#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # This script replaces backspace sequences with Ctrl-A attribute sequences # suitable for processing by vile. It also attributes headings in bold. # # The C language version of this filter, also distributed with vile, # is much faster. # # $Header: /usr/build/vile/vile/perl/RCS/manfilt.pl,v 1.1 1994/07/11 22:56:20 tom Exp $ # while (<>) { if (/^[A-Z][A-Z]/) { $_ = "\001" . length($_) . "B:" . $_; next; } next unless /[\b]/o; s/(.)([\b]\1)+/\002\1/go; for (;;) { last unless $att = /(_[\b]\002.)+/o && "UB:" || /(_[\b].)+/o && "U:" || /(\002.)+/o && "B:"; $beg = $`; $cur = $&; $end = $'; $cur =~ s/(_[\b])|\002//go; $_ = $beg . "\001" . length($cur) . $att . $cur . $end; } } continue { print; }