;; digraphs.rc for use with vile ;; $Header: /usr/build/vile/vile/macros/RCS/digraphs.rc,v 1.1 1996/05/03 02:51:05 tom Exp $ ;; if you wish to insert digraph characters, you can use this file (or ;; something similar) as a set of ":map" commands. simply put the line ;; source digraphs.rc ;; in your vile startup file (.vilerc or vile.rc on PC systems). ;; the idea and some of the text for this set of maps comes directly from ;; a digraph feature of Bram Moolenar's vim editor. thank you, Bram... ;; this file uses the ^K character as the "digraph prefix" -- it can, of ;; course, be changed to any character which is rarely entered into a text ;; file. ;; here is a more concise version of the information contained in the maps ;; below -- the first two characters in each column are the characters you ;; have to type (after ^K) to enter a digraph. in the middle of each column ;; is the resulting character. this may be mangled if you look at this file ;; on something that can't display those 8-bit characters. most PC console ;; displays probably cannot. ;; they look fine in any character set capable of displaying the ISO 8859/1 ;; character set. if you're using an xterm, the commands ;; set printing-low 160 ;; set printing-high 255 ;; will be useful. the decimal number is the ASCII code for the character. ;; ~! ¡ 161 c| ¢ 162 $$ £ 163 ox ¤ 164 Y- ¥ 165 || ¦ 166 pa § 167 ;; "" ¨ 168 cO © 169 a- ª 170 << « 171 -- ­ 173 rO ® 174 -= ¯ 175 ;; ~o ° 176 +- ± 177 22 ² 178 33 ³ 179 '' ´ 180 ju µ 181 pp ¶ 182 ;; ~. · 183 ,, ¸ 184 11 ¹ 185 o- º 186 >> » 187 14 ¼ 188 12 ½ 189 ;; 34 ¾ 190 ~? ¿ 191 A` À 192 A' Á 193 A^ Â 194 A~ Ã 195 A" Ä 196 ;; A@ Å 197 AE Æ 198 C, Ç 199 E` È 200 E' É 201 E^ Ê 202 E" Ë 203 ;; I` Ì 204 I' Í 205 I^ Î 206 I" Ï 207 -D Ð 208 N~ Ñ 209 O` Ò 210 ;; O' Ó 211 O^ Ô 212 O~ Õ 213 O" Ö 214 /\ × 215 O/ Ø 216 U` Ù 217 ;; U' Ú 218 U^ Û 219 U" Ü 220 Y' Ý 221 Ip Þ 222 ss ß 223 a` à 224 ;; a' á 225 a^ â 226 a~ ã 227 a" ä 228 a@ å 229 ae æ 230 c, ç 231 ;; e` è 232 e' é 233 e^ ê 234 e" ë 235 i` ì 236 i' í 237 i^ î 238 ;; i" ï 239 -d ð 240 n~ ñ 241 o` ò 242 o' ó 243 o^ ô 244 o~ õ 245 ;; o" ö 246 :- ÷ 247 o/ ø 248 u` ù 249 u' ú 250 u^ û 251 u" ü 252 ;; y' ý 253 ip þ 254 y" ÿ 255 ;; by the way, the following maps could have been written directly as: ;; map! ^K~! ¡ ;; but i figured that the file would be more prone to corruption in transit ;; if the important part of the map were left as an 8-bit character. so i ;; used the ^V form instead. if file transfer corruption does occur, you ;; may lose the comments, which show the 8-bit character, or you may lose the ;; ^V character that precedes the decimal value in every map. but the comment ;; is expendable, and the ^V is easy to recreate. ;; '¡' map! ~! 161 ;; '¨' map! \"\" 168 ;; '°' map! ~o 176 ;; '·' map! ~. 183 ;; '¾' map! 34 190 ;; 'Å' map! A@ 197 ;; 'Ì' map! I` 204 ;; 'Ó' map! O' 211 ;; 'Ú' map! U' 218 ;; 'á' map! a' 225 ;; 'è' map! e` 232 ;; 'ï' map! i\" 239 ;; 'ö' map! o\" 246 ;; 'ý' map! y' 253 ;; '¢' map! c| 162 ;; '©' map! cO 169 ;; '±' map! +- 177 ;; '¸' map! ,, 184 ;; '¿' map! ~? 191 ;; 'Æ' map! AE 198 ;; 'Í' map! I' 205 ;; 'Ô' map! O^ 212 ;; 'Û' map! U^ 219 ;; 'â' map! a^ 226 ;; 'é' map! e' 233 ;; 'ð' map! -d 240 ;; '÷' map! :- 247 ;; 'þ' map! ip 254 ;; '£' map! $$ 163 ;; 'ª' map! a- 170 ;; '²' map! 22 178 ;; '¹' map! 11 185 ;; 'À' map! A` 192 ;; 'Ç' map! C, 199 ;; 'Î' map! I^ 206 ;; 'Õ' map! O~ 213 ;; 'Ü' map! U\" 220 ;; 'ã' map! a~ 227 ;; 'ê' map! e^ 234 ;; 'ñ' map! n~ 241 ;; 'ø' map! o/ 248 ;; 'ÿ' map! y\" 255 ;; '¤' map! ox 164 ;; '«' map! << 171 ;; '³' map! 33 179 ;; 'º' map! o- 186 ;; 'Á' map! A' 193 ;; 'È' map! E` 200 ;; 'Ï' map! I\" 207 ;; 'Ö' map! O\" 214 ;; 'Ý' map! Y' 221 ;; 'ä' map! a\" 228 ;; 'ë' map! e\" 235 ;; 'ò' map! o` 242 ;; 'ù' map! u` 249 ;; '¥' map! Y- 165 ;; '­' map! -- 173 ;; '´' map! '' 180 ;; '»' map! >> 187 ;; 'Â' map! A^ 194 ;; 'É' map! E' 201 ;; 'Ð' map! -D 208 ;; '×' map! /\\ 215 ;; 'Þ' map! Ip 222 ;; 'å' map! a@ 229 ;; 'ì' map! i` 236 ;; 'ó' map! o' 243 ;; 'ú' map! u' 250 ;; '¦' map! || 166 ;; '®' map! rO 174 ;; 'µ' map! ju 181 ;; '¼' map! 14 188 ;; 'Ã' map! A~ 195 ;; 'Ê' map! E^ 202 ;; 'Ñ' map! N~ 209 ;; 'Ø' map! O/ 216 ;; 'ß' map! ss 223 ;; 'æ' map! ae 230 ;; 'í' map! i' 237 ;; 'ô' map! o^ 244 ;; 'û' map! u^ 251 ;; '§' map! pa 167 ;; '¯' map! -= 175 ;; '¶' map! pp 182 ;; '½' map! 12 189 ;; 'Ä' map! A\" 196 ;; 'Ë' map! E\" 203 ;; 'Ò' map! O` 210 ;; 'Ù' map! U` 217 ;; 'à' map! a` 224 ;; 'ç' map! c, 231 ;; 'î' map! i^ 238 ;; 'õ' map! o~ 245 ;; 'ü' map! u\" 252