facility name and type name but specify anC  asterisk (*) in place of the module name, the script appliesD to all modules of that type in that facility. For example, theD qualifier /COMPILE=[FACIL]*.C says that the script can be usedA to compile all C modules in facility FACIL. If you omit the= facility name, the current default facility is assumed. o [*]*.TYP> If you specify the type name but specify an asterisk (*)A in place of both the facility name and the module name, theC script  applies to all modules of that type in all facilities.@ For example, the qualifier /COMPILE=[*]*.FOR says that the> script can be used to compile all Fortran modules in all facilities. o [*]*.*; If you specify an asterisk (*) for each of the three> components of the module name, the script applies to all? modules regardless of type and facility. For example, theC qualifier /RESERVE=[*]*.* says that the script can be used to, reserve all modules in all facilities.? No other forms of wildcarding are allowed in the module-name( parameters to script-type qualifiers.C When VDE looks for a script to perform some action for a module,= it always selects the script that is most specific to that@ module. If it can find a script with a fully specified moduleA name ([FACIL]MOD.TYP) for the module in question, it uses thatC script. Otherwise, it looks for a script with a matching module-= name specification of the  form [FACIL]*.TYP or [*]*.TYP orA [*]*.*, in that order. This rule allows you to specify genericC scripts that apply to all modules or to all modules of a certainB type, but to override those scripts for specific modules or for3 modules in specific facilities when appropriate.@ Similar rules apply to scripts that are selected by facility.A A NEW_STREAM script, for example, is invoked for each facilityA in your system when you create a new stream. In this case, VDEB accepts two forms of facility-name specification on the script- type qualifiers: o FACIL@ If you fully specify the facility name, the script applies@ only to that specific facility. For example, the qualifier? /NEW_STREAM=RMS says that the script can only be used for0 facility RMS when VDE creates new streams. o *@ If you specify an asterisk (*) for the facility name, theB script applies to all facilities. For example, the qualifierA /N EW_STREAM=* says that the script can be invoked for every; facility in your system when VDE creates new streams.A No other forms of wildcarding are allowed in the facility-name( parameters to script-type qualifiers.C When VDE looks for a script to perform an action for a facility,> it first looks for a script with a fully specified facility> name. If no such script exists in the database, VDE selectsA the script with the wildcard in the facility name, provided itD e xists. You can thus specify a generic script that applies to allD facilities, and then override that script for specific facilities when appropriate.' Generating Command Files in Segments? Normally, VDE generates the DCL command file to perform someC action from a single VDE script. In some situations, however, itC is necessary to generate different "segments" of the DCL commandD file from different scripts. The DCL command file that compiles aD MACRO module, for examp le, may need to consist of three segments:; o The first segment sets up logical names for the MACROB assembler and includes the MACRO command and its qualifiers.A The MACRO command is ended with the continuation character.A This segment is the same for all MACRO modules, and the VDEC script that generates it has the selection template [*]*.MAR.D o The second segment contains the name of the module to assembleA and a plus-list of macro libraries to use with  that module.B This segment of the command file is different for each MACROB module, and the VDE script that generates it has a selection( template of the form [FAC]MOD.TYP.@ o The third segment inserts the assembled object module intoA an object library and runs VDE/DEPEND to collect dependencyD data. This segment of the DCL command file is the same for allA MACRO modules, and the VDE script that generates it has the" selection template [*]*.MAR.> One VDE script could generate all three segments of the DCLD command file, but then a separate script is needed for each MACROB module in the library. This solution is undesirable because the@ script keywords that generate the first and third segments of@ the DCL command file are the same for all MACRO modules, thus? wasting space in the VDE database and making it difficult toB modify the common parts of the scripts. A better solution is toB have two generic scripts with selec tion templates [*]*.MAR that? generate the first and third segments of each MACRO module's@ DCL command file, and to have a small script specific to each@ module to generate the second segment. This solution makes it@ easy to modify the module-independent segments of the keyword< files because they are derived from just two VDE scripts.D To allow you to generate different segments of a DCL command fileC from separate scripts, VDE allows you to assign a segment numberD to each script. A segment number is an integer value in the rangeD from 1 to 20 that is specified with the /SEGMENT qualifier to theD CREATE SCRIPT command. When VDE generates a DCL command file from@ scripts, it looks for an appropriate script for each possibleA segment number. VDE selects the script for each segment number? using the normal script selection rules so that more module-> specific or facility-specific scripts are favored over more? generic scripts. After selecting the scripts, VDE interpretsD them in order by segment number to generate the DCL command file.? If there are no scripts for a given segment, that segment isB simply omitted from the command file. As a result, you can haveC up to twenty segments in a DCL command file, each generated by a separately selected script.C If you do not specify a segment number for a script, VDE assigns@ segment number 10 to the script. If your DCL command files doB not need multiple segments, you c an thus ignore segment numbers> and let VDE generate segment 10 (and only that segment) forB each command file. If you later decide that you need additional@ segments before or after the original segment, you have ample5 segment numbers to choose from in both directions. Debugging ScriptsD The INVOKE SCRIPT command is a useful tool for debugging scripts.C INVOKE SCRIPT allows you to fetch and invoke a specified script,B and then to examine the DCL command(s) generated by the script.> For further information on this command, see INVOKE SCRIPT. 3 Examples% 1.$ TYPE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT$ ! Script to compile a C module. ! EMIT "$ SET VERIFY"+ EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG SRC$ ", $DIR(SRC)+ EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OBJ$ ", $DIR(OBJ)8 EMIT "$ CC/DEBUG/OBJ=OBJ$:/ANA=OBJ$: SRC$:",$MODTYP, EMIT "$ VDE/DEPEND C OBJ$:",$MOD,".ANA" EXIT $ VDEB VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/COMPILE=[RMS]*.C [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPTQ  %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT;9 added to the database4 script to compile module [RMS]*.C (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>: In this example, the user first types the script fileC [MYDIR]SCRIPT_C.VDESCRIPT on the terminal. The script containsB five EMIT keywords followed by an EXIT keyword. The user then@ enters VDE and uses the CREATE SCRIPT keyword to enter thatD ! script file into the VDE database as the compile script for allA C modules in facility RMS. The log messages confirm that the7 script was successfully entered into the database.* 2.$ TYPE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_LINK_X.VDESCRIPTK ! VDE script to generate the DCL commands needed to link module X.EXE. ! EMIT "$ SET VERIFY", EMIT "$ DEFINE OBJLIB ", $DIR(OBJ,CODE)7 EMIT "$ LINK/EXE=OBJLIB:X.EXE/MAP=OBJLIB:X.MAP -"I EMIT " OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJLI "B:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY" EMIT "$ DEASSIGN OBJLIB" $ VDE2 VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/LINK=X.EXE [MYDIR]SCRIPT_CM %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_LINK_X.VDESCRIPT;2 added to the database4 script to link module [CODE]X.EXE (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed% VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TEXT/LINK=X.EXE3 Script to link module [CODE]X.EXE (segment 10) Text of script:S 1: ! VDE script to gen #erate the DCL commands needed to link module X.EXE. 2: ! 3: EMIT "$ SET VERIFY"4 4: EMIT "$ DEFINE OBJLIB ", $DIR(OBJ,CODE)? 5: EMIT "$ LINK/EXE=OBJLIB:X.EXE/MAP=OBJLIB:X.MAP -"Q 6: EMIT " OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/INCLUDE=C,OBJLIB:OBJLIB.OLB/LIBRARY"% 7: EMIT "$ DEASSIGN OBJLIB" VDE>B This example displays the script file SCRIPT_LINK_X.VDESCRIPT? to show the text of the script. The script consists of two> com $ment lines and five EMIT keywords. The EXIT keyword is< omitted in this case. The user then enters VDE and uses? the CREATE SCRIPT keyword to enter the script into the VDEB database. The /LINK qualifier specifies that the script linksA module X.EXE in the current default facility, facility CODE.@ By default, the script's segment number is 10. Finally, theC SHOW SCRIPT keyword shows that the script can now be displayed directly from the database.> 3.VDE> CREA %TE SCRIPT/NEW_STREAM=* SCRIPT_NEW_STRM.VDESCRIPTO %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_NEW_STRM.VDESCRIPT;3 added to the database= script to create new stream for facility * (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed' VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TEXT/NEW_STREAM=*< Script to create new stream for facility * (segment 10) Text of script:D 1: ! VDE script to populate the directories for a facility, &2: ! when a new stream is created. 3: !F 4: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OLDOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%PARENT)G 5: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG NEWOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%CURRENT)/ 6: EMIT "$ COPY OLDOBJ:*.OLB NEWOBJ:"> 7: EMIT "$ COPY ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%PARENT),"*.H -"7 8: EMIT " ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%CURRENT) 9: EXIT VDE>C This example creates a NEW_STREAM script that will be executedA for all facilities when a' new development stream is created.> The CREATE SCRIPT keyword creates the script and the SHOW> SCRIPT keyword displays the script from the database. TheD script generates DCL keywords to copy all object libraries fromA the parent stream's object directory to the current stream'sD object directory. (The "current" stream is the new stream beingD created in this case.) The script also copies all .H files fromA the parent stream's source directory for the facility to (the4 new stream's source directory for the facility.F 4.VDE> CREATE SCRIPT/INSERT_GENERATION=[*]*.* [MYDIR]SCRIPT_INS_GENT %VDE-I-SCRPADDED, script from file DEV$:[MYDIR]SCRIPT_INS_GEN.VDESCRIPT;4 added to the database@ script to insert generation for module [*]*.* (segment 10)C %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>3 VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TEXT/INSERT_GENERATION=[*]*.*? Script to insert generation for module [*]*.* (segment )10) Text of script:M 1: ! Script for the INSERT GENERATION command. This script fetchesM 2: ! out a clear copy of the generation just inserted into a streamI 3: ! in order to keep the stream's source directory up-to-date. 4: !8 5: FETCH $FACMODTYP, "/LOG/OUTPUT=", $DIR(SRC)/ 6: EMIT "$ PURGE ", $DIR(SRC),$MODTYP VDE>? This example defines a script to be executed each time the; INSERT GENERATION command i *s performed for any module.= The SHOW SCRIPT command displays the text of the script.> The script contains a FETCH keyword that fetches the justC inserted generation into the SRC subdirectory for the affected@ stream and facility. This operation maintains an up-to-date@ copy of the source file in that directory. Because the /LOGA qualifier is generated for the FETCH keyword, VDE will printA an informational log message as the module is fetched during? scrip+t execution. The script also contains an EMIT keywordD that generates a PURGE keyword to be performed on the file just fetched out. 2 Functions? This section contains the script functions supported by VDE.. This documentation is under construction... Requires CRESCRP privilege. 3 Description= Scripts are used to add various user-defined extensions toB various VDE functions and commands. VDE invokes various scripts> at various times during VDE proce ,ssing-see Script Types for further information on this.C Scripts are stored in the VDE database, and specific scripts areC invoked automatically and transparently at predetermined points.? When a script is invoked, the commands within the script-seeB Script Keywords for further information on the available scriptB keywords-are converted into DCL commands and these DCL commands% are then executed in a subprocess.; Within a script, script functions can be used to extrac -t@ information from the VDE database and insert that informationD into the DCL commands generated by by the EMIT script command, or8 into the command line generated by the FETCH command.D Certain script functions extract names, such as stream, facility,A module, and type names from the database, while others extractC the OpenVMS directory specifications of various root directoriesC and subdirectories in the VDE library. VDE accepts the following script functions: o. $FAC? Returns the facility name of the facility currently being? processed or of the module currently being processed (for* example, the module being compiled). o $FACMODTYP@ Returns the full module name of the module currently being> processed (for example, the module being compiled). This> module name includes the facility name, module name, andA type name in the normal VDE module-name syntax, for example [FACIL]MOD.TYP. o $FIL /EDIRB Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of the directoryC where the module currently being replaced is located or where? the module currently being fetched or reserved should go.C This is either the current default directory or the directoryC specified with the /INPUT qualifier to the REPLACE command orA the /OUTPUT qualifier to the FETCH or RESERVE command. ThisC function is only defined for FETCH, NOKEEP, REPLACE, RESERVE, and STAGIN 0G scripts. o $FILESPECB Returns the OpenVMS file specification of the input file for? the module currently being replaced or of the output fileA for the module currently being fetched or reserved. This isB either the default file specification for the command or the? file specification specified with the /INPUT qualifier to? the REPLACE command or the /OUTPUT qualifier to the FETCHB or RESERVE command. This function is only defined for FETCH,4 1 NOKEEP, REPLACE, RESERVE, and STAGING scripts.4 o $DIR (dir-symbol [, fac-name [, stream-name]])@ Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of a specified? facility subdirectory for a given development stream. The= dir-symbol parameter specifies the VDE directory symbolA that identifies the desired subdirectory. Directory symbols> are defined with the SET DIRECTORY command. The fac-nameC parameter specifies the facility whose subdirectory should be 2B retrieved. If this parameter is omitted, the facility of theC module currently being processed is assumed (for example, theA module being compiled). The stream-name parameter specifiesA the development stream for which the subdirectory should beD retrieved. If this parameter is omitted, the default stream is assumed.; You can specify the keyword %CURRENT for the fac-name< parameter to refer to the facility of the module being@ processed an 3d you can specify %CURRENT for the stream-nameB parameter to refer to the currently set stream. You can alsoC specify %PARENT for the stream-name parameter to refer to theB current stream's parent; this keyword is mainly used in NEW_A STREAM scripts to refer to the directories of the parent of# the new stream being created.C For additional information on directory symbols (dir-symbol),> see CANCEL DIRECTORY, SET DIRECTORY, and SHOW DIRECTORY.+ o $F 4ACROOT [(fac-name [, stream-name])]@ Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of a specified> facility root directory for a given stream. The fac-nameB parameter specifies the facility whose root directory should> be retrieved. If this parameter is omitted, the facility= of the module currently being processed is assumed (forD example, the module being compiled). The stream-name parameterC specifies the development stream for which the given facility> 5 root directory should be retrieved. If this parameter is- omitted, the default stream is assumed.; You can specify the keyword %CURRENT for the fac-nameC parameter and you can specify the keyword %CURRENT or %PARENTD for the stream-name parameter. See the description of the $DIR2 function for the meanings of these keywords. o $LIBROOT= Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of the rootA directory of the current VDE library. This is th6e directory% that contains the VDE database. o $MOD; Returns the module name of the module currently being= processed (for example, the module being compiled). The< module's facility name and type name are not included. o $MODTYPC Returns the module name and type name of the module currently? being processed (for example, the module being compiled).A The two names are separated by a period, as in MOD.TYP. The$ facility name is n7ot included. o $SCRATCH? Returns the device and directory for the current process-! specific scratch directory. o $SESSIONNAMEA Returns the name of the reservation session associated with? the current RESERVE, REPLACE, or UNRESERVE command. If no@ reservation session is used for the command, this function@ returns the null string. This function is only defined for? NOKEEP, REPLACE, RESERVE, STAGING, and UNRESERVE scripts. o $SESSI 8ONNUMB Returns the unique session number of the reservation session@ associated with the current RESERVE, REPLACE, or UNRESERVEB command. The session number is returned as a decimal integerD value. If no reservation session is used for the command, thisB function returns the number 0. This function is only definedC for NOKEEP, REPLACE, RESERVE, STAGING, and UNRESERVE scripts. o $STAGEDEST= Returns the destination directory or file specification@9 for a file being copied to a staging directory while being> queued for replacement. If the input file to the REPLACE? command has the same file name and type as the VDE moduleA being replaced, the $STAGEDEST function returns the OpenVMSA directory specification of the staging directory into whichB the file should be copied. If the input file has a different@ file name or type than the VDE module, which can happen if> a file name is specified with the :/INPUT qualifier, then@ the $STAGEDEST function returns the staging area directoryC specification concatenated with the VDE module name and type.@ The $STAGEDEST function is used to specify the destinationB parameter of the staging script COPY command that copies theD input file into the staging area. By leaving the file name offA this parameter when the name of the input file is not being@ changed (the typical case), this function ensures that theD ;COPY command preserves the file's creation date and time. This3 function is only defined for STAGING scripts. o $STAGEDIR@ Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of the staging@ directory for the module currently being replaced. StagingA directories are used to hold files for queued replacements,< and this function is only defined for STAGING scripts. o $STAGEROOT@ Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of the stagingB area root <directory for the VDE library. (Staging areas hold% files for queued replacements.) o $STREAM= Returns the name of the default development stream (forA example, the stream being created or the stream for which a build job is being run.)+ o $STRMDIR (dir-symbol [, stream-name])@ Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of a specifiedB stream subdirectory for a given development stream. The dir-> symbol parameter specifies the VDE direc =tory symbol that@ identifies the desired subdirectory. Directory symbols are= defined with the SET DIRECTORY command. The stream-nameA parameter specifies the stream whose subdirectory should beD retrieved. If this parameter is omitted, the default stream is assumed.= You can specify the keyword %CURRENT or %PARENT for the< stream-name parameter. See the description of the $DIRA function for the meanings of these keywords. For additional? in >formation on directory symbols (dir-symbol), see CANCEL3 DIRECTORY, SET DIRECTORY, and SHOW DIRECTORY. o $STRMROOT [(stream-name)]@ Returns the OpenVMS directory specification of a specifiedB stream's root directory. The stream-name parameter specifies; the development stream whose root directory should beA retrieved. If this parameter is omitted, the default stream is assumed.= You can specify the keyword %CURRENT or %PARENT for the< ?stream-name parameter. See the description of the $DIR2 function for the meanings of these keywords. o $TYPC Returns the type name of the module currently being processed/ (for example, the module being compiled).> For further information on creating scripts, see the CREATE SCRIPT command. 2 Types? This section contains the types of scripts supported by VDE. Requires CRESCRP privilege. 3 Description> VDE supports many types of scripts. @ The different types areA distinguished by the commands or circumstances that cause them? to be invoked. For example, COMPILE scripts are invoked whenC you enter the COMPILE command or when you run a build job, while? RESERVE scripts are invoked when you enter RESERVE commands.? Some types of scripts are optional because the commands thatA invoke them will run correctly without scripts. In such cases,< the script is there only to allow you to specify optionalB additionaAl processing for the command. The RESERVE command, for@ example, does not need RESERVE scripts to work correctly, butA if you want the RESERVE command to send mail to selected usersD whenever someone reserves a module, you must use a RESERVE scriptD to perform that action. Other types of scripts are mandatory. ForC example, VDE does not know how to compile, copy, or link modulesD unless you specify how with the appropriate scripts. The COMPILE,A COPY, LINK, and BUILD commands th Bus require such scripts to be defined.< Most scripts are executed in logical isolation from other> scripts, and are called in response to a particular command< or request. If a particular operation results in multipleB propogations or similar operations, certain scripts are invoked once for each propogation.C A few script types, such as the BUILD, COMPILE and LINK scripts,= operate as a group. The BUILD script can be used to set up@ DCL global symbols or logical n Cames that are used as input toC subsequent COMPILE or LINK scripts. As partial builds can invokeA a subset of all available COMPILE and LINK scripts, DCL global= symbols and logical names that are used as inputs into any@ COMPILE and LINK scripts should only be equated or defined in the BUILD script.D You specify the type of a script with a qualifier. For the CREATE7 SCRIPT command, you must specify one such qualifier.< Script Types lists and describes the various scriDpt types accepted by VDE: Table 1-5 Script Types Script Type Description BUILD; The BUILD script sets up optional build-job? definitions. Any DCL symbols equated in a BUILD? script must be set up as global symbols if they? are to remain visible to subsequent COMPILE and? LINK scripts. DCL symbols required as inputs to? COMPILE and LINK scripts should be defined onlyB E in the BUILD script, as any partial builds may notB execute a particular subset of the COMPILE or LINK@ scripts. This script is executed at the start of' each build-job process. COMPILEB The COMPILE script contains the command(s) used to@ compile a module. DCL symbols required as inputsB to compile and link scripts should be defined onlyB in the BUILD script, as any partial buil Fds may notB execute a particular subset of the COMPILE or LINKC scripts. COMPILE scripts are invoked during builds,3 and by an explicit COMPILE command. COPY> The copy command is used to copy a module. TheA COPY script is called as part of a build job, and? is called as part of the processing of the COPY command. CREATE_FACILITYB The CREATE_FACILITY script conta Gins the command(s): to be executed when a facility is created. DELETE_GENERATION> The DELETE_GENERATION script performs optional= processing for the DELETE GENERATION command. FETCHA The FETCH script performs optional processing for" the FETCH command. INSERT_GENERATION> The INSERT_GENERATION script performs optional= processing for the INSERT GENERATION command. LINKD H The link script links a module. DCL symbols required? as inputs to compile and link scripts should be@ defined only in the build script, as any partialA builds may not execute a particular subset of theA compile or link scripts. This script is called by3 build jobs and by the LINK command. NEW_STREAMC The new-stream script copies files for a particularB facility from Ithe parent stream into a new stream.C This script is called when a new stream is created. NOKEEP> The nokeep script performs optional processingA for the REPLACE command. Specifically, the nokeepC script is called when the REPLACE/NOKEEP command is specified. REPLACEC The replace script performs optional processing forB the REPLACE or (on queued-replacement streams) the, J PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.< If stream-specific reference directories are? required, this script can be used to update the8 reference directory on each replacement. RESERVED The reserve script performs optional processing when- a RESERVE command is entered.A Should notification of a reservation be required,C a site-specific reserve script can be coded to send K mail. SET_FACILITYD The set-facility script performs optional processing- for the SET FACILITY command. SET_STREAMB The set-stream script performs optional processing+ for the SET STREAM command. STAGINGD The staging script copies a source file to a stagingD area for the REPLACE command when the replacement is queued. UNRESERVEA The unreserve scLript performs optional processing* for the UNRESERVE command.? For other script-related commands, see CREATE SCRIPT, DELETEA SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, MODIFY SCRIPT, and SHOW SCRIPT. wwZ ĵ1 SET 2 ARCHITECTURE Sets...1 ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented. Format SET ARCHITECTURE arch-name 3 Parameter arch-nameD The name of the architecture to be set. This name may be Mup to 393 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description Under Construction... 3 Examples! 1.VDE> SET ARCHITECTURE VAXPDP VDE> Under Construction... 2 CONTEXTD Establishes the context of the current VDE session or the defaultD context for future VDE sessions. A context can be used to specifyC the default development stream, default architecture and default facility for a VDE session. Format SET CONTEXT Nctx-name 3 Parameter ctx-nameC Specifies the context for the current VDE session or the defaultB context for future VDE sessions. The parameter must be the name@ of an existing public or private context in the VDE database. 3 DescriptionA This command establishes a context for the current VDE sessionD or establishes the default context for future sessions. A context# sets the following two defaults:8 o the default development stream for the VDE sessi Oon* o the default facility for the sessionD Using a SET CONTEXT command is equivalent to using individual SETC STREAM and SET FACILITY commands to establish the same settings.A If you specify the /DEFAULT qualifier, the context becomes the? default for future VDE sessions and VDE records that setting? in the database. The context of the current session does notD change. If you do not specify the /DEFAULT qualifier, the command7 establishes the context for the currentP VDE session.5 To display contexts, use the SHOW CONTEXT command. 3 Qualifiers /DEFAULT? Establishes the specified context as the default context forA future VDE sessions. The context of the current session is not changed.B If you do not use this qualifier, the specified context becomes( the context for your current session. /PRIVATE> Specifies whether the context to set is a private or public@ context. The /PRIVATE qualifier specifies that Qthe context isD an existing private context. The /PUBLIC qualifier specifies that- the context is an existing public context.4 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /PRIVATE is the default. /PUBLIC> Specifies whether the context to set is a private or public@ context. The /PRIVATE qualifier specifies that the context isD an existing private context. The /PUBLIC qualifier specifies that- the context is an existing public context.4 Of /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /PRIVATE is the defaRult. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET CONTEXT BUGFIXES VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH]- Context BUGFIXES (private to user SMITH)" Default stream is V2.2-BL1 Default facility is RMS VDE>? The SET CONTEXT command takes the defaults for the currentA VDE session from context BUGFIXES. The SHOW DEFAULTS command? confirms that those defaults have been established Sfor the session.! 2.VDE> SET CONTEXT/DEFAULT FOO VDE>? This command makes context FOO the default context for the( current user's future VDE sessions. 2 DEVELOPER@ Sets or modifies the current settings of the developer flags.B Use this command only under the explicit direction of, and with& the assistance of, a VDE developer. Format SET DEVELOPER dev-flags 3 Description@ Under Construction... Parameters contains various pTarameters. Table 1-6 Parameters Parameter Description LOCK NOMAIL SHOW SYNCH NONOTES 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET DEVELOPER Under Construction... VDE> SET DEVELOPER SCRIPT VDE> 2 DIRECTORY> Creates a directory template in the VDE database. Directory= templates determine what disk directories VDE creates when? creating new streams and facilities and various disk storage areas. Requires CRESTRM privilegUe. Format SET DIRECTORY dir-spec 3 Parameter dir-specD Specifies a OpenVMS directory specification for the new directoryA template. This parameter may specify an absolute or a relative? directory specification. An absolute directory specification> is a fully specified OpenVMS directory name and follows the> normal syntax for such names. You use an absolute directory@ specification when you want to decide the exact disk location@ for a directory i Vn the VDE library. For example, you may want= to locate a new stream's root directory on a specific disk@ before VDE creates the stream's directory tree. The parameter: DEV:[DIRNAM.FOO] is an example of an absolute directory specification.@ A relative directory specification begins with a left bracket= and a period ([.), then contains one or more subdirectory< names separated by periods, and ends with a right bracketA (]). This directory specification is concatenated to W the name= of the appropriate root directory to form a full directory? specification. You use a relative directory specification toC specify a subdirectory name that VDE should use relative to someC root directory. The directory specification [.SRC], for example,@ can be used to specify that a facility subdirectory named SRC; should be created within each facility's root directory. 3 Description? The SET DIRECTORY command creates a new "directory template"? in thXe VDE database. A directory template specifies the nameB that VDE should assign to each disk directory of a certain kind? when creating directories for new streams or facilities. You> can create directory templates for stream root directories,D facility root directories, facility subdirectories, the library'sA delta-file root directory, and the library's staging-area rootA directory for queued replacements. (The library root directory? is created when you create the library an Yd cannot be changed thereafter.)D The SET DIRECTORY command does not itself create new directories;A it only stores the new directory template in the VDE database.? VDE does not use the template to create new disk directories> until a subsequent CREATE STREAM or CREATE FACILITY command? creates the directory tree for a new stream or facility. TheC CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command uses directory templates to create2 directories for an existing stream or facility.B Unl Zess the new template is for the library's delta files or its? staging area, it is only defined for the default development< stream. However, directory templates are inherited by the> stream's future descendants and are used to create the diskB directories for those descendants. They are also used to create< directory trees for new facilities in the default stream.> If you want to create directory templates for a new stream,@ you can specify the templates for the parent stream, [in which@ case they are automatically applied to all child streams. YouA must then enter the SET DIRECTORY command before you enter theC CREATE STREAM command for the new stream. Alternatively, you can@ create the new stream with the /DEFER qualifier on the CREATED STREAM command. This qualifier suppresses directory-tree creationA for the new stream. You can then use the SET STREAM command toC make the new stream the default stream and use the SET DIRECTORYC command to crea \te the directory templates you want. A subsequent@ CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command uses the new templates (and anyA applicable default rules) to create the directory tree for the> new stream. The /DEFER qualifier thus defers directory-tree? creation so that you can enter SET DIRECTORY commands before# creating the new directory tree.< You may also want to create directory templates for a newA facility. If the templates should apply to that facility only,D you must create t ]he new facility with the /DEFER qualifier on theD CREATE FACILITY command. This qualifier suppresses directory-tree@ creation for the new facility. You then use the SET DIRECTORY? command with the /FACILITY qualifier to create the directory< templates you want for that facility. A subsequent CREATE> DIRECTORY_TREE command uses the new templates to create the# directory tree for the facility.; For additional information on directory creation, and onB directory symbols (dir-^symbol) and directory symbol processing,> see CANCEL DIRECTORY, SHOW DIRECTORY, and Script Functions. 3 Qualifiers /DEFER /DEFER /NODEFER (default)B The /DEFER qualifier specifies that directory tree creation for? new streams be deferred when those streams are created. ThisB action only applies to new streams for which the default streamD is the parent. This qualifier should be used when you always wantD an opportunity to alter a new stream's direct_ory templates beforeA you actually create its directory tree. The /NODEFER qualifierA specifies that directory tree creation not be deferred for newD streams unless the user explicitly uses the /DEFER qualifier with the CREATE STREAM command. /DELTA_FILES= This qualifier specifies the directory template is for theA location of VDE library's delta files, the location of the CMS libraries.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. `/STAGING= This qualifier specifies the directory template is for the< location of VDE library's staging area directories, whereB queued replacements are stored pending replacement into the CMS libraries.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. /STREAMA Specifies the new directory template is for the default streamC area. Streams inherit directory templates from their parents, soC the /STREAM qualifier causes the new directory templatea to apply5 to all of the default stream's future descendants.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. /FACILITY /FACILITY=fac-name< Specifies that the new directory template only applies to? the facility given by the fac-name parameter. This parameter> may not contain wildcard characters. If both this qualifier? and the /SUBDIRECTORY qualifier are specified, VDE creates a> directory template for the specified facility subdirectory. b@ If the /FACILITY qualifier is specified and the /SUBDIRECTORYA qualifier is omitted, VDE creates a template for the specified facility's root directory.> If the /FACILITY qualifier is omitted and the /SUBDIRECTORYC qualifier is specified, VDE creates a directory template for theC facility subdirectory for all facilities that are not explicitlyD specified in other templates. If both the /FACILITY qualifier andB the /SUBDIRECTORY qualifier are omitted, VDE creates a tempclate/ for the stream or delta-file root directory. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed after the directory? template is created. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages@ to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These? messages indicate that the directory template has been addedB to the database and that the database transaction has completed successfully. /PROMPT /PROMPT /NOPROMP dT (default)D The /PROMPT qualifier specifies that users who create new streamsA for which the default stream is the parent be prompted for theA name of the new stream's root directory. This qualifier shouldA be used when you do not want to use the default root directoryC name for new streams, but want the user to explicitly select theA location of the new stream's directory tree each time (perhapsA to select a different disk each time). The /NOPROMPT qualifier< specifiees that a new stream should get the root directory? determined by VDE's default rules unless the user explicitly4 specifies otherwise on the CREATE STREAM command. /REMARK /REMARK="string"? Specifies a remark string to be stored for the new directory= template. The quoted remark string, which can be up to 132@ characters long, may contain any explanatory remark about theC new directory template that you want stored in the VDE database. /SUBDIRECTORY f /SUBDIRECTORY=dir-symbol> Specifies that the new directory template is for a facilityA subdirectory. The dir-symbol parameter specifies the directory? symbol that you want to associate with the subdirectory. TheC directory symbol must follow normal VDE name syntax. You use theA directory symbol in VDE scripts to reference the subdirectory;: see the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command for an@ explanation of VDE scripts. If the /SUBDIRECTORY qualifier isD omitted g, VDE creates a directory template for a facility, stream,B or delta-file root directory. (The description of the /FACILITY? qualifier explains how the qualifiers interact to select the template to create.)@ When you specify facility subdirectories for delta-files, the= directory symbol may have a special meaning to VDE. If you= specify a delta-file subdirectory with the symbol VDE$CMS,A VDE puts the CMS library for the facility in that subdirectory> instead of in the f hacility root directory. If you specify a? delta-file subdirectory with the symbol VDE$MARKER, VDE putsA the actual source files for modules that use "marker files" inA that subdirectory. If you use marker files, you must have bothB a marker-file subdirectory and a CMS-library subdirectory. (TheD description of the /MARKER qualifier to the CREATE MODULE command* discusses marker files in more detail.) 3 Examples9 1.VDE> SET DIRECTORY/STREAM/SUBDIRECTORY=ANASYM [.ANA] iJ %VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [.ANA] added to the databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> SHOW DIRECTORY4 Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:! Directory creation flags:A Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams: Do not prompt for root directory for substreams5 Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)j7 Directory templates for unspecified facilities:1 Subdirectory: [.ANA] (symbol ANASYM). Subdirectory: [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ). Subdirectory: [.SRC] (symbol SRC)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)9 All other directories created using default rules VDE>A This example creates a directory template for a new facilityD subdirectory. The directory specifi kcation is [.ANA], which saysA that a subdirectory called ANA should be created within eachD facility's root directory. The directory symbol associated withD that subdirectory is ANASYM. This symbol is used in VDE scriptsD to reference the subdirectory. The SHOW DIRECTORY command shows? that the new directory template is stored in the database.0 2.VDE> SET DIRECTORY/FACILITY=RMS [MYDIR.RMS]O %VDE-I-DIRADDED, directory specification [MYDIR.RMS] added to the database lC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> SHOW DIRECTORY4 Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:! Directory creation flags:A Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams: Do not prompt for root directory for substreams5 Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)7 Directory templates for unspecified facilities:. Subdimrectory: [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ). Subdirectory: [.SRC] (symbol SRC)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)- Directory templates for facility RMS:& Root directory: [MYDIR.RMS]9 All other directories created using default rules VDE>; This example creates a directory template for the root> directory of facility RMS. The directory specification isB [MYDIR.RMS], an n absolute directory specification for the root? directory. VDE will create this directory for facility RMS? when a subsequent CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command is enteredB for that facility or a new stream is created from the defaultD stream. The SHOW DIRECTORY command shows that the new directory( template is stored in the database.< The following example shows an example of a VDE library@ creation, including a number of directory-related commands. $M o $! Locate and delete previous incarnations of the test facility files,> $! then unpack the saveset containing the test files... $V $ if f$search("sys$scratch:A.REQ") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:A.REQ;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:B.REQ") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:B.REQ;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:C.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:C.B32;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:D.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:D.B32;*/logV p $ if f$search("sys$scratch:E.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:E.B32;*/logV $ if f$search("sys$scratch:F.B32") .nes. "" Then Delete sys$scratch:F.B32;*/log $0 $ Backup VDE$CREATE.BCK/SAVE Sys$Scratch: $> $! Create the core directory -- this must be present... $: $ Create/Directory STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] $ VDE !D ! create the WWW library in STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW...], using theD ! mnemonic WWW, placing all R qdb-related library components in* ! STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE]. !? create librar STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] /DEFER - /NAME=WWW -* /REMARK="QTV WWW Source Library" -> /NOAUTO_CONVERT /AUTO_ADD_USER=VMS_SOURCE /AUTO_MAIL -C /ASK_INFO_FILE /ASK_REPL_CAUSE /SHOW_GEN_EXPR /NOSTATISTI -: /NOHISTORY_NOTES /NOALLOW_DELETE /NOWILD_INS_GEN -5 /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST /CREATOR="Stephen Hoffman" -0 /DEF_PRIVILEGES=(CREMOD,RESRrEP,CREFAC) -1 /AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(CREMOD,RESREP,CREFAC) -0 /data=STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] -1 /journ=STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] -. /snap=STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$DATABASE] ! SHOW DEFAULTS SHOW LIBRARY/FULL8 MODIFY CONTEXT/PUBLIC DEFAULT/NOSTREAM/NOFACILITY !2 CREATE USER SYSTEM /NAME="System Manager" -8 /DEF_P=ALL/AUTH_P=ALL/REMARK="System Manager" !> ! Create the CMS ("delta") library di srectory structure.D ! Configure the CMS libraries to use the directory structure:; ! STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.CMS$DATABASE.'facility'.CMS].E ! Configure the "marker" files to use the directory structure:= ! STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.CMS$DATABASE.'facility'.SRC]... !A SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.CMS$DATABASE]< SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES/SUBDIRECTORY=VDE$CMS [.CMS]? SET DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES/SUBDIRECTORY=VDE$MARKER [.SRC]( CREATtE DIRECTORY_TREE/DELTA_FILES! SHOW DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES !# ! Create the staging area... !< SET DIRECTORY/STAGING STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$STAGING]$ CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STAGING !, ! Create the stream/build directories !; SET DIRECTORY/STAGING STAR$DATA:[QTV.WWW.VDE$STREAM]# CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STREAM !/ ! create and load the VDE test facility. !% CREATE FACILITY AAA_VDE_TEST -5 u /REMARK="Test facility for VDE developers"! SET FACILITY AAA_VDE_TEST"= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: A.REQ= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: B.REQ= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: C.B32= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: D.B32= CREATE MODULEv/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: E.B32= CREATE MODULE/NODELETE/REMARK="VDE self-test module" -" /INPUT=SYS$SCRATCH: F.B32 ! EXIT $ $ Exit 2 EDITORB Specifies the editor that VDE should use for those VDE commands that invoke an editor. Format! SET EDITOR "editor-string" 3 Parameter editor-string> The DCL command that VDE should spawn to invoke the desired= w editor. This string should include the editor name and anyC desired qualifiers. VDE will append the name of the file to edit+ to this string when invoking the editor. 3 Description> The SET EDITOR command specifies the editor that VDE should> use when a subsequent VDE command must invoke an editor for? you. VDE can invoke an editor for you when you review queued? replacements, for example, or when you create a comment file@ with the ACCEPT or REJECT REPLACEMENT comma xnd. In such cases,? VDE spawns a DCL command to place you in an editing session.A The spawned DCL command is formed by concatenating your editor@ string, a space, and the name of the file to edit. The editorB string that you specify with the SET EDITOR command should thusA give the DCL command that invokes your preferred editor, along6 with any qualifiers that you want for that command.A VDE maintains two editor strings in memory for the current VDEC session. One string iys used for read-write editing and the otherA for read-only editing. Use the /READ_ONLY qualifier to specify= the read-only editor string. If you do not specify a read-A only editor string (or if you specify the null string for thisB case), VDE assumes that the editor you specified with the read-A write editor string will accept the /READ_ONLY qualifier (most@ Digital editors do). In this case, VDE appends the /READ_ONLYC qualifier to your read-write editor string to form the zread-onlyC editor string. For example, if you specify TPU as the read-writeB editor string but no read-only editor, then VDE uses the string' TPU/READ_ONLY for read-only editing.A The SET EDITOR command always modifies the read-write or read-A only editor string for the current VDE session. If you specify> the /DEFAULT qualifier, the command in addition writes your@ current editor settings to the VDE database to establish your@ default editor strings for future VDE sessi{ons. VDE retrievesB these editor strings each time you connect to the VDE database.; If you do not use the SET EDITOR command to declare your= preferred editor, VDE uses the system default text editor. 3 Qualifiers /DEFAULT> Specifies that VDE should write the editor strings for yourD current session to the VDE database and that those strings should: be your default editor strings for future VDE sessions. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG> C |ontrols whether log messages are printed after your editor> strings are written to the VDE database. The /LOG qualifier> causes such messages to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifierD suppresses them. These messages, which only appear if you specify@ the /DEFAULT qualifier, indicate that the editor strings haveA been updated in the database and that the database transaction has successfully committed. /READ_ONLYC Specifies that you are establishing the editor string to us}e forC read-only editing. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE establishes3 the editor string to use for read-write editing. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET EDITOR "LSEDIT" VDE> SHOW EDITOR Current editor strings:( Read-write editor string: LSEDIT2 Read-only editor string: LSEDIT/READ_ONLY VDE>A This example establishes LSEDIT (which invokes the Language-A Sensitive Editor) as your read-write editor string. The SHOW@ EDITOR command ~confirms that this is now your current read-? write editor string, and it shows that VDE will append the? /READ_ONLY qualifier to this string for read-only editing.. 2.VDE> SET EDITOR/READ_ONLY "EDIT/EDT/READ" VDE> SHOW EDITOR Current editor strings:( Read-write editor string: LSEDIT/ Read-only editor string: EDIT/EDT/READ VDE>@ This example defines the editor string to use for read-only editing." 3.VDE> SET EDITOR/DEFAULT "TPU"M %VDE-I-EDITUPDATE, default editor definition updated in the VDE databaseC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE> VDE> SHOW EDITOR/FULL Current editor strings:% Read-write editor string: TPU/ Read-only editor string: TPU/READ_ONLY Default editor strings:% Read-write editor string: TPU/ Read-only editor string: TPU/READ_ONLY VDE>= This example establishes TPU as your editor. Becaus e theB /DEFAULT qualifier is specified, VDE then writes your current@ editor strings to the VDE database to be used in future VDE@ sessions. The SHOW EDITOR command shows that these settingsB have been established both for the current session and as the! default for future sessions. 2 FACILITYD Establishes the default facility for the current VDE session. The@ default facility is the facility to which a module is assumed> to belong when no facility is specified in the module name.A The default facility also can be assigned with the SET CONTEXT command. Format SET FACILITY facil-name 3 Parameter facil-name> Specifies the name of the facility that becomes the default( facility for the current VDE session. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET FACILITY RMS VDE> SHOW MODULE MOD1.MAR Module [RMS]MOD1.MAR VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directo ry DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH] Current session context: Default stream is MAIN Default facility is RMS VDE>< The SET FACILITY command makes facility RMS the defaultB facility for the current VDE session. The SHOW MODULE command> then specifies a module name without a facility name. The? module is thus assumed to belong to facility RMS. The SHOWA DEFAULTS command also shows that RMS has been established as1 the default facility in the current session. 2 KEYD Sets and locks the key-definition state for keys defined with the DEFINE/KEY command. Format SET KEY 3 DescriptionB Using the DEFINE/KEY command you can create as many definitionsB for a key as you want. However, each definition of the key must? be assigned a separate context or state. For example, if you? create five definitions for the PF4 key you must create five? different states, one for each definition of the key. If you@ do not specify its state before you process a definition, the# definition does not take effect.@ The SET KEY command lets you switch from the current state toD any other state; you then can use the key definitions created for that state. 3 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGA Controls whether the system displays a message indicating that? the key state has been set. /LOG causes such a message to be& displayed and /NOLOG suppresses it. /STATE /STATE=state-name /NOSTATE (default)C Specifies the name of the state to be set. The state name can beC any alphanumeric string. If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use1 /NOSTATE, the current state is left unchanged. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET KEY/STATE=GOLDD The SET KEY command in this example sets the key state to GOLD.A You can now use the key definitions that are defined for the GOLD state. 2 LIBRARY? Connects the current VDE session to a specified VDE library. Format SET LIBRARY dir-spec 3 Parameter dir-spec< The name of the root directory of a VDE library. The root> directory is the disk directory that contains the library'sB database. VDE connects the current VDE session to the specified= library. Use the OpenVMS directory specification format to specify this parameter.B VDE also accepts mnemonic names for the libraries , based on theC contents of various logical names, and the list of libraries andA the particular mnemonics can be tailored for individual users,D for groups of users, and can be defaulted on a system-wide basis. 3 Description@ The SET LIBRARY command disconnects your VDE session from theD current VDE library and connects it to the VDE library whose rootB directory or mnemonic you specify. Subsequent VDE commands then act on the specified library.? To connect to the  specified library, the SET LIBRARY commandC first defines logical name VDE$LIBRARY to point to the specified? directory. It then connects to the library you specified and reads its database.B Based on the information contained in the VDE library database,B VDE checks to see if you are authorized to use the new library.D If you are presently listed as an authorized user of the library,B if the library is set to allow the automatic addition of users,= or if you should poss ess the OpenVMS BYPASS privilege, VDEB permits access, and you can continue your VDE session normally.; Use of the OpenVMS privilege override is audited, and an+ informational message will be displayed.D VSC also supports the SET LIBRARY command, but it defaults to the OpenVMS VAX library.5 AUTOMATIC LIBRARY FORMAT CONVERSION? This command can cause an automatic library conversion if? the format of the VDE library predates the version of VDE > currently in use. Automatic library conversion will only> be performed if the library has the automatic conversion? option enabled. See the SHOW LIBRARY, CONVERT LIBRARY and3 the MODIFY LIBRARY/[NO]AUTO_CONVERT commands.A Should the filename, file extension and/or file version number= be erroneously specified in the parameter, the SET LIBRARYC command will silently ignore them. Only the device and directory= specifications are germane to the command; the ap propriateA filename and file extension will be appended to the device and directory specification.= For further information on mnemonics, see the VDE$LIBRARY_C DEFAULTS, VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS, and VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_C MNEMONICS logical names. To see the list of mnemonics available,C and the translations associated with each, use the following DCL commands:A If the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name is defined,@ SET LIBRARY commands are availabl e via keyboard , ,A and keys. Up to twelve keyboard definitions can beC present, depending on the number of translations of VDE$LIBRARY_; DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS present; the first four mnemonics are@ available in the default keypad state, the second four in the4 gold state, and the third four in the blue state. $9 $! These logical names can be (re)defined in the site-: $! specific VDE system startup command procedure, or on8 $! a process-, job-, group- or system-specific basis. $7 $! Each logical name is a search list, and the first6 $! entry in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS corresponds to the8 $! first entry in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS, and* $! in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS, etc. $!5 $! Display the list of known/predefined libraries:& $ SHOW LOGICAL VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS $/ $! Display the mnemonic name of each library0 $ SHOW LOGICAL VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS $. $! Display the textual name of each library- $ SHOW LOGICAL VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS $ 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples$ 1.VDE> SET LIBRARY DEV$:[PROJDIR] VDE>C This example connects the VDE session to the VDE library whoseB root directory is DEV$:[PROJDIR]. All subsequent VDE commandsD act on that library until the current library is again changed. 2 LOG. Records VDE input and output in a log file. Format SET LOG [file-spec] 3 Parameter  file-specC The name of the log file to be created. All subsequent VDE inputA and output is recorded in this file until logging is disabled.A File-spec is any valid OpenVMS file specification. The defaultC file extension is LOG. If the file specification is omitted, the' default file name is VDELOGFILE.LOG. 3 Description> The SET LOG command records all VDE input and output in the> specified log file. Input is recorded as entered. Output is> recorded with a leading exclamation point (!). Because theB exclamation point is the VDE comment character, you can use theC log file as a command procedure to rerun the logged VDE session.B Use the CANCEL LOG command to disable input and output logging. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET LOG MYLOG VDE> SHOW LOG4 Output logging on file: DEV$:[MYDIR]MYLOG.LOG;1 VDE>C The SET LOG command creates the VDE log file [MYDIR]MYLOG.LOG.C All subsequent commands and their outputs are recorded in thisD file. The SHOW LOG command confirms that output is being logged to this file. 2 NOVERIFYC Disables the display (or echo) of command input to the terminal. Format SET NOVERIFY 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionA The SET NOVERIFY command disables the display of command inputD to the terminal. It cancels the effect of the SET VERIFY command.> The SET NOVERIFY and CANCEL VERIFY commands are equivalent. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET VERIFY VDE> SHOW MODULE MOD1.FOR SHOW MODULE MOD1.FOR Module [FACIL]MOD1.FOR VDE> SET NOVERIFY SET NOVERIFY VDE> SHOW FACILITY FACIL Facility FACIL VDE>C The SET VERIFY command enables command echoing. Therefore, the@ SHOW MODULE command is displayed on the terminal before theD output of the command is displayed. The SET NOVERIFY command isC  also echoed but the command disables the display of subsequentC commands. The SHOW FACILITY command that follows is not echoed3 on the terminal; only its output is displayed. 2 PRIVILEGES6 Enables VDE privileges for the current VDE session. Format% SET PRIVILEGES priv [, priv...] 3 Parameter priv? The name of a privilege enabled for the current VDE session.: You can enable only those privileges for which you have: authorization. To l ist the privileges for which you are? authorized, use the SHOW PRIVILEGES/FULL command. For a list9 of privileges, see the top-level VDE_Privileges topic. 3 DescriptionC The VDE privileges enabled for the current session determine the@ VDE commands (and, in some cases, command qualifiers) you areB allowed to use. For example, you must have the CREFAC privilege; to use the CREATE FACILITY and MODIFY FACILITY commands.D Likewise, you must have the USERNAME privilege to r eplace modules@ for another user using the /USERNAME qualifier of the REPLACE command.> When you start a VDE session, the default privileges listed? in your user table record in the database become the initialB privileges for your session. After that, you can set additional> privileges for the current session using the SET PRIVILEGESA command if you are authorized to set those privileges. You canB also cancel privileges for the current session using the CANCELA PRIVILE GES command and you can display your current privileges% using the SHOW PRIVILEGES command.< Users holding the OpenVMS privilege BYPASS are allowed to /OVERRIDE the VDE privileges.? Use of a privilege override is audited, and an informational message will be displayed.B To alter the default or authorized privileges associated with aB particular username in the current library, use the MODIFY USERB username/DEF_PRIVILEGES or MODIFY USER username/AUTH_PRIVILEGES command. 3 Qualifiers /ALL? Enables all authorized VDE privileges. To alter the library-A specific authorized privileges for a user, use the MODIFY USER$ username/AUTH_PRIVILEGES command. /DEFAULT? Resets the VDE privilege mask to the default setting for the? current user-the default settings can be displayed using theA SHOW USER username/FULL command. To alter the library-specificD default privileges for a user, use the MODIFY USER username /DEF_ PRIVILEGES command. /OVERRIDE= If the user has the OpenVMS privilege BYPASS enabled, this@ qualifer overrides all VDE privilege restrictions and enables all VDE privileges.? Use of a privilege override is audited, and an informational message will be displayed. 3 Examples' 1.VDE> SET PRIVILEGES CREFAC, CREMOD VDE> SHOW PRIVILEGES Currently set privileges:4 BUILD CREFAC CREGRP CREMOD CRESTEP RESREP VDE> SET PRIVILEGES/ALL  VDE>: The SET PRIVILEGES command sets the CREFAC and CREMOD? privileges. The CREFAC privilege allows the user to create@ and modify facilities in the current library and the CREMODB privilege allows the user to create and modify modules in the? library. The SHOW PRIVILEGES command (see SHOW PRIVILEGES)@ confirms that the privileges have been added to the current privilege mask. 2 PROMPT> Changes the VDE prompt string from VDE> to a string of your choice. Format SET PROMPT prompt-string 3 Parameter prompt-string@ Specifies the string that is to become the new prompt. If theD string contains blanks, special characters, or lowercase letters,. you must enclose it in quotation marks ("). 3 DescriptionB The SET PROMPT command lets you to change the VDE prompt to one of your choosing. 3 Examples$ 1.VDE> SET PROMPT "Hello Dolly: " Hello Dolly:B In this examp le, the VDE prompt is changed to "Hello Dolly:".9 VDE uses this string to prompt for the next command. 2 STREAMA Establishes the default development stream for the current VDE@ session. Specifying a stream determines the group definitions? and module-dependency data VDE uses for the current session:D group definitions and module-dependency data are stream-specific.> Establishing the default stream also determines what stream@ commands such as CREATE GROUP, SHOW GROUP, COMPILE, and BUILDA operate on; those commands execute only in the default stream.@ The default stream also can be specified with the SET CONTEXT command. Format SET STREAM stream-name 3 Parameter stream-name@ Specifies the name of the default stream for the VDE session. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET STREAM V5.3-FT2 VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH] Current session context:" Default stream is V5.3-FT2 Default facility is RMS VDE>> The SET STREAM command establishes stream V5.3-FT2 as theB current stream for the VDE session. The SHOW DEFAULTS commandC shows that V5.3-FT2 has been set as the default stream for the session. 2 TERMINAL? Changes the line width and page size that VDE uses to format output. Format SET TERMINAL 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionB The SET TERMINAL command sets the number of characters per lineC and the number of lines per page that VDE uses to format output.@ It does not change the settings of your terminal. The defaultD line width and page size are determined by your device type or by> the last SET TERMINAL command you entered at the DCL level. 3 Qualifiers /PAGE /PAGE=nC Specifies the number of lines on a page. Normally n is 24 or theC page size of your workstation, but you can use any value from 11 to 100. /WIDTH /WIDTH=nD Specifies the maximum number of characters on a line. Typically n9 is 80 or 132 but you can use any value from 20 to 255. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=132< This command specifies that the length of a line is 132 characters. 2 VERIFYB Enables the display (or echo) of command input to the terminal. Format SET VERIFY 3 Parameters None. 3 Description> The SET VERIFY command enables the display of command input? to the terminal. This display is useful when you want to see= the commands issued by a command procedure before they are? executed. You can disable the display with the CANCEL VERIFY or SET NOVERIFY command. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SET VERIFY VDE> @X.VDE @X.VDE SET FACILITY COPY SHOW MODULE FOO Module [FACIL]FOO.MAR VDE>? The SET VERIFY command enables command echoing. Therefore,A the next command (@X.VDE) is displayed on the terminal. Then? a SET FACILITY and a SHOW MODULE command are read from the@ command procedure X.VDE. Both commands are displayed on the@ terminal. The output of the SHOW MODULE command follows the echoed command line. wwĵ1 SHOW 2 ARCHITECTURED Shows one or more architecture table entries "in the VDE database.# Each architecture table entry...1 ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented. Format2 SHOW ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...] 3 Parameter arch-nameD The name of the architecture to be displayed. This name may be up9 to 39 characters long and must follow VDE name syntax. 3 Description Under Construction... 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF Under Construction... /CURRENT Under Construction...) /FULL Under Construction... /OUTPUT /OUTPUT= Under Construction... /TOTAL Under Construction... 3 Examples" 1.VDE> SHOW ARCHITECTURE VAXPDP VDE> Under Construction... 2 BUILD_JOB? Displays information about one or more specified build jobs. Format5 SHOW BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]] 3 Parameter stream-nameB The name of a development stream. Information about one  or moreB build jobs in this stream is displayed. Use the /IDENTIFICATIONA qualifier to specify the build jobs to be displayed. If you do@ not specify this qualifier, information about the most recent) build job for the stream is displayed.? You can display build jobs for more than one stream by usingC wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) inB a name matches any single character in the position it occupies? and the asterisk (*) matches zero or mor e characters in theC position it occupies. Build jobs are displayed for those streams* whose names match the wildcard pattern.B If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE displays information7 about one or more build jobs for the default stream. 3 DescriptionB The SHOW BUILD_JOB command displays information about specified> build jobs. You can specify build jobs with the stream-name? parameter and the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. By default, theD SHOW BUILD_JOB command displays information about the most recent- build job belonging to the default stream.D The SHOW BUILD_JOB command displays the following information for each build job: o its identification number o its stream name o its status> Optionally, the command can also show all other information@ available in the VDE database about the build job, including:B o the number of build steps in each state (the number of steps@ that are not yet started, are running, have completed withC errors, and have completed successfully) and the total number of build steps in the job( o the type of build, full or minimal o the remark string6 o the name of the person who started the build job0 o the number of build steps in the build job? o the dates and times of transitions for the build job (forD example, when the job was entered on the execution queue, when& it started, and when it stopped)D The command can also display the list of batch queues and processD counts used to run the build job, and it can show all build steps that make up the build job. 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date-time> Displays only those build jobs created before the specified@ date and time. The date and time can be stated using standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /BRIEF@ Determines the type of information displayed about each build job.= The /BRIEF qualifier displays the build-job identification9 number, the stream name, and status of each build job.B The /SUMMARY qualifier displays the information provided by theC /BRIEF qualifier, but i t also displays the number of build stepsA currently in each state (that is, the number of steps that are@ not yet started, are running, have completed with errors, andC have completed successfully) so that you can follow the progressA of the build job. The /SUMMARY qualifier also prints the total$ number of steps in the build job.? The /FULL qualifier displays all information in the database> about the build job except queue information and build-stepD information. (To see queue information, use the /QUEUE qualifier;5 to see step information, use the /STEP qualifier.)C See the Example section of this command for sample output of theB /BRIEF, /SUMMARY, and /FULL qualifiers. Of /BRIEF, /SUMMARY and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /SUMMARY@ Determines the type of information displayed about each build job.= The /BRIEF qualifier displays the build-job identification9 number, the stream name, and status of each build job.B T he /SUMMARY qualifier displays the information provided by theC /BRIEF qualifier, but it also displays the number of build stepsA currently in each state (that is, the number of steps that are@ not yet started, are running, have completed with errors, andC have completed successfully) so that you can follow the progressA of the build job. The /SUMMARY qualifier also prints the total$ number of steps in the build job.? The /FULL qualifier displays all information in the database> about the build job except queue information and build-stepD information. (To see queue information, use the /QUEUE qualifier;5 to see step information, use the /STEP qualifier.)C See the Example section of this command for sample output of theB /BRIEF, /SUMMARY, and /FULL qualifiers. Of /BRIEF, /SUMMARY and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL@ Determines the type of information displayed about each build job.= The /BRIEF qualifier displays the build -job identification9 number, the stream name, and status of each build job.B The /SUMMARY qualifier displays the information provided by theC /BRIEF qualifier, but it also displays the number of build stepsA currently in each state (that is, the number of steps that are@ not yet started, are running, have completed with errors, andC have completed successfully) so that you can follow the progressA of the build job. The /SUMMARY qualifier also prints the total$ number of steps in the build job.? The /FULL qualifier displays all information in the database> about the build job except queue information and build-stepD information. (To see queue information, use the /QUEUE qualifier;5 to see step information, use the /STEP qualifier.)C See the Example section of this command for sample output of theB /BRIEF, /SUMMARY, and /FULL qualifiers. Of /BRIEF, /SUMMARY and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION= id-rangeC Specifies the build-job identification numbers of the build jobsC to be displayed for the specified stream. The id-range parameterD can be a single integer value, a range of integers, or a wildcard@ character. If the parameter is a single integer (for example,A /IDENT=5), VDE displays the build job with that identification@ number. If the parameter is a range of integers (specified as? two build-job identification numbers separated by a colon asB in /IDENT=3:5),  VDE displays all build jobs with identificationB numbers in that range. Finally, if the id-range parameter is anA asterisk (as in /IDENT=*), VDE displays all build jobs for the specified stream.= If you specify a zero or negative build-job identification? number in the id-range parameter, that number is relative toA the identification number of the most recent build job for theC stream. For example, if the most recent build job is job 5, thenD /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=5 and /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=4.D If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, VDE displays the2 most recent build job for the specified stream. /QUEUE@ Displays queue information for the specified build jobs. This@ information includes the name of each batch queue used to runA the build job, the process count for each queue, and the total# process count for the build job. /SINCE /SINCE=date-time= Displays only those build jobs created after the specified@ date and time. The date and time can be stated using standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /STATUS$ /STATUS=(status [, status...])@ Displays only those build jobs that have one of the specifiedD status values. Each status parameter must be one of the followingB keywords: NOTQUEUED, QUEUED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERRORS, STOPPED, SUSPENDED, and TIMEOUT.C If you specify only one status parameter, the parentheses may be omitted. /STEP% /STEP [=(status [, status...])]@ Displays build-step information for each specified build job.@ For each build step in the build job, this qualifier displaysC the typ e of the build step (such as compile, copy, or link), theA name of the module that the step is applied to, and the statusC of the step. If the /FULL qualifier is also specified, the /STEPC qualifier additionally displays the wait count of each step (theC number of steps that must complete before this step can execute)D and the names of the steps that must wait for the current step to complete.D If you specify one or more status parameters, the /STEP qualifierA displays only those build steps that have one of the specifiedD status values. Each status parameter must be one of the following5 keywords: NOTSTARTED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, or ERRORS.C If you specify only one status parameter, the parentheses may beA omitted. If you omit the status parameters, all build steps in* the specified build jobs are displayed. /TOTAL@ Shows the total number of build jobs that match the specifiedC constraints. These constraints are the stream name, the  range ofD build job identification numbers specified by the /IDENTIFICATIONB qualifier, the build job status values specified by the /STATUSC qualifier, and the time constraints specified by the /BEFORE andD /SINCE qualifiers. No information about the individual build jobsC is shown; only the total count is displayed. A separate count is+ provided for each stream-name parameter. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW BUILD_JOB; Build job 11 for stream MAIN has completed with  errors VDE>D This example shows the brief form of the SHOW BUILD_JOB output.D The build job identification number (11) and stream name (BL22)A of the build job are displayed, along with the status of the? job (suspended). Because no stream name or /IDENTIFICATIONC qualifier is specified with the command, the most recent build- job for the default stream is displayed. 2.VDE> SHOW BUILD_JOB/SUMMARY; Build job 11 for stream MAIN has completed with e rrors< Number of build steps not yet started: 0< Number of currently running build steps: 0< Number of build steps completed with errors: 1< Number of successfully completed build steps: 4< Total number of build steps in build job: 5 VDE>@ This example shows the summary output of the SHOW BUILD_JOBB command. In addition to identifying the build job, the output? shows how many build steps are in e ach state and gives the= total number of build steps in the job. In this example,A one step completed with errors and all other steps completed successfully. 3.VDE> SHOW BUILD_JOB/FULL; Build job 11 for stream BL22 has completed with errors< Number of build steps not yet started: 0< Number of currently running build steps: 0< Number of build steps completed with errors: 1< Number of successfully completed build  steps: 4< Total number of build steps in build job: 5. Remark: Build base level 22 once again) Created by user JAMES (Jim James)) Started by user JAMES (Jim James)* Created on 9-NOV-1989 09:59:29.71* Queued on 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00* Started on 9-NOV-1989 10:00:18.72* Stopped on 9-NOV-1989 10:00:35.15, Build job is performing a full build* Build job has been started 1 times7 Number of changed modules scanned for build: 17- Number of target modules for build: 14 Build-step delay interval: 0 00:00:05.004 Build-job timeout interval: 0 01:00:00.00 VDE>= This example shows the full output of the SHOW BUILD_JOB< command for the build job used in the previous example.- 4.VDE> SHOW BUILD_JOB/QUEUE V2.0-3/IDENT=2B Build job 2 for stream V2.0-3 is not yet queued for execution< Batch queues to run 20 processes for this build job: < Submit 3 processes (scaled from 1) on queue QUE_A< Submit 7 processes (scaled from 3) on queue QUE_B< Submit 2 processes (scaled from 1) on queue QUE_C< Submit 8 processes (scaled from 4) on queue QUE_D VDE>8 This example displays build job 2 (specified by the= /IDENTIFICATION qualifier) for stream V2.0-3. The /QUEUEA qualifier displays the names and process counts of the batchC queues used to run the build job. A total of 20 processes will; run the build job, distributed over four batch queues." 5.VDE> SHOW BUILD_JOB BL22/STEPA Build job 11 for stream BL22 is not yet queued for execution3 Build steps that are part of the build job:8 Compile step for [CODE]FOO.MAR is not started5 Link step for [CODE]FOO.EXE is not started, Number of build steps displayed is 2 VDE>@ This example displays information for the most recent build@ job in stream BL2 2. The /STEP qualifier displays build stepA information. Two steps are part of this build job: a compileD step for module FOO.MAR and a link step for module FOO.EXE. The) number of build steps is also shown.1 6.VDE> SHOW BUILD_JOB/TOTAL */IDENTIFICATION=** Number of build jobs for stream *: 14 VDE>@ The /TOTAL qualifier displays the number of build jobs that= match the selection criteria, in this example, all buildB jobs for all streams. There are 14 such build jobs in the VDE database. 2 CONTEXT> Displays the names and definitions of one or more specified9 contexts. A context can be used to specify the default@ development stream, default architecture and default facility for a VDE session. Format- SHOW CONTEXT [ctx-name [, ctx-name...]] 3 Parameter ctx-name> The name of a context whose attributes are to be displayed.C You can display more than one context using wildcard characters.= The percent sign (%) in a context name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.< Those contexts whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.A If no parameter is specified for the command, VDE displays the> definitions of all contexts to which you have access. These@ include all public contexts and all of your private contexts. 3 DescriptionC  Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW CONTEXT command< can display the following: the name only of each selectedA context; the name and the default settings associated with theB context; or all information about the context. The command alsoB can show the total number of contexts that match a context name specification. 3 Qualifiers /ALLC Controls whether public, private, or all contexts are displayed.A The /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to display only your private> contexts that match the context-name parameter. The /PUBLIC@ qualifier causes VDE to display only the public contexts that@ match the parameter. The /ALL qualifier causes VDE to displayD both your private contexts and the public contexts that match the parameter.6 Of /ALL, /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /ALL is the default. /PRIVATEC Controls whether public, private, or all contexts are displayed.A The /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to display only your private> contexts that match the context-name parameter. The /PUBLIC@ qualifier causes VDE to display only the public contexts that@ match the parameter. The /ALL qualifier causes VDE to displayD both your private contexts and the public contexts that match the parameter.6 Of /ALL, /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /ALL is the default. /PUBLICC Controls whether public, private, or all contexts are displayed.A The /PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to display only your private> contexts that match the context-name parameter. The /PUBLIC@ qualifier causes VDE to display only the public contexts that@ match the parameter. The /ALL qualifier causes VDE to displayD both your private contexts and the public contexts that match the parameter.6 Of /ALL, /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /ALL is the default. /BRIEFC Determines the information that is displayed about each context.? The /BRIEF qualifier lists only the type (public or private)? and name of each context. The /NORMAL qualifier displays theA name, type, and default settings associated with each context.@ The /FULL qualifier lists the same information as the /NORMAL@ qualifier and also the creation date of the context, a remark< string, and the name of the user who created the context.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /NORMALC Determines the information that is displayed about each context.? The /BRIEF qualifier lists only the type (public or private)? and name of each context. The /NORMAL qualifier displays theA name, type, and default settings associated with each context.@ The /FULL qualifier lists the same information as the /NORMAL@ qualifier and also the creation date of the context, a remark< string, and the name of the user who created the context.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /FULLC Determines the information that is displayed about each context.? The / BRIEF qualifier lists only the type (public or private)? and name of each context. The /NORMAL qualifier displays theA name, type, and default settings associated with each context.@ The /FULL qualifier lists the same information as the /NORMAL@ qualifier and also the creation date of the context, a remark< string, and the name of the user who created the context.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /TOTAL@ Shows the total number of contexts that match each parameter.B Other information about the individual contexts is not shown. AC separate count is provided for each ctx-name parameter. Wildcard? characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW CONTEXT/BRIEF& Context BAR (public to all users), Context DEFAULT (private to user SMITH)* Context DEFAULT (public to all users)( Context FOO (private to user SMITH)+ Context NEWCTX (private to user SMITH)) Context PUBCTX (public to all users) VDE>B This example shows the brief form of the SHOW CONTEXT output.= Only the context names and types (public or private) are displayed. 2.VDE> SHOW CONTEXT PUBCTX) Context PUBCTX (public to all users) Default stream is V2.0-1 Default facility is EXEC VDE>C This example shows the normal form of the SHOW CONTEXT output.D The command displays the name and type of context PUBCTX and it< shows the default settings associated with the context.) 3.VDE> SHOW CONTEXT/FULL/PRIVATE V3RMS* Context V3RMS (private to user SMITH)! Default stream is V3.1-FT Default facility is RMS< Context added to database on 19-APR-1989 09:08:20.92< Context added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)' Remark: Version 3.1 of RMS code VDE>B The SHOW CONTEXT command displays the full output for private context V3RMS. 4.VDE> SHOW CONTEXT/TOTAL ** Number of contexts matching name *: 6 VDE>? The /TOTAL qualifier displays the total number of contexts@ in the database. Because the /ALL qualifier is specified byC default, this count includes both all private contexts for the* current user and all public contexts. 2 DEFAULTS6 Displays the defaults for your current VDE session. Format SHOW DEFAULTS 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionA The SHOW DEFAULTS command displays the name of the current VDEC library, the current default directory, the current context, theB default stream, and the default facility. You can establish the@ default stream and facility at one time using the SET CONTEXTC /DEFAULT command, you can create multiple default contexts using@ CREATE CONTEXT and MODIFY CONTEXT, and you can set individual: defaults with the commands SET STREAM and SET FACILITY. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH], Context DEFAULT (private to user JONES) Default stream is V2.0-1 Default facility is EXEC VDE>A This example shows that the default stream is V2.0-1 and theD current default facility is EXEC. These settings come from (and@ are identical to) context DEFAULT, a context private to theB current user. The current VDE library and the current default" directory are also displayed. 2.VDE> SHOW DEFAULTS5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]& Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH] Current session context: Default stream is V2.0-1 Default facility is RMS VDE>A This command shows that the default stream is V2.0-1 and theC default facility in the current session is RMS. These settingsA do not come from a specific named context because individualD settings have changed either since the last SET CONTEXT command+ or since the start of the VDE session. 2 DEVELOPER5 Shows the current settings of the developer flags.B Use this command only under the explicit direction of, and with& the assistance of, a VDE developer. Format SHOW DEVELOPER 3 Description Under Construction... 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW DEVELOPER Under Construction... VDE> 2 DIRECTORYA Displays directory templates for the default stream or for the% current VDE library's delta files. Format SHOW DIRECTORY 3 Description? The SHOW DIRECTORY command displays directory templates from= the VDE database. Directory templates are defined with the> SET DIRECTORY command and specify the names that VDE should? assign to disk directories when creating directories for newA streams or facilities. The SHOW DIRECTORY command displays theD directory c reation flags for the default stream, the template forA the stream (or delta-file or staging-area) root directory, theD template for each stream subdirectory, the template each facility> root directory (if any), and the template for each facilityA subdirectory. You can use the /FACILITY qualifier to limit theA display to those templates that apply to a specified facility.; For additional information on directory creation, and onB directory symbols (dir-symbol) and directory symbol processing,= see CANCEL DIRECTORY, SET DIRECTORY, and Script Functions. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEFB Determines the information that is displayed for each directory8 template. The /BRIEF qualifier displays the directory< specification and the directory symbol for each template.? The /FULL qualifier lists the same information as the /BRIEF@ qualifier, but also shows the creation date of each directoryC template, the name of the user who created the template, and the template's remark string.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /FULLB Determines the information that is displayed for each directory8 template. The /BRIEF qualifier displays the directory< specification and the directory symbol for each template.? The /FULL qualifier lists the same information as the /BRIEF@ qualifier, but also shows the creation date of each directoryC template, the name of the user who created the template, and the template's remark string.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /DELTA_FILESA Determines whether directory templates for the library's delta@ files, its staging area, or the default stream are displayed.@ The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies that directory templatesB for the VDE library's delta files (CMS libraries) be displayed.C The /STAGING qualifier specifies that the directory template forC the library's staging-area root directory be displayed. (StagingC  areas hold files for queued replacements.) The /STREAM qualifier? specifies that directory templates for the default stream be displayed.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. /STAGINGA Determines whether directory templates for the library's delta@ files, its staging area, or the default stream are displayed.@ The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies that directory templatesB for the VDE library's delta files (CMS libraries) be displayed.C  The /STAGING qualifier specifies that the directory template forC the library's staging-area root directory be displayed. (StagingC areas hold files for queued replacements.) The /STREAM qualifier? specifies that directory templates for the default stream be displayed.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. /STREAMA Determines whether directory templates for the library's delta@ files, its staging area, or the default stream are disp layed.@ The /DELTA_FILES qualifier specifies that directory templatesB for the VDE library's delta files (CMS libraries) be displayed.C The /STAGING qualifier specifies that the directory template forC the library's staging-area root directory be displayed. (StagingC areas hold files for queued replacements.) The /STREAM qualifier? specifies that directory templates for the default stream be displayed.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default.  /FACILITY /FACILITY=fac-nameB Specifies that only those directory templates that apply to theA facility given by the fac-name parameter be displayed. If thisA qualifier is omitted, VDE displays directory templates for all facilities.A You can display directory templates for multiple facilities byC using wildcard characters in the fac-name parameter. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters= in the position it occupies. Directory templates for thoseC facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW DIRECTORY4 Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:! Directory creation flags:A Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams: Do not prompt for root directory for substreams5 Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default6  Subdirectory: [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)7 Directory templates for unspecified facilities:. Subdirectory: [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ). Subdirectory: [.SRC] (symbol SRC)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)9 All other directories created using default rules VDE>> This example shows the brief output of the SHOW DIRECTORY@ command. This command shows the directory templates for the? default stream because the /STREAM qualifier is assumed by default.$ 2.VDE> SHOW DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES2 Directory-creation templates for delta files:: Delta-file root directory is [.VDE$CMS] by default9 All other directories created using default rules VDE>> This example shows the brief output of the SHOW DIRECTORY> command when the /DELTA_FILES qualifier is specified. The@ command shows the directory templates for the VDE library's% delta files (its CMS libraries).% 3.VDE> SHOW DIRECTORY/FACILITY=RMS4 Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:! Directory creation flags:A Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams: Do not prompt for root directory for substreams5 Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)7 Directory templates for unspecified facilities:. Sub directory: [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ). Subdirectory: [.SRC] (symbol SRC)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)- Directory templates for facility RMS:& Root directory: [MYDIR.RMS]4 Subdirectory: [.ANA] (symbol ANA_FILES). Subdirectory: [.COM] (symbol COM). Subdirectory: [.SRC] (symbol SRC)6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)6 Subdi rectory: [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)9 All other directories created using default rules VDE>? This example shows those directory templates that apply to> facility RMS. Note that all generic information is shown,> including the templates for the stream root directory andA for unspecified facilities, before the templates specific toA facility RMS are displayed. Templates specific to facilitiesA other than RMS are not displayed. In this case, facil ity RMSC has templates for an explicitly specified root directory and aD different set of subdirectories than other facilities. VDE usesB these templates to create the directory tree for facility RMS- when you create new development streams. 4.VDE> SHOW DIRECTORY/FULL4 Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:! Directory creation flags:A Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams: Do not prompt for root directory for substreams5 Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)C Template added to database on 9-DEC-1989 20:27:58.02C Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith) Remark:7 Directory templates for unspecified facilities:. Subdirectory: [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ)C Template added to database on 11-DEC-1989 20:37:30.45C Template added to databa se by user JONES (John Jones). Remark: Remark string shown here. Subdirectory: [.SRC] (symbol SRC)C Template added to database on 12-DEC-1989 20:45:22.37C Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)+ Remark: Another remark string6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)C Template added to database on 9-DEC-1989 20:27:58.02C Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith) Remark:6 Subdirectory: [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)C Template added to database on 9-DEC-1989 20:27:58.02C Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith) Remark:9 All other directories created using default rules VDE>= This example shows the full output of the SHOW DIRECTORY@ command. For each directory template, the full output showsA the date and time the template was created, the username andD full name of the creator, and the template's remark string. ForD templates that VDE supplies by default, the template creator is1 simply the user who created the VDE library. 2 EDITORB Display what editor VDE uses for those VDE commands that invoke an editor. Format SHOW EDITOR 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionC The SHOW EDITOR command displays the editor strings that various> VDE commands use to invoke your p referred editor, either toB create new files or to display existing files. When VDE invokesB an editor, it spawns a DCL editing command in a subprocess. VDE@ forms the editing command by concatenating your read-write or@ read-only editor string, a space, and the name of the file toD edit. The SHOW EDITOR command displays the current read-write andA read-only editor strings for your VDE session. The command canD also display your default editor strings for future VDE sessions.  3 Qualifiers /BRIEFA Control whether VDE displays the default editor strings storedB in the VDE database. The /BRIEF qualifier only displays the twoC editor strings for your current VDE session. The /FULL qualifierC diplays the editor strings for your current VDE session and your2 default editor strings for future VDE sessions.. Of /FULL and /BRIEF, /BRIEF is the default. /FULLA Control whether VDE displays the default editor strings storedB in the VDE database. The /BRIEF qualifier only displays the twoC editor strings for your current VDE session. The /FULL qualifierC diplays the editor strings for your current VDE session and your2 default editor strings for future VDE sessions.. Of /FULL and /BRIEF, /BRIEF is the default. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW EDITOR Current editor strings:% Read-write editor string: TPU/ Read-only editor string: TPU/READ_ONLY VDE>A This example illustrates the brief output of the SHOW EDITOR command. 2.VDE> SHOW EDITOR/FULL Current editor strings:% Read-write editor string: TPU/ Read-only editor string: TPU/READ_ONLY Default editor strings:* Read-write editor string: EDIT/EDT4 Read-only editor string: EDIT/EDT/READ_ONLY VDE>@ This example illustrates the full output of the SHOW EDITORB command. In this case, the editor strings for the current VDEC session specify the TPU editor, but the default editor strings0 for future sessions specify the EDT editor. 2 FACILITY= Displays the names and attributes of one or more specified facilities. Format2 SHOW FACILITY [facil-name [, facil-name...]] 3 Parameter facil-name? The name of a facility whose attributes are to be displayed.D You can display more than one facility using wildcard characters.> The percent sign (%) in a facility name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.> Those facilities whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.< If you do not specify a facility name or use the /CURRENTA qualifier, VDE displays all facilities in the current library. 3 DescriptionD Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW FACILITY command? displays either the name of each selected facility, the name@  and remark string of each facility, or the name and all otherC attributes of each facility. The command can also show the total= number of facilities that match a specified facility name. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEFD Determines the information that is displayed about each facility.? The /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each facility that> matches the facility name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifierB displays the name and remark string of each facility. The /FULLA  qualifier lists all information about each facility, includingB its name, its creation date, its remark string, and the name of% the user who created the facility.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /NORMALD Determines the information that is displayed about each facility.? The /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each facility that> matches the facility name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifierB displays the name and remark string of each facility. The /FULLA qualifier lists all information about each facility, includingB its name, its creation date, its remark string, and the name of% the user who created the facility.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /FULLD Determines the information that is displayed about each facility.? The /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each facility that> matches the facility name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifierB displays the name and remark string of each facility. The /FULLA qualifier lists all information about each facility, includingB its name, its creation date, its remark string, and the name of% the user who created the facility.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /CURRENTD Displays information for the default facility. Do not specify the2 facil-name parameter if you use this qualifier. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a speci fied file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /TOTALB Shows the total number of facilities that match each parameter.B Other information about the individual facilities is not shown.> A separate count is provided for each facil-name parameter.C Wildcard characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW FACILITY, Facility CODE "Code modules"7 Facility DELETE "Code for DELETE command"6 Facility EXEC "VMS Executive routines": Facility RMS "Record Management Services"9 Facility SMG "Screen Management Package" VDE>B This example lists all facilities in the current VDE library,< which is the default when no facility name parameter is> present. The normal form of the output gives the name and$ remark string of each facility. 2.VDE> SHOW FACILITY/BRIEF Facility CODE Facility DELETE Facility EXEC Facility RMS Facility SMG VDE>A This example illustrates the brief form of the SHOW FACILITY8 output, which shows only the name of each facility. 3.VDE> SHOW FACILITY/FULL RMS Facility RMS= Facility added to database on 4-APR-1989 14:57:14.12= Facility added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith) Facility can be deleted* Remark: Record Management Services VDE>< This example shows the full output of the SHOW FACILITY command.! 4.VDE> SHOW FACILITY/TOTAL %M*. Number of facilities matching name %M*: 2 VDE>@ The /TOTAL qualifier displays the number of facilities thatD match the specified parameter. The parameter (%M*) matches allD facility names that have an M in the second character position.A Using the library in the previous example, the command finds& two such facilities, RMS and SMG. 5.VDE> SHOW FACILITY/CURRENT, Facility CODE "Code modules" VDE>< The /CURRENT qualifier displays the name of the default facility. 2 FOLDA Displays the attributes of one or more specified fold records. Format* SHOW FOLD [mod-name [, mod-name...]] 3 P arameter mod-nameA Specifies a module for which fold records are to be displayed.A The module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type nameB preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the facilityB name is omitted, the module is assumed to belong to the defaultC facility. If the type name is omitted, VDE displays fold records? for all source modules with the specified module name in the g iven facility.A You can display fold records for more than one module by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)C matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. VDEA displays fold records for all source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern.D If you omit the mod-name parameter, VDE displays fold rec ords for' all modules in the default facility. 3 Description@ Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW FOLD command= displays either a one-line summary for each fold record or@ all attributes of each fold record. The command can also showA the total number of fold records that match a specified moduleC name. You can select the fold records to be displayed or countedA with qualifiers that specify various selection criteria. TheseA criteria include the fold record's creation date and time, itsC fold identifier, its associated development stream, and the user? to whom it belongs. Only those fold records that satisfy all9 specified selection criteria are displayed or counted. 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date-time@ Displays only those fold records created before the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /BRIEF /BRIEF (default) /FULL? Determines the information that is displayed about each fold? record. The /BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summary forC each fold record that matches the module name parameters and theC other selection criteria. The /FULL qualifier lists all database$ information for each fold record. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=fold-ident< Displays only those fold records with the fold identifier@ given by the fold-ident parameter. The fold identifier is the@ identifier you specified or VDE assigned when you created theC fold record, usually a small integer value. If this qualifier is@ omitted, VDE displays fold records with all fold identifiers. /SINCE /SINCE=date-time? Displays only those fold records created after the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-nameA Specifies the development stream for which fold records sho uld@ be displayed. The stream-name parameter gives the name of theB stream. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE displays fold records for all development streams. /TOTALA Shows the total number of fold records that match each module-A name parameter and satisfy the other selection criteria. Other@ information about the individual fold records is not shown. AC separate count is provided for each mod-name parameter. Wildcard? characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier. /USERNAME /USERNAME[=username]B Specifies the OpenVMS username of a user whose fold records are@ to be shown. If this qualifier is specified, only that user's@ fold records are shown. If the username parameter is omitted,B only your own fold records are shown. If the whole qualifier is1 omitted, fold records for all users are shown. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW FOLDM Fold 1 of [CODE]X.FOR;2(2) into stream V1.0  26-JUN-1990 JONES VDE>B This example shows the brief output of the SHOW FOLD command.@ This output gives the fold identifier, the module name, theB development stream the change should be folded into, the date> the fold record was created, and the username of the fold record's owner. 2.VDE> SHOW FOLD/FULL Fold 1 of [CODE]X.FOR;2(2)= Module to be folded from stream MAIN into stream V1.05 Fold record created by user JONES (Jon Jones)6 Fold record created on 26-JUN-1990 12:40:21.904 Remark: Fix access violation in sort routine VDE>A This example shows the full output of the SHOW FOLD command.D This output gives all database information for the fold record. 2 GENERATIONA Displays current, differential or historical information about, one or more specified module generations. Format0 SHOW GENERATION [gen-spec [, gen-spec...]] 3 Parameter gen-spec> Specifies a module generation to be displayed. A generation4 specification consists of the following in order:; o an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets o a module name0 o an optional type name preceded by a period; o an optional generation number preceded by a semicolon? An example of a generation specification is [RMS]MOD1.MAR;5.= If you omit the facility name, module generations from the= default facility are displayed. If you omit t he type name,@ generations for all modules with the specified module name inC the specified facility are displayed. If you omit the generationD number, the most recent generation of the module in the specified$ (or default) stream is displayed.C If you specify a zero or negative generation number, that numberA is relative to the most recent generation of the module in theC stream specified by the /STREAM qualifier (or the default streamA if that qualifier is omitted). Fo r example, if the most recent? generation is generation 5, then generation 0 is the same as> generation 5 and generation -1 is the same as generation 4.= If you specify the /GENERATION qualifier, VDE displays theB generation with the given CMS generation expression and ignores3 the generation number on the gen-spec parameter.= You can display more than one generation by using wildcardD characters in the facility name, module name, or type name, or byB specifying a wild card on the /GENERATION qualifier. The percentC sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters@ in the position it occupies. An asterisk (*) in place of the? generation number matches all generations of a module. Those@ module generations whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.C If you omit the gen-spec parameter, VDE displays the most recent5 generation of each module in the default facility. 3 Description: The SHOW GENERATION command displays part or all of the= historical information stored in the VDE database for each? selected generation. Unless you use the /GENERATION or /TREED qualifier, VDE only displays generation histories for a specified< (or the default) development stream. The command can also? show the total number of generations that match a generationA specification or certain statistics about the generations that$ match a generation specification. 3 Qualifiers /ALLD Controls whether generations for source modules, derived modules,A or all modules are displayed. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDED to display only source module generations that match the gen-spec@ parameters. The /DERIVED qualifier causes VDE to display onlyA derived module generations that match the parameters. The /ALLA qualifier causes VDE to display both source module and derived0 module generations that  match the parameters.9 Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default. /SOURCED Controls whether generations for source modules, derived modules,A or all modules are displayed. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDED to display only source module generation histories that match theD gen-spec parameters. The /DERIVED qualifier causes VDE to displayA only derived module generations that match the parameters. The> /ALL qualifier causes VDE to display both source module and8 derived module generations that match the parameters.9 Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default. /DERIVEDD Controls whether generations for source modules, derived modules,A or all modules are displayed. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDED to display only source module generation histories that match theD gen-spec parameters. The /DERIVED qualifier causes VDE to displayA only derived module generations that match the parameters. The> /ALL qualifier causes VDE to display both source module andA derived module generation histories that match the parameters.9 Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default. /BEFORE /BEFORE=date-time? Displays only those generations created before the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the dat e from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /BRIEFD Determines the information that is displayed for each generation.D The /BRIEF qualifier displays the module name, generation number,D creating user, and creation date and time of each generation thatC matches the gen-spec parameter. The /FULL qualifier displays all@ attributes of eac h generation, including its name, generationC number, creation date, creating user, CMS generation expression, and remark string.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /FULLD Determines the information that is displayed for each generation.D The /BRIEF qualifier displays the module name, generation number,D creating user, and creation date and time of each generation thatC matches the gen-spec parameter. The /FULL qualifier displays all@ attributes of eac h generation, including its name, generationC number, creation date, creating user, CMS generation expression, and remark string.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-exprC Specifies that the generation with the CMS generation expressionC given by the gen-expr parameter be diplayed. When this qualifier@ is specified, the generation number specified on the gen-spec parameter is ignored.> /IF_SAME, /IF_DIFFERENT, /G ENERATION and /TREE are mutually: exclusive qualifiers. They also cause VDE to ignore anyB generation number you specify because they always reference the6 latest module generations in the specified streams. /IF_SAME /IF_SAME=stream-nameC Displays only those generations that are the same (or different)@ in two streams. These qualifiers select the latest generation> of each specified module in the stream given by the /STREAM= qualifier (or your default stream). T he /IF_SAME qualifierD displays this generation only if it is also the latest generationB of the module in the stream given by the stream-name parameter.B The /IF_DIFFERENT qualifier displays this generation only if itA differs from the latest generation of the module in the streamA given by the stream-name parameter. These qualifiers thus showC for what modules two developments streams are still the same and' for what modules the streams differ.A The latest generations of two streams are considered to be the? same only if they are the identical generation with the same? generation expression. VDE determines this from the contents< of the VDE database, not by comparing the text of the two generations.> /IF_SAME, /IF_DIFFERENT, /GENERATION and /TREE are mutually: exclusive qualifiers. They also cause VDE to ignore anyB generation number you specify because they always reference the6 latest module generations in the specified streams.  /IF_DIFFERENT /IF_DIFFERENT=stream-nameC Displays only those generations that are the same (or different)@ in two streams. These qualifiers select the latest generation> of each specified module in the stream given by the /STREAM= qualifier (or your default stream). The /IF_SAME qualifierD displays this generation only if it is also the latest generationB of the module in the stream given by the stream-name parameter.B The /IF_DIFFERENT qualifier displays this g eneration only if itA differs from the latest generation of the module in the streamA given by the stream-name parameter. These qualifiers thus showC for what modules two developments streams are still the same and' for what modules the streams differ.A The latest generations of two streams are considered to be the? same only if they are the identical generation with the same? generation expression. VDE determines this from the contents< of the VDE database, not by comparing the text of the two generations.> /IF_SAME, /IF_DIFFERENT, /GENERATION and /TREE are mutually: exclusive qualifiers. They also cause VDE to ignore anyB generation number you specify because they always reference the6 latest module generations in the specified streams. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /SINCE /SINCE=date-time> Displays only those generations created after the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /STATISTICS* /STATISTICS=(keyword [, keyword...])= Computes and displays certains statistics about the moduleA generations that match the generation specification parameters< and any selection qualifiers (such as /SINCE, /BEFORE, orC /USERNAME) that you specify. The keyword parameters specify whatD  statistics to display and how to sort them. The qualifier accepts$ the following keyword parameters:@ o ALPHABETICALLY-Sort the display alphabetically by facilityB name, module name, or type name. If this keyword is omitted,D VDE sorts the display in descending order by generation count.D o FACILITY-Compute and display the number of generations in each facility.C o MODULE-Compute and display the number of generations for each module.C o TYPES-Compute and display the number of generations that have each module type.= If you specify only one of these keywords, the surrounding parentheses may be omitted.; When this qualifier is used, other information about theD individual generations is not shown. Use selection qualifiers andD wildcard characters in the generation specification parameters toB select the generation population for which you want statistics. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name> Spe cifies that generations for the development stream givenA by the stream-name parameter be displayed. This qualifier thusD affects the interpretation of generation numbers on the command'sA gen-spec parameter. If this qualifier is omitted, VDE displays2 generations for the default development stream. /TOTAL@ Shows the total number of generations that match the gen-specA parameters. Other information about the individual generations? is not shown. A separate count is pro vided for each gen-specD parameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the parameters when using this qualifier. /TREEB Shows the whole generation tree for each specified module. ThisC display shows the CMS generation expression for each generation,> the date it was created, who created it, and the generation? remark. It also shows for what streams the generation is the= latest generation. This is the only display that shows allA generations of a module regardless of what streams they belong to.> /IF_SAME, /IF_DIFFERENT, /GENERATION and /TREE are mutually: exclusive qualifiers. They also cause VDE to ignore anyB generation number you specify because they always reference the6 latest module generations in the specified streams. /USERNAME /USERNAME[=username]? Displays only those generations created by a specified user.@ The username parameter gives the OpenVMS username of the userC whose generations should be displayed. If the username parameterB is omitted, only generations that you created are shown. If theC whole qualifier is omitted, generations created by all users are shown. 3 Examples& 1.VDE> SHOW GENERATION/STREAM=BIRCHT Generation [RMS]MODULE_A.REQ;2(2) by user SMITH on 12-DEC-1989 08:44T Generation [RMS]MODULE_B.REQ;25(23A2) by user JONES on 9-DEC-1989 20:34T Generation [RMS]MODULE_C.B32;14(14) by user BROWN on 9-DEC-1989 2 0:34T Generation [RMS]MODULE_D.B32;1(1) by user MORELIKERED on 9-DEC-1989 20:34T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;8(7E1) by user JONES on 29-DEC-1989 13:12 VDE>? This example shows the brief output of the SHOW GENERATION? command. The command displays one line per generation. TheD /STREAM qualifier says to display generations for stream BIRCH.@ Because no generation specification parameter is specified,D the command shows the latest generation f or that stream of each$ module in the default facility.( 2.VDE> SHOW GENERATION MODULE_E.B32;*T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;8(8) by user JONES on 29-DEC-1989 13:12T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;7(7) by user JONES on 26-DEC-1989 14:00T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;6(6) by user SMITH on 19-DEC-1989 15:37T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;5(5) by user PORTER on 12-DEC-1989 13:10T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;4(4) by user DINGD ONG on 12-DEC-1989 08:43T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;3(3) by user SMITH on 12-DEC-1989 08:37T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;2(2) by user JONES on 12-DEC-1989 08:35T Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;1(1) by user JONES on 9-DEC-1989 20:34 VDE>A This example displays generations for module MODULE_E.B32 inB facility RMS. It uses the asterisk wildcard character (*) inB place of the generation number. As a result, VDE displays theB  latest generation of the module in the current default stream? and all previous generations leading up to that generation? of the module. This display thus summarizes the historical7 development of that module for the default stream.2 3.VDE> SHOW GENERATION [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;8/FULL& Generation [RMS]MODULE_E.B32;8(8)5 Generation created on 29-DEC-1989 13:12:51.555 Generation created by user JONES (John Jones)! Module is a source module(  CMS generation expression is "8"# Delta letters in use: None, Generation created in stream HICKORY3 Latest generation for stream HICKORY, BIRCH, Module is current for stream HICKORY- Main thread belongs to stream HICKORY, Remark: Add the mumble-fratz feature VDE>D This example illustrates the full output of the SHOW GENERATIONA command. VDE displays all attributes of the specified moduleA generation. The generation shown is generation 8 relative to the default stream.) 4.VDE> SHOW GENERATION/TREE [RMS]E.B32+ Generation tree for module [RMS]E.B32:I (4) 28-JUN-1990 16:15:13.95 JONES "Make comments meaningful"5 Latest generation for stream MAINJ (3) 27-JUN-1990 14:14:21.71 BROWN "Convert to new QCB format"B (1A1) 22-JUN-1990 14:56:28.43 ANDERSON "Fix timing bug"8 Latest generation for stream HICKORYC (2) 22-JUN- 1990 14:55:01.29 SMITH "Add widget feature"C (1) 18-JUN-1990 17:46:47.60 SMITH "Initial generation" VDE>B This example shows the whole generation tree for module E.B32> in facility RMS. Generation 4 is the latest generation in? stream MAIN and generation 1A1 is the latest generation in stream HICKORY./ 5.VDE> SHOW GENERATION/TOTAL/SOURCE [RMS]*;*8 Number of generations matching name [RMS]*.*;*: 237 VDE>D In this example, the /TOT!AL qualifier shows the total number ofB source-module generations in facility RMS. There are 237 such generations. 2 GROUPC Displays the names, members, and other attributes of one or more specified groups. Format/ SHOW GROUP [group-name [, group-name...]] 3 Parameter group-name; The name of a source group or build group in the default; development stream whose attributes are to be displayed.A You can display more than one group" using wildcard characters.; The percent sign (%) in a group name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.: Those groups whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.B If no group name parameter is specified, VDE displays all group& definitions for the default stream. 3 DescriptionA Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW GROUP command; displ#ays the names, members, and other attributes of theA specified source groups or build groups. The /SOURCE or /BUILDC qualifier determines whether the command displayes source groupsA or build groups. The command can also show the total number ofB groups that match a group-name specification. This command onlyA displays group definitions for the default development stream. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEFD Determines the type of information that is displayed for a group.? $ The /BRIEF qualifier lists only the names of the groups thatA match the group-name parameters. The /FULL qualifier lists theD name of each group and also its creation date, its remark string,A the stream to which it belongs, and the name of the creator of the group definition.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /FULLD Determines the type of information that is displayed for a group.? The /BRIEF qualifier lists only the names of the groups thatA match% the group-name parameters. The /FULL qualifier lists theD name of each group and also its creation date, its remark string,A the stream to which it belongs, and the name of the creator of the group definition.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /BUILDA Specifies whether source groups or build groups are displayed.@ The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display the source groups? with the specified names. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to@ display the b&uild groups with the specified names. If neither6 qualifier is specified, VDE displays source groups.1 Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /SOURCEA Specifies whether source groups or build groups are displayed.@ The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display the source groups? with the specified names. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to@ display the build groups with the specified names. If neither6 qualifier is specified, VDE displays source groups.1 O'f /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default. /MEMBERS /MEMBERS /NOMEMBERS (default)> Determines whether the members of the group are listed. The> /MEMBERS qualifier prints the name of each module that is a@ member of the group. If the /FULL qualifier is also used, theD /MEMBERS qualifier additionally shows who added the member to theD group and the date the member was added. The /NOMEMBERS qualifier suppresses this output. /TOTAL= Shows the tot(al number of groups that match the group-name? parameters. Other information about the individual groups is> not shown. A separate count is provided for each group-nameD parameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the group-name( parameters when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW GROUP Source group ALLMODS Source group GROUP-2 Source group GRPNAM Source group GRP_1 Source group GRP_2 Source group GRP_3 Source )group GRP_4 VDE>@ This example illustrates how the SHOW GROUP command withoutB parameters or qualifiers lists the names of all source groups/ defined in the default development stream.+ 2.VDE> SHOW GROUP/BUILD BLDGRP, BLDGRP-2 Build group BLDGRP Build group BLDGRP-2 VDE> SHOW GROUP/BUILD BLD* Build group BLDGRP Build group BLDGRP-2 VDE>> In this example, individual build-group names are used as= parameters to list tw*o build groups, both defined in theB default stream. The second SHOW GROUP command illustrates theD use of a wildcard character (*) to list multiple build groups.( 3.VDE> SHOW GROUP/SOURCE ALLMODS/FULL Source group ALLMODS: Group added to database on 4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.496 Group added to database by user DOE (John Doe)$ Group defined in stream MAIN Remark: VDE>A Here the /FULL qualifier shows when source group ALLMODS wasB + added to the database, the name of the user who added it, theC name of the development stream in which the group was created,5 and the remark string associated with the group.) 4.VDE> SHOW GROUP/BUILD/MEMBERS SYSGRP Build group SYSGRP Members of the group:# Module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE# Module [BUILD_TEST]Y.EXE# Module [BUILD_TEST]Z.HLB VDE>D Here the /MEMBERS qualifier lists the names of all modules thatA are m ,embers of build group SYSGRP. The facility name, module8 name, and module type of each member are displayed.. 5.VDE> SHOW GROUP/BUILD/FULL/MEMBERS SYSGRP Build group SYSGRP: Group added to database on 4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.496 Group added to database by user DOE (John Doe)$ Group defined in stream MAIN1 Remark: All images for conversion program Members of the group:# Module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE: Added by user DOE on 4--AUG-1988 15:15:31.49# Module [BUILD_TEST]Y.EXE: Added by user DOE on 4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.49# Module [BUILD_TEST]Z.HLB< Added by user SMITH on 19-OCT-1988 16:10:40.05 VDE>< This example shows the output of the /FULL and /MEMBERS< qualifiers used together. The output shows all database+ information about the specified group. 6.VDE> SHOW GROUP/TOTAL *( Number of groups matching name *: 7 VDE>D This ex.ample shows how the /TOTAL qualifier displays the number? of source groups for the default stream that match a givenA group-name specification. In this case, a wildcard character? (*) is specified that matches all source group names. TheD default stream thus has a total of seven source groups defined. 2 KEYD Displays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command. Format SHOW KEY [key-name] 3 Parameter key-nameA The name /of the key whose definition is to be displayed. For a7 list of valid key names, see the DEFINE/KEY command. 3 Description> The SHOW KEY command lists the key definitions created withC DEFINE/KEY command. When used with the /DIRECTORY qualifier, theB command lists the states associated with those key definitions.0 Use the SET KEY command to change key states. 3 Qualifiers /ALLC Displays all of the key definitions for the current state or forA the state0s specified with the /STATE qualifier. If you use the- /ALL qualifier, do not specify a key name. /BRIEF /BRIEF (default) /NOBRIEFB The /BRIEF qualifier displays the key name, key definition, andB state associated with the specified key. The /NOBRIEF qualifierB displays any qualifiers associated with the key definition. The0 /BRIEF and /NOFULL qualifiers are equivalent. /DIRECTORY@ Displays the names of all the states for which keys have been@ d1efined. If you have not defined any keys, SHOW KEY/DIRECTORYB displays the DEFAULT, GOLD, and BLUE states (the states used by2 the initial key definitions on the VDE keypad).B You cannot use the /DIRECTORY qualifier with any other SHOW KEY? qualifiers. The key-name parameter is ignored if you use the /DIRECTORY qualifier. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default)@ The /FULL qualifier displays all qualifiers associated with aC key definition. By default, only th2e name, definition, and stateB of the key are displayed. The /FULL and /NOBRIEF qualifiers are equivalent. /STATE /STATE=(state-name[,...]) /NOSTATE (default)C Displays the key definitions associated with the specified stateB or states. If you specify only one state name, you can omit theA parentheses. State names can be any alphanumeric string. State1 names are created with the DEFINE/KEY command.D If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use /NOSTATE,3 key definitions' for the current state are displayed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW KEY KP4/FULL DEFAULT keypad definitions:4 KP4 = "SHOW DEFAULTS" (echo,terminate,nolock)@ In this example, the SHOW KEY command displays the completeC definition of the KP4 key. Using the /FULL qualifier lists the@ qualifiers (/ECHO, /TERMINATE, and /NOLOCK) entered, eitherB explicitly or by default, with the SHOW DEFAULTS command when the KP4 key was defined.3 4 2.VDE> DEFINE/KEY/TERMINATE COMMA "SHOW LIBRARY"6 %VDE-I-DEFKEY, DEFAULT key COMMA has been defined VDE> SHOW KEY COMMA DEFAULT keypad definitions: COMMA = "SHOW LIBRARY" VDE> SHOW KEY/FULL COMMA DEFAULT keypad definitions:6 COMMA = "SHOW LIBRARY" (echo,terminate,nolock)? In this example, the first SHOW KEY command is the default? version of the command: it displays both the definition of> the COMMA key (SHOW LIBRARY) and the stat 5e in which it isC defined (DEFAULT). The second SHOW KEY command (with the /FULL? qualifier) additionally displays all qualifiers associatedC with the key definition, which in this example are /TERMINATE,@ /ECHO, and /NOLOCK; the qualifiers either can be explicitly= stated when the key is defined (as /TERMINATE) or can be? defaults (as /ECHO and /NOLOCK) of the DEFINE/KEY command. 3.VDE> SHOW KEY/ALL DEFAULT keypad definitions:4 PF1 = "" (echo,note6rminate,nolock,state=GOLD)+ PF2 = "Help" (echo,terminate,nolock)1 PF3 = "SET VERIFY" (echo,terminate,nolock)4 PF4 = "" (echo,noterminate,nolock,state=BLUE)4 KP4 = "SHOW DEFAULTS" (echo,terminate,nolock); COMMA = "SET CONTEXT BUGFIX" (echo,terminate,nolock)> This example the SHOW KEY command displays all of the key> definitions that you created with the DEFINE/KEY command. 2 LIBRARY6 Displays the attributes of the current VDE library. F7ormat SHOW LIBRARY 3 Parameters None. 3 Description@ The SHOW LIBRARY command displays the name and root directory? of the current library and optionally shows information from= the database-header record of the library. This additionalB information includes the creation date of the library, a remark@ string, the name of the user who created the library, and theB standard authorized and default privileges for new users of the library. 3 Q8ualifiers /BRIEF> Determines what information about the library is displayed.@ The /BRIEF qualifier lists the name and the root directory ofA the library only. The /FULL qualifier lists the name, the rootD directory, and all information available from the database-header record of the library.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL> Determines what information about the library is displayed.@ The /BRIEF qualifier lists the name and the root 9directory ofA the library only. The /FULL qualifier lists the name, the rootD directory, and all information available from the database-header record of the library.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW LIBRARY5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR] VDE>@ This example illustrates the brief form of the SHOW LIBRARY output. 2.VDE> SHOW LIBRARY/FULL5 Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PRO:JDIR]8 Created by user SMITH on 4-APR-1989 14:52:58.62 Remark: Test library( Created using VDE Version X0.1-1, Automatic library conversion enabled1 Initial default privileges for new users: CREMOD CRESTEP RESREP4 Initial authorized privileges for new users:' CREMOD CRESTEP CREUSR RESREP VDE>A This example shows the full form of the SHOW LIBRARY output. 2 LOCATION: Displays the names of the disk dire;ctories that contain@ either the files of the default development stream, the delta@ files of the current library, or the staging areas for queued replacements. Format SHOW LOCATION 3 Parameters None. 3 Description? The SHOW LOCATION command displays the locations of the diskB directories that contain the modules that make up your softwareB system. You can display the directory locations of all files inA the default development stream, of the <current library's delta@ files (stored in the form of CMS libraries), or of the queued replacement "staging area."= The directories for the default development stream containA derived files and clear copies of source files. VDE uses these? directories when it builds your system. By default, the SHOWA LOCATION command displays the names of all directories for the default stream.A Each source module in your software system has a delta file. AB delta file is a compa =ct representation for storing all past andC present generations of a source module. A delta file is the sameD as a CMS element. The SHOW LOCATION command can display the names! of all delta-file directories.@ Each facility has a separate disk directory tree for both theD default stream and the delta files. You can specify that you want= to display only those directories for a specific facility.C The VDE library also has a root directory for queued-replacementB staging a>reas. Each time a user queues modules for replacement,B VDE creates a new subdirectory (called a staging area) for that> queued replacement and copies the modules to be replaced to@ the staging area. The SHOW LOCATION command can show the root% directory for these staging areas. 3 Qualifiers /DELTA_FILES? Specifies whether to display directory locations for the VDED library's delta-files, the library's staging area, or the defaultD development stream. The /DELT ?A_FILES qualifier displays directoryB locations of the library's delta-files (its CMS libraries). TheB /STAGING qualifier displays the root directory of the library's? staging areas for queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifierC displays directory locations for the default development stream.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. /STAGING? Specifies whether to display directory locations for the VDED library's delta-files, the library's st @aging area, or the defaultD development stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier displays directoryB locations of the library's delta-files (its CMS libraries). TheB /STAGING qualifier displays the root directory of the library's? staging areas for queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifierC displays directory locations for the default development stream.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. /STREAM? Specifies whether to display directory locati Aons for the VDED library's delta-files, the library's staging area, or the defaultD development stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier displays directoryB locations of the library's delta-files (its CMS libraries). TheB /STAGING qualifier displays the root directory of the library's? staging areas for queued replacements. The /STREAM qualifierC displays directory locations for the default development stream.A Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default. B/FACILITY /FACILITY=facil-nameB Specifies that only those directory locations that hold modules@ for the indicated facility be displayed. If this qualifier isA omitted, directory locations for all facilities are displayed. 3 Examples$ 1.VDE> SHOW LOCATION/FACILITY=RMS) Directory locations for stream V2.0:2 Stream root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0]G Subdirectory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)- Directory locations Cfor facility RMS:2 Root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS]C Subdirectory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.OBJ] (symbol OBJ)C Subdirectory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.SRC] (symbol SRC)K Subdirectory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)K Subdirectory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) VDE>D This example displays the disk directory locations for facility- RMS in the default stream (stream V2.0).0 D 2.VDE> SHOW LOCATION/FACILITY=RMS/DELTA_FILES) Directory locations for delta files:9 Delta-file root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS]- Directory locations for facility RMS:5 Root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS.RMS] VDE>? This example displays the disk directory locations for the" delta-files for facility RMS. 2 LOG@ Shows whether VDE input and output is recorded in a log file.C If logging is enabled, the name of the log file!E is displayed. To+ enable logging, use the SET LOG command. Format SHOW LOG 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW LOG9 Output logging on file: DEV$:[MYDIR]VDELOGFILE.LOG;1 VDE>D This command shows that output logging is enabled and gives the name of the log file. 2.VDE> SHOW LOG No output logging VDE>8 This command shows that output logging is disabled. 2 MEMFORY1 Displays information about VDE's memory usage. Format SHOW MEMORY 3 Parameters None. 3 Description@ The SHOW MEMORY command displays information about the memoryC pools that VDE uses. It displays information about the following memory areas:C o VDE's internal memory pool. VDE uses this memory pool for itsA own dynamic memory needs. VDE allocates memory in this poolA primarily for command processing, but also uses it for more GA permanent storage, such as storing the names of the default= stream and facility. The information displayed includes> the total size of this memory pool, the amount of memoryB allocated, the amount of free memory, and other information.B o The size of the LIB$GET_VM and LIB$GET_VM_PAGE memory pools.A These memory pools are managed by Run-Time Library routinesB and are used by CMS, Rdb, and system components such as RMS.A CMS, in particular, uses subHstantial amounts of LIB$GET_VM_ PAGE memory.C o The size of the VDE utility's address space and the amount of@ virtual memory by which the address space can be expanded.> If you run out of virtual memory when running VDE, the SHOW? MEMORY command can be helpful in determining where memory isD being consumed. It is of course also helpful to VDE developers in" identifying how memory is used. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW MEMORY I Memory usage statistics:7 Number of bytes in VDE memory pool: 655367 Number of areas in VDE memory pool: 17 Number of allocated bytes in VDE pool: 19607 Number of allocated blocks in VDE pool: 337 Number of free bytes in VDE pool: 635647 Number of free blocks in VDE pool: 177 Number of bytes in VDE pool free list: 635487 Number of blocks in VDE pool free list: 167 JNumber of bytes of temporary memory: 12647 Number of blocks of temporary memory: 12; Number of successful LIB$GET_VM calls: 275; Number of successful LIB$FREE_VM calls: 141; Number of LIB$GET_VM bytes now allocated: 567120; Number successful LIB$GET_VM_PAGE calls: 13; Number successful LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE calls: 0; Number of LIB$GET_VM_PAGE pages allocated: 1836; Number of LIB$GET_ KVM_PAGE bytes allocated: 940032; First free address at end of P0 space: 0063EE00; First free address at end of P1 space: 7FDD6200; Number of pages available for expansion: 182835 VDE>> This example shows the output of the SHOW MEMORY command.B The first part of the output contains information about VDE'sD internal memory pool. This includes the total size of the pool,? the amount of memory that is allocated, the amount that isC L free, the length of the free list (which should be the same asC the amount of free memory except for a 16-byte list head), andD the amount of "temporary memory" allocated. Temporary memory isB allocated memory that is automatically released at the end of the current command.D The middle section of the output displays information about theB LIB$GET_VM and LIB$GET_VM_PAGE memory pools. This informationB comes from library routine LIB$STAT_VM. Finally, the laMst few@ lines give the sizes of the VDE utility's P0 and P1 address@ spaces and the number of pages by which the virtual addressA space can still be expanded before reaching the virtual page limit for the process. 2 MODULE< Displays the attributes of one or more specified modules. Format, SHOW MODULE [mod-name [, mod-name...]] 3 Parameter mod-nameA The name of a module whose attributes are to be displayed. The= module name consi Nsts of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type name= preceded by a period. An example is [FACIL]MOD1.PAS. If noB facility name is specified, the default facility is assumed. IfC no type name is specified, all modules with the specified module, name in the given facility are displayed.D You can display more than one module by using wildcard charactersA in any of the three components of the module name. The percentC sign O(%) in a name matches any single character in the positionD it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more charactersC in the position it occupies. Those modules whose names match the" wildcard pattern are displayed.B If you omit the mod-name parameter, VDE displays all modules in the default facility. 3 Description: Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW MODULE> command displays the name of each selected module, the name> and remark string of eaPch module, or the name and all otherA attributes of each module. The command can also show the total> number of modules that match a module name specification or@ certain statistics about the modules that match a module name specification.C To obtain generation-related information on one or more modules,C use the SHOW GENERATION command. See SHOW GENERATION for further information. 3 Qualifiers /ALLC Controls whether source modules, derived modules, oQr all modules= are displayed. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display= only source modules that match the module-name parameters.< The /DERIVED qualifier causes VDE to display only derived? modules that match the parameters. The /ALL qualifier causes@ VDE to display both source and derived modules that match the parameters.9 Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default. /SOURCEC Controls whether source modules, derived modules, or all modules= R are displayed. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display= only source modules that match the module-name parameters.< The /DERIVED qualifier causes VDE to display only derived? modules that match the parameters. The /ALL qualifier causes@ VDE to display both source and derived modules that match the parameters.9 Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default. /DERIVEDC Controls whether source modules, derived modules, or all modules= are displayed. ThSe /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display= only source modules that match the module-name parameters.< The /DERIVED qualifier causes VDE to display only derived? modules that match the parameters. The /ALL qualifier causes@ VDE to display both source and derived modules that match the parameters.9 Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default. /BRIEFD Determines the information that is displayed for each module. TheA /BRIEF qualifier displays the name ofT each module that matches@ the module-name parameter. The /NORMAL qualifier displays the= name and remark string of each module. The /FULL qualifier> displays all attributes of each module, including its name,B creation date, history and notes attributes, and remark string.? It also indicates whether the module is a source module or a derived module.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /NORMALD Determines the information that is displayed for Ueach module. TheA /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each module that matches@ the module-name parameter. The /NORMAL qualifier displays the= name and remark string of each module. The /FULL qualifier> displays all attributes of each module, including its name,B creation date, history and notes attributes, and remark string.? It also indicates whether the module is a source module or a derived module.8 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /FULL VD Determines the information that is displayed for each module. TheA /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each module that matches@ the module-name parameter. The /NORMAL qualifier displays the= name and remark string of each module. The /FULL qualifier> displays all attributes of each module, including its name,B creation date, history and notes attributes, and remark string.? It also indicates whether the module is a source module or a derived module.8 Of /BRIEF, W/NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /STATISTICS* /STATISTICS=(keyword [, keyword...])C Computes and Xdisplays certains statistics about the modules thatC match the module-name parameters. The keyword parameters specifyA what statistics to display and how to sort them. The qualifier, accepts the following keyword parameters:@ o ALPHABETICALLY-Sort the display alphabetically by facilityB name or type name. If this keyword is omitted, VDE sorts the2 display in descending order by module count.@ o FACILITY-Compute and display the number of modules in each faciliYty.D o TYPES-Compute and display the number of modules that have each module type.= If you specify only one of these keywords, the surrounding parentheses may be omitted.; When this qualifier is used, other information about theB individual modules is not shown. Use wildcard characters in theC module-name parameters to select the module population for which you want statistics. /TOTAL? Shows the total number of modules that match the module-name= Z parameters. Other information about the individual modules? is not shown. A separate count is provided for each mod-nameA parameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the module-- name parameters when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW MODULE/SOURCE *.*< Module [CODE]FOO.BAR "Nonsense module"A Module [CODE]MOD1.FOR "First Fortran module"B Module [CODE]MOD2.FOR "Second Fortran module"A M [odule [CODE]MOD3.FOR "Third Fortran module"= Module [CODE]MOD4.FOR "Sorting routines"H Module [CODE]MOD5.FOR "Random scrambling algorithm"E Module [CODE]MOD6.FOR "Destabilization routines" VDE>C This SHOW MODULE command displays the names and remark strings> of all source modules in the default facility. This is an. example of the normal SHOW MODULE output. 2.VDE> SHOW MODULE/BRIEF FOO \ Module [CODE]FOO.MAR Module [CODE]FOO.EXE Module [CODE]FOO.LIS Module [CODE]FOO.OBJ VDE>? This example illustrates the brief form of the SHOW MODULEB output. It displays the names of all modules named FOO in theB default facility. Both source modules and derived modules are listed.) 3.VDE> SHOW MODULE [CODE]MOD1.FOR/FULL Module [CODE]MOD1.FOR; Module added to database on 4-APR-1989 14:58:39.66; Module added to databa]se by user SMITH (Jane Smith)! Module is a source module Module cannot be deleted6 History information is not provided by default History string: C #B4 Notes information is not provided by default Notes string: C #G Note position: 81 Remark: Test module VDE>B This example illustrates the output of the /FULL qualifier to@ the SHOW MODULE command. The module name is fully specifiedB on the command in t^his case, including the facility name, the$ module name, and the type name.) 4.VDE> SHOW MODULE/TOTAL/SOURCE [RMS]*0 Number of modules matching name [RMS]*.*: 7 VDE>D In this example, the /TOTAL qualifier shows the total number of$ source modules in facility RMS. 2 PRIVILEGES Displays your VDE privileges. Format SHOW PRIVILEGES 3 Parameters None. 3 DescriptionD The VDE privileges you have in your current VDE session_ determineB the VDE commands (and in some cases the command qualifiers) you? are allowed to use. The SHOW PRIVILEGES command displays the> privileges you have in the current session. Optionally, theA command also shows your default privileges and your authorized privileges.D For a list of all privilege names and their meanings, see the SET PRIVILEGES command. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEFA Specifies whether to show all privileges or only those set forA the cur`rent session. The /BRIEF qualifier shows the privileges> set for your current session. The /FULL qualifier shows theB privileges set for your current session as well as your defaultC privileges (the privileges you get automatically at the start ofC each VDE session) and your authorized privileges (the privilegesC you are allowed to set using the SET PRIVILEGES command). If youC do not specify a qualifier with the SHOW PRIVILEGES command, you= receive the information displayeda by the /BRIEF qualifier.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /FULLA Specifies whether to show all privileges or only those set forA the current session. The /BRIEF qualifier shows the privileges> set for your current session. The /FULL qualifier shows theB privileges set for your current session as well as your defaultC privileges (the privileges you get automatically at the start ofC each VDE session) and your authorized privileges (the privilegesC ybou are allowed to set using the SET PRIVILEGES command). If youC do not specify a qualifier with the SHOW PRIVILEGES command, you= receive the information displayed by the /BRIEF qualifier.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW PRIVILEGES Currently set privileges:4 BUILD CREFAC CREGRP CREMOD CRESTEP RESREP VDE>= This example shows the brief form of the SHOW PRIVILEGES output. 2.VDE> SHOW PRIVILEGES/cFULL Currently set privileges:4 BUILD CREFAC CREGRP CREMOD CRESTEP RESREP Default privileges:J BUILD CRECTX CREFAC CREGRP CREMOD CRESTEP CREUSR CRESTRM RESREP Authorized privileges:J BUILD CRECTX CREFAC CREGRP CREMOD CRESTEP CREUSR CRESTRM FROZEN RESREP USERNAME VDE>D This example shows the use of the /FULL qualifier with the SHOW PRIVILEGES command. 2 REPLACEMENTD Displays the names and attributes of one ord more specified queued replacements. Format1 SHOW REPLACEMENT [rep-name [, rep-name...]] 3 Parameter rep-name> The name of a queued replacement whose attributes are to be= displayed. You can display more than one replacement using@ wildcard characters in the replacement name. The percent signA (%) in a replacement name matches any single character in theB position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or moreC characters in the positioen it occupies. Those replacements whose2 names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.7 Do not specify the rep-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.D If you specify neither a replacement name nor the /IDENTIFICATION@ qualifier, VDE displays all replacements in the VDE database. 3 Description? Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW REPLACEMENT@ command displays either a one-line summary for each specified: queued replacement or allf database information for each= replacement. The command can also show the total number of8 replacements that match a specified replacement name. 3 Qualifiers /ACCEPTEDB Specify that only those queued replacements with certain review@ statuses be displayed. The /ACCEPTED qualifier displays thoseB replacements accepted by all reviewers. The /REJECTED qualifierA displays those replacements rejected by at least one reviewer.@ The /IN_REVIEW qualifier displays tho gse replacements that are@ accepted by at least one reviewer but are not yet accepted orB rejected by all reviewers. The /NOT_REVIEWED qualifier displays@ those replacements not accepted or rejected by any reviewers.: If one or more of these qualifiers are specified, those@ replacements that have one of the specified status values areA displayed. These qualifiers can thus be used in combination to? show replacements of several different status values. If allA of these qualif hiers are omitted, VDE displays all replacements regardless of status. /REJECTEDB Specify that only those queued replacements with certain review@ statuses be displayed. The /ACCEPTED qualifier displays thoseB replacements accepted by all reviewers. The /REJECTED qualifierA displays those replacements rejected by at least one reviewer.@ The /IN_REVIEW qualifier displays those replacements that are@ accepted by at least one reviewer but are not yet accepted orB rejecited by all reviewers. The /NOT_REVIEWED qualifier displays@ those replacements not accepted or rejected by any reviewers.: If one or more of these qualifiers are specified, those@ replacements that have one of the specified status values areA displayed. These qualifiers can thus be used in combination to? show replacements of several different status values. If allA of these qualifiers are omitted, VDE displays all replacements regardless of status. /IN_REVIEWB Sjpecify that only those queued replacements with certain review@ statuses be displayed. The /ACCEPTED qualifier displays thoseB replacements accepted by all reviewers. The /REJECTED qualifierA displays those replacements rejected by at least one reviewer.@ The /IN_REVIEW qualifier displays those replacements that are@ accepted by at least one reviewer but are not yet accepted orB rejected by all reviewers. The /NOT_REVIEWED qualifier displays@ those replacements not accepted or rekjected by any reviewers.: If one or more of these qualifiers are specified, those@ replacements that have one of the specified status values areA displayed. These qualifiers can thus be used in combination to? show replacements of several different status values. If allA of these qualifiers are omitted, VDE displays all replacements regardless of status. /NOT_REVIEWEDB Specify that only those queued replacements with certain review@ statuses be displayed. The /A lCCEPTED qualifier displays thoseB replacements accepted by all reviewers. The /REJECTED qualifierA displays those replacements rejected by at least one reviewer.@ The /IN_REVIEW qualifier displays those replacements that are@ accepted by at least one reviewer but are not yet accepted orB rejected by all reviewers. The /NOT_REVIEWED qualifier displays@ those replacements not accepted or rejected by any reviewers.: If one or more of these qualifiers are specified, those@ replamcements that have one of the specified status values areA displayed. These qualifiers can thus be used in combination to? show replacements of several different status values. If allA of these qualifiers are omitted, VDE displays all replacements regardless of status. /BEFORE /BEFORE=date-time? Displays only those replacements queued before the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be on ne of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /BRIEF: Determines the information that is displayed about each@ replacement. The /BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summaryC for each replacement. The /FULL qualifier displays all available oC database information for each replacement. The /MODULE qualifierC displays the replacement name, the staging directory, the module4 list, and the remark string for each replacement.7 Of /BRIEF, /FULL and /MODULE, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL: Determines the information that is displayed about each@ replacement. The /BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summaryC for each replacement. The /FULL qualifier displays all availableC database information for each replapcement. The /MODULE qualifierC displays the replacement name, the staging directory, the module4 list, and the remark string for each replacement.7 Of /BRIEF, /FULL and /MODULE, /BRIEF is the default. /MODULE: Determines the information that is displayed about each@ replacement. The /BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summaryC for each replacement. The /FULL qualifier displays all availableC database information for each replacement. The /MODULE qualifierC dis qplays the replacement name, the staging directory, the module4 list, and the remark string for each replacement.7 Of /BRIEF, /FULL and /MODULE, /BRIEF is the default. /HISTORY? Specifies that replacement history be displayed. Replacement@ history consists of all past replacements, both immediate and@ queued, that have already been performed; it does not include@ currently queued replacements. Replacement history allows you? to see a historical record of all past modirfications to your? software system. This information complements the historical? information available from the SHOW GENERATION command. WhenB used with the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the /HISTORY qualifierC displays a list of all past replacements in chronological order.D If you omit the /HISTORY qualifier, VDE displays currently queued replacements only. /MODULE3 Displays all modules comprising the replacement. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION= sid-rangeB Specifies that the replacements with the unique Replacement IdsC given by the id-range parameter be displayed. Do not specify the2 rep-name parameter when you use this qualifier.B VDE assigns a unique Replacement Id to each immediate or queued@ replacement into the VDE library. VDE assigns Replacement Ids@ in chronological order so that the first replacement into theC library has Id value 1, the next has Id value 2, and so on. When? you use this qualifier, all r teplacements that fit your other@ selection criteria and that have Id values in the range given@ by the id-range parameter are displayed in ascending order by; Replacement Id. This is the same as chronological order.@ The id-range parameter can be a single integer value, a range< of integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is= a single integer (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE displays the> replacement with that Replacement Id. If the parameter is a> range of integers u (specified as two integers separated by a> colon as in /IDENT=3:5), VDE displays the replacements with? Ids in that range. Finally, if the id-range parameter is theA asterisk wildcard character (as in /IDENT=*), VDE displays allD replacements. To be displayed, each replacement must also fit all= selection criteria that you specify with other qualifiers.; If you specify a zero or negative number in the id-range@ parameter, that number is relative to the largest Replacement=v Id value for the VDE library (the latest replacement). ForB example, if the latest replacement has Replacement Id 250, thenC /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=250 and /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=249.? The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier is especially useful when used@ with the /HISTORY qualifier because then it displays all past' replacements in chronological order. /IN_REVIEWB Displays all replacement component modules presently undergoing review. /NwOT_REVIEWEDC Displays all replacement component modules presently unreviewed. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /REJECTEDA Displays all modulexs comprising the replacement that have been rejected. /REVIEWER /REVIEWER[=username]@ Specifies that only those replacements for which a given user? is a reviewer be displayed. The username parameter gives the> OpenVMS username of that reviewer. If you omit the usernameB parameter, only those replacements for which you are a reviewerC are displayed. If you omit the whole qualifier, replacements for all reviewers are displayed. /SINCE /SINCEy=date-timeD Displays only those replacements queued at or after the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /STREAM z /STREAM[=stream-name]= Specifies that only those queued replacements that are for? the development stream given by the stream-name parameter beC displayed. If the stream-name parameter is omitted, replacementsA for the default development stream are displayed. If the wholeD qualifier is omitted, replacements for all streams are displayed. /TOTALD Shows the total number of replacements that match each parameter.= Other information about the individual replacem{ents is notC shown. A separate count is provided for each rep-name parameter.C Wildcard characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier. /USERNAME /USERNAME[=username]@ Specifies that only those replacements queued by a given userB be displayed. The username parameter gives the OpenVMS usernameB of that user. If you omit the username parameter, only your own? replacements are displayed. If you omit the whole qualifier,2 replacement|s queued by all users are displayed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW REPLACEMENTN Replacement ANDERSON-1 BIRCH 26-JUN-1990 ANDERSON AcceptedR Replacement ANDERSON-2 BIRCH 27-JUN-1990 ANDERSON Not reviewedN Replacement SORT_BUG V2.0-UPD 27-JUN-1990 CHURCHILL AcceptedN Replacement SMITH-1 V2.0 27-JUN-1990 SMITH Rejected VDE>@ This example shows the brief output of the SHOW REPLACEMENT@ command. }This output shows the replacement name, the streamC name, the date the replacement was queued, the username of the( user who queued it, and its status.' 2.VDE> SHOW REPLACEMENT/FULL SMITH-1 Queued replacement SMITH-15 Replacement queued by user SMITH (Jane Smith)5 Replacement queued on 27-JUN-1990 15:10:27.20& Replacement is for stream V2.0' Unique replacement number is 16V Replacement staging directory is DEV$:[LIBROOT.VDE$STAGE.VDE$S~TG_0.VDE$REP_16]$ Reservations in replacement:- Reservation 1 of [BUILD_TEST]C.B32- Reservation 1 of [BUILD_TEST]D.B32+ Replacement contains 2 reservations+ Replacement review status: Rejected( Remark: Add mumble-fratz feature VDE>? This example shows the full output of the SHOW REPLACEMENT@ command, which includes all available information about the replacement.) 3.VDE> SHOW REPLACEMENT SMITH-1/MODULE Queued replacement SMITH-1V Replacement staging directory is DEV$:[LIBROOT.VDE$STAGE.VDE$STG_0.VDE$REP_16]$ Reservations in replacement:- Reservation 1 of [BUILD_TEST]C.B32- Reservation 1 of [BUILD_TEST]D.B32+ Replacement contains 2 reservations( Remark: Add mumble-fratz feature VDE>B This example illustrates the output of the /MODULE qualifier. 4.VDE> SHOW REPLACEMENT/TOTAL. Number of replacements matching name *: 4  VDE>A This example shows that the /TOTAL qualifier can display the9 total number of queued replacements in the database. 2 RESERVATION Displays module reservations. Format1 SHOW RESERVATION [mod-name [, mod-name...]] 3 Parameter mod-nameD The name of a source module whose reservation is to be displayed.? A module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type name>  preceded by a period (for example, [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If the@ facility name is omitted, the default facility is assumed. IfB the type name is omitted, reservations for all modules with the6 specified name in the given facility are displayed.> You can display reservations for more than one module using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asteris k (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.< Reservations for the source modules whose names match the" wildcard pattern are displayed.< You can also display reservations for multiple modules byB specifying the name of a source group instead of a module name.B Source groups are created with the CREATE GROUP command. If you@ specify a group name, each reservation for a module that is a$ member of the group is displayed.> If you omit the mod-name parameter, VDE displays all module) reservations for the default facility. 3 DescriptionB The SHOW RESERVATION command displays all existing reservationsA and queued reservation requests for a specified set of modulesC or for all modules in the default facility. A module reservationB is created with the RESERVE command and gives you the exclusiveD right to modify that module. A reservation is terminated with the REPLACE or UNRESERVE command.B By default, the SHOW RESERVATION command shows reservations for> all development streams, but the /STREAM qualifier lets youA see only those reservations for a certain stream. Likewise, byA default, the command shows reservations for all users, but the@ /USERNAME qualifier lets you see only those reservations thatA belong to a specific user, such as yourself. Other qualifiers,A such as /BEFORE and /SINCE, lets you additionally restrict the! set of reservations displayed. 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date-time@ Displays only those reservations created before the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /BRIEF /BRIEF (default) /FULL: Determines the type of information displayed about each= reservation. The /BRIEF qualifier displays the reservation= identifier, the name of the reserved module, the reservingA user, the date of the reservation, and the stream in which the> module is reserved. This display normally fits on one line.B The /FULL qualifier displays all database information about theD reservation; this display requires several lines per reservation. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /SESSION /SESSION=session-nameD Sessions are used to logically group a set of module reserv ationsC together, typically to group all modules related to a particular@ source code alteration or enhancement together. It allows all> component modules reserved to be treated as a single entity? for subsequent replacement operations. A session also allows= additional modules to be reserved and incorporated into an$ existing session at a later time.; Displays only those reservations that are members of theB reservation session given by the session-name parameter. If youD specify this qualifier, do not specify mod-name parameters on the SHOW RESERVATION command.C Sessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE,@ MODIFY SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL= SESSION commands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on? a queued-replacement stream) and reserved via RESERVE can be" combined into the same session. /SINCE /SINCE=date-time? Displays only those reservations created after the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /STREAM /STREAM[=stream-name]= Displays only those reservations that wer e created for the@ development stream given by the stream-name parameter. If youA omit the stream-name parameter, VDE only displays reservationsA created for your current default stream. If you omit the whole8 qualifier, VDE displays reservations for all streams. /TOTALB Shows the total number of reservations that match the specified: module names and usernames. Other information about the< individual reservations is not shown. A separate count is( provided for each mod-name parameter. /USERNAME /USERNAME[=username]B Specifies the OpenVMS username of a user whose reservations are@ to be shown. If this qualifier is specified, only that user's@ reservations are shown. If the username parameter is omitted,B only your own reservations are shown. If the whole qualifier is1 omitted, reservations for all users are shown. 3 Examples" 1.VDE> SHOW RESERVATION FOO.MARN Reservation 1 of [FACIL]FOO.MAR SMITH  23-MAR-1989 V5.4N Reservation 1 of [FACIL]FOO.MAR JONES 24-MAR-1989 V5.5 VDE>D This command diplays the reservations for module FOO.MAR in theA current default facility, FACIL. The output shows that usersA SMITH and JONES have reserved module FOO.MAR in streams V5.4 and V5.5, respectively. 2.VDE> SHOW RESERVATION/FULL$ Reservation 1 of [FACIL]FOO.MAR6 Reservation created on 23-MAR-1989 18:09:51.806 Reservation cr eated by user SMITH (Jane Smith)6 Generation 29 (27B2) reserved from stream V5.4= Expected generation expression at replacement is 27B3+ Concurrent reservations are allowed Remark: Fix QAR 23 again% Reservation 1 of [FACIL]MOD1.PAS6 Reservation created on 24-MAR-1989 18:50:33.186 Reservation created by user JONES (John Jones)4 Generation 15 (15) reserved from stream V5.5; Expected generation expression at replacement is 16+  Concurrent reservations are allowed) Remark: Implement whistle feature VDE>B This example shows the output of the /FULL qualifier. Because@ no module-name parameter is specified, the command displaysB reservations for all modules in the current default facility.- 3.VDE> SHOW RESERVATION/USERNAME=SMITH FOON Reservation 1 of [FACIL]FOO.MAR SMITH 23-MAR-1989 V5.4 VDE>B In this example, only reservations of module FOO.MAR for userD SMITH are displayed. User SMITH has one outstanding reservation$ (reservation 1) of this module. 2 SCRIPTC Displays the type, attributes, and text of one or more specified% VDE scripts from the VDE database. Format SHOW SCRIPT 3 Description< Scripts are used to tailor the processing of VDE to local@ requirements. The help text on the Script Commands available,@ and the description of the CREATE SCRIPT command provide moreD compl ete explanations of the uses and types of scripts available,@ and how particular scripts are selected using the script-type qualifiers.? The SHOW SCRIPT command can be used to display the type, theA script text, and various other attributes of the specified VDE> script, or to display a list of of all scripts that match a# particular module specification.= The /BRIEF, /FULL, and /TEXT qualifiers determine how much< information is displayed by the command. The command on lyC displays scripts that belongs to the default development stream.@ The /BRIEF and /FULL qaulifiers display information about theC specified script, and the /TEXT qualifier is used to display the$ contents of the specified script.? Scripts are specified by their types and, for most types, byA their module-name or facility-name templates. A compile script@ with the selection template [CODE]*.FOR, for example, is used@ to compile all modules of type FOR in facility CODE. However,C if there is also a compile script with the template [CODE]X.FOR,D then that more specific script is used to compile module X.FOR inD facility CODE while the more generically specified script is used1 for all other Fortran modules in the facility.A When you specify a module-name or facility-name parameter on aA script-selection qualifier, the SHOW SCRIPT command interprets> wildcard characters in that parameter in one of two ways toA select scripts for display. I f the command uses exact matching? to select scripts from the database, each wildcard character@ in the parameter must exactly match a wildcard character in aC script's template for the script to be displayed. If the commandC uses wildcard matching, each wildcard character in the parameter1 matches any characters in a script's template.D With exact matching, the qualifier /COMPILE=[CODE]*.FOR thus only@ displays the one compile script with the module-name templateC [CODE]*.FOR. However, with wildcard matching, the same qualifierB displays the two compile scripts with templates [CODE]*.FOR andC [CODE]X.FOR because the wildcard character (*) in the qualifierD matches both the asterisk (*) and the X in the script templates.@ As this example shows, exact matching can at most display one? script while wildcard matching can display many scripts. Use> the /EXACT_MATCH qualifier to request exact matching or theC /WILDCARD_MATCH qualifier to request wildcard matching; wildcard matching is the default.> When you use exact matching, you must specify a script-type> qualifier to select the script you want displayed. You mustB also specify the script segment number unless the default value applies.B Commands used within scripts are documented in Script Keywords,C while script functions are in Script Functions, and script typesC are in Script Types. For other script-related commands, also seeC CREATE SCRIPT, DELETE SCRIPT, EXTRACT SCRIPT, INVOKE SCRIPT, and MODIFY SCRIPT. 3 Qualifiers /ALLD Specifies that all scripts of all types for the default stream beB displayed. This qualifier may only be used if wildcard matching@ is specified (that is, if you do not specify the /EXACT_MATCHC qualifier). If no other script selection qualifier is specified,% this qualifier is used by default. /BRIEF@ Determines the information that is displayed for each script.@ The / BRIEF qualifier displays the type of each script and the@ module-name or facility-name specification that the script isB associated with. In addition to the information provided by the@ /BRIEF qualifier, the /FULL qualifier also lists the creationC date of the script, the name of the user who created the script," and the script's remark string.= The /TEXT qualifier is used to display the contents of the specified script.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /FULL? Determines the script information that is displayed for eachD script. The /BRIEF qualifier displays the type of each script andA the module-name or facility-name specification that the scriptA is associated with. In addition to the information provided byD the /BRIEF qualifier, the /FULL qualifier also lists the creationC date of the script, the name of the user who created the script," and the script's remark string.= The /TEXT qualifier is used to display the contents of the specified script.. Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default. /BUILDA Specifies that the default stream's BUILD script be displayed. /COMPILE /COMPILE=mod-nameC Specifies that the default stream's COMPILE scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /COPY /COPY=mod-name@ Specifies that the default stream's COPY scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /CREATE_FACILITYA Specifies that the default stream's CREATE_FACILITY scripts be displayed. /DELETE_GENERATION! /DELETE_GENERATION=mod-name@ Specifies that the default stream's DELETE_GENERATION scripts> matching the specified mod-name specification be displayed. /DIFFERENCES /DIFFERENCES=mod-nameC Specifies that the default stream's DIFFERENCES scripts matching5 the specified mod-name specification be displayed. /EXACT_MATCHD  Specifies the matching mode to use to select scripts for display.C The /EXACT_MATCH qualifier specifies that exact matching be usedA between the mod-name or fac-name parameter to your script-typeD qualifier and the selection template associated with each script.A The /WILDCARD_MATCH qualifier specifies that wildcard matchingB be used to select scripts. With exact matching, the SHOW SCRIPTC command will display at most one script. With wildcard matching, it may display many s cripts.B Of /EXACT_MATCH and /WILDCARD_MATCH, the latter is the default. /WILDCARD_MATCHD Specifies the matching mode to use to select scripts for display.C The /EXACT_MATCH qualifier specifies that exact matching be usedA between the mod-name or fac-name parameter to your script-typeD qualifier and the selection template associated with each script.A The /WILDCARD_MATCH qualifier specifies that wildcard matchingB be used to select scripts. With exact matching, the SHOW SCRIPTC command will display at most one script. With wildcard matching, it may display many scripts.B Of /EXACT_MATCH and /WILDCARD_MATCH, the latter is the default. /FETCH /FETCH=mod-nameA Specifies that the default stream's FETCH scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /INSERT_GENERATION! /INSERT_GENERATION=mod-name@ Specifies that the default stream's INSERT_GENERATION scripts> matching the specified mod-name specification be displayed. /LINK /LINK=mod-name@ Specifies that the default stream's LINK scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /NEW_STREAM /NEW_STREAM=fac-nameB Specifies that the default stream's NEW_STREAM scripts matching5 the specified fac-name specification be displayed. /NOKEEP /NOKEEP=mod-nameB Specifies that the default stream's NOKEEP scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /REPLACE /REPLACE=mod-nameC Specifies that the default stream's REPLACE scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /RESERVE /RESERVE=mod-nameC Specifies that the default stream's RESERVE scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /SEGMENT /SEGMENT=seg-numB Specifies the segment number of the script to display. The seg-B num parameter specifies the integer segment number. If you omit> this qualifier and request exact matching, VDE displays the@ script with segment number 10. If you omit this qualifier andC request wildcard matching, VDE displays scripts with all segment numbers. /SET_FACILITY /SET_FACILITY=fac-nameD Specifies that the default stream's SET_FACILITY scripts matching5 the specified fac-name specification be displayed. /SET_STREAM; Specifies that the default stream's SET_STREAM script be displayed. /STAGING /STAGING=mod-nameC Specifies that the default stream's STAGING scripts matching the1 specified mod-name specification be displayed. /TEXT@ Specifies that the text of the specified script be displayed. /TOTALD Shows the total number of scripts that match the specified script? type and module-name or facility-name templates. This is theC number of scripts that would be displayed if you omit the /TOTALD  qualifier but leave all other qualifiers the same on the command.? Other information about the individual scripts is not shown. /UNRESERVE /UNRESERVE=mod-nameA Specifies that the default stream's UNRESERVE scripts matching5 the specified mod-name specification be displayed. 3 Examples& 1.VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/COMPILE=[*]*.FOR3 Script to compile module [*]*.FOR (segment 10)6 Script to compile module [CODE]*.FOR (segment 10)6 Script to compile mod ule [CODE]X.FOR (segment 10)7 Script to compile module [ACCTNG]*.FOR (segment 9)8 Script to compile module [ACCTNG]*.FOR (segment 10)8 Script to compile module [ACCTNG]*.FOR (segment 20) VDE>D This example shows the brief output of the SHOW SCRIPT command.? Because this command uses wildcard matching by default, itC displays all compile scripts whose module-name templates match? the wildcarded string [*]*.FOR, including scripts with allA segment num bers. In this example, there are six scripts that match these criteria.: 2.VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/EXACT_MATCH/FULL/COMPILE=[CODE]*.FOR6 Script to compile module [CODE]*.FOR (segment 10); Script added to database on 9-DEC-1989 20:34:25.44; Script added to database by user JONES (John Jones)$ Remark: SCRIPT REMARK STRING VDE>C This example shows the full output of the SHOW SCRIPT command.? The script to compile Fortran modules in facility CODE wasA created by user Jones on the shown date and time. The outputB includes the script's remark string. Because the /EXACT_MATCHC qualifier is specified, only the compile script with the exact3 module-name template [CODE]*.FOR is displayed.3 3.VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/EXACT_MATCH/TEXT/NEW_STREAM=*; Script to create new stream for facility * (segment 5) Text of script:D 1: ! VDE script to populate the directories for a facility, 2: ! when a new stream is created. 3: !F 4: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG OLDOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%PARENT)G 5: EMIT "$ DEFINE/NOLOG NEWOBJ ", $DIR(OBJ,%CURRENT,%CURRENT)/ 6: EMIT "$ COPY OLDOBJ:*.OLB NEWOBJ:"> 7: EMIT "$ COPY ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%PARENT),"*.H -"7 8: EMIT " ",$DIR(SRC,%CURRENT,%CURRENT) 9: EXIT VDE>> This example displays a NEW_STREAM script for the default= development stream. The script applies to all facilitiesB (facility *) and its segment number is 5. The /TEXT qualifier< displays the actual text of the script on the terminal. 4.VDE> SHOW SCRIPT/TOTAL2 Number of scripts matching specifications: 17 VDE>D In this example, the /TOTAL qualifier displays the total numberA of scripts for the default stream. Because no script type is= specified, this count includes all scripts of all types. 2 SESSION= Displays the names and attributes of one or more specified reservation sessions. Format5 SHOW SESSION [session-name [, session-name...]] 3 Parameter session-name? The name of a reservation session whose attributes are to beB displayed. You can display more than one session using wildcard= characters in the session name. The percent sign (%) in a? session name matches any single character in the position itD occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters inA the position it occupies. Those sessions whose names match the" wildcard pattern are displayed.; Do not specify the session-name parameter if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.@ If you specify neither a session name nor the /IDENTIFICATION< qualifier, VDE displays all sessions in the VDE database.B If you do not specify a session name, VDE displays all sessions in the VDE database. 3 DescriptionC Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW SESSION commandD  displays either a one-line summary for each specified reservationD session or all database information for each session. The commandD can also show the total number of sessions that match a specified session name.D Sessions are used to group a set of module reservations together,@ typically to group all modules related to a particular source+ code alteration or enhancement together. 3 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=date-time< Displays only those sessi ons created before the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /BRIEFC Determines the information that is displayed about each session.< The /BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summary for each? session. The /FULL qualifier displays all available database information for each session.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /FULLC Determines the information that is displayed about each session.< The /BRIEF qualifier displays a one-line summary for each? session. The /FULL qualifier displays all available database information for each session.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=id-rangeC Specifies that the sessions with the unique Session Ids given byC the id-range parameter be displayed. Do not specify the session-. name parameter when you use this qualifier.> VDE assigns a unique Session Id to each reservation session@ for the VDE library. VDE assigns Session Ids in chronologicalB order so that the first session for the library has Id value 1,A the next has Id value 2, and so on. Session Ids share the same@ number space as Replacement Ids, so you should expect gaps inB the Session Ids. When you use this qualifier, all sessions thatC fit your other selection criteria and that have Id values in theC range given by the id-range parameter are displayed in ascending@ order by Session Id. This is the same as chronological order.@ The id-range parameter can be a single integer value, a range< of integers, or a wildcard character. If the parameter is= a single integer (for example, /IDENT=5), VDE displays the? session with that Session Id. If the parameter is a range ofA integers (specified as two integers separated by a colon as inA /IDENT=3:5), VDE displays the sessions with Ids in that range.> Finally, if the id-range parameter is the asterisk wildcard? character (as in /IDENT=*), VDE displays all sessions. To beD displayed, each session must also fit all selection criteria that% you specify with other qualifiers.; If you specify a zero or negative number in the id-rangeB parameter, that number is relative to the largest Session Id orB Replacement Id value for the VDE library (the latest session orB replacement). For example, if the latest session or replacement< has Id 250, then /IDENT=0 is equivalent to /IDENT=250 and) /IDENT=-1 is equivalent to /IDENT=249. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /SINCE /SINCE=date-timeA Displays only those sessions created at or after the specifiedA date and time. The date and time can be stated in the standardD OpenVMS date-time format or can be one of the following keywords:@ YESTERDAY, TODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separateC the date from the time, remember to enclose the entire date-timeD string in double quotes. For further information about specifying: OpenVMS date-time format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. /STREAM /STREAM[=stream-name]= Specifies that only those reservation sessions created for? the development stream given by the stream-name parameter be? displayed. If the stream-name parameter is omitted, sessionsA  for the default development stream are displayed. If the whole@ qualifier is omitted, sessions for all streams are displayed. /TOTAL@ Shows the total number of sessions that match each parameter.@ Other information about the individual sessions is not shown.@ A separate count is provided for each session-name parameter.C Wildcard characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier. /USERNAME /USERNAME[=username]> Specifies that on ly those reservation sessions created by aD given user be displayed. The username parameter gives the OpenVMSB username of that user. If you omit the username parameter, onlyD your own sessions are displayed. If you omit the whole qualifier,( sessions for all users are displayed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW SESSION> Reservation session FIX-SORT-BUG 28-JUN-1990 ANDERSON; Reservation session SMITH-1 25-JUN-1990 SMITH; Reservation session SMITH-2  27-JUN-1990 SMITH VDE>< This example shows the brief output of the SHOW SESSION> command. This output shows the session name, the date theA session was created, and the username of the user to whom it belongs.( 2.VDE> SHOW SESSION/FULL FIX-SORT-BUG% Reservation session FIX-SORT-BUG8 Session created by user ANDERSON (Andy Anderson)2 Session created on 28-JUN-1990 17:49:40.71" Session is for stream V2.0# Unique session number is 26 Reservations in session:) Reservation 1 of [SYS]SORT.PAS' Session contains 1 reservations' Remark: Fix bug in sort routine VDE>D This example shows the full output of the SHOW SESSION command,@ which includes all available information about the session. 3.VDE> SHOW SESSION/TOTAL* Number of sessions matching name *: 4 VDE>A This example shows that the /TOTAL qualifier can display the: total number of reservation sessions in the database. 2 STEP? Displays build-step dependency information for the specifiedA build steps. Build-step dependency information consists of the@ kind of each build step (compile, copy, or link), the name ofB the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by the step, andC the names of the modules that are inputs to and outputs from the build step. Format( SHOW STEP mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-nameD The  name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by the@ build step to be displayed. This name consists of an optional< facility name enclosed in square brackets, a module name,? and an optional type name preceded by a period (for example,C [FACNAM]MOD1.PAS). If no facility name is specified, the default? facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, all buildB steps with the specified module name in the stated facility are displayed.> You can display more th an one build step at a time by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.D Those build steps that compile, copy, or link modules whose names, match the wildcard pattern are displayed.= If no module-name parameter is specified, VDE displays allA build steps that compil e, copy, or link modules in the default facility. 3 DescriptionB The SHOW STEP command displays build dependency information forB the specified build steps. The command shows the kind (compile,> copy, or link) of each step, the name of the module that is? compiled, copied, or linked, and optionally the names of allD modules that are inputs or outputs of the step. This is the build@ dependency information that the BUILD command uses to perform@ minimal system builds and to determine sequencing constraintsD between build steps. The SHOW STEP command always displays build-7 step information for the default development stream. 3 Qualifiers /ALL? Displays compile steps, copy steps, link steps, or all stepsB for the specified modules. The /COMPILE qualifier displays onlyC compile steps; the /COPY qualifier displays only copy steps; theC /LINK qualifier displays only link steps; and the /ALL qualifier% displays all three kinds of steps.A Of /ALL, /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, the former is the default. /COMPILE? Displays compile steps, copy steps, link steps, or all stepsB for the specified modules. The /COMPILE qualifier displays onlyC compile steps; the /COPY qualifier displays only copy steps; theC /LINK qualifier displays only link steps; and the /ALL qualifier% displays all three kinds of steps.A Of /ALL, /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, the former is the default. /COPY? Dis plays compile steps, copy steps, link steps, or all stepsB for the specified modules. The /COMPILE qualifier displays onlyC compile steps; the /COPY qualifier displays only copy steps; theC /LINK qualifier displays only link steps; and the /ALL qualifier% displays all three kinds of steps.A Of /ALL, /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, the former is the default. /LINK? Displays compile steps, copy steps, link steps, or all stepsB for the specified modules. The /COMPILE qualifier displays onlyC compile steps; the /COPY qualifier displays only copy steps; theC /LINK qualifier displays only link steps; and the /ALL qualifier% displays all three kinds of steps.A Of /ALL, /COMPILE, /COPY and /LINK, the former is the default. /BRIEFB Determines the type of information that is displayed about each? specified build step. The /BRIEF qualifier displays only the? type of the build step (compile, copy, or link step) and the@ name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by theA step. The /FULL qualifier displays the same information as theD /BRIEF qualifier and also lists the names of all input and output@ modules for the build step. It also shows the total number of) input and output modules for the step.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /FULLB Determines the type of information that is displayed about each? specified build step. The /BRIEF qualifier displays only the? typ e of the build step (compile, copy, or link step) and the@ name of the module that is compiled, copied, or linked by theA step. The /FULL qualifier displays the same information as theD /BRIEF qualifier and also lists the names of all input and output@ modules for the build step. It also shows the total number of) input and output modules for the step.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /CHANGE_LEVELD Displays "change level" values for the inputs and o utputs of each@ build step if used with the /FULL qualifier. The change levelB of a module is an integer value that indicates how recently theA module has been updated for the default stream. Source modules@ are updated by the REPLACE command and certain other commandsB that affect the latest generation of the module for the stream.? (INSERT GENERATION is an example of such a command.) DerivedD modules are updated when rebuilt with the BUILD, COMPILE, or LINKD command. Module s that have been updated more recently have higher? change level values than modules that have been updated less recently.? You can use the change level values to determine whether theD output modules of a build step are up-to-date with respect to theA input modules. If the output modules are up-to-date, they have@ the same change level value as the largest change level valueD among the input modules. If some input module has a higher changeD level value than the output m odules, those output modules are notA up-to-date with respect to that input module. As a result, theC build step needs to be performed to propagate the changes to theC input module to the output modules. VDE uses this information toC determine what build steps to perform for minimal system builds. /TOTALB Shows the total number of build steps that match each specified? mod-name parameter. Other information about the steps is not> shown. Wildcard characters are usually used in the mod-name( parameters when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW STEP* Compile Step for module [CODE]FOO.MAR' Link Step for module [CODE]FOO.EXE( Link Step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE+ Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD1.FOR+ Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD2.FOR( Link Step for module [CODE]MOD4.EXE+ Compile Step for module [CODE]MOD4.FOR( Link Step for module [CODE]MOD6.EXE VDE>; This example illustrates th e SHOW STEP command withoutA parameters or qualifiers. Because no parameter is specified,C the command displays the default form of its output: all buildB steps for modules in the default facility (facility CODE) are displayed./ 2.VDE> SHOW STEP/FULL FOO/COMPILE, MOD1/LINK* Compile Step for module [CODE]FOO.MAR/ Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow! Inputs to the build step: Module [CODE]FOO.MAR$ Outputs from the build step: Module [CODE]FOO.OBJ- Build step has 1 inputs and 1 outputs( Link Step for module [CODE]MOD1.EXE/ Dependency links for stream V2.1 follow! Inputs to the build step: Module [CODE]MOD1.OBJ Module [CODE]MOD2.OBJ$ Outputs from the build step: Module [CODE]MOD1.EXE Module [CODE]MOD1.MAP- Build step has 2 inputs and 2 outputs VDE>> This command displays the compile step for module  FOO.MAR? and the link step for module MOD1.EXE, both in the currentB default facility (facility CODE). Because the /FULL qualifier@ is specified, the command displays all dependency links forC these build steps in the default stream, showing which modules4 are inputs to and outputs from each build step.2 3.VDE> SHOW STEP/FULL/CHANGE_LEVEL A.REQ, D.B32& Copy Step for module [FACIL]A.REQ/ Dependency links for stream MAIN follow! Inputs to the build step:3 Module [FACIL]A.REQ with change level 30$ Outputs from the build step:@ Module [FACIL]A.REQ with change level 30 (up-to-date)- Build step has 1 inputs and 1 outputs) Compile Step for module [FACIL]D.B32/ Dependency links for stream MAIN follow! Inputs to the build step:3 Module [FACIL]A.REQ with change level 303 Module [FACIL]D.B32 with change level 203 Module [FACIL]B.L32 with change level 39 $ Outputs from the build step:4 Module [FACIL]D.$OBJ with change level 393 Module [FACIL]D.ANA with change level 39- Build step has 3 inputs and 2 outputs VDE>B This example shows the output of the /CHANGE_LEVEL qualifier.C The change level value for module A.REQ is 30, and the "up-to-D date" tag shows that the copy step has been performed since theB last time module A.REQ was modified for stream MAIN. From theA perspective of the VDE builder, A.REQ is thus up-to-date forD the stream and the copy step is not needed for a minimal systemC build. The change level values for module D.B32 shows that theA outputs of the compile step (with change level value 39) areB up-to-date with respect to all the inputs to the step becauseB the inputs have change level values that are less or equal toC 39. In other words, no input module has changed since the last1 time the step was performed for stream MAIN. 2 STREAM= Displays the names and attributes of one or more specified development streams. Format2 SHOW STREAM [stream-name [, stream-name...]] 3 Parameter stream-nameC The name of a development stream whose name and other attributes are to be displayed.B You can display more than one stream using wildcard characters.< The percent sign (%) in a stream name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.; Those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.B If you do not specify a stream-name parameter, VDE displays all" streams in the current library. 3 DescriptionB Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW STREAM commandA displays the name of each selected stream, the name and remark> string of each stream, or the name and all other attributes@ of each stream. The command can also show the total number of2 streams that match a stream name specification. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEFD Determines the information that is displayed for each stream. TheA /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each stream that matches= the stream-name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifier displaysA the name and remark string of each stream. The /FULL qualifier= displays the name and all other attributes of each stream.9 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL, and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /NORMALD Determines the information that is displayed for each stream. TheA /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each stream that matches= the stream-name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifier displaysA the name and remark string of each stream. The /FULL qualifier= displays the name and all other attributes of each stream.9 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL, and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /FULLD Determines the information that is displayed for each stream. TheA /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each stream that matches= the stream-name parameters. The /NORMAL qualifier displaysA the name and remark string of each stream. The /FULL qualifier= displays the name and all other attributes of each stream.9 Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL, and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default. /DESCENDANTSD Displays all descendants of each specified stream. This qualifier> displays the name of each stream created from the specified> s tream (that is, whose parent is the specified stream), theB descendants of each such child stream, the descendants of those> descendants, and so on. The display is indented so that all? streams with the same parent are indented by the same amount under that parent. /OPENB Specifies that only streams with a certain status be displayed.D /OPEN specifies that open streams be displayed, /FROZEN specifies? that frozen streams be displayed, and /CLOSED specifies that< p ermanently closed streams be displayed. If you specify a? combination of these qualifiers, all streams with one of the? specified status values are displayed. If you omit all three> qualifiers, all streams are displayed regardless of status. /FROZENB Specifies that only streams with a certain status be displayed.D /OPEN specifies that open streams be displayed, /FROZEN specifies? that frozen streams be displayed, and /CLOSED specifies that< permanently closed streams be displayed. If you specify a? combination of these qualifiers, all streams with one of the? specified status values are displayed. If you omit all three> qualifiers, all streams are displayed regardless of status. /CLOSEDB Specifies that only streams with a certain status be displayed.D /OPEN specifies that open streams be displayed, /FROZEN specifies? that frozen streams be displayed, and /CLOSED specifies that< permanently closed streams be displayed. If you specify a? combination of these qualifiers, all streams with one of the? specified status values are displayed. If you omit all three> qualifiers, all streams are displayed regardless of status. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /QUEUE? Dislays the default batch queues to which build jobs for the@ specified stream are submitted. This information includes theB name of each batch queue used to run the build job, the processB count for each queue, and the total process count for the build job. /SUCCESSOR? Displays all successor chains of each specified stream. ThisC qualifier displays lists of streams separated by arrows (->) toB show how source changes are propagated from stream to stream by the REPLACE command. /TOTAL? Shows the total number of streams that match the stream-name@ parameters. Other information about the individual streams is? not shown. A separate count is provided for each stream-nameA parameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the stream-- name parameters when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW STREAM: Stream BASE-L EVEL-3 "Base level 3 for version 2.1"7 Stream V1.0 "Version 1.0 final release"< Stream V1.0-FT1 "Version 1 Field Test 1 release"< Stream V1.0-FT2 "Version 1 Field Test 2 release"< Stream V1.0-FT3 "Version 1 Field Test 3 release"= Stream V1.1 "Version 1.1 as finally released"7 Stream V2.0 "Version 2.0 final release": Stream V2.0-FT "Version 2 Field Test release" VDE>B This example illustrates the normal output of the SHOW STREAMC command. VDE lists all streams in the current VDE library (theC default when no stream name parameter is present) and displays0 the name and remark string for each stream. 2.VDE> SHOW STREAM/BRIEF Stream BASE-LEVEL-3 Stream V1.0 Stream V1.0-FT1 Stream V1.0-FT2 Stream V1.0-FT3 Stream V1.1 Stream V2.0 Stream V2.0-FT VDE>D This example shows the brief output of the SHOW STREAM command.4 VDE shows the name of each stream, but no more.' 3.VDE> SHOW STREAM/FULL BASE-LEVEL-3 Stream BASE-LEVEL-31 Stream created on 4-APR-1989 14:58:16.131 Stream created by user SMITH (Jane Smith) Parent stream is V2.0 Stream has no successors9 Stream is not part of the main development thread Stream cannot be deleted. CMS class is not maintained for stream- Replacements are immediate for stream# Stream is open for checkins< Default build-step delay interval: 0 00:00:03.22< Default build-job timeout interval: 0 00:45:05.00, Remark: Base level 3 for version 2.1 VDE>C This example shows the full output of the SHOW STREAM command. 4.VDE> SHOW STREAM/TOTAL V** Number of streams matching name V*: 7 VDE>C The /TOTAL qualifier displays the number of streams that matchA the name specification. In this case, the name specificationC (V*) matches all streams whose names begin with the letter V. There are 7 such streams.6 5.VDE> SHOW STREAM MAIN/DESCENDANTS/SUCCESSOR/QUEUE5 Stream MAIN "Main development stream" Descendant streams: MAIN (main) V1.0 (main) V1.0-1 V1.0-2 V1.0-3 V2.0 (main) V2.1-1 V2.1-2-BL1 SUBDIR_TEST  HICKORY Successor chains: MAIN -> V1.0 -> V2.0: Default build-job batch queues to run 1 processes:@ Submit 1 processes (scaled from 1) on queue SYS$BATCH VDE>B This example shows the output of the /DESCENDANT, /SUCCESSOR,@ and /QUEUE qualifiers. The /DESCENDANTS qualifier shows the? whole tree of descendants created, directly or indirectly,> from stream MAIN. The /SUCCESSOR qualifier shows that theA REPLACE command will propagate changes from stream MAIN intoA streams V1.0 and V2.0. The /QUEUE qualifier shows that buildD jobs for stream MAIN will submit one process to queue SYS$BATCH by default. 2 SYMBOL7 Displays all symbol definitions established with the@ DEFINE/COMMAND command. Such symbols are used for VDE command abbreviations. Format SHOW SYMBOL symbol-name 3 Parameter symbol-nameD Specifies the name of the symbol to show. If symbol-name includesC asterisks (*), each asterisk is treated as a wildcard character@ that matches zero or more characters. All symbols whose names( match the wildcard pattern are shown. 3 Description: The DEFINE/COMMAND command allows you to create command= abbreviations in the VDE command language. The SHOW SYMBOL9 command lets you see all the symbols you have defined. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples+ 1.VDE> DEFINE/COMMAND SM = "SHOW MODULE" VDE> SHOW SYMBOL SM Defined commands: SM = "SHOW MODULE" VDE>B In this example, the DEFINE/COMMAND command creates a commandC abbreviation that binds the string "SHOW MODULE" to symbol SM.A The SHOW SYMBOL command then displays the command definition for SM. 2.VDE> SHOW SYMBOL * Defined commands:9 SETSTRMFACIL = "SET STREAM MAIN; SET FACILITY RMS" SM = "SHOW MODULE" VDE>B The SHOW SYMBOL command contains a wildcard character for theC symbol name. As a result, the command displays the definitions of all defined symbols. 2 TERMINAL@ Displays the line width and page size that VDE uses to formatB terminal output. To change these settings, use the SET TERMINAL command. Format SHOW TERMINAL 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW TERMINAL/ Terminal page size: 50, Terminal width: 80 VDE>> The SHOW TERMINAL command shows that VDE currently uses aC page size of 50 lines and a line width of 80 columns to format output to the terminal. 2 USERB Displays the database records of specified users of the current VDE library. Format* SHOW USER [username [, username...]] 3 Parameter username> The OpenVMS username of an existing user of the current VDE5 library. VDE displays this user's database record.? You can displ ay information for many users by using wildcardB characters in the username. The percent sign (%) in a usernameC matches any single character in the position it occupies and theC asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position itD occupies. VDE displays all user records whose usernames match the wildcard pattern.= If you do not specify a username parameter or the /CURRENT< qualifier, VDE displays all user records in the database. 3 Description@ Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW USER command? displays the OpenVMS username, full name string, creator andB creation date of the user's database record, remark string, andA authorized and default privileges for each specified user. The? command also can show the total number of users that match a given username specification. 3 Qualifiers /BRIEF? Determines the type of information about the specified usersA that is displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier lists the username and> full name string of each user. The /FULL qualifier displaysA the same information as the /BRIEF qualifier and also the name@ of the creator of the user record and the date the record wasD created, the remark string, and the user's authorized and default privileges.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /FULL? Determines the type of information about the specified usersA that is displayed. The /BRIEF qualifier lists the username and> full name string of each user. The /FULL qualifier displaysA the same information as the /BRIEF qualifier and also the name@ of the creator of the user record and the date the record wasD created, the remark string, and the user's authorized and default privileges.2 Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default. /CURRENTC Displays the user record of the current user. Do not specify the0 username parameter if you use this qualifier. /OUTPUT  /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /TOTAL: Shows the total number of users that match the username@ parameters. Other information about the users is not shown. AC separate count is provided for each username parameter. WildcardD characters are usually used in the username parameters when using this qualifier. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW USER User DOE (John Doe)" User DOLOMITE (Rock Dolomite) User JONES (Frank Jones) User SMITH (Jane Smith) VDE>; This example illustrates the SHOW USER command withoutB parameters or qualifiers. The command lists the usernames and> full names of all users recorded in the current database. 2.VDE> SHOW USER SMITH, DO* User SMITH (Jane Smith) User DOE (John Doe)" User DOLOMITE (Rock Dolomite) VDE>D In this example, the SHOW USER command with username parameters= gives a brief listing for user SMITH and all users whose usernames begin with "DO". 3.VDE> SHOW USER SMITH/FULL User SMITH (Jane Smith)9 User added to database on 20-OCT-1988 17:56:23.835 User added to database by user DOE (John Doe)! Remark: OpenVMS Developer Default privileges: BUILD CREFAC CREMOD Authorized privileges:% BUILD CREFAC CREMOD CREUSR VDE>@ Here the /FULL qualifier lists all database information for user SMITH. 4.VDE> SHOW USER/TOTAL D*( Number of users matching name D*: 2 VDE>D This example shows how the /TOTAL qualifier lists the number ofD users whose usernames match a given name specification. In thisC  case, a username containing a wildcard character (D*) selectsD all users whose usernames begin with "D." The output shows that. there are two such users in the database. 2 VERIFY> Indicates whether command input is verified (echoed) at theA terminal before the input is executed. To enable verification, use the SET VERIFY command. Format SHOW VERIFY 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW VER IFY Not verifying commands VDE>? The SHOW VERIFY command shows that command verification is disabled. 2 VERSIONA Displays the VDE version string for the version of VDE you are running. Format SHOW VERSION 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SHOW VERSION1 Executing VDE for OpenVMS VAX Version V1.5-0 VDE>B The SHOW VERSION command displays what version of VDE you are running. ww7Lĵ1 SPAWNB Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of theA subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use theB SPAWN command to leave VDE temporarily, perform other functions7 (such as reading your mail), and then return to VDE. Format SPAWN [command] 2 Parameter command@ Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the createdD subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocess terminatesC and control is returned to the parent process. If this parameterC is not specified, a subprocess is created that transfers control to the DCL command level. 2 Qualifiers /INPUT /INPUT=filespec= Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL commandC strings to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specifyC a command string along with an input file, the command string isD processed before the commands in the input file. After processing- is complete, the subprocess is terminated. /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES (default) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES@ Specifies whether the logical names of the parent process areC copied to the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess toC use the logical names of the parent process, enter the qualifier /NOLOGICAL_NAMES. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filespec? Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWNC operation are written. If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, outputC is written by default to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. WheneverA you use the /NOWAIT qualifier, you should also use the /OUTPUTC qualifier to specify a new output destination. Doing so prevents= output from being displayed on your terminal while you are entering new VDE commands. /PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-name@ Specifies the name of the subprocess. The default name of the subprocess is USERNAME_n. /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS (default) /NOSYMBOLSD Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols. to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS. /WAIT /WAIT (default) /NOWAIT? Controls whether VDE waits until the subprocess is completed? before allowing more VDE commands to be entered. The /NOWAIT; qualifier allows you to enter new VDE commands while the? specified subprocess is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, youD should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to direct the output streamA to a file rather than to your terminal. Doing so prevents yourD terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously. 2 Examples 1.VDE> SPAWN $ SHOW TIME 24-MAR-1989 16:35:14 $ LOGOUT< Process JONES_1 logged out at 24-MAR-1989 16:35:17.37' %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned7 %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES VDE>C The SPA WN command without parameters creates a subprocess thatA prompts for DCL command input. The user enters the SHOW TIMEB command at the DCL prompt and the time is displayed. The userB then logs out of the subprocess, which returns control to the VDE session. 2.VDE> SPAWN SHOW TIME 15-OCT-1988 15:34:07' %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned7 %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES VDE>@ This example shows how to create a subprocess that executesA the DCL command SHOW TIME while you are using VDE. After theB command is completed, you are returned immediately to the VDE prompt. 3.VDE>SPAWN MAIL MAIL> READ/NEW . . . MAIL> EXIT' %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned7 %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process SMITH VDE>C This example shows how to create a subprocess that invokes theB OpenVMS MAIL Utility while you are in VDE. When you exit fromD the MAIL Utility, the subprocess disappears and the VDE> prompt returns.* 4.VDE> SPAWN /OUTPUT=TIME.DAT SHOW TIME' %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned7 %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process SMITH VDE> EXIT $ TYPE TIME.DAT 15-OCT-1988 15:34:07 $@ This example shows how to create a subprocess to invoke theC DCL command SHOW TIME while you are using the VDE Utility. TheB /OUTPUT qualifier specifies that the results of the SHOW TIME1 command be written to a file named TIME.DAT.) 5.VDE> SPAWN /NOLOGICAL_NAMES SET HOST _Node: MARS . . . $ LOGOUT CRAMMER logged out at ...1 %REM-S-END, control returned to node _BETA::' %VDE-I-SPAWNED, subprocess spawned7 %VDE-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES VDE>@ This example shows how to use the SPAWN command to create aC subprocess which uses the SET HOST command to log onto anotherC node. To leave node MARS and move back to node BETA, enter theD DCL command LOGOUT. The /NOLOGICAL_NAMES qualifier prevents theA logical names of the parent process from being copied to the subprocess. wwĵ1 START 2 BUILD_JOBD Starts the execution of a build job by submitting build processes to OpenVMS batch queues. Requires BUILD privilege. Format6 START BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]]  3 Parameter stream-nameA The name of a development stream. The most recent build job in this stream is started.C You can start build jobs for more than one development stream byA using wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent signA (%) in a name matches any single character in the position itA occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters@ in the position it occupies. Build jobs are started for those2 streams whose names match the wildcard pattern.D If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE starts the most recent$ build job for the default stream. 3 Description? The START BUILD_JOB command starts the most recently createdD build job in each stream that matches the specified stream names.2 (To create a build job, use the BUILD command.)C To start a build job, the START BUILD_JOB command submits one orB more batch jobs to the OpenVMS batch queues associated with theA build job. Then eac h batch job runs a program called VDE$BUILD@ that executes the build steps belonging to the build job. TheA steps are executed in a loop until all the steps are done. The< VDE$BUILD program does the following for each build step:> o The program looks in the database for the next availableA build step. (A build step is available if it is not waiting= for another step to complete.) If no step is available,@ the program waits a few seconds before looking for another  available build step.A o When the program finds a build step to run, it looks up theB VDE script for that step and, from the script, generates theA DCL commands needed to run the step. The program then sendsD the DCL commands to a subprocess that executes the build step,) and waits for the step to complete.B o After the step completes, the program records the completion: status of the step in the database. A step completes? either successfully or with errors. If the step completesC successfully, the program updates the step's build dependencyD information in the database and then looks for another step to perform.? By running this program in many processes simultaneously for? a single build job, you can distribute the execution of your? build across several processors (whether in a single machine> or in multiple machines in a cluster). The /QUEUE qualifierA specifies the batch queues to run the build  job. The /PROCESS_> COUNT qualifier specifies the total number of processes VDE8 submits to the batch queues performing the build job.: If you specify the /QUEUE and /PROCESS_COUNT qualifiers? with the START BUILD_JOB command, they override any previousC specifications. If you do not specify them with the START BUILD_? JOB command, VDE uses the queues and process count specifiedD with the BUILD command that created the build job. If neither wasD specified with the BUILD command, VDE uses the default queues and process count for the stream.C You cannot start a build job that is currently running. However,> you can suspend such a build job with the SUSPEND BUILD_JOBA command and then restart it using the START BUILD_JOB command.@ (This is useful, for example, if you want to change the batchD queues running the build job.) Also, you cannot start a build job( that has already completed execution. 3 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER=date-timeD Indicates that the build job begins execution after the specifiedB date and time. The date and time are stated in standard OpenVMS@ date-time syntax. This qualifier specifies the start time for5 each of the batch jobs that execute the build job. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ build job started. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printB a message for each build job asking whether you want that buildC job started. If you answer YES (or Y), the build job is started.= If you answer NO (or N), the build job is not started. The? /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to start the specified build( jobs without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG= Controls whether log messages are printed after each buildA job has started. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to beC printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages= indicate that the build job has started and shows how many? processes have been submitted to each batch queue associated with the build job. /PROCESS_COUNT /PROCESS_COUNT=proc-count? Specifies the total number of processes to execute the build= job. VDE creates the processes by submitting batch jobs toA the queues specified by the /QUEUE qualifier or to the defaultB queues for the default stream. The number of processes that VDEA c reates (that is, the number of OpenVMS batch jobs it submits)B is specified with the proc-count parameter. This parameter thusB specifies the degree of parallelism you want for the build job. /QUEUE* /QUEUE=(queue-name [,queue-name...])< Specifies the OpenVMS batch queues to which the build job> is submitted. Each queue-name parameter specifies one batch@ queue. The queue-name parameter may optionally be followed byB a process count in parentheses. This count specif ies the numberA of processes started on the queue that runs the build job. For? example, SYS$BATCH(3) causes three build-job processes to beA submitted to queue SYS$BATCH. If the process count is omitted,) one process is submitted to the queue.D If you only specify one queue-name parameter, the parentheses may be omitted.> If you also use the /PROCESS_COUNT qualifier, the /PROCESS_A COUNT qualifier states the total number of build-job processes> to create. In that case, the process-counts attached to theD queue-name parameters on the /QUEUE qualifier are used as scalingA factors to distribute the build-job processes among the queuesC proportionally. For example, if you specify queues HI_BATCH, HO_B BATCH(3) and a total process count of eight, then two processesA are submitted to queue HI_BATCH and six processes to queue HO_D BATCH. If the total process count does not divide evenly into theD sum of the scaling factors, the remaining proce sses are allocatedA to the queues in the order the queues are listed. If the total? process count is nine, for example, the one extra process is@ allocated to queue HI_BATCH because HI_BATCH is listed first. 3 Examples 1.VDE> START BUILD_JOBJ %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 15 for stream V2.0-3 consists of 25 stepsC %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job 15 for stream V2.0-3D %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 549 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHO Job VDEBUILD _0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 549) started on FOO_BATCHD %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 550 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHO Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue CLUSTER_BATCH, entry 550) started on PHI_BATCHR %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTED, build job 15 for stream V2.0-3 started with 2 processes VDE>B This command starts the most recent build job for the defaultD development stream, in this case, build job 15 for stream V2.0-B 3. Two batch processes are submitted, one to batch queue FOO_& BATCH and one to queue PHI_BATCH.J 2.VDE> START BUILD_JOB V5.3/AFTER=15:00/PROCESS_COUNT=1/QUEUE=SYS$BATCHG %VDE-I-BLDJOBSIZ, build job 12 for stream V5.3 consists of 2 stepsA %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTING, starting build job 12 for stream V5.3N %VDE-I-BLDJOBAFTER, build job to be started after 12-JUL-1989 15:00:00.00D %VDE-I-BLDJOBENT, entry number 583 submitted to queue SYS$BATCHV Job VDEBUILD_0001 (queue FOO_BATCH, entry 583) holding until 12-JUL-1989 15: 00P %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTARTED, build job 12 for stream V5.3 started with 1 processes VDE>A This example starts the most recent build job (build job 12)C for stream V5.3. The /AFTER qualifier specifies that the batch? job starts after 15:00 hours (3:00 pm) of the current day.C The /PROCESS_COUNT and /QUEUE qualifiers specify that a singleD batch job is submitted to queue SYS$BATCH to run the build job.; The log messages show that this happened as requested. ww ĵ1 STOP 2 BUILD_JOBD Stops the execution of an existing build job. A stopped build job cannot be restarted. Requires BUILD privilege. Format5 STOP BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]] 3 Parameter stream-nameB The name of a development stream. The most recent build job for this stream is stopped.< You can stop build jobs for more than one stream by usingC wildcard characters in the stream name. T he percent sign (%) inB a name matches any single character in the position it occupies? and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in theA position it occupies. Build jobs are stopped for those streams* whose names match the wildcard pattern.C If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE stops the most recent$ build job for the default stream. 3 DescriptionC The STOP BUILD_JOB command stops the most recently created buildA job for each stream that matc hes a specified stream name. WhenC a build job is stopped, it is marked as stopped in the database.? Any processes executing the build job stop executing as soonB as they read the new job status from the database. This command@ stops a build job permanently: it can never be restarted. Use? the STOP BUILD_JOB command to stop a running build job or to> mark an existing build job as stopped (even if it has neverA been started). After the most recent build job for a stream isB   stopped, you are free to create a new build job for that streamD because the stopped job cannot execute and interfere with the new job.D You cannot stop a build job that has already been stopped or thatD has already completed execution. Because such jobs cannot execute( again, there is no need to stop them. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ build job stopped. The  /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to printB a message for each build job asking whether you want that buildC job stopped. If you answer YES (or Y), the build job is stopped.= If you answer NO (or N), the build job is not stopped. TheC /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to stop the specified build jobs# without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGA Controls whether log messages are printed after each build jobD is stopped. The /LOG qualifier ca uses such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicate< that the build job has been stopped and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> STOP BUILD_JOB> %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTOP, build job 15 for stream V2.0-3 stopped VDE>A This command stops the most recent build job for the defaultC development stream. In this case, the default stream is V2.0-33 and its most recent build job is build job 15. 2.VDE> STOP BUILD_JOB V5.3< %VDE-I-BLDJOBSTOP, build job 12 for stream V5.3 stopped VDE>? This command stops the most recent build job for specified stream V5.3. 2 SUBPROCESS@ Stops the subprocess that VDE uses to execute the DCL commandD files it generates from VDE scripts. VDE automatically terminates? this subprocess when you exit from VDE (or from the VDE keptC subprocess), but this command allows you to explicitly termin!ate> the script subprocess in order to reduce the number of open subprocesses you have. Format STOP SUBPROCESS 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Examples 1.VDE> STOP SUBPROCESS> This command stops the subprocess VDE uses to execute DCL, command files generated by VDE scripts. ww:Wĵ 1 SUSPEND 2 BUILD_JOB? Suspends the execution of an existing build job. A suspended build job can be restarted. Requires BUILD privilege. Format8 SUSPEND BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]] 3 Parameter stream-nameB The name of a development stream. The most recent build job for this stream is suspended.? You can suspend build jobs for more than one stream by usingC wildcard characters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) inB a name matches any single character in the position it occupies? and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in theC position it occupies. Build jobs are suspended for those streams* whose names match the wildcard pattern.? If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE suspends the most+ recent build job for the default stream. 3 DescriptionC The SUSPEND BUILD_JOB command suspends the most recently createdB build job for each stream that matches a specified stream name.B When a build job is suspended, it is marked as suspended in theA database. Any processes executing the build job stop executing? as soon as they read the new job status from the database. AB suspended build job is not permanently stopped, however: it can? be restarted with a START BUILD_JOB command. Use the SUSPENDA BUILD_JOB command to temporarily stop a running build job; youA can restart the suspended job later or restart it on differentB batch queues. You should also suspend a build job if one of the@ nodes it is running on fails; suspending a build job and then@ restarting it allows the build steps that were running on the failed node to reexecute.@ You can only suspend a build job that is currently queued for@ execution or running. There is no need to suspend a build jobA that has not yet been started or that has completed execution. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want eachD build job suspended. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print aD message for each build job asking whether you want that build jobC suspended. If you answer YES (or Y), the build job is suspended.? If you answer NO (or N), the build job is not suspended. TheA /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to suspend the specified build( jobs without asking for confirmation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Controls whether log messages are printed after each build job isC suspended. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printedD and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. These messages indicateD that the build job is suspended and that the database transaction has successfully committed. 3 Examples 1.VDE> SUSPEND BUILD_JOB@ %VDE-I-BLDJOBSUSP, build job 15 for stream V2.0-3 suspended VDE>D This command suspends the most recent build job for the defaultD development stream, in this case, build job 15 for stream V2.0- 3. 2.VDE> SUSPEND BUILD_JOB V5.3> %VDE-I-BLDJOBSUSP, build job 12 for stream V5.3 suspended VDE>? This command suspends the most recent build job for stream8 V5.3. The stream name is specified in this example. ww_}ĵ 1 UNRESERVE9 Cancels one or more module reservations in the default development stream. Requires RESREP privilege. Format( UNRESERVE mod-name [, mod-name...] 2 Parameter mod-nameA Specifies one or more source module s whose reservations are to@ be canceled. The module name consists of an optional facilityC name enclosed in square brackets, a module name, and an optional? type name preceded by a period (such as [FACIL]MOD1.MAR). If@ the facility name is omitted, the module is assumed to belongC to the default facility. If the type name is omitted, all sourceC modules with the specified module name in the given facility are unreserved.= You can cancel reservations for more than one m odule using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.@ The source modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are unreserved.A You can also unreserve multiple modules by specifying the name@ of a source group instead of a module name. Source groups are@ created wit h the CREATE GROUP command. If you specify a groupA name, each module that is a member of the group is unreserved. 2 DescriptionA The UNRESERVE command cancels an existing reservation for eachB specified module. Each module must be a source module currently? reserved with the RESERVE command. The module reservation is4 canceled only for the default development stream.> If you have more than one reservation of a module, you must? specify the exact reservation to be rep laced. You do this by@ using the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. Use the SHOW RESERVATION? command to determine the identification of each reservation.C To cancel another user's reservation, you must use the /USERNAMED qualifier to specify the OpenVMS username of that other user. YouC must have the USERNAME privilege to use the /USERNAME qualifier.> Reservations created by the CREATE MODULE command cannot beD canceled with the UNRESERVE command. To cancel the reservation(s)=  and delete these module(s), use the DELETE MODULE command. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default)> Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want each@ module unreserved. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to print@ a message for each module that you specify asking whether you? want to unreserve that module. If you answer YES (or Y), theD reservation is canceled. If you answer NO (or N), the reservationD is not canceled. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to unreserve9 each specified module without asking for confirmation. /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=res-ident= Specifies the reservation that is canceled. This qualifier> is required when you have multiple reservations of the same? module in the default stream. The res-ident parameter is the< reservation identifier of the reservation to be replaced.= The reservation identifier is a small integer value or theC identifier you specified when reserving the module. Use the SHOWA RESERVATION command to determine the reservation identifier of each reservation. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGA Controls whether log messages are printed after each module isC unreserved. The /LOG qualifier causes the messages to be printedB and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate= that each module has been unreserved and that the database* transaction has successfully committed. /SESSION /SESSION=session-nameD Sessions are used to logically group a set of module reservationsC together, typically to group all modules related to a particular@ source code alteration or enhancement together. It allows all> component modules reserved to be treated as a single entity? for subsequent replacement operations. A session also allows= additional modules to be reserved and incorporated into an$ existing session at a later time.C The /SESSION qualifier causes all module reservations comprising> the session-name reservation session are canceled, and that? the session be deleted from the VDE database. If you specify@ this qualifier, you cannot specify mod-name parameters on the UNRESERVE command.C Sessions can be manipulated via the REPLACE, RESERVE, UNRESERVE,@ MODIFY SESSION, MODIFY RESERVATION, CREATE MODULE, and CANCEL= SESSION commands. And modules created by CREATE MODULE (on? a queued-replacement stream ) and reserved via RESERVE can be" combined into the same session. /STREAM /STREAM=stream-name@ Specifies that the modules be unreserved from the developmentB stream given by the stream-name parameter. If this qualifier isC omitted, the modules are unreserved from the default development@ stream. If this qualifier is omitted and no default stream is0 defined, VDE prompts you for the stream name. /USERNAME /USERNAME=usernameC Specifies that !another user's reservation is to be canceled. TheD username parameter is the OpenVMS username of the other user. You: must have the USERNAME privilege to use this qualifier. 2 Examples" 1.VDE> UNRESERVE [FACIL]FOO.MARF %VDE-I-UNRESERVED, reservation for module [FACIL]FOO.MAR canceledC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>D This example cancels an existing reservation for module FOO.MARB in facility FACIL. The log messages" show that the reservation was successfully canceled. 2.VDE> UNRESERVE MOD1F %VDE-I-UNRESERVED, reservation for module [COPY]MOD1.PAS canceledC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed VDE>A This command cancels the reservations for all source modules? called MOD1 in the current default facility, COPY. BecauseA there is only one such module, MOD1.PAS, the reservation for that module is canceled.4 3.VDE> UNRESERVE/IDEN #TIFICATION=2/CONFIRM FOO.MAR0 Unreserve module [FACIL]FOO.MAR ? [No]: YESF %VDE-I-UNRESERVED, reservation for module [FACIL]FOO.MAR canceledC %VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedD In this example, reservation 2 of module FOO.MAR in the current@ default facility is canceled. The /IDENTIFICATION qualifierB is required if you have more than one reservation of the sameB module at the same time. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE to@ ask f$or confirmation before unreserving the module. In thisC case, the user answers "YES", and the reservation is canceled. wwĵ 1 VERIFY 2 GENERATION? Verifies that a specified set of module generations exist in> the corresponding CMS libraries and optionally recovers anyD missing generations. This command thus ensures that CMS librariesA within the VDE library are consistent with the contents of the VDE database. Format0 VERIFY GE%NERATION mod-name [, mod-name...] 3 Parameter mod-nameA The name of a module whose generations are to be verified. The= module name consists of an optional facility name enclosed? in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type name= preceded by a period. An example is [FACIL]MOD1.PAS. If noB facility name is specified, the default facility is assumed. IfC no type name is specified, all modules with the specified module+ name in the given facility ar &e verified.? You can verify generations for more than one module by using< wildcard characters in any of the three components of theB module name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches any single= character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*)? matches zero or more characters in the position it occupies.? Generations for those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are verified.C If you omit the mod-name parameter, VDE verifies generations for' ' all modules in the default facility. 3 DescriptionB The VERIFY GENERATION command verifies that the generations you@ specify actually exist in the CMS libraries belonging to yourA VDE library. This command should be used if there is reason toB think that one or more CMS libraries in the VDE library may notB be consistent with the VDE database. Such a situation can ariseC any time you have had to restore the VDE library's database fromB back-up files or its CMS librar(ies from back-up tapes. Provided> you have enabled journalling, the VDE database can be fullyC recovered after a failure up to and including the last completedA database transaction before the failure. However, the contents? of the associated CMS libraries cannot be recovered past theC last available back-up. If you back up your disks daily, the CMSC libraries may thus be as much as a day out of date. As a result,B the CMS libraries may be missing generations created by REPLA )CED or PERFORM REPLACEMENT commands that were entered after that lastB back-up, while the VDE database contains up-to-date information about those generations.? The VERIFY GENERATION command therefore assumes that the VDE? database contains correct information about what generationsC should be found in the CMS libraries for your VDE library. If itB finds any differences between the generations that the databaseA says ought to exist and the generations that actually exist * inD the CMS libraries, VDE prints a message for each such generation.D Optionally, VDE can also print a message for each generation that was correctly found.? If you specify the /RECOVER qualifier, the VERIFY GENERATIONB command will attempt to recover any missing generations. If theB missing generations were created by REPLACE commands and if theC replacements were queued, VDE retrieves the text of each missingC generation from the staging area for the queued replaceme +nt that> created the generation. The retrieved text is then insertedA into the CMS library. For immediate replacements, VDE does notC maintain staging areas, but if you have a file that contains theA text of a missing generation, you can specify that the missing? generation be recovered from that file. Using either the VDE> staging areas or files you explicitly specify, the /RECOVERB qualifier thus allows you to repair any inconsistencies between* the VDE database and its ,CMS libraries.> The VERIFY GENERATION command is usually used with wildcard@ characters in the module name parameters because you normally@ want to verify all generations in a specific facility (if theB CMS library for that facility was restored from a back-up tape)@ or all generations for all facilities (if your whole disk wasB restored). To speed up the verification, you can use the /SINCEA qualifier to verify and recover only those generations created0 since the back-up d-ate for the CMS libraries. 3 Qualifiers /GENERATION /GENERATION=gen-exprC Specifies that the generation with the CMS generation expressionA given by the gen-expr parameter be verified. When you use this? qualifier, you would normally not use wildcard characters inA the module name parameter. If you specify an asterisk (*) forB the gen-expr parameter or if you omit the entire qualifier, VDE6 verifies all generations for each specified module. /L.OG /LOG /NOLOG (default)= Controls whether log messages are printed for successfully@ verified generations. The /LOG qualifier causes such messagesA to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The log messages forD generations that are not successfully verified are always printed, and are not affected by these qualifiers. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specB Directs the printed output of this command to a specified file.> The file-spec parameter specifi/es the name of the file. VDEA creates a new file with that name, directs the command's printD output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this< qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal. /RECOVER /RECOVER[=file-spec]C Specifies that each generation that is found in the VDE database< but is missing in the corresponding CMS library should be< recovered into the CMS library. If you omit the file-spec@ parameter, VDE recovers each mi 0ssing generation by taking its= text from the staging area for the queued replacement that? created the generation, provided such a staging area exists.C You should omit the file-spec parameter when you want to recoverB all missing generations for a given set of facilities and those0 generations are available from staging areas.D If you specify the file-spec parameter, VDE recovers each missing@ generation by taking its text from the file specified by thatA parameter. If t1he parameter specifies a directory name withoutB a file name, VDE assumes that the file has the same name as the@ module being recovered. When you use the file-spec parameter,D you would normally also use the /GENERATION qualifier to identifyA the specific generation to recover and you would omit wildcardD characters in the module name parameter. You should use the file-? spec parameter when you want to recover an individual module: generation that cannot be found in VDE's stag2ing areas.1 This qualifier requires the PERFREP privilege. /SINCE /SINCE=date-time? Verifies (and if requested, recovers) only those generations@ created on or after the specified date and time. The date and> time can be stated in the standard OpenVMS date-time format@ or can be one of the following keywords: YESTERDAY, TODAY, orC TOMORROW. If you use a space to separate the date from the time,D remember to enclose the entire date-time string in double quote3s.= For further information about specifying OpenVMS date-time( format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts. 3 Examples( 1.VDE> VERIFY GENERATION [FACIL]*/LOGJ %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]A.REQ;1(1) found in CMS libraryL %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]A.REQ;2(1A1) found in CMS libraryJ %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]A.REQ;2(2) found in CMS libraryJ %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]B.REQ;1(1) found in CMS libraryQ %VDE-I-GENNOTFOUNDC 4MS, generation [FACIL]B.REQ;2(2) not found in CMS libraryN %VDE-I-ELENOTFOUNDCMS, element [FACIL]C.B32;1(1) not found in CMS libraryJ %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]D.B32;1(1) found in CMS libraryJ %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]E.B32;1(1) found in CMS libraryJ %VDE-I-GENFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]F.B32;1(1) found in CMS library Summary statistics:< Number of generations successfully verified: 7< Number of CMS elements not found: 5 1< Number of CMS generations not found: 1< Total number of generations scanned: 9 VDE>? This example verifies all generations in facility FACIL toD make sure that each such generation is found in the CMS libraryB for that facility. The /LOG qualifier causes VDE to print logC messages for the generations that are successfully verified asB well as those that are missing. In this case, generation 2 ofD B.REQ 6 is not found in the CMS library and the whole CMS elementA for module C.B32 is missing. The summary statistics indicateC that seven generations were successfully verified and two were not.4 2.VDE> VERIFY GENERATION/SINCE=TODAY/RECOVER [*]*Q %VDE-I-GENNOTFOUNDCMS, generation [FACIL]B.REQ;2(2) not found in CMS libraryM %VDE-I-GENRECOVERED, generation [FACIL]B.REQ;2(2) successfully recoveredB from DISK$:[LIBDIR.VDE$STAGE.VDE$STG_0.VDE$REP_3.FACIL]B.REQ;N % 7VDE-I-ELENOTFOUNDCMS, element [FACIL]C.B32;1(1) not found in CMS libraryG %VDE-I-GENNOTRECOVERED, generation [FACIL]C.B32;1(1) not recoveredM -VDE-I-GENNOTQUEREPL, replacement was not queued; no staging area exists Summary statistics:< Number of generations successfully verified: 7< Number of CMS elements not found: 1< Number of CMS generations not found: 1< Total number of generations scanned: 9< 8 Number of generations recovered: 1< Number of generations not recovered: 1 VDE>= This example verifies all generations created since last? midnight in all facilities. Because the /RECOVER qualifierB is specified, VDE recovers all missing generations from theirA queued-replacement staging areas and inserts them into theirA CMS libraries. In this example, generation 2 of module B.REQD was successfully recovered fr 9om its staging directory. However,D generation 1 of C.B32 could not be recovered because no stagingB area exists for the replacement that created that generation.D This example illustrates a typical recovery operation after theD disk containing your VDE library has been restored from back-upC tapes and the VDE database has been recovered from its back-up and journal files.N 3.VDE> VERIFY GENERATION [SYS]FOO.MAR/GENERATION=10A2/RECOVER=DISK$:[MYDIR]R %VDE-I- :ELENOTFOUNDCMS, element [SYS]FOO.MAR;12(10A2) not found in CMS libraryQ %VDE-I-GENRECOVERED, generation [SYS]FOO.MAR;12(10A2) successfully recovered from DISK$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR; Summary statistics:< Number of generations successfully verified: 0< Number of CMS elements not found: 1< Number of CMS generations not found: 0< Total number of generations scanned: 1< Number of generations recovered: ; 1< Number of generations not recovered: 0 VDE>? This example verifies generation 10A2 of module FOO.MAR in> facility SYS. Because that generation is missing from theA CMS library in this example, VDE recovers its text from fileA DISK$:[MYDIR]FOO.MAR and inserts it into the CMS library forD facility SYS. This example thus illustrates how you can recoverC a specific missing generation when the generation is not foundC< in any VDE staging area but happens to be available elsewhere. ww=bĵ 1 VersionB This is the HELP library for the VDE and the VSC utilities, for VDE Version 1.5-0. wwbĵ1 WAIT 2 BUILD_JOB/ Waits for an existing build job to complete. Format" WAIT BUILD_JOB [stream-name] 3 Parameter stream-nameB The name of a development stream. VDE waits for the most recentD build job in this stream to = complete. If you omit the stream-nameC parameter, VDE waits for the completion of the most recent build job in the default stream. 3 DescriptionA The WAIT BUILD_JOB command waits for the most recently createdD build job in the specified stream to complete. The command checks? the status of the build job in the database every 15 secondsD until the build job is marked as completed. A build job is marked6 as completed in any of the following circumstances:$ o the >job completes successfully# o the job completes with errors% o the job is stopped or suspendedB o the job times out (is automatically stopped) because of lack of progressB Use the WAIT BUILD_JOB command in batch jobs that must wait forC the completion of a build job before another task can begin, for2 example, before printing the status of the job.@ The WAIT BUILD_JOB command stops waiting automatically if theA build job does not complete within a certai?n interval. You canA specify that interval with the /TIMEOUT qualifier. The default timeout interval is 12 hours.? If you use the WAIT BUILD_JOB command interactively, you can@ abort the wait by pressing CTRL/C. Expect a delay of up to 15& seconds before CTRL/C takes effect. 3 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are printed when VDE begins andC ends the waiting period. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages@B to be printed and the /NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The log@ message at the beginning of the waiting period indicates whatB build job VDE is waiting for. The log message at the end of the? wait indicates that the build job completed or that the wait! exceeded the timeout interval. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=time-interval@ Specifies the timeout interval for the wait. If the build jobB does not complete in this interval, VDE ends the waiting period? and prints a Alog message to that effect. Specify the timeout> interval using the following syntax to denote the number of/ hours, minutes, and seconds in the interval: hh:mm:ss.ss@ If this qualifier is not specified, the command ends after 12 hours. 3 Examples 1.VDE> WAIT BUILD_JOB< Waiting until build job 34 for stream MAIN completes...< Build job 34 for stream MAIN has successfully completed VDE>= This command waits for the most recent build job for Bthe? default stream to complete, in this case, build job 34 for? stream MAIN. The second log message, printed after the job= finished, indicates that the job completed successfully.* 2.VDE> WAIT BUILD_JOB/TIMEOUT=5:00 V5.3< Waiting until build job 33 for stream V5.3 completes...> Timeout interval has expired (interval: 0 00:05:00.00) VDE>@ This command waits for the most recent build job for stream? V5.3. The timeout interval is 5 minutes. In thiCs case, the@ timeout interval expired before the build job completed, as) indicated by the second log message. wwĵ 1 OverviewA OpenVMS Development Environment VDE is the OpenVMS Development= Environment package, and is used to manage the source codeB libraries used for the OpenVMS operating system, and the source1 code libraries for a number of other products.C This section provides an overview of the various features of theB VDE utility D, and a basic introduction to the structure of a VDEB library. The information here is not a substitute for reviewingC the Guide to Using VDE and the VDE Reference Manual - please see9 the Documentation topic for pointers to these manuals.B VDE libraries are heirarchical in nature: each library containsB the streams, streams contain facilities, and facilities contain@ modules. The modules are the source files that are associated with each project.@ VDE streams can be se Et up to allow all module replacements toC be immediately copied into the VDE libraries, or the streams canA be set up to queue the replacements internally after the users@ replace modules in the stream. The queued replacement settingB allows one or more designated individuals to review the changesD made by the user, and allows the project leader(s) to release the4 changes into the library at the appropriate time.? Changes to the source code in a module in one release streamAF can be propogated to other streams automatically, assuming theA changes are not blocked by and do not require a "fold" becauseA of another change to the module in a later release stream. For, information on folds, see the fold topic. wwĵ1 Hints? This section contains hints on the various tasks users might7 perform in VDE, and the commands that might be used:D o Showing available libraries and selecting a target VDE library? using the SET GLIBRARY command. To list all predefined VDE@ libraries, use the SET LIBRARY command with no parameters;B to select a particular VDE library, use the library mnemonicB or the OpenVMS database directory path as the parameter on a% subsequent SET LIBRARY command.C o Locating development streams, available facilities, and lists? of modules using the SHOW STREAM, SHOW FACILITY, and SHOW MODULE commands.C o Reserving, replacing, fetching, and unreserving Hmodules usingB the RESERVE, REPLACE, FETCH, and UNRESERVE commands. CurrentB reservation status can be examined with the SHOW RESERVATIONC command. Module reservations can be grouped together and thenC manipulated as a group using VDE "sessions"; commands include9 RESERVE/SESSION, REPLACE/SESSION, and SHOW SESSION.? o Creating new modules, creating new marker files, updating@ module characteristics, and marking particular generations@ of old modules I as obsolete using the CREATE MODULE, CREATEB MODULE/MARKER, MODIFY MODULE, and MODIFY GENERATION/OBSOLETED commands. VDE may require the specification of both the CREATE? MODULE (or CREATE MODULE/MARKER) command and a subsequent> REPLACE command to create a new module, depending on the target stream.= o Customizing your own VDE environment using the VDE$INITC initialization file, by setting up default names for commonly? accessed facilities and stre Jams using the CREATE CONTEXT,C MODIFY CONTEXT, SET CONTEXT and SET CONTEXT/DEFAULT commands,? by setting up shorthand commands using the DEFINE/COMMANDA command, by setting up key definitions using the DEFINE/KEYC command, and by declaring your prefered text editor using the SET EDITOR command.D o Reviewing the various changes made by other users via the SHOWD REPLACEMENT command, via the REVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem, and= the ACCEPT REPLACEMENT a Knd REJECT REPLACEMENT commands.B o A user can determine the names and the locations of the pre-D defined VDE libraries by issuing a SET LIBRARY command withoutD a library name parameter-the message displayed by this command> will include the mnemonic names, location and associated, remark for each preconfigured library.@ o A user can take advantage of the automatic SET LIBRARY keyC definitions configured for the predefined libraries-these SET@ LIBRARY Ldefinitions are associated with the F17, F18, F19,B and F20 keys, and allow access to the first twelve libraries? in conjunction with the PF1 "gold" key and the PF4 "blue"> keys. To connect to the first VDE library in the list ofA preconfigured libraries, press F17. Press PF1-F17, PF1-F20,C and PF4-F17 for the fifth, eighth, and ninth libraries in the list, respectively.? o A user can add new or change existing VDE key definitions? using the VDE in Mitialization file (VDE$INIT), and the VDE DEFINE/KEY command.B o To select a default library when VDE first starts up, a user= can use logical names, For further information, see theA logical names HELP topic for information on the VDE$LIBRARY< logical name, and see the DCL HELP on the VDE verb for7 assistance on the VDE /LIBRARY command qualifier.@ o A user that wishes to select a default stream and facility@ when VDE first connects to a library sNhould see the CREATED CONTEXT, MODIFY CONTEXT, and the SET CONTEXT/DEFAULT commands.D Additional (non-default, private) contexts can also be createdC for individual user, and shared contexts can be created for a group of users. wwĵ1 FoldsA VDE uses release "streams" to track and manage the source codeD for each release currently under development, and various releaseC streams can be "open" and under development in parallel. Because@ O multiple streams can be open, and because source code changesA should be incorporated into subsequent release streams, sourceA code changes made in one module in one development stream will> "propogate" into the corresponding module in all descendent streams.A Conceptually, the stream propogation path might look something like this: zombie -> goblin -> gryphon= where the arrows indicate the direction of the source code= propogation, and the stream names are t Phe "code names" forC various product releases. (Use the SHOW STREAM/SUCCESSOR command? to display the names of the successor streams and the stream propogation path.)? In the simplest example, if an engineer checks a change to aA source code module into the zombie stream, the changes will be? propogated through the stream descendancy chain and into theC goblin and gryphon streams, so that all streams will contain the( same source code and the same update.? In a Qmore complex situation, assume one engineer has updated@ a particular module and has checked the code into the gryphon@ stream, while another engineer updates the same module in the> earlier zombie stream. The normal and expected propopgationA of the change from the zombie stream into gryphon stream would? overwrite the original gryphon change, and this is obviouslyB undesirable behaviour. Equally undesirable is the possibilility= that the change to zombie is not "folded" into Rthe gryphon< change, is lost, and that it results in a "regression" in3 software function or in software quality occurs.B In this situation, VDE creates a "fold" record, indicating that@ changes to one or more modules need to be considered, and theA modules potentially updated, because of a change to an earlier? version of the module. This "fold" record serves as a marker@ and as a reminder, and helps the engineer avoid introducing a> "regression" into the source library, S and to the customers.@ Additionally, it is possible that folds that are not promptlyA and properly resolved can result in skewed software and broken< builds. This skew can arise when some of the modules in aC multiple-module checkin are propogated into a descendent stream,@ and-because of previous changes-other module replacements areB blocked and the conflicts result in the creation of one or more fold records.C For information on outstanding folds, see the SHOW FOLD c Tommand.B When working with a VDE stream set for "immediate" replacement,9 fold records are created during the REPLACE operation.? When working with a VDE stream set for "queued" replacement,D folds are detected and fold records are created after the REPLACE@ operation, when the checkin has been accepted and the library@ has been updated. The replacement notification mail indicatesD the acceptance of the checkin, and it includes information on theA modules and the streamsU where any fold records were created by the replacement. ww ĵ 1 HistoryB VDE includes various commands useful for displaying the history$ of modules, among these commands:! o The SHOW GENERATION command Examples< 1.VDE> show generation [lib_h]ucbdef.h /generation=*/full? In this example, SHOW GENERATION is used to display detailedC historical information on all generations of a specified module./ 2.VDE> show generation/tree [sys]Vaccount.mar: In this example, SHOW GENERATION is used to display the, generation tree for the specified module.$ 3.VDE> show generation [sys]*.* -) _VDE> /stream=eagle/since=1-jan-1996< In this example, SHOW GENERATION is used to display brief@ information about all new generations created in stream EAGLEA since the first of the year for modules in the [SYS] facility.* o The SHOW REPLACEMENT/HISTORY command Examples$ 1.VDE> show replacement/history -W. _VDE> /user=winters/since=1-jun-1996/full> In this example SHOW REPLACEMENT/HISTORY is used to displayA detailed historical information about all replacements made by( user WINTERS since the first of June.0 2.VDE> show replacement/history/stream=dragonB In this example SHOW REPLACEMENT/HISTORY is used to display all/ replacements submitted to the DRAGON stream.> For alternative displays, one can access the underlying CMS< libraries directly, and use the CMS SXHOW HISTORY command. wwGĵ1 Logical_NamesD Logical Names contains a description of the various logical names5 used by the various components of the VDE package. Table 6-1 Logical Names Logical Name Description VDE$LIBRARY> References the device and directory of a VDE library. VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTSB A search list logical name that contains zero or more VDEA libraries available by default. Used in conjunction with> Y VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS and VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_A MNEMONICS, and the number of translations must match the@ number of translations present in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_3 LABELS and VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS.C If not defined or defined without translations, an attemptC is made to access a list of default library labels located( in the X Windows resource file. VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS> A search list logical name th Zat contains zero or more; labels for VDE libraries. Used in conjunction withB VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS, and the number of translations mustA match the number of translations present in VDE$LIBRARY_ DEFAULTS.C If not defined or defined without translations, an attemptD is made to access a list of default library labels in the X Windows resource file.A To avoid user confusion, one should configure the remarkB in each [ library to match the associated translation(s) ofB the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS logical name. See the SET LIBRARY/REMARK command. VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_CMSC A search list logical name that contains zero or more rootB locations for the VDE CMS libraries. This logical is usedC in conjunction with the other VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS logicalD names, and the number of translations must match the number9 of translations present in VDE$LIBR \ARY_DEFAULTS.C If not defined or defined without translations, an attemptD is made to access a list of default library labels in the X Windows resource file.= This logical is used by a VDE manager to provide theA location of the CMS libraries to programs and procedures? associated with VDE, but this logical name is not used within VDE.! VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS> A search list logical name that contains zero o ]r more= mnemomic names for VDE libraries. Can be used in the: SET LIBRARY command. This logical name is used inA conjunction with VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS, and the number ofC translations must match the number of translations present! in VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS.9 Mnemonics are not utilitized under the X Windows interfaces.B To avoid user confusion, one should configure the name inC each library to match the associated ^translation(s) of theA VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name. See the SET LIBRARY/NAME command. VDE$LIBRARY_LABELA Contains the remark associated with the last VDE libraryB accessed. This logical is intended for use within command procedures calling VDE.A To avoid user confusion, one should configure the remarkB in each library to match the associated translation(s) ofB the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS logical nam _e. See the SET LIBRARY/REMARK command.DThis logical name is write-only; VDE does not translate it and users should not modify the contents.) VDE$LIBRARY_MNEMONIC@ Contains the mnemonic, when known, or the specification7 associated with the last VDE library accessed.B To avoid user confusion, one should configure the name inC each library to match the associated translation(s) of theA VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name. See th `e SET LIBRARY/NAME command.BThis logical is intended for use within command procedures callingCVDE. This logical name is write-only; VDE does not translate it and&users should not modify the contents.) VDE$NOTES_LIBRARY; When defined, the translation of this logical name= is used to override the default SCT notes conference@ specification of NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE. Among the obvious@ use in relocating the SCT notes conferences to a remoteA a node or remote cluster, this logical name can be defined@ as 0::NOTES$LIBRARY:.NOTE to force all SCT note entriesA to made via the notes server process(es). Only one notes? conference default specification is possible per node. VDE$OFFLINE? When defined, disables VDE. The translation is assumedB to contain the reason why the VDE environment is offline,A and is displayed to all VDE users. Only fully-privileged: definitions of th bis logical name are accepted and processed. VDE$REPLACE_DEFAULT= If defined, this logical contains "EDIT", "FILE", or; "NOTE", and selects the default processing for the= location of the SCT note. If undefined or defined to? an invalid value, VDE defaults to "EDIT", as indicated= by the brackets in the "Enter file to load into SCT:C (filename/[EDIT]/NOTE)" prompt. The brackets will indicate$ the default for the prompt. c:not translate it and users should not modify the contents.;For further information on prompting for SCT notes, see the&documentation on the REPLACE command.) VDE$SCRATCH: A logical name that translates into the directory= specification for the VDE scratch directory. If this8 logical name is not specified, a [.VDE$SCRATCH]A subdirectory will be created underneath the SYS$SCRATCH:D directory, and the logical name VDE$SCRATCH will be defined d to reference it. VDE$TEMPLATES> References the device and directory that contains theA predefined SCT template files SCT-NEW.TEMPLATE, and SCT-C BUG.TEMPLATE. This logical name is used during the REPLACE= command. This logical name definition is optional-no? default SCT template is available if this logical name= is not defined, or if the two template files are notB located. In either case, the user is placed in the chosenC e text editor and must include the appropriate template file manually." VDE$WHEREIS_BACKUPS_AFTER_IMAGE> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command: procedure to locate the after-image BACKUP files. VDE$WHEREIS_BACKUPS_ARCHIVE> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a commandD procedure to locate the database backup archival directory. VDE$WHEREIS_BACKUPS_CURRENT> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a comma fnd: procedure to locate the database backup directory, containing the most recent backups. VDE$WHEREIS_BACKUP_FULL> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command= procedure to retrieve the filename used for the full backups. VDE$WHEREIS_BACKUP_INCR> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command@ procedure to retrieve the filename used for incremental backups. VDE$WHEREIS_BUILDA Output from g the VDE/WHEREIS command. This logical is not fully implemented. VDE$WHEREIS_CMS> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command@ procedure to retrieve the root specification of the CMS library. VDE$WHEREIS_DATABASE> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a commandA procedure to retrieve the specification of the directory+ containing the root database file. VDE$WHEREIS_LABEL> Output from the VDE/WHE hREIS command. Allows a command? procedure to retrieve the text label associated with a particular database. VDE$WHEREIS_MNEMONIC> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a command@ procedure to retrieve the mnemonic name associated with a particular database. VDE$WHEREIS_STAGING> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a commandD procedure to retrieve the root specification of the staging! area for a VDE dataibase. VDE$WHEREIS_STATISTICS> Output from the VDE/WHEREIS command. Allows a commandB procedure to retrieve the specification of the statistics* database file for a VDE database. wweĵ1 Error_Messages@ This section describes the various error messages that can be1 reported by the components of the VDE package. 2 ABKEYW>ambiguous qualifier or keyword 'text' - supply more characters1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvijronmentA Explanation: VDE cannot complete the command because 'text' is, ambiguous in the context of this command. 2 ABTBADST,VDE may be in an inconsistent internal state1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The user has typed 3 or more CTRL/Cs. VDE normallyB responds to a CTRL/C by continuing execution until a consistentB internal state is achieved and then aborts the current command.B However, if VDE is in an infinite loop and does notk detect thisA "consistent" state, it will abort anyway after the 3rd CTRL/C.C User Action: Leave and enter VDE again to make sure the internal state is consistent. 2 ABTCNTLCcommand aborted by Control-C1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The current VDE command has been aborted due to a? control C issued by the user. VDE will attempt to gracefully recover.D User Action: Issue another command to VDE. It has gracefully to al consistent internal state. 2 ADATETIME#accepted.checkin.datetime: datetime1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 AERRORS&accepted.checkin.defectsfixed: defects1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS mDevelopment EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 AGROUPaccepted.checkin.group: group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visinble to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 AITEMaccepted.checkin.item: item1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should onot be displaying this as an error message. 2 AMODULE accepted.checkin.module: modname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ANOTE"accepted.checkin.note: topic.reply1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMpS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARCHADDED/architecture architecture added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedC architecturqe definition has been added to the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE ARCHITECTURE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 ARCHDEL3architecture architecture deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that the definition for theA indicated architecture has been deleted from rthe VDE database.A This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on# the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 ARCHEXISTSAarchitecture architecture already exists in database; not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The indicated architecture name was specified on aB CREATE ARCHITECTURE command, but an entry for that architec sture@ is already present in the database. Hence a new entry was notC created for that architecture. Alternatively, the indicated nameD was specified as the new name for an existing architecture on the@ MODIFY ARCHITECTURE command, but another architecture already= has the requested new name. Hence the name of the existing5 architecture could not be changed to the new name.C User Action: If you entered the wrong architecture name, reenter> the command with the correct namet. If you entered the rightB architecture name, use the SHOW ARCHITECTURE command to displayA the database information for that architecture. If you are not? satisfied with that information, use the MODIFY ARCHITECTURE command to change it. 2 ARCHMODBinformation for architecture architecture modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the@ indicated architecture has been modifuied in the VDE database.A This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on# the MODIFY ARCHITECTURE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 ARCHNOTDEL%architecture architecture not deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You are attempting to delete an architecture thatD cannot be deleted. Additional messages are normally included withA this messagve, and these messages indicate why the architecture cannot be deleted.A User Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the other error9 messages, and reenter the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command. 2 ARCHNOTFOUNDBarchitecture architecture not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated architecture name was entered on aC SHOW ARCHITECTURE command, but no such architecture was found in the VDE datwabase.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyB tells you that the indicated architecture does not exist in the database. 2 ARCHSYNTAX&invalid architecture name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The name or format specified for the architecture" name is not using valid syntax.: User Action: Respecify the architecture name using only? alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen charactexrs. 2 AREASON#accepted.checkin.reasonmask: reason1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 AREPLID&accepted.checkin.replacementid: replid1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentBy Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 AREPLNAME#accepted.checkin.replname: replname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an ezrror message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBCMSDIR"accepted.module.cmslibrary: cmsdir1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be d{isplaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBCOUNTaccepted.module.count: count1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBGENNEW%accepted.module.newgeneration: newgen1 Facility: VDE, Open|VMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBGENOLD%accepted.module.oldgeneration: oldgen1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and sh}ould not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBMODFLAG"accepted.module.modflags: modflags1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the ver~sionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBMODNAME accepted.module.modname: modname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBREPLREMARK,accepted.module.replaceremark: replaceremark1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBRESREMARK,accepted.module.reserveremark: reserveremark1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ARMPBSTAGING accepted.module.staging: staging1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.( ! ========== ========== ========== 2 ASTREAMaccepted.checkin.stream: stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ATTACHED-terminal now attached to process process-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: The SPAWN command issues this message before attaching to the new process. 2 ATYPCODaccepted.checkin.typecode: type1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 ATYPNAMaccepted.checkin.typename: type1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 AUSERNAME#accepted.checkin.username: username1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.( ! ========== ========== ========== 2 BADASSUMPTION"bad assumption, name, value, value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency in its internal memory pool.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 BADCHARillegal character encountered1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: An unanticipated character was found on the command= line. This character may be found to have meaning in other7 syntaxes; however, it lacks meaning in this context.= User Action: Verify the appropriate syntax of the specific command. 2 BADFILNAM!illegal file specification 'text'1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The provided file name does not follow standard VMS" file specification conventions. 2 BADIMAFLAbad image flavor detected1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: VDE has detected an inconsistent image flavor setting.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 BADMARKER0bad marker file format for generation generation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The CMS element for a module should contain a markerB file that points to the actual source module, but the indicated A generation of the module does not contain a valid marker file.? This error is also seen when /OUTPUT=NLA0: is specified on a8 FETCH or RESERVE of a module that uses a marker file.@ User Action: Examine the text of the CMS generation using CMS@ directly to determine what is wrong. If the module should not> use marker files, change its marker-file attribute with theB MODIFY MODULE command. If it should use marker files, determineB what is wrong with the CMS element and repair it with CMS so itC points to the appropriate actual source module. If /OUTPUT=NLA0:B was specified, respecify the command with a non-null device and directory. 2 BADQUESTAT%bad status for batch queue queue-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: A batch queue to which you are attempting to submitC a build job is not available. The reason why it is not available7 is given by a second message following this message.B User Action: This is an informational message only. If you needC the displayed batch queue for your build job, stop the build job; and resubmit it later when the queue is available again. 2 BADSCRATCHbad SYS$SCRATCH directory1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The directory specification associated with theD SYS$SCRATCH logical name is not syntactically correct. Associated" with the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.D User Action: Reenter the VDE command after redefining SYS$SCRATCH& to a valid directory specification. 2 BADSTATUS%bad status returned from routine-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: VDE got an unexpected error status from a system6 service or RTL routine routine-name that it called.C User Action: Examine the associated error messages and determineC if the problem can be remedied through changes to process quotasC or to SYSGEN parameters, or due to a site-specific configuration/ problem. Contact VDE support for assistance. 2 BADVMSVERS7unable to interpret OpenVMS version string: VMS-version1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: VDE is unable to determine OpenVMS version= information from the version string returned either from aD SYS$GETSYI service call or from a translation of the logical nameA VDE$VMS_VERSION. This may indicate you are running an internal% baselevel of the operating system.B User Action: Define the logical name VDE$VMS_VERSION to a valid= OpenVMS version string value. This will override the value returned by SYS$GETSYI. 2 BINSRCMOD8binary source modules cannot be displayed or differenced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have entered a SHOW or EDIT command to displayC a binary (non-text) source module or the differences between twoD generations of a binary source module. These commands do not work on binary modules.D User Action: Do not use the SHOW or EDIT command on binary source modules. 2 BITRANGEbit range out of limits1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment 2 BLDALRSTARTDbuild job job for stream stream already started; build job cannot be started again1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You are attempting to start a build job that cannotB be started because it has already been started. A build job can@ only be started if it is not queued for execution or if it is? suspended. As a result, the specified build job could not be started.C User Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required. 2 BLDALRSTOP>build job job for stream stream has already stopped; build jobcannot be stopped again1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You are attempting to stop a build job that hasC already been stopped or that has already completed. As a result,& the build job could not be stopped.C User Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required. 2 BLDINIFAIL*build initialization completed with errors1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The build initialization for a build job or a? compile or link operation completed with one or more errors.= The DCL commands that failed were generated from the build< initialization script for the default development stream.B User Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the compilation or build job. 2 BLDJOBACT?build job already active for stream stream; new job not created1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You have tried to create a new build job with the@ BUILD command when another build job for the same developmentB stream is already active. A build job is "active" unless it has@ completed execution or has been stopped. You cannot have more@ than one active build job for the same stream at any one timeD since that could cause two build jobs to write to the same result directories at the same time.@ User Action: Allow the first build job to complete before you@ create the next one. Alternatively, you can stop the previousD build job with the STOP BUILD_JOB command and then create the new build job. 2 BLDJOBAFTER"build job to be started after time1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The build job you are starting will actually start/ executing after the indicated date and time.D User Action: This is an informational message only. If you do notC want the job started after the shown time, stop the job with theD STOP BUILD_JOB command and restart it with a different time using the START BUILD_JOB command. 2 BLDJOBCRE0build job job for stream stream has been created1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated build= job has been created in the VDE database for the indicated? development stream. This message is only issued when you use+ the /LOG qualifier on the BUILD command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 BLDJOBDEL5build job job for stream stream deleted from database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated buildC job has been deleted from the VDE database. This message is onlyA issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE BUILD_JOB command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 BLDJOBENT+entry number entry submitted to queue queue1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: A process has successfully been submitted to theB indicated batch queue. It received the queue entry number shown in the message.C User Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required. 2 BLDJOBERR:error queuing build job on queue queue; process not queued1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to queue a process@ on the indicated batch queue on behalf of a build job you are? starting. The message that follows gives more information on@ the reason for the error. In this case, no more processes areA submitted to the indicated queue. Your build job will thus run, with fewer processes than your requested.B User Action: This is an informational message only. If you need? the displayed batch queue for your build job, stop the buildD job, correct the error, and resubmit the build job later when the queue is available again. 2 BLDJOBMOD4build job job for stream stream modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for theB indicated build job has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY BUILD_JOB command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 BLDJOBSIZ7build job job for stream stream consists of steps steps1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message tells you how many build steps there> are in the indicated build job. This message is only issuedB when you use the /LOG qualifier on the BUILD or START BUILD_JOB command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 BLDJOBSTARTED@build job job for stream stream started with processes processes1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment6 Explanation: The build job with the shown build-jobA identification number for the indicated development stream hasD successfully been started. The message shows the actual number of6 parallel processes that will execute the build job.C User Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required. 2 BLDJOBSTARTING(starting build job job for stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment6 Explanation: The build job with the shown build-job@ identification number for the indicated development stream isC about to be started. This message comes out before the processesA that will run the build job are submitted to batch queues. Its? purpose is to let you know which build job is being started.C User Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required. 2 BLDJOBSTOP'build job job for stream stream stopped1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated build job has been stopped. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the STOP BUILD_JOB command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 BLDJOBSUSP)build job job for stream stream suspended1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The indicated build job has been suspended. A= suspended build job can be restarted with the START BUILD_A JOB command. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG. qualifier on the SUSPEND BUILD_JOB command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 BLDNOTRUNCbuild job job for stream stream is not queued or running; build jobcannot be suspended1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You are attempting to suspend a build job that isB not currently queued for execution or running. As a result, the$ build job could not be suspended.C User Action: This is an informational message. No user action is required. 2 BLDSTEPNEED6build step needed to make inputs up-to-date: step step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated build step needs to be performed? to make all input modules up-to-date for the compile or linkA operation you have requested. This situation can occur if, forB example, you have modified a source module without compiling itD (so that the correspondin g object module is no longer up-to-date)A and you then request a link that includes the old, non-currentD object module. This is an informational message to alert you thatB your compile or link will not produce fully up-to-date outputs,C but the requested compile or link will still be performed as you requested.< User Action: If the outputs of the compile or link do not@ need to be up-to-date, no action is necessary. Otherwise, you@ can use COMPILE, LINK, or BUILD commands to perform the buildB steps needed to make all inputs to the original compile or linkC operation up-to-date with respect to all source changes. You can' then repeat that original operation. 2 BLDSTEPNOTSHO-steps additional needed build steps not shown1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: If more than 30 build steps are needed to make the@ inputs to a requested compile or link up-to-date, BLDSTEPNEED? messages are only printed for the fir st 30 such build steps.A Then the BLDSTEPNOTSHO message is printed to indicate how manyC additional build steps are needed, but those build steps are not listed individually.< User Action: If the outputs of the compile or link do not@ need to be up-to-date, no action is necessary. Otherwise, you@ can use COMPILE, LINK, or BUILD commands to perform the buildB steps needed to make all inputs to the original compile or linkC operation up-to-date with respect to all source changes. You can' then repeat that original operation. 2 CMSBADGENBbad CMS generation generation found for module module possible CMSerror1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The indicated bad CMS generation expression was= found in an existing CMS library; the cause is probably an? error in CMS. The affected generation is not recorded in the VDE database.A User Action: Examine the CMS library and consult a CMS expert. 2 CMSCLASSEXIST8CMS class class already exists for CMS facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The indicated CMS class was found to already existD in the indicated CMS facility, so we do not attempt to create it. User Action: None. 2 CMSCRECLASS<CMS error when creating CMS class class in facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an error> status when creating a CMS class in the indicated facility.A The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSCREELEM5CMS error when creating CMS element for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an error@ status when creating the CMS element (the delta-file)  for theB indicated module. The subsequent print line shows what specific@ error status CMS returned. This error should not occur unlessD you have insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or theB file to be added to that library, or unless you have run out of$ some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSCRELIB9CMS error when creating CMS library for facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an? error status when creating the CMS library for the indicated@ facility. The subsequent print line shows what specific errorC status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you haveB insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless you4 have run out of some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSDELELEM'CMS error when deleting element element1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment<  Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned anA error status when deleting the indicated module's CMS element.= The subsequent print line shows what specific error status< CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you haveB insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless you! have run out of some resource.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSDELGEN:CMS error when deleting generation generation (generation)1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an> error status when deleting the indicated module generation.= The subsequent print line shows what specific error status< CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you haveB insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless you4 have run out of some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSDUPGENDduplicate CMS generation generation found for module module possible CMS error1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated CMS generation was found more thanC once for the same CMS element; the cause is probably an error inD CMS. The affected generation is not recorded in the VDE database.A User Action: Examine the CMS library and consult a CMS expert. 2 CMSFETCH5CMS error when fetching CMS element for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: CMS (Code Manage ment System) has returned an? error status when fetching the CMS element for the indicated> module. The subsequent print line shows what specific errorC status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you haveB insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless you4 have run out of some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSINSGENACMS error inserting generation generation of element element into class class1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorD status when inserting a CMS element generation into the indicatedD class. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSLIBEMPTY,the CMS library library contains no elements1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: Since the CMS library specified with the /CMS_6 LIBRARY qualifier is empty, no modules are created. User Action: None. 2 CMSMODCLASS=CMS error modifying the class name class to class in facilityfacility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorD status when modifying a CMS class name in the indicated facility.A The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSNOCLASS>CMS class class does not exist for facility facility Unable tomodify CMS class name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The indicated CMS class does not exist in the= indicated facility, so we are not able to modify its name. User Action: None. 2 CMSREMGEN3CMS error removing element element from class class1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorC status when removing a CMS element generation from the indicatedD class. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSREPLACE6CMS error when replacing CMS element for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an@ error status when replacing the CMS element for the indicated> module. The subsequent print line shows what specific errorC status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you haveB insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless you4 have run out of some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSRESERVE6CMS error when reserving CMS element for module module1 Facilit y: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an@ error status when reserving the CMS element for the indicated> module. The subsequent print line shows what specific errorC status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless you haveB insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless you4 have run out of some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSETLIB8CMS error when setting CMS library for facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an error@ status when making the CMS library for the indicated facility@ the current CMS library. The subseq uent print line shows what< specific error status CMS returned. This error should notB occur unless you have insufficient privileges to access the VDE library.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficient9 privileges to perform the action, you must correct theA deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem appears? to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSHOWCLASSBCMS error when retrieving CMS class information in library library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorA status when retrieving CMS class information for the indicatedC CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSHOWDESGEN;CMS error when retrieving CMS generation of element element1  Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an> error status when retrieving CMS generation information forB the indicated CMS element. The subsequent print line shows what& specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSHOWELEM8CMS error when retrieving CMS element in library library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorC status when retrieving CMS element information for the indicatedC CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSHOWHIST8CMS error when retrieving CMS history in library library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorC status when retrieving CMS history information for the indicatedC CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSHOWRES=CMS error when retrieving CMS reservations in library library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an error= status when retrieving CMS reservation information for the> indicated CMS library. The subsequent print line shows what& specific error status CMS returned.C User Action: If the problem appears to be due to an internal VDE" error, submit a problem report. 2 CMSSTART;starting retrieval of CMS information for facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: VDE is starting to retrieve module, generation,C and reservation information from the exiting CMS library for theC indicated facility. After this information is retrieved, it will# be included in the VDE database. User Action: None. 2 CMSVARLET;all CMS variant letters in use; none left for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: All CMS variant letters up to "Z" are already inD use for the indicated module. Hence the current REPLACE operation cannot be performed.@ User Action: Submit a problem report. This is a very unlikelyC situation, but there is no known workaround. Additional VDE code& is needed to handle this situation. 2 CMSVERGENACMS error reading class membership list when verifying generationgeneration (spec)1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: CMS (Code Management System) has returned an errorB status when reading the class membership list for the indicatedC module gene ration. The subsequent print line shows what specificD error status CMS returned. This error should not occur unless youC have insufficient privileges to access the VDE library or unless8 you have run out of some resource such as disk space.? User Action: If the error is caused by not having sufficientB privileges or resources to perform the action, you must correct= the deficiency. Then try the command again. If the problem? appears to be due to an internal VDE error, submit a problem report. 2 COMMANDcommand command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you of the particular command; that was (or was not) executed. This message is normally9 associated with other messages or errors of some sort.D User Action: If unable to resolve the basic error, please contactB VDE support for assistance. Please include any information that8 may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 COMMIT/database transaction has successfully committed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The database transaction associated with the current= command has successfully committed, thus ensuring that all1 changes have been written to the VDE database. User Action: Feel relieved. 2 COMNOTDEF"command "command-text" not defined1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: DELETE/COMMAND issues this message when the command) you request to delete was not defined.> User Action: Use SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED to display all defined commands. 2 COMPFAIL+compilation of module completed with errors1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The compile step for the indicated module completedC with one or more errors. The compiler's output (on your terminal@ or in the step's log file) gives more detail on the errors it detected.B User Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the compilation or build job. 2 COMPSUCC,compilation of module completed successfully1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The compilation of the indicated module completed successfully. User Action: None. 2 COMSTEPADDED)compile step for module added to database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated compile@ step has been added to the VDE database. This message is only< issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 COMSTEPDEL4compile step for module module deleted from database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the compile step forD the indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. ThisB  means that all build dependency information for that build stepA has been deleted. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the DELETE STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 COMSTEPMOD3compile step for module module modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs you that build dependency? information for the indicated compile step has been modifiedD in the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 COMTERMEOF4command terminated by CTRL/Z or end-of-file on input1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The current command has been terminated becauseB the user entered a CTRL/Z in response to a query for additional? information needed to execute the command. Alternatively, anB end-of-file may have been encountered in the current input file@ in response to such a query. This error can also appear if an? attempt is made to use DCL command procedure with a VDE kept subprocess.; User Action: Not an error since a user may intentionallyC terminate commands in this way. To execute the original command,D reenter the command and supply all required information. If usingD a DCL command procedure to issue VDE commands, disable the use ofA the VDE kept subprocess, or switch to a VDE command procedure. 2 CONCURRESAconcurrent reservation reservation of module by user user alreadypresent1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You are reserving a module which is already reserved? by another user (possibly yourself). That reservation allows concurrent reservations.C User Action: This is an informational message which appears whenB you are creating a concurrent reservation. This message informsD you of each already existing reservation for the same module that% covers at least one common stream. 2 CONFACC!unable to access notes conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment6 Explanation: Check the notes conference for generalB accessability, and-if conference membership is needed-determineC if you are a member of the conference from the node on which you are running VDE.0 User Action: See the accompanying message(s). 2 CONFLICT/conflicting qualifers and/or keywords specified1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message is issued when VDE detects conflicting6 qualifiers and/or keywords within the same command.C User Action: Verify the intention of your command and see if theD use of a specific qualifier or keyword may exclude the use of oneD of the other qualifiers and/or keywords. See VDE Reference Manual* for assistance with the command syntax. 2 CONFMEM2check conference file accessability and membership1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment6 Explanation: Check the notes conference for generalB accessability, and-if conference membership is needed-determineC if you are a member of the conference from the node on which you are running VDE.0 User Action: See the accompanying message(s). 2 CONFNAMconference file name name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explanation: This is the name of the notes conference.0 User Action: See the accompanying message(s). 2 CONKEYATR:conflicting key attributes key-attribute and key-attribute1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: The recently issued DEFINE KEY command has; conflicting qualifiers such as /NOSTATE and /LOCK_STATE.? User Action: Determine correct applicability and reissue the command. 2 CONQUAL0conflicting qualifiers /qualifier and /qualifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: The above mentioned qualifiers are mutually exclusive.C User Action: Verify the intention of your command and see if theD use of a specific qualifier may mutually exclude the use of other qualifiers. 2 CONRESDELCconcurrent reservation reservation of module for user user has beendeleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated@ concurrent reservation has been deleted from the VDE database( because you replaced the same module.D User Action: None. The affected users will be informed that theirA reservations are deleted. They should reserve the module again and merge in their changes. 2 CONTINUEattempting to continue1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: One or more quotas are below the recommended values) for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.> User Action: Contact system management and request that the@ quotas associated with the current process be compared to the' values recommended for use with VDE. 2 COPSTEPADDED$copy step for step added to database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated copy@ step has been added to the VDE database. This message is only< issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 COPSTEPDEL1copy step for module module deleted from database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the copy step for the@ indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. ThisB means that all build dependency information for that build stepA has been deleted. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the DELETE STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 COPSTEPMOD0copy step for module module modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs you that build dependency? information for the indicated copy step has been modified inA the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 COPYFAIL$copy of module completed with errors1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The copy step for the indicated module completed? with one or more errors. The step's output (on your terminal@ or in the step's log file) gives more detail on the errors it  detected.@ User Action: Correct the errors and resubmit the copy step or build job. 2 COPYSUCC%copy of module completed successfully1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The copy step for the indicated module completed successfully. User Action: None. 2 CREDIRFAIcreate directory failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: A directory specification on a VDE command is notC syntactically correct. This message is also printed if a logical? name (such as VDE$LIBRARY) that is supposed to be bound to aB directory specification is not bound to a syntactically correct directory specification.> User Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid directoryB specification or define the logical name to be bound to a valid directory specification. 2 CRELNMFAI$failed to define logical name lnmdsc1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you of the particular logicalA name creation that failed. This message is normally associated. with other messages or errors of some sort.D User Action: If unable to resolve the basic error, please contactB VDE support for assistance. Please include any information that8 may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 CTXADDED%context context added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated contextA definition has been added to the VDE database. This message isD only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE CONTEXT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 CTXDEL)context context deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that the definition for theA indicated context has been deleted from the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE CONTEXT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 CTXDELARCH5context ## contains deleted architecture architecture1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You have attempted to set the indicated context,A but the default architecture specified by the context has been3 deleted. As a result, the context cannot be set.A User Action: Redefine the context to reference an architecture7 that has not been deleted. Then reissue the command. 2 CTXDELFAC2context context contains deleted facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have attempted to set the indicated context, butB the default facility specified by the context has been deleted.* As a result, the context cannot be set.A User Action: Redefine the context to reference a facility that2 has not been deleted. Then reissue the command. 2 CTXDELSTRM/context context contains deleted stream context1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have attempted to set the indicated context, butC the default stream specified by the context has been deleted. As' a result, the context cannot be set.C User Action: Redefine the context to reference a stream that has. not been deleted. Then reissue the command. 2 CTXEXISTS?context context already exists in database; context not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The indicated context name was specified on a CREATED CONTEXT command, but an entry for that context is already present> in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for thatB context. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as theB new name for an existing context on  the MODIFY CONTEXT command,@ but another context already has the requested new name. HenceC the name of the existing context could not be changed to the new name.B User Action: If you entered the wrong context name, reenter theB command with the correct name. If you entered the right context= name, use the SHOW CONTEXT command to display the databaseC information for that context. If you are not satisfied with that< information, use the MODIFY CONTEXT command to change it. 2 CTXMOD8information for context context modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the@ indicated context has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY CONTEXT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 CTXNOTFOUND8context context not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated context name was entered on a SHOW< CONTEXT command, but no such context was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message@ simply tells you that the indicated context does not exist in the database. 2 CTXSYNTAX!invalid context name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The name or format specified for the context name is not using valid syntax.C User Action: Respecify the context name using only alphanumeric,1 underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters. 2 CULPRITreserved by user user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: the module is reserved by the specified user.@ The reservation was requested in the current stream, or in an" ancestor of the current stream.C User Action: This message is informational, and should accompany$ one or more other error messages. 2 DATETOOLONG:date-time value is too long; maximum length is 24: date...1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: A date-time value entered as a command parameter isB too long because it exceeds the maximum length indicated in the message.C User Action: Reissue the command with a shorter date-time value. 2 DBCNV0converting database format from oldver to newver1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message is used to display the status of a! database conversion operation.& User Action: No action is required. 2 DBCREATEDdatabase db has been created1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message indicates that a new library database,D and associated database files, directories, and CMS libraries has been created. User Action: None required. 2 DBFMTdatabase format is ver1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message is used to display the current versionC of a database, or the status of a database conversion operation.& User Action: No action is required. 2 DBGCMSGEN-at codept, letflg bool, item1 itm1, item2 did1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message displays various internal process-B related values used within VDE. This message should appear only@ during VDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 DBGCMSTXTat codept, expected gen1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message displays various internal process-B related values used within VDE. This message should appear only@ during VDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 DBGDB"debugging database: param1, param21 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message is used during development and displays< where the behaviour of a debugging or prototype VDE imageB database operation differs from that of a production VDE image.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 DBGLNMBAT'debug logical name VDE$BATCH_MODE: mode1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message indicates the batch mode setting ofB VDE, and should appear only during VDE testing. This message isD displayed only by debug versions of VDE, and this logical name is% translated only by debug versions.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 DBGLNMDAT&debug logical name VDE$DATE_TIME: mode1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message indicates the date-time setting ofB VDE, and should appear only during VDE testing. This message isD displayed only by debug versions of VDE, and this logical name is% translated only by debug versions.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 DBGLNMUSR%debug logical name VDE$USERNAME: mode1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message indicates the username setting of? VDE, and should appear only during VDE testing. This messageD is displayed only by debug versions of VDE, and this logical name( is translated only by debug versions.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 DBGNOLNMunable to translate logicalname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: VDE was unable to translate a mandatory logical name.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionB of VDE running contains debug-only images. Correct the error in< the date-time logical name value and reissue the command. 2 DBGQUALMSK qualifier mask qualmsk1 qualmsk21 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message displays the contents of an internal$ bitmask during program execution.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 DBGWAYPTdebug waypoint waypoint reached1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message displays a waypoint, and the associated8 waypoint value, encountered during program execution.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 DBGXLAC"debug waypoint reached; text: text1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message displays a waypoint, and the associated8 waypoint value, encountered during program execution.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 DBGXLXL$debug waypoint reached; value: value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message displays a waypoint, and the associated8 waypoint value, encountered during program execution.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 DCLBUFOVFL7DCL command line being generated is too long for buffer1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: Some command which generates a DCL command file to@ perform part of its actions generated a DCL command line thatC is too long for its buffer; this normally means that the line isB excessively long since the buffer size is ample for normal use.C User Action: Change the command line specification in the script for it. 2 DCLERROR0error status returned by spawned DCL DCL command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE has run a DCL command in a spawned subprocess? and that command has returned an error status. The command's4 status is displayed by the following status line.C User Action: Determine the cause of the problem, correct it, and retry the VDE command. 2 DCLTRUNC5DCL command line from script truncated; line too long1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: A script has generated a DCL command line that is? too long and has been truncated. Since the editing buffer is@ of ample size for normal use, the script tried to generate an% excessively long DCL command line.D User Action: Correct the script to generate a shorter DCL command line. 2 DEFARCH@architecture architecture not deleted; you cannot delete default architecture1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedA architecture, namely the current default architecture, has not@ been deleted from the database. You are not allowed to delete? the default architecture.  This prohibition prevents you fromA accidentally deleting all architectures, especially when usingA a wildcarded architecture name specification. There is thus noC way to delete all architectures from the database. (If you couldC delete all architectures, the library would become useless since% it could not contain any modules.)C User Action: If you want to delete a given architecture from theB database, set your default architecture to another architecture< that you want to keep. Then issue the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command. 2 DEFKEY(state-name key key-name has been defined1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: Issued by DEFINE/KEY to inform the user that the* specific key definition has been bound.> User Action: If you did not wish to see this message, issue# /NOLOG with your DEFINE command. 2 DEFKEYERR&error defining state-name key key-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE uses the SMG screen management facilities forC the purpose of managing key bindings. In this instance, the call, to SMG$ADD_KEY_DEF returned a bad status.> User Action: First, try to interpret the reason for the SMGA error. If it can be understood, then try to see if you may fixD it locally. Otherwise, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 DELKEY(state-name key key-name has been deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: Issued by DELETE/KEY to inform the user that the, specific key definition has been deleted.D User Action: If you do not wish to see this message, issue /NOLOG with your DELETE command. 2 DELKEYERR&error in processing DELETE/KEY command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE uses the screen management facilities, SMG, forD the purpose of managing key bindings. In this instance, a call toD either SMG$LIST_KEY_DEFS or SMG$DELETE_KEY_DEF has returned a bad status.> User Action: First, try to interpret the reason for the SMGA error. If it can be understood, then try to see if you may fixD it locally. Otherwise, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 DEPNOTUPDATE1dependency information not updated for build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The dependency information for the most recent buildB step has not been updated in the VDE database because the buildC step did not automatically collect dependency information. HenceD the existing dependency information is kept without change in the database. User Action: None. 2 DEPUPDATE-dependency information updated for build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The dependency information for the most recent build@ step has been updated in the VDE database based on dependency9 data collected during the execution of the build step. User Action: None. 2 DEVOSYNCHexecuting synch command: dclcmd1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message displays the synchronization commandC being spawned by VDE. This message should appear only during VDEA testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 DIRADDED2directory specification spec added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedC directory specification has been added to the VDE database. ThisD message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the SET DIRECTORY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 DIRCREATED$directory directory has been created1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedA directory has just been created as your VDE scratch directory.C User Action: Check the newly created directory specification andD delete the directory if you do not wish to keep it. To change theC default VDE scratch directory specification, define VDE$SCRATCH. 2 DIRDEL2directory specification spec deleted from database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated streamA root or facility root directory specification has been deletedB from the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use6 the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL DIRECTORY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 DIREXPBAD directory filename expansion bad1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.? User Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error. 2 DIREXPFAI#directory filename expansion failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.? User Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error. 2 DIRFILFAI$directory filename conversion failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.? User Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error. 2 DIRFILNOTDEL)unable to delete directory file directory1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated: directory file was not deleted for some reason, such as insufficient privileges.= User Action: Use DCL commands to check the security on the? directory file, and take the appropriate action to delete it if possible. 2 DIRNOTFOUDCL:directory location not found for script's DCL command file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The subdirectory in the VDE library that should beB used for the DCL command file that the current script generatesA is not found in the database. This message indicates that someA required subdirectory is not present in the directory tree for" the current development stream.B User Action: Create the directory tree or correct the directory@ structure for the current stream or stream and facility. Then/ reissue the command that invokes the script. 2 DIRNOTFOULOG4directory location not found for build-step log file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The subdirectory in the VDE library that should be@ used for the log file for the current build step is not found= in the database. This message indicates that some requiredD  subdirectory is not present in the directory tree for the current development stream.B User Action: Create the directory tree or correct the directory@ structure for the current stream or stream and facility. Then4 reissue the command that executes the build step. 2 DIRNOTFOUND7directory specification to cancel not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the directoryC specification you are trying to cancel with the CANCEL DIRECTORYC command does not exist in the VDE database. This message is onlyA issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL DIRECTORY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 DIRNOTFOUSCRP8directory location not found by script function function1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The current script has invoked the indicated script B function (such as $DIR or $FACROOT), but the directory locationB specified with that function invocation is not found in the VDED database. This may mean that the directory tree for the specified@ stream or facility has not been created, or that the functionD invocation specifies a directory symbol that is not used for that stream and facility.= User Action: Create the directory tree for the facility or? stream, or correct the directory symbol name in the function: c all. Then reissue the command that invokes the script. 2 DIRSPECREQ2directory specification required for stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: A root directory specification for the indicated> stream is required on the CREATE STREAM command but was notA specified. You need to use the /DIRECTORY qualifier to specify? the root directory for the stream, or you need to enter that= directory specification when prompted for it. This message? is only given if an earlier SET DIRECTORY/PROMPT command hasA specified that the CREATE STREAM command should prompt for theB directory specification if the /DIRECTORY qualifier is missing.> User Action: Enter a directory specification for the streamC root directory when prompted for it or reissue the CREATE STREAM) command with the /DIRECTORY qualifier. 2 DIRTOOLONG:directory specification is too long; maximum length is 2551 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: A directory specification entered as a command> parameter is too long because it exceeds the maximum length indicated in the message.< User Action: Reissue the command with a shorter directory specification. 2 DIRTREFAI directory tree conversion failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.? User Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error. 2 DIRTRENOTDEL,not all files deleted in directory tree tree1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that not all files in theA indicated directory tree were deleted for some reason, such as insufficient privileges.= User Action: Use DCL commands to check the security on theB remaining files in the directory tree, and take the appropriate% action to delete them if possible. 2 DUPLNAME(duplicate name in list not allowed: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have entered the same name twice in a comma list@ where such duplicates are not allowed. Possibly, you may have mistyped one of the names.A User Action: Correct the error and reissue the command without any duplicates. 2 EDITUNDEF2your editor is undefined; editor cannot be invoked1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The command you have entered is attempting to invokeD an editor to read or edit a file, but you have not specified whatD editor to invoke. You must specify the editor you want VDE to use& by entering the SET EDITOR command.C User Action: Use the SET EDITOR command to define the editor you? want VDE to invoke for all commands to put you in an editor. 2 EDITUPDATE5default editor definition updated in the VDE database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: Your default editor has been updated in the VDE? database. The default editor is the editor that is initially- defined each time you start a VDE session.< User Action: None. This is an informational message only. 2 ELENOTFOUNDCMS(element element not found in CMS library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module: generation does not have an element in the CMS library.D User Action: Use the VERIFY GENERATION/RECOVER command to attemptD recovery of the missing generation or locate missing element fromB a backup and manually insert the element and generations in the database. 2 ERRASSIGN4the attempt to acquire an I/O channel for VDE failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: A bad status was returned from a SYS$ASSIGN serviceC call. VDE needs to acquire I/O channels to do I/O. In this case,( VDE failed to acquire such a channel.C User Action: Check your process's quotas. If this problem cannotB be resolved locally, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ERRCRELNMunable to create a logical name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: VDE creates logical names for input and output redirection.C User Action: Check your process's quotas. If this problem cannotB be resolved locally, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ERRDEASSIGN9attempt to deassign an I/O channel acquired by VDE failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: VDE wanted to deassign an I/O channel that wasB acquired. This error notes the failure of the SYS$DASSGN system/ service, probably due to an invalid channel.: User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ERRDIRSPEC2error in directory or file specification file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: There is a syntax error or other error in theB indicated directory or file specification. The RMS message that- follows explains the error in more detail.: User Action: Correct the error in the directory or file) specification and reissue the command. 2 ERRFAOunable to format output string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: An error was returned from a call to SYS$FAO.: User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ERRQIOWerror from SYS$QIOW1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to SYS$QIOW.: User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ERRSMGBerror returned from a call to the Screen Management Facility (SMG)1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to a SMG@ routine. This could be a result of any number of things which# may or may not  be a VDE problem.A User Action: Check the setup of the terminal which might cause> SMG some problem. If the error still cannot be explained or7 resolved, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ERRWRIFILerror writing file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The output could not be written to the appropriate file.? User Action: Determine if there is any external interferenceD with RMS writing to the specified file.  If no interference can be4 found, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 EXARANGE=hexadecimal number not valid; valid range is number to number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: Illegal hexadecimal range provided as input.C User Action: Verify that the provided hexadecimal range is in an accepted format. 2 EXPGENDIFF=expected generation expression expression differs from actual expression1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS De velopment Environment? Explanation: When you reserved the module you are replacing,> the RESERVE command displayed the expected replace-time CMS? generation expression of the new module generation. However,@ the actual CMS generation expression that VDE assigned during@ the current replacement differs from that expected generationB expression. This situation is normal because VDE cannot predict= the actual replace-time CMS generation expression when you; reserve the modul e; it can only tell you the most likely= generation expression. By the time you replace the module,> various circumstances can change the appropriate generation expression to use.B User Action: None. This message is informational only. However,= if you used the expected CMS generation expression in code3 comments, you may have to change those comments. 2 EXPGENEXPR;expected generation expression at replacement is generation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: When you replace the module you just reserved, theA new generation of the module is expected to have the indicatedD CMS generation expression. You may use this generation expressionA as an "audit trail identifier" in the comments in your code if> your project uses that convention. The indicated generation? expression may differ from the one that VDE actually assigns; when you replace the module, but only in certain unusual circumstances.9  User Action: None. This message is informational only. 2 EXPGENLONG.expected CMS generation expression is too long1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The expected replace-time CMS generation expression: for the module you are reserving will be longer than 16@ characters, which is longer than CMS allows. As a result, you cannot reserve the module.? User Action: This error indicates that you have reserved andC replaced modules on too many nested non-main streams. You should? create new streams off the main development stream and placeC the offending generations there so that they have CMS generationA expressions of modest size. Even though you cannot reserve theD generation in question, you can still fetch it out and replace it into the new streams. 2 FACADDED'facility facility added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated facility> definition has been added to the VDE database. This message? is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE FACILITY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FACDEL+facility facility deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that the definition for theB indicated facility has been deleted from the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE FACILITY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FACEXISTS,facility facility already exists in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated facility name was specified on a= CREATE FACILITY command, but an entry for that facility is@ already present in the database. Alternatively, the indicatedD name was specified as the new name for an existing facility using@ the MODIFY FACILITY command, but another facility already hasD the requested new name. In either case, the command fails and the' facility is not created or modified.C User Action: If you entered the wrong facility name, reenter theC command with the correct name. If you entered the right facility> name, use the SHOW FACILITY command to display the database? information for that facility. If you are not satisfied withB that information, use the MODIFY FACILITY command to change it. 2 FACMOD:information for facility facility modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for theA indicated facility has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY FACILITY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FACNOTDELfacility facility not deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You are attempting to delete a facility that cannotB be deleted. Additional messages are normally included with thisB message, and these messages indicate why the facility cannot be deleted.A User Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the other error5 messages, and reenter the DELETE FACILITY command. 2 FACNOTFOUND:facility facility not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The indicated facility name was entered on a SHOW> FACILITY command, but no such facility was found in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply> tells you that the indicated facility does not exist in the database. 2 FACNOTMTfacility contains modules1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment8 Explanation: The specified facility contains modules.@ User Action: The requested operation is prohibited due to the' presence of modules in the facility. 2 FACSYNTAX"invalid facility name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The name or format specified for the facility name is not using valid syntax.D User Action: Respecify the facility name using only alphanumeric,1 underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters. 2 FAMILY2unable to deallocate: siblings or children present1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: Something deep within VDE has attempted to= deallocate a data structure that has siblings or children.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 FCBERR1internal VDE FCB error in VDE-internal-identifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 FCBWRONG?internal error; access access failed in VDE-internal-identifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 FETCHED*generation generation fetched from library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleA and generation has been fetched from the current library. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the  FETCH command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FILCOPLIBfile file copied to library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated fileD has been copied into the VDE library by the REPLACE command. WhenB this is done, the file has been included in the appropriate CMSC element, but has not yet been recorded in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the0 REPLACE command for an immediate replacement.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FILCOPSTAG file file copied to staging area1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated file hasC been copied into a VDE staging area by the REPLACE command. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the, REPLACE command for a queued replacement.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FILENOTFOUNDfile not found: file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated file was requested through a VDED command, but could not be found. Hence the current command cannot perform the requested action.@ User Action: Do without the file or determine why the file is# missing and correct the problem. 2 FILQUEprint file queued to queue-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This this message informs the user where the file was queued for printing.A User Action: Ensure that the file is placed on the appropriate queue. 2 FILREADERRunable to read file file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: An error occurred when trying to read a line of textA from an input file. A more specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 FILWRITERRunable to write file file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: An error occurred when trying to write a line of@ text to an output file. A more specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 FIRGENNODEL>generation generation is first generation of module; cannot bedeleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You are trying to delete the first generation ofB a module with the DELETE GENERATION command, which VDE does not@ allow. If you want to delete all generations of a module, you@ must delete the entire module with the  DELETE MODULE command.A User Action: If you mistyped the generation number, reenter itB correctly. If you want to delete all generations of the module,! use the DELETE MODULE command. 2 FIRNUMMAY3first number of a range may not be less than number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: Some integers provided in the command line must be greater than a given "n".@ User Action: Verify that the appropriate "n" was given in the command l!ine. 2 FIRNUMRAN4first number of a range must be less than the second1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: When providing a range in the format n[:m], "n" must be less than "m".= User Action: Correct the range description and reissue the command. 2 FLAVORPIDS0flavor flavor, pid pid, master mpid, parent ppid1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message displays various internal process-B r"elated values used within VDE. This message should appear only@ during VDE testing, and should be displayed only by debugging versions of VDE.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images. 2 FOLDADDED6fold record record for module module added to database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleB has had a fold record created in th#e current VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE FOLD command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FOLDDEL5fold record record for module module has been deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleD has had a fold record deleted from the current VDE database. This@ message i$s only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE FOLD command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FOLDEXP/fold record for fold expected for stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: This message informs you that VDE expects to< generate a fold record for the indicated stream. The foldC record will be generated when this module change is approved andA p%erformed by the project leader-when the queued replacement isA performed. Because there may be a delay before the replacement= is performed by the project leader and because the project> leader may reject the replacement, the fold record will not@ immediately appear via commands such as SHOW REPLACEMENT. TheB fold will be generated when VDE sends you the notification thatB the replacement has been performed. This message is only issuedC when you use the /LOG qualifier on the RE&PLACE command, and only@ for a queued replacement from which VDE expects to generate a fold record.A User Action: You may/will need to resolve the fold record that> will (eventually) be generated by this replacement. Use theA /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FOLDIDREQ*fold identifier required for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You have multiple fold records for the indic'ated@ module. You must therefore specify a fold identifier with theC /IDENTIFICATION or /FOLD qualifier (depending on the command) toA uniquely indicate to which fold record you want the command to apply.? User Action: Reissue the command with the /IDENTIFICATION orD /FOLD qualifier to indicate the specific fold record to which you want the command to apply. 2 FOLDIDUSEDDfold identifier identifier already used for module module attempt tocreate fold record has ( failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You are trying to create a fold record for a module@ using the same fold identifier as you have used on a previousB fold record for the same module in the same development stream.> This is not allowed, since fold identifiers must be unique.@ User Action: Reissue the CREATE FOLD command with a different> fold identifier specified on the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.@ Alternatively, you can omit the /IDEN)TIFICATION qualifier, in: which case VDE will assign a unique identifier for you. 2 FOLDINSTRM7generation generation must be folded into stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that you must manually foldA the indicated module generation into the indicated development> stream in order to propagate the changes in that generationB into the stream. VDE cannot propagate the changes automaticallyB because the* module has already diverged between that stream and@ its predecessor. This message is only issued when you use the@ /LOG qualifier on the REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FOLDMOD9fold record record for module module modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that fold record for the? indicated m+odule has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY FOLD command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 FOLDNOTFOUND@fold record record not found for module module and stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You have tried to reference a fold record for theB indicated module in the indicated develop,ment stream, but there is no such fold record.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyA tells you that the indicated module has no fold records in the indicated stream. 2 FROMDIREMPTY?the directory directory specified with /FROM_DIRECTORY is empty1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: Since the directory specified with the /FROM_8 DIRECTORY qualifier is empty, no modules are created. User Action: None.- 2 GBLSECNAM-communications global section name: gblsecnam1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you of the name of the: communications section used within VDE. This message isA associated with a more serious error of some sort. Resolve the basic error first.D User Action: If unable to resolve the basic error, please contactB VDE support for assistance. Please include any information that8 may be useful or releve.nt in duplicating the problem. 2 GENDEL0generation generation deleted from stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated= generation has been deleted from the indicated development< stream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG. qualifier on the DELETE GENERATION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 G/ENDELLIB*generation generation deleted from library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated= generation has been deleted from the library. This message? is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GENERATION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GENINSERT1generation generation inserted into stream stream1 0 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated> generation has been inserted into the indicated development< stream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG? qualifier on the CREATE MODULE or INSERT GENERATION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GENMOD>information for generation generation modified in the database1 Facility:1 VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for theA indicated generation of the indicated module has been modifiedD in the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the3 /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GENERATION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GENNODEL'generation generation cannot be deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Developmen2t EnvironmentA Explanation: You are trying to delete a generation of a module@ which is still reachable by at least one stream and/or is not? a leaf generation (some other generation points to it as its> previous generation). VDE does not allow a generation to be$ deleted in either of these cases.D User Action: Check that you have specified the correct generation for deletion. 2 GENNOPRED2generation generation of module has no predecessor1 Facility: VDE, Open 3VMS Development Environment? Explanation: The generation of the indicated module with the> shown CMS generation expression does not have a predecessor; generation. As a result, the current operation cannot beA performed. For example, the DIFFERENCES command cannot compareC generation 1 with its predecessor because it has no predecessor.; User Action: Specify a generation that has a predecessor> (normally any generation except generation 1) and rerun the command. 42 GENNOTCLASSMEM8generation generation is not a member of CMS class class1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated> generation is not a member of the indicated CMS class. This? message is output when a VDE stream is maintaining CMS classC membership, but the indicated generation is not a member of that CMS class.< User Action: Use the VERIFY GENERATION/RECOVER to attempt5 recovery of the class m5emebership for this stream. 2 GENNOTFOUNDCMS.generation generation not found in CMS library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module< generation does not have a generation in the CMS library.D User Action: Use the VERIFY GENERATION/RECOVER command to attemptB recovery of the missing generation or locate missing generation4 from a backup and manually insert the generation. 2 GENNOTINSTAGE6)generation not found in staging area area1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the module generation% is not in the library staging area= User Action: Try to locate a previous module generation by9 checking with users that last had the module reserved. 2 GENNOTQUEREPL2replacement was not queued; no staging area exists1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs7 you that the module generationA has not been queued for replacement and therefore a generation" cannot be located for recovery.= User Action: Try to locate a previous module generation by9 checking with users that last had the module reserved. 2 GENNOTRECOVERED#generation generation not recovered1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the module generation@ has not been recovered. The message that follows 8will provide- more detail as to why the recovery failed.@ User Action: Review the cause of the recovery failure. Try to' locate a previous module generation. 2 GENRECCLASSMEMAgeneration generation successfully recovered into CMS class class1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the module generation@ has been successfully recovered into the indicated CMS class. User Action: None required. 2 GENRE9COVERED8generation generation successfully recovered from source1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the module generation# has been successfully recovered. User Action: None required. 2 GENREM0generation generation removed from stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated= generation has been removed from the indicated deve:lopment< stream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG. qualifier on the REMOVE GENERATION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GENREPLDNF%staging directory directory not found1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs you that reported stagingA directory does not exist. Perhaps the directory was deleted as part of a cleanup operation.;= User Action: Try to locate a previous module generation by9 checking with users that last had the module reserved. 2 GENRETAINED)generation generation retained in library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedB generation has been retained in the library because it is still@ reachable by at least one stream. This message is only issuedD when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GENERATION <command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GENSUCVERIFY+generation generation successfully verified1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleC generation has a corresponding generation in the CMS library andB it is a member of all the CMS classes that are being maintained% for the corresponding VDE streams. User Action: No=ne required. 2 GETJPI2SYS$GETJPI system service failed, unable to attach1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The ATTACH command could not continue because a. failed service call to SYS$GETJPI occurred.@ User Action: Determine if there is any external interference.@ If no interference can be found, then please submit a problem report. 2 GETQUIERR:get queue information system service error for queue queue1 Facility: VDE, OpenVM>S Development Environment? Explanation: You have attempted to start a build job and theA VMS get queue information ($GETQUI) system service returned anC error status. The message that follows gives more information to explain the error.? User Action: The action to take to correct the error depends@ on the nature of the error. You or your system manager should/ correct the error and restart the build job. 2 GRPADD%module module is added to group group1 F?acility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleC has been added as a member of the indicated group . This message? is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE! GROUP or MODIFY GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GRPADDED!group group added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA@ Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated groupA definition has been added to the VDE database. This message isB only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GRPALRMEM0module module is already a member of group group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that you have attAempted toC add the indicated module as a member of the indicated group, but@ the module is already a member of that group. This message isB only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GRPDEL%group group deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the definitiBon forC the indicated group has been deleted from the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GRPEXISTS9group group already exists in database; group not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The indicated group name was specified on a CREATE@ GROUP command, but an ent Cry for that group is already present> in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for that? facility. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified asB the new name for an existing group on the MODIFY GROUP command,B but another group already has the requested new name. Hence theC name of the existing group could not be changed to the new name.< User Action: If you entered the wrong group name, reenter> the command with the correct name. If you entered the rightA g Droup name, use the SHOW GROUP command to display the databaseA information for that group. If you are not satisfied with that: information, use the MODIFY GROUP command to change it. 2 GRPMOD4information for group group modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the> indicated group has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifEier on the MODIFY GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GRPNOTFOUND4group group not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The indicated group name was entered on a SHOW GROUP< command, but no such group was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the messageB simply tells you that the indicFated group does not exist in the database. 2 GRPNOTMEM,module module is not a member of group group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message informs you that you have tried to@ remove the indicated module from the indicated group, but theD module is not a member of that group. This message is only issued? when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you doG not wish to see the message. 2 GRPREM)module module is removed from group group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleC has been removed from being a member of the indicated build set.A This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY GROUP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 GRPHSYNTAXinvalid group name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The name or format specified for the group name is not using valid syntax.A User Action: Respecify the group name using only alphanumeric,1 underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters. 2 HELLOMotif vdeversion starting up1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message displays the version identification? of the VDE Motif inIterface in use. This message is displayed. automatically during the VDE Motif startup. User Action: None. 2 ICIBOGUS+intermediate conference information invalid1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: This message is displayed in conjunction withB other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that occurred.A User Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to resolve the4 error, please contact VDE support for assistancJe. 2 ICIGONE-intermediate conference information not found1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: This message is displayed in conjunction withB other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that occurred.A User Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to resolve the4 error, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ICIPARSE3parse of intermediate conference information failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS DevelopmKent Environment= Explanation: This message is displayed in conjunction withB other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that occurred.A User Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to resolve the4 error, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 ILLDEPFUNDIllegal dependency function passed to module VDE$REC_DEPENDENCY. The*illegal dependency function value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: An illegal L dependency function was passed to theC dependency recording module VDE$REC_DEPENDENCY. Valid dependency< recording functions are defined in the module VDELIB.REQ.@ User Action: Check the dependency recording function that wasA passed on the call to VDE$REC_DEPENDENCY. If that is ok, checkD the values assigned to the VDE$K_DEPEND_xxxx dependency recordingC literals in VDELIB.REQ. Someone may have assigned them incorrect values. 2 ILLFORUSEill-formed user defined naMme1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: In the DEFINE/COMMAND command, the provided user- defined name is illegal.A User Action: Reissue the command with the correct user defined name. 2 INCNOTVAL8INPUT not valid on streams marked for queued replacement1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The specified or default stream is marked for queued? replacements, and the CREATE MODULE /INPUT command cannot beND processed as it attempts to directly create the module(s) withoutB regard to the review and replacement policy associated with the stream.B User Action: Perform a CREATE MODULE sans the /INPUT qualifier,C and then use a REPLACE command. [This restriction may be relaxed in a future release of VDE.] 2 INMODNOTFOU@input module module of build step not found in database; ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The automatically co Ollected dependency informationA for the current build step specifies that the indicated module? is an input to the step. However, the module is not found in? the VDE database; it is neither specified as a source moduleA nor as an output of any previous step. This indicates that theA VDE database is not consistent with the actual contents of theA facility subdirectory in which the compiler or other processor found the module.A User Action: Determine whether the module sPhould be in the VDED library. If it should be there, create the module with the CREATE@ MODULE command. If it should not be there, delete it from theA facility subdirectory in which the compiler or other processor found it. 2 INPNOTNAME,input string text is not syntactically valid1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explanation: An input string entered in response to anD interactive query for the name of some entity (such as a library,A module, oQr group) does not have the correct syntactic form for that kind of entity name.A User Action: Reenter a correctly specified name in response to the query. 2 INPTOOLONG:input string too long; maximum length is number characters1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explanation: An input string entered in response to anC interactive query for information is too long because it exceeds/ the maximum length indicated in the message.A User ActionR: Reenter a shorter input string in response to the query. 2 INPTOOSHORT;input string too short; minimum length is number characters1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explanation: An input string entered in response to anA interactive query for information is too short because it does9 not reach the minimum length indicated in the message.@ User Action: Reenter a longer input string in response to the query. 2 INTERR-internal VDE eSrror in VDE-internal-identifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 INTERR_AZ-internal VDE error in VDE-internal-identifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.A UTser Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 INTFUNCERRinternal script function error1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The script function encountered an error during the$ parsing, and cannot be processed.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent inU duplicating the problem. 2 INTMEMERR?internal memory-pool error at hex-virtual-address VDE-internal- identifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency in its internal memory pool.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 INTTOOBIGinteger too large1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS DeveloVpment EnvironmentA Explanation: Integer values entered from the command line must fit into a longword.D User Action: Determine if it is necessary to provide such a largeA number. If it is necessary, then this is a restriction of VDE. 2 INVALANSanswer is an invalid answer1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The response to a confirmation message is invalid;@ only the word YES or the word NO or an abbreviation of one ofB those tWwo words is allowed as a response. Confirmation messagesD only appear when you use the /CONFIRM qualifier on a command that accepts this qualifier.C User Action: Reenter either YES or NO (or Y or N) in response to the confirmation message. 2 INVDATLNM?invalid VDE$DATE_TIME; use DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC format: time1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The format of a date-time value entered as a logical> name is invalid. This message shoXuld appear only during VDE? testing, and is only displayed by debug versions of VDE, and9 the logical name is only translated by debug versions.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use contains debug-only images. If the logical name isC being specified, correct the error in the date-time logical name! value and reissue the command. 2 INVDATTIM;invalid date-time; use DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC format: time1 Facility: VDE, OpenYVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The format of a date-time value entered as a command parameter is invalid.D User Action: Correct the error in the date-time value and reissue the command. 2 INVDBFORM8invalid database format; VDE is unable to access library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The VDE database does not have the proper format.B The database header record could be read successfully, but thatD record does not Z contain the proper sentinel value or its database= version value indicates an out-of-date or invalid database? format. This error could indicate that the database has beenB corrupted in some way or that VDE has generated it incorrectly.B User Action: Try to connect to the database again using the SETC LIBRARY command. If that does not work, you may have to recreateC the library (and thus the database) from scratch with the CREATEC LIBRARY command. If that still does not wor[k, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 INVDIGDECinvalid decimal number: number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: A decimal digit is often expected in many contextsB such as a parameter. If the provided input is not a digit, this# error message will be generated.@ User Action: Reissue the command with the appropriate number. 2 INVDIRSPEC%invalid directory specification: text1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development En\vironmentA Explanation: A directory specification on a VDE command is notC syntactically correct. This message is also printed if a logical? name (such as VDE$LIBRARY) that is supposed to be bound to aB directory specification is not bound to a syntactically correct directory specification.> User Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid directoryB specification or define the logical name to be bound to a valid directory specification. 2 INVGENEXPR-inva]lid CMS generation expression: expression1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: A CMS generation expression on a VDE command is not syntactically correct.C User Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid CMS generation expression. 2 INVHISCHARDinvalid history or notes character following poundsigninvalid string is: string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: A history or notes string was specified whic^h? contains an invalid character after the poundsign character.< Valid characters for a history string are: H, h, B, or b.? Valid characters for a notes string are: G or g. A poundsign= character may be included in the string by quoting it with another poundsign character.? User Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid history or notes string. 2 INVINPUT2invalid interactive command input; command aborted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment _B Explanation: The current command has queried the user for input@ and has gotten invalid input several times in a row. This can> be caused by specifying insufficient parameter or qualifier> information on a command in a command file, which may cause= subsequent commands to be read as responses to interactive< queries. Due to the invalid input, the current command is aborted.? User Action: Reissue the command with correct qualifiers and> parameters or with correct in`put to interactive queries for command information. 2 INVINTVAL.invalid integer value on command line: integer1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated integer value was entered on the? current command line but its value is not in the valid range@ for that kind of value. For example, if the number of secondsB in a delta-time interval is exceeds 59, you will get this error message.? User Action: Reissue the command with a vaalid integer value. 2 INVIPMTNAMinvalid IPMT/CLD number syntax1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: The format for the CLD number is not valid.A User Action: Respecify the CLD number in the format ABC-12345,A ABC-123456, ABC.12345 or ABC.123456. If the IPMT/CLD number is@ not in this format, or if this format is not accepted by VDE,- please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 INVKEYNAMinvalid or missing key name1 Facilbity: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The name of a key on the keyboard was expected in this command.@ User Action: Reissue the command with an acceptable name of a key. 2 INVNUMRNGCnumber not valid; number is number, valid range is number to number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: A numeric input value is not within its valid range./ The valid range is indicated in the message.@ User Action: Reenter the cnumber with a value within the valid range. 2 INVNUMSTGinvalid numeric string: string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: A numeric input value is not syntactically valid.7 User Action: Reenter the number with correct syntax. 2 INVPAGE?invalid screen height, value must be between minimum_height andmaximum_height1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: For the SET TERMINAL command, the /PAGE qualifiedr> must provide a page length between 11 and 100, inclusively.C User Action: Reissue the SET TERMINAL command with an acceptable page size. 2 INVPARAM2invalid parameter passed to routine-name-plus-info1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE has detected in internal inconsistency, namely= that an illegal value has been passed as a parameter to an internal routine.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Pleasee< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 INVQARDB invalid QAR database name syntax1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The format for the QAR database name is not valid.: User Action: Respecify the QAR database name using only> alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign or hyphen characters. 2 INVQARNOinvalid QAR entry number syntax1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmentf@ Explanation: The format of the QAR entry number is not valid.A User Action: Respecify the QAR entry number using only numeric characters. 2 INVRANGE,no values in inverted range number to number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: The values specified for the /IDENTIFICATIONB qualifier on the DELETE, MODIFY or SHOW REPLACEMENT command are? in reverse order and, therefore, do not represent any value.B For this reason, no replacementg entries are found matching this criteria.? User Action: Reenter the command specifying a valid range of- replacement id numbers in ascending order. 2 INVSOURCE-Invalid source of information specified: code1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The source of information-typically the SCT, FOLD or OTHER-is not valid.= User Action: Reenter a valid source of information on this change. 2 INVWIDTH=invalid screen width, valuhe must be between minimum_width and maximum_width1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: For the SET TERMINAL command, the /WIDTH qualifier= can provide a page length between 40 and 255, inclusively.C User Action: Reissue the SET TERMINAL command with an acceptable width. 2 INVWILDSPEC;invalid wildcard specification in script selector: selector1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The indicated module nam ie or facility name is< wildcarded in a way that is not valid in a module-name orB facility specification used to select scripts. The only form ofC wildcarding that is allowed in this context is a single asteriskA (*); other, more general forms of wildcarding are not allowedC in script selectors. Also, the components of a full module (such@ as [FAC]MOD.TYP) may all be wildcarded individually, but onlyA in certain combinations. Invalid combinations yield this error messagej.? User Action: Reissue the command with an acceptable wildcard specification. 2 IPMTAGAIN&please re-enter the IPMT or CLD number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: There is a problem with the IPMT or CLD name, andB you are being prompted to re-enter the IPMT or CLD number. This@ message should be paired with other error messages, and theseD other messages should provide insight into the particular problem$ VDE is (currently) gripking about.B User Action: The the IPMT or CLD name should be specified using? three leading alphabetic characters, a hyphen or period, andA five or six trailing numeric characters. ABC-12345, ABC.12345,@ ABC.123456, and ABC-123456 are all examples of valid IPMT (or CLD) name syntax. 2 IPMTFMT2use ABC.12345, ABC-12345, ABC.123456 or ABC-1234561 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: These are valid formats for the IPMT/CLD number.C User lAction: The IPMT/CLD number must be specified in the formatB ABC-12345, ABC-123456, ABC.12345 or ABC.123456. If the IPMT/CLDB number is not in this format, or if this format is not accepted5 by VDE, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 IPMTSYNTAX"invalid IPMT/CLD name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The name or format specified for the IPMT/CLD name is not using valid syntax.? User Action: Respecify the IPMT/CmLD name using three leading= alphabetic characters, a hyphen or period, and five or sixA trailing numeric characters. ABC-12345, ABC.12345, ABC.123456,A and ABC-123456 are all examples of valid IPMT/CLD name syntax. 2 ITEMLIST4unable to parse itemlist list entry at offset offset1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE has detected a size, type code or buffer address7 error at the specified entry offset in the itemlist.A User Action: nPlease evaluate the specified entry offset in the* itemlist, and rework it as appropriate. 2 IVQLOC=invalid qualifier location - place after each dependency file parameter1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The /INPUT and /OUTPUT qualifiers are allowed as aB qualifier for each file specification that is to be recorded asC a dependency. These qualifiers are only meaningful for the build1 dependency parameter of the VDEDEPEND command.;o User Action: Reissue the command with the proper syntax. 2 IVQUALBunrecognized qualifier 'qualifier' - check validity, spelling, and placement1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment1 Explanation: An undefined qualifier was found.@ User Action: Verify the syntax for the command and reissue it$ with only the allowed qualifiers. 2 JOURDISA-database journalling disabled for VDE library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explapnation: This message informs you that after-imageB journalling has been disabled (turned off) for the VDE library.D When journalling is disabled, it can be very hard to recover from' a damaged or corrupted VDE database. User Action: None. 2 JOURENA,database journalling enabled for VDE library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explanation: This message informs you that after-image@ journalling has been enabled (turned on) for the VDE library.D q Journalling makes it possible to recover the database contents if( the database is damaged or corrupted. User Action: None. 2 KEYADDED=keyword keyname added to note noteID in conference conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has successfully? added the indicated keyword to a note in the indicated notes conference. User Action: None 2 LIBCONV/library format converted for new versi ron of VDE1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The format of the current VDE library, includingA its database schema, has been converted to the format requiredD by the present version of VDE. If automatic library conversion isC enabled for the current VDE library, this action takes place theB first time someone accesses the VDE database with a new version@ of VDE. If automatic library conversion is disabled, you must< enter the CONVERT LIBRARY csommand to convert the library.< User Action: None. This is an informational message only. 2 LIBINDRANCLibrary index value of value out of range for library dependency ormodule dependency.1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: A library dependency or module dependency with an@ illegal library index value was passed to the module VDE$REC_D DEPENDENCY for dependency recording. The value was equal to 0, orB greater than the currently largest astsigned library index value( for the dependency recording session.B User Action: Check the call to LIB$REC_DEPENDENCY for recording= this library dependency or module dependency for a correctB library index value. If the library index value appears correct" please submit a problem report. 2 LIBLABEL"library (mnemonic) contents: label1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This is an informational message, and indicates the@ label associauted with a particular library that is available.& User Action: No action is required. 2 LIBMOD'library attributes modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that attributes for the? current library have been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY LIBRARY command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do v not wish to see the message. 2 LIBNOTSET=library not set; no VDE database found in directory directory1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: You have attempted to set a VDE library by; specifying a directory specification or library mnemonicA specification on the SET LIBRARY command, but the directory orC mnemonic either does not exist or does not reference a valid VDEA library database. If you are using a mnemonic for the library,C che wck to make sure you have entered a valid mnemonic, then checkB to see that the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS* logical names all includeD the appropriate and matching numbers of translations. (If you areB uncertain how to check the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS* logical names,! consult the VDE user's guide.)B User Action: Reenter the command with a directory specificationD that specifies a valid root directory for a VDE library, or enter? a correct mnemonic. If the directory or mnemonic is correxct,= contact the local system management staff and ask that the? translations of the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS* logical name(s) be corrected. 2 LIBREQ*specification of library mnemonic required1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE/LOCATIONS is unable to locate the target for the" location translation operation.& User Action: Specify the target via# VDE/LOCATIONS/MNEMONIC=mnemonic. 2 LIBRESET library reset1 Facility:y VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment/ Explanation: You have reset the VDE library.& User Action: No action is required. 2 LINKFAIL$link of module completed with errors1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The link step for the indicated module completedA with one or more errors. The linker's output (on your terminal@ or in the step's log file) gives more detail on the errors it detected.A User Action: Correct the errors and reszubmit the link or build job. 2 LINKSUCC%link of module completed successfully1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: The link of the indicated module completed successfully. User Action: None. 2 LNKSTEPADDED&link step for module added to database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated link@ step has been added to the VDE database. This message is only{< issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 LNKSTEPDEL1link step for module module deleted from database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the link step for the@ indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. ThisB means that all build dependency information for that bu|ild stepA has been deleted. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the DELETE STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 LNKSTEPMOD0link step for module module modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs you that build dependency? information for the indicated link step has been modified inA the VDE databas}e. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 LOASTLM%recommended free ASTLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the ASTLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system manage~ment staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOBIOLM%recommended free BIOLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the BIOLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOBYTLM%recommended free BYTLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the BYTLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOCKED library write access is disabled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message is displayed when an attempt is made toD write-RESERVE, REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACE a module, etc-into to a locked library.@ User Action: Contact the staff responsible for the library toC determine why access to the library is currently locked out. TheA library may be currently undergoing maintenance operations, orB the library may be a read-only shadow copy of a library. Only a9 user with the MODLIB privilege can unlock the library. 2 LODIOLM%recommended free DIOLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the DIOLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOENQLM%recommended free ENQLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the ENQLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOFILLM%recommended free FILLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the FILLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOGNAMUNDEF9logical name logical undefined; operation cannot complete1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The current VDE operation requires the indicatedB logical name to be defined, but it is not defined. As a result,$ VDE cannot perform the operation.D User Action: Exit the VDE kept process with the EXIT/KEPT_PROCESSD command, define the required logical name, restart VDE, and retry the operation. 2 LOJTQUOTA!recommended free JTQUOTA is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The amount of the JTQUOTA currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOPGFLQUOTA)recommended free PGFLQUOTA value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: The amount of the PGFLQUOTA quota currently= available is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOPRCLM%recommended free PRCLM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the PRCLM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 LOQUOTA%one or more proces s quotas is too low1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The currently-free value of one or more quotas? is below the recommended values for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: The determination of a low quota is based on theD currently-free value of the quota. Contact your system management@ staff and request that the process quotas associated with theB current username be reset to provide the recommended value withA VDE. One or more messages are output with this message listingD the particular quota found to be low, and the recommended minimumC free value for the quota. VDE will attempt to continue from this error. 2 LOTQELM%recommended free TQELM value is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The amount of the TQELM quota currently available> is below the recommended value for VDE. VDE will attempt to continue.@ User Action: Contact your system management staff and requestB that the process quotas associated with the current username beA reset to the values recommended for use with VDE. This message= includes the recommended minimum free value for the quota. 2 MAILERR$error from MAIL routine routine-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: VDE has encountered an error while using the VMS MAIL callable interface.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherD error messages included with this one and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 MAILSENTmail message sent to user user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has sent a mailD message to the indicated user notifying that user of your action.> This message is issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on a) command that sends mail notifications.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MATQUOMISmatching quote is missing1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: All quoted strings must be delimited by either two single or two double quotes.= User Action: Reenter the command with appropriately quoted string. 2 MAXIDVAL1maximum allowed Id value in database exceeded: ID1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: Each entity in the VDE database, such as eachC module, each stream, and each build job, has an integer Id valueD that uniquely identifies it. This Id value may not assume a valueB larger than 2,000,000,000, but the operation you have attemptedC to perform has tried to create an entity with an Id value larger@ than this maximum. The indicated name tells which Id value isA affected. This error should never occur unless the database is extremely large.? User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. MostA likely the VDE database has been damaged by an internal error. 2 MAXPARM;too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: In both the SHOW KEY and DELETE KEY commands, theC user cannot provide both /ALL as a qualifier and a key name as a parameter.A User Action: Choose between /ALL or just one key in either the# SHOW KEY or DELETE KEY commands. 2 MERGEGEN-merging generation generation(this) into that1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the current FETCH orC RESERVE command will merge the indicated "merge" generation intoA the generation being fetched or reserved to produce the output@ file. This message is only issued when you use the /MERGE and" /LOG qualifiers on the command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MISCONTSCRP#missing continuation line in script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The current script specified that the last line> should be continued but no such continuation line exists. AB hyphen (-) at the end of a line indicates that the line should be continued.D User Action: Either remove the hyphen at the end of the last line; or supply a continuation line, whichever is appropriate. 2 MISHISPARM,missing history parameter in string "string"1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: A history string was specified which does not? contain a history parameter. A history parameter is required! as part of the history string.D User Action: Reenter the VDE command with a valid history string. 2 MISTYPNAM7missing type name for module string; type name required1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: A module name has been specified without a moduleD type in a context where the module type is required. For example,C the command CREATE MODULE M1 is incorrect because a module type,@ as in CREATE MODULE M1.FOR (where FOR is the module type), isB required for this command. The type name must be separated from8 the module name by a dot (.) as shown in the example. 2 MNEMONIC$library (mnemonic) library available1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This is an informational message, and indicates a@ particular library is available, as well as the mnemomic name associated with the library.& User Action: No action is required. 2 MNETOOLONG2library mnemonic too long; maximium length: length1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: One (or more) of the VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS3 library mnemonic name translations are too long.@ User Action: Contact the maintainer of the definitions of theC VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name in use, and ask that the mnemonics be shortened. 2 MODADDED#module module added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleA definition has been added to the VDE database. This message isC only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE MODULE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODALRINSTEP/module module is already an input to build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module> is already an input to the build step. This message is onlyD issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP commandB and specify a new input module which is already an input to the step.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODALROUTSTEP2module module is already an output from build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleA is already an output from the build step. This message is onlyD issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP commandB and specify a new output module which is already an output from the step.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODALRQUEREP8module module already queued for replacement replacement1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have tried to replace or unreserve a module> that already belongs to the indicated queued replacement. AB reservation that already belongs to a queued replacement cannotC be unreserved or queued for another replacement; the reservationD remains until the original replacement is performed or cancelled.C As a result, your attempt to replace or unreserve the module has failed.A User Action: If you want to remove the module reservation fromC its current queued replacement, you must cancel that replacementB with the CANCEL REPLACEMENT command. You can then unreserve the7 module or replace it as part of another replacement. 2 MODALRRES6module module already reserved; reservation has failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have tried to reserve a module that is alreadyA reserved by another user (possibly yourself). That reservationD does not allow concurrent reservations, or you have not requestedB a concurrent reservation. The reservation may be in the current@ default stream, or in an ancestor stream. As a result of thisD prior reservation, your attempt to reserve the module has failed.? User Action: Wait until the user who has reserved the module@ replaces it in the library. Then reserve it yourself. You canA use the SHOW RESERVATION/FULL command to see who currently hasD the module reserved, and in what stream the module was originally@ reserved. Alternatively, you can use the /OVERRIDE=CONCURRENT> qualifier to concurrently reserve the module, or the /QUEUE@ qualifier to queue a request for notification when the module becomes available. 2 MODDEL'module module deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the definition forD the indicated module has been deleted from the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE MODULE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODEXISTS<module module already exists in database; module not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The indicated module name wa s specified on a CREATEB MODULE command, but an entry for that module is already present> in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for thatA module. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as theD new name for an existing module on the MODIFY MODULE command, butD another module in the same facility already has the requested newC name. Hence the name of the existing module could not be changed to the new name.= User Action: If you entered the wrong module name, reenter> the command with the correct name. If you entered the rightC module name, use the SHOW MODULE command to display the databaseB information for that module. If you are not satisfied with that; information, use the MODIFY MODULE command to change it. 2 MODINSTEP+module module is an input to the build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module@ is recorded as an input to the build step being defined. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the& CREATE STEP or MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODLOCKED4module module locked for replacement by another user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The module you are trying to replace is currently: being replaced by another user who is updating the sameB gen eration as you want to update. As a result, your replacement attempt failed.? User Action: Wait a minute or two and then try the operation? again. If the other user deleted your concurrent reservation@ through his or her replacement, your second attempt will failA with a message to that effect. If the other user's replacement> failed or did not conflict with yours, your new replacement attempt can succeed. 2 MODMODIF6information for module module modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the? indicated module has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY MODULE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODNOTDELmodule module not deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You are attempting to delete a module that cannotB be deleted. Additional messages are normally included with this@ message, and these messages indicate why the module cannot be deleted.A User Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the other error3 messages, and reenter the DELETE MODULE command. 2 MODNOTFOUND6module module not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The indicated module name was entered on a SHOWD MODULE command, but no such module was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message? simply tells you that the indicated module does not exist in the database. 2 MODNOTINSTEP/module module is not now an input to build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedA module is not now recorded as an input to the build step whoseC definition you are modifying. Removing it from the build step isD thus redundant. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG( qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODNOTINSTRM*generation generation not in stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that an attempt was made> to update the specified stream with a new generation of the@ specified module, but the specified module is not part of the specified development stream.A User Action: Use the /NOPROPAGATE qualifier for the command orB populate the specified stream with the specified generation and try the command again. 2 MODNOTOUTSTEP2module module is not now an output from build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module= is not now recorded as an output from the build step whose@ definition you are modifying. Removing it from the build stepB is thus redundant. This message is only issued when you use the- /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODNOTRES'module module is not currently reserved1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: You are trying to replace the indicated moduleB but that module is not currently reserved in the current stream development stream.? User Action: Reserve the module before trying to replace it. 2 MODNOTREV&module module not found in review list1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have specified a module that does not existA in the current review list. As a result, you cannot select the& module with the name you specified.C User Action: Reenter the SELECT command specifying a module thatD is present in the review list for the current REVIEW command. UseD the DIRECTORY subcommand to determine what modules are present in the list. 2 MODOBS0module module-name superceded or marked obsolete1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The latest generation of the specified moduleA indicates the module was superceded by a more recent module or was marked obsolete.A User Action: Determine if the current operation should proceedC with a module that has been superceded or is marked as obsolete.B If the operation should proceed, determine if any modificationsC are needed to any module(s) that may have superceded or replaced this module. 2 MODOUTSTEP.module module is an output from the build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleC is recorded as an output from the build step being defined. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the& CREATE STEP or MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODREMINSTEP/module module removed as an input to build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module< is no longer recorded as an input to the build step whoseA definition you are modifying. This message is only issued when9 you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MODREMOUTSTEP2module module removed as an output from build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module? is no longer recorded as an output from the build step whoseA definition you are modifying. This message is only issued when9 you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STEP command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 MUSTREPL>you must replace the new module to create its first generation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message is displayed when you create a newB module with the CREATE MODULE command and the command marks the? module as reserved. It reminds you that you must replace theB module with a REPLACE command to create the first generation of@ the module. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG* qualifier on the CREATE MODULE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 NAMTOOLONG0name is too long: text; maximum length is number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: A name entered as a command parameter is too longB because it exceeds the maximum length indicated in the message.8 User Action: Reissue the command with a shorter name. 2 NEEDFACILITY this request requires a facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified request as a5 facility was not selected nor otherwise specified.D User Action: Select or specify a facility, and retry the request. 2 NEEDLIBRARYthis request requires a library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified request as a4 library was not selected nor otherwise specified.C User Action: Select or specify a library, and retry the request. 2 NEEDMOD#module must be specified on command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: You have failed to specify a module name on a command that requires it.> User Action: Enter the module name you want on the command. 2 NEEDMODULEthis request requires a module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified request as a3 module was not selected nor otherwise specified.B User Action: Select or specify a module, and retry the request. 2 NEEDMOREunexpected end of command line1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: Many commands require the presence of additional parameters or qualifiers.C User Action: Review the correct syntax of the respective command0 and enter it with the appropriate parameters. 2 NEEDSTEP'build step must be specified on command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have failed to specify a build step on a command that requires it.@ User Action: Enter a module name on the command to select the build step you want. 2 NEEDSTREAMthis request requires a stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE was unable to perform the specified request as a3 stream was not selected nor otherwise specified.B User Action: Select or specify a stream, and retry the request. 2 NETERROR*network error; component: id, code: errcod1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: Something deep within the bowels of the VDE network layer has returned an error.A User Action: Please check the status of the local network, and3 then contact VDE support for further assistance. 2 NEWDBGMSK,debug mask switching from oldmask to newmask1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: This message indicates that the value loaded inB the VDE debugging bitmask is being changed. This message should" appear only during VDE testing.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version, of VDE in use contains debug-only images.  2 NOACCLIB.no access to library allowed for user username1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You are not authorized to access the VDE libraryD that logical name VDE$LIBRARY points to or that you are trying to( establish with a SET LIBRARY command.C User Action: Correct the definition of logical name VDE$LIBRARY,D specify the name of a library you are authorized to access on theA SET LIBRARY command, or request that the administrator for theA desired VDE library give you the right to access that library. 2 NOARCHSPEC'no architecture specified for operation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have entered a command that requires a default@ architecture to exist, but you have not established a default> architecture. Usually, this means that the command you haveC entered contains a module name with an omitted architecture nameD and the architecture cannot be defaulted. As a result, the module+ cannot be looked up in any architecture.? User Action: Either establish a default archtecture with theC SET ARCHITECTURE command and reenter the command, or reenter the@ command with an explicitly specified architecture name, as in ARCHNAM:[FACNAM]MOD.TYP. 2 NOATTACH#failed to attach to process PID !XL1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The ATTACH command has failed to attach to the requested process.? User Action: Verify that the requested process exists. Check spelling of the process name. 2 NOAUTOCONV8automatic conversion to current database format disabled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The VDE database does not have the proper format,B and the automatic conversion of the database has been disabled.= User Action: If use of the new version of VDE is intended,< perform a full library backup using the database-provided? backup tools, and then use the VDE CONVERT command to update the database format. 2 NOBASENOTE1no base note found for replacement replacement_id1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: This message is displayed in conjunction withB other error messages, and indicates the particular failure that@ occurred. VDE has attempted to find a base note with either aA keyword or a title containing the specified replacement ID and has failed.A User Action: Resolve the basic error. If unable to resolve the> error, please contact the project leader or VDE support for assistance. 2 NOBLDJOB%no build jobs found for stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: No build job is present in the database that belongsA to the indicated stream and matches the selection criteria youB specified on the SHOW BUILD_JOB or other BUILD_JOB command. TheB selection criteria you have specified may include the build-job@ identification number, the build-job status, or bounds on the$ build-job creation date and time.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message? simply tells you that the no build job exists for the stream( and selection criteria you specified. 2 NOBLDSTEPS;build job contains no build steps; build job is not created1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: You tried to create a build job with the BUILDB command, but the build job turns out to contain no build steps.A As a result, the build job is not created in the database. TheB usual cause of this error is that you specified a minimal build? of modules that are already up-to-date with respect to their source modules.? User Action: If you intended to perform a minimal build, the> build job is unnecessary. If you intended to perform a full; build, specify the /FULL qualifier on the BUILD command. 2 NOBUILD< no BUILD privilege; cannot create build jobs in this library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCANRES>cannot cancel reservation to create first generation of module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have entered an UNRESERVE command to cancelA the reservation that will create th e initial generation of theC indicated module. The reservation was created by a CREATE MODULEC command and VDE does not allow you to cancel such a reservation.? User Action: If you no longer want the reservation that willA create the first generation of the module, you must delete theD module with the DELETE MODULE command. If you just want to changeD the attributes of the reservation, you must do so with the MODIFY RESERVATION command. 2 NOCAUSE0replacement cause not known; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: VDE was not provided with the cause of theB replacement being performed. The cause of a replacement-usually> a Source Code Tracking (SCT) entry or a source code Fold-is tracked.D User Action: Select the appropriate replacement cause-Source CodeA Tracking (SCT), Fold, or Other-using the toggle buttons on the! module replacement dialog box. 2 NOCLOSEQ-no closing quotation mark for a quoted string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: For the DEFINE/COMMAND command, the parameter that? describes the command must be enclosed with either single or double quotes.; User Action: Reenter the DEFINE/COMMAND command with the appropriate quotes. 2 NOCONFNAM:no notes conference name specified in call to routine-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency within an internal3 routine which uses the notes callable interface.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 NOCREARCH;no CREARCH privilege; cannot create or modify architectures1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did no t haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCRECTX5no CRECTX privilege; cannot create or delete contexts1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@  the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCREFAC7no CREFAC privilege; cannot create or modify facilities1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< req uires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCREGRP3no CREGRP privilege; cannot create or delete groups1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCREMOD4no CREMOD privilege; cannot create or modify modules1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCRESCRP5no CRESCRP privilege; cannot create or delete scripts1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCRESTEP3no CRESTEP privilege; cannot create or delete steps1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development En vironment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCRESTRM5no CRESTRM privilege; cannot create or modify streams1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOCREUSR3no CREUSER privilege; cannot create or delete users 1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NODELARCH1no DELARCH privilege; cannot delete architectures1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NODELDEF$Attempt to delete default prohibited1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You are attempting to delete a object (architecture,- stream, facility, etc.) that is a default.B User Action: To make the architecture deleteable use the MODIFYD ARCHITECTURE command with the /DELETE qualifier. Then reenter the DELETE ARCHITECTURE command. 2 NODELFAC:no DELFAC privilege; cannot delete facilities from library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment @ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NODELMOD7no DELMOD privilege; cannot delete modules from library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NODELREP/no DELREP privilege; cannot delete replacements1 Facil ity: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NODELSETmarked /NODELETE1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment6 Explanation: You are attempting to delete an object> (architecture, stream, facility, etc.) that has been markedA not-deletable by default or by use of the /NODELETE qualifier.> User Action: To allow the object to be deleted, specify the> appropriate MODIFY command with the /DELETE qualifier. Then& reenter the failing DELETE command. 2 NODELSTRM8no DELSTRM privilege; cannot delete streams from library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NODELTAROOT/no delta-file root directory exists for library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: You have tried to create a directory tree for< a specific facility's delta files, but no delta-file root@ directory exists for the library. Hence VDE cannot create any/ disk directories for the indicated facility.A User Action: Use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/DELTA_FILES commandA to create a directory tree for the library's delta files. ThatB will automatically create the delta-file root directory for the@ library and the delta-file subdirectories for all facilities. 2 NODIRDELTA3no delta-file directory found for facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: VDE tried to access the delta-file directory forC the indicated facility, but no such directory is recorded in theB database. This normally means that you have not yet created the% disk directories for the facility.B User Action: To create the facility's delta-file directory, use> the CREATE DI RECTORY_TREE command with the /DELTA_FILES and? possibly /FACILITY qualifiers. Use the SHOW LOCATION commandA to see what disk directories are recorded in the VDE database. 2 NODIRMARKER4no marker-file directory found for facility facility1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE tried to access the marker-file directory forC the indicated facility, but no such directory is recorded in theA database. This normally means that you have failed to create aC delta-file subdirectory with directory symbol VDE$MARKER for theD indicated facility. Such a directory must exist for you to create! modules that use marker files.> User Action: To create the needed subdirectory, use the SETA DIRECTORY command with the /DELTA_FILES and /SYMBOL=VDE$MARKERC qualifiers. Then create the facility's delta-file directory treeA with the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command, using the /DELTA_FILESC and possibly /FACILITY qualifiers. Use the SHOW LOCATION commandA to see what disk directories are recorded in the VDE database. 2 NOFACSPEC#no facility specified for operation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have entered a command that requires a default< facility to exist, but you have not established a defaultB facility. Usually, this means that the command you have entered? contains a module name with an omitted facility name and theB facility cannot be defaulted. As a result, the module cannot be looked up in any facility.< User Action: Either establish a default facility with the? SET FACILITY command and reenter the command, or reenter the< command with an explicitly specified facility name, as in [FACNAM]MOD.TYP. 2 NOFREEno free storage available1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment2 Explanation: VDE has run out of virtual memory.D User Action: Use less complex commands, raise the virtual-address% quota, or submit a problem report. 2 NOFROZEN?no FROZEN privilege; cannot replace modules into frozen streams1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOGENSTRM0generation generation not found in stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated module generation was en tered on? a command, but no such generation was found in the specified stream.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply@ tells you that the indicated generation does not exist in theA specified stream. First, verify that you have either specifiedC the correct stream on the command or that your context is set toA the correct stream. If the stream name was correct and you hadB expected such a generation of a module to exist in that stream,D you may use the SHOW GENERATION/STREAM=stream-name command to see4 what module generations are found in that stream. 2 NOKEYPAD#unable to set up keypad definitions1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE was unable to setup keypad definitions becauseB an error was returned from SMG$DELETE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOAD. VDE uses1 the SMG facility to perform keypad management.A User Action: Check the setup of the terminal which might causeC SMG some problem. If the error still cannot be explained, please& contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOKEYW8qualifier name is missing - append the name to the slash1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: A qualifier is composed of both a "/" and keyword.? If only a "/" appears, then this error message is displayed.< User Action: Ensure that there are no dangling "/" in the command. 2 NOLIBDEFno VDE library defined1 Facility: VDE, Open VMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE is unable to perform the specified operation asD the target VDE library-the library on which the operation will be& performed-has not been established.@ User Action: Specify the target VDE library. To determine the? available libraries, issue the "SET LIBRARY" command with no> parameters. As part of the error message, this command willB display the names of the predefined VDE libraries, the Rdb root? directory for each, and t he mnemonic name for each. Once the? mnemnonic name or the Rdb root directory name for the targetB library is known, one can: A) use the mnemnonic name or the RdbA root directory name as the libname parameter on a "SET LIBRARYA libname" VDE command. B) Use use the mnemnonic name or the RdbD root directory name as the parameter on the VDE /LIBRARY=libname.A C) Define the logical name VDE$LIBRARY to translate to the VDE4 mnemnonic name or to the Rdb root directory name. 2 NOLIBROOM"too many libraries in default file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE has detected too many libraries declared in theD VDE.DAT Motif application defaults file, and is unable to displayA all of the specified libraries in the system library cascading pulldown.C User Action: If you are unable to reduce the number of librariesB in the default file, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOMAIL+no message sent; MAIL messages are disabled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message is used to indicate that the version ofC VDE in use contains debug or prototype code, and as a result, no mail message is being sent.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version4 of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images. 2 NOMAILSENT)failure to send mail message to user user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE has failed in an attempt to send a mail message< to the indicated user notifying that user of your action.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherA error messages included with this one, and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOMATCHARCH9no architecture name matches the wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: You entered a wildcarded architecture nameC specification on a co mmand, but that specification did not match. any architecture names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply> tells you that no architectures matching your specification@ exist in the database. If you had expected such architecturesB to exist, you can use the SHOW ARCHITECTURE command to see whatA architectures are present in the database and you can ask your9 project administator to add any missing architectures. 2 NOMAT CHCTX4no context name matches the wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You entered a wildcarded context name specificationA on a command, but that specification did not match any context names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyB tells you that no contexts matching your specification exist inD the database. If you had expected such contexts to exist, you canC use the SHOW CONTEXT command to see what contexts are present inD the database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing contexts. 2 NOMATCHFAC5no facility name matches the wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You entered a wildcarded facility name specificationB on a command, but that specification did not match any facility names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyA tells you that no facilities matching your specification existA in the database. If you had expected such facilities to exist,C you can use the SHOW FACILITY command to see what facilities areD present in the database and you can ask your project administator! to add any missing facilities. 2 NOMATCHGEN.no generation matches wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You entered a wildcarded gen eration specification@ on a command, but that specification did not match any module# generations in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyC tells you that no module generations matching your specification> exist in the database. If you had expected such generations@ to exist, you can use the SHOW GENERATION command to see what+ generations are present in the database. 2 NOMATCHGENS?no generation matches wildcarded strin g string in stream string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You entered a wildcarded generation specification@ on a command, but that specification did not match any module' generations in the specified stream.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyC tells you that no module generations matching your specificationD exist in the specified stream. First, verify that you have eitherC specified the correct stream on the command or that your contextC is set to the correct stream. If the stream name was correct andC you had expected such generations to exist, you can use the SHOWD GENERATION/STREAM=stream-name command to see what generations are present in that stream. 2 NOMATCHGRP2no group name matches the wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You entered a wildcarded group name specification onB a command, but that specification did not match any group names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply@ tells you that no groups matching your specification exist inB the database. If you had expected such groups to exist, you canC use the SHOW GROUP command to see what groups are present in theC database and you can use the CREATE GROUP command to add any new groups you want. 2 NOMATCHMOD3no module name matches the wildcarded string string 1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You entered a wildcarded module name specification@ on a command, but that specification did not match any moduleA names in the VDE database in the indicated (or in the default)B facility. This message can be generated when double-clicking on3 an empty facility from within the Motif display.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyA tells you that no modules matching your specification exist inC the VDE database. If you had expected such modules to exist, youB can use the SHOW MODULE command to see what modules are presentC in the database and you can use the CREATE MODULE command to add any missing modules. 2 NOMATCHREP8no replacement name matches the wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment9 Explanation: You entered a wildcarded replacement nameC specification on a command, but that specification did not match- any replacement names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply= tells you that no replacements matching your specification? exist in the database. If you had expected such replacementsA to exist, you can use the SHOW REPLACEMENT command to see what@ replacements are present in the database and you can ask your8 project administator to add any missing replacements. 2 NOMATCHSCRP"no scripts match the specification1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You requested a display of all scripts of a certains@ type, possibly matching a wildcarded module-name or facility-D name specification, but there are no scripts in the database that match that specification.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyB tells you that no scripts exist in the database that match your specification. 2 NOMATCHSES4no session name matches the wi ldcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You entered a wildcarded session name specificationA on a command, but that specification did not match any session names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyB tells you that no sessions matching your specification exist inD the database. If you had expected such sessions to exist, you canC use the SHOW SESSION command to see what sessions are present inD the database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing sessions. 2 NOMATCHSTEP<no build steps for modules matching string found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You entered a wildcarded module-name specification> to specify build steps, but there are no build steps in the; database for modules that match that name specification.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyB tells you that no build steps exist in the database for modulesD matching your module-name specification. If you had expected suchA build steps to exist, you can use the SHOW STEP command to see4 what build steps are represented in the database. 2 NOMATCHSTRM3no stream name matches the wildcarded string string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You entered a wildcarded stream name specification@ on a command, but that spec ification did not match any stream names in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyA tells you that no streams matching your specification exist inC the database. If you had expected such streams to exist, you canC use the SHOW STREAM * command to see what streams are present inD the database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing streams. 2 NOMATCHUSER1no user name matches the wildcarded string s tring1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You entered a wildcarded username specification onC a command, but that specification did not match any usernames in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyC tells you that no users matching your specification exist in theA database. If you had expected such users to exist, you can useC the SHOW USER * command to see what usernames are present in the@  database and you can ask your project administator to add any missing users. 2 NOMEMGRP$no members specified for group group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have tried to create a group without specifying= any members for that group. A group must have at least oneC member. (The members of a group are the modules to be built when3 the group name is specified on a GROUP command.)@ User Action: Reenter the CREATE GROUP command, specifying theB names of the modules that you want to be the members of the new group. 2 NOMODLIB=no MODLIB privilege; cannot modify attributes of this library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege  error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOMODMEMGRP%no modules are members of group group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Exp lanation: You entered the indicated group name on a command toC apply the command to the modules that are members of that group,D but the group has no members. Hence the command is not applied to/ any modules due to that group specification.? User Action: Use the CREATE GROUP or MODIFY GROUP command toD specify the members of a group. Use the SHOW GROUP/MEMBER command* to determine the membership of a group. 2 NOMODSTRM:no MODSTRM privilege; cannot modify most stream at tributes1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOMOREMODno more modules in review list1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have attempted to review the next module in theD current review list, but there are no more such modules. You also@ get this message if you attempt to review the previous module; when you are positioned at the first module in the list.A User Action: Review build steps in the other direction or exit) from the REVIEW REPLACEMENT subsystem. 2 NOMORESTEP"no more build steps in review list1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have attempted to review the next build step inA the current review list, but there are no more such steps. YouD also get this message if you attempt to review the previo us build> step when you are positioned at the first step in the list.A User Action: Review build steps in the other direction or exit' from the REVIEW BUILD_JOB subsystem. 2 NONNULLARG?argument specfied MBZ has non-zero value in routine VDE-routine1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE has detected a non-fatal internal inconsitency.A A non-zero value has been passed as an argument to an internal? routine that is specified to have a zero value. This messageB should only be seen in internal or prototype baselevels of VDE.= User Action: Please notify VDE support. Please include any@ information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 NONOTE-no note topic entered; note entry is disabled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message is used to indicate that the versionC of VDE in use contains debug or prototype code, and as a result,& t hat a notes topic was not entered.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version4 of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images. 2 NONOTESENT(note NOT posted to conference conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE has failed in an attempt to post a note to the? indicated notes conference. Check the conference for general; accessability, and - if conference membership is needed,@ determine if you are a memb er of the conference from the node on which you are running VDE.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherA error messages included with this one, check the documentationC for information on setting up the notes conferences, and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOPARSTRM)no parent stream specified for new stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You are creating a new development stream, but youA did n  ot specify the parent of the new stream. You must specifyC the parent stream by using the /PARENT qualifier with the CREATEA STREAM command or by establishing a default stream for the VDEA session with the SET STREAM command before entering the CREATE STREAM command.> User Action: Establish a default stream with SET STREAM and; reenter the CREATE STREAM command or specify the /PARENT, qualifier with the CREATE STREAM command. 2 NOPERFREP1no PREFREP privilege; cann  ot perform replacements1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privile ge. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOPNAM-unknown project name specified for the stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The specified project name does not match theB project names associated with the specified development stream.C User Action: This is  a warning message, If you believe that this? project should be associated with the stream, please contact@ the project leader, the system manager(s), or VDE support for assistance. 2 NOPNAMS"no projects defined for the stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: There are no projects associated with the specified development stream.@ User Action: This is an informational message, If you believe@ that there should be one or more proj ects associated with theD stream, please contact the project leader, the system manager(s),! or VDE support for assistance. 2 NOPRIVQUAL0insufficient privilege to use qualifer qualifier1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: You attempted to use a command qualifier thatA requires a privilege, and you did not have that privilege set.C User Action: If you are authorized to use the qualifier, use theC SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessary privilege.C Then try the original operation again. If you are not authorized@ to use the qualifier, you should either request the necessaryB privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOPRIVS5insufficient VDE privilege(s) for attempted operation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not ha veD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not u se the qualifier. 2 NOPROMPT)no prompt specified; using default prompt1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This is an informational message, and indicates thatB no prompt was specified on the SET PROMPT command. As no prompt< was specified, VDE will revert to the default VDE prompt.& User Action: No action is required. 2 NORESFORMOD'no reservations exist for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ E xplanation: You have tried to reference reservations for the@ indicated module or modules (the name may be wildcarded), butC there are no reservations in the VDE database for that module or those modules.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyC tells you that the indicated module or modules are not reserved. 2 NORESREP7no RESREP privilege; cannot reserve and replace modules1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanati  on: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier , you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOSCRATCHno SYS$SCRATCH translation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The translation of the SYS$SCRATCH logical name is not valid.D User Action: Reenter the VDE command after redefining SYS$SCRATCH& to a valid directory specification. 2 NOSCRIPTYP#no script type specified on command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The current SCRIPT command (such as CREATE SCRIPT)D does not include any qualifier to specify the type of script thatB the command should apply to. As a result, the command cannot be performed.C User Action: Reenter the command with a qualifier to specify the script type of the script. 2 NOSCT0replacement cause not known; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation:  VDE was not provided with the cause of theB replacement being performed. The cause of a replacement-usually> a Source Code Tracking (SCT) entry or a source code Fold-is tracked.: User Action: Specify the SCT note via the /SCT or /NOTE@ qualifiers on the REPLACE command, or by providing answers to& teh replacement prompts within VDE. 2 NOSCTSRC)source file record for SCT note not found1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE is not a ble to locate the source file for the SCT note.@ User Action: Respecify the command, using a file that exists. 2 NOSETLIB%the SET LIBRARY command is locked out1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The SET LIBRARY command is disabled when executing a beta version of VDE.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains beta-only images. 2 NOSETTERM:the SET TERMINAL command is not supp orted on this terminal1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: SET TERMINAL is only supported on VT52, VT100-B series, VT200-series, VT300-series, VT400-series, VT500-series, and DECterm terminals. 2 NOSPAWNspawn command failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment3 Explanation: A process cannot be spawned by VDE., User Action: Check your process's quotas. 2 NOSTAGROOT1no staging area root directory exists for libr  ary1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have tried to create queued replacement forA some module, but no staging area root directory exists for theC library. Hence VDE cannot create a disk directory for saving (or' "staging") the files to be replaced.@ User Action: Use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE/STAGING command to= create the root directory for the library's staging areas.? Then reenter the REPLACE command. Alternatively, replace theB module with an immediate (as opposed to queued) replacement. An5 immediate replacement does not use a staging area. 2 NOSTRMROOT1no stream root directory exists for stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: You have tried to create a directory tree for= a specific facility within the current stream, but no root? directory exists for the stream. Hence VDE cannot create any/ disk directories for the indicated facility.A Use r Action: Use the CREATE DIRECTORY_TREE command to create aA directory tree for the current stream. That will automaticallyC create both the stream root directory and the subdirectories for all facilities. 2 NOSTRMSPEC!no stream specified for operation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The command you have entered requires that youD specify the name of a development stream, either with the /STREAM> qualifier or as a command parameter , but the stream name is" missing on the entered command.A User Action: Renter the command, specifying the stream name as required. 2 NOSUCHARCH/architecture architecture not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated architecture name was entered on aC command, but no such architecture was found in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyB tells you that the in  dicated architecture does not exist in the> database. However, if you had expected such an architecture= to exist, you may use the SHOW ARCHITECTURE command to see? what architectures are found in the database. If the desired> architecture is not there, ask your project administator toA add it to the database. Then reenter your command with a valid architecture name. 2 NOSUCHCTX%context context not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment D Explanation: The indicated context name was entered on a command,5 but no such context was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message@ simply tells you that the indicated context does not exist in? the database. However, if you had expected such a context toC exist, you may use the SHOW CONTEXT command to see what contexts are found in the database. 2 NOSUCHDIRSYM-directory symbol symbol not found in database1  Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated directory symbol was referenced by= a script but no such directory symbol was found in the VDEA database. VDE tried to use the directory symbol either to lookA up the directory location for the script's DCL command file orC to evaluate a script function such as $DIR or $STRMDIR. The mostA likely reason for the error is that you used a script functionC that takes a directory symbol as a parameter, a nd you misspelledB the symbol name or specified a symbol you have not yet defined.B Directory symbols are defined with the /SYMBOL qualifier of the SET DIRECTORY command.B User Action: Correct the script function call to have a correctD directory symbol that is already defined. Then reenter the scriptA in the database with the CREATE SCRIPT command and reenter the& command that got the error message. 2 NOSUCHFAC'facility facility not found in database1 Facilit  y: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: The indicated facility name was entered on a? command, but no such facility was found in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply> tells you that the indicated facility does not exist in theC database. However, if you had expected such a facility to exist,C you may use the SHOW FACILITY command to see what facilities areC found in the database. If the desired facility is not t here, askD your project administator to add it to the database. Then reenter+ your command with a valid facility name. 2 NOSUCHFOLD@fold record record not found for module module and stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have tried to reference a fold record with theA indicated fold identifier for the indicated module and stream,= but there is no such fold record in the VDE database. As aB result, VDE has aborted the cur rent command and rolled back the current transaction.D User Action: Specify a valid fold record and reenter the command. 2 NOSUCHFUNC(no such script function exists: function1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated script function was specified in aA VDE script, but no such function exists. The most likely cause? for this error is that you misspelled the function name. VDED recognizes a script function by the fact that all s cript function@ names begin with a dollar sign. Directory symbol names, whichD can appear in the same places as functions in scripts, should not begin with dollar signs.C User Action: Correct the spelling of the function name or selectB a directory symbol name that does not begin with a dollar sign. 2 NOSUCHGEN+generation generation not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated module generation was entered on aA command, but no such generation was found in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply@ tells you that the indicated generation does not exist in the@ database. However, if you had expected such a generation of aB module to exist, you may use the SHOW GENERATION command to see5 what module generations are found in the database. 2 NOSUCHGRP!group group not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environmen ! tB Explanation: The indicated group name was entered on a command,3 but no such group was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the messageB simply tells you that the indicated group does not exist in the@ database. However, if you had expected such a group to exist,B you may use the SHOW GROUP command to see what groups are found> in the database. If the desired group is not there, use the? CREATE GROUP command to add it to the datab" ase. Then reenter( your command with a valid group name. 2 NOSUCHMOD#module module not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The indicated module name was entered on a command,4 but no such module was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the messageC simply tells you that the indicated module does not exist in theA database. However, if you had expected such a module to exist,D # you may use the SHOW MODULE command to see what modules are foundC in the database. If the desired module is not there, you can useD the CREATE MODULE command to add it to the database. Then reenter) your command with a valid module name. 2 NOSUCHPRIV(no such privilege name exists: priv-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: An invalid privilege name was specified on a VDE command.D User Action: Check the spelling of the privilege $ name and reenter- the command with a correct privilege name. 2 NOSUCHQUE0batch queue queue does not exist; check spelling1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have specified a batch queue on a BUILD command= or a related command, but that queue does not exist on theC system. Possibly you have misspelled the queue name. Hence build0 jobs cannot be submitted to that batch queue.@ User Action: Specify a valid queue name and restart the% build job. 2 NOSUCHREP-replacement replacement not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The indicated replacement name was entered on aB command, but no such replacement was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message@ simply tells you that the indicated replacemen does not existB in the database. However, if you had expected such a replacemen; to exist, you may use the S& HOW REPLACMENT command to see> what replacements are found in the database. If the desired= replacement is not there, ask your project administator toA add it to the database. Then reenter your command with a valid replacement name. 2 NOSUCHRES3reservation reservation for module module not found1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have specified a reservation identifier for@ a module reservation, but no reservation with that identi' fierD exists. Hence the current command has not been performed for that reservation.> User Action: Specify the correct reservation identifier and reissue the command. 2 NOSUCHSCRP#script script not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The indicated script was specified on a command, but/ no such script is found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message? simply tells yo( u that the indicated script does not exist in> the database. However, if you had expected such a script toA exist, you may use the SHOW SCRIPT command to see what scripts are present in the database. 2 NOSUCHSES%session session not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The indicated session name was entered on a command,5 but no such session was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error ) ; the message@ simply tells you that the indicated session does not exist in? the database. However, if you had expected such a session toB exist, you may use the SHOW SESSION command to see what sessionB are found in the database. If the desired session is not there,@ ask your project administator to add it to the database. Then2 reenter your command with a valid session name. 2 NOSUCHSTEP1no build step for module module found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS De* velopment Environment@ Explanation: No compile or link build step is recorded in the% database for the indicated module.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simply@ tells you that the indicated build step is not represented inB the database. However, if you had expected such a build step toC exist, you may use the SHOW STEP command to see what build steps are found in the database. 2 NOSUCHSTRM#stream stream not found in database1 F + acility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The indicated stream name was entered on a command,4 but no such stream was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the messageC simply tells you that the indicated stream does not exist in theA database. However, if you had expected such a stream to exist,@ you may use the SHOW STREAM * command to see what streams areA found in the database. If the desired stream is not there, , askD your project administator to add it to the database. Then reenter) your command with a valid stream name. 2 NOSUCHSYMno such symbol 'text' exists1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: No symbols matching the given symbol specification have been found.A User Action: Check the spelling of the symbol specification inB question. The SHOW SYMBOL * command can also be used to display all the symbol names. 2 NOSUCHUSERuser - user not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The indicated username was entered on a command, but. no such user was found in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyD tells you that the indicated user does not exist in the database.A However, if you had expected such a user to exist, you may useA the SHOW USER * command to see what usernames are found in the? database. If the desi. red user is not there, ask your projectC administator to add that user to the database. Then reenter your! command with a valid username. 2 NOTCONNLIB=you are not connected to a VDE library; command not performed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You are trying to perform a command that requires> you to be connected to an existing VDE library, but you are< not connected to such a library. This normally means that@ you have not define / d logical name VDE$LIBRARY to point to the? root directory of a properly formed VDE library that you are@ authorized to use. This problem can also occur after you haveC encountered an error when trying to set or create a new library;B you are then disconnected from the formerly set library withoutB successfully connecting to the new one, leaving you unconnected to any library.D User Action: Define logical name VDE$LIBRARY to point to the rootA directory for the VDE library0 you wish to access. Then try the command again. 2 NOTEID'topic major.minor entered in conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message indicates that VDE has entered a note1 into a notes conference on behalf of the user.& User Action: No action is required. 2 NOTESCONF%accessing notes conference conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has su1 ccessfully: opened the indicated notes conference for notes access. User Action: None 2 NOTESENT$note posted in conference conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has successfullyC posted a note in the indicated notes conference. This message isA issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on a command that sends& notifications to notes conferences.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the2 command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 NOTESENTID+note noteID posted in conference conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has successfullyC posted a note in the indicated notes conference. This message isA issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on a command that sends& notifications to notes conferences.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish 3 to see the message. 2 NOTESERR$error from DEC Notes at routine-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE has encountered an error while using the notes callable interface.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherA error messages included with this one, check the documentationC for information on setting up the notes conferences, and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOTESID+unable to parse DEC 4 Notes topic note-number1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE has encountered an error while using the notes callable interface.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherA error messages included with this one, check the documentationC for information on setting up the notes conferences, and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOTEXTSTR4text string argument missing in call to routine-name1 Facility: VDE5 , OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE has detected an inconsistency within an internal3 routine which uses the notes callable interface.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 NOTIMPL)this feature is not currently implemented1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated feat6 ure, or callback is not currently implemented.: User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 NOTINRANGEBinteger value number not in valid range of low-bound to high-bound1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The indicated integer value is not within the validA range for the qualifier or parameter on which it is specified.A User Action: Reenter the command with the integer value within the proper range. 2 NOTPROP7 7generation generation not propagated past stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: Because the /PROPAGATE or /NOPROPAGATE qualifier wasD specified on the REPLACE command, the indicated module generation; is not propagated past the indicated development stream.B User Action: None. This is an informational message that merely? confirms that VDE performed change propagation as requested. 2 NOTRESINSTRM+module module not reserved i 8 n stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You are trying to unreserve or replace a moduleB in the indicated stream, but the module is not reserved in that stream.A User Action: Use the SHOW RESERVATION/FULL command to see what> stream the reservation was made in. Then use the SET STREAMB command to set the current stream to the appropriate stream and? re-enter the command, or (when available) you can append theD /STREAM qualifi9 er on the failing command and reissue the command.B If you are performing a REPLACEMENT, a replacement performed inD the ancestor stream propogated forward into any and successors of the target stream. 2 NOTREVREP2you are not a reviewer for replacement replacement1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You are trying to mark a replacement as acceptedB or rejected, but you are not a reviewer for the replacement. As@ a result, your attempt to m: ark the replacement as accepted or rejected has failed.? User Action: Specify the name of a replacement for which youA are a reviewer or have yourself added as a reviewer by someone authorized to add you. 2 NOUNCLOSE4no UNCLOSE privilege; cannot unclose a closed stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileg ; es enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. < 2 NOUSERNAMEAno USERNAME privilege; cannot reserve and replace for other users1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRI= VILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project administrator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NOVDEDEVO2no VDEDEVO privilege; access to dungeon restricted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You attempted to use a command or qualifier that< requires one or more VDE > privileges, and you did not haveD sufficient privileges enabled. This message is normally displayedC in conjunction with other error messages, usually a no-privilege error.? User Action: If you are authorized to use the privilege, use@ the VDE SET PRIVILEGES command to give yourself the necessaryC privilege. Then try the original operation again. If you are notA authorized to use the qualifier, you should either request theD necessary privilege from your project adminis? trator or you should not use the qualifier. 2 NULSTRNOTa null string is not allowed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This qualifier requires that a string with a minimumB length of 1 character be provided if any string is specified at' all. The null string is not allowed.@ User Action: Reenter the command providing a string with this! qualifier, or no value at all. 2 NYIfeature not yet implemented1 Facility: VDE, Op@ enVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE has detected a request for a feature that has not yet been implemented.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 OFFLINE3source code control system offline, try again later1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: The VDE system is offline for maintenance or0 upgrade, please tryA your request again later.= User Action: The VDE system is offline fopr maintenance or: upgrade, please try again later. If you have questions,@ please contact VDE support or the system management staff for assistance. 2 OUTFILEoutput file is file1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: Indicates the output file of the current command.> The FETCH and RESERVE commands display this message to show@ the location of the output file containB ing the fetched module generation.7 User Action: None. This is an informational message. 2 OUTMODSRC>output module module of build step is a source module; ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The automatically collected dependency informationA for the current build step specifies that the indicated moduleA is an output from the step. However, the module is marked as aC source module in the VDE database, and a source module cann C ot beB an output of a build step. Hence this dependency information is/ ignored and is not recorded in the database.? User Action: If the module is erroneously marked as a source? module in the VDE database, you should delete the module andC rerun the build step. If the module actually is a source module,= you should investigate why the compiler or other processor1 specifies it as an output from the build step. 2 OUTNLA09if /OUTPUT=NLA0: was used, respecify with D non-null output1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message suggests a workaround for a failure= to fetch a module-this situation occurs only when fetching: or reserving a module that uses a marker file, and when= /OUTPUT=NLA0: was specified on the command. The underlying4 problem will be fixed in a future release of VDE.D User Action: If fetching or reserving a module that uses a marker@ file, respecify the command with a non-null outpuE t device and directory. 2 OVERRIDE6VDE library controls overridden via OpenVMS privileges1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: An attempt has been made to perform an operation< that VDE would normally prohibit, but VDE has allowed theC operation because of OpenVMS privileges possessed by the caller.& User Action: No action is required. 2 OVFLOWBUF.overflow of the input buffer, command ignored.1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS DevelopmF ent EnvironmentC Explanation: A VDE command line may only consist of records that& are less than 1024 characters long.@ User Action: If you want more than 1024 characters for input,C divide each line into records that are less than 1024 characters> and use the continuation character "-" at the point of each= break. If the sum of these records are greater than 32,768B characters, then the complete command line cannot be processed. 2 PREFIXNOTALL3prefix VDE$ not al G lowed in facility or stream names1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You have tried to create or rename a facility or@ stream with a name that begins with the prefix "VDE$" but VDED does not allow facilities or streams to have such names. VDE usesB facility and stream names as disk directory names, but VDE alsoB creates directories reserved for its own use whose names always@ begin with the VDE$ prefix. To prevent name conflicts betweenA facilitH y or stream directories and these reserved directories,@ VDE does not allow facility or stream names to begin with the VDE$ prefix.B User Action: Reenter the command with a facility or stream name! that does not begin with VDE$. 2 PROTOLIBusing prototype library library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message is used to indicate that the versionC of VDE in use contains debug or prototype code, and as a result,+ that a I particular library is being used.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version4 of VDE in use contains debug or prototype images. 2 PROTOTYPE"this is a prototype version of VDE1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message is used to indicate that the version of/ VDE in use contains debug or prototype code.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version4 of VDE in use contains debug or prototypeJ images. 2 QARDBSYNTAX&invalid QAR database name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The name or format specified for the QAR database" name is not using valid syntax.: User Action: Respecify the QAR database name using only? alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters. 2 QCHECKCOUNTqueued.checkin.count: count1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used tK o format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QDATETIME!queued.checkin.datetime: datetime1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: ContacL t VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QERRORS$queued.checkin.defectsfixed: defects1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. M 2 QGROUPqueued.checkin.group: group1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QITEMqueued.checkin.item: item1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is N used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QLIBMNE$queued.library.mnemonic: libmnemonic1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: O Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QMODULEqueued.checkin.module: modname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. P 2 QNOTE queued.checkin.note: topic.reply1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QPROJECTqueued.project.name: project1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This mesQ sage is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QREASON!queued.checkin.reasonmask: reason1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User AcR tion: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QREPLID$queued.checkin.replacementid: replid1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error mesS sage. 2 QREPLNAME!queued.checkin.replname: replname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QRMPBCOUNTqueued.module.count: count1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB ExpT lanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QRMPBMODFLAG queued.module.modflags: modflags1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error mU essage.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QRMPBMODNAMEqueued.module.modname: modname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displayinV g this as an error message. 2 QRMPBREPLREMARK*queued.module.replaceremark: replaceremark1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QRMPBRESREMARK*queued.module.reserveremark: reserveremark1 FW acility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QRMPBSTAGINGqueued.module.staging: staging1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? X VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QSTREAMqueued.checkin.stream: stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the vY ersionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QTYPCODqueued.checkin.typecode: type1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QTYPNAMqueued.checkin.typename: typeZ 1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 QUALDISALL9qualifier qualifier is disallowed for the command command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have specified a [ command qualifier that is not? allowed with the specified command. Because the qualifier isB not allowed, the command is not executed. In certain cases, the? qualifier is disallowed by your VDE library due to a library? attribute, and the qualifier would be allowed if the library, attribute that disallows it were changed.C User Action: Reenter the command without the offending qualifierD or change the library attribute that disallows it, if applicable. 2 QUALNOTALL\ @qualifier qualifier is not allowed when a parameter is specified1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have specified both the indicated qualifier andB a command parameter on a command that does not allow both to be: specified. The command is not executed for this reason.= User Action: Reenter the command with either the indicated6 qualifier or with command parameters, but not both. 2 QUALTOOMANY5qualifier qualifier has been specified t] oo many times1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have specified the indicated qualifier too manyA times for a parameter on this command line. The command is not executed for this reason.@ User Action: Reenter the command with the indicated qualifier2 specified no more than once for each parameter. 2 QUECLOSED2batch queue queue is closed and cannot accept jobs1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: Th^ e indicated batch queue is closed and cannotA accept batch jobs. It thus cannot be used to run the build job you are starting.A User Action: You can either run the build job on the remainingD batch queues you have specified, or you can restart the build job6 and specify a different set of batch queues for it. 2 QUEPAUSED?batch queue queue is paused or pausing; job execution is halted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The indicated ba_ tch queue is paused or in theD process of pausing. You can still submit batch jobs to the queue,@ but the jobs will not execute until the pause condition ends.A User Action: You can either let the build job be queued to theA paused batch queue and wait for the pause condition to end, or? you can restart the build job and specify a different set of batch queues for it. 2 QUESTOPPEDAbatch queue queue is stopped or stopping; job execution is halted1 Facility: VDE` , OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The indicated batch queue is stopped or in the> process of stopping. You can still submit batch jobs to theB queue, but the jobs will not execute until the queue is started# by a system manager or operator.A User Action: You can either let the build job be queued to theC stopped batch queue and wait for the queue to be started, or youA can restart the build job and specify a different set of batch queues for it. a 2 QUOCHECK"performing a quota check operation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message indicates that the VDE/READ_UAF imageA is checking process quotas in the SYSUAF, and that it will NOT' update quota settings in the SYSUAF.5 User Action: Informational, no action is necessary 2 QUOLOW)quota quota set to: old, recommended: new1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message indicates that th b e VDE/READ_UAF image? has detected a username with a quota value that is below the recommended settings.? User Action: Contact your local system manager, and ask that> the quotas on the specified user be checked against the VDEA minimum values, and raised where necessary. The system managerB or VDE database administrator can use the VDE command VDE/READ_D UAF/WRITE_UAF to raise the process quotas to the required minimumD values on all VDE users. (Process quota values abovc e the required! minimums will not be altered.) 2 QUORESET-performing a quota check and update operation1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message indicates that the VDE/READ_UAF imageD is checking process quotas in the SYSUAF, and that it WILL update quota settings in the SYSUAF.5 User Action: Informational, no action is necessary 2 QUOSTREXPquoted string expected1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@d Explanation: A quoted string was expected. This quoted string7 must be delimited by either single or double quotes. 2 QUOUSER,user user below recommended quota setting(s)1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message indicates that the VDE/READ_UAF image? has detected a username with a quota value that is below the recommended settings.? User Action: Contact your local system manager, and ask that> the quotas on the specified usee r be checked against the VDEA minimum values, and raised where necessary. The system managerB or VDE database administrator can use the VDE command VDE/READ_D UAF/WRITE_UAF to raise the process quotas to the required minimumD values on all VDE users. (Process quota values above the required! minimums will not be altered.) 2 QUSERNAME!queued.checkin.username: username1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text f strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message.( ! ========== ========== ========== 2 READERR$VDE input read error, forced to exit1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: An error was found in reading an input line.= User Action: All command line information is read from the? g logical VDE$INPUT. Something is interfering with the readingB from the file or device that is specified by this logical name.A Determine where VDE$INPUT is pointing. If you cannot determineD what is causing the interference, please submit a problem report. 2 REGRESSION/operating in mode suitable for regression tests1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: This message indicates that the VDE image hasC detected a request to switch into a mode h suitable for operationsD within a VDE regression test suite. This request can be initiatedC only by a user with OpenVMS privileges, or by a VDE image linked with this mode enabled.C User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as this message3 should not be displayed under normal operations. 2 REPACCEPT6replacement replacement marked as accepted in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the VDE i database nowA records that you have accepted the indicated replacement. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the ACCEPT REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPADDED-replacement replacement added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedB replacement definition has been aj dded to the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the REPLACE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPBELUSER/replacement replacement belongs to another user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You are attempting to modify or cancel a queued@ replacement that belongs to another user, and you do not haveA the PERFREP privilek ge that would allow you to cancel or modifyC another user's replacements. As a result, the replacement is not cancelled or modified.> User Action: Reenter the command specifying your own queuedA replacement to cancel or modify, or else have someone with the- necessary privilege perform the operation. 2 REPCAN!replacement replacement cancelled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedC replal cement has been cancelled. This message is only issued when@ you use the /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPDEL1replacement replacement deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the definition forD the indicated replacement has been deleted from the VDE database.A This messm age is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on" the DELETE REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPEXISTS?replacement replacement already exists; replacement not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The indicated replacement name was specified on a@ REPLACE command, but an entry for that replacement is alreadyA present in the database. Hence n a new entry was not created forD that replacement. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified< as the new name for an existing replacement on the MODIFY? REPLACEMENT command, but another replacement already has theA requested new name. Hence the name of the existing replacement( could not be changed to the new name.B User Action: If you entered the wrong replacement name, reenter> the command with the correct name. If you entered the right@ replacement name, use the So HOW REPLACEMENT command to display@ the database information for that replacement. If you are not> satisfied with that information, use the MODIFY REPLACEMENT command to change it. 2 REPLACED1generation generation replaced into stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleA has been replaced into the indicated development stream in the? current VDE library. It has also been assigned p the indicatedB generation number. This message is only issued when you use the+ /LOG qualifier with the REPLACE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPLQUE0module module queued for replacement replacement1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated module; has been queued for replacement as a member of the namedA replacement. Thq is message is only issued when you use the /LOG$ qualifier on the REPLACE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPMOD@information for replacement replacement modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for theD indicated replacement has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you ur se the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPNOTFOUND@replacement replacement not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The indicated repalcement name was entered on a SHOWD REPLACEMENT command, but no such replacement was found in the VDE database.D User Action: This is not necessarily s an error; the message simplyA tells you that the indicated replacement does not exist in the database. 2 REPNOTPERFAreplacement replacement for stream stream not performed; does notmatch stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated= replacement has not been performed because it belongs to a@ stream that does not match the stream name you specified withD the /STREAM qualifier to the PEt RFORM REPLACEMENT command (or your@ default stream). This message is only issued when you use the5 /LOG qualifier on the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPPERF!replacement replacement performed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedC replacement has been performed. This message is only issued whenA u you use the /LOG qualifier on the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPREJECT6replacement replacement marked as rejected in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the VDE database nowA records that you have rejected the indicated replacement. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the v REJECT REPLACEMENT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 REPSYNTAX%invalid replacement name syntax: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The name or format specified for the replacement" name is not using valid syntax.9 User Action: Respecify the replacement name using only? alphanumeric, underscore, dollar sign and hyphen characters. 2 REQQUAMIS"requirw ed command qualifier missing1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: Both the DEFINE and DELETE commands must have aD qualifier to specify the type of definition or deletion. You must use either /KEY or /COMMAND. 2 RESDEL@reservation reservation of module for user user has been deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicatedA reservation has been deleted from the VDE dat x abase because youD performed an operation that changed what generation is the latestD generation of the module for some stream. Such operations includeD the DELETE, INSERT, and REMOVE GENERATION commands. After such anB operation, the reservation is based on the wrong generation and- can no longer be replaced into the stream.D User Action: None. The affected users will be informed that theirA reservations are deleted. They should reserve the module again and redo their chy anges. 2 RESERVED1generation generation reserved from stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleB and generation has been reserved from the current library. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the RESERVE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 RESERVSES=generation generation z reserved from stream stream for sessionsession1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleD and generation has been reserved from the VDE library and is partD of the indicated reservation session. This message is only issued: when you use the /LOG qualifier on the RESERVE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 RESIDREQ1reserv { ation identifier required for module module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You have multiple reservations for the indicated> module. You must therefore specify a reservation identifierC with the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to uniquely indicate to which- reservation you want the command to apply.< User Action: Reissue the command with the /IDENTIFICATIONC qualifier to indicate the specific reservation to which you want the command to appl| y. 2 RESIDUSEDCreservation Id ID already used for module module attempt to reservemodule has failed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You are trying to reserve a module concurrently@ using the same reservation identification as you have used on? a previous reservation of the same module in the same stream= development stream. This is not allowed, since reservation" identifications must be unique.< User Action: Reissue the RESERVE } command with a different> reservation identification specified on the /IDENTIFICATION= qualifier. Alternatively, you can omit the /IDENTIFICATIONC qualifier, in which case VDE will assign a unique identification for you. 2 RESMOD>reservation reservation for module module modified in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated@ reservation record for the indicated module has been modifiedD ~ in the VDE database. This message is only issued when you use the4 /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY RESERVATION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 RESQUEUED7reservation request for module queued for stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has queued a? reservation request for the indicated module and development< stream. This  message is only issued when you use the /LOG$ qualifier on the RESERVE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 RETURNED(control returned to process process-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: After performing either a SPAWN or ATTACH operation,= this message will be generated to inform you when you have returned to VDE's process. 2 RIGIDNOTFOU:required rig hts identifier ID not found in rights database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have not yet been added to the VDE database, andA to be added you must hold the indicated VMS rights identifier.? However, that rights identifier is not present in the systemB rights database. As a result, you are not allowed access to the VDE library.B User Action: Have your system manager add the rights identifier? to the system rights database and assig n it to the users whoA should have access to the VDE library, or have the VDE library@ maintainer use the MODIFY LIBRARY command specify the correct) rights identifier in the VDE database. 2 RIGIDNOTHELD-you do not hold required rights identifier ID1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have not yet been added to the VDE database, andA to be added you must hold the indicated VMS rights identifier.@ However, you do not hold that right s identifier in the systemB rights database. As a result, you are not allowed access to the VDE library.B User Action: If you should have access to the VDE library, haveB your system manager assign you the indicated rights identifier., Then try accessing the VDE library again. 2 ROLLBACK)database transaction has been rolled back1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The database transaction associated with the current? command has bee n rolled back because an error occurred whileB processing the command. This means that all changes the commandB would have made to the database if successful have in fact been removed from the database.8 User Action: Correct the error and retry the command. 2 SCRDONEcompleted wait for script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has completed a wait for a script.B User Action: Contact VDE suppor t for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 SCRIPTONLY)VDE/STATUS is invoked only within scripts1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message is indicates the user has attempted toC invoke the VDE/STATUS command at the DCL prompt; this command isC for script processing within VDE and is not intended to directly accessed by users. User Action: Don't do this. 2 SCRLOADloading script int o subprocess1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs you that VDE has loaded a* script into a subprocess for execution.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 SCRPADDED9script from file file added to the database script script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated script> has b een added to the VDE database from the indicated file.A The script only applies to the current stream. This message isC only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE SCRIPT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SCRPCMDTOOLONG7script command is too long; it exceeds count characters1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: You have entered a script command that is too= long for VDE's internal script command buffer. The messageA indicates the maximum size of this buffer. The total length ofC the script command includes the initial line for the command and all continuation lines.D User Action: Change the script command so that it is not so long. 2 SCRPDEL.script deleted from the database script script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated scriptA f or the current stream has been deleted from the VDE database.A This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE SCRIPT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SCRPEXTR+script extracted to file file script script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated scriptD has been extracted from the VDE database into the indicated file.A This message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the EXTRACT SCRIPT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SCRPFACFAIL3script for facility facility terminated with errors1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The script for the indicated facility terminatedA with errors when executed for the current command. The type ofD the script  depends on the command. For the CREATE STREAM command,C for example, the new-stream script is invoked to perform part of the stream creation.? User Action: Correct the error in the script and reenter the command. 2 SCRPFILE3script produced DCL command file file script script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated scriptA has been invoked to produce the DCL command file whose name isA giv en in the message. This message is only issued when you use3 the /LOG qualifier on the INVOKE SCRIPT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SCRPFUNCUNDEF;script function function is undefined in the current script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: The indicated script function is used in the@ currently executing script, but is undefined for this type ofA script. This  means that the function is not allowed to be usedB in this type of script. The module-name functions, for example,D are undefined in scripts invoked at stream creation because these1 scripts are not applied to individual modules.@ User Action: Do not use the indicated function in the script. 2 SCRPMOD9script information modified in the database script script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for  the> indicated script has been modified in the VDE database. The= modified attributes only apply to the current stream. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY SCRIPT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SCRPMODFAIL6script script for module module terminated with errors1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The script for the indic ated module terminated with@ errors when executed for the current command. The type of the& script is specified in the message.? User Action: Correct the error in the script and reenter the command. 2 SCRPUSEDscript stript was used1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated scriptD was used to generate one segment of the current DCL command file.A This message is only issued when you use the /L OG qualifier on the INVOKE SCRIPT command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SCRQUOERR1no closing quotation mark in script command:!/cmd1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE has detected a missing quote in the specifiedA command for the script. The script command must be respecified using correct syntax.D User Action: The script command must be respecified using correct syntax. 2 SCRWAITcommencing wait for script1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that VDE is commencing a wait operation for a script.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the version+ of VDE in use contains debugging images. 2 SCTCONF-SCT note conference null; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The required SCT notes con ference name field was* found empty on a replacement operation.B User Action: Please reenter the SCT notes conference name using7 correct syntax, and retry the replacement operation. 2 SCTCONFSYN5SCT note conference syntax error; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: VDE detected a syntax error in the SCT notes conference name field.B User Action: Please reenter the SCT notes conference name using7 correct synta x, and retry the replacement operation. 2 SCTFCMT.SCT fold comment required; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The required SCT fold comment field was found empty on a replacement operation.C User Action: Enter an SCT fold comment and retry the replacement operation. 2 SCTFNF*unable to locate notes conference confname1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: VDE was unable to  open the specified SCT notes conferenceB User Action: Please reenter the SCT notes conference name using? the correct name and syntax, and retry the operation. If the@ conference is missing, contact the project leader, the system- manager(s), or VDE support for assistance. 2 SCTNOTE)SCT note number null; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The required SCT note number field was found empty on a replacement oper ation.A User Action: Enter the number of the associated SCT note using7 correct syntax, and retry the replacement operation. 2 SCTNOTESYN1SCT note number syntax error; module not replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE detected a syntax error in the SCT note number field.@ User Action: Please reenter the SCT note number using correct/ syntax, and retry the replacement operation. 2 SECMERFAIsecondary merge failur e1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.? User Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error. 2 SEECONLIB#see the VDE CONVERT LIBRARY command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The VDE database does not have the proper format,B and the automatic conversion of the database has been disabled.; The VDE CONVERT LIBRARY command can be used to fo rce the% conversion of the database format.= User Action: If use of the new version of VDE is intended,C perform a full library backup using the database-provided backupD tools, and then use the VDE CONVERT LIBRARY command to update the database format. 2 SESADDED%session session added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated session> definition has been added to the VDE da tabase. This message@ is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the REPLACE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SESBELUSER'session session belongs to another user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You are attempting to modify or cancel a reservation@ session that belongs to another user, and you do not have the= PERFREP privilege that would allow you to cancel or modifyD another user's session. As a result, the session is not cancelled or modified.C User Action: Reenter the command specifying your own reservation= session to cancel or modify, or else have someone with the- necessary privilege perform the operation. 2 SESCANsession session cancelled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated sessionC has been cancelled. This message is onl y issued when you use the0 /LOG qualifier on the CANCEL SESSION command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SESEXISTS?session session already exists in database; session not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: The indicated session name was specified on aD REPLACE command, but an entry for that session is already present> in the database. Hence a new entry was not cr eated for thatB session. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as theB new name for an existing session on the MODIFY SESSION command,@ but another session already has the requested new name. HenceC the name of the existing session could not be changed to the new name.B User Action: If you entered the wrong session name, reenter theB command with the correct name. If you entered the right session= name, use the SHOW SESSION command to display the databaseC inf ormation for that session. If you are not satisfied with that< information, use the MODIFY SESSION command to change it. 2 SESMOD8information for session session modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the@ indicated session has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY SESSION command.B User Action: Us e the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SESNOMODS/session session contains no module reservations1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment= Explanation: This message informs you that the reservation> session you are replacing or unreserving contains no module= reservations. The command deleted the session from the VDE: database, but did not replace or unreserve any modules.@ User Action: If you meant to replace mo dules you have already: reserved, replace them individually. Alternatively, use< the RESERVE command to create a new session that contains@ reservations for the desired modules. Then change the modules and replace the session. 2 SESNOTFOUND8session session not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated session name was entered on a SHOW< SESSION command, but no such session was found in the VDE  database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message@ simply tells you that the indicated session does not exist in the database. 2 SESTERMsession session terminated1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated sessionD has been terminated. This message is only issued when you use theD /SESSION and /LOG qualifiers on the REPLACE or UNRESERVE command.B User Action: Use the /NOL OG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SETKEY'keypad state has been set to state-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: For the SET KEY operation, this informs the user that the key was set.? User Action: If you do wish to see this information, use the+ /NOLOG qualifier on the SET KEY command. 2 SETKEYERR#error in processing SET KEY command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment B Explanation: The screen management facility is used to maintain? screen bindings. In this instance, SMG$SET_DEFAULT_STATE has returned an error.? User Action: See SMG documentation to determine the problem.A If your answer cannot be found, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 SETLIB)use SET LIBRARY, VDE$LIBRARY, or /LIBRARY1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE is unable to perform the specified operation asD t he target VDE library-the library on which the operation will be& performed-has not been established.@ User Action: Specify the target VDE library. To determine the? available libraries, issue the "SET LIBRARY" command with no> parameters. As part of the error message, this command willB display the names of the predefined VDE libraries, the Rdb root? directory for each, and the mnemonic name for each. Once the? mnemnonic name or the Rdb root directory name for the targetB library is known, one can: A) use the mnemnonic name or the RdbA root directory name as the libname parameter on a "SET LIBRARYA libname" VDE command. B) Use use the mnemnonic name or the RdbD root directory name as the parameter on the VDE /LIBRARY=libname.A C) Define the logical name VDE$LIBRARY to translate to the VDE4 mnemnonic name or to the Rdb root directory name. 2 SETUNAUTH:attempt to set unauthorized privileges; privileges not set1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Deve lopment Environment< Explanation: You have attempted to use the SET PRIVILEGES@ command to grant yourself one or more privileges that you are7 not authorized to set according to the VDE database.; User Action: Use the SHOW PRIVILEGES/FULL command to see> what privileges you are authorized to set. Then reenter the< SET PRIVILEGES command to set only authorized privileges.< Alternatively, ask the project administrator to grant you? authorization to set the privileges you w ant. Then exit fromA VDE, start a new VDE session, and set the privileges you want. 2 SHOKEYERR$error in processing SHOW KEY command1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The screen management facility is used to maintainD screen bindings. In this instance, SMG$LIST_KEY_DEFS has returned an error.? User Action: See SMG documentation to determine the problem.A If your answer cannot be found, please contact VDE support for assistance.  2 SHORESFUL5use SHOW RESERVATION/FULL to check reservation stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: The SHOW RESERVATION/FULL command is used to> display outstanding reservations, and can be used to locate@ the particular stream in which the reservation was originally? requested. Certain operations require the specification of aC stream via an explicit /STREAM qualifier, or via an implicit SET STREAM default stream value.C User  Action: This message is informational, and should accompany$ one or more other error messages. 2 SNDJBCERR+job controller error status for queue queue1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have attempted to start a build job and the? VMS job controller (the $SNDJBCW system service) returned anD error status when VDE submitted a build process to a system batchD queue. The message that follows gives more information to explain the error .? User Action: The action to take to correct the error depends@ on the nature of the error. You or your system manager should/ correct the error and restart the build job. 2 SPARE_1/placeholder for VDE$_MODEXISTS (module) message1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The VDE$_MODEXISTS message was reclassified fromA an informational message to a warning message. This entry is a? placeholder that prevents the condition values of subsequ ent errors from changing.@ User Action: See VDE$_MODEXISTS. Also contact VDE support for> assistance, as VDE should no longer be reporting this error message. 2 SPARE_2.placeholder for VDE$_INVALANS (answer) message1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The VDE$_INVALANS message was reclassified fromA an informational message to a warning message. This entry is a? placeholder that prevents the condition values of subsequent err ors from changing.? User Action: See VDE$_INVALANS. Also contact VDE support for> assistance, as VDE should no longer be reporting this error message. 2 SPARE_3was FACNOTDEL; replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message (was FACNOTDEL) has been superceded.3 User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance. 2 SPARE_4was STRMNOTDEL1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment3 Explanation: message su perceded (was STRMNOTDEL)2 User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance 2 SPARE_5was FOLDNOTFOUND1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: filler for error message elevated to a warning./ User Action: This message should not appear. 2 SPARE_6was BADSTATUS; replaced1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message (was BADSTATUS) has been superceded;7 the BADSTATUS message now returns an error  severity.A User Action: The version of message file in use does not matchD the version of the images running. Check for a bad or old message0 file, and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 SPARE_8was FOLDNOTFOUND1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: filler for error message elevated to a warning./ User Action: This message should not appear. 2 SPAWNEDsubprocess spawned1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: Issued when the /NOWAIT qualifier is used.< User Action: None; this is an informational message only. 2 SPEMERFAIspecification merge failure1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: internal state information for VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error.? User Action: Correct the cause of the VDE$_INVDIRSPEC error. 2 SRCNOTOUT8source module module cannot be an output from build step1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment D Explanation: You have specified that a source module is an output@ from a build step. A source module can be an input to a buildB step, but it can by definition not be an output. The build step+ definition is not added to the database.D User Action: If this error occurs on a CREATE STEP or MODIFY STEP@ command, correct the error and reenter the command with valid output modules. 2 STATNOTSPEC3the kind of statistics to display was not specified1 Facility: VDE,  OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This qualifier requires a keyword specifying what! kind of statistics to display.B User Action: Reenter the command providing a keyword specifying& what kind of statistics to display. 2 STEPNOTCRE;build step not created; module module not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: You have specified a module that does not exist in@ the VDE database as the primary input to a co mpile step. As aC result, the CREATE STEP command does not add the compile step or. its dependency information to the database.< User Action: Correct the module name to be the name of an> existing module or create the module with the CREATE MODULE5 command before reentering the CREATE STEP command. 2 STEPNOTFOUND2build step for module module not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You have specified a build step that d oes not existD in the VDE database. As a result, the current MODIFY STEP command1 cannot modify any information in the database.@ User Action: Reenter the command specifying an existing build= step or create the desired build step with the CREATE STEP command. 2 STEPNOTMOD<build step not modified; module module not found in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: You have specified a module that does not existB in the VDE da tabase as the primary input or output module for aA build step. As a result, the MODIFY STEP command cannot modify database information.< User Action: Correct the module name to be the name of an@ existing module before reentering the MODIFY STEP command, orA create the module with the CREATE MODULE command and enter the1 step information with the CREATE STEP command. 2 STEPNOTREV5build step for module module not found in review list1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Deve lopment EnvironmentC Explanation: You have specified a build step that does not existA in the current build-step review list. As a result, you cannot< select the build step with the module name you specified.= User Action: Reenter the SELECT command specifying a build= step that is present in the build-step review list for theA current REVIEW BUILD_JOB command. Use the DIRECTORY subcommand9 to determine what build steps are present in the list. 2 STGTRUNCstri ng truncated1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: VDE has attempted to output a string which is longer than its internal buffer.B User Action: If it can be determined that it is not caused by a9 user error, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 STKOVF8command procedures too deeply nested; limit is 16 levels1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: VDE allows only 16 levels of nesting of command proce dures.B User Action: Embed some of the command procedures within others5 to decrease the level of nesting to fewer than 16. 2 STRMADDED#stream stream added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated streamA definition has been added to the VDE database. This message isC only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE STREAM command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG quali fier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 STRMCLOSED6stream stream is permanently closed; state not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: You have tried to change the state of a stream< development stream with the /OPEN or /FROZEN qualifier on> the MODIFY STREAM command when the stream is already in the@ permanently closed state. The rest of the command still takesB effect, but the stream state is not changed; th e stream remains closed.@ User Action: No user action is necessary; the state cannot be- changed and the command did not change it. 2 STRMDEL'stream stream deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: This message informs you that the definition forD the indicated stream has been deleted from the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE STREAM command.B User Acti on: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 STRMEXISTS(stream stream already exists in database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The indicated stream name was specified on a CREATEB STREAM command, but an entry for that stream is already present> in the database. Hence a new entry was not created for thatA stream. Alternatively, the indicated name was specified as theD new name for an existin g stream on the MODIFY STREAM command, butD another stream already has the requested new name. Hence the name? of the existing stream could not be changed to the new name.= User Action: If you entered the wrong stream name, reenter> the command with the correct name. If you entered the rightC stream name, use the SHOW STREAM command to display the databaseB information for that stream. If you are not satisfied with that; information, use the MODIFY STREAM command to change it . 2 STRMMOD6information for stream stream modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the? indicated stream has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY STREAM command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 STRMNOTCLOSED9stream stream ca n not be deleted because it is not closed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: You are trying to delete a stream which is in an> open or frozen state. Only streams in a closed state may be deleted.A User Action: If appropriate, change the state of the stream to/ closed and repeat the delete stream command. 2 STRMNOTDELstream stream not deleted1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You are attempting t o delete a stream that cannotB be deleted. Additional messages are normally included with this@ message, and these messages indicate why the strean cannot be deleted.A User Action: Resolve the problem(s) flagged by the other error3 messages, and reenter the DELETE STREAM command. 2 STRMNOTFOUND6stream stream not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The indicated stream name was entered on a SHOWD STREAM command, but no such stream was found in the VDE database.= User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message? simply tells you that the indicated stream does not exist in the database. 2 STRMNOTOPEN0stream stream is not open; operation not allowed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: You are trying to reserve or replace a module,> but the currently active stream (whose name is given in the? message) is either frozen o r closed. It is thus not open for- the reservation or replacement of modules.? User Action: You can use the SHOW STREAM/FULL command to seeC the status of the current stream. If the stream is closed, it isB permanently protected against being changed, and you should not? be trying to reserve or replace modules in it. If the stream> is frozen, it is currently protected against being changed,B but changes may be allowed later when the library administratorC sets the state  back to open. You must then wait until the streamC becomes open. (You may reserve modules from a frozen stream, butA not replace them.) Finally, if you meant to reserve or replaceC modules in another stream, you should use the SET STREAM commandD to switch your context to that stream and then reserve or replace the desired modules. 2 STRMNOTPOP,stream stream is not allowed to be populated1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: You are at tempting to populate the indicated streamD with the POPULATE STREAM command but a stream attribute disallowsD use of this command for the stream. Hence the stream has not been populated.? User Action: Either you should not be trying to populate the? stream or else you must set the stream attribute that allowsC you to populate the stream before retrying the operation. To setC that attribute, use the /POPULATE qualifier to the MODIFY STREAM command. 2 STRMPOP* stream stream populated from stream stream1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated streamD has been populated with all generations from the second indicated< stream. This message is only issued when you use the /LOG, qualifier on the POPULATE STREAM command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 STRMPOPCOUNT@populate module counts: update c ount, insert count, remove count1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message tells you how many modules were updated? in, inserted into, and removed from the target stream by theD current POPULATE STREAM command. This message is only issued when= you use the /LOG qualifier on the POPULATE STREAM command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 STRTOOLONG)quoted string too lo ng; must be shortened1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: The maximum length of the quoted string isB determined by the nature of the string. For the DEFINE command,B the string is limited to 255 characters. For remark strings, it is limited to 132 characters.6 User Action: Try to shorten the size of the string. 2 SUCGENEXIST9successor generation for module already exists in library1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The new generation of the indicated module created? by the current REPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT command should@ get a whole-number CMS generation expression but the reservedC generation already has a successor generation in the VDE libraryC with that whole-number CMS generation expression. This situation> can arise if you have placed the reserved generation into aD stream using the INSERT GENERATION command or if you have changedD the stream that "owns" the wh ole-number successor generation with? the /MAIN_STREAM qualifier to the MODIFY GENERATION command.A User Action: If the existing whole-number successor generationA should not be in the VDE library, delete it and its successors= with the DELETE GENERATION command. Then repeat the failed@ replacement. Otherwise, use the /MAIN_STREAM qualifier to the@ MODIFY GENERATION command to allocate ownership of the whole-C number successor generation to the stream that already owns that A generation, but not to any stream into which you are trying toC replace the module. This will force the replacement to use a CMS/ variant letter. Then repeat the replacement. 2 SUCLNKADD8successor link from stream stream to stream stream added1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The successor stream relationship, from the firstC stream specified to the second stream specified, has been added.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier f or the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SUCLNKREM:successor link from stream stream to stream stream removed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The successor stream relationship, from the first< stream specified to the second stream specified, has been removed.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 SYNTAX'command syntax error at or near: 'text'1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: All commands have a specific syntax that must be8 followed. Failure to do so will result in this error.@ User Action: See VDE Reference Manual for assistance with the command syntax. 2 TOOMANPARM?too many poundsign parameters in history or notes stringinvalidstring is: string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The history or notes string specified contains more< tha n one history or notes parameter. This is not allowed.A User Action: Reenter the command with a valid history or notes string. 2 TRANTOODEEP4translation of logical name logical more than 7 deep1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The indicated logical name is either too deeplyD nested, or is defined incorrectly to point back to itself causing an infinite translation loop.C User Action: Reenter the command without using the logical na me. 2 UIDSKEW7possible UID skew detected; check for correct UID file.1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency with the UID file.D User Action: Please determine if the UID file associated with theA VDE distribution is the version in use. If the UID file is theC one associated with the distribution, please contact contact VDEB support for assistance. Please include any information that mayB be  useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. If there is aA skew code associated with this error, please include it in the error report. 2 UIDSKEWCODEUID skew code value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment< Explanation: This is the code for the particular internal. inconsistency detected within the UID file.D User Action: Please determine if the UID file associated with theA VDE distribution is the version in use. If the UID file is theC one a ssociated with the distribution, please contact contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNACLOFILunable to close file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: An error occurred when trying to close the indicatedA text file. A more specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 UNACLOLOG"unable to cl ose log file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: The SYS$CLOSE system service was not performed( successfully in closing the log file.C User Action: Determine what could be preventing RMS from closingD the file successfully. If the reason cannot be determined, please& contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNACONLOG$unable to connect log file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The SYS$ CONNECT system service was not performed9 successfully in connecting the log file's RAB and FAB.; User Action: Determine what could be preventing RMS fromA connecting the file's FAB and RAB successfully. If this cannot6 be done, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNACONVDBFORM=unable to convert database format due to access conflict with another user1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: The VDE database does not have the format requiredA by the current version of VDE and VDE has attempted to convertA the database to the required format. This operation has failed= because of an access conflict with another user attempting@ to convert the database at the same time. That other user hasA probably succeeded in converting the database format, which is why you cannot do so.C User Action: Retry the CONVERT LIBRARY command and try accessing? the database again. You should find that you are now able to B convert the database format or that the format has already beenA converted. Either way, you should be able to use VDE with that database. 2 UNACREFILunable to create file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: An error occurred when trying to create or open> a new text file. A more specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. T hen correct the problem accordingly. 2 UNACRELOG#unable to create log file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment? Explanation: The SYS$CREATE system service was not performed, successfully in creating the output file.D User Action: Determine what could be preventing RMS from creatingD the file successfully. If the reason cannot be determined, please& contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNACREMBX"unable to create temporary mailbox1  Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: An error occurred when trying to create a mailboxD for sending text between processes. A more specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 UNADELFILunable to delete file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: An error occurred when try ing to delete the= indicated file. A more specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 UNAOPEFILunable to open file file-name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: An error occurred when trying to open an existingD text file for reading. A more specific error message follows this message.B User  Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 UNAOPEINP"unable to open input stream 'text'1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: VDE could not read the command line correctly.B User Action: The logical name VDE$INPUT is probably not defined. correctly. Correct the VDE$INPUT reference. 2 UNAPARFIL7unable to parse file name name with default string name1 F acility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: An error occurred when trying to parse the indicatedD file specification with the indicated default name string. A more/ specific error message follows this message.B User Action: Examine the error message that follows to diagnoseB the reason for the error. Then correct the problem accordingly. 2 UNAREPNOTECONF6unable to reply to note in notes conference conference1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Enviro nment= Explanation: VDE attempted to record a PERFORM REPLACEMENTC operation by replying to a previous note for the REPLACE command@ in the indicated notes conference, but was unable to find the= notes conference or the note to reply to. As a result, the> PERFORM REPLACEMENT operation was not recorded in the notes conference.< User Action: Make sure that the notes conference has been@ established and that the notes created by the REPLACE command are not being delet ed. 2 UNDKEY$state-name key key-name is undefined1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment> Explanation: This message informs the user that the key was? undefined by either the DELETE/KEY or UNDEFINE/KEY commands.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 UNKCOMSTA:unknown completion status value status passed to VDESTATUS1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: Th is message informs you that the image VDESTATUS,= was passed a status value it did not understand. VDESTATUS? is expecting the character string "SUCCESS" or the characterC string "FAILURE" to be passed to it for its parameter. Any other? character string results in this error message being output.< User Action: Check the invocation of the VDESTATUS image.> Typically, VDESTATUS is invoked from a command file that is@ built by the program VDEDOBUILD for running buildsteps. Che ckB the command file associated with the buildstep that resulted in this message. 2 UNKEPT*unable to opnam to kept subprocess section1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: VDE has encountered an error while attempting toC create or connect to the global section used to communicate with the kept subprocess.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherA error messages included with this one, check the documentation ? for information on setting up process and system quotas, and& contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNKEYW9unrecognized keyword 'text' - check validity and spelling1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: The keyword provided in the command was unrecognized in this context.@ User Action: See VDE Reference Manual for assistance with the command syntax. 2 UNKFILEXT5Unknown file extension in analysis file; the complete filespec ification found was spec1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment8 Explanation: The program VDEDEPEND encountered a fileD specification that has a file extension it does not support. ThisC error occurred while VDEDEPEND was processing an analysis (.ANA)? file recording compiler or assembler dependency information.C User Action: Determine if the analysis file is corrupted. If theD analysis file is not corrupted and the file extension correspondsD to a file type  that should be recorded as dependency information,- please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNKPNAM4unable to locate project projnam in stream streamnam1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: VDE has unable to locate the specified project name( associated with the specified stream.B User Action: Specify a valid and correctly-spelled project nameD from the available list of projects assocated with the stream. IfC you believe that there  should be one or more additional projectsA associated with the stream, please contact the project leader,8 the system manager(s), or VDE support for assistance. 2 UNKPROJunable to locate a project name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: VDE has encountered an error while using the notes callable interface.A User Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on any otherA error messages included with this one, check the documentation C for information on setting up the notes conferences, and contact VDE support for assistance. 2 UNKQARCLDinternal VDE coding error1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment; Explanation: VDE has detected an internal inconsistency.A User Action: Please contact VDE support for assistance. Please< include any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 UNLOCKEDoverriding library lockout1 Facility: VDE, OpenVM S Development Environment? Explanation: This message is displayed when user with MODLIB3 privilege replaces a module in a locked library.? User Action: Evaluate if the replacement is necessary in the5 locked library; unlock the library if appropriate. 2 UNMATQUO1unmatched quote or missing quote at end of string1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: Any token that is to be delimited by quotes must> have quotes on both sides of the to ken. These quotes may be? either single or double; however, the delimiters must be the same characters.? User Action: Reenter the command with the appropriate quotes balanced. 2 UNRESERVED'reservation for module module cancelled1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated moduleA has been unreserved in the current library and is therefore no@ longer reserved. This message is only issued when y ou use the+ /LOG qualifier on the UNRESERVE command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 USEDELMOD;to unreserve a CREATE MODULE reservation, use DELETE MODULE1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: An erroneous attempt was made to UNRESERVE a just-B created module. To cancel the module reservation and the moduleD creation caused by a CREATE MODULE command, use the DELETE MODULEC command. After the DELETE MODULE command is accepted, the moduleB will not be created, the outstanding module reservation will be4 canceled, and no further user action is required.? User Action: If you wish to cancel this reservation, use theC DELETE MODULE command. This message is informational, and should. accompany one or more other error messages. 2 USERADDEDuser user added to the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: Th is message informs you that the indicated user hasC been added to the VDE database. This message is only issued when9 you use the /LOG qualifier on the CREATE USER command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 USERDEL#user user deleted from the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated user hasB been deleted from the VDE database. This message is only issued> when you use the /LOG qualifier on the DELETE USER command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 USEREXISTS6user user already exists in database; user not changed1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment@ Explanation: The indicated username was specified on a CREATEA USER command, but an entry for that user is already present inA the database. Hence a new entry was n ot created for that user.A Alternatively, the indicated username was specified as the new@ username for an existing user on the MODIFY USER command, butA another user already has the requested new username. Hence the@ username of the existing user could not be changed to the new username.> User Action: If you entered the wrong username, reenter the> command with the correct username. If you entered the right> username, use the SHOW USER command to display the database@  information for that user. If you are not satisfied with that9 information, use the MODIFY USER command to change it. 2 USERMOD2information for user user modified in the database1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that information for the= indicated user has been modified in the VDE database. This@ message is only issued when you use the /LOG qualifier on the MODIFY USER command.B User Action: Use the /NOLOG qualifier for the command if you do not wish to see the message. 2 USERNOTDEL1user user not deleted; you cannot delete yourself1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message informs you that the indicated user,? namely you yourself, has not been deleted from the database.A You are not allowed to delete yourself from the database. This? prohibition prevents you from accidentally deleting yourselfA from the database, especially whe n using a wildcarded usernameC specification. There is thus no way to delete all users from the database.A User Action: If you want to delete yourself from the database,? someone else with the required privilege must do it for you. 2 USERNOTFOUND2user user not found in database; parameter ignored1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: The indicated username was entered on a SHOW USER; command, but no such user was found in the VDE data base.D User Action: This is not necessarily an error; the message simplyD tells you that the indicated user does not exist in the database. 2 USERNOTUAF5user user not found in system User Authorization File1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentC Explanation: The indicated username is your username, but it was3 not found in the system User Authorization File.: User Action: This error should not happen except to VDED developers who redefine the curre nt user during testing. Submit a problem report. 2 USEVERSLNM<use logical name VDE$VMS_VERSION to override OpenVMS version1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment: Explanation: VDE is unable to determine OpenVMS versionA information from the version string returned from a SYS$GETSYIB service call. This message recommends that you use the VDE$VMS_5 VERSION logical name to override the system value.B User Action: Define the logical name VDE$VMS_VERSION to a valid OpenVMS version string value. 2 VALREQ?missing qualifier or keyword value - supply all required values'text'1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: In many commands, specific keywords or qualifiers are expected.@ User Action: See VDE Reference Manual for assistance with the command syntax. 2 VDECLUSTERvde.cluster: cluster1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to  format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDECONTACT6vde.contact: please contact VDE support for assistance1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B  User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDEDATETIMEvde.datetime: datetime1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error messa ge. 2 VDEFORMAT8vde.format: the format of this file is subject to change1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDENAMEvde.product: vdename1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development Environment B Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDENODEvde.node: node1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B  User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDEPROJECTvde.project: project1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message . 2 VDERDBBKPVDE$DATABASE$db_BCKP_type1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDERDBBKP_FULLFULL1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDERDBBKP_INCRINCR1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assi stance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VDEVERSIONvde.version: version1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentB Explanation: This message is used to format text strings within? VDE, and should not be visible to users as an error message.B User Action: Contact VDE support for assistance, as the versionC of VDE in use should not be displaying this as an error message. 2 VERBOTEN3direct ATTACH to a VDE kept subprocess is forbidden1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: An attempt has been made to directly ATTACH to a VDE@ kept subprocess via a DCL command, and this is not permitted.@ User Action: Use of the DCL ATTACH command to attach to a VDE@ kept subprocess is not permitted. If this message arises fromA a condition other than an attempt by a user to ATTACH to a VDE> kept subprocess, please contact VDE support for assistance.@ Please in clude any information that may be useful or relevent in duplicating the problem. 2 WHEREIScomponent comp is value1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message is used to display information about< parts of the local VDE environment and VDE configuration.& User Action: No action is required. 2 WHYOFF reason: !AD1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: This message is usually paired with VDE$_OFF LINE.? The VDE environment has been taken offline, and this message indicates why.C User Action: If the problem persists, please contact VDE support for assistance. 2 WILDGENNUM2wildcarded generation number not allowed in module1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentD Explanation: You have specified a wildcarded generation number onB a module name for a command which does not allow the generation number to be wildcarded.@ User Action: Deci de what generation of the module you want toB apply the command to. Then reissue the command, specifying that@ generation number. Alternatively, you may omit the generationA number, in which case the command is applied to the last (most$ recent) generation of the module. 2 WILDNOTALL-wildcard characters not allowed in name: name1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: You have specified a wildcard character (asteriskB or percent sign) in a n ame that is not allowed to have wildcardD characters. The message displays the name up to and including the wildcard character.A User Action: Specify the name without a wildcard character and resubmit the command. 2 XMERRORMotif interface error detected1 Facility: VDE, OpenVMS Development EnvironmentA Explanation: VDE has detected an error in the Motif interface.> User Action: A problem has occurred accessing the X Windows< display, during the fetch of a widget from a UID file, or? another similar error. Additional error messages should have> been displayed prior to this particular error and the otherD messages should detail the particular failure detected. If unableA to determine the case of the error, please contact VDE supportD for assistance. Please include any information that may be useful* or relevent in duplicating the problem.ww