# # File: makefile.dos # Author: Stefan Hammes (stefan.hammes@urz.uni-heidelberg.de) / Julian Smart # Created: 1995 # Updated: # # "%W% %G%" # # Makefile : Builds wxString library for Windows 3.1 # Change WXDIR or WXWIN to wherever wxWindows is found WXDIR = $(WXWIN) !include $(WXDIR)\src\makemsc.env WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include WXSTRINGDIR = $(WXDIR)\contrib\wxstring WXSTRINGINC = $(WXSTRINGDIR) WXSTRINGLIB = $(WXSTRINGDIR)\wxstring.lib WXLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wx.lib LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(WXSTRINGLIB) oldnames llibce #LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(WXSTRINGLIB) oldnames libw llibcew llibce commdlg shell # Set this to nothing if using MS C++ 7 ZOPTION=/Z7 !ifndef FINAL FINAL=0 !endif !ifndef DLL DLL=0 !endif !ifndef DEBUG DEBUG=0 !endif !ifndef OPTIONS OPTIONS= !endif !if "$(FINAL)" == "0" OPT = /Od DEBUG_FLAGS= /Zi $(ZOPTION) !else OPT = /Od DEBUG_FLAGS= !endif # do not use precompiled headers, because we only include 'wx_obj.h' and 'wx_defs.h' PRECOMP= INC = /I$(WXINC)\base /I$(WXINC)\msw !if "$(DLL)" == "0" CPPFLAGS= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(INC) /DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) /AL /Gt4 /Gx- /W4 /G2sw $(OPT) /Dwx_msw $(PRECOMP) LINKFLAGS=/NOD /SEG:256 /ONERROR:NOEXE !else CPPFLAGS= $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(INC) /DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) /AL /Gt4 /Gx- /W4 /G2s /GD $(OPT) /Dwx_msw $(PRECOMP) LINKFLAGS=/NOD /SEG:256 /ONERROR:NOEXE !endif OBJECTS = wxstrgnu.obj wxregex.obj all: $(WXSTRINGLIB) demo: test.exe $(WXSTRINGLIB): $(OBJECTS) -erase $(WXSTRINGLIB) lib /PAGESIZE:128 @<< $(WXSTRINGLIB) y $(OBJECTS) nul ; << wxstrgnu.obj: wxstrgnu.$(SRCSUFF) wxstrgnu.h wxregex.h cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << wxregex.obj: wxregex.$(SRCSUFF) wxregex.h cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << # the testprogram will give a DOS executable for now test.exe: $(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj $(WXLIB) $(WXSTRINGLIB) test.obj link $(LINKFLAGS) @<< $(WXDIR)\src\msw\dummy.obj test.obj, test, NUL, $(LIBS) ; << test.obj: test.$(SRCSUFF) wxstrgnu.h wxregex.h cl @<< $(CPPFLAGS) /c /Tp $*.$(SRCSUFF) << clean: -erase *.obj -erase *.exe -erase *.lib -erase *.res # end of makefile.dos