($VXT021.AVXT021.AkBACKUP/NOASSIST/COMMENT=VAX/VMS SPKITBLD Procedure/INTER/LOG/VERIFY VXT_KIT$:[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;0,VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;0,VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;0,VXT$IVP.COM;0,VXT$SERVER.COM;0,VXT$STARTUP.COM;0,VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ;0,VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ_AXP;0,VXT$WSA.OBJ;0,VXT$WSA.OBJ_AXP;0,VXTCONFIG.XRM;0 VXT_KIT$:[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.A/LABEL=(VXT)/SAVE/BLOCK=9000/GROUP=25VAX/VMS SPKITBLD Procedure FAULKNER T@:8V5.5 _RAYNAL::   _DSA4: V5.5-2 $*[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1+,}>].f/` 4jfe-WO0123KPWOg56K57 789G`HJ4$!--------------------------------------------------)$! Setup for VMS installation of VXT V2.14$!--------------------------------------------------)$ vxt_date := 05-JAN-1994$$ vxt_kit_title = "V2.1"!$ vxt_version := 021&$ vxt_ident := VXT V2.1$ $ vxt_vms_version_AXP := 010 $ vxt_vms_version_VAX := 053$$ vxt_gbl_page = 0$ vxt_gbl_sect = 0$!$ vxt_sys_size = 80"$ vxt_dst_size = 439"$ vxt_wrk_size = 100$!$$ vxt_load_size = 12295#$ vxt_vxtldr_size = 1588-$-#$ vxt_decterm_font_size_AXP = 6894 #$ vxt_decterm_font_size_VAX = 1872 $ @$ vxt_decterm_test_100dpi_font := TERMINAL_WIDE_DECTECH18_100DPI9$ vxt_decterm_test_75dpi_font := TERMINAL_WIDE_DECTECH18=$04$!--------------------------------------------------0$! End of setup for VMS installation of VXT V2.14$!-------------------------------------------------- $ goto START5$! VXT Software for VMS Installation Procedure$!!$! K I T I N S T A L . C O M$!N$! Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1991, 1992, 1993. All Rights Reserved.$!I$! This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copiedL$! only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusionE$! of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copiesH$! thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any otherM$! person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.$!L$! The information in this software is subject to change without notice andM$! should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.$!G$! Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its:$! software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital.$!M$!***************************************************************************$!$! Created: 1-Dec-1991$! Modified: November 1993$!$! Saveset contents:2$! A - KITINSTAL.COM, release notes, support tools$! B - VXT loader images $! C - VXT host-based images1$! D - SNF DECterm fonts for VAX/VMS (.DECW$FONT)/$! E - PCF DECterm fonts for OpenVMS AXP (.PCF)$!$! Disk usage:5$! sys_size = VXT$STARTUP.COM + VXT$IVP.COM + fonts$$! (release notes already installed)I$! dst_size = .ps + .exe + .xrm + host-based images + VXT loader imagesJ$! wrk_size = all selected savesets except .a for working + vxt_wrk_size$!D$! Arithmetic for determining whether free disk space is big enough $! for all selected options:$!E$! Assume safety is set (all savesets restored before they are moved)$! $! 1. Only using the system disk$! (sys_free >= wrk_size)$!6$! 2. Work disk = system disk and separate target disk6$! (sys_free >= wrk_size) && (dst_free >= dst_size)$!6$! 3. Target disk = system disk and separate work diskA$! (sys_free >= dst_size + sys_size) && (wrk_free >= wrk_size)$!$! 4. Work disk = target disk6$! (sys_free >= sys_size) && (dst_free >= wrk_size)$!$! 5. Use 3 separate disksP$! (sys_free >= sys_size) && (dst_free >= dst_size) && (wrk_free >= wrk_size)$!K$! Note: The change history for VXT Software V2.1 and later are at the end$! of this file.M$!***************************************************************************%$! Symbols required to be predefined:$!*$! vxt_date Kit date (e.g. "1-DEC-1993").$! vxt_kit_title Kit title (e.g. "X2.1 BL22")7$! vxt_version Kit version VMS-style (e.g. "BL22021"):$! vxt_ident Ident used for images (e.g. "VXTBL22 X2.1")$!@$! vxt_vms_version_AXP Minimum supported version of OpenVMS AXP<$! vxt_vms_version_VAX Minimum supported version of VAX/VMS$!.$! vxt_gbl_page Total global pages required 0$! vxt_gbl_sect Total global sections required$!9$! vxt_sys_size Total blocks always used on system disk9$! vxt_dst_size Total blocks always used in VXT$LIBRARY8$! vxt_wrk_size Total extra blocks needed on work disk$!8$! vxt_load_size Total blocks for VXT.SYS and VXTEX.SYS?$! vxt_vxtldr_size Total blocks for VXTLDR.SYS and VXTLDR1.SYS2$! vxt_decterm_font_size_AXP Total blocks for .PCF8$! vxt_decterm_font_size_VAX Total blocks for .DECW$FONT$!?$! vxt_decterm_test_100dpi_font Name of 100dpi font to test for=$! vxt_decterm_test_75dpi_font Name of 75dpi font to test forM$!***************************************************************************$! $ START:8$ vxt_verify = f$verify (p2) ! set verify if debugging$$! Make sure status codes exist$E$ if f$type(VMI$_FAILURE) .eqs. "" then VMI$_FAILURE = %x10f50000E$ if f$type(VMI$_SUCCESS) .eqs. "" then VMI$_SUCCESS = %x10f50001I$ if f$type(VMI$_UNSUPPORTED) .eqs. "" then VMI$_UNSUPPORTED = %x10f500080$ if f$type(false) .eqs. "" then false = 0/$ if f$type(true) .eqs. "" then true = 1=$ if f$type(say) .eqs. "" then say = "write sys$output"$;$ on error then goto ERROR_EXIT ! Setup to handle errors$$ on warning then goto NO_HELPF$ if f$extract(0,4,p1) .eqs. "HELP" then goto 'p1' ! Dispatch for HELP$ goto CONTINUE $ NO_HELP:"$ if f$type(vmi$callback) .eqs. ""$ then4$ say "No help available. Missing help entry ",p1$ elseB$ vmi$callback message W MISSINGHELP "Missing HELP entry ''p1'"$ endif$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ $ CONTINUE:!$ on warning then goto ERROR_EXIT@$ on control_y then vmi$callback control_y ! setup to handle ^y$A$ vms_ver = f$element(1,",",vmi$vms_version) ! vms version (vvu)A$ vxt$target = "''vmi$sys_architecture'" ! get hardware platform0$ if vxt$target .eqs. "" then vxt$target = "VAX"$$! Dispatch on the value of P1$/$ if p1 .eqs. "VMI$_INSTALL" then goto INSTALL'$ if p1 .eqs. "VMI$_IVP" then goto IVP6$ if p1 .eqs. "VMI$_POSTINSTALL" then goto POSTINSTALL$ vxt_status = VMI$_UNSUPPORTED$ goto VXT_EXIT$! P$!******************************************************************************$! Install VXT SoftwareP$!****************************************************************************** $ INSTALL:$ vxt_dir = "VXT$LIBRARY"$ vxt_object = "VXT$SERVER"$ G$! Generate a unique password for VXT$SERVER account and network object;$! (Password not used by DECnet/OSI network control object)$3$ vxt_pwd1 = f$cvtime(f$time(),,"time")-":"-":"-"."3$ vxt_pwd2 = f$cvtime(f$time(),,"time")-":"-":"-"."E$ VXT_PWD == "''vxt_pwd2'" + "''f$getj("","cputim")'"+ "''vxt_pwd1'"$ close/nolog VXT_WRK$B$ vxt$vms_startup_file := SYSTARTUP_V5.COM ! VAX V5.x and earlier$ if vxt$target .eqs. "VAX"$ then+$ vxt_vms_version = vxt_vms_version_VAX6$ vxt_decterm_font_size = vxt_decterm_font_size_VAX#$ vxt_decterm_font_saveset = "D""$ fontfile_type = ".DECW$FONT"$ vxt_obj_ext = ".OBJ""$ if vms_ver .ges. "060" then -+ vxt$vms_startup_file = "SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM"$ else+$ vxt_vms_version = vxt_vms_version_AXP6$ vxt_decterm_font_size = vxt_decterm_font_size_AXP#$ vxt_decterm_font_saveset = "E"$ fontfile_type = ".PCF"$ vxt_obj_ext = ".OBJ_AXP"/$ vxt$vms_startup_file = "SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM"$ endif$/$ ! Determine whether DECnet Phase V is present$ VXT_PHASEV == false $ set noonM$ VXT_PHASEV == (f$integer(f$extract(0,4,f$getsyi("decnet_version"))) .EQ. 5)$ set on$ $ ncp := $ncp $ ncl := $ncl$1$! Verify that we have a supported version of VMS$H$ vmi$callback check_vms_version vxt_vms_version_check 'vxt_vms_version'3$ if vxt_vms_version_check then go{Q+$VXT021.A}>]WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1jf$"to VMS_VERSION_OK$U$ vxt_vms_ver = "V''f$int(f$ext(0,2,vxt_vms_version))'.''f$ext(2,1,vxt_vms_version)'"$ if vxt$target .eqs. "VAX"$ then'$ vmi$callback message e BADVMSVER -K "This product requires VAX/VMS Version ''vxt_vms_ver' or later to install"$ else'$ vmi$callback message e BADVMSVER -O "This product requires OpenVMS AXP Version ''vxt_vms_ver' or later to install"$ endif$ goto ERROR_EXIT$ VMS_VERSION_OK:$$ if f$trn(vxt_dir) .nes. ""$ then<$ VXT_DEVICE == f$parse(vxt_dir,,,"device","syntax_only")$ else$ VXT_DEVICE == ""$ endif$Q$! Determine if X windows client support is present (No minimum version required)$$ xclient_support = falsee$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_decw_session DECW$SESSION vmi$root:[sysexe].EXE s vxt_decw_session_founde$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_decw_xlibshr DECW$XLIBSHR vmi$root:[syslib].EXE s vxt_decw_xlibshr_foundS$ if vxt_decw_session_found .eqs. "S" .and. vxt_decw_xlibshr_found .eqs. "S" then - xclient_support = true!$ on warning then goto ERROR_EXIT$>$! Determine if network account and network object are present$$ vxt_acc_present = false$ vxt_net_present = false$ gosub CHECK_NETWORK_ACCOUNT$ gosub CHECK_NETWORK_OBJECT*$ if vxt_acc_present .and. vxt_net_present$ then vxt_present = true$ else vxt_present = false$ endif$>$ vmi$callback set purge ask ! ask if files should be purged7$ vmi$callback set ivp ask ! ask if IVP should be run$7$! Check if there are enough global pages and sections.$! $ GBLCHECK:$ nopages = false$ nosects = false$+$ free_gblpages = f$getsyi("free_gblpages")8$ if vxt_gbl_page .gt. free_gblpages then nopages = true+$ free_gblsects = f$getsyi("free_gblsects")8$ if vxt_gbl_sect .gt. free_gblsects then nosects = true$4$ if nopages .and. .not nosects then goto WARN14$ if .not nopages .and. nosects then goto WARN24$ if nopages .and. .not nosects then goto WARN3$ goto GLOBALS_OK$$ WARN1:"$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E nopages -H "VXT Software needs a minimum of ''VXT_GBL_PAGE' free global pages.""$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I NOPAGES -D "Aborting installation due to insufficient free global pages..."$ goto ERROR_EXIT $ WARN2:"$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOPAGES -K "VXT Software needs a minimum of ''VXT_GBL_SECT' free global sections.""$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I NOPAGES -G "Aborting installation due to insufficient free global sections..."$ goto ERROR_EXIT $ WARN3:"$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOPAGES -H "VXT Software needs a minimum of ''VXT_GBL_PAGE' free global pages.""$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE E NOSECTS -K "VXT Software needs a minimum of ''VXT_GBL_SECT' free global sections." $ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I NOMEM -W "Aborting installation due to insufficent free global pages and global sections..."$ goto ERROR_EXIT $ GLOBALS_OK:$! P$!******************************************************************************1$! Ask user for VXT Software options to installP$!******************************************************************************$$ GET_VXT_OPTIONS:$ goto SELECT_PROCEED$ HELP_PROCEED:$ type sys$input$ deckH This procedure always installs the VXT application launcher, X sessionJ support (excluding DECnet), a host-based resource file template, the VXTJ startup procedure, and VXT Software release notes. If you load terminalsM from InfoServers, this is all the terminals need to access this host system over the LAT protocol.L The installation will also ask you if you want to install DECnet X sessionH support, VXT system images for loading terminals from this system, and additional DECterm fonts.E Answer YES to the next question to continue with the installation. % Answer NO to quit the installation.$ eod$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_PROCEED:$ if f$getdvi("net0","exists")$ then,$ decnet_running = f$getdvi("net0","mnt")$ else$ decnet_running = false$ endif$$ type sys$input$ deck# VXT Software Installation Options# ---------------------------------K This procedure always installs VXT Software for supporting connections to$ this system. You can also install $ eod$ if decnet_running$ then'$ say " o DECnet X session support$ elseH$ say " o DECnet X session support (requires DECnet to be running)"$ endif$ type sys$input$ deckA o VXT host-based images for loading terminals from this system= o VXT loader images for loading terminals from InfoServers o DECterm fontsK The installation takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on the options# you select and the media you use.$ eod$ if .not. xclient_support$ then$ type sys$input $ deckI Note: This system does not have support for X Windows clients. You mustL install DECwindows Motif before installing VXT Software if you wish to use all features of VXT Software.$ eod$ endif $ vmi$callback ask VXT_PROCEED -= "Do you want to continue installing VXT Software" YES B -% "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_PROCEED"$ if .not. VXT_PROCEED$ then6$ say " Aborting installation of VXT Software ..."$ goto ERROR_EXIT$ endif$$! P$!******************************************************************************$! Select DECnet X SessionsP$!******************************************************************************$ goto SELECT_DECNET_SESSIONS$ HELP_DECNET_SESSIONS: $ type sys$input$ deckM If you answer YES, the installation will create a network object VXT$SERVERL and network account VXT$SERVER on this system. This account has no specialM privileges. An account directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VXT$SERVER] will be created for network log files.I If this system is part of a VAXcluster and you wish to support DECnet XM sessions on each node in the cluster, see the VXT Software Installation andM System Management guide for postinstallation steps to perform on each node.F Answer YES to the next question to create the VXT$SERVER object, theB VXT$SERVER account and the directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VXT$SERVER].$ eod$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_DECNET_SESSIONS:$ type sys$input$ deck DECnet X Session Support ------------------------$ eod($ if decnet_running .and xclient_support$ then $ type sys$input $ deckM To allow DECnet X sessions from terminals to this system, you must create a> network object VXT$SERVER and a network account VXT$SERVER. F Answer YES to the next question to create the VXT$SERVER object, theC VXT$SERVER account, and the directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VXT$SERVER].$ eod)$ vmi$callback ask VXT_INSTALL_DECNET -3 "Do you want to support DECnet X sessions" YES B -* "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_DECNET_SESSIONS"$ else $ VXT_INSTALL_DECNET == FALSE$ if .not decnet_running $ then$ say "" $ say " DECnet is not running."G$ say " DECnet X session support requires that DECnet be running." $ endif$ if .not xclient_support $ then$ say "">$ say " There is no X Windows client support on this system."O$ say " DECnet X session support requires that DECwindows Motif be installed." $ endif$ type sys$input $ deck< DECnet X session support cannot be installed at this time.$ eod$$ endif$! P$!******************************************************************************$! Select Host-based imagesP$!******************************************************************************$ goto SELECT_HOST_BASED_IMAGES$ HELP_HOST_BASED_IMAGES:$ type sys$input$ deckJ If you plan to load terminals from this system, you must install the VXTG host-based images. These images can load terminals configured to boot' through either MOP or BOOTP and TFTP.F Before you use these images to load terminals, you must perform someK postinstallation procedures. See the VXT Software Installation and System Management guide for details.F Answer YES to the next question to install the VXT host-based images VXT.SYS and VXTEX.SYS.$ eod6$ say " These require about ''VXT_LOAD_SIZE' blocks."$ say ""$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_HOST_BASED_IMAGES:$ type sys$input$ deck VXT Host-Based Images ---------------------I To load terminals from this system, you must install the VXT host-basedL images. If you are ONLY using terminals supported by InfoServers, then you< need not install the VXT host-based images on this system.F Answer YES to the next question to install the VXT($VXT021.A}>]WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1jf$"! host-based images VXT.SYS and VXTEX.SYS.$ eod6$ say " These require about ''VXT_LOAD_SIZE' blocks."$ say ""%$ vmi$callback ask VXT_INSTALL_LOAD -> "Do you want to install the VXT host-based images" YES B -/ "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_HOST_BASED_IMAGES"$! P$!******************************************************************************$! Select VXT loader imagesP$!******************************************************************************$ goto SELECT_VXTLDR_IMAGES$ HELP_VXTLDR_IMAGES:$ type sys$input$ deckK Normally, terminals loaded in server-based mode use a VXT loader image onK an InfoServer. If the terminals cannot access an InfoServer directly overL the MOP protocol, you must install the VXT loader images on a host system.K Then you can use the host-based VXT loader images to load terminals from/ the InfoServer, using MOP or BOOTP and TFTP. F Before you use these images to load terminals, you must perform someK postinstallation procedures. See the VXT Software Installation and System Management guide.C Answer YES to the next question to install the VXT loader images, VXTLDR.SYS and VXTLDR1.SYS.$ eod8$ say " These require about ''VXT_VXTLDR_SIZE' blocks."$ say ""$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_VXTLDR_IMAGES:$ type sys$input$ deck VXT Loader Images -----------------F To load terminals in server-based mode from an InfoServer in anotherJ Ethernet segment, you must install the VXT loader images, VXTLDR.SYS and VXTLDR1.SYS.L If you are NOT using any terminals supported by InfoServers, then you need$ not install the VXT loader images.C Answer YES to the next question to install the VXT loader images, VXTLDR.SYS and VXTLDR1.SYS.$ eod8$ say " These require about ''VXT_VXTLDR_SIZE' blocks."$ say ""$'$ vmi$callback ask VXT_INSTALL_VXTLDR -9 "Do you want to install the VXT loader images" NO B -+ "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_VXTLDR_IMAGES"$! P$!******************************************************************************$! DECterm/Motif FontsP$!******************************************************************************$ goto SELECT_DECTERM_FONTS$ HELP_DECTERM_FONTS:$ type sys$input$ deckJ To use all features of VXT DECterm windows requires extra fonts. If you K plan to access fonts from this system then you should install these extra fonts.L Answer YES to the next question to install the DECterm fonts in the system$ font directories [SYSFONT.DECW.*].$ eodC$ say " These require about ''vxt_decterm_font_size' free blocks."$ say ""$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_DECTERM_FONTS: $ vxt_install_decterm_fonts == 0$ type sys$input$ deck DECterm Fonts -------------? Checking for the presence of DECterm fonts on your system ...$ eod$=$! Check to see if DECwindows/Motif V1.0 fonts are installed.O$! If they are already installed, then don't do anything about installing them.$]$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_100dpi 100dpi vmi$root:[SYSFONT.DECW].dir s vxt_100dpi_dir_foundZ$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_75dpi 75dpi vmi$root:[SYSFONT.DECW].dir s vxt_75dpi_dir_foundG$ if vxt_100dpi_dir_found .nes. "S" .and. vxt_75dpi_dir_found .nes. "S"$ then$ type sys$input $ deckK There are no DECwindows font directories on this system. No DECterm fontsB for supporting VXT DECterm terminal emulation will be installed.$ eod$ goto SKIP_DECTERM_FONTS$ endif$ j$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_ "''vxt_decterm_test_100dpi_font'" vmi$root:[SYSFONT.DECW.*]'fontfile_type' -( s vxt_decterm_test_100dpi_font_foundi$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_ "''vxt_decterm_test_75dpi_font'" vmi$root:[SYSFONT.DECW.*]'fontfile_type' -' s vxt_decterm_test_75dpi_font_found$c$ if vxt_decterm_test_100dpi_font_found .eqs. "S" .and. vxt_decterm_test_75dpi_font_found .eqs. "S"$ then$ type sys$input $ deckH You already have the fonts needed to use VXT DECterm terminal emulator. windows. No DECterm fonts will be installed.$ eod$ else$ type sys$input $ deckK You do not have all the fonts needed to use VXT DECterm terminal emulatorH windows. Answer YES to the next question to install the DECterm fonts.$ eodF$ say " These require about ''vxt_decterm_font_size' free blocks." $ say ""1$ vmi$callback ask VXT_INSTALL_DECTERM_FONTS -8 "Do you want to install the DECterm fonts" YES B -- "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_DECTERM_FONTS"$ endif$SKIP_DECTERM_FONTS:$! P$!******************************************************************************"$! Select Device for VXT$LIBRARYP$!******************************************************************************$ goto SELECT_LIBRARY_DIR$ HELP_LIBRARY_DIR:$ type sys$input$ deckI Enter the name of the device where you want to create the [VXT$LIBRARY]+ directory for storing VXT Software files.$ eodA$ say " This device must have at least ''dst_size' free blocks."$ type sys$input$ deckD The following disk devices are currently available on your system:$ eod$$ show device/brief/mounted d$ say ""$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_LIBRARY_DIR:$ type sys$input$ deck Device for Storing VXT Files ----------------------------L The files for this version of VXT Software are stored in a directory namedK [VXT$LIBRARY]. Enter the name of the device where you want to create this directory.$ eod $ GET_DEVICE:+$! Determine space required for all options$!$! Initialize disk requirements$ sys_size = vxt_sys_size$ dst_size = vxt_dst_size$ wrk_size = vxt_wrk_size$ if vxt_install_vxtldr$ then*$ wrk_size = wrk_size + vxt_vxtldr_size*$ dst_size = dst_size + vxt_vxtldr_size$ endif$ if vxt_install_load$ then($ wrk_size = wrk_size + vxt_load_size($ dst_size = dst_size + vxt_load_size$ endif$ if vxt_install_decterm_fonts$ then0$ sys_size = sys_size + vxt_decterm_font_size0$ wrk_size = wrk_size + vxt_decterm_font_size$ endif$A$ say " This device must have at least ''dst_size' free blocks."$$ vxt_dev = VXT_DEVICE7$ if VXT_DEVICE .eqs. "" then vxt_dev = "SYS$SYSDEVICE"$ vmi$callback ask VXT_DEVICE -1 "Device for storing VXT files" "''VXT_DEV'" SD -& "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_LIBRARY_DIR"$ >$ if .not. f$getdvi(vxt_device,"exists") then goto GET_DEVICE1<$ if .not. f$getdvi(vxt_device,"mnt") then goto GET_DEVICE1,$ dst_devnam = f$getdvi(vxt_device,"devnam").$ dst_free = f$getdvi(vxt_device,"freeblocks")6$ if dst_size .le. dst_free then goto TARGET_DEVICE_OKP$ vmi$callback message e NOROOM "VXT Software requires ''dst_size' free blocks."Q$ vmi$callback message e NOROOM "''VXT_DEVICE' only has ''dst_free' free blocks."$ GET_DEVICE1:$ vxt_dev = "SYS$SYSDEVICE"$ goto GET_DEVICE$ TARGET_DEVICE_OK:$! P$!******************************************************************************$! Confirm SelectionsP$!******************************************************************************$ goto SELECT_CORRECT$ HELP_CORRECT:$ type sys$input$ deckM If the selected options are correct, answer YES. If you want to change your selections, answer NO.$ eod$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$ SELECT_CORRECT:$ type sys$input$ deck, VXT Software Installation Options Selected, ------------------------------------------- You have selected to install the following:; o VXT Software for supporting connections to this system$ eodA$ if vxt_install_decnet then say " o DECnet X session support"d$ if vxt_install_load then say " o VXT host-based images for loading terminals from this system"a$ if vxt_install_vxtldr then say " o VXT loader images for loading terminals from InfoServers"<$ if vxt_install_decterm_fonts then say " o DECterm fonts"$ say ""S$ say " The device that will contain the [VXT$LIBRARY] directory is ''VXT_DEVICE'"$ say ""$ vmi$callback ask VXT_ - "Is this correct" YES B -% "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_CORRECT")$ if .not. VXT_ then goto GET_VXT_OPTIONS$D$! Make sure there are at least 'wrk_size' free blocks on work disk.$,$ sys_devnam = f$getdvi("vmi$root","devnam") $ if sys_devnam .eqs. dst_devnam%$ then tmp_size = sys_size + dst_size$ else tmp_size = sys_size$ endifJ$ vmi$callback check_net_utilization VXT_ 'wrk_size' 'tmp_size' 'wrk_size'$ if vxt_ then goto SPACE_OK"$ vmi$callback message w NOSPACE -; "Insufficient free disk space to install these options"$ say ""K$ say " You need a minimum of ''tmp_s9o$VXT021.A}>]WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1jf"2ize' free blocks on the system disk."L$ say " You need a minimum of ''wrk_size' free blocks on the working disk."$ say ""$ goto GET_VXT_OPTIONS $ SPACE_OK:$ GOT_VXT_OPTIONS:$! P$!******************************************************************************"$! Start the actual installation$!($! 1. Create the directory [VXT$LIBRARY]+$! 2. Create the network account VXT$SERVERG$! 3. Define the network object VXT$SERVER (not safe if failure occurs)?$! 4. Disable the network object until installation is completeP$!******************************************************************************$#$! Set up the VXT$LIBRARY directory$&$ vxt_device == vxt_device - ":" + ":",$ vxt_lnm = vxt_device + "[" + vxt_dir + "]"$D$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_ 'vxt_device'[000000]'vxt_dir'.dir "" - s vxt_library_found!$ if vxt_library_found .nes. "S" $ then $ say ""2$ say " Creating the directory ''vxt_lnm' ..."4$ vmi$callback create_directory user "''vxt_lnm'"$ endif\$ vmi$callback secure_file 'vxt_device'[000000]'vxt_dir'.dir "[1,4]" "s=rwe,o=rwe,g=re,w=re"$G$ define vxt$library 'vxt_device'['vxt_dir'] ! to insure local logical$($! Create the network account VXT$SERVER$$ if VXT_INSTALL_DECNET$ then $ call CREATE_NETWORK_ACCOUNT6$ if $status .ne. VMI$_SUCCESS then goto ERROR_EXIT$ endif$$ say """$ VMI$CALLBACK MESSAGE I DONEASK -? "No further questions will be asked during this installation."$ say ""$:$ if .not. VXT_INSTALL_DECNET then goto END_DECNET_SUPPORT$&$! Define the DECnet Object VXT$SERVER$$ if vxt_net_present$ then7$ say " Updating the network object VXT$SERVER ..."$ else7$ say " Defining the network object VXT$SERVER ..."$ endif$$ if .not. VXT_PHASEV $ then,$ ncp define object vxt$server number 0 -; file vxt$library:vxt$server.com user vxt$server proxy none$ if .not. vxt_present $ then1$ ncp define object vxt$server password 'vxt_pwd'$ type sys$input$ deckK The network object VXT$SERVER has been defined. If you wish to view this,* run SYS$SYSTEM:NCP and issue the command( NCP> LIST OBJECT VXT$SERVER CHAR$ eod $ endif $ set noon$ vmi$no_error$ vmi$no_output$$ ncp clear object vxt$server all $ set on$ elseC$! If we are running DECnet/OSI, then setup the vxt$server object $ set noonF$ @vmi$root:[sysmgr]net$configure application_delete "VXT$SERVER" 1&$ @vmi$root:[sysmgr]net$configure - application_add - "VXT$SERVER" - "VXT$SERVER|''VXT_UIC'" -S "{name=VXT$SERVER}||VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$SERVER.COM|true|false|true|false|true||" - 1 $ set on$ if .not. vxt_net_present $ then$ type sys$input$ deckL The DECnet/OSI network session control object VXT$SERVER has been defined.D If you wish to view this, run SYS$SYSTEM:NCL and issue the command< NCL> SHOW SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION VXT$SERVER ALL$ eod $ endif$ endif$ END_DECNET_SUPPORT:$! P$!******************************************************************************1$! Pre-work prior to moving files from saveset A$!$! 1. Link VXT$LAUNCH.EXE$! 2. Link VXT$WSA.EXE1$! 3. Append selected options to VXT$STARTUP.COMP$!******************************************************************************$-$! Build application launcher VXT$LAUNCH.EXE $$ if xclient_support$ thenA$ say " Building VXT application launcher VXT$LAUNCH.EXE ..."$"$ create vmi$kwd:vxt$launch.opt/$ open/append vxt_wrk vmi$kwd:vxt$launch.opt-$ write vxt_wrk "ident = ""''vxt_ident'"""1$ write vxt_wrk "sys$share:decw$xlibshr/share"%$ if vxt$target .eqs. "VAX" then -( write vxt_wrk "sys$share:vaxcrtl/share"$ close vxt_wrk$+$ link vmi$kwd:vxt$launch'vxt_obj_ext' - ,vmi$kwd:vxt$launch.opt/opt -$ /exe=vmi$kwd:vxt$launch.exe/notrace$ else $ say ""R$ vmi$callback message I NOXCLIENT "No X Windows client support on this system"N$ vmi$callback message I NOLAUNCH "Cannot install VXT application launcher" $ say ""$ endif$0$! Build VXT$WSA.EXE for use with VXT$SERVER.COM$.$ say " Building VXT utility VXT$WSA.EXE ..."$$ create vmi$kwd:vxt$wsa.opt)$ open/append vxt_wrk vmi$kwd:vxt$wsa.opt*$ write vxt_wrk "ident = ""''vxt_ident'""""$ if vxt$target .eqs. "VAX" then -+ write vxt_wrk "sys$share:vaxcrtl/share"$ close vxt_wrk$%$ link vmi$kwd:vxt$wsa'vxt_obj_ext' - ,vmi$kwd:vxt$wsa.opt/opt -$ /exe=vmi$kwd:vxt$wsa.exe/notrace$.$! Add installation options to VXT$STARTUP.COM$@$ say " Updating VXT$STARTUP.COM with installation options ..."$'$ open/write vxt_wrk vmi$kwd:vxtlib.tmp,$ write vxt_wrk "$ GET_VXT_INSTALL_PARAMS:"D$ write vxt_wrk "$ VXT_INSTALL_LIBRARY_PATH := ''VXT_LNM'"?$ write vxt_wrk "$ VXT_INSTALL_BOOT_BY_NAME := FALSE">$ write vxt_wrk "$ VXT_INSTALL_WSA_PRIVILEGED := TRUE">$ write vxt_wrk "$ VXT_INSTALL_STARTLOGIN_PRIVILEGED := TRUE"$ write vxt_wrk "$ RETURN"$ close/nolog vxt_wrk $ set noon$ vmi$no_error$ vmi$no_output3$ append vmi$kwd:vxtlib.tmp vmi$kwd:vxt$startup.com#$ delete/nolog vmi$kwd:vxtlib.tmp;*$ set on$! P$!******************************************************************************+$! Move files to their target directoriesP$!******************************************************************************$ $! Saveset A$?$ say " Adding VXT Software for supporting connections ..."H$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxt$startup.com vmi$root:[sys$startup]a$ vmi$callback secure_file vmi$root:[sys$startup]vxt$startup.com "[1,4]" "s=rwed,o=rwed,g=re,w"$A$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxt$ivp.com vmi$root:[systest]Y$ vmi$callback secure_file vmi$root:[systest]vxt$ivp.com "[1,4]" "s=rwed,o=rwed,g=re,w"$Q$! Delete earlier version of VXT$IVP.COM from VXT$LIBRARY - Should never be there$H$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_ vxt$library:vxt$ivp.com "" s vxt_ivp_found#$ if vxt_ivp_found .eqs. "S" then -4 vmi$callback delete_file VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$IVP.COM$P$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxt'vxt_version'_release_notes.ps vxt$library:=$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxt$server.com vxt$library:$7$ if f$search("VMI$KWD:vxt$launch.exe") .nes. "" then -? vmi$callback provide_image vxt_ vxt$launch.exe vxt$library:$;$ vmi$callback provide_image vxt_ vxt$wsa.exe vxt$library:=$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxtconfig.xrm vxt$library:$$! Saveset B - VXTLDR images$$ if vxt_install_vxtldr$ then#$ vmi$callback restore_saveset B6$ if $status .ne. VMI$_SUCCESS then goto ERROR_EXIT)$ say " Adding VXT loader images ..."$=$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxtldr.sys vxt$library:>$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxtldr1.sys vxt$library:$ endif$%$! Saveset C - Host-Based Load images$$ if vxt_install_load$ then#$ vmi$callback restore_saveset C6$ if $status .ne. VMI$_SUCCESS then goto ERROR_EXIT.$ say " Adding VXT host-based images ..." :$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxt.sys vxt$library:<$ vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ vxtex.sys vxt$library:$ endif$$! Saveset D,E - Decterm fonts$$ if vxt_install_decterm_fonts$ then<$ vmi$callback restore_saveset 'vxt_decterm_font_saveset'6$ if $status .ne. VMI$_SUCCESS then goto ERROR_EXIT%$ say " Adding DECterm fonts ..."$LOOP_DECTERM_FONTS:=$ file = f$search("vmi$kwd:terminal*''fontfile_type'",255)1$ if file .eqs "" then goto DONE_DECTERM_FONTS"$ name = f$parse(file,,,"name") $ if name-"_100DPI" .eqs name $ then)$ if vxt_75dpi_dir_found .eqs. "S" then -W vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ 'name''fontfile_type' vmi$root:[sysfont.decw.75dpi] $ else*$ if vxt_100dpi_dir_found .eqs. "S" then -X vmi$callback provide_file vxt_ 'name''fontfile_type' vmi$root:[sysfont.decw.100dpi] $ endif$ goto LOOP_DECTERM_FONTS$ DONE_DECTERM_FONTS:$ endif$$ ALL_DONE: ! All done$! P$!******************************************************************************$! Installation completeP$!******************************************************************************$6$! Specify POSTINSTALL to enable the new DECnet object$$! Enable the new DECnet object$$ if vxt_install_decnet then -$ vmi$callback set postinstall YES$J$! Specify the startup procedure to be invoked after installation complete$@$ vmi$callback set startup vmi$root:[sys$startup]vxt$startup.com $! Cleanup$H$ if f$trn("neU`$VXT021.A}>]WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1jfo("Ctobject" ,"lnm$process") .nes. "" then deassign netobjectJ$ if f$trn("vxt$library","lnm$process") .nes. "" then deassign vxt$libraryG$ if f$trn("vxt$temp" ,"lnm$process") .nes. "" then deassign vxt$tempC$ if f$trn("vxt_" ,"lnm$process") .nes. "" then deassign vxt_I$ if f$trn("rightslist" ,"lnm$process") .nes. "" then deassign rightslist$,$! For internal kits send mail to developers@$ if f$search("vmi$kwd:vxt_mail_developers.com") .eqs. "" then -2 goto SUCCESS_EXIT ! installation successful,$ open/write vxt_wrk vmi$kwd:vxt_options.tmp:$ write vxt_wrk "VXT Installation options selected:"D$ write vxt_wrk "- VXT$LIBRARY = ",VXT_DEVICE,"[",VXT_DIR,"]"=$ write vxt_wrk "- VXT Software for a supporting host"D$ if vxt_install_decnet then write vxt_wrk "- DECNET X sessions"D$ if vxt_install_vxtldr then write vxt_wrk "- VXT loader images"F$ if vxt_install_load then write vxt_wrk "- VXT host-based images"D$ if vxt_install_decterm_fonts then write vxt_wrk "- DECterm fonts"4$ if f$search("sys$system:ucx.exe") .nes. "" then -' write vxt_wrk "- UCX present"$ close/nolog vxt_wrk6$ @vmi$kwd:vxt_mail_developers vmi$kwd:vxt_options.tmp$P$!******************************************************************************$ SUCCESS_EXIT:$ gosub LIST_FILES2$ vxt_status = VMI$_SUCCESS ! set success status$ goto VXT_EXIT$/$ ERROR_EXIT: ! installation error occurred0$ vxt_status = VMI$_FAILURE ! set error status$ goto VXT_EXIT$ #$ VXT_EXIT: ! installation done<$ vxt_verify = f$verify (vxt_verify) ! restore verify state'$ exit vxt_status ! exit with status$P$!******************************************************************************$ POSTINSTALL:$ $ ncp:= $ncp5$ if vxt_install_decnet .and. .not. VXT_PHASEV then -A ncp set object vxt$server all ! Enable the new DECnet object$$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS#$! End of VXT Software Installation$! P$!******************************************************************************$$! List the files to be installedP$!****************************************************************************** $ LIST_FILES:$ type sys$input$ deckL****************************************************************************5 This installation will add the following files . . .L****************************************************************************$ eod^$ say " VXT$LIBRARY:VXT''VXT_VERSION'_RELEASE_NOTES.PS (Postscript version of Release Notes)$ type sys$input$ deck SYS$TEST:VXT$IVP.COM SYS$STARTUP:VXT$STARTUP.COM VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$SERVER.COM VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$LAUNCH.EXE VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$WSA.EXE VXT$LIBRARY:VXTCONFIG.XRM$ eod$ if vxt_install_load$ then!$ say " VXT$LIBRARY:VXT.SYS"#$ say " VXT$LIBRARY:VXTEX.SYS"$ endif$ if vxt_install_vxtldr$ then$$ say " VXT$LIBRARY:VXTLDR.SYS"%$ say " VXT$LIBRARY:VXTLDR1.SYS"$ endif$ if vxt_install_decterm_fonts$ then,$ if vxt_75dpi_dir_found .eqs. "S" then -E say " DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.75DPI]TERMINAL*''fontfile_type'"-$ if vxt_100dpi_dir_found .eqs. "S" then -M say " DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.100DPI]TERMINAL*_100DPI''fontfile_type'"$ endif$$ say ""R$ say "Please add the following line to your SYS$MANAGER:''VXT$VMS_STARTUP_FILE'."$$ type sys$input$ deck $ @SYS$STARTUP:VXT$STARTUPASee the VXT Software Installation and System Management guide forpostinstallation procedures.$ eod$ return ! LIST_FILES$! P$!******************************************************************************$! VXT Software IVPP$!******************************************************************************$$ IVP:6$ on control_y then goto IVP_EXIT ! setup to handle ^Y:$ on warning then goto IVP_EXIT ! setup to handle errors$ ivp_status = 0$ type sys$input$ deck9 Beginning verification of VXT Software Installation ...$ eod$ ins_opts = ""=$ if vxt_install_decnet then ins_opts = ins_opts + ",DECNET"=$ if vxt_install_vxtldr then ins_opts = ins_opts + ",VXTLDR"9$ if vxt_install_load then ins_opts = ins_opts + ",LOAD"B$ if vxt_install_decterm_fonts then ins_opts = ins_opts + ",FONTS"$ ins_opts = ins_opts - ","$2$ @vmi$root:[systest]vxt$ivp "OPTIONS=''ins_opts'"'$ ivp_status = $status ! save status$ $ IVP_EXIT:>$ vxt_verify = f$verify (vxt_verify) ! restore verify state-$ exit IVP_STATUS ! exit with IVP status$! P$!******************************************************************************2$! CHECK_NETWORK_ACCOUNT and CHECK_NETWORK_OBJECTP$!******************************************************************************$ CHECK_NETWORK_ACCOUNT:$ vxt_acc_present = false,$ VXT_UIC == "" ! assume no vxt$server uic*$ vxt_id = 0 ! assume no rightslist id$F$ vmi$find rightslist rightslist sys$system:.dat s vxt_rightslist_file)$ if vxt_rightslist_file .eqs. "S" then -5 vxt_id = f$identifier("vxt$server","name_to_number")$/$! See if the VXT$SERVER account already existsM$! (Following depends on AUTHORIZE creating a null file if UIC doesn't exist)$ $ set noon$ authorize := $authorize$ vmi$no_error($ define/user sys$output vmi$kwd:uic.tmp'$ if f$trnlnm("sysuaf") .eqs. "" then -H define/user sysuaf 'f$parse("sysuaf","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only"))$ if f$trnlnm("netproxy") .eqs. "" then -L define/user netproxy 'f$parse("netproxy","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only")!$ authorize show/brief vxt$server$ set on/$ open/read/error=acc10 vxt_wrk vmi$kwd:uic.tmp$ read/end=acc10 vxt_wrk line$ read/end=acc10 vxt_wrk line$ read/end=acc10 vxt_wrk line5$ VXT_UIC == f$edit(f$extract(37,13,line),"collapse")8$ vxt_acc_present = true ! we have vxt$server account$$ ACC10:$ close/nolog vxt_wrk $ delete/nolog vmi$kwd:uic.tmp;*/$ if vxt_id .ne. 0 then VXT_UIC == "VXT$SERVER"$ return$$ CHECK_NETWORK_OBJECT:$ vxt_net_present = false$ if .not. VXT_PHASEV$ then2$ vxt_chk_object = "NCP LIST OBJECT VXT$SERVER"$ elseK$ vxt_chk_object = "NCL SHOW SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION VXT$SERVER ALL"$ endif $ set noon$ vmi$no_error($ define/user sys$output vmi$kwd:ncp.tmp$ 'vxt_chk_object'$ set on/$ open/read/error=ncp10 vxt_wrk vmi$kwd:ncp.tmp$$ RLOOP:$ read/end=ncp10 vxt_wrk line>$ if f$loc("VXT$SERVER",line) .eq. f$len(line) then goto RLOOP$ vxt_net_present = true$$ NCP10:$ close/nolog vxt_wrk$ vmi$no_error$ vmi$no_output>$ search/noout/nolog vmi$kwd:ncp.tmp "no such object instance"<$ if $status .eqs. "%X00000001" then vxt_net_present = false $ delete/nolog vmi$kwd:ncp.tmp;*$ return$! P$!******************************************************************************($! CREATE_NETWORK_ACCOUNT - SUBROUTINEP$!******************************************************************************$ HELP_ACCOUNT_UIC:$ type sys$input$ deckM The UIC is the user identification code for the network account VXT$SERVER.I The UIC is expressed as a [group, member] number in octal digits (0-7).H Separate the group and member numbers with a comma. Enclose the UIC inG brackets. The group number must be in the range 1-37776 (octal), the/ member number in the range 0-1777776 (octal).M Digital recommends you use the default UIC of [375,200]. If you do not useM the default, make sure you use a unique UIC. You should NOT specify a group3 number in the system range (normally 1-10 octal).9 The following UICs are currently in use on your system:$ eod $ set noon$ authorize := $authorize)$ if f$trnlnm("netproxy") .eqs. "" then -L define/user netproxy 'f$parse("netproxy","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only")'$ if f$trnlnm("sysuaf") .eqs. "" then -H define/user sysuaf 'f$parse("sysuaf","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only")$ authorize show/brief [*,*]$ say ""$ set on$ exit VMI$_SUCCESS$$$CREATE_NETWORK_ACCOUNT: subroutine$$! Create the network account$$$ if vxt_present then goto GETUSER10)$ if VXT_UIC .nes. "" then goto GETUSER10$($! Generate a UIC for the server accountM$! (Following depends on AUTHORIZE creating a null file if UIC doesn't exist)$$ vxt_mem = %o200$$ UIC01: $ set noon($ VXT_UIC == f$fao("[375,!OB]", vxt_mem)$ authorize := $authorize$ vmi$no_error($ define/user sys$output vmi$kwd:uic.tmp'$ if f$trnlnm("sysuaf") .eqs. "" then -H define/user sysuaf 'f$parse("sysuaf","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only"))$ if f$trnlnm("netproxy") .eqs. "" then - define/user netproxy -7 'f$parsR)$VXT021.A}>]WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1jf"Te("netproxy","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only")$ authorize show/brief 'vxt_uic$ set on/$ open/read/error=uic02 VXT_WRK vmi$kwd:uic.tmp$ read/end=uic02 VXT_WRK line$ close/nolog VXT_WRK $ delete/nolog vmi$kwd:uic.tmp;*$ vxt_mem = vxt_mem + 1 $ goto UIC01$$ UIC02:$ close/nolog VXT_WRK $ delete/nolog vmi$kwd:uic.tmp;*$ type sys$input$ deck$ UIC for Network Account VXT$SERVER$ ----------------------------------K This installation will create a network account named VXT$SERVER, with no= special privileges and set up to allow only network access.M By default, the installation procedure selects a unique default UIC for theJ VXT$SERVER account. If you want to use a different UIC for that account, specify a unique UIC.M If you change the password for the VXT$SERVER account, you must also changeM the password for the network object VXT$SERVER with the following commands:< (Note: this is not required if you are running DECnet/OSI) $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP1 NCP> SET OBJECT VXT$SERVER PASSWORD new_password4 NCP> DEFINE OBJECT VXT$SERVER PASSWORD new_password$ eod$#$! Get a UIC for the server account$ $ GETUIC:$ vmi$callback ask vxt_uic -G "Enter UIC for VXT$SERVER account (include brackets)" "''VXT_UIC'" S -* "@vmi$kwd:kitinstal HELP_ACCOUNT_UIC",$ vxt$comma_position = f$locate(",",vxt_uic)$$ vxt$uic_length = f$length(vxt_uic)+$ if (f$locate("[",vxt_uic) .eq. 0) .and. -> (f$locate("]",vxt_uic) .eq. (vxt$uic_length - 1)) .and. -( (vxt$comma_position .gt. 1) .and. -5 (vxt$comma_position .lt. (vxt$uic_length - 2)) - then goto WELL_FORMED_UIC$ type sys$input$ deck? Bad syntax for a UIC, please use square brackets and a comma.$ eod $ goto GETUIC$$ WELL_FORMED_UIC:B$ vxt$uic_group_string = f$extract(1,vxt$comma_position-1,vxt_uic):$ vxt$uic_user_string = f$extract(vxt$comma_position+1, -8 vxt$uic_length-vxt$comma_position-2,- vxt_uic)7$ vxt$uic_group = f$integer ("%O"+vxt$uic_group_string)6$ vxt$uic_user = f$integer ("%O"+vxt$uic_user_string)$.$! This test verifies that the UIC is correct.$!@$! A badly formed UIC will have a character that is not an octal@$! digit in the `number'. A group number of 0 is not valid, butA$! for the user number it is necessary to check to see if zero is $! desired.>$! NOTE: This will currently fail on `[1,00]', but should not.$A$ if ((vxt$uic_user .ne. 0) .or. (vxt$uic_user_string .eqs. "0")-- .or. (vxt$uic_user_string .eqs. "00") -. .or. (vxt$uic_user_string .eqs. "000") -0 .or. (vxt$uic_user_string .eqs. "0000")) -< .and. (vxt$uic_group .ne. 0) then goto check_system_uic$ type sys$input$ deck1 Bad syntax for a UIC, please use octal numbers.$ eod $ goto GETUIC$$ CHECK_SYSTEM_UIC:$ vxt_status = 1=$ vmi$callback get_system_parameter vxt$maxsysgrp maxsysgroup,$ if vxt$maxsysgrp .ge. vxt$uic_group_string$ thenH$ vmi$callback message i systemuic "The UIC entered is a system UIC." $ vmi$callback ask VXT$OKAY -> "Do you wish to use a system UIC for VXT$SERVER account" N B+$ if vxt$okay .eq. 0 then vxt_status = 0$ endif'$ if vxt_status .eq. 0 then goto getuic$$ GOOD_UIC_NUMBERS:2$ vxt$uic = vxt$uic_group * %x10000 + vxt$uic_user:$ vxt$identifier = f$identifier (vxt$uic,"number_to_name")<$ if vxt$identifier .eqs. "" then goto no_identifier_for_uic$ type sys$input$ deckH An identifier already exists for that UIC. Please enter a unique UIC.$ eod $ goto GETUIC$$ NO_IDENTIFIER_FOR_UIC:$K$! Following depends on AUTHORIZE creating a null file if UIC doesn't exist$ $ set noon$ authorize := $authorize$ vmi$no_error)$ define /user sys$output vmi$kwd:uic.tmpQ$ define /user sysuaf 'f$parse("sysuaf","sys$system:sysuaf.dat",,,"syntax_only")' $ authorize show 'vxt_uic'/brief$ set on$6$ open /read /error=uic10 vxt$uic_file vmi$kwd:uic.tmp#$ read /end=uic10 vxt$uic_file line$ type sys$input$ deckK The UIC you have specified is already in use. Please enter a unique UIC.$ eod$ VXT_UIC == ""$$ UIC10:$ close /nolog vxt$uic_file!$ delete /nolog vmi$kwd:uic.tmp;*&$ if vxt_uic .eqs. "" then goto getuic$ $ GETUSER10:J$! Find a value of WSEXTENT that is appropriate just in case DEFAULT isn't$$ vxt_wsextent = 40964$ if (vxt_wsextent .lt. 512) then vxt_wsextent = 512$ vxt_wsquota = vxt_wsextent/2D$ vxt_wsdefault = "/wsquota=''vxt_wsquota'/wsextent=''vxt_wsextent'"$$$! Now create the VXT$SERVER account$,$ account_params = "/OWN=""VXT$SERVER""" + -' "/UIC=''VXT_UIC'/ACCOUNT=DECNET" + -) "/PRIVILEGE=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX)" + - "/DEFP=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX)"$ if .not. vxt_present$ then=$ account_params = account_params + "/PASSWORD=''VXT_PWD'"$ endif$ say ""$ if .not. vxt_acc_present$ then4$ say " Creating network account VXT$SERVER ..."<$ vmi$callback create_account vxt$server 'account_params'$ else6$ say " Network account VXT$SERVER already exists"8$ say " Modifying quotas for VXT$SERVER account ..."<$ vmi$callback update_account vxt$server 'account_params'$ endif$$ account_params = "/LGICMD=NL:" + -6 "/DEVICE=SYS$SYSDEVICE:/DIRECTORY=[VXT$SERVER]" + -/ "/FILLM=100/BIOLM=50/DIOLM=120/ASTLM=80" + -! "/PRCLM=0/MAXJOB=0/SHRFILLM=0"9$ vmi$callback update_account vxt$server 'account_params'$?$ account_params = "/ENQLM=200/BYTLM=40960''VXT_WSDEFAULT'" + -D "/FLAG=(RESTRICTED,DISMAIL,NODISUSER,DISCTLY,DEFCLI,LOCKPWD)" + -0 "/NETWORK/NOREMOTE/NOBATCH/NOINTERACTIVE" + -# "/NOPWDEXPIRED/PWDLIFETIME=NONE"9$ vmi$callback update_account vxt$server 'account_params'$f$ vmi$callback find_file vxt_server_dir SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]VXT$SERVER.DIR "" s vxt_server_dir_found#$ if vxt_server_dir_found .nes. "S"$ then>$ say " Creating directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VXT$SERVER] ..."V$ vmi$callback create_directory user SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VXT$SERVER] "/OWNER=''VXT_UIC'"$ endife$ vmi$callback secure_file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]VXT$SERVER.DIR "[VXT$SERVER]" "S=RWE,O=RWE,G=RE,W=E"$$ exit $status)$ endsubroutine ! CREATE_NETWORK_ACCOUNT$! P$!******************************************************************************/$! Modification HistoryP$!******************************************************************************$!$! X021.0 DVF 17-Oct-1993 BL21A$!?$! o Use VXT$LIBRARY for target files, including VXT$SERVER.COM>$! o Present a list of options and allow user to correct these6$! o Use VMI$CALLBACK for checking minimum VMS versionD$! o Remove delete of files from MOM$SYSTEM. Now user should perform+$! as part of postinstallation procedure.!$! o Secure files in system areas+$! o Append user options to VXT$STARTUP.COM/$! o Add link of VXT$LAUNCH.EXE and VXT$WSA.EXE$! o Add VXTCONFIG.XRME$! o Remove version numbers from names of loadable images to simplify%$! host-based management of booting/$! o Add mailing to developers in internal kits3$! o Move all supporting host software to saveset AF$! o Revise checking of space based on new images and saveset contents)$! o Remove 3270 fonts. Now local to VXT.$!$! X021.1 DVF 31-Oct-1993,$! o Provide detailed HELP for all questions&$! o Give estimate of time to complete$! o Display progress messages;$! o Only display list of files after successful completionF$! Was displaying before complete. Status messages could scroll this$! of the screenG$! o Don't perform any installation until user confirms all options are $! correct<$! o Locate HELP text with prompt to simplify review of text;$! o Refer user to System Installation and Management guide=$! o Add headings to introductory text to make easier to read#$! o Fix default UIC. Now [375,200]D$! HELP used [376,200], while default was [375,201] which is also $! used by EWS.$!$! X021.2 DVF 5-Nov-1993&$! o Fix generation of DECnet passwordA$! o Change calculation of free global pages and sections and set=$! required values to zero. Neither of the known images are!$! installed as open or shared.G$! o Add section heading to option list to make consistent with rest of $! script.:$! o Check for presence of DECwindows/Motif for VXT$LAUNCHE$! o Change calculations for space requirements (See comments at top)6$! Re-prompt for options if insufficient free blocks1$! o Move tests for resources closer to questions6$! o Add PCF fonts support for OpenVMS AXP (saveset E)"$! o Do not put IVP in VXT$LIBڈ$VXT021.A}>]WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]KITINSTAL.COM;1jfV[eRARYD$! o Enable DECnet object in POSTINSTALL after files have been moved$! o Add text fixes?$! o Only provide DECterm fonts in directories that are present$! X021.3 DVF 15-Nov-1993$! o Add DECnet/OSI support)$! 7N}$VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?lF]&*[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1+,g.l/` 4Mljh?-WO0123KPWOm56DN7 @789G`HJ  H VXT_Software_Version_2.1____________________________! Release Notes- Order Number: AA-PKWSG-TE January 1994I This document provides new and updated information on- VXT Version 2.1 software:) o Installation notes0 o A summary of new featuresG o Problems resolved since VXT Version 2.0 softwareC o Problems and restrictions in VXT Version 2.1 software< o Documentation updates and correctionsC Revision/Update Information This is a revised; document.H Operating System & Version: InfoServer Version 2.2E OpenVMS VAX Version7 5.4-2I OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5G DEC OSF/1 AXP Version5 1.2D ULTRIX Version 4.1E SunOS Version 4.1.2D HP-UX Version 8.05E IBM AIX Version 3.1H SCO UNIX Version 3.2.2> with SCO ODTE SCO ODT DevelopmentD System Version 1.1F Software Version: VXT Software Version5 2.11 Digital Equipment Corporation* Maynard, Massachusetts  J ________________________________________________________________% First Edition, January 1992% Sixth Edition, January 1994@ Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representationsA that the use of its products in the manner described inB this publication will not infringe on existing or futureB patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in thisB publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use,> or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description.B Possession, use, or copying of the software described inA this publication is authorized only pursuant to a validD written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor.@ Digital Equipment Corporation 1992, 1994. All Rights Reserved.; The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment@ Corporation: AXP, Bookreader, DEC, DECnet, DECpresent,@ DECterm, DECwindows, DECwrite, Digital, LASTport, LAT,E OpenVMS, ReGIS, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS,8 VT100, VT1300, VXT 2000, and the DIGITAL logo.B UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X /Open Co. Ltd.E Hewlett-Packard, HP, and HP-UX are registered trademarks of" Hewlett-Packard Company.E Sun, SunOS, and Solaris are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.C OSF, OSF/1, and Motif are trademarks of The Open Software Foundation, Inc.E POSTSCRIPT is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.> IBM and AIX are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.; SCO and Open Desktop are trademarks of Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.@ All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the/ property of their respective holders.D This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1.  C _________________________________________________________________C ContentsC VXT Software Licensing Information........................ v 1 Installation NotesC 1.1 Installation Documentation.................... 1C 1.1.1 VXT System Image Files.................... 1C 1.2 Installing on OpenVMS Systems................. 3: 1.3 Installing on DEC OSF/1 AXP, ULTRIX, or UNIXC Systems....................................... 4C 1.4 Installing on InfoServer Systems.............. 7 2 New Features 3 Problems ResolvedC 3.1 Loss of Characters on the Serial Port......... 137 3.2 Remote Management of Terminal Settings inC NVRAM......................................... 13$ 4 Known Problems and RestrictionsC 4.1 Save Under Support and Memory Use............. 15C 4.2 VXT Images Are Not Interchangeable............ 15C 4.3 DECnet Support and VXT Loader................. 155 4.4 Booting Host-Based Mode from InfoServerC Systems....................................... 156 4.5 InfoServer Loading Using MOP by EthernetC Address....................................... 16. 4.6 Managing Work Group and TerminalC Customizations................................ 17< 4.7 Creating an IP X Session May Fail if the MouseC Is Moved...................................... 17C iii  8 4.8 Host-Accessible Printing Using TCP/IP orE LAT........................................... 17E 4.9 VXT Server.................................... 18E 4.10 VXT EX Software-Keyboard Maps................. 18; 4.11 VXT EX Connection Box May Display IncorrectE Data (Server-Based Mode)...................... 18E 4.12 Fonts......................................... 18, 5 Documentation Updates and CorrectionsE 5.1 Supported Platforms-Version Numbers........... 217 5.2 Hebrew Language Support for VXT DECtermE Windows....................................... 21 Index TablesE 1-1 System Image Files........................ 2 iv  I _________________________________________________________________I VXT Software Licensing InformationE VXT software is installed on a load host and downloadedG into the VXT 2000[+], VXT 2000, or VT1300 X terminal; theI VXT software license applies to the X terminal on which theH software is executed, not to the host CPUs in the network.G This software is furnished under the licensing provisionsC of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms andH Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensingD terms and policies, contact your local Digital office.# License Management FacilityG VXT software does not provide support for the VMS LicenseG Management Facility. A Product Authorization Key (PAK) isI not required for the installation or use of this version of the product.I v  I 1I _________________________________________________________________I  p$VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?l" Installation NotesD This chapter provides supplementary information to theA installation procedures in VXT Software Version 2.11 Installation and System Management.& 1.1 Installation DocumentationI VXT Software Version 2.1 Installation and System ManagementI is divided into sections that cover installation and systemH management on different operating system platforms. BeforeE installing VXT software, read the section for your host operating system:3 o VXT Software on InfoServer Systems0 o VXT Software on OpenVMS Systems6 o VXT Software on DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems/ o VXT Software on ULTRIX Systems. o VXT Software on SunOS Systems. o VXT Software on HP-UX Systems0 o VXT Software on IBM AIX Systems0 o VXT Software on SCO ODT Systems$ 1.1.1 VXT System Image Files@ VXT Version 2.1 software provides two system imageD files, plus a VXT loader file for server-based systemsA (Table 1-1). The system images work on all VXT 2000" windowing terminals.I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 1   Installation Notes" 1.1 Installation DocumentationE Table_1-1_System_Image_Files_______________________________E OpenVMS_______InfoServer________UNIX[*]_____Description____B VXT.SYS VXT.SYS vxt VXT software" VXT021.SYSE VXTEX.SYS VXTEX.SYS vxtex VXT EX software" VXT020.SYSE VXTLDR.SYS VXTLDR.SYS vxtldr VXT loader file% VXTLDR021.SYSE [*]UNIX,_DEC_OSF/1_AXP,_and_ULTRIX_image_file_names._______E ___________________________________________________________? Note that VXT Version 2.1 software image names do notA include a version number, except on InfoServer systems.? All VXT Version 2.0 software image names included theB three-digit version number (020). Previous versions usedC a four-digit number. For example, Version 1.3 images used@ 0130. If you have preconfigured host systems to load aD specific version of a VXT image, make sure you use the new naming convention.A To simplify software maintenance on InfoServer systems,? each VXT software image has two service names created? at installation - with the version number and without? (Table 1-1). Terminals can request either image name./ Delete Earlier Versions of VXT Loader? The VXT loader provided with VXT Version 2.1 software7 supersedes all previous versions. To maintainA predictability in loading VXT software, you must delete& earlier VXT loader versions.E If you are installing VXT software on an InfoServer system,B the installation procedure lets you automatically deleteC earlier versions of the VXT loader. If you have installedA VXT loaders on any host systems, you should also update those loaders.= Keep track of where you install VXT loaders on your4 network, so they can be easily maintained.C ________________________ Note ________________________< The VXT Version 2.1 loader does not support theB loading of VXT Version 2.1 images in host-based mode;, 2 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes  I Installation NotesI 1.1 Installation DocumentationD host-based images must now be loaded by MOP or BOOTP /TFTP.F The VXT Version 2.1 loader does support the loading ofF host-based images from pre-Version 2.0 releases, whereA the terminal has been customized to run this way.F ______________________________________________________) 1.2 Installing on OpenVMS SystemsF The VXT Version 2.1 kit for the OpenVMS operating system0 supports both VAX and AXP systems.- Improved Installation ProcedureH The new VXT installation procedure for OpenVMS systems has9 significant changes from previous versions:E o The installation procedure presents all installation< options before performing the installation.G o All VXT system images and utilities are installed in aH new VXT$LIBRARY directory, created by the installation.C o The installation now supports OpenVMS systems with% DECnet/OSI software.G o Support for DECnet X sessions has been revised so thatE privileges are no longer required for the VXT$SERVER account.I o A VXT application launcher VXT$LAUNCH.EXE has been addedD to allow users to start remote applications on host systems.F o On OpenVMS AXP systems, DECterm fonts are provided in PCF format.F If you plan to support X window sessions from an OpenVMSE host, you must have DECwindows Motif software installed- before installing VXT software.I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 3   Installation Notes% 1.2 Installing on OpenVMS Systems Serving Fonts@ If you intend to serve fonts from an OpenVMS system toC VXT 2000 windowing terminals, you must install DECwindows@ fonts before installing VXT software. The VXT software? installation procedure checks for the presence of the following directories:0 DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.75DPI]1 DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.100DPI]; If the installation procedure does not find theseD directories, it will not install the supplementary DECterm( fonts provided by the VXT kit. Files Installed? If you choose all installation options, the procedure6 installs the following files on your system:* SYS$HELP:VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES0 VXT$LIBRARY:VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS! SYS$TEST:VXT$IVP.COM( SYS$STARTUP:VXT$STARTUP.COM' VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$SERVER.COM' VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$LAUNCH.EXE$ VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$WSA.EXE+ VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$CONFIG.XRM.COM" VXT$LIBRARY:VXTEX.SYS VXT$LIBRARY:VXT.SYS# VXT$LIBRARY:VXTLDR.SYS$ VXT$LIBRARY:VXTLDR1.SYSC DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.75DPI]TERMINAL*.DECW$FONTD DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.100DPI]TERMINAL*.DECW$FONT< 1.3 Installing on DEC OSF/1 AXP, ULTRIX, or UNIX Systems, VXT Version 2.1 System Image NamesB The VXT software kit for UNIX systems uses the following/ file names for the VXT system images: o vxt o vxtex o vxtldr, 4 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes  I Installation NotesI 1.3 Installing on DEC OSF/1 AXP, ULTRIX, or UNIX Systems1 Improved Installation Script FormatG The new VXT installation script for UNIX systems asks allE questions before performing the installation. After youH answer the questions, the installation requires no further attention.E The installation kit now comes in two files on a singleaD tape. The first file contains the installation script.A The second file contains the VXT software files for  installation." Installing from Tape= If you are installing from tape, you must use aeB nonrewinding tape device instead of a rewinding tapeG device. If you do not use a nonrewinding device, an error E will occur after you answer the installa )$VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?l.""tion questions. G Here are some examples of rewinding and nonrewinding tape  devices:I ___________________________________________________________  OperatingmI System________Nonrewinding_____Rewinding___________________ 7 ULTRIX, DEC /dev/nrmt0h /dev/rmt0hi OSF/1 AXP, SunOS, BSD6 SCO /dev/nrct0 /dev/rct06 IBM AIX /dev/rmt5.1 /dev/rmt5I HP-UX_________/dev/rmt/0mn_____/dev/rmt/0m_________________ H Here are sample installation commands using /dev/nrmt0h as the tape device:! #tar xf /dev/nrmt0h % #install.sh /dev/nrmt0h4, Extracting tar Files from TapeB If you are extracting the tar files from the tape toF perform installations from disk or over the network, youD must extract both installation files. For details, seeG the installation chapter for your operating system in VXT F Software Version 2.1 Installation and System Management.H You should call the first file VXT-2.1.tar1 and the second file VXT-2.1.tar2.I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 5    Installation Notes< 1.3 Installing on DEC OSF/1 AXP, ULTRIX, or UNIX Systems* Installation from Disk or CD-ROMB The following example assumes that you extracted the tarB files using the recommended names, VXT-2.1.tar1 and VXT-B 2.1.tar2. The example uses the path /usr/vxt; substitute" the actual path you use.( # tar xf /usr/vxt/VXT-2.1.tar1, # install.sh /usr/vxt/VXT-2.1.tar2? Note that you use the tar command to extract from thehA first file and run install.sh on the second. If you runrC install.sh on the first file, you will get an error afterw0 you answer the installation questions.D New vxtlaunch Subset Provided for VXT Application LauncherB The installation kit includes a new vxtlaunch subset forB the VXT application launcher utility. The utility allowsB users to launch remote host applications from a VXT 2000 windowing terminal. - Incompatibility Among BOOTP DaemonsnB VXT software provides a BOOTP daemon. Digital recommendsA that you install the VXT BOOTP daemon only if your host C system does not provide a BOOTP daemon. The format of the? BOOTP configuration file varies on different systems. # Installing Compiled FontsnB If you use compiled fonts, you no longer need to installB them in an empty directory as with previous VXT softwareB versions. However, be careful when installing fonts in a( directory with existing fonts.E o If you install fonts that have the same name as existing = fonts, the new fonts replace the existing fonts.dE o The installation replaces the fonts.alias file. You mustsA back up existing aliases and merge them with the new  fonts.alias file.C o The installation replaces fonts.dir, so any additionaltB fonts are no longer found by the terminal. To correctB this problem, run mkfontdir (or dxmkfontdir on ULTRIXC systems) in all directories with additional fonts. The@ Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) notes anyD directories that contain additional fonts. Perform this, 6 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes . .I Installation NotesiI 1.3 Installing on DEC OSF/1 AXP, ULTRIX, or UNIX SystemsIH step for all font subsets installed (100dpi, 75dpi, and misc). & Solaris Operating SystemF The Solaris operating system is not a supported platformF for VXT software. However, instructions are available onH request for editing the VXT installation script to install; VXT Version 2.1 software on a Solaris system.1B Solaris Version 2.2 software supplies compressed PCFH fonts that the VXT 2000 windowing terminal can use withoutE conversion. The fonts are in the following directories:r2 /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi1 /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi 0 /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/miscI To use these fonts on the terminal, you would set your font I path to these directories in the Customize Font Path dialogn box., 1.4 Installing on InfoServer SystemsI VXT Version 2.1 software requires InfoServer Version 2.2 ornI later software. VXT Version 2.1 software has been qualified 3 with InfoServer Version 3.0 software. C Installing and Getting Started Guide in Six Languages.I The VXT Version 2.1 kit for InfoServer systems provides the G online VXT 2000[+]/VXT 2000 Windowing Terminal InstallinggC and Getting Started guide in English, French, German,.B Spanish, Italian and Dutch. The guide is part of the= InfoReader library of online VXT documentation..F The CD-ROM also provides VXT documentation in PostScriptG format. The CD-ROM is in the OpenVMS disk format (ODS 2),.H so you can print the documentation from an OpenVMS system.E VXT System Images Installed with Multiple Service Names C VXT Version 2.1 software adds support for MOP loading E of VXT images from an InfoServer system, for host-based. operation.I To support loading with the LASTport or MOP transports, theIG installation procedure installs the VXT.SYS and VXTEX.SYSH images under several service names. This does not increase? the installation time or disk space requirements. I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 7   Installation Notes( 1.4 Installing on InfoServer Systems; Removing InfoReader Documents from the InfoServerB The VXT Version 2.1 installation procedure automatically7 installs the InfoReader library of online VXTs@ documentation. If you have several InfoServer systems,? you may want to serve the InfoReader library from oneeD InfoServer system. You can delete all InfoReader documents? from an InfoServer system with the following command: 7 InfoReader> DELETE PARTITION DK1:VXT_IR_*_021eB Evaluating VXT Version 2.1 Software Before Making It the Network DefaultsC If you want to evaluate VXT Version 2.1 software on a few)A terminals before making it the network default, DigitalsB recommends you perform the following InfoServer commands@ before installing the software. Do not rely on the VXT6 installation script questions for this task.= 1. Before the installation, temporarily disable the InfoServer.2 2. Install the VXT Version 2.1 software.E 3. Delete the default VXT service names. (If you need theseE service names for your current VXT software version, yout9 can create them again after this procedure).e1 4. Make the InfoServer available again.aA Here is a sample InfoServer command sequence to performX these steps:* InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFF% InfoServer> UPDATE VXT DK1: 5 InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE VXTLDR CLASS MOPi6 InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE VXTLDR1 CLASS MOP@ InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE VXT%%%.SYS CLASS VXT_SYSTEM5 InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE VXT%%0 CLASS MOPw5 InfoServer> DELETE SERVICE VXT%%I CLASS MOPw) InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ONV InfoServer> SAVEC Current users will see a message on their terminals while A the InfoServer state is off, but the message will clearw1 when the InfoServer state is turned on.r, 8 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes r nI F$VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?l"3 Installation NotessI 1.4 Installing on InfoServer Systems B Booting VXT Version 2.1 Software from the >>> PromptF You can load a VXT software image into an individual VXTG terminal by entering a BOOT command at the terminal's >>>G prompt. You can use this method to evaluate a new versionn3 before making it the network default._E You can use the following command sequences to load VXT*9 Version 2.1 or VXT EX Version 2.0 software. & VXT Version 2.1 Software Server-Based Mode  >>> B/101  Bootfile: VXTLDR VXTLDR> VXT.SYSX Host-Based Mode E For host-based mode, the terminal needs 10 megabytes of  memory.  >>> B/100n Bootfile: VXT_) VXT EX Version 2.0 Software_ Host-Based Mode >>> B/100e Bootfile: VXTEXdC You can also use the terminal's Customize Boot dialogsC box to load a particular version of VXT software. SeeG VXT 2000[+]/VXT 2000 Windowing Terminal User Information. E Using VXT Software with InfoServer Version 3.0 Software H If you are installing VXT software on an InfoServer systemE running InfoServer Version 3.0 software, make sure thateE a remote device is enabled. This allows VXT software toeF create terminal resource files, work group files, pagingE files, and font files on the InfoServer system. To view E the current list of remote devices, enter the following ! InfoServer command:e% InfoServer> SHOW SERVERiI VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 9m t  Installation Notes( 1.4 Installing on InfoServer SystemsA If the list of remote devices is empty, enable the read E /write disk (normally DK1) as a remote device. For example:e; InfoServer> SET SERVER REMOTE DEVICES DK1 ENABLEDo InfoServer> SAVE@ Preconfigured Boot of VT1300 Terminals with InfoServer Version 3.0 Software< InfoServer Version 3.0 software lets you associate> an Ethernet address with a partition for MOP loadingA functions. This feature is useful for VT1300 terminals._D You can use this feature to load the VXT loader or the VXT& EX image in host-based mode.D To use this feature, you must create a permanent partitionC on the InfoServer system for each image to be served this C way. After you install VXT software, copy the desired VXTIA software image to a private partition. You must performu8 these steps each time you update VXT software. Example B The following example creates a partition to contain theB VXT loader, for loading VXT server-based software into aE VT1300 terminal with an Ethernet address of 08-00-2B-11-22- 33:_* InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE OFFC InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:VT1300_LOADER BLOCK 1000o; InfoServer> COPY DK1:VXTLDR.SYS DK1:VT1300_LOADERp) InfoServer> SET SERVER STATE ON M InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE MOP$08002B112233 FOR DK1:VT1300_LOADER -p CLASS MOP= InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:XXXXZZZZ BLOCKS 10 3 InfoServer> DELETE PARTITION DK1:XXXXZZZZl InfoServer> SAVEC ________________________ Note ________________________lB The creation and deletion of partition XXXXZZZZ aboveA is a temporary workaround for InfoServer Version 3.0 = software. For more information, see Section 4.5. C ______________________________________________________C> For more information on creating partitions, see the2 InfoServer Version 3.0 Operations Guide.- 10 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notesa i iI 2lI _________________________________________________________________ I New Features D This chapter briefly describes the new features in VXTI Version 2.1 software. For details, see VXT 2000[+]/VXT 2000 B Windowing Terminal User Information and VXT Software= Version 2.1 Installation and System Management. X11R5 X ServerF VXT Version 2.1 software implements the MIT X Version 11' Release 5 (X11R5) server.O' Host-Based Resource FilesiI In TCP/IP environments, you can now use your own host-based G resource files to manage customized settings for VXT 2000oF windowing terminals. The VXT installation kit provides aI template file. Terminals can use the TFTP or NFS transportsDI to read your resource files from the host. See VXT SoftwareI Version 2.1 Installation and System Management for details. < VXT Application Launcher for Host ApplicationsD The VXT application launcher lets terminal users startB remote applications that reside on host systems. YouC must install the VXT application launcher on the hostEF system providing the application. Users must run the VXTI application launcher before entering the commands to launchVG applications. See VXT 2000[+]/VXT 2000 Windowing Terminal 2 User Information for command syntax. rsh Support H TCP/IP users can use rsh (remote shell) to start local VXTG applications from a remote host. See VXT 2000[+]/VXT 2000]E Windowing Terminal User Information for command syntax.T NFS Support E VXT Version 2.1 software supports the NFS transport forsH reading fonts and host-based resource files. You can enter" 10 NFS mount points.I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 11x   New Features Font Server SupporttE VXT Version 2.1 software supports the X11R5 font server forI font services.9 Additional Font Formats and Expanded Font AcessyD VXT Version 2.1 software supports the PCF, DECwindows SNF,. BDF, Type1, and Speedo font formats.@ You can enter font paths to access fonts from multiple@ hosts over multiple transports. Use the Customize FontE Paths dialog box (Terminal Manager window, Customize menu). ) Software Options and Memory Use ? You can use the Customize Software Options dialog boxlD (Terminal Manager window, Customize menu, Startup submenu)D to choose which VXT software options are loaded. DisablingB unused features increases the memory available for other features. / Improved Installation on UNIX Systemsa? The new VXT installation script for UNIX systems asksaA all questions before installing files. The installationn> kit is in two files on a single tape. Carefully read> the installation chapter in VXT Software Version 2.1? Installation and System Management for your operating # system before installing. 2 Improved Installation on OpenVMS SystemsC The VXT software kit for OpenVMS systems has improvements E to ease installation and to install on systems using DECnet  /OSI software. Sun Style KeyboardB The VXT 2000 windowing terminal now supports a Sun style keyboard (LK460)._1 Hebrew Supported in VXT DECterm WindowsiD VXT DECterm windows support the Hebrew language. To choose/ the Hebrew language, see Section 5.2.s- 12 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notest F sI 3 I _________________________________________________________________tI   P$VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?l4"D Problems ResolvedaH This chapter describes problems resolved since VXT Version 2.0 software.M1 3.1 Loss of Characters on the Serial PortiG Previously, the VXT 2000 windowing terminal's serial port F might lose input characters at receive speeds above 2400C baud. VXT Version 2.1 software corrects this problem.,; 3.2 Remote Management of Terminal Settings in NVRAMoD You can now manage all terminal resources from the VXTH configuration manager or from your own host-based resourceC files. Previously, you could not remotely manage some@ terminal resources stored in the terminal's NVRAM:A o Primary boot image name and MOP trigger password , (Customize Boot dialog box)$ o LASTport group codeD o DECnet address (for terminals running in host-based mode) o IP addresswI VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 13n r I 4oI _________________________________________________________________sI Known Problems and RestrictionsnC This chapter describes restrictions that apply to VXTO# Version 2.1 software. - 4.1 Save Under Support and Memory Use A By default, VXT software has the save under featuremD enabled. This setting can cause low-memory problems inC host-based VXT 2000 windowing terminals. For example,eA pulling down menus may cause low-memory warnings ornF actions. To disable the save under feature, turn off theG Backing Store button in the Customize X Server dialog boxt8 (Terminal Manager window, Customize menu).. 4.2 VXT Images Are Not InterchangeableI After you install VXT system images, you cannot interchangel? them between host systems and InfoServer systems.n) 4.3 DECnet Support and VXT Loader ? If you use the DECnet transport with server-basedfG terminals, make sure you use the VXT loader supplied withhE VXT Version 2.1 software. The DECnet transport will notmF work if you load VXT Version 2.1 software with a Version( 2.0 or earlier VXT loader.; 4.4 Booting Host-Based Mode from InfoServer SystemsiF Prior to VXT Version 2.0 software, you could use the VXTG loader to load a host-based VXT image across bridges that I filtered MOP. The VXT loaders provided with VXT Version 2.0CF and later software cannot load VXT Version 2.0 and laterE images in host-based mode. You must use the MOP or TFTP transports.tI VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 15t m # Known Problems and Restrictionsr7 4.4 Booting Host-Based Mode from InfoServer SystemsnE If you have been using the VXT loader to load earlier host-tD based VXT images, you must now ensure that the VXT VersionA 2.1 images are installed where they can be loaded usingiE TFTP or MOP. For TFTP, you need a VXT software kit for UNIXrC systems. For MOP, you need a VXT software kit for OpenVMS/C systems. The VXT software kit for OpenVMS systems is also8 included on the CD-ROM for InfoServer systems.@ Customize your terminal to load by MOP or BOOTP before> loading VXT Version 2.1 software in host-based mode.E For backward compatibility, the VXT Version 2.1 loader willS? load host-based images from pre-Version 2.0 releases.v8 4.5 InfoServer Loading Using MOP by Ethernet AddressC Section 2.5.2 in the InfoServer System Management chaptero= of VXT Software Version 2.1 Installation and SystemdE Management describes how you can use InfoServer Version 3.0nD software to load VXT software by specifying the terminal's Ethernet address.lA There is a problem with InfoServer Version 3.0 softwaremC that delays the actual creation of MOP services until thetC InfoServer system's internal cache has been flushed. WhenE configuring your InfoServer system to load VXT terminals byC Ethernet address, you need to add a step to the procedure)% described in Section 2.5.2:d* InfoServer> ...other commands...= InfoServer> CREATE PARTITION DK1:XXXXZZZZ BLOCKS 10 3 InfoServer> DELETE PARTITION DK1:XXXXZZZZr* InfoServer> ...other commands...C Creating and deleting the dummy XXXXZZZZ partition causes.? the InfoServer system to flush its internal cache andnA complete the creation of any other MOP partitions. This.D problem will be corrected in a later version of InfoServer software.e- 16 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notesm s I Known Problems and RestrictionsI 4.6 Managing Work Group and Terminal Customizations; 4.6 Managing Work Group and Terminal CustomizationsC Some new features in VXT Version 2.1 software require A changes to customizations in earlier versions. WhenoE you load VXT Version 2.1 software, the changes are made G automatically. When you save customizations, both the olde8 and the new customizations are maintained.D VXT Version 2.1 software can support terminals runningH different versions of VXT software in the same work group.E In this case, however, you should manage terminals from D a terminal that runs the same version of VXT software.F This restriction applies to both terminal and work group customizations.oC 4.7 Creating an IP X Session May Fail if the Mouse Is MovednG An attempt to create an IP X session can fail if you moveF the mouse or start a window manager while the session isD being opened. This problem occurs because the remote XG display manager (XDM) on the host system needs to controlsF the keyboard and the mouse pointer for security purposesD while the session is being created; if this fails, the8 remote XDM does not display the login box.8 4.8 Host-Accessible Printing Using TCP/IP or LATG No Print Failure Messages if Network Printing Disabled at  StartupVB If you do not load the Network Printing option for aC terminal, the VXT Message Box will not display "printvD request from node xxxx rejected" messages when you tryF to print a job from a host. These messages are generatedH by the net print process, which is only started if networkH printing is enabled. The Network Printing option is in theE Customize Software Options dialog box (Terminal ManagerlI window, Customize menu); your setting takes effect when youo boot the terminal.I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 17s  # Known Problems and Restrictionsn 4.9 VXT Server 4.9 VXT ServerB Pixmap Allocation for Color and Gray Scale VXT Terminals? On VXT 2000[+]/ VXT 2000 color and gray scale models, @ the pixmap size is limited to a pixmap area that is noA larger than the screen area; the pixmap width can be nooD greater than 2016 pixels. Clients requiring larger pixmapsC must be prepared to deal with a pixmap allocation failure D error from the X server. This limitation does not exist on# monochrome VXT terminals. ; Bitmap for Monochrome Pointer Restricted to 16x16 B If a client on a monochrome system requests a bitmap forD the pointer greater than 16x16, the bitmap is truncated to 16x16.& 4.10 VXT EX Software-Keyboard MapsD VXT EX software provides keymap support for the U.S. LK4 $VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?l""U01B keyboard. You can load other keymaps from a host session manager.9 4.11 VXT EX Connection Box May Display Incorrect Datai (Server-Based Mode)A If you switch from full-function VXT software to VXT EXD software on a color terminal in server-based mode, the VXTC EX connection box may display erroneous data in the text-fB entry fields. To make a connection, delete the erroneous1 data and enter the correct information.r 4.12 Fonts4 The following restrictions apply to fonts:A o Displaying the following 24-point DECwrite font on arC color or grayscale VXT terminal may cause the terminale to hang:tE -dec-decwrite pictures-medium-r-normal-24-240-100-100-p- 80-dec-fontspecificE You can avoid this problem by removing the font from the C default font path. On OpenVMS systems, this font is in$ the following location:@ SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_100DPI]DECPIC24_100.*- 18 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notesi d I Known Problems and RestrictionsVI 4.12 FontscE o Sun Open Look fonts may not display if the fonts areoB served over the LAT transport from an OpenVMS AXPE system. The fonts will display correctly if they are G moved to an InfoServer system, using the Configuration 5 Manager: Font Management dialog box.VF o Type1 scalable fonts currently do not display if theyG are served from an InfoServer system over the LASTporttF transport. You can use the other supported transportsD (font server, NFS, or TFTP) to display these fonts.G o Speedo fonts take several minutes to display if servedeI over the TFTP transport. Use either a font server or thea4 NFS transport to serve these fonts.C o Certain DECpresent bullet fonts may not display if H served from a font server. You can use one of the otherF supported transports (NFS, TFTP, LASTport, or LAT) to% display these fonts. I o The X server display scaling feature (Customize X ServerED dialog box) may not work if fonts are served from aH font server. The X server display scaling feature worksF correctly when you server fonts over one of the otherD supported transports (NFS, TFTP, LASTport, or LAT).I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 19t  XI 5fI __________________________________________________________________I Documentation Updates and CorrectionsoB This chapter provides updates and corrections to VXTF Software Version 2.1 Installation and System Management./ 5.1 Supported Platforms-Version Numbers I VXT Software Version 2.1 Installation and System Management_C lists the minimum version required for each supported B operating systems. For more information, see the VXT+ Software Product Description. F VXT Version 2.1 software supports SCO UNIX Version 3.2.2$ with SCO ODT software.; 5.2 Hebrew Language Support for VXT DECterm Windows.H To choose Hebrew language support for VXT DECterm windows:G 1. In the Customize Language dialog box (Terminal Manager G window, Customize menu) choose Hebrew, then reboot thei terminal.A 2. In the Customize Keyboard dialog box, change the E Keyboard Type setting to LK401-AT (Hebrew keyboard). H 3. In a VXT DECterm window, pull down the Options menu andF choose General. In the General dialog box, choose the$ following settings:) - 7-Bit NRCS Characterso2 - Cursor direction Right to LeftI To display Hebrew characters, press on your G LK401-AT model keyboard. On other keyboards, press  .H Unshifted keys will display Hebrew characters, and shiftedB keys display Latin characters. To display only Latin6 characters, press again.I VXT Software Version 2.1 Release Notes 21   0) Documentation Updates and Correctionss7 5.2 Hebrew Language Support for VXT DECterm Windowsu@ If you want to allow Hebrew characters in Motif windowB titles, you can modify the setting for the Mwm*fontList:= resource in a host-based resource file, as follows:mL Mwm*fontList: -*-NarkissTam-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-8> See VXT Software Version 2.1 Installation and SystemA Management for information on using host-based resource  files.B When you use the Hebrew language, you should also chooseE the For international keyboards, ignore the Mod keys buttonS@ in the Workspace:Options dialog box. This setting will? allow you to use normal window manager functions. SeeiA the Customizing Windows chapter in VXT 2000[+]/VXT 2000oC Windowing Terminal User Information. When you choose this1A setting, the terminal ignores modifier keys such as the D key. This change does not affect the and top- row function keys.- 22 VXT Software Version 2.1 Release NotesM r sF _________________________________________________________________F IndexF A______________________________ F______________________________4 Application launcher, 11 Features, 11+ for UNIX systems, 6 Font: font formats, 129 B______________________________ Font server, 12i: BOOT commands, 9 restrictions, 185 Booting terminals UNIX systemsX> VXT system image names, 1 compiled fonts, 6 BOOTP Daemon, 6F H______________________________; C______________________________ Hebrew language, 21SE Communication Host-based resource files, 11  loss of characters, 13 F Configuration manager I______________________________- restrictions, 13 Images: Customizations See System images= managing, 17 InfoReader library, 7 5 D removing, 8u8 _______________________________ InfoServer systemE DECnet transport enabling a remote device, 9 9 VXT loader, 15 MOP loading, 16_F DEC OSF/1 AXP system VXT software installation, 77 installation script changes, Installation, 1sB 5 on InfoServer systems, 7? VXT image names, 4 on OpenVMS systems, 3 < VXT software installation, 4 on UNIX systems, 43 DECpresent font, 19 IP X session1 DECwindows fonts, 4 creatinge< DECwrite fonts, 18 restriction, 17F Index-1 n i6 Speedo font, 19; L______________________________ Sun operating systemo1 LAT transport font, 18u8 printing System images, 15> restrictions, 17 naming conventions, 1F _______________________________ T______________________________7 Memory, 12 TCP/IP transportu0 problems, 15 printing< r!%$VXT021.AgWO&[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021.RELEASE_NOTES;1M?l festrictions, 17/ N Terminal 6 _______________________________ customizations8 Naming conventions managing, 176 system image, 1 Type 1 font, 19 NFS transport, 11F U______________________________4 O______________________________ ULTRIX systemD OpenVMS system installation script changes,, serving fonts 5; DECwindows fonts, 4 VXT image names, 4 E VXT software installation, 3 VXT software installation, 4 2 files installed, 4 UNIX systemB improved installation, 12D P______________________________ installation script changes,, Printing 5; restrictions, 17 VXT image names, 4nE Problems, 15 VXT software installation, 4 F _______________________________ V______________________________8 Restrictions, 15 VXT documentationE rsh support, 11 in kit for InfoServer systemsv. , 76 S______________________________ VXT EX software: Save under feature, 15 keyboard maps, 183 Scaling VXT softwareX9 X server display scaling, 19 BOOT commands, 9 7 Serial port image names, 4a8 loss of characters, 13 installation, 19 Software options new features, 11: enabling or disabling, 12 system images, 15A Solaris system, 7 naming conventions, 1o Index-2   ' W______________________________e Work group managing, 17' X______________________________  X11R5 X server, 11I Index-3ss$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1cղ)*[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1+,d./` 4cz-WO0123KPWO56N7789G`HJ %!PS-Adobe-3.0%%Title: AA-PKWSG-TE%%Creator: VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1I%%Copyright: 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION.%%+All Rights Reserved.(%%CreationDate: Wed Jan 5 1994 17:54:14%%For: DOCTEAM %%BoundingBox: (atend)%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit%%LanguageLevel: 1%%Orientation: Portrait%%Pages: (atend)%%PageOrder: Ascend%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%DocumentNeededFonts: (atend) &%%DocumentProcSets: Underlay Color5044.%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: Underlay Color5044 %%DocumentProcessColors: (atend)%%DocumentCustomColors: (atend) %%EndComments%!%%BeginResource: procset Underlay%%CreationDate: (2/10/92)%C% In VAX DOCUMENT V2.1-1, simple EPSF files up to 65,000 bytes long@% may be an underlay. Define the EPSF as a PostScript proceedureD% called /UNDERLAY and prefix to DOCUMENT's PS output For example:.&% /UNDERLAY ( EPSF code here ) cvx def%C% To create a "Preliminary" underlay change /UNDERLAY* to /UNDERLAY /UNDERLAY* ( /Note (Preliminary) def /NoteSize 120 def6 /NoteFont /Helvetica findfont NoteSize scalefont def& /Note where { pop Note length 0 gt {8 /NoteWidth NoteFont setfont Note stringwidth pop def/ PaperWidth 36 mul PaperHeight 36 mul moveto& PaperHeight PaperWidth atan rotate6 NoteWidth -2 div NoteSize .729 mul -2 div rmoveto 2 Note true charpath .075 setseparationgray fill }if }if ) cvx def %%EndResource%"%%BeginResource: procset Color5044%%CreationDate: (1/21/91)%%Version:1.0 31%Implementation of Adobe 5044 color specification5%/ndf allows command override during color separation/Color5044Dict 100 dict defColor5044Dict begin/bdf {bind def} def/ndf {1 index where {pop pop pop } {dup xcheck {bind} if def } ifelse } bdf /setcmykcolor {1 exch sub 3 " {dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 2 copy lt {exch} if pop exch } repeat pop setrgbcolor }ndf/setcmykcoloroverprint {4 {dup -1 eq {pop 0} if 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor } ndf/findcmykcustomcolor {5 /packedarray where {pop packedarray } {array astore readonly } ifelse } ndf/setcustomcolor {exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat setcmykcolor pop } ndf/setseparationgray* {1 exch sub systemdict /setgray get exec } ndf/setoverprint {pop} ndf/currentoverprint false ndf%CMYK multi-proc colorimage /colorimage {4 neH {(\nUnsupported number of colors for colorimage.\n) print flush quit } if notJ {(\nSingle procedure form colorimage unsupported.\n) print flush quit } if' save 20 dict begin /&saveobj exch defE /&Kproc exch def /&Yproc exch def /&Mproc exch def /&Cproc exch def {&Cproc &Mproc &Yproc &Kproc7 /&K exch def /&Y exch def /&M exch def /&C exch def 0 1 &K length 1 sub {/&i exch def &K &i 255 &C &i get 30 mul &M &i get 59 mul add &Y &i get 11 mul add &K &i get 100 mul add 100 idiv dup 255 gt {pop 255} if sub put } for &K } image &saveobj end restore } ndf/customcolorimage! {pop systemdict /image get exec } ndf/separationimage {systemdict /image get exec } ndfend %%EndResourceColor5044Dict begin%/DEC_DVC$dict 300 dict defDEC_DVC$dict begin%/DVC$PSJob save def%,/DOCPSE ISOLatin1Encoding 256 array copy def"mark % CREATE DOCPSE ENCODING 8#055 /hyphenC 8#201 /bullet 8#202 /emdash 8#203 /endash 8#204 /daggerC 8#205 /daggerdbl 8#206 /registered 8#207 /trademark %8#210 /Delta? 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{UNDERLAY} stopped {(Error executing /UNDERLAY)== quit}ifD countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack/ clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack* eps_save restore % restore after EPSF }if PageSetup}def%%Setup page coordinates /PageSetup{ /DVC$PSPage save def9 PortraitMode not {PaperWidth 0 translate 90 rotate} if /Xpos 0 def /Ypos 0 def}def%)% Begin EPS file: SPB/SPB {8 Yadjust transform % convert from DVC to device coords EP % page-level restore( /eps_save save def % save before EPSF8 Resolution 72 div dup scale % Revert coords to points2 itransform % convert position back to points % translate % set position for EPSF3 PortraitMode not {90 rotate} if % rotate for EPSF7 count array astore /DVCstack exch def % save op stack- /dict_count countdictstack def % # of dicts userdict begin % default dict% /showpage {}def % disable showpage 0 setgray}def%% End EPS file/SPE {B countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % clean up dict stack- clear DVCstack aload pop % restore op stack( eps_save restore % restore after EPSF" PageSetup % restore DVC coords}def%!% Print-Page Routine: PP/PP { gsave showpage grestore}def%&/DMF { % /font-name DMF& exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}def%3/concatnam { % /abcd (xxx) concatnam ==> /abcdxxx /xxx exch def /namstr exch cvsstr cvs def1 /newnam namstr length xxx length add string def newnam 0 namstr putinterval& newnam namstr length xxx putinterval newnam cvn }def%%/strip { % /abcdef 2 strip ==> /cdef /num exch def /nam exch def /namstr nam cvsstr cvs def# gCq$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1c)k"/newlen namstr length num sub defS$ namstr num newlen getinterval cvn}def/% ROUTINES TO HANDLE PACKING/UNPACKING NUMBERSP8/PackHW { % PackHW --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#0000FFFF and 1 pos sub 16 mul bitshift target or}def</PackByte { % PackByte --> 0 /num exch def /pos exch def /target exch def: num 16#000000FF and 3 pos sub 8 mul bitshift target or}def4/UnpkHW { % UnpkHW -->  /num exch def /pos exch def0 num 1 pos sub -16 mul bitshift 16#0000FFFF and) dup 16#00007FFF gt {16#00010000 sub} ifn}def8/UnpkByte { % UnpkByte -->  /num exch def /pos exch def/ num 3 pos sub -8 mul bitshift 16#000000FF and ) dup 16#0000007F gt {16#00000100 sub} ifo}def%'/ps-scalefont {eJ % FOR PS FONTS, LOOK AT SIZE REQUESTED. IF IT HAS A DECIMAL REMAINDERL % EQUIVALENT TO .001-.009 POINTS (I.E., .050-.450 VAXDOC UNITS), THAT'S H % A FLAG TO STRETCH IT VERTICALLY BY ADDING 1-9 EXTRA POINTS TO THE  % VERTICAL SCALING.hA % save requested size - as entered and as integers, dup /x-size exch def cvi /x-int exch def; % calc decimal remainder, mul x 1000, rounde; x-size x-int sub 1000 mul round cvi /remainder exch def % % see how we scale...a) remainder 50 lt remainder 450 gt or {c& % scale isomorphically /ystretch 0 def/ x-size scalefont } {t& % scale anamorphically /ystretch remainder defi+ x-int ystretch add /y-size exch def ' [x-int 0 0 y-size 0 0] makefontf } ifelse}def%x(/DPSF { % /procname size /fontname DPSF< findfont exch ps-scalefont [ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx def}def%t/PXLBuildCharDict 17 dict def /CMEncodingArray 256 array def90 1 255 {CMEncodingArray exch dup cvsstr cvs cvn put} fore)/RasterConvert {RasterScaleFactor div}def/TransformBBox { aload poppH /BB-ury exch def /BB-urx exch def /BB-lly exch def /BB-llx exch def. 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xI(can)S 182 x(be)S 6888 X 598 y(easily)S 166 x(maintained.)S 7784 15414 XYxF7812 24 R 15898 15414 XY F36(Note)S 299 x 7812 24 R 7784 16311 XY F151F(The)S 173 x(VXT)S 171 x(V)S -47 x(ersion)S 172 x(2.1)S 172 x(loader)SD172 x(does)S 171 x(not)S 172 x(support)S 171 x(the)S 172 x(loading)SH172 x(of)S 172 x(VXT)S 171 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 7784 X 598 y(2.1)S 169 xH(images)S 167 x(in)S 168 x(host-based)S 167 x(mode;)S 170 x(host-based)SG167 x(images)S 167 x(must)S 168 x(now)S 168 x(be)S 167 x(loaded)S 168 x3E(by)S 7784 X 598 y(MOP)S 166 x(or)S 167 x(BOO)S -2 x(TP/T)S 2 x(FTP)S G-64 x(.)S 7784 X 797 y(The)S 166 x(VXT)S 165 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 165 xmD(2.1)S 166 x(loader)S 165 x(does)S 165 x(support)S 165 x(the)S 166 xD(loading)S 166 x(of)S 165 x(host-based)S 164 x(images)S 7784 X 597 yH(from)S 169 x(pre-V)S -46 x(ersion)S 169 x(2.0)S 169 x(releases,)S 169 xD(where)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(terminal)S 169 x(has)S 168 x(been)S 169 xD(customized)S 168 x(to)S 7784 X 598 y(run)S 167 x(this)S 166 x(way)SL-55 x(.)S 7784 X 698 y 17340 24 R 3301 21990 XY F24(1.2)S 398 x(Installing)SH232 x(on)S 233 x(OpenVMS)S 232 x(Systems)S 6888 X 896 y F151(The)S 172 xC(VXT)S 171 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 172 x(2.1)S 172 x(kit)S 171 x(for)S)M172 x(the)S 172 x(OpenVMS)S 171 x(operating)S 172 x(system)S 171 x(supports)S(F171 x(both)S 172 x(V)S -56 x(AX)S 6888 X 598 y(and)S 166 x(AXP)S 166 xC(systems.)S 6888 X 897 y F36(Improved)S 167 x(Installati)S 2 x(on)StG166 x(Procedure)S 6888 X 697 y F151(The)S 192 x(new)S 191 x(VXT)S 191 x)C(installation)S 190 x(procedure)S 193 x(for)S 191 x(OpenVMS)S 191 xxC(systems)S 190 x(has)S 191 x(signi\211cant)S 6888 X 598 y(changes)S9C167 x(from)S 166 x(previous)S 166 x(versions:)S 6888 X 897 y(\201)S(C594 x(The)S 170 x(installation)S 169 x(procedure)S 170 x(presents)S E169 x(all)S 169 x(installation)S 169 x(options)S 168 x(before)S 170 xeC(performing)S 7784 X 597 y(the)S 167 x(installation.)S 6888 X 897 y0C(\201)S 594 x(All)S 176 x(VXT)S 176 x(system)S 175 x(images)S 176 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x(systems.)S 6888 XD897 y(\201)S 594 x(On)S 166 x(OpenVMS)S 166 x(AXP)S 165 x(systems,)SE166 x(DECterm)S 165 x(fonts)S 166 x(are)S 166 x(provided)S 166 x(in)SrF167 x(PCF)S 166 x(format.)S 6888 X 896 y(If)S 167 x(you)S 169 x(plan)SD168 x(to)S 168 x(support)S 167 x(X)S 168 x(window)S 167 x(sessions)SG167 x(from)S 168 x(an)S 168 x(OpenVMS)S 167 x(host,)S 169 x(you)S 169 x8D(must)S 167 x(have)S 6888 X 598 y(DECw)S -2 x(indows)S 166 x(Motif)SD165 x(software)S 166 x(installed)S 165 x(before)S 166 x(installing)SH167 x(VXT)S 165 x(software.)S 5 SC 3301 38258 XY F40(2)S 399 x F38(VXT)SE166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S7 167 x(Notes)SDEP PP %%PageTrailer.2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ HelveticaS%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (HEADCOLOR) %%+ (BLACK)1%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)S%S %%Page: (3) 9V%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)8 PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH4 SC 22246 2293 XY F28(Installa)S 2 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xC(\211rst)S 165 x(\211le)S 164 x(contains)S 8083 X 598 y(the)S 194 xfI(installation)S 192 x(script.)S 304 x(The)S 193 x(second)S 194 x(\211le)ScG193 x(contains)S 194 x(the)S 193 x(VXT)S 193 x(softw)S -2 x(are)S 194 xD(\211les)S 193 x(for)S 8083 X 597 y(installation.)S 8083 X 897 y F36D(Install)S 2 x(ing)S 167 x(from)S 166 x(T)S -37 x(ape)S 8083 X 697 yGF151(If)S 188 x(you)S 190 x(are)S 188 x(installing)S 189 x(from)S 188 xQ(tape,)S 195 x(you)S 189 x(must)S 188 x(use)S 189 x(a)S 188 x F153(nonrewinding)S H190 x F151(tape)S 188 x(device)S 8083 X 598 y(instead)S 173 x(of)S 173 xD(a)S 174 x(rewinding)S 174 x(tape)S 173 x(device.)S 265 x(If)S 173 xH(you)S 174 x(do)S 173 x(not)S 174 x(use)S 173 x(a)S 173 x(nonrewinding)SJ175 x(device,)S 177 x(an)S 8083 X 598 y(error)S 167 x(will)S 165 x(occur)SI167 x(after)S 166 x(you)S 167 x(answer)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(installation)SxG165 x(questions.)S 5 SC 18242 38258 XY F38(VXT)S 149 x(Software)S 150 x)C(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 150 x(2.1)S 150 x(Release)S 150 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y8H(disk)S 167 x(or)S 167 x(over)S 169 x(the)S 167 x(network,)S 169 x(you)SH168 x(must)S 167 x(extract)S 167 x F152(both)S 168 x F151(installation)SF167 x(\211les.)S 252 x(For)S 168 x(details,)S 168 x(see)S 6888 X 598 yD(the)S 176 x(installation)S 176 x(chapter)S 177 x(for)S 177 x(your)SM178 x(operating)S 177 x(system)S 176 x(in)S 176 x F152(VXT)S 177 x(Software)SXF176 x(V)S -64 x(ersion)S 177 x(2.1)S 6888 X 598 y(Installation)S 169 xF(and)S 170 x(System)S 170 x(Management)S F151(.)S 257 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)SF169 x(should)S 169 x(call)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(\211rst)S 169 x(\211le)SC169 x F234(VXT-2.1.tar1)S 6888 X 598 y F151(and)S 166 x(the)S 166 x3H(second)S 166 x(\211le)S 167 x F234(VXT-2.1.tar2)S F151(.)S 6888 X 896 yDF36(Installati)S 2 x(on)S 166 x(from)S 166 x(Disk)S 166 x(or)S 166 xF(CD\203ROM)S 6888 X 698 y F151(The)S 194 x(following)S 194 x(example)SF194 x(assumes)S 193 x(that)S 194 x(you)S 195 x(extracted)S 194 x(the)SF194 x F234(tar)S 194 x F151(\211les)S 194 x(using)S 194 x(the)S 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x(after)SN166 x(you)S 167 x(answer)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(installation)S 165 x(questions.)SH6888 X 897 y F36(New)S 165 x(vxtlaunch)S 167 x(Subset)S 167 x(Provided)SC167 x(for)S 167 x(VXT)S 166 x(Appli)S 2 x(cation)S 167 x(Launcher)SiI6888 X 697 y F151(The)S 182 x(installation)S 181 x(kit)S 181 x(includes)S1F182 x(a)S 181 x(new)S 181 x F234(vxtlaunch)S 182 x F151(subset)S 181 xJ(for)S 181 x(the)S 182 x(VXT)S 181 x(application)S 6888 X 598 y(launcher)SD170 x(utility)S -55 x(.)S 254 x(The)S 170 x(utility)S 168 x(allows)SC168 x(users)S 169 x(to)S 168 x(launch)S 170 x(remote)S 169 x(host)S)D168 x(applications)S 168 x(from)S 6888 X 598 y(a)S 166 x(VXT)S 165 xI(2000)S 166 x(windowing)S 166 x(terminal.)S 6888 X 896 y F36(Incompatib)SNF2 x(ility)S 167 x(Among)S 167 x(BOO)S -2 x(TP)S 167 x(Daemons)S 6888 XH698 y F151(VXT)S 174 x(software)S 174 x(provides)S 176 x(a)S 175 x(BOO)SI-2 x(TP)S 176 x(daemon.)S 268 x(Digital)S 174 x(recommends)S 176 x(that)SH174 x(you)S Ia$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1cb"w176 x(install)S 6888 X 597 y(the)S 181 x(VXT)S 180 x(BOOTP)SF180 x(daemon)S 181 x(only)S 182 x(if)S 181 x(your)S 182 x(host)S 180 xH(system)S 181 x(does)S 180 x(not)S 181 x(provide)S 182 x(a)S 181 x(BOO)SF-2 x(TP)S 6888 X 598 y(daemon.)S 249 x(The)S 167 x(format)S 166 x(of)SG166 x(the)S 166 x(BOOTP)S 165 x(con\211g)S 2 x(uration)S 166 x(\211le)SC167 x(varies)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(different)S 167 x(systems.)S 6888 XyC897 y F36(Installi)S 2 x(ng)S 166 x(Compil)S 2 x(ed)S 166 x(Fonts)STE6888 X 697 y F151(If)S 192 x(you)S 194 x(use)S 193 x(compiled)S 193 x2G(fonts,)S 200 x(you)S 194 x(no)S 193 x(longer)S 194 x(need)S 193 x(to)SCG193 x(install)S 193 x(them)S 192 x(in)S 194 x(an)S 193 x(empty)S 6888 X F598 y(directory)S 184 x(as)S 183 x(with)S 183 x(previous)S 184 x(VXT)SG182 x(software)S 183 x(versions.)S 284 x(However)S -36 x(,)S 188 x(be)S2D183 x(careful)S 184 x(when)S 6888 X 598 y(installing)S 166 x(fonts)SD166 x(in)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(directory)S 167 x(with)S 165 x(existing)SI167 x(fonts.)S 6888 X 896 y(\201)S 594 x(If)S 171 x(you)S 172 x(install)S1F170 x(fonts)S 171 x(that)S 170 x(have)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(same)S 171 xD(name)S 171 x(as)S 170 x(existing)S 172 x(fonts,)S 172 x(the)S 171 xH(new)S 171 x(fonts)S 7784 X 598 y(replace)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(existing)SC167 x(fonts.)S 6888 X 897 y(\201)S 594 x(The)S 181 x(installation)S7J179 x(replaces)S 180 x(the)S 181 x F234(fonts.alias)S 180 x F151(\211le.)SJ278 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 181 x(must)S 179 x(back)S 181 x(up)S 180 x(existing)SC7784 X 598 y(aliases)S 165 x(and)S 167 x(merge)S 166 x(them)S 166 x8C(with)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(new)S 166 x F234(fonts.alias)S 167 x F1511F(\211le.)S 5 SC 3301 38258 XY F40(4)S 399 x F38(VXT)S 166 x(Software)SB166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S 167 x(Notes)SEP PPS %%PageTrailer42%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman0%%+ Courier Courier-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Italic %%+ 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x(software)S 165 x(on)S 167 x(a)S 166 x(Solaris)S 165 x(system.)SL8083 X 897 y(Solaris)S 176 x(V)S -47 x(ersion)S 177 x(2.2)S 176 x(software)SC175 x(supplies)S 175 x(compressed)S 176 x(PCF)S 176 x(fonts)S 176 xBE(that)S 175 x(the)S 177 x(VXT)S 175 x(2000)S 8083 X 598 y(windowing)S)G176 x(terminal)S 175 x(can)S 176 x(use)S 175 x(without)S 175 x(conver)SH2 x(sion.)S 268 x(The)S 176 x(fonts)S 175 x(are)S 175 x(in)S 176 x(the)Sc175 x(following)S 8083 X 598 y(directories:)S 8980 X 896 y F234(/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi)S ^8980 X 598 y(/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi)S 8980 X 598 y(/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/misc)SG8083 X 896 y F151(T)S -45 x(o)S 194 x(use)S 195 x(these)S 194 x(fonts)StH194 x(on)S 195 x(the)S 195 x(terminal,)S 202 x(you)S 195 x(would)S 194 xF(set)S 194 x(your)S 196 x(font)S 194 x(path)S 194 x(to)S 195 x(these)SG8083 X 598 y(directories)S 166 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(Customiz)S -2 x)H(e)S 167 x(Font)S 166 x(Path)S 166 x(dialog)S 167 x(box.)S 4497 17258 XYJF24(1.4)S 398 x(Installing)S 231 x(on)S 233 x(InfoServer)S 233 x(Systems)SM8083 X 896 y F151(VXT)S 169 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 169 x(2.1)S 169 x(software)S)H169 x(requires)S 169 x(InfoServer)S 170 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 169 x(2.2)SE169 x(or)S 170 x(later)S 169 x(softw)S -2 x(are.)S 256 x(VXT)S 8083 X9G598 y(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 166 x(2.1)S 167 x(software)S 165 x(has)S 166 xlE(been)S 166 x(quali\211ed)S 167 x(with)S 165 x(InfoServer)S 167 x(V)S8G-46 x(ersion)S 166 x(3.0)S 167 x(software.)S 8083 X 897 y F37(Install)SoG2 x(ing)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(Getting)S 166 x(Started)S 166 x F36(Guide)SSF167 x(in)S 167 x(Six)S 167 x(Languages)S 8083 X 697 y F151(The)S 216 xC(VXT)S 215 x(V)S -47 x(ersion)S 216 x(2.1)S 215 x(kit)S 216 x(for)S)E215 x(InfoServer)S 216 x(systems)S 214 x(provides)S 215 x(the)S 216 x6C(online)S 8083 X 598 y F152(VXT)S 166 x(2000)S -181 y F159(+)S 25 x(C181 y F152(/VXT)S 166 x(2000)S 169 x(W)S -36 x(indowing)S 170 x(T)S(D-44 x(erminal)S 170 x(Installing)S 171 x(and)S 171 x(Getting)S 171 xF(Started)S 171 x F151(guide)S 8083 X 597 y(in)S 167 x(English,)S 168 xG(French,)S 168 x(German,)S 167 x(Spanish,)S 167 x(Italian)S 167 x(and)SdF166 x(Dutch.)S 251 x(The)S 168 x(guide)S 167 x(is)S 166 x(part)S 166 xF(of)S 167 x(the)S 8083 X 598 y(InfoReader)S 166 x(library)S 167 x(of)SD166 x(online)S 166 x(VXT)S 166 x(documentation.)S 8083 X 897 y(The)SF177 x(CD-R)S -2 x(OM)S 176 x(also)S 175 x(provides)S 176 x(VXT)S 175 xD(documentation)S 177 x(in)S 176 x(PostScript)S 175 x(format.)S 268 xG(The)S 177 x(CD-)S 8083 X 598 y(ROM)S 153 x(is)S 152 x(in)S 154 x(the)S0F153 x(OpenVMS)S 153 x(disk)S 152 x(format)S 153 x(\(ODS)S 152 x(2\),)SR156 x(so)S 153 x(you)S 154 x(can)S 153 x(print)S 154 x(the)S 153 x(documentation)SE8083 X 597 y(from)S 166 x(an)S 167 x(OpenVMS)S 165 x(system.)S 8083 X E897 y F36(VXT)S 167 x(System)S 166 x(Images)S 167 x(Installed)S 167 xxD(with)S 167 x(Multipl)S 2 x(e)S 166 x(Service)S 166 x(Names)S 8083 XC697 y F151(VXT)S 172 x(V)S -47 x(ersion)S 172 x(2.1)S 173 x(softw)S1E-2 x(are)S 172 x(adds)S 172 x(support)S 171 x(for)S 172 x(MOP)S 172 x3C(loading)S 172 x(of)S 172 x(VXT)S 171 x(images)S 172 x(from)S 172 x1N(an)S 8083 X 598 y(InfoServer)S 167 x(system,)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(host-based)SC165 x(operation.)S 8083 X 897 y(T)S -45 x(o)S 191 x(support)S 191 x)E(loading)S 192 x(with)S 191 x(the)S 191 x(LASTport)S 192 x(or)S 191 xbH(MOP)S 192 x(transports,)S 197 x(the)S 192 x(installation)S 8083 X 598 yH(procedure)S 179 x(installs)S 177 x(the)S 178 x(VXT)S -47 x(.SYS)S 178 xE(and)S 178 x(VXTEX.SYS)S 176 x(images)S 178 x(under)S 178 x(several)SxE178 x(service)S 8083 X 597 y(names.)S 250 x(This)S 166 x(does)S 165 xSE(not)S 167 x(increase)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(installation)S 166 x(time)StH165 x(or)S 167 x(disk)S 166 x(space)S 165 x(requirements.)S 8083 X 897 yFF36(Removing)S 167 x(InfoReader)S 167 x(Documents)S 166 x(from)S 166 xD(the)S 166 x(InfoS)S 2 x(erver)S 8083 X 697 y F151(The)S 169 x(VXT)SK168 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 168 x(2.1)S 169 x(installation)S 168 x(procedure)S(E169 x(automatically)S 168 x(installs)S 167 x(the)S 169 x(InfoReader)S6S8083 X 598 y(library)S 167 x(of)S 166 x(online)S 167 x(VXT)S 165 x(documentation.)SxF251 x(If)S 165 x(you)S 168 x(have)S 167 x(several)S 166 x(InfoServer)SG167 x(systems,)S 166 x(you)S 8083 X 598 y(may)S 175 x(want)S 174 x(to)StI175 x(serve)S 175 x(the)S 175 x(InfoReader)S 174 x(library)S 175 x(from)SxC175 x(one)S 175 x(InfoServer)S 175 x(system.)S 266 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S6F175 x(can)S 8083 X 598 y(delete)S 178 x(all)S 178 x(InfoReader)S 178 xF(documents)S 178 x(from)S 178 x(an)S 179 x(InfoServer)S 179 x(system)SI177 x(with)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(following)S 8083 X 597 y(command:)S 8083 X)I897 y F238(InfoReade@$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1cg")S 2 x(r>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(DELETE)S 240 x(PARTITIO)SE2 x(N)S 239 x(DK1:VXT_IR)S 2 x(_*_021)S 5 SC -852 x 38258 Y F38(VXT)SCE166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S 167 x(Notes)S 398 x F40(5)SsEP PPx 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185 x(after)S 184 x(this)SF7784 X 598 y(procedure\).)S 6888 X 897 y(4.)S 481 x(Make)S 167 x(the)SG166 x(InfoServer)S 167 x(available)S 166 x(again.)S 6888 X 896 y(Here)SxF166 x(is)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(sample)S 165 x(InfoServer)S 167 x(command)SH166 x(sequence)S 167 x(to)S 165 x(perform)S 167 x(these)S 166 x(steps:)SD6888 X 897 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SC 407 x F240(SET)S 239 x(SERVER)SC240 x(STATE)S 240 x(OFF)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SCsC407 x F240(UPDATE)S 240 x(VXT)S 239 x(DK1:)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238)F(InfoServer>)S 1 SC 407 x F240(DELETE)S 240 x(SERVICE)S 240 x(VXTLDR)SC240 x(CLASS)S 240 x(MOP)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SCxG407 x F240(DELETE)S 240 x(SERVICE)S 240 x(VXTLDR1)S 240 x(CLASS)S 240 x D(MOP)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SC 407 x F240(DELETE)SJ240 x(SERVICE)S 240 x(VXT%%%.SY)S 2 x(S)S 239 x(CLASS)S 240 x(VXT_SYSTEM)SC0 SC 6888 X 499 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SC 407 x F240(DELETE)S 240 x7E(SERVICE)S 240 x(VXT%%0)S 240 x(CLASS)S 240 x(MOP)S 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x(terminal)S 170 xL(by)S 171 x(entering)S 6888 X 598 y(a)S 182 x(BOO)S -2 x(T)S 182 x(command)SD182 x(at)S 182 x(the)S 182 x(terminal')S -19 x(s)S 182 x(>>>)S 181 xD(prompt.)S 281 x(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 182 x(can)S 182 x(use)S 182 x(this)SG182 x(method)S 182 x(to)S 6888 X 598 y(evaluate)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(new)SSD166 x(version)S 167 x(before)S 166 x(making)S 167 x(it)S 166 x(the)SH166 x(network)S 167 x(default.)S 6888 X 897 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 177 x(can)SK177 x(use)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(following)S 176 x(command)S 177 x(sequences)SlH177 x(to)S 176 x(load)S 177 x(VXT)S 176 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 177 x(2.1)SG177 x(or)S 176 x(VXT)S 6888 X 597 y(EX)S 165 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 166 x)H(2.0)S 167 x(softw)S -2 x(are.)S 6888 X 897 y F153(VXT)S 165 x(V)S -46 xG(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Software)S 6888 X 897 y F152(Server-Based)SxH166 x(Mode)S 6888 X 896 y F238(>>>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(B/101)S 0 SC 6888 XF498 y F238(Bootfile:)S 1 SC 489 x F240(VXTLDR)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238H(VXTLDR>)S 1 SC 406 x F240(VXT.SYS)S 0 SC 6888 X 897 y F152(Host-Based)SE166 x(Mode)S 6888 X 897 y F151(For)S 166 x(host-based)S 165 x(mode,)SgG167 x(the)S 166 x(terminal)S 166 x(needs)S 166 x(10)S 166 x(megabytes)SXF166 x(of)S 166 x(memory)S -54 x(.)S 6888 X 896 y F238(>>>)S 1 SC 405 xEF240(B/100)S 0 SC 6888 X 499 y F238(Bootfile:)S 1 SC 489 x F240(VXT)SgF0 SC 6888 X 896 y F153(VXT)S 165 x(EX)S 166 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 167 xC(2.0)S 166 x(Software)S 6888 X 897 y F152(Host-Based)S 166 x(Mode)SxF6888 X 896 y F238(>>>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(B/100)S 0 SC 6888 X 499 y F238E(Bootfile:)S 1 SC 489 x F240(VXTEX)S 0 SC 6888 X 896 y F151(Y)S -56 x(H(ou)S 179 x(can)S 178 x(also)S 178 x(use)S 178 x(the)S 179 x(terminal')SC-19 x(s)S 178 x(Customize)S 177 x(Boot)S 178 x(dialog)S 178 x(box)SxK179 x(to)S 178 x(load)S 178 x(a)S 178 x(particular)S 6888 X 598 y(version)SxE177 x(of)S 176 x(VXT)S 176 x(software.)S 269 x(See)S 176 x F152(VXT)SnF166 x(2000)S -181 y F159(+)S 25 x 181 y F152(/VXT)S 166 x(2000)S 176 xC(W)S -37 x(indowing)S 177 x(T)S -44 x(erminal)S 177 x(User)S 6888 X G598 y(Information)S F151(.)S 5 SC 3301 38258 XY F40(6)S 399 x F38(VXT)S7E166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)Su 167 x(Notes)SoEP PP %%PageTrailer2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman.%%+ Courier Courier-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Helveticat%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (HEADCOLOR) %%+ (BLACK))%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%%+ (FOOTCOLOR) %h%%Page: (7) 13%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYH4 SC 22229 2293 XY F28(Instal)S 2 x(lation)S 167 x(Notes)S 16947 X 647 yD(1.4)S 167 x(Installin)S 2 x(g)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(InfoServer)S 167 xE(Systems)S 0 SC 8083 4561 XY F36(Using)S 167 x(VXT)S 167 x(Software)ScD166 x(with)S 166 x(InfoServer)S 167 x(V)S -28 x(ersion)S 167 x(3.0)SE167 x(Software)S 8083 X 697 y F151(If)S 175 x(you)S 176 x(are)S 175 xgF(installing)S 176 x(VXT)S 174 x(software)S 174 x(on)S 176 x(an)S 175 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x(the)S 172 xH(read/write)S 172 x(disk)S 172 x(\(normally)S 173 x(DK1\))S 8083 X 597 yK(as)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(device.)S 250 x(For)S 167 x(example:)ScK8083 X 897 y F238(InfoServe)S 2 x(r>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(SET)S 240 x(SERVER)SoF240 x(REMOTE)S 240 x(DEVICES)S 240 x(DK1)S 240 x(ENABLED)S 0 SC 8083 XH498 y F2$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1c"38(InfoServe)S 2 x(r>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(SAVE)S 0 SC 8083 X 897 yCF36(Precon\211g)S 2 x(ured)S 166 x(Boot)S 166 x(of)S 167 x(VT1300)S0D166 x(T)S -36 x(erminals)S 166 x(with)S 167 x(InfoServer)S 166 x(V)SJ-27 x(ersion)S 167 x(3.0)S 167 x(Software)S 8083 X 697 y F151(InfoServer)SH181 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 180 x(3.0)S 180 x(software)S 179 x(lets)S 179 xD(you)S 180 x(associate)S 179 x(an)S 180 x(Ethernet)S 180 x(address)SG179 x(with)S 180 x(a)S 8083 X 598 y(partition)S 167 x(for)S 168 x(MOP)S E167 x(loading)S 168 x(functions.)S 253 x(This)S 168 x(feature)S 167 xSI(is)S 167 x(useful)S 168 x(for)S 167 x(VT1300)S 167 x(terminals.)S 8083 XeI598 y(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 178 x(can)S 178 x(use)S 177 x(this)S 178 x(feature)S0D178 x(to)S 177 x(load)S 178 x(the)S 177 x(VXT)S 178 x(loader)S 177 xG(or)S 178 x(the)S 178 x(VXT)S 177 x(EX)S 177 x(image)S 178 x(in)S 178 x8F(host-)S 8083 X 597 y(based)S 166 x(mode.)S 8083 X 897 y(T)S -45 x(o)SH181 x(use)S 182 x(this)S 182 x(feature,)S 186 x(you)S 183 x(must)S 182 xH(create)S 182 x(a)S 181 x(permanent)S 183 x(partition)S 181 x(on)S 183 xH(the)S 182 x(InfoServer)S 8083 X 598 y(system)S 165 x(for)S 165 x(each)SE165 x(image)S 166 x(to)S 164 x(be)S 165 x(served)S 166 x(this)S 164 xiF(way)S -55 x(.)S 250 x(After)S 164 x(you)S 166 x(install)S 164 x(VXT)SG165 x(software,)S 165 x(copy)S 8083 X 598 y(the)S 174 x(desired)S 174 xoJ(VXT)S 174 x(software)S 173 x(image)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(a)S 174 x(private)SD175 x(partition.)S 265 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 175 x(must)S 174 x(perform)SH174 x(these)S 8083 X 597 y(steps)S 165 x(each)S 167 x(time)S 165 x(you)SH167 x(update)S 166 x(VXT)S 166 x(software.)S 8083 X 897 y F153(Example)SI8083 X 897 y F151(The)S 173 x(following)S 173 x(example)S 172 x(creates)SeH173 x(a)S 172 x(partition)S 172 x(to)S 172 x(contain)S 173 x(the)S 173 xH(VXT)S 172 x(loader)S -37 x(,)S 174 x(for)S 173 x(loading)S 8083 X 597 yG(VXT)S 173 x(server)S -9 x(-based)S 173 x(software)S 172 x(into)S 173 xmM(a)S 173 x(VT1300)S 173 x(terminal)S 173 x(with)S 172 x(an)S 173 x(Ethernet)SfE174 x(address)S 172 x(of)S 8083 X 598 y(08-00-2B-1)S -28 x(1-22-33:)SCK8083 X 897 y F238(InfoServe)S 2 x(r>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(SET)S 240 x(SERVER)S E240 x(STATE)S 240 x(OFF)S 0 SC 8083 X 498 y F238(InfoServe)S 2 x(r>)S0D1 SC 405 x F240(CREATE)S 240 x(PARTITIO)S 2 x(N)S 239 x(DK1:VT1300)SK2 x(_LOADER)S 240 x(BLOCK)S 240 x(1000)S 0 SC 8083 X 498 y F238(InfoServe)SfC2 x(r>)S 1 SC 405 x F240(COPY)S 240 x(DK1:VXTLDR)S 2 x(.SYS)S 239 x G(DK1:VT1)S 2 x(300_LOADER)S 0 SC 8083 X 498 y F238(InfoServe)S 2 x(r>)S7I1 SC 405 x F240(SET)S 240 x(SERVER)S 240 x(STATE)S 240 x(ON)S 0 SC 8083 X4H498 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698 y 17340 24 R 8083 30563 XYC(For)S 191 x(more)S 190 x(information)S 191 x(on)S 190 x(creating)SSC191 x(partitions,)S 196 x(see)S 190 x(the)S 191 x F152(InfoServer)SnD190 x(V)S -64 x(ersion)S 191 x(3.0)S 8083 X 598 y(Operations)S 167 xF(Guide)S F151(.)S 5 SC 18159 38258 XY F38(VXT)S 166 x(Software)S 166 xC(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S 167 x(Notes)S 398 xeF40(7)S2EP PP %%PageTrailera2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman.%%+ Courier Courier-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Bold%%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Helvetica %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (HEADCOLOR)h %%+ (BLACK)l%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)e%l%%Page: (8) 14%DEC_EDMS_BlankPage PP %%PageTraileri %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:S%5%%Page: (9) 15%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)- PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYD0 SC 26214 6776 XY F8(2)S 4497 X 448 y 22716 48 R 20679 8242 XY F208G(New)S 332 x(Features)S 8083 10534 XY F151(This)S 168 x(chapter)S 169 x1G(brie\212y)S 169 x(describes)S 167 x(the)S 169 x(new)S 167 x(features)S0M168 x(in)S 169 x(VXT)S 167 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 168 x(2.1)S 169 x(software.)SFF252 x(For)S 8083 X 597 y(details,)S 175 x(see)S 174 x F152(VXT)S 165 xE(2000)S -180 y F159(+)S 26 x 180 y F152(/VXT)S 165 x(2000)S 174 x(W)S K-37 x(indowing)S 175 x(T)S -45 x(erminal)S 174 x(User)S 174 x(Information)S(C175 x F151(and)S 8083 X 598 y F152(VXT)S 166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)SxJ-64 x(ersion)S 166 x(2.1)S 167 x(Installation)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(System)SD167 x(Managemen)S 2 x(t)S F151(.)S 8083 X 897 y F36(X1)S -27 x(1R5)SI166 x(X)S 166 x(Server)S 8083 X 697 y F151(VXT)S 176 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S G176 x(2.1)S 177 x(software)S 176 x(implements)S 175 x(the)S 177 x(MIT)S1F176 x(X)S 176 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 177 x(1)S -28 x(1)S 176 x(Release)SD176 x(5)S 176 x(\(X1)S -27 x(1R5\))S 8083 X 598 y(server)S -36 x(.)SC8083 X 897 y F36(Host-Based)S 166 x(Resource)S 166 x(Files)S 8083 XwG697 y F151(In)S 182 x(TCP/IP)S 182 x(environmen)S 2 x(ts,)S 185 x(you)S8O182 x(can)S 182 x(now)S 182 x(use)S 181 x(your)S 183 x(own)S 182 x(host-based)S)G180 x(resource)S 183 x(\211les)S 8083 X 598 y(to)S 182 x(manage)S 183 x4C(customized)S 181 x(settings)S 182 x(for)S 182 x(VXT)S 182 x(2000)S C182 x(windowing)S 182 x(terminals.)S 281 x(The)S 183 x(VXT)S 8083 XaL597 y(installation)S 181 x(kit)S 182 x(provides)S 181 x(a)S 181 x(template)SH181 x(\211le.)S 281 x(T)S -46 x(erminals)S 181 x(can)S 182 x(use)S 181 xD(the)S 182 x(TFTP)S 182 x(or)S 182 x(NFS)S 8083 X 598 y(transports)SE176 x(to)S 176 x(read)S 176 x(your)S 177 x(resource)S 177 x(\211les)SrC176 x(from)S 176 x(the)S 176 x(host.)S 270 x(See)S 176 x F152(VXT)SWQ176 x(Software)S 176 x(V)S -64 x(ersion)S 8083 X 598 y(2.1)S 167 x(Installation)S6E167 x(and)S 166 x(System)S 167 x(Managemen)S 2 x(t)S 166 x F151(for)S7H166 x(details.)S 8083 X 897 y F36(VXT)S 167 x(Applicati)S 2 x(on)S 166 xG(Launch)S 2 x(er)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(Host)S 165 x(Appli)S 2 x(cations)S6G8083 X 697 y F151(The)S 189 x(VXT)S 187 x(application)S 188 x(launche)SsG2 x(r)S 188 x(lets)S 187 x(terminal)S 188 x(users)S 188 x(start)S 187 xSG(remote)S 188 x(applications)S 8083 X 598 y(that)S 186 x(reside)S 186 x)E(on)S 187 x(host)S 186 x(systems.)S 289 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 187 x(must)SeL186 x(install)S 185 x(the)S 187 x(VXT)S 186 x(application)S 186 x(launcher)SK8083 X 597 y(on)S 202 x(the)S 202 x(host)S 201 x(system)S 201 x(providing)S9G203 x(the)S 201 x(application.)S 321 x(Users)S 201 x(must)S 201 x(run)SSC202 x(the)S 202 x(VXT)S 8083 X 598 y(application)S 191 x(launcher)S2G192 x(before)S 191 x(entering)S 193 x(the)S 191 x(commands)S 190 x(to)S H191 x(launch)S 192 x(applications.)S 8083 X 598 y(See)S 175 x F152(VXT)SF165 x(2000)S -181 y F159(+)S 26 x 181 y F152(/VXT)S 165 x(2000)S 175 xP(W)S -37 x(indowing)S 176 x(T)S -44 x(erminal)S 175 x(User)S 175 x(Information)SD175 x F151(for)S 175 x(command)S 8083 X 598 y(syntax.)S 8083 X 896 yIF36(rsh)S 166 x(Supp)S 2 x(ort)S 8083 X 698 y F151(TCP/IP)S 178 x(users)S D176 x(can)S 178 x(use)S 177 x F234(rsh)S 177 x F151(\(remote)S 177 xC(shell\))S 176 x(to)S 177 x(start)S 176 x(local)S 177 x(VXT)S 177 x J(applications)S 176 x(from)S 177 x(a)S 8083 X 598 y(remote)S 176 x(host.)SD268 x(See)S 175 x F152(VXT)S 166 x(2000)S -181 y F159(+)S 25 x 181 yCF152(/VXT)S 165 x(2000)S 175 x(W)S -36 x(indowing)S 176 x(T)S -44 xC(erminal)S 176 x(User)S 176 x(Information)S 8083 X 597 y F151(for)SXC166 x(command)S 167 x(syntax.)S 8083 X 897 y F36(NFS)S 166 x(Supp)S8F2 x(ort)S 8083 X 697 y F151(VXT)S 187 x(V)S -47 x(ersion)S 188 x(2.1)SK187 x(software)S 186 x(supports)S 186 x(the)S 187 x(NFS)S 187 x(transport)S O187 x(for)S 187 x(reading)S 188 x(fonts)S 186 x(and)S 8083 X 598 y(host-based)S H165 x(resource)S 167 x(\211les.)S 250 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 167 x(can)S 166 xD(enter)S 167 x(10)S 165 x(NFS)S 167 x(mount)S 166 x(points.)S 8083 XC897 y F36(Font)S 167 x(Server)S 166 x(Suppo)S 2 x(rt)S 8083 X 697 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x(\(T)S -46 x(erminal)S 165 x(Manager)S 165 x(window)SC-46 x(,)S 8083 X 598 y(Customize)S 165 x(menu\).)S 8083 X 897 y F36eI(Software)S 166 x(Options)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(Memory)S 166 x(Use)S 8083 X1C697 y F151(Y)S -55 x(ou)S 187 x(can)S 188 x(use)S 187 x(the)S 187 x)H(Customize)S 187 x(Software)S 186 x(Options)S 186 x(dialog)S 188 x(box)SG188 x(\(T)S -46 x(erminal)S 187 x(Manager)S 8083 X 598 y(window)S -46 xdF(,)S 193 x(Customize)S 187 x(menu,)S 194 x(Startup)S 187 x(submenu\))SD188 x(to)S 188 x(choose)S 188 x(which)S 188 x(VXT)S 187 x(software)SD8083 X 598 y(options)S 167 x(are)S 167 x(loaded.)S 250 x(Disabling)SC167 x(unused)S 167 x(features)S 167 x(increases)S 167 x(the)S 167 x>N(memory)S 167 x(available)S 167 x(for)S 8083 X 597 y(other)S 167 x(features.)SG5 SC 18159 38258 XY F38(VXT)S 166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S)7167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S 167 x(Notes)S 398 x F40(9)S EP PP0 %%PageTrailerX2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman-%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic 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F151(for)SVP166 x(your)S 167 x(operating)S 167 x(system)S 165 x(before)S 166 x(installing.)SH6888 X 896 y F36(Improved)S 167 x(Installati)S 2 x(on)S 166 x(on)S 167 xD(OpenVMS)S 167 x(Systems)S 6888 X 698 y F151(The)S 202 x(VXT)S 202 xC(software)S 201 x(kit)S 202 x(for)S 202 x(OpenVMS)S 201 x(systems)S)E201 x(has)S 202 x(improvements)S 202 x(to)S 202 x(ease)S 6888 X 597 y G(installation)S 165 x(and)S 167 x(to)S 165 x(install)S 166 x(on)S 166 x D(systems)S 165 x(using)S 167 x(DECnet/OSI)S 165 x(software.)S 6888 XF897 y F36(Sun)S 167 x(Style)S 166 x(Keyboard)S 6888 X 697 y F151(The)SG166 x(VXT)S 166 x(2000)S 166 x(windowing)S 166 x(terminal)S 166 x(now)SSE166 x(supports)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(Sun)S 166 x(style)S 166 x(keyboard)S:E167 x(\(LK460\).)S 6888 X 897 y F36(Hebrew)S 165 x(Suppo)S 2 x(rted)S%E166 x(in)S 167 x(VXT)S 166 x(DECterm)S 165 x(W)S -4 x(indo)S 2 x(ws)SiG6888 X 697 y F151(VXT)S 179 x(DECterm)S 179 x(windows)S 179 x(support)SeC179 x(the)S 180 x(Hebrew)S 180 x(languag)S 2 x(e.)S 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170 x(to)S 170 x(load)S1D169 x(by)S 171 x(MOP)S 170 x(or)S 170 x(BOOTP)S 169 x(before)S 170 xH(loading)S 171 x(VXT)S 169 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 8083 X 598 y(2.1)S 167 xF(softwa)S -2 x(re)S 167 x(in)S 166 x(host-based)S 165 x(mode.)S 8083 XH896 y(For)S 181 x(backward)S 181 x(compatibility)S -56 x(,)S 185 x(the)SE181 x(VXT)S 180 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 180 x(2.1)S 181 x(loader)S 181 x)C(will)S 180 x(load)S 180 x(host-based)S 8083 X 598 y(images)S 166 x)G(from)S 166 x(pre-V)S -46 x(ersion)S 166 x(2.0)S 167 x(releases.)S 5 SCeH17910 38258 XY F38(VXT)S 166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x3(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S 166 x(Notes)S 399 x F40(13)SeEP PPy %%PageTrailer%2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Helveticau%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)L%%+ (FOOTCOLOR) %)%%Page: (14) 20:%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend) PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYO4 SC 3301 2293 XY F28(Known)S 166 x(Problems)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(Restrictions)S C3301 X 647 y(4.5)S 167 x(InfoServer)S 167 x(Loading)S 167 x(Using)SbI167 x(MOP)S 166 x(by)S 166 x(Ethernet)S 167 x(Address)S 0 SC 3301 4711 XYSFF24(4.5)S 398 x(InfoServer)S 233 x(Loading)S 232 x(Using)S 232 x(MOP)SG232 x(by)S 232 x(Ethernet)S 233 x(Address)S 6888 X 897 y F151(Section)SSF177 x(2.5.2)S 178 x(in)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(InfoServer)S 178 x(System)SD177 x(Management)S 178 x(chapter)S 178 x(of)S 177 x F152(VXT)S 176 xL(Software)S 6888 X 597 y(V)S -65 x(ersion)S 182 x(2.1)S 182 x(Installation)SK182 x(and)S 181 x(System)S 182 x(Managemen)S 2 x(t)S 181 x F151(describes)SpI181 x(how)S 181 x(you)S 182 x(can)S 182 x(use)S 6888 X 598 y(InfoServer)S7F168 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 167 x(3.0)S 168 x(software)S 166 x(to)S 168 xH(load)S 167 x(VXT)S 167 x(software)S 166 x(by)S 168 x(specifying)S 168 xK(the)S 168 x(terminal')S -19 x(s)S 6888 X 598 y(Ethernet)S 166 x(address.)S2F6888 X 896 y(There)S 174 x(is)S 174 x(a)S 173 x(problem)S 174 x(with)SH173 x(InfoServer)S 175 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 174 x(3.0)S 174 x(software)SC173 x(that)S 173 x(delays)S 174 x(the)S 174 x(actual)S 6888 X 598 yaG(creation)S 174 x(of)S 174 x(MOP)S 173 x(services)S 174 x(until)S 174 x-D(the)S 174 x(InfoServer)S 175 x(system')S -19 x(s)S 173 x(internal)SF174 x(cache)S 175 x(has)S 173 x(been)S 6888 X 598 y(\212ushed.)S 277 xD(When)S 180 x(con\211g)S 2 x(uring)S 180 x(your)S 181 x(InfoServer)SD181 x(system)S 179 x(to)S 179 x(load)S 179 x(VXT)S 180 x(terminals)SE179 x(by)S 6888 X 598 y(Ethernet)S 173 x(address,)S 176 x(you)S 174 x F(need)S 174 x(to)S 174 x(add)S 173 x(a)S 174 x(step)S 173 x(to)S 173 xE(the)S 174 x(procedure)S 174 x(described)S 174 x(in)S 174 x(Section)S)E6888 X 598 y(2.5.2:)S 6888 X 896 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SC 407 x F2418K(...other)S 240 x(commands.)S 2 x(..)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238(InfoServer>)SaF1 SC 407 x F240(CREATE)S 240 x(PARTITION)S 240 x(DK1:XXX)S 2 x(XZZZZ)SC240 x(BLOCKS)S 240 x(10)S 0 SC 6888 X 498 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SCXF407 x F240(DELETE)S 240 x(PARTITION)S 240 x(DK1:XXX)S 2 x(XZZZZ)S 0 SCL6888 X 499 y F238(InfoServer>)S 1 SC 407 x F241(...other)S 240 x(commands.)SG2 x(..)S 0 SC 6888 X 896 y F151(Creating)S 176 x(and)S 176 x(deleting)SlF176 x(the)S 176 x(dummy)S 176 x F152(XXXXZZZZ)S 176 x F151(partition)SC176 x(causes)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(InfoServer)S 6888 X 598 y(system)ScE174 x(to)S 174 x(\212ush)S 176 x(its)S 174 x(internal)S 175 x(cache)StD176 x(and)S 175 x(complete)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(creation)S 175 x(of)SF175 x(any)S 176 x(other)S 175 x(MOP)S 6888 X 598 y(partitions.)S 291 xG(This)S 187 x(problem)S 188 x(will)S 186 x(be)S 187 x(corrected)S 188 x K(in)S 188 x(a)S 187 x(later)S 187 x(version)S 188 x(of)S 187 x(InfoServer)SeG6888 X 597 y(software.)S 3301 17015 XY F24(4.6)S 398 x(Managing)S 232 xTD(W)S -12 x(ork)S 232 x(Group)S 233 x(and)S 232 x(T)S -51 x(erminal)SL232 x(Customizations)S 6888 X 896 y F151(Some)S 156 x(new)S 156 x(features)SI157 x(in)S 156 x(VXT)S 156 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 157 x(2.1)S 157 x(softw)S3S-2 x(are)S 157 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x(runs)S 179 x(the)S 179 x(same)S 178 x(version)S 179 x(of)S 178 xF(VXT)S 178 x(software.)S 274 x(This)S 6888 X 598 y(restriction)S 166 xE(applies)S 165 x(to)S 166 x(both)S 166 x(terminal)S 166 x(and)S 166 x4E(work)S 167 x(group)S 167 x(customizations.)S 3301 23640 XY F24(4.7)S F398 x(Creating)S 232 x(an)S 232 x(IP)S 233 x(X)S 232 x(Session)S 232 xC(May)S 232 x(Fail)S 232 x(if)S 233 x(the)S 232 x(Mouse)S 232 x(Is)S6E232 x(Moved)S 6888 X 897 y F151(An)S 174 x(attempt)S 173 x(t $VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1c"o)S 175 x)E(create)S 174 x(an)S 175 x(IP)S 174 x(X)S 174 x(session)S 174 x(can)SSJ174 x(fail)S 174 x(if)S 174 x(you)S 176 x(move)S 174 x(the)S 175 x(mouse)SH174 x(or)S 175 x(start)S 173 x(a)S 6888 X 597 y(window)S 167 x(manager)SH169 x(while)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(session)S 167 x(is)S 168 x(being)S 169 xF(opened.)S 253 x(This)S 169 x(problem)S 168 x(occurs)S 168 x(because)SK6888 X 598 y(the)S 177 x(remote)S 176 x(X)S 176 x(display)S 177 x(manager)SrH177 x(\(XDM\))S 176 x(on)S 177 x(the)S 177 x(host)S 177 x(system)S 176 xG(needs)S 176 x(to)S 177 x(control)S 177 x(the)S 6888 X 598 y(keyboard)SmG171 x(and)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(mouse)S 170 x(pointer)S 171 x(for)S 171 xoF(security)S 171 x(purposes)S 170 x(while)S 170 x(the)S 171 x(session)SH170 x(is)S 170 x(being)S 6888 X 598 y(created;)S 166 x(if)S 166 x(this)SH166 x(fails,)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(remote)S 166 x(XDM)S 165 x(does)S 166 xK(not)S 166 x(display)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(login)S 167 x(box.)S 3301 28173 XY HF24(4.8)S 398 x(Host-Acces)S -2 x(sible)S 232 x(Printing)S 233 x(Using)SD232 x(TCP/IP)S 232 x(or)S 233 x(LA)S -52 x(T)S 6888 X 897 y F36(No)SF166 x(Print)S 166 x(Fail)S 2 x(ure)S 166 x(Messages)S 166 x(if)S 166 xG(Network)S 166 x(Printing)S 167 x(Disabled)S 168 x(at)S 166 x(Startup)S F6888 X 697 y F151(If)S 171 x(you)S 173 x(do)S 171 x(not)S 172 x(load)SG172 x(the)S 172 x(Network)S 171 x(Printing)S 173 x(option)S 172 x(for)S C172 x(a)S 171 x(terminal,)S 174 x(the)S 172 x(VXT)S 171 x(Message)S3E6888 X 598 y(Box)S 173 x(will)S 172 x(not)S 173 x(display)S 173 x(`)S C-10 x(`print)S 173 x(request)S 173 x(from)S 173 x(node)S 173 x F152rE(xxxx)S 173 x F151(rejected')S -8 x(')S 172 x(messages)S 172 x(when)SuG173 x(you)S 6888 X 597 y(try)S 180 x(to)S 180 x(print)S 180 x(a)S 180 x J(job)S 180 x(from)S 180 x(a)S 180 x(host.)S 277 x(These)S 180 x(messages)SF180 x(are)S 180 x(generated)S 181 x(by)S 180 x(the)S 180 x(net)S 180 xF(print)S 6888 X 598 y(process,)S 195 x(which)S 189 x(is)S 189 x(only)SF190 x(started)S 189 x(if)S 189 x(network)S 189 x(printing)S 190 x(is)SD189 x(enabled.)S 296 x(The)S 190 x(Network)S 6888 X 598 y(Printing)SF192 x(option)S 191 x(is)S 191 x(in)S 191 x(the)S 192 x(Customiz)S -2 xF(e)S 192 x(Software)S 190 x(Options)S 190 x(dialog)S 192 x(box)S 191 xF(\(T)S -45 x(erminal)S 6888 X 598 y(Manager)S 186 x(window)S -47 x(,)SD191 x(Customize)S 184 x(menu\);)S 195 x(your)S 186 x(setting)S 185 xD(takes)S 185 x(effect)S 185 x(when)S 185 x(you)S 186 x(boot)S 6888 XC598 y(the)S 166 x(terminal.)S 5 SC 3301 38258 XY F40(14)S 399 x F38)L(VXT)S 166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -24 x(ersion)S 166 x(2.1)S 167 x(Release)S 166 x(Notes)SlEP PP %%PageTrailerx2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman7%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Courier Courier-BoldOblique5%%+ Courier-Bold Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (HEADCOLOR)0 %%+ (BLACK)o%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)i%S%%Page: (15) 21t%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)l PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYP4 SC 17480 2293 XY F28(Known)S 166 x(Problems)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(Restrictions)SD23025 X 647 y(4.9)S 167 x(VXT)S 166 x(Server)S 0 SC 4497 4711 XY F24M(4.9)S 398 x(VXT)S 232 x(Server)S 8083 X 897 y F36(Pixmap)S 167 x(Allocatio)SeH2 x(n)S 166 x(for)S 166 x(Color)S 167 x(and)S 166 x(Gray)S 166 x(Scale)SC166 x(VXT)S 167 x(T)S -36 x(erminals)S 8083 X 697 y F151(On)S 168 xLC(VXT)S 168 x(2000)S -181 y F159(+)S 25 x 181 y F151(/)S 169 x(VXT)SeG167 x(2000)S 168 x(color)S 169 x(and)S 168 x(gray)S 169 x(scale)S 168 xdC(models,)S 168 x(the)S 169 x(pixmap)S 168 x(size)S 167 x(is)S 168 xdH(limited)S 8083 X 598 y(to)S 168 x(a)S 167 x(pixmap)S 168 x(area)S 168 xE(that)S 167 x(is)S 168 x(no)S 168 x(larger)S 168 x(than)S 168 x(the)SrE168 x(screen)S 168 x(area;)S 169 x(the)S 168 x(pixmap)S 168 x(width)S2E167 x(can)S 168 x(be)S 8083 X 597 y(no)S 172 x(greater)S 172 x(than)S8D172 x(2016)S 172 x(pixels.)S 260 x(Clients)S 171 x(requiring)S 173 xI(larger)S 172 x(pixmaps)S 171 x(must)S 171 x(be)S 172 x(prepared)S 8083 X C598 y(to)S 172 x(deal)S 173 x(with)S 172 x(a)S 172 x(pixmap)S 173 x8D(allocation)S 172 x(failure)S 173 x(error)S 173 x(from)S 172 x(the)SI173 x(X)S 172 x(server)S -36 x(.)S 262 x(This)S 173 x(limitation)S 8083 X E598 y(does)S 166 x(not)S 166 x(exist)S 166 x(on)S 166 x(monochr)S 2 x3E(ome)S 166 x(VXT)S 165 x(terminals.)S 8083 X 897 y F36(Bitmap)S 166 xaC(for)S 166 x(Monoch)S 2 x(rome)S 166 x(Pointer)S 167 x(Restricted)S9166 x(to)S 166 x(16)Se XP /F119 2 387 5 0 25 20 21 24 0F3PXLC RP)C19735 9593 XY F119(\002)S F36(16)S 8083 X 697 y F151(If)S 181 x(a)S4E180 x(client)S 181 x(on)S 181 x(a)S 181 x(monochrome)S 182 x(system)S)G180 x(requests)S 181 x(a)S 180 x(bitmap)S 180 x(for)S 181 x(the)S 181 x7E(pointer)S 181 x(greater)S 8083 X 598 y(than)S 167 x(16)S F119(\002)SxHF151(16,)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(bitmap)S 165 x(is)S 166 x(truncated)S 166 xF(to)S 166 x(16)S F119(\002)S F151(16.)S 4497 12133 XY F24(4.10)S 397 xH(VXT)S 233 x(EX)S 233 x(Software\202Keyboard)S 232 x(Maps)S 8083 X 897 yFF151(VXT)S 161 x(EX)S 161 x(software)S 160 x(provides)S 162 x(keymap)SH162 x(support)S 161 x(for)S 162 x(the)S 161 x(U.S.)S 162 x(LK401)S 161 xG(keyboard.)S 251 x(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 162 x(can)S 8083 X 597 y(load)S 166 x0L(other)S 167 x(keymaps)S 166 x(from)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(host)S 166 x(session)SG165 x(manager)S -36 x(.)S 4497 14873 XY F24(4.1)S -39 x(1)S 398 x(VXT)S E257 x(EX)S 256 x(Connection)S 257 x(Box)S 255 x(May)S 256 x(Display)S(K255 x(Incorrect)S 257 x(Data)S 6214 X 797 y(\(Server-Based)S 232 x(Mode\))S.D8083 X 896 y F151(If)S 179 x(you)S 179 x(switch)S 179 x(from)S 178 xF(full-function)S 180 x(VXT)S 179 x(softw)S -2 x(are)S 179 x(to)S 179 xE(VXT)S 179 x(EX)S 178 x(software)S 178 x(on)S 179 x(a)S 179 x(color)SrE8083 X 598 y(terminal)S 156 x(in)S 155 x(server)S -8 x(-based)S 155 x4D(mode,)S 158 x(the)S 155 x(VXT)S 155 x(EX)S 155 x(connection)S 157 xH(box)S 156 x(may)S 155 x(display)S 155 x(erroneou)S 2 x(s)S 8083 X 598 yC(data)S 165 x(in)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(text-entry)S 167 x(\211elds.)SxD249 x(T)S -46 x(o)S 166 x(make)S 166 x(a)S 166 x(connection,)S 167 xG(delete)S 166 x(the)S 165 x(erroneou)S 2 x(s)S 165 x(data)S 165 x(and)S1E8083 X 598 y(enter)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(correct)S 166 x(information.)S2C4497 19605 XY F24(4.12)S 397 x(Fonts)S -67 x 897 y F151(The)S 167 x9I(following)S 166 x(restrictions)S 166 x(apply)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(fonts:)SVD8083 X 896 y(\201)S 595 x(Displaying)S 169 x(the)S 170 x(following)SG170 x(24-point)S 169 x(DECw)S -2 x(rite)S 170 x(font)S 169 x(on)S 170 xyH(a)S 170 x(color)S 169 x(or)S 170 x(grayscale)S 170 x(VXT)S 8980 X 598 yH(terminal)S 166 x(may)S 166 x(cause)S 166 x(the)S 167 x(terminal)S 166 xQ(to)S 165 x(hang)S 2 x(:)S 8980 X 797 y(-dec-decwrite)S 165 x(pictures-medium-r)S E-9 x(-normal\20324-240-100-100-p-80-dec-fontspeci\211c)S 8980 X 797 y)F(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 172 x(can)S 171 x(avoid)S 172 x(this)S 170 x(problem)SG171 x(by)S 172 x(removing)S 172 x(the)S 171 x(font)S 171 x(from)S 171 x C(the)S 171 x(default)S 171 x(font)S 171 x(path.)S 8980 X 598 y(On)S1E166 x(OpenVMS)S 165 x(systems,)S 166 x(this)S 166 x(font)S 166 x(is)S7G165 x(in)S 167 x(the)S 166 x(following)S 166 x(location:)S 8980 X 797 ywC(SYS$CO)S -2 x(MMON:[SYSFONT)S -46 x(.DECW)S -56 x(.USER_100DPI]D)S)G-2 x(ECPIC24_100.*)S 8083 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Sun)S 176 x(Open)S 175 xxC(Look)S 176 x(fonts)S 175 x(may)S 175 x(not)S 175 x(display)S 175 x(G(if)S 175 x(the)S 176 x(fonts)S 175 x(are)S 175 x(served)S 176 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1!ۙ$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1c!"66 x(TFTP\))S 167 x(to)S 166 x(display)S 166 x(these)S 166 xG(fonts.)S 8083 X 897 y(\201)S 595 x(Speedo)S 188 x(fonts)S 187 x(take)S7E189 x(several)S 188 x(minutes)S 188 x(to)S 188 x(display)S 187 x(if)SiN188 x(served)S 189 x(over)S 188 x(the)S 189 x(TFTP)S 8980 X 597 y(transport.)SF253 x(Use)S 167 x(either)S 168 x(a)S 168 x(font)S 168 x(server)S 168 xH(or)S 168 x(the)S 168 x(NFS)S 168 x(transport)S 168 x(to)S 167 x(serve)SG168 x(these)S 168 x(fonts.)S 8083 32756 XY(\201)S 595 x(Certain)S 167 x)H(DECpresent)S 166 x(bullet)S 168 x(fonts)S 167 x(may)S 167 x(not)S 168 xH(display)S 167 x(if)S 167 x(served)S 168 x(from)S 167 x(a)S 167 x(font)SF168 x(server)S -37 x(.)S 8980 X 598 y(Y)S -56 x(ou)S 169 x(can)S 169 xI(use)S 169 x(one)S 169 x(of)S 169 x(the)S 169 x(other)S 169 x(supported)S J168 x(transports)S 168 x(\(NFS,)S 169 x(TFTP)S -63 x(,)S 169 x(LASTport,)SC170 x(or)S 8980 X 597 y(LA)S -28 x(T\))S 166 x(to)S 166 x(display)S(K166 x(these)S 166 x(fonts.)S 5 SC 17910 38258 XY F38(VXT)S 166 x(Software)SpH166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x(Release)S 166 x(Notes)S 399 xF40(15)SEP PPx %%PageTrailerr2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%+ amsy10 Helvetica%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (HEADCOLOR)b %%+ (BLACK))%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)(%t%%Page: (16) 22 %%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)S PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYO4 SC 3301 2293 XY F28(Known)S 166 x(Problems)S 167 x(and)S 167 x(Restrictions)StE3301 X 647 y(4.12)S 167 x(Fonts)S 0 SC 632 x 4555 Y F151(\201)S 594 xNE(The)S 177 x(X)S 177 x(server)S 177 x(display)S 176 x(scaling)S 177 x1F(feature)S 176 x(\(Customize)S 176 x(X)S 176 x(Server)S 177 x(dialog)SD177 x(box\))S 177 x(may)S 7784 X 598 y(not)S 171 x(work)S 171 x(if)SE170 x(fonts)S 170 x(are)S 171 x(served)S 171 x(from)S 171 x(a)S 170 x9E(font)S 171 x(server)S -37 x(.)S 259 x(The)S 171 x(X)S 170 x(server)S1D172 x(display)S 170 x(scaling)S 7784 X 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F152(VXT)S 178 x(Software)SF180 x(V)S -65 x(ersion)S 180 x(2.1)S 8083 X 598 y(Installation)S 167 xC(and)S 167 x(System)S 167 x(Management)S F151(.)S 4497 12408 XY F247D(5.1)S 398 x(Supported)S 233 x(Platforms\202V)S -38 x(ersion)S 233 xC(Numbers)S 8083 X 896 y F152(VXT)S 190 x(Software)S 191 x(V)S -65 xtE(ersion)S 191 x(2.1)S 191 x(Installation)S 191 x(and)S 191 x(System)S(E191 x(Managemen)S 2 x(t)S 190 x F151(lists)S 190 x(the)S 8083 X 598 yCD(minimum)S 182 x(version)S 183 x(required)S 183 x(for)S 182 x(each)SF183 x(supported)S 182 x(operating)S 182 x(systems.)S 281 x(For)S 183 xG(more)S 8083 X 598 y(information,)S 167 x(see)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(VXT)S(H166 x(Software)S 165 x(Product)S 167 x(Description.)S 8083 X 896 y(VXT)SF180 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 181 x(2.1)S 181 x(software)S 180 x(supports)SE180 x(SCO)S 180 x(UNIX)S 180 x(V)S -46 x(ersion)S 181 x(3.2.2)S 182 x)F(with)S 180 x(SCO)S 180 x(ODT)S 8083 X 598 y(software.)S 4497 17239 XYEF24(5.2)S 398 x(Hebrew)S 231 x(Language)S 232 x(Support)S 234 x(for)S7E233 x(VXT)S 232 x(DECterm)S 232 x(W)S -6 x(indows)S 8083 X 897 y F1513C(T)S -45 x(o)S 166 x(choose)S 166 x(Hebrew)S 166 x(language)S 168 x3C(support)S 165 x(for)S 167 x(VXT)S 165 x(DECterm)S 165 x(windows:)S3G8083 X 897 y(1.)S 482 x(In)S 163 x(the)S 163 x(Customize)S 162 x(Lang)S(G2 x(uage)S 164 x(dialog)S 163 x(box)S 164 x(\(T)S -46 x(erminal)S 163 xbD(Manager)S 165 x(window)S -47 x(,)S 165 x(Customiz)S -2 x(e)S 8980 XC597 y(menu\))S 166 x(choose)S 167 x(Hebrew)S -46 x(,)S 166 x(then)SxD167 x(reboot)S 166 x(the)S 166 x(terminal.)S 8083 X 897 y(2.)S 482 xC(In)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(Customize)S 169 x(Keyboard)S 171 x(dialog)S E171 x(box,)S 173 x(chang)S 2 x(e)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(Keyboard)S 171 x)H(T)S -26 x(ype)S 171 x(setting)S 171 x(to)S 8980 X 598 y(LK401-A)S -28 xF(T)S 166 x(\(Hebrew)S 166 x(keyboard\).)S 8083 X 897 y(3.)S 482 x(In)SD165 x(a)S 166 x(VXT)S 165 x(DECterm)S 164 x(window)S -46 x(,)S 166 xC(pull)S 165 x(down)S 166 x(the)S 165 x(Options)S 165 x(menu)S 166 xaD(and)S 166 x(choose)S 166 x(General.)S 8980 X 597 y(In)S 166 x(the)SF166 x(General)S 166 x(dialog)S 167 x(box,)S 167 x(choose)S 166 x(the)SE166 x(following)S 166 x(settings:)S 8980 X 897 y(\203)S 619 x(7-Bit)S.H166 x(NRCS)S 165 x(Characters)S 8980 X 897 y(\203)S 619 x(Cursor)S 167 xC(direction)S 166 x(Right)S 166 x(to)S 166 x(Left)S 8083 X 896 y(T)SJ-45 x(o)S 186 x(display)S 187 x(Hebrew)S 186 x(characters,)S 193 x(press)SE186 x -380 y 744 24 R -744 x 491 y 24 492 R 16851 25289 XY F42(Ctrl)SdG42 x 131 y 24 492 R -748 x 20 y 744 24 R 187 x -511 y 1644 24 R 17720 X1C491 y 24 492 R 17857 25289 XY(Hebr)S -2 x(ew)S 117 x 131 y 24 492 RtL17720 X 20 y 1644 24 R 19554 25309 XY F151(on)S 187 x(your)S 188 x(LK401-A)SI-29 x(T)S 187 x(model)S 8083 X 598 y(keyboard.)S 251 x(On)S 166 x(other)ShC166 x(keyboards,)S 167 x(press)S 166 x -380 y 744 24 R -744 x 491 yeK24 492 R 16937 25887 XY F42(Ctrl)S 41 x 131 y 24 492 R -747 x 20 y 744 24 R.D165 x -511 y 2052 24 R 17784 X 491 y 24 492 R 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x(host-based)S 181 x(resource)S 182 x(\211le,)S)K187 x(as)S 8083 X 597 y(follows:)S 8083 X 847 y F242(Mwm*f)S 2 x(ontList:)StG211 x(-*-Nar)S 2 x(kissTam)S 2 x(-Bold-R)S 2 x(-Normal-)S 2 x(-*-120-)SxC2 x(*-*-*-*)S 2 x(-ISO8859)S 2 x(-8)S 8083 X 897 y F151(See)S 193 xSFF152(VXT)S 193 x(Software)S 194 x(V)S -65 x(ersion)S 194 x(2.1)S 194 xC(Installation)S 194 x(and)S 194 x(System)S 194 x(Management)S 195 xxDF151(for)S 8083 X 598 y(information)S 167 x(on)S 166 x(using)S 167 xC(host-based)S 165 x(resource)S 167 x(\211les.)S 8083 X 896 y(When)SMD199 x(you)S 200 x(use)S 199 x(the)S 199 x(Hebrew)S 199 x(language,)SH209 x(you)S 200 x(should)S 199 x(also)S 198 x(choose)S 199 x(the)S 199 xGF153(For)S 8083 X 598 y(internatio)S 2 x(nal)S 210 x(keyboards,)S 221 xH(ignore)S 210 x(the)S 209 x(Mod)S 210 x(keys)S 209 x F151(button)S 210 xJ(in)S 209 x(the)S 8083 X 598 y(W)S -28 x(orkspace:Options)S 190 x(dialog)SD190 x(box.)S 296 x(This)S 190 x(setting)S 189 x(will)S 189 x(allow)SG189 x(you)S 190 x(to)S 189 x(use)S 190 x(normal)S 8083 X 598 y(window)S N196 x(manager)S 198 x(functions.)S 312 x(See)S 197 x(the)S 197 x(Customizing)SE197 x(W)S -19 x(indows)S 196 x(chapter)S 198 x(in)S 8083 X 597 y F152)G(VXT)S 166 x(2000)S -180 y F159(+)S 25 x 180 y F152(/VXT)S 166 x(2000)SeG188 x(W)S -37 x(indowing)S 189 x(T)S -44 x(erminal)S 189 x(User)S 189 xvF(Information)S F151(.)S 294 x(When)S 189 x(you)S 8083 X 598 y(choose)SJ171 x(this)S 170 x(setting,)S 171 x(the)S 171 x(terminal)S 170 x(ignores)SC171 x(modi\211er)S 170 x(keys)S 171 x(such)S 170 x(as)S 170 x(the)S6E171 x -380 y 744 24 R -744 x 491 y 24 492 R 23837 35700 XY F42(Ctrl)SH41ew$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1cr" x 131 y 24 492 R -747 x 20 y 744 24 R 24688 35720 XY F151(key)S -54 xG(.)S 258 x(This)S 8083 X 598 y(chang)S 2 x(e)S 166 x(does)S 165 x(not)SF167 x(affect)S 165 x(the)S 167 x -380 y 564 24 R -564 x 491 y 24 492 RP14365 36298 XY F42(Alt)S 27 x 131 y 24 492 R -562 x 20 y 564 24 R 15043 36318 XYMF151(and)S 166 x(top-row)S 165 x(function)S 167 x(keys.)S 5 SC 17910 38258 XYSEF38(VXT)S 166 x(Software)S 166 x(V)S -25 x(ersion)S 167 x(2.1)S 166 x)'(Release)S 166 x(Notes)S 399 x F40(17)SVEP PP6 %%PageTrailer2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman%%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Helvetica!%%+ Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Boldi%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)a%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)l%:9% < Beginning of included file AA-PKWSG-TE_INDEX.DVI_PS >C%%Page: (18) 24e%DEC_EDMS_BlankPagetPP %%PageTrailerr %%PageFonts:%%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors:H%h%%Page: (INDEX-1) 25%%PageFonts: (atend)%%PageProcessColors: (atend)%%PageCustomColors: (atend)t PaperHeight PaperWidth PM 0 0 XYE0 SC 4497 7175 XY 22716 48 R 24609 8193 XY F208(Index)S 4497 11087 XY CF24(A)S -504 x 200 y 10764 24 R 4497 11835 XY F155(Applicatio)S 2 xSC(n)S 149 x(launcher,)S 349 x(9)S 5094 X 547 y(for)S 150 x(UNI)S 2 x7D(X)S 149 x(sys)S -2 x(tems,)S 348 x(4)S 4497 13758 XY F24(B)S -504 xF199 y 10764 24 R 4497 14505 XY 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XY2LF155(Save)S 150 x(under)S 150 x(feature,)S 350 x(13)S 3301 X 548 y(Scaling)SF3899 X 548 y(X)S 149 x(server)S 149 x(display)S 150 x(scaling,)S 349 xG(15)S 3301 X 548 y(Serial)S 151 x(port)S 3899 X 548 y(loss)S 149 x(of)S8F150 x(characters,)S 349 x(1)S -25 x(1)S 3301 X 547 y(Softwar)S 2 x(e)SE149 x(options)S 3899 X 548 y(enabling)S 150 x(or)S 150 x(disabling,)S G349 x(9)S 3301 X 548 y(Solaris)S 150 x(system,)S 348 x(5)S 3301 X 548 yxN(Speed)S 2 x(o)S 149 x(font,)S 349 x(15)S 3301 X 548 y(Sun)S 150 x(operating)SC151 x(sys)S -2 x(tem)S 3899 X 548 y(font,)S 349 x(15)S 3301 X 548 ytO(System)S 149 x(images,)S 348 x(13)S 3899 X 548 y(naming)S 149 x(conventions,)S E348 x(1)S 3301 20119 XY F24(T)S -426 x 200 y 10764 24 R 3301 20867 XY DF155(TCP/IP)S 149 x(transport)S 3899 X 547 y(printing)S -804 x 548 yC(restrictions,)S 349 x(14)S 3301 X 548 y(T)S -41 x(erminal)S 3899 XcG548 y(customizations)S 4796 X 548 y(managing,)S 347 x(14)S 3301 X 548 y E(T)S -23 x(ype)S 150 x(1)S 149 x(font,)S 349 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x(6)S 15854 X 548 y(image)S 149 x(names,)S 348 xG(3)S 15854 X 548 y(installat)S 2 x(ion,)S 348 x(1)S 15854 X 548 y(new)SxI149 x(feature)S 2 x(s,)S 347 x(9)S 15854 X 547 y(system)S 148 x(images,)SnN348 x(13)S 16751 X 548 y(naming)S 149 x(conventions,)S 348 x(1)S 15256 9397 XYCF24(W)S -658 x 199 y 10764 24 R 15256 10144 XY F155(W)S -25 x(ork)SFE150 x(group)S 15854 X 548 y(managing,)S 348 x(14)S 15256 12067 XY F24SG(X)S -465 x 199 y 10764 24 R 15256 12814 XY F155(X1)S -24 x(1R5)S 149 x9B(X)S 149 x(server,)S 348 x(9)S 5 SC 3301 38258 XY F40(Index\2032)SEP PP %%PageTrailer 2%%PageFonts: Helvetica-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-Roman %%+ Courier %%PageProcessColors:%%PageCustomColors: (BLACK)2%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)2%93% < End of included file AA-PKWSG-TE_INDEX.DVI_PS >7 %%Trailer4 %%Pages: 263%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792,%%DocumentFonts: Courier Courier-BoldOblique)%%+ Courier-Bold Helvetica Helvetica-Bold50%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold(%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic amsy6 amsy10%%+ Helvetica-BoldOblique 2%%DocumentNeededFonts: Courier Courier-BoldOblique)%%+ Courier-Bold Helvetica Helvetica-Bold0%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Bold1%%+ NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Helvetica-BoldObliquex%%DocumentProcessColors:%%Kl*$VXT021.AdWO)[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT021_RELEASE_NOTES.PS;1cDocumentCustomColors: (BLACK)B%%+ (FOOTCOLOR)l%%+ (HEADCOLOR)C%%+ (USERTAGCOLOR)*%%CMYKCustomColor: 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (BLACK)"%%+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (USERTAGCOLOR)%%+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (UNDEFINED)R%%+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (UNDEFINED) %%+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (HEADCOLOR)%%+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (FOOTCOLOR)P%tDVC$PSJob restorerend %DEC_DVC$dictaend %Color5044Dict%e%%EOFo  n$VXT021.A~>^WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$IVP.COM;1['*[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$IVP.COM;1+,~>^./` 4[-WO0123KPWO56/67889G`HJ 4$!--------------------------------------------------)$! Setup for VMS installation of VXT V2.14$!--------------------------------------------------)$ vxt_date := 05-JAN-1994$$ vxt_kit_title = "V2.1"!$ vxt_version := 021&$ vxt_ident := VXT V2.1$ $ vxt_vms_version_AXP := 010 $ vxt_vms_version_VAX := 053$$ vxt_gbl_page = 0$ vxt_gbl_sect = 0$!$ vxt_sys_size = 80"$ vxt_dst_size = 439"$ vxt_wrk_size = 100$!$$ vxt_load_size = 12295#$ vxt_vxtldr_size = 1588-$-#$ vxt_decterm_font_size_AXP = 6894 #$ vxt_decterm_font_size_VAX = 1872 $ @$ vxt_decterm_test_100dpi_font := TERMINAL_WIDE_DECTECH18_100DPI9$ vxt_decterm_test_75dpi_font := TERMINAL_WIDE_DECTECH18=$04$!--------------------------------------------------0$! End of setup for VMS installation of VXT V2.14$!-------------------------------------------------- $ goto STARTM$!***************************************************************************N$! Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1992, 1993. All Rights Reserved.$!I$! This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copiedL$! only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusionE$! of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copiesH$! thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any otherM$! person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.$!L$! The information in this software is subject to change without notice andM$! should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.$!G$! Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its:$! software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital.$!M$!***************************************************************************$!<$! VXT Software Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)$!E$! Tests to see that the VXT files exist and that the image idents$! are correct.M$!***************************************************************************$$ START:$ vxt$ivp_failure = %x10f50000$ vxt$ivp_success = 1)$ if f$type(true) .eqs. "" then true = 1*$ if f$type(false) .eqs. "" then false = 0:$ if f$type(say) .eqs. "" then say = "write sys$output "$#$ vxt$ivp_status == vxt$ivp_failureC$ on control_y then goto ivp_error ! setup to handle ^yG$ on warning then goto ivp_error ! setup to handle errors$C$ version_letter = f$extract(0,f$length(VXT_VERSION)-3,VXT_VERSION)8$ version_number = f$integer(VXT_VERSION-version_letter)#$ major_version = version_number/103$ minor_version = version_number - major_version*10B$ version = "''version_letter' V''major_version'.''minor_version'"$ version_ident = vxt_ident$$ say ""M$ say " Beginning the ''version_ident' Installation Verification Procedure."$ say ""$/$ if f$type(VXT_INSTALL_DECNET) .eqs. "" then -X inquire/nopunc VXT_INSTALL_DECNET "Did you install DECnet X session support [No] ? "$-$ if f$type(VXT_INSTALL_LOAD) .eqs. "" then -W inquire/nopunc VXT_INSTALL_LOAD "Did you install the VXT host-based images [No] ? "$/$ if f$type(VXT_INSTALL_VXTLDR) .eqs. "" then -U inquire/nopunc VXT_INSTALL_VXTLDR "Did you install the VXT loader images [No] ? "$6$ if f$type(VXT_INSTALL_DECTERM_FONTS) .eqs. "" then -Y inquire/nopunc VXT_INSTALL_DECTERM_FONTS "Did you install the DECterm fonts [No] ? "$H$ xclient_support = (f$search("SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$SESSION.EXE") .nes. "") -9 .and (f$search("SYS$SHARE:DECW$XLIBSHR.EXE") .nes "")$ if p1 .eqs. "" then say ""$! $! First check for VXT$LIBRARY$/$ if f$trn("vxt$library","lnm$system") .eqs. ""$ thenM$ say "%VXT-E-NOLIBRARY, System logical name VXT$LIBRARY is not defined."$ goto IVP_ERROR$ endif$#$ vxt$ivp_status == vxt$ivp_success$($! Check to see that the VXT files exist$?$ say " Verifying VXT Software for supporting connections ..."/$ call CHECK_FILE SYS$STARTUP:VXT$STARTUP.COM '$ call CHECK_FILE SYS$TEST:VXT$IVP.COM$-$ call CHECK_FILE VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$SERVER.COM+$ call CHECK_IMAGE VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$WSA.EXE,$ call CHECK_FILE VXT$LIBRARY:VXTCONFIG.XRM$$ if xclient_support$ then1$ call CHECK_IMAGE VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$LAUNCH.EXEC$ if f$getdvi("LT0","exists") .and .not f$getdvi("XT0","exists") $ then[$ say "%VXT$IVP-W-XTERMINAL, DECwindows has not been started with X Terminal support"$ type sys$input$ deckC To enable VXT terminals to connect to this system using the LATE protocol you must first start DECwindows with X terminal support.J You can do this by including the following command line in your systemD startup procedure before SYS$STARTUP:DECW$STARTUP.COM is called.3 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM DECW$INSTALL_XTERMINAL TRUE $ eod $ endif$ elseU$ say "%VXT$IVP-I-VXT$LAUNCH, VXT Application launcher requires DECwindows Motif."P$ say "%VXT$IVP-W-NOMOTIF, DECwindows Motif is not installed on this system."$ endif$1$! Check DECnet account and DECnet object defined$$ if VXT_INSTALL_DECNET$ then8$ say " Verifying support for DECnet X sessions ..."$ gosub CHECK_SERVER_ACCOUNT#$ if .not VXT_ACC_PRESENT then -A say "%VXT$IVP-E-NOACCOUNT, network account VXT$SERVER not found"$ gosub CHECK_NETWORK_OBJECT#$ if .not VXT_NET_PRESENT then -A say "%VXT$IVP-E-NOOBJECT, network object VXT$SERVER not defined"M$ if .not (VXT_ACC_PRESENT .and VXT_NET_PRESENT) then vxt$ivp_status == 40$ endif$%$! Check IDs of VXT host-based images$$ if VXT_INSTALL_LOAD$ then1$ say " Verifying VXT host-based images ..."*$ call CHECK_IMAGE VXT$LIBRARY:VXT.SYS,$ call CHECK_IMAGE VXT$LIBRARY:VXTEX.SYS$ endif$$! Check IDs of VXTLDR images$$ if VXT_INSTALL_VXTLDR$ then-$ say " Verifying VXT loader images ...".$ call CHECK_IMAGE VXT$LIBRARY:VXTLDR.SYS/$ call CHECK_IMAGE VXT$LIBRARY:VXTLDR1.SYS$ endif$:$! Check that font directories are there and DECterm fonts$$ if VXT_INSTALL_DECTERM_FONTS$ then)$ say " Verifying DECterm fonts ..."K$ if f$search("DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW]100dpi.dir") .nes. "" then -U call CHECK_FILE DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.100dpi]'VXT_DECTERM_TEST_100DPI_FONT'.*$J$ if f$search("DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW]75dpi.dir") .nes. "" then -S call CHECK_FILE DECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.75dpi]'VXT_DECTERM_TEST_75dpi_FONT'.*$ endif$,$ if .not vxt$ivp_status then goto IVP_ERROR$ $ $STATUS = 1$A$ IVP_SUCCESS: ! IVP successful$ vxt$ivp_status == $STATUS$ say ""Z$ say " The ''version_ident' Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully."$ say ""$ exit vxt$ivp_status$!=$ IVP_ERROR: ! IVP failed0$ if .not $STATUS then vxt$ivp_status == $STATUS$ say ""J$ say " The ''version_ident' Installation Verification Procedure failed."$ say ""$ exit vxt$ivp_status$$! 1$! Verify that the VXT network account is present$!$ CHECK_SERVER_ACCOUNT:$ vxt_acc_present = FALSE,$ vxt_uic == "" ! assume no VXT$SERVER uic*$ vxt_id = 0 ! assume no RIGHTSLIST id$6$ vxt_id = f$identifier("VXT$SERVER","name_to_number")$/$! See if the VXT$SERVER account already existsM$! (Following depends on AUTHORIZE creating a null file if UIC doesn't exist)$ $ set noon$ authorize = "$authorize",$ define/user sys$output sys$scratch:uic.tmp'$ if f$trnlnm("sysuaf") .eqs. "" then -K define/user sysuaf 'f$parse("sysuaf","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only"))$ if f$trnlnm("netproxy") .eqs. "" then -O define/user netproxy 'f$parse("netproxy","sys$system:.dat",,,"syntax_only")!$ authorize show/brief VXT$SERVER$ set on.$ open/read/error=acc10 f1 sys$scratch:uic.tmp$ read/end=acc10 f1 line$ read/end=acc10 f1 line$ read/end=acc10 f1 line5$ vxt_uic == f$edi!!K$VXT021.A~>^WO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$IVP.COM;1[\ t(f$extract(37,13,line),"collapse")5$ vxt_acc_present = true ! we have vxt$server account$$ ACC10:$ close/nolog f1$$ delete/nolog sys$scratch:uic.tmp;*/$ if vxt_id .ne. 0 then vxt_uic == "VXT$SERVER"$ return$0$! Verify that the VXT network object is present$$ check_network_object:$ vxt_net_present = false$ VXT_PHASEV = 0$ ncp = "$ncp"$ ncl = "$ncl" $ set noonM$ VXT_PHASEV == (f$integer(f$extract(0,4,f$getsyi("decnet_version"))) .EQ. 5)$ set on$ if .not. VXT_PHASEV$ then2$ vxt_chk_object = "NCP LIST OBJECT VXT$SERVER"$ elseK$ vxt_chk_object = "NCL SHOW SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION VXT$SERVER ALL"$ endif $ set noon$ define/user sys$error nl:,$ define/user sys$output sys$scratch:ncp.tmp$ 'vxt_chk_object'$ set on.$ open/read/error=ncp10 f1 sys$scratch:ncp.tmp$$ RLOOP:$ read/end=ncp10 f1 line>$ if f$loc("VXT$SERVER",line) .eq. f$len(line) then goto RLOOP$ vxt_net_present = true$$ NCP10:$ close/nolog f1$ search:= search$ define/user sys$error nl:$ define/user sys$output nl:B$ search/noout/nolog sys$scratch:ncp.tmp "no such object instance"<$ if $status .eqs. "%X00000001" then vxt_net_present = false $ $status = 1$$ delete/nolog sys$scratch:ncp.tmp;*$ return$$! $CHECK_FILE: subroutine$ on error then goto FAILED$ copy 'p1' nl:$ exit 1$ $ FAILED:1$ say "VXT$IVP-E-FILNOTFND, File ''p1' not found"#$ vxt$ivp_status == vxt$ivp_failure$ exit vxt$ivp_status$ endsubroutine$K$! Get the image identification (based on VMSINSTAL.COM entry GET_IMAGE_ID)$! Supports AXP and VAX images$$ CHECK_IMAGE: subroutine$ tmp = f$search(p1)"$ if tmp .eqs. "" then goto FAILED$ close/nolog f1$ open/read/err=FAILED f1 'tmp'$ read/error=FAILED f1 record$ close/nolog f1+$ if f$cvui(0,16,f$ext(0,2,record)) .lt. 48$ then*$ ptr = f$cvui(0,32,f$ext(24,4,record))$ if ptr .eq. 0 then exit 1$ offset = 56)$ tmp = f$cvui(0,32,f$ext(0,8,record))#$ if tmp .eq. 2 then offset = 56$ else)$ ptr = f$cvui(0,16,f$ext(6,2,record))$ if ptr .eq. 0 then exit 1$ offset = 40"$ tmp = "''f$ext(12,4,record)'")$ if tmp .eqs. "0204" then offset = 16)$ if tmp .eqs. "0205" then offset = 40$ endif$ ptr = ptr + offset'$ fis = f$cvui(0,8,f$ext(ptr,1,record))#$ fi = "''f$ext(ptr+1,fis,record)'"&$ id = "''f$edit(fi,"compress,trim")'"'$ if id .eqs. version_ident then exit 1;$ say "%VXT$IVP-I-BADIDENT, image ''p1' has version ID ",id$ $ FAILED:7$ say "%VXT$IVP-E-BADIMAGE, Failed on verify image ",p1#$ vxt$ivp_status == vxt$ivp_failure$ exit vxt$ivp_status $ endsubroutine!$ ! **** End of VXT$IVP.COM ****" AK$VXT021.AfWO [COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$SERVER.COM;1o  *[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$SERVER.COM;1+,f. /` 4o *-WO0123KPWO 56@ewO7 889G`HJ $ GOTO START&$! VXT$SERVER.COM - Start an X session$!$! COPYRIGHT (C) 1993 BY0$! DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS.$!H$! THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIEDH$! ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THEH$! INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHERH$! COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANYH$! OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY$! TRANSFERRED.$!H$! THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICEH$! AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT$! CORPORATION.$!H$! DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS:$! SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT WHICH IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL.$!$!<$! ABSTRACT: THIS COMMAND PROCEDURE CREATES AN X SESSION TO8$! A REQUESTING X TERMINAL. OPEN THE NETWORK, PARSE THEC$! TERMINAL'S NODE NAME, SET DISPLAY TO THE TERMINAL, @$! AND RUN DECW$STARTLOGIN.EXE. IT USES VXT$WSA.EXE3$! TO SET THE DISPLAY TO AVOID GIVING THIS ACCOUNT$! EXTRA PRIVILEGES.$!$ START:C$ IF "''VXT_LOGOUT'" .EQS. "" THEN VXT_LOGOUT = F$TRN("VXT$LOGOUT")^$ IF "''VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART'" .EQS. "" THEN VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART = F$TRN("VXT$LOGIN_NORESTART")<$ IF (VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART .EQS. "") .OR. VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART#$ THEN VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART = "TRUE"$$ ELSE VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART = "FALSE"$ ENDIF<$ VXT$WSA = F$ELE(0,";",F$SEARCH("VXT$LIBRARY:VXT$WSA.EXE"))$ IF VXT$WSA .EQS. ""$ THENP$ VXT$WSA = F$ELE(0,";",F$SEARCH(F$PARSE("VXT$WSA.EXE;",F$ENV("PROCEDURE"))))$ ENDIF$!4$ IF F$TRN("SYS$NET") .EQS. "" THEN GOTO INTERACTIVE$!$! Network connection$!0$ IF VXT_LOGOUT .EQS. "" THEN VXT_LOGOUT := TRUE$ OPEN/READ NET SYS$NET:$ DEFINE SYS$COMMAND OPA0:S$ REM_NODE = F$EXTRACT(0, F$LOCATE("::", F$TRNLNM("SYS$NET")), F$TRNLNM("SYS$NET")) $ CLOSE NET$ REM_TRAN:= DECNET$ IF VXT$WSA .NES. ""$ THEN.$ DEFINE/NOLOG/USER VXT$REM_NODE 'REM_NODE'.$ DEFINE/NOLOG/USER VXT$REM_TRAN 'REM_TRAN'$ RUN 'VXT$WSA'$ IF .NOT $STATUS $ THEN$ STATUS = $STATUSo$ WRITE SYS$ERROR "%VXT$SERVER-F-NODISPLAY, Failed to create display to node ''REM_NODE' transport ''REM_TRAN'"$ GOTO ERROR_NET_EXIT $ ENDIF$ ELSEF$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE='REM_NODE'/TRANSPORT='REM_TRAN'/EXECUTIVE$ ENDIF>$ DEFINE/NOLOG/USER DECW$LOGIN_NORESTART 'VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART' $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$STARTLOGIN$ ERROR_NET_EXIT:$ SHOW DISPLAY$ PURGE/KEEP=3 NETSERVER.LOG!$ IF .NOT. VXT_LOGOUT THEN EXIT 1$ LOGOUT := LOGOUT$ LOGOUT$! $INTERACTIVE:W$! P1 = NODE, P2 = TRANSPORT, P3 = SERVER, P4 = SCREEN, P5 = LOGOUT, P6 = LOGIN_RESTART$!($ IF P3 .NES. "" THEN REM_SERVER := 'P3'($ IF P4 .NES. "" THEN REM_SCREEN := 'P4'($ IF P5 .NES. "" THEN VXT_LOGOUT := 'P5'$ IF P6 .NES. "" $ THEN IF P6#$ THEN VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART = "TRUE"$$ ELSE VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART = "FALSE"$ ENDIF$ ENDIF$!$! Use params if specified$!$ IF P1 .NES. ""$ THEN REM_NODE := 'P1'&$ IF P2 .NES. "" THEN REM_TRAN := 'P2'$ GOTO SET_DISPLAY$ ENDIF$!$! Use logical names if present$!"$ REM_NODE = F$TRN("VXT$REM_NODE")"$ REM_TRAN = F$TRN("VXT$REM_TRAN"),$ IF REM_NODE .NES. "" THEN GOTO SET_DISPLAY$! $! Use current display if exists$!3$ DEVICE = F$EDIT(F$TRN("DECW$DISPLAY"),"COLLAPSE")$ IF DEVICE .NES. ""$ THEN6$ IF F$GETDVI(DEVICE,"EXISTS") THEN GOTO STARTLOGIN$ ENDIF$!6$ IF F$MODE() .NES. "INTERACTIVE" THEN GOTO BATCH_EXIT$!+$! Otherwise use current node and transport$!3$ DEVICE := 'F$GETDVI("SYS$COMMAND","TT_PHYDEVNAM")3$ PORT := 'F$GETDVI("SYS$COMMAND","TT_ACCPORNAM")"$ DEVTYP := 'F$EXTRACT(1,2,DEVICE)'$ REM_NODE := 'F$TRNLNM("SYS$REM_NODE")$!&$ IF DEVTYP .EQS. "LT" ! LAT$ THEN REM_TRAN := LAT$ REM_NODE = PORT,$ IF F$LOC("/",REM_NODE) .NE F$LEN(REM_NODE)F$ THEN WRITE SYS$ERROR "VXT$SERVER: UNSUPPORTED LAT PORT FOR DISPLAY"$ GOTO ERROR_EXIT$ ENDIF-$ ELSE IF DEVTYP .EQS. "TN" ! UCX TELNET$ THEN REM_TRAN := TCPIP)$ REM_NODE = F$ELEMENT(1," ",PORT)$$ ELSE IF DEVTYP .EQS. "RT" ! DECNET $ THEN REM_TRAN := DECNET?$ REM_NODE = F$ELE(0,":",F$TRNLNM("SYS$REM_NODE"))6$ ELSE IF DEVTYP .EQS "FT" THEN GOTO STARTLOGINT$ WRITE SYS$ERROR "VXT$SERVER: DO NOT RECOGNIZE DEVICE TYPE ",DEVTYP$ GOTO ERROR_EXIT$ ENDIF$ ENDIF$ ENDIF$!$ SET_DISPLAY:$ IF VXT$WSA .NES. ""$ THEN1$ DEFINE/NOLOG/USER VXT$REM_NODE "''REM_NODE'"T$ IF "''REM_TRAN'" .NES. "" THEN DEFINE/NOLOG/USER VXT$REM_TRAN "''REM_TRAN'"V$ IF "''REM_SERVER'" .NES. "" THEN DEFINE/NOLOG/USER VXT$REM_SERVER "''REM_SERVER'"V$ IF "''REM_SCREEN'" .NES. "" THEN DEFINE/NOLOG/USER VXT$REM_SCREEN "''REM_SCREEN'"$ RUN 'VXT$WSA'$ IF .NOT $STATUS $ THEN$ STATUS = $STATUSo$ WRITE SYS$ERROR "%VXT$SERVER-F-NODISPLAY, Failed to create display to node ''REM_NODE' transport ''REM_TRAN'"$ GOTO ERROR_EXIT $ ENDIF$ ELSE$ OPTION = ""E$ IF "''REM_SERVER'" .NES. "" THEN OPTION := /SERVER='REM_SERVER'L$ IF "''REM_SCREEN'" .NES. "" THEN OPTION := 'OPTION'/SCREEN='REM_SCREEN'N$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE='REM_NODE'/TRANSPORT='REM_TRAN'/EXECUTIVE'OPTION'$ ENDIF$! $STARTLOGIN:=$ DEFINE/NOLOG/USER DECW$LOGIN_NORESTART 'VXT_LOGIN_NORESTART $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$STARTLOGIN$ SHOW DISPLAYU$ WRITE SYS$ERROR "DECWINDOWS SESSION MANAGER LOGIN INITIATED ON ''F$TRN("SYS$NODE")"$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT ""$EXIT:1$ IF VXT_LOGOUT .EQS. "" THEN VXT_LOGOUT := FALSE!$ IF .NOT. VXT_LOGOUT THEN EXIT 1 $ WAIT 0:0:2$ LOGOUT := LOGOUT$ LOGOUT $ BATCH_EXIT: $ ERROR_EXIT:V$ WRITE SYS$ERROR "VXT$SERVER: UNABLE TO CREATE DECWINDOWS SESSION MANAGER ON DISPLAY"$ EXIT 0 #J$VXT021.AG<^WO![COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$STARTUP.COM;1p bk!*[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$STARTUP.COM;1+,G<^. /` 4p <-WO0123KPWO 56O7/889G`HJ$ GOTO VXT$STARTUP$!$! VXT$STARTUP.COM$!$! Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by0$! Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.$!H$! This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copiedH$! only in accordance with the terms of such license and with theH$! inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any otherH$! copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to anyH$! other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby$! transferred.$!H$! The information in this software is subject to change without noticeH$! and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment$! Corporation.$!H$! Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its:$! software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital.$!$!$ VXT$STARTUP:$ gosub GET_VXT_INSTALL_PARAMS-$ if f$type(vxt$library_path) .eqs. "" then -/ vxt$library_path = vxt_install_library_path-$ if f$type(vxt$boot_by_name) .eqs. "" then -/ vxt$boot_by_name = vxt_install_boot_by_name-$ if f$type(vxt$install_wsa) .eqs. "" then -0 vxt$install_wsa = vxt_install_wsa_privileged3$ if f$type(vxt$install_startlogin) .eqs. "" then -> vxt$install_startlogin = vxt_install_startlogin_privileged$!%$ if vxt$library_path .nes. "" then -5 define/system/exec vxt$library 'vxt$library_path'$ if vxt$boot_by_name then -V if f$search("VXT$LIBRARY:*.SYS") .nes. "" .and. f$trn("MOM$LOAD") .nes. "" then -, call EXTEND_SEARCHLIST mom$load vxt$library$!$! Install images$!$ if vxt$install_wsa then -E call INSTALL_FILE vxt$library:vxt$wsa.exe "/priv=(sysnam,cmkrnl)""$ if vxt$install_startlogin then -L call INSTALL_FILE sys$system:decw$startlogin.exe "/priv=(sysnam,cmkrnl)"$ exit 1$! G$! Include equivalence name p2 at front of search path for logical name!$! p1 unless already part of path$!$ EXTEND_SEARCHLIST: subroutine $ lnm = p1$ add_equiv_name = p2$!0$ lnm_access_mode = f$trn(lnm,,,,,"access_mode").$ lnm_table_name = f$trn(lnm,,,,,"table_name")-$ lnm_max_index = f$trn(lnm,,,,,"max_index")!$ lnm_name_attr = "/name_attr=("O$ if f$trn(lnm,,,,,"no_alias") then lnm_name_attr = lnm_name_attr + "no_alias,"M$ if f$trn(lnm,,,,,"confine") then lnm_anme_attr = lnm_name_attr + "confine"I$ lnm_name_attr = lnm_name_attr + "#" - ",#" -"#" + ")" - "/name_attr=()"!$ lnm_tran_attr = "/tran_attr=("Q$ if f$trn(lnm,,,,,"concealed") then lnm_tran_attr = lnm_tran_attr + "concealed,"O$ if f$trn(lnm,,,,,"terminal") then lnm_tran_attr = lnm_tran_attr + "terminal"I$ lnm_tran_attr = lnm_tran_attr + "#" - ",#" -"#" + ")" - "/tran_attr=()"$!$ equiv_name = ""$ i = 0 $ LOOP_LNM:J$ equiv_name = equiv_name + "," + f$edit(f$trn(lnm,,i,,,"value"),"upcase") $ i = i + 1+$ if i .le lnm_max_index then goto loop_lnmQ$ if f$locate(add_equiv_name,equiv_name) .ne. f$len(equiv_name) then goto END_LNM0$ equiv_name = add_equiv_name + ":" + equiv_namep$ define_lnm := define'lnm_name_attr''lnm_tran_attr'/table='lnm_table_name'/'lnm_access_mode' 'lnm' 'equiv_name'$ 'define_lnm' $ END_LNM:$ exit$ endsubroutine$!3$! Install an image as a known file with privileges$!$ INSTALL_FILE: subroutine"$ install := $install/command_mode"$ file = f$ele(0,";",f$search(p1))$ if file .eqs. "" then exit 1$ known = "TRUE"$ known = f$file(file,"known") $ if known$ then$ install replace 'file''p2'$ else$ install create 'file''p2'$ endif$ exit 1$ endsubroutine$! $!7$! VXT INSTALL PARAMS APPENDED HERE DURING INSTALLATION$!$c4$VXT021.A>ZWO [COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ;1E *[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ;1+,>Z./` 4  -WO0123KPWO56ТQ7`=889G`HJ8 HOST_LAUNCHV1.021-DEC-1993 05:31VAX C V3.1-051PCopyright 1993, Digital Equipment Corp.P%s P Usage: -display : display name to make an X connection. -name : unique identifier. Used to determine if there are other daemons running under the same name. -kill : kills the daemon application running. P -retry : : Retry connection to terminal. NUMBER1 is the interval between retries. The default for NUMBER1  interval = 0 (or every 1 second retry). NUMBER2 is the number of retries. The default for NUMBER2 duration = 0 (or retry forever). Default values are obtained by leaving out the value. Examples: P -retry 3:4 (retry every 3 seconds 4 times) -retry :10 (retry every second 10 times) -retry 4 (retry every 4 seconds forever)  -retry (retry forever) P-displayP-nameP-killP-retryP-reconnectPvxtlaunch: -RECONNECT function is not available on VMS. AP-hDP-hHPvxtlaunch: Connection failed retrying... rPvxtlaunch: Cannot Open Display. Pvxtlaunch: Connection Established. PVXT_REXEC_PVXTPVXT Host LauncherPvxtlaunch: The Launch daemon is already running. Pvxtlaunch: There is no launch daemon to kill with the name %s MPvxtlaunch: There is no F_EXEC XUNGRABSERVERXSYNC XSTORENAME XSENDEVENT XSELECTINPUTXPENDING XNEXTEVENT XGRABSERVERXGETWINDOWPROPERTY XGETERRORTEXTXFREE XFETCHNAMEXDELETEPROPERTY XCLOSEDISPLAYXCHANGEPROPERTYXSETIOERRORHANDLERXSETERRORHANDLERXCREATESIMPLEWINDOW XINTERNATOM XOPENDISPLAYSTRLENSTRCHRSTRNCMPSTRCMPSTRNCATSTRCATSTRNCPYSTRCPYSPRINTFPRINTFlaunch daemon to kill with the name VXT PVXT Host LauncherP%dPvxtlaunch: %s PKILLPvxtlaunch: received a KILL command. Exiting. Pvxtlaunch: command passed is empty.  Pvxtlaunch: Failed reading delivered command. 8Pvxtlaunch: Exec command failed with status %d.gP%s kPLaunch: request %d Pvxtlaunch: Fatal XIO error occured.P reconnectingP exit. PVXT_RATOM_11PkillP ^RݬbPRINTFScߢccc^ C$MAIN_ARGSVTԭΔ|ΘώXSETERRORHANDLERXSETIOERRORHANDLERUެ[Uk1ެWЧTOLOWERXSTRCMPYATOIPRINTFZEXIT _(E6STRNCPY6Rbb~hPbRb6iPURRk1IRUE1<6iPURRk1 RUEΘ16iP Δ16iPyUSSk1URgPB`Rb-1SUE`6STRCPY:6STRCHRPR"b6PP 1P6Ps6iPFPRINTFQPݷfjߦjjjDSTRLENPA6STRNCMPP  PUUk1cR XOPENDISPLAYWSLEEPSPgPU PGgPUU:HFPRINTF cc RR UrFPRINTFEXITƓFPRINTFƷ_STRCPYΘ)ΜSTRCMPPΜ_STRNCATP_STRCAT_STRCATSC_C_~TOUPPERPC_SC_U XGRABSERVER_U XINTERNATOMXhPΐΔ1_UhPΐ1P߭߭߭߭߭|~(δŏPńSŌRCRbU XGETWINDOWPROPERTYP1xխ1aݭSTRCMPWgP1IݭATOIPRݭXFREESc߭߭߭߭߭|~(δRU XGETWINDOWPROPERTYP1խ1_ݭgP1ݭc߭RU XFETCHNAMEݭgP1ݭcΔnUSRWƹShPݮWSXCHANGEPROPERTY!SWЮ Ю|~WS XSENDEVENTUXSYNCFPRINTFU XUNGRABSERVERU XCLOSEDISPLAYEXITݭXFREE#խݭXFREEPխ ݭXFREEΔKΘΘFPRINTFPMFPRINTFU XUNGRABSERVERU XCLOSEDISPLAYEXIT|~|~ŏPńSŌRCRbU XCREATESIMPLEWINDOWPΜƍΠU XSTORENAMEݏ@ΠU XSELECTINPUT_STRLENPP_ΤδUXCHANGEPROPERTYΜƟ_SPRINTF_STRLENPP_ΤŏPńSŌRCRbUXCHANGEPROPERTYU XUNGRABSERVERUXPENDINGP$PSLEEPUXSYNCUXPENDINGPߟU XNEXTEVENTѭ!߭߭߭߭߭|~(ݭU XGETWINDOWPROPERTYP1Uխ1)ƢݭSTRCMPP1ݭƣFPRINTF2STRNCPYS2Rb~TOUPPERPbRSƲ2STRNCMPPQƷFPRINTFΐŏPńRŌPBRbUXDELETEPROPERTYUXSYNCU XCLOSEDISPLAYEXITЭSSSTRLENP@c&SSTRLENP@cSSTRLENPS߭|~ LIB$SPAWNP)P8FPRINTFPFPRINTFݭΠUXDELETEPROPERTY1< FPRINTF1( ^SЬRRSTRLENP@b&RSTRLENP@bݬSTRLENPЬ߭|~ LIB$SPAWNPRPR8FPRINTF ^SP~߭ЬR~ݬ XGETERRORTEXTPP߭gFPRINTFЬP~kFPRINTFP(^STRdFPRINTFF_EXECTOUPPERSLEEPEXITATOITOLOWER LIB$SPAWNEXIT 0MAIN t F_EXEC C$MAIN_ARGSp $CODE$DATA*COPYRIGHT_NOTICESTDINSTDOUTSTDERR$CHAR_STRING_CONSTANTSVFPRINTFbxãdFPRINTFޢݮSTRLENP@&ݮSTRLENP@ݮSTRLENPЮ߭|~ LIB$SPAWNPQPQ8dFPRINTFñFPRINTFEXIT<8^R¹ЬTT XINTERNATOMPUUЬSSTXCHANGEPROPERTY!TSU U蟭|~ST XSENDEVENT0%FV$VXT021.A>`WO$[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ_AXP;194$*[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ_AXP;1+,>`.9/` 497(-WO0123KPWO:560R7`I889G`HJ GG HOST_LAUNCHV1.0 1-NOV-1993 18:44DEC C T1.3-005  0COPYRIGHT_NOTICE $READONLY$$BSS$$DATA$$LINK$u $LITERAL$id$CODE$ $ABS$8 COPYRIGHT_NOTICEDECC$GA_STDERR DECC$GA_STDINDECC$GA_STDOUT DECC$GFPRINTF DECC$GPRINTF DECC$GSPRINTF DECC$STRNCPY DECC$STRCAT DECC$STRNCAT DECC$STRNCMP DECC$STRCHR DECC$STRLEN DECC$STRCMP DECC$STRCPY XOPENDISPLAY XINTERNATOM XCREATESIMPLEWINDOW XSETERRORHANDLER XSETIOERRORHANDLERXCHANGEPROPERTY XCLOSEDISPLAYXDELETEPROPERTY XFETCHNAMEXFREE XGETERRORTEXT XGETWINDOWPROPERTY XGRABSERVER XNEXTEVENTXPENDING XSELECTINPUT XSENDEVENT XSTORENAMEXSYNC XUNGRABSERVER(JpMAIN DECC$TOLOWER DECC$ATOI DECC$EXIT DECC$SLEEP DECC$TOUPPER(J F_EXEC LIB$SPAWN(J0__MAIN DECC$MAIN DECC$EXITJ J=2*Copyright 1993, Digital Equipment Corp.0 0= =0 ;=0  DECC$STRLEN LIB$SPAWN7DECC$GA_STDERR; DECC$GFPRINTF=08p;=p<  XINTERNATOM=VXT_RATOM_11=kill XSENDEVENT XCHANGEPROPERTY DECC$GSPRINTF=KILL XNEXTEVENT XGRABSERVER= VXT  XCREATESIMPLEWINDOW;;;;`;@;;=-killp= %s  DECC$STRCHR XSETERRORHANDLER= -display XSETIOERRORHANDLER DECC$STRNCAT XDELETEPROPERTY DECC$STRCPY= -h! XOPENDISPLAY #XGETWINDOWPROPERTY%XSYNC' XCLOSEDISPLAY) DECC$GPRINTF+ DECC$EXIT- DECC$STRCMP=0;=` ;/XFREE= 1 DECC$ATOI3 XUNGRABSERVER5 DECC$SLEEP7 DECC$STRCAT9 DECC$STRNCMP; DECC$TOUPPERx;0= DECC$STRNCPY= VXT_REXEC_P? DECC$TOLOWER;`;= -reconnect=-name=-retry;0;;;;;A XFETCHNAMEC XSTORENAME= E XSELECTINPUT=vxtlaunch: %s %d GXPENDING=0;=0 I DECC$MAIN=0;=0 ;= reconnecting8;= exit. =0X ;=< `;K XGETERRORTEXT =g_vxtlaunch: Exec command failed with status %d.vxtlaunch: Failed reading delivered command. `=.&vxtlaunch: command passed is empty. =7/vxtlaunch: received a KILL command. Exiting. =IAvxtlaunch: There is no launch daemon to kill with the name VXT ={svxtlaunch: There is no launch daemon to kill with the name %s vxtlaunch: The Launch daemon is already running. x=VXT Host Launcher=-%vxtlaunch: Connection Established. =*"vxtlaunch: Cannot Open Display. =3+vxtlaunch: Connection failed retrying... = -retry 3:4 (retry every 3 seconds 4 times) -retry :10 (retry every second 10 times) -retry 4 (retry every 4 seconds forever) -retry (retry forever) -retry : : Retry connection to terminal. NUMBER1 is the interval between retries. The default for NUMBER1 interval = 0 (or every 1 second retry). NUMBER2 is the number of retries. The default for NUMBER2 duration = 0 (or retry forever). Default values are obtained by leaving out the value. Examples: =  Usage: -display : display name to make an X connection. -name : unique identifier. Used to determine if there are other daemons running under the same name. -kill : kills the daemon application running. =B:vxtlaunch: -RECONNECT function is not available on VMS. 8=-%vxtlaunch: Fatal XIO error occured.`=Launch: request %d  =ld#4G~^ ^(GG# B  = > (b@Zk =@b# @ B4G(bG@ZkG] ](0#kG#4G~^^~޴ >(^0~8@H޵PXGG# BG(bGGtGGG@Zk4G@BHb@Zk4G G7`@]!_A].GBA="K3AbRQJQ>+GGtG@Zk, GH G .,"B Gb4GPJJ@Zk-.r H, Q-J G2F->l.lJB0""G@Zk0 ABGXB GB""G@Zk 0 A#CzGA!C GuGB""G@Zk 4GGlB""G@Zk50 A B4GͲak+/k!Y+K'K%GZ GpB GWB}!7G@ZkTGTGBGb@Zk4G G .PBXbP J >G@Zk4GPBXb " @Zk :PBGXb4G@Zk 3GB""G@ZkTGBb @"@Zk%GB"$TGb@Zk4GBb@Zk4GBb8@Zk4GBb@ZkB"""@ZktGBGbG@Zk4GB@b@Zk 0 A#AIbC G_GG@"B4Gb@ZkD G_A IE@ 4GG/BTGbH"@Zk4GpBxb4F@Zk 0`A mA4ETG Bb"@Zk4G4GBb@ZkBTGb"@ZkpBH ""G@ZkC @""BG@ZktGGPBGXbG@ZkÀB""bGTG@ZkBp""bGTG@ZkH,H` G ,* B Gb4GPHJ@Zkm-l H* KmI G lEm= . J?BGb4G@Zk4GtGBbGG@ZktGG GGBGb@ZkG/i|!x]!Bt! kAbKAKkA Ap}!,!GG^G~G G(޵G@ZktmfB@""@Zk4GaPBtXb@Zk4G0BGt8b@ZkGGGBGGG^G~ b(޵@ZktB  D?GB@Zk4G:0Bt8b@ZktGPBXb]"GG@ZkB"@Zk4G&0B8b@Zk GGb#@ӰBGbGTG@ZkGBTGb"@Zk`BGhb4G@Zk4GBGb@ZkG4G&55$VXT021.A>`WO$[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXT$LAUNCH.OBJ_AXP;19"Bb@ZkGtGt0B4G8b@ZkGtG "GTG"Bb@Zk4G`BGhb@Zk4GBbG@ZkG4GBb@Zkɡ4GGBGAbNANAAG.4G4G4G@ZktG`BGBhbGG@Zk@_&tGBGbG@ZkBG GGG@ZkGGGPB0@GXbG@ZktG`B!hb""GG@ZkGGB ALALA A-@ZkGGGPB0@GXbG@Zk4G`BhbG@Zk!_BGb4G@Zk4G4G pBxb@ZkGTGBbG@ZkÀBGbGTG@ZkGG8E| ]x!Bp!!t}!GG GbG(~@ZktfW@""B@ZktGRB""t]b@ZkGtGB]!t=Gb@ZkG !-d!B Gb4GP IJ@ZktG,h Hd!GEH @D .GvJUJF>4GݲG@Zk BG@.R@JGJDF@ B@Zk B`".TJ> BG@ZkGGGݦ`H0B"8b}"vJFݶ =@ZktG@"GPBH"Xb@ZkG] ](0#kp#G~GX^`^h~pxGGG0B 8bGDC@ZktGG0HD ""Bb@ZktGcB0`H "bC@ZkGX]`]h}px#kG#TG~^^~ GGbB8"b@ZkTG0B(""b@Zk b#g_B@""TGb@ZkG4GBb@ZkG]]} 0#kG#G~tG8^@^H~PX`GGG BG(b#0""G@ZkGG`B@" G>Ghb>GGGGG@Zk4GGGPB"G}GG ]XbG$@ZkG8]@]H}PX`p#k4I$GH DECC$MAIN4J<b#0 DECC$MAIN4ID@H DECC$MAIN4+XGl DECC$EXIT4,`b#0 DECC$EXIT4+h@l DECC$EXIT<G XSETERRORHANDLER<b#pXSETERRORHANDLER<@ XSETERRORHANDLER<G XSETIOERRORHANDLER<b#pXSETIOERRORHANDLER<@ XSETIOERRORHANDLER4=@Gl DECC$STRNCPY4>Lb#p DECC$STRNCPY4=h@l DECC$STRNCPY4?G DECC$TOLOWER4@b#p DECC$TOLOWER4?@ DECC$TOLOWER4-G DECC$STRCMP4-@ DECC$STRCMP4-G DECC$STRCMP4- @ DECC$STRCMP4-8GH DECC$STRCMP4-D@H DECC$STRCMP4-XGh DECC$STRCMP4-d@h DECC$STRCMP4G DECC$STRCPY4@ DECC$STRCPY4G DECC$STRCHR4b#p DECC$STRCHR4@ DECC$STRCHR41G DECC$ATOI42b#p DECC$ATOI41@ DECC$ATOI41G DECC$ATOI42b#p DECC$ATOI41@ DECC$ATOI41 G4 DECC$ATOI42(b#p DECC$ATOI410@4 DECC$ATOI4-@GP DECC$STRCMP4-L@P DECC$STRCMP4\Gp DECC$GFPRINTF4`b#p DECC$GFPRINTF4l@p DECC$GFPRINTF4)xG DECC$GPRINTF4*b#p DECC$GPRINTF4)@ DECC$GPRINTF4)G DECC$GPRINTF4*b#p DECC$GPRINTF4)@ DECC$GPRINTF4)G DECC$GPRINTF4*b#p DECC$GPRINTF4)@ DECC$GPRINTF4)G DECC$GPRINTF4*b#p DECC$GPRINTF4)@ DECC$GPRINTF4G DECC$STRLEN4@ DECC$STRLEN49G DECC$STRNCMP4:b#p DECC$STRNCMP49@ DECC$STRNCMP4+G DECC$EXIT4,b#p DECC$EXIT4+@ DECC$EXIT4!<GL XOPENDISPLAY4"Db#p 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No title to and ownership of the software is hereby! transferred.!G! The information in this software is subject to change without noticeG! and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment! Corporation.!G! Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its9! software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital.P!=============================================================================== !Abstract:J! This file provides a template for creating a host-based resource file toH! control the customized settings on terminals running VXT software. ForN! details, see the VXT Software Version 2.1 Installation and System Management! guide.!E! This file lists all VXT resources, with default values and possibleL! values. The file also lists local Motif window manager (MWM) resources andL! DECterm resources. You can use this file as a template to create your own O! host-based resource file, or you can edit the file and use it as a host-based! resource file.!,! The file contains the following sections: !! I. Resource File SyntaxN! II. Alphabetical listing of VXT Customize dialog boxes and their resourcesK! III. Alphabetical listing of Configuration Resource Management resources6! IV. VXT AutoStart and Create dialog box resources 1! V. Alphabetical listing of DECterm resources-! VI. Alphabetical listing of MWM resources!K! All the resources in this file are commented out using the "!" character.G! To enable a resource setting, remove the "!" comment character at the=! beginning of the line and provide a value for the resource.!P!===============================================================================!I. Resource File Syntax P!===============================================================================!M! Resource names are case-sensitive. Resource values are not case-sensitive.!! Default: Default!'! Boolean: enable disable! On Off! Yes No! 1 0"! TRUE FALSE!1! String: string string string string-! "string string string string"!#! Integer: 100 (decimal)! #10ABC (hex)!"! Color: (color name)! #rgb! #rrggbb/! #rrrgggbbb (hexadecimal values)!.! List of Values: value, value, value, ...$! value\n value\n value\n ...!!! IP Host: 9! n.n.n.n (dotted decimal notation)!M! IP Route: 1! = {default, host, network}!A! Mount Point: :/ !!! DECnet host: #! %! .!! Remote file specification:,! //tftp//5! //tftp//=! //nfs//!%! Font path element: tcpip/*! decnet/ ! //lastport1! //lastport//>! //lastport//1! !!(! To include another resource file, use:*! #include ""!!P!===============================================================================$!II. VXT Terminal Manager Resources P!===============================================================================!O!----------------------- Customize Boot Dialog Box ----------------------------!! Vxt.boot.primary.type::! Default: auto Values: auto, ip, mop, moppreconfigured! ! Vxt.boot.primary.file:#! Default: none Values: (string)! ! Vxt.boot.system.version:$! Default: Default Values: (string)! ! Vxt.comm.mop.trigger:%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.comm.mop.trigger.password:$! Default: "0" Values: (string)! O!----------------------- Customize DECnet Dialog Box --------------------------!! Vxt.comm.decnet:%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.comm.decnet.address:,! Default: none Values: (DECnet address)! ! Vxt.comm.decnet.bufferSize:2! Default: 576 Values: (integer, 100 to 1478)! O!--------------- Customize DECnet Name Translator Dialog Box ------------------!!! Vxt.comm.decnet.nameTranslator:B! Default: none Values: n.n, n.n (decimal primary & secondary)!O!----------------------- Customize Font Path Dialog Box -----------------------!! Vxt.xserver.fontPath:,! Default (for host-based systems): none 1! Default (for server-based systems): //lastportC! Values: (list of Font Path elements)! O!----------------------- Customize Keyboard Dialog Box ------------------------! ! *blinkRate:G! Default: 500 milliseconds Values: (integer, 0 to 1000 milliseconds)! ! *blinkEnable:#! Default: enable Values: Boolean! ! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.keymap:J! Default: System Default Values: System Default, see the Keyboard Type 7! scroll box listing)! "! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.autoRepeat:#! Default: enable Values: Boolean! ! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.bell:#! Default: enable Values: Boolean! #! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.bellPercent:/! Default: 30 Values: (integer, 0 to 100)! ! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.keyclick:#! Default: enable Values: Boolean! '! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.keyclickPercent:/! Default: 30 Values: (integer, 0 to 100)! ! Vxt.xserver.keyboard.lockMode:'! Default: caps Values: caps, shift! O!----------------------- Customize Language Dialog Box ------------------------!! *xnlLanguage:K! Default: en_us Values: en_us, fr_fr, de_de, it_it, es_es, nl_nl, iw_il! O!----------------------- Customize LASTport Dialog Box ------------------------!I! Sorry, the Customize LASTport group code cannot be remotely customized.!O!----------------------- Customize LAT Dialog Box -----------------------------!! Vxt.comm.lat.circuitTimer:@! Default: 30 Values: (integer, 10 to 1000) (milliseconds)! ! Vxt.comm.lat.retransmitLimit:/! Default: 40 Values: (integer, 4 to 120)! ! Vxt.comm.lat.keepAlive::! Default: 40 Values: (integer, 10 to 255) (seconds)! O!----------------------- Customize NFS Dialog Box -----------------------------!! Vxt.comm.ip.nfs.mountPoints:2! Default: none Values: (list of Mount Points)! O!----------------------- Customize Pointer Dialog Box -------------------------!#! Vxt.xserver.pointer.acceleration:4! Default: medium Values: fast, medium, slow, none! !! Vxt.xserver.pointer.background:/! Default: white Values: (color name or RGB)! !! Vxt.xserver.pointer.foreground:/! Default: black Values: (color name or RGB)! "! Vxt.xserver.pointer.buttonOrder:0! Default: right Values: right, left (handed)! ! Vxt.xserver.pointer.shape:C! Default: upperleftarrow Values: upperleftarrow, plus, uparrow, J! upperrightarrow, leftarrow, rightarrow, x, circle, mouse, leftpointer, !! uppointer, rightpointer, check! ! *multiClickTime:G! Default: 250 milliseconds Values: (integer, 0 to 2500 milliseconds/TEK$VXT021.A>aWO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXTCONFIG.XRM;1^H")!O!----------------------- Customize Print Screen Dialog Box --------------------!! Vxt.printScreen.aspectRatio:*! Default: 1 to 1 Values: 1 to 1, 2 to 1!! Vxt.printScreen.formFeed:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)!! Vxt.printScreen.ribbonSaver:%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)!! Vxt.printScreen.colorMode:G! Default: monochrome Values: monochrome, color, dithered grayscale, 9! dithered color, grayscale! Vxt.printScreen.rotate:%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)!! Vxt.printScreen.outputFormat:.! Default: sixels Values: sixels, postscript!! Vxt.printScreen.center:%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)!O!----------------------- Customize Resource Files Dialog Box ------------------!! Vxt.resource.resourceFile:7! Default: none Values: (Remote file specification)<! file G! key !! Vxt.resource.groupFile:7! Default: none Values: (Remote file specification)<! file G! key !O!----------------------- Customize Screen Background Dialog Box ---------------!!! Vxt.xserver.display.background:/! Default: #356 Values: (color name or RGB)!!! Vxt.xserver.display.foreground:/! Default: white Values: (color name or RGB)!! Vxt.xserver.display.pattern:3! Color Default: solid Values: weave, solid:! Monochrome Default: weave Values: weave, black, white!! Vxt.xserver.screenSaver:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)!#! Vxt.xserver.screenSaver.interval:6! Default: 10 Values: (integer, 1 to 60 minutes)!! Vxt.xserver.os.rgbfile: 7! Default: none Values: (Remote file specification)!O!----------------------- Customize Security Dialog Box ------------------------!%! Vxt.xserver.security.accessControl:=%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)=7! This resource is for the Connections Allowed setting.2A! The default setting of enable is the same as Listed Users Only.=B! Using the disable value is the same as allowing All connections.! ! Vxt.xserver.security.hostList:3! Default: none Values: n! O!------------- Customize Serial and Parallel Ports Box ------------------------c!e!! Vxt.comm.serial.1.modemControl:a%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean) ! ! Vxt.comm.serial.1.parityCheck:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)e! ! Vxt.comm.serial.1.charFormat: :! Default: 8n Values: 8n, 8e, 8o, 7n, 7e, 7o, 7m, 7s! ! Vxt.comm.serial.1.stopBits:t ! Default: 1 Values: 1, 2! ! Vxt.comm.serial.1.XOFFat:c&! Default: 64 Values: 0, 64, 128! ! Vxt.comm.serial.1.usage:6! Default: host Values: host, printer, touchscreen! !! Vxt.comm.serial.1.transmitRate: J! Default: 9600 Values: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400! ! Vxt.comm.serial.1.receiveRate:^! Default: 0 (receive = transmit) Values: 0, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400! ! Vxt.comm.printer.access:#! Default: enable Values: Boolean! O!----------------------- Customize Software Options Dialog Box ----------------d!! Vxt.loadOptions.ex:l%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)d! ! Vxt.loadOptions.xie:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)r! ! Vxt.loadOptions.3270:r%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean) ! ! Vxt.loadOptions.decterm:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)i! ! Vxt.loadOptions.fontmanager:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)n! ! Vxt.loadOptions.inforeader:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)l! ! Vxt.loadOptions.mwm:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)s! ! Vxt.loadOptions.printScreen:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)e! ! Vxt.loadOptions.netPrint:a%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)b! "! Vxt.loadOptions.terminalManager:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)r! ! Vxt.loadOptions.messageBox:i%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)c! O!----------------------- Customize TCP/IP Dialog Box --------------------------!e! Vxt.comm.ip:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean)e! ! Vxt.comm.ip.address:(! Default: none Values: (Ip Address)! ! Vxt.comm.ip.subnetMask:e:! Default: none Values: n.n.n.n (decimal IP notation)! O!---------------- Customize TCP/IP Name Server Dialog Box ---------------------r!v! Vxt.comm.ip.domainName:e$! Default: none Values: (string)! ! Vxt.comm.ip.nameServer:bD! Default: none Values: n.n.n.n, n.n.n.n (decimal IP notation, C! primary & secondary)! ! Vxt.comm.ip.determineDomain:%! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)r! O!---------------- Customize TCP/IP Routing Tables Dialog Box ------------------ !A! Vxt.comm.ip.rip:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean) 2! This resource is for the Dynamic Routing button.B! The default setting of enable indicates Dynamic Routing enabled.! ! Vxt.comm.ip.routes: /! Default: none Values: (list of IP routes) ! O!------------------- Customize Terminal Manager Window ------------------------ !R! Vxt.create.allowRemoteWM:n#! Default: disable Values: Booleanr! "! Vxt.terminalManager.pausePrompt:6! Default: Enter Password to Resume Values: (string)! #! Vxt.terminalManager.confirmReset:E#! Default: enable Values: Boolean ! #! Vxt.terminalManager.confirmClose: #! Default: enable Values: Booleane! ! Vxt.terminalManager.tag:$! Default: none Values: (string)! #! Vxt.terminalManager.initialState:<0! Default: normal Values: icon, normal, hidden3! This resource is for the Startup State selection.:! %! Vxt.terminalManager.statusInterval:e-! Default: 5 Values: (1 to 60 seconds)t=! This resource is for the Status Update Frequency slide bar. ! ! Vxt.terminalManager.hideKey:%! Default: enable Values: (Boolean) 1! This resource is for the Disable F3 Key button.u! O!----------- Customize Terminal Manager Window Position and Size --------------=!=! Vxt.terminalManager.x:%! Default: 11 Values: (integer)=! ! Vxt.terminalManager.y:%! Default: 27 Values: (integer)=! ! Vxt.terminalManager.width:%! Default: 779 Values: (integer)-! ! Vxt.terminalManager.height:g%! Default: 145 Values: (integer)! O!-------------------- Customize VXT Message Box Dialog Box --------------------!! Vxt.messageBox.headerText:&! Default: Messages Values: (string)! ! Vxt.messageBox.messageType:t2! Default: all Values: all, info, warn, error! ! Vxt.messageBox.savedLines:0! Default: 50 Values: (integer, 10 to 200)! O!--------------- Customize VXT Message Box Position and Size ------------------i!g! Vxt.messageBox.x:-$! Default: 11 Values: (integer)! ! Vxt.messageBox.y: $! Default: 210 Values: (integer)! ! Vxt.messageBox.width:u$! Default: 779 Values: (integer)! ! Vxt.messageBox.height:$! Default: 300 Values: (integer)! O!----------------------- Customize TouchScreen Dialog Box ----------------------!! TOUCHplus.type:eK! Default: Capacitive Values: Capacitive, Resistive 1, Resistive 2, Saw, e(! DECtouch! ! TOUCHplus.calibrationPoints:&! Default: 5 Values: (integer)! ! TOUCHplus.audibleTouch:s&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! TOUCHplus.xCalibration:3! Default: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t.! 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0! Values: (list of integer)!-! TOUCHplus.yCalibration: 3! Default: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, i.! 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0! Values: (list of integer)!s! TOUCHplus.jitter:..! Default: 2 Values: (list of integer)! ! TOUCHplus.pressOnTouchdown:h&! Default: TRUE Values: (Boolean)! ! TOUCHplus.releaseOntouchdown: &! Default: TRUE Values: (Boolean)! ! TOUCHplus.pressOnLiftoff:&! Default: FALSE Values: (Boolean)! ! TOUCHplus.releaseOnLiftoff: &! Default: FALSE Values: (Boolean)! ! TOUCHplus.activate: &! Default: FALSE Values: (Boolean)! P!----------------------- Customize Window Colors Dialog Box --------------------!l! *Background:$! Color default: CACAAAAA9191! Monochrome default: BLACKb! Values: (color name or RGB)! ! *Foreground:! Color default: BLACK-! Monochrome default: WHITEx! Values: (color name or RGB)!x! *highlightColorf! 0PY$VXT021.A>aWO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXTCONFIG.XRM;1^H%"" Color default: BLACK_! Monochrome default: BLACK ! Values: (color name or RGB)!- ! *autoshade:p! Color default: ENABLE! Monochrome default: ENABLE! Values: (color name or RGB)!r! *topShadowColor:$! Color default: DCDCBCBCA3A3$! Monochrome default: DCDCBCBCA3A3! Values: (color name or RGB)!u! *bottomShadowColor:0! Color default: BLACK0$! Monochrome default: 989878786767! Values: (color name or RGB)! O!----------------------- Customize X Server Dialog Box ------------------------ ! ! Vxt.xserver.backingStore:(#! Default: enable Values: Boolean-! ! Vxt.xserver.monitor:,! Default: color Values: color, greyscale! ! Vxt.xserver.resetServerAction:3! Default: restart Values: restart, reboot, ignore-! ! Vxt.xserver.displayScaling:-D! Default: 100 Values: (integer, one of 100, 75, 133) (percent)! P!===============================================================================4! III. Configuration Resource Management Dialog Box P!===============================================================================!B! Vxt.resource.lock.keyboard:u&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.language:r&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.pointer:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.printScreen:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.security: &! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.display:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! &! Vxt.resource.lock.xclient: &! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! $! Vxt.resource.lock.terminalManager:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! &! Vxt.resource.lock.messageBox: &! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.autoStart:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.serial:d&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.lat:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.lastport:n&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.ip: &! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.ipNames:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.ipRoutes:l&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.nfs:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.decnet: &! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.decnetNames:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! "! Vxt.resource.lock.configuration:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.fontpath:e&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.xserver:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.boot:r&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.loadOptions:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! "! Vxt.resource.lock.resourceFiles:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! '! Vxt.resource.lock.touchScreen: i&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.create:M&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! ! Vxt.resource.lock.decterm:&! Default: disable Values: (Boolean)! P!===============================================================================5! IV. VXT AutoStart and Create Dialog Box Resources P!===============================================================================O!----------------------- Customize AutoStart Dialog Box -----------------------.!u! Vxt.create.autoStart:D ! Defaults:e6! "Term Mgr + Msg Box" f.exec "term_mgr -msgbox"\n\(! "Motif WM" f.exec "mwm"\n! E! Values: See the Create dialog box description for syntax and a list )! of local VXT application names. ! 1! Note: You cannot AutoStart remote applications. !uO!----------------------- Create Dialog Box ------------------------------------r!B! Vxt.create.createList: ! Defaults:.'! "VXT Create" f.title\n\ 9! "Term Mgr + Msg Box" f.exec "term_mgr -msgbox"\n\h"! "Motif WM" f.exec "mwm"\n!e@! A backslash (\) at the end of a line indicates there are moreG! applications in the list. The last listed item does not have a final ! backslash. ! M! Values: You can create local VXT applications or remote host applications.6#! See the following description.:! D! Local VXT Applications! ----------------------! ! Syntax:!a?! "" f.exec " "4! N!_____________________________________________________________________________! Application Name Arguments N!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------?! x [-ip, -ip -indirect, -lat, or -dnet] -@! decterm [-ip, -ip -indirect, -lat, or -dnet], ! decterm -serialt! mwm none! term_mgr [-msgbox]! msgbox none! font_mgr none! 3270 [-dnet] N!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#! <> indicates a required argument.iE! [] indicates an optional argument. Choices are separated by commas.d!i=! IP is the default transport for DECterm and X applications. ;! DECnet is the default transport for the 3270 application.! ! Examples:iO!______________________________________________________________________________e8! To Create... Use...O!______________________________________________________________________________.9! TCP/IP X session on host Art x -ip arte:! LAT X session on host Art x -lat art;! DECnet X session on host Art x -dnet artt?! TCP/IP DECterm window on host Art decterm -ip artu8! LAT DECterm window on host Art -lat art9! DECnet DECterm window on host Art -dnet arttD! Serial DECterm window decterm -serial 3! Local Motif window manager mwme8! Terminal Manager window term_mgr@! Terminal Manager window and VXT Message Box term_mgr -msgbox6! VXT Message Box msgbox8! Font manager font_mgr:! DECnet VXT 3270 terminal window 3270 -dnetO!______________________________________________________________________________ J! Note: Comments entered and saved in the Create dialog box will overwriteJ! comments for the same application in the host-based resource file.!a! ! Remote Host Applications!m ! Syntax: ! @! "" f.exec "rexec "!-E! Example: This example shows a remote clock application added to thex$! end of the default create list.!a! Vxt.create.createList: #! "VXT Create" f.title\n\D5! "Term Mgr + Msg Box" f.exec "term_mgr -msgbox"\n\! "Motif WM" f.exec "mwm"\n\tE! "Start the clock" f.exec "rexec vxt run sys$system:decw$clock"\nf!CP!===============================================================================>! V. VXT DECterm Application Resources (default values listed)P!===============================================================================!t4! DECterm.allowShellResize: on4! DECterm.ancestorSensitive: on3! DECterm.argc: 0e?! DECterm.background: #cacaaaaa9191f?! DECterm.borderColor: #000000000000b3! DECterm.depth: 8a=! DECterm.iconName: VXT DECterme5! DECterm.iconic: off=5! DECterm.main.terminal.CRM: offu4! DECterm.main.terminal.adjustFontSizes: on4! DECterm.main.terminal.ancestorSensitive: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.angleBracketsKey: 0r2! DECterm.main.terminal.answerbackMessage: 5! DECterm.main.terminal.applicationCursorKeyMode: offB5! DECterm.main.terminal.applicationKeypadMode: off4! DECterm.main.terminal.autoAdjustPosition: on4! DECterm.main.terminal.autoRepeatEnable: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.autoResizeTerminal: offt4! DECterm.main.terminal.autoResizeWindow: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.autoWrapEnable: offg3! DECterm.main.terminal.backarrowKey: 1 ?! DECterm.main.terminal.background: #cacaaaaa9191x4! DECterm.main.terminal.backingStoreEnable: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.batchScrollCou1g%$VXT021.A>aWO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXTCONFIG.XRM;1^H"3nt: 0 )! DECterm.main.terminal.bigFontOtherName:-N! DECterm.main.terminal.bigFontSetName: -*-Terminal-*-*-*--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*5! DECterm.main.terminal.bigFontSetSelection: offt3! DECterm.main.terminal.bitPlanes: 0 ?! DECterm.main.terminal.borderColor: #000000000000 3! DECterm.main.terminal.borderWidth: 0h4! DECterm.main.terminal.columns: 805! DECterm.main.terminal.concealAnswerback: off05! DECterm.main.terminal.condensedFont: off 4! DECterm.main.terminal.controlQSHold: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.couplingHorizontal: off 4! DECterm.main.terminal.couplingVertical: on4! DECterm.main.terminal.cursorBlinkEnable: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.cursorStyle: 0n3! DECterm.main.terminal.depth: 8t5! DECterm.main.terminal.disableXSME: offt5! DECterm.main.terminal.displayHeight: 4884! DECterm.main.terminal.displayHeightInc: 205! DECterm.main.terminal.displayWidth: 907D4! DECterm.main.terminal.displayWidthInc: 115! DECterm.main.terminal.doubleClickDelay: 250-4! DECterm.main.terminal.eightBitCharacters: on*! DECterm.main.terminal.fineFontSetName: N! -JDECW-Screen-Medium-R-Normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*3! DECterm.main.terminal.fontSetSelection: 1d"! DECterm.main.terminal.fontUsed: N! -bitstream-terminal-medium-r-normal--18-140-100-100-c-110-iso8859-1?! DECterm.main.terminal.foreground: #000000000000e4! DECterm.main.terminal.graphicsPrintingEnabled: on*! DECterm.main.terminal.gsFontOtherName: M! DECterm.main.terminal.gsFontSetName: -*-Terminal-*-*-*-GS-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*u5! DECterm.main.terminal.gsFontSetSelection: offC5! DECterm.main.terminal.height: 488o3! DECterm.main.terminal.jisRomanAsciiMode: 0m3! DECterm.main.terminal.kanjiKatakanaMode: 0G3! DECterm.main.terminal.kanji_78_83: 1i3! DECterm.main.terminal.keyboardDialect: 0.3! DECterm.main.terminal.ksRomanAsciiMode: 04! DECterm.main.terminal.leadingCodeEnable: on2! DECterm.main.terminal.littleFontOtherName: N! DECterm.main.terminal.littleFontSetName:-*-Terminal-*-*-*--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*5! DECterm.main.terminal.littleFontSetSelection: offg5! DECterm.main.terminal.localEcho: off=5! DECterm.main.terminal.lockUDK: off=5! DECterm.main.terminal.lockUserFeatures: offo5! DECterm.main.terminal.macrographReportEnable: off=4! DECterm.main.terminal.mappedWhenManaged: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.marginBellEnable: off5! DECterm.main.terminal.maxInput: 256 5! DECterm.main.terminal.newLineMode: off 3! DECterm.main.terminal.openQuoteTildeKey: 0r3! DECterm.main.terminal.periodCommaKeys: 0o4! DECterm.main.terminal.printBackgroundMode: on4! DECterm.main.terminal.printColorMode: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.printDataType: 23! DECterm.main.terminal.printDisplayMode: 1i3! DECterm.main.terminal.printExtent: 0m4! DECterm.main.terminal.printFormFeedMode: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.printFormat: 0t4! DECterm.main.terminal.printHLSColorSyntax: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.printMode: 0 3! DECterm.main.terminal.printSixelLevel: 1V*! DECterm.main.terminal.printerFileName: :! DECterm.main.terminal.printerPending: 0 *! DECterm.main.terminal.printerPortName: 4! DECterm.main.terminal.printerStatus: 135! DECterm.main.terminal.printerToHostEnabled: off.3! DECterm.main.terminal.printingDestination: 35! DECterm.main.terminal.redisplay7bit: offl5! DECterm.main.terminal.regisScreenMode: offt3! DECterm.main.terminal.responseDA: 8.5! DECterm.main.terminal.reverseVideo: off 5! DECterm.main.terminal.rightToLeft: offl4! DECterm.main.terminal.rows: 244! DECterm.main.terminal.saveErasedLines: on4! DECterm.main.terminal.saveLinesOffTop: on4! DECterm.main.terminal.screenMode: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.scrollHorizontal: offo4! DECterm.main.terminal.scrollVertical: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.selectThreshold: 5l5! DECterm.main.terminal.selectionRtoL: off4! DECterm.main.terminal.sensitive: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.shareColormapEntries: offl5! DECterm.main.terminal.statusDisplayEnable: offf4! DECterm.main.terminal.syncFrequency: 104! DECterm.main.terminal.terminalDriverResize: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.terminalMode: 2=3! DECterm.main.terminal.terminalType: 0a4! DECterm.main.terminal.textCursorEnable: on5! DECterm.main.terminal.transcriptSize: 500=4! DECterm.main.terminal.useBoldFont: on3! DECterm.main.terminal.userPreferenceSet: 0t4! DECterm.main.terminal.warningBellEnable: on;! DECterm.main.terminal.whiteSpaceCharacters: \ \015\nw5! DECterm.main.terminal.width: 907o3! DECterm.main.terminal.x: 0i3! DECterm.main.terminal.y: 0t4! DECterm.mappedWhenManaged: on5! DECterm.overrideRedirect: off 5! DECterm.saveUnder: offt4! DECterm.sensitive: on=! DECterm.title: VXT DECtermn5! DECterm.transient: off 4! DECterm.waitforwm: on4! DECterm.winGravity: -16! DECterm.wmTimeout: 5000!eP!===============================================================================@! VI. VXT Motif Window Manager Resources (default values listed)P!===============================================================================!_&! Mwm*activeAutoShade: True/! Mwm*activeBackground: #9851785167AD-4! Mwm*activeBackgroundPixmap: unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*activeBottomShadowColor: #529737652849i4! Mwm*activeBottomShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*activeForeground: #000000000000/! Mwm*activeTopShadowColor: #AF4199C18E2E 4! Mwm*activeTopShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap&! Mwm*autoKeyFocus: True&! Mwm*autoShade: True/! Mwm*background: #CA94AA469193-4! Mwm*backgroundPixmap: unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*bottomShadowColor: #9851785167ADs4! Mwm*bottomShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap7! Mwm*buttonBindings: DefaultButtonBindingsl+! Mwm*cancelLabelString: \ Cancel %! Mwm*clientDecoration: all_&! Mwm*deiconifyKeyFocus: True&! Mwm*fadeNormalIcon: True&! Mwm*focusAutoRaise: TrueN! Mwm*fontList: -*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1'! Mwm*forceAltSpace: False /! Mwm*foreground: #000000000000 &! Mwm*freezeOnConfig: True! &! Mwm*iconAutoPlace: True-! Mwm*iconBoxGeometry: 14x1+0+2000 *! Mwm*iconBoxSBDisplayPolicy: vertical*! Mwm*iconBoxTitle: Icon Box9! Mwm*iconDecoration: activelabel label imageC&! Mwm*iconImageAutoShade: True/! Mwm*iconImageBackground: #CA94AA469193 4! Mwm*iconImageBackgroundPixmap: unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*iconImageBottomShadowColor: #8A8A73736363o4! Mwm*iconImageBottomShadowPixmap:unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*iconImageForeground: #000000000000t/! Mwm*iconImageTopShadowColor: #DC28BC3DA3D6r4! Mwm*iconImageTopShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap.! Mwm*iconPlacement: Bottom Right#! Mwm*iconPlacementMargin: 1_-! Mwm*iconbox*windowMenu: IconBoxMenur4! Mwm*keyBindings: DefaultKeyBindings*! Mwm*keyboardFocusPolicy: explicit#! Mwm*matchMenuColors: 1c&! Mwm*matteAutoShade: True/! Mwm*matteBackground: #CA94AA469193d/! Mwm*matteBottomShadowColor: #8A8A73736363o4! Mwm*matteBottomShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*matteForeground: #000000000000"/! Mwm*matteTopShadowColor: #DC28BC3DA3D6M4! Mwm*matteTopShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap#! Mwm*matteWidth: 0c/! Mwm*menu*background: #9851785167AD\4! Mwm*menu*backgroundPixmap: unsp2@ $VXT021.A>aWO[COMMON.KIT.OBJ]VXTCONFIG.XRM;1^HrDecified_pixmap/! Mwm*menu*bottomShadowColor: #529737652849e4! Mwm*menu*bottomShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap/! Mwm*menu*foreground: #000000000000=/! Mwm*menu*topShadowColor: #AF4199C18E2Ee4! Mwm*menu*topShadowpixmap: unspecified_pixmap+! Mwm*okLabelString: \ OK .&! Mwm*raiseKeyFocus: True$! Mwm*resizeBorderWidth: 10&! Mwm*restartSettings: True&! Mwm*startupKeyFocus: True'! Mwm*systemButtonClick2: False &! Mwm*systemButtonClick: True*! Mwm*systemMenu: RootMenu/! Mwm*topShadowColor: #DC28BC3DA3D6 4! Mwm*topShadowPixmap: unspecified_pixmap.! Mwm*transientDecoration: Title resize&! Mwm*useDECMode: True'! Mwm*useIconBox: FalseE'! Mwm*wMenuButtonClick2: False 3! Mwm*windowMenu: DefaultWindowMenu &! Mwm*workspaceMenu: True! 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