# # File: makefile.b32 # Author: Andre Beltman # Created: 1995 # Updated: # Copyright: (c) 1995, AIAI, University of Edinburgh # # "%W% %G%" # # Makefile : Builds 32bit pressup game example. # WXWIN and BCCDIR are set by parent make WXDIR = $(WXWIN) !include $(WXDIR)\src\makeb32.env WXLIBDIR = $(WXDIR)\lib WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include\msw WXBASESRC = $(WXDIR)\src\base WXBASEINC = $(WXDIR)\include\base WXLIB = $(WXLIBDIR)\wx32.lib LIBS=$(WXLIB) cw32 import32 all: pressup.exe !if "$(FINAL)" == "0" LINKFLAGS=/v /Tpe /L$(WXLIBDIR);$(BCCDIR)\lib OPT = -Od DEBUG_FLAGS= -v !else LINKFLAGS=/Tpe /L$(WXLIBDIR);$(BCCDIR)\lib OPT = -Od DEBUG_FLAGS = !endif CPPFLAGS=$(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPT) @$(CFG) OBJECTS = gui.obj board.obj pressup.exe: $(OBJECTS) pressup.def pressup.res tlink32 $(LINKFLAGS) @&&! c0w32.obj $(OBJECTS) pressup nul $(LIBS) pressup.def ! brc32 -K pressup.res .$(SRCSUFF).obj: bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$< } .c.obj: bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) -P- -c {$< } gui.obj: gui.$(SRCSUFF) gui.h board.obj: board.$(SRCSUFF) board.h pressup.res : pressup.rc $(WXDIR)\include\msw\wx.rc brc32 -r /i$(BCCDIR)\include /i$(WXDIR)\include\msw /i$(WXDIR)\contrib\fafa pressup.rc clean: -erase *.obj *.exe *.res *.map *.rws